#baby ducky au
ateriblewriter · 5 months
Goodbye Doesn't Mean Forever
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Jamie knocked on the door to Trevor's home.
He didn't have much time from the time he got the call to packing up the essentials to getting on the plane to Philly.
On top of that he had Kinsley to think of. What was he going to do about her?
Never mind that now. They had one purpose now. Saying goodbye.
Trevor knew who was on the other side of the door, he knew what was coming. He didn't like it either.
"Hey man. I heard. Philly" Trevor greeted his friend.
"I don't have much time. Do you mind if I?" Jamie couldn't quite finish his sentence, because he knew if he did he probably would have shed a tear or two.
He didn't want to leave. But that wasn't his choice, not it was never his choice to begin with. Now that reality was starting to sink in that he was dealt to another team, he needed to leave. Say a quick goodbye to his friends that turned into family and be on his way.
"How much time do you have?"
"Fifteen minutes at most. We need to head for the airport after this." Jamie handed Kinsley over to Trevor.
"Mama" The small child reached for on of her favorite people. Trevor held her tightly and she snuggled into his shoulder.
He was going to miss this.
"You have taught me so much over the past year Kinsley Jo. I'm so glad your daddy asked me for help." He wipe at the invisible tears that felt like they were falling down his cheeks.
"I'm sorry we didn't get to go on all the adventures I promised. But I'll visit or your daddy can bring you back here when he plays."
Ducky really wasn't listening to what Trevor was saying. She had quickly found the little bucket of toys that was kept at his home. She grabbed a couple of the building blocks to play with.
Trevor knew they didn't have time to do this, but what harm could one little tower do? Especially since they would probably never really do this again. So he helped her build the little tower and Ducky shoved her favorite stuffy into it, toppling it over.
"Ta-da!" She giggled throwing her arms in the air. Trevor laughed again, tears starting to fall. Ducky started to build it again, looking up she noticed him crying.
"No. Mama." Baby Duck held up Sheldon the shrimp up for him. She tried giving it him. Maybe it would make him feel better. Trevor shook his head no and handed it back. Nothing was going to make him feel better now.
The fifteen minutes were up and they needed to go. Trevor handed Kinsley Jo back and gave Jamie one last hug. This was it.
"Hey it was nice while it lasted" Jamie sniffled walking out the door with his daughter who started screaming.
"We'll see each other again. Goodbye doesn't mean forever."
Jamie and Trevor didn't see each other for the rest of the season. They would facetime when they could, but with busy schedules they were short. Trevor sent her a present on her birthday. They tried to meeting up over the summer, but it never worked out.
The next they would see each other again would be the following season when the Flyers were playing the Ducks in Anaheim. Jamie set something up at the end of the ducks practice. They were going to surprise Trevor.
"Daddy, where go?" She was confused as where her father was taking her.
"You'll see kid. Your favorite person." Jamie nodded to familiar faces as they walked through the practice facility to the sheet of ice.
"Unca Z!" Duck screamed getting Trevor and everyone else's attention.
"Ducky?!" There was a big smile on Trevor's face as he skated over to see the little family. The two kids reunited at last.
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hockybish · 3 months
Family Skate
I Baby Duck au l single father!jamie l
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Jamie bent over trying to tie the little skates he managed to get on Kinsley's feet. She kept swinging her feet making it difficult. He switched up his stance and continued tightening the laces.
"Alright Ducky ready?" Jamie picked up the little girl, heading for the ice.
"Daddy out there" Baby duck pointed towards the sheet of ice. She wanted nothing more than be held by her favorite person while he skated around. "Out there!"
She always loved when Jamie would take her skating back in Anaheim, but since the move to Philadelphia a few weeks prior, Jamie hasn't found the a good time where he take her for a few laps around the ice.
"Yes ma'am" He laughed stepping onto the ice. Baby Duck giggled feeling the cool air on her face as Jamie skated around the rink.
"Alright little lady you want to try skating?" Jamie lowered Kinsley closer to the ice so she could try skating on her own.
"No. Daddy hold." She really didn't want to. She kept hacking away at ice beneath her while Jamie glided along.
"Kinsley, stop kicking, feet on the ice." He instructed. "Don't worry. I'm never gonna let you go." It took a little convincing, but Kinsley finally did it. She got really excited when it felt like she was doing it on her own.
“Look Duck, it’s Mia” The father point over to the side. He had found Mia taking videos and pictures of the event for the socials earlier and just now was pointing her out to his daughter.
Mia spotted them as well. She smiled waving them over. She had some warm hot chocolate for them and they decided it was time to take a break.
"Bonk" Jamie leaned over to lightly bonk Ducky on the head with his head.
Ducky giggled looking up at her daddy with a big smile on her face and tried to reach for his face but Jamie was quick to move out of the way.
After a few seconds of ducky trying to get Jamie, he places a kiss in her hair. "I love you kid"
“Love you Daddy”
The toddler didn't make it the entire day. Eventually she got tired and on the way back to the car, she fell asleep on her father's shoulder.
In the end it was a fun time.
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yayan-dmenace · 4 months
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Poor mama duck 🤧 (tbh killer is the one who is scared of the mama duck 😆)
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sunclown · 2 years
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Hits you with the zs dads beam
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thesaddestjanitor · 2 months
*he looking at the dishes again*
"I guess we'll have to save cleaning the rest of that up for later, cus now she'll definitely notice."
*he sighs*
"Wish there was more I could do for her. I really want her to like me."
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Don’t eat Charlie’s rubber ducky or this is gonna happen
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Ohh fun idea. Send me asks about my silly little au. I want to talk about it and im writing chapter 6 but my brain is giving me issues so I need to spill thoughts and ideas out.
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smileysuh · 1 year
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🌙 staring. Jaehyun & Jungwoo x afab!Reader 
🔮 preview. He watches Jungwoo kiss you, lifting you off the ground and spinning you around, announcing to the world ‘my good luck charm ducky baby!’ and if Jaehyun didn’t love his roommate so much, he’d have barfed at the sickly sweetness of it all… Or maybe from the jealousy. But he’d never admit that to himself.
cw/ tw. threesome, exhibitionism, unprotected sex, shower sex, spit roasting, praise, inklings of hand/size kink, deep throating/choking, oral, etc... I petnames. (pretty) duck/ducky
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 11.6k
🍭 aus. frat/basketball, non idol, established relationship au, poly, etc...
☀️ mlist + an. when I tell you how much I love this pairing- check out this post i made which has links to a bunch of jaewoo tiktoks if you’re not convinced these two are the bomb dot com, and then return to enjoy frat basketball besties- they’re mvp’s I swear
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When Jaehyun arrives late to frat movie night, taking his seat next to his roommate, he can tell something is off, but he can’t quite put his finger on it. 
Jungwoo is distracted - obviously so - left knee bobbing, and a hand playing with his phone on the armrest. His eyes are on the large flatscreen above the mantle place, but he’s gnawing on his lower lip, a habit that he entertains when he’s lost in thought-
A small buzz reverberates through the couch, and in the darkness of the living room, Jungwoo’s lit phone screen draws numerous eyes, including Jaehyun’s. 
At such a close distance, Jaehyun can clearly see the notification- can see the hearts and star emojis surrounding the word ‘duck,’ which confuses the basketball player greatly- but he forces his gaze away, forces himself to not broach the topic of Jungwoo’s new love interest at frat movie night-
As Jungwoo’s roommate, basketball teammate and best friend- Jaehyun’s sure he’ll find out what’s going on soon enough.
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You suppose when you’re dating a frat boy, going to his parties comes with the territory, but you’re still not prepared for the onslaught to your senses that happens as soon as you step through the front door.
You’d heard how loud the music was playing as you approached the large frat house and now, as you follow Jungwoo, wading through the sea of people, the thrum of rap surrounds you. People push at your sides - a couple making out nearly trips over your foot - and you find yourself latching onto the arm of the tall puppy boy who happily tugs you along.
There are a few familiar faces in the swath of movement- you’re pretty sure Jungwoo’s friend Haechan is standing on a table waving his shirt around- but you guess that could be any frat boy-
Mark is definitely recognizable with his teal-colored hair and snapback, leaning against a wall talking to one of the most beautiful men you’ve ever seen- his hair bleached white, and his eyes focused solely on Mark-
“There he is!” Jungwoo’s voice makes you look forward, and you immediately recognize his roommate standing near the end of the crowded hallway. 
You’ve not yet officially met the legendary Jeong Jaehyun- but Jungwoo’s definitely talked about him, and the guy’s face is all over his Instagram- 
They’re an inseparable pair, on and off the basketball court, where they’re known for being so in sync that they often make mirrored movements- 
You’d first noticed the mirroring when - during first year - you’d been working for the school’s newspaper, and the usual basketball reporter had been sick. Going in his place, you’d been exposed to the school’s team for the first time- and you’d realized you enjoyed the players more than the game itself.
Now here you are, a year later, dating one of the very men who’d caught your eye- and he’s about to introduce you to the other.
It’s clear the moment Jaehyun sees Jungwoo; his face lights up. And as Jungwoo tows you through the partygoers scattered throughout the hallway to reach his friend, you prepare yourself to make a good first impression.
“Jae!” Jungwoo exclaims, releasing your hand in favor of pulling his roommate into a hug. 
“Jungwoo!” the dimpled man echoes, a happy smile on his face when he releases his friend. “You weren’t here for pre.”
“Had to go pick this one up,” Jungwoo jokes, throwing an arm over your shoulder. “This is Duck!”
“Oh my god-” you groan, immediately feeling heat rising on your skin-
“Duck?” Jaehyun cocks his head at you, brows knitting together. “Nice name?”
“It’s a nickname,” Jungwoo says, looking down at you with a fond grin. “Met her a few days ago shooting hoops with Mark, Haechan, and Johnny- there was a bit of an airball, someone screamed Duck, and she got hit on the back of the head-”
“What?” Jaehyun’s eyes have widened, and he’s looking at you with concern-
“Right?!” Jungwoo exclaims, smiling down at you fondly. “I was worried too! Had to check to make sure she was okay- Haechan came by to insist he’d called Duck, and you said…” 
“My name isn’t Duck,” you giggle. 
“Thought it was the cutest thing ever,” Jungwoo says wistfully. “Asked her out then and there.”
“He made sure I got home safe and everything,” you explain, “but he kept calling me Duck.”
“Because you’re my little ducky- even if you can’t duck to save your life,” Jungwoo grins, pinching your cheek gently. 
“I didn’t have a concussion or anything-” you insist.
“I mean, you said yes to a date- are you sure you didn’t need to go to a doctor?” Jaehyun asks. “Or maybe an optometrist?” 
“Hey!” Jungwoo bellows loudly, grabbing at the front of Jaehyun’s shirt, but they both start to laugh pretty soon thereafter, and you see the playfulness of their relationship.
It makes your heart sing.
“No offense,” Jaehyun says once he and Jungwoo have given each other space, “but if I don’t want to call you Duck, what can I call you?”
You give the frat boy your name without a second thought- only for him to pause, tilt his head and ask, “Aren’t you the chick who wrote that one article for a game we did last year?”
“Huh?” You’re shocked he’d read it, let alone registered and remembered your name- 
“Yeah- you said a line or two about uh-” the basketball player looks upwards, trying to find his thoughts- “you said ‘one of the most interesting things about our school’s team, is the way in which the point gaurd (Jeong Jaehyun) and shooting gaurd (Kim Jungwoo) play in total unison.’ then you gave some statistic about the number of completed passes or something- that was you, right?” 
“Uh…” you look at Jungwoo, who’s taken a step away so he can assess you up and down- then your eyes meet Jaehyun’s again, only for you to downcast them- “Yeah, that was me.”
“That was you!?” Jungwoo asks in shock, jaw dropping.
“I’m sorry I-”
“Coach put a clipping of that article in our locker room with the stat highlighted-” Jaehyun tells you, “started taking his own stats after that too.”
You grimace, “Yikes.”
The frat boys laugh at you, and Jungwoo is quick to pull you to his side- “If I’d known you’d written that article, I would have liked you even more when we met,” he insists. 
“The guy who usually reports on us doesn’t have much more to say than a play by play,” Jaehyun adds. “He doesn’t watch as closely as you seem to. Are you a fan of basketball?”
“Erm- not really?” you admit- only to watch Jungwoo’s expression fall. “I mean- yes! It can be fun- but I don’t, like- I don’t watch it on tv, or anything.”
“What were you doing at a basketball court when you met this guy then?” Jaehyun asks, nudging his roommate.
