translations101 · 1 year
The 47 prefectures of Japan/47都道府県 (とどうふけん)
In Japan there is 47 prefectures and they are divided into 都 (と), 道 (どう), 府 (ふ) and 県(けん)
都 (と) - metropolis
道 (どう) - territory
府 (ふ) - urban prefecture
県 (けん) - prefectures proper
(from north to south)
北海道・東北 ( ほっかいどう・とうほく)
Hokkaido / Tohoku region
北海道 (ほっかいどう) Hokkaido
青森県 (あおもりけん) Aomori - ken
岩手県 (いわてけん) Iwate - ken
宮城県 (みやぎけん) Miyagi - ken
秋田県 (あきたけん) Akita - ken
山形県 (やまがたけん) Yamagata - ken
福島県 (ふくしまけん) Fukushima -ken
関東 (かんとう) Kanto region
茨城県 (いばらきけん)Ibaraki -ken
栃木県(とちぎけん) Tochigi - ken
群馬県 (ぐんまけん) Gunma- ken
埼玉県 (さいたまけん) Saitama - ken
千葉県 (ちばけん) Chiba - ken
東京都 (とうきょうと) Tokyo - to
神奈川県 (かながわけん) Kanagawa - ken
中部(ちゅうぶ) Chubu region
新潟県 (にいがたけん) Niigata - ken
富山県 (とやまけん) Toyama - ken
石川県 (いしかわけん) Ishikawa - ken
福井県 (ふくいけん)Fukui - ken
山梨県 (やまなしけん) Yamanashi - ken
長野県 (ながのけん) Nagano - ken
岐阜県 (ぎふけん) Gifu- ken
静岡県 (しずおかけん) Shizuoka - ken
愛知県 (あいちけん) Aichi - ken
近畿 (きんき) Kinki region
三重県 (みえけん) Mie - ken
滋賀県 (しがけん) Shiga- ken
京都府 (きょうとふ) Kyoto - fu
大阪府 (おおさかふ) Osaka -fu
兵庫県 (ひょうごけん)Hyogo - ken
奈良県 (ならけん) Nara - ken
和歌山県(わかやまけん) Wakayama - ken
中国・四国 (ちゅうごく・しこく) Chugoku/Shikoku region
鳥取県(とっとりけん) Tottori - ken
島根県(しまねけん) Shimane - ken
岡山県(おかやまけん) Okayama - ken
広島県(ひろしまけん) Hiroshima - ken
山口県(やまぐちけん) Yamaguchi - ken
徳島県(とくしまけん) Tokushima - ken
香川県(かがわけん) Kagawa - ken
愛媛県(えひめけん) Ehime - ken
高知県 (こうちけん) Kochi - ken
九州・沖縄(きゅうしゅう・おきなわ) Kyushu/Okinawa region
福岡県 (ふくおかけん)Fukuoka - ken
佐賀県(さがけん)Saga - ken
長崎県 (ながさきけん)Nagasaki - ken
熊本県 (くまもとけん) Kumamoto - ken
大分県(おおいたけん) Oita -ken
宮崎県 (みやざきけん)Miyazaki - ken
鹿児島県 (かごしまけん)Kogoshima- ken
沖縄県 (おきなわけん) Okinawa - ken
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kimtaku · 10 months
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인스타그램 20.2만명, SNS 총 팔로워 40만명의 진짜 인플루언서 일본 제일의 잘나가는 여자​ 아이카린 (Aikarin) 10년만에 AV 업계 복귀
가슴 미용 성형 호우쿄(豊胸/풍흉)한 것으로 보인다.
