#Alpha and Omega was SUCH a cute concept
distantsonata · 6 months
I'm at the part of FFXIV where theyre doing HEAVY fanservice in the raids and I love it. OZMA??? KEFKA??? RAMZA??? ALMA??? ... MA? MAMA? .... PAPA EXDEATH? CHAOS?!
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911-on-abc · 9 months
I never thought I would say this before, but werewolf buddie AUs mean everything to me
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reallyromealone · 1 month
Title: fate
Fandom: jjk
Characters: Gojo, original character for plot purposes
Fic type: story
Pairings: Gojo x reader
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, omegaverse, angst, soulmate, Gojo is a jerk, slow burn
There was no space for weakness amongst sorcerer's, no space for mistakes and no space to be anything less than perfect.
He had always heard of his fiance, Gojo Satoru... The god amongst sorcerer's...
Though he never met the Alpha, the high and mighty sorcerer never bothered meeting the diamond of the (lastname) clan and did everything he wanted and everyone he wanted while (name) was expected to wait.
The only reason they were fiance's is because of stupid blood work, the two having extreme compatibility and thus an engagement... The Alpha apparently became a teacher.
(Name) Always stood out with people, clothes traditional and expensive as students gawked at the Royal looking omega with two S rank sorcerer's beside him as security and a calm yet serious expression on his face, he was rarely called here... Hell he wasn't even allowed to attend due to being the fiance of Gojo, the Alpha barring it.
That always made (name) laugh, couldn't meet his omega even once and downright ignored him but controlled every aspect.
"You will be expected to marry within the next month, you're both 19 and twenty and after the wedding we expect pups within the first year" Gojo sat beside him, legs spread out and sitting casual as if he didn't make them wait an hour for him to arrive. (Name) Didn't know what to do with the Alpha beside him, (name) expected to wear scent patches at all times and a collar but Gojo had his scent out and proud, it was almost suffocating.
The concept of marrying such an asshole... (Name) Didn't want that.
He didn't want to live a life being this fuckers baby machine.
So, a week after... He left.
Took the jewelry gifted to him by people wanting his hand or favor, once people learned who he was it was like floodgates opened and (name) just kept the expensive jewelry in a box... Now they served a purpose.
That was one year ago, now 20 and across the country away from Tokyo and away from... Him.
(Name) Lived in a farm house on a coastal village, trading his traditional clothes for t-shirts and cardigans, simple trousers and sneakers, all things he never wore before living on his own. The two was nice, the Omega had more money than god with the jewels he sold and worked part time at the small hobby shop in town, the elderly alpha woman introducing him to many hobbies.
For the first time, (name) felt calm.
His shoulders never tensed anymore.
But he knew to never eat his guard down.
(Name) Didn't keep much tech, he didn't really use it back in Tokyo so it didn't appeal to him but he did keep a radio and a small tv in the corner, his boss giving him her old dvd player and (name) would borrow movies from the library, catching up on things he missed.
Currently he was watching a drama as he crocheted another blanket for his nest, humming softly to himself as rain patterned outside against his roof and the smell of his food cooking in the oven.
Knock knock knock.
(Name) Was confused as he stood up, walking to the door and carefully he cracked the door open just a sliver when he smelt it... Pine and peppermint. The smell of Gojo Satoru.
"You are a very hard person to find, surprisingly" Gojo said as he pushed the door open, the smell of distress and anxiety filling the small space as the sorcerer walked in "cute place, not what I would have expected from the (last name)s clans little gem" his voice condescending as he looked around at the little decorations and such.
"I'm not going back" (name) hissed as he stepped away whenever Gojo got closer "im not being some daycare for your pups while you go sleep around japan!" Gojo wore his eye mask though even with that he could feel the glare, the man was done with this.
"So you're going to play farm boy here? We both know you're not even remotely cut out for that" Gojo taunted and (name) glared at him "you know nothing about me! I know you never opened that stupid packet about me! I was expected to give everything to you but you couldn't even muster up talking to me! You treated me like I didn't exist!" (Name) Yelled angrily, all the years of anger and resentment boiling over "you don't get to want me now, I don't care if we are fated or whatever! You are a jackass!" (Name) Felt the air knocked out of him as he was pushed against a wall, the infinity making him feel like the other was pressing against him as he realized that gojos mask was no longer present, piercing blue eyes staring down at him.
"Do you think I was happy with the elders deciding that I was going to marry some prissy Omega? That suddenly I was expected to play house with someone I didn't know!" He growled and (name) wasn't backing down despite the pharamones and pressure "you didn't even try and get to know me! You didn't want me!"
"Well I'm here now, aren't I !"
" A little late, don't you think!"
"God you're annoying!"
"Back at you"
This was not the Omega Gojo remembered, the poised and refined Omega who poured tea and wore pretty clothes was replaced by an angry man in comfy clothes and a heated glare and an attitude "we are literally bound by fate and we can't even hold a conversation without arguing" Gojo found the situation weirdly funny as (name) looked at him with a mix of annoyance and disgust as the sound of his timer went off and (name) managed to get away to go take his food out the oven.
Gojo followed the other and looked at the food, it looked really good "you know how to cook?"
"I was literally trained to be the perfect house wife" (name) said bluntly as the sound of a stomach growling caught both of their attention and Gojo looked at the other and (name) sighed "I literally can't make you leave" he hissed as he grabbed another plate.
Dinner was tense as (name) ate, reading his book as he did so as Gojo took the time to inspect his surroundings "it's like an old persons house, do you even have a computer?"
"Don't know how to use one, don't need it" (name) said as he took a bite of his food and Gojo looked surprised at his words "you grew up with cast wealth, how do you not?" He didn't believe it at all as (name) set his book down "an Omega and an alpha live different lives, you were given more freedoms then myself... You got to attend school and make friends and I was raised to be the perfect mate and technology wasn't deemed important to know compared to the art of tea pouring" he said simply as he looked into the others eyes "I have spent this year learning everything i was deprived of, I lived in Tokyo yet I had never seen it outside my escape"
If it was tense before then it was suffocating now, Gojo never considered these things.
He never once considered the life his fiance was living, having always been told he was living the perfect life of luxury and frankly assumed he was some spoiled Omega.
"I would have shown you..." Gojo started, guilt bubbling in him, "oh? You would have spared me time? Between your whores?" (Name) Tilted his head curiously and Gojo felt a headache form "I hear everything you know? From my maids... They always told me I should be lucky that I'm fated to you" (name) looked away and continued eating, book abandoned beside him as the smell of fury radiated from the Omega, Gojo sighing as he took a bite of his food. The food was phenomenal, seasoned perfectly and not one thing not amazing about it but he didn't comment "we can sort these things out when we go home" Gojo said finally, they would get everything in order when they returned home.
"I am home, I have no intentions of going anywhere with you" (name) said stiffly as he stood with an empty plate.
"Well, tough" Gojo said tired as he followed the Omega around the small farm house, cozy and warm "you're my Omega and I'm tired of this"
"Was I your omega when you screwed across the land?" (Name) Glared at him, he didn't care who he was or what strength he possessed... He was tired of everyone making choices for him! "You can go back to whatever life you had before, say I died or something... I know that there's countless omegas dying for a chance to be your fiance"
"Well if you're not going with me, in not going anywhere" Gojo said simply as he walked to the small couch and plopped down "you're like a child" (name) glared, wasn't even like he could go out, the rain so heavy.
"I'm going to bed" (name) grumbled as he went to his bedroom, Gojo getting up to follow but (name) slammed the door in his face.
This was going to be annoying, Gojo could feel it.
Come morning, (name) wore a loose shirt and sweatpants as he made himself his morning drink and stared at his mug sleepily as Gojo watched from the livingroom curiously, the other rubbed his eyes sleepily as calm and sweet pharamones filled the space. Gojo realized that this was the first time he could smell the others pharamones and not smell distress.
He never smelt anything so wonderful.
(Name) Set a mug of tea, brewed perfectly "how did..." "We were both given packets about one another, you pretended I didn't exist remember?"
Gojo had a feeling (name) wasn't going to let go of that anytime soon.
Gojo followed (name) around all day, when the Omega walked down the path towards the village "you really live out in the middle of nowhere" Gojo commented as they walked along the tree lined path, (name) holding a few bags "you know in Tokyo, I could have food delivered to us right?" Gojo remarked and (name) just ignored him, at least the Alpha had the sense to wear sunglasses instead of his mask so he didn't look insane "there's barely a connection out here" the Alpha remarked, (name) knew what he was doing and it wasn't working.
The villagers looked confused as (name) had a towering alpha follow him, the omega shopping as if he wasn't even there "(name)!" A couple kids ran up to the Omega who looked down curiously "what is it little ones?" (Name) Asked softly as the youngest clung to his leg, a little pup with wide eyes and a sweet smile "play with us!" One of the kids said excitedly and (name) smiled "maybe later little ones, I have errands I have to do" (name) ushered the children towards the small park area, Gojo watching the scene curiously.
"So why did you come looking for me? I thought you would have been elated at my sudden leaving" (name) asked as they walked home, Gojo forcing the other to let him hold the bags "my alpha... It practically destroyed half the estate when it found out you left... Geto ripped me a new one"
"So you had an epiphany and came here acting like everything would be fine" (name) said with a sigh and Gojo shrugged "I mean yeah" "and what? Expect me to be like 'oh thank you alpha! You're so kind and didn't make me feel worthless and your actions didn't cause me verbal and emotional abuse from my family!' been going to therapy and the therapist says you suck" (name) was way snarkier than Gojo thought he would be, he liked that his omega wasn't weak "I spent a year being on my own and doing what makes me happy, I don't want you messing that up"
"What do you even do out here?" Gojo asked and (name) shrugged "I have a part time job and I'm an active member of the community, no stress of either of our families... Everything is good"
"What would it take for you to come back?" Gojo asked "money? I can make sure you have everything you need"
"I don't want money, I don't want that stuff... I'm not marrying someone who doesn't love me and I don't love in turn"
Gojo spent the night thinking about it, while his omega slept peacefully in the other room and pulled out his phone to text Geto... He wasn't sure what to do.
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piratefishmama · 1 year
Nest | Part 4
A Steddie A/B/O ficlet
Eddie hadn’t skimped on ‘personal’ items. His bags were full to the brim, not of things for him to wear, but of other people’s clothes. Other people’s things.
He had sweatshirts, he had shirts, he had an old pair of jeans, some hoodies, he had pillowcases and extra blankets to throw over the scentless nest building ones provided.
He was prepared to fill his nest with comforting scents. Yet there wasn’t a single alpha scent among them.
Steve felt… comfortable there. He wasn’t intruding on anyone’s rightful place, the alpha in him felt like it belonged in that spot when Eddie finally decided he’d had enough of layering hoodies and shirts generously donated by his bandmates and friends and settled himself back next to Steve, laying in that spot where he’d just taken a momentary break, hands tired.
So it was kind of a surprise when Eddie came out, after a moments silence, with “I’m missing something.” Like it wasn’t that big of a deal if he didn’t have it, but it wasn’t there, so he needed to make it known.
“I can have one of the staff call your emergency contact if you want, see if they can get it for you?” Robin would still be at the front desk, she wouldn’t mind.
“N-no… no i—I don’t think Wayne would be able to get what I need. It’s… dumb. It’s dumb, I don’t need it, it’s okay.” Steve shifted so he was on his side, elbow propping his face up as he looked down at the omega.
So, he was pretty. He was very pretty. He was a goddamn pretty omega at that angle, how had Steve just never noticed before?
Had he really been that blind in high school?
“Eddie… whatever it is, it’s not dumb, think of it like this… pregnant omegas will ask for the weirdest shit to eat, like… the weirdest combination of foods, apparently my mother? She always asked for Celery covered in Nutella, and tuna with beef pâté on this fancy herb bread my Nonna bakes” the expression, yeah Eddie was very cute. Too cute actually. “I mention this, because it’s important to cater to those weird requests, cause that’s your body basically asking for whatever nutrients comes from those things. That’s your body saying I need something that’s in those things, combine them for quicker consumption. It’s the same sort of concept, you’re in pre-heat, that little omega part of your brain is asking for something it needs, it’ll be stressed without it making this whole thing less effective. So what is it?”
Steve had done his training, he'd spent hours, weeks, months, years of his life learning this shit so he could be better, so he could help people like Eddie.
So he could be there for someone who needed him, because so few had needed him while growing up.
So he could tell that Eddie was obviously conflicted. Brows furrowed, his bottom lip captured between his teeth worrying at the plush skin reddening it and— okay stop focusing on his lips, Steve.
“You won’t judge me?” God could those eyes get any prettier? Any bigger? Any shinier?  
Steve just about managed to catch the little whine at the back of his throat, caught it before it escaped, critical hit right there. He needed to get himself under control. “Eddie…”
“You were such a judgy bitch in high school, Steve! You cant blame me for being hesitant now.”
“Okay. I’ll give you that.” He was judgemental. He and Robin had spent many hours judging people from the reception desk, never the Omegas but definitely random staff members or people who brought their family members in, those who were fair game basically “I can be judgemental, you’re right, it’s in my nature, but never here, you’re safe here, I swear.”
“So like… a customer service smile?”
Steve grinned, all teeth, eyes shining with amusement in a way that made Eddie feel good, it gave him fuzzies.
“Exactly like a customer service smile, only with you—” Steve had the audacity to boop his nose just to watch the adorable little scrunch it garnered. Eddie couldn’t even be mad, his whole being just kind of tingled at the minimal contact. An alpha touched him. He wanted more. Steve was right next to him, close enough to curl into, that broad chest of his close enough to burrow into and snooze for a while. “I mean it.”
So he did just that. He rolled inwards. Decided Steve’s chest was exactly where he wanted to be and if Steve let him, which he did, the alpha merely letting out a soft, surprised sound, before wrapping an arm around Eddie’s body to hold him there, Eddie would stay. Comfortable. Practically purring in contentment.
He had the best alpha in his nest. He was going to enjoy it dammit!
“I’ve… never had anything of an alpha’s in my nest” he finally admitted into the soft fabric of Steve’s shirt. It made sense. He’d never had an alpha in his life, of course he wouldn’t have had anything of an alpha’s in his nest. “I was just—I just thought that maybe… it’s stupid but—maybe you’d give me something?”
It must have been the right thing to say, because the sweetest smell of cinnamon buns, toasted marshmallows, and the most delightful rumble of a sound seemed to just burst from Steve’s whole being.
The Alpha was pleased. His Alpha. His. Steve was his now. No returns.
Steve squeezed him. Squished him into his chest in a hug. His Alpha was damn near euphoric, it was the right thing to say, right thing to do, and it got him a wonderful hug too. God, Steve had such perfect arms. Perfect chest too, Eddie just wanted to bury his face between those pectorals and stay there.
Which was good because Steve didn’t seem to be keen on letting him go. Good.
“Anything” Steve answered him, tilting his head down to press his face into all those fluffy curls and just breathe. The Omega in his arms crooning softly in delight “I’d give you anything, Eddie… anything you want, it’s yours.”
