#*insert gremlin noises*
money-and-dandellions · 5 months
someone: calls Lester an idiot.
meg "he is an idiot but he is MY idiot" mccaffrey: *proceeds to blow a raspberry and to plant the person in the ground, putting a dandelion onto the it afterwards*.
meg: *whistles and walks away, calling for Lester* Dummy!
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screwzara · 6 months
Beach Side Café (?)
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Ehe 🤭 @boiling-potato
Don't mind the horrible background, k?
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going-to-superhell · 1 month
I think it’s funny how I used to think gardening was for elderly people when I was a kid but I’m almost 20 and I fuck with landline and gardening Australia so hard. Like yes give me the latest news about agriculture and the price of cattle I would love that. Gardening tips and watching people tour gardens? Yes please
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nobodys-saviour · 1 month
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I think you are heckin awesome, Shuri is always drop dead gorgeous, and your writing (when I get a chance to read it) is sublime. I’d love to play a horror game with you some time (like dead by daylight) (which I feel I can say since I’m hidden behind these shades. Normally I’d be too shy. >.<;)
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ourcaptainisabelle · 14 days
I have a new, GIANT, jedi cloak. Am I going to wear it around the house cackling at random intervals for the next 2-7 days?
Why yes, how did you know?
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daemon-in-my-head · 2 months
I'm sorry Breakthrough is cancelled. I have to push three saves to Act 3 this weekend. That's endings I want to experience (I'm totally not biased towards bad endings, not at all)
How lucky I settled on Ellis Partner just in time.
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harmslength · 6 months
(Mostly) NSFW Headcanons - Part II
Disclaimer: Slight spoilers ahead so be warned. Just covering movies I have seen before or know a decent amount about the character. Overall, just my own personal opinions. This is just for shits and giggles so feel free to disagree. I’m also very aware that I’m being a hater rn.
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Red Eye (2005) | Wes Craven - Jackson Rippner
• probably would learn everything about you before asking you out
• mean asf, like definitely the type to pick on you and call you a cry baby
• loves, loves, loves roleplay, specifically: CNC (Burglar x Sleeping Victim)
• big on humiliating you, probably the type to hold your head down while giving head. Likes his balls being sucked..
• feral mf, loves to use his teeth (ankle biter energy) and eats pussy like a champ [insert slurping noises]
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Perriers Bounty (2009) | Ian Fitzgibbon - Michael McCrea
• top contender for best in bed
• grimey little dude.. but hey, bums know how to lay pipe like it’s their god given purpose
• not attached to any particular fetish or kink just very experimental and kinky
• 3 words: tongue in ass. There I said it. Specifically from the back, he will stick his tongue in places god hasn’t even seen.
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Broken (2012) | Rufus Norris - Mike Kiernan
• spontaneous and sensual. Probably an exhibitionist lowkey
• can be a bit selfish at times, but definitely makes it a priority to make you cum.
• could definitely see him having a thing for stockings or thigh highs
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Inception (2010) | Christopher Nolan - Robert Fischer
• if a boy was a princess it would be him
• all bark no bite, he’s a bottom if I’ve ever seen one. Loves being told what to do and how to take it
• big fan of praise and humiliation
• will dom at times but definitely is not his preference
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Watched the Detectives (2007) | Paul Soter - Neil Lewis
• Puppy
• horny teenager vibes, probably would fuck you in his office while your bent over his desk
• loves roleplay but in the vanilla way like: cop x criminal, stepsiblings 🤭, strangers, Bonny and Clyde. Just overall loves recreating cheesy pornos.
• loves when you’re all natural down there
• definitely likes to think he’s the one in charge but you would absolutely wear the pants in the relationship
• whiny asf, likes to whimper and pout. Big on theatrics.
