chernobog13 · 4 months
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Balduur, another of the Old Gods from Asgaard, from Jack Kirby's GODS portfolio.
The Old Gods of the Third World were the predecessors of the New Gods in Kirby's Fourth World saga at DC Comics.
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dotwpod · 10 months
(277) Independent Music Special V13 - July Pt1
Disciples!Who’s ready for some kick-butt Independent Music to start your August off right? Well, I have some good news – part one is here and ready for an early release!So don’t dilly-dally – smack that play button and get down! \,,/ d(> _ <)b \,,/ BLOCK ONE: Rockin’ Engine (Canada) https://rockinengine.bandcamp.com/ Carnival of Evil The Fixer (Canada) https://thefixercanada.bandcamp.com/…
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metalshockfinland · 1 year
ASGAARD Release Single + Video for Acoustic Version of 'W sercu nieświata'
Photo by Roman Baran ASGAARD have unveiled their latest single and accompanying video, “W Sercu Nieświata” (Acoustic Version). This heartfelt rendition serves as the concluding masterpiece from their highly anticipated EP, also titled “W Sercu Nieświata,” further showcasing ASGAARD’s captivating performance and undeniable artistic talent. Stream/ Buy “W Sercu Nieświata (acoustic version)…
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paper-mario-wiki · 9 months
Couldn't one argue that a doors function is to allow passage through a wall? A wall without a door, is well, a wall. No entry, completely barred entry. So then, the doors purpose is to allow entry, with the stipulation that you can also close it to seal the "hole". Point being, that a door is a hole, but just a mechanical one, and a wall without a door, this being the default state of the wall, does not have any holes. So, in this mindset, a door being a mechanical hole, the "off-state" would be it being closed, as then the wall is simply returned to its previous state (hole-less)
Either way, the door acts as an augment for the wall, the wall is the most important part of your example. Without the wall to attach to, the door itself is just a wall on a pivot.
In this case, where you are considering the wall the thing the switch is augmenting, that would be turning the wall on or off. And if you want to go down that route, then opening the door turns the wall off because at that point the wall is no longer functioning as a wall.
Again though, the door being opened or closed is not on or off in itself, because the purpose is to put the wall into that state of being easy to turn on and off. The door, so long as it keeps the wall in that state, is functional 100% of the time as a mechanical device, and is therefore ALWAYS ON if it's attached to the wall, whether or its opened or closed. It is only off when it is not attached to anything.
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dzinahk · 7 months
GLORIOUS PURPOSE Episode 6 #finale #LokiSeason2 #DisneyPlus #TomHiddleston #LokiGodofMischief
#Loki, the Asgardian #GodofMischief, the adopted son of Odin and the adopted brother of the superhero Thor.
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GLORIOUS PURPOSE Episode 6 #finale #LokiSeason2 #DisneyPlus #TomHiddleston #LokiofAsgaard
Burdened with GLORIOUS PURPOSE #Loki of Asgaard
GLORIOUS PURPOSE Episode 6 #finale #LokiSeason2 #DisneyPlus #TomHiddleston
#Loki, the Asgardian #GodofMischief, the adopted son of Odin and the adopted brother of the superhero Thor.
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isolationaroundus · 11 months
Standing firm Against all odds We are guardians Asgaard's migthy walls We protect The realm of asagods No matter What they send at us We will never Let them fall
We're the guardians Guardians of Asgaard!