“She was walking by with headphones on,” Jungwoo smiles. “Completely lost in her own world- probably wouldn’t have heard Haechan yell ‘duck’ even if she hadn’t been listening to music.” 
“I see, I see,” Jaehyun nods. He looks you up and down, gaze lingering on Jungwoo’s arm wrapped around you, then he sighs. “Well, I’m gonna go grab some beer.”
“We’re going to go upstairs.” 
The roommates exchange their statements of intent with a nod of understanding, and then Jaehyun is excusing himself with a “nice to meet you, Duck,” and Jungwoo begins to lead you to the second floor.
“What did you think of Jae?” your new boy toy lover asks when you reach his room, closing the door behind you both.
“He seemed nice.” 
It might not be the complete truth- afterall, Jae’s behavior might be more easily described as aloof than friendly or nice- 
He’d been hard for you to read, but to your credit, there’d been a lot going on in the little hallway downstairs, and - contrary to popular belief - first impressions aren’t everything. 
“You doing okay?” Jungwoo asks as he approaches you, wrapping you in his arms to pull you close to the chest that’s already beginning to feel like home.
You nod, “of course,” reaching up to run your fingers through Jungwoo’s pretty honey-coloured hair- he’s dyed it recently, and you’re still getting used to it over the dark strands you’d committed to memory when you’d first watched him play basketball. “Happy to be here with you.”
“Me too,” he grins, searching your eyes and looking over your face, gaze darting to your lips-
You’ve only ‘officially’ known the man embracing you for a short time, but already, he has you wrapped around his finger. There’s not another guy in the whole world who could convince you to come to a frat party for a good lay- 
And yet, here you are, looking up at Jungwoo like a lost little ducky-
He’d been right about that at least.
Haechan throwing a basketball at your head has been the best thing that could have ever happened to you- after all, it led you here; to Jungwoo.
You’re both leaning in now- and you can feel his breath-
“Wait- Woo?” 
He blinks down at you, letting out a “hmm?”
“You share your room with Jae- are you sure he’s not going to come up here?”
“He won’t,” Jungwoo assures you.
“How can you be so confident?”
“Because we told him we’d be up here.”
“So,” Jungwoo laughs, “he knows what that means. Now is Ducky gonna give me a kiss? Or keep pouting these cute lips.” 
Now you’re giggling too, and a moment later your mouths are pressed together; roommate forgotten. 
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In the wake of an insane win against a rival university, Jaehyun is more than excited to hit the campus bar to celebrate with his team. It’s tradition- and it allows the group to mingle with other students while drinking off the buzz of their win. 
As he leaves the locker room, Jaehyun bumps into a congregation of his frat brothers, and he slots himself next to the tallest dude there, looking around for his roommate.
“Where’s Jungwoo?” Jaehyun questions, gaze shifting back the way he’d come-
He’s pretty sure Jungwoo’s out of the locker room already- he hadn’t been inside changing-
Oddly enough, it’s Mark Lee who has the answer, cocking his head slightly with confusion while stating, “He already left with Duck.” There’s a beat of silence where Jaehyun digests what’s been said, then Mark asks, “Didn’t he tell you?”
He hadn’t.
Just as Jungwoo had taken his sweet time to tell Jaehyun he’d even met you in the first place. 
“He must have mentioned it,” the point guard says, giving his head a little shake-
“Must have,” Johnny echoes, and Jaehyun can feel the elder’s eyes burning into him. “Looks like we’re all here, let’s head out.” 
The group exits the gymnasium, heading off towards the bar, and Jaehyun finds himself trailing at the back, walking in step with a frat brother named Doyoung. 
They’re both silent, and the silence feels like an ache, because walks to the bar are never silent for Jae- who usually has his best friend hanging onto his shoulder and bellowing recounts of the game-
“You guys played well,” Doyoung notes politely.
Jaehyun wants to tell him to fuck off.
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Jungwoo is so enamored with you- so completely content just watching you read your textbook, that he forgets to watch the time. 
When the door to his room suddenly opens, you both jump like scardy cats, and Jaehyun freezes too, looking between you and Jungwoo.
“Oh,” the point guard in the entryway says. Then he turns and leaves, shutting the door behind himself without another word.
“I-” you begin, at the same time Jungwoo goes to explain “he-”
You both pause, allowing the other to speak, and after another awkward exchange, Jungwoo finds himself reassuring you that “Jae is like this sometimes- he gets weird around people-”
“I can go if he needs to be in your room,” you offer, eyes full of sincerity.
Your words make Jungwoo laugh, shaking his head and resting a hand on your thigh. “No, you should stay-” he insists, “besides, there are worse things he could have walked in on.”
“I guess you’re right about that.”
With a wink and a quick chaste kiss, Jungwoo gets to his feet. “I’m going to go talk to him though, is that okay?”
“Uh huh, I’ll, uh-” he watches you swallow, “I’ll be here, I guess.”
“Don’t wander off,” Jungwoo teases, already practically bouncing to the door. 
He knows exactly where to find his roommate, and heads to the kitchen, taking the stairwell two steps at a time. 
Jaehyun is predictably where Jungwoo expected him to be, rifling through the fridge, and Jungwoo takes it upon himself to scare his friend, grinning wildly before poking the frat boy in the ribs and yelling “Boo!”
The two men are wrestling within seconds, with Jungwoo continuing to giggle while Jaehyun flips the dynamic, tickling Jungwoo’s sides while asking “you think this is funny!? You think it’s funny to sneak up on people!?”
“Says you,” Jungwoo laughs, rolling on the kitchen floor while meekly fending off his roommate’s hands- he truly doesn’t mind being tickled as much as some people do, “You’re the one who just barged into our room-”
“That’s not sneaking,” Jaehyun insists, pinning Jungwoo by the wrists- “It was an accident.” He pulls away a moment later, standing and running a hand through his hair. “You could have texted me that you had Duck over.”
“I forgot,” Jungwoo smiles, sitting up and ignoring the pain in his abdominal muscles from laughing so hard. “Besides, we weren’t doing anything.”
Jaehyun’s eyes asses Jungwoo, and the tall blonde continues sitting on the floor, giving his roommate space to say whatever retort he finds fit.
Then Jaehyun simply sighs. “Yeah, but if you had been-”
“Then I would have locked the door,” Jungwoo says with a roll of his eyes. “Who do you think I am? Haechan?”
In another room, someone yells “hey!” and Jungwoo screams “Haechan locks his doors 2022!” before returning his attention to Jaehyun. “Do you want to come join us?” he asks nonchalantly. 
“What?” Jaehyun visibly tenses, and it only takes Jungwoo a second to realize why.
“Not for that, silly-” he reaches out to push Jae’s leg. “I think we’re gonna watch some movies, she might stay over, if that’s okay with you.”
“Yeah, she can stay over-” the response is quick, “But uh- I think I’m going to go shoot some hoops or something.”
Jungwoo cocks his head, brows furrowing. “You don’t usually shoot hoops on Mondays.” 
“Right, cuz you know my schedule by heart,” Jaehyun scoffs.
“I do,” the younger man insists, beginning to list off his friend’s daily activities.
When he gets to “mid-day jack-off sesh-” Jaehyun tells him “that’s enough, I’m leaving” and Jungwoo watches him go with a grin. 
Pushing Jaehyun’s buttons is so easy- not that Jungwoo does it often, he just wishes his roommate would be honest about things. Even if he is going to shoot hoops- it definitely hadn’t been in his schedule, and Jungwoo knows it. 
He knows the point guard probably just doesn’t want to be a third wheel.
Jungwoo only wishes his friend could see that, even with you around, their friendship needn’t change. 
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When Jaehyun wakes up, it takes a moment or two for him to remember the events of the night before, and when he does, he’s quick to roll onto his side, eyes seeking out the bed where you and Jungwoo are bundled up like love bugs.
After returning from shooting hoops, Jaehyun had reluctantly joined you and Jungwoo for a few episodes of a Netflix food show. 
Sat next to his best friend, it had almost felt normal to be watching ‘Somebody Feed Phil,’ but every time you’d laughed, it had been a reminder that things were different.
This is the first time you’ve slept over in his room, and Jaehyun finds himself thinking about you and Jungwoo’s relationship - something he’d not been intending to consider - within the first moments of wakefulness. 
It had been nice to have you around, and Jaehyun knows that if he’s not careful- he could create waves in the budding romance the two of you have.
He wants Jungwoo to be happy, he really does- but there’s a jealousy biting at Jaehyun’s heart, and it prompts him to get out of bed quietly, intent on a shower to wash away the nasty feelings. 
There are a few frat boys awake, and when Jaehyun reaches the large communal bathroom, he finds Haechan and Mark getting ready for their classes. 
They talk about a variety of topics while Jaehyun washes his hair, from a group project to girls they’re interested in, and when Jaehyun goes to dry off, he gets to listen to them fight about whether or not they need to shave.
“I have stubble, dude-” Mark is insisting, rubbing at his jaw while Haechan scoffs loudly.
“Stubble my ass, Mark Lee,” Haechan says. “Who’s it gonna bother anyways? It’s not like you’re getting any.”
“I am!” 
“You are?” Jaehyun asks, wrapping a towel around his waist.
“I-” Mark’s ears have turned red.
Jaehyun can’t believe that all around him, his friends are getting cuffed for the season. 
He can’t believe that they so easily jump into relationships or hookups-
As much as Jaehyun might have a reputation for being one of the sexiest dudes in the entire frat village - he is Mister Valentine after all - he’s a lot more relaxed than people give him credit for. 
Or at least… he thinks of himself that way. 
He’s never been the type to think he needs a girlfriend- but then again, he’s never really had a true girlfriend, not one who really knew and accepted him.
He wonders if it’s even possible for him at this point, and seeing best friends like Mark and Jungwoo dabble in love brings up this voice in Jaehyun’s head that tells him ‘You’ll never find the one.’ 
Mark and Haechan leave the bathroom, and Jaehyun tugs his clothes on before following them. 
Two doors down from his own, Jaehyun begins to hear sounds, and his heart sinks in his chest, because if anyone can identify Jungwoo by his moans- it’s his roommate. 
Stopping in front of his room, Jaehyun sighs, looking down at the doorknob.
“It’s locked, I tried,” comes Haechan’s voice, as he comes out of the room next door, backpack slung casually over his shoulder. “I wanted to open it and scream ‘Jungwoo locks his doors 2022,’ but… that would have just been facts.”
“Did you need something from your room?” Mark asks, following his friend towards Jaehyun and the stairwell. 
“Yeah, all my school shit,” Jaehyun sighs again.
“Sucks to be you,” Haechan taunts.
It really does.
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While Jaehyun has been acting a little strange- and to be fair, Jungwoo had apologized profusely about locking him out of the room to fuck you two days before- it’s a complete shock when the point guard doesn’t show up to movie night. 
Jungwoo had fucked up- Jaehyun had been forced to wait for his laptop, and had missed his first class, but… Jungwoo hadn’t realized Jaehyun even liked his first morning class on Tuesdays so…
He can’t put his finger on what’s upsetting his friend, and it’s been driving him up the wall. 
Every time he’s asked, “are you mad at me?” or “are you jealous of me spending my time with Duck?” he’s been assured by Jaehyun that things are fine-
Too bad he knows Jaehyun’s a liar. 
Jungwoo had thought that, if there was one certainty in their friendship outside of basketball, it was movie night. Even last week, when Jungwoo would have much rather been with you, he’d come to watch a film and be with his best friend-
This is the first time he or Jaehyun have missed a movie night in over a year, and Jungwoo can’t help the way he sends his roommate a few texts- 
He’ll admit, he’s probably annoying the dude with a double, triple- quadruple text, but he can’t help himself. 
And when his text goes unanswered for the twenty minutes leading up to the film, solidifying Jaehyun’s absence, Jungwoo decides to text someone he can count on. 
You assure him that Jaehyun’s probably fine- you even walk Jungwoo through a number of reasons why his roommate might choose to skip a movie, and when you’ve calmed him down, Jungwoo invites you to come join him and his frat friends for a film.
After all, how can he be expected to get through a whole movie without cuddles? 
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There aren’t many games that conflict with frat parties, but tonight is one of those nights, and the stands are noticeably thinned out. While the frat generally comes to support the members on the team, when given the difficult decision between watching basketball and partying, many choose the latter. 
But not you. 
As soon as the team exits their changing room, a chorus of female screams erupt from the section that usually houses the frat, and Jaehyun finds you sitting there with a number of your friends, sporting their team colors.
Not only had you shown up, but you’d brought cheerleaders, and the thought makes Jaehyun’s whole body tingle with warmth.
