#7th writes
7thleveldown · 23 days
Tumblr for Werewolves
So… If stiles existed you KNOW he would have had a Tumblr. In this essay I will…
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Derek walks over to the dining table to pick up his laptop which Stiles had been researching on. Well, research? He's pretty sure this isn't research.
“Stiles, what the hell is this?” Derek gestures to the open webpage on the laptop.
“It's the internet Derek, I know I've explained this to you before.” The smirk from Stiles is so unbelievably arrogant Derek could slap him. But maybe he could have a little fun with this.
“Yes. I am aware,” he says, completely deadpan, “you took great pains with it. Or caused me pain anyway. But I meant this specifically… This… Does not look like pack research. I don't admittedly know what to does look like, but…” he scowled at Stiles 
“What are you…” Stiles muttered as he came back from the kitchen, looking confused, before barking out a laugh. “Nah, man, that's just Tumblr, I was taking a little break from the research to clear my head.”
Derek put on his best (hopefully) confused and grumpy expression at Stiles’ reponse. “But, what… Is it?” Derek saw Peter appear on the sidelines. His ability to pick up on mischief, whether he was creating it or not, was terrifying.
“Dude! Come on! Tumblr? It's probably older than you are!” Stiles laughed and then seeing Derek's face, he pretended to pout. “Aww, did they not have Tumblr for technologically backward werewolves who only want to scowl? Poor sourwolf, you don't know what you've been missing! The fanfiction alone! The memes! The in-jokes!” Stiles was gesticulating more and more wildly, pacing around the room.
“Oh come on Derek, you-” Derek shot Peter a look and a smirk that made Peter falter just a little as he realised what was going on, but not enough for Stiles to notice. “You must remember Tumblr, Laura was always on there.” Derek sent Peter the slightest nod of thanks, and Peter's eyes lit up in glee.
“Laura had Tumblr? Do you know what her username was? We could find it! I could find it, we could see what she…” Stiles trailed off as he realised what he was saying. “You know, I could try, if you wanted me to?” 
Stiles had stopped pacing, his voice softening and his arms wrapped around himself. This had taken a turn Derek had not expected.
“I guess I might be able to remember… Maybe if you explain it to me, because it just seems so…”
Stiles’ face lit up in response. “Course! I mean, we gotta start with bringing you into the 21st Century sometime, or at least the 19th would help, because the whole Heathcliff lurking in shadows thing is kinda old. We need to get you to understand our references!”
“I know who Heathcliff is, if that's any help?” Derek said, trying to sound a little coward and out of his depth. Stiles could be such an ass sometimes, and Derek would get his own back.
“Of course you do, big guy, of course you do.”
So, Derek sits back and makes Stiles try to explain exactly what Tumblr is, in excruciating detail. And then pretends to still not understand it. Peter has had to leave the room several times so he doesn’t burst out in laughter.
“Derek! Come on! This is not that hard! For the love of….” Stiles flounces around the room, getting redder and redder in the face, and even Derek is beginning to break at this.
“Stiles, what was it you were saying about codes? I think I remember something about that…” Peter asks, distracting Stiles’ attention from Derek for a moment.
“Yes! Yep, codes… It's one of those things so people would say a phrase, and it would identify them to other Tumblr users in the real world, but mean nothing to anyone else… it’s um…”
“Stiles, don’t tell me that great brain of yours has forgotten the code? Wasn’t it about liking something?” Peter was not holding back his smirk.
At that moment, in a moment of weakness, Derek replies “I like your shoelaces.” He screws up his face as he realises what he has just said out loud.
“I fucking KNEW IT!” crows Stiles, spinning on the spot to point the finger at Derek. “I will find you in there, you can’t hide from me, there is no getting away from me now, I will find you.”
Derek sighs. Great. “This isn’t Taken, Stiles. Stop trying to channel Liam Neeson.”
The sound that is emitted from Stiles could best be described as a squark. “But you don’t…. But you….” He flails between Derek and Peter, who is laughing so hard he’s struggling to breathe. Stiles spins himself around so much, he ends up making himself dizzy and ends up on the floor with a thump.
Peter stops laughing long enough to glare at Derek. “Did you HAVE to break him? He’s my entertainment!”
Derek raises an eyebrow.
A slurred "I'm okay" is heard from the floor.
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dumplingsjinson · 6 months
List of “things to say after kissing” prompts
“Well… Kiss me more?”
“You taste like my new addiction.”
“I liked that. A lot.”
