starpyrate-art · 5 months
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Starpy and Buncha~ Sketching in PSG style is always fun
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galaxyafterdark · 11 months
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1- Peach Bellini for Arva69 on Twitter
2- Ahhh the moment I got a stick in BasilWoof’s stream
3- @bunchata with King BbGurl Pedro Pascal.
4- RAT PIPE with BooTheRat
5 + 6- Brooklyn and Daia for Starpy and Buncha
7- An anniversary pic for Dunnie and I
8- The bastard bunny himself, Bunnoi
10- FilthTheMutt with her line of frozens!
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dienmaybaoviet · 20 days
Chả băm viên là thành phần không thể thiếu để hoàn thiện nên một bát bún chả thơm ngon. Vì thế, 3 cách làm chả nướng thịt băm mà Bảo Việt chia sẻ sau đây sẽ là gợi ý quan trọng để bạn có được suất bún chả ngon khó cưỡng
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vietname-visa · 3 months
Attention! All food enthusiasts! 🍴🌎
Craving the culinary delights of Vietnamese cuisine? 🍲🇻🇳
Embark on a flavorful journey with Vietnam eVisa.
Experience the culinary journey like no other, savoring every delight of Banh Mi🥖, the flavorful broth of Pho🍜, the delicious aroma of Bun Cha🍢, and enjoy the crispy texture of Banh Xeo🥞, the unique richness of Ca Phe Trung☕, and more.
Our dedicated visa team offers 24/7 support🕒, meticulous verification🔍, and professional document translation services📄, ensuring a hassle-free trip to this marvelous destination.
So, why delay anymore? Apply for the Vietnam e-visa now and get ready to savor the delicacies waiting for you!🎉✈️
For more details, browse: https://www.vietnam-e-visa.org/tourist-guide-to-vietnamese-food.
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thuongmai · 3 months
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bún chả
bún chả xơ mít giá sống, chuẩn bị tinh lực tuần mới
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lucadea · 5 months
Un piatto vietnamita: il Bun Cha Hanoi
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Un piatto vietnamita: il Bun Cha Hanoi. Uno dei piatti più famosi della cucina vietnamita in particolare tipico della città di Hanoi. Io che sono molto difficile nel mangiare devo dire che ho trovato molti piatti di mio gusto in questo viaggio in Vietnam. Ovviamente, non amando io il piccante, ho avuto qualche difficoltà ma almeno le zuppe, quasi sempre, sono preparate non piccanti e poi sei tu che aggiungi il peperoncino. E' il caso di questo piatto: carne di maiale grigliata con brodo di verdure (e anche molto glutammato). A parte i vermicelli (noodles di riso) ed erbe varie da aggiungere a piacere al piatto (oltre al peperoncino ovviamente). Veramente molto gustoso! Ti piace la cucina asiatica ed in particolare vietnamita?  A dish of the Vietnamese cuisine: the bun chai Hanoi - Un plat de la cuisine vietnamienne: le chai chai hanoi - Un plato de la cocina vietnamita: The Bun Chai Hanoi - Um prato da cozinha vietnamita: o bun chai hanói - Ein Gericht der vietnamesischen Küche: das Brötchen Chai Hanoii - Một món ăn của ẩm thực Việt Nam: Bun Chai Hà Nội - 越南美食的菜肴:Bun Chai Hanoi - ベトナム料理の料理:ブンチャイハノイ Read the full article
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myfood-dowon · 11 months
