#[ starting the golden age of pirates as they all seek His treasure
pirateborn-a · 2 years
just keeps thinking ab roger in association with light and the divine,,,,
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A Bounty As Boundless As The Sea | Chapter 1
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Chapters: 1/? Fandom: One Piece (Liveaction 2023) Rating: Explicit Relationships Dracule Mihawk x F!Reader Characters: Dracule Mihawk, Original Characters, Akagami no Shanks, Roronoa Zoro , Perona. Warnings: Mention of blood and physical torture, violence, 18+ content (minors DNI), explicit sexual content, POV switching. Summary: Constantly evading capture due to a bounty on your head, you were forced to embrace the life of a pirate, despite your initial desire for a thrilling adventure and a simple exploration of the world. One fateful day, the Marines dispatched Dracule Mihawk to hunt you down, plunging you into a game of hide and seek with the formidable Warlord of the sea throughout the East Blue. However, to your surprise, the man proved to be less bloodthirsty and hostile than you had anticipated. His piercing, hawk-like eyes, shimmering with a deep golden hue, left an indelible impression on your mind, while his apathetic yet self-assured demeanor ignited a newfound sense of intrigue within you.
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Note: This story will eventually include bits from the Anime, so you should expect some Spoilers if you haven't watched it. However, everything written here is purely based on the liveaction adaptation.
Please consider that Mihawk is 41 when he first appears in One Piece, which means that the Reader is supposed to be in her thirties at best, even if the age isn't mentioned.
Credits: The divider was made by firefly-graphics.
Read on AO3.
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The day you headed out to sea from your place of origin, you didn't anticipate the course of your life to take a turn for the worse. Of course, in a world infested by piracy, riots, and wars, you were conscious of the potential perils that lurked in the horizon. However, you did not foresee that you would end up with a bounty on your head for taking the life of a Marine Admiral, who had put you through numerous days of torment and barbarism.
If anyone had conveyed to you about a similar possibilty, you would have deemed it to be a matter beyond your wildest imagination. You? A wanted criminal with the blood of another person on your hands? You were renowned for your compassion in your hometown. You could never harm a fly, no matter how hard you tried. And yet, the time you spent incarcerated for a minor food theft in the East Blue brought forth a substantial change in the person you used to be.
You had no desire of becoming a pirate, least of all taking someone's life the way you did. The legendary treasure, the One Piece, didn't entice you in the slightest, as it could very well be a falsehood concocted to unleash disorder on the world. You were seeking nothing but an outing, a break from the monotonous cycle that had exhausted you for quite a long time. You yearned to be on an adventure, to observe the marvels of the ocean, and to gain your financial stability through ethical methods.
You were once the pride of your family, and the thought of how profoundly disappointed they must have felt for your sullied repute overflowed you with mortification.
For a while, everything was as normal as it could be. You worked from one tavern to another, gathering information about the most formidable pirates setting their sights on the Grand Line. You heard several tales from inhabitants and wayfarers, even from the Marines themselves. You were thoroughly pleased with the experience and the wisdom you were acquiring for your own good during your travels.
Unfortunately, things started to deteriorate when your ship developed a massive leak, to the point where you barely managed to reach the next harbor before capsizing and sinking down. The funds available to you weren’t nearly enough to buy a new one, and thus you had to depend on occasional fishermen or merchants for transportation, still paying them handsomely for their help.
On a day when misfortune struck, you were robbed of all your Berries and supplies due to your naivety. You were unable to report the incident to the authorities as the culprits fled as soon as you set foot on land, leaving you without a single coin in your pockets and no food to sustain you during your wanderings. Without money, you could no longer afford passage by ship or meals at local taverns. You were obliged to begin from the outset, tracking down employment opportunities that seemed increasingly difficult to come by.
And then the harassment began, with unscrupulous dealers or pirates demanding a certain type of payment in exchange for their services, which you naturally rejected. As time passed, you had to resort to adopting a defensive stance the hard way, procuring blades and handguns via questionable channels.
You were tired, demoralized, and desperately hungry. Your suffering clouded your judgment, pushing you towards a path you never thought you would accept as your only option.
And then, you had the not-so-brilliant idea of stealing a piece of bread from a market, thinking that just one time wouldn't really be the end of the world. Little did you know, you were about to seal your own fate, as the Marines happened to walk by just as you committed the act, completely unaware of their presence.
You begged for your freedom, spelling out justifications in the hope that they would provide you with the considerate treatment that innocent citizens were supposed to receive. You were gravely mistaken.
The discovery of two sharp daggers and a fully loaded pistol in your backpack certainly did not aid your predicament. Despite numerous attempts to convince them that you were not a pirate, they refused to listen to your reasoning and brought you directly to the Marine base, where a cold cell awaited your arrival.
They left you there without food and barely any water for three days, until the Admiral in charge finally decided to acknowledge your presence. You had hoped that they would recognize their grave misinterpretation and offer you the justice you were due, but you were astonished to find that the conditions of the enstablishment were just as oppressive as the enclosure of your prison.
The commander wished to gain knowledge pertaining to certain fugitive pirates, whose heads were carrying substantial rewards for their crimes against the Government. In view of this, the man put forth an offer that he reckoned would be difficult for you to refuse; join forces with him in return for your liberty.
The hitch was that, besides knowing their names, you were not well-informed concerning these outlaws. The Admiral was convinced that you were withholding more than you wanted to disclose, referring to you as a member of those despicable parasites. The Marines didn’t even put in the effort to corroborate your innocence prior to deeming you officially guilty, using their prestige as a weapon and exerting power over those who were vulnerable.
Ultimately, after realizing you were unwilling to cooperate, the Admiral employed brute force in a bid to extract any secret you were keeping to yourself. In the confines of your cell, you were left to starve and decay as your body continued to weaken. The man would make daily visits, sadistically using his blade to inflict deep wounds on your back, your shirt being ripped in the process. One slit progressed to two, then three, and then ten, until you were unable to keep track of the number. The persistent agony was compounded by the dripping blood, which formed a revolting pool on the floor and stained your uncomfortable bed.
He was a sadist, twisted by madness, using your body as his canvas.
On the brink of abandoning all your hope and acquiescing into rotting in that prison, a guard entered to release you, apprising you that the Admiral had a final proposal ready for you. By then, you had already lost a considerable amount of weight, and you could barely remain standing on your enfeebled legs. The oldest scars on your back itched as they recovered, though the fresh ones were still moist and soaked with blood.
You were forcefully shoved into the office as the guard closed the door behind you, leaving you on your knees, alone with your jailer. Once again, the Admiral attempted to coerce you with promises of salvation, threatening a proper execution the following day if you didn't comply.
It was evident that he had grown tired of toying with you. The Admiral's obsession with pirates seemed to be a severe mental illness, as he saw evil lurking in every corner, when in reality, he was the only monster in front of you.
The moment he turned his back to you and placed his arms across his torso while looking at the window, you became aware of an opening directly upon his desk. There was an empty plate sitting there, with a fork and knife neatly arranged upon it.
A knife, sharp enough to effortlessly cut through a thick steak.
Your heart pounded loudly in your ears as you swallowed hard. Time was of the essence and you needed to act swiftly, without any hesitation whatsoever. Summoning every ounce of energy left in your frail body, you stood up from the polished floor, careful to make minimal noise with your tattered boots. Advancing at a steady pace and with a calculated gait, you went up to the large table, your eyes fixed on the back of the Admiral's head.
Ignoring his eccentric speech, you stealthily grasped the knife by its handle, slowly leading it away from the dish and carefully concealing it inside the sleeve of the meager garment you were still wearing.
You could barely take a couple of steps back before he turned to face you once more, a malicious grin spreading across his lips. He taunted you, expressing his pity for your miserable state and remarking how much fun the two of you could have if only you were smart enough to choose his side.
He walked past the table, extending his big hand to touch your shoulder. You acted on pure instinct as the hunger, resentment, pain, and fear that had consumed you for the longest days of your life surged to the surface all at once. You let the knife slip from your sleeve, tightly gripping it in your hand before delivering a quick and effective stab to his neck, slicing it open.
For a brief moment, you felt nothing. With cold, deadpan eyes, you stared at him as he gurgled and collapsed to the floor. It was only when you saw the blood pouring forth around him that you abruptly snapped back to reality, realizing the gravity of what you had just done.
Panic surged through you when you heard the guard knocking at the door, and from there, everything happened in a blur of rapid movements. As the knob turned, you ran to hide behind the door, seizing the opportunity to slip away when the guard discovered the Admiral's lifeless body in the room. In a rush of agitation, you escaped through the halls and stumbled upon a Marine uniform that was slightly oversized. Fright filled your heart as the shrieking alarm carried on blaring through the base, until at last you managed to end up outside as a disguised cadet.
You discovered an unattended boat moored at the port, which you promptly took control of. Embarking on a journey to an unknown destination, you discarded the stolen uniform in the middle of the ocean, allowing yourself to finally collapse and rest.
The more you pondered on it, the less determined you felt to adhere to the regulations. You believed that the laws and policies of the world were established to serve a better code, but those who worked for the government, meant to become an example to admire and strive to imitate, turned out to be even more despicable than the scum they vilified.
Whenever your scars itched, or someone asked about them to satiate their curiosity, you were reminded of the little trust you could bestow on anyone in your proximity. In the event that even a senior official had the power to pronounce fatal verdicts and physically torment a civilian without carrying out an adequate examination, to whom could you turn for protection?
Ultimately, you realized that the most logical option available for you was to return to your hometown. But then, as you began preparing to leave your life at sea, a wanted poster bearing an image of your disraught face was displayed on the walls.
In that moment, you felt as if you had been shattered into a thousand pieces. You were now persecuted like any other pirate the Marines wanted to capture, and you could no longer travel to your island for the sake of your family and friends. You were alone, lost, on the run from the authorities and bounty hunters.
If they were going to treat you like a pirate, then you would just become one. And so you learned, fought, stole, cheated, and fled, over and over again. As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, you found yourself living in a way that would prevent you from falling and drowning, training extensively and gaining muscle. You became adept at disguising yourself on the spot, and acquired a set of skills that you never imagined would be fitting for your old, innocent self.
All you could do was endure and survive.
Between your shady deals and overheard conversations, you learned about a certain Warlord of the Sea, and none other than the strongest swordman in the world. A man whom you, with your existing notoriety, should have never dared to cross paths with.
And yet, you did.
Dracule Mihawk, once a dangerous pirate known as the Marine Hunter, had now formed an alliance with the World Government, allowing him to carry out his questionable deeds while putting on a facade of indifference. The first time you laid eyes on him, you were casually strolling down a bustling street. He leaned against a stack of wooden crates, seemingly at ease as he carefully surveyed his surroundings.
You could only identify him based on an outdated, revoked bounty poster that could still be spotted here and there on walls or scattered in the streets. However, at the outset, you didn’t know that he was specifically targeting you of all people.
It became increasingly clear to you that he had been dispatched by the Marines to pursue you relentlessly, as you began to notice his presence wherever you went. You couldn't comprehend how he managed to track your every move, as you were confident that no one was tailing you. Yet, he displayed the stealthiness of a bird of prey, meticulously observing your actions before launching his ultimate assault. You couldn't help but feel intimidated, especially in the presence of his colossal sword and menacing yellow hawk-like eyes, albeit beautiful and captivating.
He didn't even pay you any evident attention until you met his gaze by chance, sparking an electric and unsettling connection between the two of you. Despite his detachment, showing little interest in his surroundings, you couldn't help but notice that the more you tried to hide, the closer he seemed to lurk nearby.
One day, as you hastened your pace, you arrived at a bustling village market, with Mihawk still trailing a few steps behind. You quickly veered towards a clothing stall, feigning fascination in the assortment of hats and dresses on display. The merchant, a friendly middle-aged man with long hair and a sumptuous beard, warmly urged you to explore more of his wares in the privacy of a fitting booth.
In order to alter your appearance, you donned a voluminous, frilly red dress that gracefully swept the floor, effectively hiding your outfit underneath. To further conceal yourself, you completed the look with a matching hat that kept your hair securely tucked away.
As Mihawk strolled by the stall, you caught a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror before you. Maintaining your composure, you intentionally raised the pitch of your voice, exclaiming with exaggerated enthusiasm about the vibrant colors and exquisite materials of the dresses, even altering your accent.
The merchant's genuine excitement warmed your heart despite your act. After paying for the clothing, you bid the man farewell with a gentle wave and walked in the opposite direction, leaving the stall and stealing a final glance behind.
You caught sight of the Warlord’s sword and the white feather of his hat vanishing amidst the crowd. With a satisfied smile grazing your lips, you turned on your heels and dashed towards the docks where your new boat awaited you.
Just over a month later, you found yourself once again face-to-face with the swordman, this time at a tavern in a different part of the East Blue. Despite his distance from your position at the bar, the frequent glances you exchanged with each other evoked a completely different sensation.
In a peculiar manner, he seemed to be savoring the chase, never resorting to his strength or speed to corner you. Instead, he engaged in a game of hide and seek, seemingly finding amusement in the pursuit.
Naturally, you weren't foolish enough to approach his table and engage in conversation with a man who was likely plotting to hand you over to the authorities. After emptying your glass, you rose from the bar and made your way outside into the open air. Without bothering to check if he was following, you skillfully maneuvered yourself through corners and darted down alleys, searching for the most efficient shortcut you could find. Finally, you arrived at your vessel and embarked on another voyage, mustering the courage to look at the docks as the boat moved further away.
Mihawk stood there, unmoving, his expression void of any emotion, his golden eyes piercing into you without a single blink.
And just as it had happened before, a grin spread across your face. It was a triumphant gesture, a deliberate provocation to show him that you were also thoroughly enjoying the game. Mihawk remained unfazed, turning away and retracing his steps without making any attempt to pursue you by sea.
This pattern continued for quite some time, with more encounters scattered all over the East Blue. Each one of them ended with your successful escape, leaving his intense gaze fixed upon you. At some point, you began to suspect that he was intentionally letting you get away. It seemed unbelievable that a skilled fighter with his reputation would consistently be defeated by a novice like yourself.