Steve. He wanted Steve. It felt like such a good time to ask too. Anything, Steve said anything, and Eddie was an opportunistic little shit when he wanted to be, he could ask for anything and Steve would give it to him. Was this what it felt like to be wanted by an alpha? To feel his whole body alight with warmth? It wasn’t even sexual, he just… he felt good.
An immense amount of pleasure that had nothing to do with sex, it was just… like he’d found his spot and didn’t have to leave it. Home. He’d found home.
“Then… can I have you?”
Part 6
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ki-yomii · 2 months
helloo! could you recommend your favorite jungkook and yoongi fics? thank you and have a lovely day ♡
hey there~ 💛
... tbh i haven’t read too many fics for my boys lately 🙈
i've been trying to work through the books sitting on my shelf collecting dust + i got sucked back into fallout now that the show is out lol.
but i do have some all-time favorites!!
please mind the warnings/tags - you're responsible for your own reading consumption. that said, all of these fics are 🔞
i hope you have a great day nonnie and if you have any recs send them my way 🥰!
the crimson shell series by @angelicyoongie
mermaid aus are my lifeblood istg. and this is one of the best one's i've ever read!! it's dark, it's creepy, it's foreboding - and tantalizing. everything i love about mermaid/siren aus crammed into one series.
you had always found comfort in being at the beach, often spending hours just watching the waves lap against the shore. but unbeknowst to you – something had been watching you back.
make you mine two-shot by @colormepurplex2
i'm a sucker for abo, and as such, have read a looot of it over the years. its a genre that's very easy to descend into wtf-how-are-they-still-alive-after-THAT territory but this fic does it very well in a way i haven't seen too often. i loved the world-building and set up.
Alphas might rule the world, but Jungkook finds himself being ruled by the need to make you his. Omegas are rare, precious, and pliant. At least, most are. When you present late, well into your twenties, you're already set in your headstrong ways; a challenge even for a commanding alpha like Jungkook. Add to that the centuries-long feud between your families and the last thing anyone expected was for him to claim you as his soulmate.
a sea of indigo series by @foxymoxynoona this was the first BTS fic i ever read... and is a big reason as to why i got into the fandom in the first place. i had no clue who they were before then. i'd heard of them + listened to agust d without knowing it was yoongi 💀 but this fic made me check out BTS RUN and now here we are 🤪
Pitbull Hybrid Jungkook has finally been freed from the fighting rings, and now finds himself at Marigold Sanctuary & Transition Estate, a place for healing and self-discovery for rescued hybrids. It's stupid, dumb, cheesy, and hell-bent on helping Jungkook "heal" and "find himself" and "decide the course of his life." And right at the center of it is Y/N, a nurse who's got everyone bamboozled that she's like some awesome person. She's not that great. Jungkook hates it here.
witch oneshot by @sailoryooons
this is easily one of my top 3 yoongi fics. the world building, the tension, the relationship between yoongi and reader. it ticks all my boxes and vividly paints a picture of this universe. i adore the concept, and love the way this fic is brought to life through sailoryooons storytelling.
For years, you and Yoongi have played cat and mouse. It’s his duty to rid the world of witches, but he always finds a new excuse to let you slip through his fingers. When you find yourself at his mercy, you wonder if the great witch hunter will finally end your game of chase, or if there’s something that will stay his hand. 
desolate series by @angelicyoongie
one of the first hybrid fics i've read for bts 😭 i love my lil meow meow and the set-up for this fic is amazing. it takes a fresh direction with the hybrid trope and builds a relationship that feels organic and progresses very naturally💛
you just wanted a cute little normal cat to keep you company. so you're not really sure how you ended up with the grumpiest hybrid on earth that seems hellbent on making your life difficult.
ps. i woof you oneshot by @gimmesumsuga
this one is just so so cute and asjhdjsghfjs!! i adored remi and thought about having yoongi and holly as neighbors for days after reading this lol.
The one with a happy accident of the furry, four-legged kind - “Are you calling my dog a slut?!” 
first and last and always oneshot by @floralseokjin
i'm not one for holiday fics/aus usually but there's something about this one that i absolutely adored. it felt very realistic and drew me into the relationship within the first few paragraphs. the angst is so well done and heartfelt, it made me cry lol.
You and Yoongi broke up two months ago. It was mutual, you’re positive, but there’s one teeny tiny issue... You never told your parents, and now they’ve invited you back home for Christmas. Both of you. You can’t say no, but you also can’t bear to go alone, so you do the only thing you can think of, plead with Yoongi to come with you and pretend like everything’s okay...
go send these authors some love!!
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jihyocentric · 4 months
hi lumi. hope ur well! may i request alphas gp sanayeon and omega jihyo where they all come back from a date night and just ravish jihyo bc they thought she looked way too good and that everyone wanted her. just plain jealousy troupe with a praise and breeding kink <3
hi anonie! so, just for reference, for this i had in mind jihyo with the same clothes of her latest concept photo.
it was usually jihyo who stood in that position — watching over sana and nayeon, holding back not to lose her patience with the multiple girls who insisted to throw themselves on them. it happened more often than jihyo would like, and she'd be constantly frustrated due to the people who seemed to ignore her scent on them, blatantly disregarding the mark of another omega.
they were attractive alphas after all, the kind who attracted not only omegas but people from all ranks, and if jihyo didn’t scent them every day and left her own visible warning that they were hers on their necks, other omegas would certainly think they were available. if they already did when she clearly asserted that they were hers, jihyo couldn’t begin to imagine how it would be if she didn’t.
oddly enough, no girls seemed to be looking nayeon and sana’s way that night. with the way nayeon and sana were growing angrier each minute, jihyo guessed she’d have to worry about what they would do to her rather than losing her alphas to another omega, really.
it was clear that she’d stolen people’s attention. jihyo knew exactly why, but she couldn’t have imagined that she’d be changing so early into her pregnancy, so drastically that a faint taste of her scent would make even an omega turn their eyes to her, and nayeon and sana weren’t the best at dealing with their jealousy.
“it’s only been a month and they’re already like that,” sana huffs, fist clenching around her glass of wine.
“they’re staring!” nayeon grunts and sana makes a sound to show that she agreed, vehemently so, engaging with nayeon’s complaints. “people have lost their respect, and…”
nayeon continues and sana listens, adding her own comments to support nayeon’s opinion, the both them talking as if jihyo wasn’t there, though she was the subject of their discussion.
it takes nayeon and sana no more than another alpha checking jihyo out for them to decide they’d had enough.
it didn’t matter that they were out to enjoy a date, have a nice dinner and celebrate the news. jihyo had gotten pregnant of their first baby and they were happy, genuinely so, but they were fed up with the people ogling their wife. deep down, jihyo found them cute that way, protective and possessive, even if that meant their date was coming to an end too soon.
“that’s it, we’re going home.” sana states, getting up from her seat and doing her very best not to snap and throw her hands against the table forcefully, the way her inner alpha told her to.
leaving the restaurant is fast — nayeon holds jihyo’s wrist and drags her along, not as gentle as she usually was, seemingly lost in her own thoughts.
she’d been blaming other people for staring at jihyo all night long, but that was also jihyo’s fault for dressing that way, especially when she was pregnant and smelled sweeter than usual, overflowing with hormones. jihyo could have at least avoided revealing clothes, if anything.
“is this what you wanted?” nayeon suddenly snaps, pulling jihyo closer by her waist once they stop next to her car.
nayeon’s back hits the door of the car. she traps jihyo in her arms, and sana’s front meet jihyo’s back, leaving the omega no space to run. not that jihyo considered trying to get away from them, always pleased to be cornered by her alphas, no matter what they intended to do with her.
“of course not,” jihyo replies, defensively, breathing heavier when sana pushes her against nayeon, making her have to grip nayeon’s shoulders, almost losing her balance.
it was dark enough at the parking lot for jihyo not to feel embarrassed being such a position with them in public. she feels nayeon’s bulge against her thigh and sana’s against her lower back, wondering since when they’ve been that hard.
“is that so?” nayeon huffs. she refrains from making any further comments, knowing she’d sound silly saying that jihyo was too pretty to go out with them, because there was nothing jihyo could do about it. it makes her even more irritated.
jihyo’s eyes widen feeling sana’s hands on her hips, thumbs dangerously playing with her skirt, wanting to let jihyo know that, if she so wanted, that piece of clothing could be easily taken off — their hard ons against her body make jihyo helplessly aware that if she said or did anything wrong, they wouldn’t hesitate to do such thing.
 “our princess wouldn’t do that on purpose,” sana mutters, leaving a faint kiss on jihyo’s bare shoulder. “it’s all their fault. right, ji? not yours. never yours.”
nayeon waits for an answer, expecting jihyo to agree, wanting to know from jihyo if she should punish her or claim her — or both.
but jihyo wasn’t talking back, and the entire night all she’d done was looking at them, them only. she had no intention to provoke jealousy out of them, but if she didn’t really mean it, then nayeon can’t fathom why she’d pick such clothes to go out with them. with part of her still flat tummy and cleavage exposed, jihyo looked sexy, agonizingly so, and all nayeon wanted was to cover her up with a long coat.
because of that, the entire night she’d been hard, uncomfortable, wanting to knot her omega, perhaps doing it in front of every person that had dared to check jihyo out when they were aware that the omega was carrying a baby. her baby. there was no possible way they couldn’t tell, even if jihyo wasn’t yet showing. not when jihyo smelled like that. it was almost as if everybody had decided to challenge her that night.
“no, i-i didn’t mean to…” jihyo stops mid-sentence, gasping at a sudden thrust of sana’s hips against hers. “n-not here, alpha!”
“not here.” sana hums, agreeing, a little impatient. “we wouldn’t want anyone to see how pretty you are when you’re filled with our cocks.”
jihyo hardly makes it to their room dressed. nayeon’s unkind hands finish sana’s work of taking her clothes off, the lacy lingerie becoming nothing but destroyed fabric on the ground, and by the time her back is against the mattress, nayeon and sana are just as bare, with their cocks standing proudly.
nayeon’s is against her own tummy, leaking with precum at the tip, and sana’s looks more than ready to stuff jihyo up.
there’s a difference between her alphas. jihyo is quite familiar with it — nayeon is not, by all means, as patient as sana, always wanting to speed things up. she pouts when sana places a kiss on jihyo’s lips and moves lower, knowing sana would take her time between the omega’s legs, and not much was left for her to do but to watch.
but nayeon was a fan of watching, especially when sana got their omega writhing and whimpering, clawing at the sheets, letting out the prettiest moans just for them, because of them, at their mercy.
“so pretty,” sana praises, kissing down jihyo’s thigh, and nayeon settles next to jihyo, close enough she could kiss her neck and whisper sweet nothings on her ear while sana worked a devoted tongue on jihyo’s dripping center. “pretty and all ours.”
nayeon nods, as if silently letting jihyo know she agreed with sana, almost growling as she remembers how others were looking at her.
“our omega to breed.” nayeon adds, a hand moving possessively to jihyo’s tummy, still jealous. “our omega to look at.”
jihyo whines, sana’s tongue on her center making her legs close around her head, barely managing to give them an answer. although they hadn’t asked, jihyo knew that they needed to hear it from her, and only then her alphas would be satisfied.
“i’m y-yours,” jihyo cries, already sensitive by the time sana puts more effort into eating her out, too easy to be toyed with.
they needed to hear it every day — nayeon and sana had to listen those words from jihyo regularly, sometimes even making her chant it as she comes, making sure jihyo wouldn’t forget that she is, in fact, theirs.
hearing jihyo’s soft cries makes sana eager, losing her patience entirely too quickly after being told jihyo was hers, flat tongue becoming heavier against jihyo’s clit, and nayeon can’t help but kiss and touch jihyo everywhere she can.
“this might hurt, princess.” nayeon warns softly, pulling jihyo’s hair away from her neck. the sight of jihyo’s bare neck makes her lick her lips. it hadn’t been too long since jihyo was last marked, and though she still smelled like nayeon and sana, their scent was faint enough to give nayeon an excuse to mark her again.
so she does, while sana’s tongue traces over jihyo’s clit expertly, making jihyo’s hips buck against her face, squirming under sana and accidentally baring her neck even more for nayeon. when nayeon’s teeth sink into her neck, jihyo comes suddenly, being held in place by nayeon and sana, who seemed to be already expecting an early release from her.
it’s certainly not as strong as it would’ve been if she had them inside of her, but it’s enough to make tears roll down her cheeks.
“alphas…” jihyo whimpers, calling for sana and nayeon, reduced to a needy omega, a small huff escaping from her lips the moment sana pulls away.
“we’re here.” nayeon mutters softly, letting go of the grip of her teeth on jihyo’s neck. she kisses the warm skin then, right where she’d sunk her teeth, apologetic.
despite jihyo’s clear dissatisfaction, nayeon pulls away from her, kneeling on the bed to reach sana. she does the younger alpha a favor, licking her chin clean from jihyo’s slick, keeping her hand at sana’s nape, and then dives in for a kiss. they’re both amused when jihyo whines, knowing she must be pouting when they seem to forget about her.
nayeon and sana don’t want to keep jihyo waiting, not by any means. if jihyo was needy, then they were even needier, their inner alphas still hurt from enduring people’s stares directed to their omega, desperate to give jihyo a knot.
they couldn’t just yet, as it wasn’t something they could both give jihyo at the same time — at least not often, and deciding who got to do it first could wait until jihyo was filled enough with their cum. there was only one goal nayeon and sana wanted to achieve, really. claiming jihyo as theirs. for that, there was no better way than filling her up again and again.
so nayeon holds jihyo’s thighs, settling between them while sana coos and kisses jihyo’s pout away. nayeon moans before entering jihyo, at the mere sight of the omega’s soaked center, flushed from having sana play with her, the tip of her fingers leaving a mark on jihyo’s thighs with how firm is her grip, sinking into the warmth of her omega greedily.
“mine.” nayeon huffs, assertive with her every move, barely allowing jihyo to get used to her shaft before her hips take off, especially encouraged to give jihyo a harsher treatment by the sound of the omega’s muffled moans against sana’s mouth.
having two alphas had its pros and cons. jihyo couldn’t decide if their combined possessiveness was a good thing — it was, because she felt safe with them, she knew she belonged to them. but when their alphas wanted to prove something to each other, feeling irrationally selfish, it made things harder for jihyo.
but it was their nature, after all. and sana can’t help but growl as nayeon takes jihyo. nayeon takes because she can, because jihyo is rightfully hers, and sana’s, but a part of sana that hasn’t learned how to share feels irritated. jihyo has learned what to do when their inner alpha speak louder, when they silently complain about each other.
so she bares the other side of her neck for sana. sinking her teeth into jihyo’s neck seem to be enough to make sana remember jihyo wasn’t only hers but theirs, just as much as it makes nayeon rut her hips into jihyo harder, rougher, her knot forming at the base of her cock, only to be neglected.
it’s all nayeon wants, really. to bury it deep into jihyo, watch her crying as she struggles to take it.
nayeon doesn’t do that, knowing better than to listen to her lust filled thoughts, but she can almost have a taste of how it would feel. jihyo was already crying just from having her cock inside, moaning as sana licked her bruised neck, making the same face she did once a knot was sheathed inside. a semblance of pain and pleasure altogether, there was nothing better than that.
