#—ask game: temp closed
thesmallonesblog · 5 months
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Soft Moments with Seungcheol
Princess Treatment - this man will forever treat you like you're his own personal princess. To him you are everything and he wants to make sure that you have everything you could ever need or want and more. From little things like being his designated forever passenger princess in total control of music, temp and horrible road trip games. To never being able to stop himself from buying you things he sees that remind him of you, would think you would like or remembers you saying that you needed or liked. He's on it ALWAYS. He even has an ongoing note on is phone keeping track of things you've mentioned in passing that he can use later to bring you home little just because or pick me up treats. Even when he's away he would make sure that you are comepletly taken care of. He would be the type to have schdueled groceries delivered of all your favourite things so that you could have more time to yourself, insist getting someone to drive you around and have someone around to clean your palces. He wants you to be able to spend time doing the things that you love, never wanting and having it all.
Open Listener - He wants you to feel heard, it doesnt matter if you think its something so silly hes there to listen. He never wants you to hide your thoughts and feelings from him so he makes sure to always provide a safe space for you to open to him about anything. Whenever you wanted to talk he would always put aside what he was doing and focus all his attention on you. If you weren't ready to talk yet he would allow you into his arms, holding you close until you found the words you wanted to say. He would let you get it all out, raw and unfiltered before he would comment on anything. His top priority was always to ensure you were able to express you feeling freely and without jugdment or without something trying to persude you away from certain feelings. He would listen to every word you'd have to say and at the end he would ask you what you wanted from him: advice, what his take on it was, a gossip session etc.
Always on his Mind - it wouldn't matter the distance that was between the two of you, it couldnt stop his mind from always wondering back to you. Cheol would constantly be reminding you that you were always a priority in his life no matter how caotic it would get. The reminders would come in all different forms. Throughout the day he would constantly be sending you little messages ranging from asking you about your day, reminding you to take care of yourself, videos he saw that he thought would make you laugh and pictures of things he saw while out that he thought you would like. He would send you voice notes just rambling, updating you on all the things that were going on, reminding you of how much he missed you and how much he wished you were right beside him now. It wouldnt' matter if he was away or laying beside you every night - he would always be sending or bringing you little presents as a form of expressing his affection for you. When he couldnt take the distance anymore, it would be nothing for him to tell you to book time off of work since he booked flight to come meet him wherever he was to spend a week with him.
Always wanting you close - You are his safe place, his happy place, the one place he feels like he can be totally and utterly himself. You make him feel whole, complete and he wants nothing more to feel that always. He would never admit it to you but when you're not near him apart of him feels broken. Any second he could spend with you he would make sure he could, he wouldnt be able to get enough of you no matter if you had been attached to the hip everyday for a month. He would never tire of having you in his space, in your space. You were home to him. Just having you in the same house as him, not even the same room would calm his mind and he'd feel the warmth in his heart increase. Wherever he'd go he'd want you to be there with him, experince everything with him and share every moment with him.
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ym523 · 3 months
ℹ️ Blog Information ℹ️
Hi friends! - 🌟 I've created this pinned post to address some of the common questions I receive. I'll do my best to keep it updated regularly. Thank you for all the love and support! 💖
❌ Request Status: CLOSED
✅Commission Status: OPEN
❓Do you do commissions?
For the first time, I have just opened temp commissions, if you are interested, you can contact me in the form here: https://ym523.carrd.co/
❓What 3D program do you use?
❓Do you have a Twitter?
❓Do you have a Reddit?
❓Where you you get your models?
Deviantart or I extract them from the game itself.
❓What are the rules for requests?
Feel free to request anything from any fandom! I'll do my best to bring your prompt to life. While I'm gradually becoming more open to explicit content (within limits) and ensuring nothing offensive is created, I'll always prioritise creating content that's respectful and enjoyable for everyone.
❓Where can I submit a request?
Please submit your requests via my ask box! If there's a need for private communication or exchange of information, feel free to DM me.
❓Do you have/know any tutorials?
Not particularly, but there are plenty of resources online that can help. I mostly learned by experimenting with the software, so I might not be the most adept teacher! 😅
❓Do you do custom Tav requests (BG3)?
I can, provided you can supply me with an animation-ready 3D model (including textures) that I can import into Blender.
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s0lam33y · 8 months
shuriri hcs p2
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they FaceTime at horrible times because of their time difference but neither of them really complain.
Riri’s homegirls thought she was delusional bc she was going off of CRUMBS. (Shuri didn’t speak often but not because she didn’t like her, simply because she had no idea how.)
“I swear she wants me.”
“All She did was text hello.”
“Girl literally shut the fuck up, I can’t have shit.”
Temp wise. Shuri’s always too cold and Riri’s always too hot so cuddling is an issue. Taking showers together is an issue too.
“The water is too damn cold.”
“It’s fine, the water doesn’t need to be scalding.”
Once Shuri creased one of Riri’s shoes and it took everything in Riri not to have a reaction.
“It’s fine.”
“I’ll buy you a new pair-“
“They’re limited, it’s okay. Really it’s fine.”
Her eye started twitching.
Shuri’s biggest pet peeve is when Riri interrupts her in the bathroom with her speaker. She’s always blasting music and Shuri sees it as her own version of ‘me time’.
“Rianna, turn that music down.”
“Girl—-this is Mariah Carey, it’s her old shit.”
Shuri will close the door on her.
One of Riri’s pet peeves is when Shuri drives her car like it’s her own and not only that she always leaves an empty cup in there.
When they face time, on of them is always asleep. Most of the time it’s Riri.
Riri kisses her teeth after Shuri irritates her and it always makes the Royal do a 360.
“What was that?”
Shuri’s phone is always dying when they go out so she and Riri practically share Riri’s phone all the time.
They know how to braid each others hair but don’t like doing each others hair.
The public only knows they’re dating because of photos of them front row at multiple bull games. At first, Riri was anxious about it but stopped caring after a little.
Shuri can’t dance and when Riri invites her to parties the only thing she’ll do is a little two step.
“You not gon dance?”
“This isn’t enough?”
When they went to go visit Riri’s mom, Her mother wanted to help Shuri unpack and…opened the wrong backpack up.
“I can explain.”
“Please do not.”
They had to keep the door wide open that night. (Riri’s mom said so.)
Riri likes to pick at Shuri’s face when she sees a mark or pimple and it pisses Shuri off bad.
“You’re going to make it worse.”
“No, I’ll just-“
“Do not.”
Shuri stopped buying Riri jewelry often because she realized that Riri’s very messy and loses her stuff often.
When they go to fancy events together, they look like they want to go home. It’s so obvious and they only straighten up when they see a Dora or someone walk around them.
They can’t go to intimate dinners because they can’t be serious so they end up being a little too loud.
They can’t play video games together because Riri taps out the minute she loses and declares a rematch before the game can end.
“This shit is rigged-“
“We haven’t finished.”
Shuri is actually very scared of Horror movies and refuses to watch them.
Riri sometimes lies on her back in her sleep and Shuri thinks it’s the weirdest thing ever (I agree.)
Sometimes they wear each others clothes like sweats, etc and don’t even realize until they step out.
