#Ashleigh's fanfiction
your-poetic-lifeline · 4 months
Anything for Ash and Rev please.. ( I do mean anything )
Yeahhh i gotchu!!
How the Murder Bots Show Affection
consists of: rev being creepy as always (but i think it’s cute!), ash struggling to fully accept how fond she is of you, slightly messy strewn together thoughts on the two
word count: ~500 (496 exactly if you’re curious)
— • x • — • x • — • x • — • x • — • x • — • x • —
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- revenant can’t help but be permanently menacing. He’s no where near a romantic guy.
- he does show affection though! it’s just… very strange.
- he’s touchy, but it’s discreet. it’s supposed to be at least. teetering hands along your waist or shoulder as he says creepy, but… slightly endearing? remarks.
- he’s a weird, grabby creature
- he doesn’t know how to properly ask for affection. or initiate it himself.
- most times he’ll loom behind you until you face him. If you take too long, he’ll grab the top of your head. it definitely looks very murderous from outside eyes. like he’s about to yank your head off.
- he also tends to grab your face, palm blocking your vision. it’s his way of directly averting your attention. sometimes it’s his way of complimenting your face?
- he’ll sometimes even stand in front of you expectedly. blank and unmoving, which couldn’t look anymore weird to the others…
- refers to you as his “favorite skinbag”. As well as “sweetheart”, but usually when he’s trying to taunt you.
- any rare moment that he’s being normal genuine, he’s likely to call you “hon”. short and simple, subtle enough to almost miss in conversation
- he always knows where you are, so he just comes to see you whenever he pleases. might bring something along with him? a snack maybe?
- has sometimes showed up after you’ve already went to sleep. He won’t disturb you after realizing, but he’ll linger a bit before leaving.
- not sure how long she thinks she can keep it up, but sooner or later she won’t be able to keep up the formalities.
- she’s wants to put her hands all over you, but it takes her a billion years to get over herself
- literally
- Ashleigh might be the polite side of her being, but she can tease her sometimes and it quite literally messes with her head
- “You’re actually quite fond of them, hm?” “Silence, Reid.”
- She can’t deny it though
- It takes her time to let go of that no love, no warm, “human” feelings mentality. but she likes you so much that she kind of lets that stuff go. at least enough to be a decent lover to you while still keeping up the façade around others
- while around others she’ll link an arm with you, or around you in some way, but anything more touchy embarrasses her
- away from prying eyes though, she’ll let you initiate any form of affection you want. she appreciates hugs a lot actually.
- she likes examining you. Adjusting your clothes, your hair, or taking note of any scars or other healed injuries on your skin.
- If she leaves you to go do…whatever she does… she sometimes tends to come back with an interesting item (i see her as a bit of a trinket gal)
— • x • — • x • — • x • — • x • — • x • — • x • —
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fyeahnix · 2 years
Title: The Syndicate Dog Pairing: Ash/Maggie (MadAsh) Other Characters: None Rating: Teen and Up for language Words: 676 Prompt: None Other Tags: Post-Match, Blood and Injury, Injury, Hurt/Comfort, Fist Fights, Injury Recovery, Flirting, Enemies to Lovers, Woof Summary: Maggie's defense; Ash's offense.
If you like it PLEASE REBLOG. You can read it here or on AO3, via the link found in the notes of this post. Please read on AO3 if you prefer correct formatting!
Maggie could take a scrap or two, whether down a back alley in Salvo or in the Apex Games. Ol' Wally might have stolen her thunder with that godforsaken cage fighting career of his, but she wasn't some defenseless sap. Been throwin' hands since she was two feet high. Black eye? Busted, bleeding lip? Cracked ribs? She's had it all.
Still didn't make it throb any less.
She hissed through her teeth at the disinfectant stinging her knuckles. They were shredded—skin peeled and cracked and crimson and blistering. It hurt like hell. The gloves she wore for protection were discarded off to the side. Thankfully, the med bay was empty this late at night. Sweet as. Didn’t need the entire cavalry knowing she ate shit earlier than expected.
"Stop. Tensing."
She cut her eyes at the simulacrum whose voice rang in two parts.
Adrenaline still rushed through Maggie, and it'd been a solid forty minutes since the brawl of the century on Olympus. Bones crunching under the weight of her fists had rocked her skull, loud in her ears; joints had popped out of place at odd angles. It was gratifying, a much-needed outlet at her first taste of true freedom and punishment for the sook jumping her Duos partner. So, no, "stop tensing" wasn't exactly on her fucking list of priorities.
Ash knelt beside her, tending to her wounds like some personal nurse. She had forced Maggie to shrug off the jacket to inspect her for damages. The protest and snarling hadn’t fazed her, and after rummaging through the cabinets for the proper tools, even got her to sit down. She worked with a level of dexterity and precision Maggie had never seen in any human being. Whether it was out of necessity in her previous life or a newfound skill, Maggie would never know.
"Do you regret forgoing proper medical attention now?" Ash asked, glancing up at her, voice unified once more.
"Piss off."
The simulacrum in question did not, in fact, piss off. She stared for far too long with those wolf-gold optics. A toothless remark, and if she'd been anyone else, Maggie wouldn’t have planted her arse in the first place. Lucky to have garnered some level of respect for her, even if she was just a tool of the warlord's sworn enemy.
Ash sighed before speaking again. "For what it's worth—"
"Not much…"
"—you fought… admirably. It's not often I see such bravery and finesse from humans, even in my Arenas." She dabbled more disinfectant across the cuts and scrapes on Maggie's arm and up to the angles of her collarbone, eliciting another hiss. "Too concerned with their own primitive survival instincts. No guts, no glory. Just cowardice and self-preservation."
Maggie rested her chin in her other palm. "If you're tryin' to say 'thank you,' you ain't gotta wax poetic about it. And—fuckin’ shit, that hurt—I know what my bloody skills are. I don't need no damn Syndi-cunt dog to tell me that."
"Hm. I'm sure you're aware, then, of how fiercely loyal canines can be?"
"Had a bunch of 'em."
"And I'm sure you're aware they don't tend to bite the hand that feeds them."
"What's your point?"
Ash's eyes brightened for a split second. A spark of humanity broke through—playfulness, excitement. "Then I'm sure you're aware they can also be… retrained. Under sufficient circumstances."
For once, Maggie cracked a smirk and leaned back into the chair, confident and swearing under her breath. It was absurd, sure, but Ash retained a buttoned-up and businesslike forwardness about her that Maggie had grown to respect. And, well, she hated to admit it, but it threw her for a loop long enough to divert her attention from having smashed someone's face to bits. Pain subsided, if only for several seconds.
But fine. She'd play along.
She closed the distance, face merely a foot away from Ash's. Blood and metal filled her nostrils. The golden optics sharpened to a pinpoint, focused solely on her. Maggie spoke—growled.
"Then heel, doggy."
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demonwriterx · 2 years
31 days of Apex Legends
It’s been a while! But I have been busy with my career and gaming that I haven’t been posting much on my tumble but I saw on Twitter that there is a 31 days of Apex Legends! Which gives me the opportunity to start writing about my favorite game and my two favorite Simulacrums!
It started as a sparring match.
