#<- tagging cause this technically counts
aroace-poly-show · 4 months
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Robot yuri... save me robot yuri
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tekatonic · 5 months
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a special treat : big MS Paint Guy Collection to end the year !
plus bonus uncompressed ms-paint colored sonic sticker
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ghostyclay · 5 days
[Day 26]: Groups and collabs! [WIP]
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Grrrr i dont have the time to finish this today :( have the idea & the line art instead, ill post the finished one once its done! (I'll prob do the other hermitaday challenges first tho, so it might take a while)
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Do u see my vision tho. The absolute sillyness those 3 get up to. (sketchy, semi accurate color pallete below!)
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The color pallete will prob still change a bit, this is just like a vague test that i base it off of? I usually select and change colors as i go, i rarely stick with the original version wodhskej
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lunarharp · 6 months
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scrappy stuff...suits.. & abrupt kiki au doodles
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foxgonyoom · 1 year
Have some rough sketches I made based on an idea I had based on the new season
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And now have a cursed one
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AKA: I forgot how I draw actual people so I made some weird creature when I was trying to just draw Nezha
I'd make smoother-lined + colored versions but I don't feel up for that right now so here have this instead
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devondespresso · 2 months
Chicken Noodle Oops
G | 126 words | ao3 link??? (do lil drabbles go on ao3??) | cw: just swearing
STWG Prompt: noodle with a word limit of 100 but let's not worry about that
• divider by me this time!! wahoo!! •
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Steve nearly missed the trilling doorbell, covered by the echo of own damn coughing.
The door opened and slammed shut, and footsteps led to the kitchen.
"Said I'm coming."
"Oh, sorry-- fuck!"
Steve bolted to the kitchen to find Dustin cradling a few fingers like they'd been burned. He darted to the sink to flick it on, and Dustin stuck his hand under the icy water.
Steve looked over to find no visible marks, and deflated onto the counter.
"What're you doing here, man?"
"We're having chicken noodle."
Steve looked at him, then back towards the thermoses on the counter, one still sitting in the sunflower tote bag, the other partially spilled on the counter.
"You can have the unspilled one."
Steve huffed a congested laugh.
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dino--draws · 2 months
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What the fuck Dino //Draws//??? yeah I haven't posted art in like ten-shitbillion years but uh uh uh uh
I drew Dr. Blank, Dr. Cimmerian and Placeholder McDoctrate. SCP bitches look at these sons of bitches
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flamingthespian · 8 months
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crystallizedday · 1 month
So I’ve been hyperfixating on both Demongo & Fusionfall as of late, & I wanted to put that energy to good use somehow.
But since I currently do not have the energy to draw anything as of late, I decided to do something
A little different.
Since Demongo is only ever canonically shown as an enemy/obstacle in Samurai Jack, Fusionfall had to make a few creative decisions to better flesh out his character so he could interact with players in an organic way.
This means that Fusionfall added QUITE a lot to his character, something that I have been keeping track of for quite some time now. While it is very unlikely that any additions to Demongo’s character line up with Genndy’s vision for the character…
I mean
Genndy doesn’t do shit with the character anyway. Y’all remember what happened in season 5?
Heartbreaking shit for any Demongo fans out there…
To show some appreciation for my boy
& also to talk about what exactly Fusionfall added to his character
I want to cover every single significant detail regarding Demongo’s character.
I will split this up into 3 sections: his NPC voice lines, his Nano voice lines, & his text box dialogue.
Let’s start with his
Because not only are the lines coming from the original Demongo, but they’re voiced by his og voice actor as well, so if any of these sections were to be considered the most “canon” depiction of him, it’s this one.
I have actually found & recorded all 15 different voice lines from him & packaged em all into a zip file… but I’m stupid & I don’t know how to insert that shit into Tumblr, or if that’s even a good idea considering zip files tend to be sus as fuck.
So uh
For now
Y’all just gotta take my word.
After thoroughly reviewing all the voice lines, there is ONE key addition to his character here that stands out right off the back.
This version of Demongo is the SASSIEST he’s ever been.
