#Can you have cuteness aggression about a fighting story?
quinloki · 20 days
Me and my feelings about Wind Breaker are just going to sit here and exist, I guess.
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overtail · 2 months
ATLA Headcannons - Dating Them ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
These are all MY headcannons, and you dont have to agree on them :3
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Aang ༄
-since you two are so young, it tends to be awkward at first
-hes very touchy, but he'll try his best not to show it
-he'd love to hug you by wrapping his arms around you waist and bringing you tight. the feeling of your cheek against his chest makes his stomach flutter
-if you're a non-bender, he'll be very protective towards you. if you were ever taken or lost, he'd behave just like when appa was stolen by the sand benders
-he spends most of his free time daydreaming about you
-'you've got, nice, uh, ears?'
-horrible at compliments
-you hear whenever he asks Sokka for crappy advice
-absolutely adores when your hair is down (fem)
-when it comes to liking guys, he prefers longer hair (masc)
-blushes when you ruffle his grown out hair
-he'll take you on rides on appa when you're feeling down
-'i'd love to try, but there's meat in the stew..'
-if you were a bender, he'd always be begging you to teach him moves and tactics even if you didnt know how to be an instructor
-loves skin to skin contact, and will press his bare chest against your back when sleeping
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Sokka 𖦹
-the BIGGEST nagger
-can't ever stop moving while sitting around the fire
-won't keep his lips off yours when you're alone
-will fall head over heels for an angsty teen boy (masc)
-especially mean to you when he likes you, and teases you while dating
-thinks your aggression is hot
-very protective of you, even if you're strong/a warrior
-'shit- i mean uhm.."
-cussing problem
-both of you guys are stupid together, so when you were thirsty and dehydrated in the desert, you both got high on cactus juice
-'heh.. you see that flying shark cat?'
-loves seeing you embrace your feminine side (fem)
-love language is cooking for you, even if he sucks
-crappy pick up lines work but just because you think his attempt is cute
-'did i hurt when you fell from heaven?'
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Zuko ☄
-not very open about his emotions in the beginning
-when he gets comfortable with you, he'll sometimes cry in your arms at night
-arm across your shoulders or around your waist CONSTANTLY.
-and when i mean constantly, i mean constantly.
-when hes fire lord, he'll have a designated room for whatever hobby you're passionate about
-'the greenhouse is just outside-' 'A GREENHOUSE?!'
-thinks stretch marks are the most beautiful thing
-can stare at your face for hours on end because hes so lost in your eyes
-loves doodling you in his notebooks
-if hes in an angry mood, he'll always have a soft spot for you
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Katara ≈
-jealous jealous jealous girl
-love splashing you with water just to bother you
-runs her fingers through your hair at night to calm both of you down
-embarrassed when you catch her singing
-she hates it when you leave a mess
-super cuddly when tired
-loves stupid nicknames
-'whatever you say, princess.' 'what did you just call me?'
-loves telling stories you've heard 1000 times over and over again
-SUPER big hugger
-will elbow you when she can sense you're annoying someone
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Toph ᨒ
-will always find a way to wind in an argument
-constantly using being blind as an excuse
-'i can't clean up the mess if i CAN'T SEE IT.'
-super giggly when you tell jokes, but only when its you
-jumps around with joy when she hears that you're gonna be joining the gaang on a mission
-hates when you hold her in your arms because she can't feel the floor
-women with deep voices make her weak in the knees (fem)
-unsurprisingly, fighting is one of her love languages -- she likes competing with her favorite people
-loves when you tell a story in detail, especially the juicy ones
-holds your hand whenever walking somewhere
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Suki ❀
-loves spending time outdoors (picnic dates, walks, exploring)
-she loves putting you in makeup because you look ridiculous (masc)
-very inexperienced when it comes to romance
-'why are you kissing my neck? That's not where my lips are..'
-loses things CONSTANTLY and always makes you help her look for it
-loves dancing with you
-pathological liar, but only when it comes to stories
-'one time, i saw the unaki eat a child.'
-listening to rain and cuddling in front of a window makes her feel so happy
-loves taking care of children with you, and looks forward to having kids
-loves your corny jokes
Sexuality headcannons..
Aang: unlabeled
he just sorta loves who he loves
Sokka: Bisexual with a preference for women
Says hes a ladies man, but will fall for a boy from time to time (*cough cough* zukka)
Zuko: Gay
Im sorry ladies but just LOOK AT HIM.
Katara: Pansexual
I love kataang with my whole heart so i couldn't really see her with anyone else, but if Aang wasn't in the picture she'd date a few girls
Toph: Lesbian
like cmonnnnn
Suki: Straight
im sorry but im a sucker for strong straight females
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adoregojo · 28 days
∑ foolish fondness ➛ reo.m
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reo was definitely, absolutely, entirely, not jealous.
not when you called this guy ‘cute' 一sure he clenched his fist into an aggressive ball shade, but nothing crazy. not when you dubbed him as you 'bodyguard’一as if reo can't secure you a whole army to watch over you like hawks 24/7. 
and definitely not when you called that ‘mister x’ handsome.
Maybe his looks were enough to kill an entire generation, but no, he wasn't jealous.
to be accurate, he was burning alive.
yet reo forced himself to smile, despite the flames eating him to bits, it was all worth it for you. swallowing the lump that was clogging his throat, trying so desperately to not let out a piercing cry when you keep up on ranting about him when he一your boyfriend, was right there!
“he seems fun to be around, I guess.” uttering ever so bitterly, the words left stains of venom on his tongue.
“very, I also feel safe anywhere near him.” you went off giggling, while reo was on the edge of letting the earth swell him down, because witnessing hell freeze over with everyone dancing flamenco would've been something he could cope with more than hearing you say that another man was making you feel safe一and no. he wasn't being dramatic, at all.
“He even scared a bunch of creeps off my back yesterday, isn't he just the best?”
that's all? well, reo could easily ban them from 12 countries. ‘mister x’ has to get his games up.
He also has a large backyard, but that's for another story.
“Sure he is. ‘mister x’ seems like the most interesting guy to ever exist.” he spat out, hands shaking deep in his pockets. At this rate, he thinks he's all ready to cease a running train with one hand. 
“just because you refuse to acknowledge his name doesn't mean you can call him ‘mister x’, it's mr fuji.” you pointed out, as if reo had offended you with his misspelling. oh now you were defending him? just marry once and for all一please don't. 
“Anyway, I gotta meet him for lunchtime. you wanna tag along?” 
to be bland, reo was infuriated. he wanted to be mad at you, but oh一how could he when you looked so happy? with the most enthusiastic smile and he swore he could define preciousness underneath it alone. Unlike him, you never liked to swim between a myriad of people, always drawing a line when it came to your own personal space. so it's safe to say that reo, aside from being your boyfriend, was the first one to be this adjacent, the one that tackled your personal space wholly. then he wouldn't have to worry about sharing you一all for him to love and cherish. 
even if it hurts seeing someone mimicking his steps to your warmth, where he wanted to be the one and only there. Even if it meant wounding himself, reo didn't have the strength to stand up against your glee for his own gluttony of your attention. 
“of course,” reo would utter undertone, concealing what he had of dreads with a tight smile.
and yet, reo can feel your glances of doubt on him. He wasn't trying hard enough to hide his grimace when the first thing you snatched was a warped up raw meat, was he taking reo’s spot of being the first one on your mind?一and seriously, raw meat? what kind of epoch did this man colonize? when cannibalism was normalized?一 Still, he acted nonchalant. including two warped up sandwiches and just paid with his lips pressed on to a thin line. 
