#I wanted to make a full comic but a ficlet and one drawing will have to do
thr-333 · 4 months
In other news- because tbh this other au holds more meaning in my heart (just cuz of how I relate to Donnie the most out of all of the aus), I genuinely am craving for angst with hurt/comfort for Leo Jr au.
sooo time for THOUGHTS I really am longing for moments with Leo Jr and Donnie, because...hnk- Donnie actually receiving comfort, care, patient understanding and acceptance instead of being told to suck it up or being ridiculed/treated like a ticking time bomb???? Means the world to me????? Idk- I guess my soul just aches for this version of Donnie who didn't get that safe space Leonardo's Donnie did. (i get the au is mainly Leo-centric, but for some reason this version of Don-tron ya created has somehow wormed his way into my heart and he is truly my favorite iteration in terms of aus???)
When I tell you that I felt my heart break over the silly comic where Leonardo says that Leo Jr and Casey Jr are twins, solely due to what that implies to the overall story. In a sense, Leo Jr gets to have variations of the life he would have if he hadn't been kidnapped (by all technicalities Leo Jr IS a victim of kidnapping no matter how wholesome it turned out to be). He gets to know the joys of having a twin, of being able to goof around and laugh, being understood/accepted, being able to make friends and be a kid! Meanwhile...Donnie (the one who was MEANT to have Leo as his twin) didn't get any of that. It hit hard that, even if it wasn't intentional by any means, Don was "easily replaced." (which idk if it's intentional or not, but that seems to be a reoccurring theme for the spiny softshell in this au). He'll never really have that close knit bond, not know what it's like, even if Leo Jr and him do grow close during their teenage years. Because in this reality, the "Disaster Twins" exist, Donnie's just not apart of it. Which is just another way that shows how much of a stranger the kid is to everyone who is supposed to be his family; his father, two brothers, and even the one who was at one point meant to be his twin.
That thought is sorta what led me down the rabbit hole of Leo Jr AU! Don brainrot. The kid's reality is one of neglect, extreme isolation, fear and...probably a deep well of self-hatred, loneliness, non existent self-worth, etc. (we saw how he struggled with in Rise Canon, so i can only imagine it is so much worse in this au). I can only imagine that this also impacts his ninpo and mystics later on, which probably is going to make his self-esteem take a nosedive.
Ngl if Leonardo's twin (who I'm gonna call Tello) is actually watching over his past self, it makes me wonder what he's thinking. His pov would be intriguing consider he'd be witnessing how much pain his twin's actions caused. Idk- I just- when I look at everything from this particular au, it makes me hope that Donnie is allowed to feel his big feelings without people trying to rush him. He should be allowed to be terrified, hurt, angry, etc towards Splinter and Leonardo. Neither of them deserve his forgiveness, because shit- both of them fucked up big time. They both caused complex trauma...and like- really need to face consequences. (apart of me sorta hopes Donnie DOESN'T forgive them) dakjsfsadfas sorry for rambling, not sure if any of that made sense, but I just- I have so many feelings about Donnie in the Leo Jr au, and really want to see more of him!
The sewers were a gross place to live if you asked Junior but Splinter refused to move to the hidden city. Luckily he had his portals meaning he could step into the already cleaned portion they called a home.
“Leo!” Mikey was the first to notice him. Dropping the plates on the table he was setting them vaulting over it, “You came!”
“It’s still Junior,” He reminded for the umpteenth time, “And yeah I said I would,”
Mikey collided into him for a hug. Junior gave a small wave to Raph- or Red, probably Red as the snapper wasn’t meeting his eyes while trying to hide his scowl. Splinter was setting the table in Mikeys stead, making wayyy too much eye contact as he kept staring at Junior. He was placing the plates down carelessly. The one in front of Donnie was placed down with a crack, only Junior caught his flinch.
“Great, he’s here, I saw him,” Donnie pushed away from the table in a frenzied movement, “Can I please leave now,”
“Purple your brother is here, that is more important than some computer,” Splinter snapped. No one took note of the way both Donnie and Junior cringed. 
“Nah he’s just tryna get out of showing me his lab since he promised last time,” Junior stepped forward and away from Mikey.
“I did no such thing,” Donnie scowled at him as Junior came around to his side,
“No use backing out now Dee,” Junior grinned, shuffling towards Donnie so the softshell backed away. Kind of like herding a very liable to bite sheep, “I’m expecting the grand tour, don't wait up everyone! “
But dinner…” Junior pretended he didn’t hear Mikey as he walked Donnie towards his room office lab space.
It was empty, with sections obviously organized out to put things there but with not enough actual stuff to do it. Donnie held himself like a tightly drawn string as they walked in. Not looking at Junior as the red slider circled around to the other's bed.
“What did you want to see?” Donnie asked tiredly as Junior came up behind him, “Most of my stuff is at the old place, or the other old place, or-”
Donnie was cut off by the blanket being draped over his head like a tablecloth.
“Nothing much,” Junior shrugged stepping away as Donnie went very still under the blanket, “Just had to get out of there, think I might sit quietly against a wall for the next half hour, not say anything, not do anything, you know how it is,”
Junior slid down the wall. He would have to go back eventually, or the others would break down the door and pull them both back to dinner. He estimated he had about thirty six minutes before that happened and that he could convince them to leave Donnie be. He’d say he asked if the softshell could make something for him. Something big so Donnie would have an excuse to disappear for the next week or so. They tended not to bother the other turtle as much if they thought he was doing stuff for the yokai.
The blanket shuffled, bunching up on the ground as Donnie sat near him. Only just within arms reach. He was covered head to toe, curled up and completely silent. Junior occupied himself trying to come up with a believable project. Maybe a new mask? That way he could wear his old one and the others would never know, it’s not like Splinter ever let them follow Junior to the battle nexus.
The blanket shifted but Donnie didn’t emerge. A hand poked out the bottom, listing up the cloth and bunching it up while still keeping the soft shell hidden. Junior reached his hand out halfway. Donnie couldn't see it but paused when his searching hand brushed up against it. Junior kept still, waiting, not minding one way or the other.
Donnie held his fingers, squeezing lightly. Junior squeezed back, not taking Donnie’s whole hand but meeting him where he was. It was pleasant, it was quiet. The noise from the others blocked off. A little bubble away from everything where they could just be. 
Junior thought growing up in the sewers may have not been all bad… if he got to do it with Donnie.
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
8 Anti LO Asks
1. the thing is like even the poets we draw from get critiqued too. a lot of people thought hesiod was an evangelist with an agenda to push, homer (if they existed) was often lampooned for contradicting lines and spending too much time making lists than developing the story, aeschylus and euripides were both seen as biased and cynical and were often mocked, along with many more, and yet LO fans think their kiwi tumblr fave is somehow above all of them and shouldn't be critiqued? Get over yourselves
2. the problem with the 'make your own story" argument is that, assuming you try to retell hxp at least, youll have LO fans attacking you for "stealing" from rachel, who in turn never promotes or supports other retellings unless it adheres to her worldview (such as OSP). say what you will on punderworld or ficlets, but they always prop up lesser known creators with their platforms, meanwhile rachel when tasked with helping others (like Lets Play) she made it about herself. that speaks volumes.
3. a lot of LO fans think antis are just randomly haters but that's not true. Most of us were once devoted fans who couldn't ignore all the issues anymore and who still remember when it had promise and effort put into it, not the rushed husk it is now. It isnt just blindly hating it, it's being annoyed & disappointed of what could have been and how much the comic has declined and how the fans refuse to acknowledge its faults. How would we know how badly its gone down if we weren't fans once?
4. idk man i wouldnt tell people who dislike lo to make their own comics because those end up being way better. reylos did the same thing to disney over how badly they hated the last star wars movie and now their fanfics are becoming NYT bestsellers. just saying.
5. Maybe I'm dating myself here but one of the funniest parts of fandom used to be the most devoted fans calling out the bad stuff in what we liked and discussing it, because it was fan to pick it apart and clown on it. IDK why now LO fans and people like them are so convinced they can only mindlessly praise with no dissent and all critique is invalid. It's basic critical thinking skills that one can like something and still acknowledge the flaws. It's a bad look to admit you can't do so IMHO.
6. lo fans really need to get off this high horse that lo is perfect and therefore can never be criticized. even the best pieces of work ever have actual things to critique within them, and lo is not somehow better than all of them  to not be critiqued as well. its an ever growing list of issues lo keeps adding up because of who is behind. sorry, rachel, if you want sole credit for the writing and art, you have to own all the critiques too, and the fans needs to accept it. 
7. sorry, LO fans, but we are allowed to critique a work that gets so much privleges that even other webtoon creators dont get (seriously, the majority stull have to live off commission work while working on a full time comic) meanwhile rachel gets away with bad writing, cliffhangers that aren’t resolved for years, worsening art, and her bad and entitled attitude all while the company constantly promotes her while the majority of their catalog doesn’t, she has a full team rushing work for her while she at best does sketches and the occasional banner art, and gets her a bunch of media deals that the rest won’t ever get even a scrap of, all while already being a well off, privileged white woman who cries to her thousands of fans when her ego is bruised because more and more people are noticing her shitty politics and morals put into her work and are rightfully calling it out. at the very least you’d think someone in such a high rank at one of the worlds biggest media houses would actually put in the effort to make the best product she can and respect the people and culture she’s making bank off of, but she’s not and frankly does not seem like she ever will. She quite literally said it’s HER story and she’s allowed to do what she wants with it, and has spoken over Greeks time and time again that their input doesn’t matter over her personal feelings and thoughts. you don’t see other people in her position who also made bank (such as Rick Riordan or Madeline Miller) treat Greece and it’s people so awfully as her, her fans, and her product do, yet she gets all the excuses in the world while the above mentioned and others work on their mistakes and try to always put their best products out there, all while respecting Greece and it’s stories and even giving platforms to the underrepresented, meanwhile Rachel herself can’t even keep colors in line or keep designs on model while her writing gets more and more nonsensical, with her status only going to enrich herself and her ego while the rest are clinging to survive. God willing, maybe another mythology webtoon will be picked up to give her some competition and actually force her to put in the work for the rewards she earned off the backs of others, and that can’t happen soon enough.