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underratedmcyts · 5 months
also, for older MCYTers that focus on more informative modded playthroughs, there's nobody quite like ToAsgaard -- no, seriously, his ability to make mods work alongside each other and building prowess in general is downright insane. this is the type of guy who will intentionally make things more difficult for himself by refusing to do things the easy way when it comes to storage systems/automation/etc, and he makes it look good, and he does it all with the world's most casual delivery like it's no big deal to have broken three mods and found a way to farm the Wither overnight.
also, his builds are incredibly stunning and usually highly detailed to boot, often right down to places (mob grinders, storage, resource farms) that'd otherwise be left alone because they're only used to gather more stuff. that's probably what's coolest other than all the other cool stuff about him -- his bases are gigantic, but almost every single corner of them will have some amount of detail work and even some casual discussion of the lore of the place!
our personal favorite series from him are ATM: Spellbound, Celestial Journey, Sevtech Ages, and also his Betweenlands tutorial series (which is outdated due to further updates to the mod, but has a lot of useful information and know-how on Swamp Hell That We Are Very Very Biased Towards) -- but pretty much all of his stuff is equally impressive and worth a watch once he gets into a modpack!
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Man oh man! This guy had me& stuck watching his videos for like an hour or two - his stuff is really thorough. The mods that are so technical I& couldn't even get the basics of are ones he's an expert in. I& think you put it better than I& possibly could have described. No background music was honestly a welcome touch, as his accent makes his voice very pleasant to listen to! I& do get the feeling that for this guy it's best to watch the series from the very beginning to the end rather than just jump in from the latest episode like I& did. An enjoyable experience nonetheless!
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nicecurves · 1 year
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mcyt-builds-contest · 3 months
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Pandora's Vault
Builder : Awesamdude
Series : DSMP
Propaganda :
- its so big. Its so so big. Look at a map of the dsmp. Its just a black void bigger than l'manburg was.
- You look at it and you just know it's something terrible. the obsidian walls, lava, the iron. It's just there. In the middle of the ocean. It does not fit in and its scary.
- the AMOUNT of redstone and functions it go is AMAZING. the only way to enter is through a portal that then leads u to the nether and has to be manually activated again by the warden. So to enter you literally NEED the wardens permission. All the bridges and all the door. It's so fucking cool man what can I say. The amount of security.
- the lore that happened inside pandora as well. Pandoras arc was the best arc of the whole of dream smp and I stand by that. There is so so much to unpack.
Sam and Dream could have just built some shitty obsidian box and called it a prison, but no they made PANDORAS VAULT
The Everdusk Castle
Builder : ToAsgaard
Series : ATM Spellbound Series
Porpaganda : this place is built in another dimension (the Everdusk), it's gigantic (extends about 50ish blocks further down past where i was able to grab a good screencap), and it's fully detailed inside. not in like a "some stuff here and there" or "there are redstone machines" -- every single room is detailed out, often with visuals corresponding to the mod being used, any automated setups are given a ton of visual flair to fit with the theme of the base, there's even automation setups that serve as visual rooms (the Botania automation room uses Kekimuras and is set up as a banquet hall! it's so cool!!). i think about it constantly. ToAsgaard's builds are consistently drop-dead gorgeous (his soulsborne-inspired Celestial Journey/Betweenlands base and gigantic multi-piece Sevtech Ages base are both fantastic) with ridiculously intricate detailing and really cool modded automation setups. his Celestial Journey base, Carcosa was a close second for me -- but its power lies in all that detailing and isn't nearly as screencappable from the outside. Asgaard's an amazing builder both on the megabase and microdetail levels, incredible at standard modded automation and at doing things the fun way. he's been inactive for a few years now but i still adore his stuff, and this seemed like a good way to show off an absolutely spectacular builder that otherwise people might not know about.
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uh-ohspaghettio · 6 months
Jack and Fenrir
So Fenrir from Norse mythology is a giant wolf and the son of Loki. He and his siblings are prophesized to be the downfall or asgaard in ragnarok. Because of this Odin takes Fenrir away from his mother and the Gods keep him as a pet in order to keep an eye on him.
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Fenrir does not have any desire to act on the prophecies, he is not fully aware they exist he's just very happy with his family.
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His family thinks they need to do something about the prophecy they start chaining him up.
