#2024 readings
lavendergoddesstarot · 5 months
𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒇𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒚𝒆𝒂𝒓 2024?
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Pick a pile/picture
Pile 1:
Lunar Eclipse- Change: You will be manifesting big changes this year. I feel you will be going through different cycles and phases to arrive at this change.
8 of Swords: You will be overcoming your fears and self doubts. You will finally step out of your own way and stop holding yourself back this year. For example, some people sabotage themselves from succeeding because they're afraid of success and being seen. Sounds crazy but fear can hold you back from what you truly want.
Extended reading here(YouTube)
Pile 2:
Mercury Retrograde- Reinvention: You will be manifesting a new era with improvements. With reinvention, you are reigniting something for the better. This year will be like your renaissance.
Queen of Cups: You will be nurturing yourself and others. You will also be finding emotional balance this year. I feel you will be experiencing a lot of emotional fulfillment and happiness as well. This year will bring you peace.
Extended reading here(YouTube)
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little-miss-romance · 4 months
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I love you very deeply, my little doe. You are precious to me.
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alyjojo · 6 months
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New Year Reading for 2024! 🌟 - Leo
Preshuffle: You could see the reappearance of an ex, or someone that made you feel like you weren’t a priority, doesn’t have to be an ex at all (for some it is). They may have brushed you off and made it seem like you weren’t that important to them, or they just didn’t care, didn’t ask you out on a second/tenth date, haven’t heard from them for years even. Could be other people too, friends, family, etc. They may make the effort to show you they care *now* and it’s like now you don’t, you don’t even want it anymore, they’re too late, or it’s been too long and you’ve moved onto other things. Or you’ve just seen their true colors in this time that’s passed, could be that too. They say “distance makes the heart grow fonder.” But in this case, it’s like distance has shown you what is toxic af and you’re actually good.
Meditation: It made me laugh. I never made it to your door, we were in the hallway to get to your door and it was just a zoo of animals everywhere, but specific ones, that went specific places, none of which were yours. But you were cleaning it all up. There were small alligators 🐊 that needed to be re-caged, and you put them inside of Pisces’ door. There were several (nice, but intimidating) big snakes 🐍 that you also caged and set inside Scorpio’s door. The last animals were some small white lab rats 🐁 with the red eyes, those went in Taurus’ door. You sighed happily and brushed your hands off like “job well done”, and as you were walking past Aquarius’s door, it opened and they threw a water balloon right at your head, then closed their door and you could hear them chuckling on the other side of it. You just muttered “asshole” and then went to your own door & went in. I can’t know what any of these mean for you, because they’re all so specific, it’s going to relate to you all individually. For some, you’re cleaning up other’s messes, happily, and you deserve some appreciation. For some the literal signs and animals may mean something. I don’t know where Pisces fits in, unless it’s Saturn, but the rest are all fixed (squared/opposing you) and it would make sense that there could be some aggravation with them. Not just this year 😆 This could also be referring to Pluto’s final dance between Aqua and Cap throughout the year, a “water balloon” may hit you unexpectedly between Jan-Julyish.
🔸 Whole of Your Energy: Judgement & 5 Pentacles
Regarding: The Lovers & 4 Cups
This is the exact same energy from your preshuffle, the exact SAME cards, same order even. That’s crazy yo’. Relationships are definitely dominating your year, one in particular that I just don’t think you’re happy with, because the committed relationships area mirrors this too. For some, it can be a Twin Flame 🔥 thing, not all. For some it’s just realizing you’re bored, unhappy, you could feel like your partner doesn’t even really care about you or this relationship. Judgement is a powerful energy to be your first card, it’s ruled by Pluto, and it’s taking everything into account, all of your experiences up to this point, to determine if you should end something for good, nail the coffin shut, or if it can be transformed in a whole new way - can this be fixed and brought back? Mostly directed towards relationships, especially for the risings.
If it’s a Twin, you wonder if you should leave, if they’ll ever come back, or whether it’s a Twin at all, because you’ve also pulled The Astronomer…showing you could get a little too caught up in things like astrology, twin flames, tarot, “what does it mean??” 💀, and more or less acting kinda fanatical with things that can’t ever fully be explained. We’re not God, we don’t know. A side note, this tarot and astrology stuff can be helpful, and useful, but if it becomes obsessive or you start basing your whole life & decisions over what tarot lady said that day, it’s a fine line of spiritual/delusion. Especially with general readings, not all of them involve you at all, don’t force things where they don’t actually exist 🙏 If it sounds like you, you get goosebumps and just know it, take it. Astrology can tell you a lot, but we can’t predict death, just difficult time periods, “maybes”. It’s good to have faith in some kind of belief system or see the deeper meanings to things, many of you are becoming more spiritual, tuning in to your own higher selves, just yanno…balance it. Turn it off sometimes. Take naps. Go outside. Plan an adventure. Have fun. Be human. Too much of anything can drive you crazy.