8. NGL, kinda funny that LO Stan defends it by claiming people who dislike it are just “hacks like the woman behind 50 shades” like … uh … you know LO is ripped off from 50 shades, right? Like quite literally, it’s almost point for point exactly the same as 50 shades, down to the CEO with mommy issues and BDSM mixed with weird obsessions over a college girl’s virginity and a jealous ex who is into it versus the pure MC. Rachel is literally the hack ripping off 50 shades that that stan is claiming antis are. Wild stuff.
Anyway both the 50 shades woman and Rachel owe Stephanie Meyers a lot of money Bc they both in turn just ripped off Twilight anyway lol
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omgkatsudonplease · 3 years
[ficlet, bagginshield] all’s fair in love and war (bridgerton au)
If there had been days between the Great Smials Assembly and the Bywater Ball, Thorin doesn’t notice them. The sun rises and sets as always, while he goes on visits to the Tower Hills and the Elostirion, talking with the wardens who maintain the white towers looking out to Sea. 
He’s seen so much of Eriador that he’s almost sick of it, but he just needs to tough it out for a couple more weeks before the hunt season starts in the Ered Luin. They’ll be getting there just in time for the Firebeard Midsummer Feast as well, which will be quite exciting to see. 
On the night of the Bywater Ball, Thorin forgoes his usual coach and pony. The venue is within walking distance, after all, and the night is wonderfully warm. Other people seem to have had the same thoughts, because the roads are fairly clogged with ball-goers dressed in finery. 
The dance is down by the Water, not far from the Party Field where the season-opening ball had been. Thorin can’t help but chuckle at that, remembering Bilbo colliding with him while trying to avoid Miss Bracegirdle. Why had he been so rude? He could kick his past self for it.
“Thinking about our first meeting?” wonders Bilbo’s voice at his elbow. Thorin turns, unable to stop his smile when he sees the crown of daisies in Bilbo’s hair. 
“Where did you get that?” he asks. 
“Oh, this?” Bilbo chuckles. “My cousin Prim.” He laughs. “It’s not clashing with my outfit, is it?”
Thorin’s heart skips a beat as he takes in the blue-and-silver ensemble for tonight. It’s so close to Durin blue that it hurts.
“We almost match,” he says instead. “One of us is going to have to change.”
“You should try wearing red once in a while,” replies Bilbo. “I think it would be quite fetching on you.” 
Thorin huffs in amusement, as the next dance for the ball starts to play. “Dance with me, Bilbo,” he suggests. Bilbo nods happily, and Thorin takes his hand and leads him out into the crowd. 
This dance goes in lively circles. Bilbo lets him take the lead, spinning in and out of Thorin’s arms without a second thought. Each time, Thorin counts down the seconds until Bilbo is in his arms again, his heart still weighed down by the choice he has to make tonight. 
He has to tell Bilbo his feelings. He has to apologise for breaking their agreement. And he has to prepare himself for the possibility that maybe Bilbo is still pretending, and doesn’t truly love him back. 
Thorin is so lost in thought he makes a wrong step, colliding with the other couples in their group as he does so. Bilbo apologises on his behalf, smoothing over ruffled feathers without a second glance. Thorin falls back in line quickly, gripping Bilbo’s hands behind their backs for the promenade.
Bilbo’s gaze doesn’t leave his own, not even when the lanterns in the trees surrounding the Water begin to flicker into life, drawing excited gasps from the other revellers. In the golden lantern-light, Bilbo’s face seems to glow ever-so-softly, his lips slightly parted as he continues to hold Thorin’s gaze.
It’s not the first time Thorin has imagined what Bilbo’s lips would feel like. He’s certain it won’t be the last, either. 
“Something on your mind?” wonders Bilbo as he spins out of Thorin’s arms again, changing hands with their neighbouring dancers. Thorin chuckles, especially when Bilbo returns to his side.
“You have keen eyes, Master Hobbit,” he remarks. 
Bilbo laughs. “Well, your smile is a little sadder tonight, that’s all,” he replies, and Thorin almost freezes on the spot at that.
“Sadder?” he echoes. 
“You tell me.” Bilbo gives him a bracing smile. “If I were a betting Hobbit, I would say it’s because you miss your home.” 
Thorin chuckles at that. No, if there’s something he’s going to miss, it’s probably Bilbo. Bilbo and his eggs and paintings and wit and smile — every aspect of him almost perfectly tailored to what Thorin thinks a home should be. Happy. Full of laughter. 
(No magnificent stone pillars or fluted golden banquet halls. No fear of dragons or gold, and no grief over long-lost fathers.)
The tug-of-war between his heart and his duty is making his head spin. As soon as the song ends, Thorin makes his excuses and pulls away from Bilbo’s side, striding away from the lantern-lit venue of the Bywater Ball towards the Party Field and the stately oak tree at its centre. It doesn’t take long for him to seclude himself underneath its boughs, sitting down among the roots as he tries to catch his breath. 
He’s suddenly brought back to the garden of wisteria at Long Cleeve Hall, just before Bilbo crossed paths with him that night. He’d been cornered by so many inquisitive Hobbit-lasses at the time that he’d given them all the slip at the first opportunity. This time, the only person he’s running from is the same person he wants with all of his heart to run towards. 
Mahal’s beard, thinks Thorin in frustration. How did he know I would be here?
“I just wanted to make sure you were okay,” says Bilbo, suddenly appearing in front of him, kneeling down a little ways away. “You did seem a bit peaked, and... and I wanted to make sure it wasn’t through some fault of my own.”
“No,” says Thorin quickly. “It was not.”
Bilbo nods solemnly. “Okay then. I know we have one more dance, but if you needed to leave early, I can make your excuses to the rest of the lot.”
“That will not be necessary,” replies Thorin, already rising to his feet. “I do not require your pity.”
Bilbo’s eyes narrow as he rises to his feet as well. “Well, pardon me for my concern,” he replies a little peevishly, and Thorin realises a little too late that his desperation to put some sort of kingly affect to his words has evidently hurt the Hobbit. “None of this is part of the charade, if you must know. I was genuinely concerned about you, because for some Giver-forsaken reason, I’ve come to genuinely care about you.”
“I cannot afford to look weak,” says Thorin, even though this is the weakest his resolve has ever been. With his figure silhouetted by the lights of the party, Bilbo looks not of this world. Ethereal. A true-life Giver of Fruits. 
“No one said anything about you looking weak!” exclaims Bilbo, now stepping closer to him, topaz eyes flashing dangerously. “I know most of your existence is putting on a brave face for Erebor, for the Shire, for everyone else in Middle-earth, but — have you thought — have you considered that maybe there are people out there who would think you even braver if you’d step back and let them worry about you for a bit?”
Thorin is briefly struck by the sheer absurdity of it all. This Hobbit is but a brief spark in the timeline of his own life, and yet that brief spark of his is all that’s needed to set the rest of himself aflame. 
And with that flame now burning into a bonfire inside him, Thorin steps forward and captures Bilbo’s lips with his own.
Bilbo cannot believe this is happening to him. Of all the possibilities out there for how this conversation between them would go, he had not seriously considered kissing to be on the table. And yet, here they are. 
Alone. Together. Kissing.
When they break apart, the Dwarf-king’s eyes fly wide open, almost apologetic. Bilbo quickly disabuses him of that notion, stepping forward and pressing Thorin into the trunk of the Party Tree. Thorin’s hands come up to tangle in his hair, pulling him close, pulling their bodies flush against one another. 
This is everything Bilbo has ever dreamed of, and more. 
There’s a sudden pause, and then the world moves so fast Bilbo’s head spins at it. The trunk of the Party Tree slams into his back, the momentary shock bursting back into white-hot pleasure as Thorin captures his lips again, and then ventures away from his lips down the curve of his jaw, the line of his neck. Bilbo gasps, arching into Thorin’s touch, his hands tugging Thorin forward by the lapels of his coat. In the distance, the Bywater Ball plays on, and they are ensconced in the distant shadows of the Party Tree, mostly hidden —
Bilbo freezes. Are they mostly hidden? What if someone saw? His respectability would absolutely come crashing down. To be caught taking such liberties without a betrothal? Why, that was absolutely unheard of for a Hobbit of his pedigree! 
Almost as if in response to Bilbo freezing, Thorin freezes too, reality crashing into him just as quickly. He steps back from Bilbo, wiping his lips with his hand. 
“My deepest apologies, Mr Baggins,” he says, the formality of his words like a knife to Bilbo’s gut. “I did not mean to behave in such an unseemly fashion.”
“N-nor I,” stammers Bilbo, his heart still rabbiting frantically in his chest. He inhales, though the very act of it feels pained at the sight of absolute misery on Thorin’s face. “But I did enjoy it.”
Thorin’s expression somehow sinks even further at that. “As per our agreement, this courtship cannot go anywhere. Even though... even though...” His expression pinches, like he’s choking on the words he needs to say. “Even though I hold you in the highest regard, I still do not intend to marry.”
Bilbo wants to laugh at that, laugh at how un-Thorin these words are even though they’re coming out of Thorin’s stupid mouth. He wants to tell Thorin to take those words and shove them where the sun doesn’t shine. But instead, all he manages to say is:
“So you would sooner see the Golden Hare hunted for another season than marry me?”
“Bilbo.” How can his name on Thorin’s lips sound so much like a prayer, even when he’s in the process of hammering Bilbo’s heart to pieces? “You know that is not what I meant —”
Bilbo sidesteps him, stumbling back from the Party Tree. “I’m sorry, Your Majesty,” he replies, with an almost comical bow, “that I could not be of more use to you.”
And with the pieces of his heart still rattling in his chest, Bilbo turns away from the Dwarf-king and heads back towards the party.
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Hey, I'd like to say that I'm very glad you've brought your Hermione x Draco x Theo to tumblr. Your ficlets are brilliant! As a prompt, what do you make of Hermione and Theo jumping to Draco's defence when he's on the receiving end of verbal abuse in Diagon Alley??
Thank you so much!! Here’s a longer one for you. I hope you enjoy it!
Featuring the trio on a shopping trip to Diagon Alley, and a cameo from Harry and Ginny too because I love the platonic friendship between them, and I want everyone to be friends in the end...
Obvious warnings for verbal abuse directed at Draco (and Hermione to a certain extent).
“I need to pop into Flourish and Blotts before we go for drinks. Harry and Ginny won’t mind if we’re a bit late…” Hermione said almost apologetically, but Draco just chuckled and bowed his head, ushering her in front of him with a courtly wave of his pale hand. It might have looked obsequious to anyone else, but the self-deprecating humour in his eyes made her heart clench.  