Even when the grip on the card was unyielding to the point he might just twist it if it wasn't for your hand to pat him up on the arm一he found himself easing up. just a little. and maybe his heart skipping a beat for the shortest time possible.
halfway walking, reo had to fight the urge to turn around and take a step back. Perhaps cry himself to sleep while he's at it. although, he found it in himself to straighten up. walk by your side with a stiffened shoulders and a heavy heart.
and when you two stopped, a nearby ditch, he figured that you two were in the place一the place his greatest nemesis of all time settled in. 
unwittingly, he asks, “Can he fight?”
“I asked, can he fight?”
you shot him a look, tilting your head to the side in confusion. “You can say his name, y’know?” 
“only if he won.” 
you had to palm your mouth, suffocating your laughter. your boyfriend narrows his eyes at you, “what? you think I'd lose?” reo ranted, now you had both hands to stifle your chortle. and he could feel neck crimson sheepishly to a shade of red, whatever it was embarrassment or pure bashfulness under the tune of your laugh.
“Since when were you after someone's blood?” you managed to let out, wiping your fake tears. leaving reo to wonder how you directed to shone like clockwork一 glistening a smile he’d go to war for一dammit, this wasn't the time to act like his usual lovelorn self. 
“I am not. but if he wanted to dig a hole for himself, I'd be the last thing he'd see.” 
and before you could make out a witty response, a low bark echoes throughout the ditch. deliberate steps of an old dog come to view一if reo may guess, it was a Newfoundland dog breed. 
he sees you leaping up to the senile dog as if he was your longtime aibou. ruffling the feather black fur, the animal leaning lazily against your affection. reo almost awed at the sight.
“reo, this is mr fuji. mr fuji, this reo. my boyfriend.”
reo blinks. 
“it's.. a dog?” he slips out, ever so hesitant.
“not just any dog, the cutest, most handsome dog in the world.” 
Suddenly, he's able to breathe again. He felt like the world's burden just lifted off his chest. He inactively watched as you unfold the raw meat and fed the aged dog. giving it a gentle pat in his head before standing back up to your boyfriend’s side. 
“So it was a dog all along.” he acknowledged once again, a relief chuckle came from him as a soothing spring’s breeze. 
by his side, you lean onto him till your arms are touching, reo could feel your warmth against him一or maybe that was just his body heating unintentionally. “Is that why you were jealous earlier?” you asked, sloping your head to the side as you observed him. his face painted in the slightest hints of red. 
“I wasn't.” he tried objecting, tipping his head to the opposite direction of you. 
“you were.”
“see? even mr fuji agrees.” 
you knew he was a terrible liar when he was around you, it's always his cheekbones, ears and neck betraying him to unfold the chaste truth. with you squeezing the flesh of his arm gently, eyes keening on him. you were so unfair, you can't pull the ultimatum cunning he cannot find it in his heart to turn a blind eye on.
“So what if I was? Is it bad that I ache to be the only person you could consider?” 
there it was, it was a mythical pull一with all his three spies flushing out. “you know that's almost impossible, right?” 
“ the only man then.”
“go easy.”
“fine, the only man that'll get eulogized by you.”
“only if it's mutual.”
“trust, it has been biased for a while now.”
with that, you take his hands in yours. weaving farewells to mr fuji, with reo just side-eyed him while muttering something along the lines ‘geezer’ leaving you to question if it was your own mirages playing tricks on you. dog or not, reo will still count him as his rival of all time.
yet when you tend towards him, interlocking your hands as you walk side by side. from the corner of his lilac hues, he could tone your affluent reddish skin when tucking a lost lock of your hair behind your ear. his knuckles would linger on your cheekbones to flavor the warmth till you had to force him away.
reo would observe you for a while before saying, “I won.” circulating to the world, and to himself. with the stupidest, lovesick smile glued to his lips. you ought to kick his leg slightly, while he would let out a long, fake whine. asking you to kiss it better.
and you would, despite the grimacing peers around you two. it was hard to tell the one who fell harder.
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mechaknight-98 · 4 months
Skyline (NSFW) Ft. Eunbi and Hyewon
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Authors note: an unexpected and unplanned Eunbi/Hyewon fic. Enjoy
You wake up tied to your chair confused you try to move but you are chained.
“Oh good you are awake,” a familiar voice says to you.
You are done playing nice at this point though. You turn to the voice which is behind you, “Look I don’t know who put you up to this but you are going to get yourself killed playing this game. So I suggest you back off while you still have bones.”
“Oh, what your super-powered girlfriends are going to hurt me. No, I told them if they came here you're dead. Now if they want to see you again I am expecting a formal retirement announcement from Eunbi.” the voice said, you break out of your chains and groan.
“Oh you're Superior,” you say recognizing the voice.” look I am going to leave, and if you follow me or do anything to come for me I am taking you off the census,” you add as you get up and begin to leave. You turn to make sure he sees your face. As you walk out. His face is furious and you realize that you are going to have to kill him when he says,
“You think I'll let you just leave?” you shoot a laser beam through his skull vaporizing his nervous system. He fell to the floor dead. You groan as you fly back to your apartment. You do hate killing it was messy and left too many variables in play but you weren't going to let a D-tier hero keep you as a hostage or kill you. You had too much pride for that. When you open the door Eunbi and Hyewon are waiting for you patiently. You smile at your girlfriends. Eunbi approaches you with a cute pout. She has a needy look in her eyes. Hyewon sneaks behind her. Hyewon grips Eunbi’s bountiful chest and brings her tits out. Hoping you would fuck her wild tonight. She also wanted you to destroy her pussy as well but she knew Eunbi’s tits in combination with the bloodlust you felt after a kill would be more than enough for you to be ready, but she needed one more spark which came to her when she remembered what she caught Eunbi earlier
“You know this slutty hero has been getting off on your stories right? I saw her in the bathroom masturbating to a recording of one of your early fights.” to her credit Eunbi tried not to give into her arousal but when she was aroused she came fast and violently. She desperately screamed for you, “God Overlord I love your rage please take it out on my pussy. It's so wet and ready for you.”
Eunbi and Hyewon began to strip as they continued to watch you. Eunbi eyes you with hungry eyes as you take your cock out and give it a few precautionary strokes. Eunbi’s eyes are wide.
“Is my good boy going to let me suck his cock.” she says as she manages to pull away from Hyewon long enough to get close to you. You nod as Eunbi smiles.
Hyewon smiles behind Eunbi as the duo leads you to the bedroom. “He's not a good boy.” she teases. The three of you walk into the bedroom and they begin to strip you. Eunbi starts by slowly pulling your pants and underwear down. Your cock points at her aggressively. Eunbi looks up at you eyes full of rampant lust and pent-up frustration. You caress her face letting her know it's going to be okay. She subtly nestles in your touch. You can feel her worry about your safety fade, and in its place respect and lustful fear. She looks up at you and says, “How did you ever become a villain? Everything about you is so caring and considerate. You cook meals for us. You take us shopping, heck you cuddle with us all night. Everything about you screams safety. So what made your heart so dark?”.Eunbi asked as she swallows your cock.
You consider your words carefully and ask if she wants to know. Her responsive gaze is full of lust and adoration as she nods. You turn to Hyewon she smiles and mouths “Tell her.”
“Do you remember a new hero about 8 years ago named Skyline?” you ask.
Eunbi’s eyes squint as she struggles to suck you off while answering your question. She just wants to engorge herself on your rod, gag on it, and lose herself to the pleasure but can't because she needs to be present for the conversation she asked for. As she remembers your question she nods before giving a few more bobs of her head before breaking the connection and crawling to your side. She began to leisurely stroke you. You moaned. Hyewon began to kiss you. She loved when your mind was clouded by passion whether it be derived from lust or wrath as it always led to a “good fuck” afterward.