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Breakfast on Pluto (2005) | Neil Jordan - Patricia Kitten Braden
• the queen herself 👸
• another top contender for best sexual partner
• pillow princess, loves to be taken care of but will absolutely do the same for you. Definitely giving switch vibes
• super tender and sensual, could definitely see a friends to lovers trope here
• LOVES to tease and loves sexual tension. Wandering hands and subtle glances kind of shit
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Sunshine (2007) | Danny Boyle - Robert Capa
• needy little freak but in a subtle way
• you would probably have to make the first move
• would probably zone out during sex ngl
• classic fan of gripping hips and neck kisses, relatively vanilla but open to exploring
• nonchalant lover but good bf overall
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The Dark Knight Rises (2012) | Christopher Nolan - Jonathan Crane
• say it with me now— Mommy Issues
• don’t be afraid to join in— daddy issues
• probably grew up with his grandma or two loving parents that he despises deeply
• sick little gremlin, probably into sounding or golden showers
• two words: doggy style 😎
• he’s a switch, but mostly doms because he gets off on the thought that he’s better than you
• big on quickies, hump and dump kind of dude. Casual sex, but not super big on multiple partners
• so repulsed by the thought of sex that either the utter crippling shame of it turns him on so much that he acts like a deranged animal
• or is so repulsed that it hinders him and only does it when absolutely necessary
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28 Days Later (2002) | Danny Boyle - Jim
• Jim, Jim, Jim — I love him with my whole heart and my whole pussy
• hear me out.. probably the best sex out of everyone HEAR ME OUT
• this man is DEVOTED okay!! Bro would take out an army base of 20 men just to get a lick of pussy (more so, a gentle sensual kiss, shared between two troubled lovers)
• you know he’ll eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Probably would bring his own bib and cutlery js 🙄
• not overly kinky, in fact probably a bit inexperienced, but satisfaction is guaranteed.
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lemonflavoreddishsoap · 8 months
Can I request La Squadra x S/O who's taller than them? Thank you.
yes you caaaaaan! Sorry if these are, ironically, shorter HCs.
jsyk i write this with the opinion that Risotto is by far the tallest
------------------------------------------------- La Squadra with an S/O who's taller than them!
"Well yea, it's easy to be taller than me, heh" *insert shrinking...noises?*
The taller the S/O, the more inclined he feels to shrink himself and ride on your shoulder. Get used to it.
Bro gets on his tippy toes to kiss you. he doesn't even have to but he still does. It's kind of cute?
"No you're not."
Unless you're taller than him by like. A foot or some shit. He is adamant you two are at least the same height.
He doesn't bring it up unless you do but...he subtly tries to make himself seem taller. It's so fucking petty, you decide if it's annoying or charming :/
"Alright, and?"
He probably cares the least about your height. Sure, you're taller than him. So what? Unless his head is at like. boob level 24/7 or something somehow, he doesn't care.
Unless you bring it up, or poke fun at him being shorter. You better think his glares are sexy 'cause....
If you're tall enough for it to matter, he'll do the "pulling you by the collar into a kiss" thing
"Being near you...feels so secure...."
He loves it!!!! When you hug him it feels like you're completely surrounding him...like, not literally, but the idea is so comforting!
I was going to say you should rest your chin on top of his head but...um...how sturdy is his hair?
If you're happy with your height, he'll bring it up a lot when he compliments you.
"Is your whole family like that?"
Excited to know if it's something that runs strong in your genetics. No particular reason. Trust me.
Like Pesci, he doesn't have any issues with having a taller s/o. It's just another lovely aspect about you <3
"Okay fine, I get it! For fucks sake!"
This poor guy. To be honest, he really doesn't care that you're taller than him, he thinks its fine. But people won't leave him alone about it
Yeah he's an "angry little gremlin thing" but they gotta stop dragging his s/o into it...it kind of sours the height difference a little.
But like I said, he really doesn't have any issues with it. If you can get past how much the comments annoy him, you can probably see how much he likes your chin on top of his head, or how you look so slightly down on him when your faces are so close....gah sorry what was i doing-
"Be nice. They're are not scary."
yes you are. my lactose intolerant ass envies you. what the actual fuck.
I guess that's a pro about him being with someone taller than him, that he can't intimidate his s/o with his height? That's not to imply that he's intimidated by you though!!
