#new year tarot reading
alyjojo · 5 months
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New Year Reading for 2024! 🌟 - Leo
Preshuffle: You could see the reappearance of an ex, or someone that made you feel like you weren’t a priority, doesn’t have to be an ex at all (for some it is). They may have brushed you off and made it seem like you weren’t that important to them, or they just didn’t care, didn’t ask you out on a second/tenth date, haven’t heard from them for years even. Could be other people too, friends, family, etc. They may make the effort to show you they care *now* and it’s like now you don’t, you don’t even want it anymore, they’re too late, or it’s been too long and you’ve moved onto other things. Or you’ve just seen their true colors in this time that’s passed, could be that too. They say “distance makes the heart grow fonder.” But in this case, it’s like distance has shown you what is toxic af and you’re actually good.
Meditation: It made me laugh. I never made it to your door, we were in the hallway to get to your door and it was just a zoo of animals everywhere, but specific ones, that went specific places, none of which were yours. But you were cleaning it all up. There were small alligators 🐊 that needed to be re-caged, and you put them inside of Pisces’ door. There were several (nice, but intimidating) big snakes 🐍 that you also caged and set inside Scorpio’s door. The last animals were some small white lab rats 🐁 with the red eyes, those went in Taurus’ door. You sighed happily and brushed your hands off like “job well done”, and as you were walking past Aquarius’s door, it opened and they threw a water balloon right at your head, then closed their door and you could hear them chuckling on the other side of it. You just muttered “asshole” and then went to your own door & went in. I can’t know what any of these mean for you, because they’re all so specific, it’s going to relate to you all individually. For some, you’re cleaning up other’s messes, happily, and you deserve some appreciation. For some the literal signs and animals may mean something. I don’t know where Pisces fits in, unless it’s Saturn, but the rest are all fixed (squared/opposing you) and it would make sense that there could be some aggravation with them. Not just this year 😆 This could also be referring to Pluto’s final dance between Aqua and Cap throughout the year, a “water balloon” may hit you unexpectedly between Jan-Julyish.
🔸 Whole of Your Energy: Judgement & 5 Pentacles
Regarding: The Lovers & 4 Cups
This is the exact same energy from your preshuffle, the exact SAME cards, same order even. That’s crazy yo’. Relationships are definitely dominating your year, one in particular that I just don’t think you’re happy with, because the committed relationships area mirrors this too. For some, it can be a Twin Flame 🔥 thing, not all. For some it’s just realizing you’re bored, unhappy, you could feel like your partner doesn’t even really care about you or this relationship. Judgement is a powerful energy to be your first card, it’s ruled by Pluto, and it’s taking everything into account, all of your experiences up to this point, to determine if you should end something for good, nail the coffin shut, or if it can be transformed in a whole new way - can this be fixed and brought back? Mostly directed towards relationships, especially for the risings.
If it’s a Twin, you wonder if you should leave, if they’ll ever come back, or whether it’s a Twin at all, because you’ve also pulled The Astronomer…showing you could get a little too caught up in things like astrology, twin flames, tarot, “what does it mean??” 💀, and more or less acting kinda fanatical with things that can’t ever fully be explained. We’re not God, we don’t know. A side note, this tarot and astrology stuff can be helpful, and useful, but if it becomes obsessive or you start basing your whole life & decisions over what tarot lady said that day, it’s a fine line of spiritual/delusion. Especially with general readings, not all of them involve you at all, don’t force things where they don’t actually exist 🙏 If it sounds like you, you get goosebumps and just know it, take it. Astrology can tell you a lot, but we can’t predict death, just difficult time periods, “maybes”. It’s good to have faith in some kind of belief system or see the deeper meanings to things, many of you are becoming more spiritual, tuning in to your own higher selves, just yanno…balance it. Turn it off sometimes. Take naps. Go outside. Plan an adventure. Have fun. Be human. Too much of anything can drive you crazy.
If someone is coming back around, you could panic and worry this is your only chance, but you don’t even want it, how does that happen? Or that could describe the other person. Some of you could be putting a flame 🔥 label on someone that’s not, and more research needs to be done on what that actually is. Some are genuine. They’re not your *only* soulmate regardless, and hot take here: I don’t personally believe anyone’s soul is ripped in half, they’re just aligned to match you. There are dozens of soulmates here, and past life connections, and those were once brand new connections, so don’t discount those either. When in doubt, throw it all out the window and just have faith, what’s meant to be yours will be yours, you don’t have to worry so much. Free will is very much a thing, if you don’t want it, you’re not stuck with it. Just the lesson part. Some of you are having to deal with abandonment issues when it comes to love, which may stem from other issues in the past - but be playing out in this way. You could have rough mental health days, or go back and forth between fine and not fine, it’s possible you’re with someone that greatly affects your own mental state, and that’s where Courage comes in for you, handling stressful situations or even letting them go, because you have to walk away from ick feelings, and worry about your own state of mind & happiness ❤️ For some, it could be the other person that acts like they don’t care, and you don’t know what to do with that, or if that’s how they *really* are/feel, you’re afraid to know because you fear they’ll leave. Isn’t it better to know though?
Main Oracle: also connected to relationships
42 Courage
Have the courage to see the lessons in all situations and face them constructively.
🔸 Character Card: The Astronomer 🌙
Sitting in the dark with their head in one of many books on stars, The Astronomer looks for answers to their questions, based on scientific fact & proven knowledge. But this situation isn’t one described by books, it’s tricky, one you’ve never experienced (possibly most haven’t experienced), and nothing can tell you what to do about it - but your gut is telling you. Tuning out what others think they know, or even logical explanations of things, would be beneficial to you, because deep down only you know how to handle the situations coming your way, or that you’re involved in. Others can’t understand what’s going on in the same way, and there’s no way to “prove” what you know to be right, except that you just know, and you have to act according to what you know. Only you would know.
🔸 Relationship: The Devil & The Hanged Man
Regarding: 5 Wands
Your person plays you with/against other people? Are they constantly comparing you to others, ex’s, family members, friends and their own relationships? Do you feel like it’s a constant comparison or competition when it shouldn’t be? Maybe this person really likes attention, and they indulge flirtations or crushes from other people. Maybe they’ve actually acted on these things, or reciprocated in inappropriate ways that have hurt you and caused you to mistrust them. Could be an addiction. Or an obsession. Could be you too. Or for you the toxicity may simply be codependency. You know it’s not good for you, but you avoid facing it or doing anything about it, you don’t want this to end. It doesn’t get better, or worse, it stays exactly the same - The Hanged Man, and you try to gain some perspective to think of…what can I do? You can’t do your part and theirs too, if they’re giving you nothing but apathy, what are you hanging onto? The competitiveness of this could be what’s got you stuck on a person. You’re not happy but you’ll be damned if someone else has them. Most of this is going on inside, I’m not sure what they even know, there’s not a lot of communication between you (that I see). For some of you, that’s probably where to start. Others of you already know it’s done. Or needs a complete overhaul - Pluto 💯
Couples Oracles: Courage again from Main
74 - Contest
Be yourself fully and you are without compare, a true winner of the only contest that matters.
🔸 Singles: Ace of Swords & 10 Wands
Regarding: King of Wands
Short and to the point, you have problems communicating. Single or coupled up, you are showing up as someone that holds in your feelings and just never expresses them. That’s what’s standing in your way - 10 Wands, and you’re exhausted with attempts where you’ve tried, maybe with the responses you’ve gotten in the past. Something hurtful lingers in your energy and you blame it on someone outside of yourself, which may be true for whatever has hurt you. But you don’t see that if you can’t communicate, you can’t have a relationship, others can’t just understand how you feel or where you’re coming from. If you’re still hurting from the last person, I don’t see you even wanting another one. You may even attract several people and not really take them up on anything, not responding, not speaking up, not responding to others’ flirty energy. If you do, it will be more surface level, and you won’t be honest about who you really are or what you’ve been through, because it’s like you can’t, it makes you sad. Or you don’t want the sympathy, Leo is a very proud sign. You need more processing time, there is no rush, not in this area anyway. Some of you could be single parents and find it hard to find the time or even the desire to try dating, or you could specifically not want to date people with kids, and that’s just not an option right now. I’ve been asking for a card here to describe any potential options, and yours won’t even give me one, it’s just like “nah”, so…maybe talking to people, flirting a bit, but it doesn’t go far, that I can see.
🔸 Career: Page of Pentacles & 10 Cups
Regarding: Temperance
Relationships come out here too. It’s like everything you’re doing is for the sake of family & possibly children. You could live with family, literally work with your family, or there’s a nod towards those in relationships - have an extremely overbearing partner that kinda controls what moves you make in all regards. Or an ex. It’s like you work hard everyday, and you’re doing well, these are all great cards. It’s all for the sake of keeping the peace in your family unit. Some of you may be offering a job to someone in your family, or even working with your partner, that could create some of the difficulties between you, being with them every second of every day. With that, some could work at home or be stay-at-home parents. Again, some of you are just single parents, and you go to work so you can pay for the home that you raise your kids in, it’s all about maintaining that work/home balance that takes priority over everything else.
There’s a story about maybe still living with family and not really working because you’re going to school full time and being supported in that way. There could be someone in the home that’s drama, and they irritate you, or they always have something to say like you’re not “providing” when no shit, you’re in school. Success is attached to whatever you’re doing, and 10 Cups is the goal you’re working towards, that all feels very positive and you’ll spend most of your energy “coasting along” towards your goal, I don’t see any hiccups there. Someone that irritates you, or thinks you should even be working “for them” on your off time or something, could be an earth sign. If it’s just Mom/partner asking you to do your share of the chores, that’s fair. You could also be working towards starting some side hustle or home business, if so it’s at the very beginning, the planning stages even, and it does have potential to grow 🪴
Career Oracle:
79 Success
Enjoying your life and the unfolding of your creative abilities as much as possible is real success.
🔸 What needs to be left behind in 2023: 2 Pentacles & 7 Pentacles
Regarding: 8 Wands
Waiting, procrastinating, giving things too much time to make a decision or putting things off, the lack of taking action. Along with that though is a lack of planning, you don’t like to plan things before you do them, I’m getting that you just kinda put it off, again and again, and then when you’re ready to take action it’s impulsive & spontaneous, expecting immediate results. Instead of planned out, scheduled, long term thinking, building up to the place where you want to go, you either talk yourself out of it, or don’t take it seriously enough and just kinda let things fall behind. Relating to communication, taking too long with that too, or not responding, maybe defensive communication, or defensive attitudes towards practical help, planners, input from others who have the thing you want to do. No plan and no advice either…well 🤷🏻‍♀️ What outcome do you want? For some it could be needing to apologize to someone, or releasing the hope you’re going to get one from someone where it’s just not coming. Every story is the same in that - it’s been long enough.
Leave Behind Oracle:
07 Procrastination
Stop focusing on your problems and excuses; take a small step and do something constructive.
7777 shows that by avoiding taking action and waiting around, possibly avoiding resistance from a partner specifically for some of you, you’re blocking your own success and then feeling defensive about it. Or your person could feel this way about you, one of you is getting in the way of the other’s career. Or schooling, kids, family, that’s possible too, but career is centered on this somehow. People pleasing instead of acting in one’s best interest - Libra South Node is pushing for that mentality to be released, all through the year. For some it could be a rift in these things, or you’re the issue here that needs to heal and it’s on you to do it. You are not your partner, or relationship, you are an independent being, don’t get confused about that, and it’s possible others could use a reminder.