Jungwoo claps a hand on Jaehyun’s back, flashing him a fond smile that says ‘Those are our fans’ and Jaehyun is more intent than ever to play the best game of his life.
The team kicks ass, with Jaehyun and Jungwoo working in sync in a way they haven’t for a few weeks, and when the final buzzer goes and the crowd erupts to celebrate their win, Jaehyun’s reminded that you’re there for Jungwoo, not for him.
He watches Jungwoo kiss you, lifting you off the ground and spinning you around, announcing to the world ‘my good luck charm ducky baby!’ and if Jaehyun didn’t love his roommate so much, he’d have barfed at the sickly sweetness of it all… Or maybe from the jealousy.
But he’d never admit that to himself.
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“Swish!” Jungwoo yells loudly as Jaehyun makes a shot from the three-point line. The joy that fills him to see his friend doing well isn’t something he could ever fake, and when he takes the basketball to do a layup, Jaehyun releases his own sound of praise.
Jungwoo swears he could play ball with Jaehyun for a whole day and not get bored, although, distraction is another story. 
You’ve been on his mind constantly, and Jungwoo hadn’t been able to help himself this morning. He’d told you the gymnasium he and Jaehyun would be at, and even now, he waits anxiously for your arrival.
You’d promised to come by for a short visit, and Jungwoo is as happy as ever to facilitate more bonding time between you and his roommate. The two of you will have to be comfortable with each other for Jungwoo’s life to continue to work smoothly- and there’s a sneaking suspicion growing in his heart that tells him Jae’s becoming jealous.
Sure, he’d joined you and Jungwoo for food documentaries, but this will be bonding on Jaehyun’s own turf- or court, if you will.
Jae’s never as relaxed as he is on a basketball court, and Jungwoo’s excited for you to experience this- to experience point guard Jaehyun without the added pressure of a game to win.
What Jungwoo isn’t expecting, as you enter the gym, is to be so distracted that as he calls “Duck!” he himself gets hit in the head with a ball thrown by Jaehyun. 
Having never been on the receiving end of a headshot- having never been distracted in this way- Jungwoo allows himself to fall to the ground in shock.
“Dude!” Jaehyun exclaims, and before Jungwoo knows it, two people are looking down at him with concern.
The tall shooting guard can’t help the smile that works its way onto his lips. 
“My people,” Jungwoo says wistfully, blinking up at you with a dopey expression.
“You gotta pay attention,” Jaehyun admonishes him, offering a hand to pull his friend back onto his feet. 
“My attention was on duck- and less on ducking,” Jungwoo grins, rubbing at his cheek before turning his gaze fully to you. “You came!”
He picks you up in a hug that spins you off the ground, and you giggle while holding onto his strong shoulders. 
“Of course I came!” you smile when he sets you down, “but I can only stay for a little while.”
“Really?” Jungwoo pouts, still not releasing you from his grip. “Are you sure you can’t come back to the frat and watch movies?”
“I’ve got a project to work on and I’m meeting friends, remember?” 
“Yeah.” The tall puppy boy had been praying your plans would fall through, but he supposes he has to let you give your attention to your friends and studies sometimes. Jungwoo turns his gaze to his roommate. “You don’t mind that she’s stopping by for a bit, right?”
He knows there’s nothing Jaehyun can do about it now, and Jaehyun puts on a good face for you. It’s the most welcoming Jungwoo has seen his friend be to you- and it fills his heart with warmth while the three of you get settled on the court.
“Have you played around the world before?” Jaehyun asks, surprising Jungwoo in his initiative for choosing a non-combative game- or at least, a less intimidating choice than two on one. “It’s basically uh- taking turns making shots from different locations on the court.”
“You guys are gonna beat me so bad,” you laugh, but you accept the challenge all the same.
Talking you through how to make a shot is something that Jungwoo’s been dreaming about, and he enjoys standing behind you, hands settled on your waist to help be your guide. 
“It’s all in the wrist too,” Jaehyun adds helpfully, another steady instructor for your attempts at making a hoop. 
It’s no shock that Jaehyun and Jungwoo beat you at the game- no shock that the real competition is between them, but what is surprising, is the way that - in having you there - both men are less competitive against each other. 
Jungwoo can tell Jaehyun is holding back, even just a little, allowing Jungwoo to be the star, to be the one that dazzles you. 
Before Jungwoo even knows it, he’s won the game and you’re announcing that you have to head out to see your friends and work on your project. 
The man who’s fallen for you over an insanely short period of time pulls you into a kiss that says ‘I never want to let you go.’
Watching you leave is hard, but Jungwoo manages, and after fifteen more minutes of one on one against Jae, the two basketball players hit the locker room. 
“Thanks for letting me win in Around The World,” Jungwoo says, stripping his shirt from his body.
“Yeah,” Jaehyun kicks off his gym shoes, “your girl was there.”
“You don’t have to be nice just because Duck was around.”
“Yes, I do.”
“No, you can be yourself,” Jungwoo insists, leaning his shoulder against the locker to focus on his friend. “You get weird when Duck is around- and you missed frat movie night-”
“Being a third wheel can be rough,” Jaehyun states, refusing to meet Jungwoo’s eyes while he fishes his towel from his bag. “Makes me think I need my own girlfriend to even things out.”
“I don’t like any of the girls you date.” Jungwoo’s nose scrunches up in something like disgust as he goes through Jaehyun’s exes in his mind. 
“We can’t all find a perfect girlfriend by throwing a basketball at her head you know.”
“I wasn’t even the one who threw it at her,” Jungwoo reminds his friend. “I was the one that was there to make sure she got up- that’s like… social skills, not basketball skills, which explains why you can’t get a good date.”
Jaehyun scoffs.
“I’m serious,” Jungwoo laughs, “you’re horrible at validating people, you have the emotional IQ of a porn-addicted teenager, you get way too tense anytime a good girl is around-”
“Watch it,” Jaehyun warns, but there’s no attempt to counter any of Jungwoo’s observations. 
“You get weird as soon as a girl is around,” Jungwoo continues anyways, following his best friend towards the showers. “If you’d just be yourself- if you’d just… be like you are when it’s just us-”
“Then I’d get a girlfriend?” Jaehyun finishes with a laugh.
“Or maybe just some friends who happen to be girls. Those are nice too, Jae,” Jungwoo sighs. “Seriously, come hang out with me and Duck and work on your social skills, you’ll enjoy it once you get the stick out of your ass.”
“Since when am I the one of us with a stick up his ass?” Jaehyun retorts with a cheeky grin as he reaches to turn on his shower.
“See!? This is the kind of Jae people like,” Jungwoo grins, pushing at his friend. “The guy who makes bad jokes.”
“Wasn’t a joke- was a valid question,” Jaehyun joins in the laughter, slapping Jungwoo’s hand away from his shoulder.
“Come to movie night with me and Duck tomorrow,” Jungwoo insists, unwilling to relent on the subject until Jaehyun agrees.
“If I say yes, will you drop it and let me shower in peace?”
“Fine,” Jaehyun sighs, “I’ll do movie night with you and Duck tomorrow.” 
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Jaehyun’s not sure what to expect for movie night. 
He arrives back to the frat from classes before Jungwoo, and spends an hour or so just sitting in his room and going over possibilities. 
The point guard is not expecting you and Jungwoo to arrive holding two boxes of pizza and a bag full of his favorite snacks.
Because of the shock of it all, Jaehyun’s reaction to it is less than impressive for Jungwoo, who tries to facilitate joy by dumping the bag of snacks onto his bed to announce “this is your favorite chips, and this is a box of those chocolates you like-” 
Jaehyun finds it comical that Jungwoo feels the need to remind him of his own tastes, and when Jungwoo is done with his rant, Jaehyun takes a breath and thanks him properly. 
“It was Duck’s idea,” Jungwoo says, another shock to Jaehyun’s system. 
“I know Jungwoo talked you into movie night,” you explain bashfully, “so I wanted to make sure you at least had some food you like-”
“Hence, pizza!”
The cardboard box is flipped open excitedly, and the smell of pepperoni and greasy cheese perfumes the small room. 
“We should watch our food show,” Jaehyun states, eying the pizza while his mouth begins to practically water.
“Somebody Feed Phil it is,” Jungwoo responds happily, glossing over the fact that Jaehyun had referred to it as ‘our show.’ 
But the diction isn’t lost on Jaehyun, who’s assessing his own words- the line that had slipped out of him and betrayed his blossoming sense of ownership over the show that makes all three of you laugh together. 
He brushes it off.
Soon, you’re all seated on Jungwoo’s bed, with him in the middle and his computer on his lap. 
It’s becoming easier and easier to get lost in the enjoyment of it, and one slice of pizza becomes two, becomes three- 
Jaehyun can feel his muscles relaxing, can feel his body getting heavier and happier with each passing moment.
When Phil does something to make you giggle, Jaehyun finds himself laughing along with you- not because he’d found the interaction particularly funny per se- but because sharing joy with you and Jungwoo just feels right. 
While Jaehyun’s aware that you’ve hit ‘next episode’ a number of times, it’s not until you begin to yawn that he checks the time, and all three of you are surprised to find it’s nearly midnight.
“Did we really just watch a whole season of this?” Jungwoo asks, rubbing at his eyes with the heel of his hands before stretching his arms above his head and yawning loudly.
“We’re gonna have to find a new show if we keep this up,” you muse from where you’re tucked against your boyfriend’s side.
On Jungwoo’s left, Jaehyun meets your eyes, and the two of you only hold the contact for a few seconds before looking elsewhere. Jaehyun sits up, doing a stretch of his own. “There are lots of shows to choose from,” he says, attempting to sound non chalant.
He can’t betray the excitement he feels to know you’re considering another show to watch- a sign that you see this continuing-
He could really get used to this. 
There’d been a time when Jaehyun had worried about mooching off of Jungwoo’s romance, a time when he thought you and Jungwoo would prefer to be alone together, but with each interaction, he finds himself getting more comfortable being your third.
He’d hate to be a third wheel to a bike- but it’s starting to look like you and Jungwoo might be tricycle people. 
The thought surprises Jaehyun, and as the three of you get settled in separate beds, the point guard takes it upon himself to listen to your breathing- making sure he’s the last of you to drift off into dreamland.
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You wake up in a bed that’s starting to feel familiar, and the cock poking at your bum is definitely something you’re becoming accustomed to-
It makes you smile happily to yourself, but when you open your eyes, you’re sure to check on Jaehyun, who’s still fast asleep, before turning in Jungwoo’s arms to face him. 
The large, beautiful man who you’ve fallen in love with is as gorgeous as ever- even while dreaming, and he makes small sounds, betraying the dirty content of his subconscious. 
You start by slowly brushing your fingers past his cheek, and when that doesn’t wake him, you shuffle closer, leaning forward to ghost your lips by his neck-
Jungwoo practically jolts awake when you touch his sweet spot, and he releases a small groan, immediately wrapping you in his arms to pull you tightly to his chest.
“Woo,” you whisper, kissing the underside of his jaw.
“Ducky,” he moans, tangling his legs with your own-
It would be so easy to reach between your bodies, slip your hand under the waistband of his joggers, and grab his cock-
But with each sound of pleasure released by your gentle giant, you worry about waking Jae.
“Come shower with me,” you whisper instead, running your fingers through Jungwoo’s hair and massaging his scalp, something he adores you doing-
He releases a grunt, and then sighs, swallowing thickly; “Shower.”
Pulling away from Jungwoo makes him whiney, but he allows you to drag him to his feet, checking on Jaehyun one last time before grabbing towels and exiting the room.
In the hallway, you’re able to talk more without fear of waking Jungwoo’s roommate, and he immediately asks you, “what time is it?”
“Early,” you respond. “But I have class today, and I have to run home to grab things, so I thought we could have a shower now and I can see you tomorrow or something.”
“Yes, shower now,” Jungwoo agrees, rubbing at his eyes and following you to the communal bathroom. 
You’re thankful that it’s early enough for the showers to be deserted, and the two of you tuck yourselves away in a stall, closing the curtain before helping each other strip.
It’s a giggled mess of hands - you tugging on Jungwoo’s pants while he wrestles with your shirt - but soon enough you’re both naked, lip-locked, and under the spray of warm water.
You’re eager to have him inside of you, eager to fuck this basketball god before any of his friends wake up and barge into the bathroom, and your lover is just as eager to get at you.
Jungwoo lifts you up, forcing your legs around his waist while he sits you onto his cock, filling you perfectly while his mouth muffles your moans.
