#<- not really but technically i guess. idk just to be safe and sure.
chronicowboy · 2 months
His breakup with Marisol is about as unremarkable as the rest of their relationship. There's no catastrophic muffin mess in his kitchen or divorce papers. Just a quiet I don't think this is working out, I'm sorry. Marisol hadn't even cried. She'd just nodded like she'd been waiting for it and left, didn't even need to grab anything from the house before she went and really that just reassured Eddie that this was the right choice.
So, his breakup with Marisol is unremarkable, except that it's not. It's pretty fucking remarkable when he thinks about it because it's not just that they weren't working out, not just that he really didn't care about spending time with her, not just the clench in his gut every time she touched him. No. It's pretty fucking remarkable because he realises he's in love with his best friend.
That's what pushes him over the edge, gives him the last kick he needs to actually break things off with her. Because Eddie may have sworn himself to secrecy about it the moment he realised, but he could never string someone along just because he couldn't have the real someone he wanted.
It's a fucking revelation once he has it. Not a ton of bricks, but the sun peeking out from behind the clouds on the greyest of days, bright and blinding. And the way Eddie has always thought of Buck in terms of sunshine maybe should have tipped him off sooner, but with the way Buck has been beaming over the past few weeks. Well. Eddie doesn't really think he can be blamed for only just taking his sunglasses off and daring to look directly at the light.
And, okay, so Eddie maybe makes it a full week before he decides his self-sworn secrecy absolutely is not a viable option when Buck walks through life now like a drop of sunshine in human form. It's after Buck leaves the Diaz house, walking out from a day of giggles and joy at the go-kart track they'd finally managed to convince Chris to be seen with them at, leaving behind a cosy heat like sun-warmed skin, that Eddie realises he cannot go another day without telling Buck that he's desperately, deeply in love with him.
And so, that's how Eddie finds himself at Buck's door on a random Sunday morning, knocking for the first time since Natalia waltzed out of the picture. Buck opens it a few moments later looking perfectly sleep-rumpled and soft and downright golden where he's backlit by the early morning sunlight pooling in the loft.
"Eddie," Buck breathes out, eyes darting up the stairs before refocusing on Eddie and what must be the most hopelessly lovesick expression painted across his face. "H-hey, what are you doing here?"
"I, um." Eddie takes a deep breath, suddenly nervous, and wipes his clammy palms on his jeans. "I wanted to talk to you about something. Now a good time?" And Buck must hear the slightly shaky steel in his voice because the surprise on his face morphs into a concern so quintessentially Buck that Eddie just wants to kiss it away.
"Y-yeah, of course, come on in." Buck holds the door open for him, and Eddie migrates to the fridge as Buck closes the door with the gentlest touch. "So, um, what's up?"
"I..." Eddie swallows against the heart in his throat, loses himself in the shining blue of Buck's eyes like an ocean he'd be more than happy to drown in. "I broke up with Marisol last week."
"Oh, Eddie." Buck slumps, and Eddie tries not to think that it looks a little like relief. "I'm so sorry, man. That sucks."
"No, no." Eddie waves him off with a laugh. "It's good. Was a long time coming actually." He shakes his head at himself. "I think I was dating her just to tick a box, you know? Realised you probably shouldn't be more excited about a phone call from your new buddy than one from your kinda long-term girlfriend. You definitely shouldn't be relieved when you see your best friend in the restaurant you're taking her to and disappointed when you realise he's just leaving."
And then, Buck blushes, ducks his head, does that little smile that could light up every house on South Bedford Street just like Eddie had been hoping for.
"Yeah." Buck looks up at him from under his lashes. "Probably not."
It bolsters Eddie. Buck's sunshine giving him that one last push he needs.
"There was something else I wanted to say," Eddie starts. And there isn't really any fear in him, knows they'll make it through this no matter what, just an overwhelming sense of peace to come. "I..." A deep breath, gathering all his love and devotion in his lungs so it's ready to pour out on his next inhale and—
A groan from upstairs has the words dying in his throat. A masculine groan. And then:
"D-down here," Buck calls back.
Eddie can't take his eyes off the loft, stuck there like a car crash he can't look away from as a very shirtless Tommy Kinard appears at the top of the stairs and quickly blanches.
"Shit. Um..." He looks down at Buck in a panic.
Eddie finally manages to drag his eyes away from the very chiselled curveball that just hit him at a hundred miles per hour and finds Buck's face. Small, scared, shaken. He knows the feeling. And because he loves Buck, because of just how deeply he loves Buck, it's the easiest thing in the world to lock that love away and let his face crack into the most genuine of grins. Because if Tommy's been the thing making Buck shine like every fucking star in the sky, well Eddie will absolutely not be getting between them.
"You've been so happy," Eddie chokes out, still smiling.
"I have," Buck whispers.
"And I'm so happy for you." Eddie covers the distance between them in three long strides and pulls Buck into a hug so tight and clinging he's sure it's a confession in and of itself, but Buck only buries in deeper, taking shaky little breaths in the crook of Eddie's neck.
"Thank you," Buck murmurs into his skin. Eddie squeezes his eyes shut against the sudden rush of tears.
"Sorry you didn't get to tell me on your own terms," he murmurs back, letting Buck pull away, but lingering with a hand on his hip, on his shoulder. He should maybe be worried about what this could look like to Tommy who had basically never heard anything apart from rambles about Buck, except when he glances up the stairs, Tommy is nowhere to be seen.
"I was going to tell you," Buck rushes out. "I-I just wasn't sure how."
"That's okay," Eddie says. It's okay. It's okay. "Well, I'll stop gate-crashing for the... Second time?" He raises an eyebrow, and Buck flushes a pink Eddie will never ever get to taste. "Yeah, okay. That makes sense." He remembers the pure fear on Buck's face, the indecision on Tommy's and the sudden tightening of his own chest despite his smile. "I'll leave you guys to it." He clears his throat. "Kinard, if you hurt him, they'll never find your body," he shouts up the stairs.
"Copy that, Diaz," Tommy shouts back.
"I'm really proud of you, Buck." Eddie wraps him in another hug then, a quick thing, just one last touch before Eddie seals every desire away for good.
"Thanks, Eddie." Buck walks him to the door, eyes glistening with unshed tears, and Eddie wants to hug him again. Wants so badly it hurts. But if he hugs Buck again, he doesn't think he'll ever let go. "See you at work tomorrow."
"See you at work." Eddie prays Buck is too distracted to hear the wobble in his voice.
"Wait, sorry, what did you want to talk about?"
Eddie freezes on the threshold, the stutter of his heart painful like he's back in a suit store, and he catches himself on the doorframe with a shaking hand.
"It can wait."
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d10nyx · 5 months
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daddy's home
ft. fushiguro toji x fem!reader
cw: 18+ content, dark content, dad/daughter incest, oral(f!recieving), degradation, dacryphilia, praise, daddy kink, p in v, he's got a fat cock idk, creampie, overstimulation, pussy spanking, he's kind of an asshole
a/n: hiii! not a resident evil fic omg who am i? so down bad for toji it's not even funny... this got out of hand so quickly it was meant to be half this size... oops? jjk works now being uploaded to @puppykento
word count: 2.3k words
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You never saw your dad much growing up. To call him a deadbeat would be an understatement. He was the type of guy to pawn off the presents that ‘Santa’ got you a week or two after Christmas to get some extra cash.
He was rarely ever home, and when he was, he'd bum whatever he could off of you and Megumi. Although Megumi had gone off to that school now, which was great, really. You were happy for him. He comes to visit whenever he can, and he's always bringing you things to help out.
Really, you should be looking after him. He was your younger brother, after all. But he also knew that your dad tended to bother you more than him, so he's always been a little protective of you. He sends you a text everyday to check in on you, asking if you'd seen Toji.
Toji. Not dad. You're not sure when Megumi got into that habit, but you can't bring yourself to do the same. He's still your dad, even if he's a bit of an asshole. He cares about you deep down, you know he does. He might not show it, but you like to believe he thinks about you when he's gone.
Safe to say, you're surprised when he shows up at the door on your twenty-first birthday with a cake tucked securely under his arm. He flashes you a grin, pushing past you and into the apartment without so much as a ‘hello’.
He sets the cake down on the table before flopping down on the couch with his feet up on the coffee table like he owns the place. Which, okay, technically he does. His name is on the tenancy agreement, but he's not the one paying the rent.
“Didn't expect to see you here today.” You say after a moment, standing awkwardly off to the side. You never knew what to do with your dad. You didn't know him, really. Talking to him was always hard for you.