Ash swayed side to side, dodging Revenant’s swift punches towards her head. With each missed attack, he was becoming more and more frustrated and… aggressive. She put an end to their game when he turned his hand into a blade and tried to stab her. He lurched forward, and she used his momentum to slam her knee into his abdomen.
He collapsed on the sand, clutching his stomach, the air knocked right out of him.
“I said, ‘No lethal combat’.” She stated, watching him struggle to recover. He lifted his head at her, his arms still to his gut.
“You ruptured my processing tubes.” He expressed with a glare before releasing a painful groan. She gave him a sniff, having no empathy for his pain.
“Let this be a lesson.” She said, turning away from him, and heard him mutter an obscenity in her name. She glanced up to the sky through the large opening of the cenote, finding the sun right in the middle. They had been training since morning, and she noticed Revenant had been in a mood since they began. “You have been unfocused, sloppy and amateurish in your attacks… therefore making this day a complete waste of my valuable time.” Revenant grumbled another curse, but did not argue with her analysis. She clicked her non-existent tongue at him.
“Let’s not forget, you came to me. If you are going to behave this way… consider the agreement, null.”
“Tch’, fine.” He said, lifting himself up.
“Is that a yes or a no?”
“…. I need the damn practice.” He muttered, rubbing his sore middle. Ash glanced at him. She knew he had experience being a mercenary, but even professionals would lose their talent without discipline. Ash was the only one who can keep up with his agility and strength. She only accepted to be his sparring partner because she also needed someone to keep up with her.
“Then we shall begin again in the morning.” She said and turned back to face him. “But know this, try to kill me again, and I will not hesitate to use my sword next time.”
“Fine. I won’t try to kill you.” He said, shrugging his shoulders, and lifted up one hand. “I promise.” His words laced with poisonous lies. She knew better not to believe him. If given the opportunity, he would do it again. She refuse to give him the opportunity.
“Keep my warning in your thoughts.”
She continued her walk through the water making her way towards their trident. Revenant followed silently behind, both of them sloshing through the salt water. The cenote offered them privacy and no distractions. It was a part of Storm Point that most of the legends hardly ever trekked. She climbed up a rocky incline with ease reaching to the top, catching a glimpse of their parked trident. She turned back to Revenant, who took his time. His body slighty bent over and a hand to his side, the injury giving him constant reminders of his malicious intent. Even without a mouth, Ash felt herself smile.
“You are acting your age.” She teased, causing him to look up at her.
“Shut up.” He snapped, putting his hand down. “Get in the damn car and wait for me.” He said and took a step up on the incline. She watched him suddenly stop, and buckle over. She lifted a hand over her porcelain mouth, stifling a laugh. Revenant growled. “Get in the damn car, Ash!”
Ash sat down and waited for him. Much to his annoyance, and watched with great pleasure see him struggle up the wet rocks.
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thebluenebula · 2 years
~600 words
Major Characters: Ashleigh Wayne, Harper Row
Minor Characters: Dick Grayson
Furniture finished, and finally unpacking, Ash asks Dick for help. While unpacking, he finds an object of sentimental value to Ash, but it's long been broken. If only she knew someone who specializes in tinkering.
Now that her furniture had arrived, and was built, Ash finally decided it was time to unpack. She sat on the ground by her bookshelf, placing books in an order that only made sense to her. Dick had offered to help her unpack, so she had him unpacking her video games, sorting them by console.
He placed what felt like the dozenth Call of Duty game onto the shelf. "You really like shooters, don't you?"
"Yeah, Sean got me into them, we used to go over to each others house, and play split screen for hours, it was so much fun."
Dick smiled at how happy Ash sounded. He tossed aside the empty cardboard box, and grabbed a nearby one labelled Xbox. He opened it, and to his surprise, it wasn't full of games but an old 360 console.
He picked it up out of the box, and examined the stickers on it, there were all kinds of them, video game characters, hearts, even a pair of name tags, one had Sean written on it, and the other was scribbled over, with Ashleigh written above the scribbles. "This is cute."
Ash glanced up from her box. "Yeah, but it doesn't work any more."
"So it's just around for sentimental value."
"I meant to get it fixed at some point, but the longer I left it, the more it got put on the back burner."
"You could give it Harper, if it can be fixed, she'll fix it."
"No, that's okay, I don't won't to bother her."
"No bother, I swear, Harper loves fixing things, plus it'll give you something to talk about."
"I'll think about it."
- - - - - 
The next day, Ash found herself gently knocking on Harper's open door. "Hello?"
Harper looked up from her desk. "Hey Ash, what's up?"
"Hey, umm... I have a thing, and old xbox, and I was wondering, if you've got a couple minutes one of the days, if maybe you could try to fix it? Dick said I should ask you."
"I'm the girl to come to if you have any things broken, my expertise is gadgets, but I'll take a go at anything," she explained as she stood up. "I've got no plans for today, how about I take a look at it now, if that suits you?"
"Yeah, that's fine."
The two headed to Ash's room. There were still a couple boxes scattered about, but most of her stuff had been put away.
Harper made her way over to the desk, which was a mess, papers, and trinkets were scattered across it, but amongst the mess was the Xbox. "You know, these things aren't that expensive. Plenty of second hand ones for sale."
Ash stood by her. "Yeah I know, it's more sentimental value them anything else."
"I figured. Do you know what's wrong with it?"
"No idea, it just stopped working one day, but before that the disc tray was stuck so that's also not working."
"If you let me borrow it, I can take it apart, see what needs to be done, and bring it back in a couple days, good as new."
"Yeah, sure, but it's alright if you can't fix it."
She scoffed as she picked it up. "Hell will freeze over, before I can't fix something."
Ash smiled at her. "Want do you want for it, I'd offer to pay you, but that seems kinda pointless."
"We'll just call your first a freebie."
- - - - -
A few days later, Harper knocked on Ash's door, Xbox in hand. She set it up, and two watched as the Xbox logo flashed up on screen. Harper grabbed a game case off the shelf, Halo. "Now, what do you say to a little one on one?"
Ash smirked. "You're on."
This is another story that's been sitting around almost finished for ages, I'm realising I have a lot of those, and I finally got the... inspiration? Sure, inspiration. I finally got the inspiration to finish, and I'm quite happy with it. Anyway, I hope ye enjoyed - Blue >^u^<
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duchessanon · 1 year
Well. Not a drop of tea about the BRF but I prepared for that.
- Henri seeing her on ig was a weird deviation from the og meeting story (is Omid crying somewhere that finding Carolyn needs another update?)
- The curtsy scene was awkward. Like it’s funny if u were sharing that with friends but maybe not the place to do it
- “We were never allowed to tell our story” What did they want to say in the engagement interview that they couldn’t?
- so much boring repetitive shit about Diana. Let the woman rest FFS!
- what I wanted, I didn’t get. Like tell me why happened when u first met Chuck or Willy. Not about ur flight itinerary that we don’t care about
- the way she was followed in Toronto was shit but it wasn’t brand new information.
- as always Henri pisses me off with how much he thinks of himself bc he was in the army. It’s like he uses his service to feel superior over his fam who are only superior by title
- I was gearing up for drama with the royal foundation event clip, and yet again, nothing
- a few mentions of Jason knife, will they say he knifed them in the back?