Riri makes Shuri take her photos for all her Instagram post and Shuri hates doing it because of how picky she gets.
“It’s fine, is this for vogue?”
“No, now lower the phone and take this photo.”
Shuri is the sassiest person known to man and her comebacks during arguments make Riri’s eye twitch.
“I said what I said.”
“I didn’t ask.”
Shuri CAN’T watch a movie without bashing it every two seconds.
“What’s the use in having them run if the area is limited?”
“Just watch.”
Riri can’t watch a movie without asking questions.
“When did he die?”
“Riri, please- hold on.”
When Riri leaves the house, Shuri takes her jewelry (her chains, rings, etc) and wears them as her own. Riri notices her collecting them and lets her.
They pick up each other’s facial expressions and look at each other when someone around them says something real stupid.
They played just dance one time and Shuri injured herself somehow so they haven’t played it since.
Riri did in fact take Shuri to Coachella at some point because Shuri had mentioned it a couple of times.
They’re the type of couple that will share two earbuds so they can listen to music together.
When they’re on missions/programs together they can never stay serious.
“ Is she really a villain? I mean she’s kinda bad-“
“You don’t like my new suit?”
“I didnt-“
“Just say you don’t want me anymore.”
“You’re dramatic, get up.”
“What if I was actually dead?”
“Then you’re…dead or with the ancestors? I don’t know man.”
“I truly cannot stand you.”
“For the love of God, I never said she was pretty. I said-“
“You said she’s smart, that’s so much worse.”
this had been sitting in my drafts for far too long.
@imnotb @sapphicsourcee @xchoxix
k bye bye till November pookiees 🩵
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supernaturalgirl20 · 1 year
The Viper
Pairings: Oberyn Martell x f!reader
Warnings: Smut 18+ (not with reader), explicit, cursing, kidnapping, sexual thoughts, violence, mention of assault (very brief), mind games.
Summary: Oberyn is becoming enamoured by you, stirring feelings he thought long buried. His plan is set in motion. Temp you to the dark side.
A/N: completely forgot to post this earlier. Anyway, here it is 🥰 it will be told in dual POV. Each part jumps from reader to Oberyn.
Series Masterlist
Comments and reblogs really appreciated 🥰
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He could feel the ghost of your touch as he walked away from your room. The warmth of your hand on his thigh sparked something in him that he didn’t think he would ever feel again. Certainly not for a Lannister, but he couldn’t deny that you were different. That something about you drew him in like a moth to a flame. 
It didn’t help that you were beautiful. Or that the dress you had on clung to your curves in all the right ways. You were a temptress sent to test him and he was loath to give in. He was going to have to be careful. He couldn’t let you get under his skin. Or into his heart. He had plans and catching feelings, wasn’t one of them. 
The sound of laughter pulled him from his thoughts as he made his way through the house. Specifically, Ellaria’s, and he knew there was only one person who made her laugh like that. 
Oberyn was furious. His mind replayed the way he had been with you and a burning rage filled his veins as he stalked towards him. How dare he touch you like that. How dare he touch any woman like that. 
He wasn’t in the habit of hurting women, never had been, but even more so now after what happened to his sister. So, when he entered the doorway of your room and saw the way he was touching you, had heard the words he spoke, he wanted nothing more than to drive a knife through his heart. 
“What the hell was that?” He snarled, his voice echoing through the air. Jaron had been sitting with his arm around Ellaria whispering into the shell of her ear when he flinched at the sound of his boss's voice. 
“Boss.” He stuttered as he jumped to his feet, eyes shifting nervously around the room, hoping one of the other men would step in and save him. They didn’t. 
“I asked you a question. I expect an answer.” His fists were clenched at his side as he tried to restrain himself. 
“Come on, boss. I was just trying to scare the girl. Wasn’t gonna do anything.” He chuckled, shifting from one foot to the other. 
“Didn’t look that way to me,” Oberyn growled, his breaths becoming shorter with each word he spoke.  “You know how I feel about the matter.”
“Don’t know why you’re getting so worked up anyway, ain’t she a Lannister? If it were me, I’d have my way with her and then throw her to the wolves.” Oberyn growled, charging toward Jaron and pinning him against the wall.
 The sound of Jaron choking as Oberyn cut off his air had caused Ellaria to stand and gently place her hand on his arm, hoping to calm him. Just like it had many times before, but it didn’t ease the rage that was burning like wildfire within him. 
“Get. Your. Hand. Off. Me,” he roared, and she flinched, quickly removing her hand from him. His gaze remained focused on Jaron as he began to slowly lose consciousness. “You ever touch her again, and I won’t hesitate to kill you. Lannister or not, while she remains here, she’s under my protection. Got it?”
He releases his hand from around Jarons neck and he quickly takes in a gasped breath. He nods his head, avoiding Oberyn’s gaze. 
“That goes for everyone in this room. The Martell family doesn’t hurt women. Anyone who thinks otherwise will be killed by me.” 
“Got it, boss.”
“Understood, boss.” It chorused around the room, the men moving aside as Oberyn moved passed them towards his office. The door slammed behind him and once in the safety of his own space, he closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. 
Opening them slowly again, his gaze turned towards the monitor which gave him a clear view of your room, of you sitting on the bed where he’d left you. 
His jacket was still draped over your shoulders, and he couldn’t get the image of you standing in front of him with nothing on, only his jacket, out of his head. His cock stirred to life for the second time tonight and as much as he wanted to whip his cock out and wrap his hand around it, tugging himself as he came to the sight of you on his screen, he couldn’t. 
Reaching into his pocket he grabbed his phone and dialled Trystane, “Boss?” His voice sounded through the phone. “I want someone for the night.”
“Anyone in particular?” Trystane asked, the sound of his keys jingling on the other end. 
“Rosa,” Oberyn says before hanging up. If he couldn’t have you, then he would bury himself in someone who resembled you. 
Twenty minutes later a knock sounded at his door, and he lifted his gaze from the paper in front of him. “Come in.”
Rosa sauntered in, closing and locking the door behind her as she swayed her hips with each step, she took towards him. 
Oberyn’s gaze trailed up and down the curve of her body and it wasn’t lost on him how the dress she wore was very similar to yours. A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. 
Rosa gasped when he stood suddenly and grabbed her, flipping her around and bending her over his desk. 
He didn’t have time for foreplay tonight. He needed to get relief, and he needed it now. He undid his trousers, letting them fall to his knees as he lifted Rosa’s dress finding her bare beneath. 
He groaned and a small squeak escaped her lips when he spanked her ass. Grabbing her hair he pulled her back toward him. “The only sound I want to hear from you is you moaning my name. Got it?”
Rosa shivered, feeling his hot breath on her skin. “Yes sir.” Pushing her back down onto the desk, he ran his lined himself up and thrust into her. 
Her moans echoed through the room, and he kept his grip on her head so she wouldn’t look back at him. He needed to keep the illusion that she was you. 
His eyes drifted to the monitor and the sight of you pulling his jacket tighter around you had him cumming hard. “Fuck,” he groaned, his hips faltering to a stop. 
