#2023 taxes
bitchesgetriches · 2 months
We have lovingly, painstakingly updated our tax filing how-to guide for the 2023 tax year. So if you haven't filed your tax return yet, here's everything you need to know... including the due date, which is a month away.
Get after it, my lovelies!
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writers-dilemma · 3 months
Friendly reminder for all my US tunglrs, if you make less than $79,000 a year, you can electronically file your taxes directly through the IRS for free. I just did mine today. Process was easy, straightforward, and it didn’t cost me a cent. Don’t bother paying for expensive software like TurboTax, or paying a service to file for you (unless you have ridiculously complicated taxes, then mayyyyybe hire someone to sort that stuff out 😂)
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ditafaulkner · 1 year
3 Things to Keep in Mind for Tax Season 2023
See what's new for this year's tax season...
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flamingfalcon3 · 10 months
The reason Barbie is not interested in Ken because her feelings reflect Gloria’s and Gloria is a lesbian. In this essay I will-
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scarz-xo · 6 months
23 years ago 9/11 happened, I wasn't even half a year old at that time, yet it affected me in several ways, I'm brown, middle eastern, Muslim, Arabic speaker & so on, I think you get the picture.
After 9/11 happened, Muslims & Arabs/middle easterns were viewed as terrorists, hate crimes increased too, Muslims were viewed as barbaric people, savages, couldn't integrate & so on.
How did that affect us?
You can't wear hijab in France for example, you can't speak in Arabic on the bus in England without someone calling you out for being a terrorist cause now you're on English lands, you better speak their language, you could get killed in the US cause there's no gun control whatsoever.
Hate spreads like wildfire & so it did against Arabs, middle easterns, Muslims & the Arabic language.
Why am I saying all that?
Because the IDF & Israel today tried to use the buried fear of the Arabic language & the ignorance of the west about it to their own appeal:
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This is a freaking calendar but to some who are already scared of the language, that's enough terrorism.
People all over social media here in the East are making fun of that stupid little stunt but for me it depends inherently on the racism, islamophobia & fear of Arabic that has been fed to the west for decades. It's literally another racist move against Arabic speakers but it's Israel so I'm not surprised.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 9 months
Elon Musk implemented a new Twitter feature called “Twitter Tax” where it would charge you 25$ monthly to keep your account. I got Twitter taxed and screenshotted it and sent it to my friends because of how stupid it was. People on Twitter were also critiquing how verified accounts weren’t taxed for some reason.
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On Wednesday, Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Chair Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) and Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Washington) reintroduced a proposal to make higher education free at public schools for most Americans — and pay for it by taxing Wall Street.
The College for All Act of 2023 would massively change the higher education landscape in the U.S., taking a step toward Sanders’s long-standing goal of making public college free for all. It would make community college and public vocational schools tuition-free for all students, while making any public college and university free for students from single-parent households making less than $125,000 or couples making less than $250,000 — or, the vast majority of families in the U.S.
The bill would increase federal funding to make tuition free for most students at universities that serve non-white groups, such as Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). It would also double the maximum award to Pell Grant recipients at public or nonprofit private colleges from $7,395 to $14,790.
If passed, the lawmakers say their bill would be the biggest expansion of access to higher education since 1965, when President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Higher Education Act, a bill that would massively increase access to college in the ensuing decades. The proposal would not only increase college access, but also help to tackle the student debt crisis.
“Today, this country tells young people to get the best education they can, and then saddles them for decades with crushing student loan debt. To my mind, that does not make any sense whatsoever,” Sanders said. “In the 21st century, a free public education system that goes from kindergarten through high school is no longer good enough. The time is long overdue to make public colleges and universities tuition-free and debt-free for working families.”
Debt activists expressed support for the bill. “This is the only real solution to the student debt crisis: eliminate tuition and debt by fully funding public colleges and universities,” the Debt Collective wrote on Wednesday. “It’s time for your member of Congress to put up or shut up. Solve the root cause and eliminate tuition and debt.”