Stepping close to him as she passed, Hermione pressed her palms to his chest and surprised him with a kiss to his still-smiling lips. If the flush in his cheeks was anything to go by, he hadn’t been expecting the gesture.  
Before either of them had the chance to do anything else, however, someone spat and hissed at them from behind Hermione. “Death Eater scum,” the middle aged man sneered. “We don’t want the likes of you here, polluting Diagon Alley!  And you, Miss Granger, should be ashamed of yourself - consorting with Death Eaters…”
Hermione saw red.  
Theo didn’t draw his wand, but immediately put himself between Hermione and the wizard while Draco stood perfectly still behind them, jaw clenched, the recent flush evaporating to leave glacially white skin.  
“How dare you!” she shrilled at the man while Theo’s dark blue eyes fixed him to the spot. The usually bookish, scholarly young man now had a poise and readiness to him that spoke of a master of spellcrafting. A flick of his wrist could have had untold consequences for the offending man, and his furious, ashen face showed it. His height - towering over Draco, Hermione, and the vile little man at nearly six foot four - may have contributed too.  
“Draco Malfoy has been commended by the Minister for Magic himself, for his bravery at the end of the war in not betraying Harry Potter when it would have been the easiest thing in the world to speak his name. How dare you make such assumptions! And where were you anyway? Where were you while children fought against Voldemort? And won!”  
“Hermione,” Theo murmured warily, turning to face her slightly. His fingers curled around his wand, out of sight but ready in his pocket.
Nostrils flared, Hermione drew a deep breath and fell silent, though her eyes never left the wizard standing nearby. He looked suddenly a little sweaty around the temples.  
Theo turned back to him and said in a low, dangerous voice, “I suggest you leave now, and keep comments like that to yourself from now on, hmm? Better yet, open your fucking mind, ok?” And when the wizard seemed rooted to the spot by the ferocity of the reaction his words had elicited, Theo raised one eyebrow and jutted his chin at him, and the man finally scuttled off, coming to his senses in a rush.  
Almost shaking with rage, Hermione turned back to look at Draco. The young man stood statue-still, watching the two of them with an inscrutable expression on his pinched face.  
“Draco?” Theo murmured, leaving Hermione’s side and crossing to him, cupping his face with an elegant hand. He kissed him gently on the lips and Draco’s eyelids fluttered, lashes glinting like silver leaf.  
“Let’s go,” he rasped, turning away and breaking the contact. 
As Draco walked off alone up the cobbled street, Hermione and Theo exchanged a wordless look, linked hands, and followed after him. Their stay in Flourish and Blotts was not long, the jubilant atmosphere now somewhat crushed, and in fact they arrived at The Leaky Cauldron a little earlier than planned. There was no sign of the others yet either, so once they were ensconced with their drinks in a private corner near the back of the ancient warren of a pub, Hermione placed her hand on Draco’s solid, slender thigh and squeezed. “Are you alright?”
His head snapped up and he met her gaze with glistening, moon-bright eyes. “Am I alright?” he asked in a breathless, incredulous whisper. “Hermione, are you?”  
She frowned, visibly taken aback by the question. “I’m not the one who was just openly called a Death Eater, Draco,” she growled through clenched teeth.  
To her surprise, Draco’s expression melted at that, his shoulders dropped, and his whole body grew soft and tender. He reached falteringly for her cheek and brushed the knuckles of his left hand reverently over her flushed skin. “You’re so beautiful,” he breathed.  
His lips tugged upwards into a tiny, private smile, and the warmth returned to his silver eyes. He dropped his hand back to his lap. “I’m fine. It’s hardly the worst I’ve ever been called. I’m just sorry you got tarred with the same brush.”  
When that only deepened the scowl on her face, he sighed.  
“Hermione, that’s… What happened today is not going to be an uncommon occurrence if you stay with us. Theo’s… more of a grey area for them, what with his relative anonymity. Despite his father’s… associations… he’s much less well known. You’re —” he shrugged expressively in her direction, “— Hermione Granger. Everyone in the wizarding world knows your face.”
“Then they’d better get used to seeing it next to yours,” she said, eyes blazing. She snatched up Draco’s hand and set her other one palm-up on the table for Theo to slide his into. Connected like that, she felt that familiar thrum of magic run between them, free and easy as a water droplet down a pane of glass. “Both of you. We just… work together, Draco; we fit. And I’m not going to back down or bow out just because people think they know everything about you just from one moment in your life, Draco.”
He swallowed thickly, blinking rapidly, and looked at Theo, finding the same quiet passion roiling in his sapphire eyes. Theo nodded slowly. “Get used to it, Draco. Our Gryffindor lioness is terribly protective of us too, you know?”
A wry smile twisted Draco’s full lips up into a lopsided grin. “A lioness with a snake beneath each paw, huh?”
“You’d better believe it,” she said, breaking their handholds to lean over and take a gulp of his whisky.  
“Starting the drinks without us?” came a familiar, amused voice from behind her, and she made a noise of surprise behind the mouthful of firewhisky.
She set Draco’s tumbler down, amber liquid sloshing around, and looked over her shoulder to see Ginny and Harry standing there hand in hand, both smiling.
Harry’s trained gaze - as both auror and friend - took in the vivid sheen to her eyes, the flush in her cheeks, and the tension in her shoulders, and he tilted his head. “Everything alright?” he asked in a quiet voice as she stood to greet him.  
She nodded. “Yeah. Thanks,” she said, and threw her arms around his neck and squeezed him so hard he coughed. “I’m so glad you’re here.”
“I exist as well, you know?” Ginny snorted as Hermione finally released the young woman’s fiancé. The laughter in Ginny’s voice chased away the last of Hermione’s lingering ire and sadness, and she flung herself with equal fervour at her too.  
When they parted, Hermione slid in beside Theo this time, who nodded at the others. “Ginny, Harry, lovely to see you,” he said warmly.  
“Likewise,” Harry grinned. “Though I’d have thought that Hermione would have loaded you both up with books like pack mules after a visit to Diagon Alley… Where are they all?”
“We didn’t stay long in Flourish and Blotts this time,” she said carefully. “Plus, I’ve got my bag anyway…” she said, with special emphasis.  
“Ah,” he said. “I’ll forget I saw that then, Hermione,” the auror chuckled.
Ginny, still standing, looked at Malfoy and unleashed a deadly grin at him; all teeth. “Ferret,” she said without bite.  
“Weasel,” he returned fondly as she slid into the seat beside him. “Good to see you. Congratulations on making the team,” he added.
Ginny blushed and Hermione looked at her. “You made chaser?”
“First chaser now,” she said, freckles obliterated by the rising colour.  
“Ginny, that’s fantastic!” Hermione practically shrieked. Theo even put his finger comically in his ear and she thwacked him on the arm for it. “Shut up, you,” she snorted affectionately at him and he flashed her his trademark, dimpled grin. “That’s amazing news. Let us get you a drink to celebrate!”  
As the banter flitted between the five of them, the wizard’s comments from the Alley were slowly forgotten. The laughter returned to Draco’s silver eyes as he watched Hermione gesticulating with her hands over her gin and tonic, and he smiled when he caught Theo shifting the drink a little further towards him for safety. A lump formed in his throat that no amount of whisky would ever wash down.  
Much later that night, as he lay with Hermione’s head pillowed on his chest, her curls all over the pillow beside them, and with Theo tucked up on his side next to him, snoring softly, a few wayward twists of his hair tickling Draco’s forehead, Draco stroked his fingers through Hermione’s hair and pressed a kiss to the crown of her head.  
She shifted, the movement a sleepy question in itself, and he sighed, leaving another kiss there amid her wild hair before whispering, “I love you, Granger.”
“I love you too, Malfoy,” she mumbled.  
The arm slung across his chest tightened momentarily, but it did nothing to still the swirling cloud of silver butterflies that fluttered around inside his ribcage at her words. Those words would never get old or tired, no matter how long he lived or how old and tired he got.  
With one final kiss each to Theo and Hermione, Draco finally let himself drift off to sleep.
If you enjoyed, please reblog and share! I’m new to the fandom on here and appreciate all the help I can get!
writing masterlist | Ao3
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mychemicalficrecs · 4 years
Frank/Gerard – Cute and Fluffy
publicity stunts by Trojie, 6k, Teen And Up Audiences. The record company thinks a few plausibly-deniable rumours about Gerard and Frank dating would be good PR, but of course, they're not contractually obligated to sleep together or anything. Ahahah.
Frank the crankiest elf by Gorgeous Nerd (gorgeousnerd), 2k, Explicit. There were two things Frank hated: Christmas, and disappointing his mom. Considering his mom's last name had been Claus ever since she remarried, it was a bit of a fucking problem.
Crackle by MistressKat, 1k, Teen And Up Audiences. "What the fuck, Gee?" Frank asks. "Are you actively trying to drown yourself?"
The Kind They'd Like to Flaunt by elfiepike, 1k, General Audiences. When Frank first meets Gee, officially, it's because Ray saw Frank from across the room and put him into a headlock to get him over to his booth.
A Latte and a Cookie by mistresscurvy, 3k, Explicit. The first half a dozen or so times that Gerard stops by the Starbucks closest to SVA, he's so desperate to get the caffeine into his system he doesn't even notice the guy behind the counter. Nor does he pay much attention to the fact that his cup seems to magically refill itself a couple of times while he's hunched over one of the tables and drawing steadily, his headphones on. He's busy, okay — his winter project is due in less than six weeks, and he is screwed. Royally, completely and without question. The cookies, though. The cookies he notices. He just doesn't know what the fuck they mean.
Subterfuge of Tiny Proportions by J (jaywright), 1k, Explicit. It usually takes Gerard hours to wind down from a show.
Fuck the Snow (Repeat as Necessary) by mistresscurvy, 6k, Explicit. "Remind me why we came to New Jersey in January to practice rather than staying in L.A. where it's warm and not, you know, snowing," Ray says, staring out the front door at the white flakes coming down.
Hold This Heart and Tie It Tight by dapatty, samanthahirr, 5k, Teen And Up Audiences. Frank hasn't been tied up in months, and it's driving him crazy. So he attends a meeting of the local rope-bondage interest group, hoping to meet someone to play with or at least get a quick fix. Lucky for him, the group organizer knows exactly what Frank needs--and how to give it to him.
