#Aokiji x reader
moonbaby26 · 2 months
Their Favorite Parts
*crossposted to AO3 here*
Prompt: One Piece men and the parts of your body that they fixate on most. 
Reader Type: GN!Reader
Characters: Doflamingo, Kuzan/Aokiji, Crocodile, Smoker, Buggy, Mihawk, Shanks, Law
Warnings: language, references to sex, penetration, oral, and foreplay
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He actually can be gentle with you. But you’ve found that level of care is always only a precursor to something else that he wants. And in the end, he can’t ever let you back to sleep until he’s been inside at least one of your holes and fully spent himself within it. 
Whether this wretched man is pounding between your thighs, or probing you with those long fingers, or dampening you with that equally obscene tongue…he wants to be as deep inside of you as he can possibly be. 
He loves you most when you’re trembling, thighs spread beneath him. Or on your knees looking up as your eyes water with your mouth full of his length. He’ll tell you what a good pet you are even as you plead or choke. 
But it’s as if you were made perfectly for him. He’ll never feel this with another lover. You’re his favorite until he destroys it all. And even then, he may just pull you from the ash to start with you again. Because he would sincerely miss you in his next empire.
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He loves to sleep with his head on your chest. He can hear your heartbeat then and know that you’re still really there. That this isn’t all some terrible illusion, as much as he still feels he doesn’t deserve you and can’t keep you. 
His life has been too complicated. All the way from a respected, yet conflicted marine to whatever the hell people are calling him these days. But you never seem to judge him. You still believe in him, even now. He doesn’t understand your loyalty, but he loves you for it. 
And when the two of you are awake and intimate, he’ll be behind you, hands holding your warm chest as his fingers massage it. The way you lean back into him as your chill bumps form is so trusting. You know that he could freeze your heart in an instant if he chose to. But of course he never would. He wants this to last forever. He needs you at his side.
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Sir Crocodile/Hips
He is certain you do it on purpose by now. The way your ever tight clothing forms around your body. It feels like a specific challenge you’ve made against him. As if you are daring his eyes not to follow you across the room as your hips sway while you walk. 
You’re his favorite assassin already. Though perhaps he can take some blame for letting this favoritism start to go to your head. And yet, even when he plans to punish you, he finds himself enjoying it too much. It’s hard to keep you humble when he’s still moaning your name as he fucks you over the top of his desk. 
With his one hand he grabs into that fleshy hip, riding you to his release as his hook stays warningly against the side of your face. But while you smirk against that curved metal as he finally cums, he knows you haven’t learned your lesson at all. Yet he also realizes that there are still years of this game to come. You’re too efficient to get rid of you anytime soon.
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It was the first thing he ever noticed about you. Just how pouty your lips could look, even as you argued and bitched at him on the battlefield. You cursed him through those lips, always lamenting that he made your shared marine ship smell like an ashtray. 
And by the time he’d found his way into your bunk one night, those same lips were about the only thing he would put his cigars down for. He’d wanted to kiss you for so long. By the time you finally let him, he never wanted to lose that high again. 
It could be soft, it could be rough. Just like you and your ever changing moods. You acted like you hated him until your mouth was over his. Then you were thrusting against him soon enough and whimpering even as you both knew you couldn’t wake the rest of the ship. 
He always started and ended sex with you with those damned lips. And every time he knew curses would be flying from them again tomorrow, even if his name would also be moaning out through them just as passionately each night.
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His life was a circus. And not just in the literal way he would have preferred. Somehow every move he made garnered new success, but equal terror. He never knew what tomorrow would bring. As Cross Guild’s infamy grew, so did his reputation along with it. 
But his nerves were shot, and you could tell. When the others bullied him, you never added to it. He hadn’t a clue why you’d chosen him. But he wouldn’t take it for granted either as you’d come to sit in his lap, late at night in his room. You’d call him your captain, your emperor even, grinding that perfect ass into him as you tried to cheer him up. 
And it always worked. As he’d a bit too desperately slide your pants from you, you always humored him. Letting his hands massage and hold that enticing rear. If he wanted to spank you, you let him do that too. It was just so soft and…comforting? He might not admit it, but you were his only remaining stability in this place. If he lost you, that would have been his breaking point. But he trusted you too when you promised that you were in it for the long haul. He was already your pirate king.
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It was the way you’d looked at him that first time the two of you had ever crossed paths. You weren’t afraid of his history, even as you’d seen him kill a lesser swordsman right in front of you. 
By the time he got to know you better, he’d realized just how much he liked to gaze into those eyes. It was as if he could feel what you were thinking. And as your confidence grew, that ‘come hither’ look of yours became far more prominent as well. 
Just with a glance, he knew exactly when you were craving to have those physical needs sated. And he certainly respected that need, finding it rather quickly a mutual one as he’d often carry you to his bed. 
And even then as his hips would be pumping skillfully against your own, you’d be looking up at him in a haze of pleasure with those same beautiful eyes. A view for him alone, one he would cherish and protect forever more.
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It might have been a bit too crass on his part, that afternoon in the bar when he’d first noticed you from across the room. But his ship wouldn’t be in port for long. There wasn’t time to play this subtle. No, not at all as he’d whistled loudly, catcalling you while his crew had laughed. 
He’d gotten the full view as well when those same lovely legs had carried you right back up to the bar to tell him to go fuck himself. And the way he’d smiled at you just pissed you off even further of course. 
Your anger made you stay. And it was definitely a talent of his to inspire that, but he was persistent too. Soon enough you’d let him buy you a drink, and then a few more. By the time the two of you had been stumbling out of the bar, you were letting him know your room number at the nearby inn. You wanted to know if he was just all talk. He assured you that he was not.
And that night as he did get the privilege of those legs being wrapped around him as your bed creaked and shook in a marathon of lovemaking, he realized his crew probably could find more room on the ship. You had no ties to this town either. 
By morning he was more than pleased when you agreed to board. Beck had protested a little, just at the sudden impracticality of yet another mouth to feed. But Shanks knew you would fit in fine, all of you and those legs laying in his bunk warm beside him for years to come on your way through the New World.
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With an epithet like the Surgeon of Death, he of course knew better than most on the importance of dexterity and skill with the hands. Without his own, he felt that he would have been useless. 
But this appreciation for such talent had quickly extended to you once he’d finally given in. He’d ignored you for as long as he could, too logical in his understanding of how reckless it’d be to pursue a member of his own crew. But so many days and nights alone under the ocean’s surface had finally worn him down. 
The night on the Polar Tang when those skillful fingers of yours had finally been in his hair, and finally unbuttoning his pants soon after was one that had been so long coming. You’d gotten to see that other side of him then as he unraveled almost shamefully beneath your stroking and assurances. 
He’d taken care of everyone else for so long you told him, playing the part of their stoic leader. But you knew he was far from only that as your hands drew out all his pent up need. 
You promised him that he was safe with you. That you were with him until the end. And it was all true. The captain of the Heart Pirates would remain within your capable hands for as long as he desired to. And that desire would prove to be unbreakable.
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bbyjackie · 9 months
do they trust your driving? one piece + driving feat: like the whole one piece cast lol
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(header by gh2ting)
you think you're a passenger princess? nah, you're a passenger survivor. these delusional ones that think you suck at driving and always make fun of you when you're behind the wheel, but the moment it's THEIR turn to drive, it's like y'all are in GTA. and you can't even call them out on it cause they actually think they're like an F1 driver and will not take ANY criticism.
ace. kid. LUFFY. buggy. roger. FRANKY.
nervous smile on their face whilst they're GRIPPING the car seat so freaking tight. listen close enough and you can hear the nervous chatter of their teeth. they don't have the heart to tell you to stop the car, but the moment you swerve a little too fast you best bet they're opening that car door and walking the rest of the way there.
chopper. CORAZON. vivi. bepo. ace.
absolutely does NOT trust you. you wouldn't even be allowed near the wheel, but if you somehow manage to convince them, they would force you to stop mid way and switch because there was no way they would let you even NEAR the highway. also type to act like a parent teaching their kid how to drive. every two seconds they go 'SLOW. SLOW DOWN. YOU'RE GONNA HIT INTO THE CAR INFRONT OF US', even when you're a good five meters behind the car. you both defs start screaming at each other and end up going 90 in a 40.
usopp. IZOU. crocodile. NAMI. sabo. iceberg. lucci.
the BEST person to drive with because they are patient and don't mind if you accidentally take a wrong turn. will give advice whilst driving like 'okay make sure you turn on your indicator'. if you get stressed out, the coax you to pull over on the side of the road and will help you calm down before encouraging you to drive again. pls they are literally the only people you can trust to get on the road with.
robin. LAW. mihawk. marco. rayleigh. jinbe.
will not hesitate to tell you that you suck ass but will help you drive. it's all good with this drive if you can take a couple of insults because you eventually do get better with driving if they're with you. you might get your feelings hurt a little though.
LAW. nami. rayleigh.
you're not driving, they are. the whole time you guys will be arguing with each other cause they have NO chill and will lean over the glove box to turn the wheel or honk the horn with absolutely no warning. absolutely the worst people to have as a passenger because 90% of the time you're gonna be late to your destination cause you got into an accident.
kid. DOFLAMINGO. shanks. crocodile. BOA. perona. LUFFY. ace.
they don't tell you that you suck at driving. even when you don't slow down for a speed bump and they end up getting a concussion. they're too preoccupied with your feelings and don't want to hurt you. so cute of them but this just means that you STAY sucking at driving. everyone gets concerned when you guys show up and they have a nasty bruise protruding on their forehead.
SANJI. bartolomeo (only if ur a strawhat lol). ace. brook. yamato.
calm ride but you're never getting there if you ask them for directions. it's kinda on you for trusting them.
zoro. aokiji.
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shanksbaby · 4 months
Admirals as dads
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he would spoil his child 100 %, and he would buy the best clothes too...like you see his suit and glasses? that man loves show off his wealth, and he would shows off through his child too. I think he would buy them mostly classy clothes, nothing casual or sportive.
he is a man who is very polite, so i guess he would teach his child to be polite too. i don't think he would be stern like sakazuki, but he would teach them through corrections of their speach, like:
"y\n, you have to say please when you ask something. please repeat it now properly"
he wuould tell them with a sweet voice, not wanting his child to feel like he is judging them.
he would be smitten with his child's cuteness, saying "so kawai" and smiling softly at them, probably for that little face that his child manages to get away with almost everything. Almost with everything because I feel like he would love that his child would be polite like him.
100% he would take his child at work and showing them off with all the others admirals, even if he has to meet akainu's irritation. He would carry them on his broad shoulder, and he would let them see all marineford, of course he won't take them to the renuion.
he would fear that his child could become a pirate, even if he never tells anyone. He fears this scenario because he already knows that it would put him in an umfortable position
i don't think he would really attack\hurt them, but he would be really struggle at the beginning since he always have followed the orders.
still, he won't push to become a marine.
oh boy, i think he would be a very stern dad, he wouldn't take care of his child he would TRAIN them, like he would be more a sergent than an actual dad. He would still spend time with his child playing, but he would mostly teaching them to be a marine since birth.
he can't allow his child become an enemy of the law like happened to garp, he would lose respect of himself (we know that sakazuki doesn't like garp much because his child and grandson are both enemy of world government).
probabily he would have a stroke if his child would become a pirate lmao.
he is stil smart enough to know that being too strict would led them to resent them, so he learns to be more lenient with them, letting them getting away with few things, playing with any game the want ( as long as the game isn't too stupid).
i feel like he would be a bit controlling, expecially about friendship that his child has.
he would take his child at work too, to show them the importance of working as marine. He would take them to the training camp, then he would take them to his office; he would take them to a mission too ( not extremly dangerous, he just wants let them know how marine operate)
the most chill dad 100%, he would let and would spur his child to become an indipendent person. He won't teach like sakazuki the importance to be a marine, he would let his child choose his way. Even if they would choose to be a pirate, he would accept them, even if he would be worried about them
he would still protect them even if it's from a far
he won't spoil their child too much, more like he would teach them to be humble, and expecially to be kind towards others. When he see them to act compassionate, even towards an animal, he would be so proud and warm <3
more than pay for very expensive clothes, he spends time with them. He would play whatever game his child wanna play, even if he have to act a bit silly, he would do it. And he would loove nap with them.
he would sleep with his child in a bed full of cushions under a warm blanket cuddling
i know he is a very aloof but i feel like with his child would be really warm and tender, liike i know he would use pet names like "honey, sweety, sweetheart etc"
he won't take them to marineford, he thinks his job is too ruthless for your innocence, but he would take to garp, letting him see you and letting you see how he trained.
he would let you see even smoker, since he's a kind guy even if he looks intimidating.
he won't let you see akainu 100% , even if you asked the answer will be always no.
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kookie-doughs · 8 months
Daddy Cupid
Modern!Various One Piece Men X Reader
-When your father grows weary of your single life, he takes it upon himself to play matchmaker. With him knowing the entire city, he embarks on a mission to find you the perfect match.
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Chapter 1: Cupid's Bow
Chapter 2: Cupid's Arrow
Chapter 3: Cupid's Aim
Shot At
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚎 ᴍᴀʀᴄᴏ
����𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍 ʙᴜɢɢʏ
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝙱𝚘𝚢𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍 ꜱᴍᴏᴋᴇʀ
𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 1: 𝖯𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗌𝖾 𝗉𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗌𝖾 𝗉𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗌𝖾𝖾𝖾𝖾𝖾𝖾
Chapter 2: My love so sweet, My darling one
Chapter 3: Scary ass old men
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚄𝚗𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 ᴍɪʜᴀᴡᴋ
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙾𝚗𝚎 𝙽𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚍 ᴋᴜᴢᴀɴ
𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 1:
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙼𝚢𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝙼𝚊𝚗 ʟᴜᴄᴄɪ
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚋𝚘𝚢 ꜱʜᴀɴᴋꜱ
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙰𝚜𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚎 ᴅᴏꜰʟᴀᴍɪɴɢᴏ
𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 1: 𝖸𝗈𝗎'𝗋𝖾 𝖺 𝗅𝗈𝗌𝖾𝗋, 𝖨'𝗆 𝗇𝗈𝗍
Chapter 2: I'm literally the best stop complaining
Chapter 3: You're being super weird rn
Chapter 4: He's like so obsessed idk wym
Chapter 5: You willingly wanted this to happen
Chapter 6: You're just so annoying and a menace
Chapter 7: Oh just shut up stupid heart
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚋𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 ʀᴏꜱɪɴᴀɴᴛᴇ
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙴𝚡 𝙱𝚘𝚢𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍 ᴄʀᴏᴄᴏᴅɪʟᴇ
𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 1:
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙰𝚛𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚍 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 ᴄʀᴀᴄᴋᴇʀ
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 ᴋᴀᴛᴀᴋᴜʀɪ
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Your age in the story is 30(same age as Doflamingo), your father is Rayleigh(67). I follow the canonical age gaps just like yk different age. Shanks and Buggy are 2 years younger(28) Luffy is 8 ykyk you can follow the age line here
I hope you'll enjoy this love you all!!!!
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@gayer-than-the-gayest-gay @nykie-love-anime @angstylittleb1tch @valen-yamyam16 @melodyidk @anicega @littlegreekgirl1 @rebeccawinters @manduse @alextheknight707 @h0n3y-l3m0n05
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kazenomegaminowanpisu · 8 months
hello if it ok can you please do a reaction for (separate) Marco,ace ,izo, zoro ,smoker, aokiji reaction to having a future vision seeing their darling wearing a kimono while playing with their future children their children call and running to them hugging them"mommy daddy over here" and you Walk up to them they noticed a wedding ring on our finger you kiss them on the cheek and said "hello my love welcome home"
Op Boys vision about their beloved person wearing a kimono while playing with their future children
Warning:SFW, Fluff, Reaction
Feat:Marco, Ace, Izo, Zoro, Smoker, Aokiji
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- Marco would be in awe and filled with happiness when he sees the vision of his beloved wearing a kimono and playing with their future children.
