#/he is gone now. vanished. poofed. disappeared
keeps-ache · 7 months
did i ever mention those fake cigarettes i made out of construction paper that i hid all over our house? because my brother found one and he's unfortunately trying to perfect his 'flicking a cigarette into his sibling's face' skill
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little-pondhead · 11 months
DP x DC Prompt
There are no more heroes.
Well, okay. Rewind a bit.
Danny has been doing the hero thing for a while now. He’s had a big reveal; everyone has accepted him (including his parents), the GIW disbanded, the Anti-Ecto acts repealed, and generally, everything is going great. Some of the A-Listers are even training as junior ghost hunters to help give him a break from his rogues! (Being Ghost King makes things hectic sometimes, and he just needs the extra help. Sue him!)
The point is, literally nothing is wrong with Danny Phantom’s afterlife.
And then Valerie Gray, the Red Huntress, disappears in front of his eyes.
Danny is baffled! She’s just…gone! Valerie just popped out of existence, like she was never there. But no matter how hard he searches in the Ghost Zone, he can’t find her soul anywhere. His core isn't broken in grief. So she’s not dead. Which is good. So then, where is she?
Some of the others come forward with ideas on how to find her. A few ghosts volunteer to go out into the mortal realm, an area Danny had declared off-limits, to see if she was out there. Danny approves it. He rounds up some of the friendlier (i.e., discreet) ghosts and Amity Parkers and demolishes the outside travel ban.
So everyone spreads out, looking for their dear frenemy and teammate. But it becomes apparent very quickly that something is wrong with the rest of the world.
There are no more heroes.
Every single living superhero on the face of the Earth has just…vanished. Villains are running amok; the countries are in chaos! Some aliens are invading Earth, mythical deities are trying to take over, and society is crumbling to the ground. Everything is on the brink of collapse.
Well, Danny was still there. And so were his people. They were pretty spread out, so could they just…take up the mantles? He also knew where to find the souls of dead heroes in the Zone; surely they wouldn't mind coming out of retirement for a little bit, especially if they couldn't die again. Oh! And that skeleton army leftover from Pariah Dark's reign might be useful in repelling those invading forces.
Honestly, there were more than enough hands to go around! And with the heroes gone, Danny didn't mind letting everyone out for a little break, as long as they followed his rules. They wouldn't stop the search for the other heroes, but hopefully, when they found them, the heroes wouldn't mind Danny's intervention too much. :)
In other words:
Someone fucks up, and all of Earth's living heroes are either wished out of existence or are whisked away to some far-off realm where Danny hasn't checked yet. In the attempt to figure out what's going on, Danny lets the dead run amok over the Earth as they search for clues. The skeleton army repels the invading armies, the souls of dead heroes deal with the world leaders, and his rogues and other Amity Parkers set up shop in place of famous heroes, trying to get the cities under control again.
Basically, they just do their best to keep everything from imploding until the Justice League and others are back.
(And why is it that Danny hasn't disappeared? Well, whatever caused everyone to go poof! only affected living heroes. Anyone heroes that were dead in the first place, or even just half-dead, stayed behind.)
#pondhead blurbs#danny phantom#dpxdc#reveal gone right au#ghost king au#for plot reasons#it doesn't count if the hero had died and then came back to life#lots of heroes would still be around then#but this is me pushing the halfa!jason todd narrative work with me here he deserves the fun#deadman is there too#and he's just thriving honestly. it's so nice to be around his own kind even if the world is ending#maybe ellie is whooshed away too cause she never technically died but she took up danny's moniker when he was crowned#vlad is ecstatic cause danny put him in charge of several states while they looked for clues including Wisconsin#skulker is replacing superman and just has a shitty S painted on his chest and just eats kryptonite like candy the first time he meets Lex#Kitty and Johnny take over in gotham and sam is now the new wonder woman#idk man just stupid stuff like this#the press is flabbergasted cause the fucking KING OF GHOSTS just showed up and he's 14 and just looking for some friends#Danny: hey guys sorry about the zombies and fire i'm just here to find my coworker and lil sister and maybe the other heroes#Danny: in the meantime i'll just let my army into the mortal realm to defend it while we figure out what's going on pls don't yell at us :)#the press: how do we explain this to the justice league when they come back. how do we explain that earth was saved by a 14 year old boy-#also idk which heroes are technically dead but are still kicking so if you feel like someone deserves liminal status slap it on them idc#some villains are trying for world dominance and some are just trying to find their buddies. their fight buds. where'd they go? :(#joker gets bitch slapped by a skeleton two days in and waylon becomes bffs with wulf#danny uses the watchtower as a base of operations and it's the only thing he doesn't want to give up when the heroes are back#i have no plot ideas beyond this#i just want everyone to be baffled that an army of the dead showed up while they were gone and just made sure everything stayed cool#later danny realizes he was technically the ruler of the world for a bit since his people were everywhere keeping the villains in check
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kiskisur · 9 months
This might be a long one but hear me out…
Xiao x m!adeptus!reader
Xiao angst where we were an adeptus that went missing during the cataclysm. Xiao misses us deeply but after all these years is starting to slowly forget our facial features. 🙈 Andddd maybeeee we come back and he takes a while to recognize us.
Ty and have a nice day! 💟
ᝰ.ᐟ you know I can't fight the feeling.
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warnings: angst with comfort, adeptus!male reader x xiao, he/him pronouns for [name] (you!) (sorry huhu it helps me improve my writing but I'll try in a 2nd POV maybe? ^^), reader goes missing for hundreds of years.
note: I'm so sorry it took long!! I was resting from. school but here you gooo~ I enjoyed it!!
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In the heart of Liyue, where the sunlight dances on the water, [name] and Xiao found themselves in a rare moment of tranquility.
[name] grinned playfully, nudging Xiao with his elbow. "Hey, you with the brooding expression. You know, you've got this whole mysterious aura going on."
Xiao rolled his eyes but couldn't hide the hint of a smile. "I'm not trying to be mysterious. It's just... who I am."
[name] chuckled, leaning in as if he had a juicy secret to share. "Well, lucky for you, I'm the only one who gets to see through that 'mysterious' façade of yours."
Xiao raised an eyebrow, a mixture of skepticism and curiosity in his gaze. "Oh, really? And how exactly do you manage that?"
[name]'s eyes twinkled mischievously. "Simple. I see the Xiao who loves dandelion seeds flying in the wind, the one who secretly enjoys the good I make when he thinks no one's watching."
A faint blush colored Xiao's cheeks, but he crossed his arms in mock defense. "You're making things up."
[Name] pouted dramatically, feigning offense. "Hey now, I thought you'd be happy that I pay attention to these things."
Xiao's resistance finally crumbled, and he couldn't suppress a laugh. "[Name], you're unbelievable."
"That's why you love me," [name] teased, his tone turning softer.
Xiao's gaze softened as he looked at [name]. "Yeah, I do."
[name] beamed, his heart practically radiating with joy. "So, my dandelion-loving, enjoying-my-food Xiao, what's been on your mind lately?"
Xiao sighed, his expression turning more serious. "It's just...I've lived for so long, seen so much. Sometimes, the weight of time feels overwhelming."
[name] reached for Xiao's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I get it, Xiao. But remember, I'm here. We're in this together. And even when you feel like time is dragging you down, I'll be here to lift you up."
Xiao's eyes softened further, gratitude shining in his gaze. "You always know what to say."
[name] winked. "That's because I pay attention to my enigmatic, dandelion-loving boyfriend."
Xiao shook his head, unable to suppress his smile any longer. "You're incorrigible."