- I feel like some of the stories they thought would be new/interesting/show the real truth were just blah. Like the Ashleigh girl and her disinvite from the wedding. Girl I’ve only just learnt u exist so I’m not gonna feel sorry for u (apart from that u have Sam as a biological mother)
- the Tom part made me a little sad actually. That could’ve been avoided easily. Doria is an icon still
- what I will say is their love story IS interesting on paper and there were some parts that were mildly sweet. BUT Henri seemed overly aware and proud that their love story was dramatic. It feels like he would show off about it being like a fairytale fanfiction.
- by the looks of the vol 2 preview it’s just Henri saying “I had to get them outta there” 50000000 times. If they avoid giving family tea, is it rly their true story?
- I have 0 expectations for decent info in the book. It’s gonna be all about childhood, Di, Africa, meg, the press, being a dad, the army. Zzzzzzz
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jeon jungkook fanfiction 🥹🥹❤️‍🩹🫰🙏read,like share and subscribe i need support its my 1st time 🙂🖤🤎🥰
https://youtu.be/tySJVbAJicI (story link)
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rayman-25 · 1 year
Podcast Adventure le film II et l'arc 1 : Teenage Years VO VS VA
Si le film marche, on aurais la possibilité de faire une suite de la fanfiction, ainsi que le premier arc de Podcast Adventure.
Le deuxième film se déroule après l'arc 1 donc en printemps 2014. Comme dans les Simpson, Bob l'éponge ou Pokémon, les âges reste les même. Il se déroule la moitie de la saison 3 d'Amphibia, la saison deux de Luz à Osville et entre la saison 1 et deux de Dead End : le parc des paranormal.
Durant l'arc 1, il se déroule après le premier film et les spin-off. Le premier épisode se déroule après l'Ecosse, tandis que l'épisode 2 et 6 se déroule avant le premier film et comme je l'ai dit : il se déroule à New-York et à Royal Wood
On auras aussi des nouveaux personnages des autres franchise.
Résumé :
Résumé de l'arc 1 :
VO et VA :
Univers TMNT
Léonardo : ? (VA : Nicolas Cantu)
Donatello : ? (VA :Micah Abbey)
Raphaël : ? (VA : Brady Noon)
Michelangelo : ? (VA : Shamon Brown Jr.)
Splinter : ? (VA : Jackie Chan)
April O'neil : ? (VA : Ayo Edebiri)
Bebop : ? (VA : Seth Rogen)
Rocksteady : ? (VA : John Cena)
Baxter Stockman : ? (VA : Giancarlo Esposito)
Univers The Loud House
Lincoln Loud : Nathalie Bienaimé (VA : Ashleigh Ball)
Lori Loud : Caroline Mozzone (VA : Catherine Taber)
Leni Loud : Claire Baradat (VA : Liliana Mumy)
Luna Loud ! Adeliene Chetail (VA : Nika Futterman)
Luan Loud : Leslie Lipkins (VA : Cristina Pucelli)
Lynn Loud : Marie Facundo (VA : Magali Rosenzweig)
Lucy Loud : Magali Rosenzweig (VA : Jessica DiCicco)
Lola Loud : Jessica Barrier (VA : Grey DeLisle)
Lana Loud : Frédérique Marlot (VA : Grey DeLisle)
Lisa Loud : Caroline Combes (VA : Lara Jill Miller)
Lily Loud : Caroline Combes (VA : Grey DeLisle)
Clyde McBride : Audrey Sablé (VA : Brandon Mychal Smith)
Charles : Antoine Schoumsky (VA : Dee Bradley Baker)
Cliff : Dee Bradley Baker
Walt : Dee Bradley Baker
Géo : Dee Bradley Baker
Lynn sr Loud : Philippe Roullier (VA : Kyle Hebert)
Rita Loud : Emma Clave (VA : Cristina Valenzuela)
Ronnie Anne Santiago : Leslie Lipkins (VA : Cassie Glow)
Bobby Santiago : François Creton (VA : Carlos PenaVega)
Sid Cheng : ? (VA : Marissa Lenti)
Carlotta Casagrande : Kelly Marot (VA : ?)
Carlos Casagrande : Frédérique Marlot (VA : ?)
Univers Gravity Falls
Dipper Pines : ? (VA : Justin Roiland)
Mabel Pines : Caroline Combes (VA : Kristen Schaal)
Jesus « Mousse » Ramirez : ? (VA : Alex Hirsch)
Wendy Corduroy : Prunelle Rulens (VA : Erica Lindbeck)
Stanley "Stan" Pines : Alain Eloy (VA : Alex Hirsch)
Stanford "Ford" Pines : ? (VA : ?)
Robbie Stacy Valentino : Sébastien Hébrant (VA : Brooks Wheelan)
Dandinou (Waddles VA) : Dee Bradley Baker
Univers Podcast
Marc Christivoirien : Dipper Crypte (VA : Mekai Curtis)
Jean Christivoirien : Dipper Crypte (VA : Deven Mack)
Alice : Diane Dassigny (VA : Shannon Chan-Kent)
Univers Kirbendo
Thomas « Kirb » Kirbendoworld : Kirbendo (VA : ?)
Manu : Emmanuel Gandon (VA : ?)
Wistone : Emmanuel Gandon (VA : ?)
Farod Games : Farod (VA : ?)
Jacksepticeye : Alexandre Nguyen (VA : Jacksepticeye)
Univers Amphibia
Anne Boonchuy : Julia Khaye (VA : Brenda Song)
Hopediah "Hop Pop" Plantar : Patrick Waleffe (VA : Bill Farmer)
Sprig Plantar : Maxime Donnay (VA : Justin Felbinger)
Polly Plantar : Nancy Philippot (VA : Amanda Leighton)
Mrs. Boonchuy : Micheline Goethals (VA : On Braly)
Mr. Boonchuy : Frédéric Clou (VA : Bradley Cooper)
Univers The Owl house
Luz Noceda : ? (VA : Sarah-Nicole Robles)
Edalyn "Eda" Clawthorne : ? (VA : Wendie Malick)
King Clawthorne : ? (VA : Alex Hirsch)
Bobou (Hooty VA) : ? (VA : Alex Hirsch)
Camila Noceda : ? (VA : Elizabeth Grullon)
Vee / Number 5 : ? (VA : Michaela Dietz)
Hunter dit le garde dorée : ? (VA : Zeno Robinson)
Raine Whispers : ? (VA : Avi Roque)
Darius Deamonne : ? (VA : Keston John)
Eberwolf : Kari Wahlgren
Univers Dead End
Barney Guttman :? (VA : Zach Barack)
Pugsley : ? (VA : Alex Brightman)
Patrick Gutttman : ? (VA : Kate Higgins)
Saul Guttman : ? (VA : ?)
Univers Legend Quest
Teodora Villavicencio : ? (VA : Annemarie Blanco)
Univers Super Mario Bros le film
Univers Miraculous le film
0 notes
ashleighxx · 5 years
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Klarosummer Bingo | Sol Goddess Original!Klaus SolGoddess!Caroline “Some people seemed to get all sunshine, and some all shadow…” 
― Louisa May Alcott, Little Women
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craniumhurricane · 3 years
call me, baby, if you need a friend
Cleaning up some old WIPs. This has been in my drafts since end of season 2/around season 3.
