dearest-nell · 2 days
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s. harrington x reader, 3.2k
summary: steve has fallen in love with his best friend without even realising, and now there's nothing left for him to do but continue to fall. friends to lovers, steve is pathetically in love, gender neutral!reader, mentions of drinking.
a/n: literally can't think about anything else but this little romantic idiot loverman, so here we are. unproofread, sorry!
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Steve was not sure when it was that this all became real to him. Time seemed to blur together in flashes of colour and memory. There were so many days with you, so many moments that had changed his life or altered his very being. How many moments could he name that might have been the one to shift delicate sands between you? Your friendship spanned years – wonderful years filled with the warmth of summer sun soaking into your skin on the beach of Lovers Lake, sweaters shared so often between the both of you that even the woollen fabric could not decide who it smelled most like. 
He remembered movie nights in the dimness of Hawkins theatre, half empty rows of midnight screenings where your horrified cries over every slasher could be muffled by his shoulder, his arm around your waist, tucking you safely away from every fright around. You were the only person who slept in his bed just to talk, to stay up all night whispering dreams and hopes and secrets. You were full of his secrets, after all, sworn to protect and sworn to keep. He wanted to keep you more than anything else in the world. 
Steve couldn’t pinpoint the moment his deep, unwavering affection for you had become something new, something so tenderly romantic that even he himself had been shocked by. He had been in love before, sure, but not like this. Steve Harrington had never considered himself capable of loving another person quite so much. It was greedy, and selfish, and selfless, and all consuming, and so peacefully quiet that he was sure nothing else might ever settle him quite so nicely. 
The attraction had always been there, after all. You were ethereal, otherworldly, angelic in a way that Steve was sure no one had ever been before. It didn’t matter what anyone else had said, you were the most beautiful creature to ever grace his life. Even as friends, he knew it. He’d watched you swim in the chlorine mess of his pool clad in nothing but your underwear, leaving Steve swallowing thickly around the unshiftable lump in his throat that seemed to appear just for you. He’d run his hands across your sides in the deep blue of the night, memorising the curve of your hip with trembling hands that ached to hold you tighter. He’d been lost in your eyes so often that sometimes the colour of them was printed on the inside of his eyelids, haunting his dreams with visions of your smile - your hand in his. 
He couldn’t name the moment it changed, but he could name the moment he knew. It was an ordinary night by anyone's standards; the kids, now graduating, had rented a VHS of some film he likely should  have known the name of. He thought the actors had looked familiar, maybe recognised the hit song on the soundtrack, but the rest seemed a blur to him. He’d been half exhausted from a day at work as it was, and you had promised to take him home early if his social battery began to dwindle. It was incentive enough for him to try, though about 35 minutes into the film, Steve had felt that wave of exhaustion slip over him. He wanted his own bed, wanted the silence and dark of his shitty apartment to swallow him whole. He’d moved to whisper to you, hand squeezing your knee beside him only to discover your quiet, even breaths as his only response. Your head rested so fittingly on his shoulder, one curve perfectly slotted into the other, a soft place for you to land. It wasn’t often that you fell asleep during movies, but Steve knew you were just as exhausted as he was from an even longer work week. 
Steve did not look back towards the dingy, yellow hazed television screen even once after he’d spotted you. He was fixated on the gentle peace that had settled across your features, brow line soft, unmarred by worries of the day. He wondered what you were dreaming about, what thoughts and wishes filled your imaginings tonight, and whether he would get to hear about them once you’d woken. It was one thought that had shaken him, though. One that made him stop to think, that lost him to his surroundings entirely, consumed by questions. 
Are you dreaming about me, too? 
The overwhelming sense of hope was what had alarmed him, hope that perhaps you wanted him, wanted him with you even in your dreams – wanted him just as badly as he seemed to want you. How had he not noticed before? How had he not understood that every moment without you just felt like another moment spent trying to get back to you. 
Oh god, it was love. There was nothing else to call it. It was love of a friend and so much more. It was love of a person that Steve hoped never to face life again without. It was a desperation to keep you close that left a tightness in his chest, unmoving and unshakable. There was restraint enough in him that kept him from waking you just to pull you tighter, suddenly so aware of this need that had shadowed so closely at his heels all this time. 
He stayed the entire film just so you could sleep right there on his shoulder, undisturbed and so entirely loved. 
How he managed to keep it to himself after that was beyond all understanding. Steve didn’t keep secrets, or at least not his own, not from you. How exciting it was to be falling in love like this, and yet all he could think about was how horrific it was that you were none the wiser. Hadn’t you felt it too? That shift between you? It was all he could think about, and it left him twitchy, nervous and bumbling, ungraceful compared to his usual charismatic charm. Though you smiled at him like you always did, watching him as if he were still your most favourite person in all the world, and Steve had never felt more alive. 
It was why here, now, all he could do was watch you. Weeks later, still pining, still so incredibly in love with you, he was helpless but to stand by your side, drink in his hand idly sipped just to give him some kind of distractive reprieve, the taste of whisky heavy on his tongue as you watched the band before you. The lights were luminous, flashes of blue and yellow and white swallowing you in their glow, your body swaying contentedly to the rhythm of music he had half forgotten to listen to. He’d been excited to see this band weeks ago, and now all he could do was stare at you. 
You’d dressed up; hair styled, body wrapped in fabrics that Steve wanted to run his fingers through. There was glitter on your cheeks that glinted in the neon lights, and if Steve had not seen the cheap packaging himself, then he might have considered it the mark of an angel gracing your skin. 
Steve had never wanted to kiss someone so badly in his life. 
How he had gotten away with such blatant staring was a mystery, and he chalked it up to the masses of people pressing in closer and closer together as the night went on. No one was watching him, so no one was watching him watch you. 
As if triggered by some divine intervention, you turned to smile at him, yelling something about how great the band was, the sound muffled by the buzz of electronics and minute long guitar solos. He nodded back dumbly, his own smile a perfect mirror of your own, a free hand running through his now sweat slick locks. 
“So good.” Was all he could yell back, trying to peel his gaze away from your own, his own personal boulder up the hill; an unwinnable battle. 
His staring paid off, at least, when he caught the way the masses seemed to close in around you. Your view was more and more obstructed with every new beat, bodies taller and far less considerate than the two of yours huddling in tighter. He watched as the perception crossed your mind and on pure instinct, Steve was pulling you into him, slotting your body into place right before his own. He was wrapped around you like a protective barrier, arm hooked loosely around your waist, hand gripping possessively at your hip, his drink knocked clean out of his hand as the man by his side threw his arms up to the music. He tried not to glare, not for the loss of his drink, but for the way it so easily could have come tumbling down on you. The drink seemed like the least of your worries though. Steve offered you an apologetic grimace only to be met with another of your smiles, the warmth of your regard smoothing out the roughest edges of his trepidations. 
Your hand slipped into his, eliciting the softest of sighs from Steve to feel your comforting touch, and he felt his body relax as you pulled his other arm snuggly around you too, your entire body now encased in the safety of his hold. Somehow he knew that you had done this for him, that snuggling yourself in deeper like this was to ease his worries, not your own. He was here protecting you, and somehow here you were, still soothing him without so much as a thought. He wished he understood how you knew him so well, how you seemed to know intrinsically what he needed. It felt foolish to hope that maybe it was for the very same reason that he knew you so well. Maybe this is just how friends are. 
This did not feel like friendship, though, not with you pressed so tightly against him, bodies swaying as one to the steady rhythm of the melody around you. Your arms were crossed around yourself, hands gripping onto his forearms as if you could hold him right back. You were holding him, he realised. Holding him as best as you could from the position you were in. You had relaxed entirely into him, head resting back against his shoulder, movements languid and comfortable in his arms, fingers tracing secret scribbles into the goose-prickled flesh of his skin, so reactive to even the smallest of your touches. He wasn’t sure what to do with himself, couldn’t decide where to look or what to say or how to breathe, even. Breathe, Steve, breathe. 
“Are you comfy?” You called out, head angling up to catch a glimpse of his expression. Your palm flattened out comfortingly against his arm, and Steve tried not to melt under the tenderness of it. 