Twenty Percent Down by brooklinegirl, 7k, Explicit. For no_tags 2012: "We're rock stars," Frank says firmly. "We're not moving back to live in our parents' basements." (Prompt #54 Frank/Gerard - House-hunting)
Nerd Perfect by shiningartifact, 10k, Explicit. In which Frank and Gerard watch a lot of movies and have a lot of orgasms. (A long-awaited day off on tour.)
Veins Are Red, Veins Are Blue by dear_monday, 8k, Explicit. There's a little button up at the top of the page, marked "gallery", and Gerard clicks on it. It presents him with a handful of different names, presumably the artists in residence, and he skims down the list until he spots it: Frank Iero (horror/gore, traditional American designs). Iero, Gerard thinks, rolling the name around his head like a rosary bead in his palm. Of course the fucker is Italian, because the world is cruel and Gerard's life is hard. With a deep, tortured sigh, he clicks on Frank's name. In which Frank is a tattoo artist and Gerard is a fearsome and terrifying undead creature of the night. Sort of.
Pleathermouth Vegan Cafe by jedusaur, 6k, Mature and Teens And Up Audiences. Pleathermouth Vegan Cafe, says the sign in front of the next place on Gerard's job-seeking list, and he decides that it may be prudent to finish his cheeseburger before entering.
Camp it Up by rivers_bend, 4k, Teen And Up Audiences. The one where Frank doesn't want to go to music camp, Gerard's an art counselor, and teenage libidos find marshmallows pornographic.
Five Times Gerard Pays For It and One Time He Doesn't by RubyTuesday5681, 23k, Explicit. This story is a cliché rentboy fic wherein Gerard (the customer) falls for Frank (the service-provider) and can’t figure out how to go from paying-for-sex to ‘dating’ or if that’s even possible. Added to the mix are Gerard’s perpetually low self-esteem, Frank’s neuroses, and both boys’ epic communication-fails. Will these two ever manage to get out of their own way long enough to see that they’re meant for each other? With a little bit of help from a meddling younger brother, they just might.
Like a Secret in Your Throat by Gorgeous Nerd (gorgeousnerd), 3k, Explicit. There was a time for cuddling. It was not when Frank was trying to have hot sex with his vampire boyfriend.
Hey Mr. DJ by shoemaster, 6k, Mature. Frank is a late night DJ, Gerard is an avid listener.
For The Night by silentdescant, 5k, Explicit. "I'll do anything, within reason. As long as you pay me for it."
The Bigger Picture by dear_monday, 1k, General Audiences. For a man with a mind so sharp he keeps cutting himself on it, Gerard Way does an excellent impression of a particularly vapid goldfish. A silly little ficlet starring Gerard as the detective and Frank as his beleaguered assistant.
Blueprints For Building Better Boys by dear_monday, Frank/Gerard, Frank/Ray/Mikey, 7k, Explicit. "Eight years ago," Amanda begins, "Dr. Monae and myself began work on the ArchAndroid project. By the time they were ready, we'd designed and tested everything, right down to the cybernetics and the synthetic organs. Two months ago, we switched them on for the first time." Frank, Gerard, Ray, and Mikey are the ArchAndroids. Frank's got a faulty personality circuit, Gerard's primary memory chip is kind of temperamental, there's a bug somewhere in Mikey's speech protocol, and Ray's anger response lags like a motherfucker. They're also the world's most potty-mouthed robots, although with any luck there won't be any occasion for the world's press to find out about that. Written for Bandom Reverse Big Bang @ livejournal.
Witch Verse by kyOMG, 3k, Mature and Explicit. Gerard really, really, really hated cats. Yeah, yeah, he knows—He’s a witch. Cats, witches… they are supposed to like each other, right? Well, Gerard really doesn’t like them. Like, at all. They were whiny and boring and rude. If they could talk they’d probably tell Gerard that he stunk and that he was the worst witch they had ever seen. So what if he didn’t like to shower and his spells usually turned his hair (or Mikey’s) green?
A New Design For X and Y by DeadFreddie, 6k, Explicit. Frank Iero is the frontman in a successful band called Leathermouth, and Gerard Way is a comic writer working for DC. When they meet at one of Frank's shows, their mutual respect for the other's work becomes something a lot more personal. Oh and Frank's a trans guy and Gerard's nonbinary because I'm Trans And I Make The Rules.
Love Every Six Weeks by happilyappled, 22k, Explicit and Teens And Up Audiences. Frank is a full-time accountant and Gerard is the frontman of an international band. They spend long amounts of time away from each other, when Gerard is on tour, but when they’re together, nothing can stop them. [AU, Fluff, Explicit Content]
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gaycrouton · 5 years
prompt, times mulder seen scully in her underwear before they got together
I’m not sure if someone in particular on here has a capital on the numbered short ficlets combined, but I love the style so much I wanted to try it out. Hope they don’t mind!
He was right. It probably wasn’t the first thought that should have come to his mind as his frightened, pretty new partner dropped her robe in the middle of his motel room, but it was. Reasonable, functional, and somehow enticing. A nude bra, beige or white maybe, that matched her panties perfectly.  The lights from the candle distorted the color as the flames flickered across her mosquito-bitten back, but he saw enough to confirm that the brief passing thought in his mind from earlier had been correct. It was too quick to be called a fantasy, too titillating to be called a passing thought, yet it brought him a great sense of satisfaction to know he’d pegged this new agent correctly.
She’d been sternly lecturing him and he’d been hanging off of every word. He couldn’t remember another instance of someone shooting his theory to shit being so exciting. Something about the no-nonsense manner of her voice, the way her eyebrow cocked as if inviting him to disagree with her, the way she seemed to enjoy the back and forth as much as he did – he wasn’t sure what about this workplace conversation had him raking his eyes over her body and thinking what was under the unflattering suit she wore like armour as soon as she turned around.
What he did know now was that he’d pictured it perfectly.
Good to know.
He really would’ve taken Scully as the type to wear an undershirt. That theory was shot to hell as he stared straight down the top of her sagging blouse and he was given a perfect view of her round breasts encased in a light pink bra, the little bow in between reminding him how much of a gift this really was.
Dana Scully
He only got to look for the same amount of time it took her to write those two words underneath his own sloppy signature on the expense report, not that he was trying to look. He’d just been staring in that direction when she bent over in front of him to sign the form, the cap of the pen gripped lazily between two ruby red lips.
He could see what he hadn’t last time. Freckles. Little tiny dots littering her chest. When he looked up he knew he’d see matching ones on the bridge of her nose, regardless of how much she tried to hide them. What he saw was his suspicions confirmed, and a pair of amused, yet chastising, blue eyes boring into his.
He coughed nervously and mumbled, “I’m sorry.” His eyes darted around the room as if pretending that’s what they’d been doing the whole time. He just hoped whoever got to see that present unwrapped it carefully.
She extended her hand out to him and he took the pen she was offering back. “Have a nice weekend, Mulder,” she replied in a teasing tone, jovial but not wanting to reward him. He held his breath until he heard the sound of her heels become a faint echo.
He tried to not focus on whatever, whoever, she was going to that inspired her to curl her hair today and wear a nice, lacy, pink bra.
Her lipstick was still on the cap of his pen, and though he partially wanted to preserve the imprint, he couldn’t stop his finger from darting out and watching the creamy mark transfer from the plastic of the pen onto the pad of his skin. Pulling back, he stared mesmerized by the bit of coral smudge.
A little bit of Scully on his fingertips. And, in the ultimate act of juvenile longing, he kissed his own finger to feel what her lipstick would feel on his mouth – traces of an exchange that never happened.
In the real world, that is.
Peanut Butter and Jelly, Night and Day, Scully Screaming and Mulder Running, some things just naturally went together. Tonight was no different. He’d just gotten into his pyjamas, or more accurately - stripped into his pyjamas-, when he heard an uncharacteristically high-pitched scream come from the otherside of the adjoining door. “Scully?” he yelled in concern.
“Mulder!” she shouted in response.
He didn’t need much more than that to burst into her room, gun blazing and alert. Mulder swept his eyes across the room and ultimately landed on Scully’s form. She was in the corner of the room, naked minus a pair of dark blue panties. Her breasts were being firmly held by her hands, inadvertently exaggerating her cleavage, as she precariously sat on an end table.
His heart dropped as he feared the worst. A screaming Scully was never good, but a nearly-naked screaming Scully scared him worse. He turned and started stomping around the room, expecting to see a man hiding in some corner - his attempt to attack Scully thwarted and now he was trying to leave.
He’d kill him.
…but he couldn’t find anything. He turned back to Scully and urgently asked, “What happened, Scully?”
“There’s a snake in my bed!” she whispered, pointing urgently while sliding slowly off the table, keeping one arm and hand securing her chest.
His eyes accidentally slid down as she did this and he, for the millionth time but none as viscerally as this, appreciated her toned body. She was sculpted like a statue and had to turn away quickly before embarrassing himself.
Lowering his gun, he nodded and made his way towards her mattress, slowly drawing back the sheets until he was met with a dangerous looking, but non-lethal, common snake. He chuckled softly before grabbing the snake by the middle. “Mulder, no!” she lurched, grabbing his shoulder lightly.
“Scully, this is just a garden snake,” he laughed, bringing it to the door and tossing it onto the gravel before closing the door and turning around. He almost ran over Scully, who’d come up behind him quietly as his apparent back-up even though she was scared herself.
They were closer than either of them had anticipated and he realized he was just as naked as she was. She was apparently noticing that too as her eyes were focused lower than they’d ever been during office hours. “Are you okay?” he asked, making her eyes comically shoot back up to his as a blush spread across her cheeks.
“Yeah, I’m sorry. I thought it was worse,” she chuckled self consciously, bringing her other hand back up to her chest to give herself more coverage, bringing Mulder’s gaze along with it.
She must’ve been getting ready for bed because her face was devoid of all makeup and he could smell some faint moisturizer on her. She must’ve lotioned her whole body too because she seemed to be absolutely glistening under the dim lamp light emanating from the bedside.
“N-no, don’t be sorry. I’m um, I’m glad to help,” he offered lamely.
“Thanks,” she whispered. “Oh-uh,” she started, turning around. “Sorry, I called you in while I was practically naked,” she apologized.
Or at least, he thinks that’s what she said, because as she left to grab her robe, all he could focus on was the way her underwear wasn’t full coverage. The sides of her rounded ass were visible as she walked over and that, combined with the elegance of her exposed back, had him crossing his hands in front of himself as he refused her apology and ran into his room.
