#A Seventh Fire
nugothrhythms · 11 months
"A Seventh Fire" by Vancouver, Canada-based ethereal darkwave duo Ringfinger off of 2019 release One of Bones
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pleucas · 10 months
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the walk home
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thotkumi · 4 months
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gallifreyanhotfive · 6 months
How long do you think it took Donna and Mel to realize that both of them were in Pompeii on volcano day?
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Random Thoughts on a Very Specific Thing: When Companions Choose Companions
Okay, so, off the top of my head, this has happened four times in Doctor Who's televised run. I'm not familiar enough with EU companions to say anything about what happens there.
Companions have become companions for a variety of reasons. The new series has this idea that the Doctor only travels with "the best" and they usually choose their companions. The classic series had a lot of Companions via Circumstance. Dodo and Tegan thought the TARDIS was a real police box and just walked in at the wrong time. Ben and Polly saw the Doctor enter the TARDIS, got curious, followed him, and then he took off before noticing that they were there. Victoria and Nyssa both lost everyone close to them and became companions because they had nowhere else to go. Ian and Barbara were straight-up fucking kidnapped.
There have also been several stowaway companions. The Doctor didn't invite them, but they Insisted. There are very few classic series companions the Doctor chose. In Logopolis, Four even goes on a rant about it. It's actually a big stand-out moment when One invites Vicki to join him and this would go on to be a bit uncommon. Three had Liz and Jo basically assigned to him by UNIT. That's why companions were often called assistants back in the day. They were basically lab assistants. It was literally their job.
I could go on and on about this, but this thing is supposed to be about the four companions that were chosen by another companion: Jamie, Peri, Ace, and Adam.
Yes, I'm counting Adam for this, not because he completely counts as a companion, but because he was invited to be one and basically failed his test run.
Here There Be Spoilers for the episodes these companions debuted in and probably more.
It's funny how the four examples here are split down the middle. The blondes, Polly and Rose, chose companions to come with them, while the gingers, Turlough and Mel, chose companions to replace them. It also splits down the middle in that Jamie and Ace became the definitive companions of their Doctors, while Peri and Adam didn't work well with the Doctors the joined, with Peri not having much time with 5 before constantly bickering with 6, and Adam just failing completely.
I think some of the reason for this seems to be based on the mindset of the companions that picked the companions. Polly and Mel were mainly thinking of the new companion when they chose them. Polly realized that Jamie was in a rough part of history and maybe it would be nice to take him out of it. Mel spent a while bonding with Ace and realized that she could use a Space Dad.
Rose wasn't really thinking when she invited Adam along. She basically did it because she thought he was cute. 9 was never into it, just humoring her, and then they both sort of ditched him on his first trip to the far future. Look, Adam made his own bad decisions and shouldn't have been a companion, but he also shouldn't have been left completely unsupervised in an unfamiliar time period. He got that stupid computer thing in his head because it was basically required to do anything around there, and then decided to be stupid with it.
Meanwhile, Turlough was thinking of the Doctor. 5 didn't handle Tegan's departure well and admitted to being depressed. When he realized he was going to have to leave, Turlough was aware that the Doctor shouldn't be left alone while already feeling depressed and abandoned. So, he assigned Peri as a replacement.
The actual scene where Peri becomes a companion has 5 clearly reluctant. Either he's decided that he wants to be alone or he's just not that interested in her specifically. Turlough telling Peri to keep an on him probably factored in to him accepting her. Strangely, like with Adam, the Doctor took on a new companion whom he didn't like to humor another companion. The difference was that Turlough chose a better companion than Rose did, so Peri stuck around and the Doctor warmed up to her. That also connects to motivation. The reason Adam was the only truly bad choice is that it was made for stupid reasons. Polly and Mel were thinking "the Doctor would be good for this person". Turlough was thinking "this person would be good for the Doctor". Rose just didn't think.
This isn't me bashing Rose, by the way. Everyone's allowed to make bad choices. But, I admit, comparing her to three random classic companions in this situation doesn't make her look good. Rose was a good companion for 9. Her relationship with 10, no matter how much one might enjoy it, might not have been the most emotionally healthy for them. But, she still was a good companion for the most part. She just doesn't have very good judgement when it comes to who makes a good companion.
Also I did sort of accidentally parallel 9/Rose and 5/Turlough. I did not actually mean to do that.
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nakamorijuan · 5 months
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littlemsterious · 10 months
i would be the absolute worst puppet history guest because in at least half these videos, about 1/3 of the way through, i say to myself, “wait i know this story” as well as some detail that ends up being a question within the next ten minutes. I’m not sure if shane or ryan would kill me first but i’d end up haunting watcher studios before the end song
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mtg-cards-hourly · 13 days
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Fire Diamond
Artist: David Martin TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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Rain World Art Month day ALL!!
