#Calista's Dream
skythighs · 1 month
Calista's Dream: Cream on my Lips
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We all saw the amount of drool Feyd was dripping in the movie, right? So this shouldn't come as a surprise 😆. Also, don't ask why he's obsessed with sniffing things. I really just get that vibe from him lol anyways here's our first taste if you will of the adult content, so please 18+ only.
Warnings: Rough handling, possessive behavior, and female orgasm.
Word count: 3.1k
Chapter 3
The wedding ceremony was now a short seven days away. Knowing that there was so little time before she left her old life behind to become Na Baroness Harkonnen, meant she spent her days with loved ones. Her father had even taken to visiting her in her chambers before retiring for the evening. He would of course excuse his visit by saying he needed her counsel for some menial matter. He would sit beside her on her lounge chair and hold her hand. She knew he would miss her, when she was gone, but it would not be forever. With any luck House Atreides and Harkonnen could use this marriage to really put the past behind them. A new beginning for an alliance between them.
Today marked the first day of the wedding celebrations. An array of fun games and other attractions were set up outside of castle Caladan and even a feast was being held this night for any Caladan native to come to wish the bride and groom well in their union, they would present little trinkets and tokens of their affection for the most beloved Atreides heir. Which of course meant Feyd and I would be expected to be in close proximity for the duration of the feast, and together playing said games and seeing the attractions.
It was nearly noon now so I should grace the Na Baron by showing my face for the first time today. I had taken my morning meal alone in the comfort of my chamber. A rarity these days since I’ve been busy ‘courting’. The Na Barons cold demeanor towards me actually soothed my mother for reasons she wouldn’t disclose. I washed and dressed for the momentous occasion, since this would be a long day with no reprieve between the carnival and feast. I had to look stunning in my first and only gown for the day.
As I rapped on Feyd Rautha’s chamber door, I was startled when it was pulled open abruptly before I finished knocking. He stood in front of me with a wild look in his usually inexpressive eyes.
“I could smell you approaching, my lady.”
He raises his left hand and strokes my cheek. The most contact we’ve had since the training incident weeks ago now.
I gulped.
“And how pretty you smell today indeed.”
He was so close to me, all I could do as of late was freeze in front of him. Like prey for the taking I would become almost immobile before his very eyes. Noticing my shocked still frame he took the opportunity to pull me into his chamber slamming the door by pushing me against it. The door slam jostles me out of my stupor and I take a deep clarifying breath looking up at him with my wide brown orbs.
“What are you doing?” I ask hesitantly, very confused at his odd behavior.
He doesn’t bother answering me as he pushes his form against me. The door knob wedges into my lower back and I adjust, unintentionally pushing against him in the process.
“I’ve been here too long, my lady without tending to my...appetite.”
As always the phrase ‘my lady’ drips with pure ownership of the title, ownership of me. 
“Your appetite for human flesh I presume?” Lifting my chin trying to hide my revulsion.
He chuckles dryly. Stroking my cheek tenderly.
“I don’t have an appetite for human flesh, but my darlings do.”
“Your darlings?”
“My concubines.”
He looks me in the eye no longer stroking me but now holding me in a vice-like grip just under my jaw. He searches my eyes for something. Whatever it is he finds it, because he smiles now.
“I wasn’t aware you had..concubines.”
It makes me feel uneasy. Of course I knew he had had many women in his bed, but his own concubines made my skin crawl. I felt envious of them, hearing him call them his darlings.
“Don’t pout my lady..your lips look far too tempting.”
His iron grip moved down to my throat and I felt his fingers twitch and flex with excitement. 
“I did no such thing. Why would I pout? I don’t care about your darlings.” 
The last word comes out in a sneer, and the excitement is promoted to glee. He’s enjoying this. And somehow so was I. He had been hiding himself away from me and now seeing him look at me that way again- my heart skips a beat and then two.
I place my left hand on his chest and I feel something there beneath his tunic, beneath his skin. Something akin to a siren's song. A dangerous temptation to feel more of him. A dark urge to be skin to skin rips through me and suddenly I’m transported back to the day he tasted my blood on his pink tongue.The hunger in his eyes was desire f-for me in much the same way I'm seeing now.
I continue up his chest until my hand cups his neck, much more gently than the way he holds mine. I feel him shudder beneath my perusal and I move my hand to the back of his neck as leverage to pull his black mouth closer to mine. He doesn’t resist until the last second, tensing his muscles preventing me from pulling him further. 
We lock eyes, both pairs searching for an unanswered question that hung between us like a deep secret never to be spoken aloud by either of us.
“Please.” I whisper, feeling my lips brush against his as I speak. I move to my tiptoes trying to close the distance but he sharply shoves me against the door before wrapping his arms around me claiming my body before claiming my mouth.
His kiss is not gentle, or kind. It is not patient or sweet. It is rough and biting. It is possessive and sloppy. There is so much wetness between us, his tongue swipes it away before diving into my mouth. My first kiss isn’t quite what I imagined it would be. I thought it would be sweet and slow, coaxing even with the promise of more. Feyd Rautha, however, kissed me like I was an enemy being conquered on the battlefield.There was not an ounce of softness between us. Even being victim to his rough handling I felt my insides quiver. A moan slips past my lips into his own. He claims it for himself, swallowing it down never to be heard by another set of ears. He pulls away then, a string of saliva connecting us now as we catch our breath. 
“Lead the way my lady.”
And with that his touch is gone from my frame nearly causing me to crash down onto the rug beneath our feet. My lack of him left me bereft and struggling to catch my breath even more than the kiss. I gather my composure relatively quickly and smooth the front of my gown before looking up at him.
He has a smile hidden behind his dark blue eyes. They aren’t the same cold detached ones I’d grown used to and that made me smile at him as I opened the door peeking out first to make sure no one would see me leaving from inside his chamber.
As we walked around the carnival I noticed many of Caladans residents looking at us in uncertainty and bewilderment. It was almost as if they knew what we had been up to minutes ago alone together. Self consciousness prickled at my nerves mercilessly. I glance at Feyd who walks beside me with a smug look of satisfaction on his face. My hands resting on his bicep unconsciously squeeze him lightly, just enjoying the raw power beneath my finger tips. My mother spotted us and she looked stricken for a brief moment before schooling her expression and approaching us.
My mother pulled out a handkerchief and handed it to me whispering in my ear.
“Wipe your mouth Calista. It seems some of the Na Barons paint didn’t have time to cure before...” She waved her hand at my lips to explain.
I quickly snatched the cloth and wiped my mouth embarrassment, seizing me. No wonder the bastard looked so smug. It was literally written on my face what we had been up to. My cheeks felt like they were on fire as I try to separate myself from him. I don’t get very far before his unyielding grip imprisons my wrist. I glance up at him, eyebrows raised before glancing down to his large hand.
“I was just going to excuse myself for a moment to get cleaned up.”
I find myself explaining my actions to him.
“There’s no need, my lady.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“Don’t try to wipe me away, besides everyone here knows who you belong to well enough.”
My mother locks her eyes on his punishing grip before clenching her jaw. Sensing the tension I attempt to placate them both. 
“I suppose that’s true. Would you spare me a moment to speak with my mother Na Baron?”
I hold my breath praying my attempt would work. His grip loosens shortly after my request and he steps away from us. Mumbling something about looking for wine. My heartbeat flutters faster than a hummingbird's wings.
Once my mother sees that he has left us alone for a moment, however brief it may be she tries to calm me down. 
“Breathe my girl. Just breathe.”
“He’s very possessive. It’s such a sudden change to how he’s been behaving.”
“You should know, your father spoke to him after the training incident. He asked him to be mindful that you are a lady of Caladan.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means you are not familiar with the overindulgence of carnal desires like he is.”
“Oh god, is that why he started avoiding me?”
My mother nods her head once. 
“There was a heated exchange between him and Duncan after what happened and they had to be separated.”
I was an oblivious fool. I remembered the biting tone he used towards Duncan after he helped me up and checked on me, but I didn’t realize.
“Don’t fret about it now, everything is fine, enjoy the celebration. He’s approaching so I will take my leave.”
She walks away just as Feyd Rautha reaches my side with a goblet of wine in each hand.
“Thank you”
I sip the drink gingerly feeling awkward knowing this new information. I try to act natural, but I wasn’t sure what this new natural was. We had just been entangled in his chambers and now his possessiveness was showing itself. Which apparently isn’t new, but my father talked him down before, what could be done now? I was to be his wife in seven days. What would stop him then? Did I want him to stop? I enjoyed this side much more than his cold distant self that had been my companion these last few weeks. My only concern was what he said to Duncan Idaho, my brother in all ways but blood.
“Just spit it out Little Duchess.”
I startle from my deep thoughts. He was using my nickname coined by Gurney, and from his lips it made me throb somewhere deep within. Was I really so easy to read? I clear my throat gathering the courage to be blunt in my questioning.
“What happened with you and Duncan after I left that day?”
