#[ woke up and few minutes in I just smiled and laughed and feeling my beloved hugging me as I hold my comfort plushies and soft blanket ]
solarisgod · 3 months
Hi, starlights. ♡ We wish to provide a gentle reminder to you guys that you all are so amazing and wonderful regardless of anything and everything. We know the early 2024 has been rough for a lot of folks, including myself, but we wish to remind that many people, with us, are most proud of you for everything while as long as you're trying your best, then that will always be more than good enough. We hope for everyone that they will continue to make warm and happy memories with their friends and loved ones and comfort characters / muses over this year and more that will be as much kind and gentle to them as so deserved. It's always nice to see people be happy with their friends and muses through talking or writing / creating together. Just know that regardless of it all, none of us is ever alone and we are all most loved by many with the stars and trees and other remnants of love itself. Much love and light to you all. 💖✨
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jinwoosungs · 2 months
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love letter of flowers.
jinwoo sung x florist.fem!reader
lately, there has been a handsome young man who frequented at your flower shop.
he was well dressed, always appearing within the cozy confines of your quaint little shop while in a pristine suit. with his ebony locks of hair falling across his features in gentle waves coupled along with grey eyes that seemed to shine beneath the sunlight, perfectly mirroring his emotions...
you found that you couldn't look away from him, even if you tried.
he had been visiting your shop daily for roughly a month now, with him buying the most extravagant of bouquets for someone you assumed that he loved a great deal. for some odd reason, just the thought of him already having a lover made your chest ache.
despite the bouquets he had purchased being chosen and crafted by your own loving touch, it made you yearn for a type of love this man and his beloved had. truly, the he had to be absolutely crazy about his girlfriend to buy her such gorgeous bouquets every single day.
as you were caught up in your reveries, you find yourself breaking out of your daydreams when the sounds of chiming bells alerts you to an incoming customer. as you trail your eyes toward the entrance, you felt your heart skip beats once more, seeing him again-
sung jinwoo.
he greets you with a kind smile before looking over at your collection of bouquets. curious as to what he was going to choose, you steadily head over to your cash register and keep sneaking glances at him.
after a few minutes of consideration, he chooses the bouquet he was going to gift, which had to be the most expensive one yet: a rainbow bouquet of roses consisting of bright petals shaded in a variety of colors.
your throat seems to close up in response to this man's dedication, ringing up the bouquet while tying a neat bow against its cellophane wrapping.
"your girlfriend must be lucky to have you." you find yourself telling him casually, trying to hide those stupid emotions that were felt bubbling within your chest.
"excuse me?"
hearing the absolute confusion within his voice makes you freeze and do a double take. gathering your courage, you look back up at him with a tilt of your head.
"you come in here every day to buy a bouquet... isn't it for your lover?"
after hearing your explanation, you felt your cheeks turn hotter in response to the sounds of his laughter. your assumptions seemed incredibly amusing to him, as he spent the next several minutes laughing all while trying to catch his breath.
"hahaha, y-you're so funny, haha..." you watch as jinwoo wipes the tears from his eyes, finally calming down before confessing to you.
"all of these bouquets are gifts for my mom... she..." he trails off, appearing shy all of a sudden as he rubs the back of his neck with a hand. "she was a victim to the eternal sleep disease, and she woke up not too long ago. i didn't want to take her for granted anymore, so i decided to spoil her whenever i could now that she's awake and well."
a sense of guilt was felt coursing through you, and you felt incredibly selfish for actually feeling envious over this whole ordeal. this man standing before you was not only incredibly beautiful on the outside-
but perhaps more so than that was the beauty he held on the inside, with you knowing that he had an unconditional kindness settled deep within his heart and soul.
as if he could read your thoughts, jinwoo gives you a lazy grin. "was there a reason why you brought this up?"
"n-no! no reason at all!" you take his debit card then and insert it into your card reader, taking his payment for the bouquet that had always been meant for his mother. you really hoped that jinwoo didn't catch on, or had any suspicions to your words-
but something about the look in his eyes made you think that he had probably known all along.
wanting to do something to make up for your asinine assumptions, you call out to jinwoo just as he held the newly purchased and precious bouquet within his arms.
"if you could wait a moment, sir, i- i have something for you."
jinwoo stops walking and gives you a gentle nod. as you go back to the aisles of your shop, your eyes finally land on the single bloom that you had been looking for:
a red carnation, to convey how much i admire him.
holding the red carnation gingerly within your hand, you tie a slender white ribbon over its stem before giving it to jinwoo.
"here, this one is on the house, just for... you know, your daily visits, and the fact that you're sweet enough to buy a bouquet for your mother every single day and all."
were your eyes playing tricks on you, or was it due to the lighting of your shop? because you swore you saw jinwoo's pale cheeks take on an almost rosier hue the moment he accepts your carnation.
"t-thank you. i'm not doing much, but i do want to make my mother happy."
giving him a nod, you wave goodbye to him the moment he leaves your store, letting out a dreamy sigh as you kept your gaze on him, never once straying away from him until the moment you could no longer see his retreating back.
{ ... }
it wasn't until much later that you realized just who sung jinwoo truly was-
and such realization came in the form of his supposed fans waiting for him to arrive to your flower shop as they seemed to linger outside of its periphery.
in fact, even jinwoo himself was caught off guard by those people who considered themselves a huge part of his fanbase. he seemed hesitant, and although the voices sounded muffled, you could hear bits and pieces of the conversation as you understood the gist of what was going on.
those people were absolutely smitten with jinwoo.
deciding to do a quick search of his name, you figured that he would be some minor celebrity due to some charity work he had done (because even the heavens know that the man has the heart to do so!)
so when his name popped up, and you saw his title as being yet another s-rank hunter within korea, you felt your mind go dizzy in response.
this explained how jinwoo was able to afford purchasing a new bouquet for his mother every day, with his card never seeming to decline. in fact, s-rank hunters were practically considered celebrities here-
and you felt your courage in admitting your feelings for him shrivel up in response to this newfound fact.
because you knew that you would never be able to bask in the same world as him, being labeled as a mere civilian who had no special abilities that could even survive the gates that would randomly appear, let alone fight in them.
so you continue watching the fans as they surround jinwoo with a sigh, yet, it seemed as though their interactions had taken on a bit of a stranger tone. jinwoo kept his hands upright, shaking his head at every phone and notebook that was pointed at him. he keeps gesturing at you and says a few words to them.
and oh, if you only knew that you were most likely going to have one of the busiest days of your life.
immediately, his haul of fans rush into your shop, taking bouquets and singular flowers alike as they lined up to purchase what you had to offer. despite how overwhelming the sudden influx of customers were, you were able to accurately sell the bouquets and flowers jinwoo's fans had purchased.
this went on for a few hours, and once the last of your customers had left, you were left looking at how your sales had practically doubled thanks to jinwoo. by the end of it all, your hair was left in a bit of a mess, with those loose strands falling out of your ponytail.
as you were trying to catch your breath, you hear the sounds of jinwoo's rich chuckles as he slides up towards your counter, this time with a simple bouquet of white lilies in his hand. you give him a look of suspicion, your chest practically heaving up and down in tune with your labored breaths when you shakily ask, "w-what did you do?"
a wide grin paints his handsome features as he lets out a hum while saying your name. "i don't know what you're talking about."
you purposely arch an eyebrow at him in response. "you're telling me that you had nothing to do with the sudden influx of people that nearly purchased my entire stock?"
jinwoo scratches at the tip of his nose in response, completely amused by the feign accusation in your voice. "well... i may have told them that i wouldn't take a selfie with them, or sign their notebooks if they didn't buy at least one item from your shop."
a sudden warmth was felt spreading across your chest when you ask with a bit of a tremor in your voice, "isn't that... kind of illegal?"
he hums and shakes his head, "i don't think so. after all, they were all loitering in front of your shop waiting for me... and i couldn't allow them to cause such an inconvenience to you without doing something about it."
"after all..." he suddenly leans closer to you, with his hands softly brushing back your hair as you felt your heart skipping beats in response when he tells you, "it was all my fault... they came here waiting for me, so... i took advantage of the situation to help you out, instead."
you were left speechless, unable to say a word when jinwoo hands you his debit card once more. as usual, you ring up the card and wrap another ribbon around the bouquet, and this time, you already had in mind what flower you wished to give him as a simple gift.
a pale pink ranunculus, as proof of how much i am enchanted by the sheer radiance of him.
you find the perfect bloom still settled amidst its sisters, happy that your patrons hadn't touched such a uniquely beautiful yet simple flower. giving him a shy smile, you place the pastel pink bloom on top of his bouquet of white lilies, basking in his smile.
he gives you another wave goodbye, promising to see you again the next day as you found your heart racing with anticipation.
when he leaves was when you allow your smile to disappear, turning solemn as you thought about how slim of a chance you had with him. despite how you knew that your heart was turning soft with feelings of love for him, you didn't wish to acknowledge such emotions-
because someone as bright and brilliant like jinwoo would never even spare you a second glance.
yet despite how deep down you knew you would never be able to admit your feelings for him, that didn't mean that you would stop conveying them to him-
after all, the least you could do was give him a love letter of flowers each time he came by.
{ ... }
jinwoo couldn't bring himself to allow the single flowers you had given him to die out. using his own hidden abilities as the shadow monarch, he manages to keep them in perfect condition, placing each colorful bloom within a large vase that was filled with water colored a gentle, violet hue.
he keeps such flowers separate from the extravagant bouquets he gives his mom, not even telling her or jinah of their existence. ever since he came across the beautiful woman's quaint little flower shop, he was quite enamored with her.
he would never admit such a thing to those closest to him, but he actually had a silly, ulterior motive to buying bouquets for his mother every day-
and that was to see you again, the beautiful florist who managed to capture his heart with your kindness and curious gaze.
with sigh, he spends the next hour or so simply admiring the single blooms you had given him, allowing his hand to gently caress at each petal, imagining the feel of your lips being just as soft.
"my king, if i could please have your attention."
jinwoo trails his gaze over to igris, one of his most loyal and trusted soldiers. he blinks at the former blood-red commander and gives him a nod, "what is it, igris?"
igris clears his throat while reading a book that had a picture of flowers on them. "may i ask what flowers your beloved has given you?"
"w-what- she's not my-"
"i apologize for the bluntness of my words, my king, but i must know. will you tell them to me?"
jinwoo sighs and carefully takes the precious flowers out of the vase while placing them on his desk.
a red carnation-
pink ranunculus-
pale pink carnation-
red chrysanthemum-
purple tulip-
a pink bluebell.
a deep chuckle was heard from igris as his chest seemed to puff out with pride.
"my king, if you look at the marked pages of this book of flowers and their meanings, you will come to realize that such blooms were were meant to signify that woman's love and devotion to you."
his eyes became wider, and the young hunter could feel his heart pounding from within his throat as igris places the book into his hands. sure enough, as jinwoo read the pages, he was able to piece together the hidden meaning from within each flower.
a red carnation for a deep admiration,
pink ranunculus as proof of someone's enchantment,
pale pink carnation for a new love
red chrysanthemum for a passionate love
purple tulip for a perfect love,
and a pink bluebell, to signify an everlasting love-
jinwoo quickly looks at the time before closing his eyes, searching through the consciousness of one of the soldiers he had placed with you as he saw you locking up your shop while standing on the sidewalk.
before igris would even utter a word, beru was left settled at the desk where his king once sat. the former ant king gives his colleague a look of confusion from suddenly reappearing within his king's room, causing igris to simply shrug in response.
"it seems as though our king has been caught up in the throes of love. we should let him be and wait for his return... with his queen."
{ ... }
you felt a sudden shift in the air the moment you left your shop, shivering slightly when you turn around and was met with the sudden appearance of jinwoo himself.
"wha- jinwoo?!"
he seemed unfazed by the look of panic in your eyes, dressed casually in a white t-shirt and sweatpants. you saw that he now wore simple converses as he takes casual steps closer to you.
upon closer inspection, jinwoo seemed to be blushing, becoming so prominent as even the tip of his ears was flushed as well.
"how did you get here... were you always here?"
jinwoo swallows thickly, running a hand through his hair before letting out a sigh, "you could say that... but, that's not what i'm here for."
before you could ask him what he meant, he goes straight into it while telling you, "those flowers you had given me these past couple of days- you know, as little 'gifts?' yeah, i...i finally know what they all mean."
you froze completely when he mentioned the free flowers you had given him and how he knew their meaning. moving your hands up and down your arms to stave off the sudden chill you felt, you act completely oblivious. "w-what? i don't know what you're talking about. i mean, those were j-just pretty and cute flowers that i gifted for you!"
"a deep admiration..." jinwoo begins to speak in a bit of a trance, "feeling enchanted by me; a new, passionate and perfect love- an everlasting love."
you found yourself waiting with bated breath, not able to move even when he approaches you, placing a hand on your cheek while softly caressing at your skin. "that was the message you wished to convey to me this whole time...?"
your heart was racing once more, feeling your gaze narrowing at him when he inches closer to you. "y-yes... it's true..."
"hm..." he trails off, yet you could see the wide grin that spreads across his lips when he places a hand against your chin, keeping you still as his hot breath was felt tickling at your lips.
"i'm glad to know that you feel the same way. and don't get me wrong, i have every intention of taking you out on a date while claiming you as my girlfriend. but first-
i really want to kiss you right now."
your eager nod and the way you let out a dreamy sigh was all the confirmation jinwoo needed to press his lips against yours in a perfect kiss, making you feel grateful that your love letter managed to reach him after all-
(regardless of the fact that jinwoo needed some help to finally understand the message you were trying to convey 💐)
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a.n. - it’s about time i wrote a full on fluffy oneshot that doesn’t have much angst in it for jinwoo 🥹
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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heartsforhavik · 6 months
i loved you from the start (raiden x gn! reader)
warnings: none!
summary: just a pure sfw story of raiden having a crush on the reader. (gender neutral, only pronouns used are “you”)
a/n: yeah so. remember when i used to be a havik account? LMAOO sorry i think raiden is very laufey coded and he’s so wholesome in mk1 :> anyways this has been sitting in my drafts for 3 days i'm so glad i finally let it out of the basement
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“hi y/n! it’s great to see you. lovely weather we have today, right?” raiden greeted, with his signature bright smile.
raiden was well beloved in your village, and everyone always appreciated his and kung lao’s efforts as farmers to help the village thrive. you were never very close to him, but you still respected him.
"thanks, raiden. yeah, the weather's been real nice lately. i'm glad i can finally walk outside without my skin boiling." you sighed.
raiden laughed. "indeed. i'm glad the weather's been going easy on you."
"i suppose so. what about you? i can imagine you aren't very comfortable working under the burning sun. has it been better for you these past few days?" you asked.
you both continued your little banter for a couple hours, just walking around the village with no particular destination. but little did you know, he had the biggest crush on you, and he was ecstatic that he could finally talk to you.
it was because he was usually very shy around you. he gets quiet when there's nobody else around, it was usually you two being together in awkward silence. but today was different. he woke up that morning wanting to talk to you. he immediately got himself freshened up and went around the village to find you with his newfound courage. he was glad his day with you went well and he didn't mess up or say anything weird.
"it's getting dark. the time went by so fast, but i didn't even notice because i was having such a fun time talking to you." you admitted.
"well, i suppose time goes by when you're having fun." raiden smiled.
you chuckled. "yeah.. i guess so."
you both stood in silence for a bit, neither of you wanting to go home.
"you should get home now. it's getting late." raiden advised. he didn't really want to see you go, but he also wanted you to stay safe.
"okay.. goodnight raiden. i'll see you tomorrow." you said, before placing a kiss on his cheek and walking away.
raiden stood there for a solid minute, frozen where he stood. did that really just happen? is he dreaming? he hoped he wasn't.
he walked home with a cheeky grin on his face, and even went to sleep with that same grin. that moment where you kissed him replayed in his head over and over until he finally fell asleep.
that next morning, unfortunately he couldn't immediately talk to you. he had to go back to work. but he was okay with that. he knew once he was done, he can go talk to you again and maybe even offer to take you out for a nice dinner. he was tired of just looking at you from afar, yearning for more than friendship. he was tired of not having the courage to make a move, fearing rejection. he was tired of being completely head over heels for you, and never doing anything about it. he was always feeling as if cupid himself shoots an arrow through his heart every time he speaks to you. he had to do something now.