He nodded, dipping down to speak a little more closely, using the volume of the room as his excuse to allow his lips so close to the plush curve of your cheek. “‘m comfy. Is this okay?” 
He squeezed his arms around you once, twice, to emphasise his concern. You inched your face higher, views of one another now more clear as the space between you dissipated, your noses bumping clumsily against one another as the crowd continued to shift around you.
“Yeah, thanks.” If he didn’t know you half as well as he did, Steve might have missed the way your eyes seemed to widen at him, mouth parting imperceptibly as if you were about to continue, words dissolving right at the buzzer. 
His brow lifted curiously, nose nudging yours with purpose to ease the words from you. The look you gave in turn was enough to steal the very breath from his lungs, his chest constricting with the nerves that such intensity always seemed to summon in him. You looked pained, somehow, and Steve didn’t miss the way your arms seemed to tighten around his own, leaving his hands to squeeze at your sides reassuringly, one slipping its way to cup at your jaw. The wide of his palm engulfed your cheek, his rough, calloused, fingers stroking soothing circles into the curve of your skin, holding your gaze to him. 
“What’s wrong?” He mouthed, not wishing to raise his voice when you were pressed so closely to him. He was preparing to pull you away at a moment's notice, to flee the crowd and tuck you somewhere safe in some dark corner of the room to catch your breath. He knew something was wrong, could feel the weight of some unspoken thought pressing down on you. He’d steal it if he could, take it on as his own so you could smile again. It had only been a minute and he was already aching to see it once more. 
It all seemed to move in slow motion for him – time slowed to a standstill as the room seemed to fade away. There wasn’t anyone here but you, but him, standing here in this crowded empty space, looking at no one but each other. He watched you tug your lip between your teeth, one moment of contemplation that had him second guessing everything before you moved, lifting up onto the tips of your toes to reach him, his arms tightening again to keep you steady. 
Your eyes flickered, shifting nervously between his eyes and his lips, and Steve felt his own part as the surprise of your boldness hit him. You wanted to kiss him. You wanted to kiss him and this was your way of showing it. He could see the way you tried to inch closer, watching through hooded eyes as you evaluated his reaction, drifting somewhere between closer and further with every breath. 
No one could blame him for his eagerness, not really. Not when you were looking at him like it would kill you not to kiss him, not when he felt so entirely needed, so entirely worthy of this moment. He brushed his hand at your cheek, nudging forward slowly, his eyes imploring as he watched, waited to know that this was really what you wanted. 
You just smiled up at him, and Steve might have died right there to know that he was the reason why. 
Steve’s focused remained heavily on his movements, head lost somewhere in the necessity that he needed to kiss you right. He felt like his very happiness relied on it – like he would die right here, right now, if you did not know just how much he wanted you. Needed you. 
He moved unhurriedly, lips tracing so softly against your own that he thought he might be dreaming. There was no conceivable way that a person could be so delicate in his hold, so plush and divine and perfect. It was a moment out of time, kissing you like this amongst the ever constricting crowds, the violent noise of a band crescendoing around you all the while. 
And you were kissing him too. 
He could taste it in your touch, the eagerness, the way you tried to reach further, twisting in his arms to fit closer to him. He wished he could swallow his grin, helplessly amused by that gentle desperation in you – how could he not smile over the neediness in your touch? You tried to speed up the kiss, to grip him tighter, one hand curled into the fabric of his shirt, the other tugging him down by his hair. 
His groan was involuntary, and his purchase at your face was all he had to usher you, slow fingers coaxing you back into a relaxed state, pulling himself back to look at you with desperate eyes. 
He had no words, nothing that he could say that could convey the meaning of this moment, nor the depths of his feelings for it. He could see that glaze in your eyes, feel the way you swayed on the tips of your toes as your balance betrayed you. He didn’t mind – it was his excuse to tug you all the closer, setting the pace once more as his lips slotted against your own. 
He felt your sigh rather than heard it, could feel the way your muscles relaxed under the press of his hand at your back. It was a sick sort of pleasure that flooded him, pride taking over to know that he had this effect – this power over you. If only you knew how much more you had over him, how he’d do almost anything you could ask of him just to keep you here. 
A knock from a burly looking man was what it took to break the kiss, and Steve might have been thankful had he not almost dropped the two of you in a brief lapse of balance, his head turning venomously to glare at the man who Steve certainly could not take in a fight. He might really have gotten his ass kicked there and then over his petulance, a child raging over his favourite treat being ripped from his hands. Was it so much for him to want this moment to be perfect? He wanted 5 minutes to enjoy it, to kiss you senseless, to solidify that this would not be the only time  to do so. 
Thank god for you, really, to remind him that he was still in the moment. Your hands at his face tugged him away from his anger, focusing his attention back on you, your own amused smile soothing away that spike of rage that had stolen his attention so briefly. You dipped up, pecking his lips so suddenly that all he could do was stare. He felt like an idiot, and maybe it was because he was one. He was a fool in love, and perhaps now you were starting to see it. 
“Lets go.” You urged, thumbs circling at his cheeks, the adrenaline in his body dissipating into something peaceful at the tenderness of your touch. 
He nodded dumbly, not a moment wasted considering anything else in the room but you. Who could have possibly cared that the show was only half finished, that neither of you had heard your favourite songs yet, that you had been dying to try the specialty cocktail of the night that was plastered across posters behind the bar, when Steve could be the one to take you home? Fuck literally anything else here because your hand was easing its way into his own, and his cheeks were sure to ache at the strain of his smile on his face as he shouldered his way through the crowd, parting bodies to ease the two of you through the masses, and nothing could have been more important to him in that moment, or any other moment to come, than you. 
Forget it all, because Steve was going to kiss you again as soon as the night air broke around the two of you, and by the way you clung so tightly to the back of him, he’d never been so assured that you were just as pleased by the notion as he was. 
Steve could not remember the moment his feelings for you had become real to him, but he’d never forget the moment yours had.
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taesanrot · 2 days
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[moved on] fwb!taesan x f!reader | 0.7k words shorter drabble inspired by the song moved on by laundry day!
my heart is saying things my mind just cannot speak ... i don't know what is wrong with me
taesan was an avoidant. he was good at ignoring things, pushing away the elephant in the room and pretending he doesn't care, that it couldn't bother him any less. he was good at ignoring the way your glances at him grew longer and fonder. he was even better at ignoring the way your doe eyes and soft hair made his heart race and stomach turn.
i'm clinging onto you just like i cannot breathe ... i don't know what is wrong with me
he knew it hurt you and he hated himself for it. you two had agreed to keep things between the two of you casual, seeking comfort in each others' touch in the late hours of the weekend and barely speaking the days in between. at the time it started, taesan's fleeting presence filled you up, bringing you out of the emotional trenches school had sent you into.
maybе I'm the problem saying this is alright ... am i coming on too strong?
that was your first mistake -- you should've known you were setting yourself up for failure right then and there. letting the raven haired boy light up your day with a simple stroke of his hand against your cheek; your heart never stood a chance against the curse of time.
please make sure you call, just to say it's alright ... am i waking you all night?
as the days passed, it was taesan who became the reason you ached on late nights. staring at your still unread message, you wondered why things were like this. the boy's actions twisted your mind in ways he'd never know. at times like this your mind flashed back to the way he was after the sun had set, when it was just the two of you in your own world.
we get together but things might just be better if we moved on
the way his warm lips felt against your neck, the way his fingers burned into your skin, it was all imprinted on your mind. the moments you two shared felt so intimate, and they replayed in your mind over and over like a broken record.
turning around under your heavy blanket for the tenth time that night, you screwed your eyes shut as more and more memories invaded your mind and dreams.
the two of you had been watching a movie, your head laying on his chest and his hand rubbing your shoulder softly. eyes trained on your laptop, you almost missed taesan’s face in your peripheral vision, peeking over at you. he had a habit of doing this — you always assumed he was simply checking if you were awake. you always stayed silent, just smiling and blinking delicately at him.