He wished her a goodnight before closing the door, and he laid in bed that night and  wondered if she had any idea the effect she had on him.
She’d been staying at his apartment for the past two days because they were repainting her apartment. This morning she insisted it wasn’t fair that she was eating all his food and not paying him back, so, despite his adamance she didn’t need to, she was off on a run to the store.
In their newfound routine, something he found simple joy in, it became an unspoken rule that she’d shower first and he’d go in after her. He loved it because the steam in the shower just heightened the smell of her floral shampoo and he felt engulfed in her scent.
So after she left, he made his way to the bathroom, stripping carelessly as he went. When he closed the door behind him, he turned to the towel rack and was stunned to see a thin, strappy bra hanging next to his striped towel. Staying dead silent for a moment to make absolutely sure she was gone, despite having just witnessed her leave himself. When he was confident she was gone, he picked up the scrap of fabric and felt it in his hands. Part of him felt like a kid again, finding small clues to the intricacies of womanhood that were still a mystery to him.
This was Scully’s bra.
This bra had touched her naked breasts.
And now it was in his hands.
He gently hand his hands over the cups and tried to commit the size difference to memory. She was on the smaller size, but they were bountiful nonetheless. He’d spent hours thinking about them and imagining what they’d look like, and now he had a piece of the puzzle in his very hands.
He noticed part of the underwire, if that’s what it’s called, was sticking out from the middle and he realized all the times in the past few weeks he’d seen her grabbing at the middle of her chest and tugging was because the wire had been poking her.
34B, he noted on the side band. He contemplated if she’d find it weird if he bought her a new bra. He felt bad if this one was causing her pain – it had to have been a favorite if she kept insisting on wearing it despite the pain. He decided the worst thing she could do was call him a pervert, it wouldn’t be the first time. Hell, after spending two nights here and accidentally catching sight of his morning wood both times, it honestly couldn’t be that bad. He just had to decide what kind to get her.
He spent the entire shower thinking about what type would fit her best before, quite literally, coming to the decision to get her another black, strappy one.
108 degrees. Record setting in the state and they just happened to be on a case in the area to be able to experience it. Hot enough to make any person sleep in their underwear.
Sometimes he forgot Scully fell under the category of ‘any person’ since he didn’t categorize her that way himself.
It was that slip up which caused him to be so taken aback when he walked into her motel room, without knocking as he’d later chastise himself for, and saw her sprawled on the bed in a forest green bra and deep purple underwear. The sight alone made him hard as a rock and lose all ability to think rationally.
He was about to apologize when he realized the lights in the room were off and she was sound asleep, the even rise and fall of her chest signalling she had probably been for a while now.
He felt his foot yearning to step forward and get a better look, but instead he turned around and closed the door as softly as he could. She’d done five autopsies back to back today. The last thing she deserved was her partner coming into her room and ogling her nearly-naked sleeping form.
She didn’t deserve to have him muffling her name in his fist as he came all over the shower tiles while thinking of her, but he only had so much willpower.
Green was his favorite color on her, after all.
She didn’t close the door and all the sudden he was a horny teenage boy again.
This situation had occurred with varying frequency through the seven years of their partnership; they came over to her place to finish a report, watch a movie, eat something, whatever it may be. “I’m just going to change into something more comfortable. Make yourself at home,” she’d say as she made her way down the hall into her bedroom, closing the door behind her as he tried to imagine what was happening behind the mahogany that blocked his view.
There was no imagining this time and his brain was short circuiting from it.
He watched as she walked into her bedroom, not sparing the door a second glance, as she grabbed the bottom hem of her sweater and whipped it over her head, revealing she hadn’t been wearing more than a thin white bra underneath it all day. He felt like he needed to turn around, but he was frozen in place.
She then grabbed the stretchy hem of her skirt and pulled it down her legs, bending over as she did so so he got a full look at her rounded ass.
A thong.
A fucking white little thong.
He felt all the blood in his body rush to his groin as he watched Aphrodite herself make the most mundane task seem highly erotic. He knew he was gaping as she reached behind her back and unclasp her bra, revealing more skin to him than he ever remembered seeing under favorable circumstances.
He knew that he should probably leave, avert his gaze, fucking anything other than stand here and let his hard on tent his pants like a cartoon.
But she’d never left the door open before and if there was one thing Fox Mulder did, it was look for signs. He realized she was staring in front of a mirror and he couldn’t stop himself from looking.
Pink, perfect ovals with taut, hardened tips reflected back at him on top of her creamy heavy breasts. He swore this was the image men wanted to be their last. This was what pure heaven was like. He felt his eyes flutter lightly from pure arousal as he bit his lip, thanking whatever god was out there that allowed him to be blessed with this visage.
As he looked up a little more, he realized this thanks were just being directed to the god in the other room as Scully stared straight back at him through the mirror. A coy, self-satisfied smile playing on her lips.
Then, just as quickly as it had started, she turned around - not caring to conceal her fully revealed breasts from his attention - as she closed the door. He swore to god she even winked at him, the very last thing he saw before she disappeared behind the wooden door.
She came out in her silk pyjamas with no mentioning of the mini-strip tease. She let him see what she wanted him to see under her terms. Terms he was more than willing to follow.
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cuddleslutloki · 5 years
2018 fics, a year in review
i’m a madman, but even my crazy ass probably won’t finish and post another fic in the last 6 hours of 2018, so here are all the fics i posted on ao3 this year, plus some thoughts on each!
Hemlock Honey and Silver
this was my last ever supernatural fandom fic. literally the end of an era for me since i was in the spn fandom for so damn long and wrote so much fic, about two-thirds of which has been orphaned on the archive at this point because i didn’t like the stories anymore lol. 
i do like that one, though, and i’m actually alright with it being my last ever spn/destiel fic
Fire In Your Veins
this was my first time posting thorki fic! i was so, so nervous about it, but everyone in this fandom is so chill and lovely. i still like this one, and i don’t think i write enough 69ing lmao. also this fic was obvs the start of something bigger bc. i mean. i’ve written so much damn fic now lol since i only started posting in june. i was worried that i wasn’t going to be writing anymore, or that i’d never be posting on ao3 again because it had been literally 2 full years between hemlock honey and silver and the fic that preceded it. then i fell into thorki and i started writing fic and it’s just been such a huge, huge thing. bc i’m also writing original stuff again for the first time in forever.
Underdressed and All Out of Time
a direct sequel to fire in your veins, i really like it. i felt like i was able to characterize loki fairly well in this one bc i was very insecure about the way i wrote loki when i started out
A Thousand Teeth, Yours Among Them
who doesn’t love a fic title from a hozier song? i remember writing this fic and wondering if it was any good and if my characterization was okay and still being nervous and insecure in my writing, but it’s been very well received so i kinda got my inner critic to stfu which is nice lol. i also really enjoyed doing this vignette style story
To Always Face the Sun
what if :) loki was happy :) and thor had his brother back :) lol i really liked writing this and having loki being such a little shit tbh. can we tell that i like a happy ending in fic?
Blue On Gold
so i wrote an arranged marriage fic where they never actually get married and it’s still 15.8k lmfao. also the return of the vignette style, which was fun bc i got to do short, impactful scenes and build the narrative with them. i remember sitting at my desk at work, on my phone, writing this fic, then coming home and editing on a damn tablet bc my laptop bricked earlier this year
the warmth of your doorway
i meant to capitalize the title but at this point i’ve decided to leave it lol. i really loved writing this bc i felt very confident in the way i was building the scenes and the detail i was able to incorporate. i feel like this is where i really kinda go my voice back and i start to come into my own, if that makes sense? one of my fave fics i’ve ever written tbh. there’s a longer ‘verse for this, but after i finished this fic i got too distracted by new projects to try and continue it lol
Tell Me
this was my first trans!loki fic and he’s a trans man, and god i love it. i’ve got another ftm loki story as a WIP in my gdocs bc this story showed me how much i fucking love writing trans characters, and i really enjoyed the dynamic i put into this fic. there’s a sequel planned lol it’s gonna be dirty
i still haven’t managed to ever find the post that inspired this damn fic and if you wonder whether that drives me up the wall the answer is yes (: and fun fact! i intentionally never describe loki’s genitals in this fic, bc i was picturing him as a trans guy since i’d just written tell me and now i have a massive obsession with writing trans romance and erotica
Tie Breaker
in this house we love and appreciate bottom thor!!! also i loved writing the sparring at the beginning. it makes me wanna write more fics w/ brutal fight scenes lol. thor’s slutty drunk cape outfit is iconic and i’m gonna read that comic just for that outfit honestly
Pretense of Subjugation
i became drunkenly obsessed with loki manspreading on the throne of asgard and this was the result. this was the first thorki fic of mine that i’d had beta’d and it was vastly, vastly improved by it. the tips @ktspree13 gave me when she helped with this fic have affected literally every single fic i’ve written since
Double and More
so this is not the first thorki fic i ever posted, of course, however it is the first i ever started writing. i got to the point where loki’s in thor’s lap and then i kinda blanked out and let the fic sit for like... 2 or 3 months? then i opened it back up and i was like “oh i like this i should finish this” which is why i don’t delete anything anymore bc there’s always a chance i’ll come back to it
Ringback Tone
y’all owe @thotki for the wondrous idea they presented in discord that ended up creating this fic. i think i wrote this fic in like 3 days bc of how much fun i was having with it. the dirty talk was my favorite thing to write in this and i remember distinctly having this [:< moment when i was daydreaming about it
Seldom All They Seem
there was an impromptu bottom thor day back on 20 oct and this fic was my contribution. we can never have enough time travel, can we? i remember i think i took like a four day weekend from work and part of my motivation was literally wanting to finish this fic in time to post it lmfao
Fluffy Thorki Sunday Ficlets
i started doing fluffy thorki sunday back when i was on bourbonbucky and i continued it here, and i’m proud that i’ve written at least 1 piece for fluffy thorki sunday every sunday since i started. i love doing fluff and smut, and honestly even when my mood has been shit, i’ve always felt motivated to try and improve it at least enough to write some nice fluff. i put all of these on ao3 once i moved blogs
Let Love Disrupt
this is another fic we owe to discord lmao. i remember posting this when i was either very drunk or very tired and having to keep going onto ao3 on my damn phone browser to correct minor shit, and some not so minor shit like a typo in the title bc at first it said “distrupt” and that’s why i only post when i’m awake and sober now lmfao
Without Fear
i love werewolves (: a whole bunch (: and this fic is something dirty and wonderful that i’m proud of and THERE’S ART bc @nekokat42 is a blessing and takes commissions. kot i love u :3
On the Other Side Like Always
i have a lot of feelings about this fic. there’s an entire future in this ‘verse that i would so love to write, but i’m stuck on where to go with it. as it stands i am satisfied with this as a story of thor and loki coming together, and a story about how loki does something out of desperation but is finally given something genuine and comforting in his life like he’s always deserved. THERE’S ART from the wondrous @boltplumart / @mrhiddles bc allie is perfect :]
when i tell y’all i’m a trash gremlin king. i do have a thing for writing underage characters with adults (probs due to messy personal history lmfao ain’t gonna look at that too closely) and so writing this one was a fun little bit of self indulgence. also it’s dirty and really plays into codependency, which i always like writing bc it’s a fun thing to explore in fiction
Sunset Rhapsody
this fic. was supposed to be. two thousand words. at most. then thor smiled at me, as the writer, and was like “i want to own him” and we ended up with 11k of thor’s obsessive bs and loki being brutal. joking aside, i love this fic, i love what i did with it, i have an original story i wanna write for my size kink anthology that will follow a similar thread to this one. also that torture scene. i don’t recall if i ever properly wrote torture before, but this did kinda make me squirm a bit when i was writing it and if you’ve read it you know precisely which scene i’m talking about lmfao
Right to Guard
this fic was honestly very emotionally satisfying for me in a pretty visceral way. writing thor just surrendering to love and spoiling the fuck out of loki was pretty damn cathartic. 
