#Ben Weber
eretzyisrael · 3 months
by Dexter Van Zile
Anyone who has any doubts about the success enjoyed by the Islamist-led campaign to squeeze Jews out of the public square in the US needs to watch the video of the Boston City Council meeting that took place on February 14, 2024. The success of this campaign was on full display when District Six City Councilor Ben Weber, the only Jew on the council, withdrew a “negotiated ceasefire” resolution from the agenda. It was yet another moment when the Tikkun Olam agenda of “repairing the world” was handed its head by Islamist activism in the United States.
Weber’s resolution was pretty straightforward and “balanced.” In addition to highlighting the suffering of both Israelis and Palestinians and calling for a negotiated ceasefire between Hamas and the Netanyahu government, Weber’s resolution asked councilors to call on Hamas to return the hostages it took on October 7, and work for the safe return of Massachusetts residents stuck in Gaza.
Before announcing that he was withdrawing the resolution from consideration, Weber declared that while writing the resolution, he sought input from fellow councilors, officials from Boston’s Jewish Community Relations Council, and a prominent Boston-area Palestinian-American lawyer working to get Massachusetts families safely out of Gaza. Weber didn’t say which councilors he spoke to, but The Boston Globe subsequently reported that Weber had spoken with former council president (and Israel supporter) Ed Flynn and anti-Israel zealot Tania Fernandes Anderson.
The dialogue was to no avail. “It has come to my attention that the language of the resolution I drafted may cause more division, which is the opposite of what I hope to do,” Weber said. “So out of my respect to my council colleagues and members of the Boston community, I withdraw this resolution to have further conversations.” In short, Weber, a first-term city councilor, didn’t want to force his colleagues to declare their response to the October 7 massacre openly, because to do so would make him a one-term city councilor.
After the meeting, Weber told me that he felt obligated to withdraw the resolution after unnamed people expressed concerns that it was promoting the involuntary departure of Palestinians from Gaza and that it appeared to promote “one side over the other.” The notion that Weber’s resolution promoted the involuntary evacuation of Palestinians from Gaza is an intentional misreading of the text. Weber’s resolution says nothing about the expulsion of Palestinians. And as far as “taking sides,” the resolution was clearly written as an attempt to mollify “pro-Palestinian” (anti-Israel) activists, including Fernandes Anderson, by highlighting the suffering in Gaza without acknowledging it was Hamas who was responsible for this suffering. The logic is simple. If there would have been no October 7 massacre (and no terrorism from Gaza before that), there would never have been any conflict in Gaza.
If Weber had been paying attention, he would likely have spared himself the humiliation of having to withdraw the resolution by not submitting it in the first place. It’s not as if Boston isn’t in bad need of some Tikkun Olam.
But beyond these problems, speaking openly about Hamas’ October 7 massacre and its aftermath is becoming increasingly out of bounds for Israel and its supporters, Jews especially, in American civil society. Jews on college campuses have been bullied and harassed for years and this bullying has only become more intense in the aftermath of October 7. Jewish students have been forced to seek shelter in libraries and classrooms, as Hamas supporters, campus Islamists, and their progressive allies recreate the modern-day equivalent of the “ghetto bench,” which drove Jews into hiding in Polish colleges and universities in the 1930s.
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ness1804 · 1 month
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Vivian and Ben at the Met Gala standing in for her mother and Father rock star Creed Mason and model Freya Jorgenson
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panigosia · 11 months
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Matthew Goode & Ben Whishaw by Bruce Weber
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lisamarie-vee · 8 months
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sheainlondon · 5 months
as much as it seems
like you own my heart
it’s astronomy.
we’re two worlds apart.
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(gif isn’t mine , credit to whoever made it! xx)
“stop denying what you love.”
a/n: i see almost no writing for these two!! at the same time, i feel as if it’s an interesting pair but i also believe a storyline with them would have so much potential. i hope you all enjoy!
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heartagram-vv · 11 months
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angela weber :]
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tales-of-whales · 5 months
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now i can post a small hoard of pictures that forced me into writing the thing!
it's vogue 2008 photoshoot from where Chris and Florence came into existance, because really, these photos are a story already told (which makes the photographer genius)
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Savoring Paris
Premiering Saturday, June 8, 8pm/7c on the Hallmark Channel.
Starring Bethany Joy Lenz, Stanley Weber, and Ben Wiggins.
Part of Passport to Love.