Astrological Shifts in 2023 (for Risings):
Jan 01 - Mercury direct in Sag
Jan 21 - Pluto enters Aqu (again) - 7th House ❤️
Feb 14 - Mars conj. Pluto Aquarius - 7th House ❤️ - likely intense, sexual, powerful, & transformative
Mar 09 - Mars Aqua squares Uranus Tau at 5:55 P.M. - likely a day of conflict - 7th ❤️ vs. 10th 🔨 could be dealing with partnerships at work, a hit to the reputation or image, or conflict between these things and partnerships, someone may be instigating bs
Mar 21 - Venus conj Saturn Pis - love & boundaries go hand in hand
Mar 25 - Lunar Eclipse in Lib - 3rd 🗣️
Apr 01 - Mercury retrogrades Ari - 9th 😇 - travel issues highlighted specifically
Apr 08 - Solar Eclipse in Ari - continued lessons from the nodes throughout this year, issues between masculine/feminine likely, father/mother, action/reception, others/self
Apr 24 - Mercury direct
May 18 - Venus conj Uranus & Sun conj Jupiter, all in Taurus - 10th 🔨 all very positive energies, you could see expansion in your career, move up, make more, get paid 💯, find a cash cow of a client, good fortune
May 25 - Jupiter enters Gem - 11th 🤝 a great transit for networking & making friends, good times are highlighted and fortunate contacts
May 29 - Mars conj Chiron Ari @ 22’ - 9th 😇 be careful traveling or driving around this time, no texting, positively you may be expanding your mind and learning about your own pain, seeing things from a new perspective and taking action based on what you’ve learned
June 29 - Lilith enters Lib - 3rd 🗣️, likely to only be felt if/when it aspects a personal planet or is triggered by someone else’s, your words may be particularly venomous, or you may be triggered & pissed off by things other people say, good aspect for filthy messages
July 06 - Venus Can square Chiron Ari - 12th 😵‍💫 vs. 9th 😇, spiritual experiences and awakenings are likely on some level, you may have prophetic dreams or intuitive hunches that lead you in positive directions or heal a wound, counseling is beneficial at this time, or any learning about topics related to mental health, relaxation, spirituality & calming the mind.
Aug 04 - Mercury retrogrades Vir-Leo - 2nd 💰 & 1st 🫵, overspending is possible, or hassles regarding returns, missed packages, possible scams & fraud, be careful with your personal information and where it goes, you may be overcharged for something
Aug 19 - Venus Vir opposes Saturn Pis & Jupiter Gem squares both - T square of 2nd 💰, 8th ☠️, and 11th 🤝 has to do with finances, commissions, investments, wills, contracts, a deal could go sour or a contract needs to be reworked, financial loss is possible
Aug 27 - Mercury direct Leo
Sept 01 - Pluto enters Cap (last time) - 6th 🤒🐶
Sept 16 - Venus Lib opposes Chiron Ari @ 22’ - 3rd 🗣️ vs. 9th 😇 - not a fan of the degree being 22’, involves or address pain with siblings, travel, foreign places or people, unlearning old bs, what’s learned initially or young vs. what you know now, it can be healing in this way
Sept 17 - Partial Lunar Eclipse Pis - 8th ☠️, preparing for the nodes to shift next year
Oct 02 - Solar Eclipse Lib - 3rd 🗣️
Nov 19 - Pluto enters Aqu (for good) - 7th ❤️
Nov 25 - Mercury retrogrades Sag - 5th 🎉
Dec 06 - Mars retrogrades Leo - 1st 🫵 - you’re liable to be forced to slow down or reevaluate your direction in some way, progress is halted for now
Dec 15 - Mercury direct Sag
Dec 24 - Jupiter Gem squares Saturn Pis - 11th 🤝 vs. 8th ☠️, could deal with people that aren’t with you anymore, passed on loved ones or friends, reminiscing or honoring them with others, could also relate to sales contracts, investments or joint financial ventures that maybe aren’t equal or there’s an imbalance.
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moonlodgemystic · 1 year
🌼🐣 SPRING FORWARD! 🫶 Spring Equinox 2023 🌈🐝 Pick a Card Seasonal Forecast 🌱🌄
🌼🐣 SPRING FORWARD! 🫶 Spring Equinox 2023 🌈🐝 Pick a Card Seasonal Forecast 🌱🌄Greetings! My name is Bee La Rosa, the Moon Lodge Mystic. I am a spiritual content creator, diviner, and artist. I offer tarot readings, dream interpretation, and Vedic astrology consultations. I also craft custom jewelry, malas, and art commissions. Please feel free to reach out! I love connecting with others.BOOK A…
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tarotwithavi · 5 months
10 things you need to know right now
Guidance for your 2024
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How to choose a pile?
Close your eyes and take a deep breath and ask the angels to show you the right pile for you and open your eyes. The first pile that catches your attention is the right pile for you.
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Pile 1
2024 is going to be the year of self work and career for you. You'll also find your soul purpose.
You've been through the most difficult part of your life, it is going to be easy from now on.
If you don't learn to be humble and grounded , it may become a problem for you.
You'll be gifted a dreamcatcher from a really significant person in your life.
You'll be getting some really great advice from a person you want to be like.
It's time to act. Don't procrastinate any longer. It's either now or never, the choice is yours.
You're worrying over nothing. write it down for now and read it in a few weeks. You'll realise how it was never that serious.
You may lose your grandparents this year, especially a feminine figure. Spend more time with your elders.
You're going to meet a goal oriented person. This person will guide you on your journey. You're being told to learn from them.
Yes family does matter. No matter how much you dislike them.
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Pile 2
Your family is going to be really important for you this year. Almost all the messages I got involve your family.
You need to pay attention to where your money is going, If not then you may suffer from material loss this year.
You need to make a concrete plan to achieve what you want. Plan ahead.
Control your anger and what you say when you're angry because if you don't then you may lose some really important people.
You may receive heritage or get a significant gift from your parents or grandparents. And one of your family wishes may come true.
Somebody around you is behaving stupidly. Talk to them and tell them about their mistakes.
Success is highly favored this year.
Be really careful to whom you share your business with because I see that somebody will be talking about your secrets.
It's useless to cry and get upset over something you can't have. Focus on what you can have. Mentality changes your reality.
Trust and you'll see the successful outcome to your problems.
August and October may be significant months for you.
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Pile 3
2024 Is going to be the year of love and relationships for you.
Some of you are going to find your soulmate and get into a healthy relationship.
Misunderstanding may get you this year. Try to have clear communication with the people you love.
You'll be spending vacation with your significant other this year.
You may get separation anxiety. Or get worried that something or someone is working against you.
Something you sincerely wished for in 2022-23 is going to be granted. You're being told to show your gratitude by helping others.
2024 is going to be one of the best years of your life and you'll remember the things you'll do in 2024 forever.
Somebody may try to get between you and your significant other/a friend or something that you want.
You may get disappointed over some situations but you'll be grateful for what's about to come.
I see that you'll be taking a risk in 2024 but this risk will help you a lot.
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punkpandapatrixk · 5 months
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🌟Blessings to Expect throughout 2024 ♦︎ Timeless Pick A Card
‘You’re always here. What are you doing?’
‘Nothing…nothing in particular.’
‘You’re Saibara’s grandson, right? Aren’t you working at the Blacksmith shop?’
‘I’m not interested in that. I want to go back to the city.’
‘Oh… I came from the city, too. My dad moved the family to this village because he was going to study plants. I felt lonely at first. But the people here are all very kind.’
‘I don’t feel lonely. But I can’t find what I want to do in this village.’
‘What is it you want that you can’t find here?’
‘Well, it’s…oh, nothing…’
‘My mother always says that if you can’t find what you want to do, then do what you can see to do now. Nobody finds what they want immediately. But if you waste your time every day because of that, you’ll never find anything... To tell you the truth, I haven’t found what I’m looking for yet, either. See you.’
— Mary and Gray’s conversation from Harvest Moon: Back To Nature
SONG: Somewhere Over the Rainbow by Judy Garland
MOVIE: The Wizard of Oz (1939)
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Pile 1 – Welcoming Love, True Love
VIBE: Ready for Your Love (feat. MNEK) by Gorgon City
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end of a struggle – King of Swords
You’ve been incredibly and marvellously responsible for…quite a number of years, I think? For some of you maybe a couple of months or so. But your struggles have ended; nearing ending; or you just haven’t realised yet how everything has changed for the better now. If you take a moment to really notice yourself, I’m sure you can tell just how much clearer you’ve become about many things pertaining to your surrounding and sense of Self. I feel you’ve worked really hard to overcome excessive trauma noises that have caused you a great deal of psychological pain.
Starting this year, you can feel more confident in your intellectual capacity to gauge situations right in front of you. Making choices will be a lot easier now because you’re clear about who you are as a person and what it is you truly want out of your own existence. You’ve clearly set enough boundaries with those who didn’t have your best interest. Seems to me you’ve learnt the hard way to be more selfish in the spirit of self-preservation. And so, the adventure of a lifetime begins right this moment.
In fact, I feel like your entire Life up until this point has been quite the adventure—only it has been filled with sorrow and misery, sorta. Surely it was your Hero’s Journey taking shape for the early chapters of your Life’s Story. A slow burn of a lifetime, if you will. Beginning this year, you’re entering the most exciting part of your rise to glory and everlasting happiness!
in your favour – 8 of Pentacles
You’ve been hustling behind the scenes for the most part. At least, those who aren’t close to you will never know just how much work you’ve put into bettering your world from the inside out. You worked so much on your mindset; you must’ve exercised a lot, too; tried to eat more cleanly and healthily; worked on your glow-up; brushed your skills; etc. You were investing in yourself for the future vision you’ve always held close to your heart. And for that reason, the seeds are now blooming.
You’re making me think of the bamboo plant. Did you know that a bamboo seedling takes around 5-7, maybe even 8-10, years to gestate underground? All alone in the dark without anyone knowing what’s going on down there. And when the seedling shoots up to the surface, the bamboo plant is famous for being the fastest growing plant there ever is.
So yeah~ fast or no fast in your mind, the point is that you’ve done the work on yourself and all the plans you’ve ever had for your Life. This year, 2+0+2+4=8, is the year you reap all the rewards and grow even faster from where you are now. Whatever undertaking you begin this year will gain traction super fast! Pat yourself on the back because when things get super good, you deserve to take a small break and just enjoy how far you’ve come~! Breathe~
catching stars – Page of Wands
Your Story is totally far from finished. With the Page aenergy—a kid’s aenergy—you’re only on the precipice of entering a Life of passion and purpose. You could almost say, it’s a new Story altogether just because this chapter of your Life is SO SO SO super good in comparison to the chapters about your struggles. I guess you’d call this a new arc huehue
You’re young Hercules now. Pretty soon, there will occur some big event that propels you into a bona fide hero, and then, you’ll meet your Megara~ This part of your Story is where you enter a circle of true—at least truer—friends and lovers who will motivate you throughout the next chapters of your Life. Sure, sure, struggles don’t just end, poof, like that and you will continuously need to learn to sift through these new breeds of friends and acquaintances. But that’s also part of your next level growing up, so don’t sweat the possibilities XD
Throughout 2024, you could be moving to a new environment and then meet new friends. Highkey you’re gonna be meeting Soulmates and Soul Fam members; these are the people who resemble you so much either on the inside or outside. These are people who think like you, care about the same things as you; basically you’re gonna finally feel like you truly belong somewhere on this Planet. Love is in the air because you’ve been giving so much Love to yourself before this point. You are Love. You emanate Love wherever you go because you love yourself, and thus you become a magnet for people who also will love you just as good~
honey lemon juice – Silver Magus (Merlin)
have a sweet time, honey – Priestess of Love
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Pile 2 – Rising Up to Accept Yourself Wholly
VIBE: She Said from Kamikaze Girls
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end of a struggle – Knight of Cups
You’ve kinda just gone through a death of a paradigm of sort. I feel that in the past, you simply didn’t really know who you were or what you were meant to be. This confusion of an identity was caused by your parents/caretakers not really appreciating you for who you were as a child or it could also be caused by your environment, race, culture, custom, tradition, stuff like that. It wasn’t your fault, you know. You literally grew up on your own and finally got clear about your own identity—you stopped caring if your real identity is too weird, too eccentric for this world.