"you seem happy today. is there something exciting about our harvest?" kung lao scoffed, noticing his best friend's excitement as they worked.
"the harvest? no, not really." raiden replied.
"oh? so if it's not the harvest... is it a special someone? ooh, does someone have a crush?" kung lao teased, playfully elbowing raiden.
"w-what? no.. i mean.. maybe.. how did you know?" raiden stammered.
"i saw you walking around the village with someone yesterday. is that who it is?" kung lao asked.
raiden blushed, hiding his face with his hat.
kung lao laughed. "oooh, i wanna meet this person! let me see if you two are a match made in heaven."
when they got done with their work, they both immediately went to find you. when they found you at madam bo's, kung lao was ecstatic.
"hello there! y/n, is it? raiden talks about you all the time." kung lao greeted. raiden elbowed him.
"oh really," you laughed. "i'm flattered, raiden."
raiden loved hearing you laugh. it was like a sign that you were pleased by something he said or did. there are many things he would do for your approval or just to make you laugh. even if it slightly makes him look like a fool.
"it's such a coincidence you both found me here. you know, raiden and i talked almost all day yesterday. it was very fun." you shared. after hearing what you said, kung lao had a mischevious grin on his face and raiden blushed.
"oh really? that sounds like lots of fun. wanna tell me more, raiden?" kung lao teased.
"i- uh... um.. i have to excuse myself to the restroom." raiden stammered, running off.
you looked over to kung lao, in confusion. "what was that all about?"
kung lao laughed. "i think raiden has a crush on you!"
"me? really?" you asked.
kung lao shrugged. "but you didn't hear it from me. i'll leave you two alone to figure it out."
you sat there, confused, as kung lao left.
"hey, y/n, sorry about that. i guess i ate something weird." raiden laughed. he was lying. he didn't even touch the toilet. he had paced around the restroom nervously until he gained the courage to come back. he sat down across from you, hoping you wouldn't question it.
you laughed. "your friend says you're interested in me."
raiden blushed. "me? uh.. i.. don't know what he is talking about."
you smiled at how flustered he became all the sudden. "no worries, raiden. i am interested in you too."
his eyes widened in surprise. "you are?"
you nodded. he let out a sigh of relief.
"in that case.. how about i buy you some food? we're already in madam bo's. might as well enjoy a nice dinner." raiden offered.
"i would love to." you replied. you both ended up enjoying the food, and became closer that night. surprisingly, raiden was thankful that his friend exposed him. if kung lao never revealed raiden's feelings to you, he wouldn't have such a wonderful significant other now. (kung lao is forcing you two to offer him free food at your future wedding just because he's the reason you two are together.)
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hello! I saw that you're reopening requests, so here's mine!
Since father's day is around the corner can I request a god x reader where their kids surprise their father with gifts and goodies for fathers day? (Hades, Thor, and Buddha) I just imagine Buddha being gifted a gift basket of his favorite snacks and homemade sweets from his beloved and kids. Thank you!
-He woke as soon as you stirred, his arms pulling you to him, to hug you close which made you hum quietly in content, snuggling with your husband for a few minutes.
-When you pulled back, you pecked his forehead gently, “Stay in bed and don’t get up. Pretend you’re still asleep.” He was confused by your command, but did as you asked, after pulling in for a proper kiss.
-He heard his children moments later, twins, a boy and a girl, giggling as they ran down the hall to the kitchen, hearing your light footsteps behind them, it sounded almost like they were plotting something.
-Smells of his favorite breakfast filled his nose and he inhaled deeply, a smile appearing on his lips as he heard the three of you puttering around in the kitchen, his children helping you cook.
-He heard the footsteps coming to the bedroom and pretended to be asleep before the door opened and he heard two little voices, “Daddy-daddy!!”
-He rolled over, gathering them into his arms, hugging them close as you walked in, carrying a breakfast tray for breakfast in bed as they beamed up at him, “Happy Father’s Day!”
-Hades- He paused for a moment before looking at the calendar, realizing it was indeed Father’s Day and he pecked them both on their cheeks, “Thank you my loves.” Your daughter was holding a card that she and her brother made themselves, looking pretty good for a pair of four-year-olds, while your son held a gift box. Hades smiled warmly, seeing a brand new pen before he attacked his children with kisses, making you giggle as you set the tray down on the nightstand before your daughter turned, “You have a present too, right mommy?” you smiled and pulled out what looked to be another pen gift box and Hades was confused before he opened the box, his eyes going huge, seeing a positive pregnancy test. He looked at you, eyes wide before he was blinded by a camera flash, your son getting the photo of the moment. Breakfast was paused for a moment as you sat on the bed, listening to Hades chase your twins around the house, the two of them playing keep-away with the camera. You knew he was happy, hearing him laugh as you sighed softly, feeling content.
-Thor- He smiled softly, pecking each of his children on the cheek before pecking you on the cheek, thank you all as you set the tray on his lap and he smiled. He knew you were making his favorites, but to see it, seeing that his children helped you with it, it made him so happy. He ate quietly while you kept your children entertained, smiling gently down at them as your daughter beamed, “Did we surprise you, papa?” he chuckled, ruffling your hair before your son spoke, “We have a present for you, but it’s in the backyard!” Thor was a little confused, looking at you as you smiled before you told them to go and get dressed and they ran out, giggling. Once he was finished and you both were dressed, he closed his eyes, hunching over to let his children guide him to the backyard, but you had your hands on his waist, keeping him from bumping into things. When Thor opened his eyes, finding a large picnic set up, complete with games, he softened, he adored playing with his children, it was the highlight of his day as he smiled, kneeling to hug them both, thanking them before they ran off to play and joined you on the blanket, laying his head in your lap, relaxing.
-Buddha- His eyes widened at the huge basket the twins were carrying, full of his favorite snacks, baked goods, and candies, he threw his hands up, a huge smile on his face, “I love it!!” they beamed, leaving the basket on the bed to pounce on their father, hugging him as he laughed warmly. To keep them busy while Buddha ate, seeing your soufflé pancakes with fresh fruit, you asked them to open the basket and tell him all of the different snacks the three of you had stuffed into it. Once his meal was finished you set the tray off to the side before you gave a small smile to your children who lit up, your daughter speaking first, “Mommy has a present for you too!” your son nodded, his hands on his hips, “Yeah it’s a big one!” Buddha looked over at you, confused, and his confusion only grew as you handed him a pen gift box. He opened it and instantly his jaw dropped, turning to you, tears appearing in his eyes, “Really?!” you giggled, allowing yourself to be embraced, with your children quickly joining in, “I am, it will be right around the holidays.” He inhaled deeply, so happy, he had a wonderful family, a tasty gift to enjoy, and a new bundle of joy on the way. Best Father’s Day ever!
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fakesimp · 1 year
hihi Chia! congrats on the 500 followers!! you absolutely deserve this milestone because of the wonderful works you've written for us ~
moving on, may i request a fluff fic with Ike Eveland x GN!reader? with maybe a scenario of traveling the world with him? or to a particular place and what he and reader would do(like types of food they would try together, some honorable memories, and types of souvenirs they would get!)
again, congrats on the 500 followers! (btw if there's any grammatical errors, i apologize, english is not my strong suit right now 😔)
A Dream come true , With Ike Eveland
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Warning !
Fluff ; Established Relationship
A/n : It's okay anon ! I understand you, don't worry 💜
Also thank you for the congratulation ! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
"Hey Ike?"
"Don't you ever, want to travel out somewhere? Together?"
. . .
It all started from there, and here you are both with your Beloved Novelist. Sitting next to each other, making a plan together. "So where do you want to go älskling?" He asked, your Lover, Ike Eveland.
"Hmm.. I have, nothing in mind at the moment." You replied as you ponder, trying to think of where to go. You heard a small chuckle coming from your side, you look over to see Ike smiling at you. "Take your time älskling, don't rush, we still have a plenty of time." He said as he pat your head gently, earning a hum from you.
"You know, I've.. been wanting to do this with you, for a loooong time." Ike said letting out a sheepish laugh, "I was, kind of nervous also confused on how to bring it up." "Ike.." you look over at your Beloved Novelist, smiling at him. You slowly reach out your hand to his cheek, he leaned into your hands the moment he can feel your hand on his cheek. Slowly closing his eyes, kissing your palms. "I'm so happy when you bought it up, tho, I do feel like I should've been the one." He said and let out a small laughter.
After awhile, you both ended up cuddling on the couch, as you both think of the plans on where to go. Ike cuddling you, him being on top of you. He snuggled closer, his head under your chin. His hair tickling your neck a little, you know how tired he is. His lack of sleep due to his streams also activity outside his streams, he must be very tired. You gently pat his head, earning a soft hum from the Novelist.
A few minutes have passed and you realized, Ike, had fallen asleep on you. You softly chuckled, "Sleep tight Ike."
. . .
A week later,
Both you and Ike are now on a vacation together, taking a photo together, and if only you noticed. Ike had been silently taking photos of you when you're distracted over something, he loved you so much. He never wants to miss every single moment with you, while he could memorize this moments. He will try his best to treasure every moment with you.
"Ike! Look, come here!" You called out to your Lover, Ike. He was taking a pic of you, but you were too distracted too realize. He smiled at the picture he got and after that he then immediately went to your side, "Hm? What is it?" He asked as he stood near you. Looking over at whatever you're pointing at.
. . .
Time flies, you and Ike went on a lot of places, doing so much stuff together. Having a picnic together, playing in the arcade just for those clawing games. And Ike got lucky and got you one big teddy bear, a present from your travels, you thought. It also could be a memorable memory you have with with Ike, on the travel.
There's also times when you woke up first before your lover do, you surprised him by making him, his favorite. Caviar Toast. You sometimes question, how does he like such food? But that question blown away when you see his eyes sparkled on the bed. With his messy bed hair, looking at you holding a plate of his favorite food. "I was wondering where did you go. And now I know where you went." Ike said as he smiled at you as you approached his figure.
At noon, you and Ike went out, trying some local foods, that caught your interest. You've tried many types of food, and both of you have different opinions on each food sometimes. But most of your opinions are the same. It was an intriguing experience, but both of you enjoyed them to bits.
Last day before you go back from your trip, Ike bought both you and himself to a field. A big one infact. That was filled with flowers, it was so beautiful you were entranced by the scene that is unfolding before you.
You turned to Ike, that was taking a picture of you. The perfect moment. A scenery of the flower field on the background with you smiling, as you turn facing him. You looked ethereal for him, "This is so beautiful Ike! Thank you for taking me here.." you thanked him. Ike looked at the picture he took one last time before walking up ahead, catching up to you.
"Your welcome älskling.. As long as you're happy, I am happy."
"Same goes to you Ikey, your happiness is important too you know. We should go to other places too !"
"Hahaha, yes, it is important.. and of course, why not. As long as I'm going with you, I'm up for it..
Also, Thank you for being the light in my life.
I Love you, so much.. älskling."
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A/n : I hope, you enjoy this anon (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠) apologies if this doesn't exceed your expectations (⁠´⁠;⁠ω⁠;⁠`⁠)
(4/6) - 500 Followers Event !
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orangeaurora · 1 year
Steve Harrington | “I’m Here”
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Summary: Let’s just say your best friend Steve Harrington isn’t as good at hiding how in love he is with you as he thinks he is. You’re not feeling your best and call Steve to come over to help you and he gladly obliges.
word count: 1692
warnings: just some cussing here and there, nothing bad though. sick reader, sappy steve. I think that’s it :)
A/N: I wrote this cause I’m sick right now and would kill to have a hug from Steve Harrington. Hope you all enjoy, happy reading. :)
It was a cold winter day with cloudy skies and was forecasted to rain all day long. This was a day that you would usually take advantage of. Cuddle up by the window with your favorite blanket, hot chocolate beside you with your favorite book in hand. But no, not today. When you woke up, you felt like complete and utter shit. You would usually be okay with feeling a little under the weather, but this time was different. Your family members had already left for the day, leading their busy lives and you knew you couldn’t call your parents and ask one of them to come take care of you. So, you took a lucky shot and called the local video store, Family Video, to see if either of your beloved best friends were working and if they could point you in the right direction of the other. It was rare that Steve and Robin both worked the same shift on a weekday, so you were hoping that today was one of those occasions.
As the phone rang, you whispered under your breath that you hoped Robin was the one who picked up. As much as you loved her and enjoyed her company, you wanted the comfort of Steve Harrington more than anything at that moment. To your surprise, as if the universe answered your prayers, you hear a very bored voice pick up the phone, “Thank you for calling Family Video, I’m Robin, how can I help you?” Oh thank god. “Robin, it’s me, Y/N,” you could immediately hear the tone in Robin’s voice change and you could hear her smiling through the phone. “Dingus number two! How are you? You don’t sound like yourself. Everything okay?” She questioned you as you could hear concern behind her excited tone. “No, actually. I woke up this morning and I feel so sick. I don’t know, I think I have a fever? I’m home alone and I was hoping that you or Steve weren’t working so you could come help me?” I could hear her giggle over the phone, “Oh don’t sound so helpless yet Y/N, yeah I’m working but Steve is off today! How about you call him at home? I’ve got customers staring me down like they’re gonna kill me if I don’t help them soon.” She said between her teeth. You let out a heavy sigh of relief. “Y-yeah, I’ll call Steve, thank you, Robin, love you.” Your voice was soft, thankful that this phone call went exactly as you wanted it to. “No problem, feel better, yeah? I’LL BE RIGHT WITH YOU, okay I gotta go, I love you too. Byeeeee.” You heard your phone line beep, indicating that Robin ended the call and you started dialing Steve’s number.
“Hello?” A very groggy voice comes from the other end. “S-Steve? It’s Y/N, did I wake you?” Steve’s voice changed when he heard your voice the same way that Robin’s did only a few minutes ago. “Hey, you! I may or may not have been asleep still,” he sighed, almost embarrassed that he was sleeping. You laughed. “It’s okay, Stevie,” before you could finish what you were saying, Steve interrupted you. “Are you okay? You sound sick.” He must have heard your voice that is currently much deeper than your natural voice is. Tears started to form in your eyes as you realized how sick you actually felt. “N-no. Are you busy today? I feel like shit, I don’t think I could even get up to get water right now.” Steve’s heart cracked with every word you spoke, “Hey, hey don’t cry, it’ll only make it worse. There’s no way I’m gonna let my girl dehydrate okay? I’ll be there in ten and don’t cry anymore!” You heard the phone hang up and sighed, you felt at peace knowing Steve was going to be by your side soon.
Knock knock knock. Steve got to your house in a perfect 10 minutes and waited at your door in the rain until you managed to get out of bed. His palms were wet holding a bouquet of flowers for you that were from his mom’s garden. He couldn’t tell if it was from the rain or how sweaty his palms were at the moment. You made him so nervous. After all these years, King Steve just couldn’t get over how in love he was with you, though he’d never admit it. Robin and Dustin have tried countless times to trick him into a confession, but he has never given in. He loved you too much to allow himself to ruin the relationship the two of you already had. He couldn’t imagine a life without you in it, even if that meant you couldn’t be his. You finally opened up the door and felt like you looked pathetic. Steve smiled at you and you heard the smallest “oh, baby” leave his lips as he walked inside and pulled you into a hug. The hug was so warm, it was everything you needed. When he let go, you missed his touch instantly and then you saw the flowers in his hands. “Oh, Stevie, they’re beautiful! A shame I can’t smell them right now.” You pout, wishing your day with Steve was under different circumstances.
“I’ll put them in a vase, you go sit down and get under a blanket, I can see your goosebumps from a mile away.” Steve said as he pointed to the couch in your living room. You nodded your head in agreement and walked towards the couch. But, as you did, Steve couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. The way you wobbled and moved so slowly in order to make it to the couch. Why aren’t you helping her? Steve cursed himself out from under his breath as he quickly filled up a vase with water and plopped the flowers in it. “Do you need anything before I come sit down with you? How about that water you mentioned on the phone?” Steve asked as he peeked his head around the corner, with all your might you were able to push out a “yes please.” and Steve’s head disappeared from behind the wall and in only a few seconds he was back with a glass full of cold ice water.