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They know Fenrir is powerful and they come up with a game to find the chains that will hold him. Each time Fenrir is able to break out of the chains and so he believes them that it's just a game until they are finally able to tie him down and he doesn't understand why they won't let him go.
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This enrages him, he doesn't understand why his family would betray him
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He never meant for destruction but it's a self-fulfilling prophecy once you view yourself as a monster as well
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chernobog13 · 4 months
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Sigurd from Jack Kirby's GODS portfolio (1972).
The portfolio was four color plates by Kirby of some of the Old Gods of Asgaard - Balduur, Sigurd, Honor and Heimdall . They were predecessors of the New Gods of the Fourth World, which came into being after a great war destroyed Asgaard and it became the twin worlds of New Genesis and Apokolips.
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leaping-laelaps-art · 2 years
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X-ray microtomography 3D model of a bioeroded limestone pebble given to me by a friend who wanted to know what the holes were. Not technically art but I think it looks cool.
I identified 4 distinct types of borings (ichnotaxa) in this 3-cm pebble:
Entobia cf. cretacea (white): typical sponge borings, composed of interconnected chambers and exploratory threads; by far the dominant ichnotaxon in the sample (97% of bioeroded volume).
Caulostrepsis taeniola (blue): U-shaped borings made by polychaete worms (e.g. spionids).
Unnamed Caulostrepsis ichnospecies (cyan): long and tightly U-shaped borings, possibly also made by polychaete worms.
Trypanites solitarius (green): simple unbranched borings that can be produced by many different organisms (polychaetes, bryozoans, phoronids).
(A-B) Full sample. (A) External view. (B) Virtual mould of the borings. (C-G) Virtual moulds of individual borings. (C-E) Caulostrepsis taeniola (note the variability in size). (F) Caulostrepsis unnamed ichnospecies. (G) Trypanites solitarius.
Experiments with limestone bricks show that bioerosion comparable in nature and extent to the one showcased here can develop after 3-4 years (Färber et al. 2016), providing a rough estimate of the time elapsed between this rock fragment first being exposed and it washing onto the shore where my friend picked it up.
Bromley, R. G. (1972). On some ichnotaxa in hard substrates, with a redefinition of Trypanites Mägdefrau. Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 46(1), 93–98. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02989555
Bromley, R. G. (2004). A Stratigraphy of Marine Bioerosion. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 228, 455–479. https://doi.org/10.1144/GSL.SP.2004.228.01.20
Bromley, R. G., & D’Alessandro, A. (1983). Bioerosion in the Pleistocene of Southern Italy: Ichnogenera Caulostrepsis and Maeandropolydora. Rivista Italiana Di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 89(2), Article 2.
Bromley, R. G., & D’Alessandro, A. (1984). The ichnogenus Entobia from the Miocene, Pliocene and Pleistocene of southern Italy. Rivista Italiana Di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 90(2), Article 2.
Färber, C., Titschack, J., Schoenberg, C., Ehrig, K., Boos, K., Baum, D., Illerhaus, B., Asgaard, U., Bromley, R., Freiwald, A., & Wisshak, M. (2016). Long-term macrobioerosion in the Mediterranean Sea assessed by micro-computed tomography. Biogeosciences, 13, 3461–3474. https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-13-3461-2016
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metalshockfinland · 1 year
ASGAARD Drop Acoustic Version of Single "What if…" from Highly Anticipated EP "W sercu nieświata"
Groundbreaking transgressive dark rock/metallers ASGAARD have released their second single, “What if…” (acoustic version), as a part of their upcoming EP titled “W sercu nieświata.” This acoustic rendition is a reimagined version of one of the standout tracks from their previous album, “What If…”. “What if…” (acoustic version), delves into the realms of courage, longing, and regret, evoking a…
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doyouknowthismcyt · 5 months
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nordicpug · 4 months
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nameforthemain · 7 months
Marvel's Voices: Loki Presents #75
requested by @of-asgaard (I've put it under a cut just because it's pretty long)
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