Unless people are causing a fuss about it though, Risotto doesn't mind your height. I don't think physical appearance means much when it comes to partners to him? Just my personal feeling.
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cupcakeslushie · 2 years
am IN LOVE with your feral leo au
the story just keeps getting interesting every time!
i love the art so much! i just wanna- AGEUGAUEGUAEGA * insert more gremlin noises *
-{ by someone who should probably study for their exam }
Thank you! Also *softly bops you on the head* I hope you studied and did well on your exam!
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@renmiel Honestly Donnie hasn’t really had time to process properly. After Leo, he’s the one on the team with the most medical knowledge so he’s stuck in a sort of, assess what we can fix immediately mode, hence why he’s the only one with bites, and then when Leo’s all cleaned up, Donnie moves into a denial stage and thinks with enough prodding he can sort of snap Leo out of it. Raph tries to tell him that Leo might never be the same, but for being so smart, sometimes Donnie refuses to see what’s right in front of him if he doesn’t like the reality of it. It takes him a few days to realize this won’t be a quick fix.
@imadino @blankiss2204000 @aron-has-ocs
The plan at first is really just to make him as comfortable as possible so they don’t get attacked lol. Just because they’re his family doesn’t mean Leo wont pounce and lash out if startled. So he stays with Mikey in the infirmary for a few days, listening to his little brother’s stories about when they were young, and looking at the pictures on his phone, up until Mikey’s recovered and can move around. By then the rest of the family has “Feral Proofed” the lair (i.e closed off all the places Leo could escape to and get lost, hidden all the sharp objects things like that). Then they make sure someone’s with him at all times. They make him a nest in the corner of the living room, but he’ll prowl around at night and check to make sure the lair is secure, and by the morning he can be found at the foot of someone’s bed—usually Mikey.
Once Leo’s more at ease with them, Donnie can get to work on patching Leo’s shell. He does try to make turtle noises back at Leo, but Leo just huffs and wheeze laughs at the sad attempt, and pokes Donnie in that big forehead of his. Still Donnie keeps trying and gets better. Now that he’s fully accepted the situation as it is, he’ll do anything if it helps, even if it is a bit embarrassing.
Yes that “churp” is a turtle noise. I’ve found it’s a pretty common staple of TMNT fanfic that I’m obsessed with lol.
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Leo’s recovery is LONG He gets nightmares pretty regularly and it’s months before he’s even able to let his guard down, despite only ever remaining in the lair where it’s always quiet and safe. I’d say it takes Leo at least a year before he starts to resemble himself and speak in fuller sentences (though the chirps and hissing never go away). Then maybe two years before he’s able to make cheesy jokes and fight without reverting to his more savage way of fighting. Even starting off slow—bringing him only on what they think will be easy missions, can sometimes end with them having to pull Leo off of the bad guys before he causes them serious harm.
Leo isn’t embarrassed so much—he realizes he did what he had to in order to survive and make it back to his family. He’s more serious and actually shockingly calmer now, but at the same time, in no uncertain terms, he makes it clear that he thinks Raph should take the reigns back, Leo knows he’s in no proper state to lead.
@asleepyb0i one word. Klunk!!!! Mikey finds him one day a few months into sneaking out to help with Invasion clean up, but he let’s Leo hold him so much that he’s Mikey and Leo’s little fluff ball.
Leo and Draxum never really liked one another, but awkward Dad #2 does try to help when he can. Leo manages to sneak out of the lair a few times, and gives his family heart attacks every time, but they always manage to track him down, or he finds his way back, his sense of direction is one thing that was sharpened in the Prison Dimension.
GOLLUM??!! GOLLUM????! I don’t think he looks that bad off does he???? 😱
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A. You’re so right. Galaxy brained!