While it was initially exhilarating and you liked the thrill of the challenge, in the end, it left you with a profound emptiness in your heart. Dracule Mihawk was undeniably a handsome man, but his attention proved incapable of filling the void that lingered within you. This was primarily due to his unfriendly intentions, as he solely aimed to capture you eventually. The truth was that you deeply missed your family, friends, and the mundane life that you could no longer reclaim. Ever since obtaining that bounty, you had to sever all contact with your loved ones for their safety. The overwhelming sense of loneliness and the feeling of being trapped in an endless cycle weighed heavily on you, leaving an intense craving for a definitive way out that appeared impossible to find at the time.
Your reasoning led you to the conclusion that if Mihawk's true intention was to hand you over to the Marines, he would have to kill you in the process.
While you didn't necessarily desire death to befall you, the life of a pirate had its limitations when it came to joy and fulfillment. It simply wasn't the path meant for you, and you couldn't help but wish you had known what awaited you beyond your familiar surroundings before leaving behind everything and everyone you held dear.
You were utterly exhausted, drained both physically and emotionally. The scars on your back had fully healed and partially faded, but they still left behind a collection of unsightly, rough marks that marred your skin. You were so desperate to avoid setting foot in another Marine base that you would have willingly allowed Mihawk to annihilate you.
And so, the next time you saw him, it was meant to be the very last.
Voices reached your ears, hinting at the existence of a cave brimming with wonders on a small, inhabited piece of land. Given the prevalence of pirates eager to seize anything valuable, you didn't have high expectations for what you might discover. fueled by curiosity and with no pressing obligations, you made the bold choice to embark on this adventure, inspect the cave and fearlessly delve into its depths.
As you had anticipated, there were footprints marking the sandy and muddy terrain within the cave. Empty treasure chests were scattered about, their contents long since plundered. You could only salvage a few scattered pieces of gold and jewelry that had been left behind in various locations.
Though the loot may not have been plentiful, it was still a satisfying outcome after such a long journey. Your focus was captivated by a ring that could have easily been overlooked, partially buried in the sand with only a corner of its metallic surface peeking out. It was a stunning golden band embellished with a raw emerald gemstone, a piece that felt perfectly suited for you and one that you eagerly anticipated wearing once it had been thoroughly cleaned.
Silver chains, leather strings, sparkling gemstones, and ethnic rings. You cherished collecting these pieces from your travels as mementos, a way to etch every experience into your memory, symbolize your personal growth, and serve as a reminder that you were alive and thriving.
With your bag partially filled with your newly discovered treasures, you gracefully emerged from the cave, feeling the gentle breeze caress your hair. Lost in contemplation, you strolled along the shoreline, your eyes set upon your boots as they sank into the sand, making a satisfying sound with each step.
It took a moment for you to realize that you were no longer alone on the island. Someone stood just a few feet away, observing your approaching figure with a composed expression.
As you finally raised your gaze, your heart started pounding, and a sense of unease coiled in your stomach. Standing before you was Dracule Mihawk, his piercing golden eyes locked on you.
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Gradually, your movements slowed until you finally came to a halt. Despite the noticeable distance separating the two of you, he made no attempt to close the gap. His stance exhibited no hint of malice; his hands rested calmly at his sides as he observed you, not even reaching for his sword.
The longer you locked eyes with him, the less inclined you felt to leave. With a subtle smile, you displayed unwavering determination and proceeded to walk forward with confidence. Mihawk remained motionless, offering no indication of initiating combat as you drew nearer, leaving his intentions cloaked in enigma.
You walked past him, deliberately avoiding eye contact and redirecting your attention to the path ahead. Your ears remained vigilant, attuned to the surrounding sounds, making sure that he wasn't closely trailing behind you.
However, shattering the silence, his voice suddenly reached your ears, and you heard him speak for the first time since it all began.
"You are quite challenging to track down.”
You stopped abruptly, clutching the bag tightly on your shoulder. Swallowing hard, you fought to suppress the lump that formed in your throat. His voice, like liquid honey, flowed effortlessly, captivating your attention and exuding a calmness that instantly alleviated your nerves.
You took a deep breath, reluctantly acknowledging that the sound of his voice was stirring emotions within you that you weren't ready to confront at this moment.
You turned around, meeting his golden eyes once again. “Not that much for you, apparently,” you retorted, your words laced with a hint of defiance.
For a brief moment, you caught a fleeting glimpse of the corners of his lips twitching, as if hinting at a smile. However, it immediately disappeared, leaving only a trace of its presence.
"Now what?" you asked him. "Are you finally going to capture me and hand me over? If that's the case, then you'll have to kill me. I won't put up any resistance.”
“Is that so?”
No matter how much you strained to interpret his expression, he appeared remarkably disinterested, showing no signs of engagement or emotion.
You shrugged, "We both know that I wouldn't stand a chance against your sword. The bounty poster states 'dead or alive,' and I doubt they would be concerned about the state I'm in as long as I'm eliminated.”
Casting a fleeting glance at the sword at your hip, he emitted a curious hum, tilting his head slightly to the side, almost imperceptibly. Silence settled between the two of you, accompanied only by the gentle rhythm of the waves, creating a soothing melody that enveloped the atmosphere.
You waited patiently, but he made no indication of taking any action against you.
"Well, that was quite the delightful conversation," you remarked sarcastically, pivoting on your heels and resuming your stride.
As your eyes landed on your boat in the distance, you suddenly realized that the urge to hasten your steps had dissipated. The weariness of constantly running away had taken root in you, leaving you with a profound sense of homelessness, unable to find a place where you truly belonged.
To your surprise, you heard him steadily moving behind you, his footsteps synchronizing with your own in a deliberate and unhurried rhythm. You continued along your path, maintaining silence, a part of you anticipating a powerful strike that would bring you down. However, to your relief, the enigmatic man made no attempt to impede you. Not even a hint of hostility could be sensed.
As your nervousness heightened, you made a deliberate choice to pause, silently inviting him to draw nearer. With caution, your hand moved to release the dagger from its secure holster on your belt. A quick glance at the subtle shadows cast on the sand confirmed that he was now mere inches away, in your immediate proximity.
In one seamless motion, you spun around, positioning your blade against his throat without applying any pressure. It served as a warning, your glare speaking volumes without the need for words.
Mihawk remained unaffected, appearing to disregard the presence of the dagger entirely. Frustration surged, causing you to tighten your grip on the hilt of the knife, your eyebrows furrowing in annoyance.
"Are you seriously planning to follow me around without making a move?" you demanded, your voice tinged with exasperation. "How much longer do you think I can endure this game of cat and mouse?"
"You can lower that knife," he replied, his tone filled with discontent. "I have no intention of causing you any harm.”
As you observed him up close for the first time, you couldn't help but feel a slight infatuation with his striking appearance. His eyes held a captivating allure, his face partially shadowed by the wide brim of his hat, and his dark hair cascading in soft curls at the nape of his neck.
In an effort to regain composure, you cautiously withdrew the blade from his throat, though you kept your hand poised and prepared.
"Didn't the Marines send you after me?" you asked.
"Oh, they certainly did."
"And you're not going to obey the orders?"
Mihawk let out a quiet scoff, looking away from you and briefly gazing upward. "I don't take orders," he stated firmly.
You instinctively took a step back, regarding him with suspicion as your eyes carefully scanned him from head to toe. "They say that the Warlords of the Sea are nothing more than lapdogs of the Government.”
His golden irises locked onto you once more, seemingly a threatening gesture. However, undeterred, you pressed on. "Enlighten me, then. What should I believe? What other purpose could you possibly have in relation to me?”
You allowed your hand to fall to your side, although with a tight grip on the hilt of the dagger. Mihawk contemplated his response, ultimately giving you the most nonchalant look imaginable.
“I’m just killing some time.”
You took a moment to process what he had told you. "I'm sorry, what?" you responded, seeking clarification.
"Although I do find you intriguing,” he added.
You were left speechless, your mouth hanging open. "You don't even know me," you replied with incredulity.
"I’ve seen enough. And I am aware of your reputation.”
Crossing your arms, you took care not to accidentally cut the leather sleeve of your jacket in the process. "What's so intriguing about my reputation?”
Mihawk pressed his lips together before responding, "A woman escaping a base full of Marines, completely unarmed? That's not something you hear every day.”
You rolled your eyes. "Don't tell me you're one of those sexist bastards who think women can't handle themselves.”
"Quite the contrary. Not even most men would be able to escape that situation unscathed.”
You stood there, a smug grin adorning your face as you watched him. It would be a lie to say that it didn't give your ego a significant boost.
But deep down, the memories of those days still twisted your insides. "Who said I came out unscathed?" you retorted. "And this doesn't explain much either. You said you have no intention of handing me over, so what's your motive, Warlord?”
"Perhaps I wanted to personally verify your worth.”
Unable to contain yourself, you let out a soft chuckle, shaking your head in amusement. "In other words, you were bored.”
"I can become quite laidback when I don't have anything interesting to occupy my time," he said casually.
A part of you found him entertaining, but at the same time, his way of speaking to you continued to irritate you. "Well, at least you can afford to be laidback now that your bounty has been cancelled.”
Your retort was filled with venom and resentment, yet once again, Mihawk appeared unfazed by it. "With or without a bounty, I wouldn't do anything differently.”
You started to question the authenticity of the rumors surrounding this man, considering how different he was from your initial expectations. The fact that he hadn't made any aggressive moves towards you made you wonder if there was more to him than met the eye.
Evidently, his immunity with the Government held little importance to him. He exhibited a keenness to discover something, anything, that could captivate his time and attention, disregarding any orders he may have received. He pursued his own interests, driven by personal motivations above all else.
"That's a shame," you murmured. "I'm afraid I'm not as interesting as you may have assumed. The only thing I excel at is disguising myself.”
"You are underestimating yourself.”
"How so?”
"You mercilessly killed a Marine Admiral. You managed to evade all pirate hunters who pursued you and successfully escaped from me multiple times.”
"All I did was survive.”
"And you have been successful in that, so far.”
A heavy sigh escaped your lips as a gust of wind swept through your hair. "Do you know what it's like? To be separated from your family, unable to even reach out to them because you're constantly being chased wherever you go?”
Mihawk remained silent, attentively observing your reaction.
And then, he spoke. "Such are the perils of a life on the open seas, I'm afraid.”
"I made one mistake, and I've been punished in the harshest way possible. How is that fair? They left me with no other choice. I had to do what I did.”
"You don't need to justify yourself to me," he replied calmly, his tone devoid of judgment.
"You say that, yet here you stand. No offense, but why should I place my trust in you?”
As your heart raced in your chest, its strong beats reverberating through your body, you took deep breaths in an attempt to calm yourself down. Meanwhile, Mihawk remained as calm and serene as ever.
"Do as you wish," he said with a casual shrug. "But I must say, you are quite unrefined. Your movements are predictable, and unless you learn to control them, you won't last much longer.”
You raised an eyebrow at his statement, letting out a laugh that was a mix of amusement and surprise. It seemed like a blend of criticism and advice, leaving you intrigued by his words.
"What's this? Now you suddenly want to offer me your help?" you questioned skeptically. "I never asked for your guidance. Whether I live or die is my own concern," you declared firmly.
Mihawk's eyes narrowed, his gaze intensifying as if he were scrutinizing you closely, studying every detail.
"Unless," you continued, leaning forward and bringing your face dangerously close to his, exuding confidence, almost brushing his lips with yours. "-you want to be the one to push me to my limits," you added, your words carrying a daring challenge.
His typically stoic expression, always composed and unwavering, appeared to subtly shift in response to your audacious gesture. You could catch a whiff of his captivating scent, a blend of cologne, sea salt, and earth, filling your senses.
You had to quickly pull away from his taller figure, concealing the faint blush that was starting to creep onto your cheeks.
"What's the final verdict, Warlord?" you taunted. "After all, you were given explicit orders to capture me.”
Your blade made contact with the golden cross he wore around his neck and pressed against his chest, the sound of metal against metal resonating in the air. The open coat he wore left little to the imagination, revealing that he had indeed chosen not to wear a shirt underneath.
You returned to your serious and sincere demeanor, looking up to meet his hawk-like eyes once more. Your stern and courageous facade was starting to waver, but you were determined not to let a stranger see your vulnerability, especially when your life was on the line and his intentions remained uncertain.
You chuckled with amusement as you securely placed the knife back into its holster. What am I supposed to do?" you pondered aloud, more to yourself than to him.
“Grow strong and keep fighting,” he declared. "If you don’t wish to die sooner rather than later. Certainly, it won't be by my hand.”
His words left you speechless, leaving you without a proper answer as he walked past you, now the one departing. You turned around, staring at the intricate details and embroideries adorning his coat. With each step he took, his sword lightly swayed on his back, creating a graceful and mesmerizing motion.
"They won't be pleased with that," you raised your voice, ensuring that he could hear you. This prompted him to pause and briefly turn his head, acknowledging your words.
"They never are," he replied with a tone of resignation before resuming his journey, leaving you behind.
A smile of relief and respect formed on your lips as you reflected on the man who had relentlessly chased you, only to ultimately allow you to go free. Somehow, he perceived something valuable and worthy in you that led him to defy the orders of the Marines, opting for a confrontation that didn't resort to physical violence.
As he became a tiny speck in the distance, you readjusted the bag on your shoulders and set off towards your own ship. A newfound sense of confidence coursed through your veins like never before, propelling you forward into the unknown.
Yes, you had firmly believed that seeing him at that moment would undoubtedly be the ultimate encounter.
Except that it wasn’t.
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bugged13it · 10 months
Spots in the Surf - Chapter 10
Fancy a mermaid AU for AU-gust? Check out this story below!
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: In the golden age of privateers, Chat Noir is both a renowned hero and feared pirate, depending on who you ask. Using the famed captain���s name to experience freedom on the seas, Adrien seeks something—or someone—much more valuable than any treasure.
Meanwhile, being a miraculous creature that wicked men both desire and covet for their magical properties, Marinette has always been told to avoid humans at all cost. But how can she stay away when she meets one that appears to have a connection to a past she can’t remember?