“i’m awake, san” you don’t know what made you blurt out defensively, but taesan shook his head softly at your words.
“i know, i was just looking at you.” your stomach still turns at the thought of the smile he was adorning as those words fell from his pretty lips.
his fond smile only looked wicked to you now, his words singing your skin and burning your resolve. how could he say all of that without feeling a single thing? you thought to yourself bitterly.
am i giving you up? ... changing seasons, can't believe it now i'm leaving you
sometimes taesan too thought he was insane. it stung to think about the sweet things he'd said or done to you -- it scared him how he meant it all completely. the boy didn't know what was wrong with him, why he couldn't just let the two of you be happy and togehter. he felt like a speed bump in the road, stubbornly and selfishly guarding his heart at the expense of your fragile mind.
hindsight is 20/20, and sitting alone in his cold and you-less bed, taesan knows what he should've done and said to you, what was staring him in the face this whole time. he was utterly in love with you and he didn't even realize.
bitterly, he pulls his phone out of his pocket and reads over your last text to him again.
[2:47 a.m]
y/n: i can't keep doing this anymore. i'm sorry, let's stop seeing each other.
you have been blocked by this number!
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chris x dealer!oc
warnings: swearing, angst, a hating ass bitch
over the course of two months, tasia and jaiyah had grown rather close with the triplets. the group of five hung out at least once a week. whether it was going on drives, going out to eat, going to the movies, or simply hanging out at the girls' house. 
tasia and nick had grown especially close. they both had no gene for giving a damn (#onmyblock #freelatrell) and loved hating and complaining.
jaiyah took a liking to matt and according to them they were 'talking'
chris liked both the girls. he found them hilarious and loved their taste in music. he especially liked that they didn't care about his and his brothers social media presence. they weren't shoving a camera in his face or asking about their content. 
but every night he found himself on facetime with tasia. telling her about his day, about a new song he'd heard, about how he wished he lived in gary's shell. he told her whatever came to his mind and she listened while doing her assignments, or folding her laundry. sometimes she just laid in her bed and listened to every word he gave her. 
and they fell asleep like that, on facetime. both waking up to their phones being hot to touch. 
chris would wake up to her getting ready for work or school, not paying attention to her phone, and he'd just watch her do the most mundane things. by the look on his face you'd think she was building a time machine, rather than brushing her teeth. 
then she'd "wake him up" and tell him she has to go, and they wouldn't hear from each other until either the group got together later that day, or he called her around 9pm that night.
that was their routine, and chris loved it. 
but tasia was conflicted. 
why didn't he ever text her during the day? or want to hang out with her alone?  did he like her as more than a friend? or was she just his human diary?
these were the questions that ate away at her throughout the day, but were out the window as soon as she saw his contact come up every night. 
"tasiaaaaa" nick whined over the facetime. "come over, i miss you!"
"last time i was at your house i had to lay hands on your brothers hoe." tasia replied, focusing more on making her pre-rolls than her friend. 
"well, her and chris are in his room so we can just hang out in the living room and watch the bear." 
this wigga right here... tasia thought. nick knew that carmy berzatto was the only way to get her to change her mind. 
"fuck you for that. but i'm on my way. jaiye's coming too cuz i cant drive."
"we're gonna get our license one day girl." nick laugh and says goodbye. 
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"bro richie got one more time to talk to my man crazy and i'm jumping through he fucking screen." tasia exclaimed as they worked through their third episode of 'the bear' of the night.
nick and tasia sat on opposite sides of the couch while jaiye and matt were getting....comfortable...on the loveseat. tasia enjoyed times like this. she'd spent so much of her life in her own bubble (with the exception of her best friend of course) that she'd forgotten that some people aren't bad.
she made it a point to never let anyone else in said bubble. it was safer that way. easier to never be let down or hurt. but nick had slipped in and in doing so brought his brothers with him. and she didnt mind. she liked them. 
so the night went on and they switched from watching 'the bear' to watching 'pretty woman'. they were roughly 10 minutes into the movie when chris and layla made an appearance, plopping down on the couch between tasia and nick. 
"what are we watching?" chris asked, reaching his hand in the big bag of lays setting beside tasia. 
she snatched the bag from him with a gasp. "fucking rude!" she laughed. "we're watching pretty woman, which is my favorite movie, so shut up and enjoy."
she wasn't lying either. 'pretty woman' was her favorite movie of all time. it reminded her that no matter where she was from, what she did for a living, how she spoke, or how she looked, she was worthy of love.
but of course the group could never be quiet for long. the six of them sat  as the rom-com played out before them. 
"he's real as fuck for teaching her what forks to use." 
"oh they fucking for reallll."
everything was peaceful and calming.
until of course the vibes were killed.
they were on the part where stuckey propositioned vivian at the polo match and layla just had to put her two cents in. "i mean what did she expect to happen? shes a hooker!" layla laughed like it was funny. "she was never gonna be anything anyway." 
this irked tasia but she bit her tongue for the sake of not ruining everyone else mood. so she fought off the black ink that was once again, trying to envelope her. but it grew herder to stay silent as the movie continued and layla kept making dumb ass comments here and there. and as layla got more vocal, everyone else grew quiet.
"i'd never let a hooker kiss me on the mouth." 
"did she think he was gonna stay with her?"
"he's offering her the best she's ever gonna get and she's being a bitch about it."
tasia's hands were in a tight fist, her eyes closed as she sang her favorite song to herself i hopes of calming down. 
but all best were off when vivian was being assaulted by stuckey. 
"why is she saying no? that's literally her job!"
she swallowed her thick spit and calmy turned her head, looking past chris and at his girlfriend beside him. her voice was an even tone. "bro i swear to fucking god, if you don't be quiet and watch the movie i'm going to lose my shit." 
"i'm just saying that she can't expect someone like him to love someone like her." layla shrugged. 
this made jaiye pop up from her shared seat with matt and pause the movie. "and what do you mean by 'someone like her?'"
all eyes were on layla, who didn't have a care i the world. she had it made in her mind that her opinions were right, and needed to be heard. 
nick sat back in amusement, because he knew layla was about to get her shit rocked. 
matt was worried because as far as he'd seen, jaiye was the one to calm tasia down, not join in on the issue. 
chris was silently praying that his girlfriend would shut the fuck up and either watch the movie silently, or go home. 
"i mean think about it. you guys are from compton right? do you guys think someone like edward lewis would really love you?"
tasia flashed and stood up, the blanket that was wrapped around her falling at her feet. she started towards layla but was stopped by chris getting up and holding her arms. 
"please..." he whispered, his eyes pleading. he didnt really give a fuck about whether tasia stomped layla out, he was more concerned with the fact that he'd never hear the end of it. 
tasia's muscles relaxed as the feeling  of chris' warm hands on her cold skin. she closed her eyes again and took a deep breath. "fine." she said through gritted teeth. when she opened her eyes she was met with chris mouthing 'thank you'
he let go of her and turned to his girlfriend who had stood up in fear of getting molly whopped again. "layla go home." 
"WHAT?" she asked in shock. "you're really gonna kick me out for saying what everyone was thinking?" 
this made nick chime in. "literally nobody was thinking that. matt were you thinking that?" everyone looked toward matt, who was cuddled up with jaiye laying on him once again. 
"yeah no. i was thinking how i wanna have a picnic with jaiyah." he laughed, while running his hand up and down the girls back. 
"exactly." nick said. "we were all having a perfectly good time and you had to fuck everything up, just like you always do." he was pointing at her from the couch. "also." he stood up. "you're judging this fictional character, calling her a whore, when you have an only fans."
"oh shit!" jaiye snorted before covering her mouth in an attempt to hide her laugh. 
"and yet, chris, a successful man, is still fucking you. you tell him you love him don't you?" nick inquired. layla nodded, with tears in her eyes. "right. now tell me this... has he ever said it back?"
the tears in laylas eyes dropped as she gasped in realization. 
