#911 firefly ship
It's not only sexy af but REAL bi/queer representation, which isn't half-assed or noncommittal, that Buck explicitly is hot for Tommy over masculine things. Tommy, in general, is very trad masc; he's super muscular, tall, with a strong jaw, deep voice, short hair. During their kisses (so far), neither is clean shaven. Buck likes Tommy's cleft. Tommy shows up to the wedding specifcally as a filthy, manly firefighter, and Buck calls him *a beast* in a flirty tone before eagerly kissing him.
Buck is attracted to Tommy *because of* his manliness, not in spite of it.
They really put two masc men together romantically/sexually on main channel cable TV and made no apologies, excuses, or compromises. 🏳️‍🌈 What a time to be alive. 🥲
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buckslafdhoodie · 5 days
as a gay guy, buck and tommy’s relationship feels like a breath of fresh air.
like, yes, there are so many relationships that are friends to lovers, 5-10+ years of slow buildup, painful unrequited moments, months of silence from a bad miscommunication, etc etc
but there are also relationships like Tommy and Evan, a match in a tinderbox that settles into a campfire. They communicate effectively (not perfectly, but they’re both at a point in life where they can take a few days and come back to each-other to talk things out and see things from each-other’s side), they’re OBVIOUSLY comfortable with each other, understanding of the risks of their job, and most importantly to me?
they. talk.
it’s not just physical intimacy or “the look”, they actively have conversations, they listen and RESPOND, they meet vulnerability with vulnerability and conversations flow and change like they’ve known each other for years, not months!
many people probably aren’t used to seeing those sorts of relationships, especially between two grown men, but god are they real and so so beautiful and i’m glad for these two characters so much every day.
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beforeastorm · 2 months
SHIP NAME. Lou has spoken? Sort of? He'll vouch for Tevan or Kinley.
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screaming-universe · 2 months
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bucktommy • teddie • buddie
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madlori · 2 months
Someone on TikTok suggested a new name for the bucktommy ship:
how is it so perfect
this is obviously what we should use
i declare it thusly (as if I have any control over it)
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supercalime · 27 days
More memes until my boys are back on my screen again
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When I say they have me on chokehold this is what I mean
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Original images bellow if yall wanna use it
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repressedqueen · 20 days
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Looking for evidence that they've done the nasty as if it's possible to find any in an immovable image
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graycious-tea · 2 months
I wanna keep Lou/Tommy so bad!!!! ABC don’t make him leave plssss I beg I luv him
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rosetterer · 2 months
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typicalopposite · 11 days
Ok clipboard proposal part 3.2
Pt 1 | Pt 2 | Pt 3 | AO3
One by one everyone notices something is up with Buck.
Eddie notices it when Buck doesn’t jump to make him his best man (or even Chris…)
Hen notices it when he isn’t taking advantage of the nice fancy new clipboard they all so graciously — foolishly — gifted him at the proposal.
Bobby notices it when he’s not asked to officiate.
Maddie notices it when he doesn’t mention Jee being their flower girl.
Chimney notices it when he makes a joke about bachelor party payback and Buck looks like he’s just been punched in the face.
“Ah… there it is,” he says to himself as he watches Buck scurry off. The excuse of needing to be somewhere to do something and Chim is sure Buck doesn’t have the slightest idea what either of those are.
Chimney gathers everyone, fills them in on the feeling he has that Buck has finally figured out a way to punish himself for something he deems to be his fault… by taking it away from himself as well.
They are going to confront him when he comes back to work after his two days off… but on the second day Tommy calls Maddie saying Buck wants to elope.
“You really were just gonna pull a Bobby and Athena on us Buckaroo?” Chimney says, being the first to step through the court house doors. Buck looks at Tommy, and there’s no betrayal in his eyes because Tommy ratted their plan out… if anything he seems relieved. He didn’t want this, (and everyone was sure of that) he just… didn’t know what else to do to appease the guilty voices yelling in his head.
It’s fairly easy — with everyone there pushing him to say what’s really bothering him — for Buck to come clean about how he feels about the wedding.
Maddie grabs his face, holding it between her hands so he has to look at her. “Buck, stop.” She says, and smiles, blinking back her own tears while swiping his away with her thumbs. “What happened at our wedding wasn’t your fault.”
“I was sick, Buck…” Chim added
“But I should have—”
“Stop…” Maddie repeats, softer this time. “We didn’t blame you then, so you have to stop blaming yourself now. Please. And besides, you can’t get married in a court house… not when you said yourself a beach on the east coast at sunset when the fireflies are out might just be the ideal dream wedding.”
