#-sakura looked cool and hes never thought that about anyone before just really gives us so much more for their relationship
extravagav · 30 days
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#THIS IS LITERALLY LITERAAALLLYYY THE BIGGEST FORM OF CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT SUGISHITA COULD HAVE#NOT ONLY IS HE DOING WHATS BEST FOR UMEMIYA BUT HES PUTTING HIS TRUST IN SAKURA TO HELP HIM#AND OH IM SO UNWELL#HIS BODY IS PHYSICALLY REACTING TO HIM MAKING THIS DECISION IM JUST#IM SO PROUD#and then sakura acknowledging all of this too i just love them sm#they really have one of the best dynamics 😭😭😭#wind breaker#kyotaro sugishita#sakura haruka#wind breaker spoilers#wind breaker manga spoilers#ok nvm im still talking bc the second image literally gets me everytime i look at it#first off the way they drew sakura in that scene in the first place is just so beautiful thats the only word i can think for it rn 😭😭😭😭#second seeing this scene from sugishitas perspective and then learning later that the reason he has this reaction was because he thought-#-sakura looked cool and hes never thought that about anyone before just really gives us so much more for their relationship#specially how sugishita acts towards him 😭😭#add that onto what umemiya says to him (which i couldnt include in this post </3) about how hes never really shown emotion to anyone-#-till sakura showed up then it gives us an even BETTER understanding of why sugishita acts the way he does around sakura#my brain is so frazzled by the sun today and words are not coming to me easily so apologies if none of this makes any sense 😭😭😭#ill revisit it another time anyway#also the way they describe all of this really makes it sound like he has a lil crush and its so sweet 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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lilover131 · 2 years
Chapter 64 Analysis
I’m sorry for being so late posting this!! I really did want to write this analysis sooner, however I got held up by an unexpected source. The English translated chapter was unavailable for download until today (it was never disclosed why this was so delayed), and I really did not want to write my thoughts using the red, blurry screenshots from the Youtube video on the official CLAMP channel. Now that I can have decent screenshots to outline things, I can finally write this properly!
This chapter was everything I had hoped for, and it leaves me so excited/scared for the future! Without further ado, let’s jump right in! -queue Chrissy listening to “Come into my Dream” by Foggy-
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OMG, THIS COVER PAGE!! It’s so beautiful, and I absolutely love the way Syaoran is drawn in this color image. CLAMP wasted no time showing us the official colors of these outfits, which I’m sure will only serve to feed into the fanart (it certainly did for me!). I don’t have a lot more to say about it as there doesn’t appear to be any further symbolism to it that I can tell other than matching what is already going on. I love it nonetheless and have definitely turned it into a background for some of my devices. Haha!
 So I’ll start off by saying this….I was wrong. I feel like such an idiot for being so convinced that this black cat portrayal was not Syaoran and some magical entity, but it turns out I apparently know nothing about Syaoran and he is in fact an incredible actor. LOL. Honestly, I’m still so shook by it and how cool he’s acting! I’ll bet that Syaoran internally is embarrassed by this, but because this is clearly for Sakura and his classmates, he’s doing his absolute best and making it look easy!
 I’m proud of Syaoran for stepping up to do something he was clearly uncomfortable with, and his reasons for doing it really just continue to build on what a genuinely kind person he is. He realized that by doing only the voice, he was giving more work to others in animating the puppet, so he was in fact doing more harm than good. Syaoran really doesn’t like to give anyone a hard time, even for something as simple as animating a puppet, and it just melts my heart and how thoughtful he is! Of course the most important reason of all for him choosing to do this is to be closer to Sakura if something happens during the play. It seems that everyone senses something important is going to happen at this play, including Tomoyo, who explained that she had never put so much thought into costumes before, but that she did so because she felt that this play was special.
Watching from the trees, Kero and Suppi remark about how they feel the presence of magic, and Nakuru and Yukito exchange glances that express that they too, feel the same thing. Nothing has happened yet, but it seems everyone is on edge, and it’s easy to see why. I think we’re all honestly on edge waiting to see what happens. Haha! 
Syaoran jumps down from the pillar he was sitting on with expertise and impresses all his fellow classmates with his graceful athleticism, and I find Touya’s face to be absolutely hilarious when Syaoran gets so much applause. Touya certainly cares about him, but that doesn’t mean he likes him. Haha!
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Syaoran and Sakura speak their lines, the black cat stating he was waiting for Alice, and that she had asked him to “guide her to the world she wanted to see”.  What Syaoran says next is awfully foreshadowing in nature, and he states that the destination is for Alice to decide. What she will or won’t do or where she will go is up to her, and what she decides will shape her world. This seems to come back to the ‘decision’ that CLAMP keeps teasing us with. It seems Sakura’s moment of choosing will come soon, and I’m so worried about this choice. Often, ‘choices’ in CLAMP works are very difficult ones with a lot of emotional pain, like Syaoran in Tsubasa World Chronicle having to choose between not killing the other Syaoran and saving the people of Nirai Kanai. I’m sure if it were an easy decision, then CLAMP wouldn’t put nearly this much attention on it. I have a sinking feeling that this choice Sakura has coming will be related to Akiho and Syaoran, and that whichever choice she makes will determine who ends up being the true cloaked figure.
 The song Yamazaki wrote starts to play, the lyrics describing how this is the story of Alice’s choice, and the cat will lead the way to her dreams. However, it is incredibly creepy how the lyrics are cut off in perfect time as it says “Carry on. But know….” And then is interrupted by the mysterious voice saying “You can never go back.” If you have read my post titled “Why I’m scared for Syaoran” (link here if you want to read), you’ll know how I feel about this particular disembodied voice, and I especially don’t like how it comes up right as Sakura is reaching for his hand (which she cannot physically touch right now due to the spell keeping them apart). This keeps giving me awful feelings that my prediction might be right, and I’m still clinging onto hope that I’m wrong.
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Right after that moment, the scene shows Akiho standing at the top of the winding steps. She looks awfully mysterious under that veil, but I gotta say that the Red Queen outfit suits her incredibly well and is super beautiful. She insisted on having that role after all, so it seems she was really made for it. I really love the headpiece in particular with the massive flower, but the black spikes coming from it really do remind me of the dragon for some reason. Or maybe I’m thinking of the Association. The outfit in its entirety though really reminds me of the outfit Sakura wears in Recourt and Acid Tokyo in Tsubasa, and any Tsubasa readers will know how traumatic that arc was in particular. Hahaha!
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For the second time now, when Akiho goes to say her line where she introduces who she is, she seems to hesitate, and this seems to be unscripted. There appears to be some sort of internal thought Akiho is battling with, and I’m curious to know what it is. Does it feel too real for her to say she is the Red Queen, or does she feel like she is telling a lie that is fighting and wants to correct? I’m sure we’ll get answers soon enough. But I imagine having a play that draws so much inspiration from the book she resonates with so much and only she can read must be somewhat surreal feeling.
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 After their introductions are completed, Sakura and Akiho walk through a beautifully decorated archway, which seems to turn into an actual portal, and the two disappear within it. Touya signals to Yukito, who immediately goes into action. His new powers go into effect, his huge wings wrapping the entire school in a barrier. It is then that we get something completely shocking and not at all what I would have predicted. TOUYA CAN STOP TIME?!!!! We finally get to see this new power he has been teasing, and it turns out to be time magic of all things! Everyone is just as confused as we are naturally, but Yukito explains that this stopped time won’t last long and urges Syaoran to go after the girls while he can. He promises to bring Sakura back, which reminds me of another Tsubasa scene (STOP DOING THAT CLAMP), and once he passes through it, the gate closes behind him.
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After Syaoran disappears, Touya explains himself to the guardians that he had a conversation with his mother’s spirit about Sakura’s growing lack of control over her powers and how he could help her. It turns out that Sakura has technically always had the power to see spirits, but she could not see them because she did not wish to see them out of fear. But now she can see spirits despite this, indicating that her choice has now been overruled by her own destabilization. Touya remarks on how he discovered a new power within himself, which was the ability to stop time, however he can only do so for about 2 seconds. He asks his mother if this ability could help her, and she tells him that in her time of need, it can, however he should not do it alone.
 It turns out that what she meant was to utilize Yukito to help increase the time he can use this magic, and that he can do so because the magic Yukito has was given to him by Touya, thus is his own magic. I really love how CLAMP incorporated that connection here, but it also really feeds into the Touyuki ship in ways that makes me want to squeal. Lmao. Touya explains that he and Yukito had been practicing quite a bit to get it right, and I love imagining how hard they were working quietly behind the scenes for this moment. Yukito’s eyes also look soooo pretty with Yue’s slits for pupils. I do feel kinda bad for Yue though, who is probably feeling a bit useless right now. However, before Yukito made his wish to the Tsukimine Shrine, he said he had written a letter to Yue to ask how he felt about this, and Yue responded “Do as you wish” (lol), so at least Yue’s feelings were considered here.
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 Kero shouts from the trees that Touya and Yukito were cheating using time magic, but I don’t really know how that is considered cheating, or why the two of them were trying to hide at all from them. I guess Kero and Suppi didn’t quite feel comfortable talking directly to Touya yet, and I only really just now realized that this is the first time they’ve actually communicated to each other. But like…Touya is so far in the know about the magic world, that it makes literally no sense for them to hide anymore? Hahaha. Like, honestly they could’ve talked to him a long time ago, and it would’ve been fine. In fact, the whole freaking household should be totally okay with magic at this point, including Fujitaka. If they are not all talking to each other openly by the end of the series, I’mma riot. Lmao. 
 Anyways, Yukito states seriously that all they can do is help from that side of the door and that it’s “up to the cat now”, since they likely did nothing to stop Kaito. This seems to imply that not just Sakura’s return rests on Syaoran’s shoulders, but that he is also expected to be the one to deal with Kaito. None of these are going to be easy, so it appears Syaoran has a huuuuuge role in this climax, which was expected.
 I am BEYOND excited for the next chapter. I’m sure it’s going to be absolutely insane, and I’m also so so so so nervous for what is about to happen. I believe things are seriously going to amp up in the next chapter and that we are going to come face to face with Sakura’s decision. There might also be a round 2 for Syaoran and Kaito, so things are certainly about to get epic!!!
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limitlessgojo · 3 years
Going to a Private Onsen with Gojo
NSFW Gojo Satoru x F!Reader, established relationship
Type: One shot. This is around almost 4k words.
Warnings: 18+ NSFW content, Voyeurism, exhibitionism, daddy kink, squirting, overstimulation, praising, dom!Gojo, breeding kink, slightly manipulative/ Yandere Gojo, degradation
Notes: finally got to finish this fic, my motivation just dropped halfway lmao. The inn house has rooms with private hot springs. Not shared like the communal ones in public bath houses. This is half fluff half smut.
The private hot springs per room are separated by bamboo trees and wooden walls. (With holes. So you know what's gonna go down👀💦💦💦)
You and Satoru finally get the chance to have a 2 day 1 night short break from work. He takes you to an inn, checking in a tatami room with a private hot spring (onsen) included. The place smelled fresh, and you could smell the flowers outside.
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"We can see the hot springs from here love. What do you think? It's gorgeous isn't it?" Satoru wiggled his eyebrows at you. You both set your luggage down, making yourselves at home. The sun is still high up, it is only 2:00pm and the hot spring is steaming, the sunlight making the water shine and glitter.
"It's not bad at all; the room is quite big as well." You smiled. Despite knowing that you're only stroking his ego, you let it go for once. Just this once because it is a special break after all. He internally pats himself on the back, beaming at you. “Glad you like it. Let’s take a walk around the area and then come back for dinner.”
“Fine with me”. Both of you changed into traditional clothing first. Gojo into a Yukata and you into your kimono. He helped you tie your obi and do your hair up. "Look how pretty my kitten is." He practically purred out as he cinched your waist beneath his large hands. His hands felt like fire on your waist.
You flushed, softly calling out his name. "N-not now." You stared at his profile. All lean and muscular. Knowing his physique hidden under the blue fabric did nothing to help. 
"Not now." He agreed. But the glint in his eyes said otherwise. Still he held himself back.
So you both set out, exploring the town. The stalls were bustling with people. You both bought souvenirs for the students as well as omamori (charms) for various purposes. 
You visited the temple and just tried to relieve the pent up stress from the last few weeks. “The air is so cool and it smells really nice here.” The flowers were all in bloom, as it was spring as of now. Satoru, however, kept his eyes on you for most of the time instead of the scenery around him. 
“Yeah, it’s real pretty isn’t it? Wanna take some photos?”
“Good idea! I need a new lock screen pic of us Toru!” you smiled. Your smile unfortunately dimmed upon noticing other women staring at Satoru and batting their eyelashes at him (ignoring the fact that you were right beside him). 
You’ve always known that he was a gorgeous person, just thanking your lucky stars that he actually came around to reciprocate your feelings. “Hey”, Satoru cupped your face and turned it to face him. He was pouting. “Focus on me love. This trip is just for us.” 
You gave him a weak smile. “Yeah, sorry about that. AH! I wanna have a picture by that Sakura tree~”. You tried to be more enthusiastic and engaging, blocking out any jealous and negative thoughts. 
Seriously, it's not like you didn't trust him. Just that your insecurity gets to you sometimes. You quickly bat the thoughts away. Your thoughts came to a halt when you felt something soft on the corner of your lips. 
"Love you." Satoru murmured against your cheek. You turned to see his eyes under his drooping sunglasses just an inch away from yours. You couldn't help but sigh in admiration. Of course he knows how you feel. "I love you more Toruu~ Now let's go." You gave him a genuine and bright smile. Walking over to a shaded area near the lake, surrounded by tall grass.
He leaned down to press his cheek against the top of your head and placed one arm around you. His other hand was holding up his phone for a selfie. After you took some pretty and funny photos, he surprised you by bringing out a polaroid.
"Eh?! Since when did you bring that with you?" You asked him. Satoru gave a sneaky smirk, "Well. Since you talked non stop about loving the vintage aesthetic recently, I thought it would be good to make a small scrapbook or photo album of this trip." 
".... who are you and what have you done with my husband..."
"Hey! That's rude. I'm always nice and sweet." He pouted and widened his eyes, using a finger to push down his shades. "I knowww~ Just kidding Toru, I love your ideas. I'll help you with it then." 
"Of course you will pumpkin." He squeezed you against his side, not caring about anyone who might be looking at both of you being overly affectionate in public. 
He took pictures using the polaroid camera every now and then. Taking your hand and leading you around, Satoru did not give your thoughts a chance to move away from him. He didn't hesitate to tickle you when your guard was down and poked at your cheeks with the most annoying grin. 
After that it was just you and him. Enjoying your precious time together, undisturbed by anyone else. By the time the sun was setting, you dragged him over to an Izakaya. "Should we have dinner here?" You asked him. 
"Ooooh! Looks like they have good meat and eel. That's fine with me." He replied. You both enjoyed dinner and had a bit of sake. Satoru always looked cute with flushed red cheeks and that big stupid smile of his. "Well you look cuter than me for once Hun." He quipped back.
You smiled as you wiped that teriyaki sauce off the corner of his mouth for him. It was a really peaceful day. 
Walking back to the inn, you noticed a shadow moving quickly just by the corner of your eye. This is why you don't think about work during your free time. Feeling chills run up your spine, you turned to see a curse, staring straight back at you. "Ah shit I left my sword back in the inn." 
Not even having finished your sentence, you watched as Satoru flicked his wrist and took down the 2nd grade curse in an instant. "I told you not to worry darling. I'm not going to let anything hurt you." He tutted and booped your nose playfully, eyes shining. 
"Heehh~" you pretended not to be impressed but by the look on his face, you knew you didn't do a good job of hiding it. He just chuckled and wrapped his arms around you. "Toru I can't walk like this." 
It was like trying to lug a 190cm tall clingy infant. "I'll protect you with my infinity from all sides love." He looked really happy, just prancing around with you in his arms as you both made your way back to the inn. 
You both settled back in and got ready to take a bath. It was a really good day and everything went smoother than you thought it would, knowing your chaotic and unorthodox doof of a husband. 
"Dinner was so good. This was a great idea Toru, thank you." You smiled up at him. He smiled back, so soft and gentle with you. The way he never is and never will be with anyone else.
"Now then, I'll be taking my payment from you." You looked up at him, confusion evident on your face. Your husband of 5 years still confuses you until this day. "I'm sorry?" you felt affronted as you asked the question. You had no problem paying your share of the bills, heck you earn a lot as a 1st grade Jujutsu sorcerer yourself. 
But Satoru spent about over a month pestering you about wanting to treat you to a short staycation with him. "Yes", he replied slowly making his way towards you, towering over your shorter frame. You stood your ground and craned to look up at him. 