"exactly." nick said, feeling proud of himself for proving his point. "now, chris can do whatever the fuck he wants with you because he's a grown ass man. but you keep pissing off my friends. people who have never done shit to you, and have given you two chances to be a decent human being. so i'm putting it to a vote." nick called matt over to where he was standing. "hand of agreement, layla isn't allowed at the house anymore."
nick and matt raised their hand at the same time, turning to look at chris, who had come to a realization as well. 
chris realized that his fear of being judged by the world, had caused him to be judged by the only people who's opinions really matter. his brothers were uncomfortable in their own house, and that just didn't sit right with him. 
"layla come with me. we need to talk." he said, walking away, grabbing her hand. 
when they reached the front porch he said what needed to be said.
"layla, i owe you an apology. i should have broken this off a long time ago. i haven't wanted to be with you for a while and instead of being honest with you i strung you along. and that's on me. so for that i'm sorry." he said, looking in her green eyes. "but what you did in there was unacceptable. those are my friends. and you just shit on them for no reason. you owe them an apology." layla eyes widened at that. "but i know you wont do that, so whatever. me and you are done though. being with you isn't benefitting me or you, and its hurting my brothers."
"there are no buts. you need to go, layla."
and she did. she walked away, her face wet with tears, her head down. 
chris made his way back into the house, where nick, matt and jaiye were all watching 'love and basketball' because jaiye "needed to season her favorite white boys." 
when chris asked where tasia was, nick told her she was in his room calming down. so chris made his way to nicks room, which was closed. he knocked and waited for permission before entering. 
"im sorry about her." chris said, sitting at nick's desk, facing tasia, who sat at the edge of nicks bed with her hands folded in her lap. 
"its fine." she shrugged and looked at her feet. 
"do you want to talk about it? i mean i know usually i'm the one running my mouth but i wanna make sure your good."
"no im good. i just hate dummies."
chris laughed at that. "yeah she is pretty dumb."
"don't talk about your girlfriend like that chris. she might hear you through the bugs she's planted all over the house."
shes making jokes, thats good. chris thought. 
"she's not my girlfriend anymore." tasia felt her heart flutter at that statement and decided now was a good time to make her exit before she something she'd possibly regret.
"good for you." she chuckled and got up. "i'm gonna go back downstairs so we can go. thanks for checking on me." 
"bye, tasia." was all chris said in response. 
but as soon as tasia was out the door, he let out a breathe he didnit know he was holding. 
taglist: @mattslolita @mattssluttygf @muwapsturniolo @nickgetsmewetter @wh0resstuff @nurturedmoon @sturniolo-luv
niyah speaks rushed and a day late but yuh! HAPPY PRIDE YALL!!!
remember that if no one loves you, mommy loves you (and my mommy i mean me)
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major-comet · 3 days
The Music in RvB: Restoration Kinda Sucks. Here's how I'd fix it.
I gave this as a presentation the other night after my first re-watch of the finale, and it was a major hit so I thought I would share it with other people who think too hard about Halo fanfiction.
Red VS Blue has some truly fantastic music in it's 21 year history, and I think that the music here was pretty weak. Obviously this post has major spoilers for RvB19 / Restoration, so be warned.
So, under the Read More is a typed up and fleshed out version of my powerpoint presentation where I will dive in and not just bitch about the musical choices, but explain how I would fix things. This is...really long, but I hope you all enjoy my thoughts :)
This will be best enjoyed if you listen to the songs I'm talking about as a refresher. For your convenience, I have input links to the songs on Youtube when necessary.
So what's the problem?
Since the development of the finale overlapped with Rooster Teeth getting shut down, it's very likely that they had minimal funds. I personally think this was part of why Burnie/RT was/were [reportedly] so insistent on using stock music for part of the season rather than a whole soundtrack done by Trocadero - I'm not sure they had the money to properly compensate for a full soundtrack. And maybe it was just a stupid / dick move, and had nothing to do with money at all, but that's what I choose to believe if only because it makes me feel slightly better about it.
This means that besides the stock music, the Zero song for that cameo, and Waning Moon (the Barenaked Ladies song), all we have are four re-used songs from earlier RvB - these songs being the Trocadero Grifball theme, I Say Ooh and Round One by Jeff Williams, and Vale Deah by Trocadero. There's also a David Levy composition in there somewhere according to the credits, R U Ready, but I have no idea what it is or where it plays. It's bothering the hell out of me because it does not appear to be a reused piece as far as I can tell - at least not reused from RvB. If anyone has any leads on this please reach out, because it seems crazy that there's one random possibly original David composition mixed in there. I've checked Apple Music and Soundcloud, nothing by that name.
In this very Meta focused film, neither of The Meta's themes play in any shape or form - [When] Your Middle Name is Danger by Trocadero or Plagam Extremam Infligere by Jeff Williams.
Nor do any of the character themes, really. Most of the series' iconic recurring tracks are completely absent. Tex's various themes, Carolina's theme - hell not even Blood Gulch Blues or the iconic intro music.
Were there any highlights?
Of course there were!
Considering I was going into the finale having only been spoiled on Vale Deah, I was pleasantly surprised to hear the Jeff tracks! That was totally unexpected, and really lovely.
Speaking of, I thought the use of Vale Deah was a really lovely touch. Fun fact: that song was used for the end credits of the Season 1 DVD, so it really felt like a sweet full circle moment.
I think that using a Barenaked Ladies song for that very sweet scene of Caboose, Grif, and Simmons reminiscing about Blood Gulch by the fire was a very lovely choice, and quite honestly it was my favorite scene in the whole thing. The BNL have been close to RvB and RT since damn near the beginning, and it was very nice to hear them attached to the finale in that small way.
I should also point out that the composer for the season is Carl Thiel - known for his work on Hot Fuzz and the second and third Spy Kids movies. I think he did a totally fine job. I liked the bugles that were under Sarge's death, but the rest doesn't really stand out much. Perfectly serviceable.
So, now that that's out of the way, let's break down those four returning songs a bit more - shall we?
Grifball Official Theme - Trocadero
This was a really funny choice. It's such a quick bit, but I respect Burnie's dedication to get in one last Grifball joke. Obviously, I would have preferred to hear a different song for something else, but this was totally harmless.
Vale Deah - Trocadero
Lo-fi Hip-hop beats to get divorced to.
God that scene was heartbreaking. I love this song a lot - I think a lot of Trocadero's strongest stuff is the stuff that just feels kind of melancholy. It's something Nico does really well, and I think Vale Deah is one of my favorite examples of that. Like I said above, I think this song was used really well - if I had to pick a different track for that same scene I would probably choose Half Life. While it was written during the Blood Gulch era, it wasn't really used in the show until Seasons 12 and 13 - notably, a version of it plays under Kimball's rally speech to the troops after Doyle's death. I just really like it, tbh. There's absolutely other songs that could work, but I think having it be a BGC-era track served the scene really well.
I Say Ooh - Jeff Williams
My feelings about this are pretty similar to Grifball. It was cute, it was nice to hear, but I wish they had used a different Jeff track somewhere else. Ultimately, it's pretty harmless. It is kind of an odd choice though - I'm pretty sure Jeff didn't write it for RvB. This was a song that he composed that was used in two RT Shorts (live action sketches that RT used to do). I think it would have been nicer to use one of his RvB tracks for the introduction of Niner - could have been a cute spot to use a track like I Am The Best or Forge World or hell, Come on Carolina would have been cute.
Round One - Jeff Williams
...Actually, I have a lot to say about Round One, so let's get everything else out of the way first.
Other Scenes that *should* have had returning tracks before I talk about Round One for a billion years
Sarge's death should have been scored with a version of Rally (Sarge's Speech). My vision is a version of it that's just the string section - familiar, but not enough to be distracting, and absolutely soul crushing if you do recognize it.
The scene with Wash and Dr. Grey in the hospital needed a hint of what Nico so lovingly calls the "Wash Trauma Theme" - which is closely related to the Trocadero Meta theme, fun fact. I think Limited Duty from the scene in Season 16 where Carolina tells Wash about the brain damage could have worked pretty well there.