“Never again—”
“That was bad, wasn’t it?” 
“I could kiss you forever.” (Forever ingrained in my brain fOR REALLL)
“That was really wet and unenjoyable.”
“Can you not stick your tongue in my mouth like that again? Damn.” 
“Consider me madly in love. With the kisses, not you.”
“That just woke something up in me.” 
“Yeah, so like… What the fuck?”
“I’m calling the cops on you for that terrible shit you put me through.” 
“That felt like my first kiss. Sloppy and weird and just not it.”
“Has anyone told you you’re quite amazing at this?”
“You said this was your first time kissing! You’re either a fucking liar or you’re a natural at this.” 
“I made the wrong decision.”
“O… Kay. So should we dissect that? What are we feeling right now?”
“That wasn’t in my itinerary today.”
“I mean, I could do with some more of that.”
“Just shut me up by kissing me from now on, won’t you?”
“Fucking come back here right now.”
“That felt like a crime against humanity.”
“Was that supposed to happen?” 
“You’re the only one I’m gonna wanna kiss from now on.” 
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chakiro · 1 year
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go girl dig through the trash 🗑️
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astrolovecosmos · 1 month
If you're a writer take a look at your Mercury placement for inspiration 🖋️
1st House: Baby you're the inspiration! Dig deep into your identity and practice introspection for your work.
2nd House: What do you value? What will you work hard for, protect, collect? Use that for your inspiration! Maybe take inspiration from the material world or nature as well.
3rd House: Pay attention to your community and family (especially siblings, extended family, and family arguments or rivalry) for inspiration. Knowledge and research may be your best friend as a writer. Speak your mind and explore your emotions through writing, journaling, or blogging.
4th House: Family, home, your private life, or maybe your own inner world of coping, emotional sensitivity, and depth are your muse!
5th House: Having fun with your words and stories may be a good starting point! This is the house of creativity, joy, and celebration. Here creativity should stem from passion, discovery, and maybe romance. Be brave and even dramatic or ridiculous in how you write and how you get inspiration.
6th House: The house of routine, health, and work may not sound very inspiring but things like daily writing exercises or challenges may be very helpful for you. Time management and aiming to reach goals with your writing is going to be highly productive. Inspiration for you may come from ideas around altruism and what makes you feel like you're making a difference.
7th House: Take your inspiration from your relationships, fights, competition, rivalry, deals, and romance. Seek inspiration in others. Find a true muse.
8th House: The skeletons in your closet may be the best inspiration. Your fears, secrets, pain, depth, and vulnerability.
9th House: Your beliefs can be a major source for inspiration/creativity. Taking inspiration from other works, research, and knowledge may be your style too. Diving into a subject like history, sociology, psychology, religion, laws, journalism, politics, etc. can be very motivating.
10th House: Rely on your sense of purpose to give you inspiration. Reflecting on society or authority can give insight too.
11th House: Look to your friends for inspiration and friendship dynamics! Zooming out to collective trends and feelings can be a powerful tool as well for your writings. Tap into your aspirations and highest dreams too.
12th House: Using writing as a tool to explore your subconscious may be useful. Taking inspiration from your dreams, imagination, and even the darkest parts of you may be key for you as a writer.
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random hsr texts
featuring: blade, march 7th, dan heng, himeko, welt, jing yuan, reader
warnings: reader is fem in march's but gn in everything else thats it. small nsfw joke and a kms joke in the last pic
a/n: omg piers posts smth?? shocker. half of these were stolen off of pinterest ngl.
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Bless be upon ye, happy transgirl face
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Hello!! May I request headcanons for Blade, Dan Heng, Gepard, Jing Yuan, Kafka, March, Silver Wolf and Welt with a normally quiet and meek reader who very quickly turns no-nonsense and aggressive when fighting, and will use anything and everything they can get their hands on as (improvised) weapons?
Ebon Deer keeps reviving and healing? Get a bunch of alcoholic liquids, turn them into Molotovs and get ready to commit arson.
Trying to raid a Sanctus Medicus hideout? Get a crowbar and pry that door open. Keep it on your person as a bludgeon.
Heliobi outbreak? Get something you can smack them around with (hammer, bamboo stick, whatever causes pain) and slap one of Huohuo's paper talismans on it.
Dealing with Sampo? Pepper spray. Easy. Hot sauce and/or raw pepper juice also work.
And if the opposition turns out to be less capable and far more helpless but they're still struggling, just slapping them across the face and knocking them to the ground (almost) always works.
