#Cain Instinct AU
emeraldthelynx · 3 months
Gift for @livmadart because Arsène won't leave me alone.
Ran let a long-suffering sigh out through her lungs. Of course Dad was drooling in front of the TV for A Yoko Okino show.
Conan was making himself happy with a thick mystery book on the couch, smirking to himself as he came across sections with clues. Really, he was just like Shinichi, trying to guess the mystery before it was solved. Sometimes she really had to wonder… There was a small, but rapid-fire knock on the office door. It sounded like a little fist. Conan rose his head in confusion. Ran looked down at him. "Conan, did you invite one of your friends over?" she asked. Conan shook his head, staring blankly. "No." he said. Ran looked back at her dad for a moment, then sighed. He was still drooling over the TV. "I'll go get it." she said. Conan's voice spiked urgently as she turned the knob. "W-wait! Don't let him-" The door swung open, and a little boy with a face just like Conan's burst into the room.
"Big brother! I found you!" he said. Ran whirled around, and her dad stared dumbly away from the screen. Conan's eyes were big and he frankly looked freaked out. "Ki- Arsène! I told you to stay at home!" he yelled. The clone, Arsène, dropped his bag to the floor of the office. "But, big brother! How can I stay at home when you're having such amazing adventures without me?" He grinned, eyes flashing a cheeky look. "Besides, you get to meet my hero, Kaito KID! I've got to see him, brother! I've just got to!" he said. Conan glared, and shot off the couch. "No Kaito KID!" he yelled, and started to chase Arsène. Arsène shrieked with laughter. "Ke ke ke! Catch me if you can, brother!" "I've caught you once, I'll catch you again!" "The number of time you've caught me is zeer-o!" "I'll use my sneakers!" "Meanie!" Ran stared at the sight of the two first-graders chasing each other around the couch in a state of half-shock. Her dad slowly straightened out. "The brat has a brother?" he said. Ran looked at this Arsène boy. He looked identical to Conan, if you excluded the bird's nest of hair and the missing glasses. "It looks like it?" she said. Conan lunged for Arsène. "You little KID!" Arsène twirled deftly out of the way, and Conan sprawled onto the floor. The twin looked down at him, brushed his bangs out of his face, and smiled politely. "It's an honor to meet you, Miss Ran." he said. He flicked his wrist, and a blue rose appeared. He grinned. "It's magic!" he said. Ran took the rose, looking at Arsène carefully. "Th-thank you." she said. She looked at Conan. The little boy was rubbing his head, and glaring at his apparent twin. "Conan, you never told me you had a twin brother." she said. Conan glared at Arsène. "That's because I don't like him." he said. Arsène plunked himself down on the couch. "But I like you, tiny detective! I told Papa that I'd be okay staying with you instead of traveling with him, so here I am!" he said, smiling wide and innocently. Dad stood up from behind his desk. "It's not 'okay' for you to be staying here, brat! I'm already taking care of your troublemaking big brother, I don't need another one of you around!" he said. Arsène frowned. "But Mr. famous detective Mouri! My brother has so many adventures with a the great detective! I want to have adventures too!" he said. Dad snorted, but it was clear Arsène was working to his ego. "Little brat. Fine! But you'd better pull your weight and not get in my way on a case like your big brother!" he said. Conan crossed his arms. "Make him go away, uncle!" he said. Arsène ignored him, and instead bounced up to Dad's desk. "Can I call you uncle too, Mr. famous detective?" he said. Dad groaned, and leaned back. "Sure sure. Now stop interrupting me, you're making me miss too much of Yoko's show!" he said, and turned back to the TV. Arsène stood on tiptoe to watch for a minute. Conan slapped his forehead. Ran bent down to him. "Conan, do you really hate you brother this much? You really should of told me you had one." she said. Conan pouted. "But, Ran! Arsène is a lot of trouble! He bugs me as much as Kaito KID!" he said. Ran thought she might of imagined Arsène looking back for a quick moment with an irritated look that wouldn't have been out of place on Shinichi's face, but ignored it. Ran picked up Conan.
"But you still like the challenges that the KID makes, right? So you can't dislike your brother so much you can forget about him. Isn't that right, big brother Conan?" she said. Conan frowned, turned away, but Ran could tell by the way he relaxed his body that he had accepted his fate. Arsène turned back from looking at the TV. "Miss Ran? Can I go up too?" he asked. Conan's body went rigid. "No way! You're not allowed to touch Ran!" he said. Arsène smirked. "Protective much, little detective?" he said. Conan glared. "Little KID magician!" "Tiny tiny detective!" "Meddling magician!" "Nosy investigator!" "Rule breaker!" "Teacher's pet!" Ran slowly felt a headache build in the back of her head. Oh boy, she hoped she wouldn't regret this. She belatedly realized later that Shinichi didn't have a twin brother. Well there went that theory…
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orphetoon · 6 months
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(haruno higashikata au) i dont think the pomp is for him
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livmadart · 6 months
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okay hear me out
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THIS is an extremely funny dynamic, post canon cain instincts au or otherwise. Kaito (can keep a white suit perfectly clean at heists) versus Shinichi (just crashed his skateboard jumping out the window of a burning building after confronting a culprit)
case closed count: no updates srry
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ghost-bxrd · 18 days
Tim can’t breathe. He can’t breathe.