"Thank you for the meal sweetheart. You will be my dessert." He removed his glasses and threw them aside to showcase his bright blue eyes. You shivered from the intensity, and his lips turned up in a smirk. His words were somewhat funny, but his tone was dead serious.
He wasted no time, leaning down to suck down on the juncture of your neck and shoulder, after he pulled one side of your kimono off your shoulder. "Sa-Satoru!!, hah- ", his grip on you was way too tight.
"Baby, I am so sorry I can't wait any longer. Won't you be good for me?" Satoru asked as he took a step back and cupped your cheeks in his hands.
It's true that this man has no self-control, always palming your ass down the hallways at Tokyo Jujutsu High. But you rarely see him as desperate as he is now, that it was actually endearing to you. So you relented, earning a grin from the man.
He helped you out of your kimono, littering small kisses on your forehead and cheeks, before he started biting on one ear. 
Unclasping your bra, he reached down to grope your breasts. You stared at him as he suckled on one nipple while toying with the other. His eyes opened to meet yours, and you could feel the growing wetness between your legs.
You also reached up to pull his Yukata off, undoing the tie on his waist. "I love it when you hair is done up darling. I can bite as much of your neck as I want." He growled out against your shoulder, biting and sucking wherever he can.
Your mouth watered upon seeing the outline of his hard-on straining against his boxers. On the other hand, Satoru stared unashamedly as you pulled down your panties, keeping your legs together to keep your slick from dripping down your legs.
Impatiently, you reached up and ran your fingers through his locks. "Satoru~" you whined. He only smirked in response. In one quick movement, he gathered you into his arms and brought you over to the small washing area with the soap and shower-head. 
He was still in his boxers however. You just stared at it, drawing closer to press your hand and rub the outline. He let out a long moan, which led to you to quickly look up and snap out a hush. "The neighbours might hear us Toru." You whined. 
"Tch, Let them hear. They can't touch or experience us anyways. And I want to show off my lovely little wife." He leered down at you, finally removing his wet boxers and throwing it onto the ground.
His hard cock sprang up and slapped against his abs. As if moving by some force, you immediately dropped to your knees. Rubbing soap onto his waist, thighs, and finally pumping his cock with your soapy hands. You looked up to him as you "cleaned" him off with innocent eyes. 
Satoru wasn't impressed. "Don't tease me baby or you'll regret it." He pulled you up and brought you into a deep kiss. You both gathered more soap and started washing each other off.
With his hands moving slowly down the sides, Satoru didn't hold himself back from touching every nook and cranny of your body. From your neck, to your shoulders, down your breasts, going to your thighs and legs. His hands were rubbing at your skin, inching nearer and nearer to your cunt. Until he suddenly pulled away, making you cry out at the loss of contact. 
"Be good for me and let me clean you first kitten." He whispered.
No other words were shared as you both rinsed and washed each other off before moving to the onsen.
"You know, I've always wanted to fuck you in a hot spring." Satoru smirked as you both dipped into the water. You sat on his lap and clasped your hands behind his neck, straddling him. His hands gripping either side of you waist tightly. 
"No I don't know." You turned away from him as you rested your head against his chest. He hummed. Both of you resting for a bit. You were both in the same state, antsy for action, but trying to enjoy the hot springs at the same time. 
For a while you both just stayed soaking in the hot water. Until you started grinding down against him. He just stared down at your figure. Breasts spilling against his chest, the slope of your s line with your ass under the water. But you refused to meet his eyes.
Satoru didn't really like that very much. He pinched your thigh hard. "Ow!,' you yelped. "Toru what was-" you finally turned to look up at him, but faltered and stopped moving. His eyes were bright and his expression dark. "I thought my baby was going to be good for me tonight. You don't wanna beg me later just to come right? Or does daddy have to make you do just that?"
As soon as he said the word daddy you felt your insides clench around nothing, thighs quivering. He looked down towards your body, grinning at your response. He pulled you out of the water, sitting down on the ground beside it. 
"Suck me off baby and I'll consider making you cum."
You crawled over on all fours towards him. You kissed him first, then trailed downwards, licking off the water and sweat on Satoru's abs and the outlines of his hard muscles. He groans while staring at you, pupils blown so wide his bright blue eyes actually look dark for once. 
You can see the carnal lust raging behind him as you squeeze your breasts together while kneeling and licking his abs. You leave small butterfly kisses as you slowly make your way down to his aching member.
But, he groans as you skip past it and suck love marks into his lower thighs. "Pumpkin, please -UNGH, p-please don't tease so much." Satoru groaned. You smirked up at him, meeting his eyes while sticking your tongue out and licking one of his balls. Sucking it into your mouth and covering it with your spit.
He reached down to lift your chin up, thumbing your lips as he watched the saliva trickle down down side of your mouth to his fingers. The current sight of you is so lewd and dirty that Satoru almost came on the spot right there. 
You decide to humor him and move to licking the head of his dick, while grabbing a hold of the base and slowly pumping it up and down. Satoru threw his head back. He looked up, seeing the night sky and the stars twinkling while feeling hot pleasure run through his body. He felt like he was floating.
You tried deepthroating all of him in one go, but he was just too big. "Baby, your mouth is too small for daddy's cock isn't it?". You whimpered in response. Trying to swallow as much of him as you can while using your hand for the remainder of his length.
Quiet mewls escaped the sides of your mouth as you opened your aching jaws wider. Tears started running down your face. You didn't stop as you relaxed your jaw and took more of him, swallowing what you can while pumping. He bucked up without warning, causing your gag reflex to react. Then he pulled you off.
"That's enough for now. I wanna make sure I stuff every bit of cum I have inside of your pussy baby." He pulled you up over him, this time with his back to the floor as he spoke. 
"Lemme eat you out, I've been waiting for this all day." He was salivating at the sight of your pussy, positioned in front of his face. You lowered yourself onto him slowly. Impatiently, he tugged you waist down, smashing your lower lips against his mouth. You let out a loud yelp followed by heavy breaths and mewls as he ate you out.
Thrusting his tongue in and out of your walls. He loved the taste of you, always thirsty for more. You tried to grind your pussy against his face. But he held your legs in place with one arm, wrapping around your behind. The other hand was playing with your clit. 
In no time at all you were sobbing and cumming all over his face. Satoru didn't spare you one second of rest. He pulled away and lined himself up, pushing into you during your orgasm. 
He immediately started fucking into you earnestly, grabbing a hold of your waist and lifting it to pull you on and off his cock. "Toru, it's too much for me, I can't-" You could barely get the words out of your mouth as you slurred them out with your eyes shut. 
"Yes you can. I know you can. Because you're made for me and only you can do a good job for me like this love." Satoru grunted as he pumped into you like there was no tomorrow. 
He loved it when your walls clenched and squeezed against him tightly. Especially when your whole body shook during an orgasm. Whenever you open your eyes all you can see are the stars blurring due to your movements. You both came like that, with your backs arching. His cock stayed hard, twitching as it spurted and filled you up. 
He suddenly felt the sensation of eyes on him. As the user of six eyes, his senses were wide alert at ALL times. He looked to the side of the wooden wall, and saw dark eyes staring back at him.
He didn't stop thrusting. You whined and mewled as you ground your hips against his. "Fuck, such a slut for me. Love it when you cry and make those noises babe. Just look at me. I won't look at any other person, man or woman. I'm yours as long as you're mine." He growled out.
He pulled out to reposition you. Dragging your body on top of his. Your back against his chest. "Daddy, I want you. I want more!" You whined out. You positioned his cock at your entrance.
"Daddy will give his baby what she wants. You've been so good to me after all love." He smirked inwardly pushed back upwards into you, thrusting at a fast pace. (Satoru chose the position because he knew you were both being watched. He loves to make other men so jealous of him having you).
You could only squeal and try to hold yourself up against him, putting your palms against the floor. But it was no use. He grabbed your thighs and kept fucking up harder and harder, making it hard for you to hold onto anything.
"Yes just like that baby. You're so good to me. You don't need to think. I'll make it so that you don't have to do anything else. You only need to feel my cock yeah? My doll is the best when she is crying on my cock." He moaned out. 
The man on the other side of the wall was joined by a few other men. Satoru used his ability to see through the wall following the movement of their cursed energy and saw that they were touching themselves to you.
"Daddy, please more. Daddyyy~" you were slipping further into subspace. Soon you couldn't speak clearly anymore. Just babbling nonsense while bouncing on Satoru's lap and staring hazily up at the sky.
"I think we have company." He laughed out. You snapped out of your haze to see peeking eyes behind the bamboo sticks. Satoru just thrusted harder. "Let's give them a show of their lifetime hmm? I spy old men wanting some action. But they won't be able to touch you baby."
He reached up with one hand to grope your breast and the other stayed below to play with your clit. Sex to him was almost like an art form. He knew exactly how to play with your body to bring you to your strongest orgasms. 
You tried to cover your body up but he pulled your arms away. "Don't run away baby, daddy's here to protect you. It will be okay."
At the end of the day you trusted him and his six eyes, so you let go. Pussy clenching harder at the thought of being watched by unknown strangers.
"That's it, my angel. So good for me. You're leaking far more than normal slut. You like it when people watch you get fucked?"
He reached up with his cum stained hand to spit into it. Then shoved his fingers in your mouth. You obediently suckled on and cleaned his fingers for him. He continued to grope you as he pounded away.
Satoru wasn't too worried about the spectators next door. He can see them clearly. Several middle aged men (probably sharing a larger room) messily jerking off to both of you. He saw the way their eyes travelled across your breasts and cunt, which was oozing with his cum.
He hit a hard deep spot inside of you which caused you to squirt hard, a large amount of liquid spraying out. Satoru quickly put his hands over your clit and furiously rubbed at it, wanting to prolong your squirting. You were crying out loud at this point. It was just music to his ears.
One man groaned out, causing you to tense and tighten and Satoru to moan out.
"You love putting a show on huh baby? We should do this more often if it gets you tighter and wetter around me." He snarked out while you drooled and asked for more.
He didn't stop thrusting until he came a few more times inside of you, changing positions.
The men watched as you rode him, your breasts bouncing up and down, while you placed your palms flat on Satoru's chest. They stared at the cum flowing out of your pussy, being fucked back into you by Satoru. The way you both groaned as you clamped down tight and milked his cock.
Soon you found yourself laying on your side with one leg up with Satoru spooning you from behind. What was frightening was his stamina and power. 
His thrusts never lost strength and soon you just felt like his cock was drilling a space inside of you, just for it. You felt so boneless in his hands when you both finished, laying down on your sides.
"Babe…. You okay? We need to clean up." Satoru whispered against your shoulder.
You could only mumble incoherent noises. Squeezing around his softening length, still plugged inside of you to keep his cum inside. 
Satoru gave out a soft sigh. Then gathered you into his arms and took you away from prying eyes. He just turned and smirked at them as he walked away with you, butt naked.
The watchers were disappointed that the show was over. Satoru then cleaned you both with the shower head in the washing area and wiped you down with soft towels.
You stayed silent the whole time. Your head felt like it was in the clouds. Just letting Satoru do his way with you like a doll. "You were really good for me tonight angel. Nobody else can touch you but me." He chuckled darkly.
You just listened to his simple commands such as putting your arms up when he dressed you in your nightgown. 'I always love fucking her dumb.' He smiled to himself as he settled you into his arms in bed. 
"Next time I'll be fucking you in the water." He whispered. He brought you closer to him, tucking your head against his neck. Kissing your forehead and patting you to put you to sleep. 
The next morning you were absolutely horrified to see people staring at you, when you both left your room to check out. 'I bet they heard us last night. And who were the ones peaking at us?!?!' you frightfully thought to yourself.
Satoru didn't really care. Smiling brightly at the attendants and thanking them for your amazing stay at the inn. 
"Toru I really enjoyed my stay, but it's hard to be happy now knowing that we did it at the expense of our neighbours stay." You whispered, hitting him. "Darling I'm pretty sure they enjoyed the show." He winked at you, shameless as ever.
Suffice to say, you decided not return to said hot springs for a while out of shame.
End notes: 🙈 this fic started because I just thought of Satoru's abs wet with steam and sweat but it evolved during the last edit. Hope you guys enjoyed! Reblogs and comments are very much appreciated 💜
All rights reserved to Limitlessgojo.
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ddarker-dreams · 3 years
I admit that i enjoyed act 3 but it feels like really rushed i have so much complain with that.
The build up until act 2 was so good it give us so much premise but the final blow si meh. Sorry that i want to share thing long rant with you
1. Why the final talk is with yae, no offense to her but we need ei to explain not to mention she witness khaenriah downfall so she can give us more information, i feel like they do it for the plot armor so they can just keep dragging this
2. So many things that quite inconsistant, the shogun is show no mercy to anyone that even did a little thing outside what she think its right, how come she can still have a talk with signora, when sara is falling like that, and also there is no clarification about sara right now.
The traveler was so done at first they refuse to help thoma and ayaka at the beginning. But they seem so happy and forget everything how come they are not RAGE ( okay maybe this is to bias and personal) when this nation provide nothing about our siblings information and also why they are not mention anything about their problem in ei stroy quest. Its nonsense! She is right in front of youu, ask about your siblings, ask about khaenriah, ask about ukmown god!!. How come they can just forget like that. Also mihoyo really waste the potential about twin things i thing ei will give us so much help bcs of the sympathy that we both rn lost our twin but noooo.
3. Kokomi seem lost some brain cell, she make a very succesfull grand intro but she become meh in act 3, how come a great strategist like her let the sus sponsorship slip just bcs they are desperate, not to mention her screen time is really small and her role seem so unsignificant and it feels lile she is a plain npc.
4. The awesome world quest that we have done doesnt get any mention at all! Inazuma owe us so much with cleansing sakura, thunder sakura, tatarigami, obarashi quest. It has so much potential that yae or ei or anyone else aknowledge what traveler has been done but nooo.
cracks knuckles... i suppose it's time for my promised dissertation. interestingly enough, you touched on a lot of the main issues i had with chapter III.
i think that if i had to pin the main issue, it's a lack of overall cohesiveness? we were jumping all over the place without the chance to ever flesh things out. inazuma is a smaller cast, but i feel like we didn't get to see any of them shine. since i'm most interested in the genshin characters, i'll break down my problems by going over everyone and their (lack) of impact on the story.
was ayaka not questioned or placed under suspicion for being close to thoma before his escape? i wanted to see her broken up over her duties as they relate to the yashiro commission, paired with having someone she genuinely cares about in danger. it would've been an interesting struggle if she was forced to choose one or the other. instead she just kinda took a back seat.
speaking of thoma, i don't even have anything to say, because he just... was there? for .0001 seconds. said "lol this sucks ig" and that's about it. i know we're going to get a story for him in the future since he's a 5* but i'm not getting my hopes up 😭 then in the raiden shogun's character story, man is peachy keen! be upset with the raiden shogun! have some inner conflict! even if it's just using loaded language because he's under surveillance for going against the raiden shogun, that'd be so cool. saying something like,
"Traveler, what's with that expression? Oh please, there's nothing to worry about. We're under the Statue of the Omnipresent God's protection. Nothing bad has ever happened here." *wink*
i also don't know what to say about gorou. he was... there....... i think. what is he fighting for? what are the stakes for him? what makes him place so much trust into kokomi? i'm out of things to say about him because i don't remember anything he did or said.
kokomi... oh kokomi... i was so hyped. so excited. i thought that maybe we could see a foil to the raiden shogun. that she'd have a moment where she's forced to realize, just like her opponent, sacrifices must be made that will hurt people who will never understand why she made them. or maybe something to show her military prowess. but instead she just accepts a mysterious patron's help (?), sees her people aging like the grateful dead from JJBA, and goes oh well. that sucks. what can ya do. oh bye traveler i guess, good luck with that. ????????????? HUH... similar case to thoma where she's gonna get a character story but like. she won't be the leader of the resistance anymore. that was her whole shtick. they took her shtick away. also she forced me to interact with more NPCs whose names i've already forgotten so i'm tilted about that still.
KUJOU SARA... AN INJUSTICE. A DISGRACE. a slap to my woman loving face. the build up was there. yae miko's comments about sara probably knowing the tenryou commission is involved in shady dealings, but is choosing not to think about it. sara being forced to confront reality and challenge her adopted father with the truth. being able to blaze a new path for herself in the process. when she started running to the raiden shogun i was ultra hyped up. sara, a devotee to the shogun for so long, was about to see her god interacting with the same people who led inazuma to this awful state. how would she react? would she stay ignorant, like yae miko so coyly said, choosing to look away in favor of following her god's footsteps? or would she be forced to recognize the raiden shogun isn't as divine as she once thought, and challenge her belief system?
we open the door to see the raiden shogun. the loading screen ensues. the camera pans to the ominous room, clouded in darkness, hinting at the ominous confrontation that is to come. the music takes a serious timbre. and then...