If someone is coming back around, you could panic and worry this is your only chance, but you don’t even want it, how does that happen? Or that could describe the other person. Some of you could be putting a flame 🔥 label on someone that’s not, and more research needs to be done on what that actually is. Some are genuine. They’re not your *only* soulmate regardless, and hot take here: I don’t personally believe anyone’s soul is ripped in half, they’re just aligned to match you. There are dozens of soulmates here, and past life connections, and those were once brand new connections, so don’t discount those either. When in doubt, throw it all out the window and just have faith, what’s meant to be yours will be yours, you don’t have to worry so much. Free will is very much a thing, if you don’t want it, you’re not stuck with it. Just the lesson part. Some of you are having to deal with abandonment issues when it comes to love, which may stem from other issues in the past - but be playing out in this way. You could have rough mental health days, or go back and forth between fine and not fine, it’s possible you’re with someone that greatly affects your own mental state, and that’s where Courage comes in for you, handling stressful situations or even letting them go, because you have to walk away from ick feelings, and worry about your own state of mind & happiness ❤️ For some, it could be the other person that acts like they don’t care, and you don’t know what to do with that, or if that’s how they *really* are/feel, you’re afraid to know because you fear they’ll leave. Isn’t it better to know though?
Main Oracle: also connected to relationships
42 Courage
Have the courage to see the lessons in all situations and face them constructively.
🔸 Character Card: The Astronomer 🌙
Sitting in the dark with their head in one of many books on stars, The Astronomer looks for answers to their questions, based on scientific fact & proven knowledge. But this situation isn’t one described by books, it’s tricky, one you’ve never experienced (possibly most haven’t experienced), and nothing can tell you what to do about it - but your gut is telling you. Tuning out what others think they know, or even logical explanations of things, would be beneficial to you, because deep down only you know how to handle the situations coming your way, or that you’re involved in. Others can’t understand what’s going on in the same way, and there’s no way to “prove” what you know to be right, except that you just know, and you have to act according to what you know. Only you would know.
🔸 Relationship: The Devil & The Hanged Man
Regarding: 5 Wands
Your person plays you with/against other people? Are they constantly comparing you to others, ex’s, family members, friends and their own relationships? Do you feel like it’s a constant comparison or competition when it shouldn’t be? Maybe this person really likes attention, and they indulge flirtations or crushes from other people. Maybe they’ve actually acted on these things, or reciprocated in inappropriate ways that have hurt you and caused you to mistrust them. Could be an addiction. Or an obsession. Could be you too. Or for you the toxicity may simply be codependency. You know it’s not good for you, but you avoid facing it or doing anything about it, you don’t want this to end. It doesn’t get better, or worse, it stays exactly the same - The Hanged Man, and you try to gain some perspective to think of…what can I do? You can’t do your part and theirs too, if they’re giving you nothing but apathy, what are you hanging onto? The competitiveness of this could be what’s got you stuck on a person. You’re not happy but you’ll be damned if someone else has them. Most of this is going on inside, I’m not sure what they even know, there’s not a lot of communication between you (that I see). For some of you, that’s probably where to start. Others of you already know it’s done. Or needs a complete overhaul - Pluto 💯
Couples Oracles: Courage again from Main
74 - Contest
Be yourself fully and you are without compare, a true winner of the only contest that matters.
🔸 Singles: Ace of Swords & 10 Wands
Regarding: King of Wands
Short and to the point, you have problems communicating. Single or coupled up, you are showing up as someone that holds in your feelings and just never expresses them. That’s what’s standing in your way - 10 Wands, and you’re exhausted with attempts where you’ve tried, maybe with the responses you’ve gotten in the past. Something hurtful lingers in your energy and you blame it on someone outside of yourself, which may be true for whatever has hurt you. But you don’t see that if you can’t communicate, you can’t have a relationship, others can’t just understand how you feel or where you’re coming from. If you’re still hurting from the last person, I don’t see you even wanting another one. You may even attract several people and not really take them up on anything, not responding, not speaking up, not responding to others’ flirty energy. If you do, it will be more surface level, and you won’t be honest about who you really are or what you’ve been through, because it’s like you can’t, it makes you sad. Or you don’t want the sympathy, Leo is a very proud sign. You need more processing time, there is no rush, not in this area anyway. Some of you could be single parents and find it hard to find the time or even the desire to try dating, or you could specifically not want to date people with kids, and that’s just not an option right now. I’ve been asking for a card here to describe any potential options, and yours won’t even give me one, it’s just like “nah”, so…maybe talking to people, flirting a bit, but it doesn’t go far, that I can see.
🔸 Career: Page of Pentacles & 10 Cups
Regarding: Temperance
Relationships come out here too. It’s like everything you’re doing is for the sake of family & possibly children. You could live with family, literally work with your family, or there’s a nod towards those in relationships - have an extremely overbearing partner that kinda controls what moves you make in all regards. Or an ex. It’s like you work hard everyday, and you’re doing well, these are all great cards. It’s all for the sake of keeping the peace in your family unit. Some of you may be offering a job to someone in your family, or even working with your partner, that could create some of the difficulties between you, being with them every second of every day. With that, some could work at home or be stay-at-home parents. Again, some of you are just single parents, and you go to work so you can pay for the home that you raise your kids in, it’s all about maintaining that work/home balance that takes priority over everything else.
There’s a story about maybe still living with family and not really working because you’re going to school full time and being supported in that way. There could be someone in the home that’s drama, and they irritate you, or they always have something to say like you’re not “providing” when no shit, you’re in school. Success is attached to whatever you’re doing, and 10 Cups is the goal you’re working towards, that all feels very positive and you’ll spend most of your energy “coasting along” towards your goal, I don’t see any hiccups there. Someone that irritates you, or thinks you should even be working “for them” on your off time or something, could be an earth sign. If it’s just Mom/partner asking you to do your share of the chores, that’s fair. You could also be working towards starting some side hustle or home business, if so it’s at the very beginning, the planning stages even, and it does have potential to grow 🪴
Career Oracle:
79 Success
Enjoying your life and the unfolding of your creative abilities as much as possible is real success.
