#August Walker x Black!female oc
cardierreh15 · 5 months
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Love You Up Close
***I do not give anyone permission to copy or repost my work!!!
Warnings 18+: Cursing , Little bit of Angst & Small Mention of Death — other than that — Fluff , Fluff , So much sweetness it’ll make your teeth rot!
Pairing: August Walker x Bianca (Black!OC)
Description: August is tired of Loving his woman from afar.
Song: Car Outside by James Arthur , To Build A Home by The Cinematic Orchestra
Word Count: 2.3K
Side Note: This Head Cannon was inspired by my husband & I. We celebrated our 6 year anniversary on the 15th and I wanted to write something beautiful. ✨🩵🥹
Tags: @headcannonxgalore @milknhonies @augustsprincess
I love you too. I will call you when this is over I promise.
She stared at the final text message he’d sent her. Her throat felt as if a lump was making the attempt to suffocate her all while she felt this great weight on her shoulders.
Bianca knew what her boyfriend August did for a living. She knew it was a dangerous job and his chances of making it out alive somehow grew slimmer with each mission. She couldn’t help but think that this time was it. Someone finally bested him.
She didn’t want to think like that but it had been 3 weeks since they spoke last. The poor girl would answer any unfamiliar number hoping it was him just calling from landline or a pay phone.
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Her alarm had spooked her out of her thoughts, causing her to blink back to her current reality. She was sitting at her desk in front of her computer. Bianca worked from home and though she found it very convenient, it sucked when the man she loved wasn’t here with her. It just gave her too much time and too much room to dwell.
She looked at the time, it was 3:10PM. At least she was closer to the end than the beginning… but the time… the time aches her in the most wretched way possible. The closer it was for her to get off, the closer it was for the day ending… another day without him.
As the minute changed, she felt that choking feeling in her throat once again. Her mind felt even heavier and her eyes became a gateway of tears. The more Bianca sobbed, the more heavy her shoulders became. Her chest began to tighten and her breathing became shallow and uneven.
‘August… please.’ She mewed out in pain as she gripped her shirt. ‘I miss you so much… please come back to me.’
Bianca started off the next morning on a rather lighter note. She went for a jog and watched the sunrise. Then, she came back in and made herself breakfast and took a shower. She washed and conditioned her hair before brushing it up into a ponytail. Afterwards, she did her skin care and got dressed in something comfortable.
All of these things made her feel better… or so she thought. It just busied her for a little bit because now that she was sitting back in front of her desktop… she was thinking about him again. So she instantly grabbed her phone and searched her photos; finding the many silly and sweet photos they’d shared together.
It stung a little, but the beauty of those pictures outshined the pain she was feeling on the inside. They made her smile.
After a while, she was able to work just fine. Nothing could stop her now!
Peaking out her window, she noticed this big moving truck driving by. She ain’t pay it no mind at first. People move in and out of these townhome apartments all the time. But she did find it a little odd when the driver parked in front of her driveway.
‘What the hell? Oh uh-uh!’
She scrambled up out of her office chair and made her way downstairs in a hurry. She unlocked her front door so fast and damn near pulled it off of the hinges!
‘Hey!’ She rushed down the 3 steps and walked down her driveway, ‘Hey! Can you move your shit from in front of my front door?!’
The driver didn’t say anything, instead the sound of the door in the back of the truck could be heard rolling up.
Their silence built up rage inside of her. ‘Alright! How about I call the police and have you arrested for trespassing?!’ Bianca pulled out her phone and brought up her dial pad. She’d already pressed in the numbers, she’d just had yet to hit the green button.
‘Well why would you wanna call the cops on me?’
That voice. The voice she loved and adored. The voice she would follow in complete darkness.
He crept around the corner and folded his arms across his chest before leaning against the moving truck.
‘Aug-August.’ Her voice was already masked in tears, instantly coming to the conclusion that her mind was simply betraying her. Was she seeing things?
‘BB.’ A small and warm smile curled upward on his lip, causing that dimple to carve into his 5 o’clock shadow.
She’d pressed her hands against her chest, the instinct of catching it just in case it broke. Her eyes erupted in tears. ‘Baby.’ She croaked out.
August pushed his weight off of the truck and rushed over to wrap her up into his arms. ‘Shhh… I’m here baby.’ He rested his chin on top of her head as he gently rubbed her back. ‘I’ve missed you too.’
Bianca wrapped her arms around his neck securely when their bodies collided. She pressed her face flat into his chest, inhaling his soft refreshing scent that clouded all of her senses.
Her man was really here. Finally.
She had pulled her face away to look up at him. The early morning sun had caused this glorious twinkle to shine in his cobalt blue eyes.
He caressed his thumb over her wet cheeks, ‘I’m sorry I haven’t been able to get back to you. I figured you’d prefer to see me anyway.’
Bianca sniffed, ‘You could’ve at least told me you were okay Auggy! I was worried sick about you.’
‘I know… but that’s all going to end. Right now. You won’t have to worry about me ever again pretty soon.’
Her brows tugged into one as she sniffed, ‘What are you talking about?’ Then she glanced at the moving truck, ‘What is this about August?’
August looked back at the truck once and then looked down at her once again.
‘Bianca, I’m tired. I’m tired of spending weeks without speaking to you. I’m tired of going months without waking up next to you. I’m tired of us trying to see one another… we don’t have to live like that. Like this. I want to be able to come home every night and kiss you and tell you about my day. I want to be able to touch you when I want. I’m sick of being without you, BB.’
‘Wh-‘ The heaviness that sat on Bianca’s shoulders had somewhat subsided. But that tightening still had her chest strung up. ‘What are you saying?!’
August let out a gentle sigh, ‘Bianca, I want you to come back with me… I want you to come home.’
Bianca blinked once at his words. ‘You want— you want me to do what?!’
‘I want you to move back to Washington with me. Look, I know it’s sudden… I know it may seem crazy but I want this…don’t you?!’
She did. But she also had a life here in Georgia too.
‘August, I just can't get up and drop everything like that. What about my lease?! My family?’
‘Bi, I will break the lease, you know that’s not a problem for me… And I talked to your parents… they—‘ he paused, feeling a great deal of nervousness sit upon his own shoulders now. ‘They gave me their blessing…’
Her brows tugged into one. Never had a man have to ask a woman’s parents for their blessing to move in with their daughter.
‘Oh lord, August. You just gave them all the opportunity to be up in our business!’ She placed her hand on her forehead.
‘That’s not what I mean…’ he paused as he took her left hand into his.
Bianca’s face was ridden with confusion until he grabbed her hand in the softest touch. A touch no man had ever given her. ‘August— what are you doing?’ Her heart began to beat so fast.
‘Doing what I should’ve done a long time ago. Please.’
August reached in his pocket, pulling out a small black box before slowly descending on his knee.
Bianca breathed in sharply before she whipped her head around, searching for a camera crew to come out and tell her she was being punk’d or something. But nobody… only a few people standing around in front of their houses watching the beautiful and intimate moment unfold before their very eyes.
‘I’ve been wanting to do this ever since I laid eyes on you. It was easy… My career, it was easy to just leave and not have to worry about someone or not answer to someone. I could’ve died and not a single soul would’ve cared. But when we got together, all of that changed. Every time I had to leave you… I died more and more inside. I don’t want to live like that anymore. I don’t wanna live without you. You’re my sunshine, Bi-Bi. My lifeline.’ He’d opened the small black box, revealing a beautiful diamond ring.
‘Oh—‘ she became a sobbing mess, covering her mouth as she tried to muffle the sounds.
‘Please… Marry Me and I promise you’d never have to be another day without me.’ His eyes glossed over with tears, fear written each crevice and pattern.
Bianca wiped her drippy nose with the wrist of her sweater and sniffed. She paused for a second before a laugh escaped her lips.
‘Yes. Yes! I will marry you!’
The air that August held on so tightly in his chest had finally been set free in relief. ‘Oh thank God!’ He chuckled as he pulled the ring out of the box and slipped it on her finger.
Standing to his feet, he wrapped his arms around her waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He spun her around joyfully as they erupted with laughter. They could hear cheering and whistling from nearby neighbors.
Placing her back on her feet, he grinned, ‘Does this mean you’ll be moving to DC with me after all?’ His head fell to the side.
Bianca giggled as she placed her hands on his chest, ‘I guess so.’
‘Good.’ August said softly as he leaned down to meet her in a blissful kiss. A kiss that they’d both longed for what had seemed like centuries. But none of that mattered anymore. They no longer needed to worry about the past, what their future had in store for them.
8 years later…
August now worked for the FBI simply pushing paperwork. Since being married and having a family, he realized how much he enjoyed living. So he gave up the life of danger and what ifs. And opted for something more mundane and simple.
Bianca picked a career she loved ever since she was a little girl. She taught History/Social Studies for 2nd grade at the local elementary school.
They also shared 2 beautiful daughters. Sarah who was 6 years old and Lucía who’d just turned 3 in the recent month.
This was the life they deserved.
Bianca had just finished up with dinner. It was now time to announce to her family that it was time to pack up the pool for the day.
August was body slamming the girls in the pool, making dramatic crashing sounds with his mouth as they squealed for dear life! Though it looked a little rough to Bianca, the girls were laughing so they were having more than a good time.
But moms always had to ruin the fun.
He stopped, holding little Lucía upside down by her ankle and Sarah on his back. ‘What?’
‘You don’t think you’re playing a little rough with the girls?’ She asked with a sly smirk curled up on her lips.
He paused and looked at Lucía who was giggling and flaying her tiny arms around. Then he looked over his shoulder at Sarah who was still trying her damndest to climb on top of his shoulder.
‘You mean they’re playing rough with me.’ He snickered as he flipped Lucía the right way up.
‘Of course you’d say that. Come on inside, dinner is ready.’
‘Awww mooom!’ Sarah whined out and swam over to the edge of the pool. ‘Just a little bit longer?’
‘Peeeasss mommy?!’ Lucía begged, pouting out her bottom lip and batting those thick lashes.
They were so beautiful. Both sporting brown untamed curls. Sarah had her father’s blue eyes with that blotch of hazel in it while Lucía had brown eyes and was every spitting image of her mother. They both made up both of their parents very nicely. They were absolutely perfect.
‘I’m afraid not girls. Look, we can come back out tomorrow when daddy get off of work alright?’
‘Awww man.’ Lucía groaned as they swam to the steps and stepped out of the pool.
‘Hey it’s whatever mama says, girls. Pool water ain’t gonna disappear and it will be hot enough to bring y'all back out for another swim tomorrow.’ He added on as he followed the girls out the pool.
Mom and Dad got them wrapped up in towels and began to dry them off so they didn’t track the water into the house.
‘Go upstairs and get ready for a bath, girls.’
‘Yes sir!’ They said in sync and left their parents poolside.
Bianca smiled up at him as she snatched his beach towel off the table and began to dry out his hair. Then she handed it off to him. And there she was, staring at him as if it were the very first time she’s ever seen him.
August did his best to dry himself off but eventually just wrapped his towel around his waist. He looked up to see her staring at him and a bright pink hue burned his cheeks.
‘Nothing just… we really did get our happily ever after huh?’
August smiled warmly, grabbing her hand and placing a kiss against her knuckles.
‘Y’know… I think we did.’
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
My Masterlist
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Author’s note:
Hi all. Here be my Masterlist! I write Henry Cavill + characters fanfiction and requests are CLOSED. Feel free to contact me - and don’t be alarmed when I reach out to you through my primary blog (https://imneonpanda.tumblr.com/). 
Stories marked with an * are NSFW or graphic - read the keywords and read the warnings if you feel uncomfortable with certain content. 
[ Read, like, comment but don’t steal! If you want to use my art for your fics, please send me a message❤️]
About me: 29, female, Netherlands. Bisexual, in a relationship and happy to indulge in vanilla fetishes. I answered a few questions, and here some more. 
Drabbles & One-shots:
Masterlist of Fluff
Disclaimer: 13+ Fluff, bit of strong language, minor reference to smut
Masterlist of Smut
Disclaimer: 18+ NSFW
Masterlist of Angst
Disclaimer: 18+ NSFW, includes graphic scenes
Long stories:
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Tea for Two* - Masterlist (Henry Cavill x OC - finished)
During her usual morning hike in the LA hills an average girl named Lisa meets a pair of starry eyes. A story of hiking, cups of tea and two sweet dorks trying to make it work.
Warnings: NSFW, slight bit of angst, smut, kink, unprotected sex, but also lots of cute fluff.
Word count: 100k +
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The Girl Next Door* - Masterlist (Henry Cavill x OC - finished)
Henry is stuck in the countryside as COVID-19 wreaks havoc in the world, leaving him with little else left to do but getting to know his spunky next door neighbour, Lizz.
Warnings: NSFW, smut, fluff, alcohol use 
Word count: 20k+ 
Genre: Quirky romcom
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Good Girl* - Masterlist (August Walker x reader - finished) 
Ignorance is a bliss, but what if you are just not willing to shut your eyes? You are a young escort who is dragged down into the abyss of big city crime, all the while also trying to find out: who is this Mr. Walker?  
Warnings: NSFW, extremely graphic scenes (not for the faint of heart!), smut, strong language and August being an actual, feeling, human-being. *No daddy-kink*
Word count: 84k+
Genre: Slow burn sexy thriller 
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The marriage pact - Masterlist  (Henry Cavill x OC Alice - finished)
Sometimes things work out, sometimes they don’t. The clock is starting to tick and 37-year old Alice just thinks that there is no good cake left for her - a feeling that she apparently shares with an unlikely ally. 
Warnings: PG13, the fluffiest fluff (no smut) 
Word count: 42k+
Genre: Romcom 
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The Monster’s Lair* - Masterlist (Vampire!Henry x Belle - finished) 
An angsty adult fairytale, Beauty and the Beast AU. 
Warnings: NSFW - Angst, vampirism, kidnapping, blood and violence, smut, graphic scenes.
Word count: 50k+
Genre: Dark, adult fairytale 
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A Devil’s Duet* (August Walker x OC Anna - August Walker is about to turn the world upside down. But he forgot about just one little detail. A devilish little detail. - finished) 
Short Series: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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The Accidental Family* - Masterlist (Henry Cavill x OFC - finished) 
After a motorcycle accident, Henry suddenly finds himself living the life he always dreamed of. There’s only one small hitch; he can’t remember how he got here.
Warnings: Memory loss - fluff - mild smut - mild angst and loads of domestic fluff. 
Mood blurbs:
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Blue shores | Orange glow | White buzz | Green tea | Cinnamon spice | London red | Green fingers | August’s aquamarine  | Black Beauty | Goldfinger | Pride&Prejudice | Black sails | Healing waters | White Himbos | The Blue Room | Scheherazade  | Ocean Heart | Professor, professor! | Happy Henners | Hmm.. | The Monster’s Lair | Nighthunter | Kill your darlings | Boar blood | ‘Atta girl | From Paris with Love | About wolves and wenches | Sidequest | Yennefer’s eyes | Flaming bandits | Crimson & Black | Femme Fatale | Long Live The King | Novigrad | Roach | Ciri | Sugar Baby | August | Mellon nîn | My Angel | Cedric | Dettlaff | Mountain Bear | Walker | Zireael | Characters in suits | Soft!August | Biker Henry | 
Digital art:
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The Wolfpack | The bathtub | The Wolf and The Bard | Geralt (face-study) | Henry + Kal (face-study) | August rough brush | Melot 
GIF sets:
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Geralt in the green woods | Geralt the silver haired | Geralt picking flowers
Wolfie’s Fic Recs
mob!Henry | Period Snacks | Short Sweets | dark!Stuff | The Mysterious and Fantastical | Winter Holiday Fics | dad!fics | Grand Library of Kink Fics | Mission Impossible AU fics | Anguish and Angst | Longshots: Syverson  | Henry Multi Chapters | 
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hawkieloki23 · 4 years
Name of fic: Mission: Impossible Widows
Pairing: William Brandt x female OC (Emilia/Emily)
Plot: Behind the Syndicate, there was an undercover organisation called the Widows, put together by Solomon Lane. During the events of Fallout and after Rogue Nation, Lane called out the group to take down the IMF. Emilia Kazakov was part of them but managed to escape. So she helped William Brandt, who was on a separate mission from the others, to stop them before it was too late.
Cast list:
Natalie Portman as Emilia Kazakov/Emily Lucas
Jeremy Renner as William Brandt
Vanessa Kirby as Alanna Mitsopolis/White Widow
Tom Cruise as Ethan Hunt
Simon Pegg as Benji Dunn
Sean Harris as Solomon Lane
Rebecca Ferguson as Ilsa Faust
Ving Rhames as Luther Stickwell
Henry Cavill as August Walker/John Lark
Hayley Atwell as Cassandra Greenwood
Chris Evans as Bobby Sharp
Warnings: Strong language, mentions of abuse, suicide and murder, moderate violence.
Author’s note: None of the gifs are mine. Credit to the owners. Spoilers to Rogue Nation and Fallout.
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Chapter 1
London, England.
“Director Hunley, Agent Brandt.” A British accent was heard from behind the director of the CIA and the ‘analyst’ from the IMF.
They both turned around to see a brown-haired woman with bright brown eyes. She wore a dark red dress that was hugging her tightly around her body with her matching heels and leather jacket. She looked slightly taller than both of them.
“And you are...?” Hunley asked. “Agent Emily Lucas. British Intelligence. I’ve been specifically sent to protect the Prime Minister.” She replied, showing them her badge that contained her ID.
Brandt was confused. Ethan didn’t send anyone from British Intelligence to ‘protect’ the Prime Minister.
As Hunley went to greet Chief Atlee, Emily instantly realised it wasn’t him. She looked over towards Brandt as they stood side to side. He leaned over to whisper, “Who sent you?”
“Don’t worry. I know all about your little plan. Ilsa told me it. I’m on your side.” She whispered back. “Prove it.” “I will soon. She sent me specific instructions to follow.”
After Ethan Hunt revealed himself underneath the ‘Atlee’ mask, he looked over to Emily and nodded at her.
“You with us?”
Emily took out lipstick from her jacket pocket that was similar to Ilsa Faust’s. Ethan knew she could be trusted. Of course, Brandt didn’t know about the lipstick.
She went with Ethan and met with Ilsa and Benji, who got kidnapped by the Bone Doctor, where a tough decision from Lane was nearly disastrous. Ethan ordered Benji and Emily to go to the garage to help Luther and Brandt.
“We’re on our way. Where do we go?” Benji asked to Luther on the phone. “Who’s we?”
Brandt took the phone off of Luther and replied, “Is she with you?” “Yes, Ethan told me to help you. Are you two ready?” She replied annoyingly. “No, we are not ready!” Luther shouted. “Then get ready.” Brandt ordered at Luther.
Mission accomplished.
After a long chase to the garage, lane was finally face-to-face with Hunt.
But inside a huge glass box.
“Gentlemen, this is Solomon Lane. Mr Lane, meet the IMF.” Ethan nodded at Benji and the box started to fill up with nerve gas that eventually knocked out Lane.
Ilsa was standing behind Ethan whilst Emily was standing next to Brandt once again.
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“So you’re with us then?” Brandt asked Emily, hands in his pockets. “I don’t know. But what I do know is that I’m not with Lane anymore.” Emily replied, looking over at Ilsa, who was talking to Ethan. “What do you mean ‘anymore’?” He asked once more.
Emily smiled at him, stepping closer towards him. She took his hand and placed something in the palm of it.
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“You know where to find me.” Emily said to him before hopping onto a silver motorcycle and putting on a black helmet with the signature that said ‘Red Widow’ on it.
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Brandt squinted to read the signature on her helmet and tried to remember it for another time.
Her and Ilsa drove off, leaving Hunt and Brandt standing there.
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@nbarnes​ @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123​ @navybrat817​ @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho​ @averyrogers83​ @donutloverxo​ @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory​ @kindaskimpy​ @yavanna80​ 
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stusbunker · 5 years
Known: Hunters
A Supernatural Dark Fan-fiction
Featuring: Dean Winchester x Female OC, Dean Winchester x Demon!Reader
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Series Masterlist
A/N: With respect to my readers’ devotion to the show and its story lines, I have included dates relevant to air dates for reference points. I try not to repeat information you already know, but please ask if something doesn’t make sense! xoxo Stu
Warnings: Physical and Emotional Torture, captivity, blood, demons, Hell, Leviathans, show level violence, Slow Burn. More warnings to come. Each chapter will have its own warnings.
Earth Date: November 7, 2011
Location: Rock Port, Missouri
There were things she had seen that could make a military general shit his tighty whities, but never had Chloe Collins seen the unparalleled shift from one being into another. Werewolves, Skin-Walkers and Shifters, none phased that seamlessly. The man took one look at Reynolds, a burly backroad hunter, and instantly took him down with a sleeper hold. And then he WAS Reynolds: voice, gait, everything a complete replica.
“Ah, come on CC, you know he’d been dying for a taste,” the thing looked down at her partner on the case and stepped pointedly on to his neck. “I guess he died for me to have a taste.” Her stomach lurched as it approached her.