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contakaidigon · 2 months
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qiinamii · 9 months
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old men's little guys
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assy1210 · 1 year
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日本時間であれば朝寝坊だが ベトナムは2時間時差があるので早起き 朝食がてら少し散歩してみる 思った以上にバイク文化で 公園の至るところで太極拳の 発展系をやっている さて、昨晩食べられなかった、 ベトナムのつけ麺「ブンチャー」を 開店時間ピッタリに訪店してオーダー 山盛りのビーフン、そこらの水辺で で摘んできた感じにも関��らず 清潔な���野菜、豚肉たっぷりのつけ汁、 肉満載の揚げ春巻きのセットで 500円台くらいか… 日本よりは安い 味変で生唐辛子と生にんにく これも辛すぎず、塩味と甘味のある 汁によくなじんでバランスがよい ベトナムコーヒーを何杯かいただきながら 忘れてはいけない取材活動 「美味しんぼ」で取り扱われて以降 ずっと気になっていたメニューがある 「チュンビロン」だ ※地方によって「ホビロン」ともいう 孵化寸前の玉子を茹でたもので、 見た目や食感にギルティを感じつつ、 とても味わい深いらしい ブンチャー屋の娘さん(英語堪能)に Google翻訳(ベトナム語)で立ち向かったが 結局「写真見せろ」となって、 検索して見せたら瞬殺 「向かいの路地で地べたに座る  おばさんが出してくれる」だそう 食事を終えて路地へ向かうと お風呂の椅子に座ったり、テーブルに したりして住民が10名ほどフォーを 食べているところがあった おばちゃんに「チュンビロンある?」と 訊くがやっぱり通じない… お姉さんの言う通り、写真見せると 「オーケー、ハーフOK?」と ピースマーク出しながらハンドサイン よくわからないが「OK」と返すと 数分経って写真の通り、熱々の汁ビーフン! さっきブンチャーセット食べたから 朝っぱらからお腹いっぱいなんだよー! Google翻訳で「ファンビロンだけ もうひとつ欲しいんだけど」と伝えると 別皿で目当てのものが… 汁ビーフンは、もちろん美味しく 食べ進めると、チュンビロンを 半分に切ったものが4つ… あー、指がピースで「ハーフ」って 言ってたのは、チュンビロン2個を 食べやすいように半分に切るって 意味だったか… さらに単品チュンビロンもあるから 都合3個食べることになった… いや、確かに普通のゆで玉子に比べて 圧倒的に濃厚だし、別にアタマとか ハネとかもないから「いうほど グロテスクではないけどな…」 という印象の食べものではある 日本ではあまりあり付けないと 思うので、来越の際はぜひ! ただ、チュンビロンのせいか ベトナムコーヒーのせいかはわからない けれども、早速お腹壊しました… #vietnam #hanoi #チュンビロン #ホビロン #ブンチャー #buncha (Bun cha hanoi) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co_qk_7yh-f/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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starpyrate-art · 11 months
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Some other stuff I drew in June
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abd-illustrates · 9 months
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🔥Zahra 🔥
Some more of the finished art from this week’s video, where I designed a couple of Genshin Impact OCs! (And finally got to reveal one of the secret projects I’ve been working on…! 👀) I’ve been posting the finished pieces here throughout the week; and last but not least is Zahra; a fiery firefighter from Sumeru!
[DO NOT EDIT OR REPOST TO OTHER SITES / ACCOUNTS]   ♻️reblogs are lovely tho!♻️
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galaxyafterdark · 11 months
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So rather than struggle with posting things 1 by 1, I’m just gonna post ALLLLLL the art I’ve posted month to month!
1- My debut booty announcement~
2- Shaema from Twitch
3-More Debut announcements
4- @bunchata getting ready to pass DA JOOSE
5- BasilWoof and BooTheRat from Twitch
6- Brooklyn for Buncha!
7- Promo art for Later Gator Let’s play
8- Arva69 from Twitch
9- Executive dysfunction
10- Pre debut ShiaBun and Buffpup on twitch
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dienmaybaoviet · 2 months
Lò nướng bún chả, hay chúng ta thường quen thuộc với cái tên là lò nướng Salamander, là thiết bị chế biến món ăn quen thuộc với các nhà hàng ẩm thực châu Âu - Mỹ. Giờ đây, ngày càng nhiều các hàng bún chả đã lựa chọn sử dụng loại lò này để chế biến những mẻ chả băm, chả miếng thơm ngon mà không sinh khói bụi, đảm bảo an toàn sức khỏe cho cả người chế biến và thực khách. Cùng xem ngay những ưu điểm của mẫu lò nướng bún chả này nhé.
