#Azula comic book
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Azula in her own comic book
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prying-pandora666 · 10 months
The Search Remake Previews!
Just in time for @azulaweek we have some undersketches for @book4air (The Book 4 Air Restoration Project).
This is a rewritten and redrawn version of “The Search” to fit with our overarching story for Book 4: Air. It’ll be fully voiced and orchestrated with limited animation like the previously released episodes.
So here are our never before seen previews! Just like I promised!
This takes place right before Azula and Sokka fall through the roof into Noren’s house. A moment of understanding between them as Sokka apologizes for antagonizing Azula, and even opens up to her about his own guilt for resenting Kya’s sacrifice. Kya did it all for Katara, and Sokka felt forgotten because he also needed his mom. He hates himself for feeling that way because saving Katara was the right choice. He is surprised when Azula isn’t judgmental, and feels similarly about her own mother’s sacrifice for Zuko.
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Sadly the moment is ruined by Zuko proclaiming himself as Fire Lord inside, and Azula assumes the entire conversation was a trick to stall her.
This beautiful art was drawn by the one and only @rickorangejr-blog! Give him some support and check out his original content.
Here is a clip of another edited scene, fully voiced and partially animated:
Help us finish Book 4 Air - including our remade version of “The Search”! Whether you weren’t a fan of the original, or you were but would love some new and refreshing content, we hope you will enjoy our take.
Support us on Patreon as episodes are expensive to produce and we pay fully out of pocket.
Or if you can’t, help signal boost our videos so we can overcome the YouTube algorithm!
Happy Azula Week!
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thetimetraveler24 · 3 months
Not me taking advantage of the b&n leap day stamps promo and purchasing like half the atla comics.
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krimsonrose · 1 year
So any reason why people want to compare Zuko’s advancement in firebending after gaining his new drive against Sozin’s Comet!Azula who was at the time having a mental breakdown? 
Because how is it fair to the girl currently suffering from hallucinations brought on by stress and betrayal to be used as a good comparison against her brother who is at his mentally healthiest? 
A better comparison would be end of Book 2 Azula after conquering Ba Sing Se. Both would be at the top of their game here and much easier to see how much more understanding of fire Zuko has.
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An alternate scenario in the season 2 finale of ATLA:
Katara quickly uses spirit water to quickly heal Aang from Azula's lightning. Azula takes notice and separates Aang from Katara, forcing her to leave Ba Sing Se without him. Zuko and Azula have successfully captured the avatar.
Up until the day of black sun. Aang is stuck as Azula's prisoner. They spend the most time together, getting to know each other better, they form more positive interactions. She helped him ease his fear of firebending.
Aang in the Beach episode could probably look like a combination of the beach and the headband and I see it being moved up to be the 8th episode instead of 5. It's Aang and Azula who do that famous dance from the end of the headband.
The next episode will have the war meeting. He's told to be seen but not heard. He hears Azula and Ozai's plans for the comet which leads to Aang and Azula having one of those 'tearful/dramatic falling-out' cliques. Azula orders the arrangement for Aang to be transferred to the boiling rock sometime tomorrow. The plans for the day of black sun arrive, Azula foils the gaang's plans to end the war and rescue Aang. Zuko rescues Aang once again and delivers him to the gaang as his peace offering.
Though he's glad to be reunited with his friends, Aang misses Azula and hates the thought of being enemies again. Though Azula tries hiding it, she feels the same way, this'll foreshadow her eventual breakdown. At the beginning of "The Southern Raiders," as Katara catches a falling Zuko, Aang jumps off Appa, glides to a falling Azula, catches her, and brings her to safety. Without another word, he flies back on Appa and the team flies away.
Season 4 has 30 episodes. In the premiere, it's revealed that, upon reopening his last chakra, he lost every ounce of romantic interest in Katara he had left, but in exchange, he and Azula become spiritually linked/connected/bonded. Azula's redemption takes up to 18 episodes and it's framed like Dante's divine comedy trilogy but metaphorical/psychological. Zuko has the privilege of being Azula's Iroh. The 18th episode shows only Aang and Azula on screen and it's about Aang showing Azula how to open and master her own chakras, making their spirit bond even stronger but the sessions are more intimate than the ones Aang had with Pathik.