"But you love me for it," [name] said with a wink, pulling Xiao into a warm embrace.
One day, though, [name] disappeared. Poof. Just gone. Without a single word, leaving Xiao in a state of shock. Imagine, someone who was always in your space suddenly vanishing like an elusive treasure.
Fast forward through countless sunrises and sunsets, and Xiao's demeanor had changed. He became colder than a Cryo user in the middle of a snowstorm. The once-expressive man turned into a stoic figure, his laughter a rare occurrence, and his interactions minimal.
It's like [name]'s absence took a piece of his soul. You could see him staring into the distance, his eyes clouded with a mixture of sadness and longing. And those dandelion seeds he used to love? Well, they now seemed to remind him of [name], so they got the cold shoulder too.
Time passed. Centuries flowed by like a fast-forwarded play, and the memory of [name] started to blur like a vivid dream upon waking. Xiao's chest ached at the thought that he was forgetting [name]'s laugh, their quirky habits, and even the way their hand fit perfectly in his.
One day, he stood by the Liyue harbor, gazing out at the waves, and a wave of panic washed over him. [name] was slipping away from his mind, and he couldn't stop it. Every detail, every laugh, every touch – they were all fading, and Xiao felt like he was losing [name] all over again.
Zhongli, always the wise one, tried to console him. "Xiao, memories may fade, but the emotions you shared are timeless."
Xiao's gaze was distant, lost in the past. "How can I move on from someone I loved for hundreds of years? It's like letting go of a part of myself."
But then, a day that felt like an echo from history happened. [name] stood before him, as if time had bowed to their love. Xiao's jaw dropped, eyes wide like a Geo traveler who just found a rare artifact.
"[Name]?" he gasped, his voice a mix of shock and disbelief.
[name]'s grin was familiar, the twinkle in his eyes undiminished. "I told you I'd find my way back."
And in that moment, the years melted away, the pain dissolved, and time seemed irrelevant. Xiao rushed forward, unable to hold back his tears, his emotions like a flood bursting through a dam.
"[Name], I... I thought I'd lost you forever," he stammered, voice quivering.
[name] pulled him into a tight embrace, his warmth a reminder that they were real, that they were here. "I'm here now, Xiao. And I'm not going anywhere."
As they stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, the weight of the centuries seemed like a distant memory. The forgotten memories resurfaced, the laughter echoed like a long-lost melody, and their love, well, it was stronger than ever. Time might have tried to erase their story, but it had failed, because in the end, love was the ultimate conqueror.
ᝰ.ᐟ and every night I feel it right now, I wish you were here with me.
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twstmemories · 1 year
I dont know if you watched frozen fever, but if you do, can I request the first years with a fem s/o who has ice magic/powers and she has a fever/cold, and whenever she sneezes, cute little snowmans appear. Like what do they do or how do they react.
-- ! how to make an appropriate title 101 with naru. while i haven't watched frozen fever, i do get the gist of what it was about and what you want me to do with this request! apologies for the late response, but i hope you like it! // the sole reason why this was kept from my inbox purge was because i was already done with ace and deuce's part.
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✧ first years with a s/o who summons tiny snowmen when having a fever
✧ gn!reader
✧ this is an old request, but upon re-reading the entire thing after i was done writing i realized i didn't use a singular pronoun throughout. so we sticking with the gender neutral reader here too HAHA. also not beta-read we die like how i let this blog die for a whole ass year.
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✧ Shrieks a tiny bit the first time you sneeze and his head is suddenly freezing cold before seeing a tiny snowman topple down from his head - real confused for a good few minutes after, to the point he actually forgets you're the one that conjured that tiny being up.
✧ Stares at it for a couple of seconds, owlishly blinking at the sentient tiny snowman running around in circles before directing his gaze towards you: "You didn't tell me that your ice magic could also summons snowmen upon you sneezing," he remarks, sounding oddly offended about not knowing that detail.
✧ "N-No," you sniffle, "It usually doesn't happen unless I'm getting a high fever," you wheeze, another sneeze resulting in double the amount of snowmen appearing and Ace just stares trying to figure out what the hell is happening.
✧ He's worried for 0.5 seconds before his more mischievous side comes forward: "Oh, so those come out whenever you sneeze?" he asks, just to clarify his theory - to which you who is just a bit too delirious to notice any hidden motif he has, nod without thinking twice.
✧ Like, he sees that you're fine! You may be running a bit of a high fever soon, but you're still fine! You're going on about your days with tons of tiny snowmen following your trail whenever you sneeze, but other than that you're perfectly fine! He'll do his part as a good boyfriend after he's had a bit of fun seeing this unusual side effect from your magic.
✧ Tries every trick in the book to make you sneeze more often when he finally has you tucked underneath some sheets inside your room. Accidentally claps two books together that have accumulated just a bit too much dust your way? More tiny snowmen. Tingles your noise a tiny bit with a feather out of affection? Even more snowmen, and you want to be mad at him, but he's having this dorky smile on his face with a slight blush as he picks up another snowman. "Sorry, sorry! They're just so cute!"
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✧ Deuce is rather ashamed to admit this, but the moment he set his eyes on those little snowmen appearing out of thin air when you first sneezed - the fact that you were running a high fever was forgotten. Completely gone from his mind, every worrying thought about your condition had suddenly vanished from his head.
✧ Over the moon seeing those tiny beings trail behind you. Ecstatic when he picks one up and the others just jump on top of his body like this is the happiest he is at the moment, nothing can make his day sour now that these little guys are around him.
✧ "Is this the reason why you try not to get sick so often?" Deuce asks, arms cradles full of the tiny snowmen that you conjure up whenever you sneeze and you can only give a defeated nod in return: "They disappear after a while, but if I'm sneezing left and right it's almost an unending snowman army."
✧ Becomes oddly attatched to every tiny snowmen you conjure up. You don't know why, he doesn't know why either. All you two know is that whenever one poofs away after a while, he gets sad and now you're the one consoling him even when you have a fever.
✧ Sadness is only there for a moment though before he picks himself back up and starts to take care of you: "Sorry, they were just so tiny that I couldn't help it. Come on, let's get you back to your room so you can rest properly."
✧ When he finds out the tiny snowmen try their best to help you too he's just so damn elated. Tries to give them small tasks and just smiles at them fondly when they try their best. You find it nice that Deuce isn't overly worried about you and causing a ruckus to the point you omit the tiny detail that every thing that the tiny snowman deliver to you, arrives freezing cold.
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✧ Oh you're cradled up in his arms and off to his room the moment he even sees your red nose and shivering self. No he does not care if it's in the middle of the day and you both have class, you're not taking another step or standing up for another second.
✧ Literally halts in his tracks the moment he sees the first snowman appear when you sneeze. Eyes wide and blinking numerous time as he tries to process what the hell just happened, "I- That, is this normal?" No, Jack. It certainly is not normal.
✧ Vaguely listens to your explanation as he hurries towards the mirror hall and towards Savanaclaw, but every time you sneeze he stops to pick up any stray snowman that doesn't land on either you or him - What if you eventually need them to be absorbed back to get more of your magic back? "That's now how it works," "How would you be 100% sure? You rarely get sick as is."
✧ Keeps a mental note on the amount of snowmen that appears whenever you sneeze and where they scurry off to after they've toppled to the floor while taking care of you.
✧ Besides from the mental counting of snowmen he doesn't really try to touch the little creatures, they're made out of snow after all. Sure they can take quite a long fall to the floor or bounce on the bed whenever you sneeze, but they're so... small? He feels like if he just grabs their body they'll just evaporate from the warmth of his palm alone.