Steve sat the cup down on the coffee table in front of you before he found his spot next to you on the couch. You started to sit up to make room for him but he shook his head, “No, no baby, here, lay your head on my lap.” You gladly followed his directions and got comfortable on Steve’s lap and his hands found your hair immediately and started brushing his fingers through it. “Thank god you came Steve, I almost called the kids. I was desperate.” Steve chuckled, “The last thing you need right now is a bunch of boys running around your house. Can you even imagine Dustin trying to help someone that’s sick??” You laughed with him, “No, but I think Will and Max could manage. Maybe even El. Oh what I’d do to have powers like that girl. I could’ve just used some cool telekinesis to make myself a glass of water.” Steve let out a tiny laugh, the one where only air comes out of your nose,
“But then I wouldn’t be here.” Your heart skipped a beat. He was right. As much as you didn’t want to be a burden to your friends, the company of your best friend was like no other. “Thank you for coming, Steve, I really needed this.” He smiled down at you “anything for my girl.” Steve Harrington knew exactly how to give you butterflies, and you did the same to him. He thought you looked ethereal right now in his lap and wished that he could take a picture of you. Though, he didn’t really need it because every moment like this with you sticks into that boy’s head. He wanted to tell you how he felt about you right then and there, it would be perfect, he thought to himself, but when he opened his mouth to speak, you beat him to it. “You’re so good to me, Stevie,” he could’ve shed a tear at your words, “I truly don’t deserve it.” Steve shook his head, “No, Y/N, you deserve the world.” You two stared into each other’s eyes for a few moments until Steve accidentally said it, the forbidden words that should have never left his lips
“I love you,” he froze. He didn’t mean to say them, “like, like as friends ya know, like love ya, cause we have known each other so long and you and Robin say it to each other and”- You were smiling the biggest, cheekiest smile ever and cut your best friend off, “I love you too, Steve.” And with just those words, Steve’s body finally relaxed under you, “You-you do? Like in the way you love Robin? Or a, I don’t know, a different way?” You managed to push yourself up off of Steve’s lap so you were sitting next to him, face to face, faces closer than they ever have been before.
“Oh Steve Harrington, if I wasn’t so sick I would kiss you right now just to shut you up,” You said through laughter. Steve looked at you in shock and you were waiting for him to say something as you grabbed his hand and interlocked your fingers with his. “Yes, Steve, I love you in a different way.” And there was the confirmation he needed, he didn’t care that you were sick, he cupped your face in his hands and crashed his lips onto yours. The kiss was eager, but soft at the same time. He was trying to be as gentle as possible with you, but you could feel how long he had been waiting to do this. When he finally pulled away, you were able to catch your breath. “Great, now you’ll be sick.” You said, Steve rested his forehead on yours, smiled and said, “I don’t care.”
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manias-wordcount · 2 years
Right Here, Right Now (Laurent Thierry)
Kinktober 2022 Day Sixteen: Phone Sex
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
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Today, it’s not the sunlight streaming in from your windows that wakes you up. It’s the sound of your phone ringing a familiar ringtone. A ringtone that even your sleep-riddled mind recognizes and has you running to pick up the call through a mess of blankets and comforters and sheets for your dearly beloved. 
 “Hello?” Your voice is full of tiredness as you press the accept call button and place the phone to your ear as you sit up in bed. For a second, you hear nothing and assume he’s speaking too quietly for you to hear. It’s a bit of a struggle to brush a few strands of your hair away from your ear to make sure you can hear better. But still nothing. And all it really serves to remind you about how you passed out instead of trying to go to sleep like usual. Your hair is a mess, and your clothes and half hanging onto your body and…wait a minute…is he-? “Laurent! It’s not fun-”
 “I’m sorry my lovely, I did not mean to laugh at you.” His accented english flows easily through your phone as his soft chuckles die down. You want to be mad at him. For so many different reasons. But you can’t. Not while you’re imagining the smile on his face whenever he greets you in the morning. The sweet kisses he’d deliver to your lips. The gentle way he would hold you. But you wished it wasn’t just in your imagination. You wished it was real. Right in front of you. Right here. And right now. “I could tell that you just woke up. I suppose my pretty girl had an eventful morning.”
 His remark has your already warm face growing even warmer as soon as your eyes slide over the clock at your bedside that reads 11’clock. He’s calling you out, almost as if he was there to see the messy white sheets draped all over the bed from your lonely night of tossing and turning in the large master bedroom. And as much as you try to control the feeling, you can’t help but feel that excitement grows inside of you. Daring to hope that maybe, just maybe he was actually here. That he knows that you just woke up not because of your voice but because he can see you. Right here. And right now. 
 But all it takes is for a second of a clear mind to think straight and for reality to hit. Would he have called if he was here? Would he have called just to give you a surprise greeting before stepping into the room from just outside? Maybe. But he could just have easily woken you up with a kiss. No grand scheme. No pretending, nothing. Besides- you know he’s not here. Because all around him you can hear the faint sounds of city night light. Wind blowing and people shouting. Cars honking and music playing. It’s the furthest thing from your shared summer home on the beach. It’s the furthest thing from you.
 “When are you coming home?” You ask him instead. It’s been too long since you last saw him. “I miss you, Laurent.”
 The second his name leaves your lips for the second time today, you hear a sharp inhale. Your cast your head down, waiting for him to find the words to say. You can imagine what they’ll be. A promise that he’ll be back before you know it. A murmured, “I miss you too.” So many pretty words he could tell you. So many pretty words he could say. But they wouldn’t make things right. They wouldn’t bring him home. They wouldn’t make you happy. 
Not like he does, anyways.
 “Soon.” He promises, after what feels like an entirety of silence. The word is breathless, yet you feel so much power from that one single word. It makes you feel for him. The weight he must have on his shoulders, wherever he is, doing whatever it is that he does. But that doesn’t stop you from missing him. It’ll never stop you from missing him. “I miss you, my lovely. I wish I could see you.”
 His last words- they sounded huskier. Heavier, even. And over the phone, you could swear his breathing was starting to pick up, ever so slightly. Like he was thinking about something important. Thinking about something exciting. Something…something perhaps like you? And that thought has you growing a little flustered yourself. Suddenly, the air feels just a tad electric. All the sleep is zapped from your body, and the flimsy pair of panties you don are starting to stick to your center as you begin to squeeze your legs together. It’s a quick change from the mood before. No more somber and sullen. Now, only the tension you feel from you meet eyes from across the remains. A change that’s deep and sexual. Adventurous and dangerous. And it’s a change you can’t help but welcome as you lay your head down and bring a hand up to your chest.
 “I wish I could see you too.” You agree, testing the waters just a little bit before diving right in. Your hand slips underneath your silk pajama shirt, cupping one of your breasts and squeezing. It’s not quite the same as his touch, but you manage to draw a near-silent sigh from your mouth as you take two fingers and twist your nipple in a way that almost perfectly mimics him in every way. “I wish I could touch you.”
 More silence. Broken only by the quietest muttered string of german curses you’ve ever heard from his lips. You’ve just started a dangerous game. A game that you both know you should be doing while he’s on the job. And especially while he’s out in a public space. But you can’t wait.
 “I wish I could touch you too.” 
 So you don’t.
 The hand on your breast moves down. Trailing a small line down your stomach before dashing in between your thighs. The pads of your fingers just barely brush over your panties to find that you’ve already soaked them through. And on a normal day, you would have taken your time. You would have been slow and tasteful with all the ways you would have touched yourself. Running your hands up and down your own curves, making yourself feel as special and beautiful and important as you know you are. You wouldn’t have rushed. You wouldn’t have gotten messy. You wouldn’t dive straight in.
 But on normal days, you’d do this in preparation for Laurent. Teasing and toying with him as prepared himself to enter you. To fuck you. To make love to you. But he’s not here right now. And sure, he’ll be here soon. But you can’t wait for soon. You just can’t. You need it now, now, now.
 So if you closed your eyes, and you tried really hard- maybe, you’ll be able to do it. Maybe you’ll be able to imagine it’s his fingers and not yours, entering your desperate cunt. Maybe you’ll be able to imagine it’s his hands and not yours, making you feel gasp oh, so sweetly over the phone and the pleasure starts to build. Maybe you’ll be able to imagine that Laurent- your Laurent is right in front of you. Watching you. Waiting for you. Touching you.
  “So I guess you’ll have to just continue touching yourself for me, my lovely.”
 Right here. And right now. 
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hellhound5925 · 11 months
Cyare Verd *Beloved Warrior* Bad Batch Edition
Previous Chapter
The rest of the night was a complete blur for me. I think between the blood loss, lack of sleep, and the pain of being stitched up had me delusional. I remember being carried into the spaceport...Hunter stayed with me...something about Cid would send help...in a couple days...and Wrecker complaining but I didn't catch about what. When I woke up it look me a minute to collect myself. Once I did....I realized I had no idea where I was....and I was alone....I slowly got up and noticed I had been stripped of my armor...Great...this is awesome....Looking around, I see it neatly stacked in a chair. I put it on - tucking my buy'ce (Helmet) under one arm - and head out the door.
The sunlight was so bright it stopped me in my tracks. Shielding my face with my free hand I look around, the rest of the Batch is working on a skiff half buried in the ground. Hunter looks up - likely having felt my presence - and smiles. Wrecker leans back sighing loudly "Uggghhh. I'm bored. I'm hot, and I'm starving." "I told you to preserve your rations" Hunter scolds him. "Well....ugh...I got hungry. We're wasting our time. This skiff's a heap of junk." Tech's turn to sigh "Yes, but with a few repairs, it'll be a slightly operational heap of junk. The energy cells have just enough power to get us to the town on the other half of the hemisphere." I made my way over to the group. "How are you feeling?" Omega asks. "Honestly, a lot better." Hunter gets up and hands me one of his rations "Here, you need to eat something." Not wanting to argue with him, I take it from him and chew on it. "Wait...Power?" Omega jumps up from where she's sitting "We forgot about Gonky. He's still on the Marauder." "I'm afraid since the thief disabled the ship's transponder, we will not be able to locate him" Tech explains to her. Omega shakes her head "Not the ship. I mean we can track Gonky." Tech stops what he's doing and looks up at her "Oh, Ingenious idea. Try doing a trace on his binary reference code." "On it" Omega takes the datapad over, plugging it into the tower. Wrecker looks annoyed "Don't get your hopes up kid." I take Wrecker's place and help them fix the skiff and mumble under my breath "I can't wait to be back on the Marauder....let alone take a shower..." Hunter must have heard me because he laughs and Tech gives him a confused look.
After sweating in the sun for a while Omega unplugs the datapad and whips around "I'm getting a reading. I think I found Gonky!!" Wrecker - who finally decided to rejoin us - is in disbelief "you...What? You found him?" "His signal is 100 kilometers east" She brings the datapad over and hands it to Tech before continuing "If Gonky's still on the planet, the Marauder must be too!" I lean back and sigh "Thank Maker" the soreness of my side starting to irritate me. Hunter gives me a concerned look "Let's get this thing running and find out." Shortly after, we get the skiff up and running before piling on, heading towards Gonky's signal.
We make it to the town at nightfall and scout it. "Gonky's signal is pinging from down there. I'm reading minimal life-forms in his proximity. But an unknown number in the subterranean level" Tech tells us from his datapad. "This place looks worse than the abandoned spaceport" Wrecker complains. Finishing scanning the area with my HUD, I sigh "I hate to admit it but I gotta agree with Wrecker." "We'll do a split approach. Stay alert" Hunter orders.
Hunter, Omega, and I take one side while Wrecker and Tech take the other. "Hunter. I've got a kid messing with Gonky just on the other side of the ship" I tell him scanning the area. He approaches with us behind him "That's our defective power droid. Now, where's our ship?" He says it in such a gruff deep voice I'm having a hard time not thinking about how sexy that was. The kids voice brings me back to reality "Oh. You see, the things is..." he starts before he takes off but Wrecker stops him from getting too far. "Hey, Gonky, you okay?" Wrecker asks the droid. The kid looks around confused "What do you care how that thing's doing? It's just a beat-up old battery." Omega defends Gonky, "Not to us." I approach the kid rolling my shoulders - having had enough of the games - "I'm tired...I'm sore...We aren't playing games...Let's try that again." I tell him cracking my knuckles. Hunter takes of his buy'ce (helmet)"Where's our ship?" He asks again in that voice. The kid is getting nervous "Can you use more specific?" Omega's turn to get in his face "The one you stole yesterday." He laughs nervously "Oh, right. That ship...Well, Mokko has it. He gave me the droid as a gift." Gonky makes a noise like he too is annoyed. "And who is this Mokko?" Tech asks. The kid looks shocked "Who's Mokko? He runs this whole town. He's the boss. Your ship's his now." I tense stepping closer, "Yeah, we'll see about that." "Take us to it" Hunter commands the kid. He shakes his head "No way. I can't help you go against Mokko. You don't know what he's done for me." Wrecker gets in his face and growls, intimidating him. "All right, all right. I can show you where your ship is, but if you get caught, you don't know me."
The kid leads us back out, through the town, to the mine at the center. We stop to scout the area. "Techno Union ran this mine during the war," the kid starts to explain. I clench my fists at the mention of the Union. They committed atrocities to my friend...my vod (brother)... "but Mokko took over when they were forced out. He's kept this operation running ever since." Hunter slips a hand in mine, lacing his fingers in between mine. I immediately relax. Tech notices and cocks his head at me but I pretend I didn't see him. "So, you're an ipsium miner and a ship thief?" Omega asks. The kid shrugs "Mokko says they're useful skills." "Stealing's not a skill" she sasses. He smirks "It is when you're good at it." Tech types in his datapad, "The Central portal is ray-shielded, and all subterranean entrances appear to be guarded in shifts." Wrecker cracks his knuckles "Ah, we've stormed tougher strongholds than that." "You can't use blasters inside the ipsium mine. You'll destroy everyone in there. Cut your losses now" the kid tells us. I eject my vibroblade from my vambrace with a loud *shing* sound, "That won't be a problem." Tech projects a map of the exhaust stack "There is one covert infiltration point. From there" he says pointing to the top. "The stack has a lower access hatch inside. If timed correctly, we can rappel down between exhaust cycles." Hunter looks through the binoculars "How big of a window is there?" Tech runs a calculation "Sixty seconds." I hum in relief expecting it to be worse. Omega voices my feelings "Plenty of time." "Glad you're all so confident, but getting cooked alive wasn't on my agenda. Good luck. I'm rooting for you" the kids turns to leave, Hunter lets go of my hand to grab him. "You can go once we have our ship back" he barks.
Making it to the top of the stack, I look out at the town. The scenery is pretty wizard from this height...I can only imagine Wrecker's feeling on it. I decide to tease him "Hey Wrecker! Come check out the view!" He grunts in annoyance at me and continues preparing the rappelling lines. I snicker and so does Omega. Hunter finishing setting the anchor "Set" he tell Tech. "On my mark." He climbs to the edge and waits for Tech to give him the signal. "This is a very bad idea" the kid shares his thoughts. The stack quiets and I tense worrying for Hunter's safety. "Now" Tech tells him and he makes his descent over the edge. We watch over the edge as a droid comes out onto the walk way. I turn to Tech and whisper yell "You said it was unguarded!" "It was at the time." I'm getting ready to throw myself over the edge until I remember I'm still injured and not running at 100%. 'Thirty seconds" Omega says out loud. "He's not gunna make it" The kid speaks up again "I'm telling you. You gotta bail before it's too late." I about snap and get in his face, "We don't do that!" Hunter hangs over the droids. "This is not good. This is not good" he talks to himself. Moving to look back over the edge he knocks the flashlight out of Omegas hand. She and I gasp watching it fall. Thankfully Hunter is quick enough to catch it. I comm him "Hunter, you have to move." He drops down into the droid, knocking it over. He fights it hand-to-hand before we can't see anymore because the steam is starting to rise. "Five Seconds" Omega says under her breath. At this point I'm holding my breath. Maker do not take this man...I finally told him how I feel...this can't be it... the stack goes up to full power before it dies out. Suddenly I hear his voice in my ears "All Clear". "Oya! (Cheers! Celebratory phrase)" The kid stands up from cowering on the floor "you definitely aren't ipsium miners." Omega has her own little celebration before she responds "Nope. You stole the wrong ship" she points an accusatory finger in his face with the last part.
