lostkitsclangen · 3 months
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Heronstar, Amberkit, Shiningkit, and Slickclaw from @juniper-clan! The sillies ❤️
I love analyzing other artists styles, especially other clangen creators! Each of them are so unique and detailed and really inspiring to my own style.
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magpieclan · 6 months
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Gifts for two of my favorite clangen blogs!
Up first is @dawn-clan with Bleakpaw and Petalpaw <3
And then there's @fog-and-the-frost with Fogscreech, Frostflash, and the beloved Currentpaw who I miss very much :(
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mjiskindacool · 8 months
Like petals whispering secrets along the breeze.
Hi there! I'm MJ, but I also go by Bluejay, so feel free to use whatever suits you!
I use she/her pronouns. My current interests are writing, photography, and art. My content will mainly consist of those.
His gaze tried to speak sentences to me that he couldn't find the heart to say, like goodbye, or I love you.
Main tags I will be using;
#BluejaysArt - All art I post will be included in the tag, but there will also be subcategories based on what the art is featuring.
#BluejaysPhotography - All of my original photography pieces will be included in this tag.
#BluejaysWriting - All writing ideas/concepts/pieces I make will be included in this tag, but there will also be subcategories based on what the writing is about.
Other tags;
#TWatW - Abbreviated version of The Wing and the Wisdoms, an original story I've come up with that I will hopefully develop into a full length novel. A kingdom run by the Wisdoms, beings with god-like powers who have a dark past, and perhaps the future too.
#SiaaL - Abbreviated version of Silence is also a Language, another original story I've created. Dystopian world where speaking is banned.
#WorldAbandoned - My third original story. Gov experiment gone wrong now there's monsters that hunt via electrical signals :)
#BluejaysApocalypse - My fourth story, unnamed but basically a zombie apocalypse with some extra trauma and a big dose of found family.
TBA, but there will be one for every story I make just so they're easier to keep track of :)
It was instinct, unchangeable and unbroken. It was love, forever and outlasting.
All of the quotes included in this post were written by me! The stories from which they derive may or may not be posted at a later date.
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lostkitsclangen · 19 days
TW for blood and mention of murder
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hnnnrgggh I'm gonna have another fanart tomorrow because Nettleclan is dragging me into the pit of hyperfixation and I can't escape /pos I swear.
Even MORE rambles under the cut
Anyways, this is Ambershard and Bumbletumble from @nettleclanstale. I wanted to include Bumble in yesterday's fanart but couldn't find a way for her to fit, but that ask about Bumble's conflicting feelings for murdering Hazelstar and how she did the right thing really hit me, especially the interaction between her and her dad that answered it </3
Devastating, I will never recover. I really wanted to draw it after reading that, it was so genuinely heartbreaking to see Bumble that broken, because Hazel hurt Bumble's baby, Meadowbreeze suffered because of Hazel. But even though Meadow was her baby, Hazel is someone else's baby. And if Hazel died for hurting someone's baby, then what does that mean for Bumble? What does it mean for the mother who killed another mothers baby? I will never stop thinking about this 💔
Little details! The background is the same colors as when Bumble murdered Hazel in her den at night on moon 80. Bumble's scribbly pupils are actually dual colored like how Angie usually draws Nettleclan cats eyes, with the top being black and bottom being the reddish color that Amber and Bumble share in their eyes. Ambershard has a little heart shape on his flank in his design, but it broke because of how devastated Bumble is at her own actions. Under the tears, Bumble has eye bags/wrinkles under her eyes because I don't think she slept very well after, uh, that. The white text is the only one that says "Papa" because the white is what she said, and the red is all in her head. It's all she can think about. The blood is glitching because it's not real, she's just stuck in the moment of killing Hazelstar.
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lostkitsclangen · 2 months
Moon 0 - part 1
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The beginning of the rest of your life. Death is nothing but your catalyst.