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well fuck that potential character arc i guess. (we still don't know what sara made of any of this since she poofed out of existence from the story at this point)
kazuha also was handed a similar treatment. we've been with him for a while longer now. he is our introduction into inazuma, the one who first gets us emotionally involved by regaling us with the bittersweet tale of friendship that led him to becoming a wanted criminal. a kind soul who loves nature yet was dealt a cruel hand by fate, forced to watch his home nation turn into a hostile place, where his dear friend ultimately perished as a result. we get the scene with his friend's vision lighting back up. he parries a block from the raiden shogun, in the same area where his friend was killed by her. the parallels. the drama. except this time, he wasn't too late. he protected the traveler where he "failed" to protect his friend in the past. did he feel redemption at this? or was it a bittersweet reminder of what could've been?
WELL i guess we'll never know because we didn't get to talk to him again 😭 idk who got a bait and switch worse, him or sara. jesus christ mihoyo.
then we have signora. why is the raiden shogun talking to her? does she know about the gnosis being taken, and if she doesn't, what was her plan to get it from the archon? what does she think about scaramouche? and oh, okay, we're fighting here now. good fight + god tier music. pog pog. okay, now we've beaten her up, and raiden shogun wyd— wait no not signora her lore is still on CUPS not YET raiden shogun and— ah she's dead. okay. non nerds who didn't read artifact lore are going to know nothing about her. signora has such an interesting story, and yet... well. ok.
then we get raiden shogun redemption (?) arc. i was hype for this as well, though at that point, idk why i bothered being hype. i knew they were gonna do a cute power of friendship something or another, and i'm good with that, so long as it's executed well. what i was envisioning was like seven different buffs to correspond with the seven different visions, the dreams of those whose ambitions were stolen serving as the spear to penetrate the raiden shogun's heart of stone. maybe a hydro vision giving us extra healing for a time, with the voice acting over it being like,
"Even if the rest of the world forgets us, let our will carry you through this one final time. Succeed where we couldn't, Traveler."
so on and so forth.
but instead we got— you get the idea at this point. why bother spelling it out anymore.
at that point i was surprised the raiden shogun didn't go "oopsie woopsie!! we made a fucky wucky!!!" because that was the vibe i was getting. i love ei, don't get me wrong, but i wanted to see her challenged with what she had done to inazuma in the past year. maybe meeting NPC #2345259 who lost her sister to the vision decree or something, reminding ei of the love she held for her sister... being forced to come to terms with the extent of what she's done in pursuit of eternity.
anyway. please for the love of god mihoyo hire better writers for the main story. that is all i ask. thank you.
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teamfreewill56-blog · 3 years
Love Unconditional
Thank you to justheretoaskandread for my first request! I hope you enjoy it!
Kyojuro RengokuxReader, SFW, Angst
The air hissed as his brilliant red blade cut through it in an overarching sweep, he moved straight into another strike. Kyojuro’s eyebrows knitted together in focus.
“I can’t do this anymore, Kyojuro.”
He changed his footing and moved into Rising Scorching Sun, no matter how he moved or pushed his thoughts he couldn’t remove the ugly, sickly burning sensation coiling in his stomach.
She was being unfair.
“I’m being unfair?! What’s unfair is that I’m supposed to be emotionally safe and open with you but you can’t be with me!”
Nothing could be done about those feelings, they didn’t help anything, why couldn’t she understand that? He moved faster, urging the rage to flow through his arms and out of his fingertips. It stayed trapped in his chest.
She placed the engagement ring with a ruby and diamond intertwined in a flame on the countertop, directly atop the gold wedding ring it had been carefully crafted to nestle against.
“If I’m going to only be allowed to see the same face that you show everyone else, then being your wife is a bit of a lie isn’t it? Because clearly I’m no different than anyone else for you.”
The rings were nestled in his breast pocket, every sweep of his arm allowed him to feel their presence weighing against his heart. He just didn’t want her pity, he didn’t need it, he was strong, and he could bear anything if he focused on the right things. Why was she wanting him to focus on negative feelings? That never accomplished anything! Why was she upset that he only wanted to show her his best self?
The Flame Hashira stopped, mid strike, his sword above his head, he lowered the katana, turning to the porch and swiftly bowed, lying his bare katana next to him. “Forgive me Master, I didn’t mean to disturb you!” He had been so deep in his head he hadn’t noticed the door open or sensed the Corp leader approach.
He smiled, “Not at all, but I thought you had gone home for the evening?”
“Yes! But I thought I might come back and train with some of my fellow Pillars, it seems no one is here so I decided I might practice a while before heading home!”
“Yes I think the other children have all gone to their own residences.” Kagaya confirmed, he took a couple steps forward sat on the edge of the porch, Kyojuro watched him to make sure he didn’t stray too close to the edge, but he seemed to know where it was, he kneeled right before the edge, “Come sit with me my child.”
Kyojuro blinked and straightened, he sheathed his katana in a smooth motion and walked over to the porch, he sat beside Kagaya, allowing his feet to dangle over the sides.
“Why don’t you tell me what is bothering you?”
“Nothing master, I’m quite well! There is nothing to worry about!” Kyojuro answered confidently with a convincing smile, wishing it would work inwardly on his agitated heart.
Kagaya’s smile softened, “I see.” He stared at Kyojuro with his pale sightless eyes, the Flame Pillar felt himself starting to uncoil, similarly to how Y/N’s soft eyes would do. His throat tightened and he looked away. “Can I ask what you have there in your breast pocket? I could hear it clicking.”
Kyojuro’s smile fell, he reached into the pocket and pulled out the two rings, holding them carefully between his fingers, “They’re Y/N’s wedding and engagement rings. It seems she no longer wishes to have me as her husband. Perhaps it is for the best, we have been fighting a lot recently…Maybe we are not a good match.” He blinked hard, trying to fight back the warmth building in his eyes.
“Maybe, or maybe you are being pushed to grow closer together. What are you two fighting about?” Kagaya asked, before Kyojuro could question what he meant.
“She says that I am not open with her, but we communicate frequently! I find myself getting frustrated with her when she asks if something is wrong, because nothing is, and I don’t understand why she wants there to be something wrong! I don’t understand why she wants to pity me.”
“But when you do feel the pains of frustration or sadness, do you tell her?”
Kyojuro paused, looking out across the yard, “I don’t.”
“Hm.” Kagaya was silent for a moment and then asked, “Kyojuro, when I send you on a mission with one of the other children do you think it is because I believe you are pitiful?”
“No at all Master!”
“So why do you think I ask you to go together?”
“Because two of us can accomplish the task faster and more efficiently than one, especially if we are working in unison!”
Kagaya closed his eyes in a smile, “Exactly, and so you can protect each other, do you think Mitsuri is weak or pitiful when you assist her?”
“So why do you help her?”
“Because I care about her, I want her to be safe and successful.”
“Do you not believe Y/N wants the same for you? We all have many burdens we must bear, but something beautiful about having a loved one is that they can help us bear our load, even if we don’t need the help, allowing them to help us gives them a chance to support and show their love for us. Our negative feelings are just as important as our happy ones, it is a wonderful trait of humanity and allows us to improve.” He touched Kyojuro’s arm, “I think Y/N just wants to be able to love all the sides that you have to offer, and to be a place of rest for you. The same way you do for her.”
Kyojuro looked down at his hand, “But Master those sides are…”
“Unbecoming, yes.” He nodded, “But have you not also seen her not so favorable sides?”
A small smile slipped upon his lips as he thought about a few choice times, “Yes.”
“And yet you love her all the same, don’t you?”
He closed his noon-sun colored eyes, “Yes.”
Kagaya smiled and they both looked up as Amane came up behind them with a wrapped package. She kneeled down, “Here Kyojuro, take these. I’m sure you haven’t eaten yet.”
“Thank you very much!” Kyojuro stood and gave her a bow. “Master, will you excuse me? I have a mission I haven’t yet seen to.”
“Of course my child. Give Y/N my regards.”
“I will!”
Sakura petals spun as they floated on the calmly flowing river, Y/N sat on the pier beneath it’s towering branches. She let her tears leave her to become part of the river. Dusk was settling in now, the air cooling down quickly, she didn’t feel it. Her throat felt raw and as much as she wished to let out her anger it wasn’t there, she had a practice sword beside her, but it laid there collecting petals. She didn’t want to leave Kyojuro, or for him to leave her, but she couldn’t keep leaving herself vulnerable to someone who wasn’t willing to be vulnerable back, it wasn’t fair and it was weighing her down. ‘I want to help him, I want to be with him but how am I supposed to do that if he doesn’t let me? Is there really nothing I can do?’ The tears ran faster at the thought that there might be nothing, that it really could just be done.
She lifted her head and turned, mentally cursing as more tears fell seeing him. Because she was so glad to see him and yet it was an immediate punch to her gut.
Kyojuro quickly started towards her, wanting to stop her tears before remembering himself and stopping, his face darkened with shame. He closed his eyes and gripped the knot of the cloth Amane had wrapped the plates in, he looked into her eyes and she saw pain just running in wild circles in his irises, “Can we talk?”
“Yeah.” She sniffed and faced the front. Kyojuro quickly walked over to her, sitting down beside her he set the package on his other side and faced her, gently cupping her cheek in his hand he wiped away the tears with his thumb. He was terrified she would push his hand away and was relieved when all she did was open her eyes. He softly rubbed her cheekbone and ran his thumb down the side of her cheek, “Is...is getting a divorce really what you want dearest?” She put her hand over his and opened her eyes. 
“No Kyojuro, I don’t. I love you very much and I want to be with you, but it hurts seeing you smiling and acting like something isn’t bothering you, like negative feelings aren’t allowed. Do you really expect me to believe that you don’t miss your mom? Or that it didn’t hurt when Shinjurou dismissed you becoming the Flame Hashira?”
He lowered his gaze, “To be honest, I don’t allow myself to think about those things. But when you say it hurts you to see me do that it makes me feel like you think I’m weak, that you think I should be pitied. So it upsets me when I tell you I’m fine but you keep pushing the matter.”
She shook her head, resting her other hand on his knee, “Kyojuro I don’t think you’re weak. I don’t think you’re pitiful either, and I’m sorry I made you feel that way. That’s not what I wanted, and I shouldn’t push you when you say you’re fine, that’s selfish.”
“I know you don’t. And it is partly my fault, if I just talked to you then you wouldn’t have to push me about the matter.” Kyojuro said softly, “I’m just not used to expressing my negative feelings, and I don’t like how I act when I feel them, I don’t feel like me.”
“They’re not you Kyojuro, they’re just parts of you, and they don’t cancel out the good parts.” She ran her fingers through his bangs, “And I won’t stop loving you just because you complain or something is bothering you.”
“Thank you dearest.” He caught her hand, turning it upward he pressed soft kisses to the middle of her wrist and the center of her palm, he looked up at her and put his forehead against hers. Kyojuro reached into his pocket and pulled out the rings, holding them up to her. “Y/N, will you do me the honor of being the amazing Mrs. Kyojuro Rengoku?”
She smiled and gave him a soft kiss, “I will.”
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
What are your full thoughts on Sakura's confession to Naruto? I've seen some fans blame it on Sai as he "emotionally manipulated" Sakura into doing all she can to stop Naruto which led to the fake confession.
Thanks for this ask @dinainwater 👍🏼 I always wanted to talk about that arc where all the characters' motivations were clearly set up. Sorry for the late response, Sakura’s prompts always makes my skin crawl.
I never knew that Sakura wankers would retort to such tactics by shifting the blame on Sai. I've said this in many posts and I don't mind repeating it here. Sakura was always written as a narrative tool to propagate the main characters, Naruto and Sasuke. This was always the case right from chapter 3.
This is also the arc where Team 7′s loyalty was put under the microscope for us viewers to observe. What will Team 7 do, when they hear about Sasuke who turned into a wanted Criminal??
Let’s start with Sai. He is also a member of Team 7. Sai doesn’t give a damn about Sasuke and he doesn’t have to. Because he never knew anything about him. But Sai really cared about Naruto more than Sakura ever did anything for Naruto combining Part 1 and Part 2. Unlike others, Sai started to care about Naruto because he saw something in him that reminded him of his brother Shin. Naruto didn’t have to prove anything to him to win his friendship like he did with Neji and others. In fact, Naruto hated him in the beginning.
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Sai, a guy who couldn’t understand any feelings, has slowly started to understand something and he started to help/save Naruto without any motivations or expectations.
Well, I feel Kishi meant to parallel Sai with Sasuke not only in terms of looks but also when it comes to protecting him. 
That’s why Sai went to Sakura to call her out for being a lazy donkey by dumping all the works on Naruto whereas she was sitting on her cool Ass without doing anything.
Well, I want everyone to put yourself in Sai’s place. What would you have done?While Naruto is getting beaten up for Sasuke’s sake and Sakura is sitting there leaving everything with Naruto to deal with the rough parts.
Now the wankers may make silly excuses like, ‘Naruto asked her to leave it to him’.
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I am asking them, ‘Well, That didn’t stop Sai from not following what Naruto was about to do. He was worried about Naruto and followed him to see what he was going to do. And defended him from Karui’s attacks. Why couldn’t Sakura do this?’.
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All these panels proves,
Sakura doesn’t give 2 shits about Naruto. But Sai genuinely cares about him a lot.
[[No wonder, Sai is one of the people with whom Naruto contacts a lot in Borutoverse also]]
Emotional manipulation is when someone uses their own feelings to make the other person feel guilty. I am pretty sure you all know who manipulated whom emotionally throughout the series. 
Sai was simply acting here as the viewers’ voice. I don’t know about how viewers felt about the confrontation scene. I felt that Sai was asking what I was feeling about Sakura, the whole time!!! 
Simply put,
“Just now, Karui beat Naruto into a pulp. He just doesn’t want to worry you by telling this. But why are you sitting simply without worrying about what’s happening to others? Do you really care about Naruto, a bit? You made some shitty promise with him some time ago and I don’t even know what it was. But he means to carry on that promise for the rest of his life because he likes you. Don’t you think you should take responsibility for putting such a burden on him?”
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Now, This is where things get really interesting. Sai just observed Naruto’s behaviour around Sakura and concludes that Naruto is bearing all this pain for Sakura and to an extent for Sasuke but mostly for Sakura.
Sai comes to this conclusion because he never knew what happened between Naruto and Sasuke in part 1. He never saw their interaction or what’s going on between them. But Sakura does. 
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Sai feels deeply empathetic towards Naruto’s sadness and doesn’t want him to get hurt anymore. Hence he is calling her out for her insensitiveness when asking Naruto to make a Life Time Promise. Sai went one step ahead and added that everyone relies on Naruto too much. As a friend, Sai thinks that they all should shoulder Naruto’s burden. 
There’s nothing wrong with Sai and his perspective.
Also, if he really intended to manipulate her, Sai shouldn’t have to tell Naruto about everything that had happened with Sakura and his Academy friends when he met him in the Land of Iron.
Even the most sensible Shikamaru thinks Sai was right.
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For me, All of her Academy Classmates were speaking sense. Because, they were just observers. 
Simply put, Sai and Everyone thinks that Sasuke has joined Akatsuki, the organization which destroyed their Village to the ground and was also hunting Naruto. But Sakura’s promise is putting Naruto’s life at danger because they feel Naruto is doing these for the Life Time promise he made 3 years ago before all of her Academy Classmates because everyone knows that Naruto never go back on his words.
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Where is the emotional manipulation here?
The only problem from their opinion is that they never factored the extent of Naruto’s and Sasuke’s relationship into the equation and it’s not their fault. Because no one knows. But Sakura knows, atleast a bit if not entirely. We, the audience knew what happened in the VoTE1.
Sakura openly acknowledged to Sai that Naruto considers Sasuke as his brother. She even saw Naruto fall into the ground and bawling like a baby when Sasuke left with Orochimaru.
Can’t she put 2+2 to know that, Naruto is not just doing this for her??
Well, Since when has she ever been emotionally perceptive of others’ feelings? She always thought everything revolved around her. So, it’s not really surprising. 
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Well, in this scene I genuinely thought, She was going to do something good once and for all. 
What Sakura could have done?
She should’ve confronted to them like a strong woman (as much as her wankers portrays her to be), ‘Naruto is not doing this for me. He may love me. But He is doing this not just for me. I knew about Naruto better than anyone. He truly wanted to save Sasuke for himself as well. We all should talk about this to Naruto and decide later.”
