mechawolfie · 11 months
what if i explode a million times
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zanguntsu · 2 years
im fighting for my goddamn life in coloring
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luxmoogle · 2 months
I'd like to share a little thought here that mostly gets forgotten. The fact that the nice art pieces you see floating around by all these amazing artists don't always happen so easily, sometimes it doesn't click and it's just a struggle, even if you're generally at a high level with your skills.
The Larxene I produced yesterday took three tries to get right. I almost left it for another day because I couldn't seem to get the pose, coloring, really anything to work the way I wanted..!
Sometimes you just have to start over, scrap what you've done if it isn't working.. ..and try again.
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funsizedshark · 10 months
having genuine chest pains thinking about kiriona asking "do you love her?" because she just wants to know if harrow is alive. and if harrow's frozen girl loves her back. because even though she has teeth now where her heart should be as long as harrow is safe and has what she wanted thats all that matters to her
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galaghiel · 2 months
his smile and optimism. gone.
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guys. GUYS. i am so normal about the fic. SO SO NORMAL. HAHA. AHAHAHAHA.
(i've been so obssessed w this fic yall have no idea. this specifically caters to my interests. i feel enriched in my enclosure whenever it updates aksoznsksls)
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ashleyslorens · 11 days
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But I can't help falling in love with you…
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v8mpvrse · 2 months
girls who are still being haunted by nolan patrick are eligible for financial compensation from gritty imo
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bebblejooce · 8 months
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that girl swangin
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mik-arts · 5 months
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I didn't have "try to keep your friends from falling off a ladybug" on my 2023 d&d bingo card and yet here we are
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ninjakk · 1 year
When you see someone talking about how novel WWX didn't develop feelings for LWJ as early on as cql WWX... And novel WWX is an oblivious idiot 😬 Not a new argument.. but what the hell?!
Firstly, how can he be BOTH?! He either developed feelings for LWJ and is "oblivious" OR he "didn't have feelings for LWJ" until his second life or when you deem him to do so. Make your mind up! Both are wrong, but at least stick to one!
Even if you're inept at reading subtext or just "oblivious" yourself and can't see WWX's rather apparent infatuation with LWJ right from the very first time they met (which even JC can see to a certain extent!) - WWX literally confesses later in the novel (and extras!) that in hindsight, he now knows he had a huge crush on LWJ from the beginning. There are a number of reasons WWX doesn't fully acknowledge his feelings towards LWJ in his first life and quite frankly, being oblivious is NOT one of them.
The irony that these people are in fact the oblivious ones does not escape me... 🙄😤
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fastcardotmp3 · 1 year
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The White Rabbit (Part 1/3)
Because Eddie does a headcount. 
And there are five people, not four, standing at the bottom of this dried up lake, and one of them is tearing the final bat in half with his bare hands. 
Robin chokes, hunches over and vomits straight onto the ground.
Fair enough, considering they’re looking at Steve Harrington. 
Fair enough, considering they’re looking at a dead man. 
read on ao3 | playlist
steddie - 17k words - rated M excerpt under the cut
“I’m,” Eddie clears his throat, which has Robin looking at him closely, “I’m. Cashing in on it.” 
Steve’s shoulders slump, unimpressed deadpan to his tone as he repeats, “cashing in on it.” 
“Yep,” Eddie grins as smarmy and smug as he can. “You, Steve Harrington, owe me a favor. In case you forgot.” 
“Since when?” Steve makes a face, all scrunched towards the center with befuddled disbelief like Eddie has just said something of personal offense to him. 
Eddie, for his part, can’t help but grin when Steve makes that face. 
“Since forever, probably,” he shrugs, “who cares, but you definitely owe me for something at some point since you’re, y’know, a fuckin’ bastard and a half, so I’m cashing in.” 
Steve stares him down, scowl only growing as Eddie stares at him right back with a closed-lipped smirk of a grin, Robin looking between the two of them like she’s watching a tennis match for all of three seconds of silent communication until she’s snorting, throwing her hands up, and walking in between the two of them with the declaration— 
“I’m taking my ten. Or, like, my however long this takes.” 
She waggles her fingers at Steve in a little wave and Steve, in return, rolls his eyes in a way that’s far too fond for the interaction, but which makes sense with the synced-up movement as Robin disappears into the back through the door and Steve hops through the window and take her place up front. 