🔸 What needs to be left behind in 2023: 2 Pentacles & 7 Pentacles
Regarding: 8 Wands
Waiting, procrastinating, giving things too much time to make a decision or putting things off, the lack of taking action. Along with that though is a lack of planning, you don’t like to plan things before you do them, I’m getting that you just kinda put it off, again and again, and then when you’re ready to take action it’s impulsive & spontaneous, expecting immediate results. Instead of planned out, scheduled, long term thinking, building up to the place where you want to go, you either talk yourself out of it, or don’t take it seriously enough and just kinda let things fall behind. Relating to communication, taking too long with that too, or not responding, maybe defensive communication, or defensive attitudes towards practical help, planners, input from others who have the thing you want to do. No plan and no advice either…well 🤷🏻‍♀️ What outcome do you want? For some it could be needing to apologize to someone, or releasing the hope you’re going to get one from someone where it’s just not coming. Every story is the same in that - it’s been long enough.
Leave Behind Oracle:
07 Procrastination
Stop focusing on your problems and excuses; take a small step and do something constructive.
7777 shows that by avoiding taking action and waiting around, possibly avoiding resistance from a partner specifically for some of you, you’re blocking your own success and then feeling defensive about it. Or your person could feel this way about you, one of you is getting in the way of the other’s career. Or schooling, kids, family, that’s possible too, but career is centered on this somehow. People pleasing instead of acting in one’s best interest - Libra South Node is pushing for that mentality to be released, all through the year. For some it could be a rift in these things, or you’re the issue here that needs to heal and it’s on you to do it. You are not your partner, or relationship, you are an independent being, don’t get confused about that, and it’s possible others could use a reminder.
Astrological Shifts in 2023 (for Risings):
Jan 01 - Mercury direct in Sag
Jan 21 - Pluto enters Aqu (again) - 7th House ❤️
Feb 14 - Mars conj. Pluto Aquarius - 7th House ❤️ - likely intense, sexual, powerful, & transformative
Mar 09 - Mars Aqua squares Uranus Tau at 5:55 P.M. - likely a day of conflict - 7th ❤️ vs. 10th 🔨 could be dealing with partnerships at work, a hit to the reputation or image, or conflict between these things and partnerships, someone may be instigating bs
Mar 21 - Venus conj Saturn Pis - love & boundaries go hand in hand
Mar 25 - Lunar Eclipse in Lib - 3rd 🗣️
Apr 01 - Mercury retrogrades Ari - 9th 😇 - travel issues highlighted specifically
Apr 08 - Solar Eclipse in Ari - continued lessons from the nodes throughout this year, issues between masculine/feminine likely, father/mother, action/reception, others/self
Apr 24 - Mercury direct
May 18 - Venus conj Uranus & Sun conj Jupiter, all in Taurus - 10th 🔨 all very positive energies, you could see expansion in your career, move up, make more, get paid 💯, find a cash cow of a client, good fortune
May 25 - Jupiter enters Gem - 11th 🤝 a great transit for networking & making friends, good times are highlighted and fortunate contacts
May 29 - Mars conj Chiron Ari @ 22’ - 9th 😇 be careful traveling or driving around this time, no texting, positively you may be expanding your mind and learning about your own pain, seeing things from a new perspective and taking action based on what you’ve learned
June 29 - Lilith enters Lib - 3rd 🗣️, likely to only be felt if/when it aspects a personal planet or is triggered by someone else’s, your words may be particularly venomous, or you may be triggered & pissed off by things other people say, good aspect for filthy messages
July 06 - Venus Can square Chiron Ari - 12th 😵‍💫 vs. 9th 😇, spiritual experiences and awakenings are likely on some level, you may have prophetic dreams or intuitive hunches that lead you in positive directions or heal a wound, counseling is beneficial at this time, or any learning about topics related to mental health, relaxation, spirituality & calming the mind.
Aug 04 - Mercury retrogrades Vir-Leo - 2nd 💰 & 1st 🫵, overspending is possible, or hassles regarding returns, missed packages, possible scams & fraud, be careful with your personal information and where it goes, you may be overcharged for something
Aug 19 - Venus Vir opposes Saturn Pis & Jupiter Gem squares both - T square of 2nd 💰, 8th ☠️, and 11th 🤝 has to do with finances, commissions, investments, wills, contracts, a deal could go sour or a contract needs to be reworked, financial loss is possible
Aug 27 - Mercury direct Leo
Sept 01 - Pluto enters Cap (last time) - 6th 🤒🐶
Sept 16 - Venus Lib opposes Chiron Ari @ 22’ - 3rd 🗣️ vs. 9th 😇 - not a fan of the degree being 22’, involves or address pain with siblings, travel, foreign places or people, unlearning old bs, what’s learned initially or young vs. what you know now, it can be healing in this way
Sept 17 - Partial Lunar Eclipse Pis - 8th ☠️, preparing for the nodes to shift next year
Oct 02 - Solar Eclipse Lib - 3rd 🗣️
Nov 19 - Pluto enters Aqu (for good) - 7th ❤️
Nov 25 - Mercury retrogrades Sag - 5th 🎉
Dec 06 - Mars retrogrades Leo - 1st 🫵 - you’re liable to be forced to slow down or reevaluate your direction in some way, progress is halted for now
Dec 15 - Mercury direct Sag
Dec 24 - Jupiter Gem squares Saturn Pis - 11th 🤝 vs. 8th ☠️, could deal with people that aren’t with you anymore, passed on loved ones or friends, reminiscing or honoring them with others, could also relate to sales contracts, investments or joint financial ventures that maybe aren’t equal or there’s an imbalance.