“gonna fill you up, princess.” nayeon tells her, voice shaky as she makes sheer effort, the skin of her tummy and hips flushed, a consequence of her constant pounding into jihyo.
“unnie…” jihyo moans, waiting patiently for nayeon’s release, almost begging for it already. at least nayeon wasn’t like sana, who had a taste for making her wait for it, at times making jihyo sob and beg for her cum.
“good omega,” sana praises, nose brushing against jihyo’s neck. “not even touching yourself. just being a good omega and letting your alphas take care of you.”
“s-sana!” jihyo cries meekly, feeling the tip of sana’s fingers against her clit, clenching tightly around nayeon.
sana’s fingers and nayeon’s messy pace take her to the edge once again, crying out as she gushed all over nayeon’s cock, hips moving against nayeon’s instinctively when sana doesn’t stop playing with her overstimulated clit.
“fuck!” nayeon whines, pushing herself all the way inside the warm, tight pussy, making sure she was far enough in before she spills. she comes earlier than she should have, but nayeon can’t help it, keeping her hips flush against jihyo’s as she fills her omega with hot seed.
“that was quick.” sana taunts, pulling her fingers away from jihyo’s center. she pushes them past jihyo’s lips, sighing as the omega licks them clean, and nayeon bucks her hips while watching jihyo suck sana’s fingers, almost going for another round despite knowing it was sana’s turn. or perhaps she should replace sana’s fingers with something else.
nayeon huffs, the grip she had on jihyo’s thighs becoming even more possessive. “shut up.”
ignoring nayeon’s pout, sana sits and takes jihyo to her lap, making nayeon pull out.
“did you miss me?” sana asks cheekily, lifting jihyo’s hips just enough so that she would be able to sink in. nayeon helps, guiding sana’s shaft inside the omega, getting between sana’s legs in order to hold jihyo from behind, her soft cock starting to harden again once her hands find jihyo’s chest.
“i always d-do.” jihyo replies.
it feels just right then. when jihyo is filled with their combined cum, having her alphas all over her, the both of them touching her incessantly, never wanting to let go. jihyo can hardly remember the last time they’d done something like that — staying up until dawn, taking turns to fill her up, coating her with love and praise. she can hardly remember anything that is not having them inside of her, really.
sana and nayeon only stop once they’re sure there was nothing else they could do to prevent alphas from getting near jihyo. jihyo would certainly smell like them for the rest of the month, and they couldn’t even get her pregnant as a last resource because she already was. but despite being spent and having nothing but sex filling her mind, jihyo still remembers hearing nayeon telling her they’d give her twins, still pettily wanting to prove herself.
all jihyo remembers before dozing off is sana giving her a knot and nayeon hugging her. she wakes up in the morning to the sound of nayeon and sana’s voices. they were trying to be sneaky, jihyo notices with the way they were whispering, but her alphas couldn’t keep it low when they were together, their giggles too loud for jihyo’s sensitive ears.
“focus!” nayeon whines, feeling sana’s tiny pecks on her shoulder. “did we scent that one?” she asks in a whisper, pointing at another short skirt of jihyo’s folded neatly in their closet.
“yes,” sana answers quietly, arms around nayeon’s waist. “that is the only one missing,” she points at one of jihyo’s favorite dresses, which she used regularly at work. “can’t forget this one.”
jihyo shakes her head and silently sighs, deciding to close her eyes again and let her lovers have their fun.
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weebsinstash · 8 months
Omega Reader being one of the only if not THE only Omega in an entire Spider Society of Alphas and Betas 😩❤️
Alpha F! Reader in a Spider Society where you're the only female Alpha and Miguel is Having Confusing Feelings because oh shit you can get him Pregnant Pregnant? Like you're packing? Hmmm.... 😳
Reader who is a normal human and doesn't understand or is maybe like "curiosity killed the cat" about "oh wow Miguel can purr and growl? What else can he do 😳" and you're totally unaware he can like, TELL when you're ovulating and you cant even tell when he or anyone else scents you (imagine hobie scenting you to piss miguel off lmao) 💦
Reader who is one of the very few Omega in a Spider Society of normal people but your pheromones actually still affect everyone lol so like yeah some people are yandere already and others are like "you know i dont know what it is but Reader is looking real submissive and breedable and im usually not even into that shit" 😏
Reader being a "late bloomer" where you thought you were like, a normie who didnt present, and you're suddenly struggling to function because all these people you've been bonding with suddenly all have special smells that make your knees wobble sometimes and occasionally your boss gets a little bit of a growl in his voice and you're suddenly thinking, "could I fuck him raw and just take plan b. I really want an extra large super sized buffet style creampie from this man" (and also angst/possessiveness because maybe you're really upset and want to go back to "being the old normal you" and you start avoiding people who mysteriously want to spend more time with you now more than ever, and I'm also a sucker for 'new Omega wants actual surgery or drugs to not be an Omega anymore even if it's blackmarket shit that could kill them') 🙏
I'm also a fan of like. "You burned me or deserted me or I quit the group we were in together because of how you treated me and after some time has passed now that you want me back I'm actually a single mom now and here's my cute adorable little baby that I won't let you even sniff at even though the dad isn't even in the picture"
Like I'm not a parent obviously but there's some real visceral horror in the concept of like being pregnant and you're surrounded by people like unreasonably obsessed with the fact you're pregnant, like to an extremely nosey controlling "all but hijack your life" degree. You put your baby down for a nap and go to check on then 5 minutes later and they're FUCKING GONE and you start absolutely losing your mind and its like "oh no it's fine, Peter B just felt entitled to break into your place because he wanted Mayday to meet her new sibling and spend time with their Uncle Peter"
Reader is in their home dimension maybe even refusing to be a Spider anymore and you've STILL got people CONSTANTLY literally warping to your location and robbing you of any and all privacy. You get woken up in the middle of the night by your baby crying and suddenly abruptly it stops and you turn around PANICKED and. There's Miguel bottle feeding them "because you've been so tired, let me help you 🥰" and you're freaking out because, one, Miguel what are you doing in my bedroom, and two, is he giving your baby fucking formula instead of your milk without your consent. Like. They're constantly touching your kid and borderline kidnapping them and they're just like "oh my gosh look how flustered you are, what a good protective mom 🥰" meanwhile you're contemplating actual fucking murder
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erodasfishtacos · 2 years
love the concept of wolfrry taking care of his girl !! like maybe she’s having a girls night out and she ends up calling harry because she’s drunk and emotional and she’s missing him and he drops everything to go and pick her up and when he brings her home he takes off her makeup, heels and undresses her as well as bathing her. I just think it would be so cute thinking about him kneeling outside of the tub and washing her. just all the cute domestic stuff !!
🥞Lavender Bubbles & Blueberry Pancakes 🫐
prompt: ^^^
warnings: smut, abo dynamics
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i write for FREE - I am also trying to steer away from paetron so everyone can have access my stories - so if you would like to support my work, you can donate here.
The pack hated when YN had a girl’s night because it meant that their leader was more on edge than usual with worry.
It wasn’t that he didn’t want her to go out and have fun but he couldn’t protect her if he wasn’t there and even if he wouldn’t admit it, he missed his mate terribly when they were separate for even a moment.
To the outside world, Harry and YN’s relationship dynamic is odd - he’s a grumpy asshole with a cocky streak but let’s his omega bully him until he subdues her.
What they don’t see is when they go to bed for the night, and the big bad alpha lays her out on her back and eats her cunt until she cries from overstimulation then cuddles her until she falls asleep in his arms a wet, sweaty little mess.
Harry is in their lounge, playing poker without real commitment - to busy waiting to hear an Uber pull up to drop off his mate.
Then his phone rings.
“What?” He asks bluntly, voice firm and is automatically on guard when he sees her contact number.
“Hi baby,” She giggles girlishly, “Uh-um, the girls want to go to ‘nother bar but um,” YN takes a break to breathe straight into the speaker, “I miss you and want t’come home. And my brain is all fuzzy and I can’t remember how to order an Uber.”
“Where are you?” Harry’s already standing from the table and snagging his keys off the holder as he heads towards the garage - ignoring his pack’s complaints.
“Er,” YN pauses, it’s incredibly noisy and she’s slurring, “S’that one with the cow thingy. Y’know that thing you can ride on like at a circus-, I mean a rodeo?”
“Cowboy Jack’s?” Harry clarifies with a clenched jaw, assuming she’s talking about the mechanical bull they have.
“Yeah, that’s the one. I had like four of the pretty pink drinks and they tasted like strawberries,” YN informs him like he cares as he peels out of the driveway and begins speeding.
“Stay right where you are. Don’t move or go anywhere,” Harry interrupts her, not wanting her to get lost or wander off.
“But then Emma said that the bartender-“ She rambles on, excited to tell Harry everything about her night.
“Pet,” He cuts her off again, stern and using his alpha tone, “Did you hear what I said? Repeat it back to me right now.”
“Not to move,” YN says quietly, like she’s worried that he’s upset with her.
Harry makes sure his voice sounds softer when he says, “Thank you, pup. I just need to make sure that I keep you safe, s’all.”
“Can I move a little though? There’s a food truck with those little crunchy tacos things. I want t’eat one,” YN’s demeanor changes quickly as she spots food within the vicinity of her.
“I’ll make you food when you’re home,” He tells her with a sharpness, annoyance beginning rise as he just wants her next to him, “Behave.”
“M’always behaved. S’just they look really yummy and -“
“I said stay where you are,” Harry cuts in loudly, stress rising with her drunkenness, this is why he hated when she went out, “I’ll make you food when you get home. Now enough.”
YN let’s out a kittenish whine, pretty unbothered by his attitude but then the line goes dead when she sees his car pull up to the curb.
Before he can get out to open her door, she’s doing it herself and slipping into the passenger - leaning across the console to lay a wet kiss on his lips.
“Missed you s’much,” She hums, patting his cheek a bit harshly before Harry’s reaching over to buckle her in securely before pulling off the curb.
“I missed you too, mutt,” Harry as his nostrils flare, she doesn’t smell much like him at this point - it’s a mixture of smoke, others, and alcohol, nothing makes him more infuriated.
“Thought ‘bout you all night. S’why I wanted to come home and was thinkin’ about your knot,” YN hums, wriggling in her seat as she speaks about it, her thighs spreading.
Harry’s fingers are nearly white on the wheel as he presses the gas a bit harder, he’s trying to control himself because he wants to just bite her.
“Everyone’s jealous ‘cause my mate is the alpha leader and they know you must knot me good,” She adds as she kicks off her heels, “I didn’t say anything but thought about last night when you had me sit in your lap and -“
He was going to crash this car if she kept talking, he was bursting with a strong mixture of possessiveness, horniness, and adoration, his body was created to protect her and the thought of her vulnerable like this out in public was maddening to him.
“Quiet,” Harry finally hisses, a growl erupting from his chest as he snarls, “I just need you to sit there and hush now. I need to get you home, bathe you, and feed you.”
YN shuts up immediately- if she wasn’t drunk she would have told him to fuck off and continued to talk but in her drunken haze, she does as she’s told.
When they pull in, YN is quiet as Harry leads her to their wing of the estate, feet dragging and she begins to sniffle.
Harry turns on his heel, teeth bared and his thumbs come to brush the tears off her cheeks, “What is this? Why are you crying, puppy?”
“Y-you’re ma-mad at me,” YN mumbles as she looks down at her feet, “M’not a good omega ‘cause you aren’t happy with me.”
Harry sighs deeply, body checking her until her back is against the nearest wall, “You’re the most perfect omega. I’m not mad at you. I just need to get you clean and fed.”
He finishes it off by dipping down to nip at her jaw with his sharp teeth, sucking a spot at the hinge before continuing their walk.
YN doesn’t stay subdued for long, continuing to babble about all the events of the night as they make their way to their bedroom - from who her friend’s tried to hit on to what music was played.
Harry guides her into their bathroom, turning on the tub and adding lavender bubbles - as he waits for it to fill, he turns his mate around and begins to unzip her dress, teeth grazing at the nape of her neck.
His instinct was loud and forceful in his head, take care of her - these nights were very stressful on his psyche but it was worth it if she had fun.
YN twirls around as the dress pools on the ground, she puts her hands on his shoulders for support as he takes a minute to just admire how beautiful she is.
His fingers tuck into the elastic band of her underwear and shimmy them down her thick thighs - his nose flaring when he scents her arousal, it’s near tangible.
Her hands come to the hem of his shirt, attempting to pull it up but he gives her a warning grunt and moves her hands away, “No, pup.”
“Why?” YN huffs in annoyance as she gives him a bleary glare, “Please, want you in the tub with me, Alpha. Want a cuddle.”
“I’ll cuddle you when we get to bed,” Harry responds firmly, it was taking all of his willpower to just get her in the tub whilst she’s wet and trying to climb him, “Get your tipsy arse in the tub.”
YN grumbles a bit, clinging onto him, and nuzzling into his neck - lips dancing against his mating scar and hands teasing under his shirt.
It was such a funny sight.
This massive, tense alpha who radiates intimidation and dominance having his giggly, clingy omega hanging onto him as he tries to guide her into the bathtub.
No one would believe their eyes if they saw it - to the public, Harry is the leader of the biggest, most prestigious pack.
He’s unkind, fiercely protective, and unwilling to budge when it comes to his pack and anyone else - he expects everyone to submit to him and he’ll raise hell to remind people he’s in charge.
Other omegas didn’t want him because he was a gentleman or sweet like some of the other alphas, they wanted him because he embodied power, confidence, and attractiveness.
They didn’t get to witness this side of the alpha who melted for his mate, who lets the omega tease and prod at him until he bit her quiet and kiss the mark softly when she whimpered.
Harry slowly walks her backwards as she stays molded to his strong chest, inhaling his scent that was only for her, and made her mouth water.
With a little untangling, Harry helps her into the massive tub until she’s submerged into the bubbles with a happy sigh.
He grabs a washcloth, packet of makeup wipes, and towel from the linen closet before kneeling beside the marble basin, he does take his shirt off to avoid getting it wet.
As he wipes her face clean from the makeup, YN stares at him with moon eyes and leans forward to kiss him - he tries desperately not to be endeared by her.
“Just one more,” YN barters as she leans towards him, sloshing the water, “Kiss me, I need more kisses.”
Harry growls at her in warning, that she’s pushing his buttons but leans forward anyways, cupping her jaw and connecting their lips.
He swears she’s trying to torture him when she moans quietly, her nipples visibly hardening as she tries to lick at his mouth.
“You’re being greedy,” Harry rumbles roughly, biting her lip as a sign to cut it out.