He literally will either greet you by sarcastically asking if you’re looking for a mission to do like an absolute smartass, or he’ll just talk down to you & refer to you as “another human child”.
Hell, referring to you as a child is something he commonly does in these lines.
Most of the time, he will speak to you in a way that emphasizes his own importance, especially when he talks to you via the nanocomm.
He definitely displays that classic huge ego his original character had, but he sometimes has a bit of a cheeky tone about it, like the sorta vibes you’d get from a rich & spoiled kid who thinks they’re the greatest thing to be put on this planet.
One of my favorite examples of this is when you accept a mission from him, & he’ll sometimes tell you “Do you think YOU can save the world?”
However, as much as he downplays your abilities, he also will sometimes find interest in your endeavors & even be impressed when you complete a mission.
One of his victory lines also has him actually openly celebrating your accomplishment, which is a cute detail that’ll come back later when we talk about his Nano lines.
While this isn’t exactly something that says a lot about his personality, I also wanted to point out how one of his victory lines has him remarking “Your soul BURNS with a warriors fire!” This remark actually attempts to connect Demongo’s fire theme in his design to his whole soul-collecting shtick, suggesting that to HIM, stronger & more determined souls will have a fiery aura to them… which is unsurprising considering that ONE Japanese legend about blue fire & souls &- I’m getting ahead of myself WKWWKSMSODMOM
No matter what Demongo says to the player, he always speaks in a manner where his tone of voice drastically shifts from word to word.
You know that whole bit where the fandom likes to call this guy a theater kid?
With how he says shit in such a dramatic, expressive, & ever-changing tone…
He kinda IS.
He SOUNDS like someone up on a stage, putting their heart into EVERY SINGLE line they say.
It’s honestly kinda adorable.
One last thing I found significant about his lines his how he fully admits that he often schemes in his downtime. However, while this may be interpreted as him scheming against the good guys, I don’t think this is the case, especially since we’ve never had a mission from him that either relates to Aku or gives him something powerful that HE could use against the heroes. I will talk more about this once we get to the text box section.
But before we do that, we need to move onto the
There are… a LOT of voice lines for his nano counterpart.
Thankfully, all of these lines are publicly available here!
So y’all can have a listen to them whenever you please!
I am unsure just HOW much of the original Demongo carries over in his Nano counterpart’s personality, so what I’ve done is cross-reference Nano Demongo’s lines with Nano Aku’s lines. After all, Aku is a rather interesting character since he’s both a terrifying threat while also being a lil bit of a fucking dork in the original show, & while HE isn’t present in Fusionfall, his nano IS.
So anything goofy Nano Demongo displays that Nano Aku doesn’t suggests that these lil quirks ARE things that originate from the original Demongo (the Fusionfall version, of course).
Imma list each of my individual findings numerically so they’re a bit more organized & easier to read.
1) Demongo enjoys dancing
Considering even Aku enjoys boogying a bit (at least in season 5), it isn't all that surprising that this trait carries over to Demongo.
However, comparing Nano Demongo's lines with Nano Aku's, Aku acts more so like he is forcing YOU to dance, & sounds like he does not enjoy having to dance himself.
This makes sense considering the very specific circumstances season 5 Aku was in, so I’m certain Aku wouldn’t typically be in the mood for that sort of nonsense.
On the other hand, Nano Demongo LOVES to dance. He ADORES it, & even though one of his lines is rather demanding, it isn't in a "you will dance or I will disintegrate you" kind of way like how Nano Aku’s lines would be like. Nano Demongo wants you to dance WITH him, not FOR him.
His lil “Go go DemONGO!!” as one of his lines is so fucking cute that it actually makes me a lil mad KWMWKWMWKDMEODMON
… ahem
Him loving to dance actually lines up pretty well with the theater kid energy he already has, so this trait actually fits for him.
I think he’d be pretty damn good at ballet KAMWKWMWKSMSODMDOM
2) Demongo can experience love
I know this sounds fanfictiony
When one of his lines is basically just “Demons need love too!” & like ACTUALLY DOING THE FUCKIN DREAMY SIGH THING in another line
Come on
How are you gonna disprove that?
& this isn’t something exclusive to the nano counterparts.
