#(not the champion tho. that's his mom's name)
loki-ioki · 5 months
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A distant memory..
for @jetaloen
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drkbluedream · 10 months
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- you went to a bicycle tournament even if you aren't interested in it. Even a bit. But that day, your friend invited you to watch him race.
(Ik he already have a gf but lets just forget about her and create alternative universe please)
It's burning hot that day. The sun is having fun burning people. Maybe coming there is a bad decision after all. But remembering that your group of friends who come all the way from Busan to the place around you, just for bike tournaments, it'll be too harsh for you not to cheer for them. The match of your friends team is already done. Looks like they won. While you want to go meet up with your friends, you stumble across someone who is really attractive.
You look at him from far. Thinking what should you do to get his information. Then you saw people taking pictures with some cyclists. Taking deep breath, you walk to him and approach him.
"Hey, you look great on race today. Can I take pictures with you?" You said. Trying to be confident. Even tho only God knows how scared and shy you are that time.
The guy's head tilted a bit as if he was questioning you. He didn't say anything, makes your confidence drop. You want to take it as rejection but even before you could walk away, the guy replied , "my team turn hasn't come yet but sure"
That's how you stand there in embarrassment. Maybe it's a price to pay for trying a good looking man. The guy looks around 180cm, with short fluffy black hair that almost covers his eyes, long lashes, eyes that looks dead, and face what show he don't give a fuck of world. Totally your type.
You took some selca with him and left with his insta id. When he leaves, you can see a huge logo printed on his back. A bird with flowers? "Humming bird.. maybe I should stay a bit."
That's how your story starts. Not a beautiful story. From tagging him on Instagram story, to manipulating him to give his phone number. Pestering him everyday.
From what you know, his name is Jay Jo and his uncle is some short of cyclists champion? He is really hard to approach. Dry texter and he is weird. But you can see he try. He replied to everything almost immediately. Isn't that cute?
You never ask about his personal life. So you don't know he really is. Plus you think it doesn't matter. That's what you thought. Until today come.
Today is a hell day. You run away from home after a big fight with your mom. The new day has almost come so there's not much shop open around you. Also you, who leave every personal stuff at home, can't afford to stay anywhere. Yeah you forgot to bring your bag that has your wallet, bike key, charger, etc. You are alone in the middle of the night, at the park, only with your phone. Probably heaven really mad that you fight with your mom, the badluck streak doesn't end there.
Your phone, the only thing you have right now, only has 20 percent of battery. If you use it consistently, for sure it won't live till the next day. You sigh. You don't know where to stay. Most of your friends live miles away from your place. You who don't have a single penny, can't go anywhere. Your friends who live around here, mostly stay out of town to continue studying. So it's just you alone.
You become more restless until you see Jay like one of your stories. A few minutes ago you uploaded a story saying that you might be gone for a while. Well it's directly for the 'fans' of yours. You might be unable to show up on Instagram so you don't want any of them to wonder where you have been. Last time you went without saying anything, the aftermath you got is something you can't handle.
You look at Jay's profile who is currently online. Based on his following, he looks like he knows some of the mutual there. The possibility of him staying around you is also high. Maybe he can help?
You slide to his profile and start to chat with him.
"Hey Jay, sudden request. Do you have an extra charger? Can I borrow your charger?"
Jay is typing...
Pfft. See? He immediately replied.
"Yeah. Are you going to pick it up?"
"Yeah. Where do you live?"
He then sent his location. The reason you don't really pester into his personal life is because he never asks about yours. So you see there's no reason for you to start if. It's inappropriate too for you.
"I will arrive in a bit"
You send the chat before you start walking. It's around 15 minutes walk. You haven't eaten since yesterday so you don't really have energy left. So you walk at a slow pace. Hoping you didn't make him wait long.
You received a call.
"Jay..?" You were wondering why he called you. Did you take too much time? You answer the call. You didn't say anything because you want to let him talk first. But the other end also didn't say anything.
"Yeah?" You asked.
"You take your time. Where you at?" He asked. So cold. You can feel his coldness.
"Uh.. xxxx" you name the place based on the map.
"It's near. Should I pick you up?" He offered. You guys aren't that close and you have trouble so you refuse.
"It's going to rain" he said and immediately hung up.
You just stand there, stunned by his action. You look up and try to confirm his word. But it's the middle of the night. No way you can see the difference. But did he know? Yeah whatever it's not your concern.
In front of you, there's a tall building. "Oh, he lives in a condo". While u are mesmerized by the place, a black cat comes to your leg and meows at you. The cat immediately got your attention. Definitely the cutest cat ever. You squat down to play with it.
"You should've told me if u arrived" a pair of legs stopped in front of you and the cat. You look up and it's Jay.
You stand and look at him. He doesnt look like he is ready to sleep. He's all dressed up like he is from somewhere. In his hand, there's a paper bag. Noticing you looking at it, Jay immediately hands it over to you.
"Thank you" you look into the bag. It's a brand new USB cable and power bank. You look at him confused. "It's new...?"
"Yeah. I don't know if the one I have right now can function properly or not" he bites his lips and looks away. Ah he looks so cute.
"Well if you just let me know, I will just buy a new one for myself you know." You feel guilty. Who doesn't? You definitely trouble him.
"My fault for replying without checking properly. Plus I'm on my way home" he said.
Oh.. I see.
You just nodded. "Well I owe you". As soon as you want to take steps to leave, it starts to rain. You let go of a really heavy sigh. Today is definitely not yours.
"You can stay at my house for a bit" his words stop your steps. You were shocked. Is he for real?
"Are you sure Jay?" You look at him, trying to see if he's telling the truth.
He nodded. "You look like you aren't in a position to say no after all. Why don't I lend some hand?" He added. You moved by him. "I saw you walk means you don't have or take any transport. You must be tired. Plus it's raining. I'm not cruel for letting someone walk in the rain."
Not only does this guy have a good appearance, he only has a good heart. His family raised him well. You hope you didn't judge too fast.
You just follow him to his unit. Jay's condo security system.. you can say it's quite too much. Lobby, then the lif, and even each floor needs an access card. Is he rich? You ask yourself.
"I need to take something at the carpark. You can enter first" he said. He gave you his password to enter his unit. Why did he trust you so much?
You leave that question aside. Maybe you don't have to know. Maybe it's not the time for you to know yet.
You enter his unit and it's nothing like you expected from him. It's dark yet so clean and lacks furniture. It looks cold. There's no coach or place to sit except the food table. It's quite big but it's so.. quite. So you just sit on the floor without saying anything after plugging in to charge your phone.
You zoned out while thinking about the 'curse' you got. There's much more problems you have and the fight with your mom is your last straw. Maybe you should've just gone from the world and stop trying to survive.
You heard someone unlock the door and you can see Jay walking in. The first thing that came to your mind was "welcome home".
He was stunned. He looked at you without moving for awhile. his ears slowly glowing red. "I'm.. home" he said. Trying to hide his face. He put two pieces of plastic on the table. You can smell fried chicken from it. You peak in interest.
"You should eat. You can take a bath either before or after. Up to you" Jay said as he tried to avoid eye contact. You didn't mention it. You were thinking if you should eat first or take some bath first.
"Can I borrow your towel?" You decided to take a shower first. Knowing you'll get cold chicken, you rather eat that than eat with Jay while being smelly.
But your question makes Jay stunned. He bites his lips and slowly looks at you. "Do you mind sharing a towel with me? I forgot to buy a new one"
That's when it hits you. This whole house is his. Everything is his. Only you are yours. Sharing a towel, soap, shampoo, fragrance, everything is an opportunity. You nod to his question. He brings you to his toilet and you take a bath there.
You can hear Jay's doing something in the kitchen. Chopping, blending, tf he doing? Then he quit a bit. Well none is your concern. After a while, you go out with a towel. Outside, he prepared your clothes to wear. How ironic that he is definitely bigger than you.
You are unsure why his clothes look so big on you. He is indeed taller but you guys sizes look basically the same. If anything, it's impossible to wear something larger than yours. It's definitely a scene straight from drama. So cliche.
While you walk entering the living room, seeing Jay already sits on the floor with a mini table open. There's a friend's chicken and friend rice you believe Jay is cooking just now. He looks like a lost child while waiting for you. The mini towel got your attention.
"When did you take a bath?"
"Just now" he answered. Didn't intend to reply more than that. So you just nod and sit in front of him. Maybe you don't have two know.
"You drink?" He asked.
"Yeah. Why?"
"I want to take the day off tomorrow. Drink with me" he then put a few cans of beer on the table. He just grin while looking at you. He is definitely the cutest.
"Thank you" you took one of the beers and drank it. Jay just looks at you without saying anything. He takes one of the chickens and puts them on a plate that has been served in front of you. You guys start eating and drinking.
He isn't as quiet as you think he is. He does talk. But not a lot. And he isn't awkward or cold. You're glad you can see his new side. He looks so cute this way. You hope that you are the only one who can see Jay acts this way.
"Why did you help me?" That question accident slipped your mouth. Maybe you drink too much. He stopped eating and looked at you.
"Is that wrong? Helping you?" He looks so confused.
"You can just say no" you start bickering. This is definitely why people stop asking you to join for drinks. You start a fight.
"I have a hard time saying no." He replied calmly.
"Then you gonna help everyone that comes to you?"
He shook his head. "Only you. I only have a hard time saying no to you". He said that without looking directly into your eyes. But you can't sense lies from his voice.
"Issit because you think I'm pathetic?" You ask but Jay didn't reply. But he stops eating and looks at you. " It's not because you want to take advantage of me right?"
"You drunk" Jay takes away the beer from your hand. Unsatisfied by how he didn't answer your question, you grab his hand make him pulled to you and almost fall on the table.
"Answer me"
He tries to run his eyes from you but you are irresistible. "If you allow me then I don't mind" he then pecks your forehead before pating your head, then back sitting opposite from you.
That action is enough to make you shut up. He's well aware of your feelings and isn't in the phase of wanting a girlfriend but he also doesn't want to take your feelings easily and he didn't play with you. Maybe he is giving you a chance to grab his heart.
Jay, who just makes you stunned just now, chuckle seeing how you stopped moving and having a shocked face. He feels like you are so cute. He then wants to continue eating but who expects you will stand up and jump on him? He definitely didn't expect it.
You on top of him, holding both of his hands, while putting your weight on his stomach. He grunts as your body hits him suddenly and it makes him fall on the floor. But seeing you on top of him, and your face really close to him, he starts becoming shy. He looks aside and you can see how red his ears have become.
"y/n, what are you doing?" He said without looking at you. You can see Jay red getting red and redder for every second pass you leave his question hanging. He can't handle the quiet atmosphere you decide to give. So he faces you again and you who have been waiting, start to kiss him.
Whoever sees this scene, will definitely judge you for your actions. Who actually jumps on people and kisses them? That's such an immoral actio-- I would.