가수, 라운드걸, 유튜버 등 폭넓은 활약을 하고 있는 연예인의 섹스를 볼 수 있는 것은 E-BODY 온리
야동 일본어 제목 해설
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nattie572 · 5 months
I have started Japanese Group Lessons
ㅤㅤ/⁡⁡ 📢 I have started Japanese Group Lessons!⁡    Let's make friends with other learners.⁡ ㅤㅤ\⁡⁡ 日本語(にほんご)を勉強(べんきょう)しているみなさん!⁡ 日本語のグループレッスンをはじめました! 12月はクリスマスパーティーをします。⁡⁡ クリスマスの料理(りょうり)もあるし、プレゼントもあります。⁡⁡ 楽(たの)しいレッスンを準備(じゅんび)しました。⁡⁡ 1クラス3人だけなので、たくさん話(はな)すことができます。⁡⁡ ⁡⁡ 🎄12月16日 11:00-12:00 [B2-C1]⁡⁡   https://www.italki.com/group-class/detail/6412436075⁡⁡ ⁡⁡ 🎄12月18日 11:00-12:00 [A2-B1]⁡⁡   https://www.italki.com/group-class/detail/1439733075⁡⁡ ⁡⁡ 🎄12月19日 20:00-21:00 [B2-C1]⁡⁡   https://www.italki.com/group-class/detail/7426731075⁡⁡ ⁡⁡ 🎄12月20日 20:00-21:00 [A2-B1]⁡⁡   https://www.italki.com/group-class/detail/9442336075⁡⁡⁡⁡ ⁡⁡ ⁡⁡ ────────────────────────────────────⁡⁡ Let's have fun learning Japanese together!⁡⁡ ☑Free Conversation ¦ ☑Conversation Training ¦⁡⁡ ☑Interactive Conversation ¦ ☑Basic Grammar⁡⁡ 🔗 https://www.italki.com/teacher/8470553/⁡⁡ ────────────────────────────────────
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hnortj · 8 months
태국친구사귀기 전이었는데
태국친구사귀기>_< 오늘은 일본친구와 사귀는 방법에 대해 알아보겠습니다!! 친구관계에서 가장 중요한것은 역시 ‘끈끈한 우정’ 인것 같아요.. * 그래서 제가 알려드리는 방법은 바로, 먼저 좋은 친구를 만나는 것입니다..^- ᄒ 저도 지금 일본에 와서 많은 사람들을 만나면서 친구가 정말 중요하다는 것을 많이 느꼈어요~ 다른사람을 배려해주는 것, 그리고 내가 힘들때마다 옆에서 힘이 되어주는 것 등이 모두 이 친구의 마음입니다 태국친구사귀기 다시보기 링크: https://bit.ly/3ElWxWg 그 다음은 서로에게 친근감을 갖는것이구요…! 이런식으로 관계를 맺어 나가다 보면, 어느새 나도 모르게 정이 들어버리게 될거에요! 그럼 이제부터 저와 함께 일본어공부 하러 오실분들께 도움을 드리도록 하겠습니당 >ᄆ…
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yoseproject · 9 months
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#요새일본어 튼튼한 1분 일본어 하루 3번, 튼튼해지는 1분 1분씩 * 하루3번 3분 집중 습관 #요새영어 #요새일본어 #요새중국어 #요새스페인어 #일본어 #기초일본어 #일본어독학 https://youtube.com/@yoseenglish https://youtube.com/@yosechinese https://youtube.com/@yosejapanese https://youtube.com/@yosespanish_ #기초일본어 #기초회화 #기초일본어회화 #왕초보일본어 #왕초보기초일본어 #기초일본어단어 #초등기초일본어 #기초일본어공부 #기초일본어문장 #기초일단어 #왕기초일본어 #초보일본어 #기초일본어표현 #왕초보일본어여행편 #기초일본어 #기초일본어배우기 #왕기초일본어회화 #기초일본어회화 #기초일본어연속듣기 #일본어기초 #일본어왕기초 #일본어회화기초 #일본어기초공부 #일본여행 #일본어회화 #일본어공부 #일본어단어 #일본어인강 #생활일본어 #일본어강좌 #쉬운일본어 #초보일본어 #일본어문법 #일본어공부 #여행일본어 #일본어독학 #초등일본어단어 #초등일본어회화 #초등일단어 #초등회화일본어 #초등일본어듣기 #초등일본어문법 #초등일본어 #중등일본어 #고등일본어 #초등일본어공부 #초등학생일본어 #초등일본어공부혼자하기 #초등필수일본어회화 #일본어듣기 #일본어표현 #일본어문장
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llj-01 · 3 years
もののけ姫 - Princess Mononoke
新しい本を買いました!スタジオジブリのもののけ姫です!知らない言葉たちを下に書きました 👍🏻 (p.1 -8)
