brucewaynehater101 · 3 months
Mafia AU with the batfamily, but it starts when Jason comes back as the Red Hood.
In this AU, Dick is the first one to find out about Jason being a crime lord. He finds out that his little brother is alive and running a gang and says "fuck it."
Is Dick currently a police officer and vigilante? Yes. Does he also immediately quit his day job to join Red Hood's gang as soon as finds out? Also yes.
Dick has a second chance with his brother. Is this brother a little murderous? Sure. Dick's tried to kill people too, though. Also, Dick is 83% sure Tim's got a kill count. It's fine.
So Jason is confused why Dick is willing to join a gang. The oldest brother says some cringe worthy stuff about family and Jason takes the action as the proof of love and loyalty it is (also, somehow Dick is just as terrifying to their enemies as Red Hood, but Dick doesn't kill them).
Tim, upon seeing Dick join a gang, instantly researches the hell out of this group. He finds out it's Jason, runs the stats for how crime has dropped in Crime Alley, and instantly starts working behind the scenes to create a smoother path for them. Without meaning to, Tim becomes the shadow boss for Jason's gang. The brothers are not aware that the other gangs, mobs, and rogues are wary of whomever it is that's smoothly guiding Red Hood's gang to success.
Red Hood is the face, Nightwing (though maybe a different moniker) is his right-hand man, and there's someone steering them to victory.
The startling efficiency of the gang and quick ascent drives Bruce into a paranoid bender. The man also has no clue where Dick wandered off to and why he's ignorning Bruce. Tim, as Robin, pretends to try to help Batman take down this group. This causes mass amounts of confusion because no one is aware that Tim is helping Hood besides Tim himself.
When Damian first appears in Gotham, he doesn't immediately go to Wayne Manor. He stalks it first. And what does he find? Tim is apparently shadow controlling a major mafia in Gotham.
As some convulted plan to dethrone Tim from Robin (and also because Damian is not aware that shadow controlling a gang is against Bruce's rules [like how he doesn't know murder is a big no no]), Damian decides to infiltrate Jason's gang. At first it's rocky cause Jason doesn't want kids in that line of work, but Damian being Talia's kid (and the chance to provide Damian a better childhood) has Jason and Dick adopting the child. They try to keep the runt out of the work as much as possible.
They all (minus Tim) grow closer until one night Damian overhears Jason lamenting to Dick about how the Joker is still alive. Jason hates that his father never avenged him.
Damian decides to fix that by killing the Joker.
When Dick and Jason confront Damian about this, he reveals Tim is controlling their entire mafia from the shadows.
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 138
Danny squints up at the blurry form cradling him, brain trying to catch up with his situation. He can feel the pulse of his siblings’ cores nearby, gently pulsing contentedly despite the chaos of his last memories. His limbs feel too small and pudgy, too-small fingers gripping onto something as his vision started to clear. 
There was a man, holding him? Cradling his too-small form like he was an infant- was he an infant? He was pretty sure he wasn’t supposed to be, he had been older but now he wasn’t. He squinted up at the stranger, green eyes meeting green. Huh. They kind of looked like he could be their dad or something. 
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ghost-bxrd · 4 months
You mentioned that Fae Dick doesn't allow anyone near Jason while he is healing. How does Bruce handle his son being alive again, only for his other son not to allow him near? What does it take for Fae Dick to allow Bruce near the newly resurrected Jason?
Predictably, Bruce does NOT handle it very well.
For one, Dick squirreled Jason away into his own rooms and refuses to let anyone inside on the threat of being chased outside manor grounds by a murder of crows. Only regular meals by Alfred are accepted, and even he is only allowed a few supervised minutes in Jason’s presence before Dick grows antsy and shuts the door in his face.
Bruce is… both concerned and reluctantly hopeful. But mostly he’s his usual pessimistic self and assumes that Jason is an impostor trying to trap Dick in a deal, or attempting to gain a foothold in the batfamily looking like his dead son.
Dick is very much aware of Bruce’s distrust and apprehension which is about ninety percent of the reason he doesn’t allow anyone near Jason. He refuses to have anybody probe and prod at his alive baby brother. Bruce can grow screw himself. Dick doesn’t know how— and he doesn’t care— but Jason is alive. And he’d rather eat iron than make him doubt his place in the family ever again. (Dick has not forgiven Bruce for not believing Jason about Garzonas. Neither has Bruce, but that’s beside the point.)
So yeah, Dick has Jason safely squirreled away and is doting on him like a mother hen, feeding him fae magic and healing the damage to his body one by one.
Bruce only has a chance of meeting Jason if he can let go of his mistrust long enough to let himself believe that’s truly his dead son come back to life. Otherwise Dick will not allow him anywhere near Jason.
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dragonpyre · 17 days
Can you please talk about thw weird fucked up au where catlina flores is Jason's parent?
hoo boy. tw for rape
Okay so if you're in fandom enough you'll have heard about how Dick Grayson sort of took Catalina Flores under his wing to train as a vigilante for a bit. Her name was Tarantula. Long story short he sort of let her kill Blockbuster (a major Bludhaven villain) and immediately went into shock cuz he blamed himself. She then proceeded to force herself onto him.