The kiss starts with your lips touching his and after it, he starts to open his mouth, then leads you with his tongue. You didn't expect how good he is in kissing. The kiss is so sensual that your hand that holds your weight almost gives up. Noticing how your hand starts shaking, Jay easily breaks from your prison.
You fell on him and it makes all your body weight on him. You can feel every breath his take, how fast his heartbeat is and how hot he is right now. Jay wrapped his hand around your head before sitting and it makes you sit on his lap. He tucked your hair behind your ear to see you better.
His eyes linger on your face as he is just massaging your neck then his eyes stop on your lips. You can see how he tries to hold himself from kissing and eat you alive. But you can't take it anymore. You wrapped your arm around his next and played with his soft fluffy hair before pulling his hair closer to you kiss him again. You take the lead. You control his tongue movement and teach him how you like it. He seems to just follow your lead while his hand slowly goes lower and lower then ends up around your waist.
You can feel something poke on your sensitive part down there. You don't have to look by yourself you already know what it is. It makes you feel pure happiness. The guy you like got turned on just by kissing you.
Noticing he accidentally poked you, he immediately panicked. "I need to go to the toilet" he said as he wanted to push you off his lap. He covers his face using his hand and tries to not look at you.
You were confused by his actions. "Was it because of this?" You start to touch his bulge, teasing him. You can see how it's growing and getting harder.
He bit his lips that plumped just by kissing you. He slowly nodded. But you still won't let him go. Without asking, you start rubbing him with yourself and satisfy yourself. You rub your clit with his bulge and move back and forward with your own pace. He tries to hold his voice in that he starts to let heavy breath. He is trying his best to not let any sinister voice out but he seems to fail. He threw his head to the back and only let one of his hands support him from falling while another one covered his eyes. He let out a cute grunt as you try to massage it using your hand.
He closes his mouth with his hand and looks at you between the gaps of his finger.
Omg he is such a baby girl.
"Please don't do this to me" he said. His eyes are lost in pleasure and you can see he is sweating as if he just finished running. His Adam apple moves up and down as he gulps the saliva.
"I.. didn't do anything?" You said innocently. But your hips didn't stop. You close. Really close. But it's not enough. You need something in you.
Jay lost patience as he lifted you up and put you on his shoulder, bringing you to his bedroom without opening any light and throwing you on his bed. He didn't even bother closing the door or locking the room. You can see he's panting as he stands in front of the bed.
"Can you stay here for a while?" He asked nicely. As if he is begging you to not throw and tantrum. But you know if you let him go then there's no second chance. Right now is the time.
"Where did you wanna go?" You lie down and hide half of your face. Acting like you sad when you know damn well most of your skin is exposed by the impact he throws at your bed.
"I need to calm myself down"
"Then how about me?" You asked. Even if you can't see him clearly, you know that he is dead red. As you are waiting for his response, you can see his Adam's apple move. "Same like you, I'm wet down there too"
"Will you allow me?"
You nodded.
You can see Jay a bit hesitant by your words but his hand says otherwise. He tried to reach you but he didn't move.
"We are drunk. You will regret it later"
"Then let's regret it later" you said. It's obvious you can't wait.
He comes closer to you. You can see every step he takes seems heavy. Looks like he reconsidered his decision every step. "Jay.. I only want you because I love you" you give the last shot.
He climbs on bed and topps you. He looks at you with guilt and with lust. You can tell he is fighting himself inside his mine.
"What do you like about me?" He asked. He looks straight into your eyes. He tries to not touch you before getting grasped the whole situation.
You touch his face that's really close to you. "you have a good looking face. Nice body. Tall. Fair skin" you stop. "Fluffy hair" you added.
"All is my type" you said to him. "and I really love the fact you are acting cold towards everyone else. I know you aren't acting. You just don't know how to show affection."
Jay's face softened. Satisfied by your answer. He pushes your hair on your forehead before giving a quick peck on it. He starts kissing you from your forehead, down to nose, then to your lips. His hand trail your face down to your neck then stop on the top of your chest. He looks at you.
You grab his hand and put it on your boobs. Showing him that it's fine to touch you. Not enough, you took off your shirt, leaving you only with bra and undies. You enjoy every moment his large hand gropes your fine toned boobs. You can see that Jay is also enjoying the moment as you can feel Jay's bulge growing bigger than before.
You don't want the moment to stop and leave you hanging like just now. It's very annoying when your climax gets denied istg. You unzip his pants and take out his dick. Maybe because he is athletic, you can see his veins around his cock.
Jay look at you. Waiting for your comment. He is curious whether you like it or not. As he sees your eyes open wide, he chuckles and goes in for a kiss once more. His breath left as you start massaging him. It makes his hands weak. Having direct contact with your skin with his sensitive spot makes him weaker more than him thought.
You feel it cute when Jay tries to hide his moan and starts to breathe heavily. "Ah-" a moan slipped your mouth as Jay suddenly bit your neck.
Why did this man act like an animal suddenly?
"Sorry" he apologizes. Licking the place on your neck that he bit. Jay is bold with lifting one of your legs to his shoulder. Close to his face, he licks and kisses your calves. The view you see right now is to die for. You wish you could snap this pic on your phone and save it as a memory but you have your phone outside.
What a shame.
As he rubs your claves and things, his hand starts to rub your inner thigh, carefully. He plays around your clit outside your undies. He's making sure that you get used to his touch before going for it. But suddenly he flinches and he grabs both of your hands that have been touching his dick. You can see his delicious banana is leaking precum. "Bad hands" he said.
Jay locks your hand and pushes it to the top of your head. Making you can't move. He takes out your pants. Using his own spit, he enters your pussy using his hand. You can feel he playing around inside of you with his finger. He spread your pussy before adding another one. His thumb is playing with your clit to give you more sensation.
You can't keep your mouth shut by letting your pants out. Your eyes start to roll back when he licks and bites your nipple. You can hear he start purring. It's weird for you. But it's cute.
"Jay- stop-" you said. Urging him to stop. You feel something weird. He was confused by your request. "I might pee" you continue. But he didn't stop. Yet his hand starts moving faster as he looks at your face while biting your nipple.
"Jay Jay Jay!!" You repeatedly call out his name but he continues. "Ah-" your hips flinch as you start leaking some liquid from your pussy. Jay's hands are soaked by it. He licks you cum before kissing you.
You, who's still sensitive, start to shake when he rubs your clit once more. Your body is arching making your body touch his. You can feel something is 'kissing' you down there. You try to be calm while biting your lips but jay notices your lips start bleeding, and starts to lick the blood.
"Bite me instead" he let go of your hand and started to touch your face. He then puts his fingers inside of your mouth, doesn't let you bite your poor lips.
"You are so wet yet why are you so tight?" He grunting. You can hear the pain and pleasure from his voice. Every inch you take, you can feel your inside throbbing. And when Jay goes to the last push, you immediately can feel your inside are full.
His bare dick feels so hot as your inside touches directly to his skin. Every curve his dick has, you can feel it. It's too late to ask him to wear a condom. Because if you would, he might run to the convenience store and buy one. And there's a possibility he'll just jerk off and cool down and chicken out.
You tap his hand asking him to take out his finger inside of your mouth. As soon as he takes out, he grabs your waist and pulls you closer to his hips. Your bellow part got lift easily. But seeing you feel uncomfortable, he grabs your hand and pulls you to hug him, making you sit on him.
The weight of your body makes his dick feel so much deeper. As if you can feel it in your stomach. That's what you thought until you can feel the bulge in your stomach.
He easily helps you move and ride his delicious cock with his strength. You can see the bulge also move as you go up and down.
Jay's heavy breath turned to grunts, his sweat smells nice, his body heat makes you calm then drives you crazy, his hand on your waist, supporting you to move. Everything is perfect. Everything feels like such a dream.
"You smell sweet y/n" he said. Licking your eyes. "I want to eat you" he added. You can hear his growling softly. He kisses your cheek, licks your mouth, and ends up eating your mouth again. The whole room is full of sinister sounds that have been produced by you. Licking sounds, moan, whimpers, clapping, everything comes from you alone.
Jay starts using his hips to move you instead of his hands. He leads your legs to wrap you around nicely and you hand to hug him before you start moving again. He can't see your face but every breath you take, every whimpers and whine you make, sounds very clear to him.
The growth of his size makes you crazy once again. "How come you can be bigger and still not come?" You ask while whining like a bitch with every single word you said.
"Because you are too cute"
Jay starts to move faster as he can hear your hiccup. He got the feeling he accidentally poked your gspot and he was correct. The spot he has been poking makes you hiccup and unable to think straight. If there's a mirror there, you definitely can see how many scares you gave him.
You are surprised as he cum inside you and still hasn't grown softer. You offer him a blow job but he refuses. Saying he will take care of it by himself in the toilet.
As if you will let that right? Hshs. You guys end up having round 2 in his small bathroom. Standing makes your knees weak so he supports your weight by himself. Both of your voices fill the bathroom. Jay didn't seem like he would leave you alone after this.
Even when clearing his cum inside you, he still helps you and fingering you. Overstimulation from him makes you cry and pass out at the end.
You wake up with a strong headache. First thing you see is Jay Jo pinching your cheeks with your phone on his hand. He is taking your photo. You were shocked.
"Do you hate it?" He asked. Showing some pics of you and him while you are sleeping. "I take it on your phone so if you hate it, you can delete it later" he then gave his phone to you. "I didn't take any from my phone. So, if there's a pic of us you like, please send me"
You hold your head. Unable to proceed with the information Jay just gave. The hungover is killing you. "I--" your voice cracked.
Jay laughed. "Rest first, I will order food for you" he said, pull you closer and kiss your forehead.
So how do you tell him that you didn't remember anything from yesterday? And why is he being so nice this morning? Hshs..
(Notes;)K thats all. Its long ik. Im sorry. I start write this one from two months ago when i went to a cosplay event and i saw Jay Jo cosplayer. No I'm not pervert irl. It just happened this way so i figure it i should write a fic about it.
If yall lucky then i will write ff about König too😜
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bwoahtastic · 7 months
LOVE the idea of Nico r and Charles as grumpy little Monaco princesses.
- Keke is still a world champion, maybe he even met Nico's mom at the Monaco gp when he won, so Nico still half grows up in the F1 paddock
- everyone in F1 knows who she is. All of the drivers want to win Monaco because it's Monaco, but the second best thing about it is the possibility that Nico will give them a kiss on the cheek on the podium
- Nico's favorite driver is Kimi (finnish solidarity) but he's the only driver who never seems interested in her
- Jenson invites her out to party with him every single year. The first year that she actually shows up, he falls over the side of his yacht in shock
- Jenson also tries to impress her by taking her on a hot lap of the Monaco circuit. Afterwards, Nico insists on doing it, and beats his time. She's still the daughter of a world champion after all, and the streets of Monaco are hers
- as soon as she's old enough, Charles begins watching the races with Nico in the royal box. When max makes his debut, she immediately develops a crush. Nico takes her down to the paddock to meet him, but Charles is so nervous that she says the wrong thing and she and max end up arguing
- Charles makes it a point to flirt with Max's teammates and rivals, Carlos, Pierre, Esteban. She tries flirting with Daniel and Nico finally steps in because as nice as Daniel is, he's definitely too old for Charles
Oh plss!