Your gaze falls to the cake after he doesn't respond. It's some cheap, pre-made grocery store cake. You can't imagine he spent much on it at all, but the gesture was nice. He hadn't gotten you anything for your birthday since you were twelve and he got you that shitty plastic bracelet that broke after a day.
“You didn't need to get me anything.”
“Mm. But you're my kid. It's a big birthday.” He says simply, grabbing the remote and turning on the TV, using the cable that you pay for. Typical.
You're surprised he even remembers your age, but you'd take it. Guess your suspicions were confirmed. He cares about you, at least a little.
“Where's the brat?” He asks after a moment, as if he registered Megumi hadn't shown his face. His eyes flick across the room before settling on you.
“He couldn't make it today. He's coming on the weekend.” He just shrugs when you tell him that, spreading his legs a little to get comfortable.
“Ah. You're my favourite, anyway.” He tells you, and you smile. You know you're only his favourite because you put up with his shit, but it still makes you happy to hear him say that. You can see the way his lips curl into a smirk at that, and he slowly drags his gaze along your body.
You're not sure you appreciate the way he's looking at you, though. Like, it's great to get some attention from your dad for once, but that doesn't exactly mean you want him looking at you like you're a piece of meat.
“What're you doin’ now, anyway? You dropped out, no?” Yeah. You had to. Someone had to pay the bills. “So, what… you working as a stripper or something? Got the body for it. Bet you'd make a killing.”
Your face wrinkles up in disgust immediately at that. You cross your arms over your chest in an attempt to cover yourself a little more, your brows furrowing as you look at him.
“Jesus, dad. That's nasty. Why are you even looking at me like that?” You ask with a frown, shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot.
“Alright!” He raises his hands in a gesture of surrender, brows raising slightly. He lets his hands drop onto his thighs and shrugs again. “Just a joke. Tough crowd, huh?”
You roll your eyes and huff, crossing your arms over your chest. That seems to draw Toji's attention, his gaze lingering on your tits for a moment before he's looking up at you with that stupid fucking grin again.
“What? I'm proud of my work, ‘n you're just another one of my many successes.” He has an air of cockiness around him as he says that, and it just weirds you out even more. What a creep.
“Anyway, I been thinkin’...” He begins, his eyes trailing your body again. You shift uncomfortably yet again, staring him down. “Your daddy is a little strapped for cash at the moment… but I gotta give my special girl a gift for her birthday, don't I?”
“Real interesting, ‘cause you haven't bothered before.”
He starts scowling at that, his lip curling. “I'm tryna be nice. Don't need to be a bitch about it. I'm a busy man.” He pauses, giving you a once over. “Always so fuckin’ bratty. Bet a good dick'd fix that shitty attitude.”
“The hell is wrong with you today?” You snap, trying to ignore the way your dad was very obviously checking you out. It makes you uneasy, in more ways than one. Most notably is the way it's weirdly hot, and that thought alone makes you feel queasy.
“Just c'mere, will ya? No need to be pissy on your birthday. I'm tryna be nice.” He huffs, patting the spot next to him. You walk over to him, but before you can sit, he's tugging you into his lap and holding you down against his hardening cock.
“Dad, wha-”
“Now here's what's gonna happen.” He grunts, nosing at your neck before he's attaching his lips to your skin, his grip on your hips tightening. “I'm gonna make you cum on my tongue, ‘cause it's your birthday, and I'm so sweet. Then you're gonna sit on my cock. Understand?”
You open your mouth to speak, but Toji is quick to cut you off, biting down on the spot where your neck meets your shoulder. “If the words that're about to leave your mouth are anything but ‘yes, daddy’, then I don't wanna hear it.”
Your mouth snaps shut, opens again, and you're repeating the words back to him.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
That's how you end up lying on your back in your bed, the sheets crumpled beneath you with your dad's face buried in your cunt. He's got one hand pressed firmly on your stomach to stop you from moving too much, his other hand keeping a strong grip on your thigh to keep your legs spread.
He eats pussy sloppy. The only time he pulls away is to spit on you before he dives right back in, tongue thrusting in and out of your drippy hole. He's already made you cum twice, a puddle forming on the sheets under your ass from how wet you are.
“Ah… dad, I can't. S'too much.” You tell him, trying to squirm away from his mouth. He glares up at you from between your legs, and then he pulls away. You sigh in relief, but then he's spreading your folds with one hand and bringing the other down harshly against your clit.
You yelp, kicking your feet out. He does it again. And again. “You'll take what you're given.” He growls with another harsh slap, then he's lowering his head again to suck greedily at your swollen clit as he slips two fingers into your pussy without resistance.
His spits dribbling down to your hole as he makes the dirtiest sounds you've ever heard. You didn't know it was possible to be this greedy when it came to eating pussy. Doesn't even feel like it's for you, at this point. He's just eating away to his heart's content.
“You're such a messy girl, baby. Gettin’ my wrists all wet. Didn't know pussies could leak this much.” He mumbles into your cunt, flicking his tongue and curling his fingers. “Must really love your daddy, huh?”
You clench around him, cumming for the third time with a whimper and the bastard finally lifts his face away from you. Gives you that stupid smirk again, darting his tongue out to lick as much of your juices from his face as he can manage, then he uses his free hand to wipe the rest off on the back of his hand. Slob.
“Having a good birthday?” He asks with a shit-eating grin, scissoring his fingers open inside of you, ignoring the way you whine and try to pull away again. All you can do is nod, already so dumb from the pleasure he's giving you that you can barely respond.
“That's my girl.” He coos, patting your face a few times before he's pulling his hand away, leaving you mourning the loss. Can't let any of your cum go to waste, so he pops them in his mouth and sucks them clean.
Doesn't take him long to pull his cock out. It's fat and heavy, hanging low even though it's hard. Your breath hitches as you see it, and you start to push away from him.
“Dad, what the fuck?” That's a boost to his ego. “That's not… there's no way that's gonna fit.”
“I'll make it work. Been between your legs long enough.” He mumbles, grabbing you by your hips and tugging you towards him on the bed. He pushes the tip in, and he can't bite back the smile that forms at the noise you make.
He pushes in so slowly that he's barely even moving. The stretch still hurts, tears forming in your eyes. When he finally bottoms out with a groan, you're so full that you can barely breathe. You swear you can feel that shit in your lungs. Your poor mother.
“Fuck… you're so fucking tight. Shoulda done this years ago…” He breathes out, bangs hanging in front of his eyes as he lets his head hang low. He's nice enough to stay put for a moment, his cock throbbing against your cervix - which is definitely going to be bruised after this. You don't think you're gonna be able to walk for a week.
He pulls out slowly until just the tip left inside, his length glistening from your slick pussy. He stares down appreciatively at the sight before thrusting back in. He builds a rhythm, rocking his hips against yours.
The sound of your moans fill the room, but he's more of a grunter. His grip on your hip is bruising, and it starts to hurt a little. He's using his hold on you so that he can manhandle you into his thrusts, making sure he's filling up every inch of you.
“Such a good fucking slut.” He pants, rocking into you even harder, a crease forming between his brow. “Gonna mould this pretty pussy to the shape of my dick. No other guy's gonna be able to fuck you, baby. Just daddy.”
You nod at his words, too fucked out to even register what he's saying. You'd agree to anything he said as long as he kept up with what he was doing.
“She's sucking me in, princess. Never had anyone take me so well before. My dick's splittin’ you open, and you're just. Fucking. Taking it.” He punctuates his words with deep, slow thrusts that have you pulsing around his cock.
“Made just for me, huh? My own daughter bein’ the one who's got the perfect pussy for my cock.” He growls, shifting slightly so his hands are gripping your thighs. He presses them against your chest, leaning over you as he starts fucking you again.
He's so much deeper like this, punching the air out of your lungs every time his hips slap against your ass. Tears start streaming down your face, your walls tightening around him.
“Shit… you tryna push me out?” He asks, his voice sounding a little strained. “God… she's fuckin’ milking me. She's cryin’ for me even more than you are.”
He lets out a breathless laugh, his thrusts growing sloppier. “Gonna fill you up, but you gotta cum for me first. You gonna do that for me?”
You nod weakly, gripping his shoulders as he pounds you into the mattress. Your nails claw at his skin, and you feel the wetness of his own blood beneath your fingers, but he doesn't even flinch. He seems to like it, letting out a low moan as your nails dig into him.
Your eyes roll back as you cum, your lips parting as you cry out ‘daddy’. You gush around his cock, leaking all over your own thighs until it's dripping down his balls.