(Btw, in this scenario, Iroh is Ursa's older brother. Ozai is the true instigator of the 100-year war but is still the final enemy Team Avatar faces, the archenemy to each member of Team Avatar, is in peak physical prime condition despite his age, and can only be defeated by a fully realized master avatar. Ozai's comet arrives by the end of Fall. Season 3 ends only with the final agni kai but without the comet while everything else is moved over at the end of season 4)
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avatarfandompolice · 7 months
All these Azula stans losing their shit because the complex tragic villain they’ve written 400+ metas about wasn’t fully redeemed in a single 70-page comic
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millyblank · 1 year
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A rudimentary 'What if?' comic....
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eggcats · 1 year
I spent like a half hour arguing with a coworker that Azula deserved a redemption like Zuko and that she's just as much a victim of abuse as her brother AND that Ursa wasn't that great of a mom to either but ESPECIALLY to Azula AND that Azula wasn't given the same opportunities or teaching Zuko was while they were growing up!!!! She literally couldn't have turned out any other way!!!
The convo half went:
"she's evil and crazy"
"she's 14"
"she made her own mother scared of her and want nothing to do with her, what's that say about her"
"she's a shitty mom"
"she's crazy!!! she's just as bad as their father!"
"the literal only positive attention she was ever given was from ozai, while ursa ignored her or yelled at her for doing bad but never explaining why or teaching compassion like she did with zuko."
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sophiesbookishthings · 2 months
February reads
Butcher and Blackbird by Brynne Weaver
This book was surprisingly good. I immediately preordered the sequel after finishing it. It's about 2 serial killers that kill other serial killers and fall in love. I initially found this book because someone had posted the list of trigger warnings from the front of the book and I was intrigued by "accidental cannibalism" followed by "not so accidental cannibalism." This book is definitely not for the squeamish.
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Scarlet by Marissa Meyer
I've had the Lunar Chronicles sitting on my shelf for so long and I'm glad I'm finally reading it. I loved how the author manages to tie together the previous book (a Cinderella retelling) with this one (a little red riding hood retelling). I also like that it doesn't really feel like a retelling but there are still a lot of elements of the original fairytales woven in. It just blends seamlessly into the overall story.
4/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Nick and Charlie by Alice Oseman
I dont think I've read an Alice Oseman book that hasn't made me cry. And I will cry again when it's adapted into the show.
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Azula in the Spirit Temple by Faith Erin Hicks
Azula goes through it in this one. And she gets so close to becoming a little better. I really want a redemption arc for her but it's still gonna be a whole journey before she gets anywhere near that.
4/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J Maas
Ugh do I like these now? I think I do. I care about the characters and that's what got me. Also the politics. It's actually kinda interesting.
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett
This one took me a while to get through. I had to change to the audiobook halfway through cause I couldn't make myself sit and read it. And honestly I don't even know why. I liked it. It was funny and had an interesting premise and characters. I have heard though that the rest of Discworld improves and that colour of magic isn't really the best place to start. Idk, I'm definitely gonna keep reading Discworld though.
3.75/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️✨️
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proxissima · 2 years
ATLA is really trying to pull an MCU, except with infinitely worse content and writing lmao
Just let the OG series rest, wasn't the butchering via the previous comics not enough yet?
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prying-pandora666 · 1 year
Where can I find the scripts to your rewrites for The Search or Smoke and Shadow? Are they available for Patrons? Can we pay you for them? I’m so nervous about the Azula “redemption” comic and want to eat good Azula content.
Like any production materials, they’re not publicly available and releasing them would be considered leaking. (If you’re wondering what anon is talking about, you can find more info here.)
However anon, you bring up a good point about Patrons. The project is in dire need of funds to avoid shutting down, especially since some of our vital team members don’t even have reliable housing atm.
So I’ll give you this: For a limited time only, anyone who pledges at least $100 on Patreon? I will give you exclusive access to volume 1’s rewrites for “The Search”. If you pledge at least $200? Volumes 1&2. $300? You get all three.