The scene at the end with Wash and Carolina talking about Doc and the Freelancers really needed something. I think one of the variations of the Shizno trilogy Carwash theme could have worked very well.
Obviously the big scene with Tucker and Sigma on the ship would have really benefited from [When] Your Middle Name is Danger or one of the many themes that incorporates it, but I'd also throw Soul Clef XI into the ring! I think it's so interesting that the work around they came up with for not being able to get Elijah Wood back was to have epsilon!Sigma take on a more Felix-y type of voice. Partly because Felix was an incredibly ambitious villain so he fits it pretty well, but more importantly that was a very smart voice to pick to fuck with Tucker in particular! I think that was really smart, and I think having Felix's theme playing during that scene would have been really cool.
Bolt by Trocadero was never used in the series proper. However it was used in this ten year retrospective that they released alongside Season 10. I highly recommend giving it a watch, because watching it now that it's Over - RvB, RT, all of it - it's honestly kind of heart breaking. They're all filled with this deep optimism about the future of the company, and hindsight is a bitch on this one. They use it in a really sweet sequence at the end where they're showing a bunch of old photos. Anyways I think this should have played in the credits after Vale Deah finished. "We only want to have a good time."
Miscellaneous Trocadero Songs I would have liked to see them find a place for that I haven't already / will not mention elsewhere
Steady Ride (Gunmetal Green) - this is THE Grimmons song ever to me. I love it so much. Also fun fact: as of the interview Burnie did with Nico on the season 10 (I think?) dvd/bluray, this was Burnie's favorite Trocadero track. And you can tell when you watch the DVD cuts of the first 6-ish seasons - it plays all the time.
I like Good Fight a lot, not sure there was a great spot for it? but still would have been nice - It's used a few times as a Wash theme, I believe.
No One is my favorite Trocadero song and I wish it could've been there Somewhere. It was the elevator-music type song that played behind Vic in BG once or twice, I think was in the season 4 credits, and also played during the weapons demonstrations in the Meta VS Carolina Death Battle. I just like it a lot, lol.
Okay let's get back to Round One.
Why they shouldn't have used Round One for the big fight in RvB Restoration
AKA: The actual bulk of the presentation
Okay so we've got some pros and cons to this track. Starting with the Pros;
It's a song from an iconic scene - the 3v1 training room fight from Season 9
Tex and Maine are both in the fight
Was a great "Oh FUCK yeah" moment for the fans
Great track
Not really a song for Carolina or the Meta (or y'know. Tucker. He's there too), and only kind of a song for Tex
Honestly the fight makes me think about York more than anyone else, since that's the fight where he gets hurt
Not a cool thematic moment besides just Tex being a badass
Started too late into the fight - it's sad that Carolina got a cool track when she (finally!) showed up, but Tex just got generic music. Show my girl some respect :(
So what would be better?
It has to be something that makes you think of at least one of the fighters. A track that's good for multiple would be better, but not required.
I think it should start when Tex first shows up, not when her armor changes. that’s a cool moment, but it still means most of the fight is working with Thiel’s score.
It should be something with a note of thematic relevance - for example, the big moment right at the end of the fight is Tex reminding epsilon!Sigma that she's not based on the Director's memories of her failure this time; she's based on the memories of Grif, Caboose, and Simmons. And she Always kicked their asses.
Still needs to be a big "Oh FUCK yeah" moment.
While incorporating Carolina's theme would be nice, I think it's more important to get at least one of the others - but we'll do our best here. I think this is moreso a Tex v meta!Tucker fight in my heart than it is a Carolina fight.
So let's look over a few options, shall we? These are in no particular order.
Spiral - Jeff Williams
This is the song that plays during the Season 9 car chase when Maine gets shot. It incorporates Carolina's theme, because in PFL her theme is never too far behind whenever a Maine/Meta song is playing, which has always been interesting to me. It has all that freaky choral stuff that Jeff loved to use, and generally is just a great track.
Fragments - Jeff Williams
This plays during the Freelancer break-in in Season 10, and it just rocks so hard. Anything from the break-in would be cool because that was the last time Tex, Carolina, and Maine/The Meta were all in the same place, and of course was when The Meta was properly created. I think it was so sad that they used the instrumental of Round One, because the vocals are part of what makes the Jeff era of RvB soundtracks so iconic, and god this song delivers! Also this song has a kickass trumpet solo at the end.
Slingshot (from the Death Battle) - Trocadero
Man this song rules. This of course plays in the Meta VS Carolina Death Battle from Season 14. It's a very different energy from the Jeff picks, but it rocks so fucking much. This is a fight between Carolina and The Meta, and would of course be a callback to a (marginally) more recent - and extremely popular - episode of the show. If you haven't watched the Death Battle in a while you really should, it still kicks just as much ass now as it did back when I was in high school.
Literally any other song from the 3v1 Training Room Fight - Jeff Williams
This includes;
Round One (feat Lamar Hall)
Bullfight (track starts about 01:32)
On Your Knees
I just think the instrumental to Round One is the weakest choice from this fight tbh! Bullfight is my favorite out of the three, because it sounds the most Tex-y. The guitars are very her, and it incorporates part of the Agent Tex motif. And On Your Knees would have had the biggest "Oh FUCK yeah" factor. But honestly even just using the versions of Round One with the vocals would have been way better.
EDIT TO ADD: a quick note - while it’s listed in the credits as Round One/Bullfight, that’s just how the instrumental is packaged on the OST. As far as I could tell in my two watches of it, they never actually make it to the Bullfight part of the track.
A Girl Named Tex - Trocadero
hold on, walk with me on this one.
I had a vision of Tex fighting meta!Tucker set to the "Yellow rose of Texas clad in black, lonely star tattooed upon her back. Double Tex she'll hit you like a truck. Double Tex and she'll mess you up." bit right after I watched 19 the first time and it's been haunting me ever since. (That bit starts at about 02:19)
This is her theme for the first chunk of the show - which just so happens to be the time period Grif, Simmons, and Caboose were primarily reminiscing about. It would have been cool as hell, and I can See the beginning of the fight in my head - the opening strums when caboose is saying his line about how he brought back someone even worse than church, and then the fight starts! I can see it in my mind, it would have been so cool!
I just think there should have been more Blood Gulch era music in here.
100 Tex Battle - Jeff Williams
This doesn't get you any Meta points, but obviously it incorporates little bits of Tex's, and a lot of Carolina's theme. Twisting a Tex vs Carolina fight - obviously, Carolina vs all the Tex bots in Season 10 - into one where they're fighting alongside each other would have been really lovely and a cool full circle moment.
This song is really cool, it's such a good fight. I do think it maybe sounds a bit goofy at points for this fight, but still a cool option.
Okay so now let's go over my top three-ish picks
Ice Fight (or maybe the revelations suite?) - Jeff Williams
Jumping to the end of Season 8, we have a fight that involves Tex vs The Meta! And Wash, Doc, and all the Reds and Blues (barring Donut and Lopez. Hmm. Doesn't that sound familiar.) are there! Ice Fight rules so hard, it's so good.
And it has some of that narrative theming I was looking for! While yes, Tex does technically lose this fight - so does The Meta. And how does she lose it?
By going into the recovery unit.
The main reason I suggest the Suite instead of just Ice Fight is because I think having a touch of Red Vs Blue would have been really nice.
Mental Meta Metal - Jeff Williams
Genuinely my favorite track from season 10. If you let the song play the whole way through, it has Jeff's themes for The Meta, Carolina, and Tex in it. This plays the first time we see Maine in a fight in Season 10, and is also Sigma's first time in the field after we see him pondering Meta-stability in the classroom.
It incorporates elements from both Spiral and Plagam Extremam Infligere, which is kind of Jeff's theme for the Meta that he established back in Season 8. It also plays during the Freelancer Break-in when he's tossing Carolina off the cliff. The Latin on that translates to “to inflict an extreme blow”.
It also has a very strong statement of Carolina's theme, which could have been a great opportunity to bring her in with her theme!
Now, before I go over my final pick, let's go over what we need again;
We need a song with thematic relevance to the fight, that’s from an iconic scene, has a good energy to it, and would give fans a big “OH FUCK YEAH” moment.
