#<-- little doccy?
mee1414 · 25 days
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The Goat
Day 14 - Docm77
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themuddypig · 7 months
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This is the greatest thing I have seen today. I can picture it so clearly - tiny German toddler saying "Decked Out" - Doc's surprise - I hope Doc is willing to do a run with Doccy on his lap Doccy deserves to see more Big Grey Cows
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dragonflavoredcake · 2 months
Tango, answering his phone at midnight: Hello?
Doc: Hey man, sorry if I woke you. Could I ask for a favor?
Tango: . . . Sure?
Doc: Little Doccy can't sleep; could you tell a quick story over speakerphone? They love listening to my recordings of your audio, but I'm having technical difficulties and can't get to them.
Tango, nearly in tears from the cuteness: . . . Little Doccy listens to us to fall asleep?
Doc: Yeah, but they really like you specifically. They call you the Dumb-Dumb Mister. Heh, I guess "Dungeon Master" is a little hard for a kid that age.
Tango: Oh, wow. Yeah, if it'll help them sleep, for sure.
Doc: Thanks! Okay, give me a second to put you on speaker.
Tango, on speakerphone: Hi, Doccy, it's Tango!
Little Doccy: Der Tango! Dumb-Dumb Mister!
Tango: Are you ready for a story about the first time your dad got to the Burning Dark?
Little Doccy: *incomprehensible happy squeals*
[30 minutes later]
Tango, in the Hermitcraft group chat: GUYS I'VE NEVER BEEN SO HAPPY TO BE CALLED A DUMB-DUMB
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binibiningdarna · 4 months
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Tango has been banned from babysitting
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doccywhomst · 2 years
i think quantum and astrophysicists should be contractually obligated to dress like fancy old wizards at all times. same goes for (al)chemists and doctors and librarians and professors and engineers and electricians etc etc etc... different flavors of fancy old wizard
like, you know how judges get gavels and fancy powdered wigs and shit? STEM nerds should get to dress like gandalf
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jestroer · 6 months
The Doccy appearence on decked out finale pretty much melted my face not gonna lie
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rosegoldenatlas · 4 months
Docm headcanon/rant
i think a lot of newer docm77 fans don't know how his skin got so complicated. Or how much lore it has because it is intricate.
Originally (as far a I know at least) the skin was a creeper man with a robotic eye and a lab coat. That's it. But then he upset a God (aka dinnerbone) that removed his right arm model. He replaced it with a robotic one quickly though. Around this time he killed three gods, dinnerbone cause of the arm thing I forgot how he killed Jeb but it was on accident then he accidentally killed Notch.
Then he joined hermitcraft a while after the Notch incident. Which I headcanon that instead of being invited he just shows up one day and nobody questioned him.
Season seven rolls around and is obsessed with goats and GOAT mentality (grind optimize automate thrive). Season eight hes breaking Minecraft again and apparently harnessing black magic with his shadow tech. (Headcanon doc doesn't believe in magic even when he sees it right in front of him or been when he does magic himself. It is simply yet to be explained science)
Season nine he is so obsessed with goat he now has goat horns (headcanon that he fucks with his DNA just cause he can. Also I like to think he also got a thicker skull with the goat DNA as well as the ability to just eat anything and developed a minor allergy to buttercup flowers)
Still season nine he's breaking the game and now worships the goatmother aka goat goddess and found an entire dead goat/creeper hybrid society in his perimeter. Then there's that twitter thing where his irl kid and him plate pretend as butterflies and suddenly his character has pink butterfly wings. (And antennae maybe?)
And that I just surface level canon things. Here are headcanons I didn't already say.
-his kid is a nonbinary creeper goat butterfly. And I love them. They usually stay with a friend off server because hermitcraft is not the safest place for a three year old but Doc will let them visit hermitcraft sometimes and goes off server frequently to see doccy.
-Docs hivemind is a bunch of smart people that he can see if they let him and he hears them constantly. Not only I the hivemind his smart friends but also various artists and musicians and cosplayers.
-Docs cam account is his robotic eye that he can control with his mind.
-creepers are covered in green fluffy fur an therefore Doc is fluffy. Also living with Ren in season eight gave him the habit of shaking himself dry after getting wet.
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kiriona-apologist · 9 days
understanding even a single branch of the lethbridge-stewart family is like trying to track the bloodline of the freaking monarchy, why did the brigadier have so many children????
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sunnibits · 7 months
my brain is so fucking weird. currently need to make lunch but I’m not making it because my dad is in the kitchen making something and the smell is overstimulating me and making it harder to get up an appetite and also I don’t want to share the kitchen space with him bc that’s overstimulating so I’m just. not making food. why am I like this <3
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mcwhytubers · 1 year
*deflated balloon whine*
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aband0nware · 3 months
what if i came back after nearly 2 years
what then, hmm?