Basically 4 times Clarke calls Bellamy and 1 time that Bellamy calls Clarke.
Thank you @casleyislove and @sushigirlali for always reading things before I post them!
[ On AO3! ]
It's a quiet night in at the Blake apartment. Or, at least, for Bellamy it is. He's having a nice Friday night by himself after surviving a truly grueling week of finals. Octavia tried to convince him to go out and celebrate the end of the semester the "right way," but he turned her down… he's still not quite sure how he managed to do that.
His feet are currently propped up on the coffee table with a large bowl of store brand cocoa puffs in his lap. Bellamy may be an adult but damn if he isn’t going to celebrate the end of the term with sugary cereal… nevermind that he didn’t actually make time to grocery shop this week. The TV was queued and ready for the marathon of Ancient Aliens episodes he’d missed due to studying, and he was just about to press play when he hears a short but insistent buzzing sound.  
Glancing around, his eyes land on Octavia’s phone sitting on the corner of the coffee table. She must have left it in her hurry to leave since she was running late to meet up with her boyfriend.
Bellamy keeps his eyes on it for a second before deciding to ignore it, and once again his finger hovers over the play button on the remote. Then the phone lights up again, this time with a phone call; a picture of Octavia and a curly haired blonde that he recognizes, the name CLARKE THE GRIFFIN flashing across the screen. He considers ignoring it for a second time but... if she’s resorting to actually calling instead of texting again then something could be seriously wrong.
Bellamy swipes his thumb across the screen to answer and brings the phone to his ear but before he can even say anything a voice on the other side interjects immediately.
“Men are dicks,” the woman says without preamble. “No! Worse than that. They're weird tumors that grow on dicks," she pauses, seems to think about it, and then adds, "Preferably life threatening.”
Bellamy blinks a few times before he answers, “I'm sure you're right, but don't you think that's a bit harsh?”
The line is quiet. He can hear her shifting the phone, no doubt checking the screen to make sure she called the right person.
Clarke huffs. “Where's Octavia?” she snaps. He can hear the annoyance seeping into her tone, which in turn just makes him feel his own frustrations start to rise.
He tamps it down though. “On a date,” he answers.
She deflates at that, “Oh right. One month anniversary with Lincoln.”
He hums a confirmation and then they’re silent for a few minutes. So long that it’s Bellamy’s turn to look at the phone and make sure she’s still there. “Did you need something?” he asks once he sees that the call is still, in fact, in progress.
She takes a deep breath before answering, “I ended things with Finn tonight.”
Bellamy had only met Finn Collins a handful of times; the guy was fine except for a little cocky… and he always seemed to want to show off in front of pretty girls. His hair was too long and always styled like he was some kind of frat boy that came from big money even though Bellamy's 100% sure he never so much as pledged.
And then there was that one time he flirted with Octavia.
Ok, so Bellamy didn’t like the guy. But a break up is still a shitty thing to go through which is why he says, “I’m sorry,” and finds that he means it.
“Not your fault,” Clarke says immediately, “But I was kind of looking for someone to watch me binge drink and listen to me vent.”
He understands that, having gone through the same thing when he broke up with Roma at the start of the term. If you could really call them “hooking up occasionally” the same thing as dating, but still, getting drunk with Miller had been essential in the whole moving on process.
“You want to come over here anyway?” he offers carefully, casually. He doesn’t mind Clarke. She’s younger than him, around Octavia’s age. They aren’t exactly friends, but he would consider them a little more than acquaintances. Enough that it shouldn’t be too weird for him to invite her over even without his sister present. Plus, her getting drunk here is a better alternative than her getting drunk by herself in some bar.
“You don’t mind?” she asks and he thinks he hears relief in her voice, “I was kind of already on my way over to your guy’s place... I don’t really feel like going out and I really don't feel like being depressed and alone in my dorm right now.”
“Nah,” he says and then tries a joke to brighten her spirits, “Sounds like something fun to watch. I’ll order food.”
“Chinese would be great,” and he swears he can hear a smile in her voice so he’ll count his dumb joke as a victory. “Thanks, Bellamy, see you soon.”
He's not even a little bit mad about dumping out his now soggy cereal.
“So, you’ve been in school for basically forever. Is it normal for a person to experience this amount of stress?”
Bellamy’s lips twitch as he holds his phone to his ear. After Clarke crashed his Friday night in, and spilled on the whole cheating Finn debacle while they did shots, Bellamy figured he should give her his own cell phone number. As much as he hated to admit it, and honestly he never will, his sister and her boyfriend were getting serious, so who knows how much Octavia would be available for late night bitchfests about significant others, fellow students, and the human population in general. Which were just a few of the topics they discussed that night. Hanging out with Clarke ended up being kind of fun, a better night than he originally planned. She even let him watch a little of his marathon and offered her own commentary. Bellamy would do it again… which is something else he would never admit.
It's not like they suddenly talk every day, but it’s a near thing. They would send each other the occasional text when one of them sees something that the other absolutely has to know about. Mostly, he gets pictures of old dogs she sees at the park, asking if this will be him in 20 years. Bellamy responds in kind with memes about college life and rubbing it in her face that they no longer apply to him since he graduated last semester.
But sometimes she reaches out to him if there is something particularly bothering her. Such as dealing with egotistical dickwads that consider themselves professors and shutting down female students in a male dominated class.
Clarke’s probably the only person that ever calls him and can never start the conversation with a simple ‘Hello’. Actually, she’s probably the only person that actually still calls him.
“I just got a job teaching so that insult isn't going to work anymore since I literally will be in a school as part of my job,” is his first response before he turns to one of concern, “Midterms got ya down?”
“It’s just,” she gives an exasperated sigh before continuing, “I want to do something that helps people, I know I want to help people… But maybe I don't want to help people the way my mom wants me to help people...ya know?”
“You’re going to have to give me more to go on here, Princess-”
“I’m thinking about switching my major,” she says abruptly, like she’s ripping off a band aid.
He’s silent, waiting to see if she’s going to say anything else. When it becomes clear she’s waiting for him to say something he responds honestly, “If being a doctor isn’t something you want to do, then you shouldn’t do it.”
“What your mom wants you to do shouldn’t overrule what you want to do, Clarke,” he interrupts her. Due to the increasing amount of time he’s been spending with Clarke, he’s learned that the Griffins have always had a capital “P” Plan and he knows that Clarke has a hard time knowing when she can push the boundaries of said Plan.
She’s silent again and Bellamy’s starting to think he’s going to have to prod her a second time. He’s got the beginnings of his big speech all prepared when finally she speaks up. “I’m thinking about going into Art Therapy,” She says thoughtfully, “Or maybe teaching? Helping out underprivileged kids...or hell, even underprivileged adults. Or maybe something for the community?”
His lips twitch on another smile at hearing the beginnings of a hint of passion in her voice. “Teaching can be very rewarding,” he says magnanimously.
She snorts and it turns into a full laugh, “You haven't even started yet! It could be the worst thing you’ve ever done and a total waste of your degree.”
“Your confidence in me really is touching,” he deadpans and then adds simply, “You’re an amazing artist, Clarke. I think doing something with that could be something you'd enjoy and be really really good at.”
She’s quiet when she asks, “You think I’m amazing? You’ve never told me that.” And Bellamy swears he can hear that smile in her voice again. The one he always looks forward to. The one he tries to coax out of her without realizing he’s doing it.