- His heart would swell with love and pride as their children call out to him, running into his embrace.
- Marco's eyes would widen in surprise and joy when he notices the wedding ring on your finger, symbolizing your commitment to each other.
- He would be touched by your affectionate greeting, feeling a sense of warmth and contentment as he finally arrives home to his loving family.
- Ace would be overjoyed and emotional at the sight of his darling wearing a beautiful kimono, playing with their adorable children.
- The vision of his children running towards him, calling him "daddy," would bring tears to his eyes.
- His heart would skip a beat when he notices the wedding ring on your finger, realizing that you have become his wife.
- Ace would be speechless as you greet him with a loving kiss on the cheek and the words, "Hello my love, welcome home," making him feel like the luckiest man in the world.
- Izo, known for his composed nature, would be taken aback and immediately overwhelmed with joy when he sees the vision of you in a kimono, playing with your future children.
- A smile would grace his face as the children happily rush towards him, calling him "mommy" or "daddy."
- His eyes would widen when he notices the wedding ring on your finger, symbolizing the strength of your bond.
- Izo would feel a rush of love and happiness as you greet him with a tender kiss on the cheek and the words, "Hello my love, welcome home," making him feel complete.
- Zoro, though initially surprised, would be filled with warmth and happiness seeing the vision of you wearing a kimono, playing with your future children.
- While not openly emotional, a soft smile would appear on Zoro's face as your children excitedly call out to him, hugging him tightly.
- He would notice the wedding ring on your finger and be amazed by the depth of your commitment to each other.
- Zoro would blush slightly at your affectionate greeting, appreciating the feeling of homecoming and the love that surrounds him.
- Smoker, known for his stoic nature, would find it hard to contain his surprise and amazement when he sees the vision of you in a kimono, happily playing with your future children.
- Initially caught off guard, a warm smile would slowly grace his face as he watches the children call out to him, running into his welcoming arms.
- When he notices the wedding ring on your finger, it would bring a rush of emotions, realizing the depth of your relationship.
- Smoker would be touched by your loving kiss on the cheek and the words, "Hello my love, welcome home," feeling a sense of belonging and contentment.
- Aokiji, known for his calm demeanor, would be pleasantly surprised and deeply moved by the vision of you wearing a kimono, playing with your future children.
- A gentle smile would form on his face as your children run towards him, calling him "mommy" or "daddy."
- His eyes would catch the wedding ring on your finger, symbolizing the commitment you both share.
- Aokiji would be filled with a warm and comforting feeling as you greet him with a tender kiss on the cheek and the words, "Hello my love, welcome home," making him feel a sense of peace and happiness.
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dangerouslyknown · 11 months
Hi hello!!!
Could I request hcs for Admirals with fem!s/o who is very small compared to them? Like she is 5'0?
HCs: Admirals having a fem!S/O much smaller compared to them
Thanks for the request! I am slowly getting back into writing again, so my apologies if I am a bit rusty.
Warnings: None
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Borsalino / Kizaru
I have a feeling that your height doesn’t matter to him…. You’re taller? He’s delighted (and a bit amazed). You’re shorter? He’s delighted. You’re around the same height? He’s delighted. But! He can’t deny that he finds your short height adorable.
He’s overall a gentle lover, but… Sometimes he tends to forget that you are much more fragile than him. He would never hurt you on purpose, but sometimes he gets a bit carried away.
He will apologize with lots of affection, like hugs and kisses though!
This man loooves to pick you up in his arms a lot as well. Your weight doesn’t matter either, he just loves to hold you close to him like you’re his bride...
..and he might not say this to you directly, but he absolutely loves to hear when you compliment his strength while he holds you. Then he'll just act all smug about it-
Borsalino being how he is, he would definitely tease you a bit about your height. He’d occasionally just comment on it out of nowhere or do something to get your attention. Like he’d take your hand and place it on his and point out the size difference.
Sakazuki / Akainu
He isn’t the biggest fan of the huge height difference. He does prefer someone more close to his height. He had some concerns, but all the pros and you as a person made him forget the height difference. With time, he learned to “accept” it as he claims, but honestly…
In all truth, he loves how your small size makes him feel. Next to you, he feels more masculine and better about himself. He feels large and muscular. It just makes him so damn proud and boosts his ego and this man is all for it. 
Actually, call him your knight or something. He’d claim it’s childish for you to call him that but he secretly likes it a lot.
 He likes having you sit on his lap. He enjoys the closeness and it’s great you fit onto his lap so easily due to your size so it can be done almost everywhere. There’s also something he especially loves  and it’s when you sit on his thigh. But that’s mostly on a more private setting.
It goes without saying that he’s there to help you reach places, but he likes to watch you get creative when trying to reach the high-up cabinets and such. He adores seeing your dedication to the task.
Kuzan / Aokiji
I think he has a preference for shorter women, so your height isn’t a problem at all. Like Borsalino, he isn’t too worried about anything, but he’s a bit more aware and actively worries more about accidentally hurting you. Eventually he relaxes though.
He adores you and thinks you’re sooo cute when you look up to his face from your height. Or do pretty much anything, he can’t help it. 
He is a very caring man, but sometimes it might get a little annoying when he finds almost everything you do cute. He’s too lazy to fight or argue, so he’ll just be there and silently think how you’re pretty cute when you’re angry.
And there’s something that he loves to no limits. When he sees you wearing his shirts or other clothes. The way you look in his clothes, how oversized they are, there’s just… something in that sight, that gets to him. And he loves the way his shirts smell like you after you've wore them.
He loves to keep his hands on your head, stroke your hair and all that stuff when you’re near him. He might even rest his arm on you as you’re so short, but only to get a reaction out of you and then smile at you afterwards and apologize.
Issho / Fujitora
He wouldn’t necessarily mind the big height difference and you being smaller, but he would almost freak out about hurting you by accident. He’d make extra effort to be super gentle with you.
He would be the most protective out of all of these 4 and he would literally help you with anything you ever ask for. He doesn’t tease you about your height, but he might worry sometimes a little bit too much.
He was very cautious the first time you cuddled for example. He was afraid to hug you tightly, because he wasn’t sure if he'd be able to control all his strength.
Once he is comfortable though, you can expect lots of hugs from him. By the way, he gives such excellent, comforting hugs!
Eventually he calms down with his concerns, but he will never NOT put effort to treat you gently like a flower in his hands.
I know for sure he loves to just gently caress your face with his fingers and appreciate you. He also loves to just cup your face with his hands and hold it. It makes his heart melt every time he does this.
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moonydustx · 11 days
Hi, I was wondering if you could do Zoro, Ace, Sabo, Luffy, Crocodile, Mihawk, Buggy (Cross guild), Whitebeard, Izou, and Charlotte Katakuri x Reader where They are in a Disney/ Fairy tale Story? (I've been watching Disney lately, and it's living in my Brain-Free.) Also a bonus: They break out in a song number.~
Hi Hi! I think this was the most complicated request I've ever received and to be honest, all my drafts didn't get anywhere that was interesting to read. So, in order not to be left without an answer, but also not to deliver something terrible, I decided to change the format a little (and I really hope you don't hate me for it)
Even though her father (grandfather in this version) is against all this, our little mermaid wants to find the surface world (again, pirate world) and see all the wonders that await him. You'll make different friends along the way and, above all, collect incredible things like a certain hat along the way.
Our Beauty and the Beast story is a little more troubled here. Instead of a beast cursed by the witch, we just have an evil-looking and somewhat threatening man who still hasn't found a reason to let anyone get close to him. When the right person arrives, he will definitely become someone lovable - even if it involves some fights, wars and everything that can prevent anyone from interfering in the lives of the two of you.
Crocodile, Katakuri
Living the best life, without growing up, without responsibilities, just him and his people living happily in Neverland and disturbing the life of the pirate who passes by. Despite trying to bring our beloved Peter Pan to the real world, you would ultimately understand that Neverland is the place made for him to be free.
I know, I know it's not exactly a fairy tale. But, our beloved Puss in Boots would be just as stubborn, adventurous and showy as this one. His sword would be the sharpest and most agile of all the kingdoms, apart from all the flame that only he has.
Bonus point: in a universe where Cross Guid is made up of enemies and we are in fairy tales/animations, Crocodile would be the wolf in the second film.
This one would be Sleeping Beauty, I don't think we even need to explain why. However, this sleeping beauty here chose to sleep for days straight after being in battle and when you tried to wake him up in a kind way - aka, the kiss of love - he hated it, after all, he was in the best part of sleep.
Zoro (and I'd include Buggy here too, I can see him grumbling about it).
The world was just a small view of the tower his mother trapped him in and of course, his mother knows better. Until he found himself being saved by someone fearless, brave (a bit of a scoundrel) who took him from his cruel mother's clutches and took him to explore the world - and that includes the nearest bakery.
Charlotte Katakuri, Sabo (I mean, his parents were pretty shitty)
He would definitely be Mufasa and he would make us suffer terribly with his loss, but he would have been a great father. (and you can't tell me that Ace wouldn't be the son with the chaotic and adventurous spirit also known as Simba)
He would have to put up with you singing Let It Go in any situation, but he probably wouldn't get angry about it. Except when you were in a more intimate moment and you said that the cold wouldn't bother you anyway (and of course, he would create little ice drawings for you in the winter)
We also have Snow White: dreamy, kind, fearless too. Instead of seven dwarves, he has loyal companions. Some are more serious and angry, but ready to help our Snow White here and other cute and funny eaters.
Shanks (and yes Benn Beckman is our angry one in this one) ---
a/n: ok, I had more fun writing this than I thought I would
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underrrated1 · 1 year
Being the Admirals secretary
I think out of all the One Piece characters, the Admirals are some of my favorites (yes, even Akainu. I have a taste for absolutely horrible characters)
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It's stressful, both for you and him.
The work he doesn't finish goes off to you, as well as work he deems unimportant to him.
He makes you go out for everything, he needs a new pack of cigarettes? You. He needs to mediate a situation on another island? You.
He's very short tempered, it's best to just not speak to him other than "yes sir" and other formalities.
Doesn't care for you all that much.
What matters is justice, not your dying mother.
About once a year he'll let you have a day off, but he won't tolerate you being late the next day.
As long as you get your work done, he could care less about what you do.
For some reason he got very heated when Aokiji commented on your looks.
That stupid faint blush you had made him bubble in the worst way.
He had basically banned you from speaking to the other admirals, you were his assistant.
You rarely see him most days, he's always hauled up in his office and while you do sit right outside his office he seemingly never comes out.
The first time you actually met the guy was 2 weeks after you got assigned to working as his secretary.
He had to leave his office to give some paperwork to Sengoku, and didn't even acknowledge you.
It wasn't until he actually got back to his office that he looked at you, sitting there measley while doing paperwork.
The little wave you gave him was a sight to see, not many people offered such a gesture to him.
Again he ignored you though, simply waking into his office.
After a couple months he started piling work up on you more and more, how he had all this paperwork no one will ever know.
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It gets tiresome working under Aokiji, constant comments on your looks (though always positive, but repetitive), and complaints about work he doesn't even do.
You might as well take over his entire job as Admiral with how much you do for him.
Everything he has to do, paperwork, signing off on certain decisions, even going to meetings for him; has been done by you.
You basically have his signature melted into your brain, absent-mindedly signing the papers he was meant too because he literally doesn't care.
He did end up moving your desk into his office, since it was spacious and he likes eye candy.
If you were to enter his office you'd see his stressed secretary surrounded by piles of paperwork and Aokiji peacefully sleeping on the couch.
He met you a couple hours into being assigned to him as a secretary.
After a nice and peaceful nap he went to go get a cup of tea, and thus he met you sitting right outside his office door.
He waved politely, and you did the same with a small smile on your face.
After introductions he was off to get his tea when you stopped him and told him you'd make it for him, being his new secretary and wanting to make a good impression.
That was the first and last time you made anything for him, because shortly after you learned he was a pervert and a dickwad.
He'll make sure to take you with him if he has to go anywhere.
Though he only really uses his bike when traveling so you tend to be really close to him on trips, having to hug his back to stay on.
He has, more than once, asked you to join him for naps.
Immediate rejection, not his first time with that though.
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His work is shared between you two, when he's out you do his work, and when he's there he does his work.
Thankfully his usually in his office so no worries.
Sometimes he doesn't understand what some paperwork means, or thinks he might be missing part of a file, so he goes to you.
He likes the company, so after a week or two he set up a transporter snail that he could call at any time.
Sometimes he talks about the weather, and sometimes he's going over files with you.
Enjoys sitting down with you in his office and sharing a cup of hot chocolate and talking.
You could talk about anything and he'd listen, but don't expect him to understand it all.
He prefers you stay by his office, so he won't take you with him on missions.
He just wants you to be safe, he likes you the most out of the other secretaries he's had.
More times then most, he'll stop everything, even if he's fighting, to pick up his transporter snail that only you know the number to.
You could be asking a simple question like 'hows it going?' and he'd pause everything and end up spending an hour minimum talking to you.
The first time you met him he was actually the one to tell you that you'd be working as his secretary.
He has learned about it and decided it would be a great first introduction.
You almost pissed yourself when Admiral Kizaru appeared behind you during break.
He found you very amusing, tripping over yourself while following him to his office, and how you still trip over yourself even after months of working for him.
Allows you days off whenever you need it, as long as you have a semi-reasonable reason for needing to leave.
With how much you two talk, he basically knows all your family, he enjoys listening while you tell him stories about your childhood (something he didn't really get).
He will absolutely avoid the topic of his life when asked, but will randomly drop small stories from when he was younger.
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He's a very kind man, and a pleasure to work for.
Most of your work is simply reading some paperwork to him and signing certain paperwork for him.
Sure his paperwork can come in braille, and for the longest time before and after you joined he used the braille option.
But the longer he got to know you, the more he realized he loved listening to you.
So he started asking you to read his work for him.
Having nothing else to do, since he usually got his work done and didn't do much otherwise, you agreed and it became the majority of your day.
You also get him tea and something to snack on during the day.
He's such a kind boss, he leaves an impact on you whether you know it or not.
He lets you take days off if you say you need to, he's not dependent on you.
He's been doing his own work for a long time, he knows how to take care of himself.
Enjoys having lunch with you, especially if you eat foods that aren't usually seen around the place, maybe a dish from your culture.
He likes the smell, and when you let him have a bite, he likes trying new things.
God knows how many times he's asked you to get soba with him.
You first met him a day or so after settling into your desk.
You had already started paperwork set to the side for you and he was going out to get Soba.
Seeing him step out of his office, you offered him a 'good evening' and he smiled back in return.
He didn't jump, he knew you were going to be there, he felt your presence.
He found it to be a kind one, and still thinks so to this day.
Usually takes you with him when he's sent away, he knows you the most and enjoys a friend by his side.
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He's also a bit of a pain to work directly under.
His morals and sense of justice are the same as Fleet Admiral Akainu's, and his attitude is the same.
More than often he pushes his paperwork to you, he doesn't want to sit at a desk and sign paperwork, he wants to be out in the field.
When you asked him for the first, and last, time to sign something, he took a sticky note and wrote his signature on it then gave it to you.
After a bit of practice you got his signature down to a T.
Unlike Akainu, he does care how you spend your day.
He wants you by your desk, and by his side, 24/7.
That saying, he always takes you with him when he leaves.
He doesn't care if you're currently working on a very important file, he needs to get a new pack of cigarettes and you're coming with him.
And yes, you do join in and sit with him during meetings.
Most of the time you'll just sit by the wall on a spare chair and take notes while he barely listens.
When you first met him it was actually on a marine ship heading out to another island.
He was trying not to pay attention to you, but you just kept following him around and not saying anything.
Eventually he got fed up and asked you what your problem was.
He scared the Fuck out of you.