Harry has to be the one to separate them, gathering her washcloth and getting it soapy as she lays back once again.
His works diligently, scrubbing all the disgusting scents of bar and people of her soft skin, under her arms, her back, and her belly.
She’s getting tired, blinking heavily as he scrubs her and the sexual tension starts to dissipate finally which makes Harry want to cry in relief.
He would never do anything with her while she had been drinking but it doesn’t mean it’s easy to turn her down when she’s all over him and begging.
Harry cleans her until she doesn’t have any lingering smells except for her body wash and him on her, washing her with devotion even as she giggles when he rubs the cloth along the soles of her feet.
He has loved this girl since he was a pup, he’d always known this is how they would end up, he knew he was irrevocably in love and bonded to their feisty, barely submissive omega.
After she’s wrapped snugly in a towel, she tries to coerce Harry to let her go down to the kitchen as is but he would never let his pack have the chance to see any bit of her.
“Just lemme stay in this towel, s’fluffy,” YN argues when Harry turns his back to grab pajamas and underwear from their closet.
YN instead wriggles onto the end and scootches up so when Harry goes for her, she’s out of his reach, and the towels starting to fall from under her arms.
“Make me,” YN bubbles out in laughter, having much more fun that her make but she yelps loudly when his massive hand wraps around her ankle and drags her down the bed.
“Made you,” He responds gruffly as he unwraps the towel and begins to tug the shirt over her head and then moving to adjust her legs so he can slip on her bottoms.
“M’not even that tipsy anymore,” YN lies, the slur in her words giving it away, “Just make me come, please.”
She was the bossiest, most backwards omega and to none other than the highest ranking alpha - demanding he make her come.
“You need to relax and just let me do my job,” Harry snaps a bit, the alpha authority in his tone finally coming out as he snugs the pajama pants on her hips, “You can come as many times as you want when your sober tomorrow. Now just behave f’me. Understood?”
The tone makes YN finally settle a bit, especially when Harry admits a few chuffs out to calm her down and then he’s helping her off the bed and out of their room once again.
In the kitchen, Harry sets to work making her blueberry pancakes - her favorite meal, she could eat them everyday.
YN sits patiently at the island, watching his back muscles flex with every movement, eyes tracing his scars and raised skin from years of fighting.
After he slides the plate in front of her, with more pancakes piled on than a grown man could eat, YN says, “I want one more thing.”
Harry looks like he’s about to say ‘no’ because he’s ready for bed and his patience is wearing a bit thin but YN adds, “Want you to hold me.”
“Of course,” He obliges softly, he goes to their kitchen table, pulling out a chair, and sitting down - YN trails after him with her plate before plopping on his lap, snuggling back into him, and eating her midnight snack, “I am so in love with you, mutt.”
“Love you more,” YN murmurs back as she feels him scent around her neck, trying to cover her in him so no one has a doubt who she belongs to.
He nips a bit harshly at her mating bond, making her squeak but then soothes it with his tongue as she finishes her meal.
“Bed,” YN hums, moving in his arms to kiss him, she tastes like syrup and like him - she was so fucking loved.
When they’re finally settled for the night, YN is splayed across his bare chest and he’s stripped to his briefs.
YN wiggles around a bit until she’s kicked off her pajama shorts, muttering about it being too hot even though it wasn’t and then moving Harry’s hand to massage her bum - but it wasn’t sexual, it was killing her to sleep as he moved upwards on her back.
YN was quite possibly the most spoiled creature to roam this earth and it was entirely Harry’s fault because he was so gone for his bond.
He wouldn’t change a thing.
YN sleeps in, the sun rises, and Harry has to start his day - training the younger members of their pack with the elders.
The wolves were nervous around him, eyes directed towards the ground when he walked near them, heads bowed in respect when he spoke.
His wolf was the biggest, by height and weight, his fur was beautiful - chestnut, shiny, long, always well maintained.
His eyes were still green but a bit darker, his growl was hellish and deep, canines sharp and easy to tear into enemies.
He had already snapped at two of the younger wolves who were joking around during the training and not paying attention.
Harry had lunged at the first one, tackling them with a scared yelp , and held his teeth bared at his neck for a long moment to assert who’s in charge.
The second one, Harry had bit his hind leg hard enough to make him limp for the rest of the day, and without regret as Niall, Mitch, Zayn, and Louis stayed serious.
Harry has been this way since they were young and brought into the pack, they’d all been nipped and threatened countless amounts of time to keep them in line.
It was nearly noon before YN padded out to the field in one of Harry’s shirt and cotton shorts, barefoot, and she had a pillow mark on her cheek.
The newer wolves didn’t know their dynamic and so they were absolutely horrified when their alpha’s hair stands up on his back, teeth bared, and snarling at the girl.
They stood in horror, not knowing whether they should interfere as the gigantic wolf stalks towards the human.
Harry’s growls are echoing through the forest, shaking the trees and making the woodland creatures scatter in fear.
His tail is swishing aggressively as he approaches, one of the wolves decides he has to do something and begins to step out of line.
However, Niall steps in, cornering him back, and sending a clear message to not get in to what was going on.
Then Harry’s lowering his head (something an alpha would usually never do to an omega) and steps forward to nudge at her belly.
“Stop being grumpy,” YN murmurs fondly as her hands intertwine in his fur and scratch at his ears as he scents her.
The growls turn into a soft rumble, more like a hum, and he pushes her with his snout playfully a few times until she giggles.
“Come home,” She adds quietly, even though all the wolves hear her, they just act like they don’t.
Harry chuffs almost in agreement before she’s waving to the others and walking back toward the estate.
He snarls at them all, almost in warning to disregard his interaction with his mate before he’s trotting after his omega, nipping at her heels, and leaving the others to continue the training.
When Harry’s out of the shower, YN has already settled back into bed as she waits patiently for him to be done.
“Tired, pup?” Harry rasps as he tosses the towel on their basket.
“No,” YN replies with a small smile, he could be so oblivious sometimes.
“Then why are you in bed?” He asks, definetly clueless because he’s tugging on a pair of clean underwear.
“Because yesterday you promised I could come as many times as I want today,” She tries to stay casual but she was dripping and she knew Harry could smell it when he clenches his teeth.
“Think you deserve to come after what a bratty little mutt you were yesterday?” He questions as he crawls up the bed, on top of her, and fuck, he smelled so good.
He smelled like hers.
“You always give it to me, no matter if I’m a brat,” YN breathes out as his hands come under her shirt and find her nipples, thumbing at them before pinching them.
“I’ve been bloody in love with you since I was a pup,” Harry growls lowly as he knees between her thighs and leans down to bite at her nipples over the cotton of her shirt, “Will never say no to you. Never have. Always give you everything you want.”
“You’re the best alpha I could ask for,” YN tells him seriously, his eyes moving up until their gazes locked, and his eyes twinkle a bit.
“Fuckin’ hell, I’m so gone for you,” Harry hisses aggressively as he moves quickly - before she can blink, she’s completely bare and his face is between her thighs, licking into her with vigor.
“Ha-, oh,” YN moans out in surprise as his hands come to grip her thighs open as the twitch and try to close around his head.
His tongue moves from licking into her center to dragging up to her bud where he takes it in between his teeth and flicks his tongue against it - the best mixture of pain and pleasure.
Her hands reach down to tug at his hair as her hips move on the bed, bucking into his mouth before trying to escape in a pattern.
He stops teasing and suctions his lips around her clit, suckling it harshly and getting lost in how heavenly she tastes, he lets a low growl out that sends vibrations and that’s what has her coming.
“M’gonna come, baby,” YN mewls loudly as he continues his pace, legs quivering as her first orgasm rocks through her core.
“S’too much,” YN whines when he continues to clean her up, lapping at her sensitive, swollen clit with purpose still.
“You said as many times as you want. You only want to come once?” Harry rasps before his mouth is exploring her cunt again with tender kisses and licks.
“Want more,” She pants, trying to catch her breath but it’s near impossible when he doesn’t take a moment for air and stayed glued to her.
It’s after four, four, mind-numbing orgasms from his mouth and fingers along that she finally begs for his knot.
Her face is wet with tears, nose sniffly, and she hiccups softly from the overstimulation when Harry finally detaches his mouth from her center.
“Oh, look at you,” Harry croons happily, his alpha tone in full effect as he chuffs at her, his thumbs coming to rub the tears away before licking at her jaw and lips, “You are mine.”
“Yours,” She echos submissively, arching her neck up in offering for him which makes his wolf absolutely beam in pride.
He sinks his teeth into her as he thrusts inside, it won’t take either of them long after all the foreplay and especially when he’s marking her up like this.
“I l-love you,” YN mewls against his mouth, her hands coming to his strong biceps to hold on as he focuses on fucking into her.
“You are mine,” He repeats firmly, “Always Gonna take care of you. I’ve loved you forever. I will continue to love you. You belong to me.”
“I’m yours and you’re mine,” YN agrees as she feels the base of his cock start to expand as he nudges it inside and locks them together.
“I’ll always pick you up from bars, clean you, feed you, fuck you. My precious girl,” Harry moans at as he stills, collapsing a bit on top of her before rolling them on their sides.
“And I promise to always be bratty,” YN jokes(not really) as she swipes his hair off his sweaty forehead and neck.
“Deal,” Harry murmurs in reply, kissing her lips once again.
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gemini-sensei · 3 months
Let's Have a Baby | Omega!Moon x Omega!Reader ft. Alpha!Hawk
CW: piv smut, breeding kink, rough sex, marking kink, threesome, married!Moon and Reader, chubby!Reader, discussions around getting pregnant.
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Moon giggled at Reader's panting breaths, smiling at her wife as they lay in their big, lush bed together. Before either of them knew it, their lips came together again and Reader smiled into the kiss. They wound their arms around each other, making out in the after-glow of sex. It was another one of those days Moon was gone for the entirety of the day, leaving her pretty, chubby wife home alone. She was nowhere close to her heat, but Reader was insatiable when Moon finally arrived home and pounced her. It was sad to be home all alone without her wife there to spend time with her, but she loved Moon in part of the environmental work that she did. But they didn't talk about that when she got home. They fucked for hours.
Which led them to now, as they moaned and sighed into each other's mouths, too tired to fuck one more time. Their pussies were puffy and wet, clenching and twitching in the aftermath of their passionate fuck. Moon finally pulled away from Reader and smiled down at her. "I love you."
Reader smiled back up at her, the musk of sex mixing with her sweet scent. It permeated the room. It screamed love. They didn't have to say it because they knew they loved each other so much. They wouldn't be able to have sex like that outside of their heats without massive amounts of love. Yet, she still intended to say it.
However, she said something else.
"I want a baby."
Moon's smile melted away for a split second, replaced with shock as these words were processed. Then she smiled again, tired but happy. "Really?"
"Yeah, I do," Reader said.
It was something she thought about often. With Moon's wealth she inherited from her family, they didn't have to work. It allowed Moon the freedom to work for a nonprofit that were helping the environment, organizing clean-ups and such. She loved it. It was what she wanted to do most of all. But she was gone a lot, to organize and be at peaceful protests and other stuff. It left Reader lonely most of the time, especially when she traveled out of town to go to a protest or meeting in some other city or even state. So she'd thought about kids in the meantime. A baby would be nice.
Moon giggled and kissed Reader's jaw. "Let's do it, then."
The research that went into having pups as an omega couple was exhausting. Reader didn't know so much went into having pups as omegas. She thought it would be easy, but as it would turn out, they had to be accepted by a clinic and tested for STIs and other things before they'd even consider finding the couple a donor. It was scary and weird and Reader didn't like it at all. Moon didn't want to use a clinic anyway. She much preferred the idea of an all natural conception.
So once they decided to go that route, Reader's mind was a little more at ease. She wouldn't have to deal with sterile tables and needles and tubes. She wouldn't be inseminated by a doctor wearing gloves and instead, they'd find someone to help them do it the all natural way. That sounded like a much better plan of action.
That line of thinking had the wives at one of their dear friend's house.
Hawk was a strong, accomplished alpha. He was smart, physically fit, and had few medical issues that worried them. They knew clefts were genetic but that wouldn't make them love a pup any less. They actually liked Hawk just the way he was and if he agreed to help them conceive, they knew a pup with a cleft would never change their mind.
"You two seriously want me to help?" he asked, sitting a little frigidly. He wrung his wrist between his hand as he looked down at the floor. "Me, really?"
Reader nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, you."
Moon giggled at her wife's excitedness. She thought she was so cute. She kissed Reader's cheek as a small reminder to reel it in a bit. They didn't want to scare him off.
"I never thought about this before," Hawk admitted, his cheeks turning red.
Moon assured him, "You don't have to give us an answer now. We're eager but patient. If you say no, that's okay. We understand."
"No, not that," he said, then stopped himself. He seemed lost, at a loss. He was struggling to string his words together. "I want to help. You're my friends and I'm honored you thought of me as someone who can do this for you guys. I just don't know if you want me."
"Hawk, you're our first and only choice at the moment," Reader told him. She reached out to him and put her hand on his arm, stopping his nervous ticking.
"I am?" he asked as he looked at her.
She and Moon nodded.
"We've thought about this a lot and the idea of waiting for a clinic to test us and accept us feels so wrong," Moon told him, making a face. She didn't like the sterile environment that was down the other path. It just wasn't for them. "Please, take all the time you need to think about this."
"Me..." he said, smiling to himself and then at them. He seemed happy yet confused. "Even with my fucked up lip?"
They nodded.
Reader smiled at him. "It's not fucked up," she told him. "It's a part of you and if you were to give us a pup or two and they happen to have clefts, it would be a part of them. And we would love them with or without that. Our love is already unconditional."
Hawk nodded slowly, falling silent. The omega couple thought that he needed time, so they stood up to leave. However, Hawk grabbed Reader's wrist gently.
"I want to do this. I don't have to think long on it."
Reader couldn't help squealing and pouncing him for a hug. He caught her but that didn't stop her from knocking him over. Moon joined the hug and they sat like that for a while as Reader started crying. She was so overwhelmed by joy and Moon awed, wiping her tears away. Hawk released a calming scent for her because she was bawling and his instinct told him to make the omega happy, which made her laugh in the end.
They were going to have a pup.
It was decided long before they asked Hawk to be their donor that Reader was going to be the pregnant omega. So Moon helped her plan for the whole thing. They started tracking her cycle a lot closer and when she went into pre heat, Moon texted Hawk about it. She called out of work for a week and then some to be there with Reader through her heat, to cool her down as the discomfort settled in, to fuck her when it go to be a bit too much. The prospect of getting pregnant seemed to make it that much worse, at least in her pre heat, and the omega pair could hardly imagine what her actual heat was going to look like when the time came.
It was horrible when it finally happened.
Reader woke Moon up in the middle of the night with terrible cries. She was humping her leg, bare pussy pushing out slick as if trying to fill an ocean. Moon kissed her and laid her down, then striped herself naked so she could scissor her and help the pain. When Reader came, it helped relief the pain she had in her gut, but not completely. She wasn't satiated and Moon knew it wouldn't be long before she was whining again. She needed more than she could give her.