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aftonsparv-bugzz · 2 months
:33 < iHATE having to fight EVERYTHING for the SMALLEST amount of representation in this community. therians get SO MUCH representation in this community, nobody talks of objectkins, or fictionkins, or plantkins, or conceptkins, or elemental kins, or space/voidkins, or songkins, or LITERALLY. ANY. "UNCOMMON". ALTERHUMAN IDENTITY. it is SO UNFAIR ON THE REST OF THE COMMUNITY THAT WE LITERALLY HAVE TO FIGHT TOOTH AND NAIL JUST TO GET THE SMALLEST REPRESENTATION IN THIS COMMUNITY. WE NEVER GET TALKED ABOUT. EVER. (also, ihave NOTHING against therians. iam one. but iwont post about it because iwant to fight for representation of "uncommon" kins.)
:33 < shout out to alterhumans/non humans with NO kin identity, just saying they arent human. youdont "need" to have an identity and fit into a box. youre perfect just the way you are.
:33 < shout out to plantkins. every single plant/fungi. from the DEADLIEST venus fly traps to the BRIGHTEST boquet of roses. have a fresh ray of sunlight to beam upon you, youre shining so much its insane.
:33 < shout out to all the objects. whether it be a small eraser, or your favourite plushie, youre still valid, and awesome, and soooo cool /gen
:33 < shout out to elemental kins. burning fire, cold breezes of wind, all elements. the most HURTFUL, DEADLIEST elements to the ones that arent so dangerous. your kintype is never too dangerous for me. keep living life the way youwould
:33 < shout out to fictionkins. the weirdest characters, the "prettiest" characters, your favourite characters, your hated characters, your least favourite characters, characters from an uncommon source or from a common source, all of you.
:33 < shout out to songkins. from the strangest, most unusual melodies, to the songs everyone knows. you are the most beautiful, melodic songs ever. you keep being you bro.
:33 < shout out to placekins. youre a little cottage in the woods ? thats awesome. youre that corner shop down the street ? so cool. youre massive theme park, with flashing lights and fireworks and everything ? genuinely so amazing.
:33 < shout out to daykins/monthkins/seasonkins/yearkins. all the several days, seasons, months passing by us is so beautiful to watch
:33 < shout out to number/letter kins. all the numbers formed to make mathematics, all the letters we have in languages today, all so beautiful
:33 < shout out to spacekins. all the stars, cosmos, voids, even those who identify with being space as a whole. so beautiful.
:33 < shout out to conceptkins. strangest concept to comprehend, the easiest concepts, idont care. yall are amazing.
:33 < and shout out to any "unusual" or "uncommon" kintype ihavent mentioned.
:33 < yall are SO BEAUTIFUL !!
:33 < if you identify with an "uncommon kintype" PLEASE interact with this blog iwant more cool people to follow /nf
:33 < and if you are a therian blog iwould hope you to repost this so youcan show awareness for other kintypes in this community. (but youdont have to !! idont mind if youdont, do not worry !! :3 its perfectly ok with me not to reblog it, I understand why you wouldnt !! :33)
:33 < /nf
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acidsaladd · 4 months
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tide pod scribble :]
[id: a digital drawing of leo and mikey from rottmnt. they are standing in the kitchen in front of a table that has a thick ring of flower spread on it. mikey is carefully cracking an egg right in the middle of the flour, ducking under leos arms who is recording this over mikeys head with mikeys phone. he is sticking his tongue out in concentration and leaning in closer to look at what he's filming. mikey is wearing a dark blueish gray sweater with the sleeves rolled up while leo is wearing a light gray one with black pants, his mask tails tied in a bun. behind them we can see part of the kitchen, the wall is a reddish brown color, the floor a shiny gray tile and theres dark brown cabinets and an entrance to the kitchen. above them theres text that reads "helping mike with his socials :P"./ end id]
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