solar-satan · 15 days
I love tumblr because it makes finding good stuff to look at someone else's job, I just follow people, and they find me what's worth my notes
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solar-satan · 22 days
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But they were brothers.
I'm going back to my roots with this one because the Lāčplēsis rock opera never truly leaves my mind, THEY WE'RE BROTHERS not by blood but by choice! until the interferance of enemy forces and the influence of greed and guilt tore them apart, its literally tragic and on my mind all the time.
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solar-satan · 27 days
I have a 38.5 degree fever and 28 people coming over for a barbecue I planned in a few hours.
🫡 what have I doooneeeeeee
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solar-satan · 1 month
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solar-satan · 1 month
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Drawn for @moonstainn s dtiys
I don't know if I got the right 70s vibe. I just kinda looked it up on Pinterest and drew pieces of outfits I liked, but all the references were giving modern 70s re-imaginings, which are also very fun.
It was nice to draw something new for once. I've been working on the same animation project for like 2 months in college, and this felt like a breath of fresh air, honestly I feel a bit rusty in art rn
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solar-satan · 2 months
I went to a vampire themed party and fulfilled one of my life's deepest desires.... dancing so hard to that one track from devil man crybaby, you know the one
This made the dance floor go wild, best dj set I've heard in my life
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solar-satan · 2 months
What game have you spent the most hours on, and how many hours is it?
I don't really like video games that much, so out of the 4 games I've played Minecraft is the one I've played the most, don't know how many hours though since I didn't have anything to count them for me when I was eleven.
Board games wise I love Articulate I play that loads with my friends
And I've been known to run a great game of capture the flag in the scout group I volunteer at.
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solar-satan · 2 months
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Shark girl ! That's it that's the whole thing
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solar-satan · 2 months
I basically instigated a meet cute the other day.
It was raining really heavy and I was waiting for the bus and there was only one guy at the bus stop with no umbrella or hood, trying to put his laptop in his bag
So obviously I was like we should share the umbrella I'm holding, and it was really funny because we did not fit (it was a small umbrella.) He told me he was going to be late for his first shift at a new job and we laughed about it.
Don't even know his name
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solar-satan · 2 months
I think my problem is my bed is too comfy every time I lie down I get consumed
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solar-satan · 3 months
I managed to give myself a fringe that doesn't look bad .....
I've used too much of my good luck and will be hit by a car later
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solar-satan · 3 months
Does anyone actually come back to view the results at the end of a poll? I just accept whatever stats it gives me when I answer and move on.
I live life as if no-one can see that I answered yes in a "can I physically visit your house" poll
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solar-satan · 3 months
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I coloured in my sketches !! Now they're super delicious
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solar-satan · 3 months
How do you handle negative feedback or criticism of your art, especially when you're trying to gain visibility?
This is a very good question !
Dealing with criticism can be really tough sometimes, but I believe it's important to draw the line between what is actual criticism and what is a negative comment (source : my college professors)
Art doesn't exist in a vacuume and we all need to receive criticism from others to grow as artists but ironically you have to be critical of your critics and that requires being able to take a step back from your emotional attachment to your art and assess it objectively. Could I do this better ? Are the proportions off? Does this drawing accurately convey what I want it too?
These are important things to ask yourself, and admit to yourself if the answer sometimes is no. Not everything you make is going to be good the first few times and not everything you do is going to be good. Its healthy to admit when things look a bit shit sometimes. You need to make hundreds of shit drawings before you make one one good one it's better to get the bad ones out of your system quickly.
In terms of negativity that's where criticising your critics comes in, you don't have to be an expert to give criticism online not everyone telling you to change things has your best interest at heart and if they don't then what they say is irrelevant to your art journey.
A really smart person once told me "you have to believe in your art because no one is going to do it for you" and that means when you make something worth being proud of you take the time to feel proud of it even if it doesn't meet other people's standards.
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solar-satan · 3 months
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My Kanaeda sketches from college today
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solar-satan · 3 months
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He's just such a cutie patooty
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solar-satan · 4 months
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If he's doing some shady biz, I'm in
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