He feels his cheeks start to heat up and even though she can't see him, he feels the need to brush it off. “Yeah, well, I generally try to be as dickish as possible so…”
She snorts again and damn if he didn’t feel a slight flutter in his chest.
“For the record, I think you’re going to be an amazing teacher,” she says it so matter-of-factly but he’ll have to dwell on it later because she sobers and then asks softly, “So, you think I should do it?”
It’s not hard for him to build her up. She spends so much time being there for the rest of their slowly merging friend groups that she rarely takes time to see the greatness in herself. He doesn’t mind helping.
“I think you should do whatever the hell you want.”
“Women are worse than men.”
Bellamy rubs the sleep from his eyes and glances at the clock; it was almost 3 in the morning. “I thought men were tumors?” he asks around a yawn.
“Yeah, well, women can be tumors too,” Clarke huffs, but she just sounds tired, “Comparing people to tumors is equal opportunity. Strides in feminism are being made, didn’t you know?”
Bellamy pushes himself into a sitting position, suddenly more alert as he picks up the trace of tears in her voice. “You ok?” he asks.
Clarke is silent at first, but he waits her out, he knows that she’ll tell him. “Lexa broke up with me,” she says quietly and then adds in confusion, “Or we broke up with each other? I’m a little unsure. We spent the whole night arguing and then suddenly she was packing up her stuff.” She pauses before taking a shaky breath, “It’s over. We’re over.”
“I’m so sorry, Clarke.”
“She was leaving anyway,” she continues, bitterly, “Some new job. She was leaving in a few weeks and didn’t even bother to tell me. I told her we could make it work long distance, I was willing to try and make it work. That’s when the arguing started. Not just about that but about-,” Clarke abruptly cuts herself off and hesitates, “about... other things. Things I didn’t even know were an issue.” She’s quiet again before she adds, “She didn’t say it but I think she was disappointed that I never suggested going with her...”
The thought makes a quick flash of irritation run through him. “She wanted you to uproot your entire life and go with her,” he summarizes as he tries to adjust the pillows on his bed by beating them, maybe a little too roughly at the thought of her doing just that, before leaning back against them.
“Which is completely crazy, I know,” she hurries to say, “but I wish we could have talked about it.”
“I am sorry, Clarke,” he says again, “I know Lexa seemed like she was it for you.”
“But maybe she wasn’t?” Clarke counters as if trying to reason with herself. “I don’t know. We were both committed to each other, but maybe this was a sign that we weren’t going to be able to make it work long term?” She pauses and Bellamy can hear the gears in her head turning as she processes a way for her to handle this, too explain it to herself. “When we were together,” she hesitates before continuing, and he can imagine her biting her lip, “I was happy... but I felt like a separate version of myself, ya know? Still me, but not completely me?”
Bellamy chews on the words he wants to say and goes with, “Sometimes the person you're with can change you; it's not always a bad thing.” He gets quiet as he adds thoughtfully, “I like to think Gina made me a better person...and she probably did,” he pauses, this time unsure if he should keep going, but Clarke hasn't said anything, so she must be waiting for him to continue, “We tried, tried really hard, to make it work, but eventually you just realize that maybe the relationship isn't going anywhere and what’s best for everyone is just to call it.”
“Wait, you and Gina broke up?” Clarke asks in surprise, “When did that happen!?”
“That's what you got from that?” He rubs a hand over his face as he thinks about it, “About two weeks ago?”
“Shit,” she says and is quiet before asking in a small voice, “Why didn't you tell me?”
“Honestly, I haven't seen a whole lot of you these last few months,” he hears what he said and corrects himself, “We haven’t seen a whole lot of you.” He’s surprised at his ability to keep the bite out of his voice; because the truth was this last year has sucked since Clarke started dating Lexa.
They met at one of Clarke's art gigs. Lexa was cool; fun when she wanted to be, but also a little hard to be around. Most of the time, she seemed to prefer doing things without any of Clarke’s friends.
“I’m sorry,” Clarke says.
“It’s fine,” he answers her and means it. “Gina and I are still good friends.”
“I wasn’t talking about you and Gina,” she says, voice soft.
He realizes what she’s actually apologizing for and he doesn’t know what to say. Because of course he forgives her, he will always forgive her.
The silence lasts too long so he clears his throat and prompts, “Want to come over and get drunk?”
Her laugh through the phone breaks the tension, “It’s like 3 o'clock in the morning.”
“My bar is always open.”
She chuckles. “I really want to hit something,” she says with a determined edge to her voice, “Then maybe get drunk.”
“How about this, we get a few more hours of sleep, wake up at a normal time, and go hit something,” he offers and then adds as if it's an afterthought, “And then get drunk, of course.”
She laughs again, “Oh, of course.” There’s that smile. “I forgot what being single with you was like.”
Bellamy sobers at the thought. It has been awhile since the two of them were single at the same time. “Always here to help, Princess.”
“Why did I agree to this trip again?”
He’s packing up the essays that are scattered across his desk when she calls, 4 o’clock on the dot. Bellamy tries to suppress a laugh but he’s pretty sure she can at least hear the teasing smile in his voice.
“Just getting back to the hotel?” he asks in lieu of his own greeting.
“Yes!” she exclaims in exasperation. “And if it were up to Josephine, we probably would have walked all of damn Paris tonight,” her voice gets muffled at the end and he can only assume she’s thrown herself face first onto the nearest bed. “I cannot wait for a shower- No! A bath, definitely taking a long, hot bath.”
And now the image of Clarke Griffin in the bath, with just enough bubbles to cover up to her chest, has entered his mind. He shoves it away before anymore thoughts can accompany it.
This used to never be a problem. Sure, he’s always known that Clarke is attractive, but he has never been attracted to her. But ever since he broke up with Gina and she broke up with Lexa, Bellamy has been exceedingly aware of the fact that they have both remained single.
The last time this happened was right after Finn.
Bellamy shakes his head for good measure before responding. “You’re going to fall asleep in the tub and your roommate will find your prune-y, wrinkled body in the morning.” He cringes.  Apparently he wasn’t able to get the image of her completely out of his head.
Clarke scoffs, but he can tell that it’s in an exasperated but fond kind of way. “How is it that you manage to be a buzzkill from over 4,000 miles away?” she asks drily and then pauses before adding, “Actually, Josie would probably just leave me in there for the entire trip and never let on that something was up.”
He turns the key to lock his office behind him and heads for the staff lot. “Don’t worry, if you don’t call to check in, I’ll call the National Guard,” he teases.
“I know you would,” she says simply, like it’s a known fact.
Things have been a little weird after he became aware that they were both single. Mostly because, he’s pretty sure that Clarke has also come to realize it. When he turns to look at her, he often finds her already looking. Their innocent touches are now more frequent and linger just a bit longer.
Bellamy has come to realize that he doesn’t want to be single and the reason he doesn’t want to be single is because he wants his best friend to not be single with him.
There’s just never a right time to tell her.
“So, what did you do today?” he asks.
Despite the exhaustion and jetlag that’s surly setting in, Clarke jumps into an animated retelling of the flight and arriving at their hotel room just in time to change clothes and head back out to walk the streets of Paris to get their bearings before their tours officially start tomorrow.