Things reader has also used as weapons, including but definitely not limited to:
That backscratcher nabbed from Sanctus Medicus
Broken wine bottle
Scarf (for strangulation)
Foldable chair like in IWE (Interastral Wrestling Entertainment; don't question this one, I just made it up on the spot)
Electrical circuits
Coffee mug
Pray for the enemy if reader can use computers and the battle zone is somewhere with a lot of technology and automatons; reader may just find and hack into a terminal and turn the whole environment against them
Someone: "How do you know how to—"
Reader: "I grew up in a bad neighborhood."
Hi Anon! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took so long. I hope you like the headcanons!
Fandom: Honkai Star Rail
Characters: Blade, Dan Heng, Gepard, Jing Yuan, Kafka, March, Silver Wolf, and Welt Yang x gn! Reader
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Blade thinks you’re wonderful. When he first met you, he wasn’t so sure since you were so quiet but as soon as he saw you fighting, he knew you were far more complex that he had given you credit for.
His personal favourite improvised weapon of yours was the broken wine bottle. He thought it was classy. However, he was also rather fond of you simply slapping and enemy and knocking them out.
He’s definitely got the backing to make technology a permanent feature of your fighting style but then he wouldn’t be able to see the improvised weapons and that would be a true shame…
He might hold off on that for now. After all, who is he to stand between you and a box of firecrackers that just happen to be nearby? He’s just dying to know how this will end.
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Why? Why does he always get partnered up with people who go crazy in battle? And why did he have to fall for this one?
Dan Heng does have to admit he admires your creativity at times though. The coffee mug attack was particularly inspired: it just would have been better if it wasn’t his mug and if there wasn’t coffee inside.
He finds your personality switch fascinating. One minute you can be timid and too nervous to ask for a napkin from a waiter, the next, you’re leaping into battle with no inhibitions.
He thinks your computer skills are quite impressive as well. He’ll find a way of incorporating those skills into every battle you encounter, if only so you stop using anything you can get your hands on as a substitute weapon.
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Gepard is torn on this one. Sure, he’s glad you can defend yourself anytime and anywhere. But those improvised weapons are likely to injure you as well as your enemy and that just won’t do.
Oh, he was cheering you on when you used pepper spray on Sampo. Those two have an…interesting relationship in my mind so while Gepard was concerned about any permanent damage, he certainly wasn’t about to stop you.
He likes that you’re not always a chaotic as you are in battle though. He already has to deal with a lot of over-the-top people because of his work. Your quiet nature is a nice change of pace.
I can see him trying to keep you out of harms way a lot, in part to keep you safe, and in part to keep everyone else safe as well. Sure, they might be enemies, but they deserve some mercy…
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Ooh, you’re an interesting one aren’t you? Jing Yuan thinks you’re a wonderful addition to any fight. Something interesting is always bound to happen when you’re around.
He’s so used to people around him fighting with the same weapons in the same way every time they fight that your fighting style is a breath of fresh air.
His favourite improvised weapon was probably the scarf since he probably gave that particular item of clothing to you after he had to leave for a while.
Despite what anyone else might think, he saw it as a bonding experience for the two of you. You used a gift of his to take down your enemy? How romantic!
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Kafka knows you’re one to look out for. She’s glad you’re on her side at the moment but should anything happen between you, she knows she’d have to watch her back every moment of the day.
I see Kafka as someone who likes control and, while she has that when you’re calm and quiet, once you get into a fight, all semblance of control goes out the window. Nothing can hold you back now.
She was particularly fond of the shoe incident and made sure to grab the shoe after the battle was done as a memento. Now, she has it tucked away as a reminder of your strength.
Much like Blade, Kafka has the resources to supply you with technology so you can use it in every battle you fight. She likes to think this will give her some amount of control back but isn’t hopeful. She knows what you’re like when a battle’s upon you.
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If there’s anyone here who is likely to match your energy in battle, it’s March. Sure, she takes it seriously, but she’s gotta have some fun with it too!
The first time she saw your personality shift from shy to no-nonsense, she was delighted. Finally, someone she can goof around with who can also stand their ground in a fight.
For her favourite improvised weapon, it’s the folding chair through and through. She thought it was so smooth the way you calmly stood up, folded the chair and swung it at your enemy.
I think March would like to try and learn from and copy your techniques to see if they’d work for her fighting style. Sure, she has her normal weapons, but it can’t hurt to branch out once in a while.
