#British Gangsters
agentnico · 3 months
The Gentlemen - season 1 (2024) review
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Alright, alright, alright….. wait, McConaughey is not in this one? Oh, well that’s not alright, alright, alright…
Plot: When aristocratic Eddie inherits the family estate, he discovers that it's home to an enormous weed empire, and its proprietors aren't going anywhere.
Guy Ritchie is honestly great. Since way back when he made Lock, Stock and Snatch, he’s consistently churned out top quality entertainment, except maybe the Aladdin remake. I mean I totally get he probably got a superb pay check out of it, but honestly what in the heavens did Guy Ritchie have to do with blue genies I will never know. Regardless, where the man really excels at is when it comes to the British gangster genre. The guy can make swearing sound so poetic and melodic - it’s honestly mad how something so otherwise rude can come off utterly beautiful and delightful like a song. Especially in his 2019 film The Gentlemen, the writing in that movie was so good!! Naturally Netflix caught onto this too as we now how a spin-off series.
Going into the show I was looking forward to it but also cautious, as I was aware this new show was missing the star power of the original film. I mean can you blame me? The movie had the likes of Matthew McConaughey, Charlie Hunnam, Colin Farrell and Hugh Grant to name a few. That’s a solid load of A-listers huddled together. As for the show, the names like Theo James or Kaya Scodelario didn’t instil heavy excitement, especially with James as honestly, I always thought he was a bit of a prick. Granted this may be due to when he played the dickhead in The Inbetweeners movie, and gosh do I feel old with that reference, but he just has that face of a guy that’s so full up his own arse. Again, I’ve never met the chap, he’s probably a lovely human being, but I’ve made this prejudgment in my head and as such when I found out he was the lead of this series I naturally rolled my eyes. That being said I give Netflix props as they hired the original film director Guy Ritchie to create this spin-off and even direct some of the episodes and do a lot of the writing, so of course I was going to check this show out.
Never doubt the Guy should be a new cinematic rule. I’m proud to report that the new The Gentlemen series is a fantastic watch. It’s not the most original show, yet it plays out more-so like a Guy Ritchie’s greatest hits, as it’s got his visual flare and style, with the super cool and smooth fashion choices - honestly Scodelario has a wardrobe change every other scene and each time it felt like she was walking out of a Tom Ford fashion exhibit, and then also all the men wearing their gentlemanly suits dripping with swagger and smoking their cigars and drinking their whiskeys - the whole thing is simply infused with that signature upper-class British gangster feel. Ritchie’s signature syllable-heavy dialogue that just rolls of the tongue is also more than ever present here, and whoever decided to cast Giancarlo Esposito in this show deserves a pay rise, as Esposito’s soft-spoken melodic tone proclaiming the colourful lines of Ritchie’s rich exposition was music to the ears.
The cast here too are super game. Theo James was actually solid as the lead young duke, as he had that manly prowess and was very believable as someone who gets shit done. Kaya Scodelario I thought at first was trying too hard to mimic Michelle Dockery from the original movie, but eventually she made the role her own, and she gave enough mystery to her performance to make us feel uncertain of her true motivations. Daniel Ings as the duke loser-cocaine-addicted-brother Freddy was a lot of fun, however I would say his character became a bit overbearing and annoying in the end, as he constantly made so many mistakes throughout that I honestly kind of wanted him to get killed. It’s as if whenever the show needed an excuse for something bad to happen, they’d just get Freddy to fuck up again. Apologies for my language, I don’t usually swear in my reviews, but also this is a Guy Ritchie project we’re talking about, and he uses the F word every other sentence. So fuck it. In regards to other notable cast members, Pearce Quigley as Gospel John, a leader of a religious gang was oddly creepy yet entertaining, especially when he’d randomly scream certain lines for absolutely no reason. Pure psycho. Peter Serafinowicz and Guz Khan have amusing turns. Lastly we have two British gangster alumni Vinnie Jones and Ray Winstone. These two of course were on a different level to everyone else. Of course Vinnie Jones can be quite cheesy when it comes to acting. One can fondly remember his delivery of the line “I’m the Juggernaut, bitch!”. But when it comes to Guy Ritchie, Jones and him have always been a great pairing. Here as the duke estates’ caretaker, Vinnie is super reserved yet again super cool. I think cool is a word that can be used and abused when it comes to this show. It’s all so cool! Then Ray Winstone as the leader of the crime family… I mean it’s Ray Winstone as the leader of the crime family! He got that Godfather-level gravitas, only more Cockney, and it was great watching him do his thing.