Nico with her f1 champion dad so zhe knows so much about cars and racing. Everyone assumes she is a stupid spoiled girl but zhe is so clever and for sure used to do karting under a fake name!
Pls everyone knows Nico and wants to win monaco! Firstnm cos the tiny princess would come toddle out to help give the prizes which was too cute, but now because she is so beautiful and will kiss the cheek of the winner which they all want! Its said its good luck for the rest of the season!
Nico's fav driver being Kimi ksks. She practises her Finnish on him and just flirts once she is old enough and he allows it but pretends to not care (his cheeks go red when she kisses his cheek on the podium tho ssk)
Nico going to Jenson's party after years of him asking her, and she looks so pretty in her simple dress with her hair down and laughs so much ehen Jenson falls off the yacht seeing her wjfjei
PLS Jenson would be so fucking in love when she beats his time! She thinks he will be mad or pretend that he held back on his lap but Jenson can't stop gushing about how good she is!
- Charles being born when Nico is 12 and she isn't sure about the little crying baby but they become besties! Judt pls 18 years old Nico taking Charles with her to the podium at the race to let her help! And Charlesnlater crushing on Max nnhgg cutie! Nico would be annoyed when they are arguing cos she knows Charles is gonna complain to her lol!
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forgottenroderick · 3 months
The Banners of House Varmont
note: there may be more. the queens would have their own badges, as well, as would the late empress (tho likely that's now what guin is using, i'd think?), and cassandra likely has use of her mom's and/or arthur's with cadency marks, but since she's an imperial princess, and not just a royal princess, roderick would def ok her usage of her own badge, as well, though that's usually reserved for sons, heirs, and titled warriors, it is likely that guin, cassandra, and each of the queens, as well as the late empress, has at least one unit who fights in their honor given that roderick's empire is v much a military operation, so yeah! basically there may be as many as four other varmont insignias out there, but these are the big five! also pls note that i am convinced roderick has given each of his children an obscene number of titltes to bandy abt (tho not so many as he has!) in order to showcase their importance as his children, but we'll say these are perhaps shortened, more casual titles for astaira ;D
The Imperial Arms of His Imperial Majesty, Roderick the First of His Name, by the Grace of the One True God, of the Great and Holy Empire of [Varmont] and Astaira and of His other Realms and Territories One True Emperor, Conquer of the Twelve Kingdoms, Defender of the Faith, and God’s Own Champion
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Or (yellow/gold): generosity and elevation of the mind
Gules (red): warrior or martyr; military strength and magnanimity
Pupure (purple): royal majesty, sovereignty, and justice
Phoenix: resurrection
Crown: heaven; victory, sovereignty, empire; success
Crown, naval (composed of masts and rigging): one who first boarded an enemy’s ship; distinguished naval commander/conqueror's crown
The Princely Imperial Arms of Her Imperial Highness, the Princess Imperial, Guinevere, of the House of Varmont
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Or (yellow/gold): generosity and elevation of the mind
Argent (silver/white): peace and sincerity
Pupure (purple): royal majesty, sovereignty, and justice
Dove: represents the soul, the spirit of god; peace, purity, chastity
Crown: heaven; victory, sovereignty, empire; success/princely crown
Crown, Naval (composed of masts and rigging): one who first boarded an enemy’s ship; distinguished naval commander
The Princely Imperial Arms of His Imperial Highness, Archduke of [Varmont], Edmund, Prince of the House of Varmont, Lord of [the Riverbend]
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Or (yellow/gold): generosity and elevation of the mind
Sable (black): constancy or grief
Argent (silver/white): peace and sincerity
Pupure (purple): royal majesty, sovereignty, and justice
Raven: divine providence; knowledge; durable resistance; bringer of death
Crown: heaven; victory, sovereignty, empire; success
Crown, naval (composed of masts and rigging): one who first boarded an enemy’s ship; distinguished naval commander
Crown, mural (a crown composed of bricks): defender of a fortress, token of civic honour; one who first mounted the breach in the walls of a fortress; power
The Princely Imperial Arms of His Imperial Highness, Archduke of [Varmont], Arthur, Prince of the House of Varmont, Lord of Kil-kennar
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Eagle: nobility, strength, bravery, and alertness; magnanimity; or one who is high-spirited, ingenious, quick-witted, and judicious; a person of action and vigor especially where important and high matters are concerned; high intellect and quick comprehension; salvation, redemption, and resurrection
Eagle displayed (wings spread): the above + protection/one who is a protector
Or (yellow or gold): generosity and elevation of the mind
Gules (red): warrior or martyr; military strength and magnanimity
Pupure (purple): royal majesty, sovereignty, and justice
Crown: heaven; victory, sovereignty, empire; success
Crown, naval (composed of masts and rigging): one who first boarded an enemy’s ship; distinguished naval commander the imperial crown of conquest
Crown, mural (a crown composed of bricks): defender of a fortress, token of civic honour; one who first mounted the breach in the walls of a fortress; power
The Princely Arms of His Imperial Highness, Sebastian, Prince of the House of Varmont
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Or (yellow/gold): generosity and elevation of the mind
Vert (green): hope, joy, loyalty in love
Pupure (purple): royal majesty, sovereignty, and justice
Falcon: one who does not rest until objective achieved; person of action
Crown: heaven; victory, sovereignty, empire; success
Crown, naval (composed of masts and rigging): one who first boarded an enemy’s ship; distinguished naval commander
Crown, mural (a crown composed of bricks): defender of a fortress, token of civic honour; one who first mounted the breach in the walls of a fortress; power
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clay-pidgeon · 10 months
My personal comments on every pigeon breed (photos from the American Pigeon Museum site) pt 1
directly yoinked from my notes app. this is like a couple months old btw. anyways pt 2 in progress
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Ancient pigeon: did a GREAT job naming this guy. this is a grandfather. weird lookin’ fella
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Am Strasser: I like the color scheme, but really nothing special as far as pigeons go. shes very pretty tho!!
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Am Roller Champ: she looks indignant about SOMETHING but is too anxious to speak up about it
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African Owl: aside from the obvious comment that this is not an owl, I want to know what made people want to breed this. Like, animal husbandry takes time and effort, doing all that for this guy? Really? You do you, I guess.
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Arabian Trumpeter: no comment. Just some guy, pretty but nothing to write home about
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Berliner Shortface Champ: hey. hey what’s going on here. I’ve got Thoughts on this guy and they are indescribable
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Archangel Champ: I do not like him. Begone, foul beast, and do not come here again lest you be hanged and quartered.
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Baldhead Snow Roller: What a pleasant fellow! What a lovely lad! Just seeing his charming face makes me light up with glee. 10/10, magnificent beast!
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Berne Lark: I really don’t have anything to say. Oddly geometric, if that makes sense. She looks frazzled. I like the orange chest.
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Bernhardiner Schecke: She is the moment, she is the world, she knows what she’s about and it is being a girlboss in a pigeon way!
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Breslauer Tumbler: Sir, what horrors have you witnessed to make you look like that? What arcane knowledge did you look upon to turn you into such a madman? Love the red talons btw
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Brunner White Champion: I showed my mom this picture because there’s nothing people love more than their sons shoving pictures of weird birds in their faces, and she said “Why it is it shaped like that?” In the most horrified voice ever, to which I responded “Wow, mom, body shaming? Kinda problematic… :/“ anyways girl what
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Chinese Owl Champion: Once again, this is a pigeon, not an owl, but I don’t care because hes fluffy
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Cumulet White: Kinda want to paint this bird. Not paint a picture of it, paint on it
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Damascene: I read that as Dramascene, which makes sense, because she was bird for the theater. That was supposed to say born but autocorrect knows me better than I know myself I guess
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Danish Jacobin: You would expect the Danish Jacobin to be a more odd Jacobin, because it has an adjective. It is not, this is a normal animal compared to the “regular” Jacobin, which you must wait for because I’m doing these in the order they’re in on the website, which is alphabetical. Should I be capitalizing Jacobin?
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Danish Tumbler: But fear not, the beautiful country of Denmark is not void of freaks. Because the Danish Tumbler is here, and he is stranging up the place (denmark), which is also a thing I do! Not to denmark, tho, that’s where the similarities end
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Danzing Highflier: Can I just say I love the name? Danzing Highflier—really rolls off the tongue, with an element of opulence in there. Poetry in two words. that being said this guys gay and weird, just like me
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Dewlap: Massive name downgrade, imo. Dictionary.com defines the word dewlap as “1) a pendulous fold of skin under the throat of a bovine animal. 2) any similar part in other animals, as the wattle of fowl or the inflatable loose skin under the throat of some lizards.” You could’ve put a little effort in there, my guy. Weird neck, but overall hes pretty normal as far as these little shits go
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Dewlap Frillback: I actually like this name a lot. He’s not as frilled as some of our other frillbacks we’ll be seeing (we’ve got some CRAZY BITCHES in the pigeon list here, just a warning) but it’s nice. An elegant animal, though he seems pretentious
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melancholysway · 2 years
TMNT Bop or Flop
Feel free to join me in this bc I'm bored af and im trying to start all the requests i have :")
this is also a slight smash or pass bc I'm bored also- however I'm not doing it with TMNT 2012- that's just wrong LMAO or rise TMNT- self-explanatory. 2003/Bayverse/2007 is fair game though yall!
TMNT 2003
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Ngl... a bit of a flop but a bop lowkey .
I liked him when he was starting to be more carefree and not so into the whole being perfect and leader thing ...
if this was smash or pass... SMASH IDC
Idk yall something about this Leo makes me happy in a weird way, so maybe half bop half flop? a blop?
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MAJOR BOP ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ah yes a man who loves animals I'm here for it
I also really love his accent in this wtf .
He's a bop b/c he fought blind once, GTFOHHHHH!! and he ain't afraid of SHIT!
pass btw if this was smash or pass, he seems like a cool friend to have tho!
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BOP! His sassiness hasn't peaked in this version but it's very much there . 2003 Donnie is actually so sweet yall. Plus, his voice is very nice to listen to! I would love for him to read me a long book aloud as a bedtime story <3
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the man makes a mean scrambled egg according to Raph, but I make it better. FLOP.