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Silver Wolf loves going on missions with you! Not only does she get to hang out with her favourite person in the world, she also gets to finally have some fun.
Sure, Kafka lets her get away with some entertainment but she’s also pretty strict about keeping a low profile. With you around, there’s no chance of staying stealthy once things start heating up.
She’s also so glad there’s someone else on the team who has good computer skills. She’ll lend you any equipment she doesn’t have an immediate use for and make you some equipment of your own as well.
Of course, her favourite improvised weapon was the electrical wire. An enemy had broken some of your equipment but that didn’t mean you weren’t able to use it anymore.
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He’s so tired. He thought you were going to be a nice quiet addition to the otherwise chaotic team of the Star Rail, but no. You just had to have a chaotic side to you.
Of course, this doesn’t mean he cares about you any less. He just worries when a fight stars and he sees you inching towards the nearest object, whatever it may be.
He is glad you can defend yourself though. It’s important that people can fight with things other than their usual weapons and he supposes if he had to chose one, he’s glad you’re adaptable, if nothing else.
I don’t think he would have a favourite improvised weapon but the ones that surprised him most were the pencil and the backscratcher. Both of those occasions took him a moment to process.
Hey, did you enjoy this? If you like my writing, please consider donating to my Ko-Fi page! This will allow me to make some money off my writing, something I enjoy doing.
Important Note: Please only donate if you are financially able to. If you are currently in a position where you can't donate, a like, comment or reblog will mean just as much.
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sen-ya · 13 days
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part 6/7
can u guess at which point I rewrote this a few months after the fact lmao
[op comic masterpost]
no dialogue
panel 2:
Note (from Law): I've been thinking of my parents a lot these last few weeks. Thinking of Lami. Those happy days I got with them. At first I thought I was even considering this because I might catch a glimpse of them in our kid, and that's a piss poor justification for having a baby. But what I've realized this week is I'm not just nostalgic for a family I've lost. Lu-ya, I'm enamored by the idea of enjoying that comfort with you. (the note trails off, continuing down the entire page)
panel 3:
Luffy: You got a lotta words here, Tra--
panel 4:
Luffy: Oh, shit. I said the wrong thing, didn't I?
panel 7:
Law: ...No, we said the same thing.
panel 8:
Law: So we're doing this.
Luffy: Guess so
panel 9:
Law: We're doing this. Fuck. I'm doing this.
panel 10:
Law: When did I get as stupid as you?? This is gonna suck so fucking much!
panel 11:
Luffy: If you're not gonna be okay then I'm changing my answer.
Law: I've done worse for less.
Luffy: I don't like that.
Law: We're decided, alright?
panel 12:
Law: I'll be uncomfortable for awhile. What else is new? I can handle it.
panel 14:
Luffy: Fine.
Law: Heh.
panel 15:
Law: Sigh. I should probably talk to Kaya-ya again. I don't think I actually had to stop my SSRI at least...
panel 17:
Luffy: Did you say again?!
Law (speaking over him): Oh, no.
Luffy: You told Kaya?!
Law: It was a...m-medical consultation!!
Luffy (speaking over him): So I can tell my whole crew?!
Law (speaking over him): That is an entirely different conversation that I will not be having right now.
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omegalomania · 2 months
we do not know and might not ever know the full story behind mania and the circumstances under which it was produced but we know enough by now to understand that there was a lot of strife and frustration involved in the way it came about. the band has been clear on this much. the divisive reception upon release didn't help any. and we know the last time that happened with folie, it led to that record essentially being forgotten and aggressively sidelined for years afterward. the roughness of its reception was explicitly one of the things that patrick especially cited as difficult for him to look back on, and one of the reasons it took so long for him to embrace those songs again.
it took mania five years what took folie a full hiatus and double that time.
this too is healing.
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generalsdiary · 5 months
confessions under the moon
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gn!reader x Dan Heng (Imbibitor Lunae and his usual form as well)
warnings: none
word count: 1k
a/n: inspired by the japanese saying (explained at the end)
description: sharing feelings under the moonlight on a new planet (fluff with a side of angst)
"the moon is beautiful, isn't it?" you say while admiring it.
