aliens-luvr · 2 months
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Imagine your f/o's scent when you kiss their cheek, how their skin feels against your hands when you touch them or against your body when you hold them. Just the feeling of them so close to you <3
read dni before interacting | no pr0-shippers/variants
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i personally relate to gl!Ranboo because I too have memory issues and suprise people when I swear
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afterdark-sideblog · 5 months
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they/he | late twenties | married ⭒
sfw self ship blogs: @aliens-luvr and @loving-her-dearly ⭒
• sometimes I reblog x reader posts in which the reader is referred to as girl, but it's just because of the lack of gn/masc reader content (they'll be tagged: * )
-> ⋆ and -> ⋆⋆ are fictional crushes
If you self ship romantically/sexually/qp with any of my f/os that are listed on the sfw blogs' pinned, even if they're your secret f/os or if it's a secret blog!
"men dni" blogs, minors, pr0-shippers and variants, right wingers, r.adfems, transphobes, e.ndos and people who believe in "n.arc abuse". If I accidentally interact with you feel free to block me.
Also PLEASE don't interact if your blog is secret, I get super paranoid with ghost notifications!
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jxsuu · 1 year
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dennydoss · 9 months
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psychicsolanum · 1 year
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hehe thats just- thats just like-
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stalkertarkovsky · 3 months
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jms-star · 10 months
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Sunny boy with paws 🐾
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crowcryptid · 2 years
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Best ad yet thanks
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aliens-luvr · 1 month
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Self shippers with cluster A personality disorders or any other mental illnesses that may make you recluse and maybe even aloof or self shippers who just are like that, your f/o would never tell you to change. They would never think you're wrong or broken for being the way you are - even if they're the complete opposite. And if anyone insinuates you shouldn't be/act the way you do they would defend you without a second thought.
read dni before interacting | no pr0-shippers/variants
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1leeknower · 1 year
...Sorry I didnt kiss you, but its obvious i wanted to, [...], I do anything for you, but would you do that for me too?...
⏤͟͟͞͞ Lee Know x Male reader
Part 1 here
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(this is short, but i wanted to post this one as soon as possible so i could start working on the next chapter, this somehow turned into a series lol)
Minho was asleep on his bed, his soft snores could be heard from where you sat, looking through the window, analysing each car that passed by. You found yourself thinking about Lino again. Random stuff hidden deep down in your head, stuck in your throat, rambles no one will ever hear.
How you wish you could make him laugh, like he did when he was around jisung, but you knew you could never, because you were aware of how many problems you had brought to lino, it was never planned to be like this, actually, you started to hang with minho, when you got transferred to his school around 9th grade.
You were immediately hypnotized by how stunning he looked, your plan was to just make out with him at some point, and then never talk about it again, but as time went by you found yourself falling for him, actually liking his company, it didnt seem different for him. That made you step back, deciding to not ruin your friendship, instead you just slept around, not even noticing how lino actually felt.
He felt somewhat betrayed, but why should he? he wasnt your boyfriend after all, yet Lino thought that his company was all you needed, i mean, after all, hes still the one who you open to, hes your shoulder to cry on, but why youre never there when he wakes up? why are you never lovely smilling at him? why do you tell you love him, yet never made him yours? he's tired of seeing the empty space on "your" side of his bed, tired of never being able to stay in a relationship cause all he could think about was you, Not once did he made this mistake, he never got slightly romantically close to a women, cause he knew it would be nothing like you, so he went after men, even then it could never be like you, he could never get a boyfriend cause he always moaned your name, or said your name while talking to his exes it was clear who he wanted. Yet you still didnt know.
Dont blame him, you weren't always like this, it seems like you got lost at some point, maybe Minho could help you fix it, but only help, this was between you and yourself, you had to fix it. Minho knew you could do it, but you didnt.
Or did you? Were you just pretending, so you wouldn't have to deal with the awkwardness that it would be to reject your best friend? Not having answers killed Minho, he wanted to ask you about everything he needed to know, but he was scared he might lose you.
You licked two of your fingers and put out the cigarette with them, putting the cigarette on your pocket, you didnt want to make lino's house dirty, even if it was the smallest piece of dust, You were already being a burden, you didnt want to make it worse.
You got up as soon as you saw the sun beginning to rise, walking to the living room, careful not to wake minho up, you didnt even get to close your eyes the whole night. After heading out of his room, you took one last look a Minho's sleeping form, taking in how peaceful he looked, Lino was an angel on earth.
You took your coat from where it sat on the couch, you had left it there last night. It didnt feel right to take it with you, cause it seemed like it was part of linos house, like a piece of you was with him, it was your scent on a house full of minho's, you loved his perfume, but mixed with yours?? it was pure perfection.
This thought made you hesitate, should you leave? or should you rest beside minho, fill the empty space on his bed, make breakfast with him, laugh with him, be happy with him. The thought of minho's eyes being the first thing you saw by the morning felt so good, it made you warm, it's been so long since you felt that way.
You and Lino always got along so well, like milk and cookies, they are good by themselves, but much better together. Of course you and lino had other friends, but nothing was like the two of you, the world seemed to stop when you were with minho, as if you two had your own little world, it was cute.
Then you remembered, all of that was left behind, you didnt have sleepovers anymore, you didnt have to worry about his parents walking in while the two of you were laughing and playing games when you were supposed to go to sleep, to get up for school early, you werent like milk and cookies anymore, the world you two built was starting to fall down, tearing apart slowly, and you two were only watching, as if you couldn't do anything about it, did you not care anymore? was it all worthless? did it ever mean something to any of you two?
Even though the two of you have never been together romantically, it felt like a divorced couple that cant help, but get pulled to each other, the thought of being alone being unbearable, but getting hurt every second together. You missed the days where anyone could swear he was your loving boyfriend.
Minho opened his eyes, looking around the room, searching for your eyes. He was eager to go to the living room when he saw you werent anywhere on his bedroom, hoping that you were still there, maybe you slept on the couch? but as soon as he got there he could hear the front door closing, you were gone. again.
Lino took a deep breath, and leaned against the wall, he wanted you back, but not as a friend, maybe he should be grateful you were still talking to him, and stop being so ambitious, you werent even close friends anymore, how could you ever be his lover?
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hansooyung · 2 months
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Typical hsy and her avatars activity
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gbveryspecialguests · 6 months
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Matt: Where.. Where are we?
Maggie: We're in your school, duh. You said you're gonna teach us swimming lessons!
Matt: Us?
[Door creaks]
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Matt: Wait... Huh?
Maggie: Don't you remember? You're wearing a suit without even knowing?
Matt: Suit? (Looks at his suit) Oh.. Right. Right! Um.. Thank you, Class? Good morning to you... Now
Let's get into roll call?
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Syron: Here!
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Maggie: Here.
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Tylee: Here!
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Jeo: Present!
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Candee: HEHEHEHEHE - Here!
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Rocker: What's the Rocker cooking tonight?!
And Uh...
Two are missing?
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Hey, where are the other two?
Maggie: They had to be a little late for an appointmen---
(The door crashes open and Keith appears, angrily staring at Maggie.)
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psychicsolanum · 1 year
WHY must i have a really great relationship with my sibling we’re in different cities now and I miss him SO MUCH uni is bullshit
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gravehags · 3 months
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bathroom guardian
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