I can't put my finger on it, but I just didn't enjoy this Mikey as much as I did in other versions. He made me wanna punch him sometimes . Also would notttt shutup about being the battle nexus champion like boy if you don't shut yo ass up-
pass pass pass pass btw
TMNT 2007
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I don't care what yall mfs say, he was way too mf serious, and even said he was better than Raph??? I don't know exactly what he dealt with during that training in South America, but it changed him man.
He tried too fucking quick to bring the team back together, and that's why him and Raph had a falling out and a big fight. Raph knew it was wrong of Leo to try and waltz in again in their lives and be Fix-It-Felix bro.
sidenote: Mega SMASH. That "come to daddy" quote????? He knew wtf he was doin with that. He's too mf fine to be actin the way he was actin in this movie LMAO- I still really enjoy this Leo though, if they made a sequel like it was intended, I would probably change it to a bop, but I need more scenes of 2007 Leo/ this design of Leo to do this !
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Do I even have to say it????
By far my FAVORITE Raph in the entire franchise! I love it, he's at his peak rebellion, and even made a name for himself fighting crime, I love it.
I also LIVE for his Brooklyn accent. I also hc if we got more screentime of him in the sequel, he'd be the most chill turtle. I believe there's a deleted scene of him talking to Leo at the end of the movie, and his tone/mannerisms were very mellow. 2007!Raph is mad chill
Also gave 2007 Leo a run for his money bro-
SIDENOTE: SMASHHHHHH! HULK SMASH IDC CALL ME WILD BUT IDC . Whoever designed him needs a raise. His eyes??? gtofh.
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Ngl...a slight flop?
he's not as sassy in this version, and I love me some sassy Donnie.
Like Leo, I really wish he got more screentime, I do love him challenging Raph in the beginning of the movie though :) Go Donnie go!
There's a deleted scene of Donnie and Splinter, it's called "let him eat cake" on youtube I believe- he would've been a bop if they kept that scene in! I feel like there was a lack of Donnie scenes in this- but I like that this movie was focused on Raph so I can't complain.
In a deleted scene it reveals Donatello loves money, he's also a flop bc he takes Mikey's money away so he can't buy dumb shit for the lair, at least let the man keep more than a $5 ya know?
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BOP! surprised? don't be.
he's a single mom that works one job who loves his brothers and never stops
with gentle hands and a heart of a fighter
he's a survivor <3
i also feel bad that he gets beat up by kids :( he really be providing for his family fr fr. He really out and about making his coin as a turtle in a turtle suit. he also started his own business??? got his own slogan, and is a kids party host??? like okay support small business xoxo
erm...pass btw, I just cannot see Mikey that way yall.
TMNT 2012
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BIGGEST BOP OF THE CENTURY! This version of Leonardo is my all time favorite. He even beats Rise Leo by a few! I can't explain it, but this Leonardo- the first one we see that's more upbeat and not so serious, I loved it! They gave him interests other than training or being a leader- they gave him a love for a show he devotes his time to! be fuckin fr.
Also played tea time with some random ass lil girl, it was so cute. I loved to see Leo be put in situations where he's just being him.
So yes this is very biased but idc, he's my fave. One thing about 2012 Leo he gon get to the bag no matter what.
He also literally SLAYED Shredder and brought his head! OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!!
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Do I need to say anything?
Bop, wanna know why?
HIS ONE-LINERS. He's so in tune with his sarcasm and wits that it's so satisfying to hear some sarcastic shit come out his mouth.
May even be a bit sassy, he has no time for bullshit. will beat some ass- and is the best pet dad.
no bc when he was being a foster dad to Chompy??? my heart. my fucking heart yall.
Also the fact that he named him Chompy Picasso? PLS.
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Bop guys!
Lowkey gets bullied by Raph but makes up for it by making him look dumb at times.
SASSIER. VERY SASSY. WIll point out his brothers (Raph/Mikey's) stupidity.
Plus his gap is so cute
Also, he's a bop because he made fucking RETRO MUTAGEN. If I'm not mistaken, 2012 Donnie is the first one of his installments to make a retro mutagen.
Okay maybe Mikey mixed a chemical or two and was the original creator of the retro mutagen, but Donnie was able to make copies of it after finding out how Mikey made it.
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He might be my favorite Mikey! I really like 2007 Mikey bc his comedic timing was on point, but this Mikey! Oh my god his timing is fucking terrible and I love it.
he's also the reason why his brothers aren't in the stomachs of those big-ass wasps, he's underrated! When he applies himself, he's unstoppable fr.
Also, he's an animal lover like Raph! He also really cares for Ice Cream Kitty (IC Kitty is also one of my fave characters for some reason they're sooo cute!)
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Hear me out.
I know, why isn't he just a bop or why isn't he just a flop? I honestly couldn't decide. I found that he wasn't the most memorable in this version, but he did certain things that I remembered. He also has cute blue eyes so that's why he's a blop.
I didn't like the way he talked to Raph in the second movie bro, he was such a bitch, then acted mad shocked that Raph went out and tried to get the ooze himself. he also benched tf out of Raph and Mikey just because Raph called him out on his shit.
Okay I'm changing it- he's a blop but VERY close to being a flop because of that.
all this being said...pass.
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He's mad chill. A fuckin Bop. Honestly, all Raph's are bops, but this one especially. He knits yall. KNITS. Raph KNITS. I never thought I'd see the day.
Also a Vin Diesel stan, I love that for him.
They also gave him a fear of heights...or erm...skydiving, which I thought was kinda cute! Big bad Raph is scared of a plane dive!
P.S- smashy smash. he's truly a sweetheart yall.
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I actually really like his design! Love the glasses on him fr fr!
This Donnie is a blop though...sorry guys.
He was very nerdy in this one, but I'm so used to Donnie being a sass king that it didn't feel normal.
I wish they gave him more substance than just the genius of the team, if this makes any sense. Same with 2007!Donnie.
Blop positive: he's the only turtle to curse in the movie! he also snorts. it's cute.
but, if they made him sassy as FUCK- ALL MIGHT DEKU SMASH.
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he's mad cool i dont see anything wrong with him. He's just a bro.
i dont have much to say about bayverse Mikey for some reason, so I'll leave it at this.
He also calls April "Angelcakes" which I think is cute yall-
Pass btw
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Final boss level BOP BRO. I love love love this Leo! He's amazing. I have no complaints fr.
Total asshole in the lair olympics but I loved every second of it LMFAO
also his granny disguise to spy on April??? 10/10 great style. It's nice to see Leo not be the leader for once, I truly see what he could be when he doesn't carry the burden of the leader.
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He's a big mf softie, and I love it! I love his design, everything! No complaints about this Raph, he finally is able to show his leadership skills!
spoiler all rise! turtles are bops bc its so nice to see them written differently than their usual stereotypes.
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I absolutely adore this version of Donnie! His lines are absolutely top tier bro.
HIS RAP IN MYSTIC LIBRARY??? GTFOH. I also really loved his rivalry with Leo in the olympics btw .
He has so many golden moments that this is exactly why hes a BOP! BOP OF THE MF UNIVERSE.
He's also unintentionally funny, his computer password??? yeah bro he's funny.
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BOP. I finally feel like Mikey isn't the butt of the joke anymore. All boys are funny in this series in their own way, and they're all shown being a little dumb so I love that LMAO
I love that Mikey is still childish, but it seems to do toned down as his brothers are equally childish in some way
We don't rely on Mikey for comedic relief, we can rely on him to be sporadic and chaotic though! i love this version of Mikey, this one is my favorite. Point blank my fave!
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cheemken · 9 months
a lot of anons had asked you about wholesome hcs, but not me, give me your angsty hcs of the champs or ur fav champs king
Real shit tho hcmxnx hahaha
Well hey sure, idk if these are angsty enough but hey, mostly abt Dia bc she's still my fave and as my fave she has to suffer <3
•this one, this one I'm not sure if it's angsty, but in my hcs Dia doesn't know when her actual birthday is
-and it didn't really bother her, her family, her mother, doesn't celebrate it and frankly she stopped caring abt it and didn't bother finding out
-when Geeta had asked her abt her birthday when they were kids, Diantha lied and chose a random date, just so Geeta, and everyone else, wouldn't question it
-Dia really feels bad for lying about it tho, but not like she could tell them the truth, she doesn't even know when
•theres a portrait of the former Champion in one of the halls of the league, when Diantha was younger, she'd always look at it, thinking she could never live up to him
-years later, Diantha wouldn't even look at it, opting to just walk straight ahead, not sparing him a single glance, whenever she looks at it now she could only see a sneer in his neutral face, almost telling her she will never be able to live up to his legacy
•the biggest imposter syndrome like get this girl therapy and tell her she's actually doing a good job and she deserves the titles she has please
-like, she really believes she's only a successful actress because of the Carnet name, not by her own efforts especially after cutting ties with her mother. And she believes that one of her former Elite Four was right, that maybe she got lucky that she beat the former Champion, that she really doesn't deserve the title of Kalos Champion
•look you cannot look at me and tell me homegirl does not have some sort of self loathing
-she never really,, got much help on this, she's rather good at pretending everything's alright, and everyone is none the wiser
-a big hypocrite, would tell everyone else that it's okay to ask for help and open up about their feelings, would never do it herself
•honestly really lonely, like,, always alone in the league, always alone in her apartment, always alone with her thoughts, it often drives her mad
-but again, she's really good at hiding it
•since in my hcs she was a lil shit in her youth, that would often resurface at random points in the day
-sometimes she still has thoughts of pushing someone she doesn't like off the stairs, sometimes she'd want to sneer and make snide comments about someone, sometimes she thinks people are weak
-and she has to tell herself over and over and over again that she shouldn't think about those. Drasna raised her better than that.
•loves the LucarioMan movies because it's one of the few things that gave her hope while she was still with mom Carnet
-she and her Carbink would often watch it, and when she saw LucarioMan's tragic backstory, and despite all the abuse he also went through, he became a good person, he became a hero
-Diantha wanted to be like him, to give hope to others as well, unfortunately,, well,, she doesn't believe she's doing a good job at that
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its-wabby-stuff · 10 days
those are all so interesting! sho chasing him around the world bc the writers did say yoshi became cosmopolitan during his fame, is so funny and kinda sad. yeah, i'm pretty sure its canon that sho and yoshi were the last hamato bc in end game, foot lt says yoshi is the "last descendant". i hc that yoshi has struggled with depressive disorder since his mom left. being told he had to save the world and all his plans being overun by his hamato destiny did not help. but sho (in typical asian fashion) was like "depression isn't real, get a hold of yourself" (sho was also depressed bc of atsuko's death but he was in denial). big mama soothed it during the time yoshi dated her but then obvi, his depression came back 100x worse during his captivity and stayed quite severe to this day (being a mutant really sucks also how is he supposed to be a dad when he never had a dad really???)
yes! share you big mama hcs 😁 did you know she was with yoshi for 11 years (probably)?? in many unhappy returns, it says they met in 1984 and the writers said she kidnapped him around 1995. i feel bad for yoshi bro (I still love big mama tho) i know fans want her to have a fake human name but i think it's funnier (it's also canon) that she just went by big mama bc yoshi didn't care that she was purple and had yellow eyes and ate bugs and talked weird af so why would he care about her odd name?