We all make our way down the rappelling line and regroup with Hunter "Let's move" he orders. The kid leads us the rest of the way through to the center of the mine. Theres a pit of lava in the bottom surrounding a tower with small walk always that come out all the way around to the top. I make mental note of all of the miners and guards. "The conditions of this mine are less than ideal" Tech voices his concern. "It's cause the ipsium's become degraded. Mokko had to lower wages just to keep this mine up and running. At least we're still working." The kid explains and I share a look with Tech. "Your ship's in the upper garage bay across from the central tower. Come on. I know a shortcut" the kid motions for us to follow. Hunter stops him "No tricks." "Hey I'm not trying to get caught either" he tells him before leading us to the ship.
We enter the garage and the first thing that is blatantly obvious, is the Marauder has been torn apart. "Well there's your ship. I held up my end of the bargain, so I'll be off" the kid says like it's perfectly fine. "Hang on" Tech says scanning the ship, I can tell Hunter is beyond pissed by his body language. I slip a hand into his free one. "The hyperdrive has been removed" Tech tells us. We look at the kid and he shrugs "You didn't ask me what condition it'd be in. How's that my fault?" Wrecker growls. "Relax. It's not a complicated fix" he tells us. Wrecker growls again "It better not be." Hunter looks over the ship, "Grab the hyperdrive. Let's make this quick." "I can help Tech" I tell him, knowing Echo would have been the one to help. He nods his thanks. "What about the ray shield?" Omega asks "We still need to shut it down." The kid scoffs "You can only do that from the central tower." Hunter turns to leave "Let's go." The kid steps in front of him "No way. You stick out too much." He looks over at Omega "If you don't trust me to go alone....she'll blend in easily enough." Hunter hums, mulling it over "Well, don't let him out of your sight." Tech takes something out of his datapad and hands to Omega "Transfer the data onto this, and I can access the shield remotely." She takes it and they leave. "Wrecker, wanna get that into position for us?" I ask motion to the hyperdrive. He cracks his knuckles "You got it!"
Wrecker and I are underneath - he's holding up the hyperdrive, while I make sure it lines up and makes the connections - while Tech is inside messing with the control panels. "How's it looking?" Hunter asks through the comms. "I can get most of the systems back online easily enough, but we aren't going anywhere until we get the hyperdrive connected" Tech responds. "I'm working on it!" Wrecker yells. I lean out from the hole where the hyperdrive belongs "I think you mean I'm working on it and your holding it" I tease. He lets out an annoyed grunt. "You love me" "Like a an annoying sister" he sasses back.
Wrecker and I finish up with the hyperdrive and move onto the list of others things Tech gave us. Tech comms us an update "The motivator is installed, but I still have to connect the primaries to the guidance system and adjust the navicomputer." Wrecker chimes in "Weapon system's online." "We're not engaging. The situation for these kids is bad enough" Hunter tells him. Tech responds and is reading my mind "Mokko appears to be using his power and means as leverage over his workers. It is a similar tactic used by the Empire. Although, this operation is on a smaller scale." "I was kinda thinking the same thing...Hey Tech, I've finished up on my end. If you walk me through the adjustments to the navicomputer this might go faster" I tell him. "Your help is much appreciated." I head up to the navicomputer to wait for instruction. Hunter comes in and sits with me "How you feeling?" I sigh and spin my chair so I'm facing him "Alright, tired but I'm pushing through. It'll be nice to get a shower and a nice meal too." He smiles sadly and kneels in front of me "I'm sorry about all this. We'll get out of here in no time." He puts a hand on my cheek, I smile and lean into it. We lock eyes for a moment before he leans in and gently kisses me. When we break, I rest my forehead against his and smirk. "What?" "When we get out of here...I might...just be willing to share your bunk with you...to sleep of course" I tease. There's a spark in his eyes and he kisses me again. We are interrupted my Tech comming me with directions. I break it and smirk "Duty calls!" He heads back outside the ship.
I hear commotion outside and Tech has stopped giving me directions. "Uh guys? You went radio silent....everything alright?" I peek out the window and see 2 kids racing to the latter with Hunter making chase. "Get the engines online" he barks before disappearing. We finish up and Tech comms Hunter "The hyperdrive is nearly online". "Ugh, I lost our spies...and...they called in back up." "Tech, Wrecker. You guys go help him. I'll stay here and make sure this comes online" I comm them. "Are you sure you will be alright?" Tech sounds concerned. "Yeah I'll be fine. Vor'e (thanks) Tech. I just need a break." "Comm us if you need anything" Wrecker tells me. I lean back in the copilots chair and wait for the others to return.
After a while I hear what sounds like the hyperdrive charging up. I get up and head to the Navicomputer to confirm it's online and it is. "Thank Maker" I open my comm link "Hey guys...hyperdrive is online and it looks like we are good to go." For a minute there is no response then I hear Tech's voice "That is good news. Thank you Raven. We will be there in a moment." I find myself dozing off while I wait for them.
A loud clanging noise wakes me up, I struggle to open my heavy eye lids. Turning my chair I see Wrecker and Gonky "Oh uh...sorry I didn't see you there." "It's alright Wrecker. Are the others back?" "Yeah, the kid is helping us load our stuff." "The kid? What'd I miss?" He laughs "Have Omega tell you the story." I slide over into the pilot seat and get the Marauder prepped for take off. Tech comes in and sits next to me "Oh sorry Tech, I can-" he cuts me off "No, please you may do the honors." Suddenly I find myself wide awake, "Ever since that day we met, I've been wanting to fly this thing!" There's laughter from behind me, I turn to see Omega and Hunter in the doorway. I smirk "Everyone ready?" They nod. "Welcome aboard the Marauder everyone. This is your Pilot speaking. We are ready for take off." I announce knowing it will push Tech's buttons. He shakes his head and rolls his eyes "Was that really necessary?" "Why yes, yes it was."
Next Chapter
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nyotasaimiri · 1 year
Arc Two (redux) 99
“They’re almost here, Captain.”
Nyota woke from her doze at the sound of Lumen’s voice. There was something warm pressing on her shoulder. She opened her eyes. Brunette mane, familiar flash of red. Warm—beloved—scent of summer and steel. She smiled.
“Wake up, Lana. Oldarva and Namina have arrived.”
Lana’s face stiffened in a near-snarl for a moment, then relaxed as she recognized the voice and opened her eyes. “You have a comfortable shoulder,” she murmured, voice thick with sleep. Her tone was almost reproachful.
Nyota smiled. “Good morning to you too.”
“Mm. Is it morning?” Lana grimaced and stifled a yawn. “No coffee.”
That earned a laugh. “A woman after my own heart.”
Lana glanced at her sideways and flicked her nose. “I thought we established that.” She sat up and rolled her shoulders in a restrained stretch. “Time to behave. And comb your mane. Can’t interrogate a prisoner that faints from shock.”
“Bah…” Nyota held still as Lana smoothed down the worst of the wild tufts, watching her crew wake up from their own naps. She could feel the quiet tension in them, the anticipation, and felt it fade as the crew watched her receive such gentle affection. So Lana’s antics weren’t just for play. Clever Lana.
A finger ran along her ear and Nyota suppressed a shiver, shooting Lana a dirty look. Lana met her stare, and Nyota caught just the slightest glint of defiance and humor in her eyes. Alright, so some of them were just play after all.
The far door slid open. Lana sat back to watch, hand dropping subtly to the long knife she kept at her hip. Just in case.
As soon as Nyota saw Oldarva and Namina, she knew the knife wasn’t needed. Oldarva carried the small, shivering person, barely protected from the bitter cold by cheap purple fabric. They leaned deeper into the ginger apex as the little group drew near.
Oldarva caught Nyota’s eye with an apologetic smile. “No frostbite yet, Captain, but even the environmental protection pack did not help much out there. We might need a few minutes to warm up.”
Nyota nodded and gestured at the empty space near the small heater they had set up. “Take as long as you need.”
Oldarva sat down, but didn’t let go of her prisoner just yet. This close, Nyota could clearly see the shivering and felt something in her twist with a mix of scorn and pity. Lumen might have called it sympathy. Left alone with nothing but thin rags in this bitter-cold place. She knew all too well what that was like.
Namina squatted beside them and leaned on Oldarva with a quiet unhappy hiss.
Nyota gave him a sympathetic smile. “Too cold for you too, Namina?”
The floran bared his teeth. “Nassty cold,” he agreed, and waved at Lumen. “Lightss-friend, come warm Floran?”
Sonny chimed like a string of bells as Lumen flushed bright and muttered something about shameless ferns. But he got up anyway, and let Namina sling an arm around his shoulders. “Don’t ya get used to this,” he warned, with absolutely no bite to the threat.
Oldarva laughed and leaned against them both, careful not to drop the Occasus prisoner.
As the person looked up at the sound of so many voices, Nyota made eye contact; they didn’t flinch, perhaps too cold to do so. “Are you able to answer a few questions?”
Their voice was very quiet. “I have a choice?”
That earned a small, strange twist to her smile. “I will always give you a choice,” Nyota told them. “This may be different from what the Occasus has told you.”
They stared at her in undisguised wonder. “I think,” they said slowly, the words coming from somewhere very well-buried, “that many things are different from what the Occasus told me.”
Nyota let her smile warm. “Then there is hope for you yet. I am Captain Nyota Saimiri. What is your name?”
Was that a blush? They broke eye contact and looked at Oldarva’s elbow. “I don’t like my name…”
“Then what should I call you?” It wasn’t an unfamiliar sentiment to hear. Rebel apex changed their names all the time, trying to hide their identities or just find one that fit.
The Occasus looked up at Oldarva as if trying to find support—another unexpected gesture. “Gizzie is okay. A lot of people call me Gizzie.”
“Gizzie, then.” Nyota leaned forward and folded her hands in her lap. “I am not yet sure what to do with you, Gizzie. We do not normally take prisoners. We rarely have the opportunity. Most Occasus, in my experience, do not stick around to be captured.”
Gizzie looked around at the crew: four apex, a floran, a pair of novakid, a glitch, and two humans, all sitting comfortably, some eating breakfast together, all watching them. “I think,” they said slowly, “that I am not very much like most Occasus right now. …Ma’am.”
“Just Nyota is fine.” Nyota reached into her bag of supplies and pulled out some dried fruit to offer them. “You may join us for breakfast.”
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parkerdoesparkour · 1 year
-Green Eyed Monsters (Diasomnia Ver.)-
The boys get jealous when someone else pays Titania a bit too much attention.
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Malleus Draconia
If Titania were to mention to Malleus his eyes were looking a little ‘green’, he would simply respond with, “Beloved, my eyes are always green.” She began to wonder if jealousy was even an emotion he could feel, but all was answered one faithful lunch period. Titania stood with Grim in line as he picked which foods he wanted to pile their tray with. 
“Aw man, they’re out of cookies,” he sighs, seeing the cookie plate completely wiped clean. 
“Maybe next time,” she suggests, stepping back. Immediately, she’s approached by a second year in Savanaclaw. He has a sheepish smile on his face as he passes her a small plate with two cookies on it. 
“Um, I thought,” he begins, and Titania smiles patiently at him. “You did a lot for our Housewarden and our dorm, so if you want, you can have my cookies.” Grim wags his tail as Titania adds the plate to her tray. 
“Thank you, that’s so sweet,” she says. She can’t help but notice a small blush on his cheeks as he smiles down at his shoes. But, when he looks back up, his face falls. Titania doesn’t need to turn around to know who’s behind her. 
Malleus steps beside her (and the second year takes a step back) and wraps his arm loosely around her waist. He smiles at her, then smiles at the Savanaclaw student, in two very different ways. “I was wondering what was keeping you,” he says. “Come, our food is getting cold.”
Titania thanks the student again for the cookies, and follows Malleus to their usual table. He’s pouty, which makes her giggle. 
“Your eyes are green, Mal.”
“They’re always green, Beloved.” 
Titania laughs again, Malleus looks even more confused, and Grim is too busy eating both cookies to notice.
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Lilia Vanrouge
Titania is on her way to class when a freshman from Pomefiore cuts her off. She smiles at him, slightly unsure, though he looks more nervous than mean-spirited. She prays this won’t end in a fight as Grim gives him the stink-eye. “Can I help you?”
“Yeah!” he says, enthusiastically. Then he clears his throat, and looks nervous again. “Well, you know that rock band that’s touring on Sage Island?” 
Titania nods. “One of my favorites.” The freshman nods and withdraws two tickets from his bag. 
“I thought maybe–.”
“Oh, how kind of you!” a new voice interjects. The Pomefiore student jumps back and Titania sighs with a small smile. Lilia hangs upside down, suspended between her and the freshman, as he yanks the tickets forcefully from his hands. 
He flips right side up and stands beside Titania, throwing his arm casually through her’s. “Look love, we can go see the band I showed you.”
Titania chuckles. “Yeah, looking forward to it. Also, he ran off as soon as you took the tickets.”
“Oh?” Lilia looks up to the empty space where the first year had been and laughs. “I must have missed that.” 
“Mm-hm,” she says. Lilia keeps his arm in her’s as he walks her to her next class. “But you didn’t have to be so scary.”
“But! Darling!” Lilia protests with a pout. “If I don’t scare off all your other suitors, they’ll just keep coming back to try and steal you away.”
“No one could ever steal me away from you,” she responds and Lilia squeals, smothering her cheeks with kisses. “Lilia I need to–Lilia, wait! I have class!”
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Silver spent much of his and Titania’s time together napping on her shoulder. It was those few rare moments when he had peace and quiet, plus the feeling of safety, he couldn’t help but doze off. Today was supposed to be like any other, but Silver wakes up to jostling and harsh voices. It takes him a minute to realize Titania is arguing with someone pretty heatedly. 
“I told you to buzz off,” she spits, threading her fingers through Grim’s fur. The cat is still asleep and she apparently hadn’t noticed Silver woke up because of the argument. “I’m not interested.”
“Aw, come on,” the student says. Silver takes in his appearance: a Scarabia third year trying to worm his way into Titania’s heart. That didn’t really bother Silver, since he knew Titania wasn’t interested. What bothered him was how clearly the other student was disrespecting Titania’s wishes. “All he ever does is sleep. Don’t you want someone more interesting?”
“Silver is interesting,” Titania responds, “I’m not going to repeat myself. Get lost.”
“Can’t you just give me a chance?” the Scarabia student says. 
“Didn’t you hear her the first time?” Silver interrupts, opening his eyes fully to give the third year a once over. “Or are you just an asshole?”
The student takes a step back, frightened. Usually students didn’t like to tussle with anyone from Diasomnia and this third year was no different. He speeds off without another word, and Silver grumbles meaningless curses under his breath. Titania laughs and presses her index finger against his forehead. “What?”
“You look funny like that,” she says. He frowns.
“Like what?”
“Like you’re plotting someone’s murder,” she explains. “Thanks.” Silver hums and nuzzles himself closer to Titania. “You’ll always be my knight in silver armor.”
“You’re hilarious,” he rolls his eyes, but he’s smiling all the same.
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Sebek Zigvolt
Sebek is pouting. 
He sits on the couch in the Diasomnia common room, his knees tucked into his chest, pouting and sighing and picking at the leather. Across the room stands Silver, Lilia, and Malleus whispering to each other about his odd behavior. 
“What’s wrong with him?” Silver asks. 
“I believe he said he was heartbroken,” Lilia says. 
“Titania had a prior engagement and wasn’t able to come over right after classes,” Malleus adds. 
“Ah,” Silver says. 
“He gets lonely when Titania isn’t around,” Lilia says and Sebek shouts from the couch, 
“I DO NOT!” 
Silver sighs. “Someone needs to message Titania and tell her to hurry up. I can’t take any more of his moping.”
“Sorry I’m late, Crowley talked longer than I expected,” Titania interrupts, swinging the door open. She takes off her shoes as Grim leaps from her shoulder and curls up in front of the fire. “What’d I miss?”
“Sebek was having a depressive spiral because you two were separated for an hour.”
“He was jealous of Crowley, I think.”
