#4 town Robaire
hisonetrueloveee · 1 month
IT'S GONNA BE⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️🗣🔥
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favs4palestine · 5 months
hello there !! your blog is so wonderful, it makes me smile every time i come across oen of your edits
may i request an edit of 4 Town, the boy group from Turning Red, please?
thank you so much for creatively showing solidarity!! 🫶🏾🇵🇸
That is such an honor, thank you so much!! I had a lot of fun with this edit, I hope you like it!!
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Your favs support Palestine: 4 Town
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phantomturntech · 5 months
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brozone 🔄 4*town
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ankmankpank · 18 days
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Why has nobody mentioned the fact before that they’re flying on a pig. A literal fucking pig while the other three gets those pretty pegasuses.
Don’t mistaken me, pigs are actually one of my fav animals so nothing against pigs but WHY.
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writergirl3 · 1 year
4 Town x Pregnant Reader
I can't remember who requested this, but thanks for the idea! Hope y'all like this💜
Warnings; Mentions of pregnancy (obviously) and discomfort/pain. Fem reader, not proofread.
Taglist; @takemichiluvr @jessexselinalover @aaronzsbiggestsuperfan @4townlove @magicbratt @4townenthusiast @local-she-wolf @4townn (If I missed you off the list, or you wanna be added, lemme know!)
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As is the case with all the boys and their partners, Robaire would put you, and his unborn child, first. No questions asked. There's a big important meeting to sign new contract with the label? If you're not 100%, he will not be attending.
Ro is definitely the type to do that cute headphones-over-your-bump thing, playing music to your child. And he mostly chooses soothing French tunes like 'La Vie En Rose'. Although he did joke about recreating the 'Baby Got Back' scene from friends. If you hadn't refused, he for sure would've played it.
He's definitely cool, calm and collected. And it's not even an act. He has faith in you and your strength, and in whatever higher being that's up there. He sees your pregnancy as an obstacle-ridden journey, but he treasures the highs and the lows.
Definitely becomes an expert on pregnancy overnight. You're already at an advantage with him being a Dad of two already, and he has so much good advice. When it comes to pregnancy, though? He has quite a lot to learn. He'd already broken up with the mother of his two kids before they were born, so he's lacking in that area. But, fear not! There will be a mountain of pregnancy books on his side of the bed, and yes, he does read them all before you give birth.
Because of this, he's amazing at helping you through the hurdles. He has the magic remedy for morning sickness, cravings, and cramps. And if you find your anxiety spiralling, or mood up and down? He holds you close and gently coaxes you through the rough patches.
He's as responsible and caring as Robaire is calm, but secretly, Jesse is flapping on the inside. Please make sure that you check in with him too. He often worries about how the dynamic will change when you become a family of five, despite being so excited for it all. Remind him of that, and pregnancy with Jesse by your side will be a breeze.
Aaron T;
Oh Lord. I won't lie, he's pretty clueless in every respect. It took him a while to cotton on to what a period is, so the idea of a human baby growing inside your belly? Yeah, it freaks him out.
I feel like the pregnancy may not have been planned, too. So, he was a bit of a panicked mess when you broke the news to him. But, nevertheless, he's always wanted kids and couldn't imagine going into parenthood with anyone but you.
He definitely uses your pregnancy as an excuse for things. But in the best possible way! Like, if there's a press conference or something that he really couldn't care less about, he will be getting out of it because 'he has to be there for his baby mama'.
But he means well. You may have to talk things through with him, or be uber clear about what you need, but he'll take it all on board in a heartbeat. Because he cares so deeply for you, and treasures you and his unborn child above everything.
Aaron Z;
Right, so you know how Z is super overprotective over you and will literally bark down anyone who directs any negativity your way? Well, when you're pregnant, that increases tenfold.
He's definitely pretty anxious about it all, and that manifests into his usual perfectionism. Often, he'll have what you need ready before you even know you need it. You can thank his amazing observation skills, and general adoration for you, for that.
I feel like he'd be quite similar to Jesse, but just a little more stern about it. But not in a bad way! Like, if he notices you wincing when you reach down for something, he will insist on massaging your back right away. And no, he won't accept 'no' for an answer.
But he's also very sweet and sentimental. Sometimes you'll just catch him watching you, maybe while you're balancing a plate of food on your bump while you watch TV, and he'll just have so much love in his eyes. And it's all because you're carrying his child, and he can't wait for a lifetime of memories with you and his little one.