I definitely agree with the depressive disorder, as someone who also has on and off depression. I also think he has AuDHD which could be part of why he did bad in school. I also agree that Sho didn’t see them as real problems, which I think is part of the reason Splinter is so cut off when it comes to talking about his feelings, or opening up in the slightest.
I think his depression got a lot worse sometime after the overtaking parts of parenthood were over and the boys started becoming a lot more independent and self-sufficient. Then he like crashed from the last, basically 45+ years of his life.
I’m still trying to figure out how such a loud and proud personality didn’t tell his sons about his days in the sun. I can only think it has something to do with his mother leaving, or him trying to forget. Also can’t figure why he changed his name to Splinter of all things. It was probably the boys fault- somehow, or possibly just poetic. New life, new name.
Tbh, Big Mama and Lou Jitsu, despite all their flaws, are my favorite couple. They’ve spent like half their lives together. I think Big Mama is a younger Yokai, perhaps only a couple years older than Yoshi himself. This is opposed to Draxum who I think is well over 200. I think she has commitment issues, but her and Yoshi bonded over their drive to create something spledifirous. I think she spent her time on the surface being a rebel, just like Lou, hiding away from some like rich Yokai family who wanted her to inherit the family business (their chain of hotels). Just another reason to bond.
This one’s silly, and I kinda stole it from someone else on the webs, but I think Big Mama and Lou Jitsu both got really into the renaissance while they were dating. Hence Splinters names for his son being the splinters of their relationship. Haha.
I think the battle nexus is relatively new and was started with Lou Jitsus kidnapping. It just got a lot of attention. And with her champion, a lot of other Yokai joined to get a chance at beating up the human, which backfired for them.
After a couple years of fighting, and winning, I think Big Mama laxed up on her rules. They were still kinda dating and would spend time together and tour the Hidden City and such (cause how else does he know so much?). Up until the last year, before the boys, when he once again requested more from Big Mama and wanted to stop fighting, so he wound up back in his cell. He declared he was a pacifist so he wouldn’t have to fight anymore, cause he knows she’s tricky but he’s still a little too dumb to figure things out.
Because I think the battle nexus is new, I also think her going back to the hidden city to take over the family hotels must have some cause and effect. So I think a family member died, which caused her to flip out like she did when asked to marry. That and her commitment issues (which also cause her to change the deals at the last second). And allowed Lou to “forgive” her when the “got back together.” He clearly still has resentment, but not to the point of hatred (cause they still got that chemistry in the show). They might be a little perfect for each other. 🙂‍↕️
If Big Mama was going to have any other name, which I’m fine with her name being what it is but it feels much more like a title, or perhaps originated as a pet name from Lou, than an actual name; I would think it’d be Tang Shen. Only cause other tmnt iterations have Yoshis ex wife be named that, but I think it’s fitting as well. Understandably, I get why she might keep it hidden and a secret, because, just like Lou, wearing masks is sometimes easier than facing the truth.
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eddiemunson-fanfic · 2 years
Bestfriends pt. 3
Eddie Munson x Plus size!FM!Reader
Warnings: mention of bullying, modern day!Eddie, flashbacks,
Summary: You got your own place, and trying to figure out how to survive on your own for once. You have always lived with someone if it was Eddie or your mom, but mostly Eddie. You miss him loads, and it's been weeks since you last saw him. Will Hailey let Eddie see you when he comes back from the small tour he had to have, or will she be a pain in the ass as usual?
Part 1, Part 2, Part 4, Part 5 (coming soon)
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It's been weeks since you saw Eddie. He's been so busy with hours in the studio making new music, and on top of it all they were going on a small tour for the places they had to postpone when they went just a few weeks ago. He said he would've be home again tomorrow, and you could barely wait for it. You missed your bestfriend, and he haven't even gotten time to see your new place.
Yes, that's right, you finally got the opportunity to move out of your mom's, and the new job? It's awesome. You get so much more opportunities to explore your own skills, and your employes are so nice, even your boss is super awesome!
You never told Eddie you got your own place, so he thought you had been hanging out with Hailey. As if.
Yes, she of course never went with him to this small tour either, even how much he begged her. You felt so bad for him. He only wanted his girlfriend who he loved more than anything, well, not more than you of course, but he just wished she would support his career just as much as you do.
When he left for this small tour, he told you you could stay for as long as you needed, because he knew you couldn't survive living with your mom for that long anyways. He fixed a sparekey for you, so you could do whatever you pleased.
The conversation with your mom was non-existent. She hasn't even tried to send you one single message since you moved completely out of her house last week. You found out when she was gonna be at work, so you could pick up your things from hers when she wasn't there. You even had your own car again, so you didn't have to borrow one of Eddie's.
You were excited for his band and him to get back tho, because you always had a party whenever they went on a small tour and got back. And you always fixed a place for you to have it, if it was with one of the other band members house, or Eddie's.
Now you wanted to surprise them by hosting at your new place, and you were fixing around your apartment for the party.
It's been a long time since the lot of you partied together, and you were excited to crush everyone else in beerpong alongside Eddie. He always ended up being your beerpong partner, and you always crushed everyone who tried to crush you. You were the champions every single party.
You felt it in your body you were really tired from the moving, but you tried to push it away, because you were only 25 years old, you shouldn't feel this damn tired after moving the small items you had. But you knew that once you were in Eddie's arms again, he would heal you. He kinda did that whenever you guys hugged.
You felt like shit for some reason? A hug from Eddie would heal that. You had a shit day? Eddie could heal that. You just needed a hug? Of course Eddie would stand there with his arms open for you to crawl into his arms and just hug.
You were now laying down on your couch, watching some shit on netflix who was basically just background noise as you scrolled through tiktok when Eddie's name popped up on top of your screen.
Punk 👽 ; I'm on the plane from Maine tomorrow, can't wait to see you ❤️
Munchkin 🤠 ; OK big boy, can't wait to see you too!  did you have fun in Maine so far?❤️
Punk 👽 ; you follow Gareth and the others on Instagram, you know I had fun!
Munchkin 🤠 ; true, safe flight tomorrow punk, and don't get too drunk, we're gonna have a party when you guys come home, I need my beerpong partner fresh and clean!
Punk 👽  ; wouldn't dare to embarrass you tomorrow munchkin! thanks btw, love ya'! 😘
Munchkin 🤠; love you too, bud ❤️
You've been feeling very lonely lately, and wanted some spice in your life, so you thought of the only most stupidest thing to do.
Downloading a few dating apps lately, and believe it or not, you've actually been on a couple of decent good dates.
You've always hear about all the creeps on there who's only up to fuck with whoever they match with, but you've actually met a few couple of guys who's been decent towards you, and they haven't even pushed a single dirty word your way. They've been very respectful, and that is very surprising.
But some of the dates you've been on? Absolutely horrible. It's been so bad, you've had to escape through the window in the bathroom or something to get away. They were just horrible all together, thinking they owned the damn earth they walked on, and wanted me to kiss their feet or something. Nope, not gonna happen.
The one you went on date with yesterday was so sweet tho. He seemed to care about you alot, and he reminded you of Eddie on many occasions. He had the long curly hair, was the regular, skinny metal guy who seemed unsure of himself. Brown eyes, but not as shiny and adorable as Eddie.
Why where you even comparing him to Eddie in the first place? He was your damn best friend Y/N, stop it.
Only downside with this guy, was that he had a daughter from one of his last relationships. He was married to this girl for 5 years before they got a daughter, and she sadly passed away a year ago or so. You felt sorry for him, because he seemed to love her so much.
When you took time to think about it, having a mini you, running around your legs, screaming mommy or asking for her daddy? It would be heartbreaking cute.
You don't even remember falling asleep, and on your couch at that even.
You winced a bit from pain as you tried to stand up from your couch to go to the bathroom.
Damn, one would think you had the body of an 80 year old if they saw how you hunched as you walked to the bathroom.
As you sat down on your toilet, doing your business, you could feel a throbbing migraine coming your way, and you cussed yourself out for tossing away all the pills you had to cure this when you moved into your apartment. You thought that since they've expired, you didn't need them at all, and you haven't bothered to get more from your doctor.
I'll just take a cold shower, that might help. Gotta be done with all the errands for the party later too, so body, you just gotta function today, not the time to break down just yet!
You heard your phone chime from your living room, and groaned.
I'll check it later. You shrugged, as you got undressed to take a shower.
You feel much more refreshed after your shower, and when you walk out of your shower, you hear your phone chime again. Ugh.
Punk 👽; I don't think I'll make it to your party later munchkin, Hailey is picking me up, and she is mad, I'm so sorry 😥❤️
Are you fucking kidding me? What is her problem?
Punk 👽; she is really mad today, I don't know what I did wrong, we even had phone sex last night.. 😥
Okay, ew, didn't need to know that, Eds..
Munchkin 🤠; ew eds! i did not need to know that, but are you for real? we were suppose to have a party for you guys today 😭
Munchkin 🤠; i guess i can postpone it, and we'll have it this weekend instead since it's wednesday today? i miss you😭❤️
Fuck, what were you gonna do now? You had planned this for a week, and suddenly the main attraction can't come?
Punk 👽; sorry princess, i'll make it up to you! the other guys can come tho, so you wont be alone ❤️
Munchkin 🤠; i want you here, you're like the main reason i put together these parties doofus 😒
Punk 👽; i'm sorry, i'll try and see what i can do tho, i miss you like hell ❤️😥
Fuck. Hailey was really out to ruin every fun you guys could have together..
Munchkin 🤠; i'll postpone the party, i want you with us!
Punk 👽; i love you ❤️
Munchkin 🤠; love you 😚
What would you even do if you didn't get to meet him today? Hailey will keep him locked in or some shit, so he wont be able to meet you again or something?
You look around your apartment, and see that you still have some few boxes to unpack. Well, guess that's what I'm doing today.
You pick up your phone again and message the gang.
you; I'm sorry guys, but the party is postponed until atleast saturday, and I hope you all will come even if it'll be postponed! love you all, and take care ❤️😚
You heard the messages pop in straight away, but didn't feel the need to check them, because you knew what they were gonna say, the lot of them. You knew they would be supportive of you postponing, and that they would come whenever you said the party was gonna be hosted.
You huffed, as you looked around, figuring shit you had to do. And made a mental note that you needed to go to walmart to pick up some stuff for your bathroom that you needed, and a few other things you needed to get fixed before you could settle in completely.
This moving part is no fun when you're doing it alone.