“That was amazing,” Rosa said, groaning when he pulled out of her. Oberyn pulled up his trousers and fixed himself before turning to her and ordering her out. 
“I thought you’d like it if I waited and sucked your cock.”
“Get out,” he shouted, his face stern as he watched her scramble out the door.  There was only one set of lips he pictured wrapped around his cock, and it wasn’t hers. 
Oberyn sat for what felt like hours in his office, watching you on the screen as you flitted about the room. He was going to find it hard to give you up and he didn’t even know you. 
“Trystane,” he called through the radio. “Yeah, boss.”
“Take Y/N to my room and let her shower. Give her a new set of clothes and have dinner brought to my room.” Oberyn sat back in his chair lifting his feet onto his desk. 
“Sure thing, boss.” The radio crackled to life again as Oberyn held the button. “And Trystane, make it dinner for two.”
Oberyn couldn’t help the smile that threatened to make its way onto his face as he watched you curl into a ball on the cot. You were a sweet innocent little lamb, and he was the devil sent to corrupt you. 
The sound of his phone vibrating with a text pulls his gaze away from you. 
Tell me when and where. And don’t you lay a finger on my daughter, or I’ll end you, Martell. 
Oh, I won't lay a finger on her, I’ll put my goddamn hands all over her. I’ll reach out and grip her close as she rides my cock. Oberyn thought as he looked at the monitor again.
He was going to take you from your family, in more ways than one.
Part 3
Everything: @maievdenoir @amneris21 @hnt-escape @elegantduckturtle @harriedandharassed @jediknight122 @ayrusss @hayley-the-comet @sherala007 @alexxavicry @scorpio-marionette @donnaa @practicalghost @tanzthompson @beskarprincessjenny @littlemisspascal @icanbeyourjedi @thatpinkshirt @maryfanson @sunnshineeexoxo @misspearly1 @misspearlssideblog @athalien @its--fandom--darling @sara-alonso @doommommy @browneyes-issac @trickstersp8 @nembees @kaitieskidmore1 @mswarriorbabe80 @allthe-ships @tintinn16 @hungrhay @rosie-posie08 @manuymesut @all-the-way-down-here @iccedays @tusk89 @graciexmarvel @pedrostories @musings-of-a-rose @untitledarea @your-voice-is-mellifluous @majestyjade @avengersfan25 @angstismydrug @everythingfan @pedrosbum @ryangoslingstanktop
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strangelittlestories · 3 months
When you have trudged unwilling far enough down the road of desperation, you might spy a crooked little path leading off into the woods signposted ‘opportunity’.
You must be eagle-eyed to spot it. That or you must have friends who will give you crude, hand-drawn map.
So it was in your case. As your savings flatlined and the financial doctors behind their plaguemasks stopped even returning your calls, a friend passed on a business card.
It was good money, they assured you. Very legit. Referral only. An exclusive service.
If anything, the ‘exclusive’ nature of it was what stopped you from getting in touch. You were fairly sure you weren’t *deserving* of an elite get-out-of-money-jail free club.
But eventually, you got far enough down the road that you knew this was your only exit. It was this or enter the Bankruptcy Games.
You made the call.
“So, you’re a temp agency?”
“*The* Temp Agency, in fact.” Said the suit with a face. “It’s a great deal. You come to work, you close your eyes, and you wake 8 hours later and 8 hours older. It’s like being paid to sleep, only without the rest.”
“But if I’m not doing anything, what are you paying me for?”
“For your time, of course. There’s always a market for it.” The suit with a face smiled the *idea* of a smile which contained within it the *idea* of sharp canines. “It’s the one true currency. The ‘hour standard’.”
“...I thought procrastination was the thief of time.”
“Procrastination is a moocher who never did anything for you, darling. We offer a 401k.”
“I still don’t really know what that is.”
“No-one does. But, believe me, you want one.”
After your first few visits, you began to get some faint ideas of how the enterprise worked. When you got into the slim glass pod, you noticed the telltale whine of a consciousness disruptor. You’d used them in work once, before you caught ethics.
So … the time was not simply siphoned out of you, There was a *process* that required you to be un-awake.
The next visit, you asked an old friend for a 3D bug. It was all organic neuron circuitry in a collagen case - slipped beneath the dermis, it was virtually undetectable.
When you played back the recording, you saw the strangest scene.
After you were rendered unconscious, face-in-the-suit opened a small hatch and a crowd of tiny 8-inch humanoids thronged through. They knelt in front of your pod and began *praying*. They praised your name, begged intercession, then praised your name some more.
They had made a god of you - a strange kind of chrono-theology.
Only your followers did not ask you to give them their daily bread, but simply to give them *days*.
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kessellluvr · 6 months
playing dangerous - NSFW
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kink-/fluffmas day six
distracting hayley while knuck is in jail :0
pairing: dom!hayley (outlaws 2017) x afab!reader
warnings: cheater!hayley, sub!reader, fingering, face riding, bondage, office sex, jealous sex
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you and hayley had known eachother for about three years now, always got along.. well about a week after knuck was sent to jail you’d notice hayley’s changed behaviour - she was more bossy, more dominant. you wondered why she acted like this towards you but you never really questioned it.
you were apart of their club for about 3 years. you’d always loved driving the bike and since your older brother was a part of the copperheads australia - you decided to join too. you helped them out in the clubhouse, serving drinks at the bar. you were gorgeous so of course, some of the men came to flirt with you.. but you werent intrested in them at all.
you’d notice hayley trying to not stare to obvious whenever one of them old creeps tried to hit on you, you just knew she was boiling with jealousy.
..one night after the club had closed for the day - at around 2am, you finished cleaning some shot glasses, it was only you and hayley in the club and she was drunk… anytime her man wasnt around she would just drink, not even caring if ot affected her behaviour. you quietly sang along with the music playing in the background, using two fingers and your towel to dry out the inside of a shot glass. you were pretty sure hayley couldnt hear your humming, she was probably already in a deep sleep upstairs in her office. you finished all your little glasses and put them in the cabinet, drying off your hands before going to check on hayley one last time.
you softly knocked the door to her office and heard her groan. “who is it?!” she exclaimed - you turned the handle and stood in the doorway, seeing her laying on the sofa. “oh you..” she murmed to herself, her tone a little more.. excited maybe? she gestured for you to come sit next to her, so you closed the door behind you and sat down next to her, she sat up straight and looked down at you. “you know.. i dont like seeing those weirdos hitting on you.” she said, trailing her index finger along your jawline, making you shiver. you were suprised by her words “oh.. why?” you asked her, looking up into her brown eyes with a red shimmer, the perfect contrast to your light, innocent ones. hayley’s hand went to wrap around your neck - your eyes widening, “..cause youre mine..” she hissed, her grip wasn’t painful but also not very comfortable.. but you couldnt help but feel the dampness in your panties growing. “y-yours..?” you squeezed out and she kept intense eye contact, her grip tightening slightly to drive home her point. “mine.” she whispered in a deep tone, her hand leaving your neck and placing both on either side of your hips - pulling you up onto her lap, you whimpered silently. she grinned at you and the back of her hand went to caress your cheek “dont be scared.. ill keep you safe..“ she said, her tone softening.