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magpieclan · 5 months
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DTIYS for @fallenclan!
I miss them 😭❤️
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lostkitsclangen · 1 month
Moon 0 - Part 2
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Twin sparks are born
of the light
and of the dark.
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lostkitsclangen · 25 days
Moon 1 - I will heal them all.
Hazelkit is officially open for asks!
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If I am the cure, then I will heal them all.
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(clan references posted soon!)
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lostkitsclangen · 22 days
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Hopeclan references! and some little tidbits of info too!
Character descriptions below!
Shellstar is the leader of Hopeclan, having been granted 9 lives 25-ish moons ago. He's more quiet and observant, calculative, but is also regarded as the smartest cat in the clan. He was raised by a single father who was regarded as one of the greatest warriors in the clans, and even though he was busy with his duties, he never hesitated to cast them aside for his son. Now Shellstar feels it is his duty to repay his debt to his dad by taking care of his clan, and often does individual check-ins with his clanmates.
Ospreypounce is Hopeclan's trusted deputy. She's regal, graceful, but also expressive, sharp, and dutiful. She takes pride in her responsibilities and commitment. She's always busy, and tries to be on every patrol at once, even though it's nearly impossible. She's also larger than every cat in the clan, with Rookgrass in close second, Shellstar in third, even though pretty soon that spot will be taken up by Charpaw. However, this means she gets worn down in the summer, with her large size and thick coat, it's hard to stay cool, and she often is confined to camp by Shellstar and Rimestripe, lest she gets heat exhaustion.
Rimestripe is Hopeclan's sole medicine cat. He presence is seen as calming to any cat within the clan, his presence being a symbol of safety and health. However, he is also equally as fierce as he is protective. Before he became a medicine cat, Rimestripe was a warrior. However, a life threatening injury changed his mindset, leading to his shift in occupation. Over time, he developed a strong connection with Starclan. Despite this, he would not hesitate to launch himself into battle if it meant protecting a clanmate.
Mossyleaf is Hopeclan's oldest warrior as of recent. He's more standoffish than the rest of the clan, and is seen as a little.. off. However, they are also adventurous and multi-talented, excelling in swimming, climbing, building, and mediating. A tom of many faces is for certain, but their many talents has led Mossyleaf to be a great asset to the clan.
Goldendawn is the most hyper cat you will meet in Hopeclan. Despite this, not much is actually known about Goldendawn himself. A loner dropped him off at the clan when they were passing through, just after he was weaned. Goldendawn doesn't open up easily, and often doesn't speak of his inner thoughts and emotions. Despite this, he always does his best to hear out his clanmates and cheer them up with his playful demeanor, and always seem to know when someone is feeling down, even sometimes before they know it themselves.
Rookgrass is especially quiet, solemn, more so than Shellstar or Mossyleaf combined. However, the clan sees this silence as Rookgrass's way of calming himself. When he was a 'kot and 'paw, he would complain of headaches from talking too much, with too many thoughts. Throughout his apprenticeship, his intelligence was exposed, meanwhile his demeanor became much more calmer, until he settled into a nice and comfortable silence. Rookgrass is also Ospreypounce's son.
Charpaw is Rookgrass's son, Ospreypounce's grandson, and is the oldest apprentice of Hopeclan. He is training under Shellstar, who is a nice balance to Charpaw's snarky and outgoing demeanor. However, despite Charpaw being very outspoken and seeming to jump into every possible chance he could find to make trouble, Charpaw is actually very responsible. It seems part of his dad's quick-witted intelligence filtered down to Charpaw, leaving him to be fairly speedy in his decision making. His clanmates sometimes describe it as clairvoyance, always seeming to know immediately what choices he'll make.
Whimsypaw is the clan's second and youngest apprentice. She is highly imaginative and creative, often making up stories for her clanmates, mainly Charpaw. Additionally, she is also a troublemaker, but her laid-back and tranquil attitude lead to Charpaw taking the lead in the pranks she proposed.