But she didn’t!!!
Later Sakura went on and proposed to Naruto pathetically and got rebuffed. She really thought Naruto would believe her proposal. She still thinks ‘Naruto is an idiot’. Even Kiba couldn’t believe this bullshit. 
‘Sakura, You Dumb Biashhhh’, This is what Kiba must be thinking inside.
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This is just another way for Kishi by dissing her and telling us that ‘Sakura never reached any emotional maturity. She is a self-absorbed girl who thinks that she is the center of everyone’s life. Sai, who spent very little time could understood Naruto better than Sakura, who was with him for a long time’.
From Writing point of View, 
Up until that point, Kishi tried to build some platonic crush between Naruto and Sakura. But he decided to break that crush by making Naruto reject her Fake Confession and prefer Sasuke over Sakura.
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Furthermore, He used her as a tool to make Naruto and Sasuke meet under the bridge, which was the iconic scene of the entire Series and that’s the moment, that particular Arc was leading upto. The writer is telling us that, 
Even though Sakura wholeheartedly love Sasuke, when things don’t go well, she is not a person who will try to understand why Sasuke is doing whatever he did so far. Instead, she plunged right at him.
Even though Naruto likes Sakura, Sasuke trying to kill her will not evoke any kind of rage as one would display for their loved one when they gets hurt. Which means Naruto places Sasuke higher than Sakura.
Even though Sasuke plunged into the depth of darkness, seeing Sakura would not evoke any kind of positive feelings in him. But Naruto can. 
Even though Sasuke turned into a killing machine, and the entire world turned upon him including his former Team, the only person who will stand with him will be Naruto, no matter what.
Sai has nothing to do with her delusion. Sai simply spoke his perspective about Naruto and his pain, excluding Sasuke (because he didn’t know about him). As someone who knew both Sasuke and Naruto, Sakura should have a better judgement in this matter. But she didn’t. She made a fool out of herself by taking a worst decision to confess dishonestly before Naruto and tried to kill Sasuke without understanding what both of them are going through. 
Even if you live with this woman for 100 years, she is incapable of understanding anyone.
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the12thnightproject · 2 years
A Mitsunari Night's Dream Chapter 15: The Calm Before the Storm
Mitsunari and Okatsu escape the oppressive atmosphere of Genba castle for an afternoon, but a mysterious encounter alerts them to a new danger.
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Chapter Excerpt:
“I didn’t mean to upset you.”
Because he seemed so horrified at that thought, I reached across the table took hold of both of his hands. They were warm from holding the tea, and the skin on his fingers was slightly calloused, reminding me that even with all the time he spent reading, Mitsunari was an experienced fighter as well. “It wasn’t your fault. Remembering sometimes makes me feel like I’m about to be sick, and … it’s too pretty a day out to be ill.”
He held onto my hands for a long moment, giving them a gentle squeeze. “I will talk about something pleasant instead. When something worries me, I think about books… or Kitty’s fur and the sound she makes when she is happy… the smell of Hideyoshi’s rooms when he smokes his pipe… and how holding your hands… holding you… makes me feel … honored.”
Oh. Wow. Well.
Where do I go with that?
And now it was my own turn for a BSOD. Mitsunari’s sweet confession sent a wave of … something through me. The thought that I could make him feel like that was both flattering and frightening. I didn’t want to inspire feelings in him. I was leaving when the job was over.
I didn’t want to leave something broken in my wake.
Ugh, Hideyoshi is right to distrust me. Not because I intend to harm anyone… but intentions count for nothing if harm happens anyway. My inner voice told me to let go of his hands.
But… I couldn’t.
He focused that sweet expression on my face, and I could neither let go of his hands, nor look away from his eyes. Until I realized… “Are you counting again?”
He stopped instantly and looked away. “Apparently it has become a habit.” He shook his head, then withdrew his hands away from mine. He picked up the package he’d purchased at the metalsmith shop and handed it to me. “The smith did have something I thought you might find useful.”
A present? Like the just-because gifts my brother and I used to give each other on non-occasions? I focused on the phrase ‘something useful,’ which might mean the Sengoku equivalent of socks? The package was somewhat heavy (Duh, Katsuko, it’s from the metalsmith!) and I hefted it a couple times before opening it up to find an iron war fan inside. “Oh. This is really cool!” Whoops. Slang. “I mean, this will help cool things in the weather we’ve been having.”
“I noticed you often forget to take a fan with you and thought you would be more likely to remember one that doubled as a weapon.” He picked it up and stabbed it toward me and – the teacup went flying.
I caught it before it could hit the ground. “You thought correctly. I can’t wait to figure out how to use it. Thank you!”
“I could teach you.” He seemed excited by the prospect.
“You know how?” I unfurled the fan to admire the sharp metal spokes – and the pretty Sakura pattern as well. Mitsuhide had wanted me to wear pink? Well, pink this!
“I have read about their use. Also, though I did not read about it, it is said that Takeda Shingen once fought off an attack by Uesugi Kenshin by using his war fan.” A faraway look was in his eyes. “I would have like to have witnessed that.” Huh. Me too. I’d never encountered Lord Shingen, but I had indeed seen Kenshin in battle. Anyone who could successfully fight off his attack – with a fan, no less – had to have mad skills. Of course, now that they were allied against Nobunaga, I imagined they made a terrifying duo.
Link to full chapter: https://archiveofourown.org/works/37708576/chapters/98748291
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osakaso5 · 3 years
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Nagi Rokuya Birthday Photobook Rabbit Chat Part 3: Nagi And His Senior Idols
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Part 5
Tsumugi: Thank you for gathering here today..! This project was created to show more of Nagi-san’s true nature as a way to commemorate the release of the Nagi Photobook.
Tsumugi: I’m sure you must be busy, but I’d like for you to talk as you usually do. I look forward to chatting with you!
Nagi: Feel free to discuss every one of my good points. Now, begin.
Ryunosuke: Hello, Nagi-kun! I was excited for your photobook!
Nagi: Hello.
Yuki: You're as cold as I heard.
Momo: Yoohoo, Nagi~! Mind giving us a little more of a warm welcome???
Nagi: I do not mean to treat you coldly. This is how I normally operate.
Yuki: Like a train?
Gaku: You're not like this when you talk to me. What's going on?
Nagi: Hm, is that so? Perhaps I must correct my conduct around you...
Gaku: Why? (lol)
Tenn: Gaku, are you done trying to act like the two of you are best friends?
Ryunosuke: Wait, Gaku and Nagi-kun are friends!? I want to be friends with him, too. Do you think we could make that happen?
Tenn: Ryu, you're veering dangerously close to flirty territory again.
Ryunosuke: Huh!?
Yuki: It's almost scary, how unaware of his own flirting he is. He and Nagi-kun are pretty much polar opposites.
Momo: I think you're a little like Ryu in that respect, too...
Yuki: Am I?
Tsumugi: Nagi-san, please say something ><
Ryunosuke: Did he fall asleep?
Nagi: Of course not. I was merely observing our chat log, in case any of you felt like talking about my photobook.
Gaku: Geez, you're really gonna keep doing this aren't you? (lol)
Tenn: Nagi Rokuya, your crying face makes you look like a child.
Momo: Ah, you mean in the social media pic~!? Wasn't that taken during one of his Cocona marathons? lolol
Nagi: OH, I was not expecting you to open with that. Cute, was it not? Although Mitsuki is the only cutie we need.
Gaku: I thought we were finally gonna talk about your photobook, but now you're just bragging about your teammates!
Nagi: Is that a problem? :-)))
Gaku: No!
Nagi: I do enjoy your banter, Yaotome-shi.
Momo: Nagi, you're so funny, lolololol
Nagi: Am I? :-P
Yuki: I didn't know you even could cry.
Nagi: ? What do you mean?
Yuki: Nothing.
Ryunosuke: That picture of you with the cherry blossoms was cool! I was completely drawn to it.
Nagi: I think you should take a photograph in front of the nighttime sakura, as well.
Ryunosuke: I'm not really the type who'd look good around sakura, lol
Yuki: You're more of a hibiscus kind of guy.
Tenn: Totally.
Nagi: Uminchu (1).
Tsumugi: Mitsuki-san just sent me a message saying: "Nagi's trying to mail order a ton of hibiscuses and send them to Yaotome Productions, I'll go pretend I'm Cocona until he comes to his senses"..!?
Ryunosuke: W-why!?
Yuki: That's hilarious.
Tenn: No, it's not...
Gaku: Yeah, it is.
Tenn: It shouldn't be.
Momo: Hey, Nagi! Why were you trying to send them hibiscuses!? lolololol
Nagi: So Tsunashi-shi may be photographed against a hibiscus background? He may not look as good as me, but I am sure they will suit him nonetheless.
Nagi: Consider it a thanks for his appreciation of the photobook Sogo produced for me.
Ryunosuke: B-but... I just said what I felt, are you sure I should accept the flowers?
Tenn: Don't look so happy, Ryu.
Yuki: Maybe you could send me flowers, too
Nagi: Will edible flowers do?
Momo: LMAO
Tsumugi: Um, I received another message from Mitsuki-san, this time saying "He's just got this creepy, serene look on his face! And he's not stopping, in fact now he's trying to buy edible flowers"...
Momo: He's actually doing it, lolololol
Yuki: How many were you planning to get us, by the way?
Nagi: 1100.
Momo: Figures!!! Are you rewarding us for talking about the Nagi Photobook or something!? lololol
Gaku: Is this some kind of reforestation campaign?
Nagi: You are to photograph yourselves in front of the flowers I send you, holding a Nagi Photobook, and then upload it on social media.
Nagi: On June 20th, at exactly midnight, of course :-))))
Yuki: That'll be one hell of a picture. Sounds fun
Momo: Let's do it! A handsome Nagi in bed plus Re:vale in front of tons of edible flowers equals a massive reaction, lololol
Ryunosuke: Now I'm getting nervous! It's a big responsibility, but I'll try my best to take a good picture.
Gaku: Ryu, if you're doing it, don't take the  photo yourself. I'll do it.
Ryunosuke: Thank you!
Tenn: I don't care anymore.
Tsumugi: Before we get more sidetracked, here are some questions the others prepared for you...
Nagi: I was waiting for this. It is about time  for me to free Mitsuki,  who is still pretending  to be Cocona for me X-P
1. Why do you like anime?
Nagi: It is a long story... But to put it shortly, anime is one of the things that saved me.
2. Meat or veggies?
Nagi: I like both. But if you mean my conduct with the ladies, I am more of a carnivorous type... ;-P
3. Do you do anything specific to maintain your physique?
Nagi: I watch Cocona. The sheer excitement is enough for me to break into a sweat, and it has a detoxing effect.
Nagi: I look  forward to each of your  photobooks, as well.
Gaku: Oh, that's nice to hear. Let us know what you thought, okay (lol)
Nagi: I think I will be able to judge them based entirely on how Sogo will be acting when they release.
Gaku: Why Osaka?
Ryunosuke: He did say he's our fan!
Nagi: Unfortunately, that appears to be the case ;-(
Yuki: Unfortunately?
Nagi: Sogo and Mitsuki are such rabid fanboys ;-(
Nagi: By the way, Kujo-shi, I hope you will look forward to the Riku Photobook, which I will be producing.
Tenn: ^^
Tsumugi: Aaaah, I'll cut this part out of the public version..!
Tenn: Oh. Okay then.
Tenn: I expect a cover portraying your center as the healthy and wholesome 18-year- old he is ^^
Nagi: OH, do not fret, Kujo-shi. I understand  completely (V)o¥o(V)
Tenn: What is that kaomoji supposed to be..?
Nagi: (V)o¥o(V)
Momo: I knew this when I read your photobook, but you've gotten soft, Nagi! In a good way!
Nagi: What? But I have not gained any weight!
Momo: That's not what I meant, lololol I meant your personality and vibe, stuff like that.
Nagi: What makes you say that?
Momo: Just a hunch!
Nagi: A hunch?
Momo: You used to be like Yuki, when he was younger.
Yuki: Did he now? Does that mean I should get into Cocona, too?
Momo: Nah, I think you're good, lololol
Gaku: I kinda get what you mean. My image of him changed after we did MATSURI together, too.
Nagi: If that is the case... Then perhaps I have finally found a place where I can truly be myself.
Ryunosuke: Are you happy right now, Nagi-kun?
Nagi: Yes. More than anyone else in the world.
Ryunosuke: That's great!
Tenn: You've found something to hold dear.
Nagi: Moments of happiness, sadness, and anger. It is a routine we have come to share. I think it has changed not only me, but each and every one of us.
Nagi: Meeting all of you has changed us greatly. Thank you for paving the way for us.
Momo: He's finally warmed up to us..!
Yuki: That he has.
Nagi: Though we will be the ones paving the rest of the way for you :-P
Gaku: Nah, he's still his usual self (lol)
Tsumugi: We've changed because of you, Nagi-san.
Tsumugi: Thank you for keeping your cool. No matter what happens, I feel like we can always get back on track, as long as you're with us.
Tsumugi: Still, I know we can't keep relying on you like this... So I'll make sure to become the kind of manager you can even complain to!
Nagi: I thought a true man should never complain.
Nagi: However, I now realize that my feelings on the matter might be hurting you.
Nagi: Thank you all for coming here tonight. I was happy to talk to you.
Nagi: Though I do not dare wish for more, I have come to feel that maybe having 12 of us is even better than having 7 of us. I hope you will understand this feeling, too.
Translator’s notes..? 
1) Uminchu basically means “man of the sea” in Uchinaaguchi/Okinawan
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ssamie · 3 years
suna rintaro x fem! mitsuri reader
(kny x hq)
warnings: spelling mistakes,  3k+ words, italicized words/ sentences are her thoughts, mitsuri’s hair+eye color was used.
gen masterlist.      sakura mochi.
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"atsumu-kun, osamu-kun.." she trailed off with a hesitant smile "i don't think i need you to be beside me the whole time.." she said
currently, she was walking into the gates of inarizaki high, hoping to have a lowkey and fun first day of school. she was hoping to make some friends along the way as well. but now it seems she can't do that because two towering men are looming beside her, sporting a stoic and intimidating look as they glared at anyone and everyone that dared to even breath near her.
"nonsense." osamu said with a light scoff
"we gotta protect ya from these rabid dogs" atsumu snarled, emphasising on the dehumanising nickname as he growled at the boys near them 
y/n simply sighed and chuckled lightly at his claim. "you're both acting like the rabid dogs, if anything.." she said. she watched them glare at the people around them as they entered the classroom. 
for such a short amount of time together, the three had already formed quite a strong bond. perhaps it was because she was so lovable and welcoming. always building them up like the sweet girl that she is. 
it was as if the twins had felt themselves softening for her. though atsumu flirted with her a lot, they both saw her as their little sister. 
"uwahh!! your school is so nice!" she gushed as she looked around the clean and polished room. "i've never been to a school this fancy before" she said 
"and your uniform is very pretty" she grinned gleefully as she patted down her skirt. "though it's a bit tight around certain areas.." she chuckled sheepishly
osamu and atsumu's head snapped towards her, their eyes widening as she slyly adjusted her white blouse around her bust and hip area. atsumu sucked in a deep breath as he turned away from her. he slapped the wall repeatedly as he silently screamed into his hand. 
"samu...i know we had a deal" atsumu started off "but after seeing that" he said. the blonde dramatically gestured to the pink and green haired girl. his face was red and his eyes were tearing up. 
"that was enough. it was enough to make me break our promise" atsumu said in a dramatically solemn tone 
"what the fuck are ya on about" osamu asked unamusedly 
"i can no longer see 'er as a sister.. i can only see.. THOSE EROTICALLY BEAUTIFUL CURVES-" 
"SHUT UP, YOU ILL-MANNERED DOG!" osamu cut him off with a kick to the stomach "yer fuckin disgusting, y/n' s like our sister! we established that" he scowled at his twin 
"you're so pretty l/n-chan!" a new voice filled the air 
"eh?? but you're so much prettier than me! your hair is so long and curly! and your eyes look like caramel!!" she replied flusteredly as she fawned over her classmate 
both twins snap their head toward her as they heard much more voices ensue. 
"ne, l/n-san.. do ya have a boyfriend?" one boy asked. the girl simply panicked over the question, vigorously shaking her head as she waved her hands dismissively 
"ah no! i don't have a boyfriend.. though i'll admit it would be nice to have one" she squeaked out bashfully 
of course, a few boys perked up from her statement and approached her. 
"i could be your boyf-" 
"oi." atsumu called out with a scowl "the hell are ya on about?" atsumu sneered at him as he stood tall, smirking mockingly at the boy as he wrapped an arm around y/n. 