When you explained that you were his secretary he calmed down a little, so you weren't a creep that was good.
He didn't pay you much attention after that, just simply acknowledged your existence and left it at that.
The first time you left his side was when you had to go deliver papers to someone else on sight.
He had his back turned towards you, but he knew you were gone the moment you left.
He pretended not to care but he damn well did.
After you got back he told you to not ever leave his side.
That also means no days off for you.
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leakyweep · 10 months
Aokiji x afab!Reader x Smoker - Strip Poker - NSFW
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Warnings: fingering, nicknames (baby), orgasm denial, begging, oral (both m and f receiving), a bit of choking, creampie, facial.
Words: 1.6k
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The weather outside was cold, windy, snow pellets descending from the grey sky like falling paper. It was almost laughable how hot it was in the cabin, a fire blazing bright in the rustic brick chimney nearby. It was cozy, and you had planned to have a quiet night with your best friends Aokiji and Smoker, playing cards and sipping hot chocolate to beat the freezing weather.
Well, you were staying warm, but in a way you had never considered.
Smoker was holding you in his lap, three fingers buried deep in your soaking cunt as he pistoned them into you with reckless abandon, and your soft mewls fell into the ears of Aokiji, who was kneeling in front of you with his lips attached to your peppled nipple. The other nipple was being twinged and pinched by his fingers, and you felt two more hands dancing across your exposed, sweaty skin.
"Taking my fingers so well, huh? Doing so good for us, baby?" Smoker grunted in your ear, his breath tickling your skin, your nerves on high alert from the overstimulation as both men ravaged you in their own ways. Aokiji's hum made vibrations run through your breast and caused you to let out a loud mewl.
The fire blazing nearby seemed to elevate the sexiness of the whole scene as the three of you sat on the plush carpet, the two men focused on you and only you. They had suggested a game of strip poker, and you silently cursed yourself for your horrible poker face. The men had you in your panties in a second, and now they were pulled to the side as Smoker's thick digits prodded at the best parts of your cunt and Aokiji's mouth was traveling from your breasts to the waistband of your panties. Of course, Smoker hadn't lost any articles, while Aokiji had only lost his shirt.
"These are in the way, mind if I get rid of 'em?" Aokiji asked, his voice laced with that usual calm aloofness. He had always been a gentleman.
You nodded through a desperate moan as Smoker slowly scissored his fingers inside your pulsing, drenched pussy with a chuckle at how your head fell back in pleasure. His shoulder provided a nice pillow for you to rest your skull as his fingers were removed for a second to remove the panties before returning to their previous position.
"Ask before you cum, baby." Aokiji's tone was soft, but stern and you felt the man behind you nod in agreement.
Aokiji took the panties and stuffed them into your mouth, muffling your cries. Your arms were already pinned between your back and Smoker's broad chest, so now you were completely at their mercy. Walking around you in only his pants, Aokiji sat beside you and ran his fingers down your torso, to the course mound of pubic hair and then to your outside lips, tracing them where he could reach. The touch sent shivers down your spine, the feeling of Smoker filling you with his fingers pushing you closer and closer to the edge of your climax.
"N-need- can I cum?" You asked quietly, your voice muffled by the pair of underwear stuffing you. The men continued their minstrations, Aokiji's finger now twirling your clit idly as Smoker grunted and poked your sweet spot with the tips of his digits. It seemed as if they didn't hear you, but you couldn't hold back the pulsing of your walls as your orgasm began to creep up on you. Smoker pulled his fingers out, surprising both you and the olive-skinned man beside you.
"Didn't we say to ask before you came? I felt you choking my fingers with that pussy." His hand was now wrapped around your neck, his nails digging deliciously into your skin, pulling a moan from the back of your throat. He tilted your head back to look at him, exposing the delicate skin that was covered in marks and bites. He pulled the gagging cloth from your mouth, giving you a chance to reply.
"I-I did!" you whined, giving him a pitiful look. "Please- please can I cum? I need it, please-" your babbling was cut off by your own pathetic squeak as Aokiji continued to play with your wet slit. His fingers traveled up and down from your clit to gently tease your entrance, stringing your orgasm along to get you riled up.
"C'mon Smoker... Let's show a little mercy." Aokiji's velvet voice was now coming from between your legs, reaching your ears before the feeling of his tongue lapping at your cunt took over your body. Smoker scoffed despite the grin on his face.
"I just can't help but grab this neck... fuck, so hot," his voice was strained, his hips bucking up into your ass hurriedly. “Want me to fuck this pussy, baby?”
“Ye-eeess, Smoker, please fuck me, mm- Kiji!” your words were decorated with gentle moans and rasps as Aokiji’s tongue pleasured your cunt and his nose pressed into your clit. Smoker’s hands were now twisting and flicking at your already-sore nipples. The men’s growls and hisses of pleasure mixed in your ears to create a beautiful song, with the crackling fire nearby as the background.
The rope was snapping soon, and your hips gyrated against Aokiji’s thick nose, chasing the climax you were so close to before Smoker stopped. You were pushed closer to the edge by the feeling of three of the black-haired man’s fingers invading your walls, creating a pressure in your sopping cunt that made your back arch.
“Yes! Kiji, please, mmph- Smoker, so close!” you babbled, your face a flushed and sweaty mess as you desperately and hurriedly pressed yourself into both the men’s touches. Smoker whispered a praise in your ear for being so good, letting them know when you were going to cum. You smiled, ready to let go and cum, but just as you were free falling into bliss, both the men removed their touch, causing a pitiful whine to surface from your throat. “Pl-please, please…”
Smoker lifted you, placing you on your back on the ground. He looked up at Aokiji, who shrugged.
“What’re you waiting for? (y/n) is asking you so nicely…” Aokiji kneeled beside you, the sound of his belt buckle coming undone sending shockwaves through your core. You needed one of the men inside you, and soon.
Smoker placed himself in the cradle of your legs, your lower back lifted from the ground as the silver-haired Marine threw your calves over his shoulders and positioned his aching, swollen tip at your leaking entrance.
“So wet…” Smoker hissed, his fingers spreading your labia open, pulling a wanting moan from your chest. He pushed into your aching heat, the cry leaving your lips anything but holy.
Meanwhile, Aokiji was stroking your hair, whispering praises of how sexy you were, how you were doing so well for them, how they’d take such good care of your pretty pussy.
Your mind was swimming with lust, any coherent thought completely drowned out by the feeling of being stuffed full by the broad man. His cock was long, a bit curved and as thick as a soda can. It stretched your cunt in all the best ways while he began to thrust his length against your pulsing walls.
Aokiji was jacking his own cock, long and swollen at the tip, gleaming in precum. He wasn’t as thick as the man inside you, but he was still impressive in length and girth.
“Shit- so tight for us, baby, hnng-“ Smoker’s head tipped back, the sound of his abdomen slapping against your plush thighs ringing in his head, your symphony of moans filling his mind with lust and desire.
Your gaze tore through him, lingering on his broad chest and chiseled abs as he swayed above you, pulling his dick out to the tip before rushing back inside you vigorously. He reveled in the way your cunt was fluttering around him, pulling him into your core as you tiptoed closer and closer to release.
Aokiji, who was now positioning his cock into your mouth, reached down with his free hand to rub small circles into your clit, tight and rough and sharp. You yelped their names, back arching against Smoker’s abdomen.
Gushing around Smoker’s cock was magnificent, the way his tip kissed your cervix and filling you with his spend, how he continued to thrust into you like a feral animal as he chased his high as long as he could.
Aokiji was now choking you with his length, swollen mushroom head pushed deep into your wet cave. His hips were languid and fluid while he fucked your mouth, careful to give you as much air as you needed. He savored the way tears brimmed your eyes at just the sheer feeling of his lengthy girth fucking into your throat, your chin wet with spit and precum.
Smoker had pulled out of you, watching with lust-blown pupils as a mix of your cum and his pooled onto the carpet. The blaze beside you all had a sheen of sweat covering each of you, skin seemingly illuminating in the hot, yellow glow of the fire. The man was now pushing hair out of your sweaty face, encouraging you as Aokiji reached his climax, pulling from your mouth and painting your face and neck with creamy, white spurts. The noise that left his mouth was a whine, your name leaving his lips like a hymn.
After basking in the afterglow of your release with each other, you each cleaned the other up, giggling and laughing about the game of strip poker and how you should come up with a better poker face.
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sanaserena · 3 months
“Rosi,” Doffy said warmly, entering the room, dropping onto the couch like an exhausted snake, or perhaps Rosinante should compare his brother to a flamingo? Doffy’s head rested over the back of the couch and had the presence of a man who had enough of dealing with imbeciles for the day.
Rosinante gave a two-finger salute in greeting.  He hadn’t seen Doffy since that day.  It was for the best. 
It wasn’t often Rosinante was inside.  He preferred being outside.
He wrote a note and flicked it at Doffy.  It landed on his brother’s face, draping over his big nose, like a fresh tablecloth.
To Sengoku, Rosinante’s feelings about his brother were always clear.  Black and white.  Good versus bad.  Something that wasn’t quite angelic versus the devil. 
But Sengoku didn’t really know that some days, Rosinante remembered.  He remembered Doffy fending for their survival.  He remembered Doffy telling him to eat.  He remembered the cold desperation of a boy who hated the world. 
And then Rosinante would remember Doffy’s anger. 
If it hadn’t been towards their father, maybe, just maybe, Rosinante would have said it was justified.
Doffy peeled the note away from his face and stared at it, with all the laziness to his actions of a sloth.  And he laughed.  Not his usual laugh. But the laugh of soft embers, the kind one found for a dying fire, good for a cosy gathering.  It was the laugh Doffy showed only to Rosinante.
It made Rosinante feel like a child again, to the times when they had been in Mariejois, and Doffy’s goal in life was to lord his prestige over all.  That Doffy, a typical selfish world noble even as a child, had made sure no one bullied his little brother.
And he was now a man capable of doing far more evil than he would have, had he remained a world noble.
Some days, Rosinante aligned the child and the adult with ease.
But other days, he couldn’t.
Today was one of those days.
Rosinante should have hated Doffy more after what happened with you.  But hate was so black and white.  The more time he stayed with Doffy, the harder it was to not see grey. 
Adult Doffy was so much more controlled than his child self.  Different but the same.  Same but different.
“Amusing,” Doffy drawled, sitting up.
Rosinante had written in his scrawl that Doffy looked like shit.   
“You couldn’t find a better descriptor?” Doffy tossed the note to the side.
Rosinante just smiled, leaning back and lighting a cigarette. No, his body said.
His brother just chuckled dryly, raking his hair back.  Then he leaned back, matching Rosinante’s lax pose. But where Rosinante smoked, Doffy just rested his arm along the back of the couch.
“What do you think of Doll?”
Your codename stilled Rosinante’s hand.
A mistake.
Because Doffy was always watching him.  Rosinante forced his hand to move, to bring the cigarette to his mouth and inhale.
“If you like her,” Doffy drawled, as though Rosinante had answered, “I’ll give her to you.”
Rosinante didn’t know what to say.  He had all the thoughts, but they refused to leave his mouth.
Your face flashed across Rosinante’s mind, and it was more erotic than it should be.  He couldn’t deny it, but even more, he couldn’t deny the wave of anger cresting as he digested what Doffy implied.
“You could tame her in any way you like,” Doffy added.
Rosinante forgot in that moment to mind his cigarette.  In a flash, as though it had a mind of its own, the burning end dipped to his coat and it ignited into flames.
The smell of burning feathers filled the air and Rosinante hastily patted at the flames, ignoring the way it singed at his hand. 
Doffy, however, was more pragmatic and less concerned. 
He dumped the vase of cold water from the coffee table onto Rosinante’s head.
Doffy tsked, “Really, how are you this clumsy? You never change.”
The fire extinguished, and water seeped under Rosinante’s shirt.
Rosinante just stared up at his brother, leaning over him.  Was he serious?  About you? Did you truly know what you had run headfirst into? 
His brother helped him up, but Rosinante didn’t hear what he said.  Rosinante’s head was filled with you, with consequences the size of a mountain range, and growing larger and larger by the second. 
‘Corazon and Doffy have a talk: A brief scene from Intermission 2 (of Part 3) featuring Corazon's perspective’ scene of my ongoing canon (intended) compliant fic, Doffy’s Whore, over on AO3 (Doflamingo X reader and Rosinante X reader pairing; Aokiji X reader endgame - the relationships are a little complicated, see AO3 notes, mind the warnings.)
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moonbaby26 · 3 months
Title: Sabaody Shakedown
(Chapter 2 of Doflamingo’s Marine Series)
*Crossposted to AO3 here* Reader/(Y/N) type: cis female marine
Pairings: Doflamingo x Reader as primary, Smoker x Reader is in the past, Aokiji/Kuzan x Reader is teased
Chapter Warnings: masturbation, rape, non-con, voyeurism, slavery, blood, language, violence, unprotected vaginal sex, breeding kink, handjob, references to previous virginity loss
Chapter Synopsis: After running afoul of Doflamingo in Mariejois a few weeks earlier, he’s now all you can think of. But you still didn’t expect to see him again this soon, and to even more complicated results.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3
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You had understandably been in somewhat of a mental fog the next few days after returning to Marineford. Of course you kept up appearances as best you could. But it was such an odd feeling, holding this secret inside of what you’d done.
Your body was still aching, with you even having to wipe away small amounts of blood from between your legs in the bathroom or during a shower through the week. Doflamingo had torn you just enough that it still stung whenever you tried to make your daily laps or do your workouts in the gym.
You put your mind back into training as much as you could though, just waiting for Tsuru’s battleship to return and take you back out to sea again.
But even in those times where you may finally think of something else, there would always be some sort of reminder of him. Like the scab inside of your bottom lip burning against hot food whenever you’d tried to eat. That hidden wound still in the shape of the warlord’s bite within your mouth.
With your lips closed, your tongue tip still ran idly over that imperfection inside your mouth in a way that was almost becoming a bad habit. 
In all honesty, the isolation of these confusing emotions felt similar to losing your virginity all over again. Even if that idea seemed ridiculous.
As sore as you were, as shell shocked, and as anxious that someone would discover and judge you for what you’d done…it was like figuring out sex all alone for the very first time again.
You’d bled significantly more on your true first time of course. But only because you’d still had an inexplicably thick hymen then. First torn by none other than Kuzan actually. A fact you hadn’t revealed even to Doflamingo exactly. You’d confessed to being with Aokiji before when pressed by the warlord. But not divulged that the now admiral was also your very first.
In your mind, that had to be one of the main reasons why Kuzan had gotten so nervous and ended things with you back then. Because he hadn’t realized you were a virgin until it was too late and you were bleeding and crying in his bed.
He hadn’t been an admiral then. And you hadn’t been underage, just inexperienced. But you’d still conned him a bit if you were being honest. Playing things up as if you were far more mature than you were. When you hadn’t actually been ready for that level of intimacy yet at all. 
But by the time Smoker came along, you’d taken the time to practice with a few random, unthreatening marines here and there beforehand. It’d become a lot more natural by then. And you’d learned to actually enjoy and even look forward to sex over time.
But now Smoker was gone too and you were only left with whatever the hell this new poison was.
Because Doflamingo had raped you. Logically you knew that.
But you’d also felt more arousal in at least some of that than you could remember at any time with Smoker. It’d been like the adrenaline of battle mixed with making love. 
Minus the love.
Yet even a man like Doflamingo had seemed a little bit human in those very small instances of vulnerability he’d shown.
And you kept remembering that, the times where his perpetual mask of a smile would slip away from him. If you could have only seen his eyes, you were certain there would have been something more there too in those brief moments.
But this is how you’d been for days now. Trying to go through your routines, and adjusting back to base life while waiting for your next sail date. You’d be in the offices, then at the gym, the mess hall, and then back to the barracks.