So she called Hawk, woke him up in the middle of the night like Reader had done to her, and asked him to come over. Reader's begging and whining in the background was a great motivator. He was at there house within thirty minutes wearing nothing more than a pair of gray sweatpants and a hoodie. He quickly ripped them off, knowing that if he didn't get undressed soon, Reader would tear his clothes to shreds.
"Alpha!" she cried as soon as his scent entered the house.
Moon led him to their bedroom and he went to Reader. Though she wasn't his omega, he was an unclaimed alpha and Reader was an omega in need. She not only needed him to satiate the heat but knock her up. She wanted a baby and he was there to help give her that. It was a great motivator in getting him hard other than the overly sweet scent of her heat and the begging.
She practically clung to him as he slipped his cock between her folds, wetting himself with her slick before he would even stick it in her. She whined and chirped desperately, the first few hours of her heat always the worst. She bucked her hips trying to make him slide in because she needed him. She couldn't help it.
Moon came to her side and kissed her, trying to calm her racing heart and neediness. The distraction was nice and Reader slowed down. She pushed a hand into her wife's hair and kissed her hungrily. It was wet and sloppy and the perfect kiss for that moment.
In the middle of it, Hawk took Moon's hand into his and lead it to his cock. She squeezed him, making his groan and she pulled away. She smiled down at her wife and asked, "Are you ready for him, love?"
Reader nodded, mind a foggy messy as she thought of only a handful of things: her wife, fucking, and Hawk's cock. "Please please please, need it! Need his knot, Moon!"
With that said, Moon didn't make her wait and guided Hawk's dick to her entrance. His fat head bumped her clit and she moaned, bucking her hips. Then his cock was at her entrance and he pushed into her, making her gasp sharply. She gripped Moon's hair tight, but she didn't mind. It felt good knowing Reader was getting filled with an alpha's cock that was intent on getting her pregnant.
When Hawk bottomed out, he grunted and held Reader's wide hips. He stared at her and Moon as they held each other, speaking softly into the hot air as he sat in Reader's tight pussy. His knot was pressed against her stretched out lips, not yet ready to sink into her and inflate to ensure she took his load. So he pulled back halfway out of her and thrust into her. She threw her head back and screamed with pleasure, writhing under her hold. Moon ducked down and took one of Reader's pert nipples into her mouth, her other hand grabbing her free tit and squeezing it roughly.
Moon came off as such a soft, sweet omega that Hawk thought she'd have such soft sex. However, as he watch the way Reader pulled her pretty hair and moaned loudly for her, Moon showed how rough she could be. She left dark hickeys along Reader's chest and pinched her nipples, licking stripes up to her neck when she was finished with her tits, and whispered in her ear about how hot she was going to look with milky tits and a big round belly.
It spurred Hawk on and he lost himself, fucking Reader harder. Her tits bounced and he loved the display, the way she threw her head back and called out "Alpha! Alpha! Alpha!" She looked so perfect, covered in a thin layer of sweat and that far-off look in her eyes. She wasn't fully there, overcome with her heat and the need for it to go away. Her pussy bared down on his cock hungrily, close to letting go and milking him for all he was worth.
She cried out so pretty when she finally snapped, squirting on his cock heavily, so hard her body shook. His jaw fell open as he watched her, her back arching off the mattress. He didn't stop fucking her, his cockhead kissing her spasming cervix. Then he groaned and felt his knot pulse, so he pushed into her all the way, rutting in her tight cunt once his knot popped in. He leaned over her and grunted, "I'm gonna come, omega."
She smiled in the haze. "Please, alpha. Come in my pussy. Please please please."
Her words were the end all be all. His knot swelled and stretched her poor cunt, making her whine. Then he came, giving her the buckets worth of cum he'd been saving for her. She took it so well, relaxing against the soft, sweat soaked sheets as she moaned at the sensation of being filled. Her cute little cunt milked him for every drop. She stared up at him, tired and panting, smiling up at him.
Moon giggled at her face, leaning over to kiss her tenderly. She whispered sweetly, "You did so great, Reader. So great."
Hawk felt like he was going to drop, but he held himself up so as to not crush the omega under him. He held himself up on his elbows and Moon noticed it. She gently pushed him, ushering him to roll over. After a moment of silent resistance, he did as she said and held Reader to his chest as he lay on his back. They were connected for as long as his knot would be lodged in her. It wouldn't go down for hours, two at most he thought. She laid boneless on his chest and Moon playfully smacked her fat ass, making it jiggle.
Then she got up to get some cool rags to wipe them down with. Reader thanked her for it as she dozed off, finally satiated - for the time being at least. Moon and Hawk knew that it would only last so long and he'd be fucking her full again. For now, though, it was okay.
Moon lay beside them, holding Reader's hand, and fell asleep. Hawk didn't fall asleep until the omegas were peaceful. He knew he'd be awakened in a few hours to do it all again, so he needed his rest. But he wouldn't trade it for anything. He was helping his friends after all, and that was priceless. Their happiness was the ultimate goal at the end of the day.
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merakiui · 7 months
ok but the whole time i was reading that alpha prince Floyd fic i thought it was going to turn dark, going the noncon/abuse of power route and Floyd would be an asshole taking advantage of his poor omega maid in true fairytale prince fashion so color me surprised when it turned out to be fluffy and sososo wholesome!!! i mean, not that i wouldn’t have loved the fic either way, but it made my heart warm ❤️
I thought about writing it with a similar route, but I am not immune to Floyd fluff. >w< he's just so sweet and cute!!! He cares about his shrimpy so much and is just so full of genuine love. I'm happy you could enjoy that fic because fluffy Floyd hours are some of my favorite times. <3
But then I also love a dark, scary Floyd. >:) mafia boss Floyd who fucks you with his gun or holds it up to your head and threatens to pull the trigger if you cum. Or stalker Floyd who is constantly violating his restraining order and putting you through a world of fear... orz or with the most recent captive Octavinelle concept: captive Floyd who pulls his trainer darling into the pool to forcibly mate with you because he saw you smiling and opening your mouth to one of your male coworkers. >:( of course he also drowns that male coworker, rips him to bloody ribbons right before your very eyes, and he presents you with your coworker's heart because it's proof that he's the better mate (a show of dominance, proving he deserves to mate with you because he won in the fight). Anyone who tries to save you from Floyd will have to risk their life because he's not letting anyone get between him and his shrimpy.
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atinycafe · 1 year
LIME SORBET — ch 03 [studio.log]*
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PROMPT; reader finally comes back to s. korea as she finished her training in los angeles, ready to debut as a solo artist under kq ent! exciting right? well her sunbaes seem to like that idea too.
FEAT; alpha!ateez x omega!idol!reader
IN THIS CHAPTER; reader spends her night in the studio, only to wake up 2 a room filled w alphas who r intrigued by her.
WARNINGS; suggestive!! the gang is horny, visualization of what they want to do to reader, but it's not really explicit
NOTES; reader is so cute when she's sleepi + mingi princess fans arise + we see her in a bra like okay girl.. + san is so delulu he got me cryin + woo is an ass man in case u don't get it; the boys get HORNY, like embarrassingly so + absolutely no second proofreading cuz im lazy
TAGLIST; @marievllr-abg @cookiechristie @sugarrush-blush; lmk if you want 2 b added 2!
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In the depths of Maddox's abode, nestled within his personal studio, the girl found herself immersed in the world of musical creation. The clock struck 3am, yet time seemed to lose its grasp as she surrendered to her insatiable passion. Six hours had effortlessly slipped by, as if fueled by an unstoppable force of excitement that refused to be tamed.
Within the dimly lit space, her senses were heightened, every fiber of her being attuned to the melody that flowed from her lips and echoed through the soundproof walls. The room hummed with energy, a symphony of musical notes and the intoxicating aroma of freshly brewed coffee and vibrant cans of Red Bull. The fusion of caffeine and adrenaline created a swirling concoction, at times threatening to overwhelm her, yet she reveled in the exhilarating rush it provided. It was as if the very essence of her anticipation had taken flight, dancing on the precipice of euphoria.
With each take, her voice soared, effortlessly embracing the emotions etched within the lyrics. Fatigue attempted to wrap its heavy arms around her, but she stubbornly resisted, fueled by an unwavering determination and an unwavering belief in the music she was creating. Sleep became an inconsequential concept, a distant memory overshadowed by the sheer thrill of her craft.
The studio walls bore witness to her transformation, adorned with discarded drafts and crumpled sheets of paper, testaments to the countless iterations and refining of her art. She was a vessel of creativity, pouring her heart and soul into every syllable, weaving a tapestry of sound and emotion that would soon captivate the world.
As the hours slipped away, her mind swirled with a variety of emotions. Excitement coursed through her veins like a surging electric current, occasionally flirting with the edges of nausea. The very thought of her forthcoming album ascending to new heights sent a rush of adrenaline to her head, causing her heart to beat in perfect harmony with the rhythm of the music. It was a heady mixture, a blend of exhaustion and exhilaration that mingled in the depths of her being.
In the stillness of the night, surrounded by the symphony of her own creation, she became a conduit of artistic expression. The merging of sleep-deprived delirium and boundless passion resulted in a raw, untamed energy that propelled her forward. With each passing moment, she grew more resolute, refusing to surrender to fatigue or doubt. This was her moment, her chance to etch her mark upon the annals of music history.
As the night wore on, and the world outside slumbered, the intimacy of Maddox's modest abode revealed itself. The walls, though not grandiose, seemed to hold secrets within their confines. The space was small, cozy even, and the proximity to Maddox's sleeping quarters made every sound he produced perceptible. Amidst the melodies she crafted, she found solace in the faint symphony of his snores. His rhythmic breaths became a comforting backdrop, grounding her in the reality of their shared creative sanctuary.
'Cause if the water dries up and the moon stops shining
As she poured her heart into the lyrics, a cascade of thoughts and emotions tumbled through her mind. The words she penned held a deep longing, an unspoken desire for a connection that had eluded her. In the depths of her creative sanctuary, she allowed her imagination to roam freely, conjuring up visions of what it might feel like to be truly loved.
Stars fall, and the world goes blind
Memories of past relationships flickered briefly in her mind, wisps of summer love that had faded like distant echoes. They were fleeting encounters, mere glimpses of what could have been. But now, with the pen in her hand and the music in her soul, she yearned for something more profound, something that would transcend the boundaries of time.
Boy, you know I'll be savin' my love for you, for you
Closing her eyes, she surrendered to the ethereal realm of her imagination, letting her thoughts drift towards the three alphas she had met just a week ago. Her mind painted vivid portraits of their potential, each one possessing unique qualities that stirred her curiosity. In this realm of boundless possibilities, she allowed herself to explore the untrodden paths of affection and romance.
'Cause you're the best mistake I've ever made
But as the melodies swirled around her, her shyness began to creep in, shattering the enchantment she had conjured. Her mind swiftly delving into vivid and provocative imagery. In a sudden rush of self-awareness, she tossed her pen aside and removed her headphones, as if needing a physical break from the whirlwind of emotions. Her face, now cupped in her hands, she rubbed away the traces of her daydreams, attempting to chase away the lingering images that had captivated her.
But we hold on, mm, hold on
She knew that these reveries were a temporary escape, a fleeting moment of vulnerability and exploration. Yet, they fueled her artistic expression, infusing her lyrics with a yearning that seemed almost tangible. The lyrics became a mirror of her deepest desires, a plea for honesty and authenticity in love. With each word she crafted, she hoped to find someone who could treat her with tenderness, touch her with intention, and unlock the door to her heart.
There's no pot of gold in the rainbows we chase
In that very moment, as she sat there, her mind whirled with a blend of anticipation, hesitation, and a hint of excitement. She couldn't help but wonder if her words held the power to beckon the love she craved. Her song became an invitation, an open door to a future that existed solely in her dreams.
But we hold on, mm, hold on
With a sigh, she took a deep breath and let the thoughts dissipate, like morning mist evaporating beneath the sun's warm rays. She knew that her journey toward love was just beginning, and these words were her declaration, her manifesto of hope and vulnerability. The pen may have been discarded for now, but the fire within her burned brighter than ever, ready to ignite the flame of love when the time was right.
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In the hushed confines of their dorm, bathed in the soft glow of dawn's gentle light, the boys stirred, their sleep interrupted at an unusually early hour. It was all thanks to San, the charismatic force among them, who had roused them from their slumber with unwavering determination.
The previous day, as they lounged together in the comforts of their shared abode, their big-eyed alpha, adorned with a magnetic charm, had caught sight of a story posted by his cherished omega (he claimed her as his omega, unyielding in his conviction, regardless of their limited interaction. Though their connection remained one-sided, he refused to falter in acknowledging her as his own!!). In her endearing shyness, she had requested their social media accounts, an invitation for simple communication that sent a wave of adoration rippling through the alphas. Overwhelmed by her captivating allure, they had almost instinctively wished to whisk her away, to shield her from prying eyes within the sanctuary of their dorm, for fear that others might glimpse the untamed beauty that resided within her.
With their own private accounts, meticulously curated to shield their true identities from all but their trusted inner circle, the three boys ventured into her digital realm. Concealing his true identity, Wooyoung ingeniously employed one of his selcas as his profile picture. Under the pretense of running a Wooyoung fan account, he skillfully masked his own involvement, ensuring that only a select few would recognize his true affiliation. San, donning the visage of Kai from EXO, his own idol, and Hongjoong, his profile pic a simple yet enigmatic all-black image. Each detail meticulously planned to ensure that their presence remained concealed from the wider world.
As San chanced upon her story—a selfie snapped within the familiar confines of Maddox's studio, she accompanied it with a concise caption: "pullin' an all nighter, fighting, 1st album coming soon bb!!!", a cluster of petite emoticons adorned her visage, adding a touch of whimsy to the frame— he sprang to his feet in a whirlwind of excitement, his head narrowly missing a collision with Mingi's chin as he propelled himself forward. The image of her pretty face filled the screen, delicate locks cascading around her visage, while her glasses, whether a fashion statement or an aid to her vision, delicately perched upon her nose, lending her an air of innocence that stirred something profound within San. Unable to resist, he discreetly captured a screenshot, already having crafted a dedicated folder solely for her in his photo app.
Summoning Wooyoung from his place in the living room, San began to passionately recount their newfound opportunity to meet her in person. The trio of alphas, who had previously crossed paths with this captivating omega, yearned for the chance to be in her presence once more. The distance separating them felt like an unbearable chasm, their hearts aching with longing, yet they understood the necessity of patience. Having learned of her recent settlement in South Korea and her contract with KQent, they recognized that she needed time to unwind and find solace after a demanding week.
The remaining members found themselves irresistibly drawn to their uncharacteristically high-pitched squeals, converging in the living room. Some opted to nestle on the floor, forsaking the available seating options. In the midst of the excited pair's animated discussion, Yeosang's dulcet voice, with its unmistakable baritone undertones, gently broke the fervor.