Nano Aku will just say shit like "love is for losers" & pushes the love narrative onto someone else, claiming THEY are infatuated with HIM.
So while Aku doesn’t give two shits about the subject (aromantic icon /j /j /j), Demongo's out here acting absolutely SMITTEN, one of his lines being him promising not to eat a person's soul purely out of infatuation.
Like Aku's canonically tried impressing literal children before so they adore & look up to him before, but Demongo really do be shaping up to be the bigger dork of the two KWMWKWMWOSMWO
It’s probably HARD to imagine even Fusionfall Demongo having the capacity to love, but since even Nano Aku is disinterested in that sort of shit, it’s hard to just excuse it as a nano-exclusive thing.
I think it’s cute. KAKWWKISDMOSXKOMK
Makes me wonder if FF Demongo has exes, cause that would be kinda funny to explore KAWNWODMWOMDOWDM
3) Demongo cries. Hard
Not only does Nano Demongo have TWO SEPARATE lines where he's just bawling his fuckin eyes out, like straight up whimpering & wailing, but Aku's lines in comparison are just "this is so sad" with the most fake fuckin crying I have ever heard KWNWKWMWKSNWOXKONWC
& when I say “fake crying”
I mean like
“Oh booo hoooo, lemme play a sad song for you on the world’s smallest violin…” kind of fake crying. There’s like NO effort behind it KWMWKWMWODKEON
Aku out here never expresses sadness to such a dramatic degree (& only ever gets like… emotionally depressed in season 5 where he just doesn’t feel like doing anything)
Meanwhile Demongo is bawling like SpongeBob during the dark ages of the show KWMWKWMWOSMSODMON
Im almost convinced FF Demongo has the ability to cry on command, just so other people will pity him so much that they’ll do shit for him.
It’s a good substitute for threatening them when uh
He can’t exactly live up to his threats
Since his powers got yoinked…
So what better way to get other people to do what you say than to make them feel like a piece of shit for NOT helping you?? OWMWKWMWODMWODM
4) Demongo can get overwhelmingly terrified
He’s helpless without his powers
So it makes sense that without them, he’d feel like anything could kill him at any minute.
But he straight up sounds like a cornered mouse in one of his lines. It sounds like he’s balled up in a corner, panicked for his well-being.
It’s actually kinda sad…
For all his talk of being the best there is, I can imagine that if he finds himself powerless, he just goes into panic-mode if he feels like he’s in danger.
& the fact that this is one of the more canon-accurate additions to his character breaks me wee lil heart…
… oh also
Nano Aku’s scared lines are like
Let’s just say they DON’T sound like he’s scared…
So that again isn’t a nano-exclusive part of Nano Demongo’s personality.
But this isn’t really a big claim, so :p KWMWKSMWODKS
5) Demongo laughs like a god damn dork when he genuinely finds something funny
Like we know he's got that gremlin laugh in the show & it's wacky as fuck, but according to his audio files, when bro is fuckin AMUSED, he displays some of the DORKIEST laughs l've ever heard out of a cartoon demon.
I’m not being biased.
Listen to the files yourself.
He like
Does the nerdiest lil “HEH!!” in one of them. It’s so fuckin GOOFY WOEMDODMDOSKDODK
Meanwhile, Nano Aku sounds like what you'd expect Aku to sound like when laughing.
Just evil laughs all around.
Not Demongo though, no no NO.
Bro laughs like how me or my own buds laugh.
Like a fucking nerd.
This is another cute addition to his character.
I dunno. I just like the idea of Demongo being such a sassy dork, but often puts up a tough & menacing front so people will take him seriously.
It’s that kind of characterization that inspired me to make the Duo of Doom AU, actually.
Speaking of the funni fella being a fuckin dork
6) Demongo is adorably ECSTATIC when victorious
Nano Aku's out here with his classic bellowing evil laugh & shit
It’s what you’d expect from Aku
& then there's Demongo
Who sounds like a god damn excited cheerleader when you & him win a fight (it’s in the “Battle Outcome” folder, if you’re following along with the audio files).
& then you have bro's cute lil "let us REJOICE!!"