And you’d be thinking of that warlord all the while. Like a dark stain across everything, impossible to wash away as you now laid alone in your bed after yet another long shower.
Worst of all, even if it still hurt a bit, your fingers would slide between your open legs at times. Mostly gently though, and only over the top of your underwear while you rubbed yourself with all the lights off.
You were also attracted to the Heavenly Demon’s raw will, and the challenge of it all. There was no question in that.
Aokiji was likely still the stronger in pure power between the two men. But Doflamingo was so ruthless, so exacting. Where Aokiji could freeze an entire battlefield in one swing of his palm, Doflamingo would be the assassin’s bullet instead, straight through the heart and never predicted.
You now thought of the king of Dressrosa’s rich scent which you still remembered too well, and the vibrations of his dark laugh as he’d pressed his greedy mouth against you that day in Mariejois.
You moved your own fingers in a poor substitution for his as your stomach tightened in arousal. You could feel the fabric getting damp as your pressed a little harder through your underwear.
It was so goddamn wrong though. If you hadn’t still been healing, you would have been looking for something else to slide between your legs in this moment.
You wanted to feel full again already. You wanted his heavy weight against your body. 
You breathed in quietly as you just had to use your imagination for the rest. Thinking of his voice, pretending it was there to taunt and coax you again as you massaged your own clit.
And what would he have thought of you shamelessly touching yourself for him? He’d be even more insufferable most likely. His ego was titanic enough already.
But there’s no way he would have left you to finish this all alone either. He would have been in this bed in an instant to partake as well.
So that’s what you kept focusing on to finally coax an orgasm out of yourself. Thinking of his hands desperate and grasping for you again, his breath panting, mouth biting, and hips pumping as he would have moaned for you once more.
Like a starving animal to a fresh kill. He’d let himself fully give in to what he’d wanted from you that day.
You grit your own teeth as you managed even a second orgasm as well before you’d finally let your muscles relax again. You were breathing a little harsher yourself in the dark by then. All this before you’d finally rolled back over. Then tightening the blankets around you in the absence of his body heat to warm you.
But closing your eyes didn’t erase what you still kept imagining. It was going to be a very long ordeal for you with each added night alone in these barracks. Without any other mission to focus on, it just brought out the worst in you now.
And another setback came a few days later. Early one morning when you were just getting dressed to go on a jogging run before officer meetings, your long distance snail had finally rang.
You’d been across your bedroom so fast to pickup that receiver. You knew assignments could come in the morning sometimes like this, and you’d felt so relieved to finally hear Tsuru-san’s voice again.
“Good morning.” She greeted you as normal.
“Good morning, Vice Admiral.” You’d practically been pacing the floor already though, stretching out the long phone cord as you did. “Has Amazon Lily been wrapped up?”
“For now.” She answered. Debriefings would come on that later you were sure. “I’m sorry I haven’t gotten to check in on you though.” She continued. “It’s been one thing after another. Sengoku did let me know you did well in the warlord meeting the other day.”
Of course she, Sengoku, and Garp could be like three peas in a pod. They’d come up through the ranks in the same generation together. Though both men got under Tsuru’s skin quite often, like troublesome siblings to her really. 
“Have they decided to mobilize the marines to Charybdis though?” You still asked boldly anyway, wondering if everything you’d really sacrificed that day had come to bear any fruit.
“It’s still in discussion.” She replied.
“Oh,” Well that was disappointing.
“I’m sure we’ll get word in another month or so. Nothing like that moves quickly in Mariejois.” You could hear that slight comfort in her tone however. She wasn’t going to blame you if they rejected the proposal regardless. “But I can’t talk long I’m afraid. I wanted to let you know that we’re on our way to the West Blue now. They’re having a rebellion on Lyra that the government does want nipped in the bud.”
And at this your heart had absolutely sank.
“You’re not coming back then.” You stated the obvious. Not for several weeks anyway with that kind of mission and at that distance.
“I’m sorry. I know you hate being landlocked. But more so, I needed to tell you that I got a call recently from Vice Admiral Vergo from base G-5. He’s doing some cross training with the newer recruits for HQ. He’ll be in Marineford in a couple days. He wasn’t bringing his full crew, so he was looking for some help. How would you feel following him for a bit? I haven’t worked with him directly, but I’ve heard good things. He’s been very popular at G-5 at least.”
You were surprised of course. And it wasn’t like you should say no. An offer to work with another commander was always a good opportunity to learn something new. And to get your name out there even more if they might give you positive recommendations in the future.
But as much as you knew you couldn’t stay in Tsuru’s shadow forever, there was still a strangeness to ever being fully obligated to another leader. “I’ve never met him. But sure, I accept. I’ll help where I can while he’s here at HQ.”
“Then I’ll let him know. Thank you.” She answered easily, and you could already hear one of the other crew in the background. One of your friends confirming another a ship hailing them then. “I have another call,” Tsuru sighed. It’d obviously been hectic lately for them. “I’ll check in when I can.”
“Yes, ma’am.” You felt a bit jealous all the same though. Your usual group was off having new adventures without you.
But you could still hear that wry smile of hers on the other end. She always knew when you were struggling a bit, even if she didn’t know the full reason. “When I get back we’ll sit down and catch up truly, alright?”
“Yes.” Your voice changed a little more then. “That’d be good.”
She likely thought you were still upset over Smoker. Everyone knew about that by now. But one of those late night talks over coffee or tea with Tsuru about anything would have done you a world of good right now.
Even if you couldn’t tell her the name of the real man you were currently so hung up on. 
It sure wasn’t anyone named Smoker.
At least with a new task in mind, you’d had something else to focus on. By the day Vice Admiral Vergo was supposed to arrive though, even that morning on base had been a little bit strange.
You’d just been in the mess hall having breakfast. And a familiar, if not a bit too casual “Hey,” above you had had you looking up from your food and daily news coo paper.
You still had some oatmeal in your mouth actually as Admiral Aokiji sat down directly across from you and his food tray touched against your own.
“Hey,” you’d answered just as awkwardly, after swallowing anyway.
“Any good new bounties?” He asked by way of small talk, trying to open a sugar packet for his coffee.
“Nope.” But you watched him still, sure he would have already known if there were any exciting new pirate targets out there for you all. 
And you waited. Talk just for the sake of talk wasn’t really your thing.
But he was in no hurry either as he stirred his coffee and yawned once naturally. 
You remembered then just how hard it was for him to get up early in the mornings and get going. And you tried not to eventually give in, but failed as you pushed your newspaper over to him as old habit.
He’d always liked reading your paper instead of just getting his own back then when you’d very briefly roomed together. 
Lazy justice indeed.
“I’m still mad at you. In case you were wondering.” You finally said as you watched him as he read the news.
“I figured.” He answered, sipping his coffee as his eyes stayed on the latest happenings in the paper for a while.
Yet he had looked back up eventually. His voice was a little kinder then. “You feeling any better?”
You shrugged. “I didn’t think I’d get stuck here for this long. Does Smoker want his stuff back from my room yet or something?”
You realized now that that was the most likely reason for the admiral’s sudden appearance. He usually didn’t make the effort to talk with you one on one anymore. At least he hadn’t when you were still dating Smoker, because rumors spread so fast through gossip hungry marines.
Too much friendliness and they’d all assume you and Aokiji were a thing again.
“I’m sure he’s thinking about it. But if you just put it out on a cart at some point, I can stash it in my office until he’s back here again.” Aokiji conceded, yet also clarified. “Yet that’s not why I’m up this early.”
“Yeah?” You questioned, kind of wishing he’d just get to the point then.
“I just wanted to apologize. That’s all.” He said it simply, those dark brown eyes of his watching you.
And for a moment you thought you saw something close to pity in those eyes. Which you really didn’t like either of course. “I’m fine. You didn’t ice burn me that bad.”
“I tried not to.”
“I know.” It would have been much worse if he’d really been going all out.
“Akainu was on my ass some too of why I didn’t report you and Smoker both.” He added. “You should probably avoid that other admiral for a while. He’ll be looking for any reason to write you up.”
“Wonderful.” You sighed, knowing all too well that Akainu was an unforgiving, ‘might makes right’ kind of man himself. But if he was annoyed with you, it was likely more the fact that you’d been fighting in Mariejois itself rather than anything else. Putting marine dirty laundry out in front of the gods like that and all.
You and Aokiji were both quiet for a while again after. It was a calm aura though. You’d let your guard back down by then and were just finishing your oatmeal and fruit while he was working on a bagel he’d smeared with cream cheese.
Literally nothing was happening at your table but that, and yet as the mess hall had become more crowded you saw a few heads turning your way already. It was so stupid, but you guessed it was mostly just because his much higher rank. Simply sitting with you so close and casual, it was still making other sailors take second and even third looks at the scene.
Surely the narrative was going to be that your slutty self was already trying to bag Aokiji again. Literally just days after losing Smoker of course. And just as you’d been thinking how unfair those assumptions really were, Aokiji himself had to go and throw the ultimate wrench into it all.
“You want to get something to eat in the civilian  district tonight?” He asked, just as casually as anything.
As if that wasn’t like detonating a new bomb in your psyche.
When you stared back at him, he wasn’t even uncomfortable either. Maybe he simply wasn’t seeing this the way that you were.
“I know you hate being stuck here. I can invite whoever else too if you want to make a group thing out of it. There’s this new karaoke place they opened over there. I’ve heard they’ve got really good sushi and a hell of a bar.”
“I’m supposed to meet up with Vice Admiral Vergo today.” You said initially in absence of any better excuse.
Which he deflected easily actually. “Yeah, I heard he’s wanting to head to Sabaody just for the day. You’ll be back by tonight.”
Was he really just that worried about you that he thought you needed the forced socialization though? Or was it something else?
Regardless, whatever it was only got stranger though. Because you’d seen a little commotion at the main doors now.
A tall, dark haired marine had entered. He had a sharply trimmed beard and black sunglasses, as well as a small entourage of lower rank sailors all attentive around him.
You’d never seen him here before, so you were pretty sure exactly who he must be before the weirdest thing happened.
He’d looked in the direction of your table. And you saw his expression change. Not to say he was all that expressive to begin with. But you caught it. If only for a single second that he’d had a completely different look. 
Was it one of disapproval or maybe even concern? 
And he had made an absolute bee line to get to you both.
Whatever that odd energy was though, you saw even Aokiji straighten up, no longer slouching when the man came up on him from behind.
Yet the stranger’s voice was perfectly normal as he spoke. “Good morning, Admiral. May I join you?”
Aokiji had looked up in a little surprise, yet recognizing the other man as he nodded. “Vice Admiral Vergo, good morning. And yes of course. I was just talking to the Captain here.”
“I saw,” Vergo replied, head turning to give full attention to you then. “Captain (Y/N)? Vice Admiral Tsuru had recommended you for some help I’ll need while I’m here at HQ. If it’s alright, I’m actually ready to sail to Sabaody this morning if you’re done here. You were the one I was looking for.”
The sudden rush to leave when he’d literally just got here was bizarre to you too. Though it’s not like you couldn’t just agree. He would be in charge of you for now.
“Nice to meet you, sir.” You just nodded, though already picking up any trash of yours as clearly your breakfast was now over. “Yes, I’m ready to set sail. I’m at your disposal.”
“Good.” Vergo responded, already standing again then.
You stood too, ready to put away your tray and follow him.
But Aokiji spoke up one more time before you or Vergo could walk away.
“Have fun at the archipelago then. Let me know about dinner when you’re back. Okay?”
And again, it was just friendly, typical Aokiji in tone at least. But you felt strange as you’d seen Vergo hesitate slightly in front of you at the admiral’s words.
None of that new tension made any sense. So you just smiled without knowing what else to do. “Yeah, I’ll let you know, Admiral. See ya later.”
True to his word, Vergo really had been ready to sail. Because it hadn’t been long at all before you were standing on the bow of his ship then, watching the gates of Marineford open once more.
He was near your side as well as he explained the morning’s objectives. “I’ve agreed to take new recruits to Sabaody for patrols there today. They need to practice being in uniform and interacting with the citizens. This will be a diverse enough environment to do that in.”
Even though Sabaody could be very interesting when there off duty at least, just patrolling it with a bunch of newly enlisted sounded frankly boring.
Though it was still pretty satisfying to at least see the ocean again and hear the sails opening further in the wind as Vergo continued.
“But I have a separate job for you too.”
“Sir?” Of course you’d perked up a little at that. Something hopefully more interesting than babysitting the rookies at least.
“I pulled the latest certifications and it turns out our inspections of the ‘Employment Office’ in grove 1 are a couple months past due. Can you handle that for me?”
You stared a moment, but didn’t dare decline. Of course you could handle it. But it didn’t mean you wanted to set foot in that awful place if you didn’t have to. “I’ll check in if that’s what you need done. But are they selling today?” You still asked, hoping that answer would be a no. 
“I don’t know.” He answered though, black sunglasses just looking at you with no real expression again.
“Well…” You weren’t familiar with Vergo well enough to know how you were supposed to word this. “When it is a selling day, there could even be a Celestial Dragon there. Am I permitted to find any violation that could possibly delay an auction that they might be attending?”
“What you do is up to you.” He responded just as vaguely though. Not seeming to give it any thought at all. “That’s why I’m asking you to handle it.”
“Yes, sir.” You answered back without displaying how unhelpful you thought he was being. Maybe you really were just too used to Tsuru. 
Because even a seemingly easy assignment like this could end up a disaster if you pressed either too much or too little in relation to whatever Vergo’s personal standards were. Yet apparently he wasn’t even going to tell you where his line was right now.
So you’d just have to wing it you supposed.
On paper, the marines officially referred to this building as the “Public Employment Security Office”. Of course far better known for what it really was as the Human Auctioning House. An unfortunate and still very legal fixture out front and center in grove 1 of Sabaody Archipelago as you’d walked all the way there after disembarking from the marine ship at the harbor.
Vergo and the others had spread out to other areas. So you were on your own here as you’d announced yourself to the guards at the back door.
They didn’t look particularly interested. But showing them your rank and marine card gave them no choice but to begrudgingly let you in. You didn’t care about any pageantry in the front of house, purposefully coming in the back. Yet only to immediately be hit with the smell of the cage area.
If anything was going to be against current regulations, you were sure it was going to be here in the “backstage” as you frowned. 
The source of the smell was evident as there indeed was human stock in the cages to your unease. As much as you’d hoped this would have been an in between day where no one was yet being held for the next auction date.
“The boss will be here in a minute. He had to make a call. We weren’t supposed to be having any inspections today.” Some lackey grunted at you as you started to look around while waiting.
“Legally we don’t have to give you any notice you know.” Though maybe that was part of why the place hadn’t been checked in a while per Vergo. Was it a true oops by your fellow marines, or an on purpose look the other way kind of thing?
You were guessing the latter by how much everyone seemed to be glaring through you even as an office door opened and another man finally came out.
“Well, this is awfully early to be getting my employees upset, don’t you think? I really don’t have the time for this, whoever you are.” The brightly attired man sneered a little at you. With a stupid looking hat and star shaped sunglasses on.
“Captain, (Y/N).” You corrected him. “And it smells like shit in here.”
The man immediately bristled even further at that, as if you were just the most vulgar brat he’d ever encountered. But you liked getting people like him even more on edge as quickly as possible. He wouldn’t be thinking straight to lie as easily to you. But he didn’t seem that smart anyway honestly.
“Well…that’s to be expected isn’t it with these animals?” And as he said so, he hit the cage bars in emphasis as to his disgust for the current inventory.
“You aren’t supposed to hold anyone in a legal auction site more than three days without the chance to properly clean themselves.” You responded as if you were only commenting on the weather though. Which was extremely difficult. But if you let your real emotions slip, you knew you’d just be wanting to wipe the floor with Mr. ‘Star Glasses’ and every guard in here.
You kept on too. “It’s really the bare minimum not to spread infection, as per the human trafficking amendments passed in the last reverie, Mr…who are you exactly?”