Words: 49460, Chapters: 10/?, Language: English
Start From Ch 1 on AO3 Start From Ch 1 on FF.net
Chapter 10 Preview:
The first sensation Marinette became aware of was the pain. Every limb, every muscle, every fiber of her being ached and stung all the way from skin to bones. It took her an agonizing amount of time to focus and pull herself together, the fog of confusion weighing heavily on her mind. At least the sheets beneath her were soft, a silky fabric brushing gently against tender flesh that prickled as if she were being stuck by hundreds of sharp needles. She didn’t know how she managed to fall asleep despite such torment. Had she fallen asleep? Her memory was too clouded to recall.
Her eyes eventually fluttered open to the soft sunlight spilling in through a porthole off to the side, and Marinette became vaguely aware of a gentle rocking motion.
“Urgh…” She dragged her arms beneath her and used them to push herself up slowly, working her way through the haze of pain as it slowly subsided—the ache in her head at least. The rest of her body trembled with the effort to move, limbs heavy and unresponsive. She felt as if she had swum across the ocean on her own! Which… Wait… Why did she actually remember swimming…?
“Adrien…” his name rose to her lips without thinking, not clearly seeing him, but feeling the need to call him. The last thing she remembered was… His voice calling to her… Pirates? There were gunshots, and boats, and… And… And she had… s-she—with Adrien…!?
Marinette covered her face with her hands when the memory bubbled to the surface of her mind, as if through a fog that was slowly clearing. She… She kissed him. She kissed Adrien!?
Her head shot up as her heart jolted in her chest, pounding furiously from the adrenaline that suddenly rushed through her. Like a torrent of water breaking loose, several memories surged forward, pushing to the forefront of her mind too quickly for her to grasp. Tears welled in her eyes and spilled down her face at the onslaught of emotion pouring into her. It was fragmented at best, but she could recall a few important remnants from her life before that she had somehow forgotten. Parents that she hadn’t remembered to miss, friends that had been looking for her. A boy whom she deeply loved…
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robininthelabyrinth · 4 years
Sometimes if you pray to someone enough, they become a god. The people of Yunmeng have been praying to Jiang Cheng since he rebuilt Lotus Pier.
Everyone thought it started later.
With Jiang Cheng rebuilding the Lotus Pier with his own hands, side by side with cultivators and common folk alike, working on it night and day – the real cause for his enthusiasm was insomnia, spurred on by endless nightmares, but to an outsider it looked a lot like virtue. When there was no more building to be done, he took up his sword and went night-hunting: not for fame or glory, though he would hardly refuse those, but simply to have something to do. Nothing, no matter how small, escaped his grasp.
It’s said that Hanguang-Jun went where the chaos was, but he never needed to come to Yunmeng. Jiang Cheng, as terrifying as he might be, a force of nature in wind and lightning, would always get there first.
Everyone thought it was because of Zidian.
After all, to a common person, what sort of person can call lightning into their hand with little more than a thought? Even cultivators, rarely seen and mysterious, could not reliably do such a thing, and Jiang Cheng’s ancestors had generally been respectful of the ancient spiritual weapon, using it only for war.
It wasn’t that Jiang Cheng wasn’t respectful of Zidian. It was only that in time it became as much a part of him as his own right hand, and he had never learned to stay his hand when anger filled him from head to toe. Zidian crackled on his knuckles when his nephew irritated him, when something when wrong, when he felt upset – the sight of the lightning comforted him, reminded him of his mother’s devotion, and let him feel powerful when he felt powerless.
Still, it did mean the common people saw a lot more of it than they had before.
Some people – including Jiang Cheng – thought it was because of Wei Wuxian.
The majority thought only that Wei Wuxian, that daring genius, that talent that hadn’t been seen in a thousand years, had done something; the minority who knew what it was that he had done, the truth of the golden core settled in Jiang Cheng’s belly, believed that it was Wei Wuxian’s merits that had set Jiang Cheng on the road to glory.
Those people were all wrong.
It was true that cultivation was a means to fight against one’s fate, and that it could, if perfected, give a man the chance to leap up to a higher branch and become a god in a single moment, the right opportunity of fate and luck and merit.
That just wasn’t what happened, that’s all.
Wei Wuxian was a talent not seen in a thousand years, that much was true, but the same could be said for many others in his generation: times of anguish were often fertile grounds for geniuses. Hanguang-jun himself, who took Wei Wuxian as his husband, was very nearly perfect in his sect’s cultivation style, upright and righteous even beyond their expectations, and yet he also fulfilled the requirements of Wei Wuxian’s Jiang sect, being free in his heart and defying all odds to claim the man he loved. If there was anyone the cultivation world could place their hopes on, it was him.
Not Jiang Cheng. Easily angered, overly emotional, too competitive, overly trusting, self-sacrificing yet selfish – not Jiang Cheng.
And yet when the lightning tribulation came, when the opportunity to ascend to the heavens appeared, it appeared to Jiang Cheng, not Hanguang-Jun.
The truth was: Jiang Cheng did not cultivate to greatness and godhood.
The truth was:
It began years ago.
The lady of the Jiang sect was cultivating alongside her husband, with her two children brought along to gain experience by proxy, but night-hunting was sometimes a dangerous sport and this particular evening they left them behind in the small, obscure village at the foot of the mountains; a place that no one cared about, nobody noticed.
Jiang Yanli was polite and kind to their well-paid hosts; Jiang Cheng was restless, and snuck out the window to go walk around.
He had very little spiritual energy back then, being only a small child, but his mother was fierce and strict, and he knew the basics. When he found the village children grieving over an injured dog, which panted and whined in agony, he squatted down at once and stained himself to the utmost to transfer his little store of energy to the dog.
The dog was healed, and tottered to its feet, happily licking the faces of all those who came by.
“How did you do that?” one of the village children asked, but, embarrassed at the new experience of being talked to by a child his own age, Jiang Cheng fled instead of answering.
The money the Jiang sect leaders had spent was used, eventually, to send the best and brightest of those children to school, and it just so happened that that child, too, was a talent that hadn’t been seen for years; he scored well in the imperial examinations and became an official. He never forgot his home, going back often to Yunmeng and offering money and help to all those who asked; his little obscure village whose name was commonly forgotten became wealthy, and its children, now grown, spread out across the land – and with them went their little superstitions, formed in their youth, of praying for good luck from a youth dressed all in purple, who’d said his name was Jiang Cheng.
It didn’t take long before someone connected the local god that had given the children such fortune with the Jiang Cheng that swept through their lands like a scourge aimed at evildoers: a man who had survived his own family’s ruin and resurrected a dead sect from the ashes all on his own, a man who summoned the wind and lightning at will to scold his impudent nephew, a man who would come no matter how far the distance at the merest hint that a demonic cultivator had emerged to torment the common people, refusing to tolerate injustice.
The stories, exaggerated through retelling, spread through the common people.
It began at the outskirts of Yunmeng, where the cultivators and cynical wits of the Lotus Pier rarely went; by the time it reached further in, the stories had become fantastical and personal – a sea captain swearing that he’d been rescued from pirates by a lightning storm that sent down purple lightning, a village talking about how Jiang Cheng had come in person to eliminate a demonic cultivator that would have become the next Yiling Patriarch if he’d been left unchecked, a housewife shyly whispering about how her children had become filial at last after a mere glimpse of him.
When the Jiang sect cultivators, travelling around, first heard the stories, they laughed in delight – teasing their too-prickly sect leader was a popular pastime, since his bark was invariably worse than his bite – and immediately set to telling even more stories. And so the tales of what Jiang Cheng had achieved during the Sunshot Campaign, previously limited to the world of cultivators, began to circulate among the common people, and even made its way to a certain court official in a far-off capital, who told his Emperor about it.
It was truly a coincidence that around the same time, the Emperor’s favorite son encountered a misfortune, surrounded and assaulted by wicked creatures, and that Jiang Cheng, night-hunting in the area because he couldn’t sleep and because he simply refused to stay one moment longer in the house where Hanguang-Jun and Wei Wuxian were stuffing everyone full of dog food, was bored enough to intervene with a flick of his finger.
The Emperor was still laughing about his earnest official’s little backwater superstition, for which he’d indulgently lit a candle as a reward for an especially fine display of merit – such a charming request, so naïve and innocent, he could hardly believe it, and he’d added the gold and honors the work had really deserved on top as a matter of course – when he received the letter from his son, telling him about how purple lightning had descended from nowhere in a night with a clear sky, saving him from certain death.
Only a sailor was more superstitious than an Emperor.
In his overwhelming relief, he ordered a temple to be built, and the poor folk of the capital flocked over to see who this new god was: it turned out that part of his legend involved dogs, which was fairly rare for a god, and since plenty of people in the capital had dogs that they treasured like part of the family, it was easy enough to accept him.
Eventually the story of the temple (and its copycats, quickly constructed or converted) made its way, carried by merchants, to Lanling; the young sect leader there rolled around on the floor laughing and insisted on going to visit every single one of them.
He brought his spiritual dog, his friends, and a very great deal of spending money.
Every single town that had put up a temple to the god of purple lightning was suddenly flooded with good fortune: money, money, and more money, with cultivators in yellow competing with those in white to buy better gifts for those at home, and the gifts they liked best of all were the ones sold by the temples.
Even the local dogs suddenly all became well behaved after meeting with the cultivator’s husky.
(It wasn’t a husky, it was a fairy! One of the villagers insisted. You’re all blind – didn’t you hear the way the cultivator in yellow and gold referred to it? I’m telling you, it was a fairy rescued by Jiang Cheng years ago and given to the cultivator as a gift –)
Good fortune begets more good fortune: even more temples began to be built, and the ones that had become rich overnight had not yet had time to formulate the habits of the wealthy; they were initially inclined to spend their money locally, rewarding good deeds, rather than consolidate influence or seek position, and that encouraged even more people to come to pray. Eventually, of course, one of the temples ended up in the hands of an ambitious man, who used the unexpected fortune to raise his family’s stature, and that made the temples a matter of interest to the wealthy, too.
It was a joke in the Lotus Pier, Jiang Cheng going around with red ears and a furious temper that refused to hear a further word about it – not that that stopped anyone, most especially Wei Wuxian, who had taken to telling outrageous tales of the godly Jiang Cheng everywhere he and Hanguang-jun travelled.  
Outside of it, though, it became less and less of a joke, especially as the wheel turned and the generations shifted; what one generation thought of as a novelty, the next accepted as a matter of course.
And so one day, the skies above Yunmeng opened up, the lightning tribulation descending, and –
“Hanguang-jun! Senior Wei! A story has just come – Jiang Cheng ascended to immortality!”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Wei Wuxian said with a smile.
“It’s true,” the junior insisted. “I’ve heard about it from three different sources – I’ve even heard that Sect Leader Jin has already gone to the Lotus Pier to investigate; I heard the senior people there sent him a letter, most urgently.”
“An urgent letter?” Wei Wuxian asked, smile starting to fade. “Lan Zhan, do you think something actually happened to that brat Jiang Cheng?”
Lan Wangji shrugged, indicating that he didn’t know.
Wei Wuxian huffed, amused, and looked up to the sky. “Hey, Jiang Cheng! If you’ve really ascended to the heavens and become a god, you’d better come and tell me yourself, or I’ll never forgive you!”
The sky was clear that day, with only a scattering of pale white clouds.
There was nowhere in nature for the rumble of thunder to come from, and Wei Wuxian, who had turned away, turned back to the outside with a confused expression: how had it suddenly become dark? Where had the thunderclouds come from? Why was there lightning –
There was a flash so bright it blinded the eyes, searing purple, and suddenly Jiang Cheng was there, standing in front of Wei Wuxian.
“Don’t threaten me, I hate that,” he said.
Wei Wuxian gaped at him. “Jiang Cheng? Where..?”
“I can’t stay long, too much to do,” Jiang Cheng said, scowling; it was a familiar look on his face. “Tell Jin Ling he either has to find someone else to do the damn job or consolidate Lotus Pier and Lanling, and not to pray for help too often or I’ll break his legs. And anyway, for you –”
With Wei Wuxian still speechless, he didn’t have any time to react before Jiang Cheng moved, slapping his hand right up against Wei Wuxian’s dantian: the weak golden core inside, a gift from Mo Xuanyu, suddenly glowed bright, strengthening back to what Wei Wuxian had had before he had given it away.
“I can’t give you more than what you had; cultivation is fighting the fates, and every man’s path is his own,” Jiang Cheng said, looking irritated by this inescapable law of the heavens. “But at minimum I can restore your potential – not that I think you’ll stop with the demonic cultivation, because you’re you, but at least a stronger golden core will help mitigate the effects, and make your lifespan more similar to Hanguang-jun’s. Who is not getting any sort of gift from me,” he added with a glare, “is that understood?”
Lan Wangji’s eyebrows had arched up and he stared wordlessly at Jiang Cheng, who immediately became so uncomfortable with it that he shifted from one leg to the other and then spat, “Fine, one gift, whatever. Think about it carefully. Anyway, I’m going now. Don’t bother me too often – but don’t not bother me at all, you hear me? Or I’ll find a way to break your legs.”
Another flash of lightning, and he was gone.
Wei Wuxian put his hand to his dantian, which still glowed warm, the strength starting to spread through his veins to his entire body – he’d forgotten how nice the feeling was, having never expected to feel it again.
“Lan Zhan,” he said blankly. “Did – Jiang Cheng – he just –”
Lan Wangji exhaled; in anyone else, it might have been called an aggravated sigh.
“We should,” he said, “probably set up a shrine.”