In this au, she got arrested for Blockbusters murder, but escaped her prison sentence by traveling back in time. She was pregnant with Dick's kid at the time.
Meanwhile Jason is hoping around looking a lot like Dick. Kinda weird, but sometimes that just happens. It was weird tho that they seem to have similar genetic markers/allergies/blood type. Oh well. And oh look, he's dead.
And now he's not. And now he really looks like Dick now that's he's an adult. Still weird but not totally impossible.
Then Blockbuster happens and Catalina escapes prison and people are looking for her. They realize time travel was involved and are trying to figure out when she'll appear, thinking she's gone forward in time. They don't figure anything out until Jason shows up i the bat cave one day and is like "yo why tf is my dead mom's mugshot up on the screen?"
Dick proceeds to throw up.
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wil-fae · 5 days
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i firmly believe in teenage dirtbag dick grayson
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envysparkler · 1 month
Somehow, Jason thought that beating the kid unconscious was a pretty clear message to stay away.
Tim has never once listened to someone telling him to stay away.
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I truly believe Tim Drake single-handedly ruined the reputation of all Robin I fans on early gotham forums for the bats after jason became robin btw.
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like this is tim after beating up a clone/mimic of kon's favourite musician. he does not respect other peoples opinions AT ALL and he is a hater about it
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moonlight-stalker · 1 year
# 40
The bats had just rescued a child from a lab, getting the child into the cave and treating his injury was hard the child could not understand any of them and they could not get him to calm down. That was until Jason came in the kid froze at first they thought he was scared of Red Hood that was until the kids started making chirping sounds at him and Jason did it back
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chaoswarfare · 1 year
dp x dc prompt #55
After 14 separate grease fires, 12 minor knife fights, several layers deep messes, and 4 unidentifiable cooking attempts, Alfred finally gets fed up with the bat kids(excepting Jason, of course) messing up his kitchen attempting to cook. No matter how many times he tries to get them to stay out, they always seem to find their way back into the kitchen and a mess not far behind. If he can’t keep them out, the very least he can do is attempt to get them to learn how to cook. Maybe a culinary class would do them good.
Danny was finally living the good life. Mostly. His rogues have settled down, and his parents have stepped back some from ghost hunting after a string of failures(that may or may not be his fault) of actually hunting any ghost. It all started when he let slip that he was planning to move away from Amity Park. Now he’s got an entire checklist of things to work through to be deemed competent enough to be left(mostly) alone. Number one? Lunch Lady is sending him to learn how to cook.
Culinary do x dc adventures, Worst Cooks In America style. There’s going to be so many grease fires, and maybe someone will even actually learn something.
or- are there any heroes that actually know how to cook?
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desiringparadise · 8 months
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I just want to save him
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mid-nightowl · 7 months
<3 5 facts for a celebrity au? (pairing of ur choice!)
hi tauria!!!! thank you for ask :) <3 <3 <3
this is a good one, but it was a challenge. now bear with me, we're gonna do a dickjaytim celebrity au 👀
Jason’s the celebrity (but like minorly?). He's a theater actor and is well-known in theater circles etc., but most people off the street wouldn’t recognize him. He’s a fan favorite on twitter/social media though, for being a scathing but good critic for new books and books-turned-movies. 
>>Tim’s the CEO of Drake Industries and a rival to Wayne Industries in Gotham (but like he doesn’t take it as seriously as he should to the despair of his board). His parents died when he was a teenager and after graduating high school early, just took on the company and does whatever he wants. 
>>Dick is an orphan and the ward-adoptee of Bruce Wayne. Same backstory as canon, circus kid adopted by rich Gothaminite. Bruce and him act more like older brother-younger brothers and act like Alfred is their father/grandfather figure. Bruce is CEO and offered Dick a position at the company but Dick would rather not. Unclear on what job Dick does in this but he’s not a cop (blegh).  
>>Tim and Dick are local celebrities, well-known and often chased by paparazzi, but Jason’s the real focus for this AU.
So, Tim’s a CEO and has to attend galas and rich people events, socialize and get people invested in his company (as well as prove himself a capable CEO despite being so young). He typically hates these events, dreads going, comes up with any excuse he can, but does attend some. He attends a theater play, expecting not to have to talk or socialize too much because it’s a play, and falls head over heels for the main actor, Jason. 
>>Tim sort of falls into being a stalker-y, secret admirer of Jason but Jason’s pretty smitten with all the nice, thoughtful notes and gifts he’s getting (especially compared to some gross ones he gets from Roman Sionis and other old rich dudes hoping to buy his favor). EXCEPT, Timmy’s not the only one in the running for Jason’s hand. 
>>Enter Dick Grayson. Dick was often third-wheel to galas and other events with Bruce and Selina, often exasperated and bored. But, so so similar to Tim, attends an event expecting to be bored out of his mind and is instead captivated by this stunning actor aka Jason. Cue the courting and gifts. 
