#:: rose among thorns
avian-violet · 8 months
Y'all, how am I supposed to incorporate flower language into my story when none of the things I look at can agree on what the different colored roses mean?!?!?!?
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cattis-nails · 1 year
My extremely rough first attempt at a gradient. Just started doing my nails again for the first to time in over 10 years so I'm learning!
Pink is Rose Among Thorns by China Glaze
Black is One Coat Black by Holo Taco
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aidoriimu · 2 months
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She's so beautiful auuughh... forget about all the vampire nonsense, both of us can run away together <3
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benefit-key-in-too · 2 days
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the-darkestminds · 2 months
Saying you don’t like Lucien and don’t want Elucien to happen because red heads are unattractive to you is so cold lmao why you gotta make it personal 😭💀
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lanitalay · 4 months
Among Flames and Starlight Chapter 7
a/n: i really wanted some fluff in this one but oh well
warnings: violence ( i keep the descriptions brief ), trauma
word count: 2k
Other Chapters
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The stables had become Irene’s favorite place in the Autumn Court. She rode nearly everyday, only staying inside when torrential rain made riding unbearable. But if the skies were clear, Irene would be riding. At first it was just around the stables, getting to know the horses. Quickly, she started wandering off farther. She got lost one day, deep in the woods, the paths overgrown. Unable to find her way back. By chance, Lucien stumbled upon her. “What are you doing here?” 
“I got lost.” He sighed deeply. “Follow me.” 
That’s how Irene met Jesminda. The female was waiting for him at a small cottage. Lucien dismounted and Irene did the same. When he walked inside he was almost tackled to the floor by her. She kissed him deeply only stopped when Lucien pulled away to say “love, this is Irene. Irene this is Jesminda.” Her eyes widened and she stepped closer to Irene. 
“Lulu has told me many things about the new bride of Autumn, I’m sorry that you were… well what happened to you is unfortunate.” Irene nodded, “I don’t think Lucien has mentioned you before.” 
“He wouldn’t dare. If the High Lord finds out about us I’d be toast, isn’t that right, dear?” Lucien clarified for Irene “no one knows, but I trust that you’ll not say anything about this to anyone. Not even Eris.” 
“I won’t say a word.”
They were sitting by the hearth and drinking a spiced tea as Lucien explained to Jesminda why he had brought Irene along “she was out in the Cliff’s Edge Pass when I found her, too far to take her back and then come back out again.” 
“I’m glad you’re here Irene, us females need to have eachothers’ backs in this court.” 
Once the sun began to set Lucien announced they should head back, not wanting to ride in the pitch black forest. 
“It was lovely meeting you Jesminda, thank you for your hospitality.”
“Come by whenever you like, Irene, I need a break from Lucien every so often.” She teased and the male picked her up so fast she didn’t have time to let out a squeal of surprise before his lips were on hers. “I’ll be back soon, love.”
After that they would ride together to keep each other company even if Lucien insisted he was “only teaching her how to navigate the Court’s lands.” 
On the rare occasion it rained, Irene would read in her rooms or spend time with Mora. The Lady of Autumn had a calming presence and when the days were gloomy and storms raged outside and in Irene’s mind she would be soothed by her demeanor. Often discussing the books they were reading over tea or just sitting in silence by a crackling fire. 
Most days, she did not see Eris. To avoid Beron, she would have all her meals in her rooms or take a picnic on her rides. She only visited the library on the far end of the house, nowhere near his room or his study. Eris would spot her riding and sometimes they’d see each other in the library. “That’s my spot.” He had said when he found her in an alcove behind the section that housed all of the fiction books. Eris looked annoyed, he was carrying a book and had allotted himself an hour to read in peace when he found Irene in the very spot he wanted to be. 
“I was here first.” 
“Aren’t you supposed to be galavanting with Lucien?” 
Irene pointed to the window that was being pelted by harsh rain. “Not in this weather. We both fit here, let’s just share.” 
Eris thought about it and reached the same conclusion she had. His rooms were getting stuffy and this was one of the few places his father or his brothers wouldn’t bother him. So he sat next to her, on the far end, creating as much space between them as he could. They stayed like that until the sun set and Irene got up “I’ll see you around, Eris.” 