B. @snipersiniora That’s a good way to lose a finger! No, he keeps the nails for a long while until he’s a bit calmer.
C. @snipersiniora He’ll eat anything at this point, but pizza will always be a fav!
D. You know what’s funny? While I was googling the spelling on Pepino like forever ago, just to make sure I was spelling it right, I read that there’s actually a common Spanish phrase (and please native speakers correct me if I’m wrong!) something translated like “I care a cucumber.” When you don’t care about something or want the convo to end, and I think that’s hilarious and maybe I’m reading too much into it, but if the writers knew about that phrase and having Heuso use it cause of course Leo’s green like a cucumber, BUT ALSO because Hueso didn’t much like Leo at first and always seemed to want him to go away—that’s gotta be the funniest thing ever.
E. Well…they are in a sewer….with lots of…………….rats.
F. The crack’s pretty large but not too deep. Donnie patches it before shell rot sets in (it never set in before because the prison dimension kept Leo in like a sort of stasis where his wounds healed and scarred over in a few days). He’s gotta be very careful for a few weeks, while it heals, which is a bit of a re-learning curve. Leo’s not used to his wounds actually slowing him down for so long.
G. I will say…..no. Just for possibly any future angst I might want to cause lol
H. Leo was in the prison dimension three years so he’d be 19!
I. Re-introducing Leo to Cass and Sunita, yes all good 👍. Re-introducing Leo to Big Mama, no very much bad, all out hissing and clawing!
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@hapfrog @snowblossim @zowise2912 aw thanks!!
Music is a very common calming technique Donnie reads about, and then puts into practice when they need to. It works like a charm at relaxing Leo. The prison dimension was so quiet, unless it was filled with Leo’s cries or Kraang Prime cursing and screaming at him. So music allows Leo the audio proof that he’s not there anymore.
Leo’s reaction to his bale crying would be to curl up around them and protect! If there was no threat to scare off he’d focus on providing physical warmth and comfort.
Leo’s knees are probably the least of his worries, that boy’s body is so torn up it’s one big ball of pain, which he’s gotten so used to, it hardly registers. But he does have to do a lot of physical therapy with Donnie and Raph (alongside Mikey who needs it for his own hands).
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Leo didn’t have to eat or sleep in the prison dimension. His body was kept in a sort of stasis—the only wear and tear was from the Kraang. He didn’t even physically age. I wouldn’t think about it too much (I know I haven’t lol) So re-eating syndrome wasn’t a challenge for him, but mentally he does have to get used to the idea of being hungry and eating. He kinda fights them the first time they try and get food in him, but after remembering how good food is—even the simple bland soup Splinter makes him, he’s a nightmare at meal time (his table manners are non-existent).
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luxxid · 1 year
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: ̗̀➛ albedo kreideprinz
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this sweet man knows all your sweet spots and archons, he's experienced. every flick of his tongue hits the right spot. he knows you are soft for him eating your sweet pussy out. he wishes nothing but to see your soft thighs covered with the juices, his favourite part of it is licking it all up like a good little puppy after he's done making you shake like a poor little thing. he doesn't tease, he just gets into it. he loves coercing you dry until your cum is all over the bedsheets and on his face. he enjoys seeing hearing those seraphic noises come out of your mouth. he assures you to gush your love juices all over him. he holds your waist tightly so that you can't squirm around when he laps his tongue rapidly at your pretty little cunt.
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: ̗̀➛ kaedehara kazuha
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oh, my archons. kazuha is very sweet when it comes to sex. he wants you to enjoy it to the fullest. so, when it comes to eating you out, he'll make sure you'll feel like you're on cloud nine. kazuha has a slightly pointed tongue and he's skilled alright. his tongue can do wonders, it makes you feel high whenever he slides his tongue skilfully into your wet cunt. he knows how to lick and lap at your pussy, driving you to a climax as many times as he can. he loves it when he makes you moan so much that you start to tug on his white locks. he loves moaning into your cunt, he loves the feeling of your cunt twitching in his mouth. he would blissfully drink up all your juices from your cunt, not wasting a single drop.