✧ You only laugh at Jack's hesitant face once the snowmen he has tried so hard to avoid touching just start to crowd around him, trying to jump on top of him to climb further up his torso. It's a nice pace of change, seeing your lover who usually runs around from dawn and lifting weights try to be so gentle with magic snowmen.
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✧ The first snowman that's summoned from thin air and onto your head is in the middle of potion making class. Epel quite literally shrieks when he notices the snowman roll off your head and topple into the cauldron and drops everything he's currently holding to catch it.
✧ Which was the two beakers with other components for the current potion you were making, the shattering noise immediately alerting Crewel. However before he could even start to reprimand, it only took one mere glance at your wobbling self before he directed his gaze towards Epel who instinctively hid the snowman behind him, "Take them to the infirmary, puppy. They're one minute from falling all over the floor."
✧ And it is with that remark that Epel snaps his head towards you, stepping over and pressing the palm of his hand over your forehead, "Yeah, ya burn' up." he mutters, quickly excusing himself before pulling your weak self out the door. The snowman left behind scurries after the two of you when faced with Crewel who only raised an eyebrow up at it.
✧ He's not having a good time. While he tries his best to drag the barely consicous you to the infirmary, he also have to get a hold on every snowman you summon with each sneeze before they scurry away and wreck havoc. So safe to say, Epel has seen better days.
✧ Has half a mind to gather them and chuck them into a basket and zip it shut and another half to just observe them and see what they do. The former won the moment the two of you entered the infirmary and you let out a number of sneezes, which prompted more snowmen to appear and almost destroy the entire room.
✧ Does feel bad when he comes back to the infirmary after going back to the dorm to grab a few snacks to see a few more snowman appear and just try to pull the string open. Nonetheless, you awaken to Epel peeling off an apple, with a few of the snowmen sitting inside a bowl with a few unpeeled apples, "It took some time, but I eventually figured that they just wanted to help, so now they're just keeping the apples cold for me. Here, have a bite." he ignores the look of utter confusion on your face at the snowman on top of his head.
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✧ Utterly appalled. Absolutetly flabbergasted. Disappointed that you, his lover, can not take care of themselves like he can. Barges into your room to see your sniffling self on the bed with a look of utter disappointment.
✧ "And here I thought you were one step above your other brethren the others with you rarely getting sick! And where do I find you right after thinking that? In bed! With a fever! How typical!" He huffs, pulling the sheets away from you despite your weak protests. He is utterly shocked the moment he sees the amount of snowmen jump away from your bed and out through your bedroom door the moment he pulled the sheets away from you, staring at the small creatures scurrying down the hallway of Diasomnia.
✧ "And to make matters worse, you hide tiny snowmen in your bed?! I cannot understand how you humans think!" You do not have the energy to correct him. But before you can get up and try to get those snowmen back into your room, Sebek is already pushing you back down to bed with a scoff, "You are not moving a single muscle until I allow it! Now, I know the young master is strong enough to handle some weak human magic, but I still need to ensure his safety, so wait here!"
✧ And he's off to worry about Malleus after lecturing you. After fuzzing about Malleus for a good half hour, the fae dismisses him with the loud thought of: "Wasn't [Name] feeling a bit sick this morning?" to remind your lover about your condition.
✧ Hence he barges back into your room and interrupts your short nap with a tray that's filled with warm tea and some soup. He scowls at the numerous of snowmen that's running around your room, setting the tray down on your bedside table before he gathers them all up and throws them inside a basket you had lying around in displeasure. They've made enough of a ruckus for a day.
✧ "As weak as you humans are, I would've believed you would still be able to take care of yourself sufficiently enough to not get a fever," he huffs, handing you the warm tea for you take a sip of. "I suppose I can give you some credit for trying to not get sick often, because these?" he starts, raising an eyebrow at another sneeze from you, and before the snowman can even topple down onto the bed, he's already grabbing it and throwing it onto the basket with the other snowmen, "Are quite frankly annoying to deal with." he huffs, picking up the spoon and taking the bowl in his hands, "Now hurry up and drink this soup so you can lay down while I prepare some wet towels."
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hmshermitcraft · 8 months
Grian is what you'd call a "Dark Knight." He used to be one of the best knights in his kingdom... until it disappeared from the world one day. Poof. No one really knows what happened to it. He should've disappeared with it. But somehow, something took a hold of him instead and he's gotten a lot more... violent. Ruthless. Merciless.
He's been living on his own for quite some time now. He's been stealing from the villages he's passed through to get supplies for his journey (he doesn't like doing that. The people there remind him too much of those he lost. But they woould rather stare at his purple glowing veins, his pitch black eyes or the purple powder that falls off his armor when he walks than let him pay.)
One day he runs out of food. He would've tried to go hunting, but he can't remove his armor (it's not melded to his skin or anything like that. This corruption has done more to the parts of his body that's underneath the armor. He doesn't want to see what it's done. So he lies against a tree deep in the forest and closes his eyes, hoping he'll die in a dreamless sleep.
When he wakes up, he's not dead. Instead he's in a small cottage where the warm smell of soup wafts through the air. He's on a comfy, albeit small, bed. He doesn't get a better view of the place before a bowl of soup is shoved into his lap. He doesn't wait a second to dig in.
Meanwhile, Bigb heaves a sigh of relief when the knight, who he found while foraging, isnt a corpse he just brought into his home. "I'm glad you're doing alright. I've got a lot more soup where that came from. If you want any."
+ Anon-nom
For a long time, he was driven by grief alone. There is no closure. One day he had a life, purpose, a family and friends, then the next it's gone.
BigB doesn't know what to think of him. Grian is stand-offish, but still grateful for BigB's care. It's as if he's trying to keep BigB at arm's length, and he can respect that. They're strangers to each other.
And clearly Grian has... Something going on. BigB had to remove his armour to check for wounds, of which there were few, just a very malnourished body. A body that was covered in strange markings like nothing BigB has seen before.
He offered Grian some of his jumpers - hand-knitted. They're too big, but it covers up Grian's skin.
Grian... didn't realise how much of a ghost he'd felt like recently. Being in an oversized jumper, helping BigB around his house... he feels grounded. It's like he has that sense of purpose again, something he's not felt since his kingdom disappeared.
He's terrified the same thing will happen. He's got something good and it'll vanish. The violence in his chest is quelled by the occasional hunt, he and BigB eating well those nights.
But he can't get too close. He can't let himself love with the fear of losing it all.
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magic-hcs · 7 months
Hey! if requests were open i wanted to place a request ^^ what if the apparently human s/o disappeared for hours and when brothers AT and UT found the s/o he/she/they were in a hybrid goat form in a backyard/forest eating something and when the s/o noticed he was there just said "don't freak out, I can explain 😰" plz (if you don't want to, don't do it ^^)
I absolutely loved writing this! It was amazing and I always love an opportunity to dive deeper into my own Aviantale au! I hope it was worth the wait!
Raven: Aviantale Sans
Crest: Aviantale Papyrus
Time to cast some magic and see what we’ll get!✨
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Raven: Raven’s mouth clacked open as he stared at the scene before him. He had no clue what to think of it or what he was seeing in front of him in your garden. Someone had broken into your garden and was now munching on your precious hortensias you and Raven had planted together. The wisteria flowers Raven had found just earlier in the day when he had been exploring and brought with him are now spread on the ground. Raven had dropped them due to his surprise.
A panicked voice calls out a desperate plea of “I can explain!” that breaks the tense silence.
How has it come to this, you may wonder.