Things started falling into place in the panicked walls of her mind. The weird economic booms, the smarmy politicians and their inspirational press conferences. The fact that civilians kept getting dumber by the day. These things were behind it, she wasn’t sure how or why, but there were too many coincidences to ignore it now. Chloe braced herself to square off with an attacker that had half of a foot and fifty pounds on her.
‘Another fucking Apocalypse’, she internally cursed. The unnamed beast reeled back, and its neck opened to reveal rows of teeth and a putrid tongue. Chloe stabbed with all her strength, her signature ceremonial dagger sank into its chest. It swung back, unaffected by the wound. She jumped back, trying to shake off the blow to her head, the one-of-a-kind weapon lodged in the beast’s torso. As she grabbed for the pistol in the waistband of her jeans, deep voices called for her to duck. Surprisingly, she listened, leaving the vision of Sam Winchester a clear shot to douse her attacker with a healthy cascade of industrial cleaner before Dean removed its head.
She had died, this was it. She died with the idiotic hope of a rescue; her memories threw some unexpected pair to her thoughts as her brain started to short circuit. CC closed her eyes and smirked at the way phantom-memory Dean’s lips had curled as he sliced through that black-oozing-shifter with a solid machete stroke. ‘Yeah, at least I wasn’t the only one who went down swinging,’ CC thought as she fell unconscious.
The familiar weight of an old quilt pinned her to the bed. A musty pillow case cooled her cheek as she rolled over, ignoring the world around her until the last moments of her consciousness slammed into focus. Chloe sat up, scrambling for her dagger and her gun. They were waiting for her, cleaned and within arm’s reach on the nightstand. The worn wooden floor led to a large open cabin where her rescuers were casually watching soap operas. It was all too neat and so glaringly wrong at the same time.
The super-shifters had been throwing the Winchesters under the bus for the most public and absurd crimes. They wouldn’t keep her alive, unless they needed her. She tried to justify their use of dead hunters’ faces for their vendetta, but it only resumed the throbbing in her skull. She fell back on the bed, the old mattress bouncing enough to draw the well-trained ears of the man-shaped beasts across the room. She had her weapons in her hands and perched on her knees as Sam stood to approach her.
He raised his massive hands in surrender, “CC, hey, it’s okay. It’s us.”
“Sure, it’s you,” she snarled. “Weird place for a couple of mass murders to be hiding out. Whose place is this? Why are you wearing my friends?”
“Chloe,” Dean’s deep voice caused her to blink, his hands mirrored Sam’s. The concern and honesty defying her fighter’s instincts. “Come on, sweetheart. We’re not Leviathan. Those sonofabitches are really bad for business,” his voice trailed off to Sam, who only shrugged.
Dean stepped closer and she cocked the hammer. “Why would we gift wrap your weapons if we were monsters?”
“Obviously they don’t do much to you, but all I need is to slow you down.” She threw her knife square at Sam’s chest, he barely spun in time, as Dean charged her gun hand. He shoved her hand up. CC got one shot off through the ceiling before Dean fell hard against her atop the bed, wrenching her arm back forcing her to finally drop the weapon.
“It’s us, CC, I swear. Let us show you, please?” Dean’s voice was tired, the last word said on a whisper. Sam stood back, playing with her knife between his long fingers, admiring the runes. His brow was pinched and his chin out, not sure what to say to make her see them in a better light. She nodded, frustration and confusion winning over their insistence.
The man rolled off her, letting her hold her weapon as they talked. Her eyes kept moving, checking the windows and furniture for quick escapes. Something she couldn’t shake was how he even smelled like Dean. They dosed themselves with her Holy Water, salted each other and even cut themselves with both the silver and iron edges of her treasured blade. Their final test was new, they assured her that it was for them, the Leviathan, and nothing happened once Sam and then Dean sprinkled a type of detergent over their opposite hands.
“Okay?” Sam offered, his big puppy dog eyes waiting for her to process it all. She shrugged, holding her gun over the pillow clutched to her chest.
“To answer your question, this was one of Rufus’ safehouses. Bobby brought us here once and when we had to go deep cover--” Dean leaned with his elbows on his knees, trying to remember the last time he had seen her. The past few years had been such a whirlwind, he had barely kept his head up for air.
“Wait, Chloe, let’s say we’re not Sam and Dean, or at least the Sam and Dean you know—”
“Sammy?” Dean’s groaned, rubbing his eyebrows.
“No, Dean, listen. Chloe, why is it so hard for you to believe us?”
She looked at Sam through squinted eyes, his soft tone just like the one he would use on victims’ families. Wary, yet not as distrustful as the first few minutes of their conversation, “because the Sam and Dean I know, are dead. They died stopping Lucifer and the Angels from frying the planet.”
That got their attention, Dean and Sam shared a look, Sam’s eyes brightening with the turn of events.
“Who told you that?” Dean’s voice was brass, obvious with disbelief.
“Bobby Singer.” Chloe spat, her head rolling a little with her certainty. Dean laughed, while Sam paused, but thought it out. She continued, “he said Sam had taken Michael and the Devil to hell himself and Dean—”
“And Dean what?” Sam drew a chair from the breakfast table and sat backwards on it, listening intently.
“was gone,” she finished on a rattled breath.
The brothers shared another look, while the woman stared at them, really and truly taking them in. They had aged, Sam was leaner, Dean’s eyes more lined. Monsters would have taken them as they were, not able to replicate something as unique and unpredictable as human mortality. “Well, it wasn’t a lie, but it wasn’t the whole truth, sweetheart.”
“I was in Hell, but got brought back,” Sam started, letting it sink in.
“And I left hunting, or tried to, had a bit of a domestic hiatus, you could say.” Dean shrugged, the softness of his smile warming the thick block of ice that had settled in her stomach.
“But, why didn’t Bobby tell me?” Chloe countered, trying to out logic their explanations.
“Bobby kind of has a soft spot for us, I think he wanted Dean to have a normal life and, well, I spent a year without a soul. He was protecting his own.” Sam offered, an apologetic grimace on his face.
“Yeah, let’s just be grateful you didn’t meet that Sam. Him, you wouldn’t have believed.” Dean muttered, getting up with a soft pat on CC’s knee. He went to the fridge for a beer.
“Dude!” Sam chastised him. “What is it 10 a.m.?”
“You want one?” Dean offered to Chloe, ignoring his brother’s judgement.
“Got anything stronger?”
“You know it.”
Earth Date: January 13, 2012
Location: Hell, A Never-Ending Hallway
This was worse because it was all an illusion. There was no end in sight, just enough progress to keep that minuscule drop of hope alive. You had to hand it to the king, this was a much more effective and hands-free form of torture. You patrolled the corridor, eyeing the prisoners, souls in every hue and stage of damnation. Your scaled flesh caused many to shudder as you approached; showing your true form was cathartic now. The years as one of the tortured long behind you as you suffered alongside the helpless masses as one of the enforcers.
It was still Hell, but it had grown on you.
Earth Date: August 20, 2012
Location: Odell, Oregon
The call rang on until the clipped voicemail message greeted Chloe, again. She angrily ended the call, biting back the curses at the stubborn man. If the phone had been ditched, it would have gone to voicemail instantly, or to an outdated disconnected message. No, Sam had kept his phone charged and on, he was just choosing to ignore her calls. They had never been close, but his blatant disregard ruffled her sense of mutual respect held amongst hunters. He needed a good head smack. Among other things.
What would Dean say about his little brother’s lack of manners? God only knows, Chloe thought as the familiar clutch of grief writhed within her chest.
 Earth Date: February 25, 2013
Location: Lebanon, Kansas
“Please? Just close your eyes, it’s a surprise.” Dean’s eyes widened, looking like a hopeful third-grader instead of a middle-aged scruff covered hunter. Chloe crossed her arms and shook her head. “Just turn off the huntress-ness, for like three seconds. Help a guy out here?”
“You’re not as cute as you think you are,” she muttered, closing her eyes dramatically as Dean rushed to slip the ornate key into the large metal door. She held out her hand and cleared her throat, expectantly. Sam chuckled beside her and she elbowed him. A warm calloused hand took hers, while the other gathered her at the small of her back.
“Alright, CC, welcome to our new place,” Dean, both proud and excited. She gaped, her mouth open in genuine shock. She looked at Sam, who seemed sick as a dog and then back to Dean who was grinning like a fool. Sam just shook his head, his hair fluttering as the door closed behind him.
“Ready for that tour?”
“Why are you even on this side of the country?” Sam asked as they waited for Dean to bring out their plates. He had insisted on playing host, another surprise for Chloe or just general hospitality from a man who had never had a permanent home? It was quite the coin toss.
“Honestly?” Chloe sighed, resting her feet on the chair next to her at the library table. “A cryptic message from Garth and boredom. Been trying to stay off the ol’ Angel radar, because, no thanks.”
Sam nodded, holding up his hands half in a shrug, half in dismay, “Yeah, tell me about it. Unfortunately, we don’t have that sort of luck.”
“Or good sense,” she added, giving Sam her questioning eyebrow.
“Fair enough. But, uh, you look good, everything going okay otherwise?” Sam cleared his throat, changing the subject from the Winchesters’ poor life choices. Chloe let it slide, ignoring the compliment and sidestep with a generous swig of her beer. She nodded, but before she could reply an exuberant Dean burst from the kitchen with two plates overflowing with homemade potato wedges and bacon cheeseburgers.
“Oh, he cooks too? I’ll take three, please,” she cooed underneath her breath, knowing full well Sam heard her. They ate quickly with large gulps surrounded by appreciative groans. The burgers were mouthwatering, and the fries seasoned to perfection. As Chloe played with the last of the ketchup on her plate, the boys debated their next move. Lots of big talk about Gates of Hell and Trials, she got the distinct impression that Dean was not so pleased with Sam bearing the brunt of the upcoming uncertainty. The Winchesters had always been on a higher echelon of hunters than CC or even most she had ever worked with. But this was big, after everything they had already done, she wondered if their mission had become another crusade. Perhaps that drive is what made them great, perhaps it is what cost them a majority of their friends and all of their family.
It was most definitely the thing that drew her to them since they saved her from that Leviathan. And it was the second most terrifying thing about them that left her questioning her sanity.
Earth Date: March 30, 2013 (Just before the episode Taxi Driver)
Location: Hell, Outside Bobby Singer’s cell
“You’re certain?” You asked the guard in a demonic dialect before peeking through the decorative metal inlay of the unlocked door, having grown over the years, your height allowed you easy access to loom around the bend.
“Everyday. They send someone in with a glamor to confuse the old coot. It’s always one of two brothers. Sam Winchester,” the growl in her voice broke off into a purr. There was still much trepidation over the true vessel of Lucifer, even demons had their kinks. “Or Dean.”
A name that had been barely a rumor over the last centuries, especially the years since the fall of Lucifer’s acolytes Azazel and Lilith and the rise of Crowley. Yet a name you would never forget. The king was a known consort of all manner of beings, from heaven to the scum of humanity. But to have a version of Dean Winchester in Hell where you could see him again? The prospect was overwhelming, even if it was a torment-intended simulation. You hurried back down the row of high priority souls, prisoners that had been won or stolen from Heaven. Souls that had done the most damage to the armies of Hell during their living years. Their pain resonated through the stone walls, sickly sweet.
Over the following months you left your patrols earlier and earlier, escaping to the dungeon that housed the humanly mentor of the man that had irreparably changed you. And each day you watched the various exchanges, smooth and cavalier Dean attempting to rescue Bobby Singer, desperate demonic Dean thirsty to spill the old man’s blood or broken and sobbing Dean begging Bobby to end him. If you weren’t so biased, the Sam illusions would have been equally as moving, Demon-blood strengthened Sam claiming he had found his true family, a preteen Sam begging Bobby to teach him how to shoot only to have his eyes darken and turn on his teacher or a Red-Eyed Sam, a poor rendition of Lucifer, but effective against the soft insides of their paternal figure.
You learned much in your time watching the torture of Robert Singer. He was an impressive soul, even after decades of torture he routinely told the imposters to stick it where the sun didn’t shine. Like any parent, he had a favorite, no matter how he tried to hide it. He preferred Dean, but that was because he saw his own emotional vulnerability in the young hunter. Sam was more like John, with whom Bobby routinely butted heads. His love ran deep, no matter who was favored or understood best. Which was why it was so easy to maintain the doubleganger inflicted agony. And your misery loved their company.
One evening, having missed a turn due to overly flustered messenger demons, you were later than normal to escape your duties and relish in the vision of Dean. The King was not pleased and therefore everyone worked to keep their heads down, patrols were increased, any charge was overly-minded. When you rounded the corner, one of the Sam Winchester doubles was barking at the soul of Bobby Singer and another was screaming that the other was not real. Well this was a twist, but then you saw them, bodies of your fallen brethren zapped from their human meatsuits. It was the real Sam Winchester, as you watched the hunter and the old man run away, you stood frozen. There was no way to salvage this without going toe-to-toe with Lucifer’s vessel who was also the only being Dean would do anything for. You let them go, hiding in the shadows, knowing there was something brewing above.
With the loss of your daily reminder of him from Bobby’s enforcers, your hunger for Dean only intensified.
tags: @dontshootmespence @because-imma-lady-assface @mrswhozeewhatsis @smi727 @sassykayla255 @dxr-supernatural-fanfic @supernaturalboi @dumbthotticus @eve05glee @veroinnumera @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @forgettingthoughts @shokushuhime-stuff @fanfictionrecommendations-com @soullesscollection-world @igotdressedthroughthemess @thoughtslikeaminefield
Next Chapter: Topside Turvy
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cardierreh15 · 5 months
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Post Human
Hey yall 🫣☺️
***I do not give anyone permission to copy or repost my work!!!
Warnings 18+: Cursing , Mentions Of Parental Loss , Violence , Gore , Other than That— Great Conversation between the two 🥰
Pairing: August Walker x Roslyn (Black!Female Oc)
Description: Roslyn gets caught up with training August on becoming a Herding Master.
Word Count: 4.1K
Song: Pretty Places by Aly & AJ
Taglist: @drewharrisonwriter @kingliam2019 @imaslutforcuddles @headcannonxgalore
Knock, Knock.
The sudden knocking caused Roslyn’s head to pop up tiredly. She snapped her head over to see if Ellie was here but her bed was perfectly made. Clear evidence that she hadn’t even been there the previous night.
Rolling her eyes, she grumbled tired gibberish and rubbed her face. The knock returned.
‘Ugh! I’m coming, I’m coming damn.’
She shoved the comforter off of her lap and stumbled her way out of bed before dragging herself tiredly to the door.
‘Goddammit, Ellie! I ain’t gone keep—‘
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Roslyn pulled the door open to see Maria standing there with her arms folded across her chest with an eyebrow raised.
‘Maria!’ She said surprised as she quickly looked back and stepped down to shut the door behind her. Now she would have to make up a quick lie to save her sister’s ass. ‘I didn’t know you were… making house calls today!’
‘Right…’ Maria said as she stepped back and placed her hands on her hips, ‘Ellie in there?’ She asked, jerking her head towards the door.
Roslyn looked back once again, ‘Y-yeah! She’s sleeping. Y’know— us girls gotta get our beauty rest!’ She gave Maria a gentle punch on the arm as she tried to keep up this facade. If Ellie wasn’t here, she knew exactly where she was and she wasn’t going to sell her out like that.
‘Hmm. Whatever, look. I don’t care if she’s not here. I’ll just simply give you the job.’ She shrugged.
Ros raised a brow, her face instantly hardening. ‘Job? What job?’
‘Oh. It’s nothing you can’t handle! I’m gonna have you riding with August today.’
It had been about 2 weeks since the boys arrived and from what Ros gathered, they were pretty level headed and respectful. They did any and everything Tommy and Maria told them to do. They were almost like the kids they never had!
Even with Mike’s injury, he did the best he could.
Since the day at the bar, August and Roslyn haven’t really spoken. Just when they’d walk past it was always a “hi” or “bye” but they never stuck around for casual conversation.
But that was all about to change.
‘What?! Why can’t he ride with Jesse?! Dina?’
‘Because I have them on different projects today.’
Roslyn let out an annoyed, soulful sigh. As much as she loved her sister, she wanted to wring her neck like a rag.
‘Besides, it’ll give you a better opportunity to get to know him. He’s a very nice guy, Ros. You can’t be hard on everyone who shows up here. His past may not have been great but— we can use him and his brother. I just need your help.’
‘Oh? I know Ms. “I don’t beg anyone for nothing” ain’t beggin’ right now?’
‘I ain’t beggin. It’s a demand. Now, go on now. Meet him at the gymnasium. He spends most of his mornings there.’ She retorted before spinning on the toes of her boots and walking down the steps.
Roslyn grimaced, holding back the litter of curse words that so desperately ached to burn her lips but instead she shouted, ‘Maria! You owe me for this!’
‘More like Ellie does! Hurry up! Y’all better be gone by 10!’ She hollered back.
Roslyn was lacing up her boots when she heard the knob turn. Ellie had just walked into the door with the silliest grin on her face.
‘Hello big sis! Anyone came by lookin’ for me?’ Ellie chimed.
Ros breathed through her nose as she stood up and grabbed her coat off the bed. ‘Yes! In fact, someone did!’
‘Maria.’ She hissed at the name, it bringing her great disdain in the moment.
‘Maria?! What the hell she doin’ here on a Tuesday for?’
‘She sendin’ me on training patrol with August. She was here for you… but she insisted I did it instead.’
Ellie’s green eyes grew slightly at the impactful news. ‘No shit! Well…’
‘It’s fine… don’t even worry about it I guess. It’s said now.’
‘Hey, quit it! Look,’ Ellie sighed out as she pushed her hair out of her face, ‘I’ll make it up to you. Somehow.’
Roslyn’s head fell to the side slightly. She tried her best to remain serious but Ellie began to make silly faces. A smirk managed to curl up on her face and eventually, a laugh escaped her.
‘Alright. Fine. I forgive you I guess! But when I get back, tell me about your night with Dina?’
‘It’s a deal!’
Roslyn walked into the training center, smiling as she walked over to the desk where Dan sat snacking on what had seemed to be a breakfast burrito.
‘Top of the morning’, Dan!’
‘Heya kiddo! How yer’ doin’?’ He asked with a grin spread across his lips.
‘Maria’s got me pulling patrol three days in a row.’ She huffed out, ‘You can only imagine how I’m feelin’.’
‘Mmm. I am sorry to hear that but whatever boss lady says, goes.’
‘Yeah. Anyway, is Walker around? Maria told me I could find him here.’
‘Yup. Sign in for me, he’ll be in the weight room.’
Roslyn picked up the pin and signed her name along the line. ‘Thank you, Dan.’
She walked into the weight room of the gymnasium, her eyes scanning the room only to find him pulling his body up over the pull-up bar.
A thin sheet of sweat covered his arms and back with a few droplets sliding down his skin. His trapezius muscles flexing and pulling with every movement. She’d also taken note of those familiar pink star-like scars on his shoulder and back. Then, there was another scar on his lower waistline that had to be 3 inches long. All of them had seemed to be stitched and patched up pretty clean so they must’ve occurred way before his rebellion.
Curiosity befell her. She’d be sure to ask about it later on. But right now she was admiring what God had created. A single drop of sweat cascaded down his spine and she felt her chest tighten at the sight.
Sure, she’s seen men like this— in their prime and what not but he had it all!
For now, she balled all of that up and puffed up her chest. Roslyn walked over to him with her chin high and unphased. ‘Walker!’
August glanced down when he heard his name being called. He was not expecting to see her here. ‘Roslyn!’ He’d let go of the bar and turned to face her, revealing his thick curly chest hair that was drenched in sweat. And this detailed moth tattoo right below his sternum resting at the center of his torso. That was an interesting choice.
‘I wasn’t expecting to see you here. Where’s Ellie?’
Roslyn held her breath for a second, keeping her eyes on his which somehow equally melted her all the same.
‘Ellie couldn’t make it. So I’ll be accompanying you today.’
‘Oh! Well, gimme a few minutes and I’ll meet you at the Stables?’
‘Fine by me.’ She gave him a small smile with a nod.
She’d been pacing back and forward, creating infinite tracks in the snow until he heard her name being called.
She lifted her head to see August jogging in her direction. She then looked at her watch. It was 9:55AM. At least he made it before 10.
‘You’re late, Walker!’
‘Yeah! I know. I’d figured you wouldn’t want to be training some funky dude so I took a quick shower.’
Well, at least he cared about his hygiene. A lot of dudes in this day in age ain’t care too much bout it since everyone was on death row.
She looked up at him as she tried to fight that smile, but it fell through when she giggled, ‘You’re right. I don’t want to be smelling onions, garlic and horseradish. Thanks for the consideration. Let’s go.’
The pair chuckled as they walked together inside of the stables to retrieve their steeds.
Roslyn greeted her horse with a beaming smile as he neighed and nickered.