you looked down at her face, your lips parted, wanting nothing more than to pull her in for a kiss. „do it..“ she temped, as if she could see right through you. you knew this was a dangerous game.. but you slowly leant in, her soft plump lips crashing into yours as she pulled your closer by your ass, hands grasping desperately. as you started making out - whimpering and not caring if any of the other men in the house heard. you slowly ground your hips against hers - trying to hint what you wanted, your panties were completely soaked at this point.
hayley pulled away and flipped your down so you laid on your back on the couch, hayley straddling your hips. „hold your hands together above your head..“ she commanded in a whisper, you nodded, holding your wrist together above your head and watching her take off her shirt, using it as ‚rope‘ to secure your wrists together. you couldnt help bur stare at her bra clad breasts, feeling a deep lust to feel them.. as you were busy staring at her tits, her hands moved to undo the buttons of your jeans, shoving them down and throwing them aside and revealing your panties.. and the wet spot on them. „awh look at that..“ she hummed, trailing a finger up your clothed slit before slipping it into your panties and tugging them down to your ankles. „youre so so wet.. do you really like me that much, hmm?“ and you nodded. „y-yes.. youre so.. fine..“ you managed to stutter out - causing her smirk to widen, she let her middle and ring finger wander up your slit once more, making your squirm and whimper. she used her thumb to tease your swollen, slightly wet clit before pushing her fingers into your throbbing hole - making your moan loudly, followed by you biting your lip and your cheeks turning red with embarrassment. „dont hold back, little one.. let them know what im making you feel.“
she kept finger-fucking you like that, your hips thrusting in rhythm with her fingers, desperate moans escaping your lips as you felt yourself nearing climax - your eyes rolling back in your skull as she curled her long, slendery fingers. your legs shuddering as you cried out in pleasure, your ejaculate came dripping out your cunt as she pulled her fingers out, looking at your with those hungry eyes. „good girl..“
as you came down from your high she tightened the restraints around your wrists once more, she undid her ripped jeans and threw them aside alomg with her panties too. she positioned her hips over your face „now your gonna eat mommy like the good slut you are.. yeah?“ she demanded, locking her cunt onto your lips - you welcomed her, of course. licking a long stripe from her hole to her clit before taking the bundle of nerves between your lips and starting to suck it carefully. hayls let out a soft moan, her hips started grinding against your face - trying to get more friction so you started sucking harder and more desperately, occasionally dipping your tounge into her pussy - as deep as you could. as you felt hayley’s breath get more ragged and her hip movements more messy, you knew she was close and you wanted nothing more than to see this woman cum for you.
and just like that.. a few more sucks and licks and she was cumming for you, her warmth spilling onto your lips - you, of course, eagerly swallowing them. when hayley catched her breath, she collapsed onto your chest, cheek pressing against your breast. she looked up at you and smiled - leaning in to give you a forehead kiss „mine.“
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oncasette · 6 months
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hello my loves! ik i've been so inactive the last couple months but i'm finally through with the semester and i wanted to do a little something to get back into the swing of things! in perfect timing, also, my birthday was last week and i just hit 3k! so please! feel free to participate and send in whatever you want! :)
nav — guide — masterlist — closes dec. 31
BON TEMPS, LOUISIANA. send in a character from my guide + a concept for a drabble!
FANGTASIA. send in a character from my guide + one of the prompts below for a drabble!
misc — misc2 — soft smut — kisses — exes to lovers
MERLOTTE'S. send in anything for a moodboard! (character + concept, aesthetic, blog theme, etc.)
JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI. send in this to force me to write one of the asks in my ask box! if you're feeling frisky, send in a character to see if there's something already in the box for them!
MOON GODDESS EMPORIUM. send in anything for a web weave (mood, character, etc.)
FORT BELLEFLEUR. send in a number 1-215 for a song + my favorite lyrics from that song!
HOTEL CARMILLA. send an emoji for an edit i have saved!
HOTSHOT, LOUISIANA. games! (fmk, cyma, fuck marry kill, association*, etc.)
*mutuals can send in an emoji and i'll give a paragraphed list of things that remind me of them
mutuals! @lyndys @blxckmoral @deathmotif @heartmorgue @ackermanbaby @venuslore @lovings4turn @dunster @bradshawsweetheart @sebsxphia @maroon-winestain @bcyhoods @rafeology @wolvisms @bradleybeachbabe @beskaryce @moremaybank @thyme-in-a-bubble @cosmal @masivechaos @aemondvelaryon @rafesmuse @oldtowrs @sugarsaints @littledemondani @bruisedboys @coconutcordiale @inklore @gretagerwigsmuse @dameronscopilot @sunderlust @glodessa @hope-drunk @ladylannisterxo @seasonsbloom @fitzells @zstrn @blondedmuse @sapphireplums @ohcaptains @mortensharket @bl00d-bunny @ikissdin
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graciegoeskrazy · 7 months
Hi!!! Can you do a Matty + Daughter oneshot where she's sick with a stomach bug on tour or something, and Matty is just being the best dad ever and taking care of her.
I'm struggling BADLY with a stomach bug and need some dad!matty support 😭🫶
Human Too
pairings: Matty Healy + Daughter!reader
a/n: ANON NOOOOO! i’m sending all my good energy to you who i can only imagine is curled up in bed reading this. PLEASE let me know how you’re doing! I hope you enjoy :)
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The band was playing at Madison Square Garden. Although they played it just last year and countless times before, it was still a huge deal. You were immensely proud of him and were excited to watch the show from the pit for their two-day run which you had never done before. It was very exciting.
After an early soundcheck, your father headed back to the dressing room to check on you and tell you that he was going for a meal with the boys. He noticed you’ve been acting off all morning. You just weren't as energetic as you used to be. He chalked it up to you just being tired. Your father knows you like the back of his hand. He can read you easier than a book, knows when you’re lying, and can always see right through you. It’s like a spidey sense but for being a single dad. You were lying on the couch curled up into a blanket with the lights off. When he flipped the switch on, you groaned but still not moving. “You alright, Darling?” He asked. You didn't answer. Instead, just laid there without saying a word. His first instinct was to check your temp. He sat next to you on the couch, moving your legs to make room. He pressed his hand lightly to your forehead. You winced a bit. “Oh, love.” You slowly unfurled from your little cocoon and sat up slowly. Keeping the blanket still wrapped around yourself. “Why do I feel like shit?” You said. “You’re sick.” Matty replied.
You shook your head. “Nooooo.”
He nodded, smiling at you. “Yessssss.”
“No, I’m not.” You winned.
“You have a fucking fever.”
“No, I don't.”
“Yes, you do.”
“No, I don’t-”
“I’m not playing this game again.” He stood up as he made you smile. “I’ll be right back, I’m gonna tell the guys I’m not going to lunch so I can sort you out.”
“No! Don’t cancel your plans because of me!”
He ignored you and closed the door.
When he returned less than 10 minutes later, you weren't on the couch like he left you.
“Y/n?” He shouted as he closed the door.
You didn't respond.
“Baby?” he asked again.
Again, no response. He looked around the room and saw the light peeking through the slightly ajar door to the bathroom. When he opened it and walked in he saw you hunched over the toilet. “I think you were right.” You said.