“So what was this about skyline?” Eunbi asked you.
“Well I was Skyline,” you said to Eunbi. Your voice was heavy with the sadness of the memories. Eunbi looked at you with eyes full of soft care
“Wait how? I remember hearing that you died destroying that meteor. The same meteor That destroyed Pleasanton.” Eunbi asked as she held you in her hand. She massaged your balls as your body confused jolted into her touch, as both several emotions blurred and mixed in your mind.
“Well the reports of my death were greatly exaggerated but the short story is. I got a call from the UNSA telling me that a meteor was coming down. What they didn't tell me was that in my dealing with it would still cause damage. See they told me it was a baseball-sized meteor. So imagine my surprise when it turned out to be the size of a minivan. The UNSA figured that the meteor would kill me and they get rid of the malcontent who was vocal about the way the bureaucracy ran superhuman endeavors, but that's not what happened. Now yes my tracker and super suit all burned to ash but obviously, I didn't die. My powers mutated beyond what they were due in part to two things, the exertion of trying to stop the meteor and the radiation that it gave off, but what really “killed skyline” was the aftermath. Because the president of the UNSA used it as a platform to install the Aegis program, which I was deeply vocal against. The worst part about it all was that. Oh god.” as you spoke Hyewon felt your rage swell and it aroused her. She took matters into her own hands and started stroking you faster until you couldn't take it anymore. You got up from the bed and lined your cock with her pussy before plunging in. Hyewon moans
“Yes babe give it to me,” Hyewon said
“You dirty girl,” you say to your girlfriend before you spank her ass. You thrust slowly at first giving her time to adjust
“Just fuck me. I need it.” Hyewon whined. You grunted in response and began to thrust harder and faster. Hyewon arches her back into you as your cock sends shock waves and ripples through her ass. She smiles at you.
“Damn Hyewon you're so wet and tight tonight,” you growl. As you continue to impale her with your cock.
“Yeah, babe I got so wet thinking about you fighting.” Hyewon cooed
“Oh so you like it when I'm bloodlusted,” you question
“Oh god yes. You always are so rough with me just the way I like. I get to feel your strength tear me apart.” Hyewon moans as you pick her up to kiss her. Her tongue rapaciously invades your mouth as she tries to dominate you, but you're in charge right now not her. You lift her and put her in the mating press position.
“Oh God. You're so deep.” she moans as you lift her off and on your cock repetitively. Having not tasted her tits in a while you lean down and begin to suck on her left nipple. It drove her crazy. Both Hyewon and Eunbi had sensitive nipples so sucking on them always elicited a favorable reaction. When you finished with the left nipple you attacked the right nipple. You notice Hyewon has a nosebleed but when you mention It she says, “Don't stop keep pounding my pussy”. as you came up from the air you saw Eunbi fingering herself as you dove into Hyewon again. The dripping sounds of her sex taking her fingers in and out serve as a double dose of dopamine as you pleasure Hyewon. Her wanton look encourages you to thrust deeper and harder. Your loins are burning with the desire to fill Hyewon’s pussy. As you turn back to face Hyewon after ravaging her right nipple She moaned then yelled, “I'm cumming.” you continue to fuck her through and past her orgasm. She began to scream at being overstimulated as you kept fucking her.
“You like how I fuck her,” you say to Eunbi who watches with vehement lust. She nods as she encourages you to continue to wreck your shared girlfriend. Her pussy is now audible from across the bed as the squelching noises tell you all you need to know. Eunbi is loving the show you're putting on for her.
“Fuck that slut till she can't walk anymore,” Eunbi says with unbridled lust and lidded eyes. You gaze into her lidded eyes that scream harder and more. So you oblige you continue to fuck Hyewon through her orgasm harder and harder until she finally uses the safe word
“Sea pirate.” she gasps. You immediately cease all of the activity and set her down. Hyewon breathes heavily as you look at her with concern. Eunbi also stops pleasuring herself to check on Hyewon.
“I'm fine I just blacked out. You were too rough and I got scared.” Hyewon replied. You nodded and let Hyewon rest. She tried to convince you to get back to it but in your serious voice you responded
“No, you're done for now. I got carried away and lost control.”
Hyewon groaned, “ I just needed a little breather but I'm good now. I wanted you to fill me up.” she wined
“Another time Hyem. Right now rest.” both you and Eunbi say in your serious voices.
The rest of the night is significantly less aggressive and just somber. You spend time working on various projects to alleviate your lust. Hyewon passes out after you two stop. Later into the night, Eunbi approaches on the couch. She tells you Hyewon is still sleeping.
“Okay good I'm worried I went too hard on her.”
“She’ll be fine. It isn't the first time someone has been rough with her in bed to the point of passing out.”
You nod then a question that's been on your mind pops into your head.
“Go ahead ask it,” Eunbi says with her adorable gap-toothed smile.
“How did you know I had a question.”
Eunbi pointed to your right hand, which was opening and closing repeatedly, “You do that when something's on your mind” she answered, “let me guess how did me and Hyewon meet?”
“No that wasn't my question. I know you all were a part of the same Hero collective before the corporation backing you all disbanded,” you answer with a shrug, “my actual question was why is everyone so obsessed with me seeing red? I mean a consistent theme of my life had been people tiling me up just to see the reaction. Don't get me wrong I love being so free and expressive but I don't want to always be that.” Eunbi was stunned at your question. She had always figured that you reviled in the depravity but as she considered it again everything about you was calm nurturing and peaceable. You didn't want to fight unless it was either needed or it was to refine skills. Everything you did was in the pursuit of Honor. Every Conquest every trial had a goal She thought. The more she considered your temperament the more It made her reconsider several of her opinions and ideations of you. It shook her but also weirdly aroused her. Like her mental image of you before was this wild and free spirit but seeing you in such a grounded and focused sense made her view even more as a strong man, and if there's one thing Eunbi loved it was strong men. You watched as Eunbi lost herself in thought at your question. You didn't want to interrupt but you were taken aback when she said,
“You'd make such an excellent dad I need to make you a dad breed me now.” your cock sprung to life at her words but your mind was reeling from the mental whiplash. “Excuse me?” you questioned
“I just realized that you'd make an excellent dad. So please fuck me and put a baby in me.” you squint as you listen because none of this is how you expected the chat to go.
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yanderes-galore · 6 months
yandere lamb with a bishop darling?
I can try my hand at this, sure! I really want to write more for this game but no one requests it :')
Yandere! The Lamb with Bishop! Darling
(FT. Yandere! Platonic! Narinder/TOWW)
Pairing: Romantic (The Lamb)/Platonic (Narinder/TOWW)
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Worship yandere, Cults, Violence/Murder, Dubious relationship.
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The Bishops are deities worshipped in the Old Faith.
The religion itself is cruel and inhumane, often requiring sacrifices of unwilling subjects.
The Bishops themselves, your siblings, could be considered cruel themselves.
Narinder, Bishop of Death, was sealed away after harming his siblings, you yourself may even have an injury from him too.
Leshy, the Bishop of Chaos, has always been too arrogant of his power.
Heket, the Bishop of Famine, is often aggressive and brings hunger to her followers.
Kallamar, Bishop of Pestilence, is a coward who brings sickness to his followers and fails to lead them.
Shamura, Bishop of War, often forced obedience through mind control.
Compared to your siblings and this religion, you could be a Bishop in two ways.