‘Kentaro.’ She placed her hand on his jaw and gave him a firm pat on his shiny jet black coat, ‘I know you’re tired my boy. But, one more day?’ She whispered as she gently rubbed at his black snout.
He let out a huff of air and nudged her gently.
‘Thank you.’ She giggled and placed a kiss on his jaw before unlocking his stable and grabbing his reins.
Once she made it to the saddle rack, she placed hers on Kentaro’s back and strapped it down.
Suddenly, she snapped her head over at the aggressive neighing, squealing and nickering in the stables.
August was trying to calm down his horse along with others but she was anxious.
Roslyn handed off her reins to Jesse and jogged back into the stables. She snatched the reins out of the keeper’s hand and raised her hands to let her know that she was not a threat.
‘Shhh. Shhhh. Hey, girl. Shhhh.’
Once she began to calm down, Roslyn rubbed at her brown spotted jaw. ‘Shhhh, it’s okay girl. He is no threat. See? Look— Walker!’
August’s eyes grew before he looked at the trainers and keepers. He pressed his index finger at his chest, mouthing the word, ‘me?’
Roslyn let out a gentle giggle and nodded, ‘Gimme your hand.’ She lend out her palm to him, watching as he stared at her then the horse skeptically. ‘I promise she’s sweet when you get to know her.’
He hesitantly placed his large calloused palm into hers and allowed her to guide his hand over to the side of her neck.
The horse let out a gentle whine before letting out a heavy huff from her snout.
‘Shhh. It’s okay girl…that’s it Hera. That’s a sweet girl.’ Ros looked over at August with a gentle smile as his nervousness seemed to fade but was replaced with relief. A gentle smile curled on his lips. ‘I told you. She’s never really been great with men. I guess the more testosterone you carry, the more you give her the ick.’ She giggled before throwing him a wink.
August chuckled as he scratched beneath her jaw, ‘Well, that’s quite the ironic name. Don’t worry, Hera. We’re going to be the best of friends ya?’
Roslyn smiled softly, placing the reins in his hand. ‘Go head and get your saddle. Meet me by the gate when you're finished.’
August gave her a gentle smile, ‘You got it!’ He watched her spin off and walk off towards the gate. Even a blind man could see that he was checking her out. Watching as her hips swayed and her glutes tighten and relax, followed by a jiggle with each step.
She was quite dreamy.
Hera nudged August’s chest, causing him to let out a winded grunt then a chuckle, ‘Alright girl. Let’s get out of here.
Roslyn climbed Kentaro and sat down comfortably. She then leaned over to give him an encouraging clap on his neck. ‘Such a good boy.’
‘You talk to all your men like that?’
She looked back to see August well acquainted with Hera; sitting high and mighty on his brand new saddle. She could admit, he looked damn good on top of a horse. With his straight posture and broad shoulders. He belonged there. And she had a gut feeling that he belonged here too.
‘Maybe I do.’ Ros retorted with a sly smirk. ‘I see you finally got on with Hera. How she holdin’ up?’
‘Just fine.’
‘Good.’ She nodded before she looked over at Jesse, ‘Get that gate open, we outta here.’
‘Alright. You guys be careful out there and August, stay vigilant.’
August waved his hand once, ‘No need to warn me. I’ve witnessed enough to make an Army Ranger cry.’
Jesse stared at him with a blank glare. As if that was something to be proud of. But at least he knew how to deal with the dangers beyond the compound.
‘Alright.’ Jesse turned and waved his arm towards the guards at the gate, ‘Open ‘er up!’
Roslyn smirked and looked over at August, ‘Army Ranger huh?’
He gave her a gentle shrug.
She shook her head with her smirk unwavering, watching as they pulled the large wooden gate apart. ‘Seem to shut him up pretty good. Nice one.’
‘Hmph. Thanks.’
The both of them gently kicked at the ribs of their horses, causing them to trot on with their handlers at their reins.
‘Wow!’ August breathed out gently, ‘Look at that incredible view.’
‘It is breathtaking isn’t it? You guys didn’t have views like this in Washington?’
‘We did. It just rained a lot in Seattle. And if we weren't on patrol then we weren’t spending our time looking at the wonders of the world. It was too fucked up out there and we didn’t need that constant reminder… or at least that’s what Isaac lodged in our heads.’
‘Mmf. Sounds like a master manipulator at its finest.’
‘You don’t even know the half.’ August scoffed and rolled his eyes, ‘If only my father knew. Stubborn old fool.’
She pressed her lips together, ‘I’m sorry… about your loss.’
August looked over at her with a perplexed glare, ‘My father’s not dead!’ He hissed.
‘Oh! Oh my god, I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have—‘
An exaggerated cackle left August’s lips, startling Roslyn in the process.
‘Wh—what’s so funny?!’ She barked back.
‘You should see the look on your face!’ He laughed so hard, one would think he’d fall off that damn horse. ‘I’m kidding. He’s been dead for quite some time now.’ He added, recovering from his heartfelt giggle.
Roslyn rolled her eyes, holding back a giggle of her own, ‘You’re such an ass.’
‘Maybe but hey, at least I know how to make light out of situations. Y’know? Sometimes I forget he’s dead.’
‘He was hard on me and Mike after mom died. It was like… something snapped inside of him. He used to be a good man. I believed a lot of his choices were for the greater good but… at the cost of our sanity. I’d prefer him not to be there honestly.’
She hated to hear these stories. It was repetitive really. It appeared more and more people had shitty parents than the good ones.
Perhaps this world just created shitty people.
‘That… sucks.’
‘Meh. I think I turned out pretty good.’ He said daft with this goofy grin spread across his lips.
‘Something tells me you didn’t though.’ Roslyn laughed out, ‘But you have to be some kind of crazy to survive nowadays.’
‘Exactly! You get me.’ He chuckled softly. ‘So what about you? Where are your people?’
She should’ve braced herself for that one. Roslyn didn't like talking about what happened to her parents but over the years, the more she spoke of them, the more healed she felt.
‘They’re gone too. Apparently my parents knew Joel and Tommy from way back when. Used to work together I guess. Apparently they were ripped apart by a bloater.’
‘Yeah. In my parents' written will, they wanted Joel to be my Godfather… If anyone believes in that shit nowadays…’ she sighed out, ‘So— he’s my dad!’
‘Fucking hell. Were yall close at least? Got good memories together?’
‘Yeah… some good ones. I mean it’s hard to create anything good in … this.’ Roslyn gestured her hand out towards the open, referring to what this world had become over the last 15 years.
‘I hear you there.’ August added in a remorseful manner. ‘I’m sorry to hear about your parents. It sucks that all the good people have to go. Unfortunately I’ve been a part of the problem.’
Roslyn’s head snapped over at August, her pretty hazel eyes narrowing as she processed his words. ‘You’ve killed innocent people?’
He parted his lips to speak but hesitated as if he’s trying to find the appropriate words.
‘Not because I’ve wanted to. The way we were trained… anyone beyond those walls were a threat and had to be eliminated if found insufficient of use.’ He shook his head softly, ‘And if we failed to follow those orders well… you know the rest.’
‘Damn. That is rough. At least you're here though… you’re already turning your life around. I say… A win is a win!’
August smiled and nodded, ‘I guess you’re right.’
The pair scaled up the worn down path on the side of the mountain. From this point on, they were quiet and kept their eyes peeled.
Luckily, they made it all the way up to the small town’s grocery market. One of Jackson’s checkpoints.
‘Alright.’ Roslyn pulled her reins to a stop and hopped down. ‘We —‘
Suddenly, a loud screech and clicking echoed on the other side of the aluminum door.
The pair snapped their heads over towards the supermarket. Both letting out a shuddered breath in angst.
‘Grab your shotgun. Ain’t no telling what’s behind that door. We need all the fire power we got.’
August gave her a nod and quickly snatched up his weapons off of his steed and made sure they were loaded up.
Before the horses could grow restless from the constant noise and attract more infected, she smacked the rump of Kentaro and did just the same for Hera. They took off running with only the sound of hooves echoing in the space around them.
‘OK.’ She let out a shuddered breath, taking a step closer to him. ‘Don’t let your guard down. I was just here in the past few days and they’re back again. There has to be a nest nearby but it’ll take more than just us to clear it.’
‘Alright. What-whoa…’
‘Are you ok?’ August asked in concern.
‘Yeah. Another day in paradise am I right? Come on. The sooner we can clear this out, the sooner we can reach our final checkpoint. Cool?’
‘Cool.’ He gave her a reassuring smile, ‘Good Luck to you.’
Roslyn returned the smile and nodded before turning around, ‘You too… we’re damn sure gonna need it.’
Once the two carefully made their way into the space, she did a head count of two clickers and three runners. ‘Alright,’ she whispered, ‘You take those guys over there. And I got these three.’
‘What?’ August hissed quietly, ‘That’s three on one!’
‘I’ve handled worse! Plus, I’m here to train you remember? Just if I get hemmed up, help me out!’
August let out a long deep breath through his nose as he peaked over the counter to see the runners groaning in anguish. ‘OK. I got you. Just watch your ass!’
‘Of course.’ She whispered, ‘Now, go!’
The two skulked down the aisles. Making sure not to step on any glass or slip on any water. And one by one, they began to take out the runners first. They could be very overwhelming in numbers, but once removed from the equation, Clickers would have their undivided attention.
Roslyn pulled out her dagger slowly, letting out a shallow breath. ‘Here. We. Go.’ She whispered as she once again began to creep behind the infected to catch them by surprise.
But her luck had to run out eventually right?
With her being only 3ft away, she stepped on a thick piece of glass, causing it to crack beneath her weight. The sound caused the cordecyp’s host to stop clicking and stand up right from it’s hunched over posture. In that moment, she knew she fucked up.
The clicker turned to face her in record time, screeching in her face before knocking the dagger out of Roslyn’s hand.
‘Aah! FUCK!! WALKER!’ She exclaimed as the clicker found a grip on her and tried to sink its strangely structured teeth into her.
She pressed her hands into its chest, trying to combat that unnatural strength and fight back but it was unmatched!
But before it could take that fatal chomp, August shot it with his shotgun.
It didn’t kill the clicker, but August had all of it’s attention now.
‘Come get me you ugly son of a bitch!’
Flailing its arms and shrieking to hell, the Clicker limped over towards August before blowing its head to smithereens; pieces of Cordecyps growth, brain matter and blood splattered on anything that stood in a close proximity.
Once it had collapsed, it continued to click and twitch but not for long.
‘Fuck, I hate those fucking things.’ Roslyn grumbled as she glared down at the host’s lifeless body.
‘You alright?’
‘I’m OK.’ She said.
‘You bit?’
‘Not today.’ Ros sighed, ‘Thanks for the help.’
‘Yeah, anytime.’
Finally, when she felt like the air was circulating in her lungs she placed her hand over her chest, ‘Whoo! No matter how many times you do this shit, no matter how trained you are— every day is a different day with these fuckers.’
‘Ain’t that the truth.’
‘You get these bodies thrown in the ditch in the back. There’s some matches and lighter fluid on the grill out back. I’m gonna go get us signed in.’
‘Copy that!’
She gave him a firm nod before walking in the office and signing down their names. Then she jotted down how many infected she and August took down today.
Roslyn plopped down in the office chair and ran her hand over her face tiredly. ‘I’m getting too old for this shit.’
Pfft, poor girl ain’t even 27 yet.
13:49 (1:49PM)
The last 2 checkpoints were a breeze. A couple of stragglers here and there but nothing they couldn’t handle.
Roslyn and August sat in silence, feeling the weight of the day settling on their shoulders.
She was sitting on a milk crate looking down at her watch as he walked over and pulled his weight on top of the counter.
‘What time do we head back to the compound?’
Ros was filing her crooked fingernails, ‘We head back around 14:30. We’ve got to beat nightfall and the cold.’
No one ever really stayed the night in the mountains. The frigid cold was enough to literally kill someone, even at the end of summer. Plus, no one ever wanted to find out what lurked in the shadows of these woods.
‘Hey, can I ask you a question?’ Roslyn asked as she stopped filing.
‘Sure. Go head.’
‘What happened to you?’
August blinked at the question, trying to process it just like anybody else would in this time. This life was heavy and she didn’t know a lot about him. But he was open to tell her anything she was curious to know.
‘What happened to me meaninggggg?’ He scoffed.
Realizing that he could’ve possibly taken her question offensive, she waved her hands in disarray, ‘oh! No, no. That’s not what I meant…’ her face heated up in embarrassment.
‘I saw— the gunshot scars and the other one… I was just curious about the story behind them.’
‘Aaah.’ August said aloud, ‘You mean those.’
Roslyn nodded with a soft smile, ‘Yeah. But if you’re uncomfortable with sharing you—‘
‘Oh no! It’s fine. The gunshots I had gotten just a year ago with a run in with the Scars and that gash was from my dad.’
Her eyes grew in shock, a lump sitting in her throat. She couldn’t believe what she’d just heard.
‘Yo-your dad? As in your father?! How could he do such a thing?!’
August glanced off to the side and let out a heavy sigh, ‘I don’t know. He was drunk and he attacked my brother who was just 15 at the time. I guess I was beating his ass too badly, he had to take a knife to me.’
‘Wow. Holy shit August!’
‘Mmm. Sometimes bad things happen to good people.. I know I was doing the right thing.’
‘You were protecting your brother! Of course you were doing the right thing!’
‘Yeah, I know. I never doubt that. I’d just wished he wasn’t the man he was before he died.’
Roslyn’s brows tugged into one, her face showing all the signs of empathy and even feeling it in her heart.
And he was right. Bad things do happen to good people. But at least he was here and not with his father.
‘Wait!’ He exclaimed, sitting up straight; his face now beaming bright as the sun.
‘You just said my name! Looks like I’m warming up to you after all!’
She didn’t even realize it until he pointed it out. Maybe it was just a heartfelt moment with him being vulnerable and all, she didn’t need to keep it professional any longer.
Letting out a small giggle, Roslyn shook her head and shrugged, ‘Maybe I decided that I don’t need to address you as if I’m your boss or something but a friend instead.’
‘A friend huh?’ He repeated, his deep blue hues gentle and welcoming.
‘Yeah. A friend.’
Very important Side Note: From The River To the Sea, Palestine will be free. I’d like to make it clear that in no shape or form does this page support Israel or Zionism. The creator of the game, Neil Druckmann is a Zionist and I would like to make it very clear that this page stands in solidarity with the people of Palestine 🇵🇸. Boycott the game, boycott the show! CLICK HERE to find links to support and donate to Palestine & please continue to Boycott! Palestine will be free.
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cardierreh15 · 2 months
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Post Human
hey y'all, this one has been sitting in my drafts/docs for a while now and ive edited and changed and had it beta'd read 85 fucking times lol so I hope it lives up to some of yalls standards and enjoy it.
***I do not give anyone permission to repost or copy my work!!!
Warnings 18+: Cursing , Sexual Situations , Gore , Blood , Clickers & Stalker .
Pairings: August Walker x Roslyn(Black!Female Oc)
Special Guests: Ellie (Sister/Best Friend) , Joel (Father Figure)
Description: It's quite the special day for our beloved Roslyn so August gots something planned for her.
Word Count: 5.8K
Song (in order): Alligator Tears by Beyonce , Snooze By SZA
October 21st
Roslyn was standing in line at the mess hall. For once, she was able to just stand there without a yawn or a stretch. It was then that someone came up behind her and tapped her on her shoulder. 
She whipped her head around to look at the individual. It was Ellie, with this goofy grin on her lips and a cupcake in her calloused hands. Then, it dawned on her. 
‘Happy Birthday loser!’ 
Roslyn chuckled and rolled her eyes as she reached out and gave her sister a hug. 
‘How many years have we known each other? You do this every year.’ 
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She looked around to see if anyone had spotted them. And sure as the sunset in the west, the attention was on her.
‘Awww shit and you fight me on this every year. Just take the damn cupcake.’ Ellie practically shoved it in her hands.
Ros gave her an unapproved glare before chuckling, ‘You’re hard headed. That doesn’t seem to improve with each year but instead declines!’ She rolled her eyes and turned around in line, ‘Is this what you were up to this morning? Or were you sniffing under Dina’s skirt again?’
Ellie rolled her eyes and gave her shoulder a gentle nudge. ‘Yes, actually! Dina is just a friend. You’re jealous that she's taking up all our bonding time?’ she teased.
‘No. I don’t care.’
‘Oh, I know you don’t,’ Ellie leaned in and whispered. ‘You’ve been too busy mumbling about your own friend in your sleep.’
Roslyn’s eyes grew and she snapped her head over at Ellie. 
‘What? Don't be so surprised Ron, I've told you before you talk in your sleep!'  
She gave her a snarky smirk with a raised brow.
‘You’re such an ass,’ Roslyn chuckled and shook her head as the girls finally made it up to the counter to collect their breakfast.
Afterwards, they began to make their journey to their designated spot in the corner of the cafeteria. As soon as they sat down, Ellie didn’t hold back on the questions. 
‘So! What happened after patrol?!’ she teased as she sprinkled some salt over her eggs.
‘Well, if you must know, nothing happened! We talked and went our separate ways.' She took a sip of her coffee and began to unwrap her breakfast burrito. 
‘Really? That’s it?!’
‘That’s it,’ Roslyn repeated.
‘Hmmm. Well what do you think about him?'
Roslyn pressed her lips together and rolled her eyes, 'Ellie, I barely know him. He and his brother just got here a few weeks ago!'
Ellie broke off a piece of her burrito and placed it on her tongue, 'Well you know enough to be dreamin' about 'em.'
'Jesus Christ would you stop?!' Roslyn gritted through her teeth as she balled up a napkin and threw it at her face.
Ellie laughed and held her hands up in defense and ducked her head.
She wasn't going to let that shit go. Ever
Suddenly, the girls could hear familiar laughter across the cafeteria. Roslyn looked over to see August and Tommy walking through the double doors. 
‘Aw shit. Speaking of the devil.’ 
Roslyn glanced over at Ellie who wore a smug look on her face. 
‘You’re so annoying.’
Meanwhile, her heart was palpitating in her chest.
‘I know.’ 
The men looked over at the girls. August's glare was a bit longer and more intense than Tommy’s as he jerked his head up in a greeting. 
You say move a mountain and i'll throw on my boots. You say stop the river from running, I'll build a dam or two. You say change religions now I spend Sundays with you. Something 'bout those tears of yours,
How does it feel to be adored?
Roslyn fought the grin that was threatening to curl on her lips. She had to hurry and look away before he caught it. She quickly looked down at her burrito to try to hide that smirk on her face.
‘Uh-oh! There it is!’ Ellie chuckled as she reached over and landed a few smacks on her arm. ‘You look so cute when you’re in love!’ she mocked.
Her head snapped up at her sister and threw the balled up napkin at her face. 
‘You talkin’ casanova?’
Ellie laughed and raised her hands in surrender, ‘Nope! Look Roslyn, it’s okay to have a crush on someone. Hell, you used to be infatuated with what’s his name!’ she snapped her fingers together as she thought.
‘You mean Chad?’ A snarl curled up on her lips before she took her first bite into her burrito.
‘Yeah! And now look at ya! Moved on to bigger… and better things! That bigger was just literal.’ 
Roslyn chuckled for a second before their names were called. 
‘Ros! Ellie!’ Tommy called out towards them.
‘Tommy!’ Ellie called out before Roslyn turned to look over her shoulder. 
Both of the men were walking towards them.
‘Sup Tommy!’ Roslyn smiled softly before she stood up to hug her uncle. 
‘Happy Birthday, kiddo!’ he said as he embraced her in a tight hug and kissed her head. 
‘Thanks,’ she grinned and looked over at August who stood next to Tommy. ‘Hey.’
‘Hey,’ he said with a small smile.
‘Aye, y’all mind if we joined y’all for breakfast this mornin’?’
A lump grew in Roslyn’s throat. ‘Hmm?’ was all she could hum out.
‘Of course!’ Ellie grinned cunningly. 
Roslyn snapped her head over at Ellie, ‘Th-they can?’ her eyes were pleading for her to give this shit up. 
‘Of course they can! It’s just breakfast, Roslyn,' she teased. 
Roslyn glared at Ellie with great loathe. 
A smile cracked up on her lips and she spoke through her teeth, ‘Sure… y’all can sit with us!’ 
Their morning consisted of hearty laughter and storytelling. 
Roslyn didn’t know why she was so adamant at first. But it felt good to share a good laugh with the people she loved. Even August. 
The four of them walked outside together, all in fits of giggles. Tommy then looked down at Roslyn. 
‘Come by the house later on! Me and Maria got sumn waitin’ on ya. Ellie, be safe on patrol today!’ he said, turning away.
‘I’ll be there!’ Roslyn smiled.
‘You got it, Tommy!’ Ellie added and then turned to look at Roslyn. ‘I gotta go. I’ll be back in a few hours.’
She balled up her fist for Roslyn to pound it.
‘Be safe. Love ya.’ She gave Ellie a pound on her fist and they leaned in to give one another a kiss on the cheek. 