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P.1,2 深い(ふかい) - deep, dense おおわれ - hidden 太古(たいこ)- ancient times 神々(かみがみ) - gods 東(ひがし) - east 果(は) - end 族(ぞく) - clan かくれ - hidden 大和(やまと) - ancient province, currently Nara prefecture 朝廷(ちょうてい) - imperial court 争い(あらそい) - dispute やぶれ - loss, defeat 歴史(れきし) - history ふだい - scene, setting すがた - figure, state けす - erase
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P.3,4 タタリ - curse さしこむ - to shine in かけぬける - to run through 王家(おうけ) - royal family 若者(わかもの) - young man ぬける - to come out 口々に(くちぐちに) - severally, unanimously けもの - animal, beast
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P.5,6 みはり台(みはりだい) - watchtower たり - counter for people みわたす - to look out over, to survey 石がみ(いしがみ) - stone wall 向こう(むこう) - opposite side ふと - suddenly かげ - shadow ゆらめく - to flicker, to sway ぶきみ - weird, ominous ほど - degree, extent ずまりかえる - to fall completely silent, to become still as death 弓(ゆみ) - bow (weapon) かまえる - to have at the ready (weapon) こらす - to concentrate じっと - motionlessly, be still, fixedly gaze, stare
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P.7,8 ぶちやぶる - to smash down おらわれる - to appear 全身 - whole(body) へびのよう(な) - snakelike 触手(しょくしゅ) - feeler, tentacle おおう - to cover, to conceal 巨大(きょだい) - huge, gigantic 血まみれ(ちまみれ) - blood stained いのしし - wild boar ぎらぎら - glaringly さす - to shine ながら - while, during とっしん - rush, charge たおす - to bring down おそろしい - terrible, dreadful いきおい - force, vigor とびのり - to jump upon ( a moving object) あとをおう - to pursue, to chase のろい - curse
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natalieinkorea · 4 years
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🌠 2 videos with Misa せんせい and it’s like several chapters of my textbooks combined! The video about い/な adjectives really helped me be able to produce sentences on my own. It was explained in Japanese from Zero really well, I just couldn’t get the info to stick for some reason (maybe because I had a cold then 😅). The video was 10 minutes and was super helpful. Yay for Misa Sensei!!! Thanks to those who mentioned her videos in their stories~ 💖💫 (2 posts in a row?! Let’s hope this week continues to be productive🙌🙌🙌
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royaldb · 5 years
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#기록스타그램 #20190707 #공부 #일본어공부 . . . #JLPTN3 #도전 #주말알차게보내기 #주말순삭 https://www.instagram.com/p/BzmeFHqAt3K/?igshid=k2b7l7zlccbi
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ひとつ 1개
ふたつ 2개
みっつ 3개
よっつ 4개
いつつ 5개
むっつ 6개
ななつ 7개
やっつ 8개
ここのつ 9개
とお 10개
いくつ 몇개
日本語で 1個~10個まで, 数字の勉強してみましょう。
일본어에서 1개~10개까지 숫자공부해 봅시다!