Basically, you got tired of rejecting yourself. And you realised that you were doing that because you knew others wouldn’t accept you. Then you realised people are shitty and lame for the most part anyway, so you learnt to be OK with embracing all of your weird heart’s little desires. And you nurtured yourself and nurtured yourself until you rose above the lameness of most of Humanity. Did you know? You did the right thing, really. Through and through.
You’re definitely an Advanced Soul. I think even when you were a kid you always felt like there was some spirit/shadow parental figure walking behind you, guiding your thought processes. This older/bigger unseen figure was really just your own Higher Self, you know :D More than others would give you credit for, you’ve been such a good gal/boi for always listening to the guidance of your Higher Self~
in your favour – 3 of Pentacles
Beginning this year, you’re going to finally meet people who are similar to you. Similar as in, you’re going to meet a lot of colourful characters, really. People who also feel somewhat like society’s outcast. These people are going to come from various backgrounds and they will each have very interesting back stories and life experiences that will entertain you for a long time. These people could also have very strange, unusual hobbies that will spark your interest in new, alien pursuits.
With that said, this year could be the year you begin a new passion project of your own, with these people, new friends, you share a vision with. They do care about you and want to succeed together, so you can trust that these connections are going to bear sweet feelings for you. Most importantly, this year you’re going to know the sweet feeling of doing something meaningful with your natural talents born out of your innate interests. When you finally get the money, you will first and foremost taste gratitude from those who seem to love and enjoy what you do or have to offer~
Life really is getting better now because you’ve mustered the courage to explore your possibilities in all your eccentricity. Your Higher Self never meant for you to fit in anyway. You were always meant to be some sort of a genius trailblazer—a source of inspiration for the other lameass Humans who are too afraid to be themselves.
catching stars – 10 of Pentacles
What more can be said? On top of embracing yourself fully, loving yourself wholeheartedly, and meeting kindred spirits, you’re also going to gain a massive amount of money! Life’s always good when you have a lot of money! More money means a happier heart and more to share as well. But in your case, if you’ve chosen this Pile as your main pile, know that before a lot of money even trickles into your reality, it is the sense that you’re serving your Life Purpose what will make you feel rich.
After all, there could people reading this who came from a wealthy background and you may think you don’t crave or even care about money. Exactly. You never cared about a lack of money but didn’t you struggle with grounding yourself to this Reality because you didn’t know what you were put on Earth to do? This ‘10 of Pentacles sense of abundance’ encompasses a sense of material abundance that feels deserving; you can now feel worthy of getting paid for some passionate, incredible, show-stopping contribution you’ve made to society. Isn’t that such a wonderful feeling?
Some of you reading this could mend some broken bonds with family; some others could finally find a tribe—a Soul Family—and feel that you belong; some could start a family of your own with someone worthy of your high-grade affection. Congratulations~! You’ve really made it this far~ Things can only get better and better from here♥︎
honey lemon juice – Green Historian (Herodotus)
have a sweet time, honey – Priestess of Patience
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Pile 3 – Stepping On the Pedestal of Destiny
VIBE: Cheer Up, Charlie from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
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end of a struggle – King of Pentacles
If you’ve chosen this as your main pile, I just know it that you’ve been working so hard on yourself, on a level that’s practically incomprehensible for most people. I’m sure you’ve survived so many deaths of the spirit—and perhaps even some of the more dramatic attempts. And you’ve come on top of your misery now. You’ve gotten healthier and clearer about where you’re going next. I sense sometimes you still doubt yourself but it isn’t a sin to doubt, it’s just a sign that you want to do well. And on so many levels, sometimes you’re afraid because you genuinely want this dream/vision to happen to you.
I assure you with this reading that you’re on the fast track towards a rendezvous with Destiny. Fast…is honestly relative to each Soul’s blueprint tho XD Time is on your side and what’s meant for you can’t miss you. So chillax, OK? One thing to know about this great dream/vision of yours is that you’re going to see it manifest because you’re different from the rest. Different in that you want to see it manifest to be of service to the rest! When you really think about it…
Don’t you just know from deep within your Soul that you’re deserving of this great destiny? It’s because you’re going to serve a massive purpose with it! So many people would benefit from your realising this dream. And that’s the very thing! You’ve been holding on to this vision, and you want it, because you’re MEANT for it.
in your favour – 4 of Cups
I’ll be referencing the 1971 ver. of Willy Wonka here. And honestly, I think you should watch it by the weekend or something because that movie’s whole vibe will feel tremendously validating to you, I sense hahah
Have you heard of the theories that say Charlie was literally singled out by Willy Wonka from the very beginning? That he had chosen all of those horrible brats because he wanted to punish, oops, teach them a lesson, and that principally he had been watching Charlie and wanted HIM to inherit the Chocolate Factory. If you watch the 1971 film you’ll literally get it! And with this 4 of Cups, know that that’s how the Universe feels about you stepping into your destiny. Willy Wonka, or God idk, doesn’t want anybody else but YOU to fulfil this role~!
You’ve literally been chosen and singled out by the Universe to win the grand prize! Just so you know, as I’m typing these words I literally have the Willy Wonka movie playing on another window and as I typed ‘grand prize’, the person in the movie is saying it right at the same time at around the 19:11 minute mark. Things can’t get any more synchronous than that!🤯
This year, you’ll really see how every single thing is going to work out in your favour. And knowing the inner work you’ve done on yourself, I’m sure you’re spiritually mature enough to sense, to notice every small nudge that tells you what you need to do at a given time😊New adventures are just around the corner, baby~!
catching stars – 5 of Pentacles
So you see, how is 5 of Pentacles appearing for a segment about you catching stars? This is, in fact, reaffirming that your dream come true will also serve as a salve for those who are wounded and hurting. You really are a medicine for this sick world. This year, you’re going to see serendipitous events and meetings what will open the door towards the physical manifestation of your dream Reality. Once you step on to the pedestal of Destiny, there’s no stopping you. You’ll be moving so fast it drives you mad!
This card is also saying you must be careful of possible leeches coming towards you; it’s best to use caution and discernment when revealing to others your plans and goals. Be stingy with information as per your gut instinct’s nudges, OK? Be mature enough to know not everybody will be happy at the prospect of your massive success that could potentially change Mankind. People get envious of such ideas, alright? Be careful not to hit the already low self-esteem of some people around you LMAO
I also feel that this year you will begin new routines that benefit your health and physical strength. If this is something you’ve been working on, you will see this year that the implementation of these routines feels more natural and effortless. You’ve managed to master your thoughts, emotions, and time management—or soon to do. Money will also come more abundantly, so all your basic needs are easily met. You’ve become a magnet for good luck—or soon to notice you’ve done so!🍀
honey lemon juice – Red Astronomer (Johannes Kepler)
have a sweet time, honey – Priestess of Innocence
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icanseethefuture333 · 5 months
What blessings are coming for you in 2024?
collab with @sunkissedchld 💛
Please go check out her post here!
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Pile 1:
Shufflemancy -
Half Full by JGrrey
Radioactive by Imagine Dragons
I by Jaden
Signs: 818, silver, wires, blue, green, white, ocean, the sun, blue daisies, braided hair or material, mandalas, wall tapestries, old keys, doors being locked, mirrors, rosaries, crosses, anointing oil, Poseidon, Percy Jackson, Yemaya, honey biscuits, & beignets
Service, Change, Mirror, Heart With A Key, The Sword & Rose, & Liberator
For 2024, pile 1, I see that there is going to be some big changes! "Out with the old, in with the new". In 2023, you could have paid a big service to others by helping them with their needs, which led to putting everyone else above your own personal goals. Helping others can be a good thing but it is alright to be "selfish" at times! I feel that you think if you do good by others you will attract good karma into your life or the universe will magically bless you for your good deeds, when that's not how it works. If you wish for change, you have to be the change you seek. For 2024, you should focus on your self concept and understanding how the 3D works. The 3D reality is your external world, it will reflect back to your most inner prominent thoughts. You have the key to manifest your best potential. Harness your skills and work on improving them. Be careful with your triggers as well. The universe will test you along your journey. So you may experience things that are an inconvenience or attract things you may not necessarily "want". For example, if you are manifesting wealth in 2024, but keep having issues with your finances. Instead of reacting to this and having thoughts or complaints that you're "broke". Release the fears that you have regarding abundance. If you are manifesting money but only receive a $20 dollar bill, be grateful for that $20 dollar bill, for someone else may not even have cash at all. Think of it as a small start to success. You have to liberate yourself from limiting beliefs and see the prosperity that surrounds you and that it is also given to you. If you are someone who sees things as "glass half empty", your perspective will change graciously and the blessings in 2024 will teach you how to see with a "glass half full". The new year will provide you with inner peace and clarity within yourself. You will also be divinely guided and protected during this time!
Pile 2:
Shufflemancy -
Glitter by Tyler The, Creator
Kolors by Monte Booker ft. Smino
Hey, Mickey! By Baby Tate ft. Saweetie
Signs: 222, Valentine's day, hearts, box of chocolates, kiss marks, pink, lavendar, red, lip stains on cups, baby cupid, Venus/Aphrodite, Persephone, Oshun, passion fruit, roses, makeup, bow & arrow, crown, metal, armor, knights, princesses, folklore, playing dolls, roleplay, fairytale romance storybooks, childhood nostalgia, 90/2000s movies, & Y2K
Love (2x 💕), Patience, Kisses, Cupid's Arrow, Soulmates, & Knight
Okayyyy!! This pile is stepping into their it girl/boy/enby era 💅🏽! This is too cute ✨️. You will be more popular than usual this year, pile 2. Your guides are wanting you to embrace this! You could be really shy and wish to avoid the spotlight, but you will be causing yourself a great disfavor by doing this! You are going to be so radiant, magnetizing, & beautiful this year and this is going to draw others to you. I am getting a vision of like those popular girls who walk down the hallway in a 2000s movie with their hair blowing in the wind and everyone else is just in complete awe of them. There could be significant changes to your hair, skin, and wardrobe, maybe even your physical features. Your hair could grow longer, healthier, and look shiny, while your skin would appear softer, dewy, and refreshed. I see that your guides will be blessing you financially to support this lifestyle and to overall enhance your beauty. "You have lived in the shadows of others for too long, you're meant to shine baby!" I feel that many people in your path have made you feel smaller than you actually are and your guides want you to know that you are meant to do something big in this lifetime. They wish to boost your confidence. In 2023, you were the underdog, but you are going to rise to the top in 2024. You will also have a lot of admirers this year! You will be weary of this and feel anxious, fearing that these people are trying to deceive you. There is no need to worry about this though, pile 2! Ease your thoughts and affirm that you are worthy of love, praise, and attention. Your inner beauty is going to be radiating through your physical vessel and this is going to be so intriguing to others. You could be attracting friends, lovers, & sexual partners. If you have been single for a while and waiting for the divine to bless you with a romantic suitor, then it is very likely that you will be in a relationship for 2024. There is someone here who is in love you and desires to be in a committed relationship with you. They will be very charming, romantic, and chivalrous towards you. I interpert this as self love as well! The love you have for yourself is going to transcend into the universe. It's like the Care Bear stare. The Care Bears were able to love others and reciprocate it as well. Allow yourself to give & receive this year!