"m-miya-san!" the boy squeaked out in surprise "um.. i was just gettin to know 'er that's all!" 
"tch." osamu scoffed "scram." 
"yep! we're leaving!" the boys announce as they timidly turn on their heels and leave 
"osamu-kun, atsumu-kun! why would you do that?!" she whisper shouted at them. her expression morphed into one of horror as she saw the other kids nervously stray away from her after the twins' outburst
"the kids are too scared to be friends with me now.." she sulked, resting her head on the desk as a gloomy aura surrounded her 
"okay.. that's our bad" atsumu said as he patted her back "well, look at this way!" he chuckled nervously as he sent osamu a glance 
"you can stick with us and we'll introduce you to our friends later on" he suggested with a smile 
just as fast as her mood died down, was as fast as it brightened up once again. she faced them with her pale green eyes, sparkling in excitement as she clasped her hands together 
"really? you'd do that for me?" she exclaimed 
"of course! anythin' for you, doll" atsumu cooed at her 
"actually.. why don't i introduce ya to one of 'em now?" atsumu mused as he spotted suna lazily trudging into the room 
the brown-haired boy was yawning, looking like he was already on the verge of passing out as he plopped down on his seat 
"please do!!" she nodded excitedly 
osamu eyed her and his twin warily before leaving them be and walking back to his desk. 
"suna!" atsumu called out as he held y/n's wrist in his hand "its too early for this" suna groaned out as he side eyed atsumu in annoyance 
"i want ya to meet someone" atsumu said with a grin "she's the girl my family's hostin' " 
"go away. i don't wanna meet-" suna cut himself off as his eyes caught a faint glimpse of pink from behind his friend. 
currently, y/n was hiding behind atsumu's towering form, holding back her squeals as she held her blushing cheeks in her hands. she had only managed to catch a small glimpse of this 'suna' atsumu was speaking to and yet she had already planned their whole wedding and their kid's gender reveal party in her head. 
'he's so.. HOT! AND PRETTY! AND COOL!' she panicked 
'his eyes look like a fox's! and his hair is so cute and perfectly messy and he's so-' 
she cut her thoughts short as she peeked once again to look at him. she swore she had felt herself short circuiting upon seeing him stand. this man was tall. 
her face drained color as atsumu held her by her shoulders and pushed her towards his friend. 
"this is y/n! she's our new housemate, and she wanted to make new friends soo..." atsumu cooed 
suna nodded as he rubbed the back of his neck, hunching over, as his olive green eyes raked down her form. "hey, the name's suna rintaro" he said as he stretched out a hand for her to shake 
"huh-oh um!" she stammered out as she shakily reached out to shake his hand "im l/n y/n" she said "it's nice to meet you, suna-kun"
she shook his hand with a flustered smile as she nervously picked at her skirt with her free hand 
"you too.." suna replies quite dryly
this caused her to panic even more. her mind was in shambles as she nervously dwells on the possibility that he hates her. though because of that, it caused her hands to fidget, which gained suna's attention. 
his fox like eyes averted to her skirt, which was getting badly crumpled the more she messed with it. 
his eyes subconsciously trailed down even further, and locked themselves on her tighs. 
"shit." suna muttered under his breath 
"hm? is something wrong, suna-kun?" she asked warily 
suna sighed through his nose and shook his head. he waved his hand dismissively as he sat back down on his seat "no, don't worry 'bout it" he said 
"i just got.. distracted" suna gulped as he watched her tighs press together. 
she nodded in understanding and waved him goodbye, assuming he's had enough of their conversation 
"oh, alright then.. i'll see you around, suna-kun" she said as she sent him one last fleeting glance 
"yeah, i'll see ya.." 
"y/n-chan, you can come sit with us 'til ya find some new friends to sit with" osamu suggested as he walked past her 
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"uwah!! thanks so much, osamu-kun!!" she exclaimed as she gave him a side-hug "i was hoping you'd be fine with me joining since i even made you some mochi!" she said as she hugged her huge bento to her chest 
"dont be silly. i like bein around ya" osamu said with the softest chuckle 
though his soft aura faded as he gave atsumu a disgusted glare, and avoided suna who was taking pictures incase anything happens 
"its just them that peeves me" he muttered through gritted teeth
"well, we can go ahead of you want?" she proposed. osamu looked down at her and nodded "yeah, let's go" 
and so, the pair made their way to the cafeteria. along the way, osamu made sure to give her a small tour to make sure she won't get lost next time. 
"we're here" he announced as he pushed through the doors, revealing the slightly packed room "ooh! there's so many people" she mutters out in interest 
"mhm.." osamu hums along "oh, and there's kita-san and aran.." 
her pale green eyes follow osamu's finger, which was pointing to a certain table where two boys sat and talked amongst themselves. 
"let's go-" 
"wahh!! osamu-kun!!" she squeaked and gripped onto his arm "that one with the gray and black hair is so cute!! and the taller one with darker skin is so handsome!!" she gushed 
osamu's expression turned into one of dread as he watched her oggle at his teammates with literal heart eyes 
"and they're both so tall and adorable!" she gushed even more as her blush worsened by the second. her grip also tightened the more she fawned, which left osamu's arm aching. 
osamu felt as if his arm could burst if her grip gets even tighter than it already was 
"why don't ya go greet them, y/n.." osamu suggested with a strained smile 
"d-do you think i can do it??" she asked him "i'll be too embarrassed to be infront two handsome boys" she muttered worriedly to herself 
"then how come yer quite comfortable with me and tsumu-" 
"i can do it!" she ignored his question as she puffed her chest and breathed in deeply 
"wait- are ya sayin' were not handsome enough to leave ya all chummy-" 
"ah, samu! come join us!" aran called out as he waved his hand to get his attention 
on instinct, she hid herself behind osamu's broad back, nervously fiddling with her braided hair as her other hand nervously grips her bento "i can't do it, osamu-kun!!" she hissed out 
osamu ignored her words, as well as her nails clawing at his back. he simply dragged her along as he approached the table where kita and aran sat. 
"oh, who's your friend?" aran asks with a kind smile as he peeks over osamu's shoulder to peer at the pink and green haired girl "introduce yer self" he urged her as he presented her to the boys 
"ahm! im y/n!" she squeaked out flusteredly "i hope you don't mind me joining you for lunch.." she said with a sheepish smile as her fingers tapped on her bento 
"not at all, please sit down" kita said in a polite manner as he slightly bowed his head in sign of respect 
she sat down beside osamu and quietly hummed to herself, slyly stealing glances at the boys as she gushed over them in her head. "ah, y/n-san. samu told us you moved to hyogo just a few days ago" aran started up a conversation 
'he's talking!' she gushed 'his voice!! mHhhMh' 
"ah, yes.. i'll be staying with the miya's temporarily while my estate is being constructed" she explained 
"that's nice" aran chuckled "though i wonder how ya could bare to live in the same roof as those two" 
as if on cue, atsumu came running in, sporting a huge grin as he hides his hand behind his back. "y/n-chaaann! i got ya somethin'!" he exclaimed "really?! what is it?!" she asked back, just as excitedly 
"mochi!" atsumu exclaimed with a smile as he pulled out a pack of sakura mochi 
the three boys sweat drop as they both cheer and give each other high fives, smiling like children as they share the mochis with each other 
"yay!" they cheered 
"they get along quite well.." kita murmurs 
"..i could probably sell this to the fan girls.." suna muttered as he inspected the pictures he took of atsumu smiling 
y/n froze upon hearing his voice, her pale green eyes turning hazy as she bashfully covered her mouth to hide her smile "its suna-kun!!" she silently squealed to herself 
"he looks so dreamy" she sighed lovingly, resting her chin on her hand as she watched suna walk towards their table while typing down on his phone 
"he looks normal to me" kita chimed in as he, too, watched suna mindlessly walk towards them
'ah, he's so close! kita-san is so close.. i could feel his body heat!' she chanted on her mind 
'and he smells so good!' she groaned internally as she basked in his sweet but masculine scent 
osamu noticed her eyes leave suna, instead they were now planted on the side of kita's face as she shuffles around to contain her excitement  "dont worry 'bout it" osamu said "she's like this with everyone" 
"she's just that nice, i guess" he shrugged 
suna then arrived at their table, sitting beside her yet still not looking up from his phone. 
'oh.' she thought to herself  ‘he's sitting next to me..?' 
she looked beside her to check. just in case she was dreaming. she whipped her head around, and met eyes with suna rintaro himself. she blinked one. twice. her long and thick lashes fluttering as she stared at his olive green orbs. 
she has concluded that she was in fact not dreaming. 
"y/n..?" atsumu asked warily. he was more than aware that she could have short circuited right then and there. surprisingly, she didn't freak out. she simply looked at atsumu, looking like her soul is slowly leaving her body as she sent him an empty smile. 
"yes, atsumu-kun?" she asked monotonously 
"you alright?" atsumu asked with a wonky grin 
"of course." 
it was a lie. 
she was not alright. in fact, she was currently hyperventilating. her heart was beating at an abnormal pace, and she was sure she had lost all focus to continue her total concentration breathing. 
her widened eyes looked down at their tighs, which were currently touching due to the limited space on the bench 
'MY THIGHS ARE TOUCHING HIS?!?!' she panicked internally 
'that had to mean something right? he's gotta be my husband in the future or something right? right??' 
"oh, you're y/n, aren't ya?" suna mused as he bit into an oh-so-familiar looking mochi "tsumu gave me some of this." he said as he showed her two more pieces of mochi 
"yer real good at cooking." he complimented with a curt nod 
"thank you!" she beamed cheerfully at him 
'cooking.. good cooking skills is one of a wife's admirable trait..' she chanted 
'i must be his future wife.. it all makes sense now..' 
she nodded to herself, agreeing to her assumptions with a hazy smile grazing her lips. she pulled out her bento and opened it, revealing an ungodly amount of food which looked like it could feed the whole volleyball team 
"y-y/n-san.." aran chuckled "that's a lot of food. are ya sure ya can finish that all?" he asked with a worried smile 
"of course!" she replied with a smile. she then started chomping on her lunch, humming giddily as she stuffs her mouth with food 
"oh, suna-kun.. w-would you like some more mochi?" she asked with a determined look on her face 
she stacked three pieces on a stick and handed it to him, waiting for him to take it with a small smile on her lips. suna side eyed her. his fox like eyes staring at the mochi in her hands, then her face, which was perfectly framed by her dual toned hair 
and he swears he didn't mean to.. but his eyes trailed down to her chest. and her tighs. 
now, suna wasn't someone to disrespect somebody like that. but he knows a total hottie when he sees one. pretty face, thick thighs, god tier personality. its all there. 
"sure" he said with a nod 
now again, he wasn't one to act on things like that. 
but when a pretty girl is feeding you mochi, you gotta do what you gotta do. 
so he opened his mouth and chomped on the treat all at once. 
"e-eh?" she muttered in surprise as his teeth pull the mochis off the stick, leaving it slightly covered by his saliva. "thwanks" suna said, though it was muffled by the treats in his mouth 
she couldn't say or do anything except freeze up and stare flusteredly at the saliva-laced stick in her hand. 
"can i have that onigiri?" osamu asked, breaking the silence, as he reached out to snatch her onigiri off her bento
"a-ahm- uh-" she stammered as she blinked aggressively to try and contain herself. osamu didn't wait for her answer as he swiftly snatched the onigiri and chomped on it.
the gray haired male didn't say a word as he placed his hand on her nape to turn her head back towards her food. he also took the stick from her and threw it away, much to her displeasure.
"so.. how was everyone's day so far..?" kita asked them to break the silence
aran laughed at this and shook his head in amusement. he pointed to the girl who was as still as a statue, looking like her soul has ascended to heaven and had personally vibed with god. 
"is she okay?" aran asked with a chuckle
"oi! y/n-chan! ya better not like suna, yer still my pretty girl, aight?!" atsumu exclaimed as he aggressively growled at suna
"as if she'd choose you." osamu scoffs
"oh, yer askin' for it-"
and that was how another fight between the miya twins ensued. 
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cobaltusami · 3 years
Bro Bonding Time
Hey hi hello! I'm like 12 hours late with this but I fell asleep writing and then had to run errands this morning, but like I've said before I'd rather post late than post something I rushed and didn't like.
So fun fact, Leon Is actually one of my fave's from the first game, and I thoroughly enjoy Lee!Leon because oof this child deserved so much better than he got. (All my favorites did. ;-; Apparently it's a requirement that If you become my fave you have to suffer--)
Characters: Lee!Leon, Ler!Mondo, Ler!Taka
Word count: 2324
Part one: Mercy
“For our first hang out,” Mondo said loudly, on purpose. He locked eyes with Leon. “Wanna help me get revenge on a certain Redhead?”
“Yeah, Let’s get him.”
The two newly united ‘Bros’ advanced towards Leon, who was still hiding behind Sakura. “Come on Mondo, It was totally fair! Taka never tickled someone before!” He tried to defend himself.
“He’s right. You had a brother growing up so you had more experience In that field, Taka didn’t.” Sakura spoke up, Trying to help the aspiring rockstar.
Taka stopped. “I guess you’re right…”
“Fuck that. Move outta my way Sakura, Or I’ll take you down too.” Mondo threatened, Standing directly In front of the Martial artist.
“Come on, Let’s let the boys do their thing.” Aoi sighed, getting up and moving towards the door. She stopped however when she realized Sakura wasn’t following her.
Sakura locked eyes daringly with the Biker. “Bold words from someone who just submitted.”
Mondo’s face flushed with embarrassment, he was taken off guard by her defiant demeanor. “W-What the hell did you just say?!”
“Sakura, Let’s go.” Hina tugged at her friend’s arm.
The Martial artist looked to the Swimmer and let out a small sigh. “Fine.”
“No no, Fuck that. You think you can take me?”
“M-Mondo! I thought you didn’t fight women!” Taka panicked, Sensing the rising tensions In the room.
“Sakuraaaa.” Aoi narrowed her eyes up at her.
She glanced at Mondo then back at Aoi. “Let’s go.” She mumbled. “I achieved my goal and gave Leon enough time to run away anyway.” She smirked at the Biker and left with a mischievously giggling Asahina, Who had realized her plan and played along.
Mondo’s eyes snapped back to where Leon had been hiding and found only an open door. “SHIT!” He swore as he bolted out the door after him.
Leon was running as fast as possible towards his room, He could hear footsteps barreling like roaring thunder behind him though, He knew he was about to get caught. “STAY BACK!” He yelled over his shoulder.
He skidded to a stop by his door and went to dive into the safety of his room but Mondo threw himself Into the doorway, hooking his arms around the rockstar as he fell to the floor inside the room, taking Leon down with him. “Where do you think… You’re going… Ya little shit?” Mondo panted as he began to catch his breath, tightening his grip when Leon started squirming.
“M-Mondo! Come on man, This Is so not cool! Let go!”
“Nice try, But Sakura overestimated how fast you can run.” Mondo smirked as he stood, pulling Leon up with him.
Taka poked his head into the doorway. “Oh, There you are!”
“Get In here bro, Let’s start our hangout.”
Leon yelped as he was tossed haphazardly onto the bed, he tried to roll off the bed to evade them but Mondo was quick to block his chance at escape by jumping onto the bed and tackling him to the mattress.
Taka shut the door and approached the red haired student who was throwing out strings of swears and protests at the biker pinning him down. Mondo was half laying on his side, propped up by the arm he was resting on, he used that same arm to ensnare both of Leon’s.
“Not cool man! Let me go!” He intended to sound angry, but his words came off as nervous instead.
“No way, you brought this on yourself. Ya shoulda stayed out of our business, Twerp.” Mondo chuckled evilly as Taka joined the two over on the bed, settling on the opposite side of Leon.
“Okay, Time to give you a real crash course In tickling.” Mondo smirked, adjusting his hold on the red head. He moved so that he was holding both of his arms over his head with one hand and shoved his shirt upwards with his free hand. “Now bro, Kuwata here Is hella ticklish. His worst spots are his hips and his feet. But ‘lemme teach ya a trick.”
Taka nodded attentively, hanging off of every word Mondo spoke as though his life depended on it.
“When you’re tickling someone, anticipation and build up are your friends.”
The Hall monitor blinked. “Anticipation and build up? What do you mean by that?”
Mondo grinned wickedly. “Well, with some people It’s most effective to just dive into their worst spot full force… but for other people, you need to start off slow, target less sensitive spots and psych them out.”
“Oh! Kind of like with you!” Taka nodded, Mondo paused as he felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment. Leon snickered at this.
“Sh-Shut up bro… But you get the idea, Yeah?”
“I believe so. It’s the lingering feeling of impending doom that makes them more sensitive, Correct?”