He helped you up and back to the couch.
“Lay down.” He said sweetly. “I’m gonna run out and get you some medicines. There's a pharmacy just down the street.”
“No, I want you to stay.” You said pulling on his arm with the little strength you had left.
“If you don’t have medicine you’re not gonna feel better.”
“Just order it or something! I want you here.”
He thought for a moment. “Alright.” He kissed your forehead and sat down on the floor next to the couch. “I don’t know how I’m supposed to instacart Theraflu to Madison Square Garden but I’ll figure it out.”
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artsyunderstudy · 2 months
An ask game for writers to procrastinate working on your WIP(s)
Thanks for tagging me @cutestkilla @ivelovedhimthroughworse @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @valeffelees @emeryhall @monbons @thewholelemon @whatevertheweather @aristocratic-otter @bookish-bogwitch @orange-peony @shrekgogurt @wellbelesbian @theearlgreymage @ic3-que3n - I definitely shouldn't be procrastinating writing because I'm overdue but I'm a sucker for a good Q&A.
1. 🦈Tell us the name of your/ one of your WIP(s):
I technically have a handful of WIPs I haven't given up on posting but I'm not actively working on. Après la Pluie, le Beau Temps is the one I'm actively working on. I'm in the planning stages with All the Lonely People which is a fic I'm planning to cowrite with @cutestkilla my beloved. Then I have Sober, Water Grey, Close Your Eyes, and A Mild Case of Madness (yes I haven't given up on AMCOM I was actually thinking I'd try and finish it up after I'm done posting Après)
I don't actually work on more than one fic at a time but I also had like a flood of ideas once I was done writing Someone Wicked and that's why the pile of WIPs. Also I was trying to do discovery writing and realized that I hate it.
2. 🍄Describe your WIP/one of your WIP(s) in the format of “___ + ___ =___”
Why is this so hard???
Okay. Um.
Roommates who (pretend to) hate each other + alcohol induced vulnerability = publicly getting off with each other on a stranger's couch in the middle of a rager, probably to the dulcet sounds of goosebumps by travis scott.
3. 🌍What tags or warnings will one of your WIP(s) need if you intend to share it?
Amazingly my current WIP doesn't really require much bracing. But I am still intending very much to complete Sober (working title) which I talked a lot about last year. That would come with warnings for grief, alcohol and sexual assault. Which makes it sound so much worse than it is, but then again I always think that my writing isnt actually that sad but then i have people telling me i ripped their heart out of their chest and chewed on it so im not a good judge of that. i will say it definitely has more jokes than my usual fare.
4. 🧭An alternative title to one of your WIP(s)?
I am very decisive when it comes to titles, so I genuinely cant think of anything. I guess Sober, because I'm not sure that's the right title for the fic because it's not about addiction. It's about drunken hookups (and like, definitely some alcohol as a coping mechanism but like, mostly just uni students partying and going too hard as they are wont to do) so I was thinking of making it longer like "Kiss Me When You're Sober" but I dunno. It's not even close to done so I don't have to decide yet.
5. ⚠️Which WIP you're most likely to finish or update next?
Après la Pluie, le Beau Temps is the fic I'm actively working on and I'm going to post this guy next come hell or high water. It's just taking me a while, I'm a bit burnt out. But things they will come.
6. 💾What is your document of your WIP/ a WIP called? (not the stories actual title but what you’ve saved it as)
All my documents are the fic titles so nothing really fun there.
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7. 🖍Post Any sentence(s) from your WIP.
“If you’re going to do this, do you actually trust him? After everything he’s done to you. Everything you’ve done to each other.” I sigh. “I don’t know.”  All the things I’ve always believed I hated about him feel different now, filtered through a new lens. His relentlessness, his sharp edges, his poise. The way he moves across the pitch, and plays his violin, sweet-toned and sorrowful. The singe of his magick.  “I just … see him,” I say quietly. “And I know I want him. The way I’m supposed to.”
8. ♻️A scrapped idea for your current WIP.
I don't know, I don't think I've scrapped any ideas for this WIP yet? Actually, I think earlier on in the planning I had wanted to have Niall and Dev being absolutely gross with their PDA through the whole thing, but I ended up writing a completely different side-story for them that's genuinely a ton better. Basically, they were a gag, and now they have an actual arc.
9. 🤔What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
Gonna mirror Dre here, we have been planning a fic to cowrite but we both have other fanfic obligations to fulfill first, so it's a little bit on the backburner until we are both freed up. Again, to parrot her, it's a canonverse AU based on a movie we both adore, older (late 30's) strangers to lovers, a ghost story but in a cathartic way, not a scary way, developing relationship. We have a shared trello and I can't help but daydream about it. I am so very very eager to start working on it in earnest.
10. 🤡How many WIPS are you actively working on?
One, actively. Two if you count the fic with Dre which we occasionally can't help but get into long discussions about.
11. 🛠Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now?
I am currently writing a genre I've never written before which has just been a little daunting. As well as this first chapter has zero simon or baz, probably, and THAT is hard too. But it has to be that way. For the setup. It just means I'm having to learn how to write a lot of side characters in a way I haven't done before, like Niamh and Niall (since i have a bit of experience with agatha and dev)
12. ❤️Not a question, just a second Kudos to send.
Everyone deserves so many many kudos.
Tags! @hushed-chorus @run-for-chamo-miles @j-nipper-95 @noblecorgi @facewithoutheart and @stitchyqueer <3
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upsidedownwithsteve · 2 years
For the touch prompts - 45
I feel like I’m still riding the Steve with glasses bandwagon. Poor dude would have to get migraines from that many head knocks, so checking temp when he’s had a terrible migraine? Or literally anything you know. I love your Steve so any Steve-related prompt is amazing 💛
You’re too cute, thank you babe! I hope this is okay! 🧡
Finding Steve lazing on the couch during a day off of work wasn’t unusual, especially if a basketball game was on, or he’d managed to take one of his favourite movies home.
Finding Steve in bed during the day was something entirely rare and there wasn’t a sound when you entered the Harrington household around lunchtime. The driveway was empty apart from his car, no sign of his parents and the television was switched off, the downstairs eerily silent.
So you padded upstairs, shoes left at the front door and you were surprised to find your boyfriend in bed, the curtains closed and his face pressed into his pillow. His shirt was off, broad shoulders bare and flexed as he pushed his arms underneath, eyes squeezed closed and brow furrowed.
He blinked at your voice, eyes a little glassy and bleary looking and you immediately felt a wave of concern wash over you. You walked softly into the room, noting the few of painkillers and the now almost dry flannel sitting on his nightstand.
“Hey baby,” his voice was hoarse, like he’d been asleep for a while. “I didn’t hear you come in, m’sorry.”
You shook your head, sitting gingerly on the edge of the mattress, a hand soothing over the length of his back. He pushed his head closer to you, cheek resting against your knee as he closed his eyes again, like it hurt too much to focus.
“Don’t need to say sorry,” you murmured. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?”
“Migraine” your boyfriend answered, nose scrunching, “I think at least.”