Pile 3:
Shufflemancy -
Forever Young by BLACKPINK
Queendom by Red Velvet
Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepswn
Signs: 333, giggling, laughing randomly or uncontrollably, people smiling at you, cameras, taking pictures, making videos, beaches, palm trees, upbeat music, nostalgic for music from your younger days, manic pixie character movie tropes, yellow, highlights, hair dye, bangs, high top sneakers, high waisted denim shorts, shuffling dance, longboards, swimsuits, pranks, Hermes, magic tricks, road trips, summer break, festivals, carnivals, & clowns
Self Esteem, Humor, Perservance, Girl Talk, Camera, Paradise, & Trickster
For some of you, the show "Dollface" or the movie "Joy Ride" could be significant. In 2024, you will be reuniting with some old friends of yours or making new ones. You could be getting over a break up from 2023 and the universe wishes to bless you with people who will stay in your life long term. This person you were with romantically or sexually could have left you feeling very depleted. As if they wasted your time and energy. You may have been feeling lonely or a bit lost, wishing you had people there for you to cheer you up. If you had friends that used to be close to you that you miss and have gotten out of touch with, it would be best to try contact them! You will never know unless you try :D! If you are someone who's never really had friends, then I see you coming across people soon. You will have to come out of your shell though and have the confidence to strike up a conversation with people. You will see that you are actually quite funny and a joy to be around! I'm getting a vision of like sleepovers and movie nights. This could have been your favorite to do when you were younger. I feel you should focus on creating new memories for yourself in 2024 and don't be afraid of doing those cheesy things you did as a teenager. Create photo books, make collages, talk on the phone all night long, go out ob trips on a whim, etc. There is so much more to life than just wanting to find your life long significant other. There's this joke that's I've been seeing on social media where it's like a young adult is either married or have kids and then people say "oh she 23? Shawty should be in the club" and it's true 😭! Don't waste your youth away worried about finding the one, just go have fun! It doesn't matter how old you are! Wear those heels and put yourself out there! You are going to regret it if you don't focus on your happiness in the future so make it happen. In 2024, your life will be spontaneous and adventurous!
Pile 4:
Shufflemancy -
American Girl by Bonnie McKee
SAD GIRLZ LUV MONEY (Remix) by Amaarae ft. Kali Uchís
Signs: 444, Seshat, Athena, money in hidden places or on the street, vivid dreams, orange, green, STEM student, university, class, fire, drug commercials, hospitals, blood drawings, shots, measurements, glass, gas, science, chemistry, ball & chain, monopoly, dice, game pieces, poker cards, & checkers
Happiness, Health, Addiction, Abundance, Passion, & Visionary
For some of you, it was possible you were suffering from a lot of issues with your health in 2023. You could have been more prone to getting sick and catching colds, the flu, etc. Your health will be doing much better in 2024! I also see if you are a STEM student, I see your grades improving or you will graduate this year! Congratulations! This message only applies to a select few, but in 2024 I see that you will successfully become sober and overcome any addictions you had! Regardless of which of these resonates with you - there is a big focus on achievements with your health. Whether that is your health or other people's health you are taking care of, things will be looking great ❤️‍🩹! I see that you are very passionate regarding your career as well and there could potentially be some opportunities coming your way in 2024. I feel that a lot of the people in this pile are studying or work in law, the medical field, or do something along the lines of STEM (science, technology, engineering, & mathematics). You are very studious, smart, and bright! I see that in 2024, you will not be taking no for an answer and will do whatever it takes to achieve your goals. Your determination will be admired by others and I see that you will pass many job interviews or receive a big internship soon. There is going to be an opportunity coming your way that will be blessing you financially. Pay attention to your intuition and how it will make you feel. If something makes you happy and feel good inside, it is meant for you. If you feel a bad vibe or something is not right, trust your gut instincts! Do not allow others to pressure, persuade, or force you into doing things you don't want to. I also believe this ties in with the addiciton factor, the people in your path could be codependent on you or they will try to push you into doing things that are not beneficial for your growth. You are not obligated to do anything these people say, focus on your best interest. Either cut these people off or stay away from them, pile 4! It is very important that when you go into the new year that you stay away from any substances that are harmful to your health. Regardless, you will be very happy, healthy, and wealthy in the upcoming year 🏆!
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tarotwithlove · 5 months
PICK A CARD ⋆ 2024 Predictions!
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reminder that this is a general reading and messages found here may not apply to everyone. take what resonates, leave what doesn't, and don't force anything if it does not fit.
BOOK A READING WITH ME · BOOK A 2024 YEAR AHEAD READING WITH ME (GENERAL OR NSFW) · LINKTREE · 18+ PATREON · SUGGEST A PAC TOPIC · TIPS ♡ tips, bookings, and feedback are highly appreciated!
• reprieve from financial struggles. sudden positive turnaround or breakthrough in avenues you are, and have been, actively pursuing. modelling is significant, think also modelling clay. 
• ‘california love’ by 2pac + 2 of cups. finding your soulmate… in another person or in a passion. 
• doing things you wanted to do as a child or teen - wearing bolder colours or a specific style, getting a specific tattoo, starting a specific hobby, pursuing a specific career path. 
• ‘this year was a movie’. barely having time to catch your breath with how things are changing . acting/directing breakthrough for some.
• getting your first camera for some, first luxury bag for others.
• beachside apartment. 
• be careful of oversharing; of sharing plans, hopes, and dreams, before things are finalised. you may win the lottery this year, remember to protect your information as much as possible. be wise with your energy AND your money.
• start saving and investing. 
• ‘the truth fool: be honest’. be honest with yourself most of all this year. if you can’t be honest with yourself about your dreams, goals, desires,  regrets, and mistakes, who can you be honest with? 
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• highs and lows in mental health. trial and error with finding treatment or meds that agree with you. finally getting a proper diagnosis and help around june/july. 
• finding out you’re cancer free or celebrating another year being cancer free. may be someone you’re close with, too. ringing the bell with a loved one. a clothing boutique, for some.
• adopting a stray ginger cat - especially if you don’t consider yourself a cat person. 
• working at or opening your own animal shelter. 
• ‘peach’ by the front bottoms. unrequited love. confessing to someone and being led on or being rejected; for some, realising the person you’re seeing is using you as a distraction or to get over the person they actually have feelings for. 
• letting go of limitation with the way you live your life. being more adventurous. going skydiving, scuba diving, sperlunking, or deciding to become a nomad and travel while volunteering. 
• this is your year of fateful connections, with things working out for you in unimaginable ways. you may meet a future business partner at a coffee shop or a high-paying client at the gym or at a hardware/crafts store. 
• ‘the empty fool’.  this is an oracle card of unlimited potential. the guidebook says: “the empty fool invites you into nothingness for a change. he carries no message and has no meaning. he’s simply here to remind you that your life is your own, and only you can create it.  but before you manifest the things you desire, you must let go of all previous things.” you can achieve so much this year - if you don’t stand in your own way. even when things seem difficult, do not give up. your persistence will sow your rewards. 
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• suddenly coming into a large amount of money or into an abundance of opportunities - you have the choice to share this new wealth with others or to use it to found a brand new life for yourself. 
• ‘say something’ by a great big world & christina aguilera. entering your first romantic relationship, having to heal wounds about love and self-worth you thought you had already healed. experiencing your first breakup.
• leaving behind your family or people who rely on you. moving to another city or country. 
• nine of pentacles + the lovers. new job opportunities offering you the chance to have your own space and independence for the first time. new apartment.
• major theme of this year: choice. having to choose between yourself and your family; between yourself and your friends; between yourself and your lover. especially between your career/desired career and others.
• “do what feels right”. follow your heart.
• your intuition levelling up. seeing improvements in your finances thanks to a tarot, astrology, divination business or social media accounts. 
• ‘habit’ by sekai no owari. 
• learning to play an instrument. 
• ‘the fool’s tax: live and learn’. facing the consequences of making the wrong choices time and time again, of following the wrong path, of fighting against destiny. you may feel things are not working out in your favour this year, no matter how hard you try or how much faith you have. it may be time to change tactics or to change paths entirely. 
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• allowing yourself to be more free in all aspects of your life – especially sexually, for some. you may have had a bad breakup in the last year or two, which has made you generally hesitant to date again or enter another relationship, but this year sees you taking positive steps to turn your love life around.
• ‘get up 10’ by cardi b. standing on business. being able to look back at this year proudly, proud of yourself and what you experienced and achieved. 
• getting cosmetic surgery or transforming yourself with skincare, diet, and gym - being able to look at yourself in the mirror and liking what you see. 
• writing a love song or romance novel. going viral/blowing up/sales increasing because of social media word of mouth. think of what happened to ‘this is how you lose the time war.’
• spending time in nature. going camping and hiking, getting your dream job working in a game reserve, national park, or otherwise with the environment. 
• welcoming your second child, for some. having twins. teaching your child/children about your job; one of them telling you they want to follow in your footsteps and do what you do and, thus, taking steps to make sure this is possible. 
• saving for higher education. 
• making the best of difficult situations. giving a sick pet all the love and care you possibly can and making sure their last moments are peaceful ones.
• ‘the faith fool: have faith’. things are working out in your favour, even when they don’t feel like it. don’t forget that. 
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thevirginwitch · 5 months
2024 New Year Tarot Spreads
I compiled this gallery of tarot spreads over the last week! Credit is in each image posted :>
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View this post (among others) for free over on my Patreon!
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brujaluas · 4 months
first reading of 2024!!! I'm excited about this year, what about you? I hope everything goes well and we can be together more and more. be well, happy new year everyone.
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I feel a project, a relationship being finalized. you closing the door and not looking back, learning new things, creating things, having hobbies, cultivating knowledge, I feel that this completion will also bring you many ripe fruits, you become a person with greater maturity and responsibility. many situations in your life, I see that you may even feel out of place with so many rapid changes. protect yourself energetically, pray a lot. I see you embracing your feminine energy, becoming more diplomatic and affectionate, being able to build great, stable relationships, high creativity this year, especially. You may face unexpected and quick problems, as I said about changes, but don't worry because you will know how to take care of yourself.
Be careful with the communications and conversations you have with people, many may try to deceive you or end up saying that you said something that you didn't actually say, pay attention to your words. I see completions, but many changes, change stands out in this reading. Anyone looking for a relationship has a strong chance of finding one this year. Finding a person who will shake your structures, regardless of whether it is friendship or love, is intense emotions. You may have more than one option to choose from, you may be confused by your feelings, I see you cultivating patience. financial gain, will pay more attention to material gains. You will become rigid with your own work.
Hello 20 year olds and young adults, how are you? This stack takes on young leadership, I see you or a woman taking charge of things, you know? as if she took charge of everything and became a true leader, I don't know if it's necessarily you, this woman… I see you freeing yourself, becoming happier and feeling free to do what you want. It is the beginning of a new journey, everything new. have a lot of patience and perseverance, with changes we end up getting stressed and I see you feeling trapped and panicked, feeling like you can't let go of something, but by the end of the year I see maturity, new knowledge and you becoming a person who has all the cards on the table.
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triangular-eye · 5 months
tarot observations
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- the fool/the magician: you are fully prepared for the journey you are stepping into.
- crossed swords imagery indicates a decisive decision needing to take place.
- knight of cups especially after a page, indicates somebody coming through that might start lovebombing you and telling you what you want to hear, anxious attachment, unstable concept of emotions.
- the devil may indicate somebody coming through with a sex or a stimulant addiction (caffeine, nicotine, hard stimulants), it may also indicate somebody you suspect has psychopathic tendencies.
- 5 of cups when asking “who?” may point to somebody you feel has abandoned you, or someone that ghosted you which you feel tense about.
- drawing the 7 of swords for “who?” indicates a very stubborn person, someone that would rather lie/extensively add on to the truth rather than own up to fucking up. someone that might make you nauseous with their energy.
- 9 of wands shows a person protecting everything they’ve gathered, ready to debate if they can manage to take on more (->10 of wands).
- aces/knights of swords/wands might indicate someone coming though to apologise to you
- the queen of cups for guidance teaches self love and accessing your intuition though your emotions
- ace of cups reversed indicates an emotional rejection occurring, forced self-love, the needing to pour your emotions inwards.
- 7 of wands may indicate walking on eggshells around the subject.
- pulling the magician about another person indicates this person moulds their personality to whoever they’re around.
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moonastro · 5 months
NEW YEARS tarot game ✦✦
I have finally decided to host another tarot gameee!!! i am very excited for this one as it is a special themed one🤭🥰
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Anyway these are the entries for the game:
ask your question in the ask box (NO ANONS)
like and reblog this post
like my masterlist and recent post
only one question each please
along with your question, include your goals for the new year, your initials and zodiac sign.