It started with Raven doing his usual hobby; soaring through the sky at high speed, relishing and rejoicing the freedom and air that rushes past him. This time during his flight he had discovered a ginormous, beautiful wisteria tree. Opening his little notebook full of plants and flower symbolisms, Raven discovered quite few meanings to a wisteria like resilience and longevity but it’s also a representation of love. It simply was a perfect gift for you, his lover.
With gentle hands, Raven took a few flowers and a small branch or two before flying back to you. Filled with lots of excitement, he forgot to give you a heads up he was coming by. Instead, Raven had soared to and landed directly in your garden. Expertly transferring the wisteria flowers and branches from his clawed feet to his arms as he perched on the ground. He was about to turn towards the door to knock on it when he heard a voice calling out to him, not from within your house but from deeper in your garden.
“Raven?” It was a startled squeak that made him snap his head towards the voice. A gasp leaves him and in his shock, Raven drops the wisteria flowers and branches.
There was a humanoid goat eating your hortensias!
In a blink of an eye, Raven’s feathers puffed and ruffled up in irritation and offense. Big startled eyes stared back at him.
“what in asgore’s name are you doing to my mate’s flowers!?” He said with a bristled tone. If there was one way to get Raven very passionate about something it would definitely be flowers.
The humanoid goat’s hands were raised with a desperate plea of “I can explain!”
It was soon after that Raven learned that the humanoid goat was you, his lover. Who apparently transforms into a half goat every now and again? And whenever you got into that goat form you couldn't always help the urge to munch on things that you shouldn’t; like your own flower beds.
Be prepared for Raven to give you a side-eye whenever he finds your flower beds lacking some plants. He loves you, but don’t eat the flowers you and he worked so hard on.
Crest: The sweetheart has this special ability to recognize you no matter how much you try to disguise yourself. You’ve tried, and he always just seems to know it’s you. You have no clue how one does it and Crest refuses to tell you either. He would just smile knowingly while looking at you.
So one day you disappeared without notice; one moment the two of you were just hanging out, having fun, the next, poof, gone. Now, this isn’t the first time this has happened. You do have the tendency to just vanish from the face of the earth for a little while before manifesting back on earth again as if nothing had changed. So Crest has gotten used to it. He would wait a few hours - three hours max - and then, poof, you’d be back.
But this hasn’t been like all those other times. This time you’ve been gone for almost five hours, and Crest has been getting worried.
He’s been looking for you for a while - of course, at first he had just messaged you, before calling you before going out searching when none of the prior options came through - and Crest doesn’t really remember why he ended up here in this forest. But looking back, he was very glad he did.
In the middle of a clearing was - he presumes - a goat monster, nibbling on some wild but safe mushrooms. Acting more like an actual goat than a monster, hence his uncertainty.
You heard him land and you turned to face him, mushroom hanging from your mouth. Crest saw your face, it was longer and furrier and resembled more like a goat, but he could tell it was you. No matter what form you would or could take, Crest would always know it was you.
Shock was an apparent expression on his face as he looked at you. He called your name, disbelieving. You throw your two nailed hoofs up and call out with a sheepish expression “don’t freak out.” Your voice had a slight bleating tone to it.
“I can explain!”
Yes, indeed you do, and afterwards, Crest wants to know if you can shift on command and if you wanna join him when he camouflages/dresses himself as other people unlike himself for jokes and fun.
Sans: Sans had been wondering where you disappeared off to regularly. At first Sans didn’t think much of it. Maybe you needed to be somewhere, or you suddenly remembered an important appointment you had forgotten all about. Stars know that Sans is guilty of this too - writing all his appointments down in an agenda is such a drag to do - luckily his dear younger brother is very vigilant of his own and Sans’ schedules. Papyrus has the tendency to bombard his phone with all caps texts warning and reminding him of upcoming events and the like. Date, time, place and all.
Yeah…Paps’ so cool.
But after a while, Sans couldn’t brush it off as mutual laziness of writing down reminders or forgetfulness with the amount of times it happened. And always around the same time and periods. No, Sans isn’t really keeping track of your disappearances like one does their menstrual cycle or in his own case; heat cycle. Not on purpose at least. Come on, the man managed to figure out what RESETS are and got a hunch that alternative dimensions are a thing just by finding a pattern in his dreams and the actions/reactions Frisk makes that shouldn’t have been possible if it was their first time. He has a tendency and likes to find patterns and connect them.
Anyways. Sans’ been getting curious why and where you keep disappearing to, so he decided to follow you. Only to end up very startled with what he discovered.
You had a lot to explain. Better get prepared for a lot of questions. You do look very adorable in your goat form though,Sans has to admit.
Papyrus: This happened when monsters had surfaced for just a year and a half and the two of you were still at the start of your relationship. The two of you were having a sweet picnic together when you excused yourself with a worried expression. Saying something about ‘human things’ before quickly moving through the bushes away from the picnic blanket. Papyrus didn’t mind it, maybe you needed to powder your nose or something. It was a thing many humans did apparently. Although Papyrus didn’t really get why humans sometimes needed to cover their noses in powder. But he did have a few theories as to why! Like maybe their noses got wet like dogs and the powder was supposed to keep them dry.
Either way, Papyrus let you do your ‘human thing’ and patiently waited for your return. He waited, and waited, and…waited…
Wowie! He’s been waiting for a long while now, that ‘human thing’ must take a lot of time!
Papyrus decided to find out what was taking so long and followed where you went off to. He didn’t have to look very far, you were already slowly transforming back into a human, so you were making your way back. You hadn’t expected to run into Papyrus as you slowly went back. Your goat face and horns were already gone, but your body was covered in goat fur.
“WOWIE! I DIDN’T KNOW HUMANS GREW SO MUCH HAIR IN SUCH A SHORT PERIOD OF TIME.” You heard Papyrus’s loud boisterous voice call out, making you startle and jump in the air with a bleat. How embarrassing.
Papyrus looked at you with such sweet innocent sockets, believing he had just stumbled upon a very secret human thing that no text book talked about. You made sure Papyrus understood that no, this wasn’t a secret ‘human thing’ but a weird hybrid thing that you yourself didn’t completely understand yourself. Papyrus is very fascinated by this mutation or whatever it is that makes you sometimes change into a humanoid goat. He helps you keep it a secret, he’s very good at that despite what many may think. There’s many things he knows people think he has no clue of. But that’s a story for another time.
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Thank you for participating in this spell, I hope it was to your satisfaction.