His face sours at the mention of Idaho's name leaving my lips. 
“Why do you ask?” He probes.
“My mother just informed me there was some sort of disagreement between you two.”
He doesn’t speak for a long time. We stand in the middle of a crowded area and yet I know that if he wanted to hurt me right here and now, no one but me could stop him. There was such a fine line between attraction and aversion between him and I. Perhaps it’s a natural give and take considering our families' long standing rivalry.
“If you insist. I simply made him a promise I intend to keep.”
He encroached on my personal space immediately seizing my small face in his large hands. Looking beyond my skin. His gaze pierced the very blood beneath its surface. 
“What was the promise?” I press further.
“Give me your ear, and I’ll tell you, my lady.”
I tentatively move my ear closer to his inky mouth, hesitant, but eager to know what transpired between him and Duncan. He’s cupping the back of my head when he softly utters his promise to me.
“If you ever touch her again in my presence it’ll be the last thing you ever do. Or something to that effect.” He states coyly.
He casually strokes the soft strands of my hair, watching my face again to see my reaction up close.
“You needn’t be so worried about him. He is like a brother to me, Feyd Rautha.”
He only smiles at me threateningly. Releasing his hold on my head before we continue on to the next attraction. 
Later that same night I lay awake in my bed. Sleep evades me, and I can’t help but comb through every interaction I had with Feyd today. I could still feel his bruising touch on my lips, and my wrist. My white nightgown feels heavy all of a sudden when in reality it was quite thin. There was an ache between my legs that felt even more painful than Feyd Rauthas brutal touch. I do my best to ignore it before I find myself sneaking away from my chambers somewhat compelled to find what I lack and somehow knowing only he could provide it to me. I don’t bother knocking on his door as I let myself in. Surprisingly he was asleep beneath his sheets only his bottom half was covered. He made the large four poster bed look mediocre despite its grand size. The rest of him lay bare before me to see. He was all lean muscle and cream colored skin. He nearly blended seamlessly with the crisp white linen. I subconsciously move closer to him. As if possessed, my hand reaches towards his sleeping face. He looks so peaceful I can’t help myself.
Before I can feel the touch of his alabaster skin, my wrist is snatched into a crippling hold. I whimper attempting to pull away from him. Realizing it was me he relaxes his crushing grip ever so slightly. Without speaking he pulls me onto his lap as he sits propped against the headboard. I straddle his lap a tad awkwardly.
“Now why would you be sneaking into my room at this time of night Little Duchess?”
He asks the question as if he already knows the answer. Smirking as he waits for me to verbalize why I'm here. This was purely for the sake of further embarrassing me.
“I couldn’t sleep...I don’t know why I came here.”
I move to get off of his lap, but he grips my hips, holding me in place.
“You’re no coward, Calista. Tell me why you're here.” He barks at me with a voice so rough he could have swallowed glass.
“I don’t know what to say.” I whine out, much to my mortification.
He watches me steadily, making no attempts to speak or release me. I could only blame myself for this predicament so I might as well tell him the truth.
“I- I’m aching for you. I couldn’t sleep.”
“Aching for me?” He inquired before continuing “Show me where.” He demanded sternly.
Like a wolf circling its kill he licks his lips lasciviously in preparation for what was to follow. I reach my hand beneath my gown as he watches me without blinking. He refuses to miss even a second of this show. I cup my sex slowly, unsure of myself. 
He moves my hand aside, replacing it with his own. His calloused fingers gently travel between my velvety folds. He presses into my nub and a jolt of pleasure makes me hiss. I lean my head back from the delicious feeling invading my core. His free hand grips my chin moving my eyes back to his. He presses against my bud once more before he circles it continuously watching me so intently he must be waiting for something to happen. I lean forward against him, changing the angle slightly so that my lips can reach his. Unlike earlier he doesn't resist as I kiss him gently. He let me kiss him this time not forcing such aggression upon my delicate lips like he did then. 
I take my time enjoying the softness of his lips with my eyes closed before I falteringly glide my tongue over his full lower lip. His lips make room for me to taste him deeper still and I do. I slowly and assuredly lick the inside of his inky mouth. He continues circling my nub before sliding one slow finger into me up to the knuckle. I moan into his mouth for the second time today and once again he swallows it whole. 
Of their own accord my hips begin to match the pace his finger sets inside of me. I never stop kissing him as he adds a second finger. My core holds the fingers in a vice-like grip and he groans against me.He suddenly removes his digits and flips us over so that i’m now beneath him. He pulls my gown up to my hips fully exposing my thatch of soft dark hair. Leaning down he buries his nose in my hair and breathes deeply. For a moment I'm stunned with my eyes two sizes too big.
“Ah, there it is.”
“What?” I ask, a bit alarmed by his vague statement.
“I found the source of that smell. Makes my mouth water.”
His drool lands on my sensitive folds and I gasp.
He plunges in without abandon, swirling and twirling his tongue anywhere it would fit before harshly sucking on my clit. It takes all my willpower not to cry out. Being found with his face between my legs would not be ideal. More noises bubble up from within me and I can’t contain them all causing me to bite into my fist harshly. I reach an unexpected peak so soon after he starts and I feel my empty core clenching around nothing as my vision whites out. He continues to lick and suck as I come down from my high with shuddering breaths. He bites my inner thigh before pulling away and moving up towards the head of the bed. There was a large bulge between his legs and I couldn’t take my eyes away.
“I won’t fuck you tonight my pet, or else I might break you.”
Taglist: @mamawiggers1980
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editfandom · 20 days
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Helena - A Midsummer Night's Dream, 1999
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missunderstoodxoxo · 2 years
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Plot Bunnies: Calista the Dream
Like all beings and creatures of the Dreaming, Morpheus- Dream of the Endless, the Sandman- created Calista.
When Morpheus created this particular dream though, perhaps one of his most lovely, he had no idea just how attached he would come to be to Calista.
Centuries would pass, filled with stolen glances and soft smiles, turning eventually to passion-filled kisses and endless days and nights together.
And then Morpheus captured by Roderick Burgess in 1916.
106 long years- without sunlight, without dreams, without his tools… without his lover.
When Morpheus escapes in 2022, he is ready to find his tools and get his realm back to its proper glory.
The King of Dreams never imagined he would need to find his missing love as well.
“Nothing in this realm or any other will stop me from finding Calista- this, I promise you.”
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moonethecate · 2 years
“sorry you couldn’t handle being without me for a couple seconds”. see, in her mind she’s being friendly, but reality sometimes doesn’t quite get her meaning, twists her words in a funny way.... or perhaps it’s her mind that pulls a twist on reality. can it do something like that? twist her own roll of eyes and laughing smile back into innocence in her somewhat delayed perception? “just needed a little pick me up, no need for tears. do you want a drink? i’m thinking whiskey. come on, my treat for your sour little face”. ( @conscientes )
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eaudelune · 1 year
Why do we feel bad when we’re out of alignment with Source? (e.g. when we hesitate or stagnate in opposition of our dreams for too long?) Because at the core of our being, we’re driven by expansion. To expand and take life beyond what it’s been before is central to all our human and soul desires. If we realize that a new desire has developed within us, we must know we have the wherewithal to create the physical manifestation of it. As we embody this Truth, we cannot fail. I’ll say that again, when we trust that the greater part of ourselves is always supporting us to move forward in the direction of what feels good, we cannot fail. All we need to do in these moments is trust that when we naturally sync with Source’s stream of wellbeing, the leaps will present themselves. In practice, this means moving forward in the knowing that everything is going to be OK before the evidence of this shows up in our reality.
Calista, The Female Archangels: Evolutionary teachings to heal and empower your life
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floatyflowers · 4 months
Dark! Percy Jackson Reverse Harem x Reader|| Chapter Five
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<<< Chapter Four
"My back hurts so bad right now"
"It must be the seats...There is no way this is what sacred smells like"
Percy whines, as all four of you sit in the back of the bus.
The blond boy feels bothered for not being able to sit beside you.
"We’re soldiers on a mission. It’s not a vacation." Annabeth shoots back.
You start scratching your back from the itchness and the pain.
"I will go to the bathroom in the store, be right back"
You announce and leave before they can say anything to you.
Percy stands up to follow you, but Annabeth forces him back in his seat.
"No, you will stay right there, I'm going to go check on her"
The moment Annabeth enters the toilet, she is shocked to see white wings on your back.
"Are those wings? And your eyes, they are red"
"Yes" you answer nervously.
"I know, do you think I can fly with them?" you ask excitedly.
I mean it's every child's dream to have wings to fly.
And now you got the chance to do that.
"Your wings might cause a huge problem it will attract monsters"
"Don't worry, my dad gave me a music box to keep the monsters away"
You pull out the music box from your bag.
"Also, can humans see my wings?"
A woman enters the toilet after you ask that question.
She only washes her hands then walks out.
"No, they don't" Annabeth says after the woman leave.
"We need to leave, I sense that we are being followed by a monster"
You turn on the music box as a beautiful melody begins to play.