Tae Young;
He's for sure pretty anxious. Sometimes, it'll be you comforting him instead of the other way around. As is the case with T, I think your pregnancy would likely be unplanned, so he worries a lot about what his family and the label will say.
But once he realises what a gift your pregnancy is, he won't able to wipe the smile off of his face. He'll pepper your bump with kisses on a daily basis and spend his evenings off brainstorming names for you. I feel like he'd also start a scrapbook of your pregnancy so that you have it to look back on together.
Your pregnancy is a huge opportunity for growth and reflection for Tae. He knows that his parents probably won't approve, and being a father may not help his image as a boyband member, but he doesn't care. He's going to start a family with you and, in his eyes, that's one of the most precious of life's experiences. He vows to give your unborn child all the nurturing love that he needed when growing up. And he hopes that being parents will strengthen the love you share, too.
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maya-yaya · 2 months
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deadpoetskiddo · 10 months
4 ✮ town cg headcannons
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lullabies are a must
lets you wear his clothes before he goes on stage so they smell like you
loves baby talking you
is probably the one most like a real dad
"No sweets before bed time, little one."
Aaron T
so energetic
could outrun a Cheeta if given any caffeine
definitely plays Superman with you
"Let's go to the park baby."
Aaron Z
likes to play sports with his baby!
basketball games where he lets you win
you watch him play for real with his friends and cheer him on
Tae Young
always wants new pets
"Baby, we should get a new puppy." "But Dada, we already gots so many animals!!"
spoils his baby
new stuffies every time they go to the store
makes you little jars for your pacis
his pottery hobby is how he shows his love
he teaches you how to make pottery
which ends in a very messy room and baby
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midnightlee25 · 10 months
Random Yandere Headcanons: Do they call their darling “darling”? (Robaire, Aron Z, Jesse)
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He has many nicknames for his darling. They aren’t too cutesy, but they are still sweet. Some examples are darling, baby, sweetheart and others that are similar. 
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Aron Z: 
He barely calls them anything other than their name even in private. He will, however, at the very least call them a shortened version of their name if that's possible. 
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There’s only a select few that he calls his darling. They are more of the classic nicknames someone would hear someone calling their partner. But he always comes up with a few of his own. It's 40/60 if he calls them by their name or not.
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4 town x Reader hc's
Loves calling you nicknames in French like "Mon Amour" or "Cherie"
he gives you hugs from behind and from the side
He teaches you a lot french and takes you to France on the weekends or when he's not busy with the band
He likes to cuddle almost all the time
He's a very good listener
He makes good food !
He loves it when you wear his clothing and how it looks on you. (If you're smaller)
(if you're bigger) He loves wearing your clothing. Some are really comfy and big which he loves.
He spoils you no matter if you decline it. (He once saw you staring at a really expensive necklace and he bought for you the next day--)
Fancy restaurant dates 😭
Passionate and long kisses
Tae young🕊️💖
Calls you "dove" or "baby bird"
Loves to cuddle you after a long day
He makes simple dishes
Loves wearing your clothing ! / Loves seeing you wear his clothing !
Loves hugging you from behind and on the side
Like robaire, he loves spoiling you
Sings you to sleep
A very good listener and talks things out with you
He loves how you take care of animals (mostly birds)
He absolutely ADORES you !
Park dates ! (Walking around and maybe sitting down on a bench eating to ice cream or food) or zoo dates !!
Quick but nice kisses
Calls you "darling" and "love"
Spoils you just as much as he spoils his kids
Best cook 🫶🏾✨
Loves hugging you from behind
Talks everything out with you, also a very good listener.
He doesn't admit it but he loves wearing your clothes/you wearing his clothes
he likes taking you places (like France, Hawaii, ect)
Classic restaurant dates
Like robaire, long and passionate kisses
Aaron T‼️🎧
Calls you baby mama 😭
Can't cook ...