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thepoparena · 17 days
Middle Earth Problems #1
Middle Earth consists of Hobbits, Elves, Dwarves and Men. These are their problems. [open on a shot of Samwise Gamgee standing in a field, eyes squinting directly into the camera, thumbs through the belt loops of his pants] SAM: You're best friend's uncle had a birthday party the other daaaaay... [cut to Sam, Frodo Baggins and Gandalf the Grey sitting in chairs in front of Frodo's Hobbit-hole, smoking pipe-weed. Sam opens his mouth, pauses as if to think better of it, then speaks] SAM: Disappeared? FRODO: Vanished. SAM: Turned invisible? GANDALF: Evaporateds. SAM: Dispersed? FRODO: Dissipated. SAM: Faded away? GANDALF: De-materialized. SAM: Just, poof and Bilbo was gone? FRODO: That's a Gondor-sized 10-4, good buddy. SAM: ...Well I'll be sock-darned. [there's a pause, then it's Gandalf turn to open his mouth, think better of it, then speak anyway] GANDALF: How do you knows about socks? FRODO: So later Gandalf was telling me how Bilbo could disappears because of some magic ring he got in his college adventure years. SAM: When he was hanging out with those twelve buff guys? GANDALF: Like, I'm sure you know what socks are objectivesly-like, but it's just odd it'd be in your local vernaculars. FRODO: I think it was thirteen, but yeah. Bilbo found the ring in like a goblin cave or something, won it telling knock-knock jokes to a fish or something. SAM: Are fishes good at knock-knock jokes? Not many doors to knock-knock on in goblin cave waters. FRODO: Something doesn't have to be a door for a knock to qualify as a knock. GANDALF: Familiars enough to be making puns about darning socks? Samwise, you are a Hobbits of many cultures. SAM: We're not talking about a knock, you can knock on anything. FRODO: Knock on wood. SAM: Knock yourself out. GANDALF: Knocks it off. SAM: But only a door can be knock-knocked. A knock-knock implies intent of entrance. A fish has neither the door for knock-knocking, nor the appendages required for knock-knocking in the first place... FRODO: Unless it's a mantis shrimp. Imagine a mantis shrimp could knock-knock pretty good. GANDALF: I'm pretty sures it wasn't a fish at all that your uncle Bilbo met, but I wasn't theres. I was busy looking into some... necros-mancers... [Gandalf starts starring off into the middle distance, lost in thought] SAM: I will concede that a mantis shrimp might be the one fish with any chance at a knock-knock joke competition against your uncle Bilbo, though I still argue it would have a distinct disadvantage do to its lack of doors. FRODO: Well, yeah, Bilbo won. Got him a sweet magic ring, and if you had let me get to the end of my story, that sweet magic ring is now... [Frodo proudly sticks his fingers through the straps of his overalls] ...mine. GANDALF: Oh shits! [Gandalf suddenly springs up and grabs his hat and staff] SAM: Where's the fire, fire-fighter? GANDALF: I thinks that ring might be the evil one ring of legend, forged by the dark lord Sauron... but I gots to get to the library to be sures. Should be back in about seventeen years. FRODO: Seventeen years? GANDALF: I'm a slow reader. Keeps it secret! Keeps it safe! [Gandalf bounds away off-screen. There's a pause, and Frodo sinks a bit into his chair, pouting] FRODO: Oooo, but I just got it! [cut back to Sam standing alone in the field, talking to the camera] SAM: Also, I'm pretty sure a mantis shrimp can't talk to begin with. [cue acoustic guitar]
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awesomecitys-blog · 6 months
One Piece Spoilers below
Something that’s really funny to me is that the Straw Hats are speed running being pirates, which I’ve talked about before, but it gets even funnier when look at it from the perspective of the World Government. Like, one day you get told that a random guy in a straw hat took down Buggy, Don Krieg, and Arlong, which gained the highest bounty in the East Blue, 30 million Berries. Which you think is crazy, but whatever, that just puts him on Smokers radar and nobody gets past Smoker, right? Wrong, cause according to Smoker, Dragon showed up and prevented Smoker from taking down straw hat guy. And for a while, that’s it. You don’t hear anymore about him or his crew, which you believe is because of the Grand Line being, well the Grand Line. Smoker calls you up one day and is like, hey, the Straw Hat Pirates, that what they’re called now, defeated Crocodile in Alabasta. To which you suddenly freak out, because know this Luffy kid is a threat, and you can’t have people finding out about his actions. So, the world thinks that Smoker took down Crocodile and that Luffy played a tiny part in that. In accordance, his bounty is now 100 million Berries. And then him and his crew vanish off the face of the earth, which you take to as a relief. Then Kuzan calls, informing you that the Straw Hats pulled up to Long Ring Long Land with Nico Robin in tow, he didn’t catch them, but that they’re most likely heading to Water 7. Great. Well, at least Lucci and co. are already at Water 7, so they just capture Robin, head to Enies Lobby, and… what? They did what? Scratch that, the Straw Hats broke into Enies Lobby, saved Robin, and escaped the Buster Call to boot. Increase the bounty, 300 million Berries! Poof, Luffy and crew are once again the wind, and you think they might ended up encountering Moria, so you send Kuma to warn him, as well as be there in case Moria washes up. Which he does, but so does Kuma, but at least it wasn’t public like Crocodiles. And besides, you have more pressing matters, what with the upcoming execution of one Portgas D. Ace and all the Supernovas arriving at Sabbody at the same time. Then that idiot punched a World Noble, because of course he did. So Kizaru rolls up, as does Sentomaru and some Pascifta, and the Straw Hats were totally defea… Kuma sent them away? Oh. Well, that’s basically a defeat, right? Huh? Luffy is were? Impel Down? Trying to free Ace, who’s apparently his brother? Ah, good ol’ Mellegan, I knew we could count on him to take down Luffy. Pardon me? Luffy escaped? With who? Crocodile, Mr. 1, Mr. 3, Ivonkva, Inzuma, Buggy, Jinbei, and a ton of prisoners? Gosh darn it all, I’m busy enough as it is! All right, let’s just focus on killing Ace and… GARP IT’S YOUR OWN DAMM FAMILY AGAIN! Fucking hell, Luffy just dropped out of the sky, caused so much trouble, and then vanished for two years, but at least he’s gone…he just showed up? Did we capture him? No?!?! What do you mean no?!?! Well, where the hell are they?!?! (Worth noting that Luffy’s bounty went from 300 to 400 million Berries during this time, and that Dragon was his father, which is probably why Luffy was saved by him all the way back in the East Blue.) At which point, the Straw Hats proceed to wreck havoc at Punk Hazard, according to Smoker, defeat Doflamingo, giving Luffy another bounty increase to 500 million Berries, pull another disappearing act, during which they give Big Mom a headache, which you decide warrants a bounty raise to 1.5 billion Berries, and then they hop their way into Wano, in which you have no power. But you do have spies, which inform you that they, along with their allies, dropped both Big Mom and Kaido. Because of course they did. So, you slap a bounty of 3 billion Berries on Luffys head, and the last you heard, he was gallivanting in Egghead, with Kizaru, Saturn, and a bunch of marines heading there to take down Vegapunk. Oh dear.
Like, Luffy and co. should not be where they are now, but they are and they’re pretty powerful as well.
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timelessxmemories · 10 months
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@cupid-beatricereden , @gmilfwhore , @strawberrieskissed , @ghostlyplacetobe , @ask-liam-and-co
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🥀‧₊˚ Zero is a 17 year old Death Knight. He was killed in training by a peer named Enzo. He now roams earth and has undying loyalty to Ven, a Dragon-like Vampire who managed to resurrect Zero back from the dead. Zero now serves Ven with undying loyalty and protection.
🥀‧₊˚ Zero uses a Dark Spear which by the title, holds dark magic. Obviously.
🥀‧₊˚ He's dead, meaning, he can't die. Wow, how much more obvious can we get??
🥀‧₊˚ He has wings, yay, whoopdie doo, yahoo. But no seriously, he can't fly with the wings he has, he can only jump to insane heights with them. I mean, okay, kind of useful, but at the same time, why??
🥀‧₊˚ He's constantly searching for the one who killed him, he doesn't want to hurt him, I know, weird, but he's rather looking to make amendments and put the past behind him.
🥀‧₊˚ Pronouns are He/Him! But i think you got that by now.
🥀‧₊˚ He's panromantic, asexual & polyamory.
🥀‧₊˚ He's super smart and has quick reflexes and very good agility. He's extremely skilled with the spear and his dark magic, however, he still has yet to learn new magic. He'll get there eventually, give him a break, man.
🥀‧₊˚ He claims he doesn't need to sleep as he's undead, but let's get real here, the poor guy needs a break and sleep would be good for him, just tuck him in and kiss his head, he needs it.