You walked into your kitchen, fixed yourself some iced coffee, and sat in your living room just taking in your place. I would be fine here. You thought to yourself. It was exactly what you had imagined your first apartment to be like. And you felt comfortable here.
This was only yours, and yours alone. Of course you loved living with Eddie when you could, but this was something completely different. No one could tell you shit. This was your safe place, your oasis. Only yours.
Back in college when Eddie first decided he wanted to try out his music career, you were living together in a tiny apartment, and you loved it. Even if it was your shared space, it still felt like a home to you, more than your home with your mom.
You didn't need to be afraid to bump into one of Eddie's groupies before he met Hailey. Which happened almost every Tuesday since he had a small concert at the hideout. The more time passed, the more girls came to see them play, and Eddie turned into a chick magnet.
You could be yourself here, you could walk around naked when you wanted, without Eddie scolding you or making fun of you because that one time you took a chance and wanted to know how it felt like.
The best part about living on your own, was that you could take off your pants the second you went inside your door and locked it. You loved the freedom it gave you.
You can even take a shit with the bathroom door open! Ah, freedom.
You just hoped that Eddie wouldn't take it personal that you didn't wanna live at his place any longer. You loved him, and it was about to be difficult watching him around Hailey. You wanted nothing but to make her leave his life, and take over her place, but it was not your place to do so anyway.
You just had to try to make him understand that on his own that he didn't deserve the treatment she gave him. He was such a sweetheart, and she walked all over his heart, all the time.
You picked up your phone, and looked at the notifications on it, everything seemed normal until that one message.
Unknown number ; Remember me? I'm here to make you miserable again
What the actual fuck?
you; who are you?
Unknown number; oh, you'll soon find out, trust me, bitch.
Taglist: @eddiemunsonfuxks, @grimmbunniee, @jadeylovesmarvelxo, @charleetheefictionalfucker, @anaisweird, @marsmunson86, @eddiethesexy, @readsalot73, @warmaidensrevenge, @sherrylyn628, @salenorona23, @sammararaven, @sllooney
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baddoggylore · 2 years
Professor Sada x reader
(WARNING! This contains spoilers for Scarlet and violet ending)
No one’s pov
Everything’s confusing you always thought, you were just trying to do a treasure hunt.., You helped Arven. You became a champion ranked trainer like nemona. You discovered the truth about teamstar by penny..who was the leader…, you did everything.. “sada…” you said as you watched before your eyes the Sada you saw on screen wasn’t the real sada..just an AI created to continue sada work…, you battled her..yet you won, and you knew the only way to stop the time machine was for AI sada to go to the past
Months passed sense that day and Arven seems to be better then he has been, you battle nemona a lot to train with your starter, penny has been better with with her friends (teamstar) while you have been thinking ..you couldn’t stop thinking about that day..the day AI sada was discovered and “died” to stop the machine.., you weren’t gonna lie and say you didn’t like sada romantically…it was only a crush, you did cry about it like a dumbass, you we’re confused why you liked her.., you were walking to your class that arven was in but heard a noise in Clavells office.., Clavell wasn’t here today because he got sick but it made you curious so you walked in the room and saw a figure of a lady on the ground seeming..hurt, “uh miss are you ok?” You asked as the lady looked up and you stood there staring… “I-I found you” She said getting up and you knew her “s-sada?” You said surprise and a little nervous as she went to you and hugged you “weres my son..” “h-how are you here..-“ sada pulled away “I’m not the AI sada..I’m from a timeline were everything was destroyed and the first person I wanted was to see my son but….you I saw you try to protect my son..and I wanted to come back…to a timeline were I can help..” she spoke as you were confused but nodded..
You ended up telling Arven to meet you by your dorm and when he did he walked in and saw His mother sada “m-mom…?” “I’m afraid I’m not the AI or your regional mom but I still want to be your mom..” she walked over and arven asked so many questions and she answered and after they talked sada pulled him close into a hug trying to comfort him..you felt bad for arven but what could you do tho, but suddenly you got hugged by arven “thank you little buddy” he smiled at you
A few days past and you noticed sada was closer around you and wanting to know a lot about you and you gave her everything you could and surprising you with things you liked and you couldn’t help but feel that crush from before and before you could tell yourself don’t sada had pulled you close “hey..[Name]..I like you a lot and i want you to be with me..” “I’d love too Sada” she was really excited and happy she kissed you gently and you were honestly happy.. even arven was happy for you and his mom..
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marinecorvid · 5 months
Going through victory road in bw2 rn (both delightful in its winding length and a slog all at once) and so the game’s not technically over plot wise, we’ve gotten past the main plasma part so the real story’s just about done and I’m trying to find ways to merge my hcs with it to make it more compelling…. Nate (who goes by his middle name of ailbhe) in my ‘verse (which is mostly based on my adoring following of a semi-nuzlocke comic someone was doing on deviantart and never finished… TT-TT) comes across as a very mild mannered young man, very friendly; very battle competent, very thorough. takes his losses with grace. (tbh isn't this a common characterization tho........ whatever)
I started out my playthrough w the vague notion that while Nate is, on paper, going on his pokemon journey because he’s good at battling and enjoys it, he has the primary objective of figuring out What The Hell Happened To Gwyn (Hilda), the cousin he very much looked up to; he's using the excuse of adventuring to retrace her footsteps, and the goal of becoming champion-class to be able to access otherwise restricted routes and resources. (I’m almost glad in a way bw2’s plot was so bare, gives me opportunity to Go Ham (Chiquita Dave) in the sandbox of canon). I’m… not sure if I still want to go by that angle tho. I think his mom and aunt (gwyn’s mom) were very shaken by gwyn going missing, understandably, and I’d think it’s the kind of thing that would make his mom very worried about him on his journey, to the point where she’s both very excited for him to get out there but terrified something like that would happen to him, so he’d promise to stay out of trouble and focus on battling, which should’ve been easy bc team plasma’s been officially disbanded for years…. but it’s a promise he can’t keep. tying into the trend of people projecting both truth and ideals onto him as a kyurem mirror, he also struggles in that gray area for a bit; to search for gwyn or not, and whether he wants to find her, or find out what happened to her (colress poses this particular dilemma when Nate talks about the two goals interchangeably).
Another reason I think why he does what he does and gets so involved in the plasma plot despite his own promises and the danger (Hugh’s subplot notwithstanding) is that he has an encounter with zekrom before gwyn goes missing, and while I don’t mean to write every object or creature of power as some vaguely eldritch subject, zekrom and reshiram existing as someone’s literal embodiments of the desire for ideals/truth makes their presence at least a little intense, especially if you haven’t had any exposure to that level of power before. anyways what happens is gwyn goes home after beating N and ghetsis and hangs there for a while after the craziness of bw, and at some point Nate and his mom come over to visit! and Nate is told hushedly and sternly not to go near the paddock behind the barn or whatever. and he says yes of course auntie But it’s entirely possible he forgets (or his curiosity gets the better of him) and he’s wandering around the farm property at nightfall and he wanders back to that paddock and it takes him a little bit to start to understand what he’s seeing. at first it looks like just a pile of black, which isn’t normal for the the paddocks, but then it starts moving, in shapes he doesn’t understand; but then they become wings, and a tail, and then a neck and a head and eyes like red embers are looking at him, seeing him, and as the blood is rushing in his ears and at some point every hair stood up on his body and he can taste the static on his tongue he understands who he’s looking at and why he wasn’t supposed to be back here. and then zekrom looks away and curls back up to resume its nap, bc Nate is so small compared to it both physically and in purpose, and even if he was enough to be regarded with anything beyond disdainful apathy he has sort of gwyn smell like her den mother, so that means they’re kin its human’s kin are extended the grace of neutrality, and as it resumes its sleep the electricity in the air fades but Nate’s still breathing like he run a mile and it’s still hard to hear the sound of the trees rustling, but then gwyn is there and her hand is on his shoulder and she’s guiding him back around the barn, and reality snaps back in to place at some point but he’s forever a changed man bc one does not simply have an encounter with one of the legendary dragons and feel unshaken by it (unless you’re like N, in which being able to understand pokemon makes the initial weirdness easier to handle; or not, in which case N is just that weird) (or like ghetsis, who’s got enough layers of delusion going on that it doesn’t bother him too too much)
But Yeah. It’s the kind of thing one stays up late thinking about, staring at the wall at 3 in the morning, feeling slightly disconnected from everything else. Kind of guy who seems normal on the surface but inside has something deeply wrong with him except not something wrong with him he's just had an encounter with a living god-spirit-thing that has changed him in some small but irrevocably important way that he can ignore 99% of the time but when that 1% hits.
anwyays still figuring stuff out just wanted to ramble for a bit. aces
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incorrect-splatoon · 2 years
Give us that pearlina moms propoganda
Hi, I am not the Pearlina Moms champion (I believe it's @hannasaurrex).
But I give you some headcanon about it anyways:
Marina don't really know how to be a parent is, growing in a military state marina parent where quite absent and neglectful. She don't want to be like her parent and his a bit scare about it.
Pearl however grow in a nice familly and has 2 siblings so she is better suited weirdly enough.
Agent 8 admit that, even tho they more her less acted like serogate mother to them, they believe their child would be freaking spoiled.
They don't have access to GPA [Assisted reproduction] because inkling technology doesn't allow it yet and Marina want a child WITH PEARL. Not anyone else, she is adamant about it.
They would probably adopt not yet has they are 23 and 26. (Wait until marina is over 25)
The child they would adopt will probably be name after a precious stone like amethyst, onyx, diamond etc...
Marina would be the one who is overprotective that for sure and pearl the chill one. However Pearl would be the one who got an easier time in parenthood.
Callie and marie would be the godmother, when first presenting callie and Marie to the baby. Pearl say: "This is callie and this is the green bitch, say hello"
Despise everything, pearl would still use insult over and over in front of the children which piss off Marina
If the kid is scare (because of thunder or monster or other) they would accept it in the bed to sleep with them.
They both would try to find an instrument he like to teach him. Violon would be cool but Hang drum would be so funny.
I like to think in adoption they wouldn't be deadset on adopting an inkling or octoling, they could adopt a manta, a whale, a dolphin, sea lion.
Octoling however is the most likely, has the military state and harsh condition might force parent to abandon child more easily.
Okay, I believe this is all I have for now. Has I say, not the pearlina mom experts but I hope you will enjoy it anyways !
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ndostairlyrium · 1 year
peeks >:3
Questions you said??
for Ela: Family, n6; Specific question n2, 10, 22.
for Hawke: Party, n2; Specific question n3, 7 (very important.), 12
for Ankh: Family, n4; Specific question n2, 3 and 8
Too many? in Eric Idle's voice
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6 - [Life, I assume?] Which aspects of the culture they were born into holds the most significance for them?