Loves hugging you from the back
takes you out on movie dates (classic horror or romcom movies with lots of junk food)
Despite the way he's very chaotic, he's a very good listener and talks things out with you
Loves taking you to Hawaii or California
Loves it when he gets to wear your clothes/ when you wear his clothing
Good kisser 😙
Aaron Z💥🏀
Calls you "My love" or "baby/babe"
Like Aaron T, y'all have movie dates
Takes you to Africa, California and Hawaii
Loves it when you wear his clothing/when he gets to wear your clothing
Spoils you as much as he can
can cook certain things
Loves hugging you from the back or side
gives pretty good kisses
Very VERY good listener and talks things out with you
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phionatheblue · 9 months
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hisonetrueloveee · 7 months
still wondering what 4*town were doing in this deleted scene
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was it a music video????? an introduction??? can someone lmk 😭😭😭
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lonfetti · 2 years
okay 4townies give me your hcs and I'll see if you're let in or not
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ankmankpank · 2 months
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writergirl3 · 1 year
4 Town’s Physical Features Headcanons
Happy New Year, 4 Townies! I wanted to do some hcs about 4 Town's small physical details, seeing as their animated forms are kinda hard to see up close.
Vaguely proofread, so don't hate me for typos lol.
Enjoy! 🧡
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Robaire is obsessed with chapstick. Seriously. He reapplies like twice an hour. But because of this, his lips are super soft. Even if you never have the honour of getting a kiss from him, you can just see that they’re soft.
He has an outie belly button. That’s it. That’s the headcanon.
People always assume that Robaire is super tall, but he’s actually under six foot, just a little taller than T. 
His eyebrow slit actually came about by accident. He (stupidly) trusted T to straighten up his edges, but he basically shaved off a whole chunk of Ro’s eyebrow. He loves it now, though, and never wants to grow it out again. 
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Jesse’s naturally brunette. He went through a sort of surfer guy phase (although he can’t surf, smh), and decided to bleach his hair. He got loads of compliments and has been touching up his roots ever since.
His hair is also wavy naturally. The guys like to make fun of him blow drying it and the amount of products he uses.
Like T, this guy has long eyelashes. They’re not quite as curved or dark as T’s, but they frame those baby-blues nicely.
His eyes aren’t just blue, though. He’s got central heterochromia, with a bright green ring around his pupils.
He’s big-boned, like has a big head, wide wrists, broad shoulders. You get it.
Jesse cannot step outside without burning. He’s pretty fair-skinned, and crisps up like a rack of bacon after just five minutes in the sun.
Aaron T;
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T has a small gap between his two front teeth. He doesn’t love it that much, but it’s honestly the cutest thing.
He also has dimples, and they perfectly fit his whole brand.
Many people think his eyes are brown, but they’re actually hazel. If you’re lucky enough to get super close to him, you’ll see little gold flecks in his irises. Good luck getting him to sit still long enough to see them, though.
Continuing on with the eye theme, this guy could be a Max Factor model. No joke. They should make a mascara in T’s honour, although no one’s lashes would ever be as long and lustrous as his even with mascara.
T’s skin naturally has an olive hue, but he always has some sort of tanlines. Always. Even in the cold months. There’s always this line around where the waistband of his jeans sits (👀), and around his ankles and neckline. Jesse loves to tease him about it, but T just gets his own back when Jesse turns into a lobster on the beach.
Aaron Z;
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This guy is ridiculously tall. Like 6’3. It figures, seeing as he’s so good at basketball. Robaire’s secretly super jealous of Z’s height.
Z doesn’t smile or say much, and his eyes usually do a lot of talking. They’re super, super dark brown. Like almost black. They’re also pretty hooded, and are usually the first thing that people notice when they first see him.
He has big hands and a stupidly large handspan. Again, it comes in handy with basketball. He also has pretty short fingernails because he has a bad habit of biting them when he’s anxious.
Not many people know this, but Z has faint stretch marks around his armpits. He’s not ripped, per say, but is beefy with pretty muscular biceps. He doesn’t love his stretch marks, even though they’re faded, but accepts them as a part of himself.
Tae Young;
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Tae has the softest skin ever. He uses quite a lot of skincare products to keep his skin nice, but it’s naturally very soft and supple. 
He has pretty full lips that always seem to be slightly upturned, even when he’s not smiling. It’s the reason why he always looks so sweet and innocent.
Like T, he also has dimples, but they’re not that deep or prominent.
This poor boy has no eyebrows. Like none. When he joined 4 Town, he started tinting them a little.
Tae’s eyes are also pretty dark brown, like Z’s, but his are somehow naturally lined around his lashline. People always think that he's wearing eyeliner, but it’s all natural.
Musing Meaninglessly Masterlist
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maya-yaya · 7 days
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