🥀‧₊˚ He's been resurrected for 3 years now and the guy still hasn't found Enzo, he's beginning to thing Enzo is dead, who knows. He doesn't.
🥀‧₊˚ The hat was gifted to him by Ven, he wears it all the time, take it away from him and you may end up becoming meat on a stick.
🥀‧₊˚ Apparently Zero is an acception when it comes to people for Ven, neat.
🥀‧₊˚ Please, for the love of god do not touch his wings, you will end up having your hand burn off, he cannot control this whatsoever, and he doesn't want your hand to be burned off, dear god just don't touch his wings. I beg of you.
🥀‧₊˚ He covers his right eye due to the fact that he does not have a right eye. His right eye is literally gone, poof, vanished, disappeared. You get the point.
🥀‧₊˚ Don't ask him about his childhood, it's not that he had a bad childhood, its just due to the fact that he literally does not remember his childhood. All he remembers before he died was his time in the Knight Academy.
🥀‧₊˚ He's been dead for well over 5 years now. So he died when he was 11 or 12.
🥀‧₊˚ Aging is possible for him, I know, I know, he's dead, but he can still age, don't ask me how that works because honestly, I don't have a clue either.
🥀‧₊˚ His birthday is July 14th, 2006, I know, it's it's birthday, but who cares? I don't, that's for sure.
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birlwrites · 10 months
for barty's closet au, idk i tjink it'd be funny if for the summer between 5th and 6th year he did return to grimmauld, but every time one of his parents does/says something je really doesn't like, he disappears again. poof! gone. he returns after a day or two acting like nothing happeneduntil the next time. when walburga strongly hints that it's time to meet voldy and take the dark mark, yes this summer maybe even this week, why would you wait until after you graduate if you can do it now, he immediately peaces out and they don't see him for the rwst of the summer
to me, barty's closet au has to be crack. it's not as fun if it's super serious (ha)
i honestly can't decide what regulus should be up to during the summer afsjlghsjgsdf, i think it would be hilarious if he was basically playing the opposite of whack-a-mole with his parents except regulus is the mole and instead of bashing it with a hammer orion and walburga are trying to grab onto it and HOLD IT STILL
they run into each other in diagon alley but regulus has peruvian instant darkness powder in like 3 different pockets and he just throws some into the air and floos away
conspiracy theories about Where In The World Is Regulus Black abound because like - he's clearly fine?? they see him all the time?? he's just???? also technically missing???????
i do think regulus at least needs an OPPORTUNITY to explain to his parents why he is doing this, or else like. nothing will ever get resolved? but i also worry about him going back home after pulling this the first time because now his parents know he can and will vanish if given the opportunity
so for me keeping it lighthearted would mean regulus basically never going back once he's left
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anidiothuman · 2 years
Been discussing the prime empire AU thing my sister made and about how to make sense. Like, why would people enter prime empire after what happened? Surely they would've gotten smarter, right?
So what if instead of transforming games into prime empire, it's only if you have the game. Like the ninja for example. They play it on their TV, meaning it's probably being sold in stores and stuff. Probably less people would buy it but there's still gonna be some.
Now, we're trying to figure out how the people will get in. Like surely the ninja wouldn't want to go back in.
Maybe it's more discreet than entering the white portal thing. Like, the controller is the key and you have to do a certain combo to get in the game. And it sucks you in like Nadakhans sword?
So Jay's playing with Cole and Cole does a certain combo and just disappears and Jay's like "guys cole just vanished" and they question him and he's like "idk we were just playing and he did somethin' and poof, gone" and he demonstrates the combo and disappears and that's how it starts?
And they have do to it later to get out the game cause there's no portal.
Also I'm gonna start tagging this as the Repowered AU to make it easier to find.
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toyotacorrola · 6 months
"Radio Static" chapter 2 is up now!
Summary: "Ingo is gone, and Emmet's not doing so well. No one is, really."
Chapter Word Count: 2,453
Links: ff.net | neocities
Also available to read under the cut:
Ingo was gone. Completely, permanently gone. He knew this. He had felt it. He had felt it as he had disappeared, how he had been there one moment, and then the next, just… hadn’t. Poof. No more Ingo.
It had been days. Or weeks, he couldn’t be quite sure anymore. It was so hard to keep track of much of anything, these days. Either way, there hadn’t been a single sign of him in all of that time; not where he’d gone, not how he’d disappeared, nothing.
He’d given up hope that Ingo would come back practically the instant the initial shock of his disappearance had faded. He was dead, there was no doubt about it. How else could he have just vanished, and so wholly, so instantly?
How else could all of his thoughts just… stop?
There had been nothing - no warning, no way for him to get to him, no way for him to prove it and get everyone to just stop, stop searching, stop reassuring him and telling him to hope.
Hope. Hope. Yeah, right. His brother was gone. What was there left for him to hope for but closure?
Nothing. There had been nothing at all. No fear, not a burst of pain. He hadn’t felt him fade as he got farther and farther away, though there was no way for him to get far enough from him to completely sever their connection so quickly, anyway.
At least that meant it was quick.
He let his thoughts turn to that night’s dinner as the door to his cold, empty apartment swung open. There was no point in thinking about it much anymore, if he was to make it through at all. The only thing he could really do anymore was wait for everyone else to finally get the memo. 
Maybe he’d make lasagna.
As he flicked the light on, his brother’s pokemon rushed to greet him. It wasn’t out of joy from seeing their trainer’s brother after a long day, and he knew it. They were scared; Ingo had disappeared, and just like him, they were scared that the next most important person to them could be next.
For that reason, he hadn’t been able to bring himself to keep them in their balls all day. They had refused when he’d first tried, and he really didn’t want to try fighting them on it. He understood, in any case. They had been kept in them when Ingo had first disappeared, helpless to do anything. The thought of going back in must be painful.
He stroked Excadrill’s back as he nuzzled into the crook of his shoulder; gently, so as to not hurt him with the drill fixed on his head. He felt a mix of numb and forlorn. The Pokemon looked back up at him and keened sadly, leaning into his touch. He was trying his best to carry on, to pretend everything was normal. For all of their sakes.
Losing Ingo was easily the worst thing that could have ever happened to him. It was just too big. He had no clue how he could ever deal with it, get used to a life without his twin. So, he didn’t. He’d ignore it for as long as he could, at least until everyone else stopped expecting him back. He wasn’t sure if he’d be able to hold on anymore once they all realized what he’d known from the start. Selfishly enough, he couldn’t help but hope that he wouldn’t have to.
It was just so hard. Losing Ingo was worse than losing a limb. It was that, and it was like losing an entire sense on top of it.
Ingo was his brother, his best friend; his very favorite person, and the most important one in his life. More than that, though, he was always there, and not necessarily in body. While it was true that they were practically joined at the hip, the thoughts and feelings they shared at all times turned it into something more.
As he hung his coat and hat on the too empty rack and drifted towards the kitchen, he couldn’t help falling deeper and deeper into his thoughts. 
Ingo was always there, in the back of his mind, in his head, in his heart - in the most literal of senses. Nowadays, they didn’t share very many actual thoughts, just the slightest hints of emotions, enough to know when something was wrong, to know the other was there. 
That, and another, more tangible reminder; they always shared the feeling of their own heartbeat - it didn’t serve much actual purpose, it was just nice. It wouldn’t be nearly as efficient as simple thought sharing if there was something wrong that they needed to know about, but the warm, full feeling in their chests had always comforted them when they were younger, so they had decided to continue sharing it.