"ye-" Dan Heng stops his words. turning his head in shock and surprise to you, his cyan eyes seeking your face for any trace of further explanation.
being well educated and a lover of research he knew a lot about this planet, called Earth. he recalls reading in the data bank information specific to this planet and this quite random fact. people of Earth would say those words to say they love someone - as a secret, an intimate 'I love you'.
he blushes sightly, finding himself speechless, looking to the ground. it takes over all of his thoughts, by losing his focus his vidyadhara form and its features bleed through and show themselves once more. the dark long hair, translucent tail, and tall dragon horns, along with the pointy ears. eyes shining blue as he observes you. were you aware of what those words meant? surely you were, you are a clever one, and claim to know lots of Earth's hidden facts - that he kindly asked you to, at some point, put into the data bank (yeah... he is still waiting on you to do that.)
finding words within himself, he questions.
"where did you find-... read that?" he wishes to check if you know what you said.
"read what?" you keep your eyes on the night sky, and it is slowly obvious that you're playing oblivious, or something of the similar sort.
he calls out your name, with a hint of sternness, a tad more seriousness in his voice than usual.
you smile slightly to yourself when your name is called in such a way, you turn your head to look at him, his true form bringing a smile to your face. finding it sad when he always hides, like he is ashamed of it, or not accustomed.
you meet his eyes, it isn't forced, and you're not trying to communicate, both gazing. he looks away and into the moon, and you notice the small exhale he does as the cooler air shifts and forms the smoke-like breath leaving his lips. his hand very gently meets yours, taking it in his, intervening fingers.
you know what you said, it is obvious, it is also coy and sneaky and could've fallen easily under the radar... but you still said it, still played the card of it, he smiles for a few seconds. what a way to flirt with this man, truly dancing to the way he sings. with his eyes still on the moon he answers your original question,
"it is true, isn't it?" making you smile and look to the ground, of course, he'd respond with one of the polite ones, and of course, he'd know of this phrase... you turn your head to look at him and his eyes are already on you. he gives your hand a gentle squeeze.
you wish to say something along the lines of 'don't hide your form, it is beautiful' but you just find yourself leaning your face closer to his, meeting foreheads. your free hand also meeting his cheek. the intimate gesture, making his first breath shaky but stabilized right after, his free hand moving around your waist. he knows, you don't even have to say those lines, he knows. but you will still remind him occasionally.
there's something you want to add, and you find yourself thinking over specifically which words to use, being careful... saying something 'till the last breath' might be a curse and a lie, what if you live longer than you've been meant to, turn into an enemy, so it isn't true? or 'till I die' and you don't end up dying? these thoughts run around your mind as you try to think of the right words, that would diminish your body and truly mean an end to your life.
"until my last heartbeat." a natural, true healthy living heart wouldn't continue beating, or beating in such a way it did in the beginning. it felt right.
you feel him nod. at some point he will return to that egg and simply reincarnate... or perhaps he won't? you do not know. making you the person who will end whatever you two have.
he knows the weight of your words, nodding against your forehead, then leaning back. he has plenty of thoughts and opinions, but it is all too far complicated so he says nothing. the moon is enough, keeping you two safe in this moment. beautiful in its way, shining brightly on you. another soft squeeze of his hand, you exhale and lean your head on his shoulder. maybe it won't end in a good way, a pretty way. but it doesn't matter now, and it shouldn't stop you from enjoying each other and appreciating every moment you get together.
a joyful high-pitched voice pops you two out of your bubble, "guys~ where are you? we are going soon~" the voice seems to be getting closer.
you both smile softly at the reality coming back. so strange that reality is pleasant and the future is not. getting your head off of his shoulder and releasing his hand, you see him focus on hiding his true form once more, making you frown. about to complain and scold him for doing that and he returns to his true form, moving closer and meeting your lips to distract you. the kiss isn't long, nor passionate, it says I'm here, don't worry. you open your eyes his draconic features still here and when March 7th makes the corner, the sound of her footsteps on the crunchy leaves is quite loud, his eyes focus on something in the distance and right before March sees you two, he is back in his humanlike form. you frown, you're about to scold him and March may listen as well-
"ah, there you guys are!" March smiles.
"yes, shall we?" Dan Heng answers, taking your hand in his and walking towards the astral express.
a/n: the phrase “the moon is beautiful isn’t it?” is a form of saying I love you, saying “it is true, isn’t it?” is a form of saying back that you agree, aka also love the other person, often used in manga and anime, in Japanese.
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stardustgates · 6 months
Trying to write for HSR SAGAU is so much harder than I thought, especially because I’m starting with the initial cutscenes and battles before choosing either Caelus or Stelle, and trying to figure out how Kafka and Silver Wolf would react to being suddenly aware of a higher entity hanging around them and controlling their bodies is so difficult in prose(?) form.