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elminx · 6 months
It's that time of year again!
I'll be doing paid readings for January and the New Year from now until January!
How this works. You tip me over on Kofi (linked above ^^^) and leave me a message with your name, preferred pronouns, and Lights (Sun/Moon/Ascendant) plus what you want me to read about. I will send you a .pdf document to the email provided with your reading.
First come, first served!
I am providing the following readings:
January Reading $3 - I will pull at least 3 "cards"* for you for January and intuitively give you a message about the month ahead. The decks will be chosen based on your Sun/Moon/Ascendant. Please write "January" in the tip.
2024 overall Reading $6 - I will pull one card and one rune from my 2024 decks of choice and at least three more "cards"* and intuitively give you a message about the year ahead. All but the 2024 deck will be chosen by your Sun/Moon/Ascendant. Please write "2024" in the tip.
2024 monthly Reading $25 - I will pull one card from my 2024 deck for the year and three "cards"* for each month of the year ahead and intuitively give you a message for each month of the year. Here the decks will be chosen by me to reflect the astrological transits of the month combined with your Sun/Moon/Ascendant. Please write "2024 Monthly" in the tip.
I will be using a reading method that I have been working on for quite some time where I use a combination of tarot, oracle, and runes that I intuitively choose for you based on your natal birth chart. I combine the traditional meanings of the cards/runes with an intuitive reading that involves me reading colors and other repeating elements as well as sometimes getting additional insight from my guides.
I have a variety of tarot decks, oracle decks, and rune sets that I use - if you have a preference for one over the other, feel free to let me know and we can work with that.
Why are these paid readings? Honestly, I have found that people who pay for readings are much more respectful of my time and energy. At a base $3 amount, these readings should be accessible to almost anyone.
Can I get a free reading? If we are mutuals and you can't afford a reading, message me and I will do a reading for you for free.
How long will these readings be? I will write for as long as I need to. The 2024 and January readings will be at least 3-4 paragraphs and the 2024 Monthly reading will be a couple paragraphs per month.
What do you mean at least three cards? Sometimes I ask clarifying questions and if I do so, I will pull additional cards. (If you tip more than the amount for the reading, I will pull at least 1 more card per $ tipped) What do you mean at least three cards? Sometimes I ask clarifying questions and if I do so, I will pull additional cards. (If you tip more than the amount for the reading, I will pull at least 1 more card per $ tipped)
How long have you been reading tarot/oracle/runes? I've been reading tarot for most of my life. My Dad had a Rider Waite deck that I played with as a very small child. I bought my first oracle deck some 20 years ago and my experience with runes is about 5 years.
Should I tip you after my reading? If you like your reading, a tip would be great but it is not necessary.
Have you chosen your decks and runes of choice for 2024 yet? As I am writing this on 12/13, no, I have not. I think I will use either the Marigold Tarot or the Alleyman's tarot, though time will tell. My runes for the year will be read on my bone set as that is my preferred set.
What if I don't know my Sun, Moon, and Ascendant? That's fine. Leave me your date of birth instead and I can work with that.
The first person who donates $37 (the cost of Amit Brar's new Oracle Deck) will get a 2024 Monthly Reading ($25), a Year Reading ($3), and a 3-card draw for every week of January ($12). (this will be crossed out when it has been claimed)
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raiquen · 5 months
Book Review: Three Blind Mice, Agatha Christie
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My Review in a Tweet:
Agatha Christie's stories are a little cheesy, but despite that, they remain charming and puzzling, encouraging the reader to decipher for himself who's the culprit. This book in particular reunites delightful investigators: Poirot, Mrs Marple, Harley Quin and Sergeant Trotter.
My Full Review:
This book is another "first" for me, as my only contact with Agatha Christie's works was through the movie adaptations with Kenneth Branagh as the famous detective Hercule Poirot.
Imagine my delighted surprise when I realized the first story on this book was no other than the play in "See How They Run" (2022), another wonderful and funny whodunnit.
Since I'm not british, I don't know the tune for "Three Blind Mice", but the author was able to communicate the silliness of the murderer and the unnerving nature of all children lullabies, no matter where they are from.
The misteries in the book rely heavily on the dialogues and interviews from the investigator to the suspects, leaving descriptions of characters and places very short and a little dry.
The mysteries themselves are quite entertaining, only a couple of them were "predictable" (which I can tell if it is a good point for Agatha, for laying out the clues for the reader, or for me, being "smart enough" to solve the mystery before the reveal). Some of them felt a little rushed or solved out of nowhere, but those were only a few.
This is what I would call a nice summer reading: short stories, easy to pick up and to put down once you finish a mystery, engaging and entertaining.
My Other 2024 Readings.
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kaitiedidslibrary · 5 months
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Book two of 2024
Peep my beautiful stickers 😌 I was lucky enough to meet the artist at a con a couple years ago and snatched up so many stickers.
I'm really liking this series. I'm officially back in my scifi era this month.
Shion's new look.... good. White hair supremacy.
What does the snake mean??
Not my dumb ass thinking that he had like. cool rat powers. They're robots.
Mr "doom & gloom, everyone is evil and the world sucks" vs Mr "humans can help each other"- fight!
I do love that he calls him "his majesty" and prince and the like. Very good trope, one of my favorites. I call my nibling "my liege"; we are brothers in arms.