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captainkurosolaire · 3 years
Winter Warning
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 A coursing sea-vessel heeded towards brilliance to beckoning the ushering of premising new dawns. The bustling ship had grown exceedingly as Captain of the brand whose heart laid golden in lace beginnings, regaining confidence to steer a direction beyond pastures of the dark unalone. A groggy snooze waking up, a rugged fellow started to awaken aside his clutched haphazard of booze dangling off bedside as the Seeker reflected with eyelid’s breaking shutter and then twinkling merriment. Lastly after encountering unknowingly an estranged daughter who’s convicted cause, soon after a shift in the nature of fate’s became under his beckoning fortune. Finding and reuniting a Crew of functioning purpose. To seize the claim of inconceivable dreams.  Liveliness etched over the planks of the boards. The Worldly Finder was rebuilt after the assault of the Trade Captain, or one of many of the most dangerous and formidable force’s a sea could encounter, the Scourges of governing. True conqueror’s and menaces. Each more terrible than the last, reaching heights to even a Legendary Giant. With his fellow existences and other forces, there was no stoppage of deadly conquests, behind them fortune resided but only sail’s of fearlessness would see those rays. Flaming decals were painted on the side of the hull from the Shipwright suggestion and convincing to the Captain, that they’d make the ship go faster, than wording, ‘vroom’ so kind of already broke all argumentative sense, but of course Captain wouldn’t argue him fulfilling his role. The oldest and original brethren in arms, the only other survivor from Shiro’s wrath, was that silver-worn Shipwright. Leaving his own Cabin to get a fresh of sea air and breathe in all that majestically laboriousness that surrounds this magnificent world. Sun against his back, kissing his complexion. A soft fondness of caressing his cheeks and fluttering his crowned Tricorne. The scar-written pirate drew in all the scenery and ambience aside soft waves of alluring peace. Beauty came in so many forms from the sniper at crow’s nest valuing and writing down the courtesies of every bird they came across in the travels. A slumbering monster shadow beneath the deck with the tiny canopies of light peeking through the cannon holes which was given a stead where denial would’ve been met anywhere else but this company. Studious rugged leather glove’s of the First Crewmate, rattled through pages of blueprints and navigable interest, through piles of boards writing out tactics and survival odds, partners, team work of their Crew’s number, rations, all planned of chartered relic’s and isles, so much to explore all awaiting to be seized. The struggling jester of a Shipwright trying his mightiest attempts at swooning and earning a favor of a rather shy and timidly non-confident surgeon, who didn’t see her normality and value is what made her a pillar of importance to the Crew. She brought health even when she wasn’t sewing wounds over and nursing, reminding a reason to protect. Those who attain scarce treasure of life must also learn how to cherish and preserve it, at all costs. Or foreordain to watch it crumble between tip’s of unworthiness. All beheld in the amber-starry eye of the Seeker. Plus much more of his Crew were elsewhere together scattered on land, as a band on the path to be unbreakable, that unknowingly his ultimate Trial began as did all the members of his Crew. Those branded with seek. Should be wary, for even they may be sought. An unforgettable storm was coming to once again burrow through and endanger everything that was rebuilt without remorse as often they came. Three Era’s of Pirate Crew’s Captaineered and this was the testament to a last one, could they weather the peril wrath of an unceremoniously Winter that drew to his blue surfaces. Captain’s sake of insanity laid on the verge of breakage, as he seemed cursed to never continue to flavor, happiness, he once again refound to know its air.                                             The Immortal Age                           (Previous) << (Voidal Relics) >> (Next)                                   =========Cast=========
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Captains that Smell of Salt and Liquor.
Fandoms: Sanders sides and technically the lore behind the Flying Dutchman.
Characters: Virgil, Roman, Remus, Janus, Patton, Logan
Relationships: Logan/Patton, Roman/Virgil
Additional tags: Mer AU, Pirate AU, Human AU, Mixed Latinx Remus, UMMM Siren!Roman, Siren!Virgil, Mer!Janus, Pirate!Logan and Patton.
Word count: 1022
Summary:  Remus is young when he runs to become a sailor.
Notes:  This is actually kinda a prequel to this post (x)
Remus is young and cocky when he first takes to the open water.  The sea has long called to him from his window in his home of Jamaica, and so the second he’s fifteen, he’s jumping on the first ship that needs an inexperienced half colonizer’s child.
The sea is cruel, she is unforgiving and Remus can see why they call her a female, the wild and reckless way that her moods flip.  It’s something that he points out to Virgil one day, as they’re both hanging from the crows nest, watching for a storm.
“I’d love to wed the sea.”  Remus blurts out and Virgil, with his dark hair and easy laugh just shrugs.
“You’re fucking weird Remus.”
“Maybe.  Do you believe in mermaids?” “Every sailor does.”  Virgil glances back behind him before turning back to Remus and leaning in as if he had a secret to share.  “I’ve kissed one.”
“Really?” “Hmmm, they had the most beautiful red tail I’ve ever seen.  Sharp teeth too, I still have a scar.”
Remus watches as Virgil tilts his head, displaying a clear bite mark, the scar a pale silvery color.
“Did he speak?”
“He said he’d come back for me one day.”  Virgil confirms before turning away.  “Get back to work.  I don’t want to be thrown off at the next port because I was gossiping with you about mer kisses.”
Virgil is twenty and Remus can’t help but follow him around after the mer story, entranced with the idea of making one of the creatures fall in love with him.  Virgil bares the younger well, teaching him everything he can about sailing so the captain of the ship doesn’t have to deal with an over eager teen.
Then one night, the pair are the only two on deck when Virgil’s eyes go glassy and he stares off at the water like it’s the only thing there.
It takes Remus a few seconds to hear it.
Siren song.
Virgil manages to pull them both below deck, but for a week after, Remus’ mentor is sick, and barely eats.  Remus is the only one in the crew to make sure that he doesn’t die, as the others are busy running the ship.
After Virgil gets slightly better he gifts Remus a worn coin.  
“Payment for keeping me alive.”
“There’s no need.”
“Keep it.”  Virgil insists and Remus begrudgingly tucks the coin away with his things, wondering why the older would give him something like that as if it was the most precious treasure in the world.
A month later Virgil is gone in the middle of the night and Remus can hear two sirens singing.
Rumor has it in the morning that a vengeful crewmate threw the unsuspecting man over, but Remus knows that siren can change their mates to be like them and Virgil had told him that only one siren song had ever tempted him.
He wonders what color Virgil’s tail is.  It’s probably purple, or maybe an ink black to match his wild hair.
Years pass,  Remus grows from an overeager boy to a hardened first mate, respectful of the sea and her children as he carries cargo across the wide ocean.  He grows tired of the monotony and at first chance, he runs from the crew he’s been with for almost seven years and joins a more savage crew, one that robs.
The captain and the first mate of this ship are married.   Remus has never met Logan, but his bubbly husband is a great first mate, always leading the crew in songs as they go from destination to destination, only destroying those who are merciless to others.
They’re strange pirates, but he loves it.
Remus is on night watch when he first meets his mer.   He’s looking over the side of the boat when the face pops up, scaled halfway and gold eyes glimmering like the dull coin that Virgil gave him years ago.
“Hello fish.”  Remus grins as the mer’s eyes widen.
“You seem to think I am real?”
“Well, considering my older brother swam off with a siren, I’d say yes.”  Remus calls down casually.
The mer rolls their eyes and dives back under the water and Remus is alone again.  When the morning comes, he tells Patton of the golden creature and the first mate nods.
“You are lucky.”
Remus isn’t so sure.
He stays with this crew until he’s thirty, and then when they dock in a small port in Cuba, he’s off again to go and seek out another life.
He stays onshore for about three days and during this time he hears the whispered rumors of a ship whose occupants never age, a ship that only docks once every seven years and that night is tonight.
So he goes to the docks and watches as the ship sails in, beautiful and old, somehow ancient and new at the same time.
They won’t let him board without payment.
Remus pulls out the coin that Virgil gave him fifteen years ago and the first mate sniffs it before looking at him.
“This is siren touched.”  He mumbles before pocketing it.
“So I’ve heard.”
“You sell your soul to the ship if you stay with us.”  The first mate offers as a warning before stepping aside so that Remus can walk up the gangplank if he choses.
“Perhaps that is my intention.”
“You have a desire to be captain?” “Don’t we all?”
“Welcome to the Flying Dutchman   I suppose.”
“Thank you.”  Remus gives a mocking half bow before boarding.
As it turns out, it’s pretty easy to become captain of the Dutchman.  Before Remus can even draw his sword for the duel, the captain kneels, admitting that he was tired and wished to sever his bind to the ship, so that he could finally rest.
The crew likes Remus.  He adds a new spice to the job, introduces them to the finest kind of liquor and eventually they realize that for being a ghost ship, their captain is usually superstitious.
Of course, they’ve never seen the mer that has started to follow the ship around...
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desteez · 5 years
Welcome Aboard ~ ATEEZ OT8
summary: you are the captain of The Amaranth and have a near perfect pirate ship raiding record. your father has ordered you to raid the notorious pirate crew ATEEZ.
words: 2.5K
warnings: sword fighting, blood, hostage situation
note: all the members of ATEEZ show up somewhere in this story, but they’re given different names. reply to this post with who you think is who if you’d like!! looking forward to ur answers 👀 as always, lemme know what you thought about it, as well as any feedback! enjoy!! 💕💕💕
{Welcome Aboard Masterlist} 
cling clash clang cling
The biting sound of steel and screams and yells of fighting reverberated through your ears, the stink of burning flesh and metallic smell of blood filled your senses.
You stood on the deck of your ship, The Amaranth, it’s yellow and burgundy flags flapping proudly in the wind. Across from you was the notorious KQ pirate ship of the even more notorious pirate crew ATEEZ and from where you were, it was easy to see what had become a war zone on the deck of The KQ.
Your father was a well known merchant in the jewelry business and for the last few months, business had been really slow. ATEEZ was known across the land and seas for their ability and skill for seeking and collecting treasure … and their ruthlessness towards anyone attempting to steal it. In a moment of desperation, your father had ordered you to seize The KQ. Your pirate ship raiding success rate was near perfect in the last five years since you started in the business, but seizing The KQ was no easy task. It could only be comparable to finding a mouse in your father’s spotless prized wine cellar. Successful attempts to steal ATEEZ’s treasure was rumored at twice in the last seven years. Those two successful occurrences only got away with only a few pieces of the invaluable ATEEZ treasure hoard, major damage to the crew, and frightening stories to tell of their bloody battle.
You had decided to bring 70 of your father’s best men but looking at the scene before you, you realized your lapse in judgement and almost regretted not bringing more men. ATEEZ was unique in that they only had 8 crew members. Any knowledge-less sailor could make the catastrophic mistake of thinking they were an easy target but it would be a mistake that would cost them their lives. There were legends and stories told far and wide of the eight crew members of ATEEZ and their abilities and of course, why The KQ had only been “successfully” raided twice in 7 years.
Your eyes fall on two of the ATEEZ crew members. You could immediately tell they were the Double Blades. Tall and slim, they both held two blades in each hand and were swinging with a speed and precision that could rival that of the Red Cleaver, your father’s best swordsman. They were rumored to have been the last disciples of a ruthless sword master in a far away land and you could understand why as you watched the two of them alone take on 50 of your men, spinning and twirling and swinging in elegance.
You hear whooping and laughter among the orange and black flags of The KQ and spot two pirates, one with red and black hair, another with purple hair. Swinging down and hanging upside down on the ropes, they drop down small bombs and spray powder in the air while stabbing any unlucky enemy before the rope brings them back up to the safety of the flags. The Twins were known in the books as tricksters and agile acrobats that had been rescued from the streets by the ATEEZ captain from a young age and had been the first additions to the crew.
ATEEZ had another crew member nicknamed the Silent Killer because it was said that you could get stabbed by him and not know until you were dying on the ground. The Silent Killer was fast and as his name suggested, incredibly silent. He wore black from head to toe and covered his face with a black mask. There were horror stories of people who claimed they saw his face and passed out from how grotesque it was and other stories of how he covered his face because his beauty could blind the eyes of those who were unfortunate enough to steal a glance.
Your eyes tear away from the battle scene before you when your second in command approaches with third in command in tow.
“Captain, we’re ready, ” he says. You give him a nod, unsheathe your sword and walk over to the nearest plank of wood connecting The Amaranth to The KQ, the two men behind you. Crossing the wooden plank and taking your first step on the deck of The KQ, you almost get hit in the face by a metallic fist, but duck just in time. The well known Golden Fist of ATEEZ wore a metallic fist on his right hand and had a body of pure muscle. It was said that receiving a punch from the Golden Fist could knock your head off your shoulders.
You look back and give a nod to your third in command. He was no match for ATEEZ’s Golden Fist but could hold him off for a while. You continue on your way towards the captain’s quarters where you know you will find the Silver Tongue, ATEEZ’s renowned captain, Kim Hongjoong. From your experience, capturing the captain, asking for surrender and claiming the ship’s treasure was the fastest method of getting the job done.
Ten meters away from the double doors of where the captain’s quarters lay, you hear the whistling of a dagger from your right and narrowly miss getting your throat slit open thanks to your second in command’s hand on your arm dragging you back. You look to the right and see a man standing amidst the fray with at least a hundred daggers strapped around his waist arms and legs.
“Dagger Hands,” you hear your second in command mutter under his breath beside you.
As he walks towards the two of you, you take a good look at him as this was the first time seeing a crew member of ATEEZ not from the distance from the deck of The Amaranth and not trying to disconnect your head from your shoulders. You couldn’t help but notice how good looking he was with a sharp and strong jawline to match green piercing eyes covered by wind blown hair.
You give him a small smile when he got close enough. “You missed,” you accuse him.
“Did I? You’re bleeding.” he says and points to your neck. Sure enough there is blood on your fingers when you touch your neck.
The sound of something dropping from a high height comes from behind you and you quickly turn around to see one of the Twins standing up from the crouch he landed in. “Where do you think you’re going? Our captain doesn’t let just anyone in.” he asks, sweeping his hand through his purple hair.
In front of you, Dagger Hands unstraps a particularly long dagger from his hip.
“Well that’s okay,” you say and give a slight nod to your second in command, “I never get invitations in situations like this.”
You spring forward and swing your blade at Dagger Hands’ throat only to be blocked by the long dagger he was holding. Fast reflexes. Tall height. Shorter blade. Quick and Strong Swings. You mentally list all the advantages of your opponent as you swing and block and stab. Dagger Hands draws a shorter dagger from his waist. Multiple Weapons. You note as you fight your way towards the captain’s quarters, your second in command holding up against the purple haired Twin.
Your father had made you study swordsmanship from a young age and you were skilled enough to win against someone like Dagger Hands but it would take time and he definitely was not someone you would choose to par with, especially on a mission like this, where time was of essence.
In the corner of your eye you see a metal fist come out of nowhere and meet the ribs of your second in command. He gives a groan and crumples to the ground, cradling his ribs. Your third in command must have lost already to Golden Fist. You grit your teeth as you mind works on how to get out of this situation. There was no way you could take all three of them. Before the purple haired Twin and Golden Fist reached you, you had to get through Dagger Hands or else you’d be finished.