Now, all of those constants of his life were gone, all in a single instant. He felt so empty, and so much lonelier than anyone could ever know, each and every day. He didn’t want to hear a single word about how they “knew how hard it must be,” or even how they “couldn’t imagine.” No, no they didn’t know - they could never know. They would never even think to imagine how he felt. He just couldn’t help feeling so angry, so bitter. How dare they imply that they knew how it felt to have such a huge part of himself ripped out? To have not only his closest friend taken from him, but to also lose a part of himself right along with him?
But he kept all of these thoughts to himself. It wasn’t their faults, and they were hurting, too; he was far from the only person who loved Ingo. More than that, though, he hadn’t a clue how to express it without sounding as though he’d gone insane from grief.
He rested his elbows on the counter, burying his face in his hands with a sigh. This was why he had gone right back to work following Ingo’s disappearance; despite the way everything seemed to remind him of him, despite how much it hurt to do it all without him, despite how tangible his absence was in every single instant that he didn’t feel him, it was easier. It was easier to keep himself busy, so that he couldn’t be left alone to let his thoughts spiral.
There had only been one other time he’d ever felt anything remotely like this, he thought grimly. The countertop was cold, seeping into his arms, spreading to the rest of him, but he couldn’t find the presence of mind to care.
Despite how he had known it to be temporary (because Mom and Dad had said it would be, and they wouldn’t lie to them. Emmet knows better, now, but back then he hadn’t really had anything else to get him through but trust in his parents), it had been the hardest time of his and Ingo’s entire lives. 
Until now, at least.
In any case, at the time, any relief he may have felt at getting out of that painful feedback loop of fear and confusion, at knowing he wasn’t hurting his brother anymore, was completely overshadowed by the pain he had felt at being separated from him.
Feeling Ingo’s thoughts, feelings, senses - all of it - slowly slip away from him as he got farther and farther from home had felt like torture at the time, the worst pain he had ever felt. It was worse than that time he had broken his arm, and Ingo had been so scared and started crying from the pain, so he only cried harder, and it had gone on and on like that until he hardly realized what was happening around him anymore.
When he had finally been unable to feel a single bit of him, he had started sobbing louder than he could remember ever being before that moment. His father had been alarmed, but had just kept driving. It had simultaneously felt relieving and like some sort of betrayal at the time. He didn’t think he’d have been able to handle it if he’d tried to comfort him, but a part of him had wished he’d just decided to turn around right then and give up on it.
Now that he was older, he understood why they did what they did. He understood that there was no other way to help them. He understood that they were scared too, that they missed each other and their sons, that they didn’t want to do that to them.
Still, there was a bitter, ugly part of himself that wanted to blame them for all of it, that hated them for it, even so many years later. At the time, his greatest fear had been never seeing his brother again - even now, despite being reunited, it had always lingered in the back of his mind.
And now, that fear was his reality. He was all alone. Something had taken Ingo away from him, and he had no clue what it was, or why. 
He did know one thing, though; whatever it was, it wasn’t going to give his brother back to him.
He was well and truly alone, and he had no clue what to do with himself.
Just then, the phone rang, halting his thoughts in their tracks. He rubbed his eyes, then leaned over to pick the phone up from its place on the wall. Elesa often made fun of them for still having a landline, but neither of them had ever really had a reason to need mobile phones. He regretted it for just a moment, with how having to reach over meant he had to sit up. He was tempted to just fold over and sleep right there after he hung up.
“Hello?” he answered.
“Hello? Emmet?” a sweet voice replied.
Speaking of which…
“Oh, hello, Elesa. Did you need something?” he asked, trying to sound pleasant instead of tired. It was rather late for her to be calling.
Elesa was one of the ones leading the search for Ingo. Every day, she would come to him with updates. Or, well, “updates” was a generous word, given that there really wasn’t anything to be found. He hadn’t yet had the heart to tell her that he’d given up; she’d think he was just being cynical, anyway, and would waste energy trying to comfort him. 
Usually, though, she’d catch him during his break, or early in the morning. She rarely ever called him at home, and she hadn’t since before his world fell apart.
On the other end of the phone, Elesa didn’t answer, but he thought he heard her sniffle. He felt his brow furrow.
“Elesa? Are you alright?” he said, now worried.
“...I just…” she started, then sniffled again. He heard some shifting sounds; he thought she must have been wiping her eyes, and his heart sank. 
“Emmet, I… I know you don’t need me telling you how hard… all of this… has been for me, but I just…” she interrupted herself with another sniffle. He thought her voice had a strange quality to it. Tired, maybe. Usually so graceful, she was tripping over her words just slightly. 
“It just feels like… well… Ingo’s go-... Ingo’s not here, and sometimes… No, it feels like you’re not either. I know it’s… I know it’s hard, harder than I could know, but, but, Emmet… you can’t keep pushing me away. I’m worried,” she admitted.
He was about to tell her not to worry, that it was just hard, she understood, didn’t she; then, she spoke again.
“I don’t want to lose you, too…” she whispered, sounding close to tears again. 
He felt his heart sink. He couldn’t keep lying to her. But he couldn’t tell her the truth, either. She’d never believe him, or even really understand what he was saying. And he just couldn’t tell her the truth when she sounded so heartbroken already. He couldn’t take away what little hope she might have left. He couldn’t let her believe that she’d been running herself ragged all this time for nothing, even if it was true.
“...I’m sorry, Elesa. It’s just… hard,” he decided on, although he knew it was a weak excuse. He also knew that she wouldn’t want to question him with the situation they were in. Small mercies, he supposed.
She sighed, “I know, Emmie. But… I’m here, okay? I know… I know it’s hard for you to talk about things, sometimes… but… we don’t have to talk. We can- we can do anything you want, we can just sit together, I just…” she trailed off. He knew what she wanted to say, though; what she thought she couldn’t say.
I need you.
He didn’t know what to do. She needed him to be there for her, but he was barely able to be there for himself. She knew this, she understood, but he couldn’t bear the thought of letting her down, even if she expected it.
“Okay,” he said. “I will… we can. Talk about it. Later.”
“Okay, yeah,” she responded, and then yawned. “Goodnight, Emmie. I love you, okay?”
“Goodnight, Ellie. I love you, too,” he said back. 
He hung the phone back up on the wall after hearing the beeping that meant she’d ended the call. He slumped back in his chair, suddenly feeling the weight of twice his years on him. 
He just felt so lost. He had no clue what to do, what he even could do. What was there to do without his brother? He had lost him so suddenly, all at once, and now everyone else that loved him was holding onto a hope that he couldn’t possibly explain why he knew was wrong. 
He knew he had the support of his family, of Elesa, of his other friends - really, of the whole of Nimbasa. Despite all of that, though, he couldn’t help but feel alone. The only ones who might understand it if he tried to tell them the truth were his parents, but he couldn’t do that to them. 
Words of support from kind strangers and worried calls from loved ones like Elesa came in practically every day, but none of it made him feel any better. If it managed to get through to him at all, he only felt worse. And really, how could he respond any differently? His brother was dead.
He couldn’t help but want to disappear. He wanted this all to just end, to go away. He wanted his brother.
But none of that would happen.
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oppulcnce · 2 years
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“The mark vanished,”‘ he said unsure how else to explain, it wasn’t like it ran away, became invisible or the trail was washed away. But the magical trail he’d been leading them with had disappeared as if *poof* gone. “Fuck, we should have pushed in,” he wasn’t sure yet what they were trailing but it was now made worse by the fact there was now nothing to follow at all, it meant that the thing could willingly go away.