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: ̗̀➛ heizou
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oh god, this man is such a tease, he knows how to make you go absolutely feral with that mouth of his. he's likes to insert two digits while licking you off. he likes to see that contorted face knowing that he made you feel this way. he loves the tang of your pussy, he's definitely pussy drunk and is addicted to that cunt of yours. he humps his cock into the bed while sucking you. all you could do is writhe and turn as he would put his tongue to work. he gets so turned on when you tug on his maroon streaks, he can squeeze at least 4 orgasms out of you just by eating you out with that dirty tongue of his.
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: ̗̀➛ scaramouche
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we all know this gremlin is into degrading the fuck out of you, he loves calling you his little slut while he watches you struggle to even move. your candy pussy is his weakness. he is another pussy drunk man, his fingers graze your g-spot so perfectly, he has an iron grip on your thighs so you couldn't move around. definetley overstimulates you as he enjoys seeing the pretty, glistening tears fall off your cheeks. Or perhaps he'd like to have your hands tied as he eats you out. your thighs are littered with dark purple hickeys and brusies he made in the heat of the moment. loves having you tug on his indigo hair, it just makes him even more horny. if your a brat towards him, he won't hesitate to make your orgasm decline.
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: ̗̀➛ venti
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venti is very gentle when it comes to eating you out. he makes sure your surroundings are comfortable. he loves having you put your thighs over his shoulders as he continues to lave his tongue in between your slit. he calls you his muse while sucking on your puffy clit. venti never fails to have you see space and the stars and everything in between. he's good, he's really good. he loves the feeling of his fingers being sucked in by your cunt as he's pumping it mercilessly. his name is the only word that can come out of your mouth.
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pomegranateboba · 5 months
Arcana Twilight boys (+ summoner) in Mid Eartheim
Content: If the gang went on a road trip (i saw an obey me version and i had to do it sorry if it sounds similar)
Warnings: None that you should be concerned about, some Sirius abuse perhaps
he sits at the front passenger seat on the right (steering wheel on the left)
he and Vega fought for that spot, but Spica insisted, so Vega sits directly behind him
initially, he wanted to drive, but Summoner insisted, so he was stuck with the passenger seat, not that he was going to settle for anything less
nobody can convince him otherwise
he can take over if you're feeling tired of driving
it honestly can't be just me that finds the music on the radio terrible, please get him spotify premium so that his ears will survive the trip
luckily for him, Vega isn't a nuisance
he'll be fine, he's used to sitting down for long periods of time to do work, but he would still appreciate rest stops
you can hear this old man's joints crack when he stretches
he'll survive don't worry
he sits in the middle row, extreme right, directly behind Spica and in front of Alpheratz and next to Arcturus
he tried to get the passenger seat, but he lost to Spica so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
he will try to talk to you and engage in conversation
he will also advise you to be careful when driving, he doesn't want to end up in a car accident within the first 1km
"Summoner...please slow down. You're going over speed limit"
which means other bad drivers worry him as well
would blow up other cars if it means you won't be injured
talks to Arcturus sometimes
just looks out the window most of the time
more spotify premium for this one as well
at rest stops he'd definitely try to talk to you before anyone else (read: Sirius) takes your attention away
im sure he'll be fine
sits in the middle row, in the middle, in between Vega and Pollux
initially i wanted to put him in the back, but poor boy is uncomfy around Sirius, and Alpheratz isn't really gonna talk to him
might as well put him with Poll and Veggie
i think i just saved his life there
insert Arcky appreciation here
he would be super chill though, he would definitely strike conversation with you
might bring some knitting tools along to help pass the time, maybe also more spotify premium for the orange boy
talks to Pollux a lot too, as well as Vega
we love Arcky
would chat with you during rest stops
he's our lucky charm honestly, couldn't survive without him
sits in the middle row, extreme left, directly behind Summoner, in front of Sirius and next to Arcturus
stars help this boy
Sirius would be kicking his seat like the sadistic little shit that he is
he and Sirius would be constantly arguing
more like Poll getting mad and Sirius laughing at him