Yup! This is why I didn't post any days. I was making this!
Challenge: Can you spot all three hidden Nightcat Watcher references in prompt 28?
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doorbellvibes · 3 months
we’re not opposites, just different…
it’s like, you always talk and i always
mow the lawn.
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unouniuniuni · 4 months
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I thought to myself: ”If FEH won’t give Leo an outfit then I’ll just have to make one!”. And so I did.
Rambles below the cut :3
I heavily referenced and took inspiration from Thrasir’s design for this drawing. I debated on whether or not to draw bones but decided against it in the end.
I had a whole lot of fun with this drawing and I do hope that one day we will get a Leo resplendent in FEH. I also hope that fallen Leo will one day become a thing as I have been wanting one since fallen alts became a thing :’ )
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web-novel-polls · 17 days
Web Novel Women Tournament 
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[Please be kind and respectful in the notes. Anti-Propaganda is NOT allowed.]
Feng Xiaoshu/Princess Jing’an from Lord Seventh
"How could a good-for-nothing hedonist like me be a match for a heroine like her? Don't be silly, Your Majesty." - Jing Beiyuan, Lord Seventh (Tumblr)
Submission: i love the kind of woman that can kick my ass 
Differences between FXS in Lord Seventh & Word of Honor (she’s wildly different lol)
Mu Nihuang from Langya Bang / Langya List / Nirvana in Fire
Mu Nihuang was born into a military household. Both parents died in battle when she was still a teen, and she rode to war at the head of their armies and won the victory herself. She has been the general defending the same border ever since, and also raised her much younger brother for the role.  She is one of the best ten fighters in the world. Her brother and all her men look up to her. Even the emperor, famous for his paranoia, respects and adores her. By nature she is straightforward, loyal and unapologetic. But she is also extremely intelligent and knows when to be underhanded and tricky should the need arise. She still believes in her ex-fiancee, declared a traitor twelve years ago, but is practical enough to not be loud about it. She knows people well, and is the first person to figure out the main character's true identity. 
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wofconfessionsblog · 3 months
Sunny is underrated ngl
also, Im working on buying EVERY GRAPHIC NOVEL
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Found Family Tournament Round 2 Part 12 Group 56
Propaganda and further images under the cut
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Scions of the Seventh Dawn: The Warrior of Light, Alphinaud Leveilleur, Alisaie Leveilleur, Thancred Waters, Y'shtola Rhul, G'raha Tia, Estinien Varlineau, Tataru Taru, Urianger Augurelt (& Krile Baldesion)
Greil Mercenaries: Greil, Ike, Mist, Soren, Oscar, Boyd, Rolf, Titania, Rhys, Mia, Shinon, Gatrie
Scions of the Seventh Dawn:
They're not just a found family they're MY found family (the wonders of self insert customisable characters)
They're there for each other at all times they'd die for each other they saved the world with the power of friendship they have a white haired blorbo for any taste they influence world politics they eat takeaway together in messy bedrooms they've prevented several world-ending calamities Tataru makes everyone outfits for gifts they've been framed for regicide together they joke about that time you threw Estinien's eyes off a cliff their former members have gone on to lead countries they've saved each other's lives they travelled to the end of the universe together Y'shtola likes to embarass the Warrior of Light for fun and most importantly they got a super anime moment together during the final boss of Endwalker
Greil Mercenaries:
The OG Greil Mercenaries from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance contain; Team Dad Greil and his two biological kids Ike and Mist, Team Mom Titania (who has been called Mom by at least one mercenary), a cranky wind mage named Soren who is literally only with the group because Ike gave him a sandwich once, a priest Rhys who Titania found sick and dying by the side of the road and proceeded to adopt, Mia who for reasons known only to herself decided to make Rhys her eternal rival, an asshole archer Shinon who only likes two people (Rolf and Gatrie) and would sell your soul to the devil for one corn chip, Gatrie who thinks he's smoother than he actually is, and a trio of brothers Oscar, Boyd, and Rolf who are trying to make their way in the world after the death of their father.
Can you get any more found family than this motley crew of Ride or Die?
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instructionsonback · 2 years
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almoststedytimetravel · 9 months
Thinking about an AU where Gaias, Cordelia, and Tharja are actually Asugi, Cealdori, and Rahjat. Like Imagine being in their position, sent to another world from their own and then they find out that they failed and left their own kids behind. Not only that but Cealdori's child is Camilia's Cringefail retainer, or even, her mother.
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