A Bite of Lamb
me making sure i never lose my title as a trash gremlin king. honestly writing thor’s POV in this fic was like >.> at myself a couple times bc it felt distinctly dark in a way i’d never written another character. a very, very unhealthy kind of obsession and this twisted logic where he’s trying to make it all okay. i really fucking love this damn fic tho and i’m happy with how it came out. 
i was so, so frustrated and pissed off at work that i needed to let that shit out, so that was channeled into this very guilt-ridden turned tender fic, and i really enjoyed writing it. loved writing thor taking care of his baby sister. also! KOT IS FUCKING AMAZING and drew this bc they’re such a good fucking person ;A; like they sent me a message and just said “really liked this scene” and i was D Y I N G and i still am. thank you again, kot!
The Way A Rose Blooms
this was written for the thorki secret santa exchange! i drew @chickcheney and honestly the list of prompts was so, so good. bottom thor, arranged marriage, semi-public sex and trying not to be caught, body worship. i was like “damn did i draw myself wtf” bc that is all up my alley. 
Sugar Cookie
i honestly could not think of a better fic to finish off 2018 for me than sugar cookie. porn and emotions that’s all this is, but it features loki as a trans woman being loved and appreciated as she is with nothing extra expected of her and it was so satisfying to write. it makes me want to write original romance with trans women, which i’ll definitely do bc i loved writing this hungry and tender story and i’m very happy with how i ended it. 
so that was 2018 for me! 
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amethystina · 6 years
Hey, Losers! It’s time.
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2017 has been a horrible year for many of us and I want to do what I can to make 2018 better. So, during the entirety of 2018, starting January 1st, I will be doing something I have dubbed Trading Losers, which is, essentially, open art and fic trades for everyone in the Losers fandom. The basic concept is very simple:
If you write a fic or draw a piece of fanart, then so will I.
I have, more than once, said that I am prepared to keep this fandom alive on my own if I have to, but the truth is that I wouldn’t be able to do it without your help. So, this is my attempt to make 2018 a year full of new Losers content and, hopefully, you guys will do your part ;)
EDIT 2018-01-12: I realised that my phrasing on this post excluded other kinds of fanworks, for which I am sorry. If you create manipulations, mood boards, gif sets, playlists etc., please send those in as well and we’ll work out what I should do in return <3
Here’s what you have to do:
Write a fic or draw a piece of fanart and post it during 2018
Send me a link! I will not go looking for content — you have to send it to me
Specify if you would like a fic or a piece of art in return
Specify what ship you want (or what ship you don’t want, for that matter) or if you prefer Gen. I can’t guarantee that I’ll write every ship, but I’ll try
Specify if you have any preference when it comes to comics vs. movie. I tend to write/draw based more on the movie, but can do both
You may give up to three prompts to help me along, though I can’t guarantee that I’ll use any of them (I will try, though)
Here’s what I will do in turn:
I will comment on your work and reblog your post on Tumblr, if there is one (unless the work features one of my triggers, but, in that case, I will let you know)
I will write you a fic or draw a piece of fanart — you tell me which one you prefer
I will post the fics on my AO3, either in my ficlet collection Sniper and Hacker or as a stand-alone (depends on the length). Art will be posted on my art Tumblr
At the end of the year, I will make a masterpost here on my Tumblr with links to your works and mine
Rules and practical details:
You must be the creator of the fic/art — you cannot send in other people’s work  
If you are below 18, you must let me know so I can make sure not to include sexual content in my work. Sharing sexual content with minors is illegal and, on top of that, makes me uncomfortable
WIPs are allowed, e.g. you started writing/posting a fic before 2018 but finish it during this year
Send me the links either here on Tumblr, via my Dreamwidth, or email: [email protected]
Your fic has to be at least 500 words and the art more complex than stick figures. Other than that, there are no quality requirements and I will do my best to match your output. For example, if you write 5 000 words, I will try to do the same. If you draw a picture with two people and a background, I will try to do the same. The effort you put in is what you will receive in turn. Though, should you end up finishing a 100 000 word WIP, I will obviously have to limit myself to something shorter. But, on the other hand, I might write 15 000 words even if your work was 5 000, because I have no self-control whatsoever
While I can only guarantee one fic/piece of art per person, each work that is sent to me will get a comment and/or reblog (unless triggering, as mentioned earlier)
There are no deadlines and no need to apply/contact me on beforehand — just send me the work when it’s done. The offer for a trade closes on December 31st 2018, however, so make sure to do it before then!
While I will do my best to finish quickly, I can’t guarantee when my works will get done. Please be patient!
Feel free to spread this post to make sure that as many fans as possible see it! This might very well kill me, but at least I will have made people happy!
And, to those of you who feel like you can’t make your own content: reblog, comment, and give kudos. Encourage artists and writers by showing them how much you like their work. That goes for other artists and writers too — spread the love and help your fellow creators. Together we can make this a kickass year to be a Losers fan <3
Do you have any questions or want me to clarify something? 
Contact me here on Tumblr, on Dreamwidth, or via email: [email protected]
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batterwitch · 6 years
☆Commissions Open☆
Trying to make a little extra money for my cosplay and convention! They’re kind of loose commissions, just with donations to my ko-fi. I offer a lot of different stuff, so if you want me to try something, let me know!
» To purchase, please donate and request on ko-fi.com/copykatt «
◇ Tarot / Pendulum / Rune Readings ($1-5)
Choose a one, two, or three card reading [past, present future], or ask for a specific spread!
If you don’t ask for a specific spread, I’ll find one to fit your cards
Please keep under 12 cards, unless getting a full year spread (that’s 13, extra card free!)
If you want it to remain private, please indicate as much, otherwise it will be posted on uncorkedstorm.tumblr.com
» 1-3 cards / runes, pendulum - $1
» 4 cards / runes - $2
» 5-6 cards / runes - $3
» 7-9 cards / runes - $4
» 10-12 cards / runes - $5
» photo of spread +$2
◇ Writing ($1-5)
Ficlets, poetry, comic writing (no art), etc
If you request a certain amount and I go over because I’m stupid with writing, no extra charge!
Will write any ship for any fandom I actually am involved in, I won’t be able to write for characters I don’t know, sorry~
If you want it to remain private, please indicate as much, otherwise it will be posted on my Ao3 (KitKatWitch) and tumblr (Batterwitch)
» ≤ 1000 words - $1
» 1001 - 2000 - $2
» 2001 - 3000 - $3
» 3001 - 4000 - $4
» 4001 - 5000 - $5
» ≥ 5001 - message me
» +$1 for NSFW
◇ Handwriting ($1)
I love writing in a notebook so just give me something to write/doodle?
Will write names, short fics [1 page], doodle, song lyrics, etc
Will be scaned via Rocketbook app
◇ Cosplay Photos ($5+)
Will do specific poses, hold signs with your name on it, etc, in any cosplay I currently have!
Current Cosplays I can do:
► Mei Ling Zhou (Overwatch)
► Rose Quartz (Steven Universe)
► Medli (Legend of Zelda Windwaker)
► Princess Leia (Star Wars A New Hope)
► Portia (The Arcana game, in progress)
► Pajama Mei (Overwatch, in progress)
Will NOT do NSFW
Locations are anywhere in my house, for other locations please message to discuss
» Simple gesture or expression - $5
» Sign with your name/username/gamertag - $6
» Misc - message me
◇ Really Bad Art ($ whatever you want to donate)
Yeah I cant really draw but I will try!! Help me practice? :3
I’m actually good at not people so that will probably be better? But I’ll do people too!
My inbox is open for any questions, and this post will be updated as I go!
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imaginedilestrade · 7 years
Can we have a special Ben X reader fic for his birthday 😊❤️
A/N: okay I don’t usually do this but since it’s Benedict’s birthday I will 😁 so here’s a special birthday Ben X reader ficlet 😊 Happy birthday Benedict! 😄🎉
“He likes you, you know…” You slowly looked up to Amanda who had a Cheshire Cat like grin on her face. You rolled your eyes and playfully jabbed her side and she flinched on the spot laughing.
“No he doesn’t, and anyway we’re friends and he seems happy with that,” you told her in a matter of fact voice. You were standing with her on the set of Sherlock, you had been casted as Mrs Hudson’s granddaughter back in 2010 and had been on a few episodes since then as well as other acting jobs. Amanda loved to tease you by constantly telling you that Ben liked you.
She looked at you with a questioning glare “Are you?” Amanda asked and her question whirled around in your head.
You didn’t have time to answer her as the director shouted “Places!” And you and Amanda rushed to get into character. “Alright everybody! Action!”
You watched Martin and Ben work, their acting was flawless and almost effortless. Well flawless most of the time, as soon as the thought went into your head Ben burst out laughing at ‘Johns’ witty remark.
You couldn’t help but giggle and Ben looked up over to you with a small smile on his face “Alright is everyone ready?” The director asked and Ben nodded, quickly apologising for his outburst before continuing with the scene.