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on-this-day-btvs · 4 months
February 6, 2001
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Blood Ties aired for BTVS season 5, episode 13. There are two important developments in this episode. Dawn - Buffy's sister - learns who she really is, and the Scoobies and Spike do too. (Buffy, Joyce, and Giles already knew.) Dawn does not take the news very well.
The audience also learns about the connection between Glory (shown above) and Ben - a medical intern and friend of Buffy's.
Dawn Summers is played by Michelle Trachtenberg. Glory is played by Clare Kramer. Ben Wilkinson is not shown but is played by Charlie Weber.
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real-time-twilight · 1 year
Eclipse in Real Time
May 16th, 2006 (Tuesday)
Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous 🌖
🌄 Sunrise: 5:35 AM
🌅 Sunset : 8:52 PM
Eclipse, Ch. 2 ("Evasion")
12:10 PM (Approx.) - Bella and Angela dicuss graduation plans over lunch; Bella offers to help Angela with her graduation announcements
12:26 PM (Approx.) - Alice has a vision which seems to disturb her
12:55 PM (Approx.) - Edward seems to be avoiding conversation with Bella by talking to Ben
3:00 PM (Approx.) - Edward repeats this behaviour with Mike Newton in the parking lot, offering to help him with his car trouble
3:20 PM (Approx.) - Edward drops Alice off at home
3:35 PM (Approx.) - Edward and Bella arrive at her house; Bella turns her computer on to check her emails, she and Edward make out while she waits for the computer to warm up
4:00 PM (Approx.) - Bella replies to Renee's most recent email; Edward discovers the car stereo Emmett, Jasper, and Rosalie gave Bella for her birthday mutilated from when Bella prised it out of the dashboard after his family left Forks; Edward laments that Bella didn't get a chance to use her birthday presents and produces the plane tickets to Jacksonville from Carlisle and Esme, proposing that they visit Renee to celebrate the lifting of Bella's grounding.
4:10 PM (Approx.) - Bella finally gets a chance to ask Edward about the vision Alice had at lunch--he tells her it was concerned Jasper and brushes it off.
4:15-5:00 PM (Approx.) - Bella works on her homework and starts making beef stroganoff for dinner, using Charlie's mother's recipe
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6:10-6:45 PM (Approx.) - Bella and Charlie eat dinner; Charlie tells Bella Billy called and invited him down for dinner on the weekend
7:00 PM (Approx.) - Edward broaches the subject of Jacksonville with Charlie, who agrees it's a good idea until he finds out that Edward intends to go with her. Bella argues Charlie into a corner
7:05 PM (Approx.) - Bella and Edward leave; Bella demands to know why Edward pressed the subject of Jacksonville, she guesses that he wanted to get her out of town so she can't go with Charlie to La Push.
7:10 PM (Approx.) - Bella asks to go visit Esme
10:15 PM (Approx.) - Edward and Bella return from their visit to the Cullen House; Charlie asks Bella to hang back before going up to her room
10:20PM (Approx.) - Charlie tries to have The Talk with Bella, which she assures him is completely unnecessary as Edward is "very old-fashioned". That out of the way, Bella updates Charlie about her plans with Angela
10:25 PM (Approx.) - Bella goes upstairs; too wound up to relax, she decides to make a break for La Push.
10:30 PM (Approx.) - Bella goes back downstairs and gets to OK from Charlie to go see Jake
10:32 PM (Approx.) - Bella attempts to start her truck; the engine does not turn over; Bella, startled, realizes Edward is sitting in the passenger seat, holding an unnamed but crucial component of the truck's engine while explains that Alice tipped him off. He tells her he'll understand if she doesn't want him to spend the night
10:40 PM (Approx.) - Bella goes back inside, informing Charlie that her truck won't start, and goes up to her room, slamming the window shut.
10:45 PM (Approx.) - Bella opens her window again.
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edwardsmate4ever · 1 year
Twilight Advent Calendar Prompts
Dec. 13- What college major did each one of Bella's human friends choose?
Jessica - Public Relations - I figure she's able to get along with pretty much anyone and can put on a great fake face -- only Edward knows her vitrolic thoughts. She's good with people.
Angela - Occupational Therapist - she loves making a difference in kids' lives and is so patient and sweet with her clients.
Mike - Sports Medicine - also good with people, very friendly, I think he's be great at soothing an athlete while doing physical therapy.
Eric - Film - I see him loving movies and wanting to work behind the scenes, maybe editing or sound mixing.