Dagger Hands knows this too and gives you a knowing look.
But you were the captain of The Amaranth and your father was of one of the biggest merchants across the lands and seas. Your success rate of raiding pirate ships were near perfect in the last five years and you sure as hell weren’t going to let some stories told around campfires about the ATEEZ crew intimidate you and mark your pirate ship raiding record.
You give Dagger Hands a smirk as you raise your blade to swing only to bend down and sweep it low on the ground making Dagger Hands leap away and yell in bewilderment. The way to the captain’s quarters was now clear. You swiftly turn around and throw your blade out horizontally so it spins in circles towards the purple haired Twin and Golden Fist. Without looking back you sprint towards the captain’s quarters and push open the double doors.
No, this wasn’t right you thought as you looked around the room. The Captain’s quarters of pirate ships was always the room at the front of the ship but what you were seeing was no captain’s quarters. Instead gold and jewels lined the walls and tables.
From the eye of a regular thief, this was absolute paradise. But knowing ATEEZ’s reputation and with the trained eye of someone who’s father was a merchant, you knew that this was not their real treasure hoard and the cheap treasure displayed here was just for show, a trick to prevent thieves from wondering and searching for what treasure ATEEZ really kept on The KQ.
Breathing hard, your eyes fall on a tapestry of a life sized door hanging on the wall. Knowing that any of the ATEEZ crew could show up any moment, you take your chances, stride to the tapestry and sweep it aside. Sure enough it’s covering a real door and you grab a small jewel encrusted dagger as a weapeon from the table beside the tapestry before turning the knob and quickly descending down the stairs.
The stairs brought you to a hallway of four doors lit by small candles on the walls. Above you, you hear the stomping of feet and know that ATEEZ are right on your tail.
There were too many doors. Three too many to be exact. It would take forever to open each one and by the time you found the real captain’s quarters you’d have a knife at your throat. You hated split minute decisions like this as you had time to open only one door, and if you were lucky it was the right one. You stride down the hallway and fling open the second on the left.
The elegant man with a long mullet standing at the table with a huge map laid out in front of him was surely none other than ATEEZ’s captain, Kim Hongjoong. He looked as surprised to see you as you were surprised that you actually chose correctly for once.
Footsteps thunder down the stairs and you hear someone swear when they see the open door.
You scan the ATEEZ captain from head to toe noting that he wasn’t carrying any weapons. He slowly raises his hands in surrender. You stride forward and hold the dagger at the base of his throat before pushing him around so that you can see the open door.
Four crew members burst in. You don’t dare to take your eyes off Hongjoong but see the glinting of the daggers strapped to Dagger Hands body, the shiny metal of Golden Fist’s hand and the purple hair of the Twin. The last person was just a black blob in your vision but could be none other than the Silent Killer.
“Captain..?” Dagger Hands inquires, left hand hovering over a dagger at his waist.
The KQ captain shakes his right hand as if to shoo them away and gives you a dazzling smile, brightening up his delicate features with innocence.
“You have a good eye,” he says eyes glancing down towards the dagger you stole from the floor above.
“This? Thank you, but we both know this isn’t a fifth as valuable as the real treasure.” You give him a sweet smile to match and tilt your head. “Care to show me where the real treasure is?”
The captain laughs out loud, a merry and beautiful sound, the dagger at his throat biting his skin and bringing up some blood.
“My name is Hongjoong thanks for asking, captain of ATEEZ. I know who you are. You’re the offspring of that merchant with the yellow flags. I’ve heard the stories about you and your pirate ship raids. Business isn’t going as well as it should these last few months?”
“Shut it, I’ve heard of your silver tongue. And you should know that I never take no as an answer. Surrender and call off your men. And show me where the real treasure is.” you reply gritting your teeth.
“Don’t tell me the 50 men of your father’s you brought along can’t handle a crew of eight?”
“I thought I told you to shut it already!” You bring the dagger up and place the point on the soft spot under the chin. A small stream of blood dribbles down his pale neck.
His sweet smile disappears and his eyelids become hooded. The duality was enough to almost make you shiver.
“How about you call off your men. And I will offer you…,” he looks you up and down without moving his head, “a name, a home, and a family.”
You give a small laugh. “What is that supposed to mean? I already have a name, home and family.”
“No no no. I’ll give you a real name, home, and family. You see, I know a little bit about your father and you. I know what your heart truly desires.” He brings his hands down and extends one towards you. “I’d like to offer you a place in ATEEZ.”
The dagger you were holding under his chin slowly lowers till it’s held loosely by your side. You can see the crew members of ATEEZ looking amongst themselves in bewilderment and with raised eyebrows.
As the offspring of a famous and successful merchant, you were almost entitled to a happy life of riches. But your life was far from happy. Your father abused you constantly since youth and threw you into deadly situations without a thought. The man behind the successful merchant mask was sadistic, cruel beyond words and had a greed that could never be satisfied. Few knew the dark history between the two of you and you wondered how Hongjoong even knew.
“Are you being serious? Do you know the consequences of making me one of your own?” you ask him.
“I may be known for being silver tongued but I never lie. And I know.” he answers, completely sincerely, hand still outstretched.
“And silver tongued you are,” you tell him reaching out for his warm hand.
His sweet smile is back as he firmly shakes your hand.
“Welcome aboard.”
[NEXT →]
… and then they lived happily ever after …
// by @esdblu || @desteez
{Welcome Aboard Masterlist}
{Masterlist All}
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mrneighbourlove · 4 years
Captain my Captain: Ch 1. Small Town Girl
A small little girl stood looking straight ahead with a mean face. Her brown skin was smooth, save the cut on her lip. With long red hair behind her, it was scattered into the air as she took a punch to the face. The girl fell onto her back, panting through heavy breaths. A Gerudo, just like her, but far older, picked her up by the arm, only to toss her away. The girl had to catch her feet to not fall on her feet. “Rise up Adda! You want to be a pirate? You want respect?”
“Yes Teacher!”
“Then put your arms up and block my punches properly!”
Little ten-year-old Adda turned around to face her instructor, raising her arms. With a fury of blows, her teacher turned them to jelly. Once again, on the fifth punch, Adda dropped her arms in pain. Once more, she was punished with another punch to the face, splitting her lip.
Her breath was hot, and she struggled to get up. If she lied down, she’d be properly beaten. This was just drilling. Just drills. And with all eyes on her, it was better then home.
“I’d be successful if it weren’t for you.”
“I know mother.”
“Instead I was knocked up by garbage. In turn I gave birth to trash. That’s what you are Adda. Trash.”
“Yes.” Adda was careful to not repeat herself, least she draw her mother’s ire. Didn’t help as a piece of paper was thrown at her head anyways. And she absolutely did not flinch.
There was a look in her mother’s eye that Adda tried to figure out, but no look like she was studying her mother. After a moment, she shrugged, looking back to her drawing board. “Get out of here.”
Adda took the opportunity, wanting to go to the beachside. Leaving the house, she came across a group of three girls. They weren’t like her, so they sneered as she walked by. However, when Adda turned on them, some of them flinched. Adda gave them a mean look, and they took off. The little Gerudo learned a while ago that no one was her friend, and if she didn’t want to be trampled by the world, she’d have to have to awful sometimes herself.
Reaching the beach, she grabbed a stick and dragged it along the sand. She wasn’t drawing anything in particular. She just wanted to see the sand change its surface. She liked making changes, be it with the stick or with her foot prints. Finally, she decided to write a message for herself.
The rest of the day, Adda kneeled by the seaside, feeling the hot air on her face. It felt good. It was the anything that did. As she finally left, she saw the sea sweep away her message. A happy tenth birthday. Some birthday.
Captain Kerrigan was in need of a fresh crew. The Gerudo chieftan looked over the sea chart and went over the flags. Every red flag she had was the location of a rumoured Gerudo. Most of her crew came from the Termina colony, but it was part of the code to seek out any Gerudo and have them join the greater crew. Plucking the last red flag, she had her sights on the port town of Rifraft.
“Collen. Pull into the docks. I’m going to scout out the market for information. I want you to do a count on our rations and see what we can’t replace. If there’s any mercenaries that we can throw away, I wouldn’t mind. But keep it to the budget.”
“Yes Captain.”
The Screaming Predator pulled into the docks, and the Gerudo crew of adults got to work on repairs and restocking. Captain Kerrigan looked around, musing to herself on the lives of these common folk. What kind of living was it to grow crops or fish for hours to acquire one fish at a time?
When she asked around, she got the location of a Gerudo woman who lived alone with a daughter. It sounded promising, until she learned that the Gerudo was a shut in, rude, and didn’t like to see other people that weren’t men for the night. Kerrigan doubted that she could break through to a woman like that. Her daughter, on the other hand, might be of use to her.
With enough searching, Kerrigan was walking along the beachside when she saw a redheaded spitfire running back and worth through the water. “Hey girl! Come here!”
The little Gerudo paused on the spot. There was a moment of worry before she relaxed slightly. She was still on guard, but to her there was no immediate danger. Smart kid. “You like the ocean?”
A question that was often one of the most important to Kerrigan. And the girl’s answer was promising. “I do.”
“That’s really good. I like the ocean too. It’s a large part of my life.”
“Are you a sailor.”
Kerrigan slowly cracked a grin. “In a manner of speaking. You’re a Gerudo right? Just like me. What’s your name kid?”
“Adda. What’s yours?”
“My name is Kerrigan. Captain Kerrigan. Would you like to know what it is exactly that I do Adda?” When she nodded, Kerrigan smiled some more. “I search the seas for treasure. Riches beyond the wildest imagination. And I do anything to acquire them.”
Adda knew what this woman was. A pirate. She had to be. However, she didn’t want to be rude and say it. “Are you here for treasure now?”
“No Adda. I’m looking for more Gerudo to join my crew.” She paused, letting the insinuation hang in the air. “How old are you Adda?”
“I just turned ten yesterday.”
“Ten years old. Must be fate.” Kerrigan noticed a bruise on Adda’s forehead, nodding slowly. “You a fighter Adda? I can’t help but notice that mark on you. People strike you, don’t they? But do you strike back?”
“I don’t like to take crap miss.”
Kerrigan flickered a devilish smile, if just for a moment. “I like the sound of that. Tell me Adda. You got any friends here? Family that’s important to you?”
Kerrigan saw the child look sad. That made her answer inevitable to her ears. “No.”
“Then how’d like to make better ones with me?” Kerrigan knelt down and extended a hand to Adda. “Join my crew Adda. Travel that sea that you love and explore its riches with me. Together, we can give your life the meaning its been looking for.”
Adda’s heart elevated to a quickened pace and she nodded with ecstatic joy. “Do you mean it?!”
“I really do. Think of it as a proper birthday gift to you. Work hard for me, and the world will be your oyster.”
Adda jumped into Kerrigan’s arm, receiving a rare gift from the pirate captain; a hug on the back. “I’ll take that as a yes. Let’s go kid. Future ain’t going to wait for us.”
Adda took deep breaths as her feet felt the sturdy foundation of the ship. Yes, there was the slight rock of the boat with the waves, but it was more stable then the gravel roads of her home town. No. Not home. Not anymore. Not ever again if she could help it. She had a small moment spared in thinking about her mother, until a fire in her mind burned that connection for good. Screw her.
Captain Kerrigan whistled behind her, and some more adult Gerudo flew into action. They quickly secured boxes of rations on the ship and readied the Sceaming Predator for leave.
Adda was captivated by the sails of the ship all the way down to the texture of the paint in the wood. She didn’t care about other people until she felt a hand on her shoulder. “Scarlet, get over here. I have new girl I want you to take down.”
A Gerudo girl, around the same age as Adda, but with a pigtail braid, hobbled over. “Yes, Captain Kerrigan.”
When they locked eyes with one another, Adda didn’t seem too impressed at first. With a square build, the pigtail looked like she was trying hard to look like a girl. “Huh. Hi.”
“Hi. Come with me please.”
Just as Adda was about to, a bell was rung by the second mate, and the ship started to turn. Captain Kerrigan straightened her hat and walked up to the wheel of the ship. “Everyone! We are going home!”
Adda looked at the island, then out at the direction of open sea. This was it. This was the start of her new life. Beside her, Scarlet tugged at her arm. “Come on. Captain Kerrigan said she wants us below.”
Adda begrudgingly followed the girl down below the deck. All she wanted was to smell the ocean’s breeze on her face. Sighing, she supposed she’d have time later.
The other girl turned to her, puzzled. “What, sad about leaving home already?”
“What? Oh, no. I actually was hoping we could have stayed out on the deck for a little while longer.”
“You like the sea?”
“I do. I think it’s really pretty and warm.”
“That’s cool. Give it time.”
Adda followed the girl down a couple levels and into a mess hall. There, there were a few dozen Gerudo girls ranging from her own age to about teenage age. Some were bustling about, others polished boots, and some even played with wooden swords for practice. No one really batted an eye at Adda. After all, she was just another Gerudo picked up.
Adda had a small pouted lip. First time meeting so many girls like her. Least they could have said was hi. Or perhaps she could. “Hello there.”
Some of the Gerudo looked at Adda. For her efforts, she earned a reply. “Hello there. Are you the only one?”
“I’m the newest girl.”
“Guess that makes you the last one too.” A girl with a golden braid down patted a seat next to her. “Why don’t you and Scarlet sit down? I was just looking at the world map.”
Scarlet took a seat, undoing her pigtail to let her hair fall. Adda took another one, looking at the sea charts. When she saw an elaborate image and paper stained with coffee, she frowned. “That doesn’t seem like the whole world to me. Looks more like a painting.”
“A what?”
“A painting.” Adda looked at the girl like she was stupid as a doorknob. “It’s a piece of art.”
“Oh... so is it real then?”
“Maybe? Could be an interpretation of events.”
The girl looked at her, growing frustrated with Adda rather quickly. “Stop saying weird words.”
“Yeah? I can use whatever words I want. Not my fault you don’t know what a painting is. Stupid.”
All the Gerudo turned their attention to Adda now. Was this going to be a trouble maker? The girl who sat them down pouted more, a trembling lip indicating she was going to cry. Scarlet gripped Adda’s arm rather firmly in what felt like out of nowhere, a mean face on her now. “We don’t be mean to one another here. Come on, we’re going to be a crew.”