When it comes to the story, this show is standalone to the original film. You can definitely see the inspiration though with certain narrative beats and story choices being very reflective/similar to what occurred in the film, and then the hidden weed farm under the estate looked like exactly the same set as from the film. But overall this is completely its own thing, and each episode brings more fun crime shenanigans for the characters to deal and navigate through, and it was consistently entertaining. My only complaint is that I’d say the finale a tad anti-climactic. I think with all the roughness and toughness that the characters go through, the ending tied everything up a bit too conveniently and neatly. I get I’m not to expect the most realistic thing as this is Guy Ritchie’s world, but I did want things to get a bit more messy, especially due to the build up. That being said this is a major win for Netflix, and I’m expecting a season 2 to be green-lit soon, as this is a winning package.
Overall score: 7/10
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on out-of-print DVD box art to the classic British gangster/crime film "The Long Good Friday" (completed 1979, released theatrically in 1980), directed by John Mackenzie with a screenplay by Barrie Keefe. The film was released on Criterion DVD as Spine #26 in 1998.
MINI-OVERVIEW: "Bob Hoskins, in his breakthrough film role, stars as a London racketeer fast losing control of his gangland empire; Helen Mirren shines as his classy moll. John Mackenzie’s stylish thriller is a marriage of gangster flicks from both sides of the Atlantic."
Cinematography: Phil Meheux
Editing: Mike Taylor
Associate producer: Chris Griffin
Art director: Vic Symonds
Music: Francis Monkman
Sources: www.criterion.com/films/559-the-long-good-friday, Janis Films, The Quietus, Criterion Forum, The Criterion Contraption, various, etc...
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leavemeslowly · 2 months
Apart from obviously shipping Susie and Eddie, I also ship Eddie and his cigars
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splinteredsoul · 2 years
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Gangster No. 1 (2000)
dir. Paul McGuigan
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notacarrotcruncher · 1 year
:: cat & mouse // starter for notjustajellyfish ::
Victor Lundy, usually referred to as Vic for short, had met Aggie back when he’d been a mere senior Criminal Investigation Department (CID) officer. He’d worked relentlessly, usually on cases that had long since gone cold and had managed to solve quite a few of them. Now, years later, he was the Chief Constable in Lancashire. He was head of their department. 
He and Aggie had met in Morrisons while both were doing their weekly shopping. They reached for the Cookie Crisps at nearly the same time and a sweet conversation had ensued. Frothy coffee together came after, with a few pastries. Months later, they were going steady and happily dating. A year down the line and they were married. It all sounded very sweet, didn’t it? There was a catch, though, and one he hadn’t been expecting. 
Half a year into their marriage he discovered her rather big secret. He'd been such a fool to not have seen it sooner. Much like her father, and most likely because of him, with such a legacy and his “impromptu” death, she had come to inherit his business. It wasn’t a run of the mill business, either. She was the mob boss. He was married to the fucking leader in their area. A cop and a gangster were bloody married. There were no way out for either of them. They loved each other. He gave her comfort, she gave him love. The sex was incredible. Their lives together were good.
They had to play the game, both of them. Cat and mouse. Always one-upping the other, never quite catching the other one. Never hurting each other and making it look fucking good, too, and all that jazz that came along with hiding such a monumental secret. No one knew. No one would ever discover the truth.
Sat across the table from Aggie now, both of them eating cereal for breakfast, he casually asked, “Any plans for today? We’re working on a massive case. That strangler, we think we finally have him in custody.” 
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schlock-luster-video · 3 months
On March 19, 2020, Guns Akimbo debuted in Singapore.
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Here's some new Daniel Radcliffe art!
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Crime Boss AU for Rory and Price 👀
gen, gen please, if i could hug you for feeding me these powerful brainworms, I would. GOOD LORD. I have been itching to write a Guy Ritchie-esque British gangster AU for TF141 and Rory so badly and you have awoken something in me with this prompt. Thank you!! <3
[Pairing + AU prompt]
Indulging myself with crime boss x lawyer shenanigans and neck tattoo!Price because I can and I must:
Click, click, click. The steady hammering of stiletto heels on cobblestones echoes out above the din of traffic and crowds in Liverpool. Her brow lifts as she stands outside the doors of the classic Victorian styled pub with stained glass windows and rich deep wood exterior. Certainly not the place she expected to meet a client. As the doors opened, she could hear the loud yammering of voices and shouting, rock music blaring as smoke billows out as if it was still the bloody 1970s. Rory brushes past the patrons exiting, scrutinizing them as she enters the establishment. Look a right rough lot, bruiser types. Just what the fuck was she getting mixed up in? London was miles behind her, there was no turning back – serves her right for accepting a client that worked through LLCs. Should have known better than that, Sinclair, she thinks to herself.