Even after fucking like rabbits since you’ve met, you’re still not used to the size of his dick, and each drag against your inner walls has you clawing at his shoulders and kissing him like a woman who’s gone mad with need.
“Fuck, Duck,” he groans, fingers digging into your ass cheeks to hold you up while he fucks into you, “feels so good-”
Your only response is a whimpered “please-” and it prompts the sleepy man to fully snap out of his grogginess, releasing a growl of pleasure before fucking you harder-
In the back of your brain, there’s a constant siren going off, a siren that tells you anyone could walk into the communal bathroom- anyone could pull the shower curtain aside-
The added fear that comes with exhibitionism has your stomach twisting into pleasure knots before your brain can keep up with it, and your pussy clenches around the intrusion thrusting in and out of your core-
“Jungwoo-” you whine his name as you burry your face in his neck, teetering on the edge of orgasmic bliss-
“Fuck, please cum for me, come on Duck, cum-” 
Your toes curl, your legs wrapping tightly around Jungwoo’s body, and the chord in the pit of your stomach snaps, allowing a release of euphoria that has you clinging to Jungwoo like a lifeline-
Jungwoo moans loudly in your ear, one of the prettiest sounds you’ve ever heard, and you can feel him filling you with his cum, his hips shuddering with each slap of skin on skin-
“Fuck, fuck, fuck-” he whimpers, squeezing you in his embrace, his lips eagerly seeking out your own. 
As you both come down from your highs, Jungwoo’s thrusts come to a stop, and he simply holds you under the water spray while you catch your breaths.
When your thoughts come back as cohesive sentences, you ask him to set you down, and he helps you steady yourself on wobbly legs. 
“Thanks for coming over last night- and thanks for cumming today,” Jungwoo whispers breathlessly- a joke that causes you both to erupt in a fit of giggles.
The shooting guard holds you close to his chest, pressing a kiss to your forehead as you shrug the whole thing off with a “don’t mention it.”
“I think Jae really liked having you over too,” he continues anyways, unrelenting once he goes down a thought spiral. “Haven’t seen him laugh like that in a while.”
“Phil is a funny guy,” you nod.
Jungwoo chuckles. “Wasn’t always Phil making Jae laugh,” he tells you. “I sort of think Jae likes you.”
“That’s good isn’t it?” you ask. “It’s important for your friends to like me.”
“Yeah but I mean-” Jungwoo swallows, looking down at you with a lopsided grin, “I think he sort of like likes you.” 
You find yourself laughing at his choice of words, poking at his stomach while musing, “are we in kindergarten?”
Jungwoo wraps his arms around you even tighter. “Seriously- just think about it with me for a second,” he urges you. “I feel like… as much as none of us admit it, lots of us frat guys- we rely on each other for emotional stuff you know? So when I met you, and started prioritizing us, it’s kind of like I cheated on Jae, in some weird way.”
You consider his words, looking up at him and watching the way his pretty lips move when he speaks. 
“Jae and I weren’t always super close,” he continues. “We worked on our friendship, and it took a lot for him to open up and be weird with me- having Jae close himself off when you and I met was kind of hard, you know?”
“Sounds like maybe you have a bit of a crush on Jae, Woo,” you tease, curious for his reaction.
Jungwoo simply chuckles, pressing a kiss to your lips before saying, “Maybe I do. How do you feel about that?”
“I feel like…” you choose your words carefully, “what you said about the emotional connection of frat boy roommates and basketball teammates makes a lot of sense. I also feel like… I’ve really enjoyed our time together, and I guess I’m open to watching you grow and be happy.”
“I’m happy with you,” he states, kissing the tip of your nose lovingly.
“I’m happy with you too,” you respond with a smile.
“This is a lot to think about,” Jungwoo sighs, reaching behind you to turn the shower off, “and you have class soon, so maybe we should just think about this later.”
“Later works,” you agree.
“There’s a game on Thursday,” the tall basketball player notes, grabbing your towels so you can dry off, “when we win, we can celebrate and figure stuff out.”
You laugh, wrapping your towel around your body. “I love how confident you are that you’re going to win.”
Jungwoo scoffs. “With our cute little, observant, Ducky good luck charm, how could Jae and I lose?” 
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Jaehyun can tell something is different with you and Jungwoo, and the way the two of you react when the team wins their basketball game is confirmation that something has changed. After you kiss Jungwoo to celebrate, Jaehyun finds himself being pulled into a three-way embrace, with Jungwoo as the main instigator.
Then, on the walk to the bar after the team had showered and changed into street clothes, oddly enough it’s you who walks between the two basketball players; Jungwoo no longer the center.
It’s as easy as ever to discuss the game in your little trio, all three of you talking excitedly about the three-pointers they’d shot, and the completed layups- 
“I think it was your best game of the season,” you muse, offering Jaehyun a happy smile before you beam at your boyfriend, who throws an arm over your shoulders and tugs you close to his side.
“What did I tell ya?” Jungwoo grins. “The good luck, Duck charm strikes again.”
There’s some truth to the shooting guard’s words- Jaehyun would be lying if he said knowing you’re in the crowd doesn’t make him play better- play harder- play to impress- 
Your group reaches the bar, and Jaehyun finds himself ordering drinks for the three of you, shoulder to shoulder with Johnny, who lists off beverages for their other friends.
“You played well,” the tall man from Chicago says, clapping Jaehyun on the back. 
“Our good luck charm was there,” Jaehyun says before he can help himself.
“Who?” at first Johnny is confused, his eyes shifting past Jaehyun’s shoulder- “oh, right- that’s what Woo’s calling his girlfriend these days. You can’t give any credit to Duck though, you guys just played well.”
For some reason, the comment makes the point guard’s skin tingle with heat- with anger, and his fist clenches at his side. “Were you at our last game?”
“Uh, no? There was the frat party-”
“I know,” Jaehyun cuts Johnny off. “You weren’t there, Duck was. And she brought a bunch of friends to cheer us on, knowing our usual frat section would be nearly empty. Even coach mentioned how it was a boost of morale versus other home games where our friends choose partying over basketball.” 
Johnny is quiet in the noise of the bar, dark eyes assessing Jaehyun. “You really like Duck, huh?”
Jaehyun groans, but even as he turns his attention to the three drinks recently placed in front of him, it’s clear as day that he prefers you and Jungwoo to all his other friends in the bar. 
Without another word, Jaehyun picks up the beverages, leaving Johnny in favor of joining you and Jungwoo at the frat table where Haechan and Doyoung are having a lively debate-
Claiming the free space next to you, Jaehyun once again sandwiches you between him and Jungwoo, placing your drinks on the table.
“What are those?” Haechan asks, stopping his rant to blink at the cups of beer.
“Our drinks?” Jaehyun offers.
Haechan rolls his eyes. “But where are ours?” 
“Johnny’s still getting them,” Jaehyun sighs, already tiring of Haechan’s antics.
“What in the preferential treatment-” 
“You can have mine,” you offer, shocking all the men watching as you push your beer forward, “I can share with Woo-”
Three hands go to grab the beer, with Jungwoo and Jaehyun trying to take the drink back while Haechan attempts to lift it to his lips-
“You can’t drink her beer-” Jaehyun states while Jungwoo simply hits Haechan with an “aish, you idiot-”
“She gave it to me!” Haechan insists, getting rougher with his tugging-
“Stop it, you gremlin,” Johnny’s smooth powerful voice cuts up the tension as he arrives carrying a tray for the rest of the friends. “Leave these three alone,” he instructs, holding out a beer to Haechan, “here’s your drink.”
Haechan makes a big deal of scoffing and letting go of your glass, and he watches the three of you over the rim of his drink while he takes a massive gulp. “Preferential treatment,” he seethes under his breath.
Jaehyun sighs. 
It would appear that he’s not the only one with some jealousy problems.
Only, Jaehyun’s jealousy has definitely gone down in the past few days- now he feels more… protective of the little trio you have going.
There’s never been a time where Jaehyun’s been at the bar wishing he was at home in his room instead, except- tonight, he’d much rather be watching a show with you and Jungwoo.
His win on the basketball court is practically forgotten- there’s no need to celebrate it- and if there is, the celebration would be much better with just the three of you and some takeout-
“Thank you for the beer,” you tell Jaehyun when Haechan’s calmed down a little, nudging your shoulder against his own and offering a smile that has the point guard’s heart lurching in his chest.
He has to clear his throat to tell you “don’t mention it,” and while he tries to be nonchalant, he can feel his ears heating from the small thank you.
“What are you guys saying?” Jungwoo leans closer, throwing his arm around you to huddle you tighter to Jae’s side. 
“I just thanked him for the beer,” you explain.
“It’s too loud in here,” Jungwoo groans. “Wanna finish our drinks and head back to the frat?”
It’s a shock how in tune Jaehyun and Jungwoo are at times- and Jaehyun is flabbergasted that they’d both have the same urge to escape the very environment they so often thrive in after a game.
“Sounds good to me,” you respond, and then the two of you are looking at the point guard.
“You coming too, Jae?” Jungwoo asks.
He nods and then downs his drink.
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You’re not sure what to expect as you follow Jaehyun and Jungwoo into their frat house. 
You know it’s going to be mostly deserted, as almost all of NCT house goes to the bar to celebrate after a basketball win, and the implications of that aren’t lost on you.
What Jungwoo had said in the shower two days ago has been on your mind constantly, and your heart races at the notion of having alone time with your boyfriend and Jaehyun. 
Before your mind can go too deep down the sexual rabbit hole however, you’re faced with something unexpected: there are people in the kitchen.
You, Jaehyun and Jungwoo freeze, as do the two men, who seem to be in the middle of baking cookies- although, there’s flour in Mark’s hair, and a smear of something on the cheek of the other man-
“You guys are home!” Mark says, as still as a statue with his whisk in hand-
“No, you guys are home-” Jungwoo retorts in shock- “did you two sneak away from the bar?”
“Did you three sneak away from the bar?” now the white-haired man is echoing, with a sly grin on his face. He relaxes back against the counter, crossing his arms over his chest and eying you. 
“Uh-” Mark looks like a dear in headlights, gaze flickering between you and his friend- “Duck, this is Yuta-”
“Hi Ducky,” Yuta holds up a hand, waving his fingers at you.
“Hi,” you offer meekly, grabbing onto Jungwoo’s arm to tuck closer to him-
“We’re uh-” Jungwoo swallows thickly, “we’re going to go watch some shows-”
“And we’re just baking some cookies,” Mark says pointedly, “just… baking some cookies.”
There’s a moment of tense silence, then Jungwoo clears his throat again. “It’s uh, some nice music you have on- you should maybe… turn it up?”
“What?” Mark’s jaw drops a little, and he looks between you, Jungwoo and Jaehyun.
“We can turn it up,” Yuta says, reaching for his phone. The rap music gets louder, and Yuta checks with Jungwoo “is this a good volume?”
“Perfect,” Jungwoo nods. 
There’s another moment where no one speaks, and then Jaehyun says, “enjoy your baking.” He takes your hand, and begins to drag you and Jungwoo towards the stairs.  
As you head up to the second level, Jungwoo starts giggling.
“What?” you ask, tugging on his arm.
“It’s just funny-” Jungwoo grins, “Mark and Yuta-”
“Mark did say he was getting laid the other day,” Jaehyun adds. “I thought he might be talking about that girl in his psych class, but I guess not.”
“Good for them though,” you say. “I think I saw them together the first time I came over for a frat party- they were standing really close to each other-”
What Jungwoo had said about ‘frat guys [relying] on each other for emotional stuff’ rings clear through your head again, and it warms your heart to know your little trio isn’t the only ‘unconventional’ pairing in the frathouse.
When you reach their room, Jungwoo locks the door, and Jaehyun moves to grab the laptop.
“Jae- what are you doing?” Jungwoo asks, leaning back against the door with a grin.
“Getting the laptop so we can watch our show?” Jaehyun suggests.
You and Jungwoo exchange glances, and your heart melts again at the innocence of Jaehyun-
Jungwoo had been a little flirty on your walk back to the frat, but obviously his friend hadn’t picked up on any of it. 
It’s clear to you that you’re going to have to be direct and upfront with Jaehyun-
You adore how unassuming he is.
Jungwoo had straight up told Mark and Yuta to make their music louder- which to you, would be an obvious indicator towards the three of you intending to loudly fuck each other- but Jae seems oblivious to it-
“We didn’t come back here to watch a show,” Jungwoo states.
There it is.
“Huh?” Jaehyun puts the laptop back down, turning to face you both with a confused expression.