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raining-tulips · 5 months
2024 Environmental / Green Reading List ~ ☁️🌳
For 2024 I will be reading 12 books (x1 per month) dedicated to learning about some aspect of the environment, sustainability, or nature.
For those that want to join in and be part of a digital, non-committal book club, here’s the list:
To be edited with full master list of books
January: Spell of the Sensuous by David Abram
February: Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer
I would love if people wanted to join in and participate or to let me know somehow, maybe we can create a Goodreads group or Instagram group-chat to discuss (idk if tumblr has any groupchat features and idk how to run a discord)
I will be using #raininggreenreads to track my progress with this self-appointed challenge!
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fablesbookstuff · 5 months
Its 2024 so here is my 2024 post where I will be tracking all the books I read this year
Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
Harrow the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
City of Bones by Cassandra Clare
City of Glass by Cassandra Clare
City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare
Red White and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare
City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare
City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare
Broken Throne by Victoria Aveyard
Threadneedle by Cari Thomas
Iris Kelly Doesn't Date by Ashley Herring Blake
FateBreaker by Victoria Aveyard
Nona the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien
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bookluvr3 · 3 months
Killer instinct: book 2
By Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Do I even need to say anything? This was a fantastic continuation for the series. I must admit, while I really enjoyed this book, I found myself slightly more drawn to the first one—not because it was lacking, but because I had already anticipated the plot twist. Nonetheless, it remained a captivating read. The pacing was great, and I adore the dynamic among the characters, especially the intro of Veronica Sterling. Judd, too, emerged as a more fleshed-out character in this book; he transcended his initial role as a side character, allowing us a deeper glimpse into his backstory. I devoured it and can hardly wait to read the third book.
genre: YA, mystery thriller
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ayllu · 5 months
recently finished rilke’s letters to a young poet. the version i read was a bit different in that it had the kappus letters as well. it was funny to me that the intro to the book said it was best to read rilkes letters on their own first before reading the kappus letters bc now quite frankly i can’t imagine now the reading experience of those reading w/o the context. i think it’s honestly a bit of a shame that the kappus letters aren’t commonly included (they were only published in english in 2020) bc quite a lot of kappus letters also feel intensely relatable and vulnerable to a twenty something who doesn’t know what they’re doing with their life. having the context also makes me appreciate how incredibly patient and kind rilke was in his responses… also kappus gay af lmao
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little-miss-romance · 22 days
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“I have feelings for you. Real feelings. And I can’t believe I’m saying this to Shane Lindley when last year you were the last person I wanted to speak to. But this is it. This is the truth.”
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alyjojo · 6 months
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New Year Reading for 2024! 🌟 - Capricorn
Preshuffle: There’s a “suffering in silence” vibe about you, what it’s regarding is different for everyone, but for many it’s loving actions that have been taken…feeling like maybe you were naive, over idealistic, didn’t see red flags for what they were, didn’t read a person/situation clearly, etc. Or it’s that same energy regarding anything really, what you’ve learned from this experience is a need to be very clear and plan your steps accordingly, communication plays a big part of this. No more confusion, that just makes things messy. You’re under a lot of pressure that you’re trying to plan your way through, or out of, and with that you have success attached - 6 Wands.
Meditation: Probably the funniest of the meditations I’ve had. There’s a meme going around about goats, I’ll include it at the end 🐐, and that’s what I’m seeing. Goats stuck on a cliff. The funny part is I’m having telepathy with these goats, and they’re like “I’m not moving, I’m fine, we good” and all of the goats around them bahhh in agreement. You’re not going anywhere but UP, like you’ll stay put for the end of time and that’s fine, you’re comfortable. Or you’re going to get a decent foothold and move up an inch, two, three, etc. Pretty self explanatory, your determination is admirable. Some of you could have funny or telepathic connections with different animals, like you know what they’re thinking/saying/wanting, and you’ll know if that’s you or not. Or this could be some kind of sign from Spirit coming around this year, more quirky relationships with critters, random ones even. Jupiter is moving to your 6th House, that could be why.
🔸 Whole of Your Energy: 4 Wands & King of Wands
Regarding: Ace of Pentacles rev
You seem eager to expand your horizons, but don’t have the option to, or the money. At least right away. Some of you could be looking to buy/sell a home, and either don’t have a big enough down payment, or the market is crap, you could be blocked by loans or something lingering on your credit report. Some of you may want to take a relationship to the next level, possibly moving in together, getting engaged, and similarly, you’re being delayed. Probably because of money or a lack of what’s out there, you’ll have no choice but to wait it out for awhile. Your energy being King of Wands is powerful, you’re ready to take charge of your life and make 👏 shit 👏 happen 👏 and Spirit’s sitting you in the time-out chair instead. That could also be your partner’s energy, could be a fiery personality that’s used to things working out for them, whereas you’re chuckling in the corner because it never works that way with you.
Capricorn has the long climb from the bottom to the top, you’re used to setbacks and discipline, saving money and being mindful of budgets & what’s possible…logically. Whether by force or by choice, you’re going to have to “hang in there and be patient” - Temperance. That could apply to your temper too, if your partner tends to spend/lose money on things you don’t see as important. For some, these may be repairs that are needed, and there’s a financial crunch dealing with it, or a slow build towards “more”, but it’s going to take some time. It’s possible you’re missing out on something NOW related, but it’s probably for the best, you need more time to find something stable & worthwhile. Could be a home, job, relationship, but if it’s for you, it’s for YOU, there’s no “missing” things. With that, your career is looking good, and Growth is attached to this, it all looks very positive - maybe just not as fast as you want it to be. Anything/everything, the year is taking a year, go figure 😇 You got The Merchant, someone else got that too…I think Aqua? Maybe Libra. It’s about balance, giving what you’re receiving, fair trade, fair exchange, goods & services for coins, if the balance is off - then you worry about how to resolve that or put it right again. That mirrors Temperance as well. Spending vs saving is probably at the forefront of a lot of Cap’s minds, you seem to have a particular goal in mind. A home or something to do with one, for many of you.