These initiatives would be paid for by several new taxes on Wall Street, found in a separate bill reintroduced by Sanders and Rep. Barbara Lee (D-California) on Wednesday. The Tax on Wall Street Speculation would enact a 0.5% tax on stock trades, a 0.1% tax on bonds and a 0.005% tax on trades on derivatives and other types of assets.
The tax would primarily affect the most frequent, and often the wealthiest, traders and would be less than a typical fee for pension management for working class investors, the lawmakers say. It would raise up to $220 billion in the first year of enactment, and over $2.4 trillion over a decade. The proposal has the support of dozens of progressive organizations as well as a large swath of economists.
“Let us never forget: Back in 2008, middle class taxpayers bailed out Wall Street speculators whose greed, recklessness and illegal behavior caused millions of Americans to lose their jobs, homes, life savings, and ability to send their kids to college,” said Sanders. “Now that giant financial institutions are back to making record-breaking profits while millions of Americans struggle to pay rent and feed their families, it is Wall Street’s turn to rebuild the middle class by paying a modest financial transactions tax.”
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falgaiarchive · 1 year
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Assorted Tax (OC) for Maid Day.
brief Tax description: Tax is a malicious phantom born from Masei's memories. Her body is entirely comprised of fabric with the exception of her mask, and is freely maleable using fabrikinesis. She acts as a maternal guardian to Masei, and is single-mindedly dedicated to the pursuit of Masei's happiness. The original body of Tax has been lost to time; now she requires a willing host body to manifest herself.
Tax has been a ton of fun to draw over the years and I look forward to eventually getting to tell her story to you all. +)
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kayleerowena · 1 year
hey y’all, i’ve been having a very bad time money-wise and mental health-wise — paying taxes cleared out my entire savings, and my remaining money is pretty much all going to paying rent this month, so i'm a little stressed.
i have a big trip next month to seattle/alaska for comics camp that i would love to not be completely entirely broke for. i also found out yesterday that i was accepted to thoughtbubble comics fest, and i would love to attend, but i don't have the money for airfare/hotels right now.
so! if you like the things i create and want to help me be able to keep making things, here are some links where you can do that. anything helps! i hate asking for money on the internet, but things are rough right now, so i'd really appreciate anything y'all can toss my way.
(reblogs are also appreciated!)
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bitchesgetriches · 4 months
Would You Rather Owe Taxes or Get a Tax Refund This April? The Answer Might Surprise You!
Keep reading.
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laf-outloud · 5 months
The charity event they attended last night continued over into a charity golf tournament today. Jared and Dave both played!
So cool! I’m impressed that Jared’s willing to golf for the kids even when it’s something he’s self-admittedly not very good at playing.
(Watch to the end for a bonus sighting!)
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ditafaulkner · 1 year
3 Things to Keep in Mind for Tax Season 2023
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mapsontheweb · 26 days
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Earned income tax rates for median income, Switzerland.
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mildmayfoxe · 3 months
yknow it is crazy to think about how much i have been able to improve my quality of life by selling art as a supplementary form of income. like obviously it's a second job and it's taxing but it's also so rewarding to know how much people enjoy my work and how much good it is doing me to like, feel like i can buy snacks at the store. to be able to get takeout every once in a while. like obviously those are extremely minor changes or things most people take for granted but to me it's huge. having berries in the house when they're out of season and more expensive. buying things for CONVENIENCE??! it feels so crazy to me to have such a sense of luxury which i know says more about the bleak feeling of poverty that's followed me around my entire adult life than anything else but i feel so much gratitude that i am afforded these small luxuries at least in part because of people that like my art. not to mention how nice is is to make things consistently again when, prior to 2020, i hadn't made art regularly in almost a decade. anyway. it's cool!
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one-time-i-dreamt · 11 months
I made a deal with the Devil to get into Heaven (I committed tax fraud) and when I got there, everything was drawn in Sam O’Nella’s art style and God from Puppet History was there too.
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