“Bingo!” Mondo gave a thumbs up. “Things like teasing verbally and through action will make it worse for a lot of people… Leon, Is one of ‘em.” He winked.
Leon choked back a whimper at the borderline evil grin he received from the biker. “Guys c’mon… I was just playing around earlier!”
“Just as we’re playing around with you now.” Taka smiled mischievously, causing Mondo to chuckle.
“That’s exactly right bro. Alright, enough talking. I’m better with actions than words anyway.” with that Mondo unceremoniously dug his fingers into Leon’s stomach, causing the Ultimate Baseball star to yelp as he buried his face in his arm to muffle any further embarrassing sounds.
“What you wanna do Is…” Mondo glanced over at Taka, who had just been intensely staring at the two as if deep In thought. He blinked his red eyes and met Mondo’s gaze. “Start at his sides, and slowly work your way up to his ribs. But just before ya reach his ribs, go back down his sides and keep repeating until ya think he’s gonna get caught off guard.”
“How do I know when to do that?” Taka inquired curiously.
“Oh, you’ll know.” was his unhelpful answer.
Taka sighed softly at that and gently began skittering his fingertips up Leon’s sides, he watched with interest as his body trembled and twitched under his gentle touch. But oddly enough to the Moral Compass, He wasn’t laughing. “Mondo, Is this normal? For someone not to laugh…?”
“Yeah bro, some people are stubborn and try not to laugh.” he nodded.
“Oh, Kind of like what you tried to do earlier but started giggling after a few--”
Leon let out a few snickers at the exchange before him.
Mondo narrowed his eyes at the aspiring rockstar. “Oh, Ya think that’s funny huh?” he lightly ran his fingers across the exposed bit of his hip bone, causing the trembling student to flinch violently away from his touch with a mangled squeal. Unfortunately his attempt to flinch away didn’t make him any safer, It only made his body shift more into Mondo.
“Whatsa matter? Don't cha like that spot?” He asked teasingly, tracing his fingertips ever so lightly across the hip bone. He glanced up at the other attacking student and nodded at him.
Taka took this as his cue and attacked Leon’s ribs, this resulted In the redhead yelping and bursting out laughing. “Shihihihit! Ahahahaha! Stohohohohopp!” He whined through his laughter, trying to jerk away from both Taka and Mondo, which again only made him press more into Mondo.
“Why should we? Seems to me that you like this.” Mondo smirked. “Seeing as ya keep snuggling more into my hold.”
“Ihihihihihim nohohohot trying tohohoho!” He protested, blushing. “You’re tihihickling my hihihip!”
“Bro, What do you think? I think he’s enjoying this.” Mondo ignored Leon’s reasoning, still delicately tracing the hyper ticklish spot.
“I must agree bro! Why else would he instigate and constantly talk back? I believe deep down he wants to be tickled!” Taka agreed, smiling in amusement.
Does Leon enjoy this? Hmm… No, Not really. It all depends on his mood, he does have days where he gets in a lee mood, but those are kind of uncommon. And he certainly doesn’t like getting wrecked when he gets tickled. (Unless he does.)
He normally doesn’t like being tickled by Mondo because he gets destroyed every single time, he prefers to annoy Hiro until he tickles him if anyone because normally Hiro isn’t merciless.
“I dohohoho nahahahahat!” Leon argued, blushing more.
“I don’t know... Your face is quite red, Leon! Perhaps you are just embarrassed to be called out about It!” Taka teased, his fingers ghosting across his ribs slowly.
Mondo grinned, squeezing his hips briefly before his fingers trailed back up to his stomach. “Good point!”
Leon shrieked, his body jerking as if he were shocked by electricity. He squirmed to the other side away from Mondo, but unfortunately this put him closer to Taka and his evilly teasing touches.
This action was rewarded with much more thorough tickles to his ribs and the spots between them from the Moral Compass. “Well, If ya wanted Taka to tickle you more, ya coulda just asked.” Mondo chuckled, switching to lighter tickles against his belly.
“Kyahahaha! Thihihis ihihis bullshihihit!” Leon laughed, flustered. He wasn’t sure which one was worse. As soon as he’d squirm to one side, closer to one student, they would tickle him much more viciously and the other would be lighter to lure him back to their side.
Taka laughed. “Yes! I would’ve been more than happy to oblige!”
Leon squirmed back over to Mondo’s side more out of reflex than actual want, and just like before Taka lightened and slowed his tickles and Mondo began tickling much more vigorously.
Though unexpectedly, Mondo leant down and blew a raspberry against his stomach, giving a few quick squeezes to his hip when he did.
When I tell you Leon screamed.
“FAHAHAHAHACK! NAHAHAHA!” He cackled, tears welling up in his tightly shut bright blue eyes.
Taka paused, taken off guard by the reaction.
Leon’s body flew away from the mean biker, his midriff knocking against Taka’s leg. “GEHEHEHET AWAHAHAHAHAY FROM MEHEHEHE YOU DIHIHIHICK!”
“Ya think he’s gonna save you from me?” Mondo laughed sadistically, blowing another raspberry against his heaving stomach.
Taka felt a tinge bad for the rockstar, remembering how horrible the intense tickles to his sides were. But he pushed those feelings aside for a moment when Mondo paused his ticklish assault on Leon and looked at him. “Uh Bro? Ya good?”
“Y-Yeah, Sorry. I got lost In thought again.” Taka responded.
Leon just laid there giggling tiredly and gasping for air, his body felt weak from all the squirming and laughing he was doing.
“No worries.” Mondo grinned. “Let’s wrap this up then. You want his hips or his feet?”
The panting student beneath them felt himself pale at the thought of both his worst spots being tickled at the same time. He would have tried to escape at that moment when he thought Mondo wasn’t paying attention, but he didn’t have the energy to.
Taka thought about it, devising some sort of plan of his own in his mind. “Hips.” he said carefully once he came to a decision.
“Aight, make sure you keep a good grip on him.” He instructed, releasing the redhead as soon as Taka had a hold of him by the hips.
This action alone garnered giggles and small squirms from the tired student.
Mondo grabbed his ankles and unceremoniously tore away the only two layers of protection from his weakly kicking appendages. “Ready?”
“Ready.” Taka affirmed, loosening his grip on Leon’s hips. Something he took notice of immediately.
Though he didn’t have time to react thanks to Mondo’s hellish tickle attack starting on his feet, Taka made it appear as though he was tickling Leon’s hips, but wasn’t actually.
When Leon opened an eye to look up at Taka hesitantly, He winked at him. Silently assuring him that he was going to help him rather than help his Kyoudai.
Catching on quickly, Leon latched his hands onto Taka’s wrists and made It appear as though he was trying to rip his hands off of his hips.
“NAAHAHAHAHAHA!” Leon laughed loudly, throwing his head back and arching his back to sell it further.
Mondo glanced back at Taka and grinned at him. “Good job, Bro! You catch on quick.”
Oh you have no idea. Taka thought to himself with a smile. He leaned down to whisper In Leon’s ear. “We need to catch him off guard, So make some kind of--”
“AAACK! NONONO!” Leon jolted away from Taka, laughing hysterically. Taka blinked in surprise but followed. Apparently, his neck was very sensitive and Taka accidentally brushed against it. “DOHOHOHON’T! PLEHEHEHEHEASE!”
Mondo paused what he was doing to look back at Leon and Taka curiously. “Ohh yeah, I forgot his neck Is hella ticklish.” he chuckled in amusement.
Now was their best chance as Mondo was turning his attention back to his feet. Taka quickly released his ‘hold’ on the rockstar, who in turn immediately launched himself at Mondo’s back with newfound strength, sending them both flying off the bed and crashing to the floor with Leon on top of Mondo’s back.
“Ow! Fucking hell!” Mondo swore into the carpet, slightly disoriented from the fall.
Leon jumped up and bolted out of the room as though he were being chased by a serial killer. (Or a singer with a knife--)
Mondo sat up, rubbing his head tenderly. Confused as to what just happened.
Taka got down onto the floor next to him, feigning surprise. “B-Bro! Are you okay?? I am so sorry! He slipped out of my grip, I wasn’t expecting such a violent reaction out of him. Do you want me to go after him??”
Mondo patted his shoulder reassuringly. “Nah don’t sweat It bro, I’m fine. C’mon, Let’s go find something else to do.” He stood up and offered a hand to help Taka up, he took It with a smile.
“Yeah, Let’s.”
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madara-fate · 3 years
"they all say that she never did much for the plot but who healed most of the character" LMFAO as if healing characters makes you relevant to the plot. who cares frankly. like i know she heals people, good for her, she's not completely useless in terms of skills, but who really cares? i sure as hell don't read shonen to see other characters healing. fact is, she is irrelevant to the plot. her character is irrelevant to the themes of the manga, doesn't really have outstanding goals of her own, she's more of a support character than anything, always in naruto's shadow, following whatever he wants to do. and she's a damsel in distress more times than the times she's actually useful. like yeah it's not cool to invalidate someone's skills just because there are other people who have the same skills, i completely agree with you on that, but it was never only about her skills. why do her stupid fans bring her medical prowess when someone talks about her impact on the plot? what does her medical skills have to do with the plot? to they generate plot? lmfao
Why are you stalking my blog Anon? If you're so confident in the shit you're saying, then surely you should at least have the nerve and decency to say it with your account right? What are you so afraid of?
LMFAO as if healing characters makes you relevant to the plot. who cares frankly. like i know she heals people, good for her, she's not completely useless in terms of skills, but who really cares? i sure as hell don't read shonen to see other characters healing. fact is, she is irrelevant to the plot.
I'll come back to this point at the end where I'll demonstrate just how utterly stupid it is. It's also funny how you ask who cares that Sakura heals people, and then you go and say how you don't read shounens to see people healing others, as if anyone cares why the fuck you follow shounens. So let me ask, who cares why you read shounen? Just because you don't care for the medics doesn't mean everyone else shares your mindset. Excuse me for caring about more than who can create the biggest explosions.
Her character is irrelevant to the themes of the manga
How so? What are the themes of the manga? Never giving up on your bonds? Forgiveness? Redemption? Working hard to achieve your goals? How is Sakura irrelevant to those themes? She never gave up on her bond with Sasuke, she along with Naruto were intrinsically linked with Sasuke's redemption, she was among the first people to forgive Sasuke, Obito etc, and she worked hard under Tsunade to achieve her goals. So explain, how is she irrelevant to the themes?
Doesn't really have outstanding goals of her own
One of her goals was for Sasuke to be saved from his hatred, she accomplished that.
Another one of her goals was to be able to stand beside Naruto and Sasuke on the battlefield rather than standing behind them watching as they fight her battles for her, she accomplished that.
Another one of her goals was the establishment of a Children's Mental Healthcare Clinic so that orphans like Naruto and Sasuke wouldn't have to experience such traumatic childhoods, and she accomplished that as well.
So what are you talking about?
She's more of a support character than anything, always in naruto's shadow, following whatever he wants to do.
Seriously, what on Earth are you talking about? Her choices aren't dependent on him. The most prominent goal for both of them during the story, was to save Sasuke from his dark path, and in case you've forgotten, Sakura wanted to do that before Naruto did. Honestly there's just no thought behind anything you're saying. If she just followed whatever Naruto wanted to do, then why would she have prepared for Naruto to hate her after carrying out her plan to deal with Sasuke herself? Just think for a moment, my goodness.
She's a damsel in distress more times than the times she's actually useful
I dare you to prove this point.
Why do her stupid fans bring her medical prowess when someone talks about her impact on the plot? what does her medical skills have to do with the plot? to they generate plot? lmfao
And now I'll demonstrate just how truly stupid this point is - Her medical skills have a lot to do with the plot because without those skills, characters who are very significant to the plot would have died. She kept Hinata alive after Pain impaled her, she kept Shikamaru alive after his chakra was drained to critical levels, she kept Naruto alive long enough to reach Minato after he had Kurama extracted, I could go on and on. Why would you to think that Sakura's medical skills have been useless to the plot, when they have literally been the direct reason why plot significant characters have been able to remain in the plot in the first place? I mean what? Do you honestly think that the plot would have remained the same if those characters had died?
Please, answer these questions, and I'll look forward to your anonymous response since you're too scared to say things publicly.
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tyforestposts · 3 years
Orihime Inoue Is the Worst Mix Between Sakura Haruno and Hinata Hyuga
This is technically my first attempt at something like this, so go easy on me.
Before I say anything, I should probably get this out of the way: I don’t hate Orihime from the anime/manga Bleach. At her best, she’s a quirky and cheerful girl with a bit of tragic backstory thrown in for good measure. She was proven to be more than what her trope told her to be (aka, a big-breasted side character who has a crush on the protagonist). In my opinion, she’s at her best in the first two arcs of Bleach.
However, as the story went on, the trope seemed to slowly consume her. Gone was the girl whose brother died believing she hated him, gone was the girl who combined random foods that made people barf at the mere thought of said combos, replaced by the big-breasted side character with a crush on the protagonist. Her only real role in the story was being that trope, as well as being the healer with an OP healing ability that goes completely underutilized.
And that brings us nicely to the title of this essay. I’ve seen Orihime compared to Hinata so many times, and I’ve kinda gotten sick of it. Sure, there’s a lot of things to compare, like the aforementioned trope, and hell, they even share the same English voice actress. But those comparisons are only at a base level and any serious comparison falls apart once it is looked at deeper. Yes, there are both big-breasted side characters with a crush on the protagonist, but when it comes to Hinata, there’s more to it than that.
Hinata literally suffered from extremely low self-esteem due to her family viewing her as weak thanks to her inherent shyness and reluctance to hurt anyone, which is actually how she developed her stutter (as in, that stutter is not a result of being shy around Naruto). Naruto became an important person in her life because she saw someone going through the same things she went through on a larger scale, and he managed to stay strong throughout it. She admired him for that, an admiration which quickly grew into something more. Besides, her life doesn’t revolve around Naruto; when asked about why she wanted to become a ninja, it was to be “strong like my father, and kind like my mother”, and that’s a better reason than literally every other female in her class.
I’m not gonna say Hinata’s story was perfect. Far from it. If anything, it’s a clear example of Kishimoto being great at establishing things, but terrible at expanding upon them, as well as his terrible writing for female characters (which he actually admitted to), as much of what I said about Hinata is only in the subtext and never clearly spelled out. As for the “terrible at expansion” point, just the Hyuga Clan by itself, with its interesting dynamic, cool kekkei genkai, and Caged Bird Seal, deserves an arc in and of itself exploring the clan and solving the problems that reside within it. But this isn’t the point I’m trying to make, I’m just saying that I’m trying to be unbiased.
So how does Sakura fit into all of this? Well, her and Orihime share a few similarities too, just not quite as much. They both serve the role as medic (with OP medical skills in their own right), both have a crush on a main character that isn’t explained why outside of basics, and both strive to grow stronger but never really do. Though I will give credit where credit is due and say that Sakura did indeed get stronger (I will never forget her fight with Sasori and how epic she was in it), but to say she’s on Naruto and Sasuke’s level is complete nonsense.
Orihime has the qualities of both, but with none of the truly positive. Her crush on Ichigo is never explored outside of the basics, her contribution to fights is limited to healing, and there’s approximately only one fight where she actually accomplished something (Her and Ichigo vs. Yhwach).
She’s just Sakura with the personality of Hinata, with none of the subtext that made Hinata interesting.
Again, I hate to diss Orihime like this, I find that she’s a delightful character in the beginning, but this is something that’s been on my mind for a while. I needed to get it off my chest.
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dayseternal-blog · 3 years
Hi Days! I'm a huge fan of your work and your tumblr blog bc you give so many naruhina fanfic recs and talk about your stories, etc.
To sum it up, you're my favorite person lol, I'm a bit shy so I'm asking this as an anon, but I wanted to tell you something random just because I've always just thought about it and maybe you would agree or comment on it.
Have you ever listened to mitski? If you haven't I recomend you do bc she's amazing, but anyways I was listening to a song of hers called "washing machine heart" and it reminded me of naruhina, like the fic "together you and I" but different you know, like naruto only married hinata because he couldn't have sakura, she was his second option and every time he looked at her he wished and pretended it was Sakura, so Hina tries her hardest to look pretty and try to be the person he wants, always getting saddend by the idea that she isn't the one he wants, she knows his heart will only belong to Sakura. She let's him trample all over her heart and use her because she loves him unconditionally, maybe cry to her on some nights because he longs for Sakura's love that will never come.