You hummed sympathetically, your palm smoothing up his spine to brush over his hair, coming to rest on his forehead. Steve grumbled and pouted but you ignored him, coaxed him onto his back against the pillow instead.
He was all flushed skin and rosy cheeks, a little too warm and clammy. You spoke even more quietly, noticing how he winced when he moved against the sheets, the shuffle of them against his skin overwhelming.
“Oh, my poor baby. You seem pretty warm.” Your thumb rubbed a gentle circle at his temple and Steve sighed, melting for you. “Have you taken some painkillers recently?”
The boy nodded, shuffling back down into his nest of pillows and sheets, his hands grabbing at your waist in order to coax you in beside him. You smiled even though he couldn’t see it, his eyes still closed, lashes fanning pretty over the highs of his cheeks.
“You want a hug?” You asked despite knowing the answer.
You crawled in next to him, head tilted up so Steve could push his face into your neck like you knew he wanted to, nose pressed to your throat and he sighed like he’d been waiting for it all day.
“You know,” you whispered into his hair. “Maybe your headaches wouldn’t be as bad if you wore your glasses more, hmm?”
Steve grumbled into your skin, lips moving against your collarbone and he wound his arms around you a little tighter, like he could get out of the conversation by loving on you a little more than he already was.
You couldn’t really make out his entire response, but some of it sounded like “look stupid.”
You chose to ignore it, acting like you had heard the way he insulted himself and hummed thoughtfully instead, running your fingers through the ends of the hair at the nape of his neck.
“I like your glasses,” you told him conversationally, voice still impossibly soft. You dropped a kiss to his forehead, another to the corner of his eye, just brushing over his lashes. “You look real handsome in them.”
You could feel Steve still, like he was taking a second to listen to your words, your voice and his hand brushed underneath your shirt, palm warm and rough against your ribs like a ‘really?’
“They make your eyes look even prettier,” you kept talking, a hand tapping at his chin as you spoke, waiting to see if he’d pull away enough to look at you. He did.
His eyes were all caramel and brown sugar when he met your gaze, still a little sleepy but open nonetheless. You smiled, nudged your nose against the boy’s and kissed his cheek.
“They do?”
You nodded, pleased that he seemed willing to listen. You knew Steve hated his glasses, he never wore them outside of the house and you finding them in his room one day had even been a mistake. He’d seemed embarrassed, hesistent to admit that he suffered from headaches and bad migraines, that sometimes too much noise and light made him ache.
You weren’t surprised. Not with the injuries you’d patched up, cuts on foreheads, bruises that spanned from his cheek to his scalp, black eyes that stayed for weeks.
“Oh yeah,” you told him, voice a conspiratol whisper, all faux drama. “Don’t tell anyone, but I totally dig them.“
Steve snorted, wincing a little at the noise and you soothed a head over the nape of his neck in apology, happy you made him laugh but sorry that it cause him pain.
“You’re an idiot,” he said but it was full of affection, sounding like a declaration of something sweet rather than an insult. “I dig you too, babe.”
The next day, you walked into Family Video during your break and you smiled brighter than the sun when you spotted your boyfriend behind the counter, hands full of old tapes and his glasses slipping down the bridge of his nose.
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(Or me being clingy and drugged up post wisdom teeth, the sequel)
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Doesn’t really have time for this tbh
Asks why not Any of the others
“Because I want a hug from You”
Suddenly, he has time
Use that pride to your advantage bb 💕
Won’t stop working, but will multitask with you in his lap; koala style
Gentle forehead kisses to remind you that he’s still there, and cares
Cold hands, but good core body temp
You probably fall asleep, but he doesn’t mind
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Takes a second to buffer before responding
Of course you want his hugs though
He is the best, and he is Your First
Of course you feel safe and comfortable enough to ask him for cuddles
Drops Everything for you
Makes it a whole thing
Blankets? Check. Pillows? Check. You’re now snuggled up in his clothes? also check but we don’t talk about that ok.
Once y’all are settled in, makes sure that you’re okay
Will Not let you go until he’s absolutely certain your needs are met
Call this bitch Baymax omfg
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“Uh sure”
Too late, y’all are cuddling now
And he’s having an aneurism lmao
^ this happens often, he’ll just agree with anything you say without thinking
EVENTUALLY calms down-ish
Turns on the setup for anime/games, and settles down under a blanket
Still Very flushed
You are the only person he would Dare have such close proximity to, so feel special
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The least outwardly phased by this
“Of course, would you like me to make a pot of tea so we can chat?”
Comfy casual vibes
Probably curled up on a couch together
Gives the Best head scratches, and I will Die on that hill
If you wanna talk, will talk; if you want distractions, he’ll read to you or teach you fun facts; but if you want to just sit in silence, he’s chill with that too
Good at comforting without trying
Accidental naps are Very likely
Not that he minds
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Again, Lives for platonic affection
Or any affection tbh
Another one who will make an entire event out of it
Candles, satin pyjamas, soft blankets, trashy reality tv; you name it, he’s got it
Puts aside the rest of the day for you
Big on relaxing, but not napping
Doesn’t want to disrupt your sleep schedule!!
Will make sure you are pampered and refreshed by the end of it
Lots of light kisses to make you laugh
Holds you hand the entire time
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Immediately concerned
Are you okay? Are you sad? What’s wrong?
Is too energetic to sit down and cuddle, but doesn’t want to leave you alone
So, piggyback rides
Will take you everywhere with him for the rest of the day
Constantly checking up on you
Also constantly feeding you
Cafè hop between all of your faves
Very Warm
Will take you for a cuddle pile with Belphie, if you’re comfy
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Yo same
Nap and cuddle time bb
No questions, just pulls you into bed
Sometimes, people need a cuddle
Tight Hugs
Spoons almost exclusively; but doesn’t care if he’s big or small spoon
So Cold
Bastard man warms his cold ass toes on you
Get Beel to come lay in the middle, barrier from the cold bastard man
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vantaesfairie · 1 year
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𝔳𝔞𝔫𝔱𝔞𝔢𝔰𝔣𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔢 𝔪𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱
hello! i am atlty. my dms are always open if you want to purchase anything. welcome to my blog!
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my tarot, spell, and sigil services [ open, dm ] and HERE
i offer tarot, spell, and sigil services. see here. we will discuss through tumblr dm. i only accept paypal upfront, and will send you your tarot reading through email. i get the final say. i expect FEEDBACK from you. 
here are a few of my testimonials: 1 2 3. i collect testimonials for my paid readings, so for any testimonials please send them directly to my inbox! 
my pick a card readings [temp. hiatus] : 
what is hot and appealing about you (w/ cadecastelis)
what about you will attract your future spouse (w/hongjoongsmuse)
when will you meet your next lover (valentine's special)
the first impression of the next person you will date
what mythical creature would you be 
signs that things are going your way 
what is your attractive point 
clear yes or no for your question in mind 
messages from your inner child
your dream sp (partner) vs. your fated one 
what unseen challenges will you be facing 
what do people think of you when you leave the room
what are you not seeing (or deliberately ignoring)
what does your heart truly want
about the karma on your desired person
what is your next upcoming blessing
let me describe your vibe to me
their late night thoughts about you (romantic)
all about your next relationship
what vibe do you give off
what’s the gossip about you
random things about your next 3 months
what type of people do you truly attract
who should you look out for
pls comment / reblog a link to my pac if i miss one in my masterlist
my tarot games:
tarot game 1 [5/5] - CLOSED
tarot game 2 [5/5] - CLOSED
tarot game 3 [3/5] - CLOSED
tarot game 4 [unlimited until i get tired] - CLOSED
tarot game 5 [10/10] - CLOSED
free pendulum reading game 1 - CLOSED
please leave feedback in my ask box for any tarot game entries!!! 
𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔫𝔨 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔳𝔦𝔰𝔦𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔪𝔶 𝔟𝔩𝔬𝔤! 𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔢 𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔦𝔪𝔢 ;)
ᴅɪꜱᴄʟᴀɪᴍᴇʀ: © vantaesfairie — please do not plagiarize, translate, or repost any of my work on other social media platforms without my permission. if you see my work being posted anywhere else, please kindly report them to me. 
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The Papas Meet Gordon Ramsay
As requested, here's some HCs for the Papas trying to cook for Gordon Ramsay.
Primo can cook. He raised his brothers and absolutely kept them alive with the basics.
He's not necessarily the fastest, taking his time to smell and choose the best of ingredients.
His herb knowledge is impressive and terrifying.
He doesn't know who Gordon Ramsay is but one look from the Eldest brother, and Gordon absolutely leaves him alone.
The food is edible but not the prettiest
He doesn't want to be here and he certainly has better things to do than this.
Secondo knows what he's doing in a kitchen.
The man is efficient, quiet, and clean as he works.
Secondo knows his meats. Preferring game.
His scowl is enough to get him zero criticism from Gordon.
Terzo watches Food Network. Does that mean he can cook? Hell no.
Gets into a shouting match with Ramsay.
Drinks more wine than he actually cooks.
Gets angry when all of his brothers refuse to let him have a bottle of olive oil. Those are rumors.
Can actually make fresh pasta and well.
One look at him and Gordon takes away all the sharp knives
He works close to Primo, asking for help occasionally.
Can cook just well enough to keep himself alive.
The man knows his way around a good cheese.
Makes a fantastic grilled cheese.
Extras -
Mary Goore:
Sets a couple fires.
Has an impressive knowledge of butchery
Serves the bloodiest steak anyone has ever seen.
Frees a couple lobsters
Toebeans Falafel:
Makes an unending stream of noises.
Doesn't actually get anything cooked.
Is the idiot sandwich Gordon has been looking for.
Asks how to get the stove top to Kids Temp.
Gets banned from the sinks upon entry.
Has to taste everything.
Hates all of it, including his children.
Regales everyone with a 40 minute saxophone solo then falls asleep.
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jackzimmermemes · 2 months
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tagged by @cactusdragon517, @thedramasummer, and @msmarvelouswinchester
the name of the game is whump I guess
A person with lavender scrubs and matching curly hair walks into the room, pushing some kind of cart. “How are we feeling, Mr. Díaz?” They ask in a low voice, the kind of tone you use on a spooked cat. He frowns, glancing in his dad's direction. Is he sick? Why are they asking about Oscar? And isn't it more polite to call him Senator? He has so many questions. “Mijo,” Oscar squeezes his hand, “can you answer them?” Oh. They're asking about him.  “Kinda cold.” They nod, like the cold makes sense, which, well. Hospitals.  But then they look down at him with an expectant look on their face. “Anything else?” His face feels warm all of a sudden, because he feels like microwaved garbage, actually, but Oscar is looking at him like he's worried. “For fuck's sake, Alex,” June sighs from somewhere near the foot of his bed, and he hates that she can read him so well right now. “We literally watched them shove a thermometer up your ass because you passed out on a run. Don't bullshit the nurse just because dad's in the room.”  He returns the squeeze, closing his eyes before he starts with the list. “I'm, um. My legs hurt. And I feel kind of. I need to throw up? But I also don't.”  The nurse frowns slightly as they continue filling his chart. “How's your head, sweetpea? Any headaches or dizziness?” “I–” June levels him with a Look, and he huffs out a sigh, “yeah, I guess. A little. Both?”  “Alright. I'm just gonna jot down a few of your numbers and check your line, okay? Won't take too long.”  His line? Like … fishing? Why would there be fishing line in a hospital? “My what?” “Your PICC line. Whoever did your first aid did a good job of getting you cooled off but we just needed to make sure you stayed that way. This is getting you the fluids and medication you need and making sure your temp stays down.”
If you've made it this far and you write things, consider yourself tagged!
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ateriblewriter · 1 year
Ducky Gets Sick
Baby Ducky AU
Baby Ducky Masterlist
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“Oh Kins, let it out.” Y/N rubbed the child’s back. She started getting sick when Jamie was three days into the roadie. At first it was a small fever and a cough, nothing too crazy. Y/N had still kept her home from preschool. Now the fever got higher and she couldn’t keep anything solid down.
“I want my daddy.” The small child heaved again into the bucket that had been placed next to her bed. Kinsley had never really been sick like this before, she didn't really understand it, all she knew was she wanted it to stop and for her daddy to be there.
“I know, I know.” The nanny checked the time again, noting that the boys were still currently in the middle of a game somewhere in the Midwest. She had talked to Jamie earlier that day when the bug Kins had caught wasn’t that bad. But now it was worse and Y/N couldn’t get a hold of anyone.
“Jamie. This is my fifth message I’ve left you in like the past hour and I can’t get a hold of anyone else. I know you’re in the middle of a game, but you need to come home. Ducky is very sick. Her temp’s gone up and she’s throwing up is bad. I'm going to take her to the hospital as soon as I get off the phone. All she’s asking for is her daddy and when is he going to come home. Please. Please come home soon.”
Jamie got the message after the first period and decided to call her back immediately after listening. He hated being states away when baby girl was so sick like this. He was usually the only one to make her feel better when she was like this.
“How is she?” He bit the inside of his lip trying to contain how worried he was. His heart sank when he heard her howling and screaming in the background. She must have just gotten sick again.
“The doctors think it’s just a bad bug, but they’re going to do a couple more tests. She’s dehydrated. They’ve got an IV in her. If everything comes back good, she can go home tomorrow morning.” Y/N tells him. She wants him home, maybe even more than Kinsley did.
“Daddy! Daddy!” The little duck cried loudly. Jamie could hear her through the phone crying out for him as she threw up again.
“Look Jamie, I gotta go. Right now isn’t a good time. Just get home as soon as possible.” Y/N said hanging up on the single father. Normally she’d feel bad about hanging up the phone like that but right now Y/N needed to get the child she watched to calm down.
“It’s not good is it?” Trevor asked his friend who had his eyes closed. “You are her only parent. They’ll understand if you need to get back. Just go.” He put a hand on his shoulder.
“Thank you Z.” Jamie got changed as fast as he could. It was still going to be another five hours until he was able to get to his child. In his mind that was still too long, but there was nothing he could do about the time difference.