She stands out like a sore thumb in a place like this, impeccably dressed in patent leather Valentino heels, pencil skirt, Prada bag, and camel coat while everyone else is dressed like they should be in a Guy Ritchie film. She’s nearly ready to start scanning the place looking for Vinnie Jones and Statham. They would fit in here more than she ever could. And then she’s met by the grey plume blown out from the corner of a mouth several inches above her, the burning tip of a cigar like the beam of a lighthouse cutting through the fog. A smirk bending around the Villa Clara between his lips, piercing blue eyes coming into view. She could almost forgive the mutton chops straight out of 1860 once she noticed the button up shirt that strained around those arms and pecs, that was until she saw the neck tattoo. “Mr. Price, I assume?” She holds out her hand, ready to meet him with a firm grip. Her eyes lock with his, not intimidated in the slightest. She’d met too many of these types of men in her career, the ones who thought of themselves as gangsters – hard asses – but the moment they were facing jail time they started to shiver and shake like soaking wet teacup poodles. The facade always broke in no time. “That’s me, love.” He met her with a curt nod, his gaze firmly set on hers without a wandering eye – a refreshing change of pace. His large, rough hand wrapped around hers, firm and strong. By the callouses alone she already knew he was a man who wasn’t afraid to get his hands dirty. “Quite the establishment you’ve invited me to.” “What can I say, darlin’?” He says with a casual shrug. “Like to see a toffee-nosed bird like yourself out of her element, gives me a better read on what you’re really like under pressure.” His self-assured grin spreads wider as he rolls up the sleeves of his button up shirt. Her eyes fall to the muscles and tendons in his forearms, to the tattoos peeking out as the fabric is pulled away, and the way his hand looks clenched into a fist as he tugs on the shirt, the scars on his knuckles in view. Fucking hell. She clears her throat, shifting her weight on her feet. “I’m quite sure my record for cases won speaks for itself,” she says with a cocky lift of her brow. He pursed his lips, tipping his head to the side, sizing her up. “I prefer to know a person beyond what some file says about them, yeah? So why not show me what you can do.”
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 2 months
four characters that make me say “my man, my man, my man.”
thanks for the tag @chxrryhansen ৎ୭
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no pressure tags: @ghostlyfleur @chvoswxtch @inklore @fettuccin-e @fxllfaiiry @midniteluv @venuslore @oncasette @inkluvs @slvttyfied @appocalipse @reidslovely
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nellarw95 · 9 months
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Happy Birthday Idris 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
September 6,1972
Buon Compleanno 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
6 Settembre 1972
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twviinaquariium2 · 2 years
I am personally invested and highly looking forward to canon marvel moon knight character Jake Lockley being vastly different to how the fandom at large has chosen to collectively characterise him. Oscar Isaac, do your worst, bestie 😘
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roughridingrednecks · 11 months
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Dave Courtney
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moviesandmania · 14 days
RISE OF THE FOOTSOLDIER: VENGEANCE Reviews of Craig Fairbrass crime thriller - free online
Rise of the Footsoldier: Vengeance is a 2023 crime thriller about a gangster on a violent rampage. The movie is the latest entry in the franchise that began with Rise of the Footsoldier (2007) and continued with Rise of the Footsoldier: Part II (2015), Rise of the Footsoldier 3 (2017) and Rise of the Footsoldier: Origins (2021). Directed by Nick Nevern (Rise of the Footsoldier: Origins) from a…
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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“4 YEARS, 10 Lashes For BANDIT,” Vancouver Sun. December 7, 1932. Page 1 & 17 ---- JOE KNOWLES ADMITS GUILT IN 2 OFFENSES ---- Riddle Of Silken Loot ---- Four years in penitentiary with 10 strokes of the strap was the sentence meted out by Magistrate J. A. Findlay in Vancouver Police Court today to Joe Knowles, who pleaded guilty to two charges of robbery with violence.
In his guilty plea, Knowles identified himself with Orville Keown and Robert Davidson, members of a gang who were responsible for five hold-ups and were each sentenced to five years in penitentiary with 10 lashes on December 5. 