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Anyway, some rules/extra info/thoughts I had for my own personal interpretation of a self aware star rail:
✧ It’s still a universe of its own, but for those who become aware of the player, it’s like realising you’re a picture in a picture book. The people and places still go on about their own ways and change with time, but suddenly there’s a metaphorical hole in reality that something beyond their comprehension is peeking through.
✧ The more time the player would spend with certain characters in their team, the easier it becomes for those characters to hear their voice. (E.G I Play with Caelus and Himeko with almost every fight, so they’d be able to hear pretty much anything I say after a week or so of playing with them non-stop.)
✧ The trailblazer is generally seen as not just a vessel for the stellaron but also the player, so a lot of characters and NPCs will offer really good rewards to them when the player is out quest-completing with them.
✧ The compartment that is ‘practically glued shut’ on the express, is used by the characters as a shrine to the player. The trailblazer spends the most time here when the player is offline, as they don’t have a room to themselves (yet!! Hoyoverse I’m counting on you!)
✧ Most characters start off confused and alarmed when first feeling the presence of the player but eventually come to idolise and worship that presence. The playable ones in particular being extremely obsessive over them and, as a result, the player’s trailblazer.
✧ March 7th, Dan Heng, and the trailblazer form a protection squad/Fanclub of sorts and eventually are seen as the de-facto representatives of the player. The make sure any visitors to the Astral Express know their place and don’t try to steal away too much of the player’s attention.
✧ Both Kafka and Silver Wolf are initially weary of the sudden feeling of being watched and controlled, even more so when the battles start and they feel their control of their own bodies ripped away from them. Naturally they are sceptical and distrusting, but the euphoria left from the surge of power this imperceivable entity (read: the player) gives them is borderline addictive and sways them into a more positive-leaning neutral standpoint by the end of the tutorial chapter.
✧ If you’re wondering why the characters talk so much when idling- or doing anything really- it’s because they’re trying to communicate with the player without setting off any alarm bells. They take it slowly and steadily, easing into their own true thoughts when they’re sure the player won’t panic at the sudden change in behaviours and mannerisms (read: So they can fight for their attention far more openly)
✧ This is most definitely going to be a yandere AU (I cannot escape my demons 😔)
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That’s all I’ve got for now, I’m currently working on a really big piece for this SAGAU and it’s only just reached like 3k, and I’m not even half way done :) pain pickle
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7thleveldown · 11 months
Best Friend
Yeah, I know this trope has been done to death, but tough! This was supposed to be about 2,000 words at most, and kept growing, so... oops?
Word count: 5,166
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You didn’t know why you were even remotely surprised by your current situation. No matter what promises your best friend made to you — which he had done, repeatedly — you should have known you were always going to wind up like this. Sitting in the cold, waiting for him in his shitty Jeep — sorry Roscoe — while he was doing God knows what with her. Ella. Again.
He had promised from the bottom of his heart that we would be out of work on time, and would be more than happy to give you a lift home, as you had an early start the following morning, and it would be much quicker for him to take you than for you to endure the wonders of the public transportation system. Yeah, right.
In all likelihood he had completely forgotten that he had even offered. Seemingly all thought of anything but Ella went out of his head the moment he saw her, so in reality, you only had yourself to blame. You could have hotwired the car and just left him there in the dust, just to see how he felt about being forgotten, but you’d never do that to him. It wasn’t why you’d been forced to learn how to do it in the first place anyway. That had more to do with the ignition not working properly and half the time it was the only way to get the damn car to start.
So, here you sat, more than an hour and a half after Stiles should have been already out of the building in front of you, wishing that you had never believed a single word that ever came out of his mouth. Even that made you feel guilty. It wasn’t even that he had been lying when he made the offer, he just… He had forgotten. Again. As if being reminded that the majority of the time you were nothing more than an afterthought wasn’t painful enough. You knew that really you should just cut ties with him completely and save yourself the pain. Lydia had lectured you on countless occasions about the perils of the torture you were putting yourself through, and when Stiles didn’t even bother to put any effort in, what was the point? Sometimes you wondered how long it would take him to notice if you did just stop contacting him, but that was followed by an awful realisation you didn’t want to face. He wouldn’t notice. Maybe not ever. You would just fade completely into the periphery until he couldn’t even remember your name.