Perhaps you're better than them, the hope the followers need to continue suffering under the others.
Or maybe you're just as bad as your siblings?
(I'm biased to you being some sort of Bishop of Hope and Radiance yet you can be anything you want)
The point is, The Lamb may want to worship a Bishop! Darling.
Sure, they are meant to worship Narinder to free him... meaning they may have to slay you.
But The Lamb can't bring themselves to!
Even more so if you genuinely care for your followers.
I feel what would make this story even more intense is if Narinder was attached to you as his sibling.
That way he'd probably ask The Lamb to spare you, to force you into a messenger of the new cult.
After all, the other four betrayed him...
Not you.
Honestly just the thought of The Lamb trying to appease you is adorable.
Narinder prefers sacrifices, so The Lamb tries to pick followers they think you'll like.
You're given gold as wealth and often given gifts.
Even if The Lamb had to slay you, they'd probably bring you back to make you a follower.
The Lamb's obsession is only encouraged if Narinder likes you.
Narinder trusts The Lamb to convert you and your followers... along with treating you well.
To you, you may even find The Lamb's attempts at worship and maybe even courtship cute.
They bleat towards you before offering you gifts.
They conduct sermons about you and Narinder.
You're often depicted as the sibling of TOWW and are worshipped as such.
Anything romantic would be sort of strange unless you were made a follower.
The Lamb's romantic attractions towards you while you're still a deity may be more akin to someone saying they "love God" or something similar.
They love you and devote themselves to you.
Narinder, your brother, may even see The Lamb as a connection you two share.
A temporary connection... as TOWW has plans to ditch The Lamb once he is free.
You may see The Lamb as a follower of your own... or maybe even a pet.
You often speak to The Lamb, asking how their conquest is going.
You are aware of what they must do... it's bittersweet.
On one hand, your siblings (and maybe you) had it coming.
On the other hand... you wish none of this has to happen.
The Lamb tries to distract you from your mourning.
As Leshy, Heket, Kallamar, and Shamura fall... The Lamb tries to comfort you.
You try not to blame the pawn too much....
They are Narinder's form of punishment.
Lambs should never have been targeted in the first place after all.
It was foolish to think Narinder would never return.
As a result, you are in acceptance of your fate.
You accept The Lamb's offerings and bless them on their journeys.
You aren't sure how things will go when Narinder returns.
From what you hear, the Bishop of Death seems eager to see you again.
Part of you fears what's to come, but the others tried to fight it and perished...
So why should you?
The Lamb is often the one to pull you from your thoughts.
They come back from their crusades all proud and happy.
They always come to see you at your land and at the cult.
Knowing you can't fight the return of your brother, you aid his pawn.
His pawn, The Lamb, appears to adore you just as much.
The Lamb isn't entirely an intense yandere when you're a Bishop.
They come to see you often and try to follow where you go.
They only wish to worship you alongside your remaining brother!
You are wise enough to know you can't fight fate compared to your siblings...
So you accept The Lamb's offerings and adoration... which includes all of their love.
You wonder if Narinder will spare The Lamb once he comes back to rule yet again.
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nighttimeoracle · 1 year
PAC: how do you inspire your soulmate/FS?
In their heart, you’re their muse and bewitcher. When the voice quivers and words fail to express how much they admire you, the truth will always find your way.
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Pile 1
Justice, Ten of Swords, The Emperor, Two of Cups, Six of pentacles
They like when you get all serious and grumpy after you’ve made your decision—to go to battle💀. Ha! JK, or not? You have an iron will and are a natural protector. No matter if you act cowardly at times as when it comes to protect your loved ones, you will turn fierce and basically into a mama bear ready to claw some baddies’s eyes out. Too early for a +18 mention? Maybe not 😏. Your aggressiveness turns this person on. They like this wild part of you and you releasing the control you hold so dearly (might not apply to everyone, but some of you definitely are huge control freaks). They also admire the fact you get your priorities and morals straight, and you can stick to your choices ‘till the end. You’re stubborn and they respect that. It’s appealing to them that someone as small and cute as you (in comparison to them or that’s how they view you like “their little one”) could fight thugs and manage problems they themselves would be afraid of. “How do you do it?”, I heard. You aim for doing everything on your own and refuse the help offered by those worried of you, which would ultimately lead you to sickness and feeling burn out. Your person appreciates greatly your independency and they would let you do anything you want, but they still worry a lot about you. You and this person are quite similar in character, so they have no right to chastise you for your excessiveness. They’re proud of you and you inspire them to keep going forward. By any chance did you thought of your soulmate when you picked this pile? You’re definitely going to marry your other half, darling. Congrats!
Hello💞 if you liked this reading and wish for a customized one, you can check my list of services here and my lastest offers here.
Pila 2
The high priestess, seven of wands, two of pentacles, ace of swords, nine of wands
You have a dark feminine energy. Whether you’re female or male, you have this sultry and mysterious aura around you. You’re like a chameleon; ever changing and you can show people what you want them to see. You’re in charge here, wow. You remind your person of a female fatale, and they love it. When I said “ever changing”, I didn’t mean you had mood swings nor you’re volatile in nature. You’re smart and reflexive and you have many opinions, even views on one topic that are contradictory to each other. You always have something to say, but I’m under the impression you usually don’t speak more than necessary. You rather surprise people with an interesting comeback or sharp remark. You like to feed the mysterious reputation you have. If people say you’re a vampire, then you will put on an act for them with the goth clothes and dark makeup. You’re a show men or woman. Not like Leo or the rest of fire signs that are high key. You seek to entertain yourself, but you end up entertaining the one who is paying close attention to you—your lover. You’re their dark muse, a naughty one. You might start the tradition of inciting the other so an argument can break out. You two could play-fight and mock each other, until someone gets actually mad and you shut their mouth with a deep kiss. Your person loves heating arguments as they usually lead to a fiercer match in the sheets. However, what they admire the most about you is that anyone can talk to you about anything. You’ve been through a lot, dear, and that turned you into an empath and good listener. You don’t have to tell them anything as they know of your suffering, it certainly shows in your energy. You give them courage to talk about their nightmares and the most weird and random stuff. They would speak to you about camping stories as they probably were a scout and/or those experiences are both the best and worst they went through.
Hello💞 if you liked this reading and wish for a customized one, you can check my list of services here and my lastest offers here.
Pila 3
Four of pentacles, queen of cups, six of swords, nine of pentacles, the fool
Out of the three piles, you have the most feminine energy. For both female and males, your aura is luminous and pure. Your energy feels refreshing and… natural? You could remind your person of the water drops on the leaves after the rain has passed, the smell of petrichor, and the pleasant sound of a near stream. If you’ve played closed attention, I wrote about 3 out of the 5 human’s senses. Your person can’t ignore your presence when you’re around. “You´re too cute and have the charm of a child”, I heard. They mean you’re just like a maiden or little boy—innocent, carefree, and loving. They might not think you’re otherworldly, quite the opposite. You’re the definition of what human should be in their opinion. You set an example for those whose minds have been consumed by social media, capitalism, and wars. You’re incredible, thus a rare sight. I got a glimpse of someone smiling wide and proudly. They find themselves lucky to be your friend. Whether you picked this pile thinking of a soulmate or future spouse, you’re definitely starting off as just friends. It’s weird, I think your person might get obsessed with you but not in a romantic sense? Not at first. They could be an activist or fighter for human rights and they would idealize you for who you are, a conscious being. I’m hearing the following message, “thank God I’ve found you! I’m not crazy! I met a person that’s just like me”. It’s like they’re oblivious to the way they act around you, and you entering their life would put their world upside-down. They will treasure you and adore you and admire you immensely, the list of his favorite traits of yours is too long for this reading. However, they can't put a name to what you are to them. A friend? Nah, you make them go insane and they don’t want to share you with anyone. I feel a strong sense of protectiveness, possessiveness, and jealously. Oh boy, this person might make you wait around for a bit, but right after they realized they actually loved you; they might pounce on you. They might even scare you! I heard, “I want to drink in your essence”. This person who at first was a loving and seemly asexual friend to you would turn into a famish lion with an insane sex drive.