"What's all the excitement about?" he interjected, his words carrying a blend of curiosity and soothing melody.
"Our omega," San exclaimed, unable to contain his glee. His smile widened to such an extent that his eyes involuntarily closed, plunging him momentarily into darkness. Within the fleeting blackout, a vivid image materialized—a radiant smile from her—only to dissipate as he opened his eyes, leaving San flushed with a warm blush. He was obsessed. He blinked, he saw her.
Jongho, ever the skeptic, rolled his eyes at San's exuberance. "Oh my God, not again. Spare me for just a minute, my head is already throbbing," he lamented. The youngest alpha had already glimpsed at her pictures from San's instagram account, having surreptitiously explored the depths of his brother's phone. He sought to put a face to the enigmatic individual captivating San's attention. Even though the pictures were candid, their unpolished charm revealed glimpses of her unadorned life. Jongho couldn't deny her beauty, but his weariness was palpable. San's infatuation was understandable, and Wooyoung's as well, but Hongjoong? It felt like an overwhelming influx of emotions for him. It was just too much. And they never shut up about her!
"Guys, I truly couldn't care less right now. We're waking up at 5am, and we must be at Maddox's place in less than ten minutes. It's an urgency, I feel like I'm gonna die," Wooyoung declared, his arms crossing defiantly over his well-defined chest. The gravity of his words was evident, as he foresaw the reaction of the other alphas who hadn't yet encountered his beloved.
"NAHHHHHH, YOU MUST BE OUT OF YOUR MIND IF YOU THIN—" Yunho's outburst was abruptly quelled by the eldest alpha's measured intervention.
"Yeah, exactly. Seonghwa, tell him—" Yunho turned to him, an air of bewilderment etched across his face, "What?"
Seonghwa, the composed and sage-like oldest of their pack, emitted a weary sigh as his fingers delicately threaded through his tousled locks. "Okay first, let's all acknowledge that a mate bond is quite intricate when it happens to an already formed pact," he began, his words carrying a profound weight that resonated within each individual present. Hongjoong's all sat them down, as soon as they got home that day, talking about how she could be their destined mate, having spurred the need for this crucial conversation, a topic that demanded their collective attention. San and Wooyoung, their faces alight with uncontainable joy, illuminated the room as they reveled in the tantalizing prospect of the ethereal girl potentially becoming their soulmate.
"Are you not even slightly curious about what she's like? After all, she could be our soulmate—that's a connection far from trivial," Seonghwa concluded, his voice carrying the wisdom of countless ages.
A deep and contemplative silence blanketed the room, as each alpha weighed the implications of his words, even those who had already crossed paths with her. It was clear that surface-level attraction alone would not suffice; a deeper understanding was essential. And so, with resolute determination, they reached a unanimous decision—on the morrow, they would convene to embark on an unforgettable rendezvous with this captivating omega, unmasking the layers that shrouded her essence.
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"Hurry up, bro! If you don't open that door, I swear I'll kick it down myself," Woo exclaimed, frustrated by the tremor in his leader's hands preventing the key from entering Kyungmoon's door. Joong was stressed okay?? It had been a week since he met his lovely girl, he needed to take some time to breathe and Wooyoung's high pitched voice wasn't making it easier for him.
Jongho swiftly delivered a sharp slap to the back of Woo's head, reprimanding him for his lack of proper and polite language.
At last, the door swung open. Surprisingly, Yeosang was the first to step inside, forcefully making his way through. He paused in the hallway, taking a deep inhale.
"H-holy shit," he whispered, his voice barely audible. The alluring scent of the omega permeated the apartment. His eyes rolled back momentarily as he dropped to one knee. Being exceptionally sensitive to smell, the euphoric sensation coursing through him was beyond imagination.
"It seems she's asleep," Hongjoong murmured, savoring the tranquil but sharp pheromones that floated gracefully above him. It was a scent he could easily grow accustomed to.
Omega scents differed from those of other biological "genera" such as alphas and betas. Their fragrances were more potent, designed to attract as many potential partners as possible. In the past, it had been one alpha per omega, a long-established tradition. However, the mistreatment and endangerment of the omega species had altered the dynamics. Now, it was an omega for an entire pack, comprising alphas and betas. As time passed, scientists discovered that omega scents grew more concentrated, and their pheromones had a stronger effect on individuals than their predecessors.
Upon presenting, omegas began wearing specialized collars to mitigate the strength of their scent. However, the collars merely served as a display, indicating whether an omega was unmated or not. Mated omegas proudly discarded their collars, showcasing the mark left by their partners.
To address the issue of scent control, omegas learned to subdue and manipulate their pheromones as if it were second nature. Alphas possessed a similar ability, using their own pheromones to demonstrate dominance or provide comfort to a distressed omega. This control was entirely conscious and deliberate, except in moments of extreme emotions or, as one might guess, during sleep.
Yeosang's delicate nose began to bleed, a trickle of crimson staining his upper lip. His eyes dilated to such an extent that the coffee brown hues vanished, replaced by a captivating abyss. Sensing his distress, Seonghwa swiftly positioned himself in front of Yeosang, retrieving a tissue from his pocket. Placing it firmly into Yeosang's trembling hand, he offered a comforting pat on the back before moving past him.
Leaving Yeosang to catch his breath at the entrance, the others knew he would eventually regain composure. They recalled moments when he would become overwhelmed at fan meetings and concerts, the amalgamation of scents triggering debilitating headaches that rendered him unable to function once the events concluded. However, with time, he had grown in both self-control and the utilization of a specialized gel that he carried with him—a tube always at the ready.
After carefully wiping his nose with the tissue provided by his hyung, Yeosang uncapped the tube. Squeezing a generous amount onto his index finger, he proceeded to apply the gel beneath his nose. Settling amidst the abundance of sneakers, he closed his eyes and inhaled slowly, allowing the lingering essence of her scent to envelop his senses. Though not as potent as before, it still lingered, a tantalizing presence that left a trace on his tongue, reminiscent of a refreshing concoction of freshly squeezed lime and sweet condensed milk on a scorching summer day. And he hadn't even laid eyes on her yet, but the yearning to feel her beneath his fingertips, to taste her lips, was already fervently alive within him.
Leaning his head against the adjacent wall, Yeosang attempted to suppress the torrent of thoughts cascading through his mind. How was this even possible? Was this the sensation of having a mate? His cheeks flushed a rosy hue, a thin layer of perspiration forming upon his brow as he fought the overpowering urge to rise, rush to her side, and whisk her away to a world of eternal seclusion.
The vulnerable alpha dreaded the impending moment when his eyes would finally gaze upon her, aware that his self-control would crumble in an instant. He needed to regain his composure swiftly. Clasping his head in his hands, he tightened his grip on his hair, silently growling at himself for the inevitable embarrassment he believed awaited him in her presence. Awkwardness plagued him when meeting new people, an innate characteristic he couldn't help but succumb to. Now, envisioning the sweet, enchanting omega who had captivated his senses with her unbeknownst allure, he found himself on his knees for her even before her awakening.
Unable to bear the weight of her presence, he rose to his feet and deliberately veered left, contrary to the path his pack brothers took. He made his way towards Kyungmoon's location, deciding that focusing on the task of rousing his slumbering friend was a far more productive pursuit than wallowing in overthinking within the confines of the bathroom. The mere thought of clawing at the door for even a second of her attention seemed inconsequential in comparison.
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"Wait Joong-ah don't wake her up yet, I wanna take a pic," Wooyoung whispered sharply, his words resonating within the intimate connection of their pack's shared mind.
"What the fuck Woo that's so weird," San grumbled, feeling an undeniable urge to retrieve his phone and do the exact same thing as his brother. Sure, he had taken a screenshot of her story, but she had posted it willingly, and she even requested his Instagram account! It was as if she knew he would come across her story and find her utterly adorable. Perhaps she had intended to send him the picture privately but hesitated out of shyness. In the grand scheme of things, taking a screenshot of her story didn't seem like such a significant transgression.
"San in his delulu era," Yunho chuckled, his laughter reverberating through the backchannels of their shared connection. San blushed, realizing that he hadn't closed the pack link before indulging in his overthinking. He whined and pouted at his older brother, grumbling about how he knew nothing and that he shared a profound connection with the slumbering omega in the room that none of them could possibly comprehend.
Approaching her with utmost gentleness, San took in the sight of her petite figure draped in an oversized black ESSENTIALS hoodie. The soft fabric of the hood cradled her bangs delicately, accentuating her endearing presence.
San's eyes lingered on the ethereal beauty that graced his sight. Her delicate features, bathed in the soft glow of morning light, seemed to possess an otherworldly radiance. Her flawless complexion was akin to the finest piece of glass, adorned with a natural flush of warmth that accentuated her captivating charm.
A cascade of silken tresses framed her face, tumbling in gentle waves that danced with each breath she took. The strands, so dark, like a moonless night, glimmered softly. They caressed her cheeks in a tender embrace, further enhancing the angelic grace that she embodied.
But it was her smile, that tender curve of her lips, that bewitched San the most. It was a smile that spoke of innocence, of genuine happiness found in the simplest of moments, such as the dream she must have been in at the moment. A smile so small yet so impactful.
As San's gaze intensified, he became acutely aware of her scent, a delicate and intoxicating fragrance that filled the air around her. It was a scent that captivated the senses, a symphony of citrus notes intertwined with a hint of warmth and sweetness. The gentle waft of her pheromones mingled with the morning breeze, leaving a trail of enchantment that lingered in the room.
The other alphas present in the room found themselves in a state of awe and disbelief. They were stunned by the sheer beauty before them, unable to comprehend how someone could possess such breathtaking allure. The collective breaths in the room seemed to catch, as if the air itself was held captive by her presence.
They couldn't help but feel a pang of discomfort as they observed her slumbering form, tightly wedged in front of the studio equipment. A wave of concern washed over their hearts, causing a sense of unease to settle within them. How had she ended up sleeping in such an uncomfortable position? It was evident that she had been working tirelessly, pushing herself beyond her limits. Their poor little omega, not even a day in, and she was already overworking herself.
The sight of her cramped posture tugged at their heartstrings, fueling a deep sense of protectiveness within the alphas. They exchanged worried glances, their brows furrowed with genuine care. This was not how they had envisioned her first day, and they couldn't bear the thought of her sacrificing her well-being for the sake of her goals.
Gently, they tiptoed closer, careful not to disturb her peaceful slumber. Soft whispers filled the air as they debated on the best course of action. Should they wake her and offer her a more comfortable place to rest? Or should they let her sleep, knowing that she needed the rest?
San gently shook her shoulder, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through his body. The sensation coursed from the point where their skin made contact, making his knees weaken momentarily. "Bunny, wake up," he whispered, his voice filled with affection and longing. Crouching down before her, he softly nudged her crossed arms on her chest with his nose, yearning to rouse her from her slumber but careful not to be rough with her delicate form.
As his nose brushed against the black fabric of her hoodie, a low growl rumbled deep within San's chest. The others turned to him, their confusion evident in their faces, their bodies poised to react if they sensed any danger or harm befalling their omega. The only fear that gripped their hearts was the possibility of her being injured.
"What is it?" the leader asked impatiently, his gaze fixed on San, trying to comprehend the sudden shift in the usually gentle alpha's demeanor.
"Her scent is so overwhelming, I didn't notice the other man's scent on her," San snarled, his voice laced with possessiveness and anger. The room grew heavy with tension, and a nauseating feeling settled upon the others. Their little omega, in the embrace of another? It was unfathomable, a concept they refused to entertain, for it threatened to shatter the fragile equilibrium within their pack. The surge of jealousy and anger fueled their pheromones, causing the air to be saturated with an intense energy, growls echoing throughout the room.
"Oh calm down, I gave her my hoodie, after all those years, I'd think you'd recognize my scent," a familiar voice chimed in lazily. Maddox entered the studio, his presence diffusing the mounting tension. He yawned and stretched, his eyes fluttering shut for a moment.
The room breathed a collective sigh of relief as the tension dissipated, making way for a blush to color the alphas' cheeks. Their omega remained blissfully unaware, still peacefully asleep. "You guys imprint on her already or what" Maddox yawned again, this time covering his mouth with his hand, his gaze drifting to the MacBook resting next to San on the table.
San, feeling thoroughly embarrassed by his earlier outburst, turned his attention back to his omega, determined to wake her gently without further disturbing the delicate balance within the pack. However, Maddox interjected, his focus still fixed on the files the omega had been working on the night before. "That won't work," he muttered, his eyes scanning the digital pages. "She sleeps like she's in a damn coma. You need to use that big alpha voice to wake her up. I remember only her father's voice could actually rouse her for school." A nostalgic smile played upon Maddox's lips as he recalled the image of the formidable alpha attempting to wake his soft daughter with the utmost care, eventually resigning himself to growls and stern commands.
The rest of the pack chose to overlook Maddox's uncanny knowledge about her, realizing they had already embarrassed themselves enough. Yunho spoke up, his voice gentle yet firm. "We can't do that. It's disrespectful to her if we use that voice without her consent." He understood the power alphas possessed, the ability to command any omega with a certain tone of their voice. Some alphas saw it as natural and didn't hesitate to employ it for various purposes, but the younger generation recognized the discomfort it could cause an omega and refrained from using it without their agreement.
Maddox grumbled in frustration, closing the multitude of pages she had opened. "Cute, but I really need her to wake the fuck up. I have so many questions about what she did," he grumbled, a tinge of exasperation in his voice. "How many songs did she record yesterday? What the fuck..."
Realizing that none of the alphas had budged from their positions, Maddox turned to them, his expression deadpan. "It's either that, or I throw her off the damn chair," he stated flatly. A low snarl inadvertently escaped the youngest alphas' mouth, resulting in a swift slap from the elder pack members. Kyungmoon, being older than them all, demanded their respect, and they were quick to comply.
Rolling his eyes, Kyungmoon approached her chair. As soon as San caught sight of his movement, he instinctively tightened his embrace around his beloved omega, enveloping her baggy jeans-clad thighs with his massive arms, as if shielding her from any harm. With a frustrated huff, Mingi stepped forward, gently nudging Maddox aside.
Bending down to be at eye level with her, Mingi hesitated for a moment before parting his lips, a firm yet tender command slipping from his mouth. "'Mega, wake up."
At the sound of his voice, tinged with a hint of authority, the adorable omega finally blinked her eyes open, still groggy from her meager three hours of sleep. Mingi's face was so close to hers that she could feel his minty breath against her skin. She locked eyes with him, her own still halfway closed, and with a radiant smile, she murmured, "Princess," before drifting back into slumber, soft snores escaping her lips.