Lauren - Meteorology - she always wanted to be the pretty weathergirl on the local news, but quickly dropped out when she realized she had to know science and stuff.
Tyler - he works at Pump 'N Save, boy's dumb as rocks, sorry.
Ben - Scientist - he's smart and studious and I just see him in a lab with a microscope.
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Twilight Advent ‘22
Day 13 (12.13.22) - “What college major did each one of Bella's human friends choose?”
Did Bella really have human friends? You sure?? Just kidding. But another time to revisit the ye olde Lexicon to remind myself who her friends were. (Edit: I actually found a couple “friends” I’d completely forgotten about and the movie didn’t include.) I’m only gonna do a couple, though, ‘cause there’s quite a few, actually.
According to the Lexicon Jessica Stanley went to college in California and probably majored in fashion design or interior design for a semester or two and then found her “true” passion. I feel like she probably would’ve done well as an elementary school teacher or some kind of managerial position (wherein she, essentially, gets to boss people around for a living). I feel like during her junior year, though, she met someone who totally swept her off her feet, fell in love, got married, and even had a kid or two; all before her twenty-fifth birthday. I think she still lives in California and really loves her life as a soccer mom. She’s known for her “award-winning” bake sale cakes, has a truly gorgeous husband (who’s a personal trainer - maybe even a legit model), twins, and organizes the cul-de-sac block parties.
I think Mike Newton always felt like he’d eventually take over Newton Outfitters and so he majored in business or economics. He probably went to Washington State or stayed relatively close to home and eventually married some plucky girl after his relationship with Jessica Stanley fizzled out and he realized Bella would never leave Edward for him, lol. I think he’s simply living his “best life” as an All-American, Boy-Next-Door type as the manager of Newton Outfitters; complete with a beautiful trophy wife, three kids, a dog (or two), and has never lived out of Washington State. The furthest he’s ever gone was on his honeymoon. Maybe somewhere like Hawaii or the Bahamas. (Not that there’s anything wrong with living in your home state all your life.)
Ben Cheney, according to the Lexicon, moved with Angela Weber to Seattle and went to the University of Washington. To be quite honest, I’ve always associated him with Eric Yorkie. I don’t think Ben was part of the movies and they just “morphed” him with Eric. But anyway, I fully believe he majored in graphic design. Or some kind of art/comic book design (like an illustrator of comic books; whatever they’re called). I think he’s actually really successful and eventually found a job at Disney and has done a lot of set design/character design for all the Marvel movies. I think he and Angela Weber are still in contact ... in fact I’ll talk about why next.
Angela Weber went to the University of Seattle along with Ben and they also lived together in Seattle. I think she probably majored in photography and minored in English or English lit or something along those lines. I think she probably got a job as a newspaper photographer right out of college and probably eventually found success as, like, an indie filmmaker or something like that, who maybe does wedding photography on the side. I think she and Ben continued dating throughout college (although they did “take a break” for about a year but eventually got back together) and eventually got married when they were twenty-five(ish). I think Angela still keeps in touch with Bella and is really good about sending emails, Christmas cards, etc. But Bella ... well, she’s Bella, you know? She and Ben probably have at least one child, maybe two.
Tyler Crowley (aka the guy who nearly killed Bella with his van) didn’t have a whole lot of “direction” after high school and joined a branch of the armed forces for awhile. He probably remained with (whatever military branch) for like five, maybe ten, years and spent a lot of time traveling stateside. Eventually, though, I think he returned to Forks and went to the local community college where he majored in kinesiology and eventually got a job at Forks High School as the football coach. I think he’s probably had a lot of girlfriends but has never really settled down. He has one kid with an ex-girlfriend, with whom he co-parents. But, again, he’s never been able to settle down.
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drawingwithlight · 2 years
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By Bruce Weber
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lookitsaworm · 1 year
Do you guys ever think about the fact that Angela Weber's boyfriend, Ben Cheney, was cut out of the movie despite the fact that they were the perfect match and Edward and Emmett tag teamed getting them together because they were so worried they'd be rejected but after that they were the perfect couple, who loved each other unconditionally, and were the only people who were nice to Bella in New Moon without asking for anything in return but Ben wasn't in the movie so she got a Eric, who was constantly pining after Bella the whole time and she deserves better?
Because I do. So much.
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prettyfamous · 2 years
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Matt Damon & Ben Affleck | Interview | Bruce Weber | December 1997
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