‘See ya later, August!’ and with that, she headed off to the stables.
The pair stood there in silence for a moment before August decided to initiate the conversation, ‘I didn’t know your birthday was today. Sorry, I didn’t bring a gift for you.’
Roslyn looked ahead and smiled softly, ‘yeah. I really don’t like to celebrate it. It’s just another day for me.’
‘Well you should! There's like a one in a million chance of you being here so…’
‘Technically the statistic is one in 400 million…’
‘Yeah but as you can tell, humans are a limited edition nowadays,’ he chuckled. 
She giggled and nodded, ‘You’re right about that.’
‘Anyway though, you should celebrate it like it’s your last. Tomorrow is never promised y’know?’
Roslyn rolled her eyes and placed her hands on her hips, ‘I’m starting to believe you and Ellie knew each other in a past life or something.’ 
They both shared a small chuckle before she spoke up again, ‘I’ll try to take that advice. No promises though.’ 
She turned away to walk but he instantly followed. 
‘At least you’d try. So, um… you have any plans today?’
‘Oh. Do they throw parties?’
‘Mmmm,’ she looked up in thought. ‘Sometimes. They do that for you guys back in Washington?’
August pressed his lips together as he shoved his hands in his pockets, ‘sometimes. More like a small gathering kind of thing.’ He smirked as he looked over at her. 
‘Oh. Cool,’ she gave him a friendly yet small grin this time before she walked up the steps to the library. 
Suddenly, a beeping captured August’s attention. He looked down at his watch. 9:30am. 
‘Damn,’ he cursed and looked up at Roslyn. ‘Hey, I gotta—‘ he threw his thumb back, ‘head back. Gotta go give Mikey his medicine.’ 
Roslyn turned around and gave him an understanding nod, ‘of course! No worries, go take care of your brother!’
August licked his lips, ‘Will I see you later?’ 
‘Why wouldn’t you?’ she asked, her head fallin’ to the side as a smile quirked up on her lips. 
A chuckle rumbled in August’s chest. ‘That’s what I like to hear.’ 
He shot her a wink and took a few steps back before spinning swiftly on his toes and walking back in the same direction they’d just come from. 
With heated cheeks, Roslyn just watched him for a moment before letting out a deep, shaky breath and walked into the library. 
Her day was as mundane and regular as she let it be. She did her best to keep herself busy. A few people wished her a happy birthday and thanked her for always being the best version of herself. But nothing out of the ordinary. 
Except that was far-fetched of course. It was 7:43pm now and she was walking up the few steps of Maria’s cabin. She knocked on the door. They barely gave it a second before the door swung open. 
‘Hey! Come in!’ Maria said with a cheeky grin curled up on her face. 
She found that rather odd. Maria was a gorgeous woman but smiling was a rare thing for her simply because she had been through a lot. 
‘Okay,’ Roslyn uttered as she walked through the threshold. 
She began to unbutton her coat but Maria raised her hand, ‘aht! Don’t take that off, we’re going to the pub afterwards. I just wanna give you something.’ 
Then Maria disappeared upstairs.
Letting out a deep breath through her nose, she bit the inside of her cheek and zipped her coat right back up, shoveing her hands in the pockets as she stared at the pictures of Maria and Tommy on the wall.
Sometimes, it seems like Maria and Tommy just dealt with one another. It looked like it wasn’t really love but, in those photos… They looked head over heels. 
Roslyn snapped her head over at Maria who came trotting down the steps with a small box wrapped in old newspaper in her hand. 
‘What’s this?’ Roslyn asked with her eyes narrowed. 
‘It’s a gift from Tommy. I just happened to give you my gift way too early,’ Maria giggled. 
Roslyn rolled her eyes and shook the box next to her ear. She heard a small jingle on the inside. 
‘What is it?’ 
‘Check it out,' Maria reassured as she walked over to the coat rack and threw on her own jacket. 
‘Hmm,’ Roslyn hummed and tore the old newspaper off. Just a plain black box.
‘Alright,’ she sighed, before popping open the lid of the box. 
On the inside of the box was a solid gold rope necklace. 
‘What?!’ Roslyn laughed as she snatched the gold out of the box. ‘Holy shit!’ she continued to laugh hysterically. 
‘A gold necklace?!’
Maria cackled as she zipped up her coat, ‘Yeah. Tommy told me a while ago about you wanting one. So, he and Joel damn near flipped the mall in the east upside down until they found you one. Almost got them killed but, I’m sure they’d do it again.’ 
Well, she definitely couldn’t give it back; especially now that she knew the bullshit that came with them getting it in the first place.
‘It’s beautiful. Could you put it on for me?’ 
‘Of course.’ 
The smile plastered on Roslyn’s face hadn’t faltered. 
She scooped up her long braids and held them up as Maria wrapped the chain around her neck and clipped it together.
‘There,’ Maria said as Roslyn turned around to face her. ‘It compliments you so well, Ros.’ 
‘For real?!’ 
‘Would I lie to you?’ she grinned. 
‘Valid,' Roslyn laughed.
‘C’mon, let’s go have a drink.’ 
On their short journey to the pub, Roslyn noticed the lack of people walking around outside. She looked down at her watch. It was only 8:06. So why the hell were the streets damn near empty? Something was fishy. 
Once they made it to the pub, the lights were off there too. Roslyn raised a brow in thought, ‘The pub? Closed this early?’ 
‘Yeah, Seth probably closed up early tonight. But, she pulled out a large ring of keys and jingled them. ‘They don’t call me the key holder for no reason!’ 
‘Whoa— we aren’t breaking in the pub are we?’ 
Maria laughed as she stuck the key in the door and twisted it, ‘Is it really breaking in if I have the key?’ 
She then pushed the door open and jerked her head forward. 
Letting out a breath, she nodded in agreement, ‘Yeah. That’s true.’ And with that, she walked in the dark space. 
Maria walked in behind her and flickered on the lights and everyone jumped out shouting, 
Roslyn jumped as her mouth fell. It was safe to say that she was definitely surprised. Streamers hung from the ceiling with a Happy Birthday banner hanging against the back wall. 
She wanted to be so angry about this considering her thinking about birthdays only brought humans a year closer to death. But everyone she loved and adored was here with goofy triangular hats sitting on their heads. For once, everything felt alright with the world. 
She began to laugh hysterically and looked back at Maria, ‘Whose fucking idea was this?!’ 
Maria gave her a playful shrug as she strapped a pink party hat to her own head. 
‘It was mine!’ Roslyn looked back as August just emerged from the crowd and walked up to her. 
He would. 
‘Happy Birthday, Ros.’ 
I can’t lose. When I’m with you. How could I snooze and miss the moment, you’re just too important. Nobody do body like you do. 
She just looked up into his eyes, her heart raced inside her chest. She was so amazed with him, lost for words! 
‘Thank you,’ she grinned up at him. 
‘Alright, alright. Break this up!’ Joel called out, walking up and putting his arms between them and breaking them apart. 
The both of them laughed in slight embarrassment before Joel embraced his girl in his arms. 
‘Happy Birthday baby girl,’ he placed a kiss against her ear, ‘I’m proud of you.’ 
‘Thanks Joel,' she sniffed as she held on to him tightly, trying her best not to ugly cry. 
When the hug was broken, she carefully wiped the corner of her eyes as she laughed. 
‘Awww don’t cry, Roslyn,' Ellie smiled as she walked up to hug her.
‘Shut up! I’m not crying,’ Roslyn cackled. 
Ellie quickly embraced her in a tight hug. 
‘I love you, sis,’ Ellie said softly in her ear as they rocked in sync. ‘I’ve lost so much… so many. And I’m so glad… My journey has brought me to you, Ros. I love you forever.’ 
Roslyn squeezed Ellie tighter as she clamped her eyes shut, hiding her face in Ellie’s shoulder so no one would see the tear that finally fought its way out. 
This was all a very intimate and beautiful moment with Roslyn and her family. As a child she longed for something like this. And now, her biggest fear was losing them. They were her reason for existing. 
Once Roslyn pulled away, she dried her eyes and let out a deep shaky breath,
‘Okay! Enough of this shit! Let’s get this party started!’ 
The pub cheered happily and the music began to play. Roslyn turned to look up at August who had just put a party horn between his teeth. He paused before giving it a strong blow. Roslyn tried to keep her composure but she just laughed and playfully landed a soft punch on his chest. 
‘You’re. Such. An ass! You know I don’t do this kind of stuff!’ 
‘I don’t actually!’ he leaned in with his hands behind his back. 
‘You do! I told you I don’t like celebrating my birthday!’ 
‘You used to not like it. Since I’m gone be stickin’ around… you might get one of these every year. Now, here!’ He reached behind him and picked up a yellow party hat and carefully put it on her head. 
‘Enjoy your party, princess! It’s your day!’ 
I can’t lose. When I’m with you. How could I snooze and miss the moment, you’re just too important. Nobody do body like you do, you do. 
The party was now in full swing. It was almost like something out of a movie. People were dancing, drinking, laughing. It was almost like Mother Earth wasn’t choking them to death. 
Roslyn walked over to the bar where August was sitting and staring at her. 
‘You’ve spent the whole night staring at me.’
August chuckled, ‘Is that a bad thing?’ 
‘Nah. Just a little creepy,’ she said, reaching down to grab the elastic band beneath his chin, and snapped it.
‘Ow!’ he laughed as he covered his chin. ‘What was that for?!’ he stood up, towering over her.
‘No reason. So, you're gonna stop being a weirdo and come dance with me?’
‘Hmmm,’ August thought for a minute. ‘Actually, I got a better idea,’ he reached up and took off the party hat. ‘How about we ditch the party.’ 
Roslyn raised a brow, ‘Ditch the party? That you threw for me?’ She poked herself in her chest with her index finger. 
‘Yeah!’ He sounded so positive. 
‘And do what?’
‘That’s for me to know. C’mon! We’ll be back before it’s over.’ He then took her hat off of her head and stacked their hats together before he grabbed her hand. He grabbed their coats and they left the pub in a hurry.  
First they stopped by his house. She waited outside on his porch before he came back out. 
‘That was quick!’ 
‘Yeah. Mikey is up and moving around so he’s taking his own meds now.’
‘Oh well that’s good to hear! Wait, why didn’t he come to the party tonight?’ 
‘I tried to get him to come but he was complaining about the weather.’ 
Well, she could understand that. The only good thing about the cold was it stunted the movement in the herds. At least that’s what everyone thought. 
‘I get that. Anyway,’ she sighed out, ‘Where we goin’?’
August gave her a sinister smirk and leaned in, ‘just wait.’ 
He walked past her and towards the back of the compound. 
Her eyes grew in shock once she’d realized what he was doing. The cold air burned at her chest as she jogged up behind him. 
‘August! August!’ She ran in front of him and placed her hands on his wrists, ‘What the hell are you doing?!’ 
‘We… are sneaking out.’ 
‘And why the fuck would you wanna do that?! Do you not realize how deep in shit you’d— WE would be in if anyone found out?!’ 
August gave her a gentle smile and his head fell to the side. ‘Just come with me. I promise… if we do get in trouble… I’ll take all the blame,’ he lended out his hand. 
‘Good… because this is your idea!’ she stared up at him and then slapped her hand into his. ‘And don’t count on me to bail your ass out. I’ll just tell them you kidnapped me.’
August smiled as the pair walked over to the fence. He then peeled the fence back and let her crawl through, then he followed. 
‘This better be worth it,’ she said glaring at him. 
‘It will! Promise. C’mon,’ and he began to jog ahead. 
‘Ugh! August, wait!’ she called out in a whisper before she went after him. 
But just like her warm breath in the cool air, he disappeared in a flash. 
‘August?!’ she called out for him. 
But nothing! Just the sound of the wind rustling the dead twigs and branches on the trees. Roslyn shivered as she reached in her back pocket, pulled out her beanie and tugged it over her head. 
‘That’s better,’ she hummed softly. ‘Now to see where this fool has gone.’ 
Roslyn clicked on her mini flashlight that was velcro to her coat and searched for any clues to lead her where he was hiding. 
‘August!’ she walked forward until she came across a pair of fresh prints. 
‘Gotcha. Sneaky little shit. August I’m going to kick your ass for leaving me out here by myself! Actually, I think I may tell Joel! He won’t like that too much,’ Roslyn chuckled softly before the quietness around her began to settle in once more. 
It was eerie and the feeling of being left alone made her heart sink. She heard a twig snap nearby. She looked behind her to see where the noise had come from. 
‘August?’ She said softly. ‘August stop playin’! This shit isn’t funny!’ 
The silence rang in the air. Now she was scared. Suddenly, she was hit upside her head with a snowball. 
‘OW!’ She wiped her face, taking off her beanie to shake out the snow and her braids. 
August came from behind a tree cackling like a menacing child as he walked over to her.
‘That’s not funny! You’re such a dick!’ She gave him a playful shove as she did her best not to laugh too.
‘Awww, come on. It was a little funny. Plus, I noticed how scared you were… did you really think I’d leave you out here like this?’ 
Roslyn sighed, softly tugging back on her beanie. 
The answer was delayed and really, she knew that she was safe with August. But she didn’t just trust anybody. This life was all about surviving and throwing anybody in the way of the freight train just to keep yourself alive. 
‘I don’t know. Would you?’
August’s head fell to the side gently as a small smirk grew on his lips, ‘you never have to worry about me leavin’ you, Ros. I got you.’
Her face grew warm as a smile curled up on her full lips, ‘that’s good to know, August. So,” she let out a gentle breath, ‘Where we goin’?’ 
‘Oh yeah! Come on, it’s not far,’ he jerked his head over and swiftly turned around to walk away. 
‘Mmhmm,’ Roslyn hummed playfully as she squatted down and scooped some snow in her hands and patted it into a round ball. 
Then, she allowed him to walk ahead before she threw it and hit him in the middle of his back. August stopped in his tracks and looked over his shoulder. 
Roslyn stood there with a sinister grin curled on her lips.
August turned around to face her head on, ‘you really wanna do this with me right now? You’re not gonna win this.’ 
Roslyn laughed out and shook her head, ‘right now is as good as any. Look, it’s cold and I’m already ready to get back to the compound. So if I win… we’re going back home. If you win… we can keep going and we’ll both take the blame for our absence at the party tomorrow.’ 
He folded his arms across his chest and thought for a moment, ‘alright. Cool… first person to 10, wins.’ 
‘You’re on!’ she said as she walked up to him and they pounded fists. 
Once she made it back to her side, August launched a snowball and hit her in the shoulder. Roslyn swiftly turned around with a surprise and was hit in the face with another. 
‘Oh–!’ August called out as he covered his mouth and began to laugh.
‘YOU CHEATER!’ Roslyn growled out before snatching up some snow in her palms and running behind a tree. There, she began to form a ball that was stable enough to throw. 
August ran behind a tree and began to form a few balls of snow and stack them, ‘NOT A CHEATER! JUST AN OPPORTUNIST!’ 
‘A CHEATER!’ Roslyn laughed as she peeked around the tree to find him. Once she knew she wasn’t going to get him at this angle, she carefully moved forward to another tree. But not without him throwing another snowball. Thankfully, he missed. 
August laughed out as he scooped up his artillery and moved in position to flank her. Stepping from behind her cover, she started to throw the balls at the last place she’d seen him. But little did she know, he was standing right behind her. 
Roslyn began to craft up more balls in a hurry, a goofy and giddy grin burning at her cold cheeks. 
Taking gentle steps, August moved like a thief in the night! He peaked over gently to see the amount of balls she’d created. Too bad she won’t be able to use them. 
He pressed his lips together before letting out a sharp whistle. 
Roslyn stopped her project once she realized she was bested. Closing her eyes, she lifted her hands, ‘OK! You got me!’ 
She laughed.
‘Stand up.’ August commands. 
She stood up slowly and let out a shuddered breath. 
‘Turn around.’ 
Roslyn slowly turned around and kept her hands up with this smug expression on her face. Her eyes caught a glimpse at the 5 balls that sat in his arm.
‘Hmph.’ August smirked, proudly.
‘It’s like that?’
‘Just like that.’ 
She shook her head before she looked behind him and a sunken look cursed her face. 
‘August….’ she whispered as she pointed behind him. 
He didn’t even think, the look on her face frightened him and he immediately looked behind him and dropped his snowballs to the ground. But nothing was there. 
‘Wha— there’s nothing—‘ 
When he looked back ahead, she had already darted towards him. She wrapped her arms around his waist with her head resting on his abdomen. 
‘Ugh!’ He grunted as their bodies collided and he fell backwards.
Straddling his lap in a fast manner, she placed her hands on his chest as she breathed heavily. The both of them began to laugh playfully. 
‘Do you surrender?’ she asked.
‘I’m sorry but this wasn’t part of the rules.’
‘It doesn’t matter! You let your guard down.’ 
August laughed and shook his head before he lifted his knee up and rolled them over in a quick movement. Then, he snatched up her wrists and pinned them above her head. 
Roslyn squeaked in surprise at his sudden movement. 
August huffed heavily as he fought the brisk air that burned at his throat and chest, ‘I never let my guard down.’ 
She let out a shuddered breath as she looked up into his cobalt blue eyes. Taking in the icy-ness of them but finding warmth in that blotch of hazel in his eye. 
In the drop top riding round with you, I feel like Scarface. Like the white bitch with the bob, you’d be my main one. 
The air between them grew thick with tension. August’s tongue darted out to lick his lips. He forced his eyes away from hers to look down at her soft plump lips. Suddenly, his urges and thoughts clouded his brain. Causing him to rush in and place a tender kiss on lips; his grip loosening on her wrists.
Roslyn felt relieved that he crossed that line. Carefully pulling her hand away, she placed her gloved hand on his jaw as she savored the taste of his lips. 
August then gently broke the kiss, pulling back to look down at her. 
‘You’re so warm,’ his gaze never left her face, yet his eyes were hooded with such want and desire. 
‘So are you…’ she whispered as her brown eyes flickered to his lips. 
A devious smirk curled up on his lips, ‘I know of an interesting way of warming up… if you wanna.’ 
Roslyn raised a brow, instantly catching the idea. It had been awhile since she had some. And they were alone, this would’ve been the perfect opportunity but, good things don’t last forever… not in this life. 
‘I’m down if you’re down,’ she said in a sultry tone as she relaxed her thighs so he could lay comfortably there. 
‘Well now is as good as—‘
Then, a twig snapped behind them. August paused for a second, placing his index finger against his lips. Carefully and silently, August pulled himself up and helped her up to her feet. 
He then pulled out his gun and gave it to her, whispering, ‘take this. Just in case.’ 
‘Wha— what about you?’ She whispered back in worry. 
‘I have a spare. Just—‘
And an unsettling cracking and clicking filled the air followed by pained grunting and snarling.
‘Infected. What the hell are they doing this close to Jackson?’ Roslyn asked, perplexed.
‘I don’t know. But we have to get rid of them. You with me?’
‘Do you have to ask?’ she smirked. 
‘That’s my girl. Now… silence.’ 
She gave him a nod for him to lead the way, and she followed him in a stack. 
The walk was probably 15 minutes when they stumbled across an encampment. It was vacant. Sort of. It consisted of sleeping bags, a few trinkets and emptied cans of food. They’d even created a fire with stone and wood that was now frostbitten. The intruders were gone for sometime now.
August let out a gentle breath as he stepped over a dead log. Roslyn took a step forward but August threw up his fist for her to stop. She let out a shuddered breath as she kept her gun up just in case. Once he’d finished securing the area, he pressed his lips together as he walked back to the campsite. 
‘Come look at this,’ he sheaths his gun back in the holster and squat down before the sleeping bag.
Roslyn walked around the log and walked into the encampment. She’d taken note of the WLF gear that were engraved in their belongings. 
‘They were here…’ 
‘Yeah,’ he uttered and took a deep breath. This was really fucking bad.
Roslyn let out a deep breath and looked down at him. ‘They’re after you…’ 
August let out a shuddered breath, ‘yeah.’
She closed her eyes as reality began to set in. ‘I knew it. I fucking knew it,’ she said through gritted teeth. 
August quickly stood up and looked back at her, ‘is there something wrong?’ His tone was slightly annoyed. 
‘Yeah! As a matter of fact, there is!’ She placed her hands on her hips, ‘now the well-being of Jackson is at risk all because you decided to come here!’ 
‘Look, I didn’t know they’d follow us OK!? You think I’d purposely bring them here?! To hurt you?'
‘Listen, I don’t know what your motive is! But right now, you are the bad guy!’ 
That stung August in the chest. 
‘You think that lowly of me?! Roslyn, you know me!’
‘Ha!’ Roslyn cackled. ‘You think because you threw me a surprise birthday party you think I should know you better?!’ 
A loud screech filled the air, causing them to look ahead. They waited for a second before the grunting became guttural screaming. 
‘They’ve heard us.’
‘Fuck!’ Roslyn cursed as she pulled out her gun. 