Like that’s the kind of shit you’d hear an optimistic or comic relief character say at the end of an episode or animated movie where they’re like “Let’s PARTY!!” or something.
You don’t get that shit from Nano Aku, & especially his og counterpart.
I like to think that if FF Demongo did end up pulling off something cool or successfully accomplished something, he’d get so fuckin excited over it, maybe even doing a short celebratory dance cause he just feels like he NEEDS to with how excited he is KWMWKWMKWMWOSKOM
& then promptly panic when he realizes he’s not the only one in the area & fears that someone just saw him dancing like a fuckin dork OWMWKWMWOEKEODMSOXKSOCKOM
There’s so much you can do with his character in FusionFall that it pisses me off how no one in the FF fandom’s taken advantage of this shit…
Y’all keep writing him as this super serious character, & I’m just sitting here like
Naw, man
You don’t know him like I do /j /j /j KQMQKWMWKWMWKWMWOEMEOEM
Now we have ONE more section to cover before y’all can understand this character just as much as I do.
We now need to look at his
You can find all his dialogue on various wiki pages covering the missions he gives & missions that he just so happens to be a part of for one reason or another.
I recommend using the breezewiki Fusionfall pages since they actually showcase Demongo’s lil “emails” he gives you as you progress through the missions he gives you.
However, if that website doesn’t work for you for whatever reason (like how it is on my end), the fandom wiki will do just fine.
I’ll also provide SOME screenshots of my findings so I actually have some photo evidence for what I’m about to claim.
Before we do that, however…
Demongo DOES often speak in third person in the written dialogue.
I dunno why, since he doesn’t talk that way in his debut episode…
So I just like to ignore that trait of his
Or just say that he started talking like that cause Aku tends to refer to himself in the third person sometimes, so maybe he got it from the big guy himself…
Speaking of Aku
Hot take:
I don’t think Demongo’s working for Aku.
I know this doesn’t say much about FF Demongo’s personality, but it’s just something that I want to address cause I feel like I’m one of the few people that believe bro isn’t snitching on everyone to Aku.
There is a mission where you need to retrieve something for Demongo before a timer runs out. If it does, Demongo says this to you.
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Notice how Demongo refers to Aku here.
Isn’t it a little odd that he refers to Aku as his “lord” & not his “master”?
It COULD be an oversight
It could be that he currently sees Aku as his lord, much like a civilian to a king, rather than his master, someone he directly works under.
Isn’t it also odd that the only time he mentions Aku to you directly is when you fail him?
Sounds like SOMEBODY remembers that time he first failed Aku & got fucking crushed…
But considering Demongo gives you a second chance to fetch the thingie for him…
Seems kinda generous of him, don’t you think?
I like to see this as Demongo, having experienced that position before, not wanting to do the same thing to you (especially since… well, he can’t do shit to you while he’s weak like this).
He doesn’t wanna be the Aku in THAT situation…
& the only other time he mentions Aku is this line here, when you ask him about his allegiance on behalf of Jack.
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Yes. It IS shady that he doesn’t outright say that he’s working for Aku.
But like
If Aku is watching
Then why the fuck would he say that he ISN’T working for him?
He doesn’t wanna be offed for potential treason after all.
& if he was REALLY working for Aku, then he wouldn’t be in the position he’s in right now.
He’s powerless. He has to rely on others at the campsite to ensure his safety.
If he was working for Aku, then bro would be FINE. He wouldn’t be HERE, at the campsite.
If Aku is watching, then he doesn’t need a spy to keep an eye on Jack & the others for him.
THAT’s why I believe Demongo isn’t just fooling everyone to get info for Aku.
Hell, a friend of mine suggests that Demongo may not even KNOW if Aku still wants the fiery lil guy working for him, like he just pissed off his boss but never got that notice that he got fired. Maybe Demongo genuinely doesn’t even know.
Also, all of his missions are either about the master weapon or about himself & ensuring his reputation isn’t tarnished by his weakened state.
He doesn’t ask for anything suspicious.
Hell, when you DO get all the master weapons, he doesn’t get all giddy about having such powerful items at his disposal. No.