“Disco!” He almost yelled now. “And this is uncalled for! You’re supposed to schedule these inspections!”
“Yeah, well. That’s not what the law says either.”
“This is ridiculous.”
“It is.” You agreed as you continued to walk, watching the victims on the other side of the bars. It wasn’t that many really. Mostly human women today though, sitting on crates with their chains running to the wall behind them.
They wouldn’t even make eye contact with you though. And why should they? They knew the law here. A simple marine wasn’t going to be able to do a thing that would actually save them now. 
The best you could do was just give this shithead as much grief as possible. Minor fines maybe, stupid things like not spacing their chains out far enough, or failing to clear enough crates away from the fire exit. 
Which the idea of proper egress was laughable too of course, knowing only the workers would ever save themselves in any emergency. The slaves would just be left chained here to die.
Still, those kinds of slaps on the wrist had been your only real plan before you’d noticed a chain whose victim you could just see a hint of. They’d been small enough to fully disappear after too, cowering behind their crate as soon as they’d heard Disco’s voice berating you.
“Open this.” You said immediately at that, stopping then and there as your voice changed.
“What?” Disco scoffed. “Absolutely not!”
You glared back over your shoulder at him. “It wasn’t a request. Open the holding area. I want to inspect number 7.” You clarified in correspondence with the slaves’ numbered placards on the wall.
“Just who do you think you are!?” 
His voice was so annoying to you. “Either use the keys or I take the keys.” And as you said this, you tightened your fist, letting a purposeful display of haki crackle briefly across it. 
By the way he took a step back, he got the message finally. But he was still so high on himself. “Fine. Be a brute if you must. This will be the last time you’ll ever work in Sabaody again, Captain whoever you are!” He said it so mockingly. “Do you know who owns this place now!?”
But you were ignoring him by then. As one of the guards did open a gate in the bars and you walked in immediately to slave number seven’s holding place.
Disco was still bitching at you too as you quietly crouched on one knee to look behind that crate.
And you offered the softest smile you could manage, even though you could feel your blood already trying to boil.
“Hey there.” You told the young boy as he stared up at you with big fearful eyes. You’d thought you’d seen a hint of a tailfin too as you’d been walking, and you’d been right.
It was an extremely young merman. You’d guess only four or five years old honestly. His face was tear stained and clearly bruised as he still tried to make himself as small as possible under your gaze.
You didn’t want to frighten him anymore than he already was though. So you said nothing else to him even as you visually noted his partly emaciated look as well.
This wasn’t going to end well at all for anyone now. You already knew that as you finally stood again. Not when it came to literal children being in this hellhole. He was practically a baby for how short his fins still were.
And as you walked back out through the still open gate, your demeanor had gone fully cold.
“You’ve got underage product. You have to release him.” You said so confidently even as you were now mentally counting every guard, and weapon in your view.
It was something between a gasp and a laugh that escaped Disco at that. “You’re insane! And this is over! When my boss gets a hold of you, you stupid bitch-“
Your rope dart was off your shoulder in an instant, swinging as you let the flat side of the blade clock Disco hard enough to knock him right down onto his narrow ass.
Every guard had a gun pulled and aimed at you then.
But even they weren’t dumb enough to just start firing on a marine.
“Twelve is the minimum legal age for trafficking fishmen and merpeople.” You answered. But only even that much because of the newer restrictions that had just passed. “And if we want to play the ‘my boss is bigger than yours’ game, then alright. I can do that too.”
Your heart was pounding so hatefully and you knew you were about to lose control and beat all these guys into paste if you didn’t do something drastic like this.
You just prayed that the man you had in mind would actually answer as you pulled the small marine snail from your pocket. The big wigs at HQ you only needed to dial a three digit code for on a marine officer’s snail like this.
Of course you had his memorized as you keyed it immediately and everyone else could hear the snail trying to connect. And they were surprised into further silence as he did answer with a loud click.
“This is Admiral Aokiji…”
How big all their eyes then became told you you were now the one in control here.
“Hey, it’s me.” You replied, though doing your best not to sound too angry still. But you were also petty enough to really want to make these jerks sweat now that you had a higher authority in play. “Remember how you wanted to go get sushi tonight?”
Was Disco’s ‘boss’ he kept threatening you with friends with an admiral like you were? You wanted that slaver prick especially to understand all this.
“Yeah. When are you back? I’m off duty at 19 hundred.” He answered you so easily too. But he knew your voice inflections well, just like you knew his. You could tell he already sensed some kind of bullshit afoot. But he was still a team player enough to wait for you to explain the how or why.
“Well how about lunch in Sabaody instead?” You offered, watching the men around you spiral further by their expressions. “I’ve run into a little trouble here at the ‘Employment Office’. You’re on speaker by the way.”
“Ah.” He didn’t sound surprised at all about the trouble part at least. Nor did he care that they could already hear him. “You need backup then?”
“No, I think it’s okay. I’m just trying not to make a scene truthfully. They have an underage merman here that they don’t want to release. While I think they really should. What do you think, Admiral?”
You could about see the sweat running down Disco’s face now in the brief silence as Aokiji considered the question. The auctioneer had stood back up at some point from where you’d knocked him down earlier. But now looked like he may collapse again on his own here shortly.
Aokiji eventually spoke to them for you however, going into full marine protocol then. “This is Admiral Aokiji. Captain (Y/N) does have the authority to release individuals held below the legal age limit as per the last trafficking treaty amendments with the World Government.”
But he still finished with a more personal touch. You’d almost forgotten how much he did like to mess with you sometimes. “Also, more off the record, but she really has a soft spot for kids too. You’re barking up the wrong tree here, fellas. I’d let the boy go and cut your losses now if you don’t want her boot through your teeth. She’s got my permission to do what she has to.”
It always felt so good to win. “Thanks, Admiral. I think we’re done here.” You answered, properly satisfied.
“Alright. Call if you need me. It’s a paperwork kind of day, so I wouldn’t mind getting out. Sabaody isn’t far.” He said as one last threat to these men of course.
“Understood.” You were about to hang up too before he added.
“And I still want sushi. Let me know when you’re on your way back to base.”
You paused, and as out of place as it should have been here and now, you did truly smile before you could stop yourself. Because he was rarely this persistent. Of course you couldn’t remember the last time you’d called him direct either. It was a bit nostalgic.
“I’ll let you know. I’ve still got to see what else Vergo needs from me after this.” You answered him.
“Okay. See ya.” He agreed.
“Bye.” You finished, hanging up the snail to look back at Disco and his henchmen.
The looks on their faces were still some sort of mix between horror and amazement. 
You were feeling pretty happy in that moment too, thinking you’d at least just saved a child while also preventing the political consequences of an all out brawl at a legal auction house.
But pride had been your weakness before. And that trend didn’t stop here today as you almost didn’t feel the touch when it finally happened.
It was as gentle as a cobweb ghosting across the back of your neck. And that was what you’d really thought it was. Just dusty refuse from the cavernous darkness of the rafters above.
Even Disco didn’t know what had happened at first. Your body had just stopped when you’d been walking to get the merboy’s keys from him. You could see the auctioneer’s face turn to confusion, much like your own as suddenly all your limbs were resisting you. 
And even behind those ridiculous star shaped sunglasses, you saw his expression change to absolute shock not long after. Just as you heard a large something land directly behind you, the lurking predator pouncing down at last from out of the rafters.
“Boss!” Disco screeched, looking half between a heart attack and renewed hope as he stared up and over your shoulder.
But you already knew. That familiar flutter of fear was clear even before Doflamingo’s warm body pressed against your back and his hand ran around to grab your jaw from behind.
“Back for more so soon, (Y/N)?” He’d said it so goddamn enticingly too, just before he’d jerked your head backward painfully. An upside down, and very rough kiss then forced on you as you couldn’t pull away from him.
Your body wouldn’t listen at all below the neck as you felt the vibration of his laugh even as he squeezed your jaw to the point of bruising. His long tongue was then trying to force its way past your teeth again.
And the fools all around you were left in stunned silence yet again at this newest scene. It’d been an absolute rollercoaster of surprises for everyone in this room in just these last few minutes.
But when Doflamingo did finally end the kiss again, with a little string of spit breaking between your mouths as he pulled away, it was still Disco who had the audacity to speak first.
“I…I knew you were on the island, sir. But I didn’t know that you were already here. Who is…I mean, do you know her, sir?” Disco sounded like he was trying to understand, apologize, and beg for his life all at once.
“I wasn’t far when you called. Quit groveling.” Doflamingo just reprimanded him bluntly, but with those red sunglasses never looking away from you. “And yes, I more than know this bitch. Unfortunately.”
By his unhappy tone, you immediately remembered his threat from Mariejois as well. To never mess with his income again. But there’d been nothing on the record of the warlord being involved here. But goddamn Disco had said it earlier, hadn’t he?
Do you know who owns this place now!?”
Implying a more recent partnership between the two. But no, this was still utter bullshit. You hadn’t known. How could you have?
“Doflam-“ You tried to say. You wanted to argue at least. But his name didn’t even make it fully out of your mouth. His fingers had slid across your lips in one harsh swipe, coating them in thick string instead. String that he then pulled tight around the back of your head to gag and fully silence you.
“Too late, woman.” He grumbled, and there was a whole new venom to it now. “Come on, Disco…into the office and we’ll deal with this mess.” 
Doflamingo was walking away from you then. He had one hand in his pocket again, but the other near his hip as his fingers moved. And as they did, so did your legs and feet. You were forced along behind him as the three of you entered Disco’s office and the door was slammed shut behind you.
“Get your ledger.” Doflamingo seemed to almost be ignoring you in the moments that followed too, glare focused on his underling instead. “How much did you pay the traders for that boy?”
You could tell in the flustered way that Disco now sat at his desk and started digging through drawers, that this wasn’t exactly going well for him either.
Carefully while those two were focused on each other though, you had tried to draw out your haki again. You weren’t sure how Doflamingo’s parasite ability truly functioned. You knew he’d attached something to your neck earlier, but was that all you had to break to be free of him?
Yet whatever this connection now was, he must have immediately felt your attempt at resistance against it. Because even though you’d barely done anything, he’d jerked his hand so violently in response that your body had slammed down to Disco’s desk with an audible cracking sound in the wood itself.
Disco gasped nearly as loud as that breaking sound when your chest hit his desk that hard. More papers were also knocked away when you were then forced to splay your hands out on either side of your head.
You couldn’t say any true curse of pain either with those strings still across your mouth.
But you were now fully bent over the desk. Your head near Disco who was seated there in shock, and your ass now tilted up as Doflamingo bent his own long legs just enough to get his pelvis even with the back of your skirt.
“I’m still waiting on that amount, Disco.” Doflamingo grumbled to snap the other man out of his staring even as you felt the warlord’s hands starting to rub your hips impatiently.
“Yes, um…well….it’s right here!” Disco finally exclaimed as he pulled the paper out of a stack of others deep within one of the drawers.
Doflamingo easily snatched the document from the other man’s hand. He was just holding it above your back as he read through it next, all the while still stroking your hip distractedly with his other hand.
“Feh. You paid too much. They ripped you off, you idiot.” The warlord scoffed after the quick read too, just tossing the paper to let it also flutter to the floor somewhere. 
You could almost hear Disco swallow in a response of fear to that. Even as he tried to explain. “But it’s…relative to current market price, sir.”
“You’re going by last month’s prices!” Doflamingo growled again in return, making the other man shrink back even further. “It spiked last month, but it’s all down again now. And you bought him when it was already going back down. You should be fucking smart enough to anticipate those trends!”
The room was silent for a long moment following that latest outburst. And as disgusting as it was, both you and Disco had something briefly in common then. Because neither of you knew what to do or to expect next from Doflamingo.
“And now we’ll have to eat that loss.” The warlord did eventually continue almost quietly by comparison though. But somehow that dark tone was even worse. Much worse as you finally realized what his real trigger had been all along. “All because this one thinks she can sick her new lover on us.” 
He had heard everything then. He’d snuck in in time enough to catch your phone stunt with Aokiji and made his own conclusions from it. This wasn’t just about the slaves or the business.
This was jealousy.
And as your adrenaline spiked, Doflamingo pulled both your skirt and underwear down in one harsh jerk. Both pieces of clothing then falling around your ankles as you tried and failed to fight him off.
Yes, you’d wanted him again. But not like this. Not when you now realized he was absolutely livid and planning to truly hurt you.
“You can stay, Disco. She needs to learn some new humility I think.” He said to your additional horror, even doubling down in this cruelty as he continued. “Hell, jack off while you watch for all I care. She was just trying to work you over too wasn’t she?”
And Disco, the spineless cockroach that he was, had his tune changing immediately in response to this new development. “Yes. She was being quite a menace before you arrived, sir! She deserves nothing less!” The coward was almost gleeful again then when he realized he might really be off the hook now, and was about to get a nasty show for free as well.
Two sadistic fucks is what they both were in this moment.
You tried to flare your haki yet again in angry desperation. And this time you were actually able to move one of your arms before you felt Doflamingo’s grip squeezing the back of your neck in retaliation. Hard enough to make you feel light headed as he was compressing the blood flow to your brain just as quickly.
“I don’t think she’s going to be too happy with this arrangement though.” You could hear the grin in his voice again as you struggled, your face still pressed so harshly into the papers across the desk.
“And I’d naively thought you’d actually enjoyed our last playdate by the end. But how fickle you are, you dirty bitch.” Doflamingo chided lowly as well. But there was an additional edge to those words. Was he daring to actually paint himself as the true victim here? He was acting as if you deserved every bit of this as he started undoing the drawstrings of his pants.
Your heart was pounding, ribs aching still from where he’d slammed you down as you then heard him spit into his own palm. 
You knew when his cock was free again too as you felt the long member bumping against your nude backside as he stroked himself, lubing the length with that spit as he finished hardening up.
But this wasn’t your only nightmare. As you even had this other, cast off little backbiter to worry about as well then as you could hear Disco’s belt dangerously near your face as he clumsily undid his pants as well.
Doflamingo was just laughing again though at your predicament. He wanted you to be afraid of what he’d allow his subordinate to do to you too didn’t he? He was more than enjoying this.
“I suppose we should give Disco something to look at besides just your pretty face though shouldn’t we, whore?” Doflamingo commented even on top of that. The warlord made you rear back with his parasite ability again, your body then standing up against him as your hands worked on their own against your will once more. 
He was making you strip for them.
You were taking off your marine coat first. Your weapon and it going to the floor even as you scowled and glared.
With your skirt and underwear already on the floor, this now left just your shirt and bra on. Which of course in another movement of Doflamingo’s fingers, you were then being forced to undo as well.
You could hear the resulting arousal in Doflamingo’s voice too as more of your skin was exposed to his view. That same tone from the warlord which had invaded your dreams for so many nights as you now stood fully nude before both men. Nothing but your boots on.
“What do you say, Disco?” Doflamingo asked, even making you turn a full circle, like a little marionette for them to ogle. “She has such a cute, wet little cunt. Breasts to match, hips to grab…pretty understandable why even admirals are getting in line to ride her…”
“She’d go for a good price, sir.” Disco breathed, sounding different too then as you realized even his smaller cock was also now out in the air while he stroked it with his thighs spread shamelessly in his office chair. 
You didn’t want to fucking see that though as you looked back to the ground in a mix of disgust and embarrassment.
“Well now…you know what else I really think, (Y/N)?” And there was Doflamingo actually saying your name again. But his voice couldn’t have possibly been more spiteful in this moment. “I’m starting to realize that you’d make a good throw away wife for even a Celestial Dragon.” 
His hands were back on your body then as he bent you forcefully over the desk again. But he was stroking your stomach actually as his hand moved down, his fully hard cock pressing against you now even though he didn’t enter you yet.