He thought— the Tower was bad enough. He hates being kept out of the loop, especially for “his own protection”, but he never thought—
It is Robin who had been threatened. Robin that Batman had been taunted with. Enough times, and with grisly enough descriptions of what might happen to him, that Bruce sent Tim to the Titans as a last ditch effort to keep him well out of reach of Gotham and its newly minted crime lord.
But Hood took Bernard, and Tim can’t breathe. Can only stare at the grainy picture from an unknown number, showing his boyfriend tied up and gagged in someone’s— Hood’s, probably, oh god— bed.
Tim wants to throw up.
Please god, please no.
— sneak peek of “Modern Day Cain”
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socksandbuttons · 2 months
I’m curious about how sun and KC see each other within the swap universe.
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They... talk. They do sibling banter.
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bestjeanistmonster · 11 months
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Dc au Sonic and Tails basically
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denis-local · 3 months
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Just a lil something haha plus-
Headcanon: Enphoso made MrManeuver and Mr, probably being a weird 'parent' to them cause only an actually evil guy could make something like Mr.
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sarcasticmothdraws · 2 years
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Twin time :D
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neoncolorblocks · 1 year
I’m genuinely curious about this, so I’m just gonna ask: if Venus went back in time to when her dad and his brothers were teenagers, then how exactly are their future selves handling it? I can’t imagine Leo would be taking the fact that his daughter suddenly disappeared very well…
Also, does anyone else get the feeling that the whole scenario would UNINTENTIONALLY be a certain tech savvy turtle’s fault?
I made it out to be some freak lab accident involving Kraang tech, but yeah it was all their faults but in Donnie’s lab so Leo was not happy.
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He forgave Donnie pretty fast but Usagi was a whole other story lol. I haven’t nailed down a good Donnie design so I will add him later.
(I added a fourth bead onto Leo’s side bc he has another kid named Momotaro.)
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He was too young and skittish to be in Donnie’s lab so he’s fine for now ;)
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hexfloog · 1 year
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Commission for @cherry-j4m~ Illustration of one solemn Aoko to go along with their fic, The Cain Instinct!
Thank you for commissioning me <3
Commissions will be reopening soon!
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insertsona · 1 month
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sso theres this guy,
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fauvester · 1 year
drawing prompts you say?
iskra wedding day?
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nartothelar · 2 years
"Grief changes people" has been your handwavey excuse for a little bit, and I am struggling to see it. Can you please elaborate on why grief would make someone actively hurt someone they thought they'd lost, rather than lovebomb them or basically become the "if you left me I'd die" sort of manipulative? The kind of abuse that's been shown in the au doesn't fit what I think of when I see "grief changes people".
Grief has changed Emmet in two ways:
1) Bitterness: Emmet feels bitter and angry that Ingo left him (by disappearing, by dying in his timeline). He knows it is ultimately not his brothers fault that he did, but he is still bitter about it.
Ingo’s constant reminders that F!Emmet is not Emmet brings about a sadness in him but also a twinge of annoyance/ire as he IS Emmet. He tried so hard to get his brother back and he is acting distant, callous even! Which is why his teasing of Ingo is his way of ‘harmlessly’ getting back at him.
2) Need for affirmations of love: Similar to the “if you left me I’d die” manipulation, the ways Emmet has distressed Ingo (threatening to hurt himself, crying when Ingo yelled at him, pretending to be OG Emmet) invoked a response from Ingo where he directly shows his love for Emmet. Emmet is him and he is Emmet. He feels twisted delight at seeing that love, even if it hurts Ingo in the process (due to the first reason)
Before Ingo figured out Emmet was being possessed, F!Emmet did shower him with love and affection, which was brushed off as Emmet’s usual self. When Ingo caught on, Emmets bitterness resurfaced as Ingo rejected him. He chases this normalcy (such as in the lunch conversation comic where he is tryinggg to act normal) but Ingo has to keep bringing up the ‘real Emmet’ like Emmet isn’t in the room with him. Verrry rude.
All in all, Emmet is a complex guy. Due to a multitude of reasons (keeping the time line in check, keeping Ingo ignorant of his true identity, his own issues, etc.) he acts the way he does
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livmadart · 3 months
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I’ve had a pretty hard time finishing pieces lately, but saw @shionsky’s lovely work for Conan Week and wanted to join…obviously I had to pop in on day 6: AU! For this, I finally finished the sketch from this ask here, exploring how Kaito would react if his doves recognized him, even though he’s been shrunk. I hope you all enjoy this!