“Also he was lonely.”
Sebek shrieks, and rushes to cover Titania’s ears. “Do NOT listen to them, Titania. They’re trying to ruin my image.”
“You do that just fine on your own,” Silver says. Titania laughs and kisses Sebek on the cheek. He buries his blushing face into the crook of her neck while the others tease him for being a, what was it Ace called him? Oh, yes, a simp!
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cafedanslanuit · 3 years
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♡   —   tags/warnings: afab!reader, breakup sex, oral sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), a lot of tears— both sexy and sad, timeskip ofc
♡   —   a/n: my first long piece for tokyo revengers! and ofc my beloved draken had to be the first one <3
♡   —  masterlist
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He shouldn’t have come.
That’s the first thing that comes to Draken’s mind when you pull away from his lips to take off your shirt. He’s already half-hard and his pants only get tighter at the sight of your bra right in front of him.
Less than ten minutes ago, he had been sitting on the same couch where he was lying now. Only you weren’t grinding your hips as you were now― your lower lip was trembling as you handed him one of his old sweaters you always used to wear.
He could have chosen to have this conversation any other place. You would have said yes to meeting at a café or strolling down the street. Yet he was the one that asked if he could come over and you were the one that agreed.
Your lips slid against his again, the kiss you shared rough, demanding, but mostly, needy. His skin burnt for you just as the first time he had you and he couldn’t help but bite your bottom lip, making a soft moan leave your lips. With his back on the couch and your hands slipping under his shirt, he could barely remember the reason he came to your place was to finally put an end to your tumultuous relationship.
Well, that and because he couldn’t bear not seeing you any longer.
You had seen this day coming long ago. You woke up one morning to the news of an assault on Draken’s motorcycle shop. No matter how many times you asked him, he never gave you any explanations, even if you were sure he was well aware of what had happened. Every time he got a call from his friends he would leave the room and talk in hushed whispers and he started coming up with more and more excuses to avoid spending time with you.
His gentle nature around you had turned harsh and cold with you ever since that day. Draken had remained silent when you asked him about his change of behaviour, and during one heated night where you had ended up yelling, asking if it was something you had done, he finally spoke, only to assure you you hadn’t done anything wrong.
In your search for answers, you reached out to his friends. But rather than that, what you found was even more questions than before. All of them got visibly uncomfortable when you approached them and it didn’t take much to understand they also knew what was happening but refused to talk about it. The only one who gave you a little more information was Chifuyu, during a late-night talk after his store had closed.
“Talk to him,” he advised, ordering the files from the day and avoiding your eyes.
“I tried, he won’t tell me what happened,” you sighed, resting your chin on your hand as you watched him work. “But this wasn’t a random attack, right? It was something personal. If it was random, then someone would have said so. But everyone just shut ups and gives me a pitying look.”
Chifuyu raises his eyes at you.
“Yeah, exactly that look”, you say, passing a hand through your hair.
“It’s… complicated,” he finally said, putting the files aside. “And not my place to talk to you about it. All I’m saying is everything Draken does is to protect you.”
“Yeah?” you huffed, a dry laugh leaving your lips. “Treating someone badly and pushing them away is a way to protect them?”
Chifuyu gave you a sad smile. “Sometimes it can be.”
Even if you knew Chifuyu did his best to keep loyal to his friend while also trying to dissipate your worries, it hadn’t worked. You were sure any day from now Draken would break it off with you. And when you got a call from him asking to come over after almost a week of not seeing you, you understood the time had come.
The next time Draken came to his senses, he had his face buried between your legs. His nose brushed against your clit as his tongue was buried deep within you. The whimpers you were making were music to his ears. He swore he could recognize his name in between your cries a couple of times, but tried not to think much about it. He didn’t want to come to terms with the fact it may be the last time you would call for him like this.
Your legs closed against the sides of his head as you threw your head back in pleasure. Draken put one hand on your inner thigh and forced your legs open, eliciting a sweet gasp from you. He pulled away, the sight of your soaked pussy making his head spin. Fuck, was this really going to be the last time he got to have you like this? Draken slid two fingers across your folds, gathering wetness and then using it to circle your clit gently. He felt your leg twitching under his big hand.
If this was going to be the last time, then he was going to give you something to remember him by.
Draken bent down again and started pressing open-mouthed kisses on your folds. A soft hum escaped your lips as he worked his way around your pussy, making sure there wasn’t a part of it that wasn’t covered by his eager lips. He purposely left your clit for last, his hot breath hovering over it. Those few seconds were enough for you to lift your head, looking down at the man you had just agreed to let go.
His dark eyes met yours, widening just the slightest bit as if he had been caught. He held your gaze for a couple of seconds before taking a long lick, from your entrance to your clit, where he sucked gently, your juices mixing with his saliva.
“You taste so good,” he muttered against your core, slurping like a starved man. His words sent a shock of pleasure between your thighs, making them close against Draken’s head. However, his hands were stronger and they kept you in your place, watching you helplessly wriggle underneath him.
“I love you,” you panted, your thoughts getting cloudy. As a reply, Draken pulled his face away and inserted two of his fingers inside you. Your walls clenched around them, a broken moan stuck on your throat.
The many years he had had you weren’t in vain, as he curved his digits just the right amount and hit that special spot in just a few tries. You threw your head back, hips rising and breath hitching, losing more and more control of your body with every thrust of his fingers. He bent down once more and let his tongue play freely with your clit, his lips circling and sucking just when you needed him to and the tip of his tongue making you see stars.
“Ken— fuck, fuck—,” you whimpered. You put a hand over the one that was holding your thigh open and squeezed it. “Stop, please— I can’t— I don’t— stop. ”
Immediately, Draken pulled away, his concerned face glistening with your arousal. He crawled up until his face was hovering over yours.
“Shit, sorry. You okay? What happened?” he asked in a whisper, inspecting your face as he tried to find a clue of your discomfort. You placed your hands on his cheeks, forcing him to look back into your eyes.
“No, it’s okay, I’m okay,” you reassured him, noticing his eyebrows relaxing a bit at your words. “I just— I don’t want to come— I mean, I do, I want— but with you inside. Please, I need you—”
Draken crashed his lips against yours, and you swallowed his moan when you shuffled your legs so he was resting between them, his bulge pressing against you. His shirt was already long forgotten on the floor and now he was fumbling with his pants as he rocked his hips against yours, the kiss getting more and more desperate with every second.
Once his pants joined his shirt, he fished his wallet from one of his pockets and took out a condom. Your chest rose up and down as you watched him put him on, a small warning inside your mind that this was the last time. Emotions were pouring out without you being able to control it, a knot forming on your throat and your heart clenching in pain. Draken hovered over you again and rested his forehead against your shoulder. his breath making you shiver as he slowly started pushing himself inside.
He left small kisses alongside your neck, trying to ease the pain of the stretch that he knew you were experiencing. In all the time you’d been together, he always managed to make your breath hitch every time he slid inside you. You clutched onto his broad shoulders, one of your hands removing his hairband and undoing his braid, letting his long, blonde hair flow free. You repeated his name like a prayer as you rocked your hips, trying to get used to his size.
You ran your fingers up his spine and threaded them with his hair, closing your fist around it around the base of his neck. Draken took it as a sign to start thrusting against you, making more moans leave your mouth and your hand pull his hair a little tighter. Both your legs circled his waist and you locked your ankles with each other, creating a new angle that made tears form in the corner of your eyes. It was too intense and even if your feelings always poured whenever you two were intimate, you could feel as if every fibre of your body was holding onto him, innocently hoping he wouldn’t leave after you were done.
Draken grunted against your neck, his hips picking up the pace and finding the spot his fingers were brushing against just moments ago. You cried out and tightened your legs around his waist, feeling him so deep that you thought you would be reaching your high quick enough. At this, you put your hand on his right shoulder, pushing him away. He turned his head, his nose brushing against your cheek and his hips slowing down.
“Hey,” he said, just a little out of breath. “Talk to me. What do you need?”
You grabbed both sides of his face, bringing him closer to you. The small resistance you felt as first disappeared as he let you manoeuvre him how you wanted. When his dark eyes were hovering over yours, his hips had already stopped, his eyebrow slightly raised as he looked down at you.
“If this— If this is the last time, I want to see you,” you said, your thumbs caressing his cheeks. His eyes widened at your words and you could feel him tense up. However, a moment later, he nodded and pressed a kiss against your lips as his hips resumed their movements.
For the first time, you were able to see Draken’s small expressions as he fucked you. How his lips were parted as he breathed through his mouth and how his eyes were darker than ever, fixed on your eyes. You had never noticed how his nose turned the loveliest shade of pink when he was fucking you so good. Your heart swole and once again you felt too much at the same time. You loved him, you loved him so much. Why couldn’t you make it work?
Draken took your legs and put them over his shoulders, the new position making you whimper. Soft pleas filled the living room and he rutted into you, each of his thrusts getting you closer and closer plus making your brain foggy. There was only Draken, only him, only your boyfriend Ken who was so wonderful and who had made you fall head over heels for him from the moment you had met him.
Your hands were still on each side of his face, your breath colliding against his as you whimpered. Draken started grunting, his hips snapping faster and harder against your core, setting all your body on fire. It was too much— every inch of you was yearning for the man on top of you, not feeling him close enough even if he was buried deep inside of you. Your hands lowered to his shoulders, nails digging on his pale skin. You wanted him, there wasn’t anything else in the world you wanted as bad as him and you knew as soon as this was over, the more and more pleasure you got from him, then the sooner he’d walk out the door.
Tears started prickling on the edge of your eyes and it wasn’t long until one of them rolled down your cheeks, your moans mixing with small sobs. Draken grabbed your jaw with his big palm, forcing him to lock your eyes with his just as you had before. You saw him moving his lips as if preparing himself to say something, but no words came out of his lips. You noticed concern in his features, yet he seemed distressed as he tried to find the right words.
“I love you,” you panted, feeling another tear fall from your cheek.
And that was when Draken knew.
He knew he had to leave you.
Nodding, he pressed his lips against yours. “I love you too,” he muttered, before picking up his pace.
After that, it wasn’t long before you were reaching your orgasms, clenching around your boyfriend and bringing him to the edge as well. He didn’t let go of the hold on your chin as you both climaxed, eyes locked on each other as you crumbled apart and breaths colliding between parted lips.
It took a moment for both of you to catch your breath. As your body started relaxing under Draken’s weight once more, the reminder of your previous conversation where he was putting an end to your relationship came back. You felt a know forming in your throat and by the sad look on Draken’s dark eyes, it was clear he was thinking of the same thing.
He pressed his lips against yours once more, but this time it was softer, gentler, as if it was the first time he was kissing you at all. It didn’t last more than five seconds but it was enough for your eyes to fill with tears again. Draken pulled himself away from you and turned his body as he started putting his clothes back on.
You saw him stretching to pick up the old sweater that you had returned to him a moment ago and picked it up before he could reach it. You put it over your body, covering yourself, but it wasn’t enough to make him look at you.
“Please, stay,” you mumbled. You noticed your lover’s arm tensing at your words, but he still started walking towards your door. “Ken.”
The way you whispered his name made his heart clench, his step faltering for a moment. He stood in front of the door, looking at the handle and gathering all the strength he had left.
“Just for tonight,” you insisted. “You can leave in the morning if you want, just… I want―”
“You know what happens if I stay,” he interrupted you. “If I stay, I’ll never leave again.”
“Would that be so bad?”
Draken finally turned around. You looked so small, covering yourself with his old sweater and a part of him was glad he was leaving something behind. The idea of you remembering him even a few years as you find the sweater on the back of one of your drawers brought peace to his heart. He just hoped this goodbye wouldn’t taint the memories you had created together the last couple of years.
“…I’m not losing you,” he sentenced under your confused gaze.
Cutting our sentence short, Draken finally opened the door and left your apartment. In the silence that filled your living room, you could only listen to his muffled steps as he walked down the hallway.
You couldn’t understand why he was leaving.
But you knew you were never going to see him again.
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So, here I'm, to be honest I'm still laughing about the all drunk thing with Papi.
Let's do It, can you please write headcanons about "Look How I punch my fucking bf on the face after he falls asleep in the middle of a sex session" with Damian!
Thank you 🤣❤️
😂 This will be epic 🤣 You’re welcome, baby 😘❤️
@ziasaph , @alyhull , @theworldofotps , @new-zealand-chic , @wrestlersownmyheart , @cuzimacomedian , @whenimakeitshine1234 , @thealliasylum , @crowleysqueenofhell , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch , @ava-valerie
And of course I couldn’t find this on the search bar 😒 So all gif credit goes to the amazing @this-is-my-bisexuality
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You opened the front door of your house
To find your drunk Puerto Rican man leaning against the door frame to keep his balance
“¿Qué pasa, mami?” He smirked seductively once you opened the door
Shaking your head, you laughed “You’re hammered, Priest”
And helped him get inside your house
He stumbled on his feet as you helped him go upstairs
Which took you at least 15 minutes
You dragged Damian towards your bathroom to give him a shower
And battled to stay on your feet as he leaned all of his weights on your shoulders
While he kissed your neck
“Let’s go to bed, mami” He hiccuped “I wanna fuck”
“Oh my god, I forgot how raw honest you are when you’re drunk” You laughed when his tongue licked your pulse point
“I can see you want it too, don’t lie to me” He looked down at you with drunk, semi-closed eyes
Which judging by the look on his face, he thought it was a seductive stare
“What I want is for you to take a shower because you stink!” You giggled
“Gonna join me?” He tried to wiggle his eyebrows
“I don’t think that would be very safe” You smiled and shoved his naked self underneath the shower head
You helped him shower and when you handed him the soap so he could wash his private parts
He smirked, gripped your hand and closed it around his soft member
“Please, help me?” He pouted
But you could see the gleam of mischief upon his drunk chocolate eyes
You smirked and helped him
Gliding your soap covered hand up and down his length
Damian licked his lips and leaned down to kiss you
You helped him dry off his body and pushed him on top of the bed
He fell on his back with a giggle “Oh, I love this dominant version of you. It’s so hot”
Damian’s moan was low on his chest as your lips touched the base of his neck
You felt his grip on your hips suddenly become loose
And soon after, the sound of his loud snores echoed through the bedroom
“What? No no no no, c’mon! You have got to be kidding me!” You whined and looked down at the sleeping man beneath you
You rolled over to your side of the bed and stared at the big man by your side
Of course his drunk ass had to work you up and then leave you hanging right after you got in the mood for it
The horny side of you wanted to punch him until he woke up
But the in love side of you just caressed his face and admired his handsome features
His snoring stopped for a few seconds, and Damian’s hand reached up
He grabbed your hand, pulled it closer to his chest, where you could feel his heartbeat, and let it rest there as he scooted closer to your body
Your heart instantly melted and you knew
That your beloved giant sloth was forgiven
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crankynewt · 3 years
Life Could Be a Dream - Chapter 2
Live in Living Colour Series Masterlist
Summary: (Y/N) slowly begins to remember their life with “Pietro” before WestView as they move through the decades, but sometimes knowledge is a curse rather than a blessing.
Pairing: Pietro (Peter) Maximoff x Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Warning: WandaVision Episode 6 spoilers! Read at your own risk!
Author’s Note: Here’s the highly requested second part to Be Okay! You don’t have to read it to understand this story, but it does fill in the gap during the 80s episode and give a little more context into the reader’s mind. Also, the reader’s powers and Halloween costume are highly based off of Starlight from the boys even though I did my best to make it gender neutral, but that’s what I kinda envisioned!
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(Not My Gif!)
Your hips swayed as you danced around the kitchen, the sound of The Chords’ “Life Could Be a Dream” filled the room from the record player in the corner your beloved vinyl was spinning on. Chopping pineapple for the jell-o in the bundt mold beside you, you hummed along to the familiar tune as your feet shuffled back and forth on the checkered floor.
A whooshing sound and light breeze behind you tore your attention away from the task at hand. Turning around quickly, you were met with the smiling face of your loving boyfriend, relaxing in a chair with his feet propped up against the kitchen table. His dark jeans were complimented by a letterman jacket adorning his shoulders, his shades of grey complimenting your own and those surrounding the both of you.