She was a noblewoman, but not a firstborn, so she has spent less time than Fergus studying for perfecting a role of responsibility. Being proud while acting charitable towards who's in need, I would reply. First one coming from her upbringing, second one coming from her religious beliefs - she claims she's not a believer but I doubt you can cleanse entirely from a cult so similar to christianity.
2 - [DA:O] How did they feel about being recruited into the Grey Wardens? What were Ostagar and the Korcari Wilds like for them?
She didn't really want to be recruited, her ambitions were different. Also it wasn't her decision and she fucking hates when she's forced to do something so massive without her consent. It was frustrating, to say the least, so she tried to read into it as if it was her father's last gift to her before they parted ways. An honorable cause for an honorable woman. That helped her to familiarize better with what was going on. Ostagar was terrifying, because she could see everything that was wrong with fereldan society in a smaller scale. The Korcari Wilds were haunting but at least it was a good chance for her to blow off some steam.
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10 - [DA:O] What was their nightmare in the Fade during Broken Circle?
I think I already elaborated on this somewhere else, hold on
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Adding the original post from @zevsurana >here< - I really suggest you to follow them as well, because they always share some quality a++ content 👌👌👌
22 - [DA:O] If your Warden survived, did they continue to serve the Grey Wardens? What is their life like after the Blight?
She survived and she continued to serve the Grey Wardens. Her main goal after the Blight was to find a role within the order's ranks, because she felt like her job wasn't done after all. What happened during Awakening confirmed this, so when the Mother was defeated, she started to investigate more on that, by traveling through Thedas to find more clues.
2- [Party] Which companions (or advisors) are they closest friends with? Who do they respect?
He's super attached to Varric and Isabela, being the ones that constantly offer him drinks and shoulders to cry on. But the real deal is Fenris. The two of them started to talk more once Carver got recruited into the Wardens. Hawke felt like he could really avoid to shoot jokes to lighten the mood in his presence, he became comfortable enough with him to just speak his mind and show - to himself first - that he can allow himself to be serious and sad sometimes.
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3 - [DA2] What was their relationship like with their father before he died?
Actually, I don't think I've ever explored this! O: I think they were close, but there was some resentment because the twins weren't treated fairly. They both had to count bigger responsibilities than their ages combined in one way or another. Carver was being left behind constantly, Bethany was instructed to keep a low profile and act proper, as if they both were nuisances. He was the best teacher, but he wasn't the perfect dad - but who is tho?
7 - [DA2] What did they name their Mabari?
Cane Dog. Just Dog.
12 - [DA2] How did they feel about becoming the Champion of Kirkwall?
Would have been better if a salary came along with the title. It was fine, well deserved, also it provided him free food and drinks for a while. He boasts about it, but in truth he just doesn't care about titles.
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4 - [Life] Describe their family. Who were they close to? Were there any particular childhood friends?
I often talked about her mom and dad, but I never mentioned her inner circle! She has four best friends back home, experienced hunters and overall cuties (except for Fern, Fern is there to look good and somatize). Two of them go back to childhood, the others came along later. I will draw them one day once the chapter is out and about lmao Are step-mothers a thing in dalish culture? Because if so, Deshanna would totally fit that role. Luckily, she's not a Cinderella step mother kinda deal. She was there when Ankh's real mother died, she taught her how to read and behave with other people, and she helped her being independent and responsible for herself and the clan.
2 - [DA:I] What was their reason for attending the Conclave?
To spy on the humans, mostly. She offered to get there to take notes and report back to the Arlathven, as an ambassador. Actually, she wasn't supposed to be alone as she would meet with others to represent her people officially. The clans needed to know if what was happening was a real threat and she was ready to go, along with others from different clans. Another reason would be that she urgently needed to change air because in her opinion the Dalish can be quite shy and selfish when it comes to interacting with other cultures.
3 - [DA:I] How do they feel about bearing the Anchor? For what did they declare the Inquisition stood for?
About the Anchor, she's torn between believing it was destiny, and thinking she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. About the second question, for her I picked "the Inquisition is for all" option. She wants her people to be recognized as equals (socially and bureaucratically), and at the same time she knows that's a slow process that will continue way after she'll die. However, she's trying her best to set an example, being a clever and graceful leader.
8 - [DA:I] What did their Nightmare appear as in the Fade? What was on their gravestone?
Already replied it here💛
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The ask meme
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forgottenarthur · 9 months
Character Analysis
Character’s name: Arthur Varmont
Role in story:  Prince
Physical description:  Bradley James ;D
Age: 26
MBTI: ESTP (the entrepreneur)
Enneagram: Type 2 (the helper), 2w3, 278
Zodiac: Aries
What is his/her greatest fear?  Of being unlovable, unwanted, unworthy of love even if he ~could engender it
Inner motivation: To feel loved, to be loved, to express his feelings for others, to be needed and appreciated, to get others to respond to him, to vindicate his claims about himself
Kryptonite: Being taken for granted
What is his/her misbelief about the world?  He’s not good enough for his father, family, or country and thus they will never truly need, love, or accept him (ouch), smth that’ll be confirmed when his lil bro inevitably takes the crown <3 bc he def believes, deep down, that this is what will happen
Lesson he/she needs to learn: His status re: the throne has no bearing on his worth!!!  And also oh yeah he ~is lovable
What is the best thing in his/her life?  Adventure!  Excitement!  Proving himself by proving his worth to others by great and extravagant deeds (and endlessly, endlessly talking himself up)!  Making his family members (any and all of them, alike!) smile!  Feeling needed!  Esp by ppl he cares about!  Being hailed as a champion!  Pretty maidens raining rose petals down on his head as he enters, triumphant, into a city!  Basically any spectacle or moment (but esp the spectacle variety) that he feels like his dad might think was pr rad!  Honestly anything and everything dramatic that makes him look good ;D  Mirrors, bc he’s pretty and he knows it!  ;D also, to that end, pretty maidens sighing over him, etc!  Basically anything that makes him feel like a big man!
What is the worst thing in his/her life?  His dad!  The race for the throne!  He’d do just about anything to make his dad proud, but like also???? he actually does love his bro & sis???? but he’s forced into this competition w them????  And so he’s, like, gotta choose between making his dad proud and mom happy and fulfilling his own sense of self-worth, vs, like, destroying his own little brother & big sister????  And lbr it sucks!!!!!  (Cue the ~Renly’s peach~ symbolism motif etc tho hopefully it won’t come to ~that extreme #yikes)
What does he/she most often look down on people for?  Selfishness, lack of honor, cowardice, disloyalty to the crown/any and all (even perceived) disrespect for his dad (for whom he has a cultish devotion), weakness
What makes his/her heart feel alive?  Those few good moments w his family esp his ~whole fam and most of all those few and sparse moments when his father has shown pride in him!!!!!!!! (even better if he showed affection or even basic respect but let’s not get too crazy here), shared warmth and affection w/ ppl he cares about, little simple and frankly wholesome moments like breaking warm bread w friends and loved ones <3, being really really good at bashing swords around!, being hot, that one court poet who composed a ballad in his honor (only mostly bc he was paid to but shhh)
What makes him/her feel loved, and who was the last person to make them feel that way?  Honestly just simple appreciation of any kind!  But esp if he’s needed in some way!  Tell you need him in your life and you’ve got his loyalty forever!! (tho you might not actually want that tbqh bc lbr he’s a piLL ~c’est moi plays not so softly in the bg 24/7 etc~), tbh if anyone showed him even an ounce of genuine affection he’d probs drop dead on the spot! (*one of his knights affectionately slaps his back* *he’s immediately choked up and has to retreat to privacy to cry a lil ngl even tho he 100% has to play it off cool until he can slip away*), anyway idk but probs his sister, mom, or full bro in terms of who made him feel that way idk for sure yet obv but i feel like they’re probs his primary source of affection
Top three things he/she values most in life?  Whelp, tragically enough the thing he values most is 100% his father’s impressions, opinions, and nebulous feelings!!!!!  So like his #1 goal in life as a human being is to make dad proud but sadly his dad is 1) too stressed by running an empire and his own fear of worthlessness (you can read more abt that in his vers of this when i get that up), and too self-absorbed to notice, 2) too impressed by smarts to ever really fully credit his less intelligent son w anything, and 3) has absolutely insanE standards and will never, ever, ever be proud of anyone, ever, including himself and if his son ~were somehow to gain that he’d have so eclipsed his dad (bc we’re talking literally god-tier accomplishments atp which are obv beyond human capacity) that his dad would actually hate him and lowkey want to destroy him (in order to prove that he, himself, is worthwhile and not just some patsy compared to his own son but, tbf, he ~would be proud of him even while trying to destroy him and aint no one else allowed to destroy his boy etc etc etc) so <33333 good luck w all of that!!!!!!  but anyway, uhhhhhh, the other two things he most values are the rest of his family (sorry, guys!), and his own awesomeness! *high fives his reflection* jk jk its just simply wholesome good times and genuine human connection but shhhhh you didn’t hear that from me
What’s his/her favorite book, movie, and band?  Band of brothers, all the various spidermen, superhero stuff in general, mr & mrs smith, two mules for sister sarah, the happier arthurian stuff (knights, chivalry, etc) but not the sadder/more srs ones sm probs tbqh, pr much every buddy movie under the sun tho he’d claim to prefer smth more macho like GoT but tbh i don’t see him ~actually enjoying that that much bc #tooreal hahaha he’d also really like lots of romcoms tho he’d rather die than admit it – batb?  p&p?  he’d love it!!  i mean, they’re all about seeing through exteriors and wanting and needing ppl for who they really are and he’d be such a sucker for that!!!!! but again he’d never admit it <3  he’s more of an athlete so he probs wouldn’t read that much in a world where there’s tv/movies, but he’d love all things bbc robin hood!!!  honestly the ~whole found family trope would get him badddddd, for music he’d probs like mumford & sons, imagine dragons, deep purple, pink floyd – lyrical but w a touch of an edge?
Is there an object he/she can’t bear to part with and why?  His sword!  He’s honestly really great at all that jazz and he likes to rub everyone’s face in it smh
Describe a typical outfit for him/her from top to bottom.  Probs a linen shirt that’s ‘carelessly’ but nonetheless artfully slightly open to show off his sculpted body but w/o making it obv that’s what he’s about smdh, a leather belt for the same reason but also bc #sword, and idk trousers of some type probs really nicely sourced but meant not to look like it bc he secretly loves luxury but like???? wants to seem like he’s too macho to notice smh, really nice leather boots which are great bc they’re super nice but also he doesn’t need to defend it bc they’re also obv super practical win/win!
What names or nicknames has he/she been called throughout their life?  arthur, my lord, your highness??