I've read so many fanfics and I've never encountered one using this concept, I'd write it myself, but I'm not good at writing, maybe I'm reaching but it could inspire an angst story made by you or just a prompt or idea/concept for anyone to use. The hurt in this could be inmaculate and I bet a good writer could bring everyone to tears if they read a story like this. You don't have to do anything ofc I'll love you either way, I'm not meaning to push you to write a whole story with this concept by any means or to even post this ask, it's just something I made up/ related to this certain song, so I wanted you to see it, perhaps share your opinion or thoughts on it or just think about it. I love pain a lot hahaha bc I'm not a narusaku shipper in any way, I actually dislike the ship a lot.
Thank you for reading this and pls keep up the awesome work!! I'll always be a fan and support you and your spectacular writing❤️❤️
GAH What an awful fic idea you have 💔
“The Ring that Binds” by softwind - Rated M, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Incomplete.  Naruto and Hinata are married.  So why is Naruto calling “Sakura” in his sleep?
“Girl No 10″ by meeiwen - Rated M, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. Naruto makes a mistake with a dancer one drunk night.  Years later when he meets her again, he begins realizing his perfect life is a lie, but he’s too late to fix it.
“Territorial” by @bunny-hoodlum - Rated M, High school AU, Multi-chapter, Complete.  When Hinata takes advantage of Naruto’s desperation for love, they’re both a little too much for the other to handle.
Are similar to what you have there.
Naruto finally makes it to the Hokage’s office, having had trouble shaking off fangirls on his way.  He can immediately tell he’s the last one there, even though it’s the eve of the Rinnegan Festival.  Tense expressions greet him, the atmosphere somber.
Sakura whips her attention back to the desk before them.  “Rokudaime, with all due respect, I don’t think Naruto belongs on this mission.”
Her behavior has confused him all night.  First moving away from him so that Hinata would sit between them at Ichiraku when Hinata could have just sat on the other side of him.  Then pushing him to follow Hinata back home.  He said aloud that he’d be seeing her later, and that he wanted to catch up with everyone first, but Sakura just glared at him...
She’s been pushing him away, more and more every day, breaking his heart to smaller and smaller pieces...whether knowingly or not, he’s not sure about that, but she’s never rejected him from being her teammate on a mission.
Worried, he meets Kakashi’s gaze.
“I understand your concern, Sakura.”  His tone is heavy.  His usual careless attitude nowhere in sight.  “Call it just my gut-feeling...you’re going to need Naruto’s strength for this mission.”
Hanabi was kidnapped.
Hiashi and Hinata are nowhere to be found.
“What do you mean...?” Naruto finds himself asking.  “I just saw her.  We just saw her.  Not even an hour ago.”
“When Sai reported Hanabi’s kidnapping, believe me, Naruto, we moved to notify her family immediately.  Anbu can’t find them.”
“What?”  The last memory he has of Hinata abruptly leaving dinner and running off without hardly a word nags at him, inexplicably tightening his chest.  “She’s fine.  Hinata’s strong.  She can take on anybody.  No one would dare-”
“Naruto,” Sakura interrupts, her gaze cutting sharp.  “She’s nowhere to be found.  And as much as you believe that, no one is invincible.  Not even Hinata.  We need to form a plan, otherwise we’re losing precious time.”
“No one is invincible.  Not even Hinata.”
An emptying numbness invades his insides, discomforting slickness muting him.
This isn’t his fault, is it?
What if she needed to tell him something?
She was acting strange at Ichiraku.
Quiet, unusual for her as of recent...
But how was he supposed to notice?  Should he have followed after her, like Sakura said?  But they were supposed to meet at his apartment later on anyway, so why did she have to come out early like that and ruin the good time he was having?  She knows how he hasn’t given up on Sakura.
She knows everything about him.  She’s been his rock after Sakura tried to shut him down for good.  So how can it be that she’d just disappear?  There’s no way.
There’s just no way that she disappeared right after she left...
Hours of wandering around in abandoned, desolate, war-stricken villages in god-knows-where, and nothing.  No one.
He’s asking for the hundredth time, but he doesn’t care, he’s past the point of desperation, and anxiety-laced tension fills the air.  “Taku, you really don’t see anything?!”  The Hyuuga they have on their team led them into this godforsaken wasteland.
Taku turns on him aggressively, getting in his face in reaction, and yells, “What about you??  You think I’m not trying my best?!  This is my family!  Just because you’re Hinata’s boyfriend doesn’t mean you’re any more worried than the rest of us!  You don’t sense her??”
No.  He doesn’t.
His Sage Mode has never been so useless.  In fact, he senses no one besides them in this place, and it’s with terrible unease that he begins to entertain the thought that she’s gone for good.
“There’s no one even here besides us!  Nothing!  Why’d you take us down here?  Where are we even?!  How do we get out of here in the first place?!” he argues back.
“Sakura-san was right!  You don’t belong on this mission!  I don’t know what Hinata-sama could ever see in you, I haven’t seen her smile in months!”
“What do you mean by that?!  She smiles all the time!  I’ve never seen her act so cheerful in my life!”
“So you fucking know it, too!”  Taku glares at him with an incredulous expression.  “That she’s just acting!”
“What the hell do you mean by that-”
And he doesn’t know what happened next, but Sai’s grabbing onto Taku and he himself is locked in Shikamaru’s shadow manipulation.  Chakra’s sparking off his own hands, while blue embers warp along Taku’s.
“Calm down,” Shikamaru orders both of them.  “We’re not getting anywhere if the two of you keep fighting.”  He waits for Taku to loosen his stance.
Sai lets go of him.
Taku throws an insulting glare around before sauntering off.
Shikamaru sighs.  Hard.  “Go cool your head, Naruto.”  He retracts his shadow, and Naruto wastes no time walking off in the opposite direction, far from wherever Taku is heading.
Yet Taku’s ridiculous words ring in his head.  “That she’s just acting.”
But she said that she’s happy to be with him.  That she doesn’t mind that he’s still in love with Sakura.  She said that she’s just happy to be with him.
She said that.  She did.  And she wouldn’t lie to him, right?
She was just acting?
“You’re not going to finish your ramen?” he asked her on their date last month.
“No...”  Suddenly, she smiled brightly, something she’s been doing more often ever since he mentioned that he’s always liked how genki Sakura is.  “Do you want the rest of mine?  I’m dieting.”
He scrunched his eyebrows at her.  “Dieting?  Why?”
“Well...”  She looked thoughtful for a moment before seeming to come to a decision.  “Naruto-kun, you like thin girls, right?”
He knew she was talking about Sakura.  “...I guess...”
“I want to make you happy,...” she started.  She bit her lips for a hesitating moment before continuing, “so I’ve been trying to lose a little weight.”
“Oh.”  He didn’t know what to make of that.  Unbidden, he looked her over. 
“Can you tell?” she asked, her characteristic shyness lowered her lashes, yet she didn’t fidget under his examination, and he could tell how she was trying her best to have that confident persona he admires in his former teammate.
Despite her recent changes in attitude, Hinata’s still been so physically small compared to himself and everyone else.  Under her jacket, he couldn’t tell if she looked skinnier or not, and even if she was, he doesn’t think she really needed to be skinnier.
But then she looked up at him with that heavy, hopeful weight in her gaze, and he couldn’t let her down.  Not when she’s trying so hard for his approval.
He fibbed easily.  “Yeah.  You look really good.”
She shined another smile at him that made him feel good.  Even if their relationship wasn’t traditional, he could at least still make her happy.  He could at least tell her some sweet words and see her sweet smile and-
She was lying.
She wasn’t happy?
He never made her happy?
Then what was the point of any of it?
No, she must have been happy, right?!  She said so!  She told him so!  Many, many times!
After all, he asked her.  All of those times he thought she was faking her smile, he asked just to make sure, and she vehemently told him that she was really happy to be with him.
She said he could talk to her about all of it.  That she could take on his heartbreak because her feelings were so much bigger than...
“Uzumaki Naruto.”
The unfamiliar voice has him leaping to his feet.
A man as pale as a ghost with piercingly icy eyes is floating down to him on some strange platform.  “You’re really as pitiful as I expected.”
“Who the hell are you?!”  He readies his stance.  He’s not in any mood for games, and he’s ready to let loose some of his stress on this very suspicious character.
“Hinata’s fiance.”
“Hinata?!”  Fire races through his veins, heating his feet, and he’s ready to leap at this guy.  “Where is she?!”
“With me.”
His heart rate exponentially explodes, beating into his ears, his skin practically bristling.  “Let her go,” he demands, and the threat of his words leaks from every pore of his being.  “Now.”
The man almost snorts.  “What makes you think she wants to see you?  You only ever used her, broke her...”  His collected expression hardens, and Naruto can sense that he has no intention of releasing her.  “I’ll make her happier than you ever could.”
Several thoughts fly too quickly through his mind to properly process any of it, leaving only residual uncertainty and that deepening sense of his culpability in her sudden disappearance.  But he doesn’t linger on the unpleasant sensations.  “What the fuck do you know?!”  And he’s charging at him, a Rasengan heavy in his hand.
The enemy is far more powerful than he appeared, immediately blowing him back with some kind of focused chakra.  “Weak, pathetic.”
“GIVE HER BACK!”  He replicates himself a dozen times, each of them throwing Rasenshurikens at the man.
Yet more of that strange yellow chakra protects him.  He’s unscathed even under his shadow clone onslaught.  “No.  I gave her a choice, and she came with me.  I’m just here to get rid of you, take revenge against you for her sake.”
He hardly comprehends the nonsense spewing out of the enemy’s mouth, and he rallies his clones into close combat, but the man manages to avoid many of the attacks while landing hits of his own.
Clones poofing away only to be replaced by more, frustration and fury starting to blind him into sloppier and sloppier moves.
“I love Hinata.  That’s why I deserve her.”
He chokes on his own breath, and in his momentary loss of concentration,...
He’s falling.
aaannnnd that’s as far as I want to go with that.  Imagine the rest of the team arriving in time to notice Toneri making his escape toward the sky, and I guess the rest of the story would sort of follow the rest of The Last...Naruto self-reflects a lot in a bundle of depression for a long time and yeah.
...ahhh...  I encourage you to write the fic you want to see in the world ❤️
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korissideblog · 3 years
[slams my guitar into the stage bc im past my teen years and yet still full of unbridled teenage rage]
so this ending is dumb and stupid and I hate it 😭 pretty much the plan for this fic was just a bunch if monologuing, and I didn’t know how I was gonna end it till I was. ending it.
ok, groveling aside, fic uses characters labled in part 1. I’m very sleepy. Here’s part 2 of
The Hedonist
“Jetsam Kisa?”
“Yes.” Aito shuttered, as if a sudden cool wind had blown through the room. “He was my best friend… and… well look at me now.”
Normally when this was said by someone draped in silk and gold, it was supposed to be a positive thing, but the pain in Aito’s face told the real weight of it all. How heavy the luxury really was.
“I’m sorry.”
“No need to be.” Aito mumbled, quickly waving off the comforting words. “You haven't done anything to cause it.”
“I'm not sorry for something done wrong, I’m sorry that I can’t help you through it.” Sakura said, her voice lowering as she explained herself, frowning a bit as Aito finally removed his hand from her’s.
“Again, no need.” Aito repeated, stepping back from the settee. “Despite appearances, I’m fairly settled in it. Despite… everything...” she said, gesturing vaguely. “I know who I am. And who I am is a villain.” a small smirk tugged at Aito’s lips as Sakura handed the book back. “I’d even go to say I'm your best villain.”
“I’m not one to disagree, pet, but may I ask,” Sakura continued, watching Aito over her shoulder. “Why would you label yourself so?”
“Simple.” Aito chuckled, walking the book back to the shelf it belonged to. “Given my background, I know more about any hero we encounter than anyone else.”
Sakura squinted as Aito slipped the book back into the empty spot. “Given your background?” she repeated.
“As a past student of UA, I’d say I know most of the heroes out there- and their abilities- fairly intimately.” Aito hummed, pleased with the shocked face Sakura made when he turned to face her.
“Checkmate… you have a long leash- I let you associate with who you please, I let you go and come from this place as you wish, you have more say in my plans than I afford to many- but… I hope you understand my… insecurity in this.” she said, lowering her voice as if Aito’s education was something to be kept secret. “The implications alone are dizzying.”
“I know, but believe me, Sakura san.” Aito said, his face falling back into its usual stoic expression. “I buried my sympathies for my classmates a long time ago.” Sakura still felt a tinge of nervousness, but it melted away as Aito returned to her side. “I do what I want now, without regard for good or bad. Interesting how I seemed to fall right in line with people like you.” he hummed hurmously, patting Sakura’s shoulder in a rare display of affection.
“I’d say.” Sakura laughed as Aito quickly removed his hand. “Interesting though, that people’s suffering is what you want.” she mentioned, tapping her cheek as if considering it. “Masochist.”
“The word you’re looking for is sadist.” Aito corrected her. “The correct word is schadenfreude- but I prefer hedonist.” Aito noticed Skaura’s eyebrow raise minutely, as if asking a silent question. “Hedonism being the philosophy of pleasure. Though not a slave to my whims, I still try to give myself anything I want. My goal is to maximize pleasure, and I think I do it well.” she explained further. “Villainy… Well, if heroism was this fun, I would be a hero.” he paused, shrugging, “but it’s not… so I’m not.”
Sakura smiled, seemingly pleased with the answer as she resettled herself on the settee. “Authur Ashe once said ‘True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost.’ I believe myself heroic, at least in the sense that I serve villainous causes.” Sakura reasoned, purposefully perverting the message “But you… you don’t serve anything but yourself?” she asked, her smile widening as she looked up at the villain before her. “How do you justify it then? All of this.” Sakura continued, grinning as Aito sat down next to her feet, unusual behavior for the distant and stoic man Sakura knew. “Who does your heroism serve, pet?”
Aito paused, thinking hard as he leaned against the back of the little couch. “I don’t believe it serves you, Sakura san.” Aito reasoned, his hands slipping behind his back as if in thought. “Nor any specific villainous cause… I guess I’d say that my heroism serves my friends, my community, and my family.” Aito settled, her posture straightening as she turned to face Sakura. “As well as the heroes of Japan.” and before Sakura could even process the sentence, Aito was already tackling her to the ground.
The fight was short, Aito quickly getting the upper hand on the villain, and pinning her on her stomach as he cuffed her hands behind her back. “Checkmate!” Sakura barked, struggling under Aito’s knee. “What are you doing!”
But she was ignored, the character Checkmate immediately falling as Aito came back into the spotlight. “I already told you! I’m doing what I want!” he giggled, Sakura shouting in protest as he stood up and kicked over the settee. From his pocket Aito produced a small folding knife, which he used to cut open the bottom of the couch. Aito stuck her hand into the space and pulled out a bulky handheld radio. She flicked it on and messed with the knobs till there was a definite beep, quickly pressing the button on the side. “Iku! Yessam! My 9 months are up!” she chirped, Sakura stunned by the difference between her teammate and this new person, both somehow seeming to share the same body. “Yua Sakura is detained, I’m gonna need help for transport though.”
“Detained- you can’t detain me you brute!” Sakura barked, the chains around her wrists clattering as she fought against them. She was happily ignored by Aito.
There was a pause, and then a scratchy voice came through the other side of the radio. “Great job Aito!” the man replied, seemingly just as excited as Aito. “We'll be there in half an hour! Just keep Sakura entertained till then.”
Aito nodded quickly, looking down on the villain with a grin. “Awe you should have seen it, Ikuto! I was monologuing and everything! I was like a real life villain!” she giggled
“Troubling how well you can do that.” a different voice now, one Aito seemed just as pleased to hear. “But still impressive, good job Aito.”
“You bet your ass it was!” Aito yelled in excitement, practically bouncing in place. “Awe, I missed you guys so much! My hair is… wow, it’s rough. Blonde is not my color.” she laughed, noticing Sakura messing with the chains on her handcuffs and immediately realizing what was going on. “h-hold on there!” she barked, kicking Sakura’s side to discourage her from using her quirk against the metal.
“I-I can’t believe! You were nothing when I found you!” She yelled, curling in on herself to guard against any other attacks.
“God she’s a pain to deal with- but whatever! Jetsam! You have to take me to get my hair cut! Long is cute but it makes everything so much harder! Do you know how many times I’ve been grabbed by the hair? It’s wicked what people do to me.” he whined, glaring at Sakura before stepping away from her side.
“Sounds like a plan Aito.” Jetsam laughed, the background noise probably coming from whatever vehicle they were using to find the hide away. “Are you starting on the scene? We may not have a lot of time before the rest of the villains arrive.”
“Already on it!” Aito laughed, shoving her shoulder into a nearby bookcase and watching it fall into the ones behind it. “After this we only need to torch the place a bit, and it’ll look just like a kidnapping!” she giggled, watching all the books spill onto the floor with a chaotic glee.