Hello💞 if you liked this reading and wish for a customized one, you can check my list of services here and my lastest offers here.
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
i love musician eren and his influencer wife !!!!! we need more content abt eren being jealous 😜
you know what? This is too cute because spoiler alert: Mr. Jaeger is very jealous when it comes to miss (y/n). And not in a possessive, toxic way but in the most adorable, bratty way.
imagine doing a photo shoot or starring in the music video of another artist, or just in general and someone having their hands on you for any given reason…he would not be happy! I mean, a brown ass man, full blown pouting about the fact that someone held you or put a kiss on your cheek. You come home and he’s on the couch, arms folded across his chest with lip stuck out like a child. He asks you how your day went and you can tell something’s wrong but he’s trying to be cool about it! “You looked pretty today.” Or “..you looked real good in that video.” All the while, he won’t even look you in the eye. It’s so sad, it’s almost cute! So you start scrolling through other pictures and you happen to land on one with another artist hugging you. And finally, you realize what’s wrong. “Oh my gosh, baby. You’re jealoussss, that’s so cute!” Of course he denies it though and dismisses you! Waving you away when you try to kiss him and acting all bratty. “I’m not jealous, I just don’t understand why he’s all on you like that. Fuck is his problem?” He knows he can’t stop you from your grind, hell, it’s what he finds most attractive about you so he just tries to play it off. But God forbid, he scrolls the comment section and sees ball players and other rappers trying to spit game under your newest post in a bikini or some skimpy dress where you’re twerking and oh my gosh, all hell is about to break loose. “Can your man fight?” And he’s quick to respond. “Yeah and I shoot too. Don’t die behind that one.” Just out of control.
or when you decide to come home after a long day and he’s been in the house, missing you, watching your story and seeing other men in the mentions or trying to get near you..he most certainly likes to take his frustrations out. You don’t notice until things get more intense but that sex hits a little differently when he’s mad. The two of you start making out and he puts his hand around your throat, sucking on your tongue, kissing on your neck and nipples ..just trying to drive you crazy. Trying to rip you up out your clothes, forcing your legs open; he’s doing everything that you love. Ask him what’s gotten into him and he answers so aggressively. “I missed you..looking so fucking good today.” Angry about the fact that someone else was all up on his baby (y/n). So he has a little something to prove. And he doesn’t slow up. He eats you out for nearly an hour as revenge for being away from him. Barely even speaks but you hear him moaning against your mound, constantly sucking on your clit and making you come. “Babeeee, I can’t take it.” You can beg all you want but this is all his and he’ll eat until he’s satisfied. Pinning your legs back and fucking like he’s trying to have you out of commission for a few days. Tearing your shit UP. His hand on the headboard, standing up in it while he’s pounding you. Giving you the greatest dick ever. “Why are you fucking me like thissss?” Whining while you try to push at his abs but he just slaps your hands away and hisses at you. “It’s mine so I’ll do what I want..this my pussy, right? Tell me..” And he knows the answer but he needs the validation..to know that no one could ever take his place!
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velnna · 2 months
curious about the game mechanics of roy's curse if there's a conflict/something stressful going on do you as the player have to "roll for dik-dik"?
either way i absolutely adore roy i just wanna squeeze him until he pops he gives me severe cuteness aggression.
We've only had one session so far but what we established is dik dik can happen in fight if he's surprised, if something very stressful for him gets triggered story wise OR if I deem that he's flustered enough during RP to have to roll for it essentially
Happy you like him!
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hobiebrownismygod · 8 months
Let's talk about Miles G./Prowler Miles and his characterization in fanfics/headcanons
I'm gonna refer to him as 42-Miles throughout this analysis btw
Fairly short post, about 1.1k words with pictures and gifs to help explain <3
Summary: I'm gonna analyze his characterization as being angry/aggressive, I'm gonna talk about his backstory a little bit and compare him to the original Prowler and then I'm gonna rant about his sexualization a little bit as well.
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1. Characterizing him as angry/aggressive
Most of the fanfictions/headcanons that I've read treat 42-Miles like a thug. They act like he would be overly aggressive toward the reader/y/n and often characterize him as slightly misogynistic and a bully. One question. HOW? I genuinely don't understand where people get these headcanons from. You're telling me that this guy, who is literally the exact same person as Miles Morales, would be a cheating, narcissistic asshole who needs to be fixed by some random girl? Are you kidding me? Do y'all think RIO MORALES would've allowed that to happen to her son? HELL NO.
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This hispanic lady?? BFFR
In the scene between Miles and 42-Rio, we see her asking him to get groceries, cracking jokes with him and just having an absolutely lovely mother-son dynamic. Its because of this that I think that he's actually a sweet, kind boy who's just trying his best to take care of his family. This little thing that he and his mom have going on proves that 42-Miles is not a bad kid. He's a genuinely nice guy who was thrown into a crappy situation.
As for his whole "You can call me the Prowler" persona, that's obviously just a setup. Miles did the same thing in the first movie when he met Peter B. Parker. He tied him up to a punching bag and put on a slightly deeper voice to confront him. 42-Miles did the exact same thing. He tied up Miles to a punching bag and did his best to intimidate him with the claw and the voice. He's just trying to look cool in front of his twin, guys. He's not that way normally. If anything, he's just gonna be a slightly more depressed version of Miles, but he's still Miles.
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Its practically the same scene.
This type of characterization happens a lot towards edgy black males in the media. The same thing happens with Hobie Brown. He's portrayed as cool, a rule-breaker and a punk and immediately, people characterize him as dirty and violent which are nasty stereotypes targeted towards African-Americans. 42-Miles is portrayed as intimidating and edgy and immediately people are quick to say that he would be an asshole and that he would be a bad boy which are also horrible stereotypes. This is blatant racism and its not cute or fun to read. If you want him to be aggressive in your fanfictions, give him an actual reason to be aggressive. Don't just assume that he would be, because if you really think about it, he wouldn't.
2. Calling him a murderer (The original prowler didn't kill people)
A lot of the fanfictions/headcanons that I've read that involved 42-Miles treat him like a murderer and romanticize the idea of him being a criminal. Authors write stories about him violently murdering thugs and beating people up for no reason. Any f.f. involving his identity as the Prowler usually has a killing scene written in or an implied murder scene.
It has been confirmed that 42-Miles is gonna be an anti-hero. Now the Aaron Davis version of the Prowler did kill people. However, he wasn't an anti-hero. If we're going to compare 42-Miles to a Prowler, we need to compare him to Hobie Brown, who was the original Prowler.
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Hobie Brown was also an anti-hero who actually helped Spider-man multiple times throughout the comics. He never killed anyone and after trying to lead a life of crime, he actually ended up quitting. This suggests that 42-Miles would be similar if not the same, because its confirmed that he's fighting against the Sinister Six, and isn't a "villain" and therefore would not kill anyone.