Tinykit is the youngest member of Hopeclan, having only just been brought in by Mossyleaf, his father. Despite his short time in the clan, he has come to be realized as a great builder in the making, often pointing out areas that need matching in the camp walls. He also has a very strong moral compass, and refuses to lie.
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lostkitsclangen · 14 days
TW for blood / injuries
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I was so scared Spiderstar would die before I could finish this 😭 when that flood came through I had a heart attack.
Characters from left to right are Badgerstar, Hazelstar, Spiderstar, Pinesong, and Kestralcry from @nettleclanstale! I wanted to draw parallels between the deputies and leaders of Nettleclan, and found it amusing that both previous deputies went to Starclan, but the leaders did not.
facts and w/o text version under the cut
Fun facts, the red on the four behind Spiderstar correlates to how they died. Badgerstar was pushed into the thunder path by Hazelstar, so I imagined tire track-ish looking injuries?? Hazelstar was killed by Bumbletumble and lost all her lives, so I imagined a deep wound. Pinesong ate death berries and the red down her face is the same from Moon 74. Kestralcry was attacked by Hazelstar, so in my mind it was a claw wound. I also tried my best to match up the height of each cat, but I couldn't find Hazel next to Badger or Kestral next to either of them, so those two might be a bit off. However Hazel was shown to be considerably larger than Pine, and Pine was larger than Spider during his lives ceremony. And also 9 stars for Spider's nine lives, y'know? (also Hazel's eyes are scribbled because at the time they didn't know where she went and still kinda don't)
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magpieclan · 7 months
Moon 0! Part 1 of 2
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Thornspots (bottom left on last panel) is med cat but has feathers instead of herbs or anything because, due to Magpieclan's roots as followers of the magpie's, he has a closer connection to his own ancestors and isn't able to connect with Starclan at all, which is why Loachpaw can show himself to Midgestar and not Thornspots. The clans view Thornspots as a healer and not a medicine cat, because that would imply a connection to Starclan since that's only a clan term.
Still testing the layout/style but I don't think I'll be drawing on my laptop anymore, takes so much time compared to my phone lol
Thanks to @fallenclan, @songclangen, @poppyclangen, @cricketclan, @silkclan, @coyoteclan, @antlerclan, and @wyrm-clangen for inspiring me! (long list ik but I love all these silly clans sm)
I love the frames of Loachpaw and Midgestar sm Loachpaw waited over 50 moons for them to arrive, over 7 times the time he was alive and now the only person who can see him is Midge and he's so excited to be their guide. Loachpaw appears far more to Midgestar than a normal Starclan cat would, just so he can chat and hang out
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magpieclan · 4 months
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Faithpelt's kits from the last moon! All girls and all 100% gaslight gatekeep girlbosses
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lostkitsclangen · 3 months
Do you have a name, First Soul?
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Each ask receives their own randomized lost kit! The Lost Kits that ask First Soul might reoccur if the asker comes back!
Side note: Anonymous asks are on! Hadn't realized I didn't already do that :/
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lostkitsclangen · 1 month
Moon 0 - Part 3
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Hazel is sometimes used to ward off dark spirits.
Starclan remembers their names.
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lostkitsclangen · 2 months
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Meet Hazelkit, a young she-kit orphaned at 3 moons old and rescued by First Soul. Hazel; not only the name given to this kit at birth, but also an herb used to ward off evil spirits. Starclan sometimes determines gifts based on a kit's past, including their name.
Each kit's introduction page will also serve as their master post.
First - you're here | Next
Hazelkit will be open to Asks as of Moon 0!
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lostkitsclangen · 3 months
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Anisetail, Goldsight, Amberkit, and Dovekit belong to @gray-thistleclan! Loving and hating the family angst, they deserve to be happy :(
Working on pumping out some fanart while I adjust to the new phone and finish writing the first lost kits story!
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