Because he too expects the player to use them to help win the fight against Fuse. He KNOWS their chances of winning are greatly enhanced by having the weapons in more capable & experienced hands…
& then Jack asks you to destroy them, but that’s a whole other story KWNWKWMWOSMWO
Demongo just never acts like he’s doing anything FOR Aku, & is just focusing on himself, probably because that’s the only thing he CAN focus on without his old master being there as a safety net.
Overall. I find this interpretation to be a FASCINATING way to better humanize his character a bit…
Speaking of humanizing him
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The entire “Infernal Racket” set of missions talk about how hard it is for Demongo to concentrate when a bunch of floating rock head guys across the campsite keep smashing into each other like football players, & he remarks how he’s losing sleep over the noise.
Meaning he actually sleeps.
& considering he resides at a campsite
I can only imagine that one of those tents is his.
I just find that fact cute KWMWKWMWODMW
This also makes me think that Demongo has trouble concentrating if the environment isn’t quiet enough.
As someone with ADHD…
It is ALSO this line of missions that reveals something adorable about him
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He has a favorite color.
& he doesn’t DEMAND blue ear muffs either.
He says it like he just asked you to get him a slushie, & he’s just like “I mean, I would LIKE a blue raspberry, but if they’re out, it’s fine. It’s whatever. I mean, I’s be a lil bummed out about it, but it’s no big deal, I guess.”
… which is also something I can relate to KWNWKWMWOWMWODKK
It’s like
One of the few times he acts so casual with you as the player.
It makes me think that he honestly WOULD act a lil more casually if he were to drop the whole “I’m super powerful” front & actually
Ya know
BE emotionally vulnerable for once.
& I think that’s a really sweet idea…
… Ah!!
I almost forgot!
Remember that “scheming” line from his NPC’s dialogue?
THIS is what I believe he is referring to when he says that.
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He seems to actually STUDY the master weapons you collect.
Even Jack admits that he had immense knowledge regarding this kind of magical weaponry, which appears to be quite useful.
Additionally, Demongo is also the one to initiate one of the final & direct attacks in Fuse’s territory, having planned to use Eduardo’s imaginary energy against Fuse’s forces.
I’m almost certain HE planned out this attack.
Him being a good strategizer (if that’s even a legit word) honestly fits with his whole “making souls fight for him” shtick.
Sure, he probably isn’t a genius (ESPECIALLY in comparison to Dexter or Mojo), but he KNOWS how to plan attacks, & thus probably spends a lot of his time doing THAT as well.
That’s probably what he means by “scheming”.
It’s honestly a shock that he doesn’t boast about this clear skill of his like he does with his “powers”.
JACK is the one to point out how knowledgeable he is about magic & strategy.
To me, it kinda feels like Demongo takes his knowledge on these subjects GENUINELY seriously. Maybe it’s cause these are things that take him time to flesh out & perfect & shit, & he’s just so focused on learning & executing what he can that he doesn’t even think of it being necessary to brag about this shit.
I dunno. I just found that lil detail interesting KWMWKSMWOSSMOD
… speaking of having to interpret shit
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This shit
Confused me
For the longest time
Until I eventually realized something:
They help him keep up a semi-menacing appearance.
I can imagine he uses them as discount fog machines, helping to make the atmosphere around him more mysterious & intimidating…
Which is SO fuckin dorky & also plays into his whole “theater kid” personality…
… which can ALSO be seen HERE.
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For the love of god
All we need now is confirmation that bro sings in his free time KWWMOWMWOSMSEODMEKN
Since we’re on the topic of Demongo’s goofy attributes
There is ONE more thing I wanted to share before I wrap up this post.
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The world is fucking ENDING in this universe
& Demongo is FAR TOO PETTY & butt-hurt to even talk to Jack directly.
He’s such a brat sometimes, but that’s what makes him such a fun character in my eyes KWMWOWMWOSM
That’s all I have for now.
If there’s anything I showcased here that you have a different interpretation for, POP OFF!!
I LOVE hearing people’s different takes on this kind of stuff!!