Well, isn’t it obvious?
Agent Tex (/ Tex vs Tank / Hell's Angel) - Jeff Williams
The first instance of Jeff Williams’ Tex motif, later used in Hell’s Angel and Tex vs Tank, etc. I would add the opening strum commonly heard in the later iterations, but keep it generally the Agent Tex version which was used in the S8 Warehouse fight, as seen above.
This is like. The RvB scene ever. So many people saw this before they watched the show, and many more never even watched RvB - just this fight, since RT uploaded it separately from the episode because they knew it kicked so much ass. It also helped draw in folks who may have been fans of Monty Oum's other work. Fun fact: This was RT’s outro music for a really long time, too. So it really has history with the company.
Part of why I think this pick would work so well, beyond it just being Tex's theme for the Jeff Williams era, is that it would be so interesting in terms of narrative theming. The Season 8 warehouse fight was Tucker, Grif, Simmons, Sarge, and Caboose against Tex.
This whole sequence was Grif, Simmons, Caboose, Carolina, and Tex against Tucker.
This was one of the other scenes being reminisced about around the fire - you can see it as one of the clips shown during the scene. I think it would have been a really powerful moment, and a fantastic "FUCK YEAH" moment for everyone whose stuck around this long. This track is so good, and I really do think it would have been the perfect choice for this fight.
It's not even my favorite, if I was just choosing favorites I'd have picked Mental Meta Metal or A Girl Named Tex.
What have we learned? Why Were We Here?
Red vs Blue is a show with a lot of really fantastic music in it's book, and a really strong history of musical callbacks - particularly with the Meta's theme and how it's so closely tied to the motif Trocadero liked to use as "Wash Trauma" music. Making a clever callback to a song you've used before can help strengthen the thing you're trying to get across to your audience. I think it's somehing that Restoration really struggles with, which is pretty sad. But I hope you found my deep dive / analysis of what could have been interesting.
I'd really like to dive in and do a long reflection about the series as a whole, but as it stands this is around 3,000 words and if I get started on that, this post will never end.
Thank you for reading all of that! if you enjoyed reading all of this, maybe you'd also enjoy taking the post-mortem survey that @asphodeldreams and I are running! Deadline for submissions is June 30th at 11:59 EST. We ask questions about things like your favorite characters, your favorite songs, when you started watching RvB, and more general thoughts like that. Once the survey is over, we will compile all of that data into something actually Readable (likely with charts and graphs and such) and post it so everyone else can enjoy the peek into the minds and sentiments of RvB fans.
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memoriesndew · 1 day
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ways to unwind after school
we all know how stressful and mind-boggling school can be so here are a few ways you can unwind after school before diving into assignments and other academic tasks of the day
a short nap can help you recharge and feel refreshed, as someone who went to boarding school I can speak very highly for this after school was meant for sleeping even though most times I didn’t end up sleeping and just chatted with my roommates or used my laptop, the times I did take a nap after school were the best and it was easier for me to focus on work during prep, and taking a bath before that nap is so lovely.
engage in physical activities like running, swimming, dancing, or yoga to release endorphins and improve your mood. You really don’t need to do a full workout for this you can very simply just take a walk to clear your mind and just really get your thoughts intact while being healthy by moving
dive into a good book and stimulate your imagination. I do love reading, you can learn from it without actually wanting to learn and it's just a really nice way to pass the time and just be a girl y’know
play your favourite songs or discover new music to help you relax and uplift your spirits. Music will always be one of the most therapeutic experiences ever after school you can just play a few tunes while you tidy up your desk for reading later or just lie on your bed and listen to calming sounds
spend time on activities you enjoy, such as drawing, painting, playing an instrument, or crafting. Hobbies are a great way to wind down after school, as most hobbies are therapeutic and likeable
write about your day, your thoughts, or your goals to process your feelings and clear your mind. Journaling is so great it is a two-in-one for me, keeping memories and also practicing mindfulness
watch a movie or catch up on your favourite TV shows for entertainment. when I watch shows I mainly watch sitcoms as it is something I can come back to without like dwelling on it too much because compared to a drama which would keep you at the edge of your seat a good sitcom is less likely to make you want to watch all episodes at once
note - it's ok to feel overwhelmed by school and it is ok to take some time out for self-care. I hope these little things help you to feel better after school.
well then I bid you a dew {adieu} my dew drops temi 🎀
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You know, I love your blog and your funny/shady comments about 🐟 unable to handle her husband getting the attention and not her.
But I’ll admit, I always laughed it off because we can say that but nobody really knows what’s happening.
Until yesterday. LMAO. I know, I’m sorry for not really listening to some of y’all… but she needs some serious help and for once, to put down her goddamn phone.
I also realized that I knew she was going to try and do something to put the attention back on her and nothing she does on IG is ever a coincidence. This is the actions of a very manipulative but also very stupid individual with narcissistic tendencies. To her five asskissers, look away.
She follows that light and dwell designer the day after people made fun of her for showing her PT apt (btw, now I wonder if she was hoping people would think it was the house her husband was allegedly building for her in PT like some blogs believe)
When that didn’t work, follow this designer lady back after months (funny how she does this quite often when she’s not getting the attention she wants).
Follows some random directors. She still wants a job. That custom ugly furniture ain’t gunna pay for itself!
Posts a random photo dump of suggestive photos to indicate nothing but also making sure the ones who care will try and figure out if she’s in MA, NY, NYC, Canada, Wherever the narrative of where she lives fits.
meanwhile, her husband is in NYC filming with his attractive female costar who is much more well known than her (even if it’s the nepo baby comments) and has two films of her own coming out this month and her Madame web movie is still doing pretty well on Netflix.
Their pap photos are much better received by the general public and have comments shipping them and wishing they were together instead. Yikes!! Also…they actually do look good together. They fit.
Btw, I don’t think 🐟 is jealous of Dakota because of Chris. TBH, I don’t think she’s into her “husband” at all. From her actions, she doesn’t care about him or his well being. She cares about what his name can do for her. That’s it. And right now his name is being lumped with Dakota and not hers and I think it’s pissing her off. She needs to get those cheap outfits comped one way or another and her Liberia film isn’t cutting it. Miumiu not calling her back and nobody wants to see her in a solo pap walk….so.
Sorry to all the team asslickers on here but even you have to admit yesterday was a hilarious show your ass moment.
Sidenote: I like to think CE is putting on a bigger effort to look like he likes Dakota because Celine song is directing this film and he wants to do well for her. And also, he seems to simply just like Dakota. She’s pretty hilarious in her own right when she’s not being a flat actress 🤣 and maybe…just maybe, he wants to show you all whose watching that he does know how to act like he’s in love with someone. He just didn’t want to the last time he was in that park.
Yep, she doesn't care about him (and I don't think he cares about her). It's all about using his name to be mentioned in some gossip magazines. Otherwise these magazines wouldn't talk about her. And even the Portuguese magazines have to mention him when they talk about her. The Portuguese people don't care about her. I'm not even sure if they know her name.
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ericshoney · 10 hours
Mini Matt turns into Mini Chris ~ Sturniolo Triplets
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Summary: Matt and Nick make a play for Mini Matt to act like Chris for the day, whilst they film it.
Warnings: Usual swearing, platonic pet names
Today, you thought it was a free day. You were gonna sleep till two, probably play video games or watch a movie. You woke up and checked your phone seeing it was just gone two and was about to get up and take a shower, when Matt came bursting into your room.
"Woah, who gave you a red bull this morning?" You called, seeing the large smile on his face.
"No one, but Nick and I just had a fun idea!" He exclaimed.
"Can I shower and wake up first?" You questioned.
"Okay, but dress in something that would match Chris." He answered before walking out.
You felt confused about his comment but got up to shower and dress anyway. You ended up getting dressed into a t-shirt and joggers, both with Fresh Love on it.
Once you had finished getting ready, you heard a knock at your door, both Matt and Nick walked in, Nick with his camera.