He's also 15 years old. Why are people acting like a 15 year old would be a murderer? There is no way this 15 year old kid is going out into the streets and beating up thugs. This guy was supposed to be Spider-man, remember? He fights for justice and he fights against real villains, like Doc Ock, Scorpio, Rhino, all villains who are confirmed to exist in Earth-42.
This headcanon is extremely inaccurate and people really need to chill out on the whole "Prowler" aspect of his character, because he's still Miles. He isn't a whole new character. He's literally Miles Morales in a different font, and he's not gonna be a murderous maniac.
3. Sexualizing him (he's a minor!?!?!)
I'd say about 70-80% of the 42-Miles fanfictions that cross my feed contain smut. People age up Miles, not for the plot, not for the headcanons, but just to write smut.
Personally, when I read a fan fiction or a headcanon about a character, I imagine them in my head when I do. I genuinely read the fan fiction like it would be played out with the character. So to me, people who are writing these smutty fan fictions are imagining a minor in their head while doing these things. This is absolutely insane to me.
Now I know a lot of people are gonna come for me for saying this because "if you don't wanna read it then just scroll" and "he's aged up so its okay" but this is normalizing pedophilia.
Once again, I see the same thing happening with Hobie. Why? Once again, casual racism. People see an edgy black male and they immediately assume he'd be super sexual. The people writing smut about Miles are the same way. They see an attractive black teen and the first thing that pops up in their mind is "I'd let him fuck me." He's 15 years old. No one should be writing smut about this kid. He doesn't do anything sexual in the movie, he doesn't have a confirmed love interest, he was literally on screen for two minutes. Stop treating black characters like sex toys and enjoy their damn storylines.
I explained more on the sexualization of black characters in the media in this post here if you want to read more into it or still feel a little unsure about my analyzation. I included sources as well <3
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This guy is a tired CHILD. LOOK AT HIS EYE BAGS
As for the whole "aging up" thing, aging up a character for a fan fiction and aging them up for smut are two very different things. I've read 42-Miles fanfictions where they age him up, but they actually add to the plot. This one fanfiction I read (I'll link it if I find it) aged him up to create a officer x criminal trope, which I found absolutely adorable. They were able to write an amazing story with zero smut. Compare this to people who are saying "I'm aging him up to 18 <3" and its just 4000 words of straight, gut-wrenching smut.
This genuinely disgusts me. I don't know if its just me who feels this way about his sexualization, but its so icky to think about. You're taking a literal child and imagining yourself doing all these things with him and posting it for the rest of the world to see. A lot of the people who write these fanfictions are 18+ which baffles me as well.
Stop sexualizing minors and stop aging up characters just for smut. It's messed up.
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harleehazbinfics · 2 months
Oooooh I’m thinking about Cannibal Overlord Readers relationship with Vox in the AU
I think their relationship is far more aggressive than in the normal version. The disputes are more public, Vox definitely insults the reader publicly and tries to embarrass her, and whenever they’re forced to be in the same room and not allowed to fistfight, they’re hella passive aggressive with each other, throwing insults that can be argued as just “astute observations”.
Also just in general, what do the other Overlords think of the reader? I’m just thinking of Valentino trying to get Reader to become one of his workers and Alastor about to kill the moth himself lmao
– @pixelword ❤️
What do Overlords think of you? Cannibal Overlord! Reader x Alastor [cannibal chef! Reader Spin-Off]
Cannibal chef! reader m.list | Author profile
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He honestly thinks you're the fakest bitch in existence, and the person asking is right. They're far more aggressive at each other than in cannibal chef. With power at play here and everything, having control over more souls than the other is their main competition.
Cannibal Overlord embodying gluttony while Vox being greed. So, they will never get along ever. This man will attack every possible thing about you, from your clothes, fashion, things you like and your restaurant. It pisses you off when he talks badly about your restaurants, that you painstakingly managed to perfection. Your cute little devils did their best at providing the best service they could possibly give with their cute tiny little brains. You sometimes berate them for their mistakes however, they do their best to fix their mistakes every time. So, you couldn't bare when someone else other than you to scold them. They're dummies but they're your cute dummies.
The one thing that always, always ticks you off is when Vox brings in Alastor to your fights. Vox being a television/media demon and Alastor being the Radio Demon, it was inevitable that they'd cross paths one day. So, within your power you'd shelter Alastor when their little fights get too out of hand. This action of yours being broadcasted over the city, quoting your love over your demon servant. You'd laugh at him however, telling him your love story is much healthier than his and his moth's.
He loves your food and style, let's be very clear. He was introduced to your restaurant when Vox couldn't shut up about you and your cheap ass restaurant. So, out of curiosity, he and Velvette snuck out and booked a private table by pulling a few strings. You, after hearing that the two Overlords had taken the time to dine in your establishment, gave them the best service you could offer--which is you serving their meals in their private room. You could say this was your attempt of buying them over from Vox and be on their good side just to tick off the box head.
Valentino and Velvette absolutely loved the attention they received from you and your staff. A quartet playing any of their preferred music, your most recommended menu items, and an expensive brand of alcohol. They of course couldn't help but rate the restaurant in real time as they're being served as chronically online as they were that they couldn't shut their mouths if they wanted to. This reaches the ears of Vox who immediately called them for betraying him, which they of course ignored to avoid being kicked out for being in contact with him at the moment they were in your turf.
After the meal, Alastor joins you in seeing the Overlords off in their limousine. The radio demon fumes as the moth takes your hand and licks up your arm. Which you gave him a fake smile before taking off your apron, wiping your arm and slapping it at him fiercely creating a red mark on the side of his face which he only licks with a sadistic smile and hands you his business card, asking if you were interested in making a film with him. Without a word, you hand it to Alastor who burns it with a smile of his own and politely asks them to leave before he did something about his rudeness.
After her visit to your restaurant, she handed you her business card telling you that she was interested in making clothes for you, and that she'd be happy to give them to you as a gift for giving her so much inspiration during her stay. She was impressed with your mannerisms and how confident your held yourself while you wore your chef uniform. So, she thought you deserved to have clothes as an Overlord that showed off their power in a position such as yourself to be designed by her.
You didn't have any reason to refuse so you accepted it, under the request of it being done at your office than at their building. So, she completed the design after getting your sizes taken, you also requested to have a suit done for Alastor too, which she complied to and said she'd give you a matching one with his. After giving them to you, she asked for a selfie with you and your new clothes on to post on her social media account.
You became very good friends after that, you even shit talked about the boys when you had the chance to meet up.
(note: the suit with Alastor was your gift to him for your anniversary)
YOU WERE DEFINITE BESTIES WITH ROSIE. Girl boss, Cannibal, great sense of humor, and gossip girlies. What's there to think about?
The both of you loved to share stories about your day to day, and even the latest gossip within the rings and who hooked up with who. You shared information on souls to deal with, or those to stay away from for a while. While you two enjoyed each other's company, you loved inviting Alastor to your get-togethers. He definitely was a girl's girl. He even joins in your gossips and shit talking on Susan.
Rosie feels happy for you when you lean against Alastor when you're together and how you eventually fall asleep when the three of you are together. She feels happy for you in the sense that you didn't have a great life when you were alive, you were cheated on and was left behind by your family, so when you found happiness with them her heart couldn't help but feel full.
"You're quite the lucky charm, Al. She doesn't fall asleep so easily, y'know?"
"? What do you mean? She's always fallen asleep so quickly since I met her."
"Oh really? That's surprising. It's not my place, but since how much she trusts you.. She's quite the insomniac, always working, dealing souls. Y'know overlord stuff. There was never a day where I wouldn't see or hear about her even in the dead of night. So, you're quite special for her to just fall asleep on."
"I see... I'll take that as a compliment."