She was doing fine, she really was. Nightmares about being paralyzed or being burned by Beron would wake her up nearly every night, but she always managed to get back to sleep. The nights when sleep was impossible, a weight on her chest so large she could swear her ribs would crack, Irene would plot. She’d indulge herself with fantasies of the High Lord of Night’s head on a stake. Ideas of pulverizing him and spreading his ashes on piles of manure. Then she’d think of Beron’s punishment, driving an ice stake through his heart seemed an interesting approach. If fire runs through his veins he must enjoy the heat and Irene wanted his last moments in this world to be filled with pain and discomfort. Lastly she would think of how to get her mother out of the prison, but that always came with a wave of grief. 
Irene was perfectly fine.
Until she realized Starfall was two weeks away and the nightmares were not of her recent horrors, but of more ancient ones. 
That night, after leaving the library and eating alone, Irene fell asleep and dreamt of the first Startfall without her family. She remembers fragments, gaps looming over her memory. After crying most of the day, Victoria went into her room and forced her to get out of bed. “You don’t have to go to the party, we can just look at it from the window or something.” 
Decades later Irene wasn’t sure what Victoria’s intentions were that night. Maybe it was prepubescent contempt and the desire to not be surrounded by only her brother and his friends. Or maybe it was that she had gotten lonely after months of Irene isolating herself and it was an attempt at reviving her only friend in the world. But Victoria pulled Irene out of her room that night and Irene was forced to reckon with the fact that her world had been destroyed but life was still happening. 
The two girls sat huddled together by a large window and watched the sky come alive. For those moments, Irene felt a break from the crushing weight on her heart. They did not talk for a while, Irene was still bristled from being torn from her bed. 
“No one likes him.” Victoria broke the silence. “I know Rhysand doesn’t like him, neither does my mother and I hate him.” 
“I hate him too.” In her too small heart she harbored undiluted hate for the male and hate was easy. She could hate him without trying, hate him in her sleep. After Starfall was over and the girls went back into their rooms, Irene slipped into the kitchen to find something to eat. 
She heard footsteps for a split second. Then, the light vanished. Darkness enveloped her but she was not asleep. Hadn’t fainted either. It pressed against her and restricted her airflow. She was suffocating under the weight of the universe. At that moment, she couldn’t comprehend what was happening. Considering that maybe she had died and this was the painful passage to the next life. It could have been minutes or hours later, but Celene walked into the kitchen to find that her mate was strangling Irene with an onyx mass. 
The Lady must have sent something down the mating bond, or yelled hard enough that the High Lord snapped out of whatever compelled him to attack a child. Irene was frenzied, gasping for air and frantically clawing at her chest, like she wanted to rip out her heart and soothe it with her hands. 
That was the night her hate turned to fear. That was the nightmare that woke her up, all these decades after. 
The next few days were spent in a blur of sleeplessness. Irene could not bring herself to close her eyes. She kept a candle burning in every corner of the room and the curtains all the way open. Eating was difficult again. Mora asked what was the matter, “what can I do to help?”  Irene could not explain to her that the nightmares that kept her up and were slowly making her insane. She couldn’t find the words. 
Then Lucien visited her room and insisted that she sleep. “You look terrible and this room is a mess” he pointed to the piles of melted wax on the floor, the stale bread on the little table she ate and the bedding strewn on the mattress. “I can’t sleep.” He sighed “yes you can Irene, and you have to.” She refused. Lucien left and an hour later Eris walked through the door. 
“Hello.” Irene looked back at him from her chair by the window. “Hi.”
“I’m told you are not well.” She did not respond. “Something about not sleeping or eating?” 
“I can’t.”
He was still by the door, not stepping further into her room. “Why not?” Silence. “Irene, no matter how much of a fuss you make no one is going to come rescue you.”
“I know.” 
“Then sleep, eat.” He ran a hand through his hair, disheveling the short red locks. “Or rot away. It's your call.”
“Nothing has ever been my call, Eris. I’m stuck in this prison of a Court with a husband as a chain.” 
“No one is forcing you to stay in this roo-” he stopped speaking as she stood up from her chair. He saw her for the first time since the library and was taken aback at how dark the circles under her eyes were. How gaunt her face. She roared at him, and her eyes, bloodshot and wild, piercing his own. 
“Damn it Eris! I can’t go back home anymore! I can’t be with my family because I’m married to you! I’m nothing more than a stupid political hostage and you know it.” 
He did not need a reminder that his wife was a mere punishment. That she resented him just as much as he resented her. 
“Are you really that stupid? You were a hostage there too. If your precious Rhysand loved you or cared for you in any meaningful way he wouldn’t have let you marry me. You are a fool for wishing to be back there.”