he tried to stick his head out the window when Summoner was going way over speed limit and bro got absolutely annihilated
he says Sirius was the one who asked him to do it
rip pretty pink hair 😔
would always turn back to fight with Sirius, which makes them both 90% of the noise combined
cannot wait to get to rest stops, he cannot stay still
would buy a shit ton of candy and just pile it up because he's a tiny pink gremlin
he learned his lesson and only stuck his hair out the window only when Summoner is obeying traffic rules
sits in the back row, extreme right, next to Sirius and directly behind Vega
he chose the back because it was the most quiet-ish, and it was dark enough for him to nap
brings along a neck pillow and leans on the side of the car
also brings noise-cancelling headphones, because Pollux and Sirius (plus spotify premium)
if the trip is long, he'd sleep through majority of the drive
the others would have to drag him out during rest stops
is super chill
has an arm wrapped around a handle or his seatbelt in case Summoner decides that it would be a fine day to drive recklessly
wouldn't bother anyone, bro would be asleep most of the time anyways
100% chance of surviving
oh stars here we go
i have a lot to say about this one
he sits in the back row, extreme left, next to Alpheratz and directly behind Pollux
he wanted to sit close to Summoner, but by majority votes, he has been put at the very back
Vega suggested taping Sirius to the roof of the car, and Pollux was fully supportive
however neither Summoner nor Spica wanted to be pulled over by the cops so the back seat was the next best option
annoys the crap out of everyone, especially Pollux and Summoner
kicks Poll's seat because he is a menace to society
backseat driving intensifies
"Summoner, what if you turned around very abruptly and started charging in the opposite direction extremely quickly?"
"I'm not gonna do that."
"You're no fun, Summoner~"
"I hate you"
(cue very intense glaring at Sirius through the rearview mirror by Veggie)
tries to snatch Summoner away from Vega at rest stops
denies it when Pollux accuses him of making him stick his head out the window the first time
"How dare you accuse me of doing such a thing. I would never engage in behavior as such. Summoner, you believe me don't you?"
(insert sighing here)
that one time Summoner was tired of driving, Sirius tried to take the driver's seat before being stopped and lectured by Spica
we would certainly have higher chances of survival without Sirius, but then again where's the fun in that :)
yes Summoner would break random traffic rules on their own, but immediately goes back to being a good driver when Sirius tried to egg them on
They all just share one spotify premium family account, so its way cheaper (because we're all broke 😔)
they discovered halfway through the trip that Castor had snuck in and was hiding in the trunk in the form of a cat
Pollux almost beat the shit out of Castor
(no Castors were harmed in the making of these headcanons)
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blood-mocha-latte · 26 days
R-I-E for the writers ask game!!! ❤️
erin truly my beloved <33
alphabet writer ask game <3
R: are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
these are english authors only because babey i do not have TIME for the italian literature tirade, but i would most certainly say everything i write is influenced and takes sort of a tone of voice from poets like keaton st james. i've read betty smith and herman wouk books Too Many Times, as well, so i have to take some shit from that as well. like a Gremlin
I: do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
hmm. in writing i like Heartbeats. too much. i like it when that shit goes pitter patter and i sure as hell Do Not Hold Back from the Pumping Organ. to be entirely honest, i hold very little guilt over any pleasures derived from fandom because honestly? fuck that noise i grew up catholic
E: if you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it be about?
i've been chewing on a sequel for king and lionheart for some time, that would take place maybe a year after the fic ends that would be from toye's pov. i've taken to calling such a fic and its predecessor the Luztoye Fuck and Have Miniature Crisises Series. u know how it is
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xanuchi · 2 years
Hi! If u dont mind can u write the pomefiore trio with an s/o who has a demonic sneeze idk if this made sense but i thought it would be funny 😭😭
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i have so many ideas for thisJkksskkdd !1!:&2@:& (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)!!! but ty for requesting i had fun with this, darling <3 !!
characters included ; vil, rook, epel 🌹🏹🍎
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vil schoenheit ; 🌹
First of all, what the fuck— and second of all.
How the fuck???
Vil was causally doing his makeup when he was about to pick up his brush to blend the contour. However when reaching for the lipstick, you sneezed like a fucking elephant.