“I said,” Jungwoo pulls you to his chest, locking you in an embrace, “we didn’t come back here to watch a show. But I mean- if you want to watch a show, I guess we can watch a show-”
There’s a moment of quiet, rap music thumps loudly from downstairs, and you find your skin heating with anxiety. You turn to cling to your boyfriend, burying your face against his chest, “you have to be straight with him.”
“I’m never straight with him,” Jungwoo teases, pressing a kiss to your forehead, but a moment later his attention is back on his friend. “Look, Ducky and I like you Jae- I didn’t realize how much I liked you until this one started making you jealous,” he squeezes you fondly. “We talked about it, and we both agreed it would be nice to let you join- if you wanted to. But if you just wanna sit and watch our show- that’s fine too.”
You hug Jungwoo tightly, unable to face Jae- 
You wait with your breath held for him to respond.
“You both agreed?” Jaehyun says finally.
“Uh huh, Ducky is being shy,” Jungwoo looks down at you, “but she wants this, don’t you, Ducky?” 
You nod.
“Don’t just nod,” Jungwoo laughs, turning you around in his embrace to face his roommate, “tell Jae you want him too.”
“He hasn’t said he wants me, yet,” you point out, frowning a little-
“Of course he wants you, look at him,” Jungwoo’s hands find your hips, and the two of you assess Jaehyun together. “Tell him you want him, and I bet he’ll snap.” 
You swallow thickly, mustering up the courage to be honest. 
It’s a shock how okay with this Jungwoo is- as much as you’d discussed Jaehyun joining your bedroom activities, part of you had thought maybe - when faced with the situation - Jungwoo might change his mind.
If anything, Jungwoo’s all in, and you can feel his cock stiffening by your bum-
He must really enjoy this- the push-pull, the tension so thick you could cut it with a knife-
“Jae-” you say, your voice cracking-
You needn’t say more, because in two steps, Jaehyun’s in front of you, cupping your face in his hands and pressing his lips to your own. 
You can’t help the way your body melts into the kiss, your own hands reaching for the front of Jaehyun’s shirt to pull him closer-
With a small groan, Jaehyun concedes, pinning you between him and Jungwoo while his tongue swipes across your bottom lip, begging for entrance-
Your body responds without a second thought, your mouth opening to allow Jaehyun’s tongue to glide past your own, earning mirrored sounds of pleasure from you both-
Behind you, Jungwoo presses even tighter to your ass, rutting against you while his hand slips down the front of your torso, toying with the button of your jeans-
When Jungwoo’s lips press to your neck, you shiver, releasing a whimpered sound that has both men grinning against you.
“Feels good?” Jaehyun asks, breaking the kiss to pinch your chin.
You force your eyes open to look at him, managing a small nod while you reach behind you in an attempt to pull Jungwoo even closer-
“You and your little nods,” Jaehyun chuckles, eyes twinkling with adoration while his thumb brushes by your cheekbone. 
“She’s gonna speak up for us,” Jungwoo promises at your rear, “isn’t that right, Ducky?”
You nod, biting at your lip before saying “uh huh-” 
You’re eager to be kissing Jaehyun again, and it’s torture having him so close but still so far-
“Needy ducky,” Jaehyun coos, thumb brushing across your lip-
He leans in to kiss you, allowing you to be distracted again while the two men continue to explore you with their hands. 
Jungwoo’s gotten your top button undone, and he’s wrestling with your zipper now. Meanwhile, Jaehyun’s spare hand braces your rib cage, fingers toying with the underwire of your bra, concealed by your shirt.
The two men work so well together- it’s shocking how in sync they can be, both of them pulling away from you at the same time to remove your shirt and pants-
“Bed,” Jungwoo says as he nearly trips you while tugging your jeans away from your feet-
“Mine or yours?” comes Jaehyun’s response.
“Doesn’t matter.”
It really doesn’t- and you find yourself being tossed onto Jungwoo’s bed a moment later. 
You scramble a little, feeling exposed in your bra and panties while the two basketball players look down at your form. 
“Isn’t she pretty?” Jungwoo grins, reaching out to toy his fingers up your shin.
“Gorgeous,” Jaehyun agrees, swallowing thickly. “How are we going to do this?”
“I don’t know,” your boyfriend cocks his head to the side. “What are you feeling, Ducky?”
Part of you had been expecting to just lay back and take what they give you- you’d been ready to accept practically anything- but now that you’re being put on the spot, now that your wants are being recognized specifically- 
There’s a voice in your mind telling you to go all the way- to try being stuffed by both in the most intimate way possible- but as someone without much experience in threesomes, you think maybe it’s a good idea to start with something less intrusive.
Licking your lips, you realize; “I want to suck off Jae while you fuck me.” 
Both men let out small groans of satisfaction, and Jungwoo whispers the phrase “spit roasing” before ripping off his shirt and prompting you to “get on your hands and knees please, Ducky baby.”
“Should I-” Jaehyun takes a step forward, “should I get on the bed?”
“Up to you- you could stand, or you could kneel on the bed, I don’t think it really matters,” Jungwoo responds. “What do you think, Duck?”
“On the bed,” you suggest, shifting on your knees so you’re facing the head of Jungwoo’s mattress. You pat the spot in front of you, offering Jaehyun a smile of reassurance. 
The bed dips as Jungwoo gets onto the foot of it, and then his large hands are cupping your hips, pulling you back and up, into a doggy-like position that gives him easy access to your core.
Your boyfriend begins to massage your ass, and you would bet he’s watching Jaehyun as he gets settled on his knees in front of you.
You both go for his belt a the same time, and you feel your skin heat with embarrassment-
“Jae,” Jungwoo’s smooth voice sounds from your rear, “Ducky does best when you tell her what to do. Praise her a little.”
Jaehyun looks down at you with as serious an expression as ever, but then he visibly softens. “Do you wanna undo my belt?” he asks.
You nod eagerly, hand flying up to start the task-
“Ducky, I told you to speak up too, didn’t I?” Jungwoo questions, kneading your ass gently with his large, warm hands.
“No nodding,” Jaehyun agrees, “you did mention that.”
“Sorry,” you breathe, unbuttoning Jaehyun’s pants.
“It’s okay,” Jungwoo presses a kiss to your bum, and you can feel his breath fan over your pussy even through the panties that he gingerly pulls to the side- 
He licks a stripe of your core, pressing his tongue between your folds-
Then his thumb finds your clit, and you release a moan, faltering with Jaehyun’s zipper-
“She likes that,” Jaehyun breathes above you. “Don’t you Duck?”
“Yes Jae,” you force out, hooking your fingers in his jeans to begin to tug them down, “he always feels so good-”
“I bet he does,” the point guard swallows thickly, reaching down to capture your chin, forcing you to meet his eyes. “You two are a great couple.”
You blink at him.
Out of all the praise he could have given you- and he’d chosen to draw attention to both you and Jungwoo, who releases a groan of satisfaction, smiling against your pussy-
“Thank you, Jae,” you respond, remembering to be vocal.
He grins down at you, pinching your chin in an affectionate way before retracting his hand. “Do you guys have a system for when your mouth is full?” he asks next. 
Jungwoo chuckles against you- he’s not the type for ‘systems’ when it comes to sex. He doesn’t even bother to get into it, pushing his tongue into your pussy, lapping at your walls while his thumb rubs your clit in gentle circles.
“We could-” your breath catches when Jungwoo presses harder on your sensitive bud, “one tap for yes, two for no and stop?”
“That works,” Jaehyun nods. “Are you both sure you want to do this?”
“Jae-” Jungwoo sighs loudly from behind you, snickering, “she told you she wants you in her mouth- stop talking and just do it.” 
You find yourself smiling at your boyfriend’s antics, and Jaehyun obviously takes your smile as confirmation to follow through, so he shifts his pants down, allowing his cock to spring free.
For a millisecond- you’re taken aback by how pretty Jaehyun’s dick is.
It shouldn’t be a surprise- after all, the rest of him is utterly gorgeous.
He’s not as big as Jungwoo, who probably is the owner of the biggest cock you’ve ever had inside of you, but he has a pretty curvature to him-
Wrapping your hand around the base of his dick, you guide Jaehyun to your mouth, caressing him with your tongue.
The beautiful man releases a groan that goes straight to your core- which, coincidently, Jungwoo pulls away from.
You whine around Jaehyun, and his hips shudder, pushing his cock deeper into your mouth.
Behind you, Jungwoo’s hooked his fingers in your panties again, and he’s tugging them down your thighs, allowing them to catch at your knees.
You know what’s coming, and you push your ass back towards your lover, giving it a small wiggle of invitation.
“Pretty baby,” Jungwoo coos, one hand massaging your ass, spreading you open for him-
Jaehyun pulls out of your mouth suddenly, and at the same time, Jungwoo drags you back, impaling you on his cock and filling you deliciously, your walls stretching to accommodate his massive length-
A strangled moan slips out of you, a string of saliva keeping you connected to the cock that’s pushed between your lips again, nearly making you choke as you struggle to breathe in through your nose.
You’re truly being spit-roasted.
There are two dicks inside of you- two men on either end of your body, one in your pussy, one in your mouth- and it feels glorious.
You hardly know where to focus, and when Jungwoo says “that’s our good ducky” your entire body practically sings with energy and delight.
“So good,” Jaehyun agrees with a grunt, finding a pace to match Jungwoo’s that allows him to push into you every time Jungwoo moves to pull away-
“Duck’s gonna cum,” Jungwoo announces, fingers digging into your hips while he fucks you harder.
“Do you make her-” the point guard is cut off by a groan, “do you make her ask permission?”
“Of course not,” Jungwoo laughs, “we just make her cum.”
Your boyfriend reaches a hand around your body, fingers finding your clit, and you moan loudly around Jaehyun, who pulls out of your mouth-
You take in a strangled breath, begging “please-” as Jungwoo works you over the edge, fucking into you and rubbing at your clit while you whimper and moan, forehead pressed against Jaehyun’s thigh-
In your periphery, you can see the point guard has his hand wrapped around his cock, and he’s pumping himself to the sounds of you cumming, giving you free rein to fill the room with your pretty moans-
“She sounds so good-” Jaehyun groans, prompting you to eagerly go for his cock again-
You need something to suck on, something to pacify you instead of allowing Jungwoo to throw you into overstimulation-
As you come down from your orgasm, Jungwoo relents on your clit. Instead, he goes for the back of your bra, where he undoes the clasp and allows it to fall free.
Then his large hands are cupping your breasts, kneading you affectionately while he leans over your back, gasping against your shoulder-
He must be close too.
In fact, you’re a little shocked your orgasm hadn’t prompted his own-
Jungwoo is king of ‘when you cum, I cum’ so you think he must be holding out today, must be trying really hard to prolong this whole thing, to make it count.
“Fuck- I think I’m close too-” Jaehyun admits above you, and you swear Jungwoo makes a sound of relief. 
“Me too,” he echos, straightening again, hands finding your hips to anchor you to his thrusts. 
“But I don’t want to-” Jaehyun groans, swallowing thickly, “don’t want to cum unless she cums again.”
“We can make that happen,” Jungwoo promises. “If I rub her clit again, and you go a little harder-”
The man with his dick in your mouth laughs. “Go harder?” 
“Uh huh,” Jungwoo grunts, reaching around your body for your clit. “If you deep-throat her- she’ll cum really hard.”
“She likes choking?” Jaehyun asks- you can tell he’s been trying to be sensitive with you, not pushing too deep into your mouth for fear of hurting you- but now he has the go-ahead, and when he thrusts into you, hitting the back of your throat, your eyes roll back into your head with pleasure.
“Fuck- she squeezes so tight when you do that-” Jungwoo pants, rubbing your clit vigorously-
“Yeah?” Jaehyun breathes. “What a good fucking Ducky-” 
“So good-” Jungwoo agrees. “Come on duck, cum for us- you know you want to. Be good and cum, it will feel so nice, I promise-” 
The way your boyfriend is babbling betrays how close he is to cumming, and as Jae repeatedly thrusts into your throat, you find yourself teetering on the edge again.
“That’s it-” Jungwoo groans, “let go for us Duck, come on, please-”
Your core tightens around Jungwoo for the second time, orgasm slamming into you like nothing you’ve ever experienced-
“Fuck, fuck- where should I cum-” Jaehyun asks, hips shuddering-
“Her mouth-” Jungwoo responds, pushing fully into you before he releases his own load, painting your inner walls while he groans in ecstasy-
Jaehyun cums a moment later, driving his cock as deep down your throat as he can- 
It’s almost too much, being completely filled by them both in this way, and you have to focus hard on breathing through your nose while your pussy thrums with pleasure, body electrified from your orgasm.