Adda scowled, trying to pull away. “But its her fault for not knowing.”
“Just because someone doesn’t know as much as you don’t mean you have to bully them.”
Adda looked around, the frown on her own face growing with eyes on her. Not wanting to be beaten up, or lose her standing a minute in, she took a breath to calm herself. “I’m sorry for calling you stupid. That wasn’t nice of me. What can I call you?”
The girl seemed to just pull herself together to stop herself from a melt down. “My name is Natalia.”
“Well Natalia, my name is Adda.” She turned her attention to the rude arm grabber. “You can let go now Scar.”
“It’s Scarlet. Like the colour red.”
“Well Scar. Let go of me now please?”
Scarlet took a moment to register the pun, but when she did, the girl contemplated on squeezing as hard as she could. Not wanting to escalate things on the ship, she begrudgingly let go. She had a small feeling in the back of her head that this Adda would be trouble.
“Thank you. So, huh, what were you looking at on the map Natalia?”
“I wanted to see where we were going. And how far we traveled since I was taken by the captain.” She traced her finger from an island called Ush, traveling south-east from island to island. When they reached Adda’s island, she pointed to a continent they were going to travel to. “This country is called Termina. We’ll be hitting the western shore to a location called the Great Bay.” She frowned when she saw the picture of a giant monster fish next to the bay. “I hope that’s just some art and not real.”
“I heard that the ocean is full of sea-monsters just waiting to spring out from the depths.” An older teenager snickered from close by. “Killer sharks, carnivorous mermen, and ravenous squids! Heck, I heard of a monster that manipulates water to ensnare its prey, crushing their bones and dissolving them to consume.”
“I think I’m going to be sick.”
Adda took a breath into her tiny lungs and shook the cabin with her declaration. “Well I’m not afraid!”
All the young Gerudo were a little puzzled. As the teenager looked down at Adda with doubt, Scarlet spoke what she was thinking. “Really? You’re not afraid of any monster?”
“No. Because I want to see them all with my own eyes. And I’m going to beat them and take any treasures that we come across!”
That intrigued Scarlet enough to not immediately doubt her. “We?”
“Yeah. I mean, we’re all going to be a crew, aren’t we?”
Every Gerudo girl looked around the room at one another. This was true. They all willingly agreed to come aboard to serve. And with their age pool, they’d most likely work together for the rest of their lives.
The question lingered in the air. It wouldn’t be answered as someone call from above. “All you lot! The captain wants you to grab a bucket of water and start scrubbing the ship clean! Get moving!”
The girls all grumbled as they got up from their tables. Adda felt a tick at the back of her mind pry at her. Did anyone want to be a crew?
Just as her doubts started to smoke up, they were extinguished by the smile of Scarlet. “I’d like that.”
It was about a week and a half out at open sea. In that time Adda had learned very little about how to sail the ship. However, she did learn all of the levels of Screaming Predator and some history about Captain Kerrigan. The Screaming Predator was stolen from a country known as Danjur, a very rich monarchy with a mighty navy. Captain Kerrigan taught Adda and the other young Gerudo that brute force wouldn’t have cut it, so she stole the deed to the ship and lied about being its rightful owner. When the navy caught on, she was long gone from the kingdom’s borders. There was a time for a show of power, but also times to use your intelligence and wisdom. It was this brazen theft that gave her support from a majority of the crew to challenge the last chieftain’s position of power.
“I thought that you were captain? Not a chieftain?”
“Well Natalia, us Gerudo are different from the common ilk of other pirates and sailors. Our people make up a large tribe. Far, far west, is the land of Hyrule. Our Gerudo sisters there live out their lives in a dry, barren desert, waiting for any countless calamities in dwindling their numbers. Us sea worthy Gerudo can find our origins in Termina, where we are going now.”
Kerrigan tapped a ruby crest on her chest. “The Gerudo of Hyrule have been led by chieftains. Sometimes they call themselves Queens. Or maybe lords. Some just keep to Chieftain. Legend has it they even had a Gerudo King that lead them to bloodshed and darkness. Us Termina Gerudo are the same. Because I lead the Gerudo out to sea, I am your captain. I am the Captain. The highest authority. Because that is what it means to be chief.”
“What if you want to be Captain yourself?”
Kerrigan turned her attention to Adda now. “If you want to be chief, you can challenge me to the position. From there, I have a choice to make. I can be like my predecessor and step down willingly…” With a quick flip of her hand, she pulled out her flintlock, cocked it, and pointed it at Adda. “Or I can kill you, stopping the thought of challenge for quite some time.”
Before the girls could truly react to the threat, Kerrigan flipped her gun back with a smile and put the safety back on. “There’s going to be a lot of things that can kill you. That’s why most of you aren’t coming with me on the next quest. Not until you can handle the worst the world has waiting for you.”
The boat sailed beside a rocky sea wall now, and the captain ordered the young Gerudo to follow her to the edge of the ship. Down below, a colony of sharks was swimming about. “Look down there. See them beasts of the seas? True, killing machines. Can anyone tell me what we share with them?”
The young girls shook their heads, not knowing.
“We’re apex predators. We thrive on the sea. And we kill without mercy, because that’s just who we are.” Captain Kerrigan waved over some of her guards over, dragging a man to the deck. Adda had glanced his way once when he was locked in the brig, but didn’t give him much thought.
“Kerrigan. You slimy bitch. You think my brother is going to let you get away with kidnapping me?” Adda winced at his foul breath and thick western accent. It sounded like chalk grading against marble. The man looked like he had been starved on purpose for quite some time. He didn’t stop as he was pushed against the edge of the ship. “What? Am I some kind of show for these little shits? You fucking cu-”
The whole time, Kerrigan was examining her gun, not giving him much attention. When he was reaving up his vocabulary, she popped him right in the head. Blood bubbled onto the deck, but most fell into the water. The Gerudo Pirates holding him on the side dropped his body to free fall into the water. One of them dabbed her face with a bandana to clean the blood on their face. “Gross. Think I got some brain in the mouth.”
All the youngsters that had never seen death either flinched away or stood paralysed in fear. Natalia clasped her hands over her mouth to not scream aloud; no one did that. Maybe they felt the atmosphere didn’t allow for it. Adda eyes were glued to the smoking gun. The same gun that was lightly pointed with the barrel between her own eyes. With the same amount of ease that could have been her blood scattered across the sea.
Few dared to look over the side of the ship. A moment after the body hit the water, small sharks swarmed the body in a feeding frenzy. As they tore at bits of the limbs, a massive white hopped up and brought its jaws down on the torso.
Captain Kerrigan cleaned her gun with a light sigh. “That man tried to steal from me. Which in extension, tried to steal from you all. Let this be your first lesson! Because we are apex predators, we do not tolerate bottom feeders. There are those who try to steal from us our riches and our lives. If you don’t want your lifeblood sucked dry from you, then you must be willing to kill these parasites first. Now, every one of you grab a sponge and scrub this blood out the deck. It’s a smell you might as well get used to now.”
Adda did as she was ordered. Getting low to the blood with the others, she heard some sniffles. She didn’t turn to see who was on the verge of crying. Best she didn’t get that image in her head. As she took the brush to the deck, she held her breath. Was this the life she wanted?
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heofhearts · 5 years
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𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓑𝓸𝔂 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓝𝓸 𝓝𝓪𝓶𝓮 ;
Considering the countless origin stories for Sir Gawain I figure it’d be most helpful to make it concrete which one my portrayal of Gawain will be hailing from. Warning; this is long and mostly just for reference.
As it usually starts in many of his stories, Gawain was born out of wedlock to Sir Lot (a young knight at the time) and Arthur’s Sister, Morgause (Also known as Anna in some iterations.) Morgause, in fear of her child being killed for being born outside marriage-- quickly came up with the plan, hiding her pregnancy. After giving birth to the healthy boy of golden hair, she went about the next phase of her plan to protect him. Seeking out a loyal servant, a merchant she knew she could trust the child with (boy was she wrong, he wasn’t a bad guy just dumb). Anyway, he takes the child as well as a small chest and a royal gold signet ring along with a letter signifying Gawain’s lineage and circumstance. The boy was to grow up without being told who he is. The chest was full of gold and was to be given to Gawain when he came of age.  Morgause stressed the importance to the merchant of keeping her son's identity and parentage from everyone, including Gawain himself. So, at first, everything is fine and dandy. The Merchant takes the babe and for several months all is well. However one day, the merchant went to get supplies from the city of Narbonne, but he left no one to guard the ship and the baby. A local fisherman named Viamundus found the deserted ship. Viamundus found the small child in the crib, and the treasure in the cabin. Viamundus plundered the ship, taking all the treasure, including the infant. The fisherman brought the child and the treasure to his home in France. Viamundus gave the infant to his wife to nurse. In the cradle, the fisherman found the letter and the signet. When Viamundus read the letter, he discovered that the infant was a son of the royal princess from Britannia. Viamundus decided to respect the will of the letter, keeping the baby's identity a secret from everyone. The boy became known as the "Boy with No Name" (puer sine nomine). They raised Gawain as if he was their own son. The Boy had a relatively happy childhood. After seven years  Viamundus thought it was safe that no one would search for foster son, so he left his home, taking his wife, foster son and the treasure with him to Rome.
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𝓦𝓱𝓮𝓷 𝓲𝓷 𝓡𝓸𝓶𝓮 ;
With the wealth, he pretended to have come from a noble Roman family, with him in the guise of a military leader from France. Viamundus offered his services to the Roman emperor. Viamundus became a great friend of the emperor and the pope. As a favor to Viamundus, the emperor made the former fisherman's son his page. For a time things were nice. That is until  Viamundus came down with illness. It was then, knowing his time was short, he decided to reveal his secret to the Roman emperor. Viamundus gave the letter and signet, and told the emperor, Gawain's real name and parentage. The emperor promised Viamundus to train Viamundus's foster son as a knight, and when the time was ripe, he would send Gawain to his uncle, Arthur, who was now king of Britannia, with the letter and signet to identify Gawain of his heritage.  When Viamundus passed on, the emperor had him buried with the full honor of a nobleman. Gawain was twelve at the time of Viamundus' death. The emperor and Pope Sulpicius kept Viamundus' secret from Gawain. It was then that the emperor took Gawain under his charge, setting himself as the boy's foster father. Gawain was served in the Roman imperial household, first as a page, then as a squire. Gawain distinguished himself in the military training, at the age of 15, he was dubbed as a knight, receiving his arms on Equirria, a long festival dedicated to Mars, the Roman god of war. As the most skillful new knight, young Gawain also received a golden circlet. The Boy with No Name became known as the "Knight of the Surcoat", because he was the first to wear crimson tunic over his armor. --- Here is where I skip some bit of story of Gawain still in his teens going off to fight a Persian champion as well as leading a small sailing army against a Pirate King and his island kingdom. Victory over the Persians had brought peace to the Roman Empire, but the Knight of the Surcoat grew restless with inactivity, decided to travel to Britannia in search for new adventures. Though, the emperor was reluctant to have his foster son depart, he remembered his promise. The emperor only agreed to his foster son departure, if Gawain would present to King Arthur (who was really Gawain's uncle) with a gold coffer that contain Morgause’s document and other items to identify Gawain's name. The Emperor also included his own testimony about Gawain's identity. 
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𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓫𝓮𝓪𝓽  𝓾𝓹 𝓫𝓸𝓽𝓱 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓤𝓷𝓬𝓵𝓮𝓼 ;
Gawain arrived in Britain and was approaching the castle, but could cross the river due to the flooding of the ford. At that very night, Arthur and Guinevere, who was his wife and queen, were talking in bed. Guinevere was not just a queen; she was a powerful sorceress with the gift of foretelling.The queen mocked her husband's strength and prowess. Guinevere informed Arthur that a knight from Rome, who was greater than any other knight had arrived at a nearby town , about six miles away. To prove her prediction, she told her husband that the knight would send her a gold ring and 3000 pieces of gold on two horses in the morning. Arthur knew of his wife's divination, but decided to find out if it was true. As Guinevere slept, the king armed himself and mounted his horse, taking only Sir Kay, his seneschal, with him in this venture. Arthur encountered the Knight of the Surcoat at the ford, where he recklessly challenged the stranger. Arthur charged at the lone knight, who waited with his lance ready. Arthur was unceremoniously knocked off his saddle into the water. Sir Kay decided to avenge the king, so he too attacked the Knight of the Surcoat and was unhorsed into the river. The king and his seneschal had lost their horses in the encounter so they had to walk back to the castle on foot and in shame. Arthur returned to his bed, still drench from the river. Guinevere asked where he had been, and Arthur lied that he had gone out to stop fighting between two men in the castle in the rain. 
The Knight of the Surcoat did not realize that he had fought the king and his own uncles at the ford. In the morning, while Arthur still slept, Guinevere sent a messenger out of the castle, towards the town, where the boy encountered the Knight of the Surcoat. The knight asked the boy to bear the gifts to the Queen. When Guinevere recognized the two horses and the horse trappings belonging to her husband and the seneschal, she understood what had occurred last night when her husband had come to bed drenched. With great amusement, she sent the horses into her bedchamber, where Arthur still slept. Arthur woke to find his horse and Kay's in the bedroom. The King felt shame when he realized that Guinevere knew the truth. Guinevere showed the proof that the mysterious knight had sent to her: two horses, a gold ring and 3000 pieces of gold coins.
By noon, the Knight of the Surcoat arrived at Arthur's court. The hero introduced himself to the king and the entire court, telling them that he had come from the Roman imperial court, offering his services in arms and become the king's companion (become knight of the Round Table). The hero also gave Arthur, the sealed message and the coffer from the Roman Emperor.Arthur retired to the adjoining chamber to read the Emperor's personal message. What content he had found in the document left Arthur astonished. Within the coffer, he found the pallium and signet ring that belonged to his sister Morgause, as the letter, in his sister's handwriting that prove the identity of her son.