"This will keep us safe"
You and Annabeth walk into the bus with Annabeth shouting to the two boys to open the windows.
Percy only stares at you in surprise at your new appearance, then hurries off to break the window with Grover when he sees Mrs. Dodds.
As the passengers get off the bus when the driver announces emergency, one of the furies fly into the bus through the broken window.
The monster looks at you ready to approach you.
But the melody makes it scream in pain when it was close to touching you.
Annabeth takes her chance and throws her dagger at the fury, killing it as it turns into dust.
All four of you escape quickly.
"Hades has kidnapped your mother, (Y/n)"
Annabeth says, as you walk all together in the Satyr path.
"What? Why would he do that!" you exclaim, worried for your mother.
"Who told you that?" Percy inquires, looking at her in suspicion.
But before she could answer, Grover sniffs the air.
"Do you guys smell that?" 
"Grover, I’m not kidding..." Percy asserts.
"No, neither am I. Just shush."
"Hamburgers" you sigh at Grover, causing him to blush.
"I think you are just hungry, Grover"
"No, I'm not, somebody's making hamburgers in the middle of nowhere, on a satyr path. Whoever it is... they’re from our world."
You don't know what made you trust Percy and go inside Medusa's house along with Grover and Annabeth.
Probably because Mrs.Dodds is outside waiting to snatch you and Percy away.
"You're concerned I would hold a grudge against you simply because you are a daughter of Athena?"
You don't dare to look at Medusa even if she is hiding her eyes.
Medusa continues speaking to Annabeth.
"You shouldn’t be. We're not our parents after all. And you and I might have more in common than you think. Please, sit and eat."
Letting out a nervous breath after Medusa starts speaking to you.
"You must be the daughter of Calista, you look like her when she was your age."
Medusa notices that you are not looking at her, she could feel your fear.
"Your mother was a friend of mind, she visited me and told me about her encounters with the gods, poor thing, they wouldn't leave her"
"...They" you inquire.
"Your mother is the daughter of Nyx, her beauty attracted the attention of many gods including Poseidon, Hades, Apollo, Hermes, and Eros" 
Percy shivers at the thought that his father loved your mother.
Maybe he can succeed where his father failed.
"Your mother is an enchanteress not a demigod"
Grover jokes, but stops when Annabeth glares at him.
That must be why Hades kidnapped your mother.
Little do you know that you might up having a similar fate like your mother.
But with demigods instead.
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mrsjobarnes · 1 month
Please read the Warnings in the author's post! Hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
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• Leto Atreides •
• Feyd Rautha •
Savage Bonds - @foreverdolly
Veil of Deception - @lovetwist
Thrown To The Wolves - @sansaorgana
Forbidden Fruit - @sansaorgana
These Destined Ends - @houserautha
So It Goes… - @allthingsimagines
Like poppies with seed - @nocturn-warrior
Calista's Dream - @skythighs
• Paul Atreides •
The Death of a Star - @nonpoppin
Angel Lips - @nonpoppin
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skythighs · 28 days
Calista's Dream: Hands around your Neck
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It's so hard writing from Feyds POV that I worry about straying too far from his actual personality, and I don't want to ruin the vibe of the story, so I might not write from his view again. I don't own the art or visuals used. I'll link them at the end via Pinterest. This is not edited BTW so you might find some mistakes.
Warnings: sexual content and disturbing thoughts from feyd. 18+ only please
Word count:2.2k
Chapter 6
Feyd Rauth’s POV
My sweet little Duchess would adjust in time to her new home. She had no choice but to accept Giedi Prime and me as we are. I didn't want to fuck her in front of those sick old bastards, but when the Baron demands it as his heir I have to follow through. I’ve given her the day to rest and recover from the shock of it. She seemed so fragile after the ceremony and it didn’t sit well within me. I already wanted to gouge out twenty one pairs of eyes for daring to look at her. The mesh robe was the most coverage I could offer her. Knowing they heard her sweet little moans nearly made me snap. 
I did my best to be unbothered, because I know if he knows I feel anything for her he will continue to torment her. The ceremony was his form of retaliation for her words earlier that very day when I presented her to him for the first time. She was bold and didn’t show any fear even here on the home planet of her enemies. The way he spat the insult Princess Atreides at her made my blood boil but she fired back correcting him. She told him she was the Na Baroness Harkonnen now. She claimed to be mine right there in front of him and he couldn’t take it.
If it were up to him I would never have married her, but the Emperor demanded it. My uncle knows his place as much as I know mine. What the Emperor demands must be followed through on. With taking that into consideration there was no guarantee my uncle wouldn’t lock her away with the pleasure slaves. I had to be smart and calculated in my approach. I couldn’t show her too much favor or his jealousy will get the best of him.
I’ve been trying to keep her at arms length only allowing myself to stroke her hair after she has long been asleep in my bed. Nearly running away from her when she smells so tempting I feel my mouth pool with saliva. She only smells better now that I've been inside her. A coppery tang mixed in with her natural sweetness. The same copper smell as her blood. I would make her skin my home if I could. I would peel back the layers of her flesh and tissue and take up residence inside her. She would be me and I would be her and nothing would ever separate us. She would become my final resting place even in death.
I feel myself grow hard at the thought. Now that I’ve had all of her I can’t stop thinking about her. How she dared to ask for her own chambers, she was as bold as ever. There was one thing she didn’t understand, and that was that she belonged to me. Everything belonged to me. Her pain, her pleasure, every tear that fell from her eyes was mine to claim.
“Na Baron, your presence is required in the Barons chambers.”
At that my cock falls limply. I begin my trek on the familiar path. The double doors are slightly ajar and I hear Piter and the human blob speak in hushed tones. 
“Once she has given him a male child, you can dispose of her Baron.”
“She is merely a means to an end. She’s an insignificant pawn.”
I chose to interrupt them then, refusing to hear anymore of this garbage. I couldn’t afford to be implicated in a rushed assassination and if I hear anymore that’s exactly what will happen.
“Beautiful Feyd, thank you for arriving so quickly. Piter here wanted a word with you about your bride.”
Piter stepped forward slightly bowing and began speaking.
“It is imperative you breed the Atreides girl as quickly as possible. I have heard you’ve been spending most of your time with your darlings.”
I look between my uncle and his lackey. Annoyed with this conversation on the surface but deep down I was intrigued.
“I fucked her just last night. Uncle you were there.”
Vladimir chuckles heartily at that.
“My dear Feyd it may take more than once. In fact it could take several times. You heard Piter. You must breed her.”
“To what end?” I probe. 
My eyes are slit as I look between the two of them. They were obviously aware of something and they hadn’t shared it yet. 
“That's the reason she’s here, to provide a male heir for our house.” said Vladimir resolutely.
“Well if it is your wish uncle, consider it done.” 
He smiles broadly at me, so happy with my false platitudes.
“You seemed to enjoy her last night. I'm surprised you haven't had her again.” 
There was a glint behind his eyes as he spoke and I knew I had to tread carefully. 
“I must admit her Atreides cunt was warm and snug, but she is not equipped to handle my tastes.”
“You should train her then nephew. She is yours to do with as you please, but you must breed her.”
I nod my head, refusing to speak anymore, on the verge of lashing out.
“Go and insure our future Feyd.”
Interesting choice of words. He was hiding something as usual, but eventually he would share. I would make sure of it.
Later that evening I find myself lounging in the sitting area of our chambers waiting for Calista to exit the bathing chamber. I had one hand wrapped around my cock and the other gripping her discarded underclothes from today. I stroked my cock gripping it while I looked at the portrait across from me. Her untamed hair had teased me for so long I could not get enough of feeling the silken strands between my fingers now that she was more than just a vision before me.
The door creaked open and she stepped into the room without even noticing me in the dimly lit room. 
“Come here, wife.” I call lowly to her.
She tenses before turning to me. Her eyes looked wild like she couldn’t decide if she should run away or freeze. Her white nightgown was form fitting and plunged in the front. No doubt something she acquired while living here. 
“I said come here pet.”
Her umber eyes look to my lap and she gulps audibly before taking slow steps towards me. I toss away her undergarments and offer my hand to her. She accepts it and I pull her onto my lap so she can straddle me, my penis between us. I watch her closely trying to read her mood. Her pulse was fluttering so quickly in her delicate neck I wanted to sink my teeth into her there and drain her.
“Take off the dress.” I order firmly not breaking eye contact.
She slowly does as I ask. Her beautiful breasts bounce and sway slightly. Her brown nipples nearly match her lovely eyes and I feel myself leaning to take one into my mouth. I take her small hand and wrap it around my aching cock. She gasps at the feel of it, hot and heavy in her hand. I show her the right pace and grip to use. She’s a quick learner and I nearly question her about it, but I refrain. I give her tits all of my attention, sucking, biting, kissing every inch of them in tandem.
“I want you to take your pleasure tonight sweet little Duchess.”