Two runners emerged from the darkness of the trees and stumbling behind them were two clickers. 
‘CLICKER!!’ August shouted as he shot at the runners. 
Roslyn began to shoot at their heads. Pieces of cordycep growth ricochet off of them before she put them down. Letting out a breath in relief, she looked up to see August fighting with the last living infected. 
She aimed the gun at the runner’s head but then August shouted,‘ROS! BEHIND YOU!’ 
Looking back, Roslyn was instantly tackled by a stalker. 
‘Ugh!’ She whimpered out as she fought to keep the infected mouth away from her. She held her arm at its throat as her other hand reached out to search for the gun that flew out of her grasp.
‘ROSLYN!’ August shouted out in fear as he managed to grab his ka-bar and stab the runner in the head. 
The stalker began to chomp down as it stretched its neck to try to get a bite. It was getting harder to hold it back by the second. Suddenly, a gunshot rang in the air and the stalker fell into her chest, dead as a door knob. Her ears rang with an eerie vengeance.
‘Ros! ROSLYN’ August shouted as he rushed over to her. 
With blood and brain fragments on her face, she quickly pushed the dead infected off of her, rolled over and emptied the contents in her stomach. Her hands gripped the snow as she dry heaved. 
August quickly rushed over and grabbed her by her shoulders to look at her, ‘Roslyn! Look at me!’ He grabbed her face so she could look up at him. 
Her heaving had stopped but turned into deep breaths. Her eyes focused on his as they began to calm her down. 
‘Shhh… it’s ok. I've got you remember?!’ 
Roslyn gave him a hesitant nod before she felt a stinging pain in her shoulder, ‘ah!’ 
‘You’re hurt,’ August said as his eyes landed on the ripped piece of cloth. 
‘Let’s get this off of you yeah?’ He then unzipped her coat and dropped it to the ground. 
When he looked back up, he’d immediately saw the torn fabric of her sweater on her shoulder. His heart shattered at the grim sight. 
Roslyn looked down to find the searing pain. She’d been bitten. 
‘Ah! Oooh… ooh my god!’ She shuddered out, trembling in pain.
This would mean she'd have to tell her deepest darkest secret. The secret that could get everyone around her killed. 
‘Ros, Ros, Roslyn— it’s alright! Look!’ He said as his breathing began to hitch. 
‘It’s not that bad!’ He began to laugh hysterically, ‘it’s … it’s going to be alright… please. Tell me everything is going to be alright!’ his vision began to blur at the bloodied sight. 
‘August…’ she let out a shuddered breath as she caressed his jaw, ‘I have something to tell you. But you have to promise me not to tell anyone. Only Ellie, Joel and Tommy know of this.’
August’s face softened as he looked down at her. 
He carefully took her small hand in his and squeezed it, ‘I promise… what is it?’ 
Roslyn bit into her bottom lip before hissing at the throbbing pain. 
She placed her hand over her shoulder, ‘I’m immune.’
From The River To the Sea, Palestine will be free. I’d like to make it clear that in no shape or form does this page support Israel or Zionism. The creator of the game, Neil Druckmann is a Zionist and I would like to make it very clear that this page stands in solidarity with the people of Palestine 🇵🇸. Boycott the game, boycott the show! CLICK HERE to find links to support and donate to Palestine & please continue to Boycott! Palestine will be free.
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cardierreh15 · 9 months
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Post Human
A new series I’m working on since I’ve fallen in love with TLOU again. Except, August is alive with his baby brother, Mike 🩵
** I do not give anyone permission to repost or copy my work!!!
Warning 18+: Cursing , Crude/Dark Humor , Family Drama? , Mentions Of Death .
Pairing: August Walker x Roslyn (Black!Female OC)
Special Guests: Joel Miller(Father Figure) , Ellie Williams (Sister/Best Friend) , Mike Walker (August’s Little Brother)
Description: This is Only the beginning.
Word Count: 4.9K
TagList: @suckthatskittlebiiitch @drewharrisonwriter @headcannonxgalore @misshinson @kingliam2019 @imaslutforcuddles
The tiny snowflakes melted instantly once they kissed the warmth of her face. She was looking up at the stars, something she did every night. Wondering what was out there. Sure, in school they taught her about the planets, the sun, how vast space really could be. And unlike the others, who were freaked out about the eerie thought about being in this universe alone, she was intrigued and wonderous. 
‘Ros!’ A voice called out to her. 
A voice that made her eyes light up and her lips pull up into a shit eating grin. Roslyn carefully crawled over to the edge of the roof and peered down. 
There stood her sister and her best friend, Ellie Williams. 
She had her hands on her hips, with an unsurprised look on her face. 
‘You’re back! Took you long enough!’ she called out as she let out a breath in relief. Just glad that her partner was alright. Ellie was one of the best damn Herding Masters in Jackson. Taught by the best, their father figure, Joel Miller, the three of them were like a death squad. 
But if this life hasn’t taught them anything, it did teach them that tomorrow was never promised. The cordecyps were advancing and becoming more formidable with time. They thought they were careful enough already. Pretty soon they’d have to figure out how to fly!
‘Come down! I have to tell you about patrol!’ 
‘On my way!’ 
Once Roslyn made it down safely from the roof of the cabin she was bunking with Ellie, she walked over to her and the two young women embraced in a soul tying hug. Ellie broke the hug to look at her sister in a concerned glare, ‘You good? You never hold me that long.’
Letting out a gentle sigh, her breath disappearing in the cool air, ‘Nothing. I’m just happy to see that you’re OK Ellie. Ever since Maria split us up into separate patrol groups, I feel like no one has your back like I do.’ 
Ellie shoved her hands in her pockets and chuckled, ‘Yeah. You know,’ she turned to walk, which then led Roslyn to accompany her, ‘We do make a great team. They just can’t trust us when we’re out there like that. We like to fuck around and find out.’
The two girls laughed together as Roslyn zipped up her thick coat, ‘Well shit we get the work done don’t we?! Might put ourselves and others in danger but, we’re still kicking.’ 
‘Might as well have some fun before we die huh?’ Ellie snickered as they approached the pub. 
When they came back from patrols, they always took one another to the bar to relieve a little bit of stress and talk about the ugly sights they’ve seen. It’s become such a routine, anybody working the bar that day, always had their drinks ready for them before they even walked through the door. 
So it was a little bit of a surprise when nobody was at the bar when they walked inside. There were a few folks sitting in the booths. Enough to count on one hand really. Which itself wasn’t really shocking but who was going to serve them? 
‘Hey-yoooo!’ Roslyn called out as she pulled a stool out to sit upon, ‘Anybody there?’
‘Ding, Ding!’ 
An unfamiliar woman came from the back room pushing her hair out of her face with an aggravated sigh. She then placed her hands flat on the wooden counter; her crystal blue eyes looking at both of the girls. Her southern accent was thick as over processed molasses, ‘What can I do you for?’ 
Ellie’s eyebrows tugged into one and then looked over at Roslyn. 
Roslyn looked over at Ellie in a bit of concern before she spoke. ‘Where’s Seth?’
‘Oh.’ The lady chuckled out, pushing herself off of the counter and picked up two glasses, ‘That fool called out sick. Talkin’ bout some damn stomach bug. Should be back tomorrow..’ she walked over to the sink, ‘If he aint shit his guts out already.’
Roslyn covered her mouth with her hand and hid her face as Ellie sucked in her lips into a fine line to keep from laughing. 
‘Y’all ain’t ever tell me what ya’ wanted. Ion read minds.’ The woman spoke up and dried out the glasses with a kitchen cloth as she turned to face them once again.
‘I’ll take a Jack Daniel’s on the rocks.’ Ellie said.
Roslyn raised her brow and snapped her head over at her sister who just looked a little bit more stressed out than usual. It would probably be best for her to do the same, just in case there were to be some heavy news. 
‘I’ll have what she’s havin’.’ And the lady got right to it. 
As she made their drinks, Roslyn couldn’t help but wonder what was swimming around in that thick skull of hers. She sat there in silence as her sister fiddled with her thumbs and started to bite the inside of her lip. Something was really bothering her.
When the lady placed their glasses in front of them, Ellie didn’t bother to toast her drink but instead just began to knock it back like it was water.
‘Whoa- hey!’ Roslyn said as she grabbed her wrist with her free hand as she gripped her whiskey glass in the other hand.
‘What?’ Ellie asked as she looked over at Roslyn and then at the bar lady. ‘Just… shit.’ She added as she placed her now empty glass on the wooden countertop. 
Roslyn clenched her jaw together and narrowed her eyes before looking over at the lady, ‘Could we have some privacy please? Thanks.’
The lady gave them a simple nod, ‘Sure. From the looks of it, y’all definitely need it.’ 
Roslyn then turned in her seat to face Ellie head on. ‘What the fuck is going on?’
‘What?’ Ellie mumbled as she looked at the intricate detailing and patterns on the whiskey glass. 
‘What the– What do you mean “what?”?! We come here damn near every two days and I’ve never seen you take down a drink like that… let alone whiskey! What’s going on with you?’
Ellie sighed softly before pressing her lips together and looking ahead. ‘I uh-... We slipped today.’ She said before finishing up the rest of her drink. 
Ros raised a brow, turning her head to the side as if she needed to hear her better, ‘Meaningggg…’ she trailed off
‘Chad. We were uh… ambushed by some fucking sociopaths today. Didn’t know who they were but they didn’t operate like us. Those motherfuckers…’ she leaned in closer to Roslyn, ‘These em-effers were just as bad as Stalkers.’ She whispered. 
Yeah, now was a good time for Roslyn to start sipping on her whiskey. She knew that this was going to get a little uncomfortable.
Once she finished her long sip, she placed it on the coaster and sighed out, ‘Infected sociopaths… I swear this shit just gets better and better.’ She said in a mocking tone.
‘Aah don’t be a dick, Ros. These were completely fully- able human beings. But what I was saying before you had to butt in… they operated differently. Very stealthy. I didn’t even hear the fuckers get the jump on us! And the way they communicated… in whistles. Man, it was fucking weird.’ 
Roslyn took another sip of her drink and looked at her sister, ‘Well I mean… when mother Earth betrayed her inhabitants she thought it would be fun for these motherfuckers to be echolocators too… So maybe they’re doing something right.’
‘I beg the differ. Anyway, back on topic- Chad. Chad basically got shot in the face.’ She grumbled. 
Roslyn was in the middle of finishing off the rest of her whiskey when she choked on the warmth in her throat. But she was able to force down the rest of the liquid before coughing her way back to air. 
Ellie patted her back roughly as she looked around, ‘Hey, hey– look. He’s fine. They said is going to make a full recovery. Just glad their aim was off a little bit.’
Roslyn placed her hand on her chest as she focused on getting her breathing back in order. Her and Chad had gotten well acquainted since he’s been here. He was another person Maria sought to move from patrolling with Ros because he was a distraction. 
And a distraction he was! 
‘Fuck! See no, I-I need to go talk to Maria.’ She said as she stood up. 
‘For what? Ain’t like she gone let you talk her into going back on patrols with me.’ 
‘It’s not about that!’ She paused.
Ellie stared up at her with a bleak glare in her eyes and a soft smirk on her lips. 
‘Maybe it is. But, look – what happened to him is exactly why we can't do this splitting up shit. You could’ve died. Then what would I have to tell Joel?’
Ellie let out a gentle sigh as she began to play with her fingers once more. She was feeling a little bit discouraged and at fault for their friend’s injury. And being that they were the best of friends, Ros caught on to that immediately and began to nip that bud before it turned into a weed.
‘Aht, aht. No ma’am! Look, Ellie. I know what you think is right. Listening to Maria and all her bullshit calls and what not. But I can’t protect you from here. And vice versa. You remember when we went into town and crushed that nest?! Me, you, Joel and Tommy? We’re more than just a team. We’re family. I want my qual buddy back. Come on. Whaddya say?’ 
Ellie shook her head slowly with a knowing smirk on her face as she folded her arms across her chest. 
‘Weeeeell.’ Ros sang as she leaned in. 
‘Fine, fine! Fuck it. But if she asks who’s idea this was because you know she will ask, I’m going to say it was yours and you drug me there by my damn ponytail.’ 
The two girls laughed together before Ellie stood up and they walked out of the bar and back out into the night’s cold air once again.
They’d barely made it to Maria’s when panicked shouting filled the air. The girls immediately turned to the fence, their hands on their holsters just in case shit got sticky.
‘Aw shit.’
‘What now?’ 
Finishing one another’s sentences. They hung around one another way too much. 
Coming through the gate were two men. The smaller one had his arm draped over the larger one’s shoulder, his gray shirt soaked in fresh blood. His head drooped forward but his free hand was resting on his torso. That was a good sign. He was still alive. But not for much longer if he didn’t seek medical attention. 
‘Shit.’ Roslyn hissed at the gruesome sight. 
‘MEDIC! WHERE’S THE DAMN SURGEON!?’ Maria called out, quickly strutting her way towards the gate. 
‘Here she comes… wanna say something now?’ Ellie said with a smirk before she folded her arms across her chest. 
‘Ellie, your timing is shit. Clearly this kid is dying we–’
‘Maria! Ros and I would like to talk to you about something important.’ 
Maria cut between them in a hurry and the girls followed suit. ‘If it has anything to do with patrol, don't bother. My decision has been made.’ She then wrapped the young man’s free arm around her shoulder and the pair basically carried him to the stretcher that had been brought to them. 
Roslyn let out a sigh and looked over at her sister who had this look of “I told you so!” on her smug face.
‘W-what if I told you it’s not about patrol?’
‘Then.’ Maria sighed out heavily as they carefully laid the kid out on the stretcher, ‘I’d call you a liar.’ She stood up straight and gave Rachel the green light to wheel him off. The brother tried to follow but Maria stood in his place.
‘What are you doing?! I have to go with my brother!’ He tried to step around her but she stepped in his way again.
‘First of all.’ She raised her hand before him.
‘Uh-Oh.’ Ellie snickered.
Roslyn pressed her lips together and shook her head.
‘You are in my establishment. I think I deserve to know who the hell you are..’ She let out a gentle breath and continued on, ‘What are you and your brother's names?’
He let out a shuddered breath before continuing, ‘August. My brother’s name is Mike.’ 
‘Well… August. Your brother is in the best care. Meet me at the mess hall at 1900. There’s a lot to discuss. For now, go meet my husband Tommy by the pub. He’ll show you around.’
August gave her a gentle nod before he watched her walk over to the two girls that stood side by side. Then, he looked at her. 
And she looked at him.
He was tall, probably standing at 6ft even, his dark slightly messy hair complimented the brightness in his tired blue orbs. The bags that were beneath them were slightly dark, a telltale sign that he hadn’t been receiving a lot of sleep. He sported a thick bushy mustache that warmed his lips. They were pink, full of life. So at least he wasn’t dying from thirst. 
He was handsome to say the least.
‘As for you two.’ Maria’s voice brought Roslyn out of her thoughts, ‘Come with me.’ 
Roslyn and Ellie stepped apart for Maria to cut through and she walked in the direction of her house. 
The girls looked at one another and gave each other a gentle shrug. They couldn’t be in that much trouble. Not like it was when they were kids. These days they never snuck out, they kept their head’s low and always listened to their higher ups. So what was it that Maria wanted from them today?
The girls walked into Maria’s cabin after her and saw Joel sitting on the sofa. 
‘Joel!’ The girls called out in sync and rushed over to greet their father in a tight hug.
‘Girls! Well ain’t it good to see you!’ He then placed kisses atop their heads before he broke the hug to get a good look at them. 
‘Why didn’t you tell us you were back?! When did you get back?’ Ellie asked concerned.
‘I just got back a few hours ago. You weren’t here and Ros was nowhere to be found. On that roof again huh?’ 
‘Yup.’ Ellie smirked and elbowed her sister, ‘Right where I found her.’
Joel gave the girls a smile and nodded, ‘Right. That’s why I ain’t come botherin’ you.’
‘Ros!’ Maria called.
Roslyn looked back over her shoulder, ‘Yes?’
‘Come here. I got something for you.’ She gave her a gentle and reassuring smile before backing up into the room behind her.
She looked from Maria to Joel who in turn gave her a nod for her to proceed. She then walked in the room Maria walked in.
The young woman took a moment to take in her surroundings. The place was stacked in different kinds of fabrics and quilts. It made her smile to know that beneath that hard exterior, Maria genuinely cared about her people and would work day and night to make sure they were warm before anything else. ‘I didn’t know you taken upon sowing.’ 
Maria chuckled as she sat down on a wooden stool, looking through what had seem to be a stack of silk. ‘You never asked me either. Ain’t no need to tell if it ain’t brought up.’ 
‘Well, I’ll sleep better at night knowing that you’re actually a big ole softie.’ 
Maria pulled out a folded up piece of cloth, walked over to Roslyn and held it out.
Roslyn pulled her brows together, ‘What’s this?’
‘Open it up. You’ll see.’
She didn’t like Maria’s sneaky antics. But she was also a fan of surprises. So she quickly unfolded the thick pink silk and gasped softly. 
‘A bonnet?!’ 
The hem of the bonnet had her name sown in the color yellow. She ran her thumb over the threading and looked up at Maria. She was at a loss of words.
Maria laughed joyously, ‘Yes! You know about them?’ 
She smiled softly as she subconsciously ran her fingers through her pretty braids. ‘Yeah, Tasha told me about ‘em! She mentioned them lookin’ sumn like a mushroom top. No over exaggeration there.’
‘It does.’ Maria smiled, ‘But now you can preserve your braids a little longer if you have them covered and protected in your sleep.’
‘This is awesome!’ Roslyn grinned down at the engraving and let out a somber, unsure sigh, ‘Maria I can’t take this.’ She felt bad. Knowing the kind of hell she was bound to put her through in the next few moments.
‘Of course you can. It has your name on it. It’s yours.’ 
Maria gave the girl a stern motherly glare. The look of “You’re gonna take it, and you’re going to like it.”
‘Alright, mom.’ She chuckled and folded up the silky cloth and stored it in her back pocket. 
‘Good. So, what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?’ She asked as she folded her arms and leaned against the sewing table. 
‘Well…m—‘ Roslyn was hesitant. She already knew what the answer was going to be but she had to ask anyway. She felt that maybe if she nagged enough, Maria would eventually cave in. 
‘I—‘ she let out another sigh, ‘Ellie and I wanted to inquire about being paired up with patrols again.’ 
Maria let out a tired groan and rubbed her face, ‘Oh God, Roslyn—‘ 
‘Aw, c’mon Maria! Look, Ellie told me about what happened with Chad today! That wouldn’t have ever happened if it was me and her! You know that!’ 
‘No! I don’t know that! Roslyn, I split the both of you up for a reason—‘ 
‘A reason I can’t understand! We protect each other no matter the cost.’ 
‘Let. It. Go, Roslyn. It’s not happening.’ 
The tension in the room grew thick enough to touch, and the quietness. It was unsettling. 
‘Fine.’ She barked, ‘Ain’t giving back this bonnet either.’ She added before spun around and walked out of the bedroom. 
She quickly stormed out of the house but not before Ellie could ask if she was alright. And by her silent answer, that told her everything she needed to know. 
Ellie turned to Joel, ‘She said no.’ 
Roslyn ran smack into the chest of Tommy who immediately caught her, ‘Whoa, whoa kiddo.’ He placed his hands on her shoulders to keep her from falling over. ‘Ya good?’ 
She looked up at her uncle with a gentle pout, ‘No. But I’ll be fine. I guess.’ 
Tommy let her go and landed a few firm pats on her shoulder, ‘Maria?’ 
‘You know it.’ 
‘Hmph. She ain’t soften the blow?’ 
‘Does she ever?’ 
‘Would she be my wife if she did?’ 
Roslyn smirked at the smartass remark, ‘Yeah. Sure know how to pick ‘em.’ She mocked.
Tommy chuckled before he had come to realization. The new guy, was standing behind him. ‘Oh. You meet August? He’s gone be the new guy roun’ here.’ 
‘Not exactly. I was standby when Maria ripped another hole in his ass.’ 
Tommy chuckled and nodded, ‘Sounds bout right. August! This is Roslyn Mitchell. She’s one of the top Herding Masters here and sumn like a niece to me.’ 
‘Somethinnnggg?’ She mocked, rolling her big brown eyes. 
‘Issss! Now, gone head and take him down to the pub. Heard Seth wasn’t here to shit out his mouth so, y’all should be good.’ He then placed a warm kiss on her head. Enough to combat the brisk air outside. Then he left them on the porch to be inside with the others. 
August stared at her for a long moment, taking in all the details that made her… her. 
Her eyes were brown as rust; making them the most intense and unique thing he’d ever seen. Her lips were full and donned a cute little beauty mark on her bottom lip. They looked so soft to the touch. Her skin was mahogany with a reddish undertone. She looked like an angel. 
Oh this girl could make an atheist believe!
But how could an Angel exist at a time like this?
The pair sat at the bar, a bar stool splitting them to give one another ample space and privacy. 