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dageeta · 19 days
Summons: Shinobi vs Pirates
The following is a draft movie script for an idea I just couldn't hold back from publishing:
What if Naruto and Luffy were transported away from their major battles?
I hope you'll enjoy this premise at least.
(The content is beyond this point.)
On their way to the island of the Strongest Beast in the world, through the6 stormy seas and thunder, the heavy downpour and the Sunnies' violent shaking, a blinding light shines brightly beneath the Sunny on the sea.
What's going on?
There's a weird light coming from under us.
(Damn, it's bright!)
Ha ha, looks like fun!
The bright light intensifies before suddenly Nami, Franky, Sanji, Zoro and Luffy disappear along with the light.
What the--
Where's Sanji? And Nami?
Oh no, Luffy's gone too!!
Zoro's gone too, Franky!
Oh no, he's gone too!
(freaking out, sweating and screaming)
You don't think we have to fight Kaido when half our crew just up and poofed???
Perhaps, the light was just a distraction for a flock of man-eating birds to carry them away and eat them for dinner.
Why do you even think like that??!
Maybe, it was the ghosts of the sunken samurai who've summoned them away from our ship to the afterlife?
Not you too, Brook?!
The 5 straw hats find themselves in a lush forest with different types of plants.
Nami, Zoro, Sanji, Franky, Luffy:
What the--
Now, summon them.
A cloaked man performs hand-signs and gently slams his palm into the ground and ink marks extend onto the ground.
While Naruto, in his Nine-tails chakra cloak, dashes toward the site of the final battle against Madara, he vanishes .
Suddenly, smoke pops out of 5 different parts of the forest.
Cloaked man
Done, sir.
(speaks into microphones that relay into speakers strapped onto some of the trees)
"Welcome Shinobi, you've been summoned here to complete your mission: Naruto, as the leader of your squad, you'll face off against your favorite pal, Captain of the infamous Pirate Crew: Straw Hat Luffy!"
Luffy, it'll surprise you to know that your best buddy Naruto here--
He's not my best buddy! Stop saying that or I'll come kick your ass!
Temper, Temper, Captain Luffy.
As I was saying, Naruto thinks Pirates are dangerous, in fact he says "Pirates just do what they want and don't really care about anything else, that's wrong!"
In a part of the forest, Naruto nods.
So what if that's what he thinks?
Pirates do what they want, there's nothing better than that.
I'll show you what's better than that!!
Huh? I'll kick your ass, "yellow-to"
(thinks to her self)
Come on Luffy! This isn't the time to pick fights!
I'll kick **your** ass, "Pr-uffy!"
Naruto!!! We don't have time for this!
Eek!! You're here, Sakura??
Ok folks, there you have it: The Straw Hats have to fight the Strongest Squad in the Hidden Leaf—and Sasuke's here, too.
Get over Yellow-to! I'll kick your ass! After that, I'll kick Kaido's ass!
Heh, I'll kick your ass so hard, that Kaido guy won't even want to kick your ass after I'm done with you!
Get over here!
What's the matter? Can't make it yourself? Do you need directions??
Say What??!!
Unlike you, I've been trained to track my opponents. Don't worry, you stay right there—I'll come to you!
Not if I find you first!
Heh, Goodluck with that!
(He's too sneaky! Better to drag him out!)
He bites his two thumbs and inflates them till they become much larger.
Gum gum-- Giant Pistol!
He clears many trees away and creates a giant dustcloud.
Suddenly, he sees 5 people rushing out of the smoke.
(There you are, Yellow-to!)
His arms deflate and return to him in a lash. He bends his knees, touches his right arm with the ground and appears to pump two his legs, before announcing:
Second gear!!
(Each of his 5 clones speak simultaneously)
Still using Bushy-brows' technique, huh?
(While in his red and steaming form yells)
Gum gum: jet pistol!
Naruto's shadow clone leaps into the air and an orange streak appears around his eyes. His other shadow clone leaps into the air and they form a spinning spiral which he throws at Luffy's incoming punch:
Windstyle: Rasenshuriken!
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hmshermitcraft · 1 year
xB thinks that if you harass someone working, you should expect a fight.
However, fighting someone is the last thing he would want to do in those situations, as he's trying to hold up the illusion that he is a completely innocent man, now, he's not innocent at all, considering the things he and Keralis get up to it would be a surprise if he didnt know of a single dirty or gross thing, but Keralis is the whole reason he keeps the facade up. When someone is rude, or condescending, or downright cruel at his job, all he has to do is complain about it to Keralis and poof, that person is suddenly spirited away by that group of cryptids that live in the woods around the village. And he can't be blamed! Because he had nothing to do with the disappearance, he didnt coax the creatures to the man, all he did was complain to his completely-human boyfriend and all his troubles are gone, just like that.
He doesn't do it often - only the people he knows couldn't be redeemed. xB thinks he's a pretty chill guy, actually! It takes a lot to rile him up. People can insult him and he won't care, but harass somebody that's just on their way home and he won't turn a blind eye.
If it were up to Keralis, everybody who so much as breathed in xB's direction wrong would mysteriously vanish. He can show restraint, though! He'll restrict himself only to the people that actually intend to cause xB harm. He doesn't want his princess to seem suspicious, after all!
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justcallmeneon · 3 months
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Days at the orphanage blurred into a monotonous loop for Neon, each one indistinguishable from the last — wake, survive, sleep, repeat. Without Tox, the place felt even more like a prison, its walls closing in with every breath she took. And to make matters worse, she was out of her usual escapes. No pills to numb the edges of reality, no weed to smoke away the stifling boredom. "Fantastic," she scoffed to herself, rolling her eyes at the ceiling as if it was responsible for her current state of unassisted sobriety.
Dragging herself through the hallways felt like wading through molasses, each step a reminder of how much she relied on Tox's presence for sanity in this place. The guy had vanished like a ghost, no word, no note, nothing. Just poof, gone. Staring at the door to the boys' room, she couldn't help but let out a snort. "Great disappearing act, Houdini," she muttered, her voice dripping with sarcasm, imagining Tox on the receiving end of her words. It was easier that way, turning the sting of his absence into just another joke they'd share…if he was here.
Night arrived again. Every damn day in this place feels like a copy of the last, Neon thought, lying on her bed. Staring at the ceiling, she's hit with a bolt of clarity…why the hell should she stick around? Two more years until she's free from the system? Like hell she'd wait that long.
"Screw this," she muttered to the shadows, the idea of waiting another day feeling more like a prison sentence than anything else. Why wait for a future that's always been a big fat question mark, when she could just take the leap now?
The system hadn't done shit for her, so why give it another minute of her life? Tonight felt different, like there was electricity in the air, urging her to just get up and go. The thought of another day, another week, another year in this dump was enough to cement her decision.
Quietly, Neon got to work, stuffing her bag with whatever wasn't nailed down and could be of use. Clothes, her few precious keepsakes, her journal, and wallet. She reached under the bed pulling out her spray cans because if she was going to leave her mark on this world, it wasn't going to be through the system's rules.
The orphanage was dead quiet as she made her move, sneaking out like a thief in the night. "Later, losers," she whispered with a smirk, stepping out into the cool air. She made her way through the sleeping streets, the echo of her footsteps a steady companion. Before long, she found herself at the bus station, the neon sign flickering like a beacon of hope or maybe just a ticket to anywhere else.
Without hesitation, she hopped onto the next bus pulling in, not caring much about its destination. As the bus rumbled to life and started pulling away from the curb, she took one last look at the town she was leaving behind. It felt like shedding a skin, one that was too tight and too worn to carry any longer. "On to something new," she mumbled.
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