Camilla Carmine & Zestial
They share the same opinion about you. You were well respected by them, being able to raise the ranks in such a short time was quite a feat when they see a figure as frail as yourself carry the weight of being an Overlord. However, when they saw your power, you undoubtedly deserved that title of yours.
That's to say you were also one of the overlords that were the easiest to talk to during and out of meetings. So, they're quite acquainted with you. They also don't mind your relationship with Alastor, since they also witnessed his prowess behind you.
🔗Cannibal Chef! Reader Taglist:
@bonnie-02 @marxo5 @whaatttlaufey @froggybich @rybunnie @midorichoco @lucifers-silhouette @kimmis-stuff @bontensbabygirl @janey @akiqvq @wonderlandangelsposts @spoiled-slutt @roboticsuccubus83 @atlas-rin @yuriohoe04 @azullynxx @milk-bulb @hahalame @s2tng @aria-tempest @speedycoffeedelight @0strawberrysorbet0 @amitiel-truth @corvid007 @kaminarithebest @enby-goblin @whydosnakesnotdance @wtvbabes @willow404 @psychoanalyze0 @sweetadonisbutbetter @safetypinangelwings
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welcome to demon school! iruma kun
♥︎Yandere Asmodeus♥︎ × Reader
♥︎Yandere Iruma-kun♥︎ × Reader
♥︎Yandere Kirio♥︎ × Reader
◆Advanced apologies; sorry, some of the pictures I do not know◆
Bold is reader
1st important note; I know their age. But in this setting, the school is college. And all of them are high school age; 18 college age; 19
2nd Important note; if you want a gerne like angst, smut, etc. For a specific person, ask/request me.
A friend asked me to do this and also they didn't know their age so ima change the settings that they are 18-19 and the story plot a bit
!¡Warning⚠️!¡; a bit nwfs
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1 Manga 'welcome to demon school iruma kun
2 Tumblr artist: @cromahi
3 Danbooru artist: shigatsuchichi
4 ????
Setting; senior year, high-school
You two met before he was with Iruma - kun of course, he wanted to challenge you because rumor says you could be stronger than the demon king. You were stiff, but somehow he didn't land a hit at all! He even used a fire sword to attack you. You just maybe flicked his forehead and tripped him to make him lose.
Well, he may or may have not made a deal to be your devoted slave...well of course you declined but it was awkward when he kept following you around, getting what you needed or want. You were getting annoyed a bit. It was rather cute and nice to have someone to stick around, getting you what you want. He kept his distance too, but why is he keeping looking at you like that? An expression you have never seen before.
"...Asmodeus, come here." His eyes perked, it was the first time you asked him to come close to you! The only contact he and you had was handing over things. He was so grateful! If he had a tail, it would've been aggressively wagging right now. "Ah, yes master [name]? Do you need something— eek!" Was he....on your lap right now?! Oh no, he needs to calm down, his face is going bright red!
"First, call me by something casual like just my name, not some 'master' thing...second as I said, you can be casual. No need to be so stiff and lastly, I am grateful for your company. Truly, I am but I think I need you to—" he turned his body around to face you, hugging you. "N- no! I'm not gonna leave! I can do anything for you, no I will! So please don't leave me!"
He snuggles closer as you rub his back in circles. "I meant to say to maybe hang out with some other people."
"So..your not leaving me, right?"
"Yes. I promise"
It got a little better, although he still calls you master...you will just fix that later.
Setting; College
1 year later. Now you both are in the same school/college. Honestly, you didn't need to since you have already proved your capabilities. But he would cry if you didn't come with him. 'What? But you promised to stay with me!'
"Hey, did you hear? The old grandpa, grandson is coming here."
"Ah, yes master. I heard about it. Although, is he perhaps bothering you?"
"No, just curious. You know, having some new people to hang out with is pretty fun. Isn't it?"
You watched in the background as the student called 'Iruma' is fighting Asmodeus. You were surprised that Asmodeus lost. The good thing is that they became so-called 'friends' but the bad thing is he kept crying on his knees, apologizing that he lost. But you assured him it was fine. Back to the present...this moment with him is quite uhh..troublesome you would say.
Currently, Asmodeus is in his evil cycle. He had already told you about his true power but physically and mentally dealing with it? Uhm... how can I explain this. Iruma was apologetic to you since now you have a clingy demon snuggling you, and sending glares at anyone who looks at you besides Iruma. At least it was funny when you experimented on him with a random demon. Asking the demon to talk about you. It was quite amusing to see him go back to his normal self and then back to the evil cycle self.
Warning; slight nwfs!
"A- AhH! Hngh..t- too much! Please!" He doesn't even know what he's begging for. He moans as you played with his chest. Trying to grab something to keep him stable. You let him put his arms over your neck and his legs wrapped around your waist as he sits on your lap. You tried to pull back but he pulled you closer, whining at the loss of contact. He tugged your sleeve, quietly asking for more.
Hmm...Now, now. What are you gonna do? Hmm?
(If you actually want a full smut then comment and I'll make a part 2 specifically for this one)
Part 2 (smut)
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1 manga
2 ????
3 Tumblr artist: @neeeee69
4 anime
When you heard of this student, you became interested....is he perhaps fierce, scary, menacing?
No. He was an absolute cutie. He looked absolutely different from what you thought he was to be. This guy defeated Asmodeus?
Hanging out with him, Asmodeus, and Clara was quite fun. Although you like to tease him by lifting him up in the air and calling him a shortie.
No offense to you short people :)
Although you always find yourself seeing him staring at you. At first, it was concerning. But later you thought he was just curious about you or something.
You confronted him about it. He was flustered to say at least, turns out he just wondered what hugging you feel like. You let him sit on your lap, snuggling onto your neck when you two are alone. He was always happy to have moments like this with you. When you heard that he learned how to use a bow, you wanted to learn it too. You have tried many kinds of weapons but not a bow. So he teaches you how to use it.
"Hey! I'm over here. I—"
He tripped on a rock while running, you caught him but didn't keep steady so you fell too. He opened his eyes and found himself on top of you.
"Sorry, I'm really am sorry! I didn't mean to."
He began panicking, you reassured him it was alright. Although it was cute seeing him flustered. He was even more flustered since he was so close to you when he was teaching you how to correctly hold a bow and shoot it.
When his evil cycle came, it was....ok. just some more private time than usual and more touchy too. And was he flirting? Surely not, he's too innocent. He just put a rose in your hair, and just called you beautiful/handsome/pretty
He pulled you down by the collar of your shirt. Kissing you, you were taken aback. Before you could even move away he slithered his arms to your waist, making you stay with him.
"Who said you could leave? Stay put."
He grabbed your hand, putting it on his chest. As your other hand, he kissed the palm of your hand. "Alright, I'll stay put. I'll make this enjoyable for us."
This is gonna be quite a night.
Part 2 (smut)
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1 manga
2 anime
You were in iruma group for the festival. You guys weren't really talking to each other that much but he began talking to you more when you two had to get some materials for the fireworks.
He was interesting, but you noticed his horns. You kinda wanted to touch them, when you asked him about it he agreed. Although you did notice that his horns were sensitive since he kept flinching and his breath hitched whenever you touch his horns. Maybe ruffle his hair too.
Although sometimes you see him staring at you. One time he began salivating, he apologized but you thought he must've been hungry so you gave him your food.
"Oh. Thank you for giving me your food." He was hungry for you.
Warning; slight nwfs
"HGNH! Wait— ahh~!"
"Oh dear. I didn't know you were such a masochist."