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translations101 · 1 year
Family in Japanese
Family 家族 かぞく
Relatives 親戚 しんせき
I 私 わたし
Older Brother (お)兄さん (お)にい-さん/ちゃん*some people also say 兄貴 あにき(informal), 兄 あに(formal), にいに (baby word)
Younger Brother 弟 おとうと
Older Sister お姉さん (お)ねえ-さん, あね (formal), ねえね(baby word)
Younger Sister 妹 いもうと
Siblings - *if there is at least one male 兄弟 きようだい (literally means older/younger brother) , *if there are only girls 姉妹 しまい (same as 兄弟, it means older/younger sister)
*please note when someone asks you how many siblings you have, you must also count yourself for example - you have two older brothers and then there's you, in English you would say "I have two siblings." In Japanese the question is closer to " How many siblings are in your family?" So you count yourself and say "three siblings" (〜人兄弟/〜にんきょうだい)
Parent 親 おや
Both Parents 両親 りょうしん
Mother お母さん おかあさん / a lot of young people also say mama (it's not seen as childish in Japan) (informal), 母(親) はは(おや) (formal) , 母上 ははうえ (not really said that much anymore but you do sometimes hear it)
Father お父さん おとうさん/ along with mama, papa is used quite a lot and is also not seen as childish (informal), 父(親) ちち(おや) ,  親父 おやじ (formal)
(random fact 'sugar daddy' in Japanese is called papa - katsu (パパ活)(活means activity)
*lots of couples with children will often call each other お母さん/お父さん instead of their actual names
Grandma おばあ-さん/ちゃん (informal), 祖母 そぼ (formal)
Grandpa おじい-さん/ちゃん (informal), 祖父そふ (formal)
*For great grandparents just add ひい for example ひいおばあさん
Uncle おじさん
Son 息子 むすこ
Daughter 娘 むすめ
Cousin いとこ
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kimtaku · 10 months
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일본 AI 미녀 미시 아줌마 시리즈
30대 숙녀 (주쿠조)
일본어 30세 삼십로(三十路, 미소지) 해설
청순한 이미지의 모델급 몸매 유부녀 AV 데뷔
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nattie572 · 9 months
JAPANESE QUIZ TIME! #002 | ☑Language
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ/ 📢 JAPANESE QUIZ TIME! #002 | ☑Language ㅤㅤ\ ㅤㅤ ㅤ Choose the correct sentence. 正しい文を選んでください。 ㅤ Beginner Level : ㅤ___ 富士山に 登ったことが あります。 ㅤA. きのう ㅤB. 2015年8月2日に ㅤC. 子どものころ ㅤ ㅤㅤ↓ㅤㅤ↓ㅤㅤ↓ ㅤ Click the link to view the answer and explanation!
──────────────────────────────────── 𝐋𝐞𝐭'𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐟𝐮𝐧 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐉𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫! ☑Free Conversation ¦ ☑Conversation Training ¦ ☑Interactive Conversation ¦ ☑Basic Grammar 🔗 https://www.italki.com/teacher/8470553/ ────────────────────────────────────
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bellacscoelho-blog · 6 years
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After a chaotic week at uni because of a symposium, we're back on track. And I'm specially happy about having the time to do my Japanese homework again, I honestly missed it. With this little off time (exactly one week), I could notice that it makes a difference to study a little everyday instead of big separate chunks. You get in that magic flow state, which makes you miss it when you stop doing it.
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leegilho · 2 years
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⠀ 수능 일본어 문제풀기!!! 제한시간 40분인데 20분만에 다 풀었음!!! 3개 틀림~ 전부 2점짜리 ㅋㅋㅋ 한번에 쭉 풀고 검토따위 하지 않았기에 만족함 ㅋㅋㅋ ⠀ 틀린 문제 찬찬히 다시 보니 다 알겠는데... 30번은 모르겠다~~~ 댓글로 해설 좀 플리즈!!! ㅋㅋㅋ ⠀ 問題30番が理解できない。教えてください。 ⠀ #재미삼아풀어봄 #만점받고싶었는데 #아쉽다 #수능일본어 #2022대학수학능력시험 #일본어공부 #일본어시험 #日本語 #日本語勉強 #大学入学試験 #日本語試験 #テスト https://www.instagram.com/p/CWcYA0lFkIa/?utm_medium=tumblr
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imkyungwon · 3 years
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deed A deed is something that is done, especially something that is very good or very bad. A deed is a document containing the terms of an agreement, especially an agreement concerning the ownership of land or a building. 行為, 行動, 功業, (正式に捺印(なついん)した)証書, 権利証書 1. (보통 아주 좋거나 아주 나쁜) 행위 2. (보통 주택·건물의 소유권을 증명하는) 증서 #englishquote#englishstudy#japanesestudy#記録の力#英語名言#日本語名言#日本語勉強#趣味漢字勉強#ハングル名言#일본어공부#언어말인용#좋은글귀#좋은말#좋은문장#취미영어#취미일본어#취미한자공부#취미외국어#기록의힘 https://www.instagram.com/p/CR7p2sYFBlS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kokoa2020 · 3 years
한국인이 많이 쓰는 어색한 일본어 표현 [4]
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