HAVE fun everyone and HAPPY NEW YEAR🎆🎇🍾🥂
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theladybrownstarot · 5 months
How will be the month of January 2024 ?
Pick a card reading ~
Hi ,everyone brown♡ here ! Back with an another reading ~♡ . The pac is about month of January 2024 . So make sure you like/reblog/Comment/follow me to support me♡ . So ,choose pile(s) you feel drawn to and takes what resonates and what doesn't.
Let's begin with it 🍒
Pile 1. Pile 2. Pile 3.
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Pile 1 .
🍒 Namaste pile 1 swagatum to your reading !
♡ You people will achieve your goals that you planned and worked for . Even if you are preparing a great success is depicted out here ! There is a new beginning or a new phase of life starting soon from the month of january . You will achieve your milestones or start with an ambitious persona to give a new start of your life .
♡ Your family life willl be supportive and enriching . Someone from your family maybe your father will get a new job which will balance out financial conditions or you may receive a good job offer . There's a lot of abundance , prosperity , satisfaction and happiness in here .
♡ You people will be more observant of your daily life routine or you would realise how actually life goes for you individually . I sense a down of defensive shield and enjoyment of success and luxury . You will raise yourself to the top and for that just do everything you got for it.
♡ Some people may have babies soon or a new start in your family is coming maybe before you didn't had good family life that's because you had many pending karmas but now it's all finished and a new start in relationship with your family and love one is coming too .
♡ You are being advised to do things with love and passion do not hurry up for things so later you regret . Let yourself feel the orgasmic waves of love in an intense and motivating way . You will make your family proud just don't overthink .
♡ I see capricorn , scorpio , saturn and jupiter dominant in the chart maybe , aquarius moon , virgo , taurus , Pisces and cancer signs and placement prominent in any context .
Pile 2.
🍒 Namaste pile 2 swagatum to your reading !
♡ You people will try new things for yourself and will be fascinated by it too . I can see you being creative with your live or it could be that you could pursue your hobby as your career this month . People who are working in sales will have good profit coming up . You are going to be popular this month and won't be sitting still . Possible that you will start to learn new subjects , hobbies or will find your talent soon .
♡ There it could be the possibility of theft or robbery . People you will loose yourself this month and will go easy . You need some time off from work and family too . I sense you will be creating your original ideas or something rather than just copying others . Don't trust anybody else than your ownself .
♡ You need to carefull regarding the people . Keep your ideas locked from the world . You are going to receive an opportunity from someone for your talents maybe . This month will be a slow and steady progression but delightful at the end . Personal issue will reach to a solution too of any sort .
♡ I can see marriage on the card of yours or someone else . Take a risk to go alone with yourself to reach your dreams and make it happen . Don't let the wandering eye come on you to take you from your path . Let yourself be the mystery for success for same . Take some time adjust .
♡ Aquarius , Gemini , virgo , mercury dominant , libra , leo , aries , Sagittarius are the signs and placement i can see .
Pile 3 .
🍒 Namaste pile 3 swagatum to your reading !
♡ People you are going to take a new way of lead in your life regarding your work , finance , education and family or any other relation strongly . I see you people going easy with your work and starting to build a foundation for yourself .
♡ As i said a new way that could be taking a new risk or an opportunity in your life without worrying a lot . Seems like this month got you yo an another level of confidence . You have started to stop worrying about results and are focusing on building yourself . You could get some new pet too !
♡ I see that most of you are still healing with all your past of 2023 and others are done with their healing and have started to take a new hope in their life but first you have started to believe in yourself ~ I see ! many wishes are there that you want to accomplish and do and you are working same for that and surely your wishes will come true !!
♡ Now ! release and let go of all that's not important to you . Don't let your pride take away your success if you feel the path is going to be easy because one who will take light will again go through the loop again and again .
♡ I see full moon in leo , virgo , taurus , capricorn, aquarius in any context astrologically and yes these are the signs i am seeing in the reading .
The end of the reading
And happy new year !
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alyjojo · 5 months
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New Year Reading for 2024! 🌟 - Capricorn
Preshuffle: There’s a “suffering in silence” vibe about you, what it’s regarding is different for everyone, but for many it’s loving actions that have been taken…feeling like maybe you were naive, over idealistic, didn’t see red flags for what they were, didn’t read a person/situation clearly, etc. Or it’s that same energy regarding anything really, what you’ve learned from this experience is a need to be very clear and plan your steps accordingly, communication plays a big part of this. No more confusion, that just makes things messy. You’re under a lot of pressure that you’re trying to plan your way through, or out of, and with that you have success attached - 6 Wands.
Meditation: Probably the funniest of the meditations I’ve had. There’s a meme going around about goats, I’ll include it at the end 🐐, and that’s what I’m seeing. Goats stuck on a cliff. The funny part is I’m having telepathy with these goats, and they’re like “I’m not moving, I’m fine, we good” and all of the goats around them bahhh in agreement. You’re not going anywhere but UP, like you’ll stay put for the end of time and that’s fine, you’re comfortable. Or you’re going to get a decent foothold and move up an inch, two, three, etc. Pretty self explanatory, your determination is admirable. Some of you could have funny or telepathic connections with different animals, like you know what they’re thinking/saying/wanting, and you’ll know if that’s you or not. Or this could be some kind of sign from Spirit coming around this year, more quirky relationships with critters, random ones even. Jupiter is moving to your 6th House, that could be why.
🔸 Whole of Your Energy: 4 Wands & King of Wands
Regarding: Ace of Pentacles rev
You seem eager to expand your horizons, but don’t have the option to, or the money. At least right away. Some of you could be looking to buy/sell a home, and either don’t have a big enough down payment, or the market is crap, you could be blocked by loans or something lingering on your credit report. Some of you may want to take a relationship to the next level, possibly moving in together, getting engaged, and similarly, you’re being delayed. Probably because of money or a lack of what’s out there, you’ll have no choice but to wait it out for awhile. Your energy being King of Wands is powerful, you’re ready to take charge of your life and make 👏 shit 👏 happen 👏 and Spirit’s sitting you in the time-out chair instead. That could also be your partner’s energy, could be a fiery personality that’s used to things working out for them, whereas you’re chuckling in the corner because it never works that way with you.
Capricorn has the long climb from the bottom to the top, you’re used to setbacks and discipline, saving money and being mindful of budgets & what’s possible…logically. Whether by force or by choice, you’re going to have to “hang in there and be patient” - Temperance. That could apply to your temper too, if your partner tends to spend/lose money on things you don’t see as important. For some, these may be repairs that are needed, and there’s a financial crunch dealing with it, or a slow build towards “more”, but it’s going to take some time. It’s possible you’re missing out on something NOW related, but it’s probably for the best, you need more time to find something stable & worthwhile. Could be a home, job, relationship, but if it’s for you, it’s for YOU, there’s no “missing” things. With that, your career is looking good, and Growth is attached to this, it all looks very positive - maybe just not as fast as you want it to be. Anything/everything, the year is taking a year, go figure 😇 You got The Merchant, someone else got that too…I think Aqua? Maybe Libra. It’s about balance, giving what you’re receiving, fair trade, fair exchange, goods & services for coins, if the balance is off - then you worry about how to resolve that or put it right again. That mirrors Temperance as well. Spending vs saving is probably at the forefront of a lot of Cap’s minds, you seem to have a particular goal in mind. A home or something to do with one, for many of you.
Main Oracle:
19 Growth
Feel open, willing, and proud of your desire to explore new opportunities for self-development.
🔸 Character Card: The Merchant ⚖️
Coins exchange hands, deals are struck, you are a friendly character with confidence that what you have to offer is worth what you ask for in return, it’s a fair exchange. You have plenty to offer and it’s good to remind yourself of that, take note of all you have, and if you’re getting a bad deal - “raise your prices”…or move somewhere that will appreciate what you’re offering. - a move could be literal there
🔸 Relationship: 3 Cups & 5 Cups rev
Regarding: Knight of Swords
I can’t tell if the drama will be within the connection or some outside party, family, friend, work drama, idk. There will be a disappointing situation that causes some upset, or there has been already in the past, but the two of you are going to communicate through all of your worries, issues, fears, anxieties, and eventually overcome these. 3 Cups is celebrations & reunions, 5 Cups rev is healing from disappointing situations, so whatever the two of you have been through, it looks like where it’s headed is really positive. There are two threes here, it’s possible some outside party causes drama between you in the first place. 6 Wands and teamwork are where this is headed, overcoming any issues, problems, worries or setbacks, it’s going to turn out for the best. Communication is the best way forward. Introspection is placed on Couples & Singles both, instinctively you’re going to know what to do, and if you don’t, quiet the world around you down for a little while and think on it, go within.
Love Oracle:
67 Introspection
Introspection is often necessary to deepen our awareness of the unity and divinity of life.
🔸 Singles: 2 Swords & King of Pentacles
Regarding: 6 Wands
For some there are literally two people here, and indecision between which one is the right one. King of Wands shows up again here, could be mirroring the initial energy. You could be with this person, possibly even live with them, when in walks your soulmate, and there’s a lot of inner chaos involved with that. For some, there is simply a King of Wands, could be fire or that’s how they present themselves/act. Charming, popular, attractive, knows how to get what they want, happy to direct or take the lead on things, pursues you 💯 But are they your King of Pentacles? *Can* they be that person? Is it all passion, no substance? Some of you are just looking for one and attracting the other - confused as to how you keep doing this, or what you really want. You’re definitely going to have a moment of shocking realization, it feels like a good one, could be love at first sight or something, or a sudden knowing, but this too will turn out for the best - no matter which lane you’re choosing. Introspection is also needed here, time alone, don’t listen to any of these Kings or anyone else, this is your decision.
I pulled a character card for the “right” choice, and got The Botanist - which is almost a mirror of The Empress. They could have children, want children, are someone you could imagine having children with. They are a nurturer, what they cultivate grows and becomes beautiful, they take a seed and turn it into a tree, very creative, domestic & “mothering” energy. Or you literally have their kids, could be that too. Some of you may have a pregnancy. If not, if that happened, who would you want? Or do you want this and someone else doesn’t - because there’s your answer. For many I’m getting you’re more this Empress energy, who values that about you, and helps nurture it to grow even more? Meaning who can you relax with, feel secure, be vulnerable 💯 that’s a big one for Capricorns. This could be saying ask your mother, she’ll tell you who is right 😆
🔸 Career: The Sun & Page of Cups
Regarding: 4 Pentacles
You’re staying right where you are and it’s probably going to work out well for you, at least at some point this year, you’re going to be recognized in some way. It may be small, a Page isn’t the biggest thing, maybe a mention in a newsletter, a small bonus, potential overtime is likely for hourly workers, word spreading via advertisement or even friend of a friend for those working in home businesses - also possible with the initial energy. There is growth and it is positive, but you’re also going to be working your butt off - 8 & 7 Pentacles, so whatever you’re getting back is well deserved. Is it *enough*? Is the question. The Merchant in you will always have that on your mind. 4 Pentacles shows you focused on saving whatever you do get, budgeting and being pretty frugal, probably because you have to be. You could feel pretty negative about the exchange and whether it’s worth it at times, your effort is shown by 8 & 7, but you’re only getting 4…and a Page, that could be something worth discussing, interest in a higher position perhaps, or just letting it be known you’re ready to expand when the time comes…there are delays with that. The Sun is promotion, attention, being recognized, it’s possible 💯 Every row is the same, with time & effort things are going to work out for you, no matter which lane we’re talking about here.