Main Oracle:
19 Growth
Feel open, willing, and proud of your desire to explore new opportunities for self-development.
🔸 Character Card: The Merchant ⚖️
Coins exchange hands, deals are struck, you are a friendly character with confidence that what you have to offer is worth what you ask for in return, it’s a fair exchange. You have plenty to offer and it’s good to remind yourself of that, take note of all you have, and if you’re getting a bad deal - “raise your prices”…or move somewhere that will appreciate what you’re offering. - a move could be literal there
🔸 Relationship: 3 Cups & 5 Cups rev
Regarding: Knight of Swords
I can’t tell if the drama will be within the connection or some outside party, family, friend, work drama, idk. There will be a disappointing situation that causes some upset, or there has been already in the past, but the two of you are going to communicate through all of your worries, issues, fears, anxieties, and eventually overcome these. 3 Cups is celebrations & reunions, 5 Cups rev is healing from disappointing situations, so whatever the two of you have been through, it looks like where it’s headed is really positive. There are two threes here, it’s possible some outside party causes drama between you in the first place. 6 Wands and teamwork are where this is headed, overcoming any issues, problems, worries or setbacks, it’s going to turn out for the best. Communication is the best way forward. Introspection is placed on Couples & Singles both, instinctively you’re going to know what to do, and if you don’t, quiet the world around you down for a little while and think on it, go within.
Love Oracle:
67 Introspection
Introspection is often necessary to deepen our awareness of the unity and divinity of life.
🔸 Singles: 2 Swords & King of Pentacles
Regarding: 6 Wands
For some there are literally two people here, and indecision between which one is the right one. King of Wands shows up again here, could be mirroring the initial energy. You could be with this person, possibly even live with them, when in walks your soulmate, and there’s a lot of inner chaos involved with that. For some, there is simply a King of Wands, could be fire or that’s how they present themselves/act. Charming, popular, attractive, knows how to get what they want, happy to direct or take the lead on things, pursues you 💯 But are they your King of Pentacles? *Can* they be that person? Is it all passion, no substance? Some of you are just looking for one and attracting the other - confused as to how you keep doing this, or what you really want. You’re definitely going to have a moment of shocking realization, it feels like a good one, could be love at first sight or something, or a sudden knowing, but this too will turn out for the best - no matter which lane you’re choosing. Introspection is also needed here, time alone, don’t listen to any of these Kings or anyone else, this is your decision.
I pulled a character card for the “right” choice, and got The Botanist - which is almost a mirror of The Empress. They could have children, want children, are someone you could imagine having children with. They are a nurturer, what they cultivate grows and becomes beautiful, they take a seed and turn it into a tree, very creative, domestic & “mothering” energy. Or you literally have their kids, could be that too. Some of you may have a pregnancy. If not, if that happened, who would you want? Or do you want this and someone else doesn’t - because there’s your answer. For many I’m getting you’re more this Empress energy, who values that about you, and helps nurture it to grow even more? Meaning who can you relax with, feel secure, be vulnerable 💯 that’s a big one for Capricorns. This could be saying ask your mother, she’ll tell you who is right 😆
🔸 Career: The Sun & Page of Cups
Regarding: 4 Pentacles
You’re staying right where you are and it’s probably going to work out well for you, at least at some point this year, you’re going to be recognized in some way. It may be small, a Page isn’t the biggest thing, maybe a mention in a newsletter, a small bonus, potential overtime is likely for hourly workers, word spreading via advertisement or even friend of a friend for those working in home businesses - also possible with the initial energy. There is growth and it is positive, but you’re also going to be working your butt off - 8 & 7 Pentacles, so whatever you’re getting back is well deserved. Is it *enough*? Is the question. The Merchant in you will always have that on your mind. 4 Pentacles shows you focused on saving whatever you do get, budgeting and being pretty frugal, probably because you have to be. You could feel pretty negative about the exchange and whether it’s worth it at times, your effort is shown by 8 & 7, but you’re only getting 4…and a Page, that could be something worth discussing, interest in a higher position perhaps, or just letting it be known you’re ready to expand when the time comes…there are delays with that. The Sun is promotion, attention, being recognized, it’s possible 💯 Every row is the same, with time & effort things are going to work out for you, no matter which lane we’re talking about here.
🔸 What needs to be left behind in 2023: 5 Wands, 3 Wands & 3 Pentacles
Regarding: 7 Wands
Competition, arguments, defensive energy, either acting like someone’s opponent or expecting others to act like yours, this year you’re about moving away from any drama in favor of cooperation (also your oracle card here), and teamwork. Merchant mirrors this 6 Pentacles clarifying, both have scales, you do need to weigh and balance your effort with everyone else’s, everything should be pretty fair, but I don’t see it *not* being fair, generally. If it’s not, then you know and you can either address it or move on from this person/situation, but for the most part I see people in your corner willing to support you…you just may not feel like they are, or haven’t felt their support, it hasn’t been obvious to you. You shouldn’t fight for someone to cooperate with you either, if they don’t then they don’t, now you know. Give them a chance, bring it up, communicate, and they’ll either meet your energy or not, it’s not battle-worthy, and no one is more important or better than another, no one contributes or puts in more effort than another. What that is specifically in your life will differ for all of you, you’re about balance this year, possibly mending fences with people you were competitive or defensive with, not everyone but some - Temperance. Calm, peaceful, working out differences and combing contributions into a whole situation that’s pleasing for everyone, and it’s not just you doing it either, it’s everyone, or byeeee.