You stood waiting with Rupert at the bottom of the stairs that lead to the flat, ready for the director to shout action. “I’m going to feel like the third wheel,” he lightly chuckled and you furrowed your brow.
“What do you mean? You asked, fixing your costume a little.
Rupert shrugged “Well when you two have a scene together it’s like you both enter a world of your own…” He trailed off and you looked ahead, composing your thoughts. Did that really happen? If it did you didn’t notice it.
“Everybody ready? 3…2…1…action!”
You ran up the stairs with Rupert “Morning Sherlock,” you chirped with a smile “I found Greg on the stairs.”
“Who?” ‘Sherlock’ asked.
You rolled your eyes “Lestrade!” Both you and ‘Greg’ said at the same time. You continued on with the scene perfectly, subconsciously trying to find this ‘world’ Rupert was talking about.
The next scene you were shooting was with Andrew, where ‘Jim’ had kidnapped you and ‘John’ and 'Sherlock’ would have to save you. “A little bird told me that you’ve auditioned to be Cleopatra in the Globe theatres production of 'Antony and Cleopatra’.” Andrew looked at you with a smile on his face, a far cry from his almost petrifying Moriarty expressions.
“Uh yeah I’m waiting to hear back from them. Apparently they might be casting David as Antony.”
“Tennant?” Andrew clarified and you nodded.
“Yeah but I’ll have to wait and see if I get the part first.”
“I know some of the production managers there, I’ll give them a call and sort you out,” Andrew winked and you gasped, instantly bringing him in for a hug.
“Thanks Andrew that would be amazing!” You let go of him and prepared yourself for the scene. You had to wait for 'John’ and 'Sherlock’ to untie you from a chair that was in front of a loaded gun with a timer. You got into character and the scene began. Your character had their eyes shut and you cried some fake tears, your eyes opened when you felt hands fumble with the rope around you.
“Sh-Sherlock?” You sobbed out and watched as Ben avoided looking you in the eye. You wanted to furrow your brows but did your best not to break character. 'Sherlock’ untied you before pushing you to the ground as the gun went off.
“Cut! Perfect take guys!” The director shouted.
You barely heard him though, you were too entranced with Benedict hovering over you. Ben snapped back into reality and out of the trance he was being pulled into with your eyes “So-sorry Y/N…” He stuttered out and helped you up before quickly going to prepare for his next take.
You let out a small sigh and returned to your trailer just as you received a call “Hello?”
“Y/N! You got the part of Cleopatra!”
About a month later Sherlock was wrapping up filming and all the cast and some of the crew gathered around on set to celebrate “So Y/N…” Mark trailed off with a knowing smirk “Or should I call you Queen of Egypt?” You couldn’t help but smile and let out a giggle as the rest of the cast gasped with surprise.
“You got it?!” Louise asked with a delighted squeal before pulling you in for a hug.
“Yeah all thanks to Andrew!” You smiled at the Irish actor.
“Oh nonsense! You got it because you’re the best bloody actor in the country! Come give me a cuddle” you walked over to him and embraced him in a tight hug “Congratulations.”
You stepped back and found yourself looking into Ben’s eyes “Congratulations Y/N,” you wrapped your arms around him tightly, inhaling his goosebump inducing scent.
“Thank you…Sorcerer Supreme…” You teasingly whispered in his ear with a smile before pulling back, only to be still held in his arms. You smiled at his surprised face, he never told anyone, or at least couldn’t remember if he told anyone “A little bird,” you told him and he clicked on. That little bird was always Amanda.
You went back to your trailer for the last time in the series to collect your things when the door opened “Ben! Hey!” You smiled and put down a box of your belongings.
“Hi…” He slowly drawled out “Uh I just wanted to say well done again for getting the part of Cleopatra.”
“Thank you,” you bashfully smiled “Congratulations to you too! Dr Strange?! That’s amazing! I loved those comics. Marvel are very lucky to have you. When do you start filming?” You asked.
“I head out to Nepal tomorrow then Atlanta after that…” He trailed off with a sad tone and you gulped.
“For how long?” You asked in a whisper.
Ben burned his gaze into the ground “Five months.”
You felt your heart shatter, you wouldn’t be able to see him in person for five months. It would be the longest you would have been away from him. “Oh,” was all you could mutter out before you put on a fake smile “Well I’m sure it will be an amazing experience!”
“Yeah,” he sent you a half smile “Who has been cast for Antony?” He asked raising a suspicious brow.
“David Tennant was cast, I’m looking forward to working with him!” You smiled.
“Yeah…lucky sod gets to kiss you…” He mumbled so quietly that you didn’t hear him. “I’ll come and see you before the production finishes, I promise.” He smiled and leaned forward, pressing a chaste kiss on your cheek. It lingered for what felt like hours “Goodbye Y/N.”
“Bye Ben…”
Three months later you found yourself on the stage bowing for the final time as the crowd cheered and gave a standing ovation. You scanned your eyes across the crowd looking for a certain face but he wasn’t there. You tried not to let your disappointment shine through as you smiled and waved whist the curtain closed.
All the Sherlock cast had visited you, all except Ben. You sat in your dressing room that night, still in costume, looking at a photo from way back in 2010 at a young, fresh faced, Sherlock cast. You smiled and traced you fingertips over Benedict’s face with a sad smile. In the photo he had his arm around your shoulders with a large smile on his face. You both looked so young.
Your face had an even bigger smile on in. Sherlock was your first proper acting gig and from that your career propelled. A knock on the door snapped your from your thoughts and you hollered the person on the other side to come in. “Miss Y/L/N?”
You turned around seeing it was a backstage assistant “Um everyone has gone home but there is a person waiting for you on stage.” They smiled and left you utterly confused.
You walked to the stage, still in costume, and found no one there. That was until you heard a voice echoing through the empty theatre “I am dying, Egypt, dying; onlyI here importune death awhile, untilOf many thousand kisses the poor lastI lay up thy lips.”
You flawlessly began to recite your lines as Cleopatra, quickly getting into character with a smile hearing his voice. “I dare not, dear,–Dear my lord, pardon,–I dare not,Lest I be taken: not the imperious showOf the full-fortuned Caesar ever shallBe brooch’d with me; if knife, drugs,serpents, haveEdge, sting, or operation, I am safe:Your wife Octavia, with her modest eyesAnd still conclusion, shall acquire no honourDemuring upon me. But come, come, Antony,–Help me, my women,–we must draw thee up:Assist, good friends.”
“O, quick, or I am gone.” You saw Benedict stepping out of the shadows in the most bizarre costume, quoting Antony. You couldn’t help but laugh at his attire and perfectly designed facial hair.
“What are you wearing?!” You laughed, clutching your stomach.
Ben smiled “Stay in character!” He told you and you managed to calm your giggles.
“It’s going to be hard when you look like that,” you waved your hand up and down in front of him as he joined you on stage “But alright.” You cleared your throat and composed yourself before continuing with your lines “Here’s sport indeed! How heavy weighs my lord!Our strength is all gone into heaviness,That makes the weight: had I great Juno’s power,The strong-wing’d Mercury should fetch thee up,And set thee by Jove’s side. Yet come a little,–Wishes were ever fools,–O, come, come, come;” Your breath hitch feeling Benedict’s hands soothingly rub up and down your forearms. You continued speaking with a trembling voice as the strangely dressed actor in front of you made your mind spiral out of control with nerves. “And welcome, welcome! die where thou hast lived:Quicken with kissing: had my lips that power,Thus would I wear them out…”
Your voice was nothing but a whisper as you finished your line “You came…” You trailed off.
“I tried to come sooner, I wanted to see you. We’re filming in London for a few days, I’m sorry I broke my promise.” Ben’s gaze fell to the ground and you were quick to place a finger under his chin, drawing his attention back to you.
“You’re here now,” you smiled “Dr Strange…” You teasingly smirked and ran your fingers over his costume.
Benedict let out a bashful chuckle “Yeah…” He drew out “I came straight from filming. I arrived in London yesterday and we started filming straight away. I’m so sorry Y/N.”
You smiled and propped yourself up on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek “You’re here now, that’s all that matters…and you got a private show.” Ben felt his cheeks burn when your lips left his skin and especially when you winked at him after the words 'private show’ left your mouth.
“You look beautiful,” he whispered and moved closer to you.
You look down to your outfit and shrugged, lacing the delicate fabric between your fingers. “We have very talented costume desig-”
“No,” Ben cut you off “You look beautiful…” He trailed off and cupped your face with his scared hands, which you knew was special effect makeup. “Always…” He leaned forward and passionately crashed his mouth to yours. You couldn’t help but moan as he intertwined his fingers with your hair. He pulled back leaving your lips slightly swollen and tingling “How was that kiss?” He asked with a small smirk, pressing his forehead to yours.
“Amazing…I’ve wanted that for so long,” you softly whispered and peppered your lips across his own.
“Better than kissing David Tennant?” He asked, standing up straight with a serious look on his face.
“Much better,” you hummed.
“Good,” Benedict sent you a half smirk “I may have lightly threatened him not to kiss you that good.”
“Ben!” You burst out laughing and playfully slapped his chest. He laughed along with you and wrapped his arms around you.
“Do you want to come back to mine for dinner?” He asked with eyes full of hope.
“I’d love that.”
“Benedict! Y/N! Benedict! Over here!” A hoard of paparazzi and press kept calling your name.
“They’re going to have a field day with us…” You gritted out with a smile directed in the direction of the cameras.
“I know,” Ben spoke to you in the same fashion “Spend five minutes with them then I’ll get you back to the hotel to get that dress off you…” He seductively trailed off.
“Ben…” You warned with a smirk.
It had been a few years since Ben kissed you back in the globe theatre and since then you both had been inseparable. You talked to a few journalists while Ben stood next to you, talking to others. “Firstly Y/N congratulations on your Olivier award for your role as Cleopatra in Antony and Cleopatra, secondly how are you enjoying the D23 Expo?”
You smiled and answered “Thank you so much! It’s absolutely amazing being here! I’ve loved meeting everyone and of course watching the Infinity War trailer. I’ve asked Ben countless of times for spoilers but he never tells me!” You laughed.
“You’re a big fan of Doctor Strange aren’t you?” The interviewer asked and you nodded “What other roles did you enjoy Benedict in?”