“Such a dirty girl.” He grunts, his movements becoming erratic as his balls tighten. “Shit, baby. Gonna cum, and you're gonna fucking take it.”
He pushes in one last time, burying himself to the hilt and holding himself there. He grinds against you weakly as his cock kicks, shooting ropes of cum deep into you.
“Gooood… that's my good fucking girl.” Toji collapses on the bed, his dick slipping out as he lays back on your bed. “Happy birthday, baby.”
There's that smile again. Arrogant prick.
He stays put for a while, leaning back against your pillows with his legs spread and his arms behind his head, taking up a good 80% of your bed and leaving you to lay on the edge.
“I need a beer…” He grumbles, running a hand over his face before he tilts his head to look at you. “You got any cash?”
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atierrorian · 1 year
Hello! How are you currently doing? I hope your doing absolutely fine! And I love your blog so much, I was wondering if you could possibly write about Riddle? Like a study date with Riddle and as Riddle rambles about history and all that yada yada, he suddenly hears snoring and sees his beloved rose falling asleep and basically puts them to bed and they cuddle with them?
And can you make the gender female? Thank you! And take your time Author(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
Aw! Hello!! And thank you so much for asking dear Anon! I am doing just fine actually but thank you so much for asking! And this is such a cute request!
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Context: You fall asleep while studying with Riddle and he puts you into bed and cuddles with you
tw: None!
Characters: Riddle Rosehearts
Note: There are some grammar mistakes so be aware of that but other than that do enjoy this fanfic! The gender is also female, but you can still read whatever gender you want!
Word count: 439
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If you were being honest here, you were feeling really really sleepy. Hearing Riddle ramble and talking about history was relaxing but also really really tiring.
You really did try not to go ahead and just slam your head on the table and sleep the day away, you don't remember how many times you yawned but really, who counts their yawns? (Unless you do then ignore this)
You love Riddle, you truly do, but sometimes you just want to cuddle with him and have sweet dreams, is that so hard to ask? Well to be fair you were the one who asked for this so, I guess it is technically your fault. Well studying with Riddle is great, It's just sometimes so boring!!
You couldn't help it, you really did try to help it tho, but your eyes felt really really droopy and you felt so exhausted, so you fell asleep, while sitting.
The moment you closed your eyes for a few seconds, you went into the dream realm and looked like you weren't about to wake up any time soon, that's for sure.
Of course, Riddle heard soft snores and finally decided to stop reading and when he looked at your direction, he saw you sleeping, while sitting.
Riddle sighed as this was one of your habits. He didn't mind, but he was surprised at first. He then realized that you had just fallen asleep during the lessons but decided to let it slide. (The favoritism I tell you)
Riddle kept looking at your sleeping figure and decided to just put you to bed, it was a pretty long day for the both of you, and Riddle and getting sleepy himself too.
Riddle then stood up and decided to wrap a blanket around you and carry you back to bed. (Idk how if your taller than him but don't underestimate him)
He heard more soft snores coming from you and put you down on the bed with the blanket on as you looked more comfortable now and had a small but visible smile.
Riddle looked at you and smiled as well.
"How did someone like you even managed to love someone like me?" He thought as he kept looking at your sleeping figure.
Riddle sat down next to you and yawned as well.
"Well I guess a little nap couldn't hurt.." He thought before laying down next to you.
Riddle fell asleep asleep next to you as both of you were in the realm of dreams.
Safe and sound in togethers warm embrace with a small and soft smile plastered on both your faces.
The studies could wait.
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That was such a wholesome request! And really easy to write so thank you for that request and I do hope you enjoy it! I am so sorry it's short! But I still had fun writing this!
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thr-333 · 3 months
In other news- because tbh this other au holds more meaning in my heart (just cuz of how I relate to Donnie the most out of all of the aus), I genuinely am craving for angst with hurt/comfort for Leo Jr au.
sooo time for THOUGHTS I really am longing for moments with Leo Jr and Donnie, because...hnk- Donnie actually receiving comfort, care, patient understanding and acceptance instead of being told to suck it up or being ridiculed/treated like a ticking time bomb???? Means the world to me????? Idk- I guess my soul just aches for this version of Donnie who didn't get that safe space Leonardo's Donnie did. (i get the au is mainly Leo-centric, but for some reason this version of Don-tron ya created has somehow wormed his way into my heart and he is truly my favorite iteration in terms of aus???)
When I tell you that I felt my heart break over the silly comic where Leonardo says that Leo Jr and Casey Jr are twins, solely due to what that implies to the overall story. In a sense, Leo Jr gets to have variations of the life he would have if he hadn't been kidnapped (by all technicalities Leo Jr IS a victim of kidnapping no matter how wholesome it turned out to be). He gets to know the joys of having a twin, of being able to goof around and laugh, being understood/accepted, being able to make friends and be a kid! Meanwhile...Donnie (the one who was MEANT to have Leo as his twin) didn't get any of that. It hit hard that, even if it wasn't intentional by any means, Don was "easily replaced." (which idk if it's intentional or not, but that seems to be a reoccurring theme for the spiny softshell in this au). He'll never really have that close knit bond, not know what it's like, even if Leo Jr and him do grow close during their teenage years. Because in this reality, the "Disaster Twins" exist, Donnie's just not apart of it. Which is just another way that shows how much of a stranger the kid is to everyone who is supposed to be his family; his father, two brothers, and even the one who was at one point meant to be his twin.
That thought is sorta what led me down the rabbit hole of Leo Jr AU! Don brainrot. The kid's reality is one of neglect, extreme isolation, fear and...probably a deep well of self-hatred, loneliness, non existent self-worth, etc. (we saw how he struggled with in Rise Canon, so i can only imagine it is so much worse in this au). I can only imagine that this also impacts his ninpo and mystics later on, which probably is going to make his self-esteem take a nosedive.
Ngl if Leonardo's twin (who I'm gonna call Tello) is actually watching over his past self, it makes me wonder what he's thinking. His pov would be intriguing consider he'd be witnessing how much pain his twin's actions caused. Idk- I just- when I look at everything from this particular au, it makes me hope that Donnie is allowed to feel his big feelings without people trying to rush him. He should be allowed to be terrified, hurt, angry, etc towards Splinter and Leonardo. Neither of them deserve his forgiveness, because shit- both of them fucked up big time. They both caused complex trauma...and like- really need to face consequences. (apart of me sorta hopes Donnie DOESN'T forgive them) dakjsfsadfas sorry for rambling, not sure if any of that made sense, but I just- I have so many feelings about Donnie in the Leo Jr au, and really want to see more of him!
The sewers were a gross place to live if you asked Junior but Splinter refused to move to the hidden city. Luckily he had his portals meaning he could step into the already cleaned portion they called a home.
“Leo!” Mikey was the first to notice him. Dropping the plates on the table he was setting them vaulting over it, “You came!”
“It’s still Junior,” He reminded for the umpteenth time, “And yeah I said I would,”
Mikey collided into him for a hug. Junior gave a small wave to Raph- or Red, probably Red as the snapper wasn’t meeting his eyes while trying to hide his scowl. Splinter was setting the table in Mikeys stead, making wayyy too much eye contact as he kept staring at Junior. He was placing the plates down carelessly. The one in front of Donnie was placed down with a crack, only Junior caught his flinch.
“Great, he’s here, I saw him,” Donnie pushed away from the table in a frenzied movement, “Can I please leave now,”
“Purple your brother is here, that is more important than some computer,” Splinter snapped. No one took note of the way both Donnie and Junior cringed. 
“Nah he’s just tryna get out of showing me his lab since he promised last time,” Junior stepped forward and away from Mikey.
“I did no such thing,” Donnie scowled at him as Junior came around to his side,
“No use backing out now Dee,” Junior grinned, shuffling towards Donnie so the softshell backed away. Kind of like herding a very liable to bite sheep, “I’m expecting the grand tour, don't wait up everyone! “
But dinner…” Junior pretended he didn’t hear Mikey as he walked Donnie towards his room office lab space.
It was empty, with sections obviously organized out to put things there but with not enough actual stuff to do it. Donnie held himself like a tightly drawn string as they walked in. Not looking at Junior as the red slider circled around to the other's bed.
“What did you want to see?” Donnie asked tiredly as Junior came up behind him, “Most of my stuff is at the old place, or the other old place, or-”
Donnie was cut off by the blanket being draped over his head like a tablecloth.