You decided you would give it five more minutes and then you would force yourself out of the car and just get yourself home. This was just pointless and not helping anyone. Admittedly, you had said that half an hour ago and hadn’t moved yet. You wanted to scream, but all you felt was saltwater welling up in your eyes, unbidden and unwanted. Screw it. You got your bags out of the back and slammed the door a lot harder than was entirely necessary before walking away. You didn’t bother to leave him a note. What was the point? He wouldn’t even remember you were supposed to be there. If he was even still in the building. You had tried calling and his phone was off. Perhaps he had got what he wanted and Ella had taken him home. The pain that that thought caused you was more than you expected, and it stopped you for a second, before taking a breath and knowing you just had to keep walking.
Keep reading on AO3!
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mazosstuff · 5 months
Once every year
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Seriously, I wrote this in 20 minutes, I don't even know if this makes sense... it's my birthday though!! Happy b-day to meee!!
Pairings: Honkai Star Rail × reader (seriously, whoever you want, you can look at it both platonically and romantically)
Maybe self-aware AU? I don't know- :P
Once again, you opened the launcher of the game you had a hyperfixation for the last 7 months. But you missed one thing that was in Genshin... the birthday voicelines. You loved starting playing the day of your birthday just to hear all your favourite characters wishing you a happy birthday... but it's not in Honkai Star Rail.
You obviously opened the mail that Pom-Pom sent with the cake and the 100 stellar jades, but you felt it wasn't enough. You missed that comfort that you once found in the voicelines of the other game made by Hoyoverse.
Just as you were logging off for the day, seeing no point to continue playing, since you did every quest that could be played, you noticed a strange thing... an easter egg perhaps.
If you opened the menu with the characters not facing you, you could see the screens of their phones, but they always were blank.
This time, something was written on each one of them, two words so simple, yet so powerful in that day.
"Happy Birthday"
Everyone had it. In different fonts and different colours that matched perfectly the character. How could that be possible? A glitch, perhaps? But how would it know what to write, where to write it, when to write it?
So many questions flooded your mind as you were trying to give yourself a reasonable explanation.
A mail arrived in that precise moment.
"Took the liberty to make some changes to your game. Hope you like 'em" - Silver Wolf
Maybe this game has a lot more surprises up their sleeve than you thought.
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h34rtz-co · 5 months
“I'm cold, can we cuddle please?”
Honkai Star Rail : Asking the Astral Express Crew if you can cuddle them, because you're cold.
Content: Implied relationship or feelings , fluff , romantic , gn!reader . . .
——— ‘ ❄️ , ———
. . . D A N H E N G . . .
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Your question left his face a bit rosy, but he accepted your request for warmth. He sat up on his sleeping mat, and patted his lap. Once the two of you were all situated, he would wrap a blanket around you, and lie the two of you on your sides. He wouldn’t want you to be cold, goodness no. He wouldn’t want to make you uncomfortable either, so he accepted the position, and stayed respectful and calm.
He was like a living heater, yet very calm and gentle. He would hold you as long as you needed. Even if he suspected you had intentions of staying the entire night.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . M A R C H 7 T H . . .
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
March knows her room is warm, her bed especially. Because of this, she had no qualms with this question. “Hehe, sure! Come on! We can have like—a sleep over!” She would squeal, taking both of your hands, dragging you in with her. While you got cozy beside her, she’d talk and talk about everything that’s happened to her all day, and just in general. She’s a bit of a rambler.
She wouldn’t have realized it, but she would have had her arm around your waist/shoulder, to try and keep you warm, yet completely forgot. Mid ramble, she’d realize you fell asleep, and try to go to bed herself, making sure to keep you warm as well. Letting you hog the blanket!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . W E L T Y A N G . . .
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“You’re speaking to me? Well… alright.” He isn’t used to being asked for such things, especially intimate relations. When you asked it did warm his heart quite a bit. As he sat on the velvety red couch, his legs now laid across the couch, he helped you onto his lap. He is very stiff for a while, and a little awkward. You can tell he is very unsure how to feel. Though, when he notices you start to relax and warm up, he starts to calm down.
You may even feel him peck your cheek to bring you comfort. He will be very displeased if anyone (march) tries to speak to him at this time, risking you being disturbed.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . H I M E K O . . .
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“Of course, dear. Come here.” She'd respond, gesturing for you to come and rest beside her in her room. She is sat up in her bed, a warm mug of fresh hot chocolate on her night stand. She would watch as you slipped under the covers, and laid next to her, clinging to her. She would let you adjust, and eventually start to stroke your hair, or play with it. She would him as she read a book, or looked out her window.