“Oh The Hobbit and obviously Sherlock. I love watching him work, it’s such an honour.” You smiled adoringly at the blue eyed man by your side.
“Does he attempt to deduce things when he’s not playing Sherlock?”
You let out a laugh and Ben glanced over to you with a gushing smile. “No!” You replied “Thankfully not! I mean he can barely say the word penguin so-”
“Hey!” He cut you off and placed both hands on your side making you jump “You said you’d never bring that up…” He sent a fake pout in your direction, one that you couldn’t help but laugh at.
“Sorry!” You defensively held your hands up “Sorry darling!”
The interviewer laughed “So are you planning on making Y/N Mrs Cumberbatch anytime soon?” The interviewer pressed.
You and Ben both let out nervous chuckles before you were both cut off by a voice “No! She’s becoming Mrs Robert Downey Jr!” Robert called from behind the both of you and you all burst out laughing.
“No she’s not!” Chris hollered “She’s going to be called Mrs Evans and we’ve already agreed to adopt Tom Holland!”
“No we haven’t! Plus I think Ben wants to adopt him!” You shouted back with a laugh. You felt Ben’s hand come around and gently brush across your stomach.
“I don’t think we’d have the space, love.” You smiled hearing the soft, whispering tone that lingered around your ear. “Sorry folks!” Ben waved “we’ve got to go!”
You walked off with him to a car “How long do you think it will take them to figure out we married in secret Mr Cumberbatch?”
“I’d give it a few months,” he let out a snort of laughter and pressed a kiss to your temple “Mrs Cumberbatch.”
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gastvn · 7 years
Ooooooh so what are the writing challenges are you working on?
Ah! I’m working on both Wriliga and Twelve Days of Eternal Winter!
Wriliga (short for No One Writes Like Gaston) is gonna be a sort of practice NaNoWriMo - except Beauty and the Beast-themed! The challenge is to write (at least) 500 words a day during the month of October, based off of the prompts that will be revealed at midnight every day. The goal is to create a cohesive fic - or a series of ficlets - that all interconnect, follow the prompts that I provide, and tie together via a common theme. While it is a writing-centric challenge, artists can also make illustrations/drawings that follow along with the prompts - I recommend that they make comics! For those who are writing full-length, ≥15k word fics, October 31st will be the day of posting. I’m really excited for this challenge, and I’m looking forward to seeing all of the ways people are going to interpret the theme and prompts!
Twelve Days of Eternal Winter is a play on the twelve days of Christmas - it’s a holiday-based Beauty and the Beast writing challenge that starts on December 21st and ends on January 1st. I’ll be revealing the prompts on December 1st, and this time, they’ll be optional. Anyone can contribute anything - art, writing, videos, playlists, graphics, whatever they want! The whole point is to spread holiday cheer and not waste away winter break doing nothing!
I haven’t come up with a name for this one yet, but I’m planning on having a Beauty and the Beast pairing-centric gift exchange that takes place on Valentine’s Day. I’m pretty excited for that one, and I’ll probably start “campaigning” for it on January 1st, then ending sign-ups on January 14th (giving creators exactly a month to work). While I’ve already made side-blogs for both Wriliga and Twelve Days of Eternal Winter to archive the works, I’ll probably just run the Valentine’s Day one through AO3 - it’s much easier that way!
Thanks for asking, nonnie!
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spectrumscribe · 7 years
Can you tell me more about your tmnt crystal gems au? Like gem placement, headcanons, just whatever you feel like sharing! I really loved the fusion posts and I've been thinking about the AU a lot I lowkey (highkey) want to draw some fan art whenever you get around to telling us about the designs a bit! You're super talented keep up the awesome work!!
Hello! It took a while to get back to this bc I hadn’t quiteworked out the gems for everyone. I have now, though! Because you reminded meto, lmao. also if anyone wants to get technical about the meanings or whateverof the gems I picked please don’t, I’m a lowly fic writer and did minimalresearch and don’t care to get super deep about things, thanks.
Alright, so I wrote that one ficlet a while back about Donnieand April, and they were the only two I had for sure down with what gems theywere. (I’ll recap them tho, in case folks missed it.)
Donnie = Purple Pearl.(because of reasons.) Gem placement is his forehead.
April = Yellow(or was it gold?) Tourmaline. Gem placement is her hip.
Raph = Pyrope.Gem placement is the back of his right hand.
Leo = Blue Iolite.Gem placement is between his shoulder blades.
Mikey = Jasper.(like, similar to canon Jasper, but smol like Amethyst ended up.) Gem placementis his chest, also like Amethyst.
Casey =(tentatively, may change if I feel like it) Onyx. Gem placement is his leftpalm.
Splinter = Fireagate. Gem placement is the same as Mikey’s.
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They essentially move from planet to planet once the whole crew is together and have interstellar travel once again, staying outside the range of the crumbling empire’s reach, but mostly hang out on one specific planet that’s got very little sentient life on it. Very relaxing for a collection of people who really need to calm down sometimes. except Casey who is raring to go any time all the time and needs to be stopped
And here’s some descriptions and stuff, because hell yes I’d love fanart pls and thank you:
Donnie: He is thelankiest fuckin Pearl you will ever meet, tall as hell and kind of maybeashamed of that. Like, garnet type tall or something. Red eyes, which stand outweirdly against his color scheme. He’s this pastel purple nightmare, and has along gauzy see-through skirt type deal with shorts underneath; you know, pearltype chic. Long hair, usually in a braid that goes to his midback. Coloring….Uh, probably pale purple for the shorts and shirt, lavender purple for theskirt, and dark purple for his shoes. They are ballet shoes. He will break yournose with said shoes if you antagonize him.
April: On theshort side, not overly big but pretty thick regardless. She was designed for war after all, not forcourt regality. Standard pants plus sleeveless shirt dealio. Something close toJasper’s in SU canon, but more yellow/orange color scheme. Her hair is likeTMNT canon, and her eyes are blue. (which has ~significance~ for reasons.)
Raph: short,stocky, power house build. Taller than Mikey by a small margin. Light reds anddark reds are his color scheme, with black boots. Hair is short and dark andspiky on top, p close to being a mohawk. Green eyes, bc it’s my AU I can dowhat I want. (his reason for being ‘wrong’ or whatever shall be revealedlater.)
Leo: a slimmerbuild than Raph, more appealing to the upper castes to look at and be around. (It’sall about appearances with court gems)He’s designed for both combat andaesthetic, would’ve been a high class guard, maybe even captain of said guard.(except the whole desolation of the empire happened and that didn’t work out) Darkblue and darker blue for his hair and skin, and purpley toned light blue forhis clothing; plus black shoes.  Navy blueeyes obvs speaking, and I imagine his hair to be very short. Close croppeddealio. (similarly to Raph, his reason for ‘wrongness’ will be revealed later)
Mikey: evenshorter than Raph, and the same type of power house build. Basically has thesame color scheme and Jasper in SU canon, though his hair is less flowy andmore curly. Kind of coily? If that makes sense. Blue eyes obvs, but other thanthat he resembles canon Jasper/Amethyst strongly. (y’all can probably guess hisbackstory already)
Splinter: tol. Holyfuck so tol. He was a general of sorts in the empire, and a very high rankingone at that. Body type is like his canon ratdad self, and his robe dealtranslates into this AU too. Honestly he just looks a lot like Hamato Yoshi didas a human. Same sort of dark red color scheme too. (bleh, boring, on to thenext one who is not)
Casey: skinnymotherfucker, about the same height as Donnie, and the most ‘metal’ gem to haveever come into existence. His clothing is a mess of whites and greys and black,mostly because he ended up coming out of the ground… kind of wrong? His gem hasa shard of foreign material in it, so while he’s still perfectly good in afight, he’s not entirely a gem and thus didn’t stick to the physical design hewas supposed to. He also popped out of the ground without a lick of knowledgeabout the empire, or gems, or even who the hell he was, so he never took thename Onyx. He’s always just been Casey, and he was raised up with verydifferent ideals than what other gems got.
Anyways. Bandanna boy looks like this scruffy skinny thing, andtends to change his outfit every time he regenerates. (which is often. because he’sCasey and he is always getting intotrouble.) dark grey skin, and black hair, etc. Canon him, but worse, because he can regenerate himselfand his weapons as many times as hewants. Cue endless chaos.
Uh, as for headcanons, I guess I’ll give an assortment ofrandom things I have in my head about this AU:
-Donnie doesn’t like sleeping. He says it feels weird and isuncomfortable with being unaware of his surroundings.
-Casey and Mikey are the only ones who eat food regularly. Everyoneelse either partakes on few occasions, or outright refuses because it’s gross.
-Leo has a vintage collection of sci-fi comics and books,and adores them, despite having… actually lived a sci-fi adventure… literallyhis whole life…
-how each of the boys, and then April, took their new nameshad to do with the books and bizarre timekeeping policies that came from adistant planet that Splinter found at one point and became taken with.
-Raph keeps pets, but not often, since he outlives them alland it feels like they die too quickly to make the pain worth it.
-when they found him, Mikey hadn’t ever met another gem. It was…an experience. For everyone involved.
-the first time Donnie met Leo and Raph, he kicked Raph hardenough he fell down a cliff. Then Leo too. That was also an experience foreveryone involved.
-gardening is a hobby everyone eventually gets involved in.Since the planet they spend the most time on is mostly uninhabited, they cancreate enormous gardens and come back in a few years to see how things haveprogressed. The perks of living extremely long lives, am I right?
-fusion is an iffy subject at first, because everyone isstill shaking off the old social ideals of the empire, but eventually itbecomes a very regular occurrence. The first ones to fuse are Leo and Mikey,because of a dire situation. I haven’t decided their fusion gem quite yet, but I’llget to it.
-no one is sure why Casey’s weapon is a hockey stick, or… all that clear on what that really is… but thatdoesn’t stop Casey from using it in battle. And during their down time. Andpretty much constantly.
-Donnie gets reunited with an old, dear friend at somepoint. It’s an important reunion, since this person helped him find theconfidence to own himself, and belong to no one.
-April’s past is something she keeps hidden for a longwhile, until they find a ship that has information in its mainframe about her,and what she was designed to do…
-sleeping piles happen multiple times, okay? Even if somemembers of the pile don’t actually sleep during it.
That’s about it for now. I should get back to this AU, sincea lot of it is really wholesome and full of friendship things, and a lot moreof it is about insecurities and hidden pasts and self-image issues. All things Iadore. :3c
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