“Nothing much,” Junior shrugged stepping away as Donnie went very still under the blanket, “Just had to get out of there, think I might sit quietly against a wall for the next half hour, not say anything, not do anything, you know how it is,”
Junior slid down the wall. He would have to go back eventually, or the others would break down the door and pull them both back to dinner. He estimated he had about thirty six minutes before that happened and that he could convince them to leave Donnie be. He’d say he asked if the softshell could make something for him. Something big so Donnie would have an excuse to disappear for the next week or so. They tended not to bother the other turtle as much if they thought he was doing stuff for the yokai.
The blanket shuffled, bunching up on the ground as Donnie sat near him. Only just within arms reach. He was covered head to toe, curled up and completely silent. Junior occupied himself trying to come up with a believable project. Maybe a new mask? That way he could wear his old one and the others would never know, it’s not like Splinter ever let them follow Junior to the battle nexus.
The blanket shifted but Donnie didn’t emerge. A hand poked out the bottom, listing up the cloth and bunching it up while still keeping the soft shell hidden. Junior reached his hand out halfway. Donnie couldn't see it but paused when his searching hand brushed up against it. Junior kept still, waiting, not minding one way or the other.
Donnie held his fingers, squeezing lightly. Junior squeezed back, not taking Donnie’s whole hand but meeting him where he was. It was pleasant, it was quiet. The noise from the others blocked off. A little bubble away from everything where they could just be. 
Junior thought growing up in the sewers may have not been all bad… if he got to do it with Donnie.
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pocketramblr · 1 year
5 headcanons for a krakenverse AU where Tamaki's mother married First instead of All for One. (Playing it safe with the weaker but less evil brother.) Tamaki is their son.
1- Amaji has an interesting definition of playing it safe, because AfO killed his brother's lover Second (and possibly his next and last lover Third idk but either way 100% murdered lover rate) but when she manages to catch First alone to explain it, he agrees- it'd be political, but it would hopefully offer protection to Ozoko and freedom to First, as long as he spent some time both in the city and back with his brother.
2- AfO protests, naturally, even citing that he should be married before his little brother, but First points out he had centuries to do that before he was even born and didn't, so he lost his chance.(Shame about Sorahiko, I suppose) Knowing his brother will try to kill Amaji anyway, he also tells him that they plan to magically seal their lives together- if Amaji dies, so does he, and vice versa. The catch here tho, is to do this, they'd need someone somehow related to both of them by blood. (This is related to the spell and method in krakenverse canon that keeps AfO from even lifting a hand to his relatives, but less powerful) As they do not share any relatives, Amaji and First would need to make one... Fortunately for Amaji (on a time crunch because AfO would kill her long before nine months were up) and First (gay), witchcraft exists!
3- which, I guess, makes their marriage technically also a shotgun wedding? Ok sure why not. AfO grits his teeth and says they must really love each other to do that, but he can't not attend the wedding, and when he sees the little tiny Tamaki he decides he really needs to find a way to brainwash Amaji so he can have his brother back... And his little nephew, who's adorable (his hair is lighter here, closer to Nejire's shade) and a potential heir to the throne of Ozoko. Which means he has to play nice, to ensure they are within his home and not the city as much as possible
4- he also just... Acts like Tamaki is named after him. He tries to get his pods to treat him special so he prefers it to the city aquatics, but Tamaki is as shy about the obvious and forced coddling as he is getting sideways looks, so he hates both and he especially hates how his uncle keeps forgetting his name, even if he's the only one who is honest about considering Tamaki weak and ill suited for the city. Instead of drawing this towards the Kraken like AfO hopes, it draws him further into his own room in Ozoko, reluctant to ever leave and worrying First, who can't imagine trapping yourself with so much potential freedom right there.
5- AfO, frustrated that what he considers "playing nice" isn't working, wonders if getting married himself would solve the problem, get First to visit more, perhaps a child would draw Tamaki out. He thinks about suitable options, but there's not really anyone. Inko was pretty, but she got married to someone on land, poor tastes just like her mother. The rest of the pod isn't really attractive either, and if he picks one of his more violent and loyal followers, his brother will never want to visit.
As he muses on the issue, Amaji and First lead their son up to the surface to meet Queen Inko and her boys, slightly desperate to get the kid some positive socialization since neither the Kraken's territory nor the city seem viable options.
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vampiromano · 1 month
okay uhhhh all my thoughts are scrambled so this is just kind of midnless yapping. about. stuff
1. okay so the king is. yeah idk why I trusted him when I should've logically understood that the guy has absolutely no idea about the previous convos we had. it does make me wonder whether I could've changed his mind by asking EVERYTHING and gifting him th flower all over again but. I doubt it. why would he change if this is all he has y'know. and if his literal god sorta told him he was doing what he had to.i dunno he's very interesting and I'm actually looking forward to the next fight
2. also looking forward to my next chat with loop. gotta wonder what they'll have to say about the guy who was so desperate to be understood thry Wished to get another self to talk to. I'm not sure it's gonna be the chat that gets me to The Reveal Of Loop's Identity as Siffrin2 or whatever BUT it's certainly heading that way if it isn't.
or maybe not! they're fun like that.
3. colours!!!!!!!!! nothing more to add just Colours.
ACTUALLY definitely something to add. did the same thing that happen to colours happen to the island????? is that it???????? will it be explained????? i really doubt it'll be explained. alas.
4. How Does Loop Feel About Their Home Country No Longer Existing. do they feel like Siffrin? or are they avoiding it the way Siffrin was for a while? are they detached bc now it's technically not theirs (assuming they're Alternate Siffrin and not Future Siffrin, bc I don't think Future Siffrin would make that much sense? okay maybe. some sense but. idkkkkk)? LOOP I NEED TO LOOK INSIDE YOUR BRAIN
5. Isabeau is soooo perceptive I luv him. my aversion to the crush has gotten slightly better the more Siffrin is reciprocating it and the less I'm thinking of Siffrin as Guy I'm Playing As (the more I think of them as A Character and not An Avatar, is what I mean). so I'm growing to appreciate him a lot more he's my fave guy. truly so cool. I get him. if nobody got me I know my man isabeau got me. he's my best friwnd.
6. fuck okay where was i. anyway everyone's reacting differently the more time passes and I think it's bc Siffrin is having such an astronomically bad fucking time it's transcending time. i feel like if I were in a room with them I'd just DIE I'd just say fuck this stupid baka life and drop to the ground and never move again from how rancid their vibes are. Siffrin is having the worst time anyone's ever had and I feel so sorry for him I hope I can at the very least lead him well enough he'll TALK to ANYONE(other than loop) about ANYTHING or else.
(I feel like talking to Loop is not very helpful bc Loop is just THEM but WORSE. like they already had their worst life. I don't think much good can come from talking to the version of yourself that DEFINITELY had it bad as well and seemingly BECAME A FUCKING STAR about it. idk. I'm rambling. I need to know more about Loop I need to help them also. I hope they get a happy ending with my Bones.)
7. Odile my best friend Odile is ALSO being very perceptive but she's kinda scary about it. either way I hope god do I HOPE she'll be the first to figure the loops out. or SOMETHING. bc I need Siffrin to talk to her about them I need to know what she THINKS.
8. irks me that nobody ever mentions that Siffrin poses for the picture!!! they're literally smiling!!!! every time!!!!! anyone say anything please!!!!!
9. Siffrin cut himself on glass. I was surprised! not sure it's quite self harm yet bc it didn't seem intentional BUT I have a feeling we're heading down that route!!! which is interesting!!!!!! they're certainly very self loathing and quite safe of Proper Death. idk. need to keep playing I guess.
10. Messi❤️
11. anyway yeah that's it I've got a lot of thoughts I hope someone found them mildly amusing at least!!!!
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sisterofoblivion · 7 months
Considering writing more to this lil idea of mine. Not sure what to title it. But it'd ultimately be Aizen/Ichigo and some kind of "club" AU type thing. Idk I read a fic from 2014 and was sad there wasn't more to it. And the account was orphaned so :(
Brats Don't Prosper
Aizen speaks first. "You're quiet, Renji." He doesn't push much, not with words, but his raised brow is more than enough.
Renji drinks his sparkling water, having uncharacteristically avoided his customary gin and tonic. He's also avoiding Aizen's eyes, more deliberately than usual.
"Share your mind," Aizen requests, giving Renji the full weight of his attention.
Renji is silent for a couple more moments, staring into his hissing water.
"Remember that… friend I mentioned?" Renji asks, glancing up to meet Aizen's eyes only briefly before looking back down and rubbing his arm.
"The orange-haired one with the mouth and bratty tendencies?" Aizen asks. Renji seldom talks about any other friends so anonymously, often using others’ names in conversation. He's kept this one to himself, though. “Is he why you reached out before tomorrow?”