Then Jaehyun’s pulling out of your mouth, and you can finally take a deep gasp of air, sputtering and moaning and whimpering, nearly collapsing face first into the bed while Jungwoo continues to shallowly rut into your core, riding out his orgasm to completion.
“Holy fuck-” Jaehyun groans, earning exhausted chuckles from both you and your lover, who finally comes to a stop at your rear.
“You can say that again,” Jungwoo laughs, both his hands smoothing across your bum and lower back. “Stay still Ducky, I’m going to grab something to clean you up.”
“I can grab it,” the point guard in front of you pulls up his pants and gets off the bed easier than you or your boyfriend could, and he grabs some tissues from the nightstand next to his bed.
“No, get the wet wipes,” Jungwoo insists, pointing at his backpack, “outside pocket.”
“Haechan always made fun of you for being a neat freak and having these-” Jaehyun says with a laugh, leaning down to get the wipes. “But I guess the joke was on him.”
“Clean sex is safe sex,” Jungwoo grins behind you, accepting the wetwipes thrown his way. “Usually Ducky likes shower sex actually- it makes clean up easier.”
“She does, does she?” Jaehyun kneels next to the bed, getting eye level with you. He reaches out and pushes some of the hair out of your face. “You okay?”
You nod. “Yes, Jae.”
Jungwoo wipes the cum starting to dribble out of your core, and you hear him swallow thickly. “You know… maybe we should go to the shower.”
“Did you make that much of a mess?” Jaehyun laughs.
The two men exchange a glance.
You’d thought Jungwoo’s sex drive alone was high- 
You’re starting to realize, with both of them together, with two basketball-playing frat boy roommates to feed off of each other’s energies- well, put simply; you’re in for a lot; and you couldn’t be happier about it.
“Shower later,” you find yourself saying, pulling away from Jungwoo now that he’s done cleaning you up. You roll onto your back, stretching your arms above your head- “I just want some cuddles, and to watch our show.”
“Were you thinking of feeding Phil while we were fucking you?” Jungwoo teases, pushing at your leg and laughing.
You hardly think you need to respond, because it’s a ridiculous question. But when you look at Jaehyun, you see that he needs an answer, so you assure both men “I had no thoughts but wow this is nice.”
“It is nice,” Jungwoo agrees, collapsing onto the bed next to you and curling his body against your back, effectively turning you into his small spoon. “Come on Jae,” he says next, patting the space in front of you, “come be the tiniest spoon.”
Part of you is shocked at how willingly Jaehyun submits to the request, grabbing the laptop before settling in front of you. 
You tug the point guard back by his hip, sandwiching yourself between the two warm bodies while Jaehyun gets the show started, setting it on the bedside table where you can all see.
“Are you both sure this is okay?” he asks, fingers hovering over the start button.
“Jae,” Jungwoo groans behind you, reaching over your body to pull Jaehyun even tighter to you, “quit worrying so much.”
Jungwoo has more than enough easy confidence for all three of you.
You’re glad to be sharing Jungwoo with Jaehyun, who obviously needed his roommate back, and as the three of you settle in to watching your show, you allow yourself to be enveloped in peace and ease.
How could you ask for anything else?
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☀️ mlist + an. thank you for reading! I know this is a new pairing on my blog, but i hope you enjoyed them as much as i did :)
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🔮 preview. Now you're truly sandwiched, both holes filled perfectly, and the moans of pleasure you all release into the echoey shower room make your skin tingle with exhibitionistic delight.-
cw/ tw. threesome, exhibitionism, double penetration, anal, unprotected sex, oral (m receiving), praise, spit as lube, etc... I pet names. ducky :)
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 2.5k I teaser wc. 300
🌙 staring. jaehyun & jungwoo x afab!Reader  
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Dressed in black - non regulation - shorts, and his red jersey, snapback atop his head- Jaehyun is one of the prettiest guys on the whole university basketball team. Most girls would be intimidated to be up against him on the court- only, you have another one of the most attractive varsity athletes behind you too-
Jungwoo’s hands snake around your waist, and he easily lifts you while sidestepping, putting his large form between you and Jaehyun so you can access the basketball net- 
“You guys are cheaters,” Jaehyun says with a sigh. He’s lost count of the score by now-
“Cheaters!” Jungwoo gasps in shock, capturing you in his arms and pinning you back to his chest- he turns you to face his roommate. “Us? Cheat on you? How could you say such a thing, Jae?”
The basketball player rolls his eyes at his roommate’s antics- “let’s switch teams.”
“You know what? Good idea.” Jungwoo releases you shockingly fast- turning you so he can eye you with a smile. “Duck, it can be you versus me and Jae- first one to the locker room wins.”
“You’re insatiable,” you tell him, returning his grin as he pulls you in for one last shockingly chaste kiss- before you dart away, eager to be first to the lockers.
He’s done this a few times now; taken you to ‘play some basketball’ only to quickly bore of it and move you to the privacy of the lockers instead- 
Your boyfriends know the court schedule like the backs of their hands- and they know that no one is going to be around for 45 minutes or so- when the janitor will hit this as the final gym to lock up before closing.
You enjoy the controlled exhibitionism of it all- technically, anyone could walk in.
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chrisevansonly · 1 year
Little Duck
(Little Duck AU 🐥💛)
Dad!Chris Evans x Wife!Reader
Summary: There is a reason behind your husbands nickname for your daughter, I mean what can you say, he loves his little duck
Warnings: non, just pure fluffy dad Chris
A/N: I love dad Chris, I don't care what anyone says, this was purely self indulgent again, so enjoy! Also I used Arlie as a name again because I just love it<3
Word Count: 763
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Now there were two reasons your husband Chris had come up with the nickname little duck for your newly turned two year old daughter Arlie, both of which were the cutest reasons in the world. When Arlie was born Lisa had given you and Chris this adorable fluffy yellow duckling stuffy that Arlie was attached too from the day she started being able to actually hold and recognize toys. Everywhere she went, that duckling stuffy went with her. The second reason was that she had just started walking more independently and when she walked, she walked like a duck, a little waddle Chris would call it, and it was the cutest thing you’d ever seen
“Come on little duck, let’s get you a snack”
Chris has called out to Arlie whose little feet started hitting the hardwood floor as quickly as her little legs would go, the sound echoing through to the den where you were curled up on the couch with a book
“daddy snack!”
You could hear her little voice call back which sometimes although you’d hate to admit it, made tears fill your eyes, she was just so damn precious
“Yeah princess, snack time”
Chris picked her up and put her in the highchair that rested just beside the island in the kitchen, placing a few options down on the tray table, some cheerios, strawberries, banana’s cucumber, and some of her favourite flavour of yogurt 
“There we go little duck, yummy snacks”
She clapped her little hands letting out a noise of excitement 
“’ank you daddy”
You were still working on some of the more complex words for her age, although she could say many things, her speech had been much slower to develop than some of her peers in daycare. Chris placed a kiss on her forehead 
“You’re welcome baby” 
Arlie began to pick at certain things eating quietly until she seemed to realize something was missing, she had forgotten her yellow duck over by you in the den, which luckily, you’d started to walk over with 
Chris chuckled looking towards you as you appeared beside Arlie and placed a kiss on her cheek
“You looking for ducky baby?’
Arlie nodded before stuffing a strawberry slice into her mouth, you watched until she was finished chewing before pulling the yellow stuffy out from behind your back, Arlie’s face breaking out into a massive smile before giggling and reaching for it 
“We can’t eat with ducky though okay baby? I’m going to put him in front of you and he can wait until your full” 
Arlie pouted for a few moments before getting distracted in some yogurt she had spilled which allowed Chris some time to place a soft kiss to your lips as he tugged you into his side 
“She’s growing up so fast, it’s making me sad”
You laughed rubbing your hand along Chris’s back gently, Arlie was only two now and you both hadn’t discussed another baby yet, but it wasn’t off the table 
“You know two isn’t that old honey”
“Well, I know…but”
You leaned further into him reading his mind almost before saying 
“You miss when she was itty bitty huh?”
He nodded letting out a little sigh before jumping in to clean off Arlie’s yogurt covered face, placing her down onto the floor and handing her ducky 
“I wouldn’t be opposed to another, if that’s what you’re getting at…”
Chris paused and turned to look at you, his eyes lighting up 
“Really? You mean that?”
You nodded your head 
“I think it’s time little duck over here had a sibling”
As if knowing you were talking about her Arlie began walking towards you, that cute little waddle that both you and Chris adored highlighted as she bounded towards you 
“Ducky ducky!”
You laughed reaching down to pick her up and toss her in the air a little, filling the room with her tiny laughter, kisses being placed across her chubby cheeks when she came down. Moments like these always stopped Chris’s heart a little bit because it was all he’d ever wished for, for as long as he could remember. So, when he watched his wife and their beautiful little girl laugh and play around in their home, he couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like with another little one running around 
“You are just the cutest little duck aren’t you, daddy thinks so too”
Chris smiled pulling you both in for a hug before leaning down and covering the two of you in kisses 
“The cutest little duck indeed.”
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Rooster Master List
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Back to Main Master List
The Forgotten Nest (and AU Series) Master List
Multi-Part Stories
Endings and Beginnings Part 2 - Fem!Reader (Wife!Reader)
CW: Pregnancy, Labor and Delivery (Part 2)
Summary: It's Maverick's retirement party but Rooster's far more concerned about you, his pregnant wife, than anything else.
The Ironies of Life Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 - Fem!OC (Naomi)
CW: (Unplanned) Pregnancy, Exes, Angst, Mentions of Vomit
Summary: A few weeks after breaking up with her long-term boyfriend because he wouldn't commit to marriage and kids, Naomi finds out that she's pregnant with his baby.
One Captain's Daughter Part 2 Part 3 - Fem!OC (Amara Mitchell-Blackwood)
CW: Forbidden Relationship, Exes to Lovers
Summary: Amara Blackwood-Mitchell arrives in Miramar for her next assignment. And she can't stop running into familiar faces along the way.
The Benjamin Effect Part 2 - Fem!OC (Kate Benjamin-Mitchell)
CW: Daddy Issues, (Very Much Adult) Age Gap Relationship, Enemies to Lovers, Childhood Rivals to Lovers
Summary: With Maverick and Penny's wedding drawing closer, Rooster is called upon to convince Maverick and Penny's first daughter, Kate, to come around to the idea. Of course, Rooster and Kate have their own history to work through and Kate is definitely not going to make it easy for him.
The Boss [*] Part 2 [*] - Fem!Reader
CW: Bodyguard AU; Power Imbalance; Implied Age Gap (Still VERY MUCH Legal); Stabbing; Death Threats; Referenced Nudity/Showers; Light Angst; Reader is a Bit of a Brat
Summary: You and your bodyguard, Rooster, are at odds when he tries to keep you locked in the safe house.
If You Met Me First Part 2 - Warrant Officer!Fem!Reader (Echo)
CW: 'In Love with Someone Already in a Relationship' Trope; Bar Fight; Not Healthy Relationship Dynamics; Jealousy
Summary: Rooster confessed to Echo that he was in love with her before the mission. One minor problem: she has a boyfriend.
The Love of a Princess Part 2 - Simpson!OC (Princess Alexandra)
CW: Royal AU; Set in 1920s/1930s; Bodyguard AU; Implied Very Much Legal Age Gap; Sexism; Angst; War and Politics; Eventual Non-Descript and/or Implied Sexual Content
Summary: When Princess Alexandra is sent to the countryside to allow her father, King Beau, to deal with pressing state issues, she views it as a banishment. But with Lieutenant Bradshaw of the Royal Navy accompanying her, perhaps she can finally find the freedom she's been searching for her whole life.
Three Generations Universe (Dad!Brad)
Dad! and Husband!Rooster. Wife!Reader is not name nor is she physically described. OC!Bradshaw son is named Kai with the 'callsign' Duckie. Limited physical description (i.e. 'he has his dad's smile') but nothing that would indicate race/ethnicity
CW: (Referenced) Biological Child (Kai), I don't think there's anything major, but this will be updated as extra segments are uploaded
Three Generations
Summary: Rooster is married. Maverick found out when the paperwork got filed with the Navy, but he doesn’t have a chance to ask Rooster about it until after the mission
A Day with Duckie
Summary: Maverick takes Kai to the zoo for the day and finds out why Rooster was so insistent upon needing a babysitter.
One Shots
Wedding Day - Fem!Reader
CW: Mentions of Pregnancy
Summary: It's Bradley's wedding day and he can't wait to see his wife.