He was leaning down too, dark voice heavy as he threatened more with his ideas. “So how’d you like to be fucked raw every morning, noon, and night by a new master?“
He laughed again too at this, as if imagining it already with his hand still oddly on your lower abdomen. His fingers were pressing harder and harder into that skin.
It hurt badly, but what followed was an even different kind of unease as he kept on with this new game.
“They might even decide to breed you too before it was done. And would you like that, woman? You want a brat of your own right? Since you can’t even mind your own fucking business when it comes to someone else’s can you?”
Yes, it was specifically your womb that Doflamingo was now compressing. He knew exactly where it was as he tormented you, further mocking your previous empathy for that slave child.
You knew his goal was mostly to further dehumanize you here. But it seemed too personal all the same, too easy to rile him with this as you could hear the warlord almost reduced to those panting breaths again as he reached under you to squeeze your breasts next. He was chuckling some more as he pressed that soft flesh of your chest painfully between his calloused fingers. 
“…And if you and I did that, how swollen with milk would these get I wonder?” He still sneered as he thought of it, his hips bucking against you involuntarily then as you whined against the string gag still in your mouth. 
Yes, he was truly getting off on it all. A kink you never would have imagined in someone like him. Or maybe it did make more sense than it should. Here was a true narcissist who thought they had the right to cast and sew their seed wherever they wanted. To taint and claim another person’s body in each and every way.
But Doflamingo as a father though?
God help that poor child if they ever came to actually exist.
“Maybe we’ll just have to find out someday…” Was all he said next though, and as he did, he could finally wait no longer. He did force the head of his massive cock back into you. But with no foreplay this time, no extra care to help stretch you beforehand at all. He just slammed all the way up to your cervix in one harsh thrust.
And even with your mouth covered in those strings, your resulting scream was likely heard by every slave and guard in the backstage area beyond.
You were then trembling against your will, unable to fight anymore against that parasite entrapment. Your eyes began watering with the pain, your face pressed against the desk as you heard Disco moan in return. The auctioneer was thrusting hard into his own hand near your face, almost euphoric for the torture he was now witnessing.
You closed your eyes tightly, tears beginning to soak that paperwork below your face by then as you tried to dissociate from the room entirely. 
They could still have your lifeless shell if they wanted. But you weren’t going to react anymore save for the tears which you somehow couldn’t stop.
It wasn’t just the humiliation or the pain though. This was you hating yourself. Hating how many nights you’d actually thought of this man as if he wouldn’t just rape you again at first opportunity. 
But this is what he’d always been. This was what he always would be. You were delusional to have ever fantasized him as anything more.
Yet he still hadn’t moved since your scream. Even as you still waited for him to start ripping you apart, he didn’t thrust anymore at all.
And when you felt his fingertips across your tear stained face instead, you shivered slightly. An involuntary movement again as you still refused to open your eyes and even look at him.
“Disco….get the fuck out.” Doflamingo spoke so suddenly then. And his voice was absolutely deadly, even with his hard cock still tense against the edge of your wounded cervix.
And you heard Disco’s chair move almost simultaneously, a pathetic whimper from the auctioneer as it did. Even a man like that wasn’t stupid enough to ask questions in a moment like this.
Your breathing was so shallow by then though, body still, as you did hear the office door open and shut again.
For the first time, you felt cold too. No part of Doflamingo was touching you except for his cock inside and his hand that had been against your face.
But those fingers pulled away too now as the heaviest silence hung in the room once you were both alone.
“You make me fucking miserable.” Was the words that actually came out of his mouth next as your wet eyes opened slightly in the shock of that.
He was scowling. No smile at all as the red sunglasses stared down at the mess he’d made of you.
But you did make another involuntary cry of pain against your gag as he unceremoniously slid back out of you then. The pressure spiked briefly as the head of his cock had had to further stretch your already torn entrance one more time on the way out.
With another shift of his hand, the strings finally released your mouth as well. He moved away from the desk entirely then too, leaving you there as you could see him walk to the side of the room.
His pants were still open, cock fully hard as you realized there was an actual sheen of blood over his erection.
Your blood.
He’d completely torn your opening this time as well as bloodied your cervix with the force of the hit.
There was a beverage cart there against the wall. With a pitcher of ice water and other items for Disco. Hand towels were near the bottom of the cart, and you watched as Doflamingo used one to wipe his cock clean before taking another towel to pour some of the ice water over it.
You didn’t understand his intent at first as he now walked back over to you with the cold, wet towel.
“Come here,” He said. But his voice was practically emotionless then, foreign almost. He made you stand, but moved behind you to sit on the edge of the desk himself before he pulled your still naked body up into his lap.
With both of you then on the desk together, and your back against his abdomen, he reached that wet towel in front to start wiping you out between your legs.
It still stung badly of course as you shifted in discomfort. And you could see the initial bright red coming off into the wet towel. But when the thickest of the blood was wiped away, he then held the towel there to keep pressure over where you were still bleeding.
And the two of you stayed like that in silence for what had to be at least several minutes.
“I wanted you to fight back.” His voice finally came out above you again. You could feel his chest rising and falling almost gently now with his regular breathing. “But you just gave up instead.”
“I’m not superhuman.” You answered after another long moment. Not knowing what else to do.
You weren’t foolish enough to consider this conversation any actual sign of guilt or contrition from this man. But whatever he’d expected was clearly not what this had turned into. Hurting you hadn’t done for him what he thought it would at some level at least.
So he now tried just business again first. “If you want us to release that boy, then fine. I don’t give a shit anymore. Disco fucked that up from the beginning.”
But then the heavy silence was right back again. You weren’t answering him.
And he didn’t like it.
“Would you say something already?” He spoke then and you felt him pull you back a little tighter against him. 
For the briefest moment, you actually thought he was the one wanting to be comforted then. Which was the most insane thing you could possibly imagine after what he had just done to you.
“I am not sleeping with Aokiji.” The words just left your mouth when you could think of nothing else. Because that assumption had started everything hadn’t it? He’d had an outright tantrum, a warlord level tantrum because of that.
“But you want to.” And Doflamingo’s voice did bristle dangerously, not denying his sensitivity on this. “A woman doesn’t smile the way you did when you were talking to him when it’s anything less than that.”
You were staring at the opposite wall then. Too surprised to properly argue for that moment. Had he been that close as well earlier? And he was really going to judge you for something as involuntary as a simple smile?
But Aokiji was only concerned for your well being most likely. And frankly, who wouldn’t be if they gave even the slightest damn about you at all? You knew you’d been acting a lot differently around everyone after this had all started.
“He’s just worried about me. I don’t have many friends.” You spoke again. But still watching the wall carefully, not knowing at all how Doflamingo would react now.
And he was painfully quiet again. His hand only moved enough to check that towel against your slit, looking to see if you were still spotting into it. When it seemed that you weren’t, he let the towel drop to the floor, splaying his hand out possessively on your thigh instead.
“Then if that’s true, come with me. Take shore leave and stay in Sabaody a few nights. I have a house down the beach from here.” 
His voice was nearly gentle then, but the coil of temptation still darkened it. It wasn’t a kind sound at all.
“I’m on assignment with Vice Admiral Vergo in Tsuru’s absence.” You said reflexively, trying to mask your surprise at the abrupt invitation.
“Heh,” He breathed and you felt his hand wandering from your thigh up your naked torso now. “Then let me sweeten the pot. Stay three nights with me, and every slave under this roof today walks free.”
You immediately turned your head to look up at him in shock at that.
But he was already smiling down at you. “Oh, I’m serious. But it’s absolutely a one time offer. My reputation isn’t tied to this place yet. I haven’t even had them paint my jolly roger on anything here so far while we’ve cleaned house. I just bought it two months ago mainly for the location of course. Prime real estate nestled so close to both Mariejois and Marineford. But I can still spare today’s inventory for a better long term investment.”
He was massaging one of your breasts again now, making it clear that you were said investment that he was speaking of. But he couldn’t help himself either as you felt his cock twitch against your lower back. It was stiffening once more. “Think of how much credit you’d get for that too. The captain that actually set slaves free in Sabaody on some clever legal technicalities. And only in a single morning there. What a negotiator and little hero you’d be.”
“How do I know they wouldn’t just be recaptured later, for it all to be for show?” You did ask, but carefully so.
And he even liked that cynicism too. “Fair point. I suppose you’d have to get them escorted straight to Marineford to sort out later. Otherwise, yes. I’m only saying I’ll release them. What happens after isn’t in my terms.”
You still looked doubtful you were sure, but even a chance for these people was better than nothing. You may be a lot of things, but soulless wasn’t one of them. If you could save even a stranger from a lifetime of that kind of torture and servitude, of course you were going to try.
“I accept.” You said, though still feeling as if you’d been given no other choice.
And he actually encircled his arms around you at that. The pink feather coat easily encapsulating you in his warmth as his cock pressed firm into the small of your back.
“Perfect. I’m sure that little merbrat and the others will tell stories for generations to come of the beautiful marine that swooped in like an angel in their darkest hour.”
Doflamingo was mocking you already again of course, but he was in a much better mood now. A very stark contrast of how livid he’d been when first entering this room.
He was such an overly emotional person really, even on top of all his other faults. 
And though another deal to meet him again soon had already been struck, he wasn’t quite ready to let you go just yet either.
With his height difference and strength, it was always easy for him to move you. So he picked you up abruptly, though not roughly this time as he made you turn around on his thighs.
Now you were almost facing him, sideways in his lap as he sat on the desk edge still with his long legs spread open. Nestled in the warmth of his coat around you both as he took one of your hands and placed it on his hard shaft.
“Go on and jack me off then, angel, so we can get out of here.” He breathed again, making his still intimidating member move a little against your palm.
“You’ll cum everywhere,” You said bluntly though, trying to ignore the new nickname he may have just given you. As if you were anything even close to angelic.
“The mess is part of the fun.” He countered almost playfully. But did stretch his hand briefly out to snap another clean towel from that cart as a string brought the towel instantly up into his grip.
He balled it up and put it in your reach to do as you wished with it.
“Come on. You’re still on duty aren’t you? The clock is ticking.” He pressed, but more for his own impatience rather than any concern for your work status.
Yet you were still a bit overwhelmed. It was honestly the first time you had been free to touch him between his own legs. Having been restrained for most the time before.
But he clearly liked it as you did start to stroke him. He groaned quietly, that bit of precum already forming into a large droplet at his tip.
“You know this is what Disco wanted you to do to him. Either like this or with your mouth of course…” Doflamingo smirked cruelly, but twitching his swollen cock again in your hand all the same. “Harder.” He bid you to squeeze him in between the strokes.
But you immediately frowned at the mention of Disco. Fuck that cowardly man, and not at all literally.
But Doflamingo was starting to shift his hips even from his seated place still on the desk. Thrusting up into your hand as he responded. “Don’t make that face, woman. Threesomes can be a hell of a time with the right company. Trust me though, I’d never really waste you on the likes of him. No matter how pissed off I was. That was strictly a look, don’t touch arrangement. If he’d tried to put that pencil dick on you, I would have ripped his balls off myself.”
That disgusting mental image didn’t make you feel any better of course. But you still said nothing, letting the warlord run his mouth as he so liked to do whenever his energy was high.
“There’s actually someone else I think may appreciate you if I can get him to quit being such a stuck up twat anyway. I might have to work on that actually.” Doflamingo grinned more at this even as he started to try and lean down enough to get at your neck. 
You didn’t know at all who he might mean as his attention focused back to your throat soon enough though. His teeth nipped you just before he licked the skin there greedily.
But you did really pause as you felt his mouth close on that same wet skin immediately after to begin roughly sucking it.
“You can’t leave marks.” You jerked a little as his teeth pressed down again next. Too high on your neck to be easily covered later.
“I can do whatever the fuck I want,” He admonished you though. Quick to remind you that he answered to no one, even when slipping back into whatever state this was that your presence often put him in.
So he sucked your neck harder of course just to show you. 
You made a noise and he laughed against that already bruising skin. “Oh shut up. I’ll buy you some new shirts with a proper cut. I want to see you dressed up anyway for me. Diamonds and high heels while I fuck you raw in my castle, angel. That’s a goddamn promise.”
And you were almost too slow with the towel. You sensed it coming in the way his breath had hitched in that final taunting. But he’d still covered your hand in that thick white mess as he orgasmed. Which you did put the towel over both his cock and your hand before the remainder pulsed out while he shuddered.
“Mmm.” He did that almost purr like growl, quite satisfied in the aftermath as his hands ran up your bare back, almost massaging you then. “You’re pretty fun after all, woman.”
It was night and day with him. You didn’t know how to explain it. From disgusting violence to almost true affection like the swing of a pendulum. And all in the brief span of just being in this one room together.
“And you can go get your stupid sushi with popsicle dick as an additional reward if you’re so damn lonely. I know you still won’t fuck anyone else until this heals.” And as Doflamingo said that, his hand slipped back between your own legs to very gently rub just the outer lips of your still stinging cunt. It was almost an apologetic touch.
“But from now on, I want to know about these things. You’d be surprised how long of a leash I’m willing to give to those that I trust. But that’s the thing…I don’t trust anyone who keeps secrets from me.”
And even as he warned you of this, he was leaning down to kiss you all over again. This time on the lips warmly as you did lean up into it.
Everything was still so very wrong though. You had a brain. You knew what abusive relationships were, and that real love never made demands or bargained for control. 
But you’d never had real love either, even the familial kind. Yet another hungry orphan from the North Blue was all you’d been soon enough. Right up until your thieving ways had gotten you a trip direct into the brig of Tsuru’s ship. It was then either enlist as a chore girl for her or enjoy prison on the mainland.
You’d heard a saying once too that children who had never been fed love on spoons were doomed to grow up licking it from knives instead.
Surely you didn’t remember the quote exactly now. But this man was your knife if ever you had seen one. And Tsuru was still the closest you’d ever had to the spoon, but was it enough to counteract him?
As his fingers twisted tightly into your hair with another deep kiss, it was hard to imagine anything else surpassing the intensity of emotions this demon still inspired in you.
You were falling after all. Maybe not exactly in the way Smoker had first said you would through ambition alone. But a burning path to self destruction could be the only end result all the same. 
T⨂  BE 
Thanks for reading!
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shanksbaby · 6 months
Hello can you do admirals with a s/o who can't get mad, not exactly like kuzan cuz he could still have disagreements, but I mean you could throw a brick at them and they would just get it treated, and then be like don't do that again or sum-
btw love the writing keep it up👍
the request are closed but since i like this prompt so much, i decided to write anyway, thank you for the kind words!
Admirals with a difficult to anger S\0
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you two are very similar. In fact, no one has ever seen Kizaru angry, or actually feel any negative emotion, he always wears the same smirk. And even though he sometimes seems sadistic in dealing with the pirates he doesn't show anger like Sakazuki.
literally the most peaceful couple in the world
joking aside, I feel like colliding with Kizaru or Kizaru colliding with you are very rare events. It's more likely that Kizaru gets mad at you for something, although as soon as he sees your little face looking at him with that calm look he forgets all his anger.
but these events are rare, you never get angry and Kizaru is too lazy to start an argument with you, among other things with a person who has never raised his voice with anyone.
and even when he gets angry with you, the yellow monkey can at most show a face of frustration, but he will never raise his voice at you (in reality he has never done this with anyone), if the topic involves him excessively he may change tone of voice (he doesn't raise it but simply stops dragging the words)
I think you are one of the few, if not the only person to calm his anger. But in the beginning it wasn't always like this… the first time he got pissed at you and saw you looking at him with that innocent look while asking him to please stop because he was attracting attention, he thought you were teasing him.
then he started to understand that you couldn't get angry, he doesn't know how you do it, especially when the world is full of idiots and incompetents.
at first he looked at you as if you were an alien, sometimes he tried to force you to get angry, for example by shouting at you for silly things at work, but nothing seemed to trigger your anger so he gave up feeling defeated. You are one of the few people who managed to surprise him.
when you see him get angry you always try to calm him down (also because you are worried about his physical well-being). Sometimes you succeed, other times you just end up making the situation worse. But you never get angry with him, so much so that the marines think you are some kind of divine gift.
as Jinbei said, Aokiji is a man who rarely shows his passion. Generally he never gets angry either, he is much more laid back (similar to Borsalino). So arguments with him are very rare, also because he really doesn't have the energy to argue, especially with you.
he was surprised when after a guy spilled a drink on you only for you to refuse him and you just looked at him and told him he shouldn't have done that…I mean, he got mad about you and you, on the other hand, didn't Did you show the slightest sign of anger?
so, just like Sakazuki, he tried to whet your anger, through for example jokes like throwing you in the pool or ruin your food, but nothing. All you did was ask him to never do that again because you didn't like these pranks.
the rare times he gets angry with you and raises his voice (we know that in fact he can be loud sometimes), he immediately feels guilty when he looks into your eyes. You are too cute to be mad. Then she immediately apologizes and tries to make up for what he has done through gifts or bringing you coffee.