🔸 What needs to be left behind in 2023: 5 Wands, 3 Wands & 3 Pentacles
Regarding: 7 Wands
Competition, arguments, defensive energy, either acting like someone’s opponent or expecting others to act like yours, this year you’re about moving away from any drama in favor of cooperation (also your oracle card here), and teamwork. Merchant mirrors this 6 Pentacles clarifying, both have scales, you do need to weigh and balance your effort with everyone else’s, everything should be pretty fair, but I don’t see it *not* being fair, generally. If it’s not, then you know and you can either address it or move on from this person/situation, but for the most part I see people in your corner willing to support you…you just may not feel like they are, or haven’t felt their support, it hasn’t been obvious to you. You shouldn’t fight for someone to cooperate with you either, if they don’t then they don’t, now you know. Give them a chance, bring it up, communicate, and they’ll either meet your energy or not, it’s not battle-worthy, and no one is more important or better than another, no one contributes or puts in more effort than another. What that is specifically in your life will differ for all of you, you’re about balance this year, possibly mending fences with people you were competitive or defensive with, not everyone but some - Temperance. Calm, peaceful, working out differences and combing contributions into a whole situation that’s pleasing for everyone, and it’s not just you doing it either, it’s everyone, or byeeee.
444 may show work/home imbalance, or issues within the family, this needs introspection into your own grudges & negative perceptions, what you’re holding onto, maybe learned habits & behaviors inherited from older family members. Considering not just your viewpoints, but theirs, and whether or not it’s possible to bridge the gap between them.
3333 is a reunion & celebration you’ve been hoping for in a love relationship, could be with friends or family, a party, a holiday, etc., you’ve been hoping and waiting to cooperate with these people and it’s looking like you will 💜
6666 shows victory in any relationship once you move away from conflict & defensive energy, towards one that is more balanced & equally yolked, appreciating each other and helping out, enjoying everyone around you, whether it’s family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, partners, any/all of them. Deep down, you really just want peace of mind, and supportive people to share your happiness with.
Astrological Shifts in 2023 (for Risings):
Jan 01 - Mercury direct in Sag
Jan 21 - Pluto enters Aqu (again) - 2nd House 💰
Feb 14 - Mars conj. Pluto Aquarius - 2nd 💰 - likely intense, powerful, & transformative, some of you are working really hard on a financial venture or could be buying a home, that could be the goal, this is a lot of motivation & effort being applied to something tangible - be careful of power trips or control issues relating to finances, or self-worth due to materialism
Mar 09 - Mars Aqua squares Uranus Tau at 5:55 P.M. - likely a day of conflict - 2nd 💰 vs. 5th 🎉 could spend too much on “fun” or things normally considered extras, maybe you spend a lot on your kids, art & creative things, music, games, gambling, have some fun & then reign it in
Mar 21 - Venus conj Saturn Pis - love & boundaries go hand in hand
Mar 25 - Lunar Eclipse in Lib - 10th 🔨
Apr 01 - Mercury retrogrades Ari - 4th 🏡 issues surrounding home & family could pop up, you may be spending more time with them and be caught up in a happy nostalgia, or get in touch with family you haven’t seen in awhile
Apr 08 - Solar Eclipse in Ari - continued lessons from the nodes throughout this year, issues between masculine/feminine likely, father/mother, action/reception, others/self
Apr 24 - Mercury direct
May 18 - Venus conj Uranus & Sun conj Jupiter, all in Taurus - 5th 🎉, some of you could hear of a pregnancy (possibly your own), win some money or a contest/game of some kind, gamble successfully, cash out on an investment or get incredibly lucky with money, if you have kids they could be winning something, it’s a great time to play the lottery
May 25 - Jupiter enters Gem - 6th 🤒🐶, not the greatest or worst place for Jupiter to be, health issues could be magnified or brought to attention, it’s not a traumatic placement, but it “expands” what it touches. It’s easy to gain weight at this time, overdo it on medicines or substances, even exercise, make sure you’re drinking your water and staying balanced. You could be blessed with a new furry friend, or notice that animals seem to be drawn to you, relationships with coworkers are positive
May 29 - Mars conj Chiron Ari @ 22’ - 4th 🏡 addressing pain or wounds related to family, 22’ is a “kill or be killed” placement, an argument could turn vicious, even violent, or positively, if one has already existed there may be steps taken to work on the pain that’s been caused - healing this wound
June 29 - Lilith enters Lib - 10th 🔨 Only felt with close aspects, or synastry, may be a source of contention in your career, with authority figures, a father, your reputation could take a hit, you could feel like you work with crazy people or they’re out to get you - some are, and in some cases this may be your energy towards others, instigative, dark, tempting, hateful, jealous, triggered, those with Libra placements could feel like enemies whether it’s you or them triggered, both are affected - at work. With issues at home, could be your father too.
July 06 - Venus Can square Chiron Ari - 7th ❤️ vs. 4th 🏡 - likely a fight in your relationship, irritation or some kind of standoff, possibly healing one with Venus involved, you or a partner may lash out from a wounded place, hurting the other person, could also be a friend or close family member, if you’re single. May not involve you at all but a partner vs. family.
Aug 04 - Mercury retrogrades Vir-Leo - 9th 😇 & 8th ☠️ could see a resurgence of past contacts, ex’s, old friends, anything deemed “lost” at any time may come back up for review & new understanding or awareness, could receive some kind of spiritual messages from passed on loved ones, traveling is not the best idea right now
Aug 19 - Venus Vir opposes Saturn Pis & Jupiter Gem squares both - T square of 9th 😇, 3rd 🗣️, and 6th 🤒🐶 again travel is highlighted, whether near or far, as not being the best idea throughout the month, could be relating to health issues, or you may need to travel to see someone because of health issues, you could hear news from a distance about health issues, or may be learning about health generally and old beliefs contradict this new information, causing frustration, someone close to you may have to move, a sibling, coworker, or mentor, some of you could be traveling long distances for school or some kind of training thing for work
Aug 27 - Mercury direct Leo
Sept 01 - Pluto enters Cap (last time) - 1st 🫵
Sept 16 - Venus Lib opposes Chiron Ari @ 22’ - 10th 🔨 and 4th 🏡- not a fan of the degree being 22’, involves or addresses pain with parents, gender roles/tradition, home vs work, and again 22’ is not the degree you want to keep seeing with heart centered things like family. It is a Capricorn degree, hopefully that lessens its weight a little bit in your world/situation
Sept 17 - Partial Lunar Eclipse Pis - 3rd 🗣️, preparing for the nodes to shift next year
Oct 02 - Solar Eclipse Lib - 10th 🔨
Nov 19 - Pluto enters Aqu (for good) - 2nd 💰 you’re freeeeee 🥳 how has the last 15 years been?
Nov 25 - Mercury retrogrades Sag - 12th 😵‍💫 it’s a good time to pull back, relax, rejuvenate, practice mental & emotional wellness, process how far you’ve come and everything you’ve accomplished in the last decade+, past contacts may pop back in, possibly just in dreams or your subconscious, it’s a good time for a personal review to lay things to rest
Dec 06 - Mars retrogrades Leo - 8th ☠️ could see you feeling a little insecure, lacking confidence, again people could come back, this time ex’s are highlighted, along with relationships that were “dead” or lost to you, take care with how you handle these, there’s an energy of being tested right as you begin to relax, don’t be fooled, especially with money, some of you could be dealing with a loss of some kind, and will need to take a time out to handle whatever is involved with this, breakups often happen with this transit…but could be temporary, it’s the retrograde way, be careful of inflated egos, control & power dynamics
Dec 15 - Mercury direct Sag
Dec 24 - Jupiter Gem squares Saturn Pis - 6th 🤒🐶 vs. 3rd 🗣️ could be a necessary doctor or veterinarian visit, coworkers that get on your nerves, maybe just talking about a health obsession or something you’ve learned, and the reception you get from others isn’t great, it doesn’t have to be a big thing just annoying
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moonlodgemystic · 1 year
❄️🧣 WINTER IS COMING 🫶 Solstice Guidance 🧤☃️ Pick a Card Seasonal Forecast 🎄🌄
❄️🧣 WINTER IS COMING 🫶 Solstice Guidance 🧤☃️ Pick a Card Seasonal Forecast 🎄🌄
❄️🧣 WINTER IS COMING 🫶 Solstice Guidance 🧤☃️ Pick a Card Seasonal Forecast 🎄🌄Greetings! My name is Bee La Rosa, the Moon Lodge Mystic. I am a spiritual content creator, diviner, and artist. I offer tarot readings, dream interpretation, and Vedic astrology consultations. I also craft custom jewelry, malas, and art commissions. Please feel free to reach out! I love connecting with others.🐝Follow…
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icanseethefuture333 · 5 months
Tis' the season 🍧: How will you spend the holidays + What gift will you receive? 💝
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Pile 1:
Shufflemancy -
Jingle Bell Rock by Hall & Oates
Speechless by Don shay
Baby I Miss You by 2NE1
Abundance, Peace, Nine of Swords, Eight of Swords, Eight of Wands, Justice, Three of Cups, & Ten of Cups
I see that for this holiday, you will be be feeling very abundant and peaceful! There is someone who will miss you very much, you could miss them just as much. I believe someone from your past is wishing to come back into your life or reach out to you to talk. This decision on allowing them to come back into your life will be entirely up to you. I am getting that this is a past romantic connection, but it could also be platonic/family member. (clarified by After Last Night by Silk Sonic ft. Thundercat & Bootsy Collins) I see that this person could even show up at your place 👀? They are very determined to express how they feel to you. I believe you will choose to do what's best for yourself. I believe you will focus on spending time with friends and family for the holiday. Appreciating the ones who have shown they truly care for you and moving on from whatever doesn't serve you. "I choose to cherish the people who value me the most" ♡
Gifts: text messages, phone calls, "I'll be home for Christmas", "you are so special to me", letters, blessed friends & family connections, return of someone from the past, an apology, flowers, and cookies
Pile 2:
Shufflemancy -
Last Christmas by Wham!
Chilly by Niki
Drive It Like You Stole It by Sing Street
Loneliness, Courage, The Tower, Two of Swords, Ten of Wands, Seven of Pentacles, The Hierophant, & The Star
I see that you could be going through a difficult time in the beginning of the holidays :(! I'm sorry about that! For some of you, you could be currently in separation from your partner or going through a break up. For others in this pile, you and someone close to you are growing apart. Things could be hectic and feel like things are crumbling down. Not to worry though, pile 2! I see that this tower moment coming for you is just to bring much needed change into your life. You have to find the courage to want to get past this (clarified by How Does It Feel by Summer Walker). You could be wanting to push through the holidays. Instead of thinking "Let's just get over it with", try to be more positive and be determined towards your goals. You must learn how to have faith and believe in little miracles again. If you want change in your life and feel unsatisfied with the current circumstances, you have the power to do anything you wish in life. You just have to be brave and go after what it is you seek. I also see that you will harness your skills and put them to use. You have a lot of potential. Your talents and skills could attract a lot of financial abundance into your life.
Gifts: car, something blue 💙, snowflake, jewelry, a trip to see the ball drop in New York City, visiting a building thats significant to you, religious sanctuary (church, mosque, or temple), and guide books
Pile 3:
Shufflemancy -
Merry Christmas Darling by Christina Perri
Moments In Love by The Art of Noise
Happiness Over Everything (H.O.E) by Jhené Aiko ft. Future & Miguel
Surrender, Purpose, Queen of Wands, Knight of Wands, Four of Wands, Five of Wands, Wheel of Fortune, & Ace of Swords
I feel like this pile has been very naughty this Christmas if you catch my drift... 😳😝. I see you are trying to get "warm and cozy" this holiday with someone you've been seeing for a while. While for others, this could be someone you hook up with. (Channeled song: SHOOT! by Itzy) I see for some of you there is someone you fancy but are afraid of confronting them regarding your feelings or how they feel because you worry there will be some kind of rejection. I'm telling you this is literally a sign for you to shoot your shot (like a free throw! 🏀). There is a lot of options you will have romantically (or even sexually) this Christmas. There also seems to be people who wish fight for you attention. For my singles, you will take a chance towards an opportunity and it will go very well! I see you will also have a lot of good luck regarding your relationships. It is time to take action and communicate your ideas very clearly. Release control this holiday and take a break! Allow yourself to relax and take time to reflect on what fulfills you emotionally as a person. This could also be time for you to think what it is you'd like to do for the new year. Make a vision board or make a list of your goals for the new year. It is also urgent to take care of your health during this season! Some of you could be more prone to sickness and can catch a cold or flu. So sanitize frequently and take your vitamins!