"Okay simple outfit." Nick mentioned.
"Well it's what Chris wears, plus it's Fresh Love." You replied.
"True. Alright so we thought it would be funny to vlog today, but you act like Chris all day long." Matt said.
"Would be funny." You said with a nod.
"Right, so start off going to get a Pepsi." Nick instructed.
You laughed and went to the kitchen, seeing Chris sat at the table on his phone. You waved as you grabbed a Pepsi, opening it right in front of him.
"Woah what's this, Mini Matt drinking a Pepsi!" He exclaimed, laughter following.
Nick and Matt both came in with the camera already recording, you thought maybe they had already filmed an intro.
"Say hi to the vlog guys!" Nick cheered.
"Hi vlog." Chris said, with a wave. You also waved.
"What's the plan for today?" Chris asked.
"Whatever really. We're bringing you guys along today." Nick answered before pointing to the camera.
"How about food?" Matt suggested.
"Pizza!" You and Chris exclaimed at the same time, which actually shocked you more than it did him.
"Woah, that was kinda scary." Nick stated, making you laugh.
You all headed to the car, you quickly beating Chris to the front seat and plugging your phone in the aux, playing some songs he would approve of.
"What the fuck." He said, seeing you already with your seat belt on.
"Ha!" You shouted as he climbed in the back.
Matt and Nick also got in, Matt driving to the pizza place. Chris pouted slightly about being in the back, but got over it as music played.
When you arrived, you all sat at a table and ordered what you wanted. You grabbed the salt pot and tipped a small bit into your hand, before throwing it at Nick.
"Fuck off." He mumbled.
"Fuck off." You teased.
"Dude, your acting like me. I kinda like it." Chris said, making you laugh.
"Wait! Is that your whole plan!" He shouted, realising what was going on.
"Yeah, Mini Matt has turned into Mini Chris." Matt said, nodding.
You laughed and kept acting like Chris, even ordering the same food as him. You knew the fans would have a blast with this vlog.
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flamestar126 · 6 months
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I feel like they really did enjoy performing.
(click for better quality)
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rotisseries · 5 months
tired of people who want pjo movie references in the disney+ show. "logan lerman should've been-" i don’t care. "poker face in the casino-" actually i hope ms. gaga keeps her entire discography miles away from it. i don't care move on
#peace and love🫶#this isn't even to say I didn't like those parts of the movies or that I can't see the appeal in having references in the show#I'm just tired of HEARING about it oh my god#the pjo movies are getting all of the loving looking back they could need#just in the fact that people's opinions of them are clearly shifting#like people look back on them more fondly now they were VERY bad adaptations but fun movies overall with some good scenes#I think the shift in public opinion is also due to the d+ show btw I think the fact we have a good adaptation now#means people no longer feel the need to spend energy publicly and viscerally disavowing the movies anymore#but we still don't really need references to it!! especially when it's shit you're so clearly not getting I'm sorry#they're not putting logan lerman anywhere in there you know this look inside yourself#and they're DEFINITELY not putting poker face in the lotus hotel scene COME ON NOW THAT WOULD JUST BE STUPID#the lotus hotel scene is already going to undeniably get compared to the pjo movie version#and they. kind of have a lot to beat. the lotus hotel scene was so much fun#there's already going to be a bunch of “which was better?” discourse about it#using poker face would honestly probably not help. also then it's not gonna be a fun scene in it's own right#it's gonna be a fun and good scene to people just cause it references some bad movies#anyway I hope they pick a different song I saw some people say hotel room-#pjo#pjo tv#pjo disney+
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introspectivememories · 7 months
when we were young..... the most shuggy song ever
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marklikely · 2 years
"musicals are so dumb like why do people burst into song" its nondiagetic "how did all these background people know the words" its nondiagetic "how did they all choreograph this dance" itS NONDIAGE
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bisaster-energy · 5 months
im not even done my current kuwameshi fic and im already getting ideas about new ones...
#kuwameshi#give me a sec i'll reblog later with the actual idea but like#WHAT IF UM KUWAMESHI BUT UM. PRINCESS BRIDE AU...#i also have another song fic idea but it's way sillier than the one i have on ao3#based off you me and steve by garfunkel and oates#i got the idea cos i just remembered when yusuke got back from training with genkai the 1st time and instead of a 1 on 1 date with keiko#kuwabara is also? there? and it's just so funny to me like what. and then they're supposed to all 3 go to the movies together?#AND WHEN THEY GET THERE THE 2 BOYS DITCH KEIKO?? for a mission yeah but she doesn't know that!!#and then yusuke and keiko actually go on a date alone and it gets interrupted cos of younger toguro#and shortly after kuwabara shows up so it looks like he was bound to come across them??#as far as a i remember the next time yu and keiko get together alone is the day he tells her to just wait and she's like im literally#not gonna wait for you <3 and it was so funny she just walked off lmaoo#anyway im trying to say i wanna make a silly little fic addressing the fact that keiko is like. pursuing her crush on yusuke#but kuwabara is kinda just. always there and it's fun she does like him but it's just awkward#planning on having her ask kuwa to maybe give her and yusuke some time alone like maybe just avoid their next outing#and kuwa is like oh damn :( ok good luck and yusuke shows up to the date and he's like woah wait. where tf is kuwabara?#keiko is like bruh. and she makes up some shit about him mentioning that he felt sick or wtv and yusuke is like ''then y are we here?#i should check on him. i dont think that guy has even been put outta commission by anything but my fist!'' and keiko just follows him#cos what else can she do. and kuwa is fine ofc and yusuke is like bro what gives i thought you were sick and kuwa is dense sometimes but he#catches on from keiko's desperate look and he's like well i got better *flexes his arm* and yu is like i knew you were too dumb to catch#a cold. and he's stupid happy that kuwa is fine and can come with them after all ''hey he's fine ya hear that keiko''#and then keiko is watching this whole exchange eyes blown wide open and she's like actually i just remembered i have plans#you two should totally go without me tho and yu agrees so easily that it just solidifies that she made the right call#kuwa is looking back at her all confused and she gives HIM the good luck thumbs up. he gets as red as his hair and#yusuke is worried he really is coming down with something
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andragoras-in-vanity · 11 months
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i got a new mug and a face mask today, i am so tired but lets call it self care and not what it is (poor spending habits while unemployed).
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rintoki · 10 months
SIX SIX SIX FORBIDDEN ANGSTY ROMANCE WITH KAVEH?! Inspired from the song shameless by camilla cabello. Reader and kaveh are spies from opposing agencies and they encounter each other at a party (for one of the missions) inside a huge hotel.
When they both reach a VIP room to get their mission done, the owner of the room comes in and so they have to hide in a secret corner. Bodies touching, eyes searching for each other in the light sneaking in and breaths competing in speed.
All their previous encounters, rough words, soft touches and whispering conversations along their gazes come back like a bitter memory to them. They want to touch each other. Melt into one and fuck this forsaken life. But they cant. Their hands are just wandering over one another, fearing to touch another yet burning inside because of the intensity. So their glazed eyes try to satisfy what their heart and bodies cannot.