Roslyn was lost in her own thoughts; her face twisting and turning as if she were having an angry conversation with herself. 
‘Wanna talk about it?’ 
Once she realized he was speaking to her, she snapped her head over at him, ‘Why do you care?’ 
‘I don’t. Just trying to make conversation I guess. We haven’t spoken since Tommy introduced us. I thought it’d be cool to talk.’ 
‘Pssh,’ she smirked, ‘At least you’re honest.’ She swirled her drink around, watching the liquor coat the ball of ice then drip off. 
It grew silent between the both of them again. 
‘What happened?’ She asked before looking over at him.
‘Why do you care?’ He said with a bit of a smirk before looking over at her. 
Roslyn scoffed, ‘I don’t.’
‘Then why ask?’
She shrugged, ‘Maybe I’m nosey. Or perhaps I find it a little random and weird how you and your brother just pop up out of nowhere you know?’
‘Are you suggesting-’
Roslyn looked over at him with a blank face. 
He knew exactly what she meant. 
August stared back at her and licked his lips before he looked back down at his drink. 
‘My brother and I. We were a part of this militia up north.’
‘The Fireflies? Ain’t they all over the place now?’
‘What?! That sorry ass excuse of leadership? Course not. Besides they either sided with us or infected chow by now.’ He then took a sip of his drink.
‘You and I can both agree to that.’
‘Anyway, I was with WLF.’ He murmured. 
‘WLF? You mean-’ She looked over her shoulders to make sure no one was listening in on them. ‘Washington Liberation Front?! What the fuck–are you insane?! You’re lucky they didn’t shoot you in the face when you got here! What if you-’
‘Whoooa, look at you not caring!’ 
Her mouth remained slightly open at his comment. She could already tell he was going to be a pain in her ass.
‘Listen, we weren’t followed if that’s what you’re worried about.’
‘And how do you know that?!’
‘Because I do OK!? Just– shit went down and I wasn’t standing for it.’ He then knocked back the rest of his drink and gently slammed the glass on the coaster. 
Roslyn let out a heavy sigh as she placed her hand over her forehead, doing her best to gather her thoughts and ask the right questions. 
‘Alright. Tell me what happened? How’d your brother get hurt?’
‘I thought you didn’t care.’
‘OK don’t be a smartass. Just tell me what happened.’
‘Alright.’ He chuckled before raising his hands in surrender. 
‘We have this leader by the name of Isaac. Hardcore motherfucker. He’s been around longer than I have and experienced the world before it went to shit. You’d think since he witnessed the beauty of what this world was like before all his loved ones died, he’d be somewhat reserved and patient. No. Anyway.’ He sat up straight and turned to face Roslyn. 
‘There was a peace treaty with some occupants on the nearby Island. We called the folks there Scars. Anyway, somehow, the treaty was disrupted and now we’re at war again.’
‘Shit. What’s it like?’ 
‘What’s what like? War? I’ve heard stories about the world before. How we had Armies and the death and loss that came with fighting for the greater good. Though, what this feels like, It doesn’t feel like that.’ 
Roslyn pressed her lips together firmly, swallowing her spit. She too, had heard about the tales of the past world and how countries handled their beef. But something about the way he spoke, it didn’t sit entirely right with her.
‘Anyway, they’ve been sending us out on patrol groups to clear out any stragglers that may have crossed over our borders. Me, my brother and a few other guys came across this encampment. It had signs of being inhabited so we began to secure the area. Then, we were ambushed. We fought long and hard. We took out anything we saw move. I lost 3 of my men which only left me, my brother and Jon alive. Mike thought it would be a good idea to scope the place one more time.’ 
She watched him closely, his eyes; she wanted to see if they would blink or twitch but, nothing. Then, her eyes fell to his nose and lips. No twitch, not even a smirk. 
‘And then? They got the jump on ya brother or sumn?’ 
August chuckled and shook his head, ‘Nah. Anyway, shit you outta let me finish here. I’m not in my right mind, I will forget!’ 
‘Oh. My bad.’ 
‘So, my brother calls me over while Jon started up a fire to burn up the bodies… There was a young woman hiding in the bushes. She was pregnant.’
Roslyn’s heart twisted in her chest as she had a gut feeling of what he was bound to tell her. But she didn’t stop him, she had to know what kind of man he was so she could disassociate herself if she needed to. 
‘She had those same scars up her cheeks that everyone else had, so I knew she was with them and we probably killed her partner. But she had this look of… sorrow. She didn’t say a word but her eyes begged us to let her go. Then, Jon came up behind us and tried to shoot her. My brother stepped in her way and tried to talk him down but he refused. Instead, he pointed the gun at my brother’s head and he barely began counting before I put three in his chest and one in his skull.’ 
‘Fuuuck.’ Ros breathed out. ‘That— must’ve been hard.’ 
‘It wasn’t. My brother’s life is more important than any one of us that went downhill that day. So, we gave the girl all of the food from Jon’s sack, his sleeping bag. She needed it more than we did. We let her go. Might’ve been the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever done but oppose to that I know it was the right thing. She wasn’t a threat to us. She was just a kid herself! Anywho, weeks on passed. We got word that we were being followed by the Top Dogs of the militia.’ He scoffed and shook his head, ‘But they were always one step behind. Considering I was one of them but…’
‘That wasn’t all, was it?’ She asked; intrigued with the story. 
‘No. No, of course not.’ He sighed out. ‘Yesterday we were in the midst of some shit with the Scars and the WLF. My brother was shot. We had to fight tooth and nail to get out of there. We didn’t even know this place existed! I was up in the mountains and saw the lights. I knew it could’ve been a long shot but I had to take the chance. I promised my dad.’ 
Roslyn let out a deep breath and shook her head, ‘Sheesh. That’s…’ she just closed her eyes and tried to pick up a more suitable word for his situation. But nothing would come up. 
‘I know. I’ve had a long month.’ He smirked as he lifted up his empty glass towards the bartender for her to pour him up another glass. 
‘Shit yeah!’ She scoffed and raised a brow. 
Again. Silence. But, at least she was a bit more confident in him now. Comfortable too.
‘It was a noble thing you did back there. Sacrificing your life for that woman and your brother. The world needs more men like you.’
A small smile curled on his lips. 
‘That’s probably the nicest thing someone has ever said to me. Thanks.’
She did her best not to smile but his smile was so contagious! Roslyn was grinning like a fat kid in a bakery. 
‘Somehow I don’t believe that but, you’re welcome.’
The pair shared a gentle laugh before their attention was captured by the door creaking open and a pair of boots clicking upon the wooden floor. It was Tommy, Joel and Maria. 
Roslyn’s mood instantly shifted and she turned back towards her drink.
Maria smiled softly as she approached the two.
‘Hey. Hope I wasn’t interrupting.’
‘Nope.’ Ros let out a sigh and stood up from her stool, ‘I was actually just leaving.’ She wanted to keep it short.
‘Oh.’ Maria took note of her half empty glass of Scotch. ‘But you didn’t finish your drink.’ 
‘It was my second. Plus, I got a few things to handle.’ She looked over at August and gave him a gentle nod, ‘See ya round?’
August returned the nod with a soft smile, ‘Course.’ 
She turned around to meet Joel at the door. ‘Hey! I couldn’t help you look sumn-odd different!’
‘Really?’ Joel folded his arms as he raised a brow.
‘Yeah! You looking a bit more gray than usual.’
Joel chuckled and shook his head, ‘It’s the stress kid. Wait til you have two girls skippin’ roun’ here you’ll get it!’
‘Yeah yeah, sure! Ellie outside?’ She laughed, pulling on her black beanie.
‘Yup, she’s waitin’ on ya.’ 
‘Cool. See ya old man. Oh! And— go to Tasha’s. I’m sure she got sumn for that salt n pepper.’
Then, she stood on her tippy toes and gave his bearded scruff a kiss and went outside to join her sister.
‘I Will Kid! Be good, Roslyn.’
Very important Side Note: From The River To the Sea, Palestine will be free. I’d like to make it clear that in no shape or form does this page support Israel or Zionism. The creator of the game, Neil Druckmann is a Zionist and I would like to make it very clear that this page stands in solidarity with the people of Palestine 🇵🇸. Boycott the game, boycott the show! CLICK HERE to find links to support and donate to Palestine & please continue to Boycott! Palestine will be free.
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cardierreh15 · 9 months
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Post Human
An adaption of The Last Of Us.
Warnings 18+: Gore , Death , Blood , Sexual Innuendo , Smut , Scary Images (Runners , Stalkers , Clickers , Bloaters , Rat King {Maybe} Cursing , Angst , Parental Loss , Apocalyptic Lifestyle
Theme Song for the Book:
Side Note: Timeline May be a little wonky since this is an adaption.
Very important Side Note: From The River To the Sea, Palestine will be free. I’d like to make it clear that in no shape or form does this page support Israel or Zionism. The creator of the game, Neil Druckmann is a Zionist and I would like to make it very clear that this page stands in solidarity with the people of Palestine 🇵🇸. Boycott the game, boycott the show! CLICK HERE to find links to support and donate to Palestine & please continue to Boycott! Palestine will be free.
1. His Brother’s keeper.
2. “Friends?”
3. What Could Possibly Go Wrong? OUT NOW!!!
4. Secrets coming soon
5. coming soon
Chapter VI.
Chapter VII.
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cardierreh15 · 5 months
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So excited to post chapter 2 of Post Human: The Last of Us Adaption. 🤎
Credit to those who own these beautiful photos 🥹 without yall, I wouldn’t have been able to create a beautiful moodboard 🤎
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cardierreh15 · 9 months
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The Stranger
A lil’ sumn, sumn just in time for spooky szn my dears 😩🧡 enjoy.
**I do not give anyone permission to repost and/or copy my work!!!
Warnings 18+: Cursing , Blood , Cutting & Stabbing with claws , Non-Con Sex , Full Nelson Position?? (I think lol) , Biting , Oral (Female Recieving) , Praising Kink , Breeding , Kidnapping .
Pairing: Vampire!August x Maria(Black!Plus Size Female)
Description: August has a lil fun with his food. 😋
Word Count: 2.9K
Song: Eat Your Young by Hozier
They’re having sex in a graveyard. Thought I’d make that clear. Basically: Dead Dove Do Not Eat
The woman wheezed as she rested her hands on her knees; trying her damnedest to breathe, but the cold air burned in her chest. Doubled over, she coughed hard before slowly inhaling through her nose and then out through her mouth. Standing up straight, her lips trembled as the winter’s air embraced her in a deadly hold.
‘Home, just— try to get home.’ she muttered to herself as she wrapped her torso up in her own arms. It had seemed as if she were walking for ages now, but at least she caught her breath. ‘Home… just…almost there.’ she shivered.
Run, girl, run. A dark essence whispered through a cool breeze, heart sinking into the pit of her gut as a familiar dark laughter followed suit.
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‘Stop!’ she cried out, placing both hands over her ears as she started running again. She closed her eyes tightly, trying to focus on pure thoughts. ‘This— *huff* has to be— *huff huff* a nightmare!’ Suddenly, she tripped over a branch, tumbling and rolling until her weight betrayed her; head colliding with something cool and hard. Vision blurred and disoriented, she let out a pained groan as she weakly reached out, ‘Mmmmhhhff.’
Whimpering out, she felt something wet and warm trickling down the side of her face. Dragging her weight across the cool, dewy dirt and grass. ‘Please… please,’ she begged; placing her hands on the tombstone while struggling to pull herself to her feet. ‘Please just— leave me alone!’ she called out, her knees buckling as she stood up straight.
‘Hahah, and what’s the fun in that?!’
Heart ramming in her chest, her breathing had become shallow, the lump in her throat growing painful. ‘Who— why do you follow me?! Why can’t you just leave me alone?!’ she broke out in a hysterical sob, words inaudible. ‘Please! I have nothing to offer you— I can’t— I can’t…’
It grew quiet for a moment. Only the sound of the wind dancing through the trees and the dead leaves scraping against the ground filled the air. Suddenly, when safety seemed sure, she got wrapped up in a tight embrace. A cold hand covered her lips as she began squeal into the stranger’s flesh. The stranger grinned darkly as the woman flayed her arms and legs around.
‘Tag. I've got you now!’
He snickered, turning her around to get a good look at her. She was ravishing! Full puckered lips, gray eyes that made her tears resemble a rainy day. Her skin, soft and silky like raw honey. She was almost too pretty to eat. But he’d always been the type to play with his food.
Grabbing her jaw, his pointy nails gently stabbed at her flesh. She tried to let out a shriek but he placed his index finger against her full lips, ‘aht, Aht, — that’s not a smart idea sweet pea. He grinned, ‘Scream, and I’ll slit your throat ok? Give me a nod if you understand.’
The woman’s frightened eyes stared up into his bright blue irises that shone in the darkness, resembling that of the deepest depths of the ocean. She nodded hesitantly, never taking her eyes off of him.
‘Mmm, that’s a good girl. You are awfully pretty.’ He cooed, dragging his claw down the side of her face. ‘I would have hated to kill you before I've had my fun.’ he grinned; salivating at the thought of her being his personal blood bag.
‘Now, you’re going to do whatever I say… alright?’
The woman nodded again, a single tear falling down her face. She was freezing! It wouldn’t have been a shock if her tears turned into icicles at this point.
He brought her head towards him, gently sniffing at the open wound she’d created from her dance with the ground earlier. ‘Mmm,’ he hummed in delight. ‘So sweet,’he said, before licking up the blood that dripped down the side of her face.
She was stiff as a board, unable to move from the shock that coursed through her body. There was no way this was truly happening. No, no this had to be some kind of nightmare. Shutting her eyes tightly, whispering, ‘it’s just a dream, wake up Maria, it’s just a dream—‘
His thunderous laugh ripped through the air. ‘Are you sure about that princess? Seems real enough to me.’ He cooed in her ear as he pushed her thick hair behind her ear and ran his claw down her cheek, leaving behind a simple cut. She started to cry once again.
‘Awww, shhhh —don’t cry princess,’ he said as he wiped her tears away with the pad of his thumbs. ‘Everything will be over soon. And, if you behave, I might just let you go. All you have to do… is be a good girl.’
Maria swallowed her sticky spit and nodded once again, letting out a shaky sigh. She was willing to do anything if it meant for her to live.
‘Wh— what will you have me do?’
He smirked as his eyes flickered from her face to her breasts. ‘Well,’ with just a quick swipe of his finger, he tore the fabric of her shirt with his pointy nail. His eyes immediately landing on her silky brown skin, his fangs tingling at the thought of sinking them in that supple flesh.
‘Ah!’ she gasped, instantly wrapping her own arms around her body to conceal it. ‘Wh—‘ she backed up slowly until she tripped and fell back against a stone. ‘Oof!’ she whimpered, looking up at him. ‘H-here?! Now?’ she looked around as she quivered. ‘It’s cold! And we’re in a graveyard! Have you no respect for the dead?!’
‘Oh honey… haven’t your parents taught you not to assume?’ his smirk never faltered as he stood above her, glaring down at her like a hawk stalking its prey. ‘I am… the dead.’ His fangs seemed to appear out of nowhere! They were massive, frightening and white. Very distinguishable even with nights as dark as these. She stared up at him in fear as he reached down and lended her his hand.
‘Up…’ he commanded.
Maria swallowed her spit once again and placed her hand in his before he whisked her up to her feet in a fast motion. He pressed her against his chest, listening as her heart hadn’t ceased to keep its fast pace. ‘Why were you hiding that pretty body from me huh?’ he said, running his tongue over his fangs.
‘B-because I don’t know you! You’re a stranger! A monster!’
The stranger chuckled and backed her up against a tall tombstone. Her back was pressed flush against the coolness. ‘Alright,’ he placed his hand against the stone, ‘My name is August… there, am I still a stranger?’ He drug his pointy nail down the hill and the valley of her breasts, down her tummy until he rested it beneath her button to pop it.
‘I mean… no… I guess. B-but you’re still a monster!’ She bit back.
‘Oh really? Why… that’s not very nice.’ he chuckled, ‘You’re scared of me… aren’t you princess?’ he asked, popping the button to bring the zipper down. She jumped at the sudden flick before giving him a hesitant nod.
‘Good, you should be.’ he said before grabbing her wrist and swiftly turning her around and pinning her against the stone. ‘I’m not gonna hurt you… yet,’ he whispered softly in her ear. Something so sweet, like a lullaby. ‘Just—want a little taste,’ August added as he got down on his knees and pulled her jeans down to her ankles.
‘Wha—?!’ Her panties followed soon after.
‘What are you doing?! Stop!’ She tried to move but he grabbed her thighs and held it in a tight grip. ‘Aah!’ she yelped out at the sudden pain. His claws dug into her cool flesh. ‘I told you to be a good girl! Move again, and I will crush your femur!’
‘Ughh,’ she cried out in pain. ‘Please! Just let me go! I promise I won’t tell anyone!’
‘Well you may not make it out of here to tell anyone sweetheart. We might as well have a little fun huh?’
Maria’s bottom lip trembled before she sucked it between her teeth to keep from wailing like a wraith. But instead, she utter a sound.
‘Attagirl,’ he grinned as he released his grip on her skin, ‘Now… sit still,’ he said before inhaling the scent of her core. ‘Mmmm,’ he let out a guttural growl, stretching his neck and pressing the flattened tongue against her womanhood.
‘Ooh!’ Maria’s mouth fell open as a chill slid down her spine. She could feel her knees growing numb as his tongue assaulted her clit with a vengeance. If she were going to die, at least her last few moments would be of her experiencing a one in a lifetime moment. Fucking a monster.
August lifted her thigh as he flicked his tongue over her glorious abyss and her sensitive nub. ‘Mmmm,’ he hummed before pulling away for a second. ‘Fuuuuck, you’re delicious,’ he pressed a kiss on her inner thigh before he sank his teeth into her soft flesh.
‘AAAAAAH!’ she yelped out, startled by him biting into her. Maria looked down between her legs. ‘You said you weren’t going to hurt me!!!’ she whined out.
August licked at her punctured, swollen skin before placing a kiss on it, ‘Oh relax, baby girl. It’s just a love bite. You’ll be fine.’ He chuckled before his tongue was met with her pussy once again. Such a hungry lover he was.
‘Ooooh! Dear God! That feels sooo fucking good!’ Her head fell back as her fingers gripped at the tombstone. She subconsciously began to grind her hips against his face and reached behind her to grab a hand full of his thick dark hair. His face was just a seat for her at this point. And he didn’t mind it either.
A gasp ripped through her chest as her groin began to tighten as she grew closer to her orgasm. ‘Aaah! FUCK!’ She felt as if the world were crumbling beneath her feet.
August smiled softly as she came in his mouth unreluctantly. She was so warm on his tongue. He could stay here forever if she allowed it. Pulling away from her pussy, he bit into her other thigh. Hissing at the sudden pain, Maria gritted her teeth together and just bore it.
He bit her thighs, over and over again, as if trying to mark his territory. He stood up, peppering sweet kisses against her shoulder, and then her neck. ‘My, my— you are so delicious.’
Maria was lost in a world of pure bliss. The way he touched her, the way his cool lips danced across her now burning flesh— she felt like she was in heaven; or perhaps, hell.
‘How do you feel?’ August asked as his nose nuzzled comfortably behind her ear, in her braids.
‘Am I— am I dead?’ She whispered.
He chuckled darkly before grabbing her face once again as he leaned in for a kiss. ‘Not yet princess.’
Her now hooded, lust ridden eyes stared up at him as her lips parted gently, ready to embrace his frost bitten lips in a warm kiss. Once their lips met, it was as if she’d taken ecstasy. She never felt like this before on behalf of the lips of a man. Could it be the venom on this tongue?
The more her lips indulged on his taste, the more hooked she became. Plus, she kind of liked being able to taste herself on his tongue.
He broke the kiss and looked down at her with a twinkle in his eye. Hmm, he might need her after all. But he immediately pushed those thoughts to the side and walked over to a gravestone. August unzipped his pants and pushed them down along with his boxers.
Maria’s mouth fell open in shock and partly in fear when she saw that monster spring free from the prison of his pants. How was that thing going to fit inside of her?! She’s probably had sex only a handful of times in her life. It wasn’t at the top of her To-Do list either. So it was safe to say, she was scared.
‘Don’t be afraid princess. I promise I’ll be gentle,’ he gave her a devious smirk as he motioned his sharp claw towards himself. Her head fell forward, ashamed. Once in his grasp, he spun her around so her ass was facing him. August scooped her up effortlessly with a carnivorous grin on his face.
‘Whoa—‘ she gasped as she wrapped one arm around his neck for stability as he sat down on the destroyed grave.
August lowered her down on his dick. Thanks to the blood intake, he was standing at full attention and was ready to take advantage of this moment with her.
Maria hissed, digging her nails into his shoulder as the intrusive member basically split her in half. But the pain was blissful. He was filling her out the way she deserved, the way she needed.