First Word - Fem!Reader (Wife!Reader)
Summary: You and Rooster make a bet about your daughter's first word.
First Time Father - Gen Fic
CW: Hospital Visits, Light Angst
Summary: It's Rooster's first time alone with his baby daughter. But when she comes down with a fever under his watch, Rooster seriously doubts his abilities as a father.
Don't Go to Bed Angry - Fem!Reader (Wife!Reader)
CW: Arguments; Martial Strife; Storming Off; Some Angst
Summary: You and Rooster have an argument and he storms off.
Grand-Mav and Baby Chick - Gen Fic
CW: Parental Stress; Implied IceMav
Summary: Rooster needs a babysitter for his son last minute. Maverick volunteers.
Lost in History - Kazansky!OC (Delilah)
CW: Cheating/Infidelity (Does Not Actually Occur, But is Discussed); Fighting (Verbal and Briefly Physical); Angst; Serious Misunderstandings (You'll See); Anger/Rage; Crying
Summary: Rooster finds his girlfriend and Hangman having dinner one night in Hangman's house. He reacts accordingly.
Bumping Beach Bikini - Wife!Reader
CW: Pregnancy
Summary: Rooster admires the view of his pregnant wife on the beach.
Honey, I'm Home - Wife!Reader
CW: Kids; Talk of Pregnancy but Not Actually
Summary: Rooster comes home from work and takes care of his family.
Merry Ex-Mas - Naval Officer!Reader
CW: Cheating/Infidelity (Not Between Reader and Rooster); Implied Sexual Content/Suggestive Content
Summary: After surprising your boyfriend doesn’t go as planned, you spend Christmas with Rooster.
What if I Never Get Over You? - Naval Aviator!Reader (Callsign: Nova)
CW: Exes To Lovers; Jealousy; Somewhat Toxic Relationships; Implied Sexual Content
Summary: Rooster and Nova broke up a few months ago. With the Dagger Squad party looming, can they prove that they're over each other?
Target Acquired - Female!Reader
Summary: Amelia gets her first period while Rooster is left in charge of her. He is forced to ask for help from the first woman he sees, which just so happens to be you.
Life's Too Short - GN!Reader
CW: Toxic Work Environment; Angst
Summary: Your life has been completely taken over by your toxic job. Rooster gives you the support you need to leave it behind.
624 notes · View notes
sinner-sunflower · 1 month
P.2 HH Lucifer-centric AU 11/?
STORY 1, PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 14.5, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22, PART 23, PART 24, PART 25, PART 26
Lilith: Sign the papers, Lucifer.
Lucifer: Wha- Why?
Lilith: I don't think- This needs to end now. We both knew it won't last for all eternity.
Lucifer: Lily?
Lilith: I'm leaving.
Lucifer: Lilith, please! Talk to me! At least tell me why! How about Charlie! Our daughter, Lily!
Lilith: It’s just better this way. Believe me. You’ll understand someday. And she will too.
Lucifer: Is this because you’re afraid I'll overshadow and control you? That I'll hurt you like Adam did? Because I won’t. Lilith, please. I love you so much. I can step down! You can be the sole ruler of hell is that's what you want. Please.
Lilith: Stop this, Lucifer. Don’t make this harder than it is.
Lucifer: I.....can’t stop you, can't I?
Lilith: No.
Lucifer: I guess you’re the one doing the hurting this time. Is that what you’ve wanted all along?
Lilith doesn’t respond. She leaves. 
Lucifer awakens to the scent of Marigolds and the sound of strangled crying. He's vaguely aware of the weight of his body being cradled by someone, their tears falling onto his still form.
With a lot of effort on his part, he commands his vision to clear and the ringing in his ears to subside. Gradually, his surroundings comes into focus, revealing Charlie to be the one holding him, her face contorted with anguish that should never be present on his little girl's face.
'Who did that? Who made my Charlie cry?'
Her words tumble out in a frantic stream, but Lucifer struggles to respond, his voice caught in his throat. It dawns on him that Charlie isn't aware of his consciousness, her attention absorbed by her own distress.
Squinting against the haze of confusion, he realizes she's speaking to someone else entirely.
Charlie: A-angel hurry, please! I don't know what just happened. You're the number I- and I'm sorry please help me!
Lucifer can't hear what Angel was saying on the other end but they're muffled. Each unintelligible word seems to only worsen his daughter's tears, and oh, how he longs to comfort her.
Helplessness washes over him as he wishes to move, to reach out and wipe away his most precious' tears.
'That's what a good dad should do, right? Yeah. Yeah. It's kinda funny how Charlie is the one craddling me right now. I miss her baby days.'
He must have chuckled because Charlie whips her head down to him.
Charlie: Dad! You're awake! Thank you. You're okay, dad, don't worry. I- Angel, he's awake! I don't know! I just found him, oh god, Angel- I thought he-he-
There's frantic voices on the other line, the residents are all probably huddled in the phone attempting to calm Charlie down. Lucifer didn't get to hear what the overlapping voices were saying when the sanctuary's doors fly open revealing the radio demon.
Suddenly, the sanctuary's doors burst open, revealing Alastor. With a keen eye, he spots Lucifer and Charlie, and wasting no time before teleporting to their side in a blink, concern evident as he checks on them both.
Charlie: A-Al, thank god you're here. I- I
Alastor: My dear, you must calm yourself. Breathe.
Charlie: I can't!
Alastor: Yes you can. Count from a hundred backwards.
Charlie: 100, 99, 98.....80... I ca-can't please-
Charlie freezes as a gentle hand touches her cheek, prompting her to lower her gaze. With deliberate tenderness, he reaches for her hand, guiding it to his chest, positioning it over his heart. A silent reassurance pulses beneath her touch, the steady, calming rhythm of her father's heart.
Lucifer: I'm okay, duckie. Feel it. I'm okay. I'm breathing. I'm alive.
Charlie: D-dad.
Alastor: Match his breathing, dear.
After a minute, Charlie managed to calm down enough to form coherent sentences. She reiterates what she walked in on earlier and Lucifer is horrified. His daughter shouldn't have seen that but he's also berating himself. He knew that he shouldn't have told Keekee that Charlie could come. Stupid. Stupid. STUPID-
A snap of a finger stops the start of another spiral.
Alastor: None of that. We will have a talk about this but first, let us go back to the hotel for now. It must be uncomfortable laying on a frozen floor, no?
The King of Hell wants to say something but he knows there's no arguing with a fretting Alastor. Charlie is already outside on the phone again, most likely talking to whoever was at the hotel or maybe the Sins. He's hoping she doesn't call them right away; they're bigger worrywarts than him.
Charlie: -no no. He's fine now We're going to take him back to the hotel. Yes. Yes. Of course. Maybe in a few hours? Yes, I'll call you after we check him over. Yes. Thank you, Aunt Bel.
He yelps in surprise as the radio demon picks him up and holds him bridal style.
Lucifer: What the hell you doing??
Alastor: Why, carrying you, my love!
Lucifer: I can walk just fine.
Alastor raised an eyebrow at this then promptly dropped him.
Lucifer: Ow! What the fuck?!
Alastor: That does not look like standing. Perhaps it's opposite day today?
Lucifer all but growls but knows he's got him there. With a groan, he relents, deciding that he's going to be complain all the way back if he can help it.
Lucifer: Fine.
Alastor: What was that~?
Lucifer: I said fine! Carry me you tacky piece of shit!
He's pouting but he doesn't care. He's the King of Hell for Father's sake! Why is he letting this man bully him??
Alastor only smiles as he picked him up again. At least someone is enjoying this humiliation.
The way Alastor is holding him is doing something to him and had Alastor always been this handsome??
They meet Charlie outside already with one of their limousines. Thankfully, no reporters are camping anymore around the palace or this will be another big scandal that will most likely damage his image. Not that he cares what people in Hell think of him but whatever they they perceive him as extends to Charlie and he's not going to give them any ammunition on her.
Charlie: You sure you're alright, Dad?
Lucifer: Yes, sweetheart. I just want to be in a bed right now.
Alastor: I could always teleport you there, my dear. Would be faster than this death contraption.
Lucifer: I will throw up on you.
Alastor's eye twitches but doesn't say anything back. They sit in semi-comfortable silence the rest of the ride.
Alastor: Charlie, why don't you talk to the others and your uncles and aunts about your father's condition? I'll take his majesty up in his room. I'm sure the last thing he needs is to be bombarded with questions at this time.
Charlie: You're right. Thanks, Al.
Charlie squeezed Lucifer's hand in a silent reassurance.
Charlie: I'll follow you later, Dad. Love you.
Oh, how he loves her so.
Lucifer: Okay, duckie.
He almost threw up when Alastor teleported them up to his tower but before he could, the sinner put up a lemon tea up on his face. Muttering a small thanks, the King of Hell took a few sips before deciding to lay down.
Alastor is still not interrogating him but maybe the other can smell his exhaustion. No. The guy did not talk at all. He only moved to sit by his side, leaning back to the headrest. Lucifer takes this as an invitation to hug the other's waist like a bolster and snuggles closer. The Sin of Pride feels his partner's hand combing through his hair and humming an old tune.
He's afraid of seeing Roo again as he tightens his hold on Alastor. The other doesn't even flinch and Lucifer is glad. Alastor usually doesn't like touch so whenever the other allows it, Lucifer savors every second.
Lucifer: I won't blame you, you know?
Alastor: Hmm?
Lucifer: If it's too much. If you wanna leave, you can.
The hand in his hair stops moving but Alastor still said nothing.
Lucifer: I'll remember you though.
Sleep is calling him. He only wishes that he'll dream of nothing this time.
Lucifer: I remember everyone that leaves.
He passes out not hearing Alastor reply, words laced with a genuinity no one else had the privilege to hear.
Alastor: I can assure you, my king, I am not one to give up what I adore that easily.
I adore that Lilo and Stitch line. It really struck me when I first watched it.
YT also played this Hour of Joy VHS tape and that background tune really gave me inspiration on some future scenes. So, stay tuned.
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ateriblewriter · 1 year
Tricky Eater
Baby Ducky AU
Baby Ducky Masterlist
an: here is a start to the baby ducky au. i’m working on writing up a thing that explains more. but here’s the easiest explanation:
single dad!Jamie, Uncle Trevor, and Nanny!reader
make sense?
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Kinsley wasn’t really a picky eater, she was more of a difficult eater. When it came time for lunch or dinner, she would show signs that she was hungry, but when it came down to actually feeding her, it was a mission of it’s own.
“Nnn” The dark haired child clamped her lips shut and moved her mouth away from the green goo that her father was trying to feed her. After one bite of the green stuff and she was done, no more for her.
“Come on you.” Jamie continued to follow the spoon with her head movements. “I know you’re hungry. It’s green beans tonight. You liked green beans last time you ate them.”
“Mmnn.” She furrowed her brow like a child her age would do. She wasn’t going to eat any more.
“What? Does it not taste good? Do you want something else?” Jamie took a little bit of the baby food on his pinkie finger and tasted it for himself. He scrunched his nose, much like his baby girl did moments earlier. “Yeah you're right it is gross. I wouldn’t voluntarily eat it either.” 
“She not eating again?” Trevor emerged from his room for the first time that day, most likely looking for food himself.
“Took one bit and refused everything else I’ve given her.” 
 “You try the whole airplane or wheels on the bus thing?”
“Yes. I’ve tried everything I know, Z. How does Y/N get her to eat? She can’t be this difficult for her.” Jamie wondered aloud how the Y/N, the nanny, did it. She must have been a magician or something.
“Through drastic measures. I’ve only seen her do this one time.” Trevor went to the cupboard to retrieve that bag of mini Kit Kats. Opening the bag he held one out for the baby duck who opened her mouth to receive it, only Trevor swooped in and placed the mushed up green beans into her mouth instead of the sweet treat.
“No shit.”
“Mmmnnnn.” Kinsley glared at glared at her uncle while eating the mush. She tried to spit it back out, but Trevor scooped it off her chin and back into her mouth.
“You’ll thank us one day Kins.” Trevor laughed lightly handed to spoon and the chocolatey treat back to Jamie so he could finish tricking his child into eating the rest of her dinner. 
Please let me know what you think! Also if anyone has any suggestion for shenanigans for this weird family let me know! 
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hockybish · 1 month
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Duck and Jamie
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gabessquishytum · 4 months
One night stand pregnancy shenanigans!!
Modern Day AU - Death still challenges Dream to talk to brash Hob Gadling (maybe Hob is an up and coming star//old high school crush//silly reasons business rival) instead of actually settling their specious issues, they have a night, or weekend, of hot fantastic sex...........and one of them falls pregnant.