Mingi found himself overwhelmed by a whirlwind of emotions, his heart pounding so fiercely that it felt as if it might burst from his chest. Every fiber of his being trembled, and his cheeks burned with an intense blush that seemed to consume him entirely. He stumbled out of the room, his mind in a haze, unable to form coherent words. In the pack link, his thoughts raced, replaying the precious moment when she had gazed at him with such tenderness, her doe-like eyes filled with affection, as she whispered his nickname. The intensity of his feelings was so potent that it felt as if he could spontaneously combust from the sheer weight of his emotions. Mingi now understood the profound infatuation his pack brothers harbored for her. She had an undeniable power over them, and he realized with both joy and trepidation that she would undoubtedly be the cause of his eventual downfall.
As Mingi stumbled out of the room, his face flushed with embarrassment and his heart in disarray, Maddox turned to the other alphas, only to notice that they were all equally affected by the endearing moment they had just witnessed. Yunho and Seonghwa had their hands pressed against their faces, their fingers trembling with the sheer adorableness that had unfolded before them. San buried his face in the omega's thighs, his ears and the back of his neck turning a vibrant shade of pink, betraying his own overwhelmed emotions. Wooyoung and Jongho averted their gazes to the ceiling, trying to distract themselves from replaying the scene repeatedly in their minds, though a small, subtle smile played on the youngest alphas' lips. Hongjoong sat on the couch, seemingly unfazed as he lazily scratched the nail polish on his pinky, but Kyungmoon, ever perceptive, couldn't help but notice the growing bulge in the leader's pants. Maddox, taken aback by the sight, accidentally spit out the water he had been drinking, managing to turn away just in time to avoid drenching the electronic devices, but unfortunately showering the poor omega in the process.
The room erupted with the omega's whines, her voice piercing through the previously silent atmosphere as the cold water splashed against her skin, instantly capturing the attention of every alpha present. Their hearts ached at the sound of her distress, their protective instincts urging them to offer comfort and reassurance. Their alpha instincts compelling them to provide solace and make things right.
"What the fuck, Maddox?" she wailed, her frustration evident. "Can't even sleep properly in this damn house."
Standing up and shaking off San, she didn't his lingering grip on her sleeping form, her focus solely fixed on Kyungmoon, her expression a mix of annoyance and desperation. She swiftly removed her hoodie, leaving her clad only in her bra and jeans, oblivious to the way every pair of eyes followed her every move, their gazes locked on her with a mix of surprise and raw need.
The emotional rollercoaster they just went through had been like no other. First the jealousy, then how she was adorable, and lastly pure horniness.
The curve of her stomach, gliding effortlessly from under the confines of her bra, ensnared the attention of Hongjoong, the esteemed leading alpha of the room. His experienced eyes, like a connoisseur of beauty, were drawn to the elegant contour that beckoned his gaze. The delicate lace of her undergarment, while intended to provide a sense of allure and sophistication, unintentionally exacerbated his already heightened state of arousal.
A twinge of discomfort gnawed at Hongjoong as he struggled to find a more suitable position, seeking respite from the undeniable physical reaction that her captivating form had stirred within him. With meticulous care, he shifted his weight, his eyes never straying from her mesmerizing figure. Yet, try as he might, the discreet adjustments failed to provide the relief he so desperately sought.
In a valiant effort to compose himself, Hongjoong focused on the intricate details of the room, mentally recounting the soothing hues of the decor and the subtle patterns etched into the furniture. However, the tantalizing presence of the omega before him proved too formidable a distraction, commanding his attention with an unwavering grip. He found himself caught in a precarious balancing act, yearning to sate his desires while mindful of the propriety demanded by the situation.
The enchanting sight of small moles adorning her soft skin captivated Seonghwa's discerning gaze, weaving a spell that rendered him momentarily breathless. Each tiny mark seemed to possess its own unique story, an intimate secret shared only by her and the heavens above. His yearning to explore those delicate spots with tender kisses overwhelmed him, imagining the intoxicating sensation of his lips brushing against the canvas of her skin.
In his mind's eye, Seonghwa envisioned a gentle dance of affection, as he traced the path of those enticing moles, leaving a trail of feather-light pecks in their wake. He could almost taste the sweetness that lingered on her flesh, relishing the imagined flavor that would be unveiled with each loving touch. Imagining the soft strokes of his omega's fingers gently caressing his hair, he reveled in the anticipation of the tingling sensations that would ripple through his scalp, a testament to the depth of their connection.
Yunho's attention was drawn to the striking contrast between his own veiny and robust hands and the delicate frame of the omega standing before him. In that moment, he couldn't help but imagine the possibilities of their union, envisioning the way his substantial hands would envelope her waist with a possessive grip, his fingers seamlessly finding their place in the contours of her perfect love handles.
His mind became a canvas of fantasies as he pictured himself leaving trails of electrifying sensations in his wake, exploring the territory of her body with a blend of strength and tenderness. Yunho recognized the power he held, knowing that his size and stature were capable of delivering overwhelming pleasure, yet he remained acutely aware of the need for care and respect in his actions.
In his musings, Yunho marveled at the way her petite form seemed to fit flawlessly against his own, as if their bodies were destined to intertwine in a passionate embrace. The thought of their connection, of his hands guiding her and igniting a symphony of pleasure, stirred a fire within him that burned with both intensity and reverence.
In a moment that transcended the boundaries of mere perception, San was struck by an electrifying realization that sent shivers cascading right through his very dick. The delicate tapestry of her soft and innocent aura, an ethereal essence that had captivated him since their first encounter, now bore a captivating mark of temptation—a seductive black lace bra that adorned her form with a beguiling allure. It was a revelation that set his heart ablaze, igniting a torrent of desire that coursed through his veins with an irresistible intensity.
As his gaze lingered upon the intricate details of her lingerie, a mix of sensations and emotions unraveled within San's psyche. The contrast between her angelic visage and the provocative undergarment created a mesmerizing dichotomy, a collision of purity and seduction that stirred a primal yearning within him. The soft caress of lace against her supple skin seemed to beckon him closer, inviting him to uncover the secrets concealed beneath those delicate layers.
With each passing second, San's fascination deepened, propelling him into a realm of uncharted desires. He yearned not only to explore the physical contours of her body, but to embark upon an intimate odyssey, delving into the recesses of her mind to unearth the forbidden thoughts that lay dormant. Like a moth drawn inexorably to the flame, he longed to unravel the enigma she embodied, to partake in a journey of discovery that would leave no hidden desire unexplored.
Wooyoung was spellbound, unable to tear his eyes away as the oversized hoodie slipped off her slender frame, unveiling a breathtaking sight. The subtle arch of her back, accentuated by the fabric that clung to her every curve, left him in a state of awe. It was as though her very presence commanded attention, demanding admiration for the sheer elegance she exuded.
The allure of her figure, embraced by the snug embrace of her jeans, stirred a deep desire within Wooyoung. The contours of her backside, a tantalizing glimpse of sensuality, held an irresistible appeal that he couldn't resist. With each movement, she seemed to glide effortlessly, casting a hypnotic spell on anyone who had the privilege of witnessing her graceful presence. Wooyoung found himself rendered speechless, his eyes fixated on her, as he yearned to explore the depths of her enigmatic allure.
In that suspended moment, the world faded into insignificance for Wooyoung. He was completely consumed by her magnetic charm, unable to resist the pull she exerted over him. The urge to reach out, to trace his fingers along the contours that beckoned him, surged through him with an undeniable intensity. It was a silent plea, a longing to unravel the mysteries hidden within her captivating form.
Jongho stood in the corner, his eyes transfixed on her collarbones, captivated by their delicate prominence. In that moment, time seemed to stand still as he imagined marking her skin with tender love bites, leaving an indelible imprint of their passionate connection. Her collarbones, a testament to vulnerability and strength, held an irresistible allure for Jongho, who yearned to leave his mark on her like an artist etching his masterpiece.
As he observed her, his mind painted vivid images of their intertwined bodies, fueled by a primal desire to possess and protect. Jongho's fingers twitched with an unconscious longing to explore every inch of her, to trace the contours of her skin and map the pathways that would lead them both to untold heights of ecstasy. He imagined the intoxicating scent of their mingled sweat, the rhythm of their breaths syncing in a symphony of desire.
Jongho's gaze, intense and unwavering, revealed his unspoken intentions. The fire within him burned bright, threatening to consume everything in its path. He yearned to be her sanctuary, the one who could unlock the depths of her desires, and together they would traverse a journey of untamed passion. In his mind, he had already claimed her, and with each beat of his heart, the intensity of his longing grew stronger, leaving him unable to resist the primal call that reverberated through his veins.
Their momentary thoughts were abruptly interrupted as she turned towards Maddox, her expression filled with annoyance, and flung his damp hoodie at him. "You're such a cunt!" she pouted, her dissatisfaction with her own attire apparent. "Give me one of your t-shirts. I don't want to wear my corset. It's uncomfortable, and I still want to sleep," she declared, her eyes fluttering open and closed, evidence that she hadn't completely shaken off her sleepiness. The boys, momentarily distracted from their wandering thoughts, found themselves savoring the sweetness of the moment, allowing themselves to imagine a scenario where she would come to them, begging for a shirt.
Just as Maddox was about to suggest that she take one of his own, his gaze met Hongjoong's, positioned just behind her. Maddox, being older than Hongjoong, knew it and held him in high regard, respecting him as a perfect colleague. Yet, he couldn't deny the effect of the rapper's lingering stare, which left him feeling somewhat uneasy. Recognizing the biological underpinnings of such a reaction, given his alpha nature, Maddox tried to brush it off with a sigh. "Stop taking my clothes, they reek of your scent. Go ask someone else," he lied, offering an exaggerated eye-roll, assuring the omega standing before him that he wasn't entirely serious but allowing her to believe there was a kernel of truth to his words.
She tilted her head and stared at him, her confusion evident. "Who else?" she inquired. Just as she finished her question, Yunho gently touched her shoulder, stepping forward to retrieve his hoodie from the lower front of his chest, revealing a black t-shirt that made his milky collarbones shimmer against the silver chain adorning them. If the omega had been well-rested, she would have blushed uncontrollably, her heart racing within her chest. However, exhaustion had claimed her, and she simply accepted the hoodie from his outstretched hands, her fingertips grazing his longer ones, causing a faint shiver to run through him. She offered a soft bow before turning towards the door. Just as she was about to depart, she glanced back at the room and inquired about the time. "It's 7:36 am," San cheerfully chimed in. She nodded and directed her gaze to Maddox. "Wake me up in 30 minutes. I'll be in your bed."
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With the tall alpha's hoodie in her grasp, she made her way down the hallway, heading towards his room. Along the way, a thought crossed her mind to stop by the kitchen, which was conveniently adjacent to the room. As she ventured forward, the soft glow of daylight streamed in through the windows, casting a warm radiance throughout the space. Eager to don the borrowed garment, she began pulling it over her head, only to find it stubbornly clinging to her neck, momentarily obscuring her vision. Undeterred, she continued to tug at the fabric, inadvertently veering off course.
In her haste to envelop herself in the hoodie's comforting embrace, she struggled momentarily, the fabric refusing to yield, momentarily obscuring her vision. Undeterred by this minor setback, she persisted, unaware of the subtle shift in her surroundings. Lost in a drowsy haze, she collided unexpectedly with an unfamiliar obstacle—a solid wall that seemed out of place in her mental map of the house. Confusion clouded her fatigued mind as she fumbled for an exit, desperate to find her bearings.
But before she could make further progress, her hands were gently seized by another, guiding her with practiced ease. Startled, she raised her gaze and found herself locked in the enigmatic eyes of Mingi, his expression unreadable. Intimidated by his presence, she hurriedly offered her apologies, expressing gratitude with a respectful bow, and swiftly made her way to Maddox's inviting bed. As she glanced down at her petite frame swallowed by the oversized hoodie, she realized it cascaded down to her knees, enveloping her like a protective cocoon. Anticipating the comforting solace that awaited her beneath the covers, she resolved to shed her confining jeans, unaware of the two sharp intakes of breath behind her. With a haphazard pull of the zipper and a deft maneuver of her legs, she discarded the denim, allowing it to fall away as she gracefully slipped into the plush sanctuary of the bed. And there, in the soft embrace of warmth and dreams, she succumbed to the sweet embrace of slumber.
She stirred from her peaceful slumber, roused by the melodious strains of music that filled the air. Blinking her eyes open, she found herself in a state of half-consciousness, still tethered to the realm of dreams. The melodic notes wafted through the room, their gentle vibrations resonating within her soul, beckoning her to awaken fully.
As she gradually shook off the remnants of sleep, her senses heightened, and she recognized the familiar tunes that now danced around her. It was the unmistakable sound of the last song she recorded the day before. Each note and lyric seemed to caress her being, whispering promises of inspiration.
Eager to immerse herself in the enchantment of the music, she cast off the drowsiness that clung to her like a fleeting memory. With a sense of renewed vitality coursing through her veins, she reached for her phone, hoping to catch a glimpse of the time that had conspired against her precious sleep. The digits illuminated the screen with a damning truth—9:04 am���an unwelcome reminder of the hour she had been robbed of.
Oh this fucker.
Indignant at the intrusion of her slumber, she snatched the pillow she had rested upon and sat up, her gaze scanning the room for her unwitting accomplice in this temporal crime. To her right, amidst the symphony of sizzling pans and culinary artistry, she spied Wooyoung and Seonghwa, their culinary passions interwoven with a graceful dance. Further down, Jongho and Yeosang engaged in a hushed exchange, their words cloaked in mystery. Oblivious to her presence, they sat at a regal marble table, absorbed in their discourse. San and Yunho, on the other hand, found solace in the digital realm, their camaraderie evident as they maneuvered through virtual landscapes, softly nudging each other, wishing the other to lose. Meanwhile, Hongjoong and Mingi, tethered by the ethereal notes streaming through their AirPods, bobbed their heads in perfect synchrony, their attention fixated on the music that enveloped their senses, coming out of the familiar MacBook Pro.
Behind the rappers, Maddox remained captivated by the luminous glow emanating from the computer screen. With both hands planted firmly on the armrests of the couch, his gaze traced an enigmatic pattern, his thoughts ensnared by the digital world unfolding before him. The flickering images danced across his vision, weaving a tapestry of intrigue and inspiration.
A feral growl rumbled deep within her chest, a primal instinct urging her to unleash her frustration. Gripping the pillow tightly in her hand, she channeled her pent-up energy into a swift and powerful motion, hurling it with all her might toward Kyungmoon. The cushioned projectile soared through the air, guided by a vengeful determination, until it found its mark with unerring precision.
The impact was swift and resounding—a perfect headshot. Kyungmoon's eyes widened in surprise as the pillow collided with his unsuspecting form. Feathered wisps danced in the air, suspended for a brief moment, before gracefully floating downward like ethereal confetti. The room fell into a hushed silence, the weight of the strike reverberating in the space.
A chorus of laughter erupted, a melodic symphony of amusement and camaraderie. The men turned their attention to the impulsive assailant, their eyes gleaming with mischief and mirth. The omega, a glint in her eyes, relished in the spontaneous act of rebellion, savoring the taste of victory. Her lips curled into a playful smile, her spirit emboldened by the cathartic release.