“My partner and their impeccable taste in music.” He smirked, arms crossed behind his head.
“My boyfriend and his faster-than-a-bullet superspeed.” You retorted, shuffling over to your man and giving him a playful smack on the leg. “Feet off the table! We’ve gotta eat here in a few hours!”
Pietro whooshed once again, this time with one hand in your waist while the other held yours, finally slowing down enough to gently rock you to the music. Life really could be a dream, and you were experiencing it first-hand.
“What is happening? Where did this come from?!” Agent Woo asked, watching the dancing couple sway as a hexagon framed the image and the words ‘Pietro(Y/N)’ shone across the screen.
“I don’t know! When Wanda recast Pietro an extra broadcast started from inside the hex and this is what the channel’s playing.” Darcy explained, taking a sip of her long awaited coffee as the end credits began to roll. “She must have somehow created another storyline for them.”
“But, wait… Didn’t somebody say that (Y/L/N) went missing before the blip?” Monica commented, pointing at your smiling face on the screen.
“Last I heard was that they got beamed up on that spaceship in New York with Spider-Man and Doctor Strange, but nobody’s seen them since.” Jimmy added, crossing his arms with a furrowed brow.
“Well wherever they were, they’re back in action.”
You woke up with a gasp, shooting straight up as a cold sweat adorned your body. Your nightmare had been something that you couldn’t believe your mind had imagined, it was so real, so dark… 
You had been on a strange planet surrounded by shades or orange and red, weirdly dressed people fighting all around you. At the centre of it all was this purple giant, a metallic glove adorning his hand as he fought the group of you away. 
Before you knew what you were doing you were rushing towards him, hand raised as a tingling feeling ran down your arm while golden light formed around your hand. But your attack was to no avail as with a clench of his fist the giant had opened a red hole in front of you and you began free falling.
“What? What is it?” Pietro grumbled, slowly waking up at your sudden outburst. He sat up as well, rubbing his hand on your lower back soothingly. 
“It was just a dream, babe.” You brushed it off, turning to face Pietro and leaning closer towards him. His eyes still held worry and a bit of disbelief as you played it off, but rather than argue, he just held you close as the two of you laid back down until sleep took it’s hold once more. 
“How much longer ‘till he calls?” Darcy whined, spinning in her chair as the boredom of watching reruns overtook her. You and Peter had just finished your ‘80s episode, meaning that the two of you had just reunited with Wanda and Vision.
“Don’t worry, he’ll call.” Monica replied, and as if on cue the name ‘Jimmy Woo’ was flashing upon her phone screen. She was quick to answer and eagerly pressed the device to her ear. “Woo? What’d your guy say?”
“Scott said that (Y/N) hasn’t been seen since they were on a planet called Titan fighting Thanos. Stark apparently told him that they got tossed in some hole he opened and they couldn’t get them back.” Jimmy explained, the sound of a car moving filling the background as he was already on his way back from talking to Lang.
“You don’t think that he sent her to wherever this new Pietro came from, do you?” Monica responded, Darcy shrugging her shoulders in response.
“I mean, it’s well within the realm of possibilities?” 
“What are you boys doing?” You called from the bottom of the stairs to where Pietro and the twins were playing some video game on the tv, laughing and shouting as they shot at each other. “Piet, why aren’t you in your costume?”
Your boyfriend finally turned to face you and your Halloween costume had his jaw quite literally dropping. You adorned a white costume with a golden star and accents on the front, meanwhile your cape was white with countless smaller stars decorating it’s entirety.
“Wow! Babe, you look… Wow!” He ogled, speeding over to you as his eyes took in your costumed appearance. He ignored your question, Wanda having to bug her brother once more for him to drag Tommy with him to make their matching Quicksilver costumes, their hair slicked up on the sides in an odd way.
Before you knew it the five of you were making your way down the street bustling with costumed kids. Pietro and Wanda were a couple steps ahead of you with the twins, you making the decision to take a minute to appreciate your domestic life while the siblings caught up.
“Unleash hell, demon spawn!” Pietro yelled as the twins went running off to fill their buckets with candy. You weren’t trying to eavesdrop, however you weren’t very far behind them and neither twin was making any effort to speak quietly.
“Do you remember when we were at the orphanage when mom and dad died?” She asked, the duo stopping to talk to each other in the middle of the busy road. While you didn’t intend to stop yourself, the sudden confusion that struck your mind left you no other choice.
Orphanage? Why would Peter have ever been in an orphanage when both his parents were still alive?  Wait, Peter? Where was all this coming from?
Suddenly your life was quite literally flashing before your eyes. Getting your powers, joining the Avengers, falling through the portal to another reality, meeting the X-Men… Oh, and Peter. Your relationship with Peter came back in moments, from your first meeting to the day he kissed you after you almost died on a mission. And how could you ever have forgotten your wedding day?! 
“Peter?” You asked out loud. Whether you were calling out to the man who you now remember to be your husband or questioning the memories that you had just regained you weren’t sure.
Your sudden comment caused Peter/Pietro to scoff in disbelief and furrow his brows, meanwhile Wanda’s expression darkened as her eyes glared daggers into your head. 
“Did you just call me Peter?” He asked incredulously, but his face quickly softened as he saw the fear in your eyes. You were utterly dumbfounded, How did you get back here? Last thing you remembered was being at the school, then all of a sudden you were living in some sit-com town.
“Why doesn’t he remember me? Wanda, what have you done?” Your voice wavered, your gaze shifting from Peter to Wanda, who would have already murdered you if looks could kill.
“I have no idea what you're talking about.” Her eyes flashed red, meanwhile Peter was standing there as if everything around him was completely normal.
“I think you do. Don’t make me do this, Wanda.” Your eyes began glowing as well. There was no way this would be ending well.
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babybluebex · 3 years
good doctor kreizler ch.3: o come, all ye faithful
summary ↠ part 3 of good doctor kreizler // on christmas eve, as you and your new husband prepare to host your friends, there's a drastic change in plans, and the sudden need for an extra place setting. pairing ↠ laszlo kreizler x fem!reader (y/n) word count ↠ 5.6k warnings ↠ explicit language, smut, oral (f!receiving), sexual content involving a pregnant woman, explicit descriptions of childbirth (and everything that goes along with that), mentions of medical procedures, abduction a/n ↠ finally here it is! masterlist/taglist in bio!
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The rustling of the bedsheets was a comfort to hear. Laszlo often woke up earlier than you did in order to prepare for his day at the Institute, and he tried his best not to wake you up. Your doctor had advised that you rest as much as possible, especially in the coming few weeks; as you learned, you seemed to have inherited your mother’s “weak womanly constitution”, as the doctor called it. You had to scale back your help during the investigation because of your weak stomach and over-eager emotions. It broke your heart into pieces when Laszlo finally told you that you were off the case entirely, but you understood his hesitations. At least, you considered, your husband knew better than you.
Not a day went by that you didn’t revel in your new title. The ceremony was a quiet affair, hardly even reported in the society papers, and you had just the most important family there. Sara served as your maid of honor, John as Laszlo’s best man, Marcus and Lucius as the legal witnesses. Laszlo had managed to secure a ring for you, and it glittered on your left hand every single day. The wedding, if you could call it that, had happened on a Saturday morning, and, when you went into work on Monday and had to alert Commissioner Roosevelt to your name change, Teddy had given you a warm smile that secured in you the thought that you would never truly be alone ever again. And you liked it.
You gave a soft moan and threw your arm behind you to capture your husband before he rose from bed. “Las,” you mumbled. In an instant, your hand was filled by his, and Laszlo was pressing his mouth to your cheek. “It’s still dark out.”
“Yes, my beloved, I know,” Laszlo said softly. “But I need to get an early start today.”
“Do you need to?” you groaned. “It’s awfully cold, sweetheart, I’ll freeze up if you leave.”
Laszlo gave a soft coo and kissed your cheek again, and he whispered, “I must get the house ready for dinner tonight.”
“For… What?” you mumbled.
“We’re hosting dinner tonight,” Laszlo explained slowly. The old wife’s tale of pregnancy brain seemed to be a certifiable malady in your case; you were constantly forgetting dates and appointments and misplacing things that you had in your hand. There had been more than one occasion where you had torn apart a room looking for the eyeglasses that you had perched on your nose. Laszlo, in his never-ending loveliness, was patient with you, and he would repeat things as many times as needed for them to stick. “Sara, John, Marcus, and Lucius are joining us.”
“Oh, God,” you huffed. “What’s the occasion?”
“Christmas dinner,” Laszlo said. His hand rested gently on your hip, his thumb making soft circles on your skin, and he nuzzled his beard into your neck. “I suppose, for Marcus and Lucius, it’s just dinner.”
“Oh, damn!” you murmured. “I forgot! How could I forget about Christmas?”
“You’ve had quite a lot on your mind lately,” Laszlo chuckled. “Please, my love, go back to sleep. You can’t help me with this anyway.”
“Why not?” you asked. You struggled to sit up, and Laszlo put his hand on your back and aided you upright. By you and your husband’s calculations, you were about eight months along, and you could feel every moment of it. Your back was constantly aching, and you had headaches that were so awful that you could feel your brain pulsing inside your skull (migraines, Laszlo called them, but you didn’t give a damn what they were called). All of the aches and pains meant nothing, though, when you felt your son kick up into you. Yes, Baby Kreizler was an active one, and, more often than not, you found yourself being woken up in the morning by his movements and kicks.
Laszlo placed his hand gently on your swollen belly, and his palm was met with a nudge. “It involves your Christmas present,” Laszlo told you. “And I can’t very well have you spoil your own present.”
“You—!” you began. “I thought we said we weren’t doing presents! Oh, Las, I have nothing to give you!”
“You must be joking,” Laszlo said. The room was dim, only the dull flame of a gas lamp lighting the bedroom, but you could see your husband’s glittering dark eyes as easily as if it were in the daytime. “You are giving me the best present that I could ever ask for. I could never ask you for anything more.”
You pouted, but drew Laszlo into a kiss. You often forget about your husband’s stubbornness, and, while it had made him the successful man he was, it was rather difficult to try to surprise him with anything. You had told a little fib when you said that you hadn’t gotten him a Christmas gift. The small leather-bound book was stashed in a drawer under your stockings, a neat ribbon around it, the front page reading a personal inscription from the author itself. Laszlo had a habit of reading literature that made you sick to even think about, and he had grown fond of an author that was published in a Boston newspaper, a man named Poe. You had acquired a collection of Poe’s stories and sent him a letter, explaining your situation, and he had sent it back with haste. You had peeked at the inscription, and you smiled just a bit at the words “you and your work are an inspiration, Doctor Kreizler”. Laszlo would like that, you were sure of it.
Laszlo moved his hand from your belly to your cheek, and he held your face as he deepened the kiss. You gave a soft laugh at his boldness (you supposed, though, that a husband’s need for his wife was hardly bold), and you lifted your arms to wrap around his neck. In an instant, Laszlo abandoned his need for being early, and he pressed a line of fluttering kisses down your jaw and neck. You let your fingers run through his hair, still mussed from sleep, and Laszlo pressed a sweet, open-mouthed kiss to your breast. That was another surprise of pregnancy; not that your breasts would grow as your milk came in, but that Laszlo would form an odd attachment to them. If it were anybody else, Laszlo would have looked at the behavior as codependent and perhaps leaning towards neglect from one’s mother, but, since it was him, you knew that he didn’t think about it. The moment your beautiful and eloquent doctor had one of your breasts in his mouth, he turned simple-minded.
So simple-minded, in fact, that he hardly seemed to notice the way his hand slid and crept up your thigh. Or perhaps he was aware of it, and was being coy for your sake. Either way, you keened up into his hand, whimpering just a bit, silently pleading for him. You two had become experts at reading each other, and Laszlo knew what you wanted without you having to utter a word. You didn’t want his hand, he knew that. He gave one last kiss to your hard nipple, then continued to trail feather-light kisses down your body. His hand tangled in your nightgown and rucked it up past your hips, and he gave an open-mouthed kiss to your hip. Your hands clawed at your nightgown, pulling it up and over your head to free your body completely, and Laszlo took a departure from your hip to lavish your belly in kisses. The skin had been permeated with light marks where your skin had stretched to accommodate the baby, and, while you didn’t quite care for the look of them and worried if they would persist, Laszlo never stopped for one second to consider them anything but beautiful.
“Laszlo,” you whimpered out. “Please, my love.”
Laszlo kissed down your hips to your thighs, and he pressed your legs open and pulled them over his shoulders. Then, finally, mercifully, he pressed his mouth to your cunt. He wasted no time, placing open-mouth kisses all over your sensitive skin, and your fingers closed in his hair. You tugged a bit, telling him to go further, and Laszlo licked a stripe up your waiting cunt. You gave him a satisfied little moan and your hips jerked a bit when he gave a harsh suck to your clit. “Las!” you squealed, and you felt him smile against you. “Fuck, more.”
“You’re so beautiful like this,” Laszlo mumbled, looking up at you through his eyelashes as he pressed his mouth against you again. The sight of it had you whimpering, and you felt your release close at hand. That was how it seemed to go, as of late; Laszlo hardly had to stimulate you, and you were a wet, spent mess within minutes. He said it was the baby, and you didn’t know enough to dispute him. Laszlo detached his mouth from your cunt and lifted his hand to stroke your throbbing clit with the rough pad of his thumb. “Taste so good… How could I ever have lived before you?”
You hardly had the brain to wax lyrical at the moment, but, if you did, you would have said that perhaps he wasn’t truly living before you, just as you hadn’t before him. The world had changed with him, and you could never want anything else except him for the rest of time. “Las,” you gasped, the pleasure he gave you making your legs shake. While his hand worked, his mouth went to your thigh, and he placed wet kisses all over the skin. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you as you writhed under him, and you moaned and keened at him. “Las—” you gasped. “I-I’m gonna—”
The wonderful and heady relief washed over you before you could even finish your sentence, and you basked in it for a long while. Your chest heaved as you smoothed down Laszlo’s hair, and he stood up with a soft grunt. “Gosh, I’m sorry, sweetheart,” you mumbled, sitting up on your elbows; you hadn't meant for him to kneel down on the hard floor, but he didn't seem to mind it much. His robe had come undone during the act to show his chest and stomach, and you worked yourself fully upright so that you could wrap your arms around him. Your head landed on his chest and you kissed over his heart, and Laszlo gave a quiet little sigh. “You grow lovelier every day,” he whispered, and he landed a kiss in your hair.
You smiled into his chest. But you felt as if something was off. Yes, your muscles and fibers had relaxed with the orgasm, but there was still an odd tightness in your core. It felt almost like the cramps you had to endure monthly, or, at least, the onset of one. “Oh, no,” you mumbled. You knew what that feeling was.
“What is it?” Laszlo asked.
The contraction finally landed and settled fully in your core, and it nearly knocked the breath out of you. “God!” you yelped, drawing your husband closer to you. “Las— I’m in labor.”
Laszlo didn’t seem to fully process your words, because he looked down at you with a sort of bleary-eyed confusion. “Labor?” he repeated. “As in…?”
“As in labor, Laszlo!” you cried. “As in I will give birth sometime in the next few days and it’ll be your head on a pike if you don’t get the doctor here now.”
Laszlo stepped away from you and looked around the bedroom, a little frantic. Finally, he clenched his jaw and tied up his robe, and he went to the door of the bedroom and threw it open. “Cyrus!” he yelled. “Cyrus! Ring the doctor! Y/N’s gone into labor!”
You heard Cyrus respond to Laszlo, and suddenly his hands were on you again. The pain, while not awful, was certainly unpleasant, and you moved slowly as Laszlo helped you back into your nightgown. His hand was shaking almost as badly as yours were, and you grabbed his hand and drew it to your mouth for a firm kiss. “I love you,” you whispered. Your eyes watered, and you tried to pretend that you didn’t see Laszlo’s eyes wetting as well.
“I love you too, my beloved,” Laszlo said softly, laying you back amongst the pillows. “The doctor will be here soon. Can I get you anything in the meantime?”
You bit your lip at an onslaught of pain that rocketed down your spine. “Get me Sara,” you said.
“S-Sara Howard?” Laszlo asked.
“She’s practically my sister,” you said. “Please, Las, I need her.”