“What do you mean?” She asks quietly.
Her hand stops stroking as she looks me in the eye.
“It means we will do this your way tonight.”
“Is this your version of an apology?” She looks hopeful. Round eyes and parted lips nearly make me say yes.
“I have nothing to apologize for, but this is the closest you’ll ever get.”
I grip her face and kiss her harshly. That’s enough fucking talking. 
“Wait. You said it’s the way I like it tonight.”
I relent and lean back on the chair and look at her expectantly. 
She slowly slides forward claiming my lips gently. She kisses me slowly with her sweet tongue gliding across my black teeth tenderly. I start to get impatient with just kissing so I grip her waist and put her bare cunt where I need it most. She removes her lips from mine and begins kissing down my neck timidly exploring things with the marvel of an inexperienced girl. Which she was. The idea that all of her first would always be mine nearly makes me impale her right then, but I don't.
“I liked it when you used your mouth on me. Back on Caladan.”
Without another word I stand keeping her in my arms as I walk to the bed. She wraps her arms around my shoulders startled. As I lay her on the bed she realizes that I’m honoring her request. I watch her slowly as I kiss her on her second pair of lips. Her core greets me with a sticky liquid coating my lips and I smear it all over her before using my tongue to flick against her clit. Her responsive little squeaks and sighs are like music to my ears. I spend my time teasing her, licking and sucking her folds as they bloom under my attention like petals covered in morning dew. Like the rain on Caladan on the lush grass. 
“Please stop teasing me. Please suck me where I need you to.” She begs.
So full of surprises and always so direct. I listen to her again and suck her swollen clit harshly and she moans. I roll my tongue like a snake over her as I suck setting a good pace for her. My fingers itch with the need to feel her grip them so I sink two fingers into her tight hole earning the loudest moan so far. Her nails dig into the back of my head no doubt breaking my skin as I feel a small trickle from one of the punctures. Fingers and tongue moving in sync I feel her walls flutter and grip me as she tense and cries out loudly. Anyone in the corridor would surely hear her pleasure filled cries. 
Once she comes down from her high she looks down at me and opens her arms beckoning me to her.
“Come here.”
Like a trained pet I did exactly as she asked. I settled on top of her between her warm thighs.
“Be gentle with me tonight, Feyd. Please.” She pulls me down to her lips and kisses me deeply. Fuck I’m obsessed with the feel of her, the taste of her. The soft give of her small body yielded to my hard muscled one. With the most restraint I’ve ever used in my life I enter her slowly. Her hiss is an improvement from last night's tears and pleas for me to stop. As I bottomed out inside of her only pleasure remained but I wouldn’t be blinded by it. I focus on keeping a languid pace she can enjoy. Excruciating deep strokes let me feel every centimeter of her, and I knew I would cum soon. She did something to me no one else ever has. She makes me feel pleasure without the pain. Something I haven't experienced in this capacity.
Feeling her now no one could convince me she wasn’t mine. She belonged to me and me alone. I would fill her up often so that my scent permanently blended with hers. So that you could not smell one of us without the other. My darlings would come to recognize the scent of her on me, and they would come to love it as much as me. I lock lips with her tongues clashing and tasting every inch of each other. Her arms wrapped around my shoulders pulled me flush against her. 
Whatever child comes from our union would be living proof of our joining. Our child would be half her and half me in the flesh and the idea appeals to me greatly. She tightened her legs around me and circled her hips as I pushed even deeper somehow. I felt myself grip her neck tightly, but she didn’t quit her movements against me. I groan deep in my throat and she screams silently as we both find our peak, but I refuse to stop. I need more, more, more. I start ramming into her much like last night but this time she doesnt ask me to stop.
She rides her wave with me never looking away from me. My grip on her neck doesn’t ease and I can’t make myself release her, not until I get what i'm searching for. I feel the tingles in my balls and a sharp jab in my lower abdomen as I force myself to cum for a second time in such a short period of time. Only when my cock has emptied every drop into her does my hand let go of her delicate neck.
Her loud gasp fills the room as she tries to catch her breath. I expect her to be upset or angry, but she isn’t. She looks satisfied, sweaty, and mine. A red ring around her neck was already forming. 
Taglist: @mamawiggers1980 @drunkennunicornn @aoi-targaryen @lovereadingfanfic @avidreader73
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midnightsnyx · 5 months
girl at home | mat barzal | part 6
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pairing: mat barzal x fem!reader chapter summary: a new face threatens what you've started to build with mat and nora & you recieve some much needed advice from jax
warnings: angst, not edited, mentions of food, a sprinkle of fluff word count: 1.7k (sry its not longer i am trying my best lol) authors note: hi so it's been a month and change but i am finally able to present to you guys, part 6!! thank you for the continuous love on this story. your likes, reblogs & comments mean the WORLD to me!!! someone said nora needs to start a parent trap - don't worry, she's on it <3 quick important notes: the first bit in italics is a flashback. not sure if I will do many more of them. second, i have no idea how many more parts there will be to this series because i feel like i've barely scratched the surface of what can be done. and last, im sorry if your name is calista. enjoy and please don't hate me :)
requests are open. masterpost masterlist tag form askbox
It wasn’t often that you and Mat had time to yourselves. He was busy with school and hockey, and you had a lot going on so when the opportunity arose, you always made time for each other. Liana was at a sleepover and his parents were gone out for dinner with friends so the two of you had the house to yourselves for a few hours, which as teenagers, wasn’t often. His parents were always good about giving you and Mat space but you were still teenagers, after all. 
You were curled up together on his bed with some random movie playing in the background but you weren’t paying attention to it. You were thinking about graduation that was fast approaching and what the aftermath would look like. It wasn’t a surprise that the two of you would be going separate ways once you graduated high school. Although not set in stone, Mat was on his way to the National Hockey League to an unknown team. It wasn’t realistic for you to wait to see where he would end up and then figure something out for school. You had scholarships and your heart set on UBC, not quite yet ready to move too far from home. 
But Mat, well he could go anywhere. 
You’d toyed the idea of a long distance relationship in your head but you always ended up realizing that it wasn’t logical. Mat would probably be playing on a team thousands of miles away and you were going to be busy with university. Sure, there were holidays and summers but going from being basically attached at the hip to hardly seeing each other. 
“What’re you thinking ‘bout?” Mat suddenly mumbled. His hand had been rubbing your back but when it stopped, you thought he had fallen asleep. 
“Graduation,” you said and his body stiffened. The difference between the two of you was that you were an overthinker and a planner whereas Mat was a go with the flow type of person. He didn’t think about things until he had to. 
When he didn’t say anything, you peered up at him. He was frowning, staring at the ceiling in deep thought. You reached out to smoothen the wrinkle between his eyes and he looked down at you and smiled. 
“If I was selfish enough to ask you to come with me wherever I end up, would you say yes?” 
It was a theoretical question because you knew he would never be that selfish. Neither were you though, because you would never ask him to give up his dream. 
“No,” you admitted and his smile didn’t waver but something flickered in his eyes. 
As a general rule of thumb, you don’t introduce Nora to anyone you date until the three month mark. It isn’t something that you have to worry about often because most of the guys you meet run the second they find out you have a daughter. It doesn’t bother you most of the time; you have your family and friends, and Nora is your number one priority so if someone has a problem with you having a kid, they aren’t worth your time. 
So, it didn’t occur to you that it was a conversation you should have had with Mat. You thought that he had enough common sense not to bring the girl you recently learned that he’s casually seeing, to lunch with you and Nora. 
It takes all of your willpower to stay in your seat and not take Nora and leave when they sit across from you. Mat seems completely unfazed by the sudden tension in the room and it hurts on some level because he used to know you so well that if something was upsetting you, he always knew. 
But that was when you were kids.
You don’t get a chance to say anything because Nora gives the girl a onceover, and wrinkles her nose. 
“Who’s that?” She asks in such a bitter tone that you’re torn between scolding her or laughing. 
The girl, to her credit, doesn’t even blink an eye. She just offers her hand to Nora and introduces herself. 
“I’m Calista, and you must be Nora,” she says, still holding her hand out and waiting for your daughter to shake it. When she realizes that Nora is not going to respond, she quickly brings her hand back and lays them in her lap. Mat looks absolutely horrified, either by Nora’s behavior or the fact that you haven’t scolded her. He’s still not sure if he’s allowed to reprimand her when she acts out and often looks to you to be the bad guy. You’re enjoying this a little too much though, especially when he coughs and gestures to you.
“Cal, this is-”
“His baby mama,” you cut him off, smiling sweetly at her. He’s not getting off the hook for ambushing you, and sure, maybe it’s a little childish of you but you have heard the stories from Liana already and you know you won’t like this girl. 
“Um, nice to meet you,” she says awkwardly, but there’s something in her eyes that tells you she isn’t the innocent, sweet, new girlfriend of Mathew Barzal. There’s definitely a different personality hiding behind the curtain. 
“Have you guys ordered already?” Mat asks.