I am sorry if it's short but sadly i am in session + i have to go at the university for the laboratories
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oneprompt · 2 years
Hello!! I apologize if you aren't taking requests atm, but if you are, could I ask for Kuzan, Law, Kid, and Mihawk - and how they go about make-up sex after an argument? I thank you for your time and energy and please take cars of yourself uwu (p.s. I love your writing so much!!! )
authors note : don't fret , im eager to have more requests aimed my way ..! i'll do my best .. please enjoy .. !
<3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3
Note : Reader is described as afab
Aokiji x Gn! Reader : Make-Up Sex Hcs
- Aokiji isn’t the type to get in fights often with his partner but when he does, boy, they are fights. Not that they escalate over shouting at each other, no. They just cause an overflow of tension in your relationship. He’s the first one to forgive, trying his best to apologize to you. Yet, he’s only met with your disgruntled attitude, refusing to accept his apology. 
- He knows just the way to fix your image on him, returning himself to your sweet side. Aokiji targets your breasts, cupping them mid conversation with his enormous hands. He’ll act just as composed as before as he’s groping your tits from behind, his pelvic area pressed flush against your butt. “I think you’re being a bit unreasonable, Y/n.” Aokiji mumbles against the shell of your ear, ignoring how embarrassed you seem to be getting. He can tell your protests are insincere, with the way your nipples stiffen in between his fingers, leaning yourself further against him. Aokiji’s got you right where he wants you. Perfect. 
- Aokiji’s a bit of a tease, once you finally admit how much you want him. He’ll take an eternity, being so agonizingly slow while pulling your underwear down to your ankles. He just wants to hear you beg a little, exclaim how much you missed his touch. What can he say? Every man loves a good stroke of ego. 
- After he’s had his fun teasing you, he is all up on you. Aokiji makes sure to spoil your cunt, applying periodic pressure to your clit, his tongue diving into your warmth. Aokiji is a master at giving cunnilingus, and it’ll only get better whilst he’s trying to win you over. He can’t stop kissing, licking and feasting on you.
- Aokiji is praising you to the moon and back. He’ll fill you with his fingers, applauding you for taking them in with such ease while he stretches you open, staring at your adorable cunt. “Oh, baby... you’re doing so good, but... I wonder if you can fit something even bigger..”
- Creampies you during makeup sex 100%. Aokiji wants to fill you up with his love, blasting his hot semen into you as a token of affection. He loves watching your eyes roll back as his cum spills out of you, your eyes glistening with tears from how full you are. Once again, he praises you for how well you did, shocked that your womb could take in so much of his cum.
Trafalgar Law x Gn! Reader : Make-Up Sex Hcs
- Law isn’t the type to forgive easily. So, it’ll be you who has to seduce him. If you two fight, he tends to overwork himself instead, doing all he can to avoid you. You try to just say sorry at first, explaining how you acted irrationally. But you don’t hear a single peep out of your boyfriend, you just earn a slight glare before he carries on with whatever he may be doing.
- Before you hold a more dirty approach, you try to apologize one last time. Yet, Law blew up as soon as “can you forgive me?” fell from your lips. And all of a sudden, you’re pushed down against his bedroom desk. Needless to say, it turns out to be less of mushy, cute make-up sex and more of aggravated make-up sex. Law’s pushing your shirt up, flashing himself with your breasts. And so begins a long, sensual day with your boyfriend.
- He doesn’t really get off to seeing you please him after a fight. Law prefers to do that to you, seeing how much your body needs him, hearing you cry for him. Knowing that even after a big fight, you still desire to be with him... Well, that’s more then enough for Law.
- Law tries his best to act standoffish, only delivering strict blows of foreplay to you, making sure not to spoil you too much. But his body doesn’t keep up with his mental image, his hips desperately grinding against you, his hands never leaving your flesh.Even if you notice how needy he’s being, it’s best to not say so... or else you’re getting the cold shoulder once again. 
- Expect a ton of kissing. Nothing cutesy, though. Just sloppy, hot, opened mouth kisses. Law can’t get enough of your mouth, repeatedly trading saliva with you while he thrusts into you, your legs bent into a mating press. His thrusts can grow inconsistent and disorientated, due to how distracting your kisses are. You’re his greatest weakness, even when he wants to be mad at you. 
- Law tends to pull out when you two have sex but on these types of days, Law tends to cum inside of you. You assume it to be some sort of teritorial thing but no, it’s so far from that. Law does so in hopes of breeding you. Not as a form of branding but for the more tender side of it all: to have a family with you, Regardless of how upset he was with you at the beginning, his heart always crumbles to that sweet, delicate spot. Of course, Law would never admit that to you or anyone, in fact. It’s a thought that lingers in the back of his mind, imprisoned there for only him to know. 
Eustass Kid x Gn! Reader : Make-Up Sex Hcs
- Kid is usually the instigator of your couple conflicts, as well as the one to expect forgiveness immediately. It’s no secret that he holds a fiery temper, one that holds no bounds, not even towards his partner. If you deny his apologies (which are often half assed...) he’ll fuck you till you forgive him. Kid may seem angry about having to do so but is he really? The more stubborn you are, the better. 
- Kid isn’t much of a service dom, like the other men discussed on here. He’ll have you teary eyed, your endearing lips wrapped around his girthy shaft. “Cmon Y/n. You’re really still fighting my apology? Tsk. You just wanna be fucked, dont’cha?” He’s not gentle with you. Kid will yank your hair, fucking each and every one of your holes until you come around, finally accepting his apology. He doesn’t care how long it’ll take, he’ll spend hours upon hours fucking your cunt. 
- But don’t get me wrong, he’ll still pleasure you.. just not in too much of an empowering way. Kid will have you bent over, recklessly eating you out, leaving lip stick smears all over your pussy. Or he’ll have his calloused fingers toying with your clit, picking up the pace till you see stars. Degrading to your pride or not, it’s definitely worth it. 
- Kid refuses to risk you two having some brats. So, he sticks to covering you in his semen. But hey, Kid’s not complaining. The sight of your body glistening with his cum is definitely a vision he favours... Not only is it the safest route, but it’s also the sexiest one. 
- With how brutal he is to you, Kid has mastered the powers of aftercare. He’ll carry you to the bath with him, rubbing his lipstick stains off of your sweet body, watching them cease to be. Kid offers you whatever you need, even if he doesn’t say it in the most proper way... “Hey, want a massage? I really blew your fuckin back out.”
-- Kid expects you to calm down afterwards, avoiding any form of conflict. But it does the opposite, making you act more cheeky in hopes of him recreating that moment. And he always ends up doing so, meeting your expectations. You make sure it’s just a teasing quarrel, never escalating to a true fight. The moral of the story is Kid is the king at angry/make-up sex
Mihawk x Gn! Reader : Make-Up Sex Hcs
- You two don’t fight very often. The most it’ll get to is mild annoyance, something that can easily be resolved. It’s always you who’s bothered. But can anyone blame you? Having a boyfriend who’s never home to satisfy your needs is a pain, especially when it’s to go canoodle with the other Warlords. You can’t help but let your jealousy fester, letting it blow up one day. 
- Mihawk is unbothered by your sudden outburst, simply apologizing for his busy nature. You want to remain mad, go on a tirade on why he needs to stay home with you more often but you’re cut off by Mihawk’s sudden touch. With your buttcheek in his palm, Mihawk gives you a polite kiss on the cheek. “Let me make it up to you tonight, my darling.” Who are you to deny his gracious offer?
- Mihawk refuses to let you service him. A man who neglects his adoring partner doesn’t deserve that. Plus, he finds more pleasure in being all over you. Face between your thighs, Mihawk lets his fingers spread you open, moving inward and outward at a perfect rhythm. It seems so simple but with such strong fingers, he knows just where to hit. 
- He’ll do whatever you desire him to, just say the word and he’s ready. For a prideful swordsman like himself, he’s shockingly obedient. But of course, that’s a side of him that's reserved for you and you only. Mihawk will take you in any position at any strength, any speed. He can hold his own lust back quite well, not going overboard with his own desires. Don’t expect him to be this vocal under any other circumstances... He’s just acting that way to cheer you up. 
- Mihawk is full of praise while he’s fucking you, bouncing you up and down onto his cock, fingers digging into your love handles. He spews endless apologies, going on and on about how lucky he is to have you. Whenever you show a reaction to his words, he just amplifies them, never shutting up. 
- He makes sure that you’ve orgasamed before he does. Mihawk loves watching you cum, the way your voice pours out, legs shaking. It’s a true sight to behold, one that’ll relish in his mind for the rest of his life. Lets just say that Mihawk will definitely take time to be home more after tonight, wanting to see make even more lewd faces for him. How romantic, isn’t it?
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acrux-jr · 9 months
Okay Im rusty with my writing, and ive only seen like 512 episodes of one piece, but I do know some of the spoliers pls go easy on me 😭
Aokiji has been on my mind lately. ngl mans is fine as hell. The characters are not as canon as I would like, but 🤷🏻‍♀️ I am working on a 2nd chapter pls lmk if you guys want it.
Not beta read- hope you enjoy!
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You sighed as the man you love started to freeze you. The past memories came back.
You started off as his subordinate. On your first meeting with the rest of your crew that was transferred, he waved and left to take a nap. He infuriated you. To you he was lazy.
Somehow that same day you bumped into you falling as the 7ft man towered over you.
"Arara, my bad Miss …"
You glared at him and started to pick up the paperwork, "Last name is _ Admiral Aokiji." He hummed and picked up 2 documents by his feet.
He handed them to you and gave a quick wave. By the grace of god you were promoted to Vice Admiral. Picking up his slack, which was almost always.
The relationship between you turned teasing somehow. It started with sarcastic remarks under your breath and him smirking when he heard them.
He would sleep at his desk while you did his paperwork, something that was the normal routine for the two of you.
Kizaru always jokes when he invites you for a night cap, that there was more between you two, which you would laugh off. "The thought couldn't be more unfathomable." Was your reply. He shrugged and muttered to himself, "Wouldn't be surprising." His wife and him would share a look but left it at that.
Kuzan would be little more in your presence when he caught wind every time you went to Kizaru. Clingy in a way but you never thought much of it.
"So Dove let's go have a nightcap together." Oh that infuriating nickname got on your nerves but you kept calm. Moreover you were shocked, but nodded yes.
Well Kizaru wasn't wrong about that there was something more you felt you never would have imagined that Kuzan liked you back.
Aokiji was lazy, a smartass, and so fucking hot. His sarcastic remarks and playful banter, when he would have energy, made you fall for him a little more. When he had a shit eating grin leaving his work to you to leave and nap made you tingle.
"Arara you're so wet for me already F/N." He looked you over with lust filled eyes. You bit your lip and looked away with your cheeks stained. He grabbed your chin and kissed you. He kissed your neck and trailed down. He cooled tongue and battled against your heat slicked pussy. You groaned and bucked your hips.
"Ad- Admiral-"
"None of that now, no need for titles in bed Dove."
"Aokiji! Please."
"Hmm Kuzan my little dove. You're so desperate to have my cock inside you huh?" You nodded feverishly.
"I want you to fuck me Kuzan."
"Arara there's the spitfire I know. So demanding."
You gave a grin at that. He picked you up easily and leaned on the headboard. "I want you to work for it."
You rolled your eyes, "You're just too lazy to continue." He huffed out a laugh.
You slowly eased on his cock. He watched you hungrily as you inch by inch took him. He groaned once you bottomed out. "Fuck tight." Was all he was able to utter and you rose up and slammed down. You fucked yourself on his dick, feeling the the pressure in you lower stomach. Your pace quickened but he held you still.
"So impatient F/N. Enjoy the ride a little more." You looked down at him through half lidded eyes.
"Please Kuzan, make me cum. Then fill me up with yours." In the moment Aokiji wanted to have you face down and ass up as he rearranged your guts. He kept cool though, his dick twitched inside you.
"Hmm you sure know how to make a man weak." You gigled.
The time you two fought after fighting with the white beard. Unbeknownst to him, you had encountered the strawhats before him, letting them go but you were close to one particular straw hat before joining the marines.
"It was wrong!" You hissed.
"It is my job."
"Your job is to help maintain justice! Not make up rules of what you think is justice."
"You should know better than anyone that that is what we do."
"Like killing your best friend for trying to save a child? Or killing an entire island because of ancient text reading abilities?"
He froze, his aloofness gone. "How do you know that?"
You turned away. "The fight was gruesome and all the casualties were unnecessary. And you wanted it to continue to catch straw hat."
You had agreed with Coby, it was too much death and the "justice" was out of control.
"I'm an Admiral L/N." You stiffen at the usage of your last name.
"Of course, your duty comes before actual justice." With that you slammed the door of his office and left, to hell with the rest of work. What were they gonna do? Demote you? Good riddance.
Your relationship was tense after that. It started to thaw and blossom again until the fight with Admiral Akuinu. When he awoke you cried in relief. That night he wanted you to ride him in his hospital bed. You were, of course, appalled but complied nonetheless when everyone went home.
The week after that he was gone. He left a letter saying he couldn't do it anymore, your relationship, the new fleet Admiral, and his wayward justice.
Kizaru was there to help you pick up the pieces. Him and his wife would check on you on your days off, she would constantly fuzz over you. You and Kizaru had a friendship of silence and understanding.
Coby was there for you too. He was a sweet boy who would do great things. You hoped that his sense of justice and understanding never changed.
When you gave birth 9 months later you gave birth to a beautiful little girl. She has light brown skin and light brown curly hair. She was perfect.
You requested more time off and raised her, with the help of Kizaru's wife and Kizaru of course. Coby was her uncle. And Robin knew who her father was upon seeing her. But she did not cast her fathers sins upon her. You had helped Robin as a young girl running. Giving her a place to stay and eat before she got up and left again, it was too dangerous.
By some miracle you met again again as a rookie in the marines. You were off duty. You talked and talked. It was nice to hear she was alive.
By that time you kept in frequent touch.
You were appointed to the new world for a mission. It was quick, to get intel and after that it would be your last mission.
Smoker called you into his office. "Kuzan will be the enemy for this mission F/N. He saved me during the Doflamingo incident, he's still alive and with the Black Beard pirates." Your heart stopped.
You were silent. But nodded your head.
"Be careful please. Kiki still needs at least one parent."
"I have the calm calm fruit. I'll be quick and silent. Not engaging Smoker." He nodded. You two grew closer in the past months.
"Be careful F/N."
You gave a small smile and left.
"You shouldn't have come."
"You got this Aokiji?" Black beard laughed. He nodded and his "crew" started to leave. "Hurry up, we'll be on the ship."
The two of you were left on the snowy island.
"Her name is Kiki." He slowed down the ice. He saw the tears streaming down. "Goodbye Aokiji Kuzan." She accepted her fate. And the ice fully enclosed her.