She is very gentle and motherly, and wants you to feel comforted by her. She is happy to warm you up… despite her being cold as well. Even if she suspects you just wanted to cuddle up with her for the sake of it. She never gets upset.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . C A E L U S . . .
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
He just simply shrugged upon your offer. He would just wrap his arms around you, and drag you with him, from behind. You’d just be in his lap, coddled, and a bit restrained. While he was a bit blunt and hard headed… he did seem pretty happy to accept your offer. He is like a Human heater!
He will rest his head against yours, and make sure you’re warm, occasionally asking if you are okay, or if he is hugging you. He doesn’t let go, and decides it’s is his duty to keep you warm. He seems a bit embarrassed though, underneath how blunt and bold he was.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . S T E L L E . . .
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“Well—alright, come on.” She'd open her arms, and let you decide if you still wanted to be cuddled. If yes, she would wrap her arms around you, and rock the two of you from side to side. She had the expression of a “sleepy” cat. She would talk to you the entire time about her adventures, etc.
Like Caelus, Stelle is a human heater. She seems proud and cozy knowing you asked her, and not someone else.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Thanks for reading<3
. . . Read b4 int . . .
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kazoohaa · 1 year
omg what do u think dating danheng and trying to keep your relationship low. was also wondering how the others (welt etc) would react to see the two failing to keep their relationship hidden 😭😭
sorry if this doesn’t make sense HAHSDHDHHDD
𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍. honkai star rail
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— notes. dwdw i understand what ur getting at !! it’s a funny concept, i like it >:)
— details. dan heng x gn!reader. secret relationship trope. fluff.
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hiding the deep details of your past, your struggles, worries, motivations, or reasons for joining the astral express are easy to keep concealed. the others don’t pry if you don’t wish to reveal anything, and all that really matters to them is that you’re now part of the astral express family. but when the topic’s about romantic relationships?? suddenly everyone turns into some super sleuth where no detail can escape from their watchful eyes.
you and dan heng already knew that keeping your relationship on the down-low definitely wouldn’t last long, but it was worth a try anyways. having the topic of your relationship being the new thing that people wouldn’t stop rambling about for a while (read: march 7th) was an outcome that dan heng wished to hold off for a while. for peace of mind. while he can still appreciate the lack of a barrage of questions from the outgoing girl.
honestly, it was surprising that it was working for over two weeks already. perhaps it could keep going — at least, that’s what you thought. in truth, everyone else was already having their own growing suspicions that they never voiced in front of you.
welt and himeko feel something akin to parental pride — aww, the kids are all growing up!! they’re so proud that the both of you are together <3
these two are probably the first to catch on, but don’t say anything about it to anyone else, and it was kinda funny being able to catch some small soft moments between you and dan heng when the two of you thought no one’s looking
seeing your pinkies interlocked and then they shoot each other a knowing glance
our favourite conductor, pom-pom, found out because they decided to check in on the archive room of the express and then found you sitting on dan heng’s lap on the makeshift bed he had on the floor while the both of you read a book together
needless to say, it was a little bit awkward and pom-pom was a little bit flabbergasted but then they sort of shrugged and then left the two of you be — don’t worry, the conductor will keep the secret! 
stelle / caelus honestly saw this coming and weren’t surprised at all when they found out LMAO
i mean come on, the kiss on the cheek they saw was glaringly obvious to whoever else witnessed it. they congratulate the two of you, of course, but c’moooon not in front of their trash can i mean salad
thankfully, march 7th was the last one to find out. and when she did, oh boy, she wouldn’t stop hounding you two about it
“SINCE WHEN?? WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME??? WHO CONFESSED FIRST??” she’s super happy and excited about it!! give her all the details rn
there's now an added portion of photos in her collection which feature the two of you and dan heng being all cute together that she manages to catch (occasionally photobombed by the other astral express members LMAO)
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sobaology · 3 months
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you know where to find me,
and i know where to look.
been thinking a lot about knight, the song of roland, and roland's companion olivier lately. so i decided to make something extremely self indulgent. textless versions under the cut!
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does this even count as r1999 fanart anymore??? who knows!!! i for one am having fun with it. i apologize for the historically innacurate armor (since the song of roland is set in the frankish empire), i was following the reference i already had and favored experimenting with visuals over accuracy ^^; i had a lot of fun experimenting with silhouettes and negative shapes. these two make me very very normal (especially knight)
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