A melodious chirp of delight escaped the young singer's lips, an innocent and joyous sound that pierced through the air, captivating the attention of all the men in the room. Their eyes turned towards her, their senses heightened, as if drawn to the magnetic pull of her presence. Unbeknownst to her, a heady cocktail of pheromones began to waft from her, subtly stirring the primal instincts of the alphas in the room.
In response to her joyful exclamation, a deep rumble resonated in the space, a contented sound that slipped from the alpha's throats. It went unnoticed by the omega, its significance lost in the flurry of activity. Yet, it held a primal meaning, an unspoken declaration of satisfaction and possessiveness.
Within that moment, a delicate dance of instinct and desire unfolded, unseen and unspoken. The room became an arena of subtle exchanges, a microcosm where primal connections and magnetic forces intertwined. Their gazes lingered a moment longer, their hearts quickening ever so slightly, attuned to the unspoken language that pulsed beneath the surface.
Maddox rose from the floor, his hand gingerly massaging the spot on his head where the pillow had made contact. His disheveled hair stood as a testament to the force of the blow, yet a mischievous glimmer danced in his eyes, undeterred by the playful aggression. "What the fuck was that for, you bitch?" he exclaimed, his tone laced with mock indignation.
Unfazed by his theatrical response, she met his challenge head-on, a defiant smirk playing on her lips. "That's for not waking me up, you dick," she retorted, her voice laced with a playful edge. Her tongue darted out in a teasing gesture, a playful taunt that showcased her feisty spirit. "I need to finish what I was working on," she added, her determination shining through her words.
Maddox, still rubbing the sore spot on his head, protested in defense of his failed wake-up attempt. "I tried waking you up, he—" he pointed accusingly at the leader with a mix of exasperation and amusement. Hongjoong, his smile soft and eyes brimming with adoration, watched the playful exchange unfold. His intervention had allowed her precious sleep to continue undisturbed, a decision that Maddox now found himself at odds with. "He forced me to let you sleep more," Maddox explained, his voice tinged with alarm.
The omega's gaze shifted toward Hongjoong, her eyes narrowing playfully at the leader who had orchestrated her extended slumber. His expression betrayed the depth of his affection, the love that radiated from his being. The mischievous spark in her eyes intensified, and she playfully tilted her head. "If you need to throw a fucking pillow, don't hit me," Maddox urged, his voice filled with a mix of jest and mock seriousness. "Aim the weapon at him!" he added, gesturing towards Hongjoong.
As the playful banter continued to unfold, Hongjoong found himself captivated by the sight before him. His gaze lingered on his beloved omega, devoid of makeup, with faint traces of fatigue evident in her puffy eyes and disheveled lips. Strands of hair cascaded around her, reaching toward the ceiling as if attempting to touch the heavens themselves. In that moment, the world around him faded into a blur, and he became lost in the depths of her soulful gaze.
His heart quickened its pace, the rhythm echoing in his ears as if keeping time with his racing thoughts. The intensity of his emotions threatened to overwhelm him, yet he couldn't tear his eyes away from her. Her radiant smile, a beacon of warmth and affection, sent a jolt through his being. It was a single moment, a fleeting exchange of unspoken devotion, yet it held the power to still his very breath.
The words of the moody beta went unheard, his attention solely fixated on the enchanting presence of his precious girl.
Her laughter filled the room, a melodic symphony that danced through the air. "Well, if it's the leader, I can't complain, can I?" she playfully remarked, her voice laced with affection and mirth. With a mischievous sparkle in her eyes, she let herself fall back onto the soft bed, the impact causing a satisfying thud.
Hongjoong, caught in the rapture of her infectious laughter, felt his heart swell with adoration. The intensity of his emotions threatened to consume him, and he needed an outlet to release the overwhelming surge of feelings that coursed through his veins. Excusing himself with a faint smile, he retreated to the sanctuary of the soundproof studio.
Inside the secluded confines of the studio, Hongjoong closed the door behind him and took a deep breath.
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soaps-mohawk · 3 months
I honestly wouldn’t mind having a second omega if we get to be a power couple and torture all the boys with how cute and sexy we are tbh.
Would also love to see how the reader handles seeing the omega from the place again
Happy? Nervous? Excited?
Would love to see what you would do with it
(But im also selfish and would be iffy at dirst but it sounds like a cool idea)
That's basically the concept of my idea that involves two omegas 😂
I'm going to use your ask to explain that idea finally lol. I didn't nap but I am more awake now than I was lol.
But essentially, that idea exists sort of in a world like the one in CRCB, except the CIA is less involved and it's just more governments that require omegas to join the omega initiative and it's not exclusive to military, it's more just widespread in general packs are required to register and omegas get assigned based on things like personality tests, skills, temperament, etc. This fic would focus more on the opposite end of things, though, as the main omega would not be an institute trained omega.
Basically, TF141 already has an omega at the time the fic starts. She's institute trained (not the reader from CRCB though, would be an OC), and bonded and claimed by Price and Gaz. The fic would focus more on Simon and Johnny because Simon likes Price's omega but just isn't feeling it. Of course, the imbalance is starting to cause some tension within the pack, even if they don't mean for it to. That's a big no no, so Laswell does some digging for them and finds who she thinks is the perfect omega for Simon and Johnny and thus enters the reader.
I don't have much decided on as far as the reader's backstory goes (I'm trying not to entertain this idea too much yet lol) but she didn't attend an institute. So, she gets to go get her life upended and live on base with a bunch of crusty stinky military dudes (i'm kidding...mostly...) and of course there's some adjusting and tension and angst and sweet bonding with everyone. (again, I haven't thought much into the details on this one) But, eventually, the omegas kind of band together since they're in the same boat and they're together and alone a lot of the time while the guys train and are sent out on assignments and such.
Of course we get that sweet wlw goodness in there and it's kind of borrowing a lot from that line in CRCB where the reader remarks that some alphas like to watch omegas together 👀
Probably would be a lot spicier than CRCB has ended up being. Of course there will be angst (it's Ghost what do you expect lmaoo) and drama and probably a lot of tears but yeah. That's the basis of that idea.
Switching gears here, I have played around with the idea of bringing the other omega in for a cameo or something, but I wouldn't bring her in for like a full time kind of situation, a second omega type thing or anything like that. As much as my heart years for some wlw representation, I'm leaving it as just being something that happened in the past and focusing on just the reader and the guys cause I know that's what people have come into the fic expecting.
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semiweirdshipper · 1 year
New Alpha/Beta/Omega Story Idea With DBD
Basic summary: In the Entity's Realm, everyone is from a different dimension, and so that means everyone follows slightly different cultures, beliefs and traditions. The reader is an omega, and in their dimension omegas' are treated as equals amongst alphas'. They're used to being pampered, respected, and understood by the alphas'. However, in the Entity's Realm, the alphas' are far, far different from the ones in the reader's own dimension. Instead of treating omegas' as equals, they fight to dominate them, control them, and use them. Even the omegas' are different; unkempt, submissive and out of control, easily bending to the alphas' will. Unused to and terrified of these alternative alphas' and omegas', the reader struggles to find safety, justification and respect. Will any of the alphas' they meet try to understand their traditions and standards? Or will they only suffer like the rest of the oblivious omegas'?
Notes: So in a lot of stories out there, everyone has their own unique way of writing alpha/beta/omega concepts. I myself have tapped into and read a lot of these concepts, and for this story I wanted to dive into tradition and culture and how it effects everyone differently. Using dbd's Entity Realm is a great way to take advantage of dimensional aspects.
What killers will be considered as potential love interests for the reader? Hmm, I'm not entirely sure (I'm never sure about that stuff. You guys know that, lol).
Obviously I'm gonna say Herman because my Herman is a sappy, lovey-dovey gentleman.
Caleb? Caleb has the potential to be both a considerate gentleman and a controlling jerk based on his time line, but I'm willing to make the exception for him.
One of the idiot-boy trio. Frank, Danny or Ji-woon. Gotta have at least one of them. Help me decide if you want.
Maybe Wesker? Like maybe he's turned on by the challenge the reader brings by being a more superior omega, and he secretly likes that.
Philip is cute, and I bet he would love a relationship where he didn't have to be so hard at work all the time.
We also have Pinhead. He's very intelligent and can sense the good in people. Obviously he'd be interested in the reader.
And then I'm gonna say Freddy because it's a twist and unexpected and I love the thought of him being the nicest to the reader out of all the other alphas'.
I've already got this story underway. I'm just posting this to try to help keep my own chin up. I really wanna get this story finished and posted so that way I can share the whole thing with you my precious dears'. Let's see how much of a disaster it turns out to be, aye?
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ystrike1 · 10 months
Alpha no Chouinshiki - By Ike Reibun (6/10)
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The ABO community is thriving as always. I swear it's almost as prominent as isekai. This features a Supreme Alpha that can force anyone into submission. The plot is non-existent and it's morally bankrupt.
Oscar is a handsome alpha prince who is just barely a fully grown adult.
He gets called by Legrand, an older alpha who he barely knows. Apparently Legrand is his destined partner. Legrand is the only Supreme Alpha in existence at the moment.
Legrand forces him to sign a marriage contract during their meeting. Please be warned. The "submission" part of this is extremely explicit, with Oscar being unable to speak or stand unless Legrand allows him to.
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Legrand is extremely happy that his omega is finally of age. He has been waiting for Oscar to mature...which is incredibly creepy but that's what some readers are here for...
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Oscar's kingly father throws him to the wolves, and it's pretty funny. Even the king doesn't wanna piss off the Supreme.
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They check if Oscar can get pregnant.
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Oscar gets insecure about this, because as the only partner of the Supreme having babies is expected.
By the way the romance moves extremely fast. With Legrand using his pheromones to "show" Oscar they are a match. Oscar is attached to Legrand permanently through the pheromones. Ex: he can't get aroused by anyone else.
So there's no resistance and the ABO part just starts right away.
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It's confirmed that Legrand waited for the right moment to keep Oscar happy and sane. He did think about kidnapping him...when he was a child, but a partner raised in captivity is alot less naive and trusting. Surprising Oscar was the easiest way to make him give in.
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Oscar was originally an alpha. Legrand's "claim" made him unable to recognize omega's or his alpha instincts.
(Effectively crippling him from the beginning and making resistance impossible.)
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Legrand gets jealous. He forces Oscar and a worried relative to kneel. At this point the author pretends that this jealousy is cute but I mean...Legrand really is op...he can make anybody faint by looking at them...
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uwu please forgive me for secretly controlling your entire life!!!
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They get married.
I reviewed this one because it had alot of potential, which was wasted. The ABO concept can be extremely dark and interesting. Instead this is short, and shallow, and all about the domination fetish.
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
the temptation to do a small meet-cute piece containing Omega!Aizawa and Alpha!Izuku vs the hilarity of using the exact same concept just without the A/B/O. Fight!
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centuryberry · 3 months
so for the abo au, Macaque’s Yue’s bio father, right? Or is he still her uncle?
He technically is both father and uncle is the main fic, but it’s interesting to see how different the dynamic will be as him as her father from the very start
Iwould also *love* to hear more details, if you’re okay sharing! Are they still from Yue’s original clan? How’d the two of them end up meeting and being together in this au? Please, spoil me with all the details, I’m captivated!
I also love that the fic originated from this au! It adds that extra bit of fondness for me, knowing that such a beloved fic came from this idea ❤️
I'm bouncing off the walls knowing that people want to hear more about this AU! Of course, I'd love to share more!
Warning(s): mentions of miscarriage (not involving our characters, just the concept for worldbuilding purposes)
In the A/B/O AU, Macaque is Yue's bio dad. Yue was a surprise for him and Shanzha since children born from A/A and O/O couples are rare - and especially for the O/O couples, the risk of miscarrying is high. This is usually why same second gender couples are not as common. They exist, but they're not accepted by society (typical society). Male Omegas and Female Alphas are also not common, so they are also "othered" - either being extremely desired or aggresively rejected by their clan/troop/family.
There are also a lot of harmful stereotypes connected secondary genders and pressures to have lots of children as A/B/O AUs tend to do.
In this AU, there are a lot of changes to the world:
The Demon King of Confusion does not die from his fight with Wukong
Wukong finds RinRin in Diyu and manages to bring her back to life with the help of a Red-Buttocked Baboon
With RinRin at his side to temper him, Wukong doesn't cause as much trouble or drama with Heaven, focusing more on maintaining his kingdom
Is currently being pursued by the Brotherhood to join their cause
The Demon King of Confusion returns to the LoES to lick his wounds and decides to rebuild his army. He strikes at the Zodiac Monkey Can and manages to overtake it and nearly wipe them out
Shanzha had been in the clan temple and training under Long-Arms so she was left unscathed from the incident but decided to leave and avenge her clan (they might've been jerks but they didn't deserve to go out the way they did - especially the children)
The Spirit Macaque Clan never fell and Macaque grew up loved though maybe a little coddled as an omega
The Demon King of Confusion attacked the Spirit Macaque Clan and tried to take Macaque as a new concubine (like he had with RinRin); Shanzha had caught up by then and cut through most of his forces and head shotted the Demon King of Confusion with her arrows before he could do irreversible harm
Macaque is admiring and smitten with Shanzha for her heroics and even more so when he discovers that she's an omega like him
At some point, Macaque's older sister ascends as Macaque Spirit Queen and Macaque and Shanzha get married; they decide to travel the world together and not let their designations limit them from finding adventure
About Each Character and their Designations:
Wukong (Male/Alpha): He's the traditional alpha archetype at first glance, but he loves pink, cute animals, and child-rearing (a omegan trait). He hates how RinRin feels that she should hide her designation and repress herself, but he supports her all the same. He often concedes to RinRin in affairs within the kingdom. He's often pressured to live up to the perceptions around him.
RinRin (Female/Alpha): She's extremely closeted about her designation and attempts to pass as an omega or, at least, a beta because of her father's toxic beliefs. Her extremely sweet, feminine, and people-pleasing mask is also influenced by this. She's actually the more "alpha" between herself and her husband.
Macaque: (Male/Omega): He hides his designation out of necessity during his travels but he's comfortable about his second gender. His personality doesn't fit the Omega archetype so he's been criticized a lot for it by others. He's nervous about being a father since he's been told that he "wasn't the nurturing type."
Shanzha: (Female/Omega): She knows enough about herbs to "pass" as an alpha or a beta. While she initially acts harsh and aggressive (alpha traits) - a result of her life in LoES - she's actually very soft-hearted and kind, which her mate and a few others she trusts are privy to seeing. She had to repress her omegan instincts and put up an alpha front to survive. Currently carrying a pup.
Facts about Bun!Yue:
By the time Macaque and Shanzha head to FFM for sanctuary and medical help, Shanzha is three months pregnant with Yue and facing some difficulties
Yue's a kicker
Wukong and RinRin offer some of their magic to reinforce Yue's growth and increase her chances of survival
Macaque already has her heartbeat memorized
Gives Shanzha cravings for spicy food and lychee berries
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