I love seeing how creative people can get OAMWKWMWKWMWOWMWOEOM
Uhhh anyway
I hope this post has opened some of your eyes about how much potential Demongo has as a character, inside & even outside of Fusionfall.
& ALSO makes you wish that Genndy treated him with just as much love & respect as the Fusionfall team did KWMWKWMWKDMEOFM
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nyaskitten · 2 months
It's so awkward realizing I really am a Big Ninjago Blog, because suddenly I realize 99.9% of the time, if it Seems like someone is just vaguely tryna talk about a post of mine without mentioning my name, they Are tryna do that...
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comics-n-stuff · 1 year
Everyone who has ever, even slightly, been Robin
*In official, DC-endorsed media 
Total: 98 (i think)
my definition of a ‘Robin’ is extremely vague. For example, I’m counting Lois Lane because she went to a costume party as Robin, and I’m also counting ‘Boy’ from Batman: the Return of Bruce Wayne because he had the domino mask paint and was clearly a stand-in for Robin. Et cetera.
They’re organized chronologically by their first appearance as Robin
Also this is heavily dependent on DC Fandom Wiki, so please let me know if I missed anyone or if anything is inaccurate
Red = actually Robin for a significant portion of time (more than a few in-universe days & more than one issue/episode/movie/etc)
Italics = was never Robin in main continuity (i.e. Earth Two [before Earth One existed], Earth One, New Earth, and Prime Earth)
Bold = I actually acknowledge them as Robin in my heart
Dick Grayson (Apr 1940)
Julie Madison (Mar 1941)
Ricky (Dec 1944) [possible future]
Mary Wills (Apr 1950) [Earth-Two]
Bruce Wayne (Dec 1955)
Vanderveer Wayne (Jun 1962)
Alfred E. Neuman (Sep 1966) [Mad Magazine]
Jimmy Olsen (May 1970)
Jason Todd (Mar 1982)
Boyd, the Robin Wonder (Apr 1983) [Earth-C-Minus]
Carrie Kelly (Jun 1986) [Dark Knight Returns]
Tim Drake (Oct 1989)
Robert Chang (Apr 1990) [Digital Justice]
Redbird (Jan 1993) [The Blue, the Gray, and the Bat]
Thomas Wayne (Jan 1993) [Robin 3000]
Bane (Apr 1993) [rejected elseworlds]
Robin Redblade (Jun 1994) [Earth-494]
Tengu (Sep 1994) [Narrow Path]
Alfred Pennyworth (Feb 1996) [Batman: Dark Alligiances]
Jubilation Lee (Apr 1996) [Amalgam Universe]
Tris Plover (Jun 1996) [Legends of the Dead Earth]
Darkbird (Jul 1996)
Bruce Wayne Jr. (Feb 1997) [Earth-3839]
Lois Lane (Oct 1997)
Rodney the chimpanzee (Nov 1997) [Batman: Dark Knight Dynasty]
Marya (1998) [I, Joker]
Barbara Gordon (Feb 1998) [Earth-37]
Robin the Toy Wonder (Nov 1998) [DC One Million]
Rochelle Wayne (Feb 1999) [Reign of Terror]
Kon-El (Mar 1999) [Hypertension]
Clark Wayne (Mar 1999) [Earth-3839]
Squid Wonder (Aug 1999)
The Robin (Mar 2000) [Earth-40]
Robin Drake (Feb 2002) [Riddle of the Beast]
Stephanie Brown (May 2004)
Koriand’r (Jan 2005) [Teen Titans (2003 show)]
Garfield Logan (Jan 2005) [Teen Titans (2003 show)]
Rachel Roth (Jan 2005) [Teen Titans (2003 show)]
Victor Stone (Jan 2005) [Teen Titans (2003 show)]
Robbie the Robin (Jun 2005) [Krypto the Superdog]
Control Freak (Oct 2005) [Teen Titans (2003 show)]
Damian Wayne (Nov 2006)
Robin Olsen (Oct 2007) [Earth-8]
Bizzaro Robin (Nov 2007)
Unnamed penguin (Jun 2010) [Tiny Titans]
Boy (Jul 2010)
Robin Robin (Jul 2010) [Tiny Titans]
M’gann M’orzz (Nov 2010) [Young Justice (2010 show)]
Jericho (Dec 2010) [Tiny Titans]
Kid Devil (Dec 2010) [Tiny Titans]
Wildebeest (Dec 2010) [Tiny Titans]
Kroc (Dec 2010) [Tiny Titans]
The Joker (Jan 2011)
Lance Heart (Feb 2011)
Fransisco Ramirez (Feb 2011)
Christopher Ward (Feb 2011)
Robin John Blake (Jul 2012) [Dark Knight Trilogy]
Helena Wayne (July 2012) [Earth 2]
Robin’s Egg (Jan 2013) [Farm League]
Super Robin (Jul 2013) [Teen Titans Go!]
