#100k is not rich
everpresentache · 9 months
people are refusing to accept that the goal post for rich has shifted dramatically bc that means it’s even more unimaginable for them to obtain and also they’re poor.
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s0fter-sin · 2 months
last thing i’ll say; people aren’t owed free content but creatives aren’t owed financial compensation either
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heartru · 2 months
my least favourite thing from the watcher discourse has been people saying “WE never asked for higher quality” or “your most popular shows are where you just sit around and talk!!” - babes its likely not what THEY want to do for the rest of eternity lol. they’re allowed to want to grow as creatives and make things they are proud of?
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 4 months
In an interesting coincidence you first mentioned living in Florida the day it was revealed to me I may have to move their and now everytime you mention florida more news about this comes to light . Have you cursed me?
This is not the place for me to go into my insane ramblings but
I’m warning you.
If you can avoid it. Don’t. Don’t. Do it.
Don’t curse yourself.
If at all possible. Don’t. The state is actively running itself into the ground.
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bornonthesavage · 1 year
A little something I made for the Crime Boss AU I’m considering writing. With cocky son of the crime boss Steve, low level money runner Eddie, pickpocket and Steve’s bestie Robin, and rival crime families daughter Nancy.
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i think they should just give every single person a one time payment of 100.000 $ (or rather the local adjusted equivalent) and see where it goes. they say that will just lead to inflation but i know that economics are a scam so i feel like we should just try it
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irawhiti · 9 months
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do you guys fucking hear yourselves i'm just wondering. like be fucking for real here. everyone who says that millionaires aren't rich or some other shit because of inflation and prices going up owes every homeless person who has to read this shit $3000. guess what, things are just as expensive for the filthy poors WITHOUT a million dollars, too! usually a hell of a lot more expensive in the long run, actually! the cost of living getting more expensive affects EVERYONE. a flat $1000 is almost nothing to a millionaire while being a fucking life changer for many people living in poverty! come on now.
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dnfao3tags · 3 months
I'm desperately searching for a fic in which George is a factory worker who came to America in search of a fortune but is now very disillusioned and Dream is a rich heir born into wealth. The background of the fic is that the factory workers in the city are coming together in protest of the factory owners' harsh treatments and Dream and others (i think Wilbur was a leader) were helping them, and Badboyhalo was an antagonist. I can't remember the name but I think there was a 'land'/'lands' in it? It was such a great fic with beautiful, vivid descriptions of the time... I need it like i need to breathe air and drink water to live on :')
Any help would be appreciated, even knowing the name will heal my heart a little:')
Thank you and i hope you have a good day/night!
Fic Not Found / Was Found
oh this one is a classic!
— The Wasteland by backtopluto (teen | comp. | 118k | Graphic Depictions Of Violence)
In 1890s New York, Dream is old money rich and George is an immigrant living in tenement row. A murder brings them together, and together they learn to be more.
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jessiesjaded · 6 months
Going to markets these days is so depressing, like when I was a kid they were so vibrant and busy and had all these unique stalls and now it's just like cheap shit people have bought fron aliexpress but sell for stupid prices and the few slightly more decent stalls are all run by yuppies who /think/ they're hippies who get shit made in Bali and then sell it for absorbitant prices
Fuck off
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wutheringheightsfilm · 3 months
i dont think i agree with calling surgeons (and other people who have salaries in the hundreds of thousands a year) "working class" is ... quite right ...
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Another reason richjake works in canon is that Rich and Jeremy’s goals ‘synced up’ (or something like that, I don’t remember the exact wording in the show) which means part of Rich’s goals, whether he’s actually into Jake or not, is to break Christine and Jake up. So let me paint you a picture: they’re all on a group outing—that meaning our main cast excluding Michael—at, just for example, the roller skating rink. And of course Jake is treating Christine wonderfully (or at least, as wonderfully as he knows how) and Jeremy, who’s supposed to be giving attention to Brooke, can’t take his eyes off them. he’s jealous as heck. So in swoops Rich, who suddenly forgets how to skate and is in desperate need of Jake’s assistance.
“Jake, shit, help me—“ and he grabs onto Jake’s bicep. Immediately Jake forgets about Christine completely, too entertained by Rich fumbling around like a baby deer on his skates. Jake’s good at everything, so he skates backward and holds both Rich’s hands (and ignored the weird feeling that gives him), dragging him along the rink and laughing at everything he says. He needs me more, is the dumb excuse he thinks of, Christine can skate just fine on her own. But the second Jake isn’t looking, Jeremy is skating over, gracefully taking Christine’s hand and leading her to the snack bar. Rich sends him a wink and a thumbs up and, weirdly enough, the next time they go skating (after the squip), he can skate just fine on his own
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inkedroplets · 2 years
Not me thinking of a post-reveal Lena who’s hurt and angry and that makes her magic manifest itself and it leads to her crossing paths with Johanna Constantine.
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5w6 · 18 days
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lmfao ?
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zombified-queer · 20 days
1 20 and 40 for the ask meme!
1. Compliment your writing!
Bestie. Darling. Dear. Who is doing it like you in terms of Number Go Up and also the conciseness of everything you do. Please stop worrying that your fics aren't long enough when you're shotgunning seven of them on Ao3. I prommy they're as complete as they need to be.
20. What was the last thing you researched for a story?
Iirc I had to go fact-check myself for my Cecelia Burnham fic for Podcast Girl's Week 2024. I think I was looking up the room key number and name of the hotel, specifically.
40. Pick one of your fics and share a quote to go with it (not a quote from the fic, but an outside quote that fits)
La Diablerie Coterie gets two you you can understand The Vibes.
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-"The Hollow Men" by T.S. Elliot.
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-"A Smaller God" by Darling Violetta
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financeprincess · 1 year
Happy New Year’s Eve girlies. Can’t believe I’ve been back on tumblr for over a year. Glad to be here. I wish y’all nothing but money, prosperity, great sex, intense love, material goods, and everything else your hearts desire ✨
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cosmic-hoebo · 2 years
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↠Sarah Niles in "Riches" Official Trailer
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