Because they're idiots and dumb-asses, whichever one is pregnant declines to tell the other and goes through it alone; they could have, and would have (will) fall in forever love with each other if they gave the other a chance, but IDIOTS.
They stay out of each other's ways until bb!Orpheus or bb!Robyn are toddler enough to get lost and run up to their father, who is the safest person they could find to get them back to papa. Because while they might not talk to each other they have no qualms about telling their child how wonderful their other father is, so of course bb recognizes him and goes to his daddy for help when he's lost.
Ommggg I'm imagining super brash, slightly annoying super rich CEO Hob who's business just got craaaazy popular. Dream is a long-suffering executive in the same industry, and they're kinda rivals but not really - anyway, there's a conference. They both attend. Passionate unprotected sex occurs.
And then suddenly Hob disappears. He hands the reigns of the company over to a trusted employee, and vanishes from the industry entirely. Dream is perplexed, and he thinks about Hob a lot (he can't help himself) but he moves on with his own life and goals.
Then one day a few years later, at the big museum nearby, Dream feels a tug on his hand. There's a small boy beside him, looking rather worried and clutching a stuffed duck in his arms. "I lost daddy." He says, morosely. "You look like other daddy. Help?"
Of course it's only a minute before Hob sprints down the corridor and practically snatches Robyn up into his arms. He and Dream are just standing and staring at each other in the middle of the museum, until Dream is like "......other daddy???"
In the museum cafe, Hob gives Dream the lowdown: he realised he was pregnant, managed to convince himself that Dream actually didn't like him and wouldn't want their child, and pretty much ran away. Basically as soon as he had Robyn he realised that he fucked up, but was never sure how he could just. Show up on Dream’s doorstep with a baby. So he stayed away but made sure that he told Robyn all about Dream, so that one day he could hopefully make contact.
Dream sits there with Robyn asleep on his lap while Hob apologises over and over... and all he wants to do is take Hob home, and cuddle both him and Robyn forever and ever. They end up having their first (well, not first, but first after a break) kiss in the gift shop - as Robyn wisely observes: 'yucky!!!'
Then again, he might be saying 'ducky'. Dream has a little bit of catching up to do on toddler language!!
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bleubrri · 2 years
۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ ɴɪᴄᴋɴᴀᴍᴇs ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴄᴀʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ — ᴊᴜᴊᴜᴛsᴜ ᴋᴀɪsᴇɴ
ft gojo, geto, toji, nanami, choso
contains- afab reader, gendered terms (choso), fluff, modern au (no mention of jujutsu), reader in university/college, slight degradation (geto), oral m!receiving (toji) f!receiving + fingering + overstim (nanami), anxiety if you squint (choso)
[mature content]
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whatever pops into his head, doesn’t have a set name for you really. at first it was a ‘ducky’ here and a ‘sweetpea’ there, eliciting a confused laugh from you. from then on they got more elaborate and random and you just roll with it. you find it endearing, and you remember every single little name he’s called you :)
he’s leaning against the passenger door of his car, popping his spearmint gum obnoxiously loud and peering over his dark glasses as you exit the campus. “hey bubblebear,” he says with a toothy grin, “ready to get out of here?”
“SUGARPOP, HAVE YOU SEEN MY PHONE?” “…it’s in your hand ‘toru.”
tucked into his side on the couch, blanket drooping around your waists, you start to doze off halfway through the movie. he chuckles and turns the tv off, scooping you into a piggyback ride and heading for your shared bedroom muttering, “time for bed huh tater tot?” to which you mumble in agreement.
he’s dropping you off outside the little cafe where you’re meeting some friends for a last ditch study sesh before exams. he knows how hard you’ve been working, how exhausted you are. he smiles at you and smooshes your cheeks together with both hands, leaning in to press an unnecessarily sloppy kiss to your puckered lips as your friends watch through the windows. “mmph! satoru!” you laugh, shoving him away playfully as he snickers. he places a chaste kiss to your forehead and turns to leave, “you got this butterbutt! i’ll see ya later!” you chuckle as you enter the cafe, shaking your head- butterbutt? what does that even mean..
has taken to calling you lover. it started as a joke when you walked into your apartment one day after class and he deadass looked you up and down, quirked an eyebrow, lowered his voice all sultry and says “welcome home, lover.” you spluttered and burst out laughing but the name just… stuck. when it comes to sex.. this man praises with his hands and degrades with this mouth. sure he calls you names, but you’ve noticed he has a habit of prefacing it with ‘little’. maybe that counts for something.
he picks up on the second ring and you can already anticipate the “hey, lover” that he greets you with.
you’re cooking his favourite meal on the stove, back facing him as he sits at the kitchen island observing you. as you start to plate two servings for you both, you hear him get up and shuffle behind you, wrapping his arms round your waist and pressing his lips to your temple. “mm thank you lover.”
he’s got your knees butterflied against the mattress as he slides into you. you groan at the stretch of his shaft puncturing each ring of muscle as your cushy walls clench and suck him in deeper. you’re clinging to his biceps as he immediately sets a fast, hard pace. his lips are like satin against your jugular as he nips at the sensitive spots down your neck. “takin’ me like a good little whore hm?” he brings a hand to your mouth and taps your kiss-swollen lips with his thumb impatiently. you moan around the digit, tongue flicking and swirling before he releases it with a pop and begins drawing tight circles around your clit. a sinfully loud moan slips out of you and he smirks triumphantly. “well well, ever the eager little slut aren’t you? we’re not stopping ‘til i get you filthy with my cum.”
calls you kid bc he’s daddy (duh). poor baby will suffer in silence..but you’ve learned that you can gauge his mood by what he calls you- if he’s feeling a lil down he’ll call you bubs :( and oh you could melt~
god he’s missed you. it’s been a week- an entire fucking week- without you. it’s nobody’s fault; work took him out of town and you’ve had non stop lectures on campus. but video calls and texting isn’t enough. you belong with him. so when he sees you scan the car park with furrowed brows his heart claws at his chest and tries to climb up out his throat. your eyes light up and suddenly you’re crashing into each other as your feet leave the gravel and he swings you round, squeezing your waist till you could burst. you press your lips to his and feel him smile into the kiss, “missed you, bub.”
he kicks his shoes off at the door and makes a beeline for your shared bedroom. he collapses onto the bed and shoves his face under your hoodie and into your chest. you don’t say anything, just begin to play with his hair and wait until he’s ready. he sighs and pokes his head out to meet your smiling face. “takeout tonight bubs? that place we’ve been wanting to try..” you nod and brush your thumb across his scar. “sounds like a plan.” you say, reaching to look for the menu on your phone.
your pelvises are flush with one another as you pant into each others mouths. “god, i can barely move the way you’re squeezing me,” he groans “you- fuck- how’re y’ always this tight, kid?”
he swallows thickly and let’s out a shaky laugh. “theree ya go kid, just like that.” he says as his throbbing length is pushed further down your throat. he grips your hair and gently swipes at the mixture of saliva and pre that dribbles down the side of your mouth, smearing it onto your pretty lips and muttering “doin’ so good f’ me baby.”
ohhhh loving him is so easy i’m gonna cry. at first you were all sheepish- couldn’t handle all the adoration behind it every time he called you beautiful. and the first time he called you angel?? BE STILL MY HEART!!!!
nanami kento is an honest man. he’s pretty blunt too, gets straight to the point. he doesn’t use “beautiful” as an adjective or a compliment- he states it as if it’s your title, plain and simple.
you’re lying on your stomach on the bed with textbooks and lecture notes scattered around you. kento lifts his gaze from his book and watches you chew on your pen determinedly from his place leaned against the headboard. “doing okay beautiful?” he asks as he massages the thigh closest to him. you sigh and offer him a half-hearted smile. “quiz me and then take a break?” you ask. he hums and bookmarks his novel, then reaches for your hefty stack of flash cards.
he adjusts his watch and tie in the hallway mirror before stepping into the doorway of your bedroom. “ready to go beautiful?” he asks, eyes flitting over your gown-clad figure. you turn to smile at him and gesture to the open zip on your back, “finishing touches.” you say, sweeping your curls to one side of your neck. he strides to where you stand, hands running up your sides as he kisses between your exposed shoulder blades, making you shiver. you feel him secure the zipper and rest his palms on your hips. “perfect.” he whispers into your neck.
he pauses the relentless attack of his tongue on your puffy clit, keeping his middle and ring fingers curling inside your dripping cunt. “that’s it angel, cum for me. i wanna feel you around my fingers again.” your back arches off the mattress as your orgasm floods all of your senses, your mind clouded with kento kento kento. he eases you through it before bringing his hand to his mouth and humming at your taste. before you can even gather your thoughts his shoulders are spreading your legs again and his warm muscle is plunged back into your sex. “ngh kento its-” your hand flies into his messy blonde locks and he groans into your pussy, sending vibrations all the way to the back of your skull. “‘s too much kento-” you writhe underneath him and he begins to rub soothing circles into your hip bones, “stay with me angel, i know you can give me one more hm?”
you’re the ditziest little couple, like we get it you’re in love. did he seriously just call you pumpkin? ugh it’s honestly tooth rotting omg. he didn’t even have to think about it really, you’re his girl. and you’re just so.. sweet.
“that’s my girl!” he whoops beside you as you hit the stack of bottles, knocking them over and claiming your prize. the smells and sounds of the carnival make you giddy as you preen and present him with the stuffed elephant from the top shelf, grinning as he bows and pecks your cheek. “i’ll cherish it forever.” he says, lacing your fingers together and dragging you towards the ferris wheel.
“babe, i wanna go to the movies.” :( “pumpkin, it’s my turn to pick i wanna go roller skating.” :( “whatt you picked last time it’s my turn.” :( “no honey you chose that all-you-can-eat buffet last time remember? when we both got food poisoning for like 3 days?” :( “oh…yeah” :(
he can see you fidgeting on the walk back to his apartment. he knows you hate meeting new people, but you were excited to meet his friends- this just.. wasn’t how you’d planned it to go. you were supposed to meet everyone next friday at the local bar; you still had time to mentally prepare and psych yourself up. neither of you expected to run into the whole gang at the farmers market on a tuesday afternoon. you sigh and gnaw at a hangnail on your thumb. “pumpkin, you doin’ okay?” his voice is gentle and laced with concern, his warm palm coming to rest on your lower back. you laugh unconvincingly and try and brush it off, “‘s stupid,” you sniff, “just feel like they hated me.” he stops walking and cups your face in his hands. “hey hey hey, sweet girl,” he runs his thumbs under your eyes and assures you, “you have nothing to worry about. promise.” he later shows you the group chat gushing about how everyone loved you and can’t wait for the official meet-up next friday. “told ya.” he smiles, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head.
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pageofheartdj · 1 month
In your Enchanted radioapple AU does Charlie exist?
I like to think Lucifer adopted either a baby faun or a baby human, there is potential for both
Alastor's reaction would be extremely different depending of it lmao, imagine him slowly accepting that his childhood crush is actually a basilisk, meaning that he can't use this one for dark magic (damn feelings!) only to get hit with a brick when Lucifer casually mentions his daughter because first who dared, and then maybe Al found his next target after all, only to either find out that oh this daughter is actually an adorable adopted faun, everything's fine, anyway there's no need to examine the origin of this sudden burst of anger whatsoever, nope, nothing to see there, OR to be hit with a brick again because Lucifer adopted a goddamn HUMAN of all things
Aaaactually I was planning to have brief Lucifer/Lilith xD
He met this beautiful siren(the one that is half human half bird, she'll be a swan with a beautiful voice) and they quickly fell in love. But she was a free spirit and even though she loved him, she can't be shackled(I also have Adam as satyr(half man half goat) who was chasing her and she is like Fuck Off so he changed his tune to Eve, dryad(with her special tree) xD)
Except she ended up being pregnant and Lucifer promised he'll take the child, no strings attached. So this is like... a very open relationship, no hard feelings xD
And Charlie looks like her dad but mostly is a siren as well, a ducky <3 That BREATHES FIRE XD
So when he meets Alastor again Charlie is still a toddler. So poor Al, he finally found a basilisk but that's his childhood bestie/crush so he can't kill him(but maybe snatch a feather or a scale xD) And THEN he finds out he has a daughter which means he had an affair and suddenly he feels like he wants to drain life from something right NOW xD (it's okay though Charlie is too cute to hate HER xD)
And Lucifer doesn't even know yet about Alastor's... change in themes xD
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