Gifts: Sex, dates, celebrations, parties, weddings, anniversaries, engagement rings, homemade soup, and lottery tickets
Pile 4:
Shufflemancy -
All I Want For Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey
I Got It by Charli XCX ft. Cupcakke, Brooke Candy, & Pabllo Vittar
Diamond by f(x)
Envy, Acceptance, Five of Swords, Three of Pentacles, Ace of Pentacles, Four of Cups, Seven of Wands, & Seven of Swords
This pile is focusing on their bag for the holidays! I see a lot of financial abundance coming your way. There could be a lot of people who are sending you nasty vibes and are jealous, so make sure to pray up and protect your energy 🧿. Some of you should do spellwork or invest in something that has to do with self protection. You have overcome people's sabotage and backstabbing, despite people's vindictive and malicious intentions, you still see the best in people. For some of you, you could have gotten into a argument with someone close to you and want to try to make amends. While for others, you will speak to a higher up at your job about the mistreatment or unfairness you have experienced at work. I feel that you will demand for a raise or promotion otherwise you will quit your job. I actually see things working out for you. I also see this other person who's fucking with you finally backing off and will realize you're not taking their shit anymore. I also see that you will stop holding resentment towards others and will stop trying to force people to change when they don't want to. You will have new ideas and could see things from a different perspective. "I accept what I cannot change and focus on what I can make happen". I also see that you are going to be doing a lot of shopping for the holidays! So budget and manage your finances wisely.
Gifts: Money, shopping sprees, gift cards, electronic banking/wiring, raise, promotion, vacation day/day off from work, holiday cards, postcards, good credit score, and you could mostly focus on giving gifts to others than receiving.
Pile 5:
Shufflemancy -
Love to Keep Me Warm by Laufey ft. Dodie
Just Like Magic by Ariana Grande
From Time by Drake ft. Jhené Aiko
Worry, Growth, Page of Swords, The Lovers, Three of Cups, Page of Wands, Justice, & Six of Swords
There is a lot that has been heavy on your mind and heart, pile 5. I believe some of you are having some sort of existential life crisis or have been wondering where you are going in life. I remember there was this saying that goes: "You don't need to know everything, because if you knew everything, life wouldn't be interesting!". You have to give yourself time to grow and find what place in the world makes you feel whole and safe. If you don't fit in anywhere than you don't need to. Don't try to force a puzzle piece that doesn't fit, instead be patient, and see that your piece could possibly belong to an entirely different puzzle. I hope that makes sense for you. I see that for this holiday you will be taking time to retreat and wish to expand your consciousness. There could be a lot of delays happening in your life or things not going as planned (flights delayed, canceled plans, road blocks, etc). There is a reason for this because you need to focus on self love and learn how to accept love from others. You will come across people who are "angels" in human form. People could be more kind, helpful, and caring towards you than usual, this is a sign from the universe to show you that there is hope. I also see that you will feel more brave regarding a decision in your life that you have been putting off. I am channeling a lot of messages here for this pile. Some of you, you will successfully win a lawsuit or a legal court will allow something you petitioned. A few of you will elope with a romantic partner in a court house. The other group for this pile will be approved for a visa to travel or will get to live overseas. Then for the majority of the people who have chosen this pile will embarking on a expedition or will discover the "journey to the soul". All of these situations will be very uncomfortable for you because it is meant to take you out of your comfort zone. Allow yourself to receive help from others and let your guard down for once.
Gifts: help, moving boxes, meditation, luggage, passports, visa, approved court documents, end of a long legal battle, bon voyage party, financial compensation, and new home
Pile 6:
Shufflemancy -
8 Days of Christmas by Destiny's Child
Peek-A-Boo by Red Velvet
Fell In Love by Brent Faiyaz
Friendship, Success, Two of Cups, Ace of Pentacles, Two of Wands, Strength, The High Priestess, & Nine of Cups
For the holidays, you will be spending time with your closest friends! Perhaps there will be a potluck thrown or everyone will come together to cook dinner. Some of you could even live with your best friend! Or will make plans to live with or live closer to a friend. If you are someone who doesn't have friends, I also see you making friends in the new year! When it comes to your career, a business partnership could be on the table or you will make great connections that will help you level at your job (channeled song: New Phone, Who Dis? (Remix) by Cyanca ft. Durand Bernarr) You could get a new phone number or disconnect from your phone entirely next year. You are very determined to achieve your goals for the new year and have no time for any bad vibes this holiday ✨️. You will be feeling very confident and more empowered this year (period, pile 6!). Your intuition will be more enhanced this time of the year. So if you peep any fuckery going on... it will not go unnoticed. It's giving: "I know my worth and I'm the queen/king of this shit". (Channeled song: Cleo by Shygirl). A wish fulfillment or manifestation of yours will come true this holiday. Your mindset will be very abundant and your self concept will be impeccable during this time.
Gifts: new phone, potluck, friendship bracelet or necklace, money, gift cards, business offer, job offer, pass job interview, approved application, trophy, award, scholarship, and contract offer
Pile 7:
Shufflemancy -
Christmas Without You by Taeyeon
Coming of Age Ceremony by Park Jiyoon
Want Some More by Nicki Minaj
Discipline, Death (2x!), Two of Pentacles, Nine of Pentacles, Three of Pentacles, Three of Swords, The Devil (reversed), & The Empress
This pile's energy is so intense 😳! I feel like this pile had a good year then things suddenly have gone downhill for you. For some of you, you could have broke up with someone who was cheating on your or was toxic for your mental health. While for others, you could be ready to cut some people off from your life or have done so already. This person is bitter you have moved on and you are prospering in life. I also see that you will be disciplined during this holiday. You have goals that you are determined to achieve and will not allow any fuckboys (girls or theys lol) get in the way of your success. I see you feeling more fulfilled this holiday and enjoying the luxuries of life. You will be enjoying your freedom from these toxic people from your previous lifestyle. Overall you're riding solo this holiday. Make sure to budget and be careful with your finances! If you exceed your spending limit, it could cause complications in your life.
Gifts: Jewelry, luxury items, food, a enrichment program, visit to a winery (or anything that allows you engage in your senses), restaurants, trip to a spa/salon, pillows, blankets, and candles
Pile 8:
Shufflemancy -
Merry & Happy by Twice
Tell Me by Wonder Girls
2nd Fiddle by Leikeli47
Pride, Love, King of Pentacles, Three of Pentacles, The Star, Four of Pentacles, The Emperor, & Queen of Pentacles
"Pride & prejudice" could be a significant book/movie for you watch this holiday. I feel you and a loved one are at odds right now. (Channeled song: Love Is A Battlefield by Pat Benetar). You & this person love each other dearly but are acting so STUBBORN 😭. I feel that this person will want to make amends with you but you will be feeling petty and give them the cold shoulder/silent treatment because you do not want to put your pride down. Think about if losing this person or not being able to have another moment with them this holiday would be worth it. Don't let your pride sabotage a good thing, pile 8. There will be a conversation that will be healing and needed for you both to grow in your relationship. It is necessary to discuss what would bring stability in your lives. The biggest message for you this holiday is learn how to pick your battles.
Gifts: artwork, stationary supplies, vase, pottery, shoes, hats, sweaters, jackets, veils, head scarves, rosary, cross, religious symbols, earrings, go to see Christmas lights, and visit a manger, a farm, ranch, or barn
Pile 9:
Shufflemancy -
I'll Be Home For Christmas by Kacey Musgraves & Lana Del Rey
Relax Your Mind by Cookiee Kawaii
Got 'Til It's Gone by Janet Jackson
Forgiveness, Gratitude, The Tower, Nine of Swords, The Hanged Man (reversed), Three of Wands, Ace of Cups, & Knight of Cups
This pile could be feeling very nostalgic this holiday. Some of you could be grieving the loss of a loved one. I am so sorry my love :(! While for others, you are grieving your past. There is something about losing time and wishing you could go back to fix things. Pile 9, you have to forgive yourself. The past is the past and you have to learn to find ways to cope and focus on the present. There is a lot of mental stress you are experiencing or you could suffer from past trauma. Whatever the case may be, holding onto the past is not benefiting you. There is a lot of mental anguish you are dealing with and it's time for you to release the emotions you have been feeling or kept inside of you. I see for the holiday you won't be stuck in this chaotic and depressing energy anymore, that things will actually turn around for you, you just have to be willing to have faith and trust in yourself. This is a very significant message, but you guys need to start speaking to the universe, your spirit guides, ancestors, etc. Some sort of spiritual figure who can guide you. If you are not a spiritual person, then please do your research on the higher self. If you are losing faith when it comes to the universe or any other holy figure, trust in your higher self to guide you. Write a letter to your past, present, and future self. Release whatever is not serving you, pay attention to what you are currently feeling, and think of who you want to be in the future. It is not too late. You can achieve anything you set your mind to, pile 9. Once you have done something along those lines, I see that you will start to feel more optimistic and ready to seek this new desire of yours. An adventure is out there waiting for you! There will be a boost in your confidence and you will be more kind regarding your past mistakes. Self love is your main focus for the new year. I also see for this holiday you will cherish the moments you have with your loved ones and talk to them about the bittersweet feelings you have. They will be understanding and attentive to your needs, as you will for them.
Gifts: photo album, family videos, picture frame, plants, cups, flasks, visiting or a memorabilia from your childhood home or hometown, boat ride, holiday suite, cabin, trip to a resort, & visit to a chapel
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tarotwithlove · 4 months
PAC ⋆ year of the dragon predictions!
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choose your group, then scroll to the bottom and find a short word of advice for your sun, moon, or rising sign!
reminder that this is a general reading and messages found here may not apply to everyone. take what resonates, leave what doesn't, and don't force anything if it does not fit.
BOOK A READING WITH ME · BOOK A 2024 YEAR AHEAD READING WITH ME (GENERAL OR NSFW) · LINKTREE · 18+ PATREON · TIPS ♡ tips, bookings, and feedback are highly appreciated!
cards · six of cups, knight of wands, ace of cups, the world, the devil, knight of pentacles, spellcasting oracle: home, compassion, healing. 
channelled songs · habibi by tamino. lucidia (egodeath) by ambré. hate it or luv it by central cee. ea’alah (family) by spillage village. 
my dear group one ♡ this is a year of grounding and going within. you will be doing a lot of inner and shadow work this year, which will pay off immensely as this year goes on. in fact, the more you improve your connection with the divine -- the more you let go, and let god -- the more material success you will see. 
on the topic of material success, this is an incredibly prosperous year where your career is concerned. you are going to achieve many of your life goals this year. so think big; dream big. don’t limit yourself. there has been an incredible shift for you in the universe, and with this shift also comes the reminder that the only person standing between you and the life you dream of is you. 
this year, remember that whether you think you can or you think you cannot -- you are right. 
love this year may be more tricky, with you often having to choose between a relationship or your career pursuits. though for most of you, this is a self-imposed choice you make out of fear of commitment. 
know that you do not have to be afraid of love, my dear, and that you can be successful in your career even while in a relationship. look at victoria monet, who has finally broken into the mainstream and who has not had to sacrifice love or motherhood for it. you do not need to sacrifice it either. you can have a thriving personal life and a thriving professional life. you can have it all. 
they say that one year can change your life, and for you, my dear, this is that year. 