Renji looks genuinely uncomfortable, and that's a red flag for the older Dominant. "Y-yeah. He was wasted, trying to shower last night. Which-" Renji furrows his brow, "isn't like him. I found him just…” Renji's eyes go distant, reliving the likely distressing memory, “messed up his shoulder and stuff on the way down. But..." Renji closes his eyes. "He had..." He shudders. "There's bruises on him. Like. Not..." He waves his hand, "y'know. But bad."
Aizen nods, looking off to the side for some seconds to make Renji more comfortable.
"He's a masochist, is he not? What about the marks seemed unusual?"
"See, I asked… or I tried to. Shouldn't have, but I did and he said that they, whoever they are, didn't stop. That it was fun, seemed legit, until it wasn't. They got rougher, ‘n’ didn't stop at his safe word."
Aizen briefly flares his nostrils, feeling annoyed at such blatant disrespect and disregard. Before Renji can see, he schools his features. These things happen, possibly even in his own space, but he has safeguards in place. Prevention is easier than picking up the pieces.
"He told me some details, but I couldn't understand much. He said it happened  last Friday. I found him Tuesday. Eleven days and he still looked like that."
It's Thursday mid-day. He's right. More than a week and his friend still looks so rough? Aizen's chest tightens, but he keeps his reactions to himself. He doesn't really get worked up, and Renji's fairly raw right now. Adding fuel to the fire and asking for information he doesn't have isn't going to be helpful.
"He's not usually... like... I don't know."
"Impulsive or reckless?"
"I guess? Like, not all the time. But he's been just..." Renji sits back and scratches his scalp vigorously.
Renji's getting worked up, and, frankly, looks exhausted. Aizen has no authority here, not technically, but as one of three hosting Masters in their area, it doesn't matter. His words still carry, as would Shunsui and Jūshirō's. 
"Renji." He makes his tone firm, but not any louder. He hasn't needed to raise his voice at the red haired man in several years. He isn't about to start.
"Sorry." He crosses his arms. "I warned him, sir-- sorry, I-- gah."
"It's all right. I know it's a habit; you're doing nothing wrong, Renji, just be mindful." Aizen sips at his cooling Oolong. "Continue."
"I know as good as anyone that this stuff isn't therapy. I know that. We all do, sorta. Ichigo's going to get himself into trouble."
"Likely, yes," Aizen agrees flatly, setting his tea down and lacing his fingers.
"What do I do? I brought him into this lifestyle. I..  showed him this. And he ran with it, but I'm not a top, Sōsuke. I can't--" He's getting heated again; if it's progressed this much, Aizen's surprised this is the first he's hearing about it.
"Renji, I understand why you're worked up, but I want you to listen to me. Okay?" Aizen waits until he has the other's eyes and gives him a soft smirk. "You are not responsible for any of this. None of it. Do you understand me?" When Renji's head starts to turn away, Aizen follows enough to bring him back. "Do you understand me, Renji?"
Renji nods, and Aizen lifts his brow. He knows better than that.
"Yes, I understand you." He doesn't sound happy about it, hunching his shoulders forward and making himself smaller.
It's a start, Aizen admits to himself. He knows when to pick and choose his battles, and small victories are still victories.
"Wondeful. Now, is there anything you want of me outside of a sympathetic ear and a firm talking to?" He can see it clearly on the tip of Renji's tongue, but the man knows Aizen isn't going to offer. Maybe a couple years ago, but he's witnessed Renji grow too much in his home events and at outside gatherings.
"You can say no..."
"I'm aware," Aizen says, trying to add some levity while proving a point.
"Can Ichigo be my plus one tomorrow night, Sōsuke?"
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lavenderpanic · 7 months
Your disclaimer does not mean anything when this is what you put in your writing:
Starvation is not a punishment in kink. Even someone who doesn’t know about kink knows that. Or isnt “educated” as you said. Food restriction and weight is not part of kink.
That is not what somnophilia is, because he did not consent.
Bucky was sixteen (underage) and Brock didn’t know. Is that his fault?
And the club let underage Bucky inside which is not how kink clubs work.
A quote from a chapter. “Bucky shrugs. “Technically an acronym, but sure. Honestly, Brock and I kind of do our own thing, so I really don’t know if either of us would call it that, but that’s… the general term, I suppose. I had this… this period of a few months, I guess, a few years ago, when I was super anxious and withdrawn and… I just wasn’t in a good headspace. I kinda felt attracted to the thought of dominance and submission and all that because it felt like a safe way to cope with my anxiety, and I met Brock at a club and… and it’s just been us since then. Nobody’s ever understood me like he does. A lot of people look at me like I’m crazy or weird, but Brock never thought that. It’s like… a balanced scale, kinda. He’s my counterweight, just as strong in the opposite direction.” This is not what kink is and it is not why poeple get into kink. This is false information and does not represent the community.
He has a safe word but Brock does not listen to it. Bucky should know that this is not how safe words work.
There are so many examples. You are corellating abuse and kink and that is dangerous for people who are actually in the community. Being abused does not excuse you.
I've been staring at this for like an hour and I just... like I'm genuinely at a loss for words. This is so incredibly weird. Like, I feel so weird right now, this is so creepy. I don't even think I know my fic well enough to pull fucking examples like this out of my ass why the fuck are you so weirdly obsessed??
Food restriction can 100% be a part of a TPE. Again, I've got weird and mixed-up feelings about it, but it isn't like... absurdly uncommon. But also, like... Bucky has anorexia. Brock knows this. Brock is abusing him. Brock is not like... conforming to BDSM rules or practices or whatever. I really don't know what you aren't understanding about this. I'm not saying that food restriction = abuse or what Brock is doing = a normal part of BDSM.
The fic is tagged "non-consensual somnophilia." It is not tagged "somnophilia." I don't even use that word in-text, I'm pretty sure. AGAIN, I feel weird about somnophilia, but if that's part of your dynamic and it's consensual WHATEVER IDCCCCC I'M OBVIOUSLY NOT TALKING ABOUT YOUUUUU.
Brock knows Bucky is underage before they do anything together sexually. He also coerces Bucky the first time they meet, regardless of his age. Yup, it's Brock's fault.
Clubs will let in people who are 18. This is a fact. Like I said in the fic, they mark that Bucky is <21 and can't drink. He has a fake ID which says he is 18.
That quote is actually inspired by my own experience, and I know I'm not the only person who felt that way. I don't claim to represent every person involved in the community. I never have. This is one person's story. You can't just make a blanket statement like "this isn't why people get into kink" because you're just fucking wrong.
Bucky knows this isn't how safewords work. He is abused and assaulted. He is being abused. He is being manipulated. You said you were older than me but your reading comprehension skills are like kindergarten level.
Nothing I have written is dangerous for any community (idk except maybe abusers?) and I have absolutely no clue why you would think so. I'm not claiming to represent an entire community. I am sharing my experience. I am writing one person's story. Fact of the matter is, there are many people involved in kink who take advantage of people who are new to kink because they can be so easy to manipulate and coerce and push past their boundaries. If you're saying I'm wrong, then you're either so fucking dumb I'm genuinely concerned for your wellbeing, or you're a predator or someone who excuses them. YOUUUU are the one sharing gross misinformation.
Go fuck yourself, genuinely. I'm blocking you and every other account you make and I'm not giving you my attention anymore. I have actual real-life problems and I really don't have the mental capacity at the moment to deal with shit like this. This is the one true safe space I still have in my life. I can't imagine how fucking miserable and alone you have to be to spend your fucking time making anonymous fucking accounts and antagonizing someone trying to bring awareness to victims of DV?? What the actual fuck is your deal? Go get a fucking job or volunteer or get a hobby you miserable piece of shit.
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thatoneao3author · 1 year
randomized fic tag game
fuck it I’m creating a fic brainstorming challenge in an attempt to interact with the fandom ig
so I used this au generator to assign you an au, this fan fiction trope generator to give you a trope/situation/sometimes another au, feel free to keep clicking until you get something that inspires you.
then try to come up with the title, plot, vibe, and details of a fic including whatever the generators gave you. you don’t actually have to write it, just put the concept into the world! this is basically just a thought experiment
for example, here’s mine:
The AU generator gave me: summer camp au 
The trope generator gave me: Your characters are neighbors and hold up notes in their windows across from each other to talk all the time and they're both developing huge crushes.
okay okay I GOT this 
title: i’ll beat your ass in the color war, red
- we got teenage!gallavich, i’m talking season one ian-still-has-freckles little gallavich 
- ian gets a scholarship to the camp via a raffle his school did for kids on the honor role. technically, lip got it, but he handed the voucher off to ian because he’s caught up with karen at the time and wants his brother to have a good summer. that’s why ian’s there. 