‘Uhhh. Damn baby girl. You are so fucking tight.’ He lifted her thigh, hooking his arm beneath her knee and using his right knee to keep her leg up. He dug his sharp claws into her flesh. His other arm lay draped across her belly in a tight hold. This way, he was able to move her body up and down just the way he wanted.
The curvaceous woman threw her head back as he took full control of her body. And the way that he used her felt so good.
‘August! Please!’ she begged before she grit her teeth together, ‘Augh!! Fuck yes!’
‘That’s good baby? Damn, you take this dick so fucking well. Such a good girl for me!’ He let out an animalistic grunt, still bouncing her body but now adding in his own thrusts.
With the two frictions coming together to make one, Maria could feel her fragile human body begin to betray her. She breathed in short breaths, the cold air burning at her chest as she did so.
‘Ooh!’ With August’s fleeting movements, Maria thought she was seeing stars. The grip she had on the upright headstone was so tight, she split her nails.
August howled as his grip on her thigh grew a bit tighter. His nails finally pierced the skin and he drew a little bit of blood. But Maria was far too gone to even pay attention to the pain. August landed multiple slaps on her inner thigh as he reached between her thighs with his free hand and began to rub at her erected clit. He picked up his thrusts, ‘Fuuu—‘
Maria’s head fell forward, her mouth falling open in a big “O” as she watched his strong hand go to work on her clit. ‘Ohhh shit!’ Her bite ridden thighs began to shake as he handled her like a $2 whore.
‘Yeaaaah? You’re gonna cum aren’t you? I can feel it. I can feel you throbbing… that pretty pussy just begging for a release.’
‘Uh huuuuh!’ She whimpered out.
He thrusted harder, faster. Her cries grew louder as he abused her pussy with purpose. With the way she was wailing, someone would say this graveyard was haunted! ‘C’mon princess,’ he gritted his teeth, ‘Come on! Give it to me!’
Maria’s toes curled in her shoes as he plowed into her as if he were trying to explore new realms. She felt the numbness creep up her neck, and now she felt like she couldn’t breathe. This didn’t feel like a common orgasm. It felt euphoric but she felt as if he’d snatched her soul.
August let out a sinister laugh. ‘Oh you sweet thing. You don’t even know what to do with yourself!,’ he cooed teasingly before he grabbed her face. He opened his mouth to welcome her in another kiss. He allowed her tongue to slither between his teeth. And with just a gentle bite, he pierced the muscle.
She whined out in pain, squirming in his embrace as she bled into his mouth. Once he broke the kiss, she laid her head back lazily against him as he had his way with her. She’d lost a lot of blood now because of him. Her body felt completely numb and at this point, he was just using her like a doll. She couldn’t feel much anymore. All she could taste was iron, and hear his desperate grunts over the sounds of the night. Her eyes filled with tears as she knew what was to come of her.
‘Ugh. Fuck, you’d be the perfect mother for my children,’ he snarled out, his teeth clenched as he felt his member throb within her. ‘Sooo, fucking warm princess.’
Maria’s eyes grew wide as a tear slid down the side of her face. She couldn’t find the strength to speak! It was a miracle she was even alive! So she just laid limply on him.
His hand cupped at her bruised up thigh as he rammed his hips faster, coaxing and milking his own nut out of him, ‘Aaah. Fuuuck!’ His balls squeezed as he shoved his member deep inside of her, kissing at her warm cervix.
Used like a whore, Maria just laid there in his hold. Just waiting for her demise. She barely blinked as she felt it would be her last.
August let out a sigh before he laid her on top of the flat gravestone. He stood up, putting himself together. ‘Aww don’t play dead on me baby girl. You’ve proved to be a lot more useful than I thought.’ With the “warmth” of his embrace gone, she laid curled up on that cold stone shivering. She was mute.
‘You’re gonna be staying with me for awhile,’ he said before effortlessly scooping her up in his arms before he began to walk into the darkness of the night.
Her eyes were heavy… and she was growing cold by what had seemed to be the minute. ‘Sl—sleeep,’ she muttered out in pain.
Sleep my princess… for you will be my Queen once you’ve awakened.
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cardierreh15 · 1 year
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The Secret Life of August Walker
I do not give anyone permission to repost or copy my work!!!
Warnings 18+: Bodily Fluid (containing of Blood, amniotic sac fluid , & Mucus ) , Child Birth , Angst , Grieving .
Pairings: August Walker x Mya (Black!Female OC)
Description: Mya takes a trip down memory lane on the night their baby girl was born.
Word Count: 2.3K
Song: Just My Imagination by The Temptations
Part 2
The small family sat at the small breakfast table in the kitchen. August was holding on to Ava with dear life. His large arms hugging her gently as the tiny human slept peacefully in his grasp.
He just couldn’t take his eyes off of her. He would leaned down halfway before bringing her up some too and place kisses on her chubby brown face. Then ever so often, he’d nuzzle his face in her neck and inhale her baby scent. It was as if he was trying to make sure she was real.
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Or trying to make up for all the lost time.
It was quiet, Mya sat in her seat just watching him with their little girl. She would find herself tearing up and wiping those tears when they’d slip out. She just couldn’t believe this! So she had to ask…
‘What happened?’ Her voice was small and a little shaky. Part of her knew, but she wanted to hear his voice once more to be honest.
August looked up at her, the moon illuminated through the kitchen. The natural light made her pretty brown flesh glow. Motherhood really did a number on her. She had a beauty to her this world had to appreciate… he had to appreciate.
‘I had a guy take over… when I found out Nathan found my location. I was about to repair the artificial mask system and make new masks. It wasn’t hard to sneak by.’ He then looked down at Ava.
Mya’s eyebrows tugged into one as she folded her arms across her chest, ‘What?! So you stole CIA equipment, repaired it and then convinced an innocent bystander to be “you” and you pretend to be them for a year?!’
‘They weren’t as innocent as you think. He worked for me. And I knew I’d die if I got that chopper. He fought a good fight.’ He then looked down at their daughter, ‘If it meant for me to live and be in the shadows for a year … I’d do it again a thousand times more.’
She stared at him before she rubbed her face and pushed her curly fly aways behind her ear. ‘Alright… what about the end of the world? You were involved with a cult August. You were planning on destroying the world with me in it?!’
August didn’t look up at her yet, he seemed remorseful.
‘What’s stopping me from getting up and calling Nathan right now and —‘
August snapped his head up at her, his dark blue eyes showing a reflection of darkness she’d never seen him give her.
Yet she refused to back down.
‘Well? What do you have to say to yourself? To me?! Our daughter?!’
He just stared at her before looking back down at their sleeping baby.
Rage pumped through her veins. She felt lost, confused and the worst of all… disconnected.
‘So you have nothing to say?’ Her voice was cracked and broken from the tears that was building the the lump that was forming in her chest.
‘I thought I was doing the right thing Mya. This world is so full of darkness, pain… hate. I wanted to rid it of those things. Am I the bad guy because I want a new and peaceful place to raise our children?’
She burst out in hysterical laughter, ‘You? Who do you think you are?! God?! No one is capable of wiping out the “bad” in this world because they’d be taking themselves out too! Do you even know the kind of pain you put me through?! Would you kill me because I grieved you?!’
He pressed his lips together and looked over at her. He hesitated at the question. ‘I’ve had this conversation with myself over the past year. It started that the day at the graveyard… I saw how my death effected you. It wasn’t fair to you… to the both of you.’
She reached across the table and ripped a piece of paper towel off of the roll and pat her cheeks and nose.
‘I’m sorry.. and from now on I want to spend every waking moment trying to make up for this disaster I’ve ensued.’
Ava stretched in her sleep, causing her father to look down at her in a hurry. ‘Uh oh.’ He chuckled as she then snuggled back into his chest. ‘She’s so beautiful, Mimi.’ He then carefully ran his hand over her little head. ‘Everything I’ve ever wanted…’ He was gushing over how much hair she had, and how soft it was.
Mya sniffed as her heart tightened at the nickname. He was the only person that was allowed to call her that.
‘What was it like?’
‘What?’ She asked.
‘The pregnancy… the birth— with me not being there? I want to know what happened.’
Mya sighed softly and sat back in the chair. Her arms were folded lazily over her belly. She didn’t even know where to start.
A loud thunder clap shook the house, causing her to be startled out of her sleep. ‘Ah!’ And with that sudden jerk, it scared the baby. The baby twisted and turned in her womb, kicking and punching. Mya hissed at the pain, ‘I’m sorry honey… shhh… it’s alright.’ She rubbed her rounded belly, doing her best to soothe herself and her startled baby.
Mya looked over at the time, it was 1:19am. Cradling her belly with both of her hands now, she let out a tired sigh, ‘looks like you’re gonna be up for the rest of the night Hmm?’ She smirked, ‘Your father was a night owl… you and him alike in so many ways already.’
The baby began to kick around again, this time landing a strong one on her bladder, ‘Oh! That’ll do it! Why don’t you take it easy on me?!’ She whined playfully as she pushed the sheets off of her lap and pulled her legs over the sides of the bed, one by one.
Letting out a small whimper and placing her hand on her lower back, she waddled her way towards the bathroom. But before she could make it to toilet she felt herself leaking down her maternity tights. ‘What? Not again.’
Being pregnant came with a lot of complications. One of them being not being able to hold your bladder they way you use to.
But this time… this wasn’t urine.
‘MA! I happened again!’ She called out. Mya then carefully pulled down her tights and underwear to see this strange looking piece of tissue.
‘What’s wrong honey?’ Ericka said as she looked at her hunched over daughter.
‘Ma… I think my water broke…’ Mya murmured, her voice trembling as she never broke her gaze with that mucus membrane.
‘What? Why would you think—‘ she walked around her daughter and she saw it for herself. ‘Oh my god…—‘
‘Ohhh!’ Mya whimpered as she placed her hand on her belly. It felt tight to the touch. And she felt crampy as if she was having Braxton hicks. But this was different. Sooo much different.
She held her breath as she reached out for her mother’s hand. She gave her a gentle squeeze and breathe through the pain. Within seconds, it was gone.
‘That was your first contraction… honey, I’ll get the bags ready.’ She said softly, panicking as she rushed out of the bathroom.
Mya took in a deep breath and did her best to stand up straight. ‘OK Mya. You’ve prepared for this day! You got this.’ She coached herself as she quickly waddled back into her bedroom.
Contractions were 7 minutes apart at this part and were pretty moderate. Ericka helped her breathe through them.
‘This isn’t so bad… I think I may go without the epidural.’ She giggled as she carried the car seat out to the car.
What a naive way of thinking.
The whole ride was uncomfortable. The contractions dropped from 7 to 4 minutes. And they gotten stronger. Each one of them had her whole body tensing up, holding her breath.
‘You have to breathe Mya! It’s not helping that you’re holding your breath, you’re going to pass out!’
‘Ughhhh! I’d rather die at this point!’
Ericka sighed and clenched her jaw together for a moment, ‘I wish I could tell you it gets easier… you think this is bad?!’
Mya sniffed as she felt so overwhelmed and in so much pain at the moment. She then began to sob. ‘Maaaaa!’
Her mother looked from the road back over to her quickly, ‘What? What is it?!’
Mya whined as she began to sob uncontrollably, ‘I’m hungry! And I can’t eat anything!’
Her mother sighed and reached over to grab her hand, ‘I’m sorry honey but to keep you and the baby safe—Ah!’ Her words were interrupted by a firm grip from Mya.
‘Ughhhhh!! Ooowww! Ow! Owwwwww!’
‘Breathe Mya!’
By the time they made it to the hospital, she was only 2 minutes apart and the baby was beginning to crown.
She laid on the bed, trying to focus on her breathing, ‘Can I get my epidural now?!’ She breathed out. Her mother pat her head with a cool rag.
The nurse looked down at her with a saddened expression, ‘I’m sorry doll… I’m afraid it’s too late. You’re dilated 8cm now. The baby could come at any moment now and it’s—‘
‘WHAT?! What do you mean it’s too late?!’ She was then hit with an even stronger contraction. ‘UGHHHH! FUCK! August! You son of a bitch! I hope you’re having a goddamn blast where you are or id kill you myself!’
‘MYA! You have to calm down!’ Ericka snapped at her. ‘That wasn’t a nice thing to say about him…’
She finally began to calm down from her moment but in that instant, she broke down in another sob. ‘I miss him ma… I wasn’t suppose to be doing this by myself!’
‘You’re not… I’m here baby… we’re going to get through this together… that’s a promise.’ She said softly as she pushed her daughter’s sweaty, curly hair out of her face.
She wiped her tears with her wrists and looked down at her belly. Another contraction came, this time she closed her eyes and breathe slowly.
‘Good Job sweetie… just breathe.’
‘When you feel another contraction sweetie, push OK?! Press your chin into your chest and push with all your might, understand?!’
A nurse held her left leg and her mother held the other. Mya gave the doctor an impatient nod before she was smacked with strong one. ‘Ughhhhhhhh!’ She groaned out as she pushed. The doctor counted as he helped loosen her so the baby could pass easier. ‘OK! Good! Take a breath— when you feel it coming—‘ then she began to push once more.
‘There you go! Here’s the head! You’re doing great sweetie!’
Mya sighed heavily, as she tried to take a moment to breathe but they just kept coming! ‘UUGHHHH! OWWWW!’ She yelped out. She felt like she was being torn apart slowly.
It was like none of those classes mattered! She wasn’t prepared for this kind of pain!
‘I know honey! You’re gonna feel a lot of pressure and a little bit of a burn alright? Just give me one big push!’
‘GRRRRRR!’ And she gave the last push with all her might.
Finally the room was filled with the pained tears of her sweet baby.
‘It’s a girl.’ The doctor said as he carefully cleaned out the baby’s throat and nasal pathways.
‘A girl? A girl!’ Mya repeated as tears filled her eyes. Her mother squealed happily before kissing her head gently.
Not only was she a surprise… but it was what August would’ve wanted. What he said he wanted.
The nurse cleaned off the baby and laid off and laid her on her chest. She had her tiny little fingers in her mouth, sucking away.
‘My girl,’ Mya began to sob, ‘My sweet baby girl! Ava.’ She laughed through her tears as she ran the pad of her thumb over her pink cheek.
‘Ohhh, she’s so beautiful Mimi…’ her mother cooed softly as she gently placed her hand over her tiny covered head.
‘She came out looking just like you… a head full of hair… her eyes didn’t come in until later but she stole those from you too.’ She giggled as she looked at him with their baby girl.
August smiled softly as he ran the back of his fingers against her soft cheek. ‘She’s beautiful… I couldn’t imagine-‘ he said as he looked back at her across the table, ‘the pain you went through. With me not being there — it was such an important milestone and I missed it. Im sorry for that… but I won’t miss anymore… I promise.’
Mya tapped her finger on her arm, swallowing her spit. Her eyes roamed his face; taking all of those features she adored so much. That mustache that Was trimmed to perfection, paired up with that 5 o clock shadow. His blue hues were hidden by the darkness but she knew they were glued onto her.
Damn, she missed her man.
‘So what are you going to do if Nathan finds out you’re alive.’
‘He won’t…’
‘Mya… I’ve been gone for a year and you’re already forgotten? I always have a back up plan for my back up plans.’
She smirked gently; trying to hide that giggle that was threatening to come out. She then shook her head as her head fell, ‘I haven’t forgotten how smart you were… it’s one of my favorite things about you.’
August carefully moved the baby so her head was resting on his chest. ‘She’s so tiny… is this normal?!’ He chuckled as he looked up at her, this time his dark blue orbs glistening in the moonlight.
‘Completely. She’s 3 months. She was born 5lbs & 13oz… 18inches long.’
August smiled softly as he began to pat her baby bottom gently. ‘She’s perfect.’
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cardierreh15 · 1 year
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The Secret Life of August Walker
Hey guys! This is a 5 part series about what came of our beloved, August Walker. A lot of us question if he truly died or not. But in this tale, he is alive and well. But Nathan Hunt & his Team, hadn’t had a single clue.
I do not give anyone permission to copy or repost my work!!
Warnings 18+: Mentions of Death , Funeral , Cursing , Angst , Grieving .
Description: Mya tries to figure out life without the love of her life.
Pairings: August Walker & Mya (Black!Plus Size Female) (Mentions Nathan, Luther, Benji & Erika (Mother) )
Word Count: 1.4K
Song: A Song For You by Donny Hathaway
Part 1
You never know pain until you’ve had to watch someone you love die. It’s torturing; your brain plays it over and over again until it’s ready to stop. And as soon as you’d think you would have a break… something triggers the memory of the one you’ve lost. Then it starts all over again.
She’d remember that day like it was yesterday. Nathan insisted that she stayed home, that this part of the mission was way too dangerous for her to tag along. At this point, she had already found out about his malicious intents. And she wanted to talk him out of it, she knew the record Nathan had and his targets never get away. She just needed him alive.
Mya and August met 3 years before that mission. He’d been working under Erika Sloane for quite sometime and you were Erika’s daughter. Erika for years talked about August, boasting about how intelligent and talented he was at his job but Mya never wanted to hear it. And it stayed that way until August had to come pick Erika up for work on Friday morning. Boy, how he’d change her life.
‘Hey, you must be—‘
‘Mya. Erika’s daughter.’ She was taken aback by his dashing good looks. His perfectly in place his hair was, his deep blue eyes, and most of all… his incredibly height over her. She was more than impressed.
‘It’s a pleasure. I’ve heard a lot about you.’ As he did. Just as much as Erika was trying with Mya, she was trying with him too.
Life with August was precious. His mind was like a never ending puzzle piece! He was always researching, learning things on his own accord! It was almost as if she was dating the smartest man alive! She was completely and utterly in love with him. As he was, with her.
Now here she was, hugging his black shiny casket as the organ played away in that church. Everyone kept coming behind her, to console but she wouldn’t dare turn away from him. Even her own mother couldn’t get her away. She just wanted to feel his warmth again. Feel his mustache tickle her full lips as they kissed. Hear his heart beat… but he was gone. And their unborn baby would be without their father.
Mya placed a kiss on his casket, feeling her heart twist and squeeze in her chest. ‘I love you… I miss you so much, babe. How could they take you away from me like this?!’ She asked herself this question every day. Perhaps it was her guiltiness. She knew if she was there, she could’ve stopped all of this. Honestly, she would’ve taken him being a maximum prison for the rest of his life over this shit.
Suddenly, the murmurs in the room grew quiet. Yet the organ just kept playing. She felt her mother grab her arm and squeezed it lightly, ‘Mya.’ She said softly, yet in a feared tone, ‘look.’
Mya stood up straight, concerned about her mother’s torment. Her eyebrows tugged into one before she looked over her shoulder to find Nathan Hunt and his team approaching them. She felt a rush of rage shroud her body. ‘Why are you here?!’
‘Mya,’ Nathan said your name confidently at first but it seem like afterwards he didn’t have much to say. What could he say? “Sorry I killed your lover? It’ll never happen again?” As if he would ever get that chance. ‘I-We’ve come pay our respects. If you’ll have us.’
She so desperately wanted to tell him no, to leave and never come around her family again. But… they were friends at one point… all of them. Her bottom lip quivered once more before you give them a single nod. The poor girl was just too cried out, dried out like a prune.
Once at the graveyard, she sat in the chair in front of casket. She thought she was prepared for this moment but the closer it became, the more it hurt. Once they prayed over his casket one more time, she stood up and walked forward. So sleek and shiny it was. She definitely went all out with it.
Carefully, she wrapped the casket in a big hug one more time. ‘I love you… I love you, August. I love you.’ She just couldn’t stop. And as soon as she thought she had it all together, the twig snapped and she began to sob all over again. ‘I Love you My Baby!’
Erika took Mya away and they dropped the casket in the ground. This had to be one of the worst days of her life.
Many months passed and Mya had finally given birth to their healthy baby girl. She was everything Mya could have imagined! So beautiful, a miniature twin of her father. To look into her little baby’s blue eyes pained her, but it also encouraged her to keep going… better days were ahead. And if her father was around, he’d be happy and proud of the both of them.
One particular night, Ava was a bit fussier than usual. Mya got up moaning in exhaustion, ‘Oh not again baby.’ She whined as she crawled out of bed and wandered to the nursery in the next room.
She rubbed her eyes and stood at the doorway of her child’s room where she got a peak of a dark shadow, looming over Ava’s crib. Mya’s mouth fell slightly; fear possessed her body and her feet were glued to the floor. And finally, ‘oh my god.’ She had never experienced an intruder in her home and right now she was more concerned about them harming her child.
The shadow’s head lifted at her small outburst and that movement alone, ‘GET OUT! Get out of my house! I’ll call the police!’ She didn’t have time to run and get her gun. She had to conjure a plan quickly!
The being seem to pay her protest no mind yet, it reached down and touch the baby’s cute little face.
‘DON’T TOUCH HER!’ She exclaimed, ‘This is your last warning! Leave! Or I will call the police!’ She was frustrated, her voice strained.
‘There is no reason for that. Would you label me as an intruder because I didn’t knock Mya?’