Anyways hows your day?🤩🤩
ok this took me a while to answer bc i was thinking about how i feel about this LMAO
mmm despite being on opposing agencies you two are on amicable terms, in fact you quite enjoy his company. and of course because your bosses hate each other, they would send their best to try to secure this highly classified and lucrative mission away from their rival.
and so all dolled up you get, in your best dress as you make your way into the ballroom, an intricately designed mask on your face as you scan the crowd for your target. but instead of the objective your eyes land on a familiar figure, one whose eyes are already looking at you.
despite the sea of people between you two and the mask covering half your face, you still managed to find each other. and maybe you could blame his brilliant red eyes for being hard to miss, but you have no excuse for how your legs start to walk towards him, nor the smile that graces your lips at the thought of meeting him once again.
kaveh can’t lie and say that he didn’t first think about possibly crossing paths with you again when he received this mission. knowing the importance his boss placed on it, it was obvious that part of the reason why was because his rival agency—your agency—would be competing for it as well. would it be unprofessional of him to be excited for a mission just because he might run into you? kaveh doesn’t spare it a second thought as he makes his way into the party, he himself dressed to the nines as per the dress code. though that isn’t the only reason he’s put in the extra effort to look nice.
his breath catches when he finally spots you, even with the mask on he knows it’s you. from the way you walked to your dazzling smile, kaveh feels his heartbeat quicken as you approached him, his own two feet taking him to you and meeting you halfway.
pleasantries and smiles exchanged as you spoke, keeping a comfortable distance between each other despite the small tug in your heart to take another step, lean a little closer. but you easily quash such thoughts, your mission still in mind as you spot your target out of your periphery.
with sharp eyes, you observed your target, disappearing behind a door with a lady on his arm. it doesn’t take much to piece together that they are looking for a more private spot, and if you were to get close you needed to blend in. a plan quickly formulates in your mind, your eyes shifting back to the man in front of you.
it doesn’t even take a second for kaveh to catch on, spotting the target of the mission and putting two and two together. in his mind he knows what you’re doing, he knows that as you take a step forward, closing the distance between you two, and your eyes softens and your body language takes on a more flirtatious undertone. he knows you’re just putting on a show, in a party full of masked people, it’s not uncommon for two people to meet and follow each other behind closed doors.
and so he lets it happen; he lets you lead him by his hands, your smile pulling him in and soon you find yourselves in a hallway right behind the same door the target has entered. just as quickly your body language changes again, now more professional and serious. although kaveh knows this mission is just as important to his agency as it is to yours, right now he just can’t find it in himself to care about it all. he’ll gladly let you take it, and face the consequences later.
he watches as you navigate your way in the unknown space, trailing behind you while still maintaining a keen eye of his surroundings—a skill that was drilled into him since his early days on the job. the hallway leads down several doors and prior reconnaissance of the building telling you which doors lead to what. if your target is as high-ranking as you were told, an intelligent guess leads you down the hallway, deeper into the building.
the further you go the less doors there are, now just a long continuous hallway turning into a corner. the carpeted floor helps to silence your steps, but in turn muffles the steps of waiter you can’t see just around the bend, exiting the room after serving an important guest that you can only assume to be your target.
with no where to hide in the empty hallway, getting caught sneaking around where you aren’t supposed to be would be detrimental to the mission. the server’s trolley was already turning the corner and you needed to do something now, something that no one would question what two people in a secluded hallway are doing. you’re quick to think your feet, an apologetic look in your eyes when you turn to kaveh before pushing him gently but as quickly as you can against the wall.
without a word you kissed him, hands finding its way to his cheeks as soft lips pressed against each other, albeit a little rough and messy. kaveh doesn’t need a word; his hands wrapping around your waist and he pulls you close, easily keeping up with you as the server lets out a shocked gasp when he finally turns the corner. you hear a flurry of sounds as the poor worker scurries past you two making out against the wall, apologising profusely with his head down.
out of the corner of your eye, you make sure the server was gone before pulling away, taking a generous step away as you compose yourself. not the most graceful kiss but you needed it to look believable. you bowed your head a little, muttering a stiff apology before continuing on your way, as if it was all in a day’s work.
kaveh doesn’t say a word, his eyes merely following your figure as you walked away. the wall behind him was cool in contrast to how hot his body felt, supporting him in such a crucial moment where he felt his legs turn to jelly with you so close to him, invading his senses so suddenly. no amount of providence could have possibly prepared him for how good it felt to have you close, how your body felt pressed against his. how right it was.
and he can’t say it doesn’t sting when you march on forward, seemingly unaffected with only the mission in mind while he was left reeling, a little out of breath and his mind a mess. what is a man to do? does he run after you? and what then, what could he possibly say to you? or does he leave quietly and give up probably the closest chance he has to learning how you feel? the seconds tick by as you get further and further from him, and kaveh makes up his mind.
a/n: i think it’ll be funny if the bosses of the opposing agencies are actually like lovers to enemies and that’s why they hate each other LMAO also i hope that everyone that read through this whole thing was jebaited by suggestive angsty romance and instead got soft pining and longing YIPPEEE
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mundmutter · 4 months
little tag drop pt3
❥ ― how far do the feelings go ― however far you want | her heartache luxu ❥ ― I carry your heart with me ― I am never without it | her soul dante ❥ ― it was just like the movies ― just like a song when we were young | her longsuffering mellody ❥ ― The silver lights burn in every room ― I walk hoping for you somewhere surely | her unending v
@cryptidsncurios @killerhubby @mellodiies @ofurizen
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deathsmallcaps · 1 year
Ok I’m probably not the best person to say this, but I’ve been seeing a lot of (as of right now) accurate insults on how the CGI approach for the Live Action Little Mermaid movie, but please be mindful that you don’t take things too far, and *especially* don’t start going after Halle Bailey (Ariel’s actress) and to a lesser extent, Ariel the character.
Antiblackness is still an issue in a lot of fandom spaces, and it doesn’t just come out as using nasty slurs or stereotypes. It manifests as drawing Black characters lighter and/or with more white features, it comes out as removing Black partners from ships, and it starts out as plausibly deniable insults that get the door open to microaggressions and outright nasty comments.
I’m not saying that all discussion of the movie should be stalled, or even if it turns out to be an artistic failure, that it doesn’t merit discussion. I’m saying that you shouldn’t extend your vitriol to the characters and actors.
If you really feel the need to insult her, it might be worth a little introspection. Ask yourself, “Do I resent that they changed Ariel, or that they changed Ariel in this way?”. You’re not irredeemable if your personal answer isn’t kind. Just be more careful, try and observe how that sort of world view affects your behavior to others, and then course correct.
A lot of little kids would love to see another Black Princess. A lot of little kids would love to have a Black mermaid as a main character. Hell, a lot of adults would love those too. Black fantasy characters have long been excluded, transformed, killed, merely in the background, relegated to stereotypes, villainized and have hardly ever in the spotlight, especially in major productions.
Don’t make it harder for kids (and adults!) to see themselves on screen. Don’t ruin their wonder. So don’t make unkind comments. Keep it to yourself. Frankly, Halle looks beautiful, and I can’t wait to see the sparkles in her fans’ eyes as she swims across the screen.
#live action little mermaid#the little mermaid 2023#Halle Bailey#I’m a white girl but the concept of a Black Ariel is near and dear to my heart#my best friend in elementary loved H20:Just add water and introduced it to me#and she dreamed (at least half then#we haven’t kept in touch) of ordering herself a mermaid tail to swim around in#and I really hope that she has. if she didn’t fuck up a year of college like I did (she was damn smart so I doubt it)#then she’s likely just about to graduate#M I hope you get a great paying job and can order yourself a beautiful quality tail and live out that little girl dream#you deserve it. I don’t think you had near enough#black girl Magic growing up. miss you#i doubt you’re on tumblr but just in case you’re wondering#‘is that me?’ I’ll give you a hint:#I used to say floober doober instead of cursing when we played Mario kart#I mean I did start cursing heavily later. but at first I said that#in any case idk if you’re still into mermaids but we both know you would’ve loved to watch this movie when you were little#this was both spurred on by all the flounder posts I’ve been seeing and ‘A Song Below Water’ by Bethany C. Morrow#one of the main characters Effie works as a Renaissance Faire mermaid and she talks a lot about#how people write fiction about her character but whitewash her or body swap her or would rather do self inserts#or the only comments made about her beauty are just about her tail and never about her Black skin or features#and how she (and her Mom before her death) were usually the only Black characters at the fair#and how she feels so beautiful and incredible being her mermaid self#also again I’m white so I don’t have personal experience but my younger brother is mixed#and he’s always been really lowkey about his feelings but#I took him to see Into the Spiderverse when it first came out#and he’s loved it since#here was this (adorable - don’t tell my brother I said that lol) lanky smart awkward hurting courageous Black boy on screen#and I can see in his heart how he’s been affected by it. he’s not a super fan or anything but I can just tell (big sister thing.) Anyways I#really hope that joy will happen more and more for everyone.
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