- mickey is put into foster care for one reason or another, something with terry, and his foster family sends him. that’s why he’s there. mandy’s around here somewhere, too. 
- all the cabins are really close together, but ian + mickey are placed separately. right next to each other, actually. ian and mickey both happened to take the low bunks next to the windows, which are facing each other. 
- ian recognizes mickey as someone from the south side, like him. he also befriends mandy early on, but he doesn’t really speak to mickey. 
- UNTIL! there’s a power outage on the camp grounds, knocking out the lights in all of the cabins. And Ian sees a flashlight in the window across from his when he’s trying to go to sleep. 
- with the chaos of everything, it doesn’t work, and a generator powers up some of the cabins. for safety reasons, they send those without power to sleepover in the cabins with power so that everyone’s together and warm and guess what?? mickey and ian end up together. sharing a bed because there aren’t enough.
- they bond, but their schedules don’t line up the most and they end up doing the notes-in-the-window thing every night while trying to sleep for a week. they also pass this old notebook back and forth, giving each other doodles and thoughts and questions through the pages. they talk about how weird the experience is, how different the kids are from southsiders. 
- then, they get to pick new classes at the beginning of the following week. for the first time since the power outage, mickey approaches him directly and they pick similar classes
- they keep using the notebook throughout the summer, writing down things that are too hard to say out loud like “you’re pretty, red” and “i think i really like you and i don’t know if that’s a good idea”
- they spend free time together in the field, mickey sitting there while his sister and ian make flower crowns. 
- they do other arts and crafts together. ian makes them matching ‘friendship bracelets’ and mickey claims to think that it’s stupid. but he wears it anyway, just to see him smile
- idk man you get a summer’s worth of them being cute but not actually dating. mickey causes some trouble, they end up kissing at the camp fire, some sneaking around is involved, there’s a color war (which is like, fun team-based games like capture the flag or huge water fights) where they’re on opposite teams, maybe a little pride event at some point since we’re in the summer time. generally just huge summer love vibes
- i imagine there’s some issues near the end of camp bc mickey likes what they have but he isn’t sure if it can continue when they go back to chicago, he only feels safe doing their whole thing bc they’re away from literally everyone they know.
- one possible ending is mickey telling ian how much he cares, but they have to wait until they’re older and he’s away from his dad for good/he’s more comfortable in his sexuality. BAM! possible timeskip sequel, bittersweet ending. the other ending is ian offering him a place in the gallagher home, BAM! domestic vibes, some found family, and it’s more happy. either one could work depending on what i want from the fic
alright alright i’m all done now. don’t feel pressured to try it if you don’t want to, but i’m gonna tag @creepkinginc @softmick @gardenerian @lupeloto and @this-is-estrelya​
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bsforbg · 7 days
Last week i hooked up with a guy. We were having sex in his car. I told him i wouldnt have sex with him without a condom because i dont know him like that. We had mediocre sex for a couple minutes when i realized …something didnt feel right. I looked and realized he didnt have a condom on even though id WATCHED him put it on. He claimed it was inside me but everything about the situation felt wrong. I put on my underwear and left,,,honestly i felt gross and used and…i know technically if someone else told me about this happening to them i would never certain to make sure they knew they were raped. I dont feel like thats what happened. Idk im feeling confused and used and still pretty gross. Idk what to do about it and idk what i want you to say about it but….i wanted to tell you?
It’s your story, kid; I’m not gonna force a narrative on you. If you don’t want to call it rape, we won’t call it rape.
So instead of jumping to legalistic conclusions, let’s simply talk about what happened.
He pushed to have condom-free sex with someone he didn’t really know. (That means he prioritizes his arousal over anyone’s well-being, including his own.)
He lied when he said the condom was inside you. (If it had been, you’d have retrieved it and mentioned it… your vagina isn’t a latex compost bin where lost condoms turn into mulch.)
He stealthed you, intentionally removing the condom so that he could take non-consensual risks within the context of a consensual sex act. (This means his fantasies matter more than your realities.)
He thinks you’re stupid enough to fall for any of this. (His contempt for you extends beyond his view of your body as his to violate.)
He almost certainly has something; that wasn’t his first time, and it’s entirely possible that spreading his disease —either a literal STI, or figuratively in the form of a bastard child— is the whole point. (Get yourself tested, immediately.)
He seems to have lucked out and pulled this shit with the right kind of girl; it’s safe to assume —because you’re asking me— that you have a rather nuanced and possibly conflicted view of sexual manipulation and assault, and are thus struggling to figure out if you somehow deserved or invited this treatment. That’s of course super-handy for him. He doesn’t have to feel shame, analyze his actions, or bear the consequences of either because you’re here to do all of that for him. Which would be fine if any of this had been based on a profound emotional bond, a shared understanding, or for fuck’s sake, just a fleeting glimpse of intimacy. But it wasn’t. (I need you to remember that what we are ain’t what he is… the fucked-up sex we enjoy can be brutal and scary and overwhelming, but we’re always on the same team. You were never on his team, honey. Never.)
As for what you might want me to say… I can only guess. Probably something that affirms your experience and recognizes the complexity of your reactions without making you feel like a cretinous whore or a helpless victim. I figure you also wanted to be given a new perspective on the experience that clarifies and embellishes your own feelings rather than trying to convince you that you’re having the wrong ones.
With that said, I know what you need me to say.
Take care of yourself. First and foremost. If that means making less of this event than you could, so be it. Again, you’re the author of this chapter of You: The Untold Story.
But seriously, kiddo… don’t carry this dude’s shit. He did it. All of it. He made a series of decisions that invalidated your decisions. You don’t have to call that “rape”, but that doesn’t make it okay. You can reject the trauma in an experience while still accepting its reality.
Oh, and I’m glad you spoke up. I hope it felt good to get it out.
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It's nice to have people you can talk to openly about being a system and the experiences and feelings that come with it. I feel like most of us don't really have many people we can truely be ourselves around, for some of us maybe there's nobody at all (if you're one of those people I hope you can find somebody who's supportive and trustworthy who you feel safe to open up with soon) and it's such an isolating, lonely thing to live with.
Our mom technically knows we likely have DID (well I'm leaning a bit more towards OSDD but our old therapist told her we have DID) but it's something that's hardly ever spoken about I wouldn't be surprised if she's forgotten about it by now and we never shared any details about our system or anything with her. Our brother also knows and he's cool about it but still we really don't talk about it much, he has our simplyplural but hardly ever checks it which I'm fine with I still feel uncomfortable with him really knowing I guess even though I love and do trust him? We mainly just talk about DID through the lense of media like Moonknight and stuff with him.
We've had friends who've known us as a system before some were pretty good with it, but we don't have any of those friends anymore. We've also had two system friends at one point but sadly we grew apart from both of them too. And I don't think with any of them we properly opened up.
But then there's my qpp, we've known them for four years and they've known us as a well 'us' for almost all of it. It took a while before we really opened up and I'm sure we still have ways to go but I trust them so much, more than I have with anyone and it's so great. They're so understanding and non-judgemental, they treat the others amazingly and have never made us feel like we're crazy or a burden. And I love them so much.
For Christmas/Yule they got us the DID rabbit from plushiedreadfuls and I felt so seen, like sure it's just a stuffed animal but it just means so much to me and the rest of the system. We named them Astaroth and we bring them with us outside a lot to help cope with stuff ranging from dissociation, anxiety, flashbacks etc. Today was a rough day for me and Aspen and they honestly helped a lot and idk they just remind me of my qpp and it makes me happy.
Tumblr media
Sorry this just became a rant about my lively qpp but like they're the bestttt!!