And expectedly, Tim and Dick both start to realize there’s someone else trying to steal Jason and they figure out who. And this starts an epic rivalry over Jason’s heart. It starts with trying to out-gift the other, both buying Jason elaborate but meaningful gifts (rare books he likes, regular books, flowers and jewelry, donations to his favorite charities, etc). And it escalates rather quickly. I imagine Dick can be downright mean in this and Tim is just as biting, both unashamed in their rivalry and obsession with Jason. Anyways, there’s a lot of fun and hilarious stuff you could do with Dick and Tim fighting without physically fighting. (I’m giggling over them sniping at each other over twitter and Gothamnities just being ???? until Jason [Gotham’s adored theater nerd] chimes in and fans start having a lightbulb moment) 
Eventually, Tim and Dick’s rivalry hits a high point and the two tumble into bed together. And then they both decide they can just share Jason. Jason, of course, is oblivious to all of this. He likes Dick and Tim a lot, like a little too much, but won’t make the first move because he is a shy baby and then starts to think they’re only doing it as like a weird rich kid rivalry ritual and don’t actually care about him or his feelings. 
After Jason’s (inaccurate) revelation, he starts to pull away from Dick and Tim (especially when paparazzi and social media pick up on the fact that Dick and Tim seem to be “dating”). Dick and Tim take this as a challenge, and Jason (and his coworkers/friends) thought it was bad when those two hated each other, but Tim and Dick working together??? It is…terrifying? Impressive? Terrifyingly impressive? Jason’s already head over heels, but now he’s obsessed even more (but also overwhelmed and a bit light-headed at all the swooning he's doing, it’s a bit too much at times). I’m running out of steam here, but eventually Dick and Tim do manage to convince Jason that yes, they do adore him, and no, this is not a weird rich-kid rival thing. And Gotham breathes a sigh of relief when Jason gets caught leaving Dick-Tim's penthouse covered in hickies and wearing their clothes :))
#ask game#ladytauria#thanks again for the ask!!!! <3<3<3#i def headcanon in this jay is kind of physically tiny but his acting make him feel larger than he actually is#but he still has some self-esteem issues from when he was a kid esp off-stage when he's not in a persona/mask#tim fell in love with jason's care/passion and his brain/tongue#(not to mention tim and photography esp capturing jason in the throes of his acting the imagery aesthetic and all that jazz)#i think jason tests and sharpens tim; reminds him that he loved learning; loved knowledge and information#tim and jason teach and learn from each other but in a playful way? maybe jason kind of reminds tim of living life outside of work#dick fell in love with jay's performance like dick looks at jason and it reminds him of his own performances at Haly's#and jason's heart&passion was so similar to dick's own#and dick hasn't felt that in years (not since his parents fell; not since he stopped flying)#and dick wants to chase that feeling; wants to hold and cherish it and jason brings that out of Dick so badly he needs it all the time#and then tim and dick fall for each other for their unwavering loyalty determination and drive maybe even matching stubbornness#like it is very much is a rival-to-lovers subplot#they end up really respecting one another and realizing they haven't had this much fun with another person since jason#and i also think there's a built trust in the fact that both of them know they'll fight and work to understand one another#okay this is a lot of tag rambles i will stop now lolol
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 184
“Well damn.” 
Jason wrenched his gaze from the mess of red and green spattered across the room, searching for the source of the voice. His head hurt, he wanted his Dad. He wanted Bruce. He… his head hurt. His everything hurt. 
“Honestly, didn’t expect them to find another half-breed. Didn’t think there was another halfa out there…”  
He tore his gaze away from the floor- when had it gotten there- finally finding the other… person? The person giving him an empty smile through some sort of muzzle and missing an entire arm. Well, he couldn’t judge, he’d torn his nails off while digging out of his grave before… this. 
“Hey, kid, don’t sweat it, it’ll grow back,” the man apparently noticed where he was staring, shoulder twitching as he shrugged and more green pouring out. Jason couldn’t stop staring, eyes slipping from the growing pool to the rest of the chains apparently keeping the person on that side of the… room? Cage? Cell? 
“Shit, hey, kid, kid, don’t cry, uh, fuck, shh, kid don’t cry-” the person made a noise, some sort of hum or croon that caused him to relax. To his already brain-damaged confusion. “C’mere, away from the door now, shh…” 
Oh, when had he started to move? It was like he blinked and was stumbling away towards the chained person, practically tripping over a limb before the person managed to catch him. “Ope, oh you’re just a little baby-” a hand, clawed, carefully ran through his hair, tucking him against a rumbling chest that nearly made him tear up again. He wanted Bruce. 
“It’s alright kid, shh, they won’t get you,” the man rumbled, everything about him green to his rapidly closing eyes. Pale skin like a corpse, black scales like rot, hair white like snow, all stained green with blood.  “They’d have to kill me again for that.” 
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Is Jason the interrogator's cousin or brother? They look very similar
I had that same thought when I was coloring the panels ahaha
I'd say cousin, and they're only vaguely acquainted with one another, but some degree of bloodlust apparently runs in the family
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mzminola · 11 months
/checks math/ Oh hey, Jason's been back from the dead (realtime) longer than he was dead. Neat!
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hazeellys · 2 years
Rick was so lazy about new Rome. Those kids deserve better
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madeofstardust17 · 1 year
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