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cards · the high priestess, two of swords, six of pentacles, nine of pentacles, knight of pentacles, justice, spellcasting oracle: truth, transformation, good luck. 
channelled songs · this time by tracy chapman. the bomb by florence + the machine. my number one by gang of instrumentals. brand new city by mitski. 
my dear group two ♡ this is a year of pause as you re-evaluate the course your life has taken and the course you want it to take from this moment forward. this may be a more slow moving year as you try to find your footing, and know that this is okay. some years are for rest, some years are for action. this is your year of rest and recuperation, of slowing down -- and getting help and aid  -- so that you can come back better than ever. don't fight it. in fact, you need to allow it to happen. 
your career may also slow down this year, and you may have to rely on donations or community help more than you had to in the past. some of you may be laid off this year, which pushes you to move back in with your family. this decision to move back in with family -- or share finances in some other way -- may also be a conscious one to give you to the ability to save more money and have more financial freedom in the future. 
you may feel impatient this year, as if you are falling behind, but know that no such thing is possible. you are following the path you should. all things are falling into place as they should.
in love, however, you may find that you are particularly blessed this year. you may find a partner who truly understands and uplifts you -- uplifts you both emotionally and financially, as they support you through this difficult patch. this person will love you flaws and all, and you will love them the same in turn. 
this relationship seems solid, and may result in an engagement and marriage even after knowing each other for a short time.
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cards · the fool, seven of pentacles, queen of pentacles, the high priestess, six of cups, six of pentacles, spellcasting oracle: justice, friendship, prosperity.
channelled songs: ballroom extravaganza by dpr ian. party tricks by ayanna. to be honest by kai. pink + white by frank ocean. 
my dear group three ♡ this is your year of new beginnings and limitless, limitless potential. anything you set your mind to, you can achieve -- or, rather, the one or two big goals you have set your mind to and are working towards, you will achieve. as long as you are willing to put in the work that is required of you. and, my dear, i get the feeling that you are one hundred percent prepared to put in all the hard work that is required of you. thus, your success is all but guaranteed. breathe out and trust in that; trust in the process; trust in the divine, who is on your side. 
of course, this success also concerns what this year has in store for your career, with this being your most prosperous year yet. you are trusting yourself more this year, as well as trusting the divine, which leads you to keep holding your head up high and working hard even when you don't see the result you want -- yet. you are being more practical this year, saving more and spending less, trusting your gut, and putting yourself more and more out there. all of which will make you experience wealth and prosperity greater than you ever imagined. 
this year, in love, it is as if you are blessed by the divine itself. by aphrodite herself. love this year brings you something you had lost -- an innocence regarding romance from a time before heartbreak and the state of the dating pool jaded you. turned your heart to stone. 
you are giving and receiving in love this year, which may be something new to those of you who in the past were always the ones giving more. or who always found themselves on the unrequited side of a relationship. open your heart to love and know that you deserve this. 
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cards · eight of swords, the devil, the world, the moon, ten of wands, seven of swords, strength, spellcasting oracle: commitment, trust, friendship. 
channelled songs · bringin' on the heartbreak by mariah carey. lettera a mio padre by ermal meta. lagoons by kane strang. light by taemin.
my dear group four ♡ this year is one of fighting battles. you are fighting against your deepest fears and anxieties to complete a project or phase of your life. for some, this is a book or film that you have been working on for some time. for others, this is a stage of your academic journey. for all of you, whatever it is, you may have to fight against your limited beliefs constantly this year in order to get done everything that you need to get done. that little voice in the back of your head that tells you you’re not good enough may be louder than ever this year, but know that you are good enough. that what you’re creating is good enough.
these feelings also come into play in your career this year, with many things around your career being uncertain. especially if you are trying to break into a new field. you may be putting out application after application after application, without hearing anything back, which pushes you to be more innovative with the ways you earn money. or which pushes you to humble yourself and ask someone to set you up with a job while you try to get things sorted out in your professional life. 
as for love this year of the dragon, you may be speaking up and using your voice more and more. being the first to ask someone out or to reach out and break the ice, or telling your partner when you desire something instead of letting it linger. you’re standing up for yourself more in love this year, which will make all your romantic relationships all the more fulfilling. 
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focus on inner child healing, this year, and on connecting with the divine through fun ways. it’s one thing to pray and meditate every day, but how else can you connect with god, more like a child would? consider learning a traditional dance, or just dancing more. wear more traditional garb, visit festivals, draw out your prayers instead of writing or saying them. let loose and enjoy your spiritual journey. 
you are greater than your anxiety and fear. you are greater than all those thoughts and worries that keep you up at night. remember this. don’t let your imposter syndrome control what you do and do not do this year. you are ready to embrace all the responsibility that is coming towards you, don’t let doubt win now that you are so close to winning. 
this year, patience, commitment, and consistency are your best friends. you want to achieve so much -- you want the perfect job, the perfect body, the perfect life -- but how can you have any of it, if you aren’t willing to work for it? don’t rely on motivation this year, at all. only rely on discipline. motivation will get you nowhere, but discipline will bring you everything you desire.  
look back, but don’t wallow. you cannot change what has passed, so what’s the point of falling into the trap of regret? and regret and regret? there is no going back, my dear, so stop focusing so much on it -- especially when what is coming towards you is so, so, so much better. believe this and keep moving forward with this in mind. 
this year, you are in charge of breaking the cycle. you are holding onto so many things that no longer serve you. you know what they are. these old relationships, old beliefs, old mindsets… all these things that are only keeping you stuck in this rut… it’s time to look within and re-evaluate what you actually need in your life versus what you are holding onto out of fear and desperation. 
why are you keeping yourself from enjoying all that life has to offer? doubt, fear, anxiety, imposter syndrome… these are keeping you from living up to your full potential this year. if you don’t speak up for yourself or put yourself out there, you reject yourself before you give anyone else the chance to. you lock the door on yourself. 
trust your intuition as it is guiding you exactly where you need to go, and exactly away from what is only going to hold you back. you are a powerhouse, my dear, remember this much as you go through this year. and you know yourself better than you allow yourself to think. 
ask yourself how you are holding yourself back from experiencing all of the above. you can have all of these things, but you may be keeping yourself from these things out of a deep feeling that you do not deserve any of it. who says you do not deserve success? who says you do not deserve love? 
your life will change this year. completely and entirely. in ways you cannot even imagine. know that you have prayed for this and you are ready for what is to come. to take a deep breath. hold it. let it go. and smile as you look towards the future and thank the divine for how this year will turn your life around. 
it’s time to be selfish. you cannot pour from an empty cup. each time someone asks you for help this year, especially if it’s help that will drastically set you back, stop and ask yourself if they would ever do the same for you. if they won’t, politely decline and keep it moving. 
after so long of being ruled by your depression and negative thoughts, this year is filled with positivity and friendship and love. open your heart to it. why close your heart and run away when this is what you have been asking for for so long?
this year, allow yourself to let go. time and time again. let go of obsessive, of delusion, of expectation, and trust that things are working out in your favour. and ask yourself how holding on has kept you from moving forward. 
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tuliptic · 1 year
“You keep me awake at night,” they said, But why? How?
Piles go from up to down, pictures are drawn by me, everything is literally by me. And I do not consent to my work being used by third parties in other websites as well.
Now. Breathe in with me, and then breathe out. Picked your pile? Let’s find out what are the answers. PAC idea by @nikolaiiy btw I need to give my niece some recognition here too.
Disclaimer: This is solely for my entertainment purposes. Take only whatever you feel like it. If it doesn’t resonate, it’s okay to just drop it. 
Content warning: Mentions of sex without details. Just to let y’all know beforehand.
Decks used: Luna Cat Tarot Deck (Major Arcana), Kawaii Tarot Deck, Starcodes Astro Oracle Deck, self made decks.
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Pile 1
Hey Pile 1! Your person thinks of you as their whole world, and that you’re their source of joy and beauty. You bring colours into their lives but this person of yours but they just… Don’t know how to deal with it. See, they have a lot of conflicting thoughts, and sometimes you guys have arguments that can be pretty harsh, creating discomfort between you two. You both have legit points but sometimes it just happens. And in late nights when they’re all alone, they will be replaying the scenes, trying to see it from your point of view, trying to see how they can make it up to you if it’s their mistake.
You remind them of their childhood, probably their ideal type when they were a kid, since we have a childhood card here. They probably had a dream of dancing with their future spouse and just wanted to ask you out for a dance some day, though I have no idea how and when but yeah. Or maybe you can ask them out for a dance in the living room with some nice music playing. That would be great too!
Your person doesn’t tell you their thoughts, their fantasies they have for you cuz they’re afraid of you judging them, so there’s this fear that I’m seeing where they worry if you leave them, since you’re such an amazing person and there may be other suitors who are interested in you. They’re a sensitive person and can be slightly low in their self-esteem, questioning how someone as wonderful as you would be interested in them.
Dear Pile 1, I hope you understand that these MAY be the thoughts that goes through the mind of your person, and I wish and pray that you’ll be able to give them the assurance they need and help them little by little with their self esteem. As someone who’s been through that, personally, I know that self esteem is something that can’t be built overnight. Your person is also working on it with the Magician at the bottom of the deck. It will work if you both work together.
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Pile 2
Hello Pile 2! Your person is a huuuuuge sweetheart who’s deadass thinking of getting married to you. They think of you as their whole world and just want to proceed into the next stage of life/relationship with you even in the earlier months of dating. I honestly have no idea what else to say. The cards flipped themselves out and just wanted you to know that your person loves you like there’s no tomorrow, as the Lovers and Two of Cups came out. These two cards are one of the best to pop up when there’s a love related reading and… Here they are!
Not to mention there’s also Juno, a card that talks about partnership, which further solidifies my suspicions of them wanting to marry you. They honestly can’t wait and may even practice marriage proposals inside their head. They are imagining how the lives of you two together may be, how it’s like for them to be walking into a new future with you, how it is like to achieve a common goal (family) together. 
You make them weak. The thought of you just makes them have giddy smiles all over, not giving a single care if anyone sees them looking like a starstruck fool. It makes sense tho, seeing how you’ve freed them from whatever that has been holding them back, allowing them to charge forward to pursue you.
Your person is shy to ask for the reciprocation of their feelings. It’s like… They love you a lot, and a little love from you can keep them continuing to love you more and more as the days pass by. They won’t feel defeated as long as you’re by their side. Remember to love them as much as they love you okay?
For some reason, it feels like your person has an air of authority and mystery over them? They’re probably someone who’s also authoritative at work or the more dominant person in the relationship, steering and guiding you through the ups and downs of this relationship.
Dear Pile 2, I can see your person is really reaaalllllyyyyy wanting to marry you You’ll need to remember to voice out your thoughts if you’re not interested in marriage, or you’re not ready for that yet.
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Pile 3
Yo Pile 3! Not gonna lie, your pile is giving me sexy and nsfw vibes. Your person is probably someone older than you and much experienced in you in any and every way, life or even sex. This pile literally made me have that 👀 eyes cuz the cards are giving me that energy (cues KAI’s Mmmh). They wanted to do so many things to you, but they had to hold back, because they know you’re still inexperienced. They had to stop themselves from thinking about it cuz it makes them slightly upset that they got to take things slow even when they love you so much, but they’re willing to wait. They’re willing to court you. They mean it. They love you so much that they’re willing to put their wants aside.
You make them weak in the knees, they’re literally weak for you. There will be some indecisiveness on thinking where do they want to bring you, or what y’all should do for the next date, or what to eat when y’all hang out the next time. This is because they want to give you the best, not to mention that you’re always in their head. In the end, they’ll just stop being indecisive and decide that doing all of them would be the best option.
As smart as they may be, they’re always imagining scenes in their head and practicing the words they want to say to you. It’s like they have no idea how to really charm you with their words when you’re with them and they’re determined to do it better. The best way to do it? Imaginary practice. Though they still might fail cuz I have a feeling that you’re the type to act slightly different from what they expected.
Dear Pile 3, you are their source of fun, their source of joy, and they just want to achieve every single happiness and to enjoy them with you, their beloved. They just want to experience everything with you and want you by their side to be participating in their life. It’s a cute energy yet a hot one at the same time I don’t know how this is possible.
Thanks for reading until the end! Feedbacks and reblogs are appreciated!
Y’all can drop by my Instagram here if you’re interested as well! I’ll be posting different types of PACs over there in the future but will also post more here I guess lmAO
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