“I’m a little disappointed that we’re doing the Louvre first thing tomorrow. I was hoping to be a little more alert for that.”
“Your coffee addiction hasn’t stopped just because you’re in another country,” he points out as he gets in his car.
She laughs, “Jeez, you are such an ass.”
He starts the car but doesn’t leave just yet; afraid the long distance call will drop out.
“What are you doing now?” he asks into the comfortable silence.
“Admiring the view,” she admits softly. “It really is gorgeous all lit up. Makes me want to dig out my sketchbook.”
“You have a week, Princess,” he chuckles. “Don’t screw up your jetlag even more by losing track of time in your drawings on the first night.”
She’s quiet again before confessing softer somehow, “It also makes me wish you were here.”
His heart clenches in his chest and he wills himself to sound normal. “Maybe next time,” he tries for teasing but it comes out almost wistful.
“Next time, hmmm?” Clarke hums. “You’d come to Paris with me?” And he’s sure she’s flirting with him.
“Well, maybe not for our first date,” he says, “But maybe, like, our fifth or something.”
Clarke’s quiet for a long time and he’s afraid he’s overstepped, misread the room. He’s about to take it back, play it off as a joke when she finally speaks.
“And what would a first date look like?” she asks with what he thinks is hope in her voice.
He swallows a couple of times. “Well,” he starts, “Since you’re already getting some of the best museum experiences, I’d probably settle for dinner and a movie. Something cheesy that’s playing at the dollar theater; where we’re the only ones there and can yell at the screen.”
She chuckles and his heart flutters, “We already do that, Bell. Quite frequently, actually.”
“Yeah, but if it’s a date then I’d get to kiss you at the end of it.”
“What? No making out during the movie?” she asks and he can picture how cute her face gets when she pouts.
A grin spreads across his face and he’s grateful no one can see how goofy he must look.
“We’ll have to make sure it’s a really bad movie.”
Clarke rubs some moisturizer on her face before capping the tube and tossing it into her bag on the bed. After ensuring that everything she’s going to need for tomorrow is packed, she zips it up and grabs one of Bellamy’s hoodies to slip on over her clothes.
Ever since he picked her up from the airport when she got back from her trip to Paris, and she ran directly into his arms, giving the other people waiting quite a show, there always seems to be one laying around, waiting for her to find it. She assumes that he gets as much of a thrill out of her wearing them as she does.
She heads down the stairs of their townhouse, passing various pictures and artwork, and shoots Raven one more text not to forget to bring her dress to the venue tomorrow. She’s supposed to help her get ready in the morning along with her mother. In the meantime, Abby has sent a car to pick her up and take her to the hotel. Easier to get ready if she’s already there for the stylist… something else her mother insisted on paying for. No matter how many times Clarke told her she didn’t care what her hair looked like because she was marrying the love of her life.
Clarke locks up the house and greets the driver, slipping into the backseat. She intends to spend the ride lost in thought, going through the checklists that were running through her head.
Their engagement had been on the short side but she didn’t mind. They were both ready to get on with this next chapter in their lives.
Her phone is resting loosely in her hand, face down on her knee, when it starts to vibrate with an incoming call. She holds her breath for a second, praying it isn’t the florist or the caterers. But when she sees the photo of her and Bellamy from New Year’s flash on the screen, she can’t help but smile.
She taps the button and greets him with a sultry, “Hi, handsome.”
“Hey,” he says and she can tell he has a soft smile on his face, the one just for her. “You just leave the house?”
“Yep. On my way to the hotel now, so hopefully you haven’t forgotten anything because it’s too late now.”
“The most important thing is already on its way,” he responds with a teasing lilt.
Clarke can’t help the sharp laugh that escapes her lips, “Oh my god! You are such a sap!”
“I was referring to the ring, obviously, Princess.”
“Oh, obviously,” she says, mock serious.
They chuckle to themselves for a few minutes and she honestly can’t tell if the driver is rolling his eyes or thinks they’re being cute from hearing one side of the conversation.
Bellamy sobers up first only to let out a groan. “I hate whose ever idea this is,” he whines.
“Aren’t you the history professor? Shouldn’t you know where common traditions and such come from?”
He scoffs, “No, I mean I hate whichever of our friends is making us do this.”
The two of them haven’t seen each other since yesterday morning, him having been spirited off by his groomsmen while she was left to spend last night alone in their bed. And now they’re meant to go one more night without seeing each other.
To Bellamy’s point, Clarke isn’t altogether sure why this is a tradition anymore, nor why they are choosing to follow this particular one. She and Bellamy aren’t even that superstitious! And yet somehow they were talked into spending the days leading up to their wedding apart.
“Ah,” she answers him now, “That would be Raven and Miller. Although, I’m pretty sure it had nothing to do with marriage traditions and has everything to do with getting back at us for making out in front of them so much.”
Bellamy scoffs again, “Well, jokes on them, because after tomorrow, I don’t ever have to stop kissing you.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” she says, “We’ll have to come up to eat at some point.”
The driver pulls up under the awning of the hotel and Clarke gets out and grabs her bag before he’s able to get out and grab it for her. She gives him a wave and a simple thank you before heading through the sliding doors.
“How’s your room?” she asks into the phone as she bypasses the check in desk, her mother having already checked her in and given her the key card to her room this morning when they were getting their nails done.
He heaves a deep sigh. “Lonely,” he answers as she steps into the elevator. From what Clarke knows from his texts, Miller dropped him off here last night and left him to his own devices. Apparently, the best man gets to sleep next to his husband but Bellamy wasn’t allowed to sleep next to his soon-to-be wife.
She makes a split second decision and presses a different button, jolting the elevator to stop sooner than intended. When she steps off she casually offers, “I could help with that.”
“Oh yeah?” He chuckles. “You going to describe for me what you’re wearing?”
“Hmm,” she hums as if she’s considering it. “I could do that… but I was more thinking that I could show you.”
Clarke stops in front of a door and gives it a nice rhythmic knock.
She doesn’t have to wait long before it’s opening and Bellamy is standing in front of her with his phone against his ear and a huge grin on his face.
She lowers her own phone from her ear, pressing the end button without looking.
“Hi, handsome,” she manages before he’s pulling her into his room.
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marauders-groupie · 5 years
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Code Cerberus
When Cerberus escapes the Underworld, Bellamy has to find him before he can terrorize the Earth. 
He sets off in search, only to find out that Cerberus was tamed by Madi, a little girl living in the suburbs. She and her mom, Clarke, aren’t going to part from the three-headed hound easily.
Written for @craniumhurricane who requested the following @bellarkebingo prompts: Accidental kid acquisition, awkward encounter, and first date.
Bellarke art by @nikitajobson. Inspired by this Tumblr story. 
Modern myth AU | Crackfic but not quite | 2.5k
Read on AO3
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A masterlist of all my works | check out my rules!
Apex Legends
the murder bots showing affection | ash / revenant
the legends receiving gifts | revenant / loba / caustic
making the first move | revenant
dating in secret | rev’s edition (coming soon!) | mirage / octane / revenant
confessions | lifeline / ash / rampart
by the way!