He cursed. He got her transponder snail. "Smoker."
"I have F/N here frozen. She took too many injuries so I froze her to stop the bleeding. Thaw her out and have a doctor on stand by."
The responder clicked. He left it on her shoulder and froze it. He replayed one of last words. 'Kiki. Well fuck.'
You gasped as you woke up. "F/N." Koby was there with Kiki who was fast asleep. Koby's yelling did nothing to wake her. Your head was pounding and your body ached. You fell right back to an unconscious state.
After a month-long recovery, you resigned. You had enough money saved since you were just taking care of yourself till recently. All you did was save.
You went and bought a home for you and your daughter. Kizaru and his wife Takako would often come on by, as well as Koby, and Smoker, with Tashigi every now and then.
Two years had passed after. Kuzan spotted the light blue house on the shore. There were blue salvias around the house, kind of like a fence.
He saw a little girl running outside with her doll. He slowly walked up the hill. The little girl had her into 2 little puffs. She looked up at the man walking on the road towards their house.
She furrowed her eyebrows and ran inside. "Mama ! There's a man on the road to the house!"
She ran up to you, who was on the phone with Kizaru.
She faintly heard him say "time."
"I gotta go Kizaru, you and Takako can come visit whenever."
You rushed to Kili, "Stay here sweetie. I'll be back." The three year old nodded. You rushed to the door, only to be met with the man that broke your heart, the father of your child, your former Admiral, Aokiji Kuzan.
You activated your bubble. "What the fuck are you doing here?"
He rubbed the back of his neck. "You think after making me fall in love with you, breaking my heart and leaving me, breaking my heart again and almost KILLING ME you get to waltz over here as if it didn't happen?"
He hung his head. You were fuming. Upon looking at him you noticed he had a black eye and his arm was in a cast. You furrowed your eyebrows, who was strong enough to kick his ass?
"F/n. I know. I am sorry. I left to protect you. I had to do this mission my own way with my own sense of justice, and in order for me to do that I had to leave everything, in-including you, the person I loved."
Your eyes watered but you didn't want to waste anymore tears on this man.
"So that makes it okay?"
"No, of course not."
"Why are you here?"
"To apologize. To see our daughter."
"Our daughter? The one you left before she was born?"
"I didn't know she existed Dove."
"Oh don't you fucking call me that Aokiji." You said his name mockingly. He winced, wrong move.
"F/n. Please, I didn't-I know I fucked up. But I came to you to beg for forgiveness. You are the love of my life and we made a child together. I needed to do this, to keep you safe."
You felt like you were shaking with anger, you probably were. "Aokiji Kuzan you are a heartless man incapable of loving. You left me and then you almost killed me. I will not let you near my child. You have shown your goals were more important and I will not have my daughter be second to a fucking construct. Leave."
"Excuse me?"
"I am not going to leave a second time."
The bubble around you started to harden. Kuzan stepped back to be met to the end of your bubble. You stepped back and the bubble let you out. Kuzan on the other hand was stuck.
He tried to freeze the bubble to break it, but it seemed like that just made it more durable.
You went and picked up the responder snail. "Mama who is that?" You stiffened. You scooped her up and took her to her bedroom.
"Stay right here little Dovey I'll be right back. That's mamas old friend."
"Okay mama."
You gave her a kiss on her head. And walked down to the end of the stairs. You sat on them and you realized Kuzan gave up and was laying down.
Fucking typical.
"Moshi moshi!"
"Why the fucking is Kuzan at my door step?"
Kuzan winced, he gave a weak chuckle. "While after I broke the arm that he used to freeze you with and then after Smoker suckered punch him. We um gave him your address."
You could hear his shrug,"He wanted to apologize, and with him weakened by us we knew he wouldn't try anything. Plus Smoker is on your island just in case." You went to the window and saw him and someone else on the shore.
"So you broke his arm for me?"
"Of course. I would've broken the other one too but the man is also down a leg if you haven't noticed so…"
You huffed out an inappropriate laugh. "Well thanks, I'll call you later. Oh and I'm calling Takako to kill you." You heard the groan and hung up. You sighed.
The bubble popped and Kuzan fell on his back. He hit it with a soft thud and grunted.
"Okay you've apologized can you leave." You've made the bubble again.
"Oh you stubborn, lazy, jackass!" He wanted to grin, you riled up was always so cute and sexy. But he knew if he did you would somehow kill him.
"I know."
"Oh you know? And yet here you are still lazy, stubborn, and a spoiled pain in my ass!"
He just nodded. "Ugh say something you asshat!"
He huffed out a laugh, "Asshat?"
You gave him a blank stare. "Sorry, never heard it like that. It was quite funny "
You rolled your eyes. "Yeah I'm quite the fucking comedian."
Okay, this could go either 2 ways for Kuzan. Him on the floor dead or him on the floor close to death as you ride him and suxk the life out of him.
He was jack shit wrong, but he could dream.
"Did you finish whatever goal that was so important to leave everything and everyone behind?"
You hummed.
"How old is she?"
"3 years and 3 months."
"What's her favorite color?"
You glared at him, "Blue."
"Does-does she know about me?"
"Yes. You have your glasses and a different bandanna so it didn't register to her since she's only seen pictures."
"I'm sorry."
"I'm sure you are."
You grabbed the responder snail again. "F/n."
"You and Tashigi can leave now Smokes. I'm fine."
"Are you sure you want him around? Say the word F/n, and Tashigi and I will kill him for you."
A laugh came out of you as Tashigi agreed. "Thank you for that generosity but I'm fine."
"Okay just checking. Call us when you want us over with Barsalino and Takako."
"Will do."
Silence hung in the bubble before you heard a soft knocking to your left. Kiki was there. It finally clicked for her. "I'm going to keep you in the bubble." Before he could protest, you stepped out of the bubble.
She signaled up. Which you obliged. "Is that him?" She whispered.
You smiled as she still had a hard time understanding your devil fruit. "Yes, that's him."
"Can I meet him?"
"Do you want to?"
Kiki stared into Kuzans eyes,and slowly nodded her head. You let the bubble burst. You stood in front of Kuzan.
"Kuzan, this is our daughter Kiki. Kiki, this is your father."
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dangerouslyknown · 1 year
I love how you write for the admirals! I’ve read them so many times XD But I’ve been craving something with a little more angst.
Could I request the admirals reacting to their s/o passing away in battle? (maybe even a targeted attack they weren’t fast enough to intercept?)
Scenario: Admirals reacting to their S/O passing away in battle
I am back babyyyyy!! And thank you for your request :) I hope y'all like what I wrote! It has been a while since I wrote any scenarios.
Warnings: Death, violence (nothing too graphic) & angst (kinda)
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Borsalino / Kizaru
The ongoing battle was nothing out of the ordinary. He has done this a million times before and not a single thought was given to the idea that something could happen. He had your back and you had his. You were a great team together. He fought with his usual attitude without a care, next to you… Until.
A flash of fear traveled through his whole body as he saw someone appear out of nowhere, charging a powerful looking attack towards you. He rushed towards you, trying to block the attack but the attack was way too quick, even for him.
His pupils dilated. Your lifeless body fell on the ground in front of him. He stood there in shock for a brief moment, processing what just happened.
His legs got weak all of a sudden and he almost fell on his knees, but he kept himself together. He tried so hard to keep a calm face. I´d generally view him as a logical person who doesn't let his emotions take over him, but in this moment anger, sadness and confusion took over him.
He charged towards your killer, attacking them almost recklessly. If you'd still be around to see his face, you would just see this maniac look on his face. He kept attacking until the killer was dead for sure. After that, he seemed surprisingly calm again. He returned to your dead body and kneeled down, looking at you. He realized that killing your killer didn't make him feel  any better.
"How dare you leave me," he said with a laugh. And for a moment he smiled, until the corners of his mouth quivered as he held back tears, trembling.
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Sakazuki / Akainu
His job as a Fleet Admiral is fairly dangerous. He has many enemies and even most Marines probably dislike him, so his top priority is to keep you off the battlefield. This one time it was not possible though.
He fought proudly, making sure that no one even glances at you. The enemies teamed up on him and he was busy dealing with them for a moment when a pirate sneaked closer to you, pointing a gun at you. Sakazuki finished up the teamers and as he turned his head towards you, he immediately sensed danger. 
He rushed towards you, grabbing that damn pirate, but in that exact moment the pirate shot his bullet. Bang. Sakazuki heard your body hit the ground while still charging forward, tightening his grip on the pirate´s neck.
His anger levels went through the roof in milliseconds and he groaned loudly as he realized what had happened. He burned that pirate with his boiling magma and then launched a huge attack, letting out an angry scream over the top of his lungs.
Then he stood there, breathing heavily and superficially. He felt anger, hatred even. Hatred towards the whole world. Hatred towards himself for being so weak. 
"I couldn't keep you safe. What a foolish man I am,” he said as he took his cap off, staring at the ground covered in blood. “I despise myself for letting this happen.”
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Kuzan / Aokiji
He doesn't like fighting more than he needs to, but he is always there to protect you. It's a drag for him to deal with enemies, but he does it despite complaining the whole time. Luckily most of the people who attack you two are fairly weak compared to him.
Nothing unusual happened as the enemies came, making him sigh at the bother of dealing with them once again. He chatted and protected you with the powers of the ice fruit, while you both were unaware that one of the attackers was a pirate which had quite a bounty on his head. The pirate broke through his ice, catching him completely off-guard.
Pirate damaged him slightly in the process, but before he could react in any way, the pirate had made their way towards you. He saw the situation in slow-motion, he saw how the pirate took your life…
In the matter of seconds, you were dead right in front of him. The pirate held your dead body, then pushed it away from them, towards Kuzan. He catched your body in his arms and held you, looking at you in disbelief. He kept repeating your name, trying to wake you up as the pirates fled.
You were not responding. He swallowed, feeling a thigh pressure in his chest. A tear ran down his cheek. He felt guilty for your death, but mostly sad.
He held you closer to him. "Seems like I failed. I am so sorry my love. I don’t know how I let myself be so easy-going and take things for granted." 
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Issho / Fujitora
You accompany him on the missions he is on regularly. It's mostly not dangerous at all, but there are exceptions. During this mission, it wasn't long until you two were in the middle of a battle. 
Things escalated quickly and soon he had to go almost all out, bringing a meteorite to finish it all up. He is a wise person with a good battle IQ, but there was one thing he didn’t consider before launching his attack. The enemies were strong enough to slice up the meteorite.
And that is exactly what happened. He knew he messed up when he sensed it happening. He screamed your name, trying to get you to avoid it, but still. A piece of a burning meteorite flew right at you and despite him being strong and aware of the situation, he couldn’t react fast enough.
Your voice disappeared. He couldn’t detect you any more. Panic and regret filled his mind as he continued fighting. The meteorite wasn’t supposed to hit you, it was supposed to hit the enemies!
The battle continued, but he put his sword away. His hands were shaking and he tried to contain himself. He had a lump in his throat that felt like it blocked his talking and even breathing. He knew not to freak out, but he desperately tried to sense your presence. No success. The guilt and sadness were slowly gaining a mix of anger as well. 
“You are gone, my dear. And there is no one else to blame than myself. I sincerely hope you are able to forgive me, wherever you are.”
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blackfangedreaper · 1 year
I can’t tell if request are open but could I request luffy reacting to his s/o dancing on stage with this song and dance cover (https://youtu.be/qnPTDEaP9Hw ) ? + marines are watching too if u can do that
Pairings: Monster trio + Aokiji, koby, shanks and mihawk x dancer!y/n
Warning: fluff, suggestive themes, cursing, grammatical errors. MDNI.
Tags: @closet-degenerate @h3rfave @iin0va @avaricious-hoe @audreys-works @444katsuki
Note: loved the idea nonna and yes my requests are open.
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The sparkles in his eyes as he watched you twirl, drop then swing your hair, you looked so good dancing up there, so good he didn't know if he wanted to join you or let you be. Nami pulled him by his ears when he got too close to the stage unconsciously, too hypnotised by your moves to notice.
Couldn't resist trying to go closer once again to the stage to see you more. His jaw dropping when you dropped to a split. His pupils shaking at your sensual movements swallowing thickly when you blew a kiss at him. He loved it every second of it.
His eyes drooping slightly taking a halflidded form at the way you swung your hips, hunger present in his eyes as he maintained eye contact with you all through. He wanted something and you'll give it to him,- "Hey, do the thing you did with your waist on stage!" -He knows.
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His gaze trailed all over your body as you danced in those thigh high 4 inched heels, the ones you dragged him out to buy with you. And they fit you so well, the leather sticking to the skin of your thighs perfectly.
His pants tighening as your ass hung in the air for a moment, your movements were so sensual, it drove him crazy. He couldn't wait to get you alone, maybe you'll give him a private dance, on his dick that is.
He couldn't take his halflidded eyes off you, swinging his head back to finish his booze before relaxing on the chair, his arms over the couch, legs manspread and head tilted a little to rest on the couch. His eyes on you just like you wanted it- "Greedy little thing, look how you're sucking me in." -He knows.
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This one was on the brink of passing out but he had to stay awake, he had to. Just watching you swing your hips to the beat of the song had blood flowing out through his nose in spurts.
Tears in his eyes as you winked at him, his nose stuffed with tissues and cheering a muffled. ''Y/n-chwan". His eyes wide open as not to miss a single moment. His eyes almost rolled back when your ass hung up in the air.
God knows he's horny and he's not too proud to beg after your little dance he'll show you the bed then after, breakfast in bed. You'll just love what he has planned,- "Hm? Faster? Whatever you want sweetheart." -He knows.
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Was very flustered although not visibly. He was trying to play it cool, but his eyes were erratic behind his shades. Whistling when your ass jiggled in those short shorts or when your boobs bounced in your crop top.
Tapped his feet steadily to beat as he watched you twirl on the floor before getting up slowly, his normally cold body heating up at your halflidded stare.
All that cake and he couldn't wait to give you some filling and with the look you had on your face you wanted him to hit it till you lose all feeling,- "Ah... What mess, what's the point of filling you up if you'll just pour it back out." -He knows.
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Would have passed out if helmoppo hadn't held him steady, he's seen you dance before infact he watches you dance all the time but this somehow feels different watching you dance all so sexy especially in those clothes, it stirs up something in him.
From the moment you turned around he knew what you were doing, watching you back it up then drop it down. All eyes were on you and he wasn't gonna lie you've got him watching too.
Using his marine uniform to fan himself a little, was it him or it was hot. Either way he was sure it was you, the way you smirked at him you wanted something from him and what exactly do you want?- "Pl-Please, don't tease!" -He knows.
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Kept smirking with an obvious blush on his face. No way was he going to let you get away with teasing him like that. Just look at you, dancing so sexy and even in sexier clothing, if you think he'll let you down slowly you've got another thing coming.
Teeth tugging on his bottom lip as he watched you dip and twirl. A little 'fuck' escaping his mouth as his eyes followed the way you caressed your body. Groaning when you smiled suggestively at him reminding him of your earlier statement.
"Shanks, I'll be back after this one song, then you're taking me home." You winked before leaving him with a kiss on the cheek as you swayed all the way up the stage. The smirk on his face never dropping as he thought of all the things he'd do to you tonight and only- "Hahah! Not so bold now huh?!" -He knows.
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He smiled into his wine cup, sipping the drink as he eyed your movements. He leaned back into the bar stool groaning when you dropped it down and whined, you were going to be the death of him.
His attention on you and noone else, watching it bounce as you danced, the way you licked your lips to tease not only him but the others in the crowd. Chuckling a little when you smiled innocently in his direction, well aren't you cute.
The atmosphere, the clothes, the bloody song, it was all you, you knew the attention it brought but to be honest he wasn't all that surprised he knows you love the attention that you get when you move and You know,- "Eager Eager, a little patience won't hurt, querido [darling]." -He knows.
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