444 may show work/home imbalance, or issues within the family, this needs introspection into your own grudges & negative perceptions, what you’re holding onto, maybe learned habits & behaviors inherited from older family members. Considering not just your viewpoints, but theirs, and whether or not it’s possible to bridge the gap between them.
3333 is a reunion & celebration you’ve been hoping for in a love relationship, could be with friends or family, a party, a holiday, etc., you’ve been hoping and waiting to cooperate with these people and it’s looking like you will 💜
6666 shows victory in any relationship once you move away from conflict & defensive energy, towards one that is more balanced & equally yolked, appreciating each other and helping out, enjoying everyone around you, whether it’s family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, partners, any/all of them. Deep down, you really just want peace of mind, and supportive people to share your happiness with.
Astrological Shifts in 2023 (for Risings):
Jan 01 - Mercury direct in Sag
Jan 21 - Pluto enters Aqu (again) - 2nd House 💰
Feb 14 - Mars conj. Pluto Aquarius - 2nd 💰 - likely intense, powerful, & transformative, some of you are working really hard on a financial venture or could be buying a home, that could be the goal, this is a lot of motivation & effort being applied to something tangible - be careful of power trips or control issues relating to finances, or self-worth due to materialism
Mar 09 - Mars Aqua squares Uranus Tau at 5:55 P.M. - likely a day of conflict - 2nd 💰 vs. 5th 🎉 could spend too much on “fun” or things normally considered extras, maybe you spend a lot on your kids, art & creative things, music, games, gambling, have some fun & then reign it in
Mar 21 - Venus conj Saturn Pis - love & boundaries go hand in hand
Mar 25 - Lunar Eclipse in Lib - 10th 🔨
Apr 01 - Mercury retrogrades Ari - 4th 🏡 issues surrounding home & family could pop up, you may be spending more time with them and be caught up in a happy nostalgia, or get in touch with family you haven’t seen in awhile
Apr 08 - Solar Eclipse in Ari - continued lessons from the nodes throughout this year, issues between masculine/feminine likely, father/mother, action/reception, others/self
Apr 24 - Mercury direct
May 18 - Venus conj Uranus & Sun conj Jupiter, all in Taurus - 5th 🎉, some of you could hear of a pregnancy (possibly your own), win some money or a contest/game of some kind, gamble successfully, cash out on an investment or get incredibly lucky with money, if you have kids they could be winning something, it’s a great time to play the lottery
May 25 - Jupiter enters Gem - 6th 🤒🐶, not the greatest or worst place for Jupiter to be, health issues could be magnified or brought to attention, it’s not a traumatic placement, but it “expands” what it touches. It’s easy to gain weight at this time, overdo it on medicines or substances, even exercise, make sure you’re drinking your water and staying balanced. You could be blessed with a new furry friend, or notice that animals seem to be drawn to you, relationships with coworkers are positive
May 29 - Mars conj Chiron Ari @ 22’ - 4th 🏡 addressing pain or wounds related to family, 22’ is a “kill or be killed” placement, an argument could turn vicious, even violent, or positively, if one has already existed there may be steps taken to work on the pain that’s been caused - healing this wound
June 29 - Lilith enters Lib - 10th 🔨 Only felt with close aspects, or synastry, may be a source of contention in your career, with authority figures, a father, your reputation could take a hit, you could feel like you work with crazy people or they’re out to get you - some are, and in some cases this may be your energy towards others, instigative, dark, tempting, hateful, jealous, triggered, those with Libra placements could feel like enemies whether it’s you or them triggered, both are affected - at work. With issues at home, could be your father too.
July 06 - Venus Can square Chiron Ari - 7th ❤️ vs. 4th 🏡 - likely a fight in your relationship, irritation or some kind of standoff, possibly healing one with Venus involved, you or a partner may lash out from a wounded place, hurting the other person, could also be a friend or close family member, if you’re single. May not involve you at all but a partner vs. family.
Aug 04 - Mercury retrogrades Vir-Leo - 9th 😇 & 8th ☠️ could see a resurgence of past contacts, ex’s, old friends, anything deemed “lost” at any time may come back up for review & new understanding or awareness, could receive some kind of spiritual messages from passed on loved ones, traveling is not the best idea right now
Aug 19 - Venus Vir opposes Saturn Pis & Jupiter Gem squares both - T square of 9th 😇, 3rd 🗣️, and 6th 🤒🐶 again travel is highlighted, whether near or far, as not being the best idea throughout the month, could be relating to health issues, or you may need to travel to see someone because of health issues, you could hear news from a distance about health issues, or may be learning about health generally and old beliefs contradict this new information, causing frustration, someone close to you may have to move, a sibling, coworker, or mentor, some of you could be traveling long distances for school or some kind of training thing for work
Aug 27 - Mercury direct Leo
Sept 01 - Pluto enters Cap (last time) - 1st 🫵
Sept 16 - Venus Lib opposes Chiron Ari @ 22’ - 10th 🔨 and 4th 🏡- not a fan of the degree being 22’, involves or addresses pain with parents, gender roles/tradition, home vs work, and again 22’ is not the degree you want to keep seeing with heart centered things like family. It is a Capricorn degree, hopefully that lessens its weight a little bit in your world/situation
Sept 17 - Partial Lunar Eclipse Pis - 3rd 🗣️, preparing for the nodes to shift next year
Oct 02 - Solar Eclipse Lib - 10th 🔨
Nov 19 - Pluto enters Aqu (for good) - 2nd 💰 you’re freeeeee 🥳 how has the last 15 years been?
