rinari7 · 1 year
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rinari7 · 2 years
So, uh. I'm officially a Zweiradmechatronikerin mit Fachrichtung Fahrrad, or in English a bicycle mechatronics technician. As of last week.
(The Chamber of Commerce translates it a bit more literally as "two-wheeler mechatronics technician in the field of bicycle technology," which is a fancy way of saying I'm certified to repair all sorts of bicycles and pedelecs, or E-bikes as they're more colloquially called).
In other news, I'm still alive. I really hate the current European heat wave. The place I'm living is fairly old and not that well-insulated, so I spend most of my time hiding from the sun. :P
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rinari7 · 3 years
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rinari7 · 3 years
English: Prenominal titles may not be combined under any circumstances. If a person has multiple applicable titles, choose the most relevant one based on the present context and circumstances, and heaven help you if you guess wrong.
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rinari7 · 3 years
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rinari7 · 3 years
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A window into anxiety.
I guess experience kinda fucked me up.
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rinari7 · 3 years
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rinari7 · 3 years
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rinari7 · 3 years
name one native american intellectual off the top of your head, name one native american actor or actress off the top of your head, name one native american senator, one native american news anchor, or an author or a tv personality or a singer or a poet or a comedian, name a single native american teacher you’ve had, can you? probably not 
ok so now think of one native american cartoon character you know of or a sports team relating to native americans whether it’s their actual name or their team logo, or a town you live in or near with a “native” name bet a lot of these things came to you right away i bet you didn’t even have to think 
needing native representation in media, education and government are not decoy issues, the commercialization and appropriation of native cultures are not decoy issues, the lack of native representation is institutional oppression at work 
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rinari7 · 3 years
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I decided to create something that I wish I had when I first got diagnosed with autism - so here’s my comic for ASDComicTakeover! You can find out more about the project here!
Keep reading
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rinari7 · 3 years
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Shop , Patreon , Books and Cards , Mailing List
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rinari7 · 3 years
having one of those executive function days where everything is too many steps
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rinari7 · 3 years
i feel like a middle aged mother when my friends start talking about guys they find attractive. i dont want to be mean so im like well he looks like a very nice young man i like his shirt :-)
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rinari7 · 3 years
This is an adorable thing that cardinal couples do. Most birds only feed their young this way but cardinals feed their mates as part of their bonding rituals.
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rinari7 · 3 years
This is so important, stories like this need to be told.  The cultural insistence we have that parenthood is some kind of magical bonding that happens every time without exception does real harm to both parents and children, as you can see from some of these stories:
My father recently told me he never wanted kids, but my mother wanted them. She thought he would love us when we were born.
I didn’t realize that a maternal instinct is not universal. You know how you see parents in the delivery room and they are crying tears of joy? I felt nothing. […] My boys are well cared for and I am always here for them, but it feels very unnatural and fake and unenjoyable. It is a bit like a retail job you don’t like where you put on a fake persona and slog through it the best you can. I don’t get to leave this job, though. 
I also thought I wouldn’t mind missing out on all the partying and holidays because I would have the ultimate gift, a child.
I always said I would never have children. I hate kids..I do. I am just not that type of nurturing person. I was always very careful to make sure protection was in use (condoms, birth control) but I am that .1% and apparently very fertile.  I do not have that natural motherly instinct that all women seem to have, you know..that one that kicks in the moment they know they’re pregnant. I have to work really hard at it and it’s exhausting. I miss my solitude and being able to “check out” of reality from time to time.
Because kids aren’t the life completer we believe they are.
Are there people for whom having children completes their lives?  No doubt.  Are there parents for whom the downsides like sleeplessness and loss of personal time are outweighed by the love and joy they feel?  Of course.  Are there people who change their minds about wanting kids once they have them?  Sure.  But that’s not true for everyone.  It doesn’t happen every time, it’s never guaranteed, and the consequences are grievous when people who don’t want children have them anyway trusting that they will love the child and be happy.
We need to dispel the starry-eyed myths around pregnancy, childbirth, and marriage and create more realistic expectations.  Parenthood is too important a choice for people not to go into it with their eyes open.
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rinari7 · 3 years
A note on the topic of trauma that I personally found helpful in accepting the idea that I am a trauma victim is that one of the most widely accepted facts in the field of trauma research is that abuse is often not the common factor in whether somebody will develop ptsd. 
Many people can go through awful things without developing trauma based disorders as long as they receive compassion and support in processing those events as they happen. The most common factor in developing something like ptsd is emotional neglect. And emotional neglect on it’s own can be enough. 
Whatever you went through was enough I promise, you’re not overreacting. Abuse and neglect are traumatic at any level, you don’t need to have gone through the worst possible experience you can think of to develop ptsd. If it hurt you then it hurt you.
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rinari7 · 3 years
“May I please have your undivided attention” no I have ADHD you may have a ¼ piece at best
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