#Boycott SM
wonkibrainrot · 3 months
To briize that are unsure of why we are boycotting! Or unsure if they should boycott or not!
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This can be found on @/riize_union on Twitter! It’s their pinned tweet. Their other posts highlight what RIIZE content SM edited Seunghan out of and opportunities he has lost due to the hiatus.
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seoktized · 2 months
you can't claims to be a fan or a briize while you boycotting their works. You literally a creator too are you not?
don't you know how it feels when no one read your works or giving feedback?
why would you encouraging others to do what you did?
why do the rest of boys needs to suffers because of one person's mistake?
and i know probably they all did it as well, the smoking and dating but they don't expose themselves.
Idk why would you take a picture of you smoking when you know it's not allowed at your company and now the rest of the boys had to burden the pain.
Seriously stop encouraging others to do that, cause i know karma exist and one day you would know what it's like when your works has no reader and feedbacks.
usually i’d delete stuff like this but erm
you see, i don’t understand why people like you exist. i assume you’re an ot6. i can call myself a fan of riize because i love and care for ALL of riize. which you cannot say the same because you’re in my tell box complaining about seunghans mistakes.
seunghan did NOT expose himself. HE was exposed.
why is it that it’s fine for the others to smoke and date? if they were to get exposed would you unstan them? and wouldn’t that make you.. not a fan? how would you feel if you spent years training just to be put on hiatus for a mistake. you act as if seunghan is perfect.
the rest of the boys are suffering because of their COMPANY. boycotting riize means boycotting SM. if it was not allowed at the company, why were there MULTIPLE members of a different group pictured smoking outside? why is seunghans situation any different?
i will continue to encourage a boycott, i don’t care if people don’t read my works. all i care is if seunghan is returned to riize. i’m doing all of this for seunghan and seunghan only, so if you have a problem with it PLEASE do me a favor and block me.
riize is 7.
find the boycott list here <3
apologies for clogging the tags !!
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winwintea · 9 days
why is winwin using 🐱🍉 emoji??
we’re speculating it’s because he supports palestine and wants us to boycott the starbucks collab!
🍉 has been used as a representation of support for Palestine, and although it can literally be interpreted as “watermelon” winwin’s most recent post has no pictures of watermelon whatsoever so him including the watermelon emoji is a bit odd. (🐱 emoji just refers to the cats featured in his post lmao there’s no significant meaning)
also he did post this on bubble as well!
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it’s more of a subtle way to show his support, since we know sm will be shooting down any attempts of the members saying they should boycott the collab. (taeyong and renjun’s insta stories were deleted but winwin’s insta post still remains!)
renjun and winwin are both on hiatus technically but both of them showing their support is very very important! and taeyong only having little time to access technology + the military having strict enforcement that soldiers aren’t supposed to post anything political shows how much these 3 care 🫶🫶
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mellowdyverse · 2 months
its crazy because barely any kfans care abt seunghans scandal anymore so what is stopping sm from releasing a statement and/or bringing back seunghan?? the boycott is causing damage to their business so shouldnt they want it to end by bringing back seunghan?? we can tell the boycott is working since they're upping their ot7 ads (esp for siren)
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wonychu · 3 months
I'm tired of this shit. If SM does not include Seunghan for their next comeback, imma retired from this fandom. I love Wonbin but I love my RII7E more.
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fcb-mv33 · 13 days
“Max we heard you on the radio, you thought the race was a bit boring?”
“How was it for you?”
“Oh uh but you have to be happy for Charles!”
Is this, Sky Sports Formula 1 once again trying to catch Max out with a question so they can twist his worlds for another headline to make him seem like a sore loser, who doesn’t have friends on the grid and also who hates all the other drivers??
Sky sports wouldn’t do that to a young man right?
(They would they’ve been doing this to max since he was 17 years old)
She needs to be moved away from reporting. And absolutely awful reporter who can’t seem to hide her dislike for Max, cannot ask an actual question and then tries to backtrack on accusing Max of this he never says …awful reporting once again
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kabaneris · 9 days
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he’s talking about his own groups collaboration, mind you. while enlisted. respect.
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angryorbit · 5 months
Due to many K-pop groups and idols continuing to promote products by companies on the BDS boycott list for Palestine, such as McDonald's and Starbucks, the K-pop community have called for the global boycott for Palestine to extend to the Big 4 K-pop companies.
From the 22nd to the 28th, do not listen, stream, interact or promote any idol or group in one of the Big 4 companies:
Palestinians have been undergoing genocide for 75 years. You can go 5 days without talking or listening to K-Pop.