“No, we were waiting on you,” is your reply and you make sure to emphasize on the word you. He doesn’t humor you with a response, instead looking at the menu and asking Calista what she wants. 
Lunch goes about as terrible as you expected, with Nora acting out because of a new person suddenly joining the outings she was used to only being the three of you. She ignores Mat’s attempts at talking to her, opting to read a book she brought along and gives Calista the stink eye anytime she speaks. You’re fine with her wanting to ignore Calista, but you don’t want her relationship with Mat to suffer because of this, so towards the end of lunch, you excuse yourself to the washroom in hopes that she might talk to Mat if you step away. 
The only problem is that Calista decides to tag along with you, claiming she needs to wash her hands. You suspect there will be something more and your suspicions are proved true when you’re washing your hands and she walks up next to you. 
“The whole kid-trap thing is really cute,” she says, fixing her hair. “Just keep in mind that it’s me in his bed every night.” 
She doesn’t give you a chance to say anything before she quickly walks out of the restroom. You stand in shock for a moment, because you haven’t had a girl talk to you like that since high school. Liana wasn’t wrong when she told you there was something off about the new girl Mat was seeing, but this teenage-like attitude? This isn’t something that Nora is going to be around.
You storm out of the restroom, planning on taking Nora and leaving right away but you stop short when you see Mat and Nora talking. She’s giggling about something he must have said and the fondness and love in his eyes towards her is almost enough to make you stay but one look at Calista, reminds you why you were leaving in the first place. So, you walk over to the table, picking up Nora from her chair even though she’s capable of walking herself and tossing a twenty on the table. You don’t look at Mat before you leave, only calling out a goodbye over your shoulder. 
Nora doesn’t say anything until you’re buckling her seatbelt. 
“I didn’t like her,” she says casually.
“Yeah,” you agree. “Me neither.”
Mat blows up your phone with calls and texts but you ignore them. As soon as you left the restaurant, you planned on driving straight home and you knew that was where Mat would look first so instead you drove around aimlessly until you ended up in Jax’s driveway. Nora fell asleep about twenty minutes ago and you didn’t want to wake her, so you sent him a text to come out to your car. You watch as Jax comes out of his house and runs down the driveway in bare feet, climbing in your car and closing the door quietly. 
“It went that bad, huh?”
You’re quiet for a moment before leaning forward and resting your head on the steering wheel and taking a deep breath. 
“I feel like Mat and I are stuck in this constant cycle, you know?” you mutter quietly.. “Like, two steps forward and then five back. Everytime I think we’re making progress, something happens and I can’t help but wonder if I should have let him in her life at all. I’ve been a mom for 6 years, and Mat has only been a parent for a few weeks so the rational part of me knows I can’t be too hard on him, but I feel like we’re not making any progress and this is just going to end up bad, especially for Nora.”
Jax knows you well, and doesn’t say anything right away. He lets you say and feel your own thoughts out loud before giving his opinion. 
“Want me to sugarcoat anything?” he asks and you lift your head to look at him. Jax is looking at you with slight concern so you know he’s about to give you his exact thoughts. 
You shake your head and he sighs. 
“I think you still have feelings for Mat,” he says and when you open your mouth to cut him off, he stops you. “I’m not saying that you’re still in love with him, but you have something going on in your head that is creating chaos with the relationship you have with him now. You said he’s doing well with Nora, yeah?”
You nod, but don’t say anything. 
“If he’s doing well with Nora, you shouldn’t be having these doubts about if you should have let him in her life. You’re her mom, you know what’s best and if you really felt like it wasn’t working, you would have stopped it right away. You are the problem, whatever lingering feelings you are holding inside, you’ve got to figure them out.”
For a split second, you hate Jax. For a split second, you want to yell and scream and swear at him because he’s right.
“He has a girlfriend,” you whisper.
“Yeah,” Jax says. “Why are you upset about it?” 
You shrug. “I don’t know.”
He doesn’t say anything until you look at him. 
“I think you do,” he replies.
You hate that he’s right.
tag list: @literatureluster @dasiysthings @barzyblogbabe @diary-of-jj @heatherawoowoo @fallinallincurls @topguncultleader @shadowsndaisies @lovinbarzal @whatthepuckisgoingon @alilstressyandlotdepressy @teapartydreams @keiva1000 @hischiershoe @cavill83 @bellstwd @alwaysclassyeagle
if you'd like to be added or taken off the list please let me know <3 also if you asked to be tagged and wasn't, it was because when i typed in your user, it didn't come up. send me a msg & we can figure it out.
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changingplumbob · 16 hours
Calista York (She/Her)
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My Sims and their Spectrums
Romantic Orientation: Demiromantic, Attracted to male sims Sexual Orientation: Demisexual, Attracted to male sims Gender Identity: Cis Female
As she grew up Calista only ever had crushes on boys. But not just any boys. Boys she was close to, who shared her likes and dislikes. Entering high school she was amazed at most people's ability to develop crushes on the "popular crowd" without even knowing them. Luckily they had a pretty good health teacher who mentioned the term demiromantic. Calista was delighted to discover a label that made sense for her and grasped onto it. This endeared her to the popular crowd and there was always a rumour that she was dating one or another of them. Unfortunately she found them all rather shallow and therefore unattractive. But high school was a jungle and she chose to hang out with them rather than make friends she might be attracted to.
Following high school she wanted to visit Italy and discovered another boy from her high school with Italian ancestry shared the same dream. While she had initially considered Aaron vain and pompous their traveling showed her a different side of him and she developed feelings. She never needed to tell him her orientation as it was common knowledge around their high school but she did have to give him a better explanation of it. Poor guy thought she was pranking him when she made the first move.
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agentmmayy · 5 months
2023 monthly music rotation
it's been a hot minute since i've made one of these, but here are all my favorite songs from each month of 2023!
one i wanna be with - trella: oh bop!!!!!!!!!!! this ENTIRE SONG just makes me so happy!!!!!!! it’s so full of love!!! every lyric hits but especially i can’t help but wish we met before we did.
antiques - holden laurence: god the desperation in this makes me want to claw my chest open and rip my heart out. the beat fucks in this jaunty rhythm that’s such a juxtaposition to the haunting lyrics and vocals. then the bridge?????? i promise to be strong i promise to believe in love that lingers on i’ll see you in my dreams. I’M CALLING THE POLICE. this is a tess/joel song. not only because of how apocalyptic this feels (which is a whole other discussion) but also meet me in the space between all the words unsaid when we could not speak meet me i’ll be waiting for you there. thanks for coming to my ted talk.
borderline - tove lo: HOT. listen. everything tove lo writes and sings is inherently sexy i don't make the rules. this one especially wtf!!!!!!
unrequited night - lily kershaw: i- please respect my privacy at this time. this is a masterpiece. immediately a song i listened to laying in bed staring up at the ceiling. VERY tlou coded. (but then again every song i listened to in feb/march and lbr this past year was) AND THE GASP AT THE END GETS ME EVERY TIME.
flowers in my hair - calista garcia: sweet, slow, and syrupy. i love this song and how it feels like a breath of fresh air. it’s achingly romantic and has got me singing along and twirling my hair and kicking my feet. though, at the same time it’s so intimate i feel like i’m intruding. 
labor - paris paloma: the intensity of it still continues to blow my mind. it’s unapologetic and awful. it’s incredible. i felt every lyric in my gut. i don’t want to over explain it since i can’t do the song justice but it’s so brutally honest in describing and dismantling traditional roles placed upon women and girls. the entirety of it is like poking at a wound that never closes, a wound that’s been gaping and bleeding for centuries and it makes me so angry. the visceral reaction i had to the lyric ��if we had a daughter’ girl i- ouuuuugh. i got sick to my stomach. i was screaming crying throwing up etc etc. anyway this song is a masterpiece. still haven’t recovered from it. also it’s a fucking bop. 