Selina Kyle (Mar 2014)
Damien Wayne (Jun 2014) [Infinite Crisis Video Game]
John Thomas Grayson (Dec 2014) [Earth 2]
Nibor (Jan 2015) [Teen Titans Go!]
Daxton Chill (May 2015)
Dre Cipriani (May 2015)
Riko Sheridan (May 2015)
Duke Thomas (Jul 2015)
Troy Walker (Jul 2015)
Kat-R-ina (Aug 2015)
Isabella Ortiz (Aug 2015)
BlackDomino (Oct 2015)
Darkestdawn (Oct 2015)
SideKicker (Oct 2015)
Yellowcape (Oct 2015)
Shug-R (May 2016)
Robinbot (May 2017)
Dinesh Babar (May 2017)
Rabid Robins (Oct 2017) [Earth -22]
Cult Member Robins (Apr 2018)
Rosie (Apr 2018)
Matt McGinnis (May 2018) [Futures End]
Harley Quinn (Apr 2019)
Jarro (Oct 2019)
Billy Batson (Oct 2019)
Six of Hearts (Dec 2019)
Maps Mizoguchi (Dec 2020)
Talia Kane (Feb 2021) [Earth 11]
LeBron James (Jul 2021) [Space Jam: A New Legacy]
Drake Winston (Oct 2021) [Batman ‘89]
Anita Jean (Oct 2021)
Kiki (Nov 2021)
Son of Don Mitchell Jr. (Mar 2022) [The Batman (2022 movie)]
Gan (Mar 2022)
Jon Kent (Jul 2022)
Amish Boy Wonder (Nov 2022) [The Last Harley Story]
Darcy Thomas (Nov 2022)
Elizabeth Prince (Jan 2024) [Possible Future]
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catgirlkirigiri · 1 year
Everybody wake up new generator just dropped
Warrior cat clan generator!!! Yippee!!! This generator features:
Over 300 prefixes for your cats and clan
Over 100 suffixes for your cats
1-30 warriors for your clan, not counting the leader, deputy, medic, and any apprentices
Your leader’s and all your apprentices’ warrior names
A 50/50 for every cat to have an apprentice
Coat and eye colors, patterns, and scar counts (between 0 and 15) for every cat, including apprentices
A biome your clan’s territory is in
Details (names, colors/patterns/scar counts, biome) bolded for convenience
Update 20/1/2023: bolded the number of warriors in your clan, added up to 5 queens with 0-7 kits each, added up to 10 elders
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ohno-the-sun · 8 months
I know this may seem like a weird question since a lot of your AU’s have them as brothers but how do you feel about Sun(drop) x Moon(drop) shippers? Do you care? Don’t care? Disgusted? Like it? Meh?
I find it fine
There’s a couple of aus I like that have them as lovers
I think I just like depicting them as brotherly more cause I’m a sucker for a good angsty brotherly bond
I think as long as it’s not both at the same time I don’t really mind either way
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thepinkseashell · 1 year
tagged by @saintmissile to post my lockscreen, last saved image, and last song (thank you scout!! :] ). with no pressure, im tagging @littlefangs @smfs @thekintsugikid @paramoreworld @raytoroapologist @gothdrpepper @bisexualgerardway @wintercrash + any other mutuals who feel like doing this!! you can say i tagged you. <3
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its-tortle · 1 year
june 4th and i've read 25 novels!!!
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