Arthur immediately sent for Morgause and her husband King Lot, and showed them the contents of documents and the coffer, demanding the explanation from his sister and brother-in-law. Anna revealed to her brother the truth she was indeed pregnant and gave birth to her son, before she was married to Lot. Both parents and Arthur were overcome with great joy. However, Arthur wanted them to keep this secret from Gawain, until the Roman knight proved his worth to become knight of the Round Table. Arthur returned the court and rudely told the young knight that he already has many knights of great prowess. So unless the Knight of the Surcoat can prove his prowess, the king suggest that he find services from some other lords. The hero feeling slighted by Arthur's words, felt the need to prove himself. So the hero declared that he would do something that only Arthur's knights were capable of accomplishing.
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𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓟𝓪𝓰𝓪𝓷 𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓰 ;
Six days had passed when news that the Castle of the Maidens was besieged by pagan king. The castle belonged to a fair, young woman, who governed the northern part of Britannia, but as ally of Arthur. The pagan king had fallen in love with this lady, but she refused his advances. The pagan king was enraged because of the rejection, so he occupied the land around the castle.Arthur immediately mustered his army and gathered his knights of the Round Table, before heading north. Before they reached the castle, another messenger arrived to tell the king that the castle had fallen, and the pagan king had taken the Lady as his prisoner. The pagan king was now heading back to his own realm. Arthur immediately set out in pursuit, in the hope of rescuing the Lady.Arthur's rescue plan fell apart when his army encountered unexpected, strong resistance from the rearguard. The pagan king was expecting pursuit and had placed his more experienced knights with the rearguard battalion. The sudden attack by the rearguard had thrown Arthur's army into confusion. The pagan king's forces were able to repulse the British army, causing Arthur to shamefully retreat. The Knight of the Surcoat had followed the army and watched the battle on the hill. When he saw Arthur and his knights being repulsed and retreated from the more superior pagan army, the hero jeered at them for cowardly retreating.After taunting Arthur and his knights, the hero set out alone to rescue the Lady. The pagan army didn't expect an attack from a lone knight, which threw them into confusion. When the hero saw the pagan king and the captive, the Knight of the Surcoat charged with his lance ready. The point smashed through the king's armor and penetrated the pagan king's chest. The pagan king fell dying to the ground; the hero then seized the rein of the young woman's horse, trying to lead her out the enemy army.However, angry royal guards surrounded them and they sought to avenge the death of their king. The Knight of the Surcoat managed to cut his way through the enemy ranks, but the hero and Lady could not escape through the way he had come from, so the hero set out in a different direction, with the enemies in hot pursuit.As they were fleeing, the hero saw an abandoned fortification with a moat around it, so he led the maiden to fort. He told the Lady to find a place to hide, while he will defend this place. Fortunately, the bridge to fort was narrow enough that only one enemy could come at a time to face him. While a broad and deep moat surrounded the fort, so no one could surround him. With his sword and shield ready, the Knight of the Surcoat fought off the pursuing enemies. On the bridge, no one could overcome him, as he killed and wounded many knights. Some fled, while tried to escape from the hero's vicious sword by jumping off the narrow bridge. The Knight of the Surcoat had single-handedly defeated the pagan king's army. 
He returned to where the king had fallen, and cut off the king's head. The knight placed the king's head on top end of the standard, while the head was still wearing its diadem. With the Lady at his side, the Knight of the Surcoat returned to King Arthur's court. Here, the hero proudly proclaimed that he had killed the king and destroyed the enemy army alone. He had accomplished what no other knights in Arthur's court had done. 
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Rather than being offended by the hero's words, Arthur was overjoyed and told the young knight that he had earned the highest honor. Arthur asked the young hero his name and lineage. The hero replied that he was Knight of the Surcoat and that he was born in France to a Roman senator, because he seriously thought that Viamundus was his father. With Morgause and Lot standing near their son, Arthur had the letter of the Roman Emperor read where every one could hear. It revealed that King Lot of Norway and his wife Morgause was the hero's real parents, and his real name was Gawain. Every one including Gawain were utterly amazed at this revelation. Gawain's parents joyfully welcomed home their lost son. Arthur also joyously announced that Gawain was his nephew. With this announcement, the entire assemblage shouted out:
                     "𝓖𝓪𝔀𝓪𝓲𝓷,                               𝓷𝓮𝓹𝓱𝓮𝔀                                    𝓸𝓯 𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓐𝓻𝓽𝓱𝓾𝓻!"
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mcollawn · 5 years
One Piece Stampede Review
Who wouldn't want to observe pirates going all out and succeed for the ultimate prize? The movie starts with Luffy and the Strawhats crew embarking on a special Pirate Expo. This festival holds the prize of something beyond any pirate which is the One Piece.
Gold D. Roger was the Pirate King and as such his demise was the start of the Golden Age of Pirates (a time where pirates flourished in the pursuit of the legendary treasure). Monkey D. Luffy's ultimate goal to be the Pirate King and find the One Piece to reach that status once for all.
The Strawhats subsequently go to this Pirate Expo and are surrounded by an entire island of fellow pirates seeking treasure. I really like the exposition of everyone coming via Jolley Rodgers related ships from the open sea. The Expo is "made by pirates for pirates" and the exciting morale of the statement creates an atmosphere fitting for the One Piece. These pirates begin to compete in a battle royal setting at first then to war against one character. The Marineford Arc is a reality and then some in Stampede.
Personally, I really liked the suspense of Douglas Bullet and Buena Festa uniting to create the Stampede storyline. We observe conflict identity, power structure inbalance, justice, and other important literary techniques. The situation in its entirety unfolds is really well-made fighting sequences and comedic moments. It makes you feel like you are actually in the movie and captures the emotions of the characters taking a stand for themselves.
Whoever obtains the One Piece would have the ultimate treasure a chance to obtain the greatest freedom. This idea is not just a treasure but a state of mind for feeling the freest and the most achieved in life. Henceforth, One Piece Stampede is definitely worth watching and who knows who will prevail in the end?
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myvmk · 7 years
Underrated Disney Movies Month
Updated August 22nd, 2017
"I'm Princess Eilonwy. Are you a lord, or a warrior?" We're celebrating the 25th Disney animated feature film this week with The Black Cauldron. Released in 1985 by Walt Disney Pictures, Disney took fans back into the Middle Ages and into the land of Prydain. A trio made up of Princess Eilonwy, Gurgi, and Taran set out on an adventure to find the undead-army raising Black Cauldron before the Horned King.
Come join some of your favorite staff for a game of Hide And Seek! All through out the month we will randomly be hosting Hide And Seek games and hiding in only public rooms. To win you must walk up to a staff member that is hidden and say "I found you (Staff Member Name Here!)"; nothing else will be accepted, you have to say it correctly. (Make sure to use the correct job-prefix as well VMK_/HOST_/GA_.) If you win, you will have the chance to choose one of the exclusive pins seen above. You are allowed to win only two times! The staff will not hide in rooms where players are already sitting. This will ensure everyone has a fair chance at finding the staff members. Good luck out there seekers!
We've got some exciting releases in the Emporium this week to celebrate The Black Cauldron. To start things off we've got a Black Cauldron pin for your lanyard. You can also find some animal friends like Hen Wen & Dallben's Cat! Looking for some magical glitzy items for your room? You can also purchase a Magic Harp and a Golden Pelydryn. If you're on the hunt to freshen up your wardrobe, check out the new Eilonwy headband and the Fairy Folk Hats (that come in 3 colors).On sale till August 23rd!
We're also celebrating two of Walt Disney World's closing attractions with a Great Movie Ride pin & an Ellen's Energy Adventure pin! On sale till August 23rd.
Come try your luck for this week's Host prize, Taran's Magic Sword and the Consolation prize Creeper!
Welcome to Black Cauldron Trades, be careful of the Skeleton Army that lies in here. Stay away from the Cauldron, so you don't fall in and sacrifice yourself! Trade with one of our Staff members to get a pin! We do not accept Free, 1 Credit, or NPC Pins! These are inspired by the actual Disney pins.
Lilo & Stitch have been celebrating Tropical month along with all of us, but they ran into a few problems. As Pleakley and Jumba were flying the ship, they crashed right over the Kingdom! All of the experiment pods have been scattered all over the land! Collect as many as you can for some awesome rare prizes including.. Divali created by emeraldaze, Jawbreaker created by bizarrekitties, and Romeo created by MagicAvinash during the Create-a-Cousin Contest! You might even win a Baseball Cap Reversed - Aloha Hat!
*All items in the pods are still obtainable, including the "Baseball Cap Reversed - Aloha" hat.*
Pull this month's exclusive pins from the sword and the stone! For a chance to win, ride the rides in Fantasyland Courtyard and you will have a chance at getting a Sword in the Stone pin! You can use this pin to have a chance at pulling the sword from the stone, and if you succeed, you will win one of these pins as a prize or some credits!
Avast there mateys! Sail on over to the Pirates Treasure room for a chance to plunder some great loot! Collect them all or ye will be forgotten in the memory dump, just like me Captain Davey Jones got stuck in his Locker! Available all month!
Create a Great Guest Room! Get Recognized!
Player created Guest or Game Rooms demonstrate originality in concept and design. Our judges are looking for creativity, so try using traditional items in different and unique ways. Rooms are judged randomly by MyVMK Staff every month and selected from player rooms.
July Best Guest Room
Join Gibbyy in the “Hidden Forest of Pandora”! "Dive in deep of the forest's of Pandora to a small place that no one has ever seen. Where creatures are crawling around and strange plants are blooming out of no where. There may be no one here now, but venture to the soon to be secret garden of Pandora." Congratulations!
The Best Guest Room Winner receives: - 10,000 credits - A Castle Suite Guest Room Pin - plus furniture! - Best Guest Room Award Pin - Plus! A party in Club 33!
    Create a Great Game Room! Get Recognized!
Create a game room and play with friends and others, and a MyVMK staff member may notice your idea! Game rooms that get the nod offer a new game idea or a new twist on an old favorite. In all rooms we look for room owners who welcome everyone with a smile and show a willingness to answer questions about their room.
July Best Game Room
Check out “Dash for Cinderella's Slipper” by Pinkie_Poof! "Cinderella has lost her slipper and must alert her Fairy Godmother to help her find it! But first she must complete her stepmother's tasks... Two players will compete in a race. First, you will spin your generator next to your chair. You will then match your generators on the track to that number. You also have to light all of your candles. Once all of your generators are the same number and all candles are lit, light the firework to call the Fairy Godmother to win! I hope the slipper fits!" Congratulations!
The Best Game Room Winner receives: - 10,000 credits - A Castle Suite Guest Room Pin - plus furniture! - Best Game Room Award Pin - Plus! A party in Club 33!
This could be you! Find out the details on entering for Best Guest Room and Best Game Room by clicking here!
Ever wanted to know more about your favorite staff member? Now you can! Every month we will be interviewing a different member of the MyVMK Staff. Here is the most recent interview!
The princess with the longest hair I've ever seen..! Meet this month's Staff of the Month VMK_Rapunzel!
What is your favorite thing to do around the Kingdom?
I love visiting player's rooms and chatting with you all!
What is the best item for building your rooms?
The Floating Lanterns. Gotta have my floating lanterns. At last I seeeee the liiiiiight.....
What has been your favorite game to host thus far?
I love teleported events. The HOSTs put so much time into those and the rooms (winner and conso, too) are always so beautiful.
What is your favorite mini-game in MyVMK?
I think this might be an unpopular opinion, but I love animals... Jungle Cruise definitely wins in my book.
What is your favorite type of Guest Room?
The Empty Dark Ride Room. So many possibilities. And I love the stage lights.
Best MyVMK Moment?
Before I became a staff member, I was part of a pretty epic dance party in the Esplanade with Host_Nala & VMK_Stitch during the Christmas raffle. After becoming a staff member, I have loved telling the story of Spud. I think my favorite memory is when Spud came back to MyVMK & AceKingAndrew found him on a bench in the Esplanade.
What is your favorite Public Room in the Kingdom?
Waterpark Pool without a doubt.
Is there any advice you would give to players?
Be kind to one another. This game is for fun and for our shared love of Disney. There is never a reason to be nasty to anyone. :)
What is your favorite theme on VMK?
I loved Tropical month!
What is your favorite Disney park?
Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom are in a tie!
Who is your favorite Disney Character?
Rapunzel... but if I couldn't pick Rapunzel, definitely Mary Poppins!
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itsiotrecords-blog · 7 years
Fifteen men on a dead man’s chest, yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum! The X marks the spot, so get your shovel ready and start digging. Money, gold and jewelry stashed away on some mysterious island usually means trouble. From the mists of time, when mythical gods and legendary heroes roamed the Earth, though the Middle Ages and even the last couple of centuries, we have records of great treasures that seem to have vanished, leaving behind only pies in the sky. Fascinating examples of opulence and decadence, the world knelt to their power and wept at their disappearance. They witnessed the rise and fall of civilizations, and now they are gone. Or are they?
#1 Blackbeard’s Treasure Edward Teach, better known as Blackbeard the Pirate, spent only two years preying the high seas, more than enough to extract a great treasure estimated at over $100 million. While the Spaniards were busy trying to get their hands on Mexico’s and South America’s gold and silver, Blackbeard and his men patiently waited to plunder the ships carrying the treasures to the old continent. The pirate was captured in 1718 and decapitated under the orders of British lieutenant Robert Maynard, who hung his head from his ship as trophy. In front of his executioners, Blackbeard admitted to having hid his treasure but never revealed where, saying “Only the devil and I know the whereabouts of my treasure, and the one of us who lives the longest should take it all.” This didn’t stop treasure hunters — in 1996, Blackbeard’s ship Queen Anne’s Revenge was found near Beaufort, North Carolina. Valuable artifacts have been recovered, but no sign of the precious cargo.
#2 The Amber Room
Widely considered the eighth wonder of the world, the Amber Room is a masterpiece of German and Russian fine art, offered by Wilhelm I, the King of Prussia, to his Russian ally Tzar Peter the Great as a symbol of friendship in 1716. Made from six tons of amber and covered in gold and gemstones, the impressive chamber was worth well over $200 million at the time it was built. During World War II it disappeared without a trace, and has since been one of the world’s most coveted treasures. During the war, when the Germans attempted to bring the room back to Germany the ship transporting it might have sunk into the sea. Others claim it was transported to Konigsberg Castle, presently Kaliningrad in Germany. Could it be hidden in an abandoned mine in Thuringia? Or buried on the shores of a lagoon in the Baltic Sea? Feel like finding out?