Whilst we're here, do your daily click on Arab.Org to help Palestinians.
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eleni-cherie · 6 days
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we should NOT let this ppl feel comfortable in out space!
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poolboyservice · 4 months
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I heard a thing where you should draw your favorite character(s) showing their support for Palestine, so I decided to join in!
I'm planning to do more drawings, but The Greeter is very happy to show their support!
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neodreamgirl · 3 months
boycott RIIZE if you give 1/7th of a fuck about seunghan
some people are a bit slow so let's get into why we need to boycott RIIZE and how we will do that
sm entertainment has put seunghan on an indefinite hiatus following the constant "scandals" related to his personal life. really, he was a victim of a bored person with nothing better to do than violate someone's privacy. this announcement was made back in November 2023, not even three months after RIIZE's debut. this young man has been in a dungeon since then. we have not received any official updates about seunghan since the day that it was announced he will be on an "indefinite hiatus."
the fact of the matter is he was locked away in a dungeon because there was too much controversy surrounding his name. now, is him smoking a cigarette or having an ex girlfriend actually a big deal? hell no. but, some people really thought it was that serious so here we are now. since all the ruckus surrounding him brought so much negative attention to the group, people felt that it was right to lock him away. it's a fucked up mentality but they really believe that it is better to hide the person who's clearly a victim instead of dealing with the situation head on.
sm is dumb for this, by the way. why would they hide a member whose name caused so much noise? he was popular from the start; of course people were gonna care LMAO. and by care, I mean click on an article about him. not necessarily feel jealousy or hatred because he had a life predebut. never. locking away a member that had THIS MUCH POWER was not a smart move because GUESS WHAT?! he's all briize ever fucking talk about. weverse, tiktok, twitter, YouTube, Instagram, etc. now, it's gotten to a point that we are angry. which leads me to the point of this post:
boycott RIIZE's comeback and any new releases they'll have. this will show sm that the only people harming RIIZE's success is sm, not seunghan. this is to show that seunghan's absence is FELT. his silence is HEARD.
here is a thread done by a riize fan account explaining why we should boycott riize, what exactly we will be boycotting and some extra info:
if you don't boycott RIIZE then you aren't ot7
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wonkibrainrot · 2 months
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(I’m using my data to upload this TT)
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seoktized · 2 months
hi everyone
i probably won’t be writing for riize as much, i just cant bring myself to do it. like this whole situation has bummed me out so much and i hate it. earlier i saw a video of seunghan during sm rookies and it hurts so much. he does not deserve any of this at all.
i feel awful because none of this is towards riize themselves. sm is so disorganized and unprofessional which is causing fans to leave. this situation is so fucked and i really hope they pull their shit together.
until then, i’ll probably write just a little bit for riize, but don’t expect much. i apologize to everyone who’s sent in asks about riize members, i will eventually get to them.
i really hope that seunghan gets to come back. please continue to boycott.
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winwintea · 8 days
the win win post is such a reachhh 😭 wbk that winwin wouldn’t do something like that
tbh i thought so too when i initially saw it, but if you take into effect the timing of renjun’s and taeyong’s stories + his post it’s a lil suspicious. renjun and winwin are pretty close and they’re both on hiatus. we all know sm does not care about winwin so the reason why the post is still up, cause he can literally say “oh i just chose a random emoji” ALSO IT’S OKAY TO THINK THIS AS A REACH BUT I HAVE A COUPLE OF OTHER REASONS AS TO WHY I BELIEVE HE IS SPEAKING ABOUT THIS.
since i follow most chinese nct artists on weibo. usually winwin posts his insta posts in advance on weibo… (+ extra photos he’s usually more active on weibo than insta lmao) and as of right now he hasn’t posted anything on weibo since 5-28… and the post was a vlog video about his experiences filming his most recent drama. the caption also only has the sunflower emoji nowhere did he post any watermelons.
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this post was clearly only targeted to instagram’s audience… which we know is mostly pro-Palestinian.
also china is on palestine’s side i’m pretty sure?? (correct me if i’m wrong lmao) most of the chinese people i see on weibo are pro palestine or the ones that care and this stuff isn’t being censored by china lmao so that’s saying something. i think then it’s easier for the chinese idols to be more informed!!!
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bandzboy · 2 months
in general, as kpop stans we have been letting a lot of things slide! a lot of companies get away with overworking and mistreating their idols for profit and at this point in time we should be more outspoken about these things and not let them get away with constantly
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dante20xl · 16 days
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so hot 🔥🔥🔥
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