Knowles admitted that he had driven the car for Keown and Davidson on one hold-up and that, he had been in the automobile on the second occasion. 
BUS ROBBERY The Specific charges against Knowles were the robberies of A. W. Dinsmore, bus driver, of $23 at Rupert Street and Twenty-fifth Avenue, on November 17, and the robbery of J. H. Chalmers, Grey Cab driver, of $3 and his automobile on November 10. In sentencing Knowles, Magistrate Findlay declared there was .no excuse for the type of crime committed. 
A new sidelight on the holdup of Jack Ravenhill, clerk, in the Terminal City Club, West Hastings Street, early Saturday night and the theft of $150 in club funds by two armed bandits developed late Tuesday when F. W. Groves, Kelowna, B.C., reported to police that he was a guest In the club at the time of the robbery and had been forced by the gunmen to turn over $11 in cash. 
Investigation into the daring holdup is being pressed by police. It was not previously known that any member of the club had been robbed, although police were aware that a number of guests were present in the building at the time. 
Who are the owners of five assorted silk scarfs, one white silk dress with veil and one black evening dress with lace scarf? 
The Vancouver Police Department found the articles in possession of two burglary suspects now being held for investigation. 
WOMAN ROBBED Early this morning two thugs forced Miss O. Cook, 5937 Sperling Avenue, to turn over $1 in cash. Miss Cook had driven her automobile into the garage at the rear of her home and was about to get out of the vehicle when she became aware of the intruders. 
One of the bandits approached and ordered her to turn over her money. Miss Cook gave him what cash she had. Both men than ran from the garage, vaulted a fence and disappeared. 
Another arrest has been made in connection with the holdup of R. W. Mclnnes, Walnut Grove postmaster, last Sunday morning. Sulo Allen, St, Regis Rooms, Richards Street, Vancouver, was turned over to Langley police by Vancouver police, Tuesday, and is charged with robbery with violence. He was arrested in Vancouver by Detectives W. Bell and A. Murray. 
Jack Weeks, 67 West Hastings Street, Vancouver and Lyndon Ingelson, Waverley Street, Vancouver, appeared in police court at Murmyville Tuesday, charged with robbery with violence. They were remanded. 
Four counts of robbery with violence were placed against Fred Malpass, 23, no fixed address, following a line-up at city police headquarters late Tuesday afternoon. 
Arrested by Detectives J. Cooland and J. Morrison, Malpass is charged with the armed robbery of Kirk Coal Company employees on January 2t last and the theft of $700. 
The Arrow Coal Company, 15 East First Avenue, hold-up of J. L. Kirk and Miss I. G. Adams and theft of $50 on October 20, is also attributed to Malpass, who is also charged with the hold-up of George Ferguson in the Piggly Wiggly Store, 3207 Cambie Street, and theft of $60. 
As one of the two gunmen who invaded the London Grocery Store, 2085 Victoria Drive, and attempted to hold up Miss K. Atkins and Miss E. Henderson. Malpass will face trial. In the instance the two bandits were driven off when the girl clerks attacked them with brooms.
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orteil42 · 1 month
we are in dire need of some new media trend. we've done pirates, we've done cowboys; we've gone through two whole zombie revivals. aliens and space themes have basically been a constant since at least the 1950s, as have robots and evil AIs. we went pretty heavy on vampires for a while. we've also done dinosaurs, ninjas, musicals, wizards, sea creatures, ancient rome, ancient egypt, middle ages out the wazoo, entirely too much world war II, we're currently overdosing on our superhero phase, we've done monsters (misunderstood), monsters (radioactive), fake guy in the real world, real guy travels to fake world, caves & mining, vikings, what if you were really small, genre parody as a genre, sand, New York, time travel, something racist goes down in the jungle, neurodivergent detective, buddy cops, crooked cops, gangsters, bank heists in particular, kid has powers, revolt against the corporate world, portals, social insects, dragons, the British, global apocalypse, martial arts, roadtrip as self-discovery, Jesus, clones, clowns, babysitting goes wrong, demonic possession, ghosts of all kinds, talking animals, fucking with the stock market, restaurant ownership, dwarves, planes, and spies. where do we go from here. what's our next big thing
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starrrberry · 8 months
humza arshads diary of a bad man was so influential to the younger gen of british pakistanis that it shocks me sometimes
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magicalflowerlight · 9 months
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Getting Carter (1971)
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