“Of course, of course,” Laszlo said quickly. “Can I get you anything else?”
You gave a shuddering sigh as the pain died down, and you mumbled, “A glass of water?”
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John took the steps into the house two at a time. He had just been sitting down for breakfast with his grandmother when their telephone had sounded. While his grandmother raged at the thing, he answered it and had the briefest of conversations with Laszlo that went something like this: “She’s in labor. Come quick.” “... Now?” “Childbirth waits for no man, John, and I intend for my child to meet his uncle as soon as possible.”
The energy inside the house was an odd one. The place was done up with garlands of holly, obviously having been prepared by the little motley family of Laszlo, Y/N, Cyrus, and Stevie, to stand as a lovely locale for Christmas dinner. It should have been so cheerful— chattering and laughing— but there was just silence. “Laszlo?” John called, looking upwards from the base of the stairs.
“Top floor!” He heard Laszlo call back after a moment. Usually, the doctor would have greeted him at the door, and now he wasn’t even coming down to debrief the situation. John steeled himself and prepared for the worst.
Thankfully, the top floor wasn’t a tragedy zone. Laszlo stood in the hallway, pacing restlessly, mumbling to himself in every language he spoke. “John, Mein Gott,” he sighed. “Thank you for coming quickly.”
“Is she really in labor?” John asked.
“Yes,” Laszlo replied. “We woke up only a few hours ago and… Her water broke. The contractions have been ebbing and flowing ever since, but she is insistent that a doctor get here.” After a moment, and noticing John’s trepidation, added, “A real doctor, she said. Someone who has experience with delivering children.”
“That’s probably a good call,” John said. “Is she in there?” He gestured at the closed door that he could only assume was Laszlo and Y/N’s bedroom, and Laszlo nodded.
“Sara’s in there as well,” Laszlo said. “Comforting her.”
“Why are you not in there?” John asked quickly. “I mean, my God, Laszlo, this is your wife and son!”
“I know,” Laszlo snapped. “I wish I could be, but… I can’t bring myself to. The numbers of women who die in childbirth… And most of the time, there’s nothing to be done to stop it… I-I would only blame myself. If I were in that room, with my knowledge, and she died, and I couldn’t help, I would blame myself.”
There was a sharp yelp from inside the room, like a hurt animal, followed by muffled shushing; the mother and Sara, John supposed. “Where’s the doctor?” John asked.
“The one we chose to schedule when we would go to wellness checks was booked until this afternoon,” Laszlo said. “He’ll get here when he can. Until then, we… Wait. I will allow myself to go in every so often and check dilation, but it’s getting to the point where… The sight of it makes me ill.”
John didn’t know much about childbirth, but the word dilation helped him figure up enough of an image to make him a little ill as well. “Can I get her anything?” John asked. “Something from the shop on the corner?”
“She says no,” Laszlo said. “She’s only asked for water. A kiss, every so often, but I feel that’s less vital and more encouragement.”
John nodded in agreement, and he pushed his hands deep into the pockets of his pants. “How long do we wait?” he asked.
“However long it takes,” Laszlo said with a shrug. “For some women, it’s mere hours; others, days.”
John sighed and took up a place leaning against the wall, and he mumbled, “I guess dinner’s off, isn’t it?”
Laszlo finally cracked a gentle smile, and he leaned next to John. He wore the beginnings of an acceptable outfit, pants and a buttoned shirt with his suspenders, but no vest, no cravat, no jacket. This was a worried man, an expectant father, a ready doctor. “I’m sure we can find a way to have dinner,” he said. “Perhaps, if the timing’s right, we’ll have to put out an extra place-setting.”
John still could hardly believe that, out of their entire group, Laszlo was the first to have a baby. Just meters away, behind the door, Laszlo’s wife was in the beginning stages of bringing new life. On Christmas Eve, no less. “Did you ever think you’d have this?” John whispered.
“No,” Laszlo replied after a moment. He looked down at his boots and wrapped his arm around himself, and he chewed on his thoughts for a moment. “Even just last night, as we were going to bed… I watched her enter the room, and the lamp lit her up… Her body was silhouetted against the lamp through her nightgown. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I’ll never forget the sight. If I had any artistic inclination, I would have captured it. The memory might be greater than any piece of art, though.” He took a moment to savor the image, and he gave a short sigh. “But I have done my share of worrying. Every day, every moment, I was terrified. I have never known greater fear, truly. When she was at work and the Institute would get a phone call, I felt physically ill until I could answer it. Every day, I woke up and asked myself… ‘Is this the day where we lose him?’. It’s not a good way to live, John. But every night, after another successful day, when I would get her in my arms, it was the most perfect thing. It is unbelievable. Me, a father?” He scoffed. “I just hope he looks like her.”
“Why?” John asked.
“I don’t want him to be plagued with my visage,” Laszlo said. “If he resembles me, people will know he’s mine, and he won’t ever escape my reputation. I know the name Kreizler is an unusual one, but he can deny relation. If he has my name and face… There’s no denying it.”
“And you’re ashamed of that?” John asked. “Laszlo, there is nothing but pride to be had in your name. Kreizler is… You’re a man of science, a world-renowned alienist. You are intelligent, smart as a whip! You are dedicated to your work and your family, and you treat people with the utmost respect… Well, you treat your patients with the utmost respect.” John paused to dig his elbow playfully into Laszlo’s ribs, and Laszlo gave a little huffing laugh that held no true humor in it. “And you’re kind. You’d give your life for the people you love. A man can only ask for a friend as loyal as you. And you’re quite handsome, Laszlo. A child with any resemblance to you is a blessed one.”
“Alright—” Laszlo started plaintively.
“No, truly,” John said. He cast a glance at the door, then added, “May I confess something?”
Laszlo gave John a sideways glance, then nodded, and John took a deep breath. “I promised the good Mrs. Kreizler to keep this secret, but I feel it’s past time to tell you. The day you two met, when Sara brought her from the police station to the Institute, I heard her and Sara speaking as they left. I heard her say ‘That Kreizler fellow is quite handsome’. I confronted her on the basis of light teasing a few days later, and she implored me to not tell you. Got quite emotional about it, in fact. She said that she… She wanted to prove her place in the job. She said she didn’t want to be one of those women who joined a man’s work and fell in love and become some subservient housewife. She wanted to be a detective. But, before your wedding, she admitted to me that she was glad that what had happened had happened. She told me she couldn’t see any other life that didn’t have you in it. She told me that she had even considered naming your son after you, but she knew that you would fight her tooth and nail about that. She loves you, Laszlo, and she’ll make sure that your son does too. Hell, he’ll be proud to carry the name Kreizler. All the more so if he looks like you. Don’t be ashamed of who you are or your past. The future has yet to come and, from what I can tell, it’ll be a good future. Don’t waste it by worrying about if your son is proud of you or himself, because, frankly, that’s a fucking ridiculous thing to worry abut. He’s your son, Laszlo; the part you should worry about is how to shrink that ego that he’ll have.”
Laszlo smiled once more, and he drew John into a tight hug. The men were quiet, and John gave Laszlo a few firm pats on his back. “Thank you, John,” Laszlo said softly. “Those are kind words.”
John shrugged. “It’s the least I can do,” he said. “I suspect that you’ll wear divots on the floor if you keep pacing, though.”
“Can you blame me?” Laszlo asked. “Just beyond that door… It kills me.”
Just then, there was another cry of pain, and John heard you cry out: “Laszlo! I need you!”
Laszlo couldn’t have moved faster if he were shocked by electricity. He flew from his place on the wall and opened the door, and he was instantly by your side. John hesitated for a moment, seeing your nakedness and open legs, but Laslzo beckoned him in. John entered slowly, taking in the smell of sweat and blood, and then he really examined you. The bedsheets around you were dark with birthing fluid, your nightgown discarded on the floor. Sara sat next to you, undressed down to her underskirt, with her sleeves rolled to her elbow, holding your hand and giving you soft encouragement. Your skin was shining with strained perspiration, your hair matted to your forehead. Your bottom lip was nearly bitten raw, and your hand clambered out for Laszlo’s. Your chest heaved as you tried to breathe slowly, and Laszlo pushed your damp hair from your face. “You’re doing great,” he whispered and planted a kiss on your temple. “John, come here. Hold her hand while I check her dilation.”
The two men switched places, and you gave John Schuyler Moore a smile. “Glad you could make it, John,” you said, reaching for his face and drawing him in to put a kiss on his cheek. “Oh, Christ, it hurts.”
“I know it does,” John said gently. “But you’re being so strong. I’m proud of you.”
John looked expectantly down to Laszlo, examining you, and, when he looked at you, his eyes were tearing up. “It’s time, my beloved,” he said, and you gasped. “You need to push.”
“What? No!” you cried. Fear radiated through your body, and you sobbed. “No, it’s too early! The doctor isn’t here yet!”
“There’s no choice,” Laszlo said. He was firm, his jaw set, but you could see the emotions welling behind his eyes. He was scared too. He was as unprepared as you were. Sure, he was a doctor, but he hardly knew how to deliver a baby. “He’s coming now. Sara, run to the kitchen and get water, a clean rag, a large empty bowl, and a pair of scissors; a sharp knife would be sufficient.”
Sara nodded and, before she left, she gave you a quick kiss on your forehead. “You can do this,” she said. “I believe in you.”
You could hardly focus on your husband’s words, telling you to relax as much as possible and push when he said. The sensation of pushing was an odd one, your middle cramping with the force of it, and a whimper fell from you. You held John’s hand tightly, so tightly that your brief moments of levity from pushing had you apologizing for it, but the contraction would return, and you had to push again. Sara returned after the second bout of pushing, bearing all the tools required, and Laszlo quickly dipped his hands in the water to cleanse them. For the moment, he was bearing the dual responsibility of father and doctor, and he wore both roles on opposite sides of his face. His eyes were steadied and focused, using his Harvard-granted education, but his mouth was screwed up in concern. His forehead shined with sweat, and he paused in-between the fifth and sixth round to roll up his sleeves. Sara and John picked up the familial slack, encouraging you and helping you where they could.
Your vision grew spotty after ten rounds of intense and strenuous pushing, and you gasped out, “Las, I-I can’t do it anymore, I can’t—”
You wished that you hadn’t looked down. If you hadn’t, you wouldn’t have seen Laszlo’s white shirt spotted with blood, the stuff caked under his fingernails. The sight of it made you sniffle and hold back a gag. The wrinkles in your husband’s forehead were deep, but they dissipated when he looked at you. “Yes, you can,” Laszlo said firmly. “You’re too far along, there’s no stopping now, my love.”
“Laszlo, I can’t,” you croaked. “I can’t, I— I can hardly breathe or see, I-I cannot do it anymore!”
Laszlo paused, studying your face for a moment, and he stood up from the floor in front of bed and leaned forward to capture your chin in his hand. “You have to,” he said firmly, pressing his forehead against yours. “He’s nearly halfway out, coming feet-first. You need to finish what you’ve started, my dear. Goddamn it, finish this, for me, for you, and for him. Do you hear me? Fucking finish this.”
You nodded, gritting your teeth. Under any other circumstances, you would have slapped him outright for being so harsh with you, but you needed to hear it. You had no idea that you were that far along, and the thought that perhaps you were a few minutes away from holding your son gave you the strength you needed. You took a deep breath and readjusted your grips on Sara and John’s hands, and you waited for Laszlo to tell you to push. And you did. You felt a popping in your ears and a fierce snap in your hips, and the culmination of what felt like eons of work made you give one, hoarse, exhausted, gut-wrenching scream.
And then… There was another. But not your screams. They weren’t coming from your mouth, tearing up your throat what felt like beyond repair. No, no, they were coming from—
The soft snip of scissors interrupted the air of high shrieks, and then the weight of an even six pounds was settled on your chest. You looked down through spotted and tearful eyes, and you found a small being laying on your chest, wailing his little lungs out. All pink and wrinkled, still covered in little flecks of blood and other such stuff. He had a small swirl of dark hair atop his little head, and his mouth was like a rosebud. He had a tiny nose and, when you looked at Laszlo, you saw the same one. “Oh my God,” you gasped, instantly putting your hands on your baby’s back. “Oh my God! Hello there, baby. Oh my God, Laszlo—”
Laszlo took up John’s place at your head, and you looked to see his shirt splotched with your blood, tear tracks shining bright on his face. You had never seen him smile so big. He placed a gentle hand on his son’s back, touching him as if he would disappear the moment contact was made, and he swallowed thickly. “Welcome to the world,” he said softly, and he leaned down and settled a kiss on his son’s head. Almost instantly, he stopped his crying, devolving into quiet coos and whimpers, and you laughed.
“God, of course he loves you more,” you laughed. “Oh, Las… Oh, he’s here.”
“What’s his name?” Laszlo asked.
You didn’t have to think. You had been pondering ever since you found out you were pregnant, and you had come up with the perfect name. “Friedrich Wolfgang Kreizler,” you said.
“Nietzche, Mozart…” Laszlo mumbled, stroking his beard in wonderment. “Yes, that’ll do quite nicely, I think.”
Laszlo settled down on the bed next to you, and you carefully passed Friedrich to him. He held him in the crook of his left arm, and his heart nearly stopped when his son looked at him. Dark brown eyes, with a small dark birthmark just at the top of his left cheek. Just like Papa. “A spitting image, eh?” Laszlo chuckled lightly.
“Chip off the old block,” John chuckled. Sara moved to pull the blankets up over your body, and you captured her and pulled her into a tight hug. You whispered a “Thank you” to her, and she smiled. Sara was always so supportive in her own way, and the smile meant the world to you. “Congratulations are in order, Kreizlers.”
Kreizlers. Plural. There were three of you now, a full family. Mama, Papa, and baby. “Thank you for your help,” you told John. “I truly couldn’t have managed it without you.”
You let your head fall back on your pillow, and you glanced at the window. The sky outside was painted with ink, the smallest pinpricks of silver coming through; it had taken all day and into the night. “Is it past midnight?” you asked, and John quickly looked at his watch.
“Yes,” he said. “It’s Christmas Day.”
You laughed, and looked at Laszlo. “You did say he was the best present you’d ever gotten,” you told him.
“I did say that,” Laszlo agreed. He hadn’t taken his eyes off of Friedrich since you had given him to him. You could hardly place the emotion he had in his eyes, but you knew that it was some form of love. “I meant it then, and I mean it now.”
“I love you,” you told him.
Laszlo finally looked at you, and he saw an entirely new woman. He thought that the whole spiel about a “mother’s glow” was a myth, a way to make women feel beautiful after the strain of giving birth, but he saw it more clearly than anything. You were radiant. Your skin was sparkling and your eyes were bright, and your smile could have lit up a thousand street lamps. Motherhood suited you. “I love you too,” he said. He leaned over to kiss you, and even that felt new.
Finally, Laszlo broke the kiss, and he said, “Let me take him to get clean. You rest up, my beloved; I’ll have Cyrus bring you something to eat.”
You nodded. You had no qualms about Laszlo taking Friedrich. He was his father, after all, and you knew that Laszlo would sooner burn his library than hurt his son. “Can I have a moment alone?” you asked.
“Of course,” Sara offered. “I’m proud of you.”
“You should go hold your nephew,” you said. “That is, if Papa Bear will release him for long enough.”
The four of you laughed, and Laszlo stood up from the bed. “Get some sleep,” he said. “I’ll be back shortly.”
Laszlo could only gaze down at Friedrich as he carried him into his nursery. The place was decorated with images of animals, per your request, and John had managed to paint a collection of birds that lined the top of the walls. He took special care to wipe Friedrich clean, tilting his head as he listened to his little man’s curious vocalizations, and he chose a blanket that Lucius Isaacson had knitted to swaddle him in. Laszlo had done the stereotypical practice, tormenting the small bags of flour that sat in the kitchen, and he had gotten quite good at doing it with his one arm. He slowed to a stop, though, and he looked at his right arm for a moment. He looked back at Friedrich, seemingly asleep in his warm wool swaddle, and he took his arm by the wrist and guided it to his son. Carefully, he pressed his cheek into his palm, and his heart swooned at the feeling of his warm, soft skin against his fingers. He nearly felt like he would pass out. He loved you, yes, but he could never love anything more than the boy in front of him.