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tadpolesonalgae · 8 months
just finished cbmthy and it was so well written as always but that conversation with feyre made me so uncomfortable, i kind of figured it wasn't this bad between her and her family, just that she tended to isolate herself and everyone is always busy and shit at talking. but not only feyre hasn't spoken to her since her bday but also was just there awkwardly and not even ask about anything other than about bas because she was worried (which i guess is good she worries for her sister but to me it just shows that az isn't the only one who doesn't trust her judgement at all) also the way she said everyone helps with nyx and named everyone basically besides reader was so? she could at least ask her to join her for like dinner or something to see nyx, i dont really care for children and reader doesn't give me that vibe either but that's her baby nephew so it feels weird knowing she's distanced from everyone like this. there's no way they think she's okay like this and as much as reader would probably deny any invitation, those would at least show that they care for her and it doesn't seem like they even do that. and i like her dynamic with eris a lot but it always leaves me wishing she was like this with her actual family and that we only get to see her like this with him or bas. i dont know, as much as azriel already has to grovel i think the ic does too at this point because az not paying attention to her is one thing since he just doesnt like her like that (even if she likes him and he went too far, hes really not obligated to look after her bc at this point he's an acquaintance) but her sisters and their mates who are technically her family now too not even caring is weird, i want reader to stay in the night court and with azriel but at this point she really doesn't have any reason to and since it's already been 2 years of this they have a lot to make up for. also maybe i read it wrong but has no one (besides maybe elain and azriel being a dick) talked to her since her bday? that was a shitshow and no one thought to maybe check on her 💀
im still excited about her powers and i like that she's doing something about them but her choosing to do it on her own even though she obviously doesn't know much about magic in general is kinda dumb of her (after seeing the conversation she had w feyre i get that she really just doesn't want to have any help because of her own feelings and fears of being a burden and stuff but still) also as sweet as the hand cream was (and it was) i wish az had pushed her a bit more this time (since he clearly has no trouble doing it), i dont mean being mean to her obviously but at least ask her if she's sure about her decision to do this alone or if she wants his help or someone else's because she might get herself hurt doing it on her own and it's frustrating to see her go through it alone when she has 3 sisters who went through literally the same thing as her and the rest of the ic who helped said sisters, at this point it might really be eris helping her with her powers all the way from a different court and idk how the ic and az would come back from that. also it's good to see her inner thoughts about eris because it contrasts with how naive everyone seems to think she is, i just really wish she showed it, instead of trying to act how she thinks they expect of her
- 🧶
In Feyre’s defence, reader did very suspiciously and frantically shove away a letter with writing on 😭 I’d be curious too if (heavy theoretical) my sister did something like that. Especially if she had a tendency to keep to herself—I’d want to know what’s going on in her life :)
She did initially come to talk with reader about what happened after giving her space and time to approach them, and to be fair, Feyre was just happy to find out that she has someone who she actually kind of wants to spend time around? Rather than trying to be nosey (which she kind of was, despite trying otherwise), Feyre really did just want her to be safe, and some people may think that’s a bit infantilising, but to be fair, Feyre’s been mistreated by a lot of people, while reader hasn’t had many opportunities in her life to find out how vicious people can be?
And with the Nyx thing, I suppose they (Feysand) don’t want to push responsibility onto other people, and reader doesn’t want to bother them, so it kind of goes round in a circle 😭
(Also Nyx is theirs, they want to be around as much as possible; treasure every moment because of how Rhys’ father and Feyre’s mother weren’t there for them as children so I kind of feel it would be weird for them to invite reader to look after their kid? That could just be me though.)
‘but her choosing to do it on her own even though she obviously doesn't know much about magic in general is kinda dumb of her’
See with this, she has the entirety of Rhys’ library at her fingertips and enjoys reading and learning new things, so for her, unless she absolutely has to, doing it by herself is just more preferable?
It’s not like it’s unreasonable from her perspective? Having gone from the human lands where libraries were so rare to having such a massive and extensive one just beneath her feet—it would be weird to think there’s anyway a subject isn’t covered?
Even though, as the actual readers, we can assume that her powers are similar to Nesta’s in the sense there hasn’t been anything like them before, there’s no way she would know that? I know it might be frustrating to see her doing something we doubt will be actually productive, but I feel quite strongly that she genuinely believes she’s capable of managing on her own with the help of books 🧡💛
Well, she’ll find out for herself one way or another 🤷
‘i wish az had pushed her a bit more this time (since he clearly has no trouble doing it)’
He’s inadvertently pushed her in the past, but with this time there were actual obvious signs (trembling hands) of her discomfort instead of silence which could be a multitude of things? Also, he now knows how Nesta had trouble with facing her own powers, and to add to that, reader’s had two years of absolutely nothing, while all three of her sisters have proven useful in some capacity?
‘and idk how the ic and az would come back from that.’
On one hand, it could be the blade that completely severs their relationship, but on the other, it could be the beginning to something else…👀
‘instead of trying to act how she thinks they expect of her’
I was honestly kind of concerned this part might be overlooked, so I’m so relieved you’ve zeroed in on it. Again, I’m not sure if I’ve properly elaborated on it, but she certainly changes some aspects of herself to what she thinks people want of her, which can be confusing on the receiving end :/
Also, I really hope when I respond to these longer asks, it doesn’t sound mean or anything like that? I really love seeing all your thoughts, and I’m sometimes torn between trying to explain things (without sounding like a dick) without giving spoilers as to perhaps why certain characters act potentially a little differently from how they’re portrayed in the books and accidentally saying or alluding to something that hasn’t happened yet?
(And, to be fair, it could always be down to me just genuinely writing a character badly or wrong 😬)
Anyway, I really hope these responses just come out as conversational and they don’t put you off from sending in your thoughts :)
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beepsparks · 2 months
Clock Tower headcanons because yes (feel free to use these for your own hcs for him I don’t mind)
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This is gonna be long. Brace yourselves (also a lot of these are gonna involve the dolls in the attraction and theres gonna be MAD angst so uh beware. TW for mentions of (doll) child death I guess?) oh and im prob gonna be calling him Clockenspiel throughout this post as my design of him uses that name.
• He behaves like a father to the dolls in the ride. The animals in the ride are considered pets, too. (And last time I checked there’s approximately 240 doll children and 60 animals on the actual its a small world so idk?? Could be wrong)
• Clockenspiel’s mental state affects those of the dolls. If he’s normal, the dolls will be, too. However, when he’s gone insane, the dolls will act more strangely too.
• This also makes me imagine when Clockenspiel has COMPLETELY gone mad and the bossfight happens, (if there was singing in the game), the dolls would gather around atop parts of the arena like alley cats stalking a mouse (ha.) and sing.
• Clockenspiel has control over the attraction. Sure, gremlins and people can mess with parts of it, but the overall functions and mechanics are under his control. (So yes, he can suddenly turn off every light except one to bring a spotlight on you.)
• “Can a clock tower need therapy?” YES. The thinner disaster and being abandoned for presumably decades (plus the song getting stuck at a point an playing nonstop according to the junior novel for Epic Mickey) degraded Clockenspiel’s mental health BIG TIME. More on this later.
• Theres plenty of reasons why Clockenspiel completely lost his mind once Mickey entered the area for his bossfight, but a possible reason in my headcanons is a mix of several things; If Mickey destroyed any dolls (aka his technical CHILDREN) on his way to reaching him (making him reasonably PISSED), perhaps he knew Mickey was just gonna leave through the projector screen once he reached Clockenspiel (which would probably cause a reaction like “you people left me abandoned for SO, SO LONG. And finally, when I see another toon again, all you want to do is LEAVE? Just like that? AGAIN?!”), maybe his security protocols triggered, maybe he just snapped at the moment Mickey walked in, etc…
• In the paint route, Clockenspiel is alive, and back to his usual, friendly, gentle-giant self, but he’s still struggling with the trauma and mental issues he got. Bottles of thinner stress him out, he cannot be left alone at night during closing time or else he’ll get REALLY, REALLY anxious and stressed (so someone has to stay with him for the night so he can actually “sleep” or just generally relax and not lose his mind all paranoid about being abandoned again), he’s trying to recover though, be nice to him.
• In the thinner route, Clockenspiel eventually shuts down, and at a point, dissolves enough with the thinner and sinks to the bottom of the river. Oh, and I haven’t decided on what to choose yet, but either the dolls will scurry off away from the area where Mickey kills him (if the dolls were watching), or the dolls will simultaneously shut down with Clockenspiel.
• The rules of the attraction are his “house rules”, break any of these rules (or just generally be disrespectful and/or rude), and he will NOT be pleased. At all. Seriously, you don’t want a giant clock tower to be mad at you. Just be nice and behave lmao
• I haven’t seen much on Epic Mickey 2 so take this headcanon with a grain of salt, Small World (and Ostown I suppose) is the only area in Wasteland perfectly safe for children, so many who live on Mean Street bring their kids there, making Clockenspiel pretty much a children’s icon for the kids in Wasteland.
• Clockenspiel cares about children, and is actually pretty capable of babysitting (although he WILL judge someone if they’re being a bad parent.), he can even entertain people on his own, playing music (since he could possibly be a giant instrument), playing little games, storytimes… he’ll also teach kids how to sing its a small world, so uh. Sorry if suddenly a toon kid just starts singing it over and over.