‘i’m just learning how to make peace with feeling small’ ‘but i might drive off if it gets too hard’ ‘there’s always a sunset that i wanna run into’ ‘i’m searching but i’m not lost’ and my all time favorite lyric that put me on the floor when i heard it the first time- ‘i’m a growing tree a few missing leaves i can’t shelter you don’t sit under me’ HELLO????? 
vagabond - overcoats: THIS song. this song has been the one i played the most in may because one it’s an absolute banger and second of all it read me for filth and the lyrics are so beautifully crafted and honest and pure and delivered impeccably. it’s a sweet, slow melody and coupled with the lyrics it reached into the depths of my soul and pulled out everything i can’t say and put it into this song like.
fireworks - JOSEPH: now for ANOTHER song that read me for filth. lately i’ve been feeling this exact way since all my friends and people around me have reached certain milestones in life- such as getting married, settling down, etc- that i haven’t and i’m left even more alone and bereft. but THIS SONG said that’s okay!!!!!!!! this song understood!!!!!! it said i’m not alone feeling this way!!!!
every lyric absolutely sent me through the roof but these especially:  ‘all these long songs might be no good for me’ ‘how long will i wait to be happy all my friends ask me’ ‘what if i’m wrong wrong to think there’s more to this story’ ‘an act of faith even though it hurts to shut that door am i holding out forever?’ ‘am i headstrong or foolish every night waiting for lighting to strike whole you’ve got blue skies?’ and my favorite- ‘i wish i could just flip a switch and accept your kind of muted bliss’ WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! once again HOW did they put it into words!!!!!! this song has such a special place in my heart. i can’t tell you how many times i’ve not only listened to it but also screamed along and cried to it 
also, JOSEPH always creates the most compelling and just fun to listen to songs and this is no exception!!!!!!!!! the harmonies are delicious and the music dropping at certain points is incredible and the beat has me dancing around the room. filed right under beach music! 
moonlight - madison rose: i wore this song into the ground!!!!! AMAZING beat and vibe. liberating rejuvenating sexy etc etc.
cowboy take me away - the chicks: me personally!!!!! my favorite version of cowboy take me away. i DO wanna touch the earth and break it in my hands but i ESPECIALLY wanna look at the horizon and not see a building standing tall!!!!!!!!! every summer is cowgirl summer but this song just turned the dial to the max. never have i ever wanted a cowgirl summer more.
satellites - emi larraud: this one was interesting! VERY 80s themed. it's funky. it's powerful. it's just groovy.
wicked game - ursine vulpine, annica: alright i'm a sucker for these intense ballads especially when they remind me of the 100 but seriously. it's sensuous. it's an experience. the vocals are out of this world.
pretty boy - LEON: of course i had to put a LEON song on here. while this isn't my favorite of hers it was just so nice to get a new song from her again. i felt like a wilting flower getting watered. to no one's surprise it's a bop and delivers lines that absolutely wreck me such as you can't outrun getting old, that hidden place where hope lives, well that's the last it goes. ma'am!!!
moonburn - dani sylvia: feeling very seen rn thank you!!!!!!!! literally spongebob leaning against rock.jpg every time i listen. it's- ough. this song has layers and i am peeling them back like an onion. when does the healing start if you leave before daylight. saying SO much in one line!!!!!!! it's the inversion of the typical light vs dark trope for me! and the chorus is immaculate.
super graphic ultra modern girl - chappell roan: chappell hit it out of the park with her first album and THIS SONG SPECIFICALLY. the absolute journey @152glasslippers and i went on listening to this... especially at 22 seconds in. WHEW. super graphic ultra modern girl IS THAT GIRL!!!!!!! SHE IS THE MOMENT!!!!!
honest mistake - bears den: screaming shaking crying throwing up etc etc. bears den always writes songs that lift me by my ankles and shake me until every humiliatingly private thought comes tumbling out in the lyrics of their songs. also i love how consistent they are with the aesthetics and formality of their songs. it's very soothing while ripping me up inside.
mars - noelle: listened to this 60 times in a day. you don't understand i found this song 10/17 and spotify stopped tracking 10/31 and it was my most listened to song of the year. it's dreamy. it's sweet. the vocals are stunning and the music is fantastic.
heart to heart - now more than ever: banger. when that beat dropped i was shook!!!!!!!!!! it's a very early 2000s emo vibe but also delightfully contemporary? the vibes are there. oh and the lyrics and the way they're sung is amazingly bittersweet.
swimming pool - jack kane: one of my favorites of the whole year. if spotify didn't stop tracking before november this would have been my top song. it is 100000% a slow sad groove bop. every time i listen maybe not physically but spiritually i am girl at table.jpg. formally this song is delicious and lyrically it is devastating.
scorpions - distance sprinter : okay this one might be a contender for top song. impeccable. there's crack in this. the beat is OUTSTANDING. i literally can't play this in the car if i'm driving because i will start dancing. the vibes are off the charts. at no point in this song do you expect what's next. the lyrics are heartbreaking and beautiful. there's so much i can say about this song but i am gnawing on the words it's just so good.
TOP SONGS OF THE YEAR: these have 5 stars. to me. 6 stars even.
antiques - holden laurence
unrequited night - lily kershaw
vagabond - overcoats
fireworks - JOSEPH
moonburn - dani sylvia
swimming pool - jack kane
scorpions - distance sprinter
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cami-stuffs · 7 months
Pushing Towards You
Chapter 12: The Harvest Festival
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A: Hey, mum. Can we postpone our lunch today? Enid and Wednesday want to hang out. Sorry. I love you. Xx
Calista just received a text from Ártemis and signed.
"What is it, my love?" Larissa asked. They were driving back to Jericho.
"You were right, Riss. My little girl is growing up." Calista read the text aloud to Larissa and made the woman chuckle.
"Oh, darling. This is good news. She is making friends. Miss Sinclair is adorable. And Miss Addams...Well, let's say she is a good girl." Larissa gave a reassuring smile to Calista.
"Yeah... I know. I miss her. That's all." Calista pouted and answered her daughter. "That's alright, precious. Have fun! Love you so much! Xx"
Larissa parked in front of Calista's building and turned the car off.
"Thank you for the amazing night," Larissa said, holding Calista's hand. 
"I should thank you, my dear." Calista soothed Larissa's hand. "I presume I won't see you for the next few days, huh?"
"Unfortunately not, my love." Larissa looked sadly at Calista. "Since I had a night off last night, I'll have to work all weekend. Next Friday, it's The Harvest Festival, and it is mandatory for all students. I must get everything set."
"Oh, I see. I remember this festival. I used to like it." Calista became thoughtful.
"Would you like to come as my date?" Larissa adventures herself to ask. "I know that until there, you won't talk to Gaia and Ártemis about us, but I would love it if you were there with me. Like, you know, secret lovers."
"Of course, I'll be there with you. I'll help you watch the students, and we can have a romantic ride on the Ferris wheel as in our first kiss. Do you remember?" Calista was beaming.
"I do, my darling. Lovely idea." Larissa pulled Calista closer and kissed her. "I probably should be going. I have that meeting with Gaia and a lot of work."
"Yeah... We'll talk later, then." Calista pecked kisses along Larissa's face, making the woman giggle. "Bye, my dear."
"Bye, my love. Have a lovely weekend. I'll be thinking about you." Larissa had passionate eyes while observing Calista leaving her car.
"I'll be thinking about you too, Riss. Drive safe." Calista farewell and watched as Larissa's car drove away.
Later that day, Calista was dozing on the couch when she received a phone call from Gaia.
C: Hey, G. What's up?
G: Hey, Lista. How are things going? Guess what, I've just come out of Larissa's office.
C: Really? Why? Is everything okay?
Calista knew about the meeting but pretended she didn't. 
G: Everything is perfect. Larissa called me to congratulate me. Apparently, the students enjoyed my classes, and Ártemis was one of them.
Calista could avoid smiling to herself.
C: Oh, G, I'm so happy for you. You deserve it more than anything.
G: Thank you for supporting me in this.
C: How couldn't I? It was your dream, and you are perfect for this position, as the feedback confirmed.
G: I guess I am. By the way, Lista, I've been watching our baby girl. She has friends. Can you believe it? Real friends. Friends that like her as she is.
Calista heart fluttered with emotions, and her eyes watered. 
C: I don't know what to say. She declined our lunch today to hang out with her friends. And now, hearing you say that makes me ecstatic. Thank you, Gaia. That made my day.
G: Quieten your heart, Lista. Our baby girl is doing perfectly fine. I'll let you enjoy your Saturday. I just called you to tell you the news.
C: And what a big news. Congratulations again, G. Have a good weekend.
G: You too, Lista. Bye.
C: Bye, G.
The conversation wasn't long, but it was enough for Calista to be convinced that she and Gaia had made a good decision about Ártemis' education. Her daughter's happiness was the primary purpose of this new life. For Calista, it already worthed. 
Calista hasn't heard from Ártemis until Tuesday night. She waited for the girl to look for her once Calista knew that Gaia was watching their daughter, and if something went wrong, Calista would know it. Besides, Larissa was there, and being headmistress, she would keep Calista updated.
Larissa was a topic of concern to Calista. Their relationship became serious after the raising funds party, and Calista was uncomfortable hiding this from Ártemis and Gaia. Next Friday, they would be together at the festival as friends to the bystanders. This dynamic was fun when they were young, but now, Calista wanted more. She longed to hold Larissa's hand in public, kiss and hug her. Nevertheless, she must open up their relationship with her family, mainly Ártemis.
To her very surprise, Ártemis called Calista on Tuesday night, and the conversation was about no other than Larissa.
C: To what do I owe the honor of receiving a call from my only child? Are you bored of friends already?
Calista would not miss the chance to mock Ártemis, and the girl knew that.
A: Oh, you know. They are far too demanding. It's tiresome!
They both laughed at this. Calista could tell the girl was glad.
C: Hello, baby girl. How are you?
A: Hey, mum. I'm fine. What about you? How was your party last Friday?
C: It was lovely. People are receptive there.