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dragonflavoredcake · 1 year
Doc, threatening someone: We have ways of making you talk— Doc: Doccy, Little Doccy, Daddy's working right now, I—oh my gosh, did you draw this? That is so good!
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hmshermitcraft · 2 months
Doccy was originally a secret, Doc didn’t want anybody to know about the kid he had acquired in between seasons, and he definitely didn’t want any of the hermits to think that he had grown weaker because of this kid (even though he loved the baby to bits).
This was until Ren happened to come across Doccys nursery one day while snooping through Docs base, and since then they’ve been the best-worst parents Doccy could every have.
-📻 anon
What still remains a secret is just how Doc came to acquire Doccy between seasons. He won't speak of it, and the hermits know better than to prod the beast - especially now he's powered up with dad energy.
Ren's seen how protective Doc gets when the little hybrid is in danger. Wherever Doc got them from, Ren couldn't imagine Doccy anywhere else. He's gonna be the best dad ever (next to Doc, obviously.)
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bloodsoeur · 4 months
oh dear god please I beg you just a teeny tiny snippet will suffice, please provide a follow-up to Earth Tav somehow reuniting with Astarion, via reincarnation or another divine intervention 😭
in reference to this post here, where Astarion handles a Tav from Earth who returns home after the defeat of the Netherbrain. my darling dearest. your wish is but my command. this is open ended because i was tempted to take it in an nsft direction, but for now please enjoy! cw: none, fluff, the doccy who references are out in FULL FORCE today.
It’s not until the wound has fully scarred over and he’s lying in a sweat-heavy trance that he feels a familiar ice-pick of intervention making headway into his brain. 
Someone is tampering with his dreams. 
Another quest, perhaps? Another person wanting him to traipse the length of the Sword Coast for their own gain once more? 
Lazy by way of an impressionable entrance. He’s a little put off by it in all honesty. Unoriginal.
It’s not until his bleary-eyed dream self rubs the glare from his eyes that he sees the vision before him and chokes.
It’s been a tenday since he last dreamed of you. 
He must’ve been slacking. 
Your sheer unbridled whimpers of laughter as you barrel towards him. Skidding to the ground where he sits, cross legged; rushing to cup his face in your hands and smatter it with hurried kisses.
“It’s real. This is real. It’s not a dream. I’m here. Well. In your dream, but it’s me.’
It takes him a moment. He inhales deeply.
Gods. It is you. The smell with which he became so familiar, nights under the stars with his nose buried in the crook of your neck.
‘I don’t know when I’ll be able to do this again, if ever.’
Your forehead presses to his as his fingers find yours, looping together as he gasps for air.
‘I think of you every single day. I miss you, every single minute.”
There’s a broken sob in his ear, heavy with spit and shakes.
He heaves a slight wail of his own. Arms lift to pull you down into his lap.
“Love. Oh, love.’
Astarion doesn’t care how you’ve done it. He doesn’t know how long you have left together in the ballroom of his mind and intends to spend every second in the present.
‘My lost love. Look at you.”
As his eyes run the length of your face he studies for changes. You have more grey at the root of your hair, the creases around your eyes a little deeper. Not aged too significantly, but it’s been a while since your adventure together in your realm, too.
You snort a teary giggle. 
“Look at you! Beautiful thing. Gods love you still.’
He must look pretty similar. A little more battle-worn, surely; but aside from that the only difference is the rings running up his pointed ears. You toy with them as he holds you close around the waist. 
‘I never got to say goodbye, did I?”
No. Not this.
“Don’t. Please.”
You pull back a little and your eyes meet once more, both glimmering wet and aching. It takes a moment for you to speak.
“I’ll spend my whole life looking for a way to come back to you. But this-’
You gesture to the scintillating purples and blues around you, the grass. It’s a similar vision to that of the dream guardian from all that time ago. 
‘I’m using a star for the energy to say goodbye.”
He sobs something guttural. Of course you’re destroying a celestial body to see him once more. It couldn’t be something simple, could it?
“Keep doing it! There’s a sky full of them!’
He laughs into you. 
‘Or better yet, come back. Please.”
“I’d be old by the time I got to you. People might stare.”
He fumbles for your hand once more. He’s been stashing potions and elixirs to negate your ageing should you appear on his doorstep one day, but you don’t need to know that.
“Don’t care. Come back. Come back to me.”
Your own laugh sounds like it was borne straight from the heavens.
“You don’t think I would if I could? In a heartbeat?”
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bugeater77 · 29 days
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ipowlin · 5 months
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