Nov 25 - Mercury retrogrades Sag - 12th 😵‍💫 it’s a good time to pull back, relax, rejuvenate, practice mental & emotional wellness, process how far you’ve come and everything you’ve accomplished in the last decade+, past contacts may pop back in, possibly just in dreams or your subconscious, it’s a good time for a personal review to lay things to rest
Dec 06 - Mars retrogrades Leo - 8th ☠️ could see you feeling a little insecure, lacking confidence, again people could come back, this time ex’s are highlighted, along with relationships that were “dead” or lost to you, take care with how you handle these, there’s an energy of being tested right as you begin to relax, don’t be fooled, especially with money, some of you could be dealing with a loss of some kind, and will need to take a time out to handle whatever is involved with this, breakups often happen with this transit…but could be temporary, it’s the retrograde way, be careful of inflated egos, control & power dynamics
Dec 15 - Mercury direct Sag
Dec 24 - Jupiter Gem squares Saturn Pis - 6th 🤒🐶 vs. 3rd 🗣️ could be a necessary doctor or veterinarian visit, coworkers that get on your nerves, maybe just talking about a health obsession or something you’ve learned, and the reception you get from others isn’t great, it doesn’t have to be a big thing just annoying
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brieslibrary · 5 months
January - A Touch Of Darkness
February - The Sea Of Monsters
March - Killer Instinct
April - Good Girl, Bad Blood
May - HP & the Prisoner of Azkaban ( reread )
June - TBD
July - TBD
August - TBD
September - TBD
October - TBD
November - TBD
December - TBD
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raiquen · 5 months
Book Review: Neverwhere, by Neil Gaiman
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My Review in a Tweet:
It feels like cheating when you point out the similarities between two works then the author himself mentions a character by name, but this book truly feels like a Lewis Carroll or even James M. Barrie story. Lots of suspension of disbelief tho.
My Full Review:
I truly dislike saying this about a book, but I have finally finished reading "Neverwhere". There are a couple of reasons why it took me so long, but the main one is the constant and intentional nonsense you are forced to deal with.
The biggest responsible for that is the worldbuilding (or the lack of it): Gaiman cheats when he describes the "Londres de Abajo" (I'm guessing he named it the "Under London" in English or something like that?) as this mirror reality under London (not very subtle) that just happens to have anything the plot needs and works with simple and straightforward rules, the most important one being the owing of favors. The randomness of the characters and locations they visit constantly throws you off.
In favor of the novel, I did like the "clasic fairy tale" feeling of it, where our protagonists meet some perilous tests, fierce foes and unexpected allies. All of these also had a certain "greek myth" or "folk tale" nature to them, like the Beast of the Labyrinth or the Huntress and the Warrior.
The characters are very likeable, but they fall a little short in being fully developed or having truly great moments for themselves. "This thing happens, then this other thing happens and we are done", the characters don't seem to notice any of it or truly react to the events around them, they just stroll through the plot. Only in the ending I felt like they were experiencing real consequences of the events in the story.
It was a nice enough reading, but I don't know if I would recommend it, except maybe for teenagers. I remain curious for the rest of Gaiman's works, specially "American Gods", "Good Omens", and finishing "Sandman" (of which I read the first two volumes).
My Other 2024 Readings.
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kaitiedidslibrary · 5 months
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First book of 2024 and the first book I've finished in my new room~
I bought this whole series a couple years ago when a local game shop had a going out of business sale. (The owners were married and one of them cheated so it was only there for like. a year before they fell apart. Which sucks because it was pretty cool.)
I started it yesterday right before bed in celebration of national scifi day.
My best friend showed me the first episode of this in middle or high school, and I always meant to get back to it but never did.
I really like it so far! Rat's kind of bitchy, but I love that about him. I love his rats.
Volume one is exposition and the turning point, so I have no idea where we're going. The world is a basic dystopia, and the villain so far couldn't be more cartoon government villain if he tried, but it's not boring. The basics are there for the upcoming plot.
I have so many questions. Besides what's going on with the bees (why is it always bees). How does Rat communicate with his buddies (also rats). When he said "people like us don't have rights", was he talking everyone not chosen by the government/city, or does Shion have some weird animal affinity too? Is there a bee person out there killing people?
It was fun, I like the characters, and I'll be reading the next book soon.
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fusillisarah · 6 months
Early 2024 Reading Plan
got a hardback copy of Iron Flame for Christmas!!
But first I’m going to read Ruthless Vows, gonna order it with my Book of the Month Subscription. I technically need to read it first since I’m lending my sister my hardback copy of Divine Rivals and I don’t want too many books to pass in between me reading it and Ruthless Vows. So gonna be on a hold a little bit.
And then after reading those I’m gonna re-read Fourth Wing on kindle and then read iron flame. So I’ll keep updated on my timeline but that’s how it’s going rn.
Aware that new SJM book is coming in Jan, but I haven’t read any crescent City books yet- I’m turned off by the tech lmao. So goal these next few months maybe to power thru.
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