I’m thinking of writing for:
Transformers (bayverse/knightverse)
TMNT (bayverse, 2007)
if any of you are interested let me know ^-^
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casleyislove · 4 years
Fic Preference
Copy/paste and bold your fic preferences because why not? Gotta chose one (near impossible but go with your first gut instinct), and tag someone.
Slow burn or love at first sight
fake dating or secret dating
enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers
oh no there’s only one bed or long distance with correspondence
hurt/comfort or amnesia
fantasy au or modern au
mutual pining or domestic bliss
smut or fluff
canon compliant or fix-it fic
reincarnation or character death
one shot or multi chapter
kid fic or road trip fic
arranged marriage or accidental marriage
high school romance or middle aged romance
time travel or isolated together
neighbours or roommates
sci fi au or magic au
body swap or genderbend
apocalyptic or mundane
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sadisticpussies · 5 years
Friday Night Lights
They're perched on the plush cushions on his couch. Her head is nuzzled against the warmth of his chest, legs draped across his lap. Archie's hand rested genially on her thigh, he proffers it with a gentle squeeze making Josie smile softly as she glanced over at him.
He mimicked the small smile, curling the creases of his lips upward as his warm russet eyes meets her softened gaze. A stilled silence hovered over them as they remained sitting there staring at each other. Josie sees his tongue lap over his bottom lip. He slowly inches closer to her, decimating the distance between them. Her breath hitches as the soft imprint of his lips teasingly graze against hers.
"Arch," She whimpers impatiently, much to his bemusement. He chuckles lowly as he cusps her chin within the grasp of his fingers — he gently tuts her head upward and meets her wanting lips. Her pliant lips are sweet and the sticky lip gloss that coated her lips, messily mesh onto his. Her breath hitches softly, the kiss deepened with a ravenous vigor and Archie could feel the erratic thudding of his heart increase.
Her lips are soft, succulent. Archie swears that he could stay like this, kissing her forever. His hands rested on her waist just as she brackets her knees on either side of his hips. She straddles his waist, moaning in his mouth as he chiseled her body closer to his. They were so in rapt of the delicious feel of each other's lips that the movie playing in the background is soon forgotten.
The fabric of her skirt hikes up a bit, giving Archie a perfect view of her satiny skin. His dexterous fingers caresses her skin. She shudders and intertwined her tongue with his. It's messy and their teeth clash a bit, but neither one of them dared to disrupt the heated passion that was ascending. He pants heavily against the crook of her neck, his swollen red lips are pampering love bites all over her skin.
Archie presses a kiss against her jaw, Josie releases a soft breath through her nose as his salacious movements moved to the skin between her clavicle and neck. She writhed atop of him, shifting in his lap and pressing herself closer to him. He groans lowly. Archie pulls away — his face is flushed, hair disheveled and mouth swollen from her heated kisses.
"You're driving me crazy, Josie." His voice is raspy and the grip he held around her slender waist tightened. Josie bit down on her lip. She leaned forward until her mouth rested just at the shell of his ear.
"You gonna do something about it then, Gingerlake?" She teases, referencing him to the nickname she bidded him during their freshman year. She quirks an eyebrow up, watching his jaw clenched and adam's apple bobble as she shifts her position on his lap. She could feel the tightening in his pants, prodding against her thigh.
She knew that he was beginning to succumb to his own libidinous desires, just as she was. Albeit they've only been dating for a few months, Josie couldn't contain the salacious musings that invaded her mind as she sat on top of him. Her body was aching and she knew that ache could only be tamed by one person.
"You sure?" He didn't want to pressure her. His relationship with Josie was still fairly new and he cared for her deeply. He didn't want to fuck anything up because of his — he inhales sharply, teeth roughly gnawing at the skin on his bottom lip as his head falls against the back of the couch.
Josie was moving her hips in tauntilizingly slow ruts. Each applied downward pressure of her hips canting against his prodding groin made him murmur a litany of profanities. His mouth was going parched, mind muddled. "I'm positive." She says against his lips.
She splays her legs wider — giving him enough room to unbutton his jeans. His hands are shaky and Josie kisses him deeply to help ease his nerves. Archie's lips were firm against hers, but the kiss remained soft, gentle, slow. They held it for a few seconds, before their lips began to move in tandem. Josie hoists her body up, sitting on her knees as Archie shimmies his jeans over his hips.
Their breathing is rugged, the wisped air between them is hot. She settles back onto his lap, gasping at the turgid feel of him pressing against her. "We can go upstairs to my room if you want?" He suggested, figuring that she would want to be somewhere in private confines. She shakes her head though, much to his surprise. She didn't want to move. She wanted him, right now so badly.
Archie placed open mouthed kisses against her chest as he slowly begins to discard her shirt. The fabric pooled around her waist before she haphazardly tosses it aside. His hands envelope around her body, reaching behind her to unhook the straps on her bra — that is until sound of a car door closing shut caught their attention.
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thebluenebula · 3 years
Ashleigh Wayne Fic AU Masterlist
~1600 words
Major Characters: Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle (Catwoman), Carrie Kelley, Ashleigh Wayne
Minor Characters: Jason Todd, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Harper Row, Duke Thomas
Selina finally returns to the Manor after her 'vacation' with the intent of finally meeting Bruce's newest kitten. Unfortunately for her, the kitten isn't quite as eager to meet her.
Selina climbed in the open window, and quietly crept across the room until a menacing growl caused her to stop. "It's just me, Ace."
The dog took a final look at her, then went right back to sleep at bottom of the bed. Selina discarded her goggles, and gloves, before crawling in under the covers, and wrapping her arms around Bruce. He flinched at the touch of her hands. "Cold night?"
"Where have you been?"
"Here, there, everywhere."
"I've been worried about you."
"Why didn't you send out a search party then?"
"Barry still complains about the last time I sent him to find you."
"I did warn him," she chuckled. "I heard our new kitten arrived. When are you going to introduce us?"
"She was in the living room when I came up to bed if you'd like to go down to her."
"I think I'll wait till morning, and what exactly are you doing in bed this early, it's barely past midnight?"
"Alfred said if I don't sleep for at least six hours he'd hide the keys of the Batmobile."
"Still listening to daddy's orders."
"Would you disobey Alfred?"
"Do I look like I have a death wish?" She lay into his chest. "Anyway, I'm too tired."
"Then how about we get some of that sleep he suggested?"
"That sounds good to me."
When Selina woke the next morning Bruce was still sound asleep. She chose not to disturb him, instead she got dressed, choosing to rob his clothes instead of using her own, and headed for the kitchen where she found Carrie, and Ash eating cereal. She crept up behind Carrie, and hugged her. "Hello, my little Kitten."
"Selina," she excitedly cried, "I didn't know you were coming over today."
"I thought I'd surprise you." She looked up at Ash, who was staring at her. "So you're Bruce's newest Kitten, I've been excited to meet you"
"Hi," she awkwardly replied.
"I'm Selina," she said, holding out her hand, which Ash cautiously shook.
"It's nice to meet you."
"Likewise." She headed to the fridge, and grabbed a yoghurt. When she turned back, Ash had disappeared. "Where'd she go?"
"Bolted as soon as you turned your back, she does that a lot," Carrie explained.
"It's bad enough with Bruce," she muttered as she sat across from Carrie. "Why can't she just be like you?"
"Like me?"
"You, quite literally, jumped into my arms when I first met you."