What is his/her method of manipulation?  Boasting/showing off, medieval!fantasy double dog daring, flirtation, compliments, witticisms, stepping over others bc he’s a big risk taker and he likes to show off and get ahead oops
Describe his/her daily routine.  Getting up super early to go train, hanging w the boys and bashing them w swords and lances #truefriendship, a feast w the boys for lunch, riding out on the town, hitting the tavern, gambling, a party in the evening!  basically all those stereotypical macho/jock things!!!  these are the sorts of things he ~thinks his dad approves of, so they’re the things he does and that he tells himself he enjoys tho tbh he probs wouldn’t like any of them quite so much in other circumstances ngl bc all he really wants is genuine human connection and affection and to be useful to others and frankly he’s getting precious little of any of that ngl
Their go-to cure for a bad day?  i feel like he likes to go hang out w his little sister bc she’s the one sibling he doesn’t have to compete w, plus he can be ~gentler w her anyway bc she’s ‘just a girl’ and knights treat ladies gently and all he wants is to treat and be treated gently but shhhh you didn’t hear that from me, plus also she’s the only woman in his life who isn’t really pressuing him bc his mom would probs reminds him – whether intentionally or not – that he needs to be out there impressing his dad etc, and even just other rando ladies are expecting him to do that but it doesn’t really matter to his younger sister bc she’ll be the sister of the next ruler regardless of which of them it is etc.  anyway!  basically he just wants a few wholesome pleasures and some affection and that’s just about it <3 but short of that he’ll resort to getting drunk :( and depending what their relationship ends up being like (since i feel like this isn’t the ~healthiest family dynamic in the world alksdjfkjlsdf) he might just skip the hangout and go straight for the drink so who knows, anyway the point here is that he doesn’t really know how to make himself feel ok when the armor of bravado breaks down which does happen from time to time bc no one can keep up an act 24/7 :/
How is your character dissatisfied with their life?  His life is basically cultivated entirely to be a hellish trap for his entire personality!!!  There is no part of this he ~actually enjoys!  Everything he wants is everything he can’t have and he feels trapped and ultimately completely alone and unwanted and unlovable all of which btw are his v worst fears in this life so <3  plus, if he ever gives up on this competition that flies in the face of all that, he feels like he’ll just be confirming that all of those fears are 100% true so its lose/lose all the time
What does your character believe will bring them true happiness or contentment?  The crown!  But that’s a trap bc it can never make him happy in actuality once the coronation party is over <3
What definitive step could they take to turn their dream into a reality?  His real dream, which he doesn’t acknowledge to himself, is to escape all of this and live a simple life of love and affection but, like, he doesn’t even really know this is a possibility at all and, even if he did, he wouldn’t think it was for ~him bc he believes he’s unlovable :(  so!!  he would tell you, and truly believe, that becoming the next emperor is his dream!  and proving himself more capable than his bros is the only answer to that.  ironically, failing this tho is the only ~real way to be happy <3
How has their fear kept them from taking this action already?  afraid of proving himself unworthy of love to his dad, he will never, ever, ever persue a simple life!
How does your protagonist feel they can accomplish their goal while still steering clear of the thing they are afraid of?  if he becomes emperor, he will be utterly happy AND he will have proven his value!!!! its the perfect plan!!!!!!!!
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nani-nonny · 8 months
So now!! The waited part two AND ch 16 of WDS IS HERE!!!✨✨✨✨✨ AM SCREAMING
I really really love how when i wake up at like idk 7 AM or so in the morning only to see multiple notification and one of those are your fic notification!! It makes me already giddy and stimmimg trying to calm my heart before i start reading and then stops remembering i have a morning routine to do first before that!!
So back to the review (trust me, my heart STILL beating fast even remembering the fic✨✨ that's how badly am excited!), We start back at the kids FIGHTING tooth and nail for our peepaw's attention! I just looves it, it's funny and oddly wholesome, and leo begin a grumpy old man - with too much PTSD in that shell - is just sitting there and watching the drama unfolds while trying - keyword trying but not hard enough - to stop them ONLY to be saved by old man splinter 😂
Man why do i feel splinter WANTS to say " get use to it because it's gonna happen daily " and walk as the ghost brothers and sister give them their privacy that they needed, it is right that after the scary battle, the injuries and taking care of everybody? Big blue didn't have his time to let... Well.. Everything sink in his brain! It's like delay panic.
I feel so happy that splinter asked f!leo to go with him shopping because he not only needed some sort of quite but quality time with his dad! So they teleport to hidden city market and it does remind me of few funny things (something relate to my memories when i was just a little girl).
Splinter giving leo ONE job to do and he fail miserably - i don't kinda blame him, IT'S BEEN 20 YEARS! -.
I... LOVE how he is able to avoid scammers and pickpocketers, this screams how well aware leo is and i LOVE IT!! The cool vibes of " i may be old but don't mess with me! " vibes 🤩
He finally meets the 03 cat klunk! (03 tmnt Mikey had an orange cat i don't remember if it was named klunk or not), and just knowing her lower part is broken just BREAK my sensitive heart, i can't bear to see an animal hurt THIS bad especially if they can't defend themselves.
And we reach the 2nd part the spoiled clip part of the store owner, before we continue this guy reminded me of that one background guy in cass apocalypse comic where he was screaming at casey when leo turned smol? Remember him? Yeah he reminds me of that guy.
So back at store owner he drops jokes, insults and comments left and right - missus pfft - and we reach that champion pants, believe me i almost SCREAMED FOR THAT PANTS!! THEY FIT HIM!! tho he didn't wear it yet - wait is I'm blue fic, big blue wear them?? -
I honestly never thought leo would drop the WHOLE summary of his existence and war to the store owner but man, HE BELIEVED HIM?!?! WUT?!
So NOW leo - with cute little Klunk - going to find ol' splinter and he's fighting so hard for a discount - ngl that reminds me of my mom, she fought a guy for 15% discount - and then dropping the tea!🤣 i honestly wished i was there to egg him on " spill the tea sis! Spill the tea! ".
Leo luckily went back home without much difficulty only to see a new challenger had been added to the fight... CJ! Now my bet is with CJ! He will kick ass.
Am glad Klunk was there to calm everyone down because i think they would've been to the second phase; using REAL weapons.
I think because leo was older he was weak against orange's puppy eyes - AND EVEN SAID WE TOOK DONNIE IN 😂😂😂😂-.
But then realize blue is missing and that gets me worried a bit, maybe it's the part where he and blue play video games? Hopefully.
Oh geez I wanted to reply to this sooner but I got a bit busy
Leonardo not trying hard enough to stop the teens from acting up and messing around the lair is peak fatherhood. As long as he doesn’t hear crying then they’re okay /j
Delayed panic is perfect for Leonardo’s situation lol, it was one after the other for him. He honestly didn’t get a true moment of rest.
Splinter is lowkey trying to solve the issue with Leonardo referring to him as “Splinter” instead of “Dad”/hj. Gotta spend quality time with Leonardo to fix, even if Leonardo can’t do the one thing he asked lol
Leonardo’s awareness being so high is so important to me you don’t even know /j he won’t let any detail slip past him
Yes Klunk! I honestly spent a good amount of time thinking about what to name the kitty but then I remembered 03 Mikey’s cat and thought to give the kitty the same name as homage or I guess Easter egg to a really good show
The yokai clothing hop owner that Leonardo met was kind of inspired by the real talkative (questionable) guy from the first chapter of DMD hehe. But selling the champion pants is totally not referring to the battle nexus (in a silly way, we won’t be getting Leonardo in big mama’s ring) but I like to think that there are yokai who sell off brand battle nexus champ merch lol
And Leonardo admitting to his creation (although twisting the truth to seem a little more believable for the yokai) made me laugh a little because he said it either such conviction that it was believable lol
Leonardo returning to the chaos was a struggle there were so many people to take account for in writing but blue going missing kind of makes it easier
Sadly we won’t be getting the moment where Leonardo and blue play games and that won’t happen until Casey jr gets into school. :)
Thank you for taking the time to write this review(?) of ch.16! It means so much :))))) <33333
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liyuee-qixing · 2 years
How do their room look like Harbinger HC
Just full crack. I think someone do this already I'm heavily inspired by them to make my own hc😭
Character: scaramouche, Sandrone, columbina,IL Dottore
warning for gore but I didn't fully specifically describe it
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She sometimes chew on your arm,she doesn't bite though.. it just a bit concerning 😟😟,she chew on everywhere,your door,shower head,your jacket,the window,her plushie..
She have 47 soda cans laying on your both room without a reason,she also have another harbinger belonging in one of her desk,she mark it as 'the chewing mark Champions' whatever that mean..
She's like sleeping beauty so she have so SOOO much plushies laying around,some of them is really scary though,I mean in my opinion no one with a sane mind have a voodoo doll of the eleventh harbinger
She'll make your both room like a dollhouse,painted in pink or any pastel color and gave it pretty ribbon on the wall. Along with her knife collection that she label as "killing weapon hehehehehe"
1/10 would not life with her nor marry her
She'll have a random Katheryne arm laying around on your both room and she'll label it as "funny ass grabber"
She also have tons of gears laying on your bed and bathroom. There is also a fish wall decorations that sings snezhnaya National song in the most hell abyssal shit tons voice possible it sound something like
She carved the soap on the bathroom to a hillicurl or smug face for fun.
Her room also look like a dollhouse but dark and filled with machine
There also a corpse with very dirty make up on her face.
2/10 weird.
Il Dottore
FUCKING -100/10
there is a lot of machines and doll part than he just throw away. He sometimes label it like "thigh worship item" or "funny killing machine" or just straight up "hehehehe"
He has a photo of someone he hates with a knife stabbing it.
There's a blood splatter under his bed and his mirror,when someone ask him what causes it he just said it was an accident
He has a Needle and mask hanging on his cardboards that he label as his achievement, there's also a my little pony fan art he made,he'll bark at u if u said my little pony isn't real
He ironically label everything in his room(he also label u at ur forehead) and all of them is labelled very weird "The very funny tickling feet machine 6079" or stuff like that
He have weird competition with Columbina to see who chew on random things the most,columbina score 5098 Dottore score 5076
He bites on ur arm too
Crimes against humanity
Also crimes against humanity 1/10
He has lot of bloody knifes on his wall it painted some spot of his walls red.
He has murder list of people he wanna get rid of
1. Mom
2. Mom pink fox
3. Shogun
And it just goes on..
723,895. Myself
He's kind of weird tbh😭, someone cure his mommy issues and identity crisis (I can't be his mother figure but I can be his mommy figure)
There also a dead bird on his windows. And also there's a katheryne arm laying on his floor that has note saying "if u lose ur arm u can use my ass grabbers 567-69A CV Android"
He has self of potion and a pack of milk powder that he slurp like nicotine when he's stressed.
He has a black cat he named fandango (he don't actually name him fandango but Childe and other keep calling it fandango so he continues to call it fandango) who is just like him,shitty and grumpy
But his bed is incredibly nice and comfy tho
2/10 pity poin
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I don't remember when I write this tbh,enjoy???🥳🥳🥳
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