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ghostypetrainer · 1 year
Btw I’m PvPing you about Construct AU. Here goes:
Ingo was  on the singles line train.
Ingo was…on the singles line train.
Ingo was on the singles line train. The singles line train was in between stations and no challengers had reached the boss's car yet. Ingo held the metal pole for balance because safety was important, and one of the windows rattled a little bit around the turns, and Chandelure was floating up near the ceiling. Ingo was doing exactly what Emmet had instructed him to. He was on the singles line train.
Ingo was on the singles line train like he was every morning, acting as the line's Subway Boss. If any challenger appeared, he would say a speech Emmet had written and he would point dramatically, and he would conduct a difficult pokemon battle against them. Then, in the afternoon, Ingo would do paperwork to Emmet's specifications while Emmet handled the administration of Gear Station in person. That was his job, and he did it every day. It was more than his job--it was his entire purpose. It was why Ingo had been made.
But something was different. Something had changed about the singles line train since yesterday, and Ingo couldn't figure out what it was. There was no sound in the car that had not been there before. Nor any strange smells. The train was just as fast as it was yesterday, running down the track at exactly the same tempo. The lights? No, they were the same. The only difference that was readily apparent was that Ingo felt just a little bit warmer than usual.
Ingo was warm, but he wasn't uncomfortable. And he couldn't just take his coat off; then he would be out of uniform! Ingo looked up. Chandelure was still hanging there, close by.
Chandelure rocked back and forth with the motion of the train. When they went around a turn, it swayed like a real light fixture. When Chandelure realized that Ingo was looking up, it turned to look back down at him.
Chandelure looked at Ingo's chest with its big glowing eyes. The black line of glass that was its mouth was flat. Then it glanced up at Ingo's face, and looked right back at Ingo's chest. It had been doing that a lot, lately. Just staring at Ingo's chest, where the weird warm feeling was centered.
Ingo's face wasn't very expressive. Emmet hadn't made him that way. But he furrowed his brows a bit anyway. "Is something wrong, Chandelure? I feel…"
He felt…strange. Something to do with the warmth that was concentrated under his skin. Wait. Under his skin. The warm feeling wasn't coming from outside, it was coming from inside of Ingo. Had some mechanism of his changed? His workings were supposed to be a mixture of metaphysical and inorganic. That shouldn't make him warm. Ingo reached up and rested his free hand flat over the spot where his heart would be if he really was a human being.
It didn't really feel that different. The texture was the same. The motion that he made to simulate breathing was the same. The vibration from the train car that traveled up his legs and into his body was the same. But something else, some other feeling, was new.
Ingo tried to puzzle it out. He tried to think it through. Nothing about the train had changed, but maybe, something about Ingo had? His eyes found Chandelure again. Chandelure had big eyes, and it looked encouragingly down at him.
Chandelure was Emmet's pokemon, one of his oldest partners. Chandelure cared a lot about Emmet, and he loved it in return. They had a high friendship level. Chandelure had been put off by Ingo at first, but it had warmed up to him eventually. Did Ingo and Chandelure also have a high friendship level? Did Chandelure care about him, too?
That idea made the warm feeling glow brighter in Ingo's chest. Chandelure's eyes followed the feeling like a magnet.
"Do you like me?" Ingo asked. "That's okay. I like you, too." The warm feeling was overflowing, a tiny sun in Ingo's chest.
Chandelure cooed. An affirmative? It made Ingo happy to hear.
Wait. Ingo felt happy? He really did, he found. Some inexorable force was dragging the corners of his mouth up in an stiff approximation of a smile. Ingo was happy, and he liked Chandelure. Loved it, even. It was the same kind of love that he felt for the train running under his feet, and also for Emmet, who was, even then, riding miles away on the doubles line train.
Ingo was happy. He felt love. The heat like a candle flame in his chest wasn’t a mechanical failure, it must have been a soul! He smiled up at Chandelure earnestly. Chandelure fixed its own face into a little smile and it beamed back at him. They were friends!
"Don't tell Emmet, okay? If he doesn't know about my new soul, I can play so many pranks on him."
Chandelure nodded and returned to its spot by the ceiling with a self-satisfied look on its face.
ahhhhh, the soul realization of what the change in himself is... capped off by the ending where Ingo asks if he and Chandelure are friends basically... and then of course. Chandelure agreeing not to tell Emmet because she also wants to play pranks on her beloved trainer. It's good. It's soooo good.
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sekai-no-koi · 1 year
Based on @livmadart ‘s Cain Instincts AU! Outline finished, first chapter up now, already working on the second :3
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