#3 Treasure of Lima In 1820, Peru’s capital found itself on the brink of revolution. As a precautionary measure, the viceroy decided to move the capital’s treasures into Mexico for safekeeping. Precious stones, two life-size golden statues of the Virgin Mary, and many other priceless artifacts were loaded on 11 ships. The viceroy put commander William Thompson in charge, who soon proved to be a merciless pirate. Thompson led the ships to the island of Cocos in the Indian Ocean, where he presumably buried the treasure. When finally captured, he promised to dig up the treasure in exchange for his life. On the island he pretended to lead the way and managed to escape into the jungle. Since that day, over 300 expeditions tried to locate the Treasure of Lima, estimated at over $300 million. All failed.
#4 Montezuma’s Treasure
The fall of the Aztec Empire to Spanish conquistadors reached its peak on July 1, 1520. After mortally injuring King Montezuma, Hernando Cortes ordered his men to gather all the riches of the Empire and tried to flee the territory by night. Seeking revenge, the Aztecs attacked the conquistadors near the capital of Tenochtitlan. The carnage that followed filled up Tezcuco Lake with bodies and Montezuma’s stolen treasure, countless gold and silver ornaments and an impressive collection of jewelry. Cortes and some of his men survived and returned one year later, but the treasure had already been stashed away, protected from the conquistadors’ greed and most likely buried near Tezcuco Lake. Worth over $3 billion today, Montezuma’s treasure might also be hidden somewhere in the swamps near Mexico City, the place where the colossal city of Tenochtitlan once laid… yet generations of treasure hunters have failed to locate it.
#5 Leon Trabuco’s Gold In the early 1930s, Mexican millionaire Leon Trabuco secretly flew to the heart of the Mexican Desert and hid a great treasure. It was the Great Depression — the dollar hit rock bottom and the price of gold was about to skyrocket. Leon Trabuco and his business partners bought as much gold as they could and stashed it away it in the hope of selling it later and getting rich. They piled up over 16 tons of gold, but they never lived to see their dream come true. Leon Trabuco kept waiting for prices to rise until a new law restricting gold commerce prevented them from selling. The gold, which could be worth close to one billion dollars today, seems to have carried a curse. Leon’s partners died within five years, followed by Trabuco himself, taking the secret of the treasure’s whereabouts to the grave.
#6 Treasure of El Dorado
A city filled with gold lost in the South American jungle sounds like a fairy tale. El Dorado is the legend of a Muisca Chieftain, a legendary leader who used to cover himself in gold dust during religious ceremonies. The true city of gold is actually Paititi, a mysterious city that might really exist. Spaniards had been at odds with the Incas in Peru for over 40 years. The locals took shelter in the Vilcabamba Valley, where they withstood Spanish attacks for some time. When the Spaniards finally conquered the valley in 1572, it was deserted. It seems the Incas fled to the jungles to the south of Brazil, taking their treasure with them. The exact location remains unknown, although recent satellite images revealed what seem to be the ruins of vast settlements in the deforested area of Boco do Acre in Brazil. Paititi might be one of them and, if discovered, the secrets of the Incan gold might be revealed, a treasure that could be worth over $10 billion.
#7 Flor do Mar Flor do Mar (Flower of the Sea) left Lisbon on a voyage to Malacca (modern day Malaysia) in 1505. On November 20, 1511, it shipwrecked in a reef in Sumatra with the largest treasure ever carried on-board a Portuguese ship and the largest naval treasure ever lost. Flor do Mar was returning home from Malacca loaded with gold cups, silver plates and gold ingots offered as tribute from the King of Siam to the King of Portugal. While crossing the Strait of Malacca it was caught in a violent storm and broke in half. The captain was rescued, but the treasure and many young sailors were forever lost in the merciless waves. The exact location of the shipwreck remains a mystery. If ever found, the treasure would be worth $2.6 billion in intricately worked gold objects, plus the current value of approximately 60 tons of pure gold.
#8 Ark of the Covenant
The Book of Exodus offers plenty of details when it comes to one of Christianity’s greatest treasures. For the ancient Israelis it was the most sacred object on Earth, created by God Himself on Mount Sinai with the help of Moses. The Ark is a massive chest covered in pure gold, with a pair of wooden handles and two golden cherubim on top, their wings spreading out over the “Mercy Seat.” It contains sacred relics, including the two stone tablets with the Ten Commandments. Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem served as home for the Ark, but when the city was looted by the Babylonians in 607 BC the population fled. When they returned 70 years later, the Ark was gone. No one knows what happened to it. Could the Israelis have hidden the Ark before the Babylonians attacked? If so, why didn’t they recover it? Most plausible theories locate the relic in either Egypt or Ethiopia. Ethiopian legends talk about the Ark of Axum, perhaps one and the same, hidden inside the Aksum Obelisk. Archeologists have yet to explore even a fraction of the secret tunnels and mysterious labyrinths under the granite colossus. If the Ark were to ever surface, it would be considered priceless.
#9 The Pharaohs’ Missing Treasure
When Howard Carter discovered Tutankhamun’s tomb in the Valley of the Kings in 1922, he couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw the precious artifacts meant to accompany the pharaoh to the other world. It took Carter ten years to finish labeling the vast treasure. Of all the tombs previously uncovered in the Valley of the Kings, King Tut’s was the only one that wasn’t completely empty. Tomb raiders may have looted them, but it all seemed to be part of one huge heist. So where are the treasures of the other pharaohs? Theories suggest the priests who oversaw the burials were the ones who knew how to evade the many booby traps inside the tombs and moved the treasures out. One of them was Herihor, a senior official and priest at the court of Ramses XI. If Herihor’s tomb is discovered, a great part of the pharaohs’ missing treasure will probably surface. And if King Tut’s burial chamber treasure is estimated at $700 million, and there are at least 24 pharaohs buried in the Valley of the Kings, you do the math.
#10 Treasure of the Knights Templar
Many legends revolve around the mysterious Knights Templar, the name behind some of the world’s greatest enigmas. The religious military order was founded in 1114 to protect Christian pilgrims on their way to the Holy Land. They soon managed to raise quite a fortune — donations and recognition made the Knights Templar the richest and most powerful military force in Europe. They possessed jaw-dropping amounts of gold and silver bullion, the crown jewels of prestigious European families and significant religious artifacts. Legend has it the Knights Templar discovered Christianity’s greatest treasure under the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem. Unfortunately, they didn’t share the findings with the world, but it’s widely rumored that it might have something to do with the coveted Holy Grail. The knights invented an early banking system which made them even richer, but also unpopular. By 1291, their prestige was beginning to falter. In 1307, the King of France arrested the order’s leaders and tortured them to confess to heresy and worshiping the Devil. Their lands were confiscated, but when searching their treasury they found it empty. Could the Knights have foreseen their fate and hid their billions of dollars worth of treasures?
Source: TopTenz
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bugged13it · 11 months
Spots in the Surf - Chapter 9
AFTER ALMOST 3 YEARS OF NO SHOW, I RETURN!!! With a new username! Also, I'm writing fanfics again. Hello, miraculous!
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: In the golden age of privateers, Chat Noir is both a renowned hero and feared pirate, depending on who you ask. Using the famed captain’s name to experience freedom on the seas, Adrien seeks something—or someone—much more valuable than any treasure.
Meanwhile, being a miraculous creature that wicked men both desire and covet for their magical properties, Marinette has always been told to avoid humans at all cost. But how can she stay away when she meets one that appears to have a connection to a past she can’t remember?
Words: 42127, Chapters: 9/?, Language: English
Start From Ch 1 on AO3 Start From Ch 1 on FF.net
Chapter 9 Preview:
Despite the countless groups of pirates ambling about, Adrien found it fairly simple to sneak through the shadows of the dark fort, taking advantage of his mask’s night vision to navigate areas that normal men couldn’t see into. Flickering torches dotted the crude dirt paths here and there, but most of the natural cliffside leading down to the concealed cove remained hidden to normal human eyes. With the stealth of his alter-ego, despite the occasionally inebriated pirate stumbling past his carefully chosen hiding spots, he easily navigated the uneven terrain, confident he could discern Marinette’s location before Nino had the chance to initiate a distraction.
Unfortunately, he’d wasted some time climbing down to the docks early on, where a small armada of rowboats and large dinghies bobbed and swayed in the gentle tide. He’d been searching for a submerged net or anything that hinted at holding a captured mermaid. When he found no sign of her or any guards, he realized with a shock that they were most likely keeping her inside the fort, a place that wasn’t ideal for a lady with scales and fins. He could only imagine the misery Marinette was suffering at their hands.
If they’ve hurt her in any way… Adrien fumed to himself as he slunk past a pair of drunken men rambling by a campfire.
Keep reading on AO3 Keep reading on FF.net
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bugged13it · 4 years
Spots in the Surf - Ch 8
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: In the golden age of privateers, Chat Noir is both a renowned hero and feared pirate, depending on who you ask. Using the famed captain’s name to experience freedom on the seas, Adrien seeks something—or someone—much more valuable than any treasure.
Meanwhile, being a miraculous creature that wicked men both desire and covet for their magical properties, Marinette has always been told to avoid humans at all cost. But how can she stay away when she meets one that appears to have a connection to a past she can’t remember?
Words: 34084, Chapters: 8/?, Language: English
Start From Ch 1 on AO3 Start From Ch 1 on FF.net
In a town full of cut-throat pirates, it was always wise to be cautious when every shadow might be hiding a potential enemy.
That was what Master Fu had said as he accompanied Adrien and his crew while Wayzz remained behind to watch over the house. They carefully shuffled along the dark roads at an agonizingly slow pace, not wanting to draw any attention from the wrong crowd.
Whether or not their slow caution had actually helped, they eventually drew closer to the docks without incident, where Adrien could see the dark shape of The Cataclysm floating in the distance. For a town filled with devious miscreants, the night was quiet and almost peaceful. The pitch black water fractured and reflected back the bright shape of the moon with its gentle waves.
Unexpectedly, the dark sky suddenly lit up across the bay with a flash of light and a brilliant explosion of red.
"Hey!" Alix jabbed her finger in the direction of the flare. "Isn't that our distress signal?"
Keep reading on AO3 Keep reading on FF
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bugged13it · 4 years
Spots in the Surf - Ch 7
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: In the golden age of buccaneers and privateers, Chat Noir is both a renowned hero and feared pirate, depending on who you ask. Using the famed captain’s name to sail the seas without his father’s knowledge, Adrien seeks something much more valuable than treasure and exotic goods.
Meanwhile, being a miraculous creature that sailors desire and magicians covet for their magical properties, Marinette has always been told to avoid humans at all cost. But how can she stay away when she meets one that appears to have a connection to a past that she can’t remember?
Words: 28701, Chapters: 7/?, Language: English
Start From Ch 1 on AO3 *New!* Start From Ch 1 on FF.net
Preview: "Straighten the main sail!"
"Aye, aye, captain!"
Kim raced to the mast and pulled at the rigging to follow Adrien's orders. With the ship repaired and seaworthy once again, he had suited up to parade about as a proper captain. Though the chances of his identity being discovered out on the seas were slim, it was important to always don the mask in case they ran into trouble.
Though, with the mermaids guiding them, Adrien noticed that they hadn't seen hide nor hair of pirates or any other vessel for that matter. Tikki wasn’t kidding when she mentioned that they had a sixth sense for navigation. Nature itself seemed to favor their voyage, as the skies were clear and the waves calm while they made their way to the last known location of Master Fu.
"Max!" Adrien bellowed at his crew mate behind him. "Take the wheel for a bit!"
Max stepped in while Adrien vaulted over the banister to land lightly on the deck below. He nimbly hopped up and sprinted to the railing, grasping it as he leaned over to watch the waves rolling away from the ship. Water droplets sparkled in the brilliant sun like millions of tiny diamonds; a mesmerizing sight that he never grew tired of. As he watched, a lithe form jumped out from the water and waved up at him.
"Ahoy!" Nino called out from the crow's nest from above. "Looks like Tikki is flagging us, captain!"
Adrien gave the signal, and the boat eventually dropped to an easy coasting speed. Leaning over the railing, he quickly spotted the four small forms as they surfaced.
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bugged13it · 4 years
Spots in the Surf - Ch 1 (AO3)
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: In the golden age of buccaneers and privateers, Chat Noir is both a renowned hero and feared pirate, depending on who you ask. Using the famed captain’s name to sail the seas without his father’s knowledge, Adrien seeks something much more valuable than treasure and exotic goods.
Meanwhile, being a miraculous creature that sailors desire and magicians covet for their magical properties, Marinette has always been told to avoid humans at all cost. But how can she stay away when she meets one that appears to have a connection to a past that she can’t remember?
Words: 4790, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Start From Ch 1 on AO3
Chapter 1: Adrien stood in the extravagantly adorned hallway that led to his father's office, impatiently fussing with the cuff of his coat as he tried to straighten it. It was being stubborn, not wanting to appear presentable, but with a little finagling, he managed to get it situated just as the door at the end of the hall swung open.
He jumped, quickly spinning away from the mirror to watch Nathalie step out of the room. The Head of their maid staff had her eyes glued to a notebook in her hand while she held the door for him with the other. She addressed him without even looking up. “Adrien, your father will see you now.”
With a quick, courteous bow, Adrien took in a sharp breath and marched into the office. Nathalie slipped through the doorway behind him before closing it with a soft ‘click.’ The stifling quiet of the room immediately settled over him, almost suffocating as he rigidly stood with his hands behind his back, waiting for his presence to be acknowledged.
A clock sitting atop a bookcase ticked quietly while Gabriel sat at the ornate desk at the back of the room, his gaze focused on a canvas laid out before him. From his angle, Adrien managed to catch a glimpse of the refined sketch that his father was working on—most likely adding the finishing touches to one of his latest designs.
A moment of silence stretched between them before his father finally lowered the pencil and regarded him with a neutral expression. “Adrien. You wished to speak with me about a business venture?”
“Yes, father.” Though Adrien tried to keep his nerves from showing, he found his hand unconsciously messing with the hem of his sleeve. “I wanted to discuss some plans I have to earn my own living.”
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