A well-oiled machine, the two of them, but not the point of Eddie crashing their work day. 
“Do I actually owe you a favor or is this your way of telling me you got new stock in?” Steve leans forward onto his hands at the counter in the same moment when Eddie leans back with the cross of his arms over his chest, flannel tied around his waist swaying with the motion. 
“I mean, you definitely owe me a favor,” Eddie shrugs, “but both things can be true.” 
“You realize I pay you, right? With cash?” Steve snarks, and it’s such a thing with him, tone, that Eddie feels like he’s constantly relearning how to read the book of Harrington, the layers of distaste and amusement and genuine good guy syndrome hidden somewhere underneath. “Is that not favor enough any-fucking-more?” 
“Oh, dear Steve,” Eddie smirks, forces it out despite the roll of his gut that he’s chosen to ignore for now and also forever thank you very much, “the money is for the good shit, but you helping me fix the rail on my porch is for, y’know, the kid tax.” 
Steve makes a face. He’s kind of the king of making faces, and faces that work their way between Eddie’s ribs specifically, but this isn’t something Steve’s gonna win with a quirk of the brow and a frown to his lips. 
The kid tax is Eddie’s own personal self destruct mode after all– the kind designed to take anyone in the remote vicinity down with him– it’s all his fear wrapped up in a set of rules that no one but him knows in their entirety and it affects Steve Harrington’s drug habit pretty exclusively. 
Steve is all reluctant exasperation in a little hat as he all but actually rolls his eyes at Eddie. He looks away, looks everywhere except Eddie’s eye, and grumbles, “I get off at six.” 
The most telling part about that?
Eddie hasn’t really won either. 
read on ao3
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lover-of-mine · 8 months
WIP Wednesday!
I was tagged by @try-set-me-on-fire and @daffi-990 thank you 💜
So I trapped buddie in an elevator to get them to fight, they refuse to fight, i don't know where this is going anymore but have the closest thing i actually got to them fighting since this particular version of them makes me want to bang my head against the wall but also has some of my favorite lines I've ever written so i need to keep going aoksoaskaosk. prev snippet
"Why did you break up with Marisol?" Buck asks and Eddie tries to hold back his annoyance but he fails, huffing as he pinches the bridge of his nose. "I didn't break up with her, Buck, we went on two dates," he says, rolling his eyes, but Buck keeps staring him down.  "And you didn't go on any others," he challenges and Eddie groans.  "I didn't want to go on those to begin with."  "Why?" That seems to be the question everyone wanted him to answer. Why wasn't he putting himself out there, why would he just let himself meet someone, move on. The thing he never dared to explain was that there was no point in it.  "Because it's not fair," Eddie blurts out before he can think better of it. It's not fair because the one person he actually wants to date is currently staring at him while pushing him toward other people. It's not fair because how can he date when he's thinking about someone else all the time? It's not fair to him to have to sit through pointless conversations that make him feel nothing. "Not fair?" Buck frowns, searching his face, but he can't have that, can't have him finding the truth, because he's not sure he could take the rejection even if he never dared to hope Buck felt the same way, "because of-" "No, you're one to talk," Eddie interrupts him, voice sounding sharp enough for Buck to recoil, blinking at him a few times trying to understand the outburst. "What's that supposed to mean?"  "You were going on and on about the stupid couch and how she sees you, then she literally runs from you, but you still get a couch with a girlfriend just for her to be nowhere to be found in a month."
no pressure tagging <3: @eddiebabygirldiaz @bucks118 @cowboy-buck @housewifebuck @honestlydarkprincess @wildlife4life @watchyourbuck @captain-hen @wikiangela @giddyupbuck
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luminouslotuses · 1 month
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gay ass bitches🫵🫵
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bookishjules · 11 months
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yes, I'm young and livin' dreams
lyrics from 'No Complaints' by Noah Kahan
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takami-takami · 16 days
Thinking about him like... Crying. Sniffling, red-faced, clear tears down his pretty, puffy cheeks. From coming too many times.
Such a pretty crier, too.
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wayward-banana · 28 days
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you accept her boon and just start doing a little dance nothing else is changed gameplay wise
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