He turns around so immediately, almost in tears as he felt his heart fucking drop from how colossal the sneeze was and how demonic it sounded
Vil thought a demon had somewhat possessed you and would probably fuckin' call Pope Francis to exorcise your soul iN thE naMe of thE fATheR, sOn aNd the hOLy fuCkIng spiRIT—
Nonetheless he laughs afterwards, but frowns at how he has to start all over again over the bottom half of his face.
Probably would grab the lipstick and ruin your face with it. Though, you both end up laughing, and it's very wholesome at the end of the day.
You owe him the next few weeks ahead for that satanic response of a sneeze. also for ruining his makeup-
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rook hunt ; 🏹
Honestly, this man wouldn't fucking flinch.
He's not scared of anything, and if anything beyond doubt, you should be scared of him.
Rook looks at you the moment you let out the most satanic shit of a sneeze, ever known to mankind.
"Non non, let me show you how it's done."
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🧍 ...
Proceeds to sneeze so fuckin loudly that you become paralysed with your eardrums bursting in the process, the glass panes of Pomefiore have shattered and wildlife has scattered. Assert your dominance, dear Rook.
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epel felmier ; 🍎
Laying on the grass, wind softly blowing strands of hair outside Pomefiore's dorm.
Apple trees bloom beautifully above you both. Everything seemed so serene and peaceful.. and Epel loved these moments between you two. It was always perfect, where for once he'd not have Vil nagging and constantly having him at his very edge, every single day about perfecting his stance, looks, voice and everything else.
He falls asleep..
shawty, you good?
He ends up punching the fuck out of the air and suddenly his fist reached your nose.
HE PANICS SO MUCH&;@@(@4@(@;&
"O-Oh my gosh- (Name), I'm so sorry- What the hell was that noise? You know what, forget it— Let's go to the infirmary. Oh god i'm so sorry, i'm so sorr—"
He is mumbling apologies as he reached for the bandages and tries to fix your broken nose bUT THERES MORE BLOOddd JSJDJWKDJ
He panics more.
Suddenly realises that cry of satan was your sneeze.
He doesn't know whether to laugh- or cry because you have a manlier sneeze than he does- And the babey sneezes like a kitten.
Honey, why do you do this to him—?
heldpej I couldn't stop cackling at this imagining circus vil bye IM GONE IM ASCENDING 🏃💨💨
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monstersandmaw · 1 year
Seeing the tags that people put on a story when they reblog it is better than almost literally anything in the universe ever.
Glimpsing how you feel in the moment when you finish reading a chapter and hit ‘reblog’ and add all these thoughts and feelings and reactions and keyboard smashes underneath it is just... *insert feral chomping noises as I bite my desk like a tiny little gremlin and dangle off it waving my arms and legs around*.
Thank you for making it worth being vulnerable enough to share a piece of my soul work on here with you.
(People who reblog all the chapters as they go through a story are extra wonderful. And this isn’t meant to guilt trip people into reblogging if they don’t feel like it - it’s just a thank you to those who do!)
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2638582858593l · 15 days
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chapter 12 of A Sailor in Search of Drowning
aside from the fact that Sokka is suddenly realizing Zuko is a lying liar who lies and did know the name from his "swamp gas hallucination", this was direct allusion to the fact that Zuko did indeed find Umi, like she later admits to Toklo.  she is "she" and "her".  she's "Umi" as Zuko sees her. Zuko found her.  he was the first to find her.
i'm going to need a minute. 😭 this story gives me such [insert unintelligible, helpless noise here]. like do you guys understand how much i need to take Zuko and Sokka by the shoulders, shake the ever-loving hell out of them, and demand they give me life back because…
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fun fact!  Zuko did eat the berries to test them.  It was his idea and Katara enabled him like the secret little gremlin she is (i refuse to believe that Katara doesn't have the same itch in her brain for knowledge that Hakoda and Sokka have, hers is just directed toward medicine and bending, while Sokka and Hakoda lean more toward engineering).  they were elderberries and Zuko got a stomachache because they can't be eaten raw.  they need to be cooked!
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