• Some people are slightly hesitant to trust him at first, since he’s a huge animatronic with enormous fists that could be considered dangerous, but he’s harmless when theres no danger around or he isn’t crazy.
• He can hold his friends using his hands! He’s very gentle, there’s nothing to be worried about regarding that.
• When being built, once people realized he was sentient, they quickly gave him arms (because it’s only fair to let him have SOME movement besides his head tilting if he’s gonna be alive)
• Clockenspiel used to be far more energetic when he was first built, but had to be taught to be more gentle and careful so he’d stop accidentally scaring people with his more high energy (because y’know, he’s HUGE). Now, hes more soft-spoken, and more careful and precise with every single one of his movements.
• The toon “armor” on his arms can be taken off. But he has to be very careful when doing anything without those parts so he doesn’t damage himself. (Plus he generally prefers to have them on more because they add to his more colorful color palette)
• As implied by the Clocktower Cleaners comic, he is allergic to his own dust.
• You’re lucky he’s so friendly and gentle! In game, theres 3 ceiling props of a sun, and 2 clouds, and whenever the Clock Tower attacks, the props violently bounce. Meaning this man can cause SHOCKWAVES just by hitting his fists on the ground. Good lord.
• He’s good friends with the gremlins. His very tall walls forming the facade help protect Gremlin Village, and the Gremlins help repair Clockenspiel whenever he needs it. And in general they seem to be close. (Which. Hurts a lot now considering in the junior novel, when Mickey destroys the clock tower, the Gremlins simply cheer on Mickey for stopping him from destroying everything with his fists. And the fact they abandoned him for decades but hey. Everyone was kinda fending for themselves.)
Okay I think I’m done. I might edit this whenever though so keep that noted!!
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henrioo · 3 months
just wondering before i interact with your blog since i don't want to make you uncomfy
if one were pronounfluid (meaning my pronouns change) is it still okay to interact if my pronouns are she/her sometimes or would that make you uncomfy?? i'm genderfluid but never a woman, just fem-aligned, but i want to check just to be sure since i don't want to overstep any boundaries!!
thanks for reading and i hope you have a good day! ᗡ:
So huh, I don't like talking about that because the last time I tried a lot of people got angry so I kinda decided to avoid
I will be honest with you, I genuinely don't know
Gender fluid people, NB, agender, bigender, and more, all those people are allowed here
When I started with masc stuff my goal was "that everyone that is masc or male can have a safe place to read"
So technically I can't blame or fight with someone that uses all pronouns because they also use she/her, it's unfair
Because it's for masc people, and masc doesn't mean male
But at this point, I'm being honest here, fem people are becoming a trigger for me
And with fem and mean women and fem aligned in some way
Women are totally worse in that case because they are women so it doesn't make any sense they be here
But with fem aligned idk how to feel, like, ik you guys aren't women but like, most of you use she/her and like some things that are for "just women"
So it confuses me, maybe I'm too old to understand the LGBTs or idk
But for me it's kinda difficult to understand how someone would like to be a good girl one day and the next day be a good boy
Idk probably it's my own dysphoria I can imagine ME living like that, and only to make clear and not seeing that those types of people don't exist or are doing something wrong ok, if you are happy then it's no one business
But like I said, idk, sometimes I saw she/her in a bio and they aren't women, but it gives me things, makes me uncomfortable idk
In some way for me it feels like they are using this to cheat with my rule dni women
Yk? I already got some people like that, not saying that you are one, but like, people that don't even use male pronouns and like tried to be here just because they use others pronouns like they/them
Idk at this point I'm probably confusing everyone
So to make it easier, if you are a gender fluid (I have some here in the blog) and in some way you are also masc aligned and you feel comfortable in my blog because it's a masc space
Then welcome
Still a little weird and confusing for me, but I don't think it is totally fair excluding you guys (gf, nb etc) just because you aren't totally male
You be the same like some cis boys do excluding trans boys from some places
My blog is for any masc person and that it's not changing
So in some way you are a masc person, enjoy I guess
My confusion about gender and whatever shouldn't be taken out on anyone at
Sorry for this long post, thanks for asking that and taking my DNI seriously, this makes me really happy for someone respecting me and my limits
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supernovaa-remnant · 3 months
god. genuinely sorry if like. the whole vibe of this blog is in shambles. I really really try to make sure this is primarily a safe and fun and happy space because that is what fandom should be and I want that to be my fandom experience and by extension the experience of anyone who follows me.
it's just. so much. I wanna like. make silly posts and reblog things and have fun interacting with my mutuals again but I'm just crying like half the time soo haha. I need a vacation. as in I need to travel not I need to take a break from the blog. unfortunately I'm broke and also a full time uni student :/
it'll be okay. it's just. a lot. idk. maybe it's not even noticeable and this post was unnecessarily made but I'm doing it more for myself, I guess.
anyway my askbox is always open if people wanna ask me questions about space or just talk abt anything. I might be reblogging a fair amount of stuff for other fandoms, but I am still in this fandom bc the dsmp and dream team mean a lot to me. but this is technically a multifandom blog sooo. anyway regularly scheduled posting eventually.
I love you all. things will be okay I promise. 🫂
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adiabolikpastel · 1 year
I'm not sure if you got the question I sent you the other day, so I'll send it again, (I hope this doesn't bother you, if so ignore this 😣).
If really this guy Carnelian was so dangerous and powerful as to make all the clans make an alliance to kill him, how do you imagine a battle between Karlheinz, Burai, Ajax and the king of the Wolf clan vs Carnelian? I guess it would be a fucking epic fight, because I can even imagine Alrick, Alexander and Shu helping their fathers in battle! Even MC/Yui could give them blood since from what I know, Cordelia's blood is like an elixir that heals and makes the one who drinks it more powerful.
Oh gosh! I sorry, tumblr must have eaten it! I am happy that you sent this in again, since I didn't get it before. You will never bother me with ask~ always feel free to send them in!
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First off, thank you so much for mentioning him by name! I am so honored that you remembered and even used Alexander in your ask! Ah, it means a lot to me that you know his name and that you see him in the blog. Thank you for that!
Okay the rest will be under the cut, I just needed to get that out! Thank you for this ask I love these world building ask! I have also reached out to @the-sloth-woman to ensure facts for her characters.
How do you imagine a battle between Karlheinz, Burai, Ajax and the king of the Wolf clan vs Carnelian?
I think that this battle - at least for the cannon in my own universe of Excruciating Duplicity - would serve as a catalyst for what is to come. From what I have seen / been told about the Carnelian Blood story line - it feels like some kind of battle is what it is trying to lead up to. Putting a fight between all of the major demon lords vs. Carnelian in the near coming future.
To that extent - I don't think it would only fall to Shu, Alrick and Alexander (as well as the Wolf's son! - Eberto perhaps is that was his son). At least not for our DL cannon boys. It will probably be something that needs all of the Sakamaki / Mukami / Tsukinami boys to be apart of - because it would most definitely involve Yui.
The battle itself, is hard to say. From the bits of information that I have learned about Carnelian himself (which BTW, the tragedy of this man, my goodness he's been through it), I don't think that he would have the man power to do a big war like battle. He barely has the 5 sons - unless he comes up with a way to amass an army. So to that, I think it would come down to a literal 4v1 situation.
Where Burai, Karl, Ajax & Gottfried (dead in cannon, but so is Burai - we play with the timeline here), are fighting Carnelian and the boys are fighting his sons. If there were any armies or followers outside of his son's that is where Alexander, Alrick & Eberto would come in - along with any other siblings from the Adlers or soldiers.
As far as Yui's involvement, because I know she is technically the MC of the cannon - I am sure Carnelian will either take her or she will be simply support for the boy of her choice. I don't think she herself will do much, but she would be present. Idk if she would be conscious though. I can see Callista there as well, doing her part to either keep Yui safe once returned to the 'heros' or there for support.
But this battle would be one for the older generation, and what is most important for it in my cannon would be the affect it has moving forward.
The Catalyst
I believe that it would be from this battle that Gottfried would die. Out of all the lords, he would be the one to fall - and it would be Ajax's fault that it happened. While I am not sure what his royal bird brain does, it is form this that the major war begins to stem.
Burai, while not particularly close with anyone, is upset by the loss of Gottfried. Whether that be from not liking his son Eberto who follows after him - or simply the fact that once again Ajax proves to be worthless (probably more this reason). This battle, while won, spells the end of the old regime.
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