“Keep me posted on how she is.” Trevor reached into one of his bags, producing a new stuffed animal he got for the kid to add to the collection. “Give her this. Tell her I had to fight someone for it, it’ll probably make her laugh.”
Jamie got home just after two thirty in the morning, rushing straight to the hospital and up to the room where his child was. He placed the stuffed sloth plush from Trevor on the side table, before taking Y/N place in holding Kinsley as she slept. He kissed the top of her head as she stirred slightly after being moved around.
"Daddy?" The young child rubbed the sleep from her eyes with the bandaged hand that contained the iv. "I don't feel good."
"I know baby. Try going back to sleep." Jamie rubbed circles into her back lulling her back to sleep. She looked so peaceful like that but he know it would only be a matter of time before she would probably get sick again.
“Have they said anything different after those tests you mentioned?” He asked as she proceeded to give him the rundown of everything they had done.
“They ruled out meningitis, and pneumonia.” Simply put it was a bad case of the stomach bug, and after her temp went down a bit more and the nausea stopped, he would be able to bring her home to recover there.
Jamie was relieved that his baby would be just fine. He didn’t know how he would be able to survive if his baby duck met the same cruel fate as her mother. Thankfully he would never have to find out anytime soon as he held her close to his heart.
If you have any suggestions or comments I’d love to hear them!
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feelkindadizzy · 1 year
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[English ID (the dialogue has been loosely translated from french to english): A gifset of a Kaeloo episode. 1. Badka yelling "Hello friends!". 2. Stumpy, Quack-Quack and Mr Cat are blow away by his yelling and are shouting in fear. Once it’s over, Mr Cat says "Oh yeah…" while Badka is bashful. 3. Kaeloo transforms back, then says "Friends, today we’re gonna play...". 4. Mr Cat is sulking afar and says : "Oh no…". Kaeloo brings up a picture of Badka and says "With Badka!". Mr Cat gets close to her in an instant and says "Ah! Very well.". 5.Kaeloo: "Me and Badka are trying to get along better. It’s not easy, but a good game can help out." 6. Mr Cat, while putting on a black bow tie: "Absolutely." 7. Kaeloo, very seriously: "Finally, Mr Cat… You are obviously forbidden from hurting Quack Quack!" 8.Mr Chat does a vocal warm-up, then asks : "And our guest, when does he play?". 9.Badka calls out Kaeloo: "Huh?". Kaeloo answers : "We agreed I would go first. Be patient, your time will come." 10. Mr Chat, waving a flower bouquet : "I’m skipping my turn. I’m waiting for the toad." Stumpy and uQack-Quack look at him with eyes wide open. Gay flags and questions marks have been added on top of them. 11. Kaeloo’s arms become long and soft, she yells. Stumpy takes up one of her arms and shouts : "Ah ! Gross !" 12. Mr Cat : "We’re loosing time there! If we want the toad to play, we need to speed things up." He runs up to the wall and counts : "One..."13. Quack-Quack blown up to the ground, and touching the wall with his finger. Mr Cat : "Alright! The duck won. Time to bring the toad in." 14. Badka, to Kaeloo: "Hey ! It’s my time to play!". Kaeloo : "Yes, I know! It was supposed to be your turn but now is not the time !"15. Mr Cat, to the Rules : "Thinggumabob! Froggy said she would trade places with the toad. She’s not doing it! It deserves a forfeit, right ?" The Rules has a gay flag and an interrogation point on top of her. 16. Mr Cat jumps towards Badka whith his flower bouquet in his hand. Kaeloo transforms back and shouts "Red light!", and instead of touching Badka, Mr Cat crash into the wall. Kaeloo and Badka laugh. / END ID]
[Description d'image: Une série de gif de la série Kaeloo. 1. Badka criant "Bonjour les amis!". 2. Moignon, Coin-Coin et Mr Chat sont dans un canapé et se prennent la violence du cri dans la tête et crient. Mr Chat est tout content, et une fois que c’est fini il dit "Oh ouais…" pendant que Badka est tout timide. 3. Kaeloo se détransforme, puis dit "Les amis, aujourd’hui nous allons jouer…". 4. Mr Chat boude au loin et dit : "Oh non…". Kaeloo prend un panneau avec une photo de Badka dessus et dit "Avec Badka!". Mr Chat s’approche immédiatement et dit "Ah! Très bien.". 5.Kaeloo: "Nous essayons de mieux nous entendre Badka et moi. C’est pas facile, mais un bon jeu peut faciliter les choses." 6. Mr Chat, en mettant un noeud papillon noir: "Absolument." 7. Kaeloo, très sérieuse: "Enfin, Mr Chat… Il vous est évidemment interdit de faire bobo à Coin-Coin ! 8.Mr Chat vocalise, puis demande : "Et notre invité, il joue quand?". 9.Badka interpelle Kaeloo: "Huh?". Kaeloo lui répond : "On a dit que je commençais. Un peu de patience, ton tour viendra." 10. Mr Chat, brandissant un bouquet de fleurs : "Moi, je passe mon tour. J’attends le crapaud." Moignon et Coin-Coin le regardent avec des grand yeux. Des drapeaux gays et des points d’interrogation ont été rajouté au dessus de leurs têtes. 11. Les bras de Kaeloo deviennent tous longs et mous, elle crie. Moignon prend un de ses bras et crie : "Ah ! Dégueu !" 12. Mr Chat : "On perd du temps là! Si on veut que le crapaud joue, faut passer la seconde." Il se met à un mur et commence : "Un..."13. Coin-Coin explosé au sol qui touche le mur du bout du doigt. Mr Chat : "Bon ! Le canard à gagné. C’est le moment de faire rentrer le crapaud !" 14. Badka, a Kaeloo: "Hé ! A moi de jouer !". Kaeloo : "Oui, je sais ! Ça devrait être ton tour mais c’est pas le moment ! 15. Mr Chat, à la Règle : "Le bidule ! La grenouille a dit qu’elle laisserait sa place au crapaud. Elle le fait pas ! Ca vaut bien un gage ça non ?" La règle a un drapeau gay et un point d’interrogation au dessus d’elle. 16. Mr Chat s’élance vers Badka bouquet à la main. Kaeloo se transforme et crie "Soleil !", et au lieu de toucher Badka, Mr Chat s’excrase au mur. Kaeloo et Badka rigolent. / Fin de la description]
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[ID: A green line divider /END ID]
[english] mr cat really said "alright this season i'm CLASSY about my crush, i will stop barking and drooling and i WILL impress him by wearing a fruity lil bow tie and bringing nice flowers just for him"
...so somehow they managed to make mr cat gayer than before??? impressive feat, kaeloo season 5 we're not even 7 minutes in and you're already so damn great ���️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
[french] mr chat a vraiment fait "ok dans cette saison je suis CLASSE a propos de mon crush, je vais arrêter de lui aboyer et lui baver dessus et je vais l'IMPRESSIONER en portant un ptit nœud pap' et en lui apportant des jolies fleurs rien que pour lui"
...contre toute attente iels ont réussi à rendre mr chat encore plus gay qu'avant??? très impressionant, kaeloo saison 5 ça fait même pas 7 minutes que tu as commencé et tu es déjà incroyable 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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