That voice. That voice that enchanted her the very first time they had met. A voice she would never forget. She felt like she was dreaming. There’s no way he could be—
So she rushed over to the light switch and flickered it on. He barely moved; only kept his eyes on the baby that laid awake before him. She would recognize his curly hair from a far. But she noticed how he would comb them back if they were uncontrollable. That crooked, broken nose. ‘August?’ She shuddered out in fear.
He’s finally reached down and carefully lifted the baby girl in his arms. ‘Oh my god, .. oh my god, I’m seeing things.’ She placed a hand on her belly as she felt sick to her stomach. August had looked up from Ava to Mya, ‘You’re not. I’m here baby.’
Mya stood there with her eyes damn near popped out of her skull. They were glossed over with tears and even without blinking, they flowed from her brown orbs like waterfalls.
She was shaking. Absolutely terrified.
He held their little baby in his arms; whispering little cute words down at her. He then pressed the tip of his nose against their baby’s curly head of hair, and placed a kiss there. ‘Mommy has gone mad.’ He chuckled as the baby cooed at him.
‘August…’ she called out to him.
He finally looked up at her and gave her a soft smile. ‘Mya,’ he sized her. Studying her body language. She was fucking terrified. With good reason!
She swore she saw him dead in a box. This has to be a sick fucking dream.
‘I know this is a lot to process… but if you give me the chance… I can explain everything. But first— come here.’
Mya stood there for a second longer before she finally took small steps towards him.
He held his hand out for her to grab.
She reached out… hesitated for a second before finally placing her hand in his.
‘I’m real.’
The woman squeezed his hand a little harder before a broken sob ripped from her chest. ‘August.’
He brought her into a hug with his free arm as he held their daughter with the other. ‘I know. It’s alright.’ He said softly, gently placing his chin on top of her head.
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cardierreh15 · 10 months
Brainstorming a Vampire!August smut fic. 🥰 I gotta get this one out tho in time for spooky season
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cardierreh15 · 8 months
Hey can I do a thing for y’all?
OK listen listen.
For those who don’t know, I’ve been doing my own adaption on TLOU (The Last Of Us) which involves August & his little brother Mikey.
I’m stuck on chapter 2 (which is a very important chapter) but I’m so excited to post Chapter 3 . It’s funny, angsty, romantic! It has it all. So here’s my question for y’all:
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cardierreh15 · 9 months
Y’all — Post Human: Chapter I is FINISHED AND I AM SO THRILLED to share this remarkable story with you guys 🥹 I hope you guys like the authenticity of it and there’s so much more to come!
It’s Currently 6am so I will be posting it this afternoon! Bare with me. 🩷
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cardierreh15 · 1 year
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When Love Finds a way
I do not give anyone permission to copy or repost my work.
Warnings 18+: Blood , Nudity (Yes, Naked Henry) , Death .
Pairings: Henry Cavill(Drake/Dracula) x Mia/Misty(Black!plus size female)
Description: Dracula & Misty run into one another at the local coffee shop. Could it be… destiny?
Song: No Sunshine by Bill Withers , lovely (instrumental) by Billie Eilish & Khalid .
Word count: 3.6K
(Anything in italics are lyrics. Anything Bold & italics are Dracula’s thoughts)
Aint no sunshine when she's gone. It's not warm when she's away. Ain't no sunshine when she's gone; she's always gone too long, anytime, she goes away.
The thunder roared outside, rattling the skylights and window patio doors. The sound didn’t take him out of his trance though.
Drake had a wooden brush clenched between his teeth as his left hand fingered and teased the paint, and used his right hand to push strokes across the canvas with his brush.
He pulled the brush from between his teeth and dipped it in the white to emphasize the glare in the honey brown. He then stood up from the wooden stool, hovering over his work of art.
Drake was adorned with splattered and smeared paint. He had a chiseled, godly frame. Muscular back, broad shoulders, big arms, tight abdomen and chest that donned thick curly hairs. He himself looked like a masterpiece.
So detailed down to the tiny patterns in her beautiful hazel irises; were the eyes of his beloved, Mia.
The lightning from outside brightened up the room around them, revealing over more than a dozen portraits of Mia. Most of them consisted of her in the color yellow or pink.
Others were just her body parts. Her lips, her naked waist and hips, her naked back with her shoulders and untamed curls cascading down her back. His personal favorite, her fingers interlocking with his; differentiating the sizes of their palms.
‘My dear Mia. Oh you’d be disappointed with how I use my time.’ He chuckled aloud as he wiped his cheek with the back of his wrist, smearing paint against his cheekbone.
And then he found himself staring into the large lively eyes he’d created. Getting lost in them as if she were still physically here.
Only darkness everyday, ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone. This house just ain’t no home, anytime she goes away.
He walked as his nose flared; chin trembling as he held his deceased love in his arms tightly. Her blood stained his white blouse. What use to run and pump warmth and life into her, ran cold and endless. His hands, forearms and his cheeks were covered in it.
The scent of her used to bring him a joy like no other, and now, seeing her defiled like this. Knowing the reason why her precious soul was taken, it sickened him.
He walked until he stopped at the entrance of a village. Hesitantly, he looked down at her before looking back ahead of him. ‘Help! Someone help! Someone help please!’ He screamed, and begged. His eyes searched for anyone that could help; some folk came peeking out of their doors, but only a few had the guts to rush over towards the mysterious man. Drake dropped weakly to his knees, but he never let go of his love.
‘What’s happened?!’ One of the onlookers came running over, seemingly looking to help at first.
‘S-she’s been stabbed…’ Drake stuttered, still not able to make sense of what’s happening, he looked up at the stranger before him. He was a short, bald, heavy set older man; he had to be the leader around here.
He was startled by Drake’s bright red eyes and took a step back. “Devil!” The man cried frighteningly, his eyes wide as saucers, a sharp pain shot through the man's heart. He clutched his chest. Others started to murmur, the men in the town pushed their children and wives back into the house as they found pointed objects.
Drake sighed heavily, jaws clinched in agitation; he inhaled deeply trying his best to calm his rage. ‘Listen, I mean no harm, ok? My wife— they killed my wife. Burned down my home. Killed my stock and cattle. I just need… I need some help… just to clean my wife and get her buried…’
“Begawn demon!” One man shouted with a large pickaxe in his hands, another man stepped forward, a cold stare in his eyes.
“We’re good Christian you heathen, if that woman was with you, we’ll then she’s better off dead. Maybe God will forgive her.” The man shook his head, his fingers wrapped around his weapon tightly, these people were surely blinded by their belief in God to think they could take on someone of Drake’s nature. He couldn’t believe the words that just came from this imbecile’s crusty lips.
“Are you ‘too good Christian’ to help your own?! How dare you, hypocrites.” He hissed, bright crimson blood pooled at his eyes, and only a single tear fell down his pale skin. ‘She believed in your God!’ He exclaimed with so much venom behind the word, ‘The same God whose brought you nothing but pain, death, illness and sorrow! Yet, she still believed in him! Just like the rest of you! Was she not good?!’
The crowd grew quiet. Only the sounds of the night could be heard around he and the crowd that surrounded him defensively. Bullfrogs croaked, Crickets chirped and beetles flapped their heavy wings.
As soon as Drake felt he was about to lose hope and his cool, someone spoke up in the crowd, ‘And what do we get if we aid you?!’
He searched the crowd as a woman walked forward. She had black thick and curly hair, her skin was brown and rich like the Earth’s soil. She wore trousers and a slightly stretched out blouse. It appeared to be somewhat of an off duty knight. Her clothes weren’t as damaged and raggedy as everyone else’s.
‘I-‘ he pressed his lips together. ‘Whatever it is that you want. I have no use of any more of my riches… I don’t plan on living on without her.’ Drake looked down at Mia once more. He wasn’t sure how many more tears he could shed. But he wasn’t ready to stop either.
‘Hmph… you’d save me the time then… c’mon now then.’ The pretty woman turned on the toes of her boots and walked back through the crowd; shoving people out of the way. Get out my way! What you lookin’ at?!
Drake felt his slow beating heart stiffen almost in his chest. He was relieved that someone was willing to help. So he stood up to his feet, adjusting Mia in his arms.
Drake placed Mia’s lifeless body on the cot. He knew this was probably the last time he’d see her. So he stared at her for as long as he possibly could. He had to take in every feature, knowing that it would be his last
The woman folded her arms across her chest, her head falling to the side.
‘What happened?’
He sat there for a moment before blinking away and looking over at the woman behind him. He felt his chest twist, tears filled his eyes once again before he just let out a shuddered sigh. ‘The Church… found out my hide away. Th-they said she’d been followed. She’d come to see me in the morning. We’d spend the day together,’ he scoffed and swallowed his sticky saliva before continuing. ‘She was the only reason I ever became a morning person… I’d risk burning myself countless times just to be with her and th—‘ his voice was strained; drowned in own tears and despair.
And when Drake had enough strength to speak, darkness reflected in his words as if they looked into a mirror, ‘They took her. from. me!’
The woman watched in silence, studying the picture before her. ‘How long have you and her been—together?’ She asked.
‘A little over a year and a half… she was the reason why I never went back into hunting and killing,’ he looked back at her. His eyes were so sad and lifeless. It almost seem unreal, like sad painting. ‘Because of her, I cherished human life. I saw the potential in your lives. So I went without drinking human blood for that duration.’
Her eyebrows tugged into one, ‘If you weren’t drinking humans then what—‘
‘Animals… particularly moose. Boar. Sometimes bear— anything I could get my hands on really.’
‘M-my God…’ The woman was in disbelief! Could he have been that in love to completely risk his livelihood?
Everyone deserved to love, and perhaps if you are capable of loving, you’re capable of changing. She thought to herself.
‘And so they call…’ he scoffed, his head falling forward; shaking side to side.
‘I don’t think you’re the vampire they are after!’ Drake didn’t say anything, he didn’t much care. Instead, he just grabbed Mia’s hand and placed his cold lips against her cold flesh. He’d just hoped for a small sign of life from her. But he was disappointed once more when reality set in by the second.
The sound of her heeled boots quickly clicked across the wooden floor. ‘Look. I ain’t too keen with working with your kind,’ she said with a slight bitterness, ‘But if I were in your position… I’d do whatever it is that I needed to be done so that my partner gets the justice they deserve…’
Dracula looked up at her with wet eyes. He knew what her suggestion was.
‘That’s just me though…’ she threw up her hands In defense.
He stood to his feet slowly, his thick brows tugging into one,‘Are you suggesting—‘
‘THAT’S… just me now…’ she took a step closer to him, low enough for him to hear, ‘Do what you must. Besides, these folk could use some protectin’ roun’ here,’ She looked over at his wife for a second, ‘She shall be in tip top shape upon your return. And when you get back… we can perhaps discuss a partnership.’ She then stepped back and jerked her head towards the door. ‘Gone head nah. Before I change my mind!’
Dracula gave the woman a gentle nod before turning back to his love, ‘She’ll— she’ll take care of you— my love.’ He then placed his bloodied hand on top of hers.
His chin trembled as he stared at his wife’s corpse. Even in death, she was breathtaking.
‘I’m sorry… I’m so sorry Mia. I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you. I’m sorry I couldn’t give you what you wanted.’ He sniffed, wiping his tears before letting out a shaky sigh, ‘I love you… And I’m gonna make this right.’
Dracula pushed her hair behind her ear. ‘Until we meet again my love…’
He looked back over at the woman, darkness clouding his eyes, ‘How far is the Church’s village?’
‘On horseback? About a day’s ride… the sun could be quite dangerous for someone like you.’
Drake pressed his lips together, knowing what he’d have to do to get there faster. ‘Indeed… I must leave,’ he walked towards the wooden door.
‘I never caught your name. I-I want to thank you.’
The woman placed her hands on her widened hips and a smirk curled on her lips, ‘No need to thank me,’ she said raising her hand in protest, ‘Make it back alive and I’ll tell you everything.’
A loud thunder clap shook him out of his own head. A smirk curled on his lips slowly, ‘I know… I’m goin’, I’m goin’… I just wanted to take the time to admire you for a bit longer…’
A soft low thunder rumbled, causing his apartment to shake a little.
‘I miss you too…’ he sighed softly.
Shortly after, he gathered his brushes and carried them to the sink and washed them carefully. Afterwards, he set them on a towel to dry.
Before leaving his “showcase” room, he took one more good look at her, ‘Good Night Mia. I love you.’ And he shut the door behind him.
Drake stood beneath the hot shower; allowing the water to beat down on his head and the rest of his messy body. He loved these kinds of nights. Since his body didn’t generate it’s own sweat or neither did he get funky, he’d somehow subconsciously yet— perhaps on purpose, smear himself up in paint so he could shower. It was the only thing that reminded him of her. The warmth of her pretty brown skin and how she’d hold him close.
Otherwise, he truly had no other excuse to be in the shower.
Lifting his head up, he ran his fingers through his hair; pushing it back out of his face. He then reached over for his washcloth, and liquid soap. Once he lathered it up, he rubbed those smooth suds into his skin and scrubbed off whatever paint that was left on his body.
Afterwards, he sat in the shower until the water ran cold. He got out and got dressed in something modest and simple. It was still raining outside, and he would’ve hated for his suits to have gotten wet.
He’d dressed in a cotton light gray long sleeved shirt. It had 3 buttons at the chest. He left only one open. Then, he pulled on some briefs and some dark denim jeans and some brown boots.
Drake dried his thick black hair with a towel and then blow dried it. His locks fell wavy and soft against his head.
Once he was done getting dressed, he grabbed his sketchbook, his wallet and keys. Then, he left.
This was the only time Dracula really enjoyed the outdoors in the daytime. The sky had to be dark with clouds and/or pouring down raining. He could smell and feel how refreshed Mother Earth felt when it did. As if the rain was cleansing everything around him.
He also found it funny when unprepared humans would just cover their heads with newspapers or their hands trying to get to cover. Such clumsy creatures.
Closing down his umbrella, he walked inside of a coffee shop. The smell of freshly brewed coffee made love to his senses and caused a slight drool to pool in his mouth.
Coffee was Dracula’s guilty pleasure. Human food was disgusting. Anything processed, would taste as if he were biting into the metal or plastic that kept them fresh. Or, he’d taste the hormones and the particles. If he had to eat human food just to blend in, he’d simply throw it up later. But coffee, he liked his Americano. No sugar. No cream. Just— beans and hot water.
The baristas shouted, desynchronized “Heeey!” “Drake!” “Yooo!”
They were all very happy to see him. After all, it had been quite some time since he’d been down here.
A toothy grin curled on his lips as he placed his wet umbrella up against his booth and placed his book down on the table. ‘Shannon, Luis, Jang. How are all of you?’ Then he walked up to the counter.
‘We’re holding up… we’ve missed ya down here. We were starting to think you moved away or sumn!’ Jang said with a slight smirk.
‘Yeah! Shannon was starting to get sad!’ Laughed Luis.
‘Hey!’ Shannon laughed and smacked Luis on the arm, ‘You’re gonna get enough of telling my business! How are you, D?’
Dracula had been coming to the local coffee shop for about 10 years now. Way before his friend’s arrival. The owners, Lee and Jennifer, had always been kind to him and welcoming. Introducing him to their own families and friends. Having him over for dinner some nights.
Until one night they’d suffered greatly when half of the shop burned down. Drake had heard about this terrible incident and had written them an anonymous check for $40K for repairs. Til this day, the couple hadn’t had a single clue who’d gifted them with something so life changing. And it were to stay that way.
‘I thought I asked you to call me Drake?’ He smirked, pulling out his wallet.
‘I know. But I think D fits you best,’ the woman giggled, ‘The Usual today?’
‘Mmhmm,’ he nodded before placing the $20 bill in her hand. ‘Could you bring it to my booth?’
‘Sure. Anything for my—‘ Shannon paused for a second, getting lost in those bright crimson eyes. Sure she had a crush before, but it had only gotten extreme. ‘Main. Man.’ And a slow smile curled on her lips.
Dracula returned the smile and nodded once, ‘Thank you, Shan.’ And he turned away to walk to his booth.
As soon as he sat down, he opened up his book full of sketches. Some pages were of flowers, mountains and rivers, oceans and the sky. But others were of people he’d come across in his life. But mostly, Mia.
Strangely enough though, he didn’t feel like drawing her today. Technically.
He’d quickly got started on a face. Allowing just his hand and mind to come together; not really thinking.
‘One Americano.’ Shannon said softly with a smile, placing the large mug down on the porcelain dessert plate. ‘Thank you, Shannon. It smells delightful.’ He smiled looking up at her.
‘Anytime.’ She sighed softly before pulling her eyes away to look at his sketch. ‘What ya workin’ on?’
Dracula looked back down at the large sheet of paper. In just a minute’s time he’d already drawn and detailed an eye and a nose. ‘Nothing special just— sketching.’
‘Nice! You’re really talented!’ Shannon jumped when the bell chimed over the door.
He instantly went stiff at her scent. ‘Misty! Hi, welcome back!’ Shannon greeted her with a smile, ‘I have to get back to work. Have fun.’ She said, placing her dainty hand on his shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.
Drake inhaled deeply, as her heart beat seem to thud louder and louder in his ears. The smell of flowers just kept tickling at his nose. It was intoxicating! He was drawing but he couldn’t focus! All that he could see embedded in his brain was her gorgeous smile, her big, thick curly hair, her hazel eyes.
This is probably the closest he’s ever been to drowning. All until,
‘Huh?’ He lifted his head quickly.
She was standing there with a sweet yet, puzzled look on her face. Oh she was to die for.
‘I didn’t know you came to this coffee shop!’
‘Misty! Hi! Oh, yeah—‘ he chuckled as his eyes roamed over her body once. The perfect frame. Voluptuous breasts, a tummy, wide hips and thick thighs. ‘I-I know the owners. Been coming here for a few years now.’
‘That’s cool! Hey, do you mind if I join you? I just have a few more minutes to kill before I have to head back to work.’
Of course I mind. You’re only the love of my life’s doppelgänger! I don’t even know what to say or do right now.
‘No, please!’ Lying bastard.
Misty sat down in front of him with a gentle smile on her lips. She watched him take a sip of his coffee first before he went back to sketching upon the white sheet. ‘You draw too? What are you working on?’ She asked before sipping out of her straw.
Drake swallowed his spit as he scribbled, ‘Just some random… portrait.’
‘Hmm! It’s pretty. You take commissions?’
‘Commissions?’ He asked a bit confused, ‘Like pay? No. I do this for fun.’
Misty smirked, adjusting herself in her seat before folding her arms on top of the wooden table, ‘So, if I asked you to do one for me… you’d do it?’
Dracula looked up at her, sizing her face before his eyes dropped to her neck, then her chest. Then, he looked back up into her eyes, ‘If you’d ask me…’
She just stared at him and he just stared at her. Misty finally looked away with a giggle, ‘I-I couldn’t ask that of you. Supplies are getting more and more expensive by the day and art takes time and patience. I couldn’t do that. I’d have to pay you—‘
‘I wouldn’t have it…’ he interrupted. ‘I have enough…’ he paused for a second, ‘I don’t mind.’
She raised a brow, sitting back into her seat. ‘You are stubborn… well at least let me take you out? What are you doing tomorrow afternoon?’ She asked with a smile.
He chuckled as he continued to sketch, ‘You’re asking a complete stranger out on a date? I could be a murderer.’
‘Yeah, you could be. But how would I know if I don’t try?’
You’re just like her… in so many ways.
Drake shook his head as his smirk remained on his face, ‘I work… I’m free after 7pm.’
‘Hmm.. alright. Well, do you have a phone? So I can plug my number in?’
A phone. Dracula was never the type to keep friends so he never thought getting a phone was a logical investment for him. ‘I don’t.’
‘No phone? In the 21st century? Well, I’d say you like to live your life on the edge! What if you were to ever be in danger?!’ She sounded concerned.
Danger? Ha, oh darling, I am the danger.
Drake chuckled and shrugged, ‘Then if it’s my time to go.. it’s my time to go. We didn’t—‘ he bit his tongue and stopped once again. He was getting way too comfortable. ‘I don’t need one.’
Misty took a sip of her ice coffee and shook her head, ‘Well, Mr. “I’m too righteous” for a phone. You should invest in one.’
‘Cause how would I call you?’
Damn… she’s smooth.
Drake pressed his lips together. He swallowed his spit, feeling as if there was a UV light burning in the pit of his stomach. She had no idea of the chokehold she had on him at this moment. ‘I’ll think about it.’ He said before going back to his sketch.
‘Alright. Well, just,’ she stood up from her seat and picked up her drink, ‘Meet me back here tomorrow evening. 7:45pm.’
He looked up at her as a slow smile curled on his lips, ‘Sure.’
‘I gotta head back now. See you then.’ She said before walking towards the door.
‘Yeah,’ he said before she walked out of the door. ‘See ya.’
Turning back to his sketch before his, he hadn’t even realized he had already worked on her full lips.
‘Dammit.’ He’d cursed.
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