A: I guess Ms. Weems had an excellent night as well. I saw her arriving at the school in a stunning dress on Saturday morning. And she had a happy face.
Calista smiled and made a mind note to comment on this with Larissa later.
C: Well, she deserves to have fun. I presume it is hard to run a school. So, tell me, you usually text me, and today you opted for calling. What happened? It is not to tell me about Ms. Weems's extracurricular activities.
A: Not about this, to be specific, but about her.
That's odd. Calista thought.
C: About Larissa? Why?
A: She called me at her office today. At first, I thought I had done something wrong. Instead, she offered herself to help me gain control over my powers.
C: Larissa did that?
A: She did. She also told me she was a shapeshifter too! Did you know that?
Oh shit, Larissa. You could have warned me! There was no escape now.
C: I did. I have known it since school. But she made me promise her not to tell anyone. And you can imagine why. And I hope you keep that promise as well. If she told you, it is because she trusts you.
A: Don't worry, Mom. I won't tell anyone. I took the offer, of course. I called because I imagined you would like to know.
C: I did! You take those classes very seriously. Larissa is a powerful shapeshifter; she can help you.
A: You can count on that, mum.
C: Good. I'll see you at the festival on Friday, then. It is mandatory for the students.
A: Yes. How do you know the festival is this week?
C: Larissa told me.
Calista started to build a plan to tell Ártemis about her and Larissa.
A: Ms. Weems? Have you been talking to her? Are you spying on me?
Calista rolled her eyes at that. Were you spying on her? For god sake!
C: I don't need Larissa for that. I have your mumma G. But no, I'm not spying on you, baby girl. As you already know, Larissa and I were friends at school. And besides you and Gaia, she is the only person I know here. So, we are resuming our friendship. This is not about you, precious.
A: I see. Okay, then. I like her, you know, Ms. Weems.
C: I know you do.
A: So, that's it, mum. I'll go to bed now. I love you. I see you on Friday. Good night.
C: I love you too, precious. Good Night.
Calista hoped Ártemis would still be fond of Larissa after she got acquainted with the big news. 
On Friday night, Calista awaited Larissa at the festival, watching the normie kids run around. She sat by a picnic table and recalled the events Nevermore held back in her time. At a Harvest Festival, Larissa and Calista kissed for the first time. After that, they kept seeing each other secretly, with ups and downs.
"Is this seat taken?" Calista heard a familiar English scent whispering in her ear.
"I'm afraid it is. I'm keeping it to my lady." Calista answered without turning around, a soft smile appearing on her lips.
"Lucky Lady, then." There was again the English scent voice.
"She is. And I'm too." Calista conceived.
"Saved by the festival, Ms. Cos'Asanto. Otherwise, I would drag you away from here and steal many kisses from your beautiful mouth." Larissa sat on the bench beside Calista.
"You wouldn't dare, Ms. Weems!" Calista smirked, and Larissa chuckled.
"Hello, sweetheart, how was your day?" Larissa gave a soft smile.
"Pretty normal. And yours?" Calista supported the chin in her palm to listen to Larissa.
"Busy, as always. But it is better now." Larissa had a passionate gaze and moved it quickly from Calista's lips to her eyes again.
At this moment, Calista was hugged from behind by Ártemis.
"Hey, mumma C! I missed you!" Ártemis was glowing.
Calista and Larissa stood up to greet the girl.
"Hey, precious! How I missed you!" Calista involved Ártemis in her arms. "I can swear you are taller. Isn't she taller?" Calista asked Larissa, pointing out to Ártemis.
"You always say that! I cannot keep growing up." Ártemis rolled her eyes and then beamed.
"Don't discuss it with your mother. She knows very well how fast you can grow up. Her baby bump was enormous at the end of the pregnancy." There came Gaia, putting her arms in Ártemis and Calista's shoulders, stuck between them. "Hello, Lista." She kissed Calista's cheek.
"Hello, G." Calista greeted back with a kiss on Gaia's cheek. Larissa moved her eyes away from the scene, but it went unnoticed by the trio. "She is right, 'Temis. It seemed that I had swallowed watermelon."
"I guess it was bigger than that." Gaia raised her eyes, pretending she was trying to remember.
"You think so?" Calista was now on the game.
"Yep... Look at her now. She couldn't be smaller than a watermelon." Gaia smirked.
"Yeah...You are right...I think..." The girl cut off Calista.
"Okay...You can stop. I got it!" Ártemis was used to this kind of joke. "It's not my fault you found a donor taller than it should be."
At that, Calista and Larissa exchanged glimpses, reddening.
"Ouch...Okay, kid. You win this time!" Gaia said absently of the tense atmosphere between Larissa and Calista.
"So, will you have lunch with me tomorrow or dump me again?" Calista switched the subject abruptly. 
"Poor, mumma C. She missed me." Ártemis mocked her mother, and Calista pouted.
"I did!" Calista hugged Ártemis in her waist. "You know, Gaia, you could go with Ártemis. I am into a good pasta tomorrow. What do you think?" Calista bright smiled.
"Are you already tired of cooking?" Gaia sniggered.
"Ohhh....yes!" Calista groaned. "I hate cooking, you know that. Save me, please?" At that, Larissa lifted one eyebrow, and Gaia laughed. 
"Deal! Tomorrow is pasta!" Gaia said. "Now, I have to watch my students, right, Ms. Weems?" This was the first time Larissa spoke.
"Yes, you have, Ms. Rivera. Thank you." Larissa answered. At that, Gaia said her goodbyes and left.
They could barely talk again when someone approached Ártemis.
"Ártemis, we were looking for you... Oh, hello, Ms. Weems. Hello, Ms...." The blond girl started. She had content eyes and a sweet smile.
"Cos'Anto. Calista. I'm Ártemis's mother. Nice to meet you." Calista welcomed the girl.
"Oh... Hello, nice to meet you, Ms. My name is Enid. Enid Sinclair. And this is my roommate, Wednesday Addams." She moved her body to let a deadpan girl come to light.
"Hello, Miss Addams. Nice to meet you." Calista greeted her. The girl barely nodded.
"Are you an outcast too? Have you been to Nevermore?" Enid stumbled on her words.
"Miss Sinclair, please, don't be rude." Larissa scolded the girl, who shrugged his shoulders as if saying "sorry."
"That's okay, Larissa. I don't mind. Yes, Miss Sinclair. For both of your questions." Calista looked at the girl. "I'm a telekinesis, and I've been to Nevermore. I was in the same class as Principal Weems and Miss Addams's parents, Gomez and Morticia." At that, Wednesday gave a fierce stare to Calista.
"So, were you also part of my Mother's fan club?" Wednesday asked detached.
Calista looked at Larissa, and the woman nodded and gave a sneaky smile.
"I'm afraid I wasn't, Miss Addams. I tried to keep some distance from your mother. Sorry to disappoint you." Calista tried not to be rude.
"I'm not disappointed. I'm thrilled." Wednesday barely moved her lips. "I like you."
Calista raised her eyebrows in surprise and said nothing.
"So, let's have some fun!" Enid squeaked behind the moody girl. 
Ártemis farewell to his mother and left with Enid. Before following the other girls, Wednesday fixed her eyes on Calista and snapped.
"I wonder if all the shapeshifters are tall, blonde, and have blue eyes. Ártemis and Ms. Weems are much alike." And with that, she was off.
Calista and Larissa didn't know what to say to that. 
"Smart girl, isn't she?" That was all Calista could manage to say.
"More I than we would like and much more than we know, I should say." Larissa signed. 
"Well...I suppose it means that they are real friends. If they know about Ártemis, they must be reliable." Calista sat back at the picnic table.
"They are. Enid and Wednesday. They are good girls." Larissa sat beside Calista with her knees and ankles touching and clasped hands. "So, when were you planning on telling me you don't like cooking?" She asked, her eyes scanning between her students.
"Probably soon." Calista giggled. "I'm sorry. I desired to make our days special. But cooking is not my cup of tea." 
"I enjoy cooking," Larissa chatted with a reflective voice while her eyes passed through the passersby. "I could cook us a fine dining." She side-eyed Calista.
"And I thought I couldn't fall more in love with you than I am; you surprise me!" Calista flattered Larissa.
"If you are now, then wait until you eat it." Larissa flushed. 
"Probably; I'll ask you to marry me." Calista joked.
"Probably,  I'll say yes." Larissa hit back.
They locked her eyes on others'. Calista wanted to kiss Larissa so badly. Larissa should be thinking the same. Her sight was moving from lips to Calista's eyes.
"I suppose..." Larissa cleared her throat. "it is prudent if we walk around the festival."
"Agreed," Calista said, hustling and standing up.
Calista and Larissa walked side by side, watching over the students and talking. They were having a good night, recalling when they were at Nevermore as students. Sometimes, their hands slightly brushed, and they tried to catch it until they remembered their situation.