$400+? I will send you the fully drawn pages as they come out.
It’s a big risk and I’ll have to trust you not to leak. I don’t handle the Patreon or it’s money so I’ll have to get confirmation that you have indeed pledged.
How about that?
Otherwise, you’ll have to wait until the episodes come out. I know they take a long time but we are very limited in staff due to funds.
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redsnerdden · 1 year
Is Azula On The Path Of Redemption? Azula takes the Lead In The Newest Last Airbender Graphic Novel
Is Azula On The Path Of Redemption? Azula takes the Lead In The Newest Last Airbender Graphic Novel #AvatarTheLastAirBender #Nickelodeon #ComicBooks #Animation #DarkHorseComics #Azula
She is one of the fiercest foes that Aang and Zuko have fought and is a cult-favorite character in Avatar: The Last Airbender. She is Azula of the Fire Nation, and she will be taking the lead in her own Avatar The Last Airbender Graphic Novel, Avatar: The Last Airbender- Azula In The Spirit Temple It is set in the continuity of the original show. Azula in the Spirit Temple will feature a…
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the-tired-ones-cult · 2 years
Guys this rice is so fuckubf good ong i am eating rice And it is very good crispy and hot with carrots and like shrimp but personally, toes are better
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Trying to figure out proper fight choreographs between Avatar Aang and Dark Avatar Ozai (Ozaatu)
Still have yet to figure out the exact details and execution so here's the summary of the concept.
Vaatu has consumed the souls of all white lotus members, all original benders, all sources of all bending, the fog of lost souls plus its soul prisoners, Hakoda, and Ursa. As a result, all benders now draw power from Vaatu alone.
Aang and Vaatu do a 1v1 battle at first. Aang throws everything he's got but he can't even touch Vaatu and all of Aang's attacks get countered. Aang is then beaten and he loses but the rest of team avatar show up. Azula, Zuko, Katara, Sokka, Suki, Ty Lee, Mai, and Toph are the prime members.
Aang gets back up and fights alongside the gaang. Again, every member uses everything they learned and they throw everything they have at Vaatu, but none can land a hit and he can counter each of their moves.
After the gaang has been beaten down, Vaatu does the head-and-heart energybending move to remove Raava from Aang and Vaatu destroys her with one blow, severing off Aang's past lives forever.
The gaang is on the brink of despair, except for Azula surprisingly. She manages to convince Aang to regain his will and continue with the plan to use the combined might of a form of energybending based on the unity of all ideologies based on all elements and the light side of spiritbending infused with all elements. Azula advised that Aang astral project all of his positive aspects and he does so.
Astral Aang confronts Vaatu one more time. At first, Vaatu seemed like he still had the upper hand but because Aang's astral form contains only positive aspects of himself, he's able to slowly overpower Vaatu. Aang finally finishes Vaatu off for good by using the light side of spiritbending, infused with all elements and energybending, against him, pacifying the fog of lost souls along with him and setting all souls free.
Raava re-emerges. She is reborn as both the spirit of darkness/chaos/yin and light/peace/yang, aka, balance itself. She can also embody and control the sources of any/all bending. Raava and Aang permanently fuse once again and Aang decides to leave the spirit portals open.
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azulaaaaaaah · 2 months
rating every zuko ship (cause that mf is shipped with everyone)
CLICKBAIT!!! this isn’t every zuko ship just the main ones i immediately lied lol. idk if any of these are hot takes or not but please don’t crucify me (might do a part 2 where it’s azula ships)
Jinko - Zuko/Jin
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awwww it’s cute (for what it is)
and what it is was one singular date that was never really mentioned again
i really appreciate how jin is so unperturbed by zuko’s awkward angst and just genuinely likes him
howevvver she’s kinda one dimensional (as she’s only in like an episode) and i just don’t see this going anywhere longterm
less a ship, more a vehicle for zuko’s character development lol
Jetko- Zuko/Jet
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jet being zuko’s first gay encounter is canon in my eyes
don’t ship them however cause i hate jet with the fire of a thousands suns
similar issues to jin as well where their interactions are extremely limited so personally have no clue how this could be a long term thing
Maiko- Zuko/Mai
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i am so impartial on this ship it’s not even funny.
i get that it’s canon. i get that izumi looks suspiciously like mai so it’s endgame. i just don’t see HOW?? it feels as if the writers realised zutara was becoming popular and were like ‘OH SHIT WE GOTTA DEFUSE THIS SITUATION SOMEHOW’
their relationship is basically just mai being a cold asshole and zuko being an angry asshole and there’s no change or development between EITHER OF THEM
however when they’re cute they’re cute !!!!