Buck stares at her in shock; he remembers the wedding he saw while out surfing in Virginia Beach, he remembers writing about it to Maddie… he remembers calling it magical (which… it was) and he remembers regretting writing that as soon as he did it because it was way too cheesy for him to say, but he sent the postcard anyway. “I can’t believe you remember that.”
Maddie shrugs, “I read through them from time to time, that’s one of my favorites.”
Needless to say Buck and Tommy don’t get married that day. They return home and Buck goes to the closet where he had hid his clipboard once the guilt had started to get to much. He brings it to the living room and hands it to Maddie, who vows to help him plan the most amazing, beautiful, ✨magical✨wedding ever.
(Yeah this is still not even close to being done it just keeps getting away from me ✌🏼😀 sooo part 3.3 or 4 or whatever coming soon I guess!)
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Happy Pride! 🧡💛💚🩵💙💜🩷
I drew Buck x Tommy to celebrate. 🏳️‍🌈 🩷💜💙
You'd never be able to convince me that Buck isn't absolutely weak for Tommy manhandling him. 🥵
I wanna do more art of these two for Pride Month... What should I do next?? 👉🏽💌 (spicy reqs welcome 🌶👀)
I also want to do some Henren art ❤️‍🔥 And maybe a Josh portrait too bc he is adorable and deserves more love.
(also please be nice, I have RSD and posting art feels very vulnerable, if you don't like it just keep scrolling)
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Buck and Tommy fanart that I made!
I wanted to include the chin grab, but I suck at drawing hands.
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youraveragebtsstan · 1 month
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itbeleeeee · 7 months
It's been 10 minutes since my Timeless post and I've jumped to 9-1-1 and Buddie somehow??? I did have the smarts to make sure they were canon (this is embarrassing to say, but Voltron jebaited me with Klance) and they're NOT but it looks like a fun show and the fanfic is probably good so I'm gonna watch it anyway.
If anyone on here is a fan of the show and wants to give me a rundown (what's with the 6b thing?) that'd be swag of you and I would greatly appreciate it!
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liamjones · 2 months
i know most people seem to have settled on some sort of typical name smushing for bucktommy's ship name, but i saw a one-off comment from someone in the tags like a week ago that suggested 'firefly' and ngl i absolutely love it.
and i know i don't exist as anyone important in the 911 fandom, but i still wanted to throw my two cents in.
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supercalime · 2 months
No one asked but I have a take haha.
I have zero problem with buck and eddie being an item, the biggest problem I have is their stans acting the way they are now with the current storyline with tommy.
I mean, I hate to break it to the b*ddie st*ns but you can think your friends are hot and like, not want to pursue them, whether you realize you’re queer or not. The fans are undermining so much of the current storyline that it makes me sad.
Im as aroace as one can be, but also I have eyes lol. I see hot/attractive people, I of course can admit that they are hot/attractive. It doesn’t mean that I want to be with them specifically sexually or romantically.
Also, figuring out your sexuality is confusing and weird. I definitely thought I had a crush on a friend solely because they were a person I got along with and spent a lot of time with and thought that was what I was supposed to do (by the time I thought I was allo).
What I mean is that it’s not always black and white when it comes to what attraction is.
Another thing, and this is pure speculation on my part: the actors are VERY aware of b*ddie and know that it’s one of the biggest reasons people keep watching the show, so they might keep on stirring the pot a bit in the interviews because they know it can create enough buzz for the show to trend and make the network/producers/investors keep renewing it so they can keep their jobs for as long as possible.
Im not saying b*ddie fans are delusional or anything like that but I am really disappointed how many of them (or at least a loud minority) is treating the canon ship as if it’s a stepping stone for another that has yet to be fully confirmed on screen. Sure there are signs in retrospect, but like I said, you can think someone is attractive without wanting to be with them.
This whole thing of buck having always been in love with eddie irks me a bit as it falls in a trope I don’t personally like (someone sticking around because they are pining over their friend the whole time and the friendship is a stepping stone to romance). I mean, if b*ddie happens and it’s done well, I’m all for it. What I really don’t want to happen is the trope I mentioned above. If it’s meant to happen, the best way in my opinion is for the two guys to develop those feelings with time, not it being a realization that they were in love the whole time. Heck, there are dcoms that did friends to lovers quite decently in the past and it wasn’t a “it has always been youuu” situation.
In conclusion, the only thing we gotta take is what is confirmed on screen, in canon. If we are supposed to listen to anyone talking about ships and storyline is Tim Menear and the other writers. And what has been confirmed so far by Tim is that Buck was jealous of Eddie being with Tommy because he was attracted to Tommy without realizing it. In canon so far, that’s what is happening and you have to accept that. The story is about Buck coming to terms with his bisexuality and him and Tommy being in a romantic relationship.
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