“You- you traitor!” Sakura screamed from her spot on the floor, seemingly not enjoying the mess like Aito was, and still struggling against the cuffs. “I’ll destroy you- ruin you- I’ll burn- your heart.” She had actually managed to sit up by the time Aito had strolled over, but was quickly stopped by the hero.
“Awe…”Aito cooed, leaning over a bit to look the woman in the eye. “You’re cute when you’re mad, too bad you weren’t this entertaining the entire time. Hell, maybe I would have become an actual villain.” he joked dryly. “Sorry for this, but I can’t have you getting away.” Aito smirked, not looking sorry at all as he threw a punch at her temple, knocking her out cold.
“Mama always says never to hit a lady.” Aito sighed, talking back into the radio
“I think these are extenuating circumstances. Mama would understand.” Ikuto laughed, back in control of the radio. “Jetsam’s driving, we’ll be there soon. Have fun destroying the place.”
And have fun, Aito definitely did.
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okaywitheverything · 4 years
World’s Worst Best Men: Itachi x Wife!Reader
A/n: I'm not writing a summary but I have a feeling you'll like this one. Not so much romance as usual, but it is fun and I’m proud of it. 
Pairing: Itachi x Wife!Reader, Platonic Sasuke x Reader
Word Count: 1.7K
Here’s the dress I imagine wearing. Though, your imagination is key.
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Uchiha weddings were nothing, if not extravagant and over the top, you should know, you have had one for yourself.
Standing beside your husband of three years, the prodigy, Itachi Uchiha, you couldn't have been happier. Sasuke was getting married and you and Itachi had the most triumphant grins on your faces, both beaming gleefully.
You and Itachi had been childhood bestfriends but didn't start dating dating until late teen years. So naturally Sasuke had been an important person in your life, an amazing boy whom you had watched grow up.
The wedding had been a blast, everyone enjoying themselves to the fullest. Asuma and Kurenai were dancing along with their son in a group with Kakashi and Gai. Kakashi drunk dancing was really a sight for sore eyes.
Genma was at the bar, really vibing with one of Sakura's distant aunts while Iruka was being paired up with one of Hinata's quiet aunts by Naruto.
Minato and Kushina were standing alongside Fugake and Mikoto drinking champagne and feeling proud.Smiles of genuine happiness were on each of their faces as they felt their life goals had been achieved.
Of course all the boys were dancing alongside the Jounins' group with Sasuke in between surrounded by a wild Naruto, drunk Kiba, flustered Lee and other friends of the like.
The girls were in their own group with the bride in between surrounded by perfectionist Ino, jovial Tenten, inebriated Temari, bewildered Hinata and likewise. Ino kept straightening the flowers in the newlywed girl's hair.
This was all you could ever ask for someone as important to you as Sasuke. You, someone who never cried, almost shed a tear when Sauske said his vows. The fact he found love in his life made you really grateful to God.
After all the guest tired themselves out by uncoordinated and off beat dancing, it was time for the best man's speech or in this case, best men.
Naruto and Itachi were the two best men as they both mean the world to Sasuke. His best friend and his elder brother.
With a champagne flute in hand, Naruto started, "Putting our rivalry aside for one day, I would go so far as to call you-, this is only a once in a lifetime privilege remember Teme," He referred to Sasuke getting off track his speech, "-my best friend. Who would have thought you would get married? Howbeit to a girl?"
Everybody laughed, silently agreeing with Naruto. The atmosphere of the wedding hall was bright, beautiful and cheery. The exuberant and buoyant gathering listened with real enthusiasm.
"I don't have anything against you marrying a guy, honestly because all of us expected you to, after you broke a lot of poor girls' hearts."
Sasuke seemed really shocked at this, even his mouth fell open with widened eyes while everyone once again silently agreed. Sasuke's shock told you that he actually had never heard about this rumor before. 
God, he was a really oblivious kid.
"I know, Dobe," Naruto said referring to Sasuke's surprised expression, "I was that shocked too, when I came to know they shipped you with me nonetheless, because that was something even I wasn't aware of." Naruto and Sauke both made disgusted faces, as if on cue. The look of terror on Sasuke’s face might have led people to believe it was the most sinister thought ever.
But they did look cute together.
"But I guess they say, you aren't really best friends if they don't confuse you as homosexuals." Naruto let out a beaming grin while Sasuke gave a crooked smile. Everyone inwardly cooed at the pure expressions.
"However, there is one female I remember you crushing on, the only one in the entirety of our lives."
Sasuke had a look of horror on this face as he shook his head 'no' immediately, trying to get Naruto to shut up, specks of red in his eyes as he threatened to activate his 'Sharingan'.
"I remember you being all flustered and look at (Y/N) with heart eyes.”
Naruto's grin widened, showing his pearly whites, clearly content with Sasuke's reaction. 
Your name caught you off-guard and you were in absolute shock. People turned around to give you a not-so-subtle glance but you didn’t care. You always thought Sasuke was a shy and quiet kid who liked to keep to himself. Mikoto let out a cheer while Fugaku smiled. Itachi let out a deep-throated chuckle from beside you which caused you to turn to him, “You knew about this?”
He silently nodded with a smile on his face and you carried on, “And never even mentioned it to me? Would it have killed you to do so?”
“It wasn’t any of my business. Also, it was pretty funny.”
You lightly hit his arm and retorted, “Oh God, I don’t even know who I got married to!”
A smile still broke out on your face as you turned to Naruto once again.
“I remember once Kiba and I were hanging out and we heard a really high pitched shriek from the forest. We ran all the way inside thinking someone was in danger but it turned out to be Sasuke squealing beacuse it was (Y/N)’s birthday and she gave him a kiss on the cheek for some gift he gave her. I swear our ears started bleeding. He was so red that we thought all the tomatoes he ate finally caught up to him.”
You blinked twice, your expression blank. Then a coy smile made its way to your face. You looked over to find Sasuke as red as a cherry, not even meeting your eyes. He was definitely praying to God that looks could kill, so that Naruto would drop dead.
“I remember that back in the academy, he never let any of us touch his hair because (Y/N) ruffled it while dropping him off. So he would sit through the lessons looking like he just woke up.”
All his classmates snickered at that, recalling the fond memory, while you were amused. It was so hilarious to see such a stoic person so flabberghasted. 
“The most interesting incident that came out of all this was, and I’m totally risking my life by telling you all this. Sasuke would kill me if I even narrate it to anyone, rather announce it on the microphone at his wedding, but your best friend gets married only once. Well hopefully. If I turn up dead by the coming of dawn, it was Sasuke Uchiha everyone.”
Everyone laughed along once again while half of the people were on the edge of their seats thinking what it could possibly be. Sasuke had a puzzled expression on his face, anticipating and fearing what Naruto had up his sleeve.
“Anyways, one when we were high........ I mean drunk, he confessed of a secret love letter he wrote to (Y/N) as a tween but never sent it.”
Your eyes widened as you let out an audible gasp while the room buzzed with chortles and sniggers. Your brother-in-law crushing on you wasn’t necessary negative news but the whole event had overwhelmed you that you could not contemplate even your reaction.
Apparently, you were the only one to be surprised as all the other guests smiled knowingly and cackled. You glanced over to find Sasuke so scarlet that you wondered if the sharingan had spread to his face given that his kekkei genkai was active now.
Itachi chuckled again seeing your reaction and put an arm around your shoulder while gently squeezing. You turned to him and finaly let out a chuckle yourself, eyes still widened in disbelief.
“Am I dreaming?” you asked and shook your head.
“Seriously though, have I been that oblivious Itachi? How could I not notice this while everyone here recalls it as some keen memory?” You held your head with one hand, leaning furthermore into itachi. Your eyes flickered to see Sasuke’s eyes, boring apologetically into your own. 
One look at his chiseled face told you of his anxiety and concern. The small frown on his face saddened your heart.
Does he think I hate him? Poor baby, NO!
You weren’t offened, flattered if anything. But the spontaneity of the situation rendered you speechless.
You gave him the best smile you could muster, wiggling your eyebrows at him and blowing him a kiss from your cherry lips, and grinning again.
He visibly relaxed, shoulders now less taut, jaw a bit slackened though his face remained painted in scarlet hues. Seeing him calm down, you winked at him and turned to Naruto again, anticipating his next words.
“My only regret tonight is that I couldn’t find that letter even inside his personal diary or his deep closet. I swear it was there the last time! No worries, hope you found this speech of mine, entertaining as it is. One last toast to Sasuke though, for his new life ahead. Cheers.” 
Sasuke cooled down with each passing word, smirking triumphantly when he realised he won’t be shred of his remaining dignity anymore.
Everyone toasted together, drinking huge mouthfuls of their wines, rejoicing in Naruto’s words for Sasuke.
Itachi kissed your temple, and left you while moving to the centre of the stage, where Naruto was.
“If I may?” He asked as Naruto passed him the microphone.
“I’d like to say how proud of my baby brother to have come this far in life, as a great shinobi, an excellent son, a marvelous friend and a terific human overall.”
Everone clapped vigourously including you, while all his classmates hollered and hooted. A faint blush adorned Sasuke’s cheeks as he visibly pouted on being call ‘baby bro’.
“And I was about to give a half an hour long speech, but my wee brother’s best friend, Naruto just stole all my content. So much for the tales.” Itachi playfully sighed, all the specatators buzzed with laughter while Sasuke deadpanned.
Well, he wont forget his wedding day ever now. Everyone is dead set on embarrassing him.
“However, I do have something Naruto didn’t have.”
Everyone stilled, waiting with anticipation of what was about to come, including you. Itachi refused to rehearse his best man speech with you because he wanted to write a speech for Sasuke on his own, heartfelt and everything.
He reached inside his tuxedo’s jacket and took out an old cramped paper, yellowing a bit and you raised your eyebrows, questioningly.
Sasuke gulped.
“I have the love letter, everyone!”
Oh Wow.
A/N: If you reading this, atleast you made it till the end. Thank you.
So that was that. It was some scenario I just thought about. A bit of a cliffhanger, I haven’t thought about a follow up part 2, but we’ll see if that’s what you want.
Thanks for the love you gave me on my first post, we reached 200 if you count the separate posts I made by mistake. This inspires me to write. Remember, requests are OPEN so feel free to hit my asks page. 
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
People who say “Sakura deserves better” are nuts. She put HERSELF in that situation. She chased after Sasuke and continues to force herself on to him until he gave her what she wants. So in the words from a wise person: “She made her bed. Now she has to sleep in it.”
PS: If anyone deserves better is Sasuke, Naruto, TenTen, Neji, and anyone who didn’t get a good happy ending
There are many people who still screams, 'Kishimoto is bad at this and that'.
I am a person who thinks, 'Kishi is damn excellent at Character Building. He is not someone who is going to pull punches, he just jabs straight into our mind when it comes to establishing the characters and their motivations in a very few panels, say 2 or 3, and that too in a very early stage'.
He is the titular character and got introduced in the 1st chapter, 6th page. Naruto is launched as the hyperactive kid who vandalizes the Hokage Monuments in the name of pranks and gets punished for it. We all would have thought, ‘Naruto is a typical Class Clown who likes to pull pranks’.
But after few pages (Meanwhile he pulled another prank by doing Oiroke no Jutsu before Iruka), that is at page 10, Kishi drives the first Knife right through our hearts with the following panel. This is the panel where Naruto is seen having his first conversation in the Manga.
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‘It’s not like I have anyone to go home to’.
Man!!!! This line really hurts... even now. This one panel tells us, 
Naruto is a happy-go-lucky person who likes to pull pranks. 
He is also an Orphan. 
But such drawbacks will never hinders Naruto’s cheerful spirit at any time. 
Despite not having any one to take care of him, he is not a person who will cry or wail in sadness forever.
Isn’t that who Naruto is?? Until the very end? 
In a single panel, just one effing panel, Kishimoto informs the readers about Naruto’s Attitude and Background.
And immediately in page 12, We get this picture perfect gem of a panel.
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Now we get, Naruto’s dreams, where this Kid is striving towards and what motivates him. That is To 
Isn’t that what he became at the end? 
Kishi didn’t take chapters and chapters to create a dream for Naruto. He just went all-out in a span of 2 pages and in 2 panels.
Let’s see the other Main Character of this series.
In Manga, Chapter 3 was named Uchiha Sasuke whereas in the Anime, Pink Trash’s name was self-inserted too. Grrr.....
Anyways, Sasuke was introduced as some cool guy with IDGAF attitude. (Well, I thought he will be some arrogant Jerk with some K-Drama hero vibes. I hate these kind of jerks, tbh). We see he is popular among girls and a class topper. 
We don’t know anything about his background yet. 
But then, there’s this ‘Frame this Picture in your Home’ kind of panel was drawn in Page 21.
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God!!! This panel!!!! 
“The feeling of a parent yelling at you is nowhere near what he feels”
Can I say it’s my most favorite panel of this series???? 
This panel screams many things
Sasuke is not just a cold looking jerk, but he is a person who stands up for insensitiveness.
He understands Naruto’s loneliness. Does it means Sasuke is also an Orphan or experienced something bad?? (In manga his orphan status wasn’t established yet).
He knows something about Naruto which we audience don’t know yet. That’s why he is defending Naruto even though Naruto kissed him and tied him up prior to this scene.
You will always get some reaction out of Sasuke when you talk about Naruto in front of him. More importantly, Don’t speak about him in a negative light.
21 pages into Chapter 3, Sasuke didn’t speak much about anything prior to this page. We don’t know anything about him apart from his aesthetics. But when he speaks, Kishi conveyed almost 60% of Sasuke’s Characterization in a single panel.
This is Who Sasuke is.... Even till the very end.
Immediately after this Chapter, We get the Team 7 introduction scene. We already knew about Naruto’s dream in chapter 1. He repeats the same here.
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We get Sasuke’s ambition. His ambition forms the major part of his character and he is damn serious about it. 
He really did accomplish his goals in the end but in a much painful way. With just 2 panels, we get to know that his Clan is destroyed by someone and Sasuke wants to kill him. So, him being Orphan is almost a sure thing here. And what we can also infer from this panel is that Sasuke is a Goal-Oriented person.
Let move on to the Ms. Pink Trash
Well, For Naruto and Sasuke, Kishi was super detailed about setting up their character background. 
For Sakura, we don’t know who she is or what is her back story. Throughout the chapter, her motivation is to get inside Sasuke’s pants. 
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Up until page 19, Sakura behaves the same. Yeah, Am not going to include the orphan insult here because that will only do more damage. Am just going to be very generous and skip that part.
In Chapter 4, Sakura unveils her grand dream
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Geezzz!!!!! There’s nothing to discuss about her. She is just a horny girl who has no motivation, no goal or no dreams but to get Sasuke’s duck. 
Isn’t this how she ended up as????
Why the fuck she deserves better?????
Kishi is screaming at us from Chapter 4, that ‘THIS IS YOUR SAKURA, THE HORNY QUEEN’. When Naruto and Sasuke’s characteristics were pretty much (like 90%) set in stone in the first 4 chapters and added to that, it never changed until the very end, how can he change Sakura’s motivations? 
Yes, he could’ve made her into a woman who got inspired from Tsunade and want to surpass her and live independently without going behind a man. 
But, I never saw any indication of that happening in any arcs. Even in Kazekage retrieval arc, Sakura became serious in fighting Sasori only after hearing Orochimaru’s name (getting info on him will lead to Sasuke). Prior to that, she was playing innocent girl who doesn’t know how to fight.
So, Kishi is dead set on not making this character evolve by letting go of her obsession towards Sasuke. She was just a character who was designed to elevate the level of bond between them or should I say ‘a useless 3rd wheel’?
No matter what, 
Naruto and Sasuke will prefer to set their ambitions aside for each other rather than for Sakura. 
Sakura’s life in danger never generated a pain in Naruto but the very thought of Sasuke who will be killed made him hyperventilate. 
Sakura’s life in danger never evoked Kyuubi to emerge but Sasuke’s ‘apparent’ death, the thought of Sasuke cutting his ties with him, Orochimaru mentioning ‘My Sasuke kun’ made Naruto to go feral.
Even if 1000s of people were put in danger, Sasuke will prefer to save Naruto and run away.
Where is Sakura in any of this??? I’ve never seen any instances where Naruto or Sasuke put Sakura in a high pedestal, like Kakashi and Obito put Rin.
It’s not that she deserved better, It’s just that she had no useful motivations that drives her to evolve as a developed character. 
Learn to Deal with the fact that Kishimoto never planned to give 2 fucks about her at any point of time. Let alone talking about deserving better. If you watch this series from the POV of the likes of Sakura, then you will spout shits like ‘Sakura is the only person who can beat Madara’. 
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