"I'm planning on telling Gaia about us soon." Calista started after a frustrated tried to hold Larissa's hand. "You know that I don't enjoy playing hide and seek. And now that we are settled, I can't stand it for too long."
"I would be pleased with that, my love." Larissa came to a halt. "But no pressure. I don't want you to be on bad terms with your family."
"I know, Riss." Calista signed. "I'm sure about that."
"I'm glad to hear it." Larissa caressed Calista's arms and resumed their walking.
"Oh, by the way, Ártemis called me this week to tell me about your offer to help her with her powers. I shall thank you for helping her and trusting her to know about you, too." Calista smiled at Larissa.
"I don't have to thank me. It is my fault she is a shapeshifter, after all." Larissa giggled. "Beyond that, and more importantly, I am genuinely fond of her. She is a brilliant girl, and I know the ills of being a shapeshifter without guidance."
"I could marry right now," Calista said breathlessly.
"So do! It is the second time you mentioned that." Larissa flushed harder than ever.
Calista smiled at that and kept silent. *Why not?*. 
"Oh...One more thing: Ártemis saw you on Saturday morning after we came back from Burlington. She said you had a happy face and a stunning dress." Calista warned in a joking tone.
"Oh, my goodness! Those students won't let anything pass through them." Larissa chuckled.
They ended the night with the promised ride on the Ferris Wheel. Larissa and Calista could finally lean on each other, touching and holding hands. When the cart stopped at the highest point, Calista snuggled in Larissa and rested the head on her chest.
"I'm glad to be here with you, Lis." Larissa started kissing Calista's forehead. 
"So do I, my beautiful angel." Calista cupped Larissa's face with both hands and slowly kissed her. "I love you, Riss. I love you so much." Calista whispered as their head touched.
"I love you too, my darling." Larissa had a choked voice and watering eyes.
They kissed once more before the wheel started to move again, collecting themselves and getting ready to return to reality.
Chapter 11 | Chapter 13
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likethemo0n · 28 days
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A Little More - Alessia Cara
Hey, you / Hey, Mr. Knock-On-My-Door / I'm sorry that I've been emotions galore / Am I crazy for wantin' a little bit more? / A little more of you
Young God - Halsey
He says, "Ooh, baby girl, you know we're gonna be legends / I'm the king, and you're the queen, and we will stumble through heaven / If there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes / I know you wanna go to heaven, but you're human tonight"
Like Real People Do - Hozier
I will not ask you where you came from / I will not ask you, neither should you / Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips / We should just kiss like real people do
Girl in the Box - Daniella Mason
Girl, I'm not that girl / But sometimes I wake up in her clothes and makeup / Oh sure, oh I'm not sure / If I'm being true to myself / Or someone else
Quelqu'un m'a dit - Carla Bruni
On dit que le destin se moque bien de nous / Qu'il ne nous donne rien et qu'il nous promet tout / Parait qu'le bonheur est à portée de main / Alors on tend la main et on se retrouve fou
Finally // beautiful stranger - Halsey
Oh, we're dancin' in my livin' room / And up come my fists / And I say I'm only playing, but / The truth is this / That I've never seen a mouth that I would kill to kiss / And I'm terrified, but I can't resist
watch you sleep. - girl in red
I never get bored of looking at you / 'Cause every time, I see something new / Like the scar on your spine / You fell off a roof when you were nine / You lived a life before me
Sleepover - Hayley Kiyoko
I don't wanna talk about it / I don't wanna think about it I just feel alone, feel alone / Even when you're next to me / It's not the way I'm picturing, no
Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want - The Smiths
Haven't had a dream in a long time / See, the life I've had / Can make a good man bad / So for once in my life / Let me get what I want / Lord knows, it would be the first time
Ribs - Lorde
This dream isn't feeling sweet / We're reeling through the midnight streets / And I've never felt more alone / It feels so scary getting old
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thepaintedlady00 · 2 years
Could I please request Morpheus's s/o being pregnant before he was captured and meeting his adult daughter when he escapes.
Oh my god this is both so devastating and so cute! 😭🥺
It had been over a century. Over a century of The Dreaming, your home, crumbling around you and so many of your friends fleeing from the realm. The worst was the uncertainty of what became of Dream, the man you loved and the father of your child. He had been so excited to meet her, your daughter, laying in bed beside you every night speaking to her quietly. When he left that night to retrieve The Corinthian he had kissed you softly and pressed a loving hand to your stomach, instructing your child to wait for him to return before she made her journey into the world. "I should not be long, my love."
Those had been his final words to you and yet here you were alone still after a hundred years of waiting. Of course, your daughter had been born only days after his disappearance. Lucienne and Cain and Abel had been by your side through it all, and had welcomed your child into the dying world. It had been challenging, raising her on your own, instilling hope into her that one day her father would return and show her the true beauty this realm had once been. Having the few that remained beside you was all that kept you from leaving your home to find a happier place in the Waking World.
And now, all that waiting had finally led to this moment. You stood in front of Dream, he was thinner, weaker than he was back when you'd saw him last. The horrors of the last century were clear in his glossy eyes as he smiled at you, a short thing that lasted no more than a moment when his eyes settled on your no longer swollen belly. The pain he felt was evident in his features as he quietly asked, "When?"
"Five days after you left," you answered equally quiet.
He closed his eyes tightly, tears slipping down his cheeks. "You were alone..."
"No." You took a step towards him, wanting to reach out to him more than anything. "I had Lucienne and Cain... Abel and Gregory and Mervyn. I was not alone."
"I should have been there, by your side."
You nodded, quietly crying as you finally found the courage to take hold of his face, your touch sending a tremble through him. "Yes, but it was not your fault that you were not. Tell me... Are those that imprisoned you gone?"
Dreams eyes met yours as he nodded. "They will never awaken again."
"Good." You pressed you head to his. "I have missed you more than anything."
His arms wound around you. "I thought of nothing but this moment."
Light footsteps echoed from the halls. "Mother!"
Dream stopped breathing entirely as he pulled back, looking down at you. You nodded to him, squeezing his hand in yours. "She's been waiting to meet you."
You watched your daughter freeze upon seeing the new figure. Dream turned to her slowly, both of them standing perfectly still while they looked at one another. Your daughter had his wild black hair, his starlit eyes and pale completion. Over the years she reminded you so much of him. Dream spoke first, soft and reverent, "Calista."
Your daughters lips trembled as tears slid down her cheeks. She said nothing, merely closing the distance between them and wrapping her arms tightly around him. "I tried to wait for you... but you were late."
"Forgive me."
"I do," she assured him. "All that matters is you're here now."
Dream looked at you from over your daughters shoulder. "I am. And I do not intend to ever leave again."
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Hippolyta & Theseus
And why I love them...
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So, I have watched the 1999 version of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" probably 20 times over the years. It was one of favorite movies when I was like 15 and those movies stay with a person. Anyway my favorite couple has switched almost every decade, like clockwork. First, it was Demetrius and Helena, for the messy blush of unrequited love, something wished and hoped for and, against all odds, obtained (if somewhat unrealistically and certainly magically, but hey, that just means fairies exist, so what's so bad about that?) <3 Plus Calista Flockhart was/is absolutely hilarious in this movie (oh, spite! oh hell! 😂) and Christian Bale was one of my first crushes. Pshaw, who is this Timothée Chalamet you all speak of? I know but one (1) Theodore Laurence and his name is Christian Bale 😍 Then, it was Lysander and Hermia, for the comedy of it all and the appeal of forbidden love and the way they aggravated poor Theoden King to the point that he was going to lock fair Hermia up in a nunnery (which forever amuses me as a metaphor for death), and the angst and excitement of persevering through Puck-induced magic tricks and hot jealousy and just listen, Dominic West and Anna Friel are fantastic in this, top tier at speaking and selling all those Shakespearean lines like they're totally normal in 1800s Tuscany. Like, really good. In a way that's not just fun to watch/listen to but also has you forgetting that oh yeah, they just went for that creative choice. Let's speak Shakespeare and ride bicycles. No irony about it (well for the most part - looking at you, Kevin Kline 😂) But here I am, changing my mind again...and this time, it's Theseus and Hippolyta who are claiming my whole heart <3 <3 <3 And not just because Sophie Marceau is a forever favorite or because I've only just realized that David Strathairn might be one of the finest actors of our time (seriously, what else did I miss while I was dismissing him as "oh you know, that guy from whatever"). Watching their scenes, I'm just so into it. Mature love portrayed in such a soft and delicate way. The amount that's unspoken is off-the-charts layered gorgeousness. The tiny moments between them. The micro glances, the mutual understandings, the realization that when they're in a group scene, it's still just them <3 AND THEY DANCE AT THE END 😍 Ughhhhhhh add to the OTP list, because I'm suddenly obsessed. Give it another ten years and I'll probably be all about Titania and Nick. But that's when we'll know I've gone too far...and you all have my full permission to smack me across the face and say "ma'am, stop that" 😂😂😂
But for now, it's Theseus & Hippolyta 4Ever <3
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