“I’m more of a prisoner here.” 
“Here you have a title. Here you are the sole Princess of Autumn.”
“This house is a prison”
“The entire Night Court is a prison!” 
“You have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“You can rot in this room for all I care. But that’s your choice.”
“No it 's not. None of this is my choice! You, this mariage, this bloody title!”
“Look around! No one chose to be here! I was born into it, so was my father and so were my brothers. My mother was married into it, you’re not special. But you are choosing to waste away and, whatever your reasoning is, it's stupid.”
“Fuck you.”
She couldn’t disagree. So she remained silent. 
He had nothing else to say. So he left. 
Eventually exhaustion won. She passed out on the chair and more nightmares came, each one worse than the last. How the High Lord would take her out of her room at night and experiment. First with suffocation, but then he tried to drown her, to lash her, he tried carving out her organs but could not get through a protective layer beneath her skin. He grew frustrated with all his blades ricocheting off her. When he was tired of trying he would return her to the room, drop her on the floor and think of new ways to try and end her. He tampered with her mind. Creating a permanent spot in her memory for the nights they spent together and forbidding her from speaking them aloud.
taglist: @sidthedollface2 @acourtofbatboydreams
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avian-violet · 2 months
Tw/Cw: slight artistic nudity, non-self-harm scars
I saw a reference in the wild and thought the build of it suited Narai. So I hung onto it until I was bored in a class and made this. I've wanted to do something that shows Narai’s scars for a while, since none of her outfits really do hbjbjb but she's overcome a lot she should look the part (art below cut)
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rosenfey · 6 months
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she has flowers in her hair because faerene put them there 😌
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aidoriimu · 2 months
Listen, I view DL pretty critically because even in my FAVORITE ROUTE (Kou's More Blood one) <- not really story-based but character-wise and the fact that it feels like we have two good endings in this one.
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Like this super sweet cg? YEAH SHE DIED FIRST.
She came back as a vampire though, with Kou trading his sight (and the ability to gaze upon the sky) to simply keep her alive in a deal with Karlheinz.
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eddis-not-eeddis · 2 years
...I just thought up a title for my great-grandma's biography, should I ever get around to writing it
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The Story of an Arminian and her relationship with her Catholic Family and her Calvinist In-Laws.
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To My Hero and Other Poems
By Roselainie Panginuma Saidamin To My Hero To the woman who is worthy of my respect, You are the color of the garden of my paradise. A mother of five with a soft-enduring heart, Your love is wary and so is your sacrifice. To the woman who gives comfort and solace, You are the luminous light of my constellation. Your smile is warm and is my safe place, Oh! To have you guide me is unparalleled…
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blackrosebishop · 6 months
-- "You're going to get what you deserve."
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witchembrace-a · 6 months
time to write down all of my muses' tags. this includes ones i already have down. 1/???
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creepiestcutie · 1 year
((Tag dump~))
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avian-violet · 11 months
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"If a light is what these people need... Then I shall become their beacon."
Christening my blog with a beloved newer character of mine, Narai! She's one of the protagonists in my current writing project, Rose Among Thorns. You can read it here:
I hope to have Keito's reference (and maybe some other characters) up soon!
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y-umiko · 1 year
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CHARACTER(S): Draken . Mikey . Baji . Mitsuya WARNING/S: a bit smutty on Baji's part
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The Tokyo Manji Gang gathered for their meeting, though aimed to hang out, the others take this opportunity to introduce their new members to one another.
"Hey! Hey! who's that over there?"
Draken who was mingling with the new members and was busy introducing one another turned to look at the member who spoke. recognizing him as one of the new members who joined the 2nd division.
following the member's line of sight, Draken's gaze falls upon you, happily conversing with Emma. your name leaving his lips unconsciously.
The new member sighed dreamily, not taking his eyes off you. "what a pretty name, Is she single?"
"No" was Draken's quick response, his eyebrows furrowed intimidatingly, standing taller to appear more intimidating to the other person as if he needed it.
"I-I see" the new member nervously mumbled, putting both his hand in the air in surrender before scurrying away.
honestly, Draken doesn't know what to feel, but thinking about it now, you and Emma are like a rose among the thorns during gatherings like this, what was Mikey thinking allowing his sister to attend gatherings?
and what was he thinking letting you tag along with him during meetings, and let alone leaving your side, letting you walk around and socializing with the guys without him? especially, since not everyone knows of your relationship.
however, Draken wouldn't be so strict as to not allow you to their gatherings but his not so into vocalizing to everyone that you belong to him, as much as he wanted to do that, he doesn't want a scene that would garner attention and embarrass you.
rather Draken would be more subtle.