‘i love zuko more than i fear you’ COLDEST LINE EVER
however again it’s like - you had a crush on him as a kid. he was BANISHED. you dated for like a month as teens. you argued the whole time. he left again- and shortly after you saved him from prison, but then you were imprisoned partly due to his actions. you get back together again, he becomes the ruler of a country, and then you’re surprised it’s isolating him/making him even more of an asshole???
on the other hand we as a society need to admit that zuko is weirdly possessive of her (ig that’s a positive if ur a booktok romance girlie but im not). like if i was mai i wouldn’t put up with that toxic shit either
at the end of the day, i honestly don’t care that they’re canon lol- but i think they’d probably best as a bitchy best friend duo
Zukaang - Zuko/Aang
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not round here partner. not round here
my first issue is the age gap is objectively extremely weird if examined in canon. leaving it at that
i get that this is grumpy x sunshine in a way the other ships aren’t to me- but we’ve only ever seen these two characters interact with each other when there’s (again) A WEIRD AGE GAP
they are bros in the least homosexual way possible
the cherry on top of this situation is: isn’t aang the reincarnation of his great grandpa? isn’t that giving slight, uh, inc*st vibes??? imagine if people shipped korra and jinora isn’t that just WEIRD???
Zuki - Zuko/Suki
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is this my most controversial take ???
i am a sucker for bodyguard x royal family dynamics guys
and the fact that this is girlboss x malewife is even BETTER
suki seems the most competent at handling his pissy ass in a way the other people on this list aren’t
like she’s real. she’s not sugarcoating his situation, BUT SHES COMPASSIONATE !!
i don’t like throuples typically but suzukki is even eliter than this, which removes the whole ‘going against the bro code’ element that arises from them being together
also i feel like if you haven’t read the comics this doesnt make sense At All so please do
-2 points for the lack of tangible reason to ship them lol
Zutara - Zuko/Katara
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okay this one makes the most logistical sense to me within canon (solely examined as a zuko ship not overall)
it really seems as if they were gonna make this canon and swerved circa book 2
something about this makes me uncomfortable though. (despite the age gap which again a little weird)
something about katara potentially becoming the fire lady is so… icky. she’s a waterbender. the fire nation tried to systematically erase her kind. her mother is killed by the fire nation because they think she’s a waterbender. and katara…. what, becomes part of the royal family? it just seems wrong, and like something she wouldn’t be into
also i feel like their arguments would be a little too NUCLEAR. there’s like, a 50% chance of divorce
she deserves a better ending than that is all i’m saying
to paraphrase the hunger games: katara has plenty of fire herself. SHE NEEDS THAT DANDELION IN THE SPRING MAN
(i’m a kataang truther)
Zukka - Zuko/Sokka
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my zuko related otp!!!
bros to lovers guys, where zuko falls first but sokka falls HARDER !!!
ik this will never be canon and im happy with that. i know there’s not even a whisper of romance between them in the show, but i just think it’s c u t e .
sokka (like suki) is very likely to call zuko out on his shit, but less likely to lose his own shit (like katara)
this in my heart of hearts is 10/10 however is still problematic in a similar way to zutara
his mother is killed by the fire nation and he (presumably) becomes consort ?
however though, i would still say it’s not as ruhroh as zutara bc firstly, sokka isn’t a waterbender, and secondly, ‘consort’ is a lot more open to interpretation than i think fire lady is. in my opinion a consort ≠ a fire lady, just like irl a consort ≠ a queen. it kinda means he can still be ambassador to the southern water tribe/a leader of his own people, while just so happening to be married to the fire lord.
overall i can’t help but stan a friends to lover ship cmOn now
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