"I was excited to see you."
"You still jump into my arms."
"I'm still excited to see you."
"And I love that." She reached across the table, and patted Carrie's head. On her way back, she quickly grabbed Carrie's spoon, and used it to dig into her own yoghurt.
"You weren't using it."
"Yes I was," she protested, lunging across the table. Selena dodged, and took off running, stuffing her mouth with yoghurt as she went.  "Come back with that," she shouted, taking chase.
- - - - -
Selena slumped down onto the bed beside Bruce. "Bad day?"
"Bad week, I've been trying to get to know Ash, but I can barely get two words in before she just disappears. Where does she even go?"
"You can't force her to like you."
"Oh yes I can, I'm sure Ivy wouldn't mind lending me some of her pheromones," she joked.
"That's cheating."
"I never was one for following the rules."
"You promised not to douse anymore of my children in pheromones, not after last time."
"That was an accident."
Bruce chuckled. "We're having a movie night tommorow, maybe you could try then."
"I already thought of that, Carrie says she'll just hide behind one of her siblings for the whole thing."
"Probably, but she's usually sleepy by the end of it, and that generally makes her easier to talk to."
"Is there a reason she doesn't like me?"
"No, she just can be... odd with people. She was actually really excited at the thought of meeting you."
"Did you try talking to her about me?"
"Yeah, but she didn't really answer my questions, just kind of ungracefully danced around them."
"Has she met Talia yet?"
"No, but I expect she'll appear around soon, she usually does."
- - - - -
It was a small movie night, with half the kids out of town, or otherwise occupied, only Bruce, Selena, Jason, Cass, Steph, Harper, Carrie, Duke and Ash were actually present.
Steph won the draw, and chose the movie, Twilight, much to Jay's displeasure, the others suspected that was her main reason behind picking it, but didn't question it.
About halfway through the movie Jay gave up watching it, and left despite Bruce's demands to stay. Ash quickly took his spot beside Bruce, and lay her head in his lap. It didn't take long for Ash to fall sound asleep.
Bruce gestured for Selina to come over. She did, leaving Carrie alone on the other couch, much to her displeasure. Bruce snuck out from under Ash, and let Selena take his place, laying Ash's back in place. "I'll be back in a little."
"You sure she'll be okay with this?"
"Of course, she lies like this with Kate all the time."
"I'm not Kate."
"She'll love it, promise," he insisted as he made his way out, stopping to cover Harper, and Duke, who were snuggled up together, sound asleep, with a blanket. Carrie waited till he was gone, before huffing across the room, and snuggling in under the covers with them.
The movie ended, and Cass, and Steph left, leaving just Selena. "Kitten, are you awake?"
Carrie lifted her head from Harper's shoulder. "Yeah."
"Coming over," she asked, patting the seat the far side of her. Carrie carefully left Harper, and made her way to Selina, laying beside her, and snuggling her head in beside Ash's. Selena gently scratched the top of her head. "I love you, Kitten."
"I love you too, Mom."
"Mom? It's not too often I hear that."
Carrie grumbled something unintelligible in response.
"I will always love you, Kitten, so, so much."
"I know."
"I know you know, but I still love telling you." She leant in close to Carrie, and whispered. "You'll always be my favourite. Now go to sleep, Love."
"You're my favourite too, Mom."
"I better be, I'm the only mom you have."
Carrie soon fell asleep, her fears, and jealousy quelled for now, though Selina didn't sleep, nor did she attempt to. Bruce had told her how Ash almost always woke at least once a night, and it didn't take too long before it occurred.
Ash raised her head a little. "Bruce?"
"Hello," Selina said, causing Ash to shoot up.
"I'm so sorry, I don't know how-"
Selena shushed her, and gently pushed her back down. "It's alright, just rest."
Ash glanced to Carrie, and settled back in beside her. "How did I get here?"
"Does it matter?"
"I guess not."
"Ashleigh, do you not like me?"
She looked up to Selina. "Of course I like you, you're Catwoman, you're awesome."
"Then why have you been avoiding me?"
Ash thought for moment, before choosing to be honest. "I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel about you."
"What do you mean? How you're supposed to feel about me?"
"Every one keeps telling me that you're an amazing mother, that'll you'll be an amazing mother to me, but I don't know if I want... a new mother, so to speak."
"I am, at least a little bit, like a mother to everyone of Bruce's kids, and if I can be that for you, I'll happily be, but if that's not what you want, you can think me as just a friend, you don't have to think of me in anyway, but just know that I love you, no matter what you think of me."
"Why? Well, you're my boyfriend's child, and he has a great eye for lovable children, and from the many, many stories he's told me about you, I know when I get you know you, I will love you."
"I don't know how I want to think of you, part of me wants to think of you like what they tell me. Is that strange?
"Not at all, you don't have to decide how you feel about me straight away, and I certainly don't expect you to. How about you just get to know me, and ill get to know you, and we can figure how we feel about each other together?"
She smiled. "Okay."
"Now its time to get some rest, Sleepy Head."
"Alright." She attempted to get up, but Selina forced her down again.
"Ah, ah, ah. You can lay right beside Carrie if you want, I know she won't stir until morning."
"It's okay?"
"Of course, it's always okay, you can sleep in beside me when I'm here, you can come to me with your troubles, or you can just come to me if you need some attention, everyone needs that from time to time."
"Thank you."
"You're welcome, now rest, we can talk again tomorrow."
Ash shut her eyes, and was soon asleep beside her sister. Not too long after that, Bruce returned, sitting beside Selina, careful not to sit on his daughter's legs. "You talked to her?"
"We talked," she confirmed, running a hand through Ash's hair.
"Good news, I'll take it."
"Of course."
"I see you also picked up another 'kitten' as well."
"You know Carrie, she gets jealous."
"You think she'll be okay?"
"If she loves Ash half as much as I think she does, yeah, she'll be fine.
"Good. I guess you're staying here for the night."
"I don't think I have much of choice."
"No, you don't, which I guess means I've got to stay here as well."
"You better."
Bruce found another blanket, and tossed it across the trio, before sneaking his way in beside Harper, and Duke on the other couch.
The six slept soundly that night, none stirring till near noon, and when they did, a lovely breakfast had been prepared, courtesy of Alfred.
This fic has changed a lot more from the original concept then most of my fics do, but I'm so glad it's done. It feels really important to my overall story. It's brings in a lot of things I wanted, Selina beginning to be a mother figure to Ash, Selina + Carrie having an incredibly close Mother/Daughter bond, and the fact that Carrie get jealous easily, in particular when it comes to Selina + Harper. Anyway I hope you enjoyed - TBN
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mtchstck-a · 5 years
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my entire aesthetic is liv talking to adults about Sixth Grader Drama
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aadmelioraa · 6 years
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fighting (with you) is better than nothing : a bellarke modern au
happy birthday @craniumhurricane 💛✨
Clarke Griffin prides herself on the hard work that goes into her teaching. Bellamy Blake, on the other hand, makes it look so effortless it's annoying. They've butted heads ever since he joined the faculty, and Clarke's tried to be the bigger person, but when he messes with her plans for a class field trip she absolutely cannot overlook it.
Cue endless bickering, student gossip, and more, comprising the most memorable field trip in Arcadia High's history.
read on ao3
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