"What's this for?" you asked as you felt Draken drap his uniform jacket on your shoulders. the words 'Tokyo Manji Gang Vice captain', on display for everyone to see. subtle but effective.
"Just felt like it"
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It's very unlikely that someone would not know that you were dating the infamous invisible Mikey. reputation aside, it's hard not to know you two were dating when Mikey was constantly tied to your side.
if his not holding your hand, his arms would be wrapped around your waist, head resting on your shoulder as you feed him his favorite snacks. really, it's really not that hard to notice.
however, there is always that one dumbass who couldn't take a hint. whose dumb enough to not know who Mikey is and brave enough to approach him when you momentarily left to go the bathroom.
"hey that person you were with earlier, do you know if she's dating someone?"
he blinked a few times before his face twisted into a pout, "yes! And happily so"
the other person sigh, a hand behind his nack in disappointment as his eyes unconsciously follow the direction you just left, which Mikey took the wrong way.
"that's too bad, and she looks so pretty too"
The other person flinch when his instinct suddenly took over his body, feeling a sudden aura coming from Mikey. "don't get any ideas, Y/n's mine"
with a chill that run down his spine, the other person was quick to leave. when you returned, Mikey was back to his usual cheerful self but this time extra clingy and affectionate.
"Did something happen while I was gone?" you asked him, but Mikey only smiled and buried his head deeper between your neck and shoulder.
"Nope, just showing everyone you're with me"
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"Baji-san you're close with Y/n-chan aren't you?"
Baji stopped writing on his paper, peeking through his eyeglasses to look at the other person. his classmate who asked or rather beg to join your study session with Baji.
something about his classmate didn't sit well with him, was it the use of your first name or the fact that his classmate look a little red on the face upon mentioning your name? nonetheless, Baji proudly answered a resounding Yeah. yet the other person's next question made him uneasy.
"Do you know if she's dating anyone?"
The words process in his head, in disbelief that his classmate just asks that, does not the whole school know you were dating him. Was the fact you spend all the breaks together, enough to say that you two were dating? the hand holding? the quick peck of kisses? was his classmate not really aware?
Baji can only furrow his eyebrow in confusion, before removing his glasses and placing them on the table, before crossing his arms against his chest. the atmosphere turning into a more serious note.
"Listen carefully c/n…"
"oh what are we talking about here?" you ask arriving just now for the afterschool study session, cutting off Baji, clueless to the current situation.
however, Baji's gaze flicked towards you, and as soon as you were within reach, Baji was quick to pull you down to his lap and smash his lips against yours, giving his classmate a front seat on the spectacle.
"…do you understand now?" Baji asked his classmate who can only nod with a red face before quickly excusing himself. leaving you with a beaming Baji, proud of what he did.
"What was that for?" you asked which he quickly avoided answering by smashing his lips with yours again.
If he has to kiss you over and over again for everyone to know you belong to him, he definitely won't have any complaints.
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"I'll see you later Taka" You bid goodbye to Mitsuya, turning around and closing the door to the club room.
"Mitsuya senpai, can I ask you a question?" a first-year who recently joined the club called. Mitsuya was quick to turn his attention to him and nodded to continue.
"Is y/n-senpai seeing someone?"
it took Mitsuya a moment to respond, a little taken aback by the question when he was expecting a question regarding the club. it was a first, that someone would ask him of all people if you're single.
though he knew you were pretty and garnered attention from all over the school, he was assured that they knew you were dating him. They should be, yet the first year in front of him says otherwise.
he really shouldn't care and just answer that you were dating him yet he suddenly can't help feeling a little insecure. was it not that clear you two were dating?
before Mitsuya can answer, Hakkai came interrupting upon hearing your name leaving the first year's lips. Your dating Mitsuya and Hakkai was just protective of you. blazing and cutting through the conversation with his hot head.
"oi! Y/n-chan is dating Taka-chan! don't go thinking you have a chance!"
The first year was quick to apologize, “O-oh sorry, Mitsuya-senpai I didn't know"
all well that ends well, yet Mitsuya brought the first year's question with him until he met you, and asked a question that he shouldn't have in the first place.
"you love me right?"
you chuckled, "What kind of question is that? Of course, I love you"
the words bringing back his smile and forgetting the first year's question. he becomes more affectionate in public for a few days after that.
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