The moment was shattered, though, when, down the hall, Laszlo heard you give a clipped shout of his name. “Las—!”
“John!” Laszlo called, and John took his place with Friedrich as he raced to the bedroom. When he opened the door, he expected the worst. He expected pools of blood, perhaps a corpse, his wife and the mother of his son to have succumbed to an unknown complication in the time it took him to clean Friedrich.
He didn’t expect an empty bed and an open window, the thin curtain rustling with the breeze. He didn’t expect a small slip of paper amongst the stained sheets. He didn’t expect to read the page and grow so angry that he let out a howl of anguish: Mother Mary has delivered. She must repent. Happy Christmas, Doctor.
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bokubonk · 3 years
happy anniversary
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warnings: angst
content: hurt/comfort, angst
characters: Ushijima x gn!reader
date: 2/14/21
word count: 2.1k+
notes: Happy Valentine’s Day, my loves! Let us celebrate with some angst :)) Also I know I said it would be a few more days until I update but I just couldn’t resist writing this one.
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You approached your boyfriend once you saw the boys cleaning up after practice. You had been standing outside, waiting for your boyfriend for the past few hours. It was cold, but you didn’t mind, your excitement to celebrate your one year anniversary with Ushijima kept you warm. 
Your freezing hands were wrapped around his gift: a new volleyball. You saw that the one he had been practicing with was getting worn down from how powerful his spikes were and you wanted to get him a new one, knowing how much the sport meant to him. 
You crept into the gym as quietly as you could, not wanting to bother anyone but you saw some of the team members noticed you and they sent you small smiles after they saw the gift you were hiding behind your back. After all, they remembered that today was the date the two of you got together, their stoic captain and you, who somehow managed to put up with Ushijima’s busy schedule and look after the team like they were your own children.
Tendou and Ushijima were on the other side of the gym and you could see Ushijima being hard on himself as usual. Sweat lined his brow as he continued practicing his spikes, the force echoing throughout the gym.
You winced from how loud it was and as you came closer you locked eyes with Tendou, who waved at you and raised his eyebrows at Ushijima, exclaiming, “Oh? Look who it is, lover boy, your beloved y/n is here!”
Ushijima paused to look at you, his eyebrows furrowed and you were unsure of what to make of his expression. You knew your boyfriend wasn’t one to show emotion but the look he was giving you now wasn’t one that you were expecting, especially since today was your anniversary. 
“Go home, y/n,” he said, “I will be staying late today to practice. You should go home now. It isn’t safe to walk around alone at night.”
Your hopeful expression dropped but you tried your best to keep a smile on your face. He turned away from you and Tendou gave you a sympathetic look. It seemed Ushijima had forgotten what today was but you tried comforting yourself, reminding yourself that he was busy and that he had other priorities in his life just like you did. After all, you were both third years and there were plenty of things to worry about.
But, you couldn’t help the sinking feeling in your chest as you wished that just once, he would put more effort into your relationship. You were beginning to grow used to the ache in your chest from all the neglect you endured after Ushijima continued choosing volleyball over your dates. 
He would schedule last minute practices and leave you waiting for hours at the restaurants or the parks he promised to meet you at. You should be used to it by now, but you couldn’t help but hold onto the hope that he would change. 
You believed in his promises and even when he broke them, you told yourself it was okay, because you loved him and because he loved you, even if it didn’t seem that way sometimes.
Your cold hands clenched around his gift, the weight of the volleyball growing heavier as the seconds passed by and the lump in your throat grew. 
“Wakatoshi, I-,” you began, but he cut you off. “I do not have the time right now, y/n.”
“I need to perfect this.”
You moved your gaze away from him and stared at the ground, wishing the floor would open up and swallow you whole. You could feel the pitying gazes of the other team members as they looked at you and you hated how small you felt. 
Today was supposed to be a happy day so where did it all go wrong? What did you do to deserve being treated like this?
“But today is-,” you tried once again, your tears forcing your voice to a whisper.
“You are bothering me,” he interjected, harshly, “I am sure what you have to tell me can wait.”
You gave a small nod and began making your way out of the gym. Footsteps followed after you and for a second, you hoped it was Ushijima but when you heard a voice call your name, you felt the familiar taste of bitter disappointment. 
“Y/n, he’s just having a bad day,” Tendou consoled, his eyes widening when he saw your tear-stained cheeks. “You know he didn’t mean it.”
“Yeah, I know,” you smiled, one that clearly didn’t reach your eyes from how the frown on Tendou’s face deepened. You used the sleeves of your thin jacket to wipe away your tears before extending the gift in your hand. 
“Give it to him for me, will you?” you murmured weakly, “Make sure he doesn’t practice too late and don’t let him overexert himself.”
“No, y/n,” Tendou shook his head. “You should give it to him yourself. I’ll go grab him right now and tell him to walk you home.”
“It’s okay,” you assured him, “I’m not in the mood to celebrate anyway. I just came to drop off his gift.”
“Y/n, I’m sorry,” he frowned, his anger rising as more tears fell from your eyes. He knew how much you were looking forward to celebrating your anniversary and he felt terrible at how you were being treated by Ushijima. He wasn’t blind to all of the sacrifices you made for him and he knew it was time Ushijima stopped taking you for granted. 
“Good night, Tendou.”
The walk home was cold and lonely and you only felt worse when you woke up the next morning with a fever. But you were comforted by all the messages from Tendou and the other members asking how you were doing and interrogating you. They were seconds away from going over to your house because of your lack of response when you assured them you were doing fine and sent them a picture of yourself in bed, saying you had a fever.
Even with the group chat blowing up, there was still no response from Ushijima and you wondered if he just didn’t care. 
Your thoughts were swarmed with insecurities and before you knew it, you were sobbing into your pillow. 
Does he even love me?
You tried remembering a time where he actually said those three words, but you found you couldn’t. A year of dating and “I love you” never escaped his lips. A year of being treated like a second choice. A year of putting his feelings first and getting your heart stomped on.
You were tired and you didn’t know how much longer this cycle of disappointment could go on. 
You were torn out of your thoughts when you heard the front door open and the low murmur of voices before heavy footsteps began approaching your room. You pulled the covers over your head, hiding your messy hair and your swollen face. 
The door creaked as it opened and you peeked through the small opening of the blanket, your mouth dropping in surprise when you saw a large figure standing in your bedroom.
“Ushijima?” you questioned, sitting up abruptly before wincing at your nausea caused by the sudden movement.
He stopped examining all the photos in your room and turned around to face you, his eyes widening when he saw your red-rimmed eyes. He barely registered the fact that you called him by his last name and not his first, his main focus was what made you cry. 
“What’s wrong, y/n?” he asked, worry clearly written on his face. “Why are you crying?”
“Why are you here, Ushijima?” you asked instead, bringing your gaze to your fidgeting fingers, a habit you did when you were nervous.
“You are sick so I brought medicine and food to help you recover,” his eyebrows furrowed at your question and the lack of excitement in your tone when before, you always greeted him with a smile. It was one of his favorite things about you and he was beginning to miss it. 
“Well, as you can see, I’m fine. You can just leave the medicine and go. I wouldn’t want to interfere with your practice,” your tone was harsh and left no room for argument. 
You were angry, Ushijima finally realized. The hurt expression on your face wasn’t one he was used to and he didn’t know how to fix it. His heart shattered as your chin began to tremble and tears trailed down your cheeks. 
He remembered the harsh words he gave you and the fact that he made you walk home alone and he opened his mouth to apologize when he heard you whisper, “Do you even remember what day it was yesterday?”
His silence answered your question and you let out a bitter laugh, sliding back under the covers and turning away from him. “Just go away, Ushijima.”
“Please,” your voice cracked as you held back a sob. 
He stared at your shaking form, a frown tugging at his lips but he listened to you words and exited your room, the door letting a resounding click as it closed.
Despite your words, you hoped he would stay but you figured this was just another disappointment to add to the list. The thought only made you cry more and Ushijima listened just on the other side of the door, wondering what he could do to fix this.
You wondered if this was the end of your relationship and after an hour of crying, you finally fell asleep. By the time you woke up, daylight had faded and your room was now shrouded in darkness. 
You were creeped out by how silent the house was but you figured it was time to get out of bed and get something to eat. You walked downstairs and heard the shuffling of footsteps. 
“Mom?” you called out, now a little nervous that an intruder had somehow gotten in while you were sleeping. 
You tiptoed your way into the living room, only for a scream to lodge itself in your throat as the lights suddenly flickered on. Ushijima stood there in a suit with a cake in his hands. 
“Ushijima?” you gasped, “What are you doing here?”
He placed the cake on a table nearby and walked towards you, cupping your cheeks in between his large hands. You were too surprised to react, still shocked by the fact that he was still here and he hadn’t left. 
“I am sorry, y/n,” he said, his voice soft as he struggled to convey his feelings. “You mean so much to me and I never wanted to hurt you. I didn’t mean to forget our anniversary.”
You came to your senses once you heard his words and you stepped back, letting his hands fall from your face. 
“It’s not just that, Ushijima,” you whispered, “I’m just tired. I’m tired of always being a second choice to volleyball and always putting in all the effort only to receive none in return.”
He thought of all the times he rescheduled your dates or came late because he chose to spend more time practicing and guilt washed over him. Ushijima never realized just how much you did for him. He was blind to your suffering and now he was facing the consequences.
“I will be better,” he promised. There was no hint of hesitation in his voice. He truly meant it and you could feel your walls slowly crumbling once again. “I will be someone who is worthy of you. Just give me a second chance to prove my love to you.”
Your breath caught and time stumbled.
“You love me?”
You didn’t expect him to confess and now that he had, you were completely powerless to stopping yourself from falling for him once again. The ache in your chest was replaced with warmth and you found the smallest of smiles forming on your lips.
“I always have,” he replied, reaching up to rub a thumb across your cheekbone. He leaned down to kiss your forehead before touching his lips to your eyelids. His face was centimeters away from yours when he pulled back, “Can I kiss you?”
You nodded and he pulled you closer. The both of you missed each other and the kiss was soft but desperate. You could feel the familiar butterflies making themselves known as he pulled away and gave you one of his rare smiles, the one he only gave you. “Happy belated anniversary, my love.”
“Happy anniversary, Wakatoshi.”
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zv5x · 3 years
What if reader was really obsessed with Senpai, [like they played his game everyday whenever they can, literally memorizing all the choices and reactions, all that jazz] And they found a way into the game?? Basically yan!reader x Senpai
Also idk if these are taken but could i please be 🥀 or 💐 anon?? Tyssm!!
You can most definitely have those Anons! Either one you want since they're both open! Also omg??? I absolutely love this consept!! Thanks so much for requesting it! Remember to stay safe and take care of yourself!
( :̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)
You hummed, gently tracing a finger across your television screen as the familiar menu music played oh-so beautifully. It was truly the peak of music in your eyes, not that it had any right to be anything but however. What would you do if the game that inhabited your beloved soulmate was anything but remarkable? It would be nothing short of blasphemy, that was to be for certain.
Under any other circumstance, you'd be turning this game on simply to see the man that made your entire universe go round. To just talk to him, read those dialogue screens with the same amount of interest you had before you memorized everything the absolute angel had to say, to just be in his presence for as long as you could. Every second you spent around him made your world feel a little bit purer, he made everything feel like it was going to be okay.
Today, however, marked the day that you would be the one giving to him, instead of just he giving everything he could to you. It broke your heart that you couldn't do anything to repay Senpai for his kindness, almost as much as it broke your heart when you forced yourself to obtain a negative game ending for curiosities sake. Your body fell under a deep, agonizing sickness every time you even pondered about whether or not Senpai realize how truly adored he was. That is why you did everything in your power to make sure you could show your love to him.
You went through every library in your area and even beyond that reading various literature pieces regarding dimensional travel, as you assumed that is what it would take to finally be with him physically in his very world. By the time a few days passed, you considered yourself a master of the subject.
Your once clean desk was now cluttered and messy as you went over a final draft for your plans. It was simple, really, to simple. It was quite inconvenient that you only had to rely on books that were written before video games were even established on the consumer market, but it would have to do. Search engines were deemed unreliable from the minute you began doing your research on them - believing that you were intending to enter the video game industry rather than physically entering the universe of a certain title.
Eventually, you stood in front of Senpai with grand confidence, and with a promise to fufil. Soon, you'd be within his physical reach. He was smiling at you, saying words of such love and adoration, as if he was breaking through the bounds of the games script just to praise you for your hard work. Within the next hour, you'd have paid your debt to your beloved. His hard work and determination to make this relationship work would finally be appreciated by his one true love.
Giving the pixelated figure a gentle kiss, you laid back on the floor and relaxed your entire body, thinking solely of who you were trying to meet and exactly what you wanted to accomplish. You remembered reading in one of your covered books that the main method of dimensional travel was complete detachment from your physical self in this reality. Of course, your fears of not being able to meet Sen were immediately eased, considering you felt you have long mastered the art of depersonalization.
Soon, you felt yourself grow tired. Maybe that was a sign everything was falling in to place, or maybe it was just your lack of proper sleep catching up to you the moment it saw the opportunity. You hoped the second reason wasn't the case, and you quickly focused your thoughts back onto your goals as everything faded into a calming black.
You truly had no way of knowing how long you were out for, but what you did know was that the climate felt noticably different from your room. The air felt pure, clean and just the perfect amount of coldness to make breathing a genuinely enjoyable necessity. As soon as your eyes opened, you were met with a figure standing closely in front of your face. Upon waking up just for a few more seconds, your eyes quickly widened and your heart began to pound in an extremely fast paced rythem. It was him. It was your cherished, beloved Senpai.
"Ah, there you are!" He sighed in relif, gently patting your head as he gave you a reassuring smile. "I thought you'd never wake up, I was so worried!"
"Sen-Senpai?!" You immediately sat up, prompting him to give you a soft laugh as he sat you back down into a more relaxed position. He hummed and nodded his head, looking at you with a look of such elegant care that it made your heart completely swell.
"I appreciate you being so happy to see me dear, but I can't have you moving too much after you just woke up. It must have been a nasty fall for you to be out for so long..." He gave you a slight pout, and you stared at him for a moment whist blinking.
For some reason, he didn't seem as...happy to see you as you would have expected. You wanted to feel a form of disappointment, but everything had its reason, and you had to ask Senpai before making assumptions.
"Sen...do you know who I am?"
You asked, and all he did was tilt his head. "Well, no, I assumed you were a new student at first..." He gave a nervous giggle, before rubbing the back of his neck. "Have we...met before...?"
Your heart sunk. He didn't...he didn't remember you? No, that couldn't have been the case. The love the two of you felt was too strong for him to just forget. Maybe something needed to just jog his memory.
"M-my name is (Y/N), I told you my name was (N/N), we spent entire days together, I got all of your games endings, we've been through so much together Sen! Please, try and remember!" The desperation in your voice was as clear as day, and even Senpai felt it. He looked down for a moment, trying to throw your name through every inch of his mind. Until, he hit a mark.
All those times he spent with you, the good, the bad, everything you gave to him and everything you did for him. It was you! His player, his (Y/N)! Suddenly, you saw his eyes brighten and tears prick his pretty blue eyes. Letting out a choked gasp of pure bliss, he threw himself into your arms and pressed his forehead lovingly against yours. Of course, you immediately wrapped your arms around his perfect form, peppering him with as many kisses as you could manage and moving your arms up to be able to run your fingers through his hair. It was just as soft as his game sprites made it look. Absolutely perfection. You knew you had no reason to worry, you just needed to jog Senpai's memory a bit. After all, how could he forget the love of his life?
"I-I can't believe I'm finally able to meet you, (Y/N)..." He said, his normally perfectly silky voice trembling with euphoria. "Please...never leave me..." A soft sniffle could be heard as he nuzzled his head into you and completely laid himself onto you, and you promptly gripped him as tightly as you could without bringing him harm.
"Don't you worry, Senpai..."
You said, leaning back slightly to be able to look him in his pretty eyes. You made him a promise from the moment you saw him, and you could never even think of letting a person as pure and perfect as Senpai down.
"I'll be by your side forever." Kissing him gently on the top of his head, you smiled and rested your cheek upon it. "I wouldn't dare let anything tear us apart."
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