You grabbed his horn and pulled it as you bit his neck. He moaned, gripping the sheets. He couldn't take it anymore!
He tugged on your shirt.
"I want more...please.." he whined. Whimpering at the contact of pleasure.
What would you do? Hmm?
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jayfortheday · 2 years
The way you write Vance is the absolute cutest, I love how you make him the biggest softie when it specifically comes to Y/N. Can you write something from Finney’s POV where he sees Vance being all angry and aggressive at the Grab N Go (like yelling and fighting) and is just so terrified of him but when he leaves and rounds the corner of the building he secretly sees Vance outside being all blushy and soft with his (s/o) and Finney is just like “huh. I guess he’s not so scary after all”
To Everyone But Them (Vance Hopper)
Pairing: Vance Hopper x GN!Reader (romantic)
Word count: 712
Description: After Finney sees Vance win a fight at the Grab N Go, he sees him round a corner to meet up with his partner
Tags: fighting, blood, fluff, language, kissing, third person
Quick note: This story is told from the third-person perspective of Finney and reader will have they/them pronouns
Finney’s eyes were wide as he watched Vance hit the boy splayed out on the linoleum floor from outside the Grab N Go. The boy tried to fight back, but Vance moved too fast to be stopped, kneeling above the boy’s chest to hit him. He repeatedly pulled his fist back and threw it into the boy’s face, pulling blood with an enraged look on his face. When the boy beneath him finally stopped trying to fight, Vance ceased his hits and stood up off the boy. 
Vance’s knuckles were caked in blood and some splattered his face. 
“Stay the fuck down,” Vance growled at the boy who was now curled up on the floor. Vance glanced up to Finney, causing Finney to go rigid before Vance looked away. Vance launched one last kick at his opponent before he turned to exit the building. Finney quickly hurried away from the door so he wouldn’t at all stand in Vance’s way. 
Finney watched with half horror half fascination as Vance exited the building and round a corner into an alley between the Grab N Go and the adjacent building. From the position he was standing, Finney could see Vance stop in the middle of the alley and smile warmly. Finney adjusted his position slightly to stay out of sight but to see what had elicited Vance’s expression. Pushing himself up against the brick of the building to peer into the alley, Finney saw another person with Vance, looking up at him with a similarly happy expression. Finney could faintly hear what they were saying. 
“So, what happened this time?” The other person laughed, reaching up to wipe a speck of blood from Vance’s cheek. 
“Same old shit if you’ll believe it,” Vance replied, standing still with his arms crossed as the other person pulled a tissue from their pocket. They brought it up and began to clean the blood from Vance’s face. 
“I believe it, alright. Are you ok, did you get hit?” The person asked, glancing into Vance’s eyes before looking back at his face. 
“Only a little bit, it’s nothing serious, you don’t gotta worry, Y/N,” he responded, glancing down at his bloody knuckles. 
“I’ll be the judge of that,” Y/N spoke, shoving the soiled tissue into their pocket and picking up Vance’s hand to look at his knuckles. 
Y/N used the hem of their shirt to wipe some of the blood from Vance’s knuckles, pulling a hiss of pain from his lips. 
“Give me a sec to get the blood off and I’ll check it out, ok?” They smiled softly, wiping Vance’s hand again but more gently this time. Once all the blood had been wiped off, Y/N’s eyes went wide.
“Jesus, baby, it’s been a while since I’ve seen you bang ‘em up this bad,” they gasped. “You sure it doesn’t hurt too bad?” 
“Ya know, you’re cute when you worry about me,” Vance chuckled, reaching up his other hand to rest on the wall by Y/N’s head. 
“Yeah, yeah, shut up,” they muttered with a slight blush on their face. 
“You should’ve seen me in there, I was totally kickin’ that guy’s ass,” Vance bragged. 
“I don’t doubt it, and I was out here, waitin’ for you all alone,” Y/N replied, looking up to Vance with mock sadness. 
“I’m sorry, baby, can you ever forgive me?” Vance half pleaded with a smile. “We can have a sleepover at my house, watch some movies, your choice?”
“I’ll think about it…if you buy me some microwave popcorn,” Y/N replied with a snarky grin. 
“Is that all it takes these days, sweetheart?”
Seeing Vance act so strangely pulled a quiet laugh out of Finney, causing Y/N to look up to him. Finney blushed deeply at being caught, but Y/N didn’t seem mad.
“Whatcha looking at?” Vance asked, going to turn his head. Before he could spot Finney, Y/N grabbed the sides of his face and pulled him into a kiss. Vance immediately relaxed into them, resting his hands on their shoulders. Y/N opened one eye and waved Finney off, giving him a chance to leave while Vance was distracted. Finney gave a quick smile before turning around and quickly walking away.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed! This one felt a little easier to write, which was nice, but I am still in a bit of a slump. I'm gonna try to do some writing during my break, but I make no guarantees. Love y'all
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sapphic-agent · 2 months
I read your analysis and anti bakugou posts and I want to say thank you!
Going to be kinda long so I’m sorry!
There is another fandom where there is character exactly like bakugou; angry, violent, egotistical and target his hate and aggression to one person only.
the character name is Jiāng cheng from the MDZS novel. But the narrative in the story doesn’t treat all the shit that jerk did as right, it the opposite. He seen as vile that nobody want to associate with (getting banned from all the match making places in the story even)
He never takes the spotlight of the two main nor he is redeemed characters instead seen as pathetic and arrogant jerk he is. The MC, Wei wuxian who was his adoptive brother (not really more like a servant that got treated like a dog) cut ties with him in the end.
He a well written and rounded character but the character personality is shit and I don’t really like him. And the narrative isn’t treating him any differently than being a piece of shit
Why I’m telling you this? Because I feel like if MHA have been written by someone who isn’t Hori bakugou would not have gotten away with the shit he did in the story.
beside the point of the way the narrative treat Jiang cheng, it’s the fandom. When I got into the MDZS fandom I was so disappointed to see bakugou stans 2.0 there but instead of bakugou it’s Jiang cheng.
Both bakugou and Jiang cheng get the same treatment in the fandom as “UWU needs to protect the angry violent person” and “it’s the MC fault our cute UWU baby didn’t do anything wrong” and lots of stuff that I bet you seen in the bnha fandom
It’s sad that even if the story shows that what Jiang cheng wasn’t right (unlike bakugou case where the story doesn’t make him have any consequences) people would outright be mean to other people just because they follow the canon prototype of the character in their fics (I seen it and it’s horrible)
And, in fics it’s seems that every time that Jiang cheng appears in the scene he makes everyone OOC (if the fic is sticking to canon personality). Makes them act like they won’t ever act; it’s the same thing with bakugou (in canon and fanon respectively sadly)
I love to call it the “black hole effect” when a certain character just make the scenes about them no matter the context, like a black hole.
Im sorry this is all over the place, im not really good with words and i used to be pretty active in both fandoms but now its really hard because bakugou and Jiang cheng stans are overall tiring to deal with and they seems to grow up in numbers everyday and yeah… 👍
Have a nice day and week!
Hi! I've never read it but it sounds interesting.
I always try to tell Bakugou stans, it's not the fact that Bakugou's an awful person. I don't care about that. Fictional characters aren't real and can be liked for whatever even if they're vile pieces of shit. It's okay to like a vile piece of shit.
What's not okay is creating that vile piece of shit and then brushing over and never calling out their horrible actions. What's not okay is everyone around them condoning their behavior. What's not okay is pandering to them over their victims. What's not okay is never making them face consequences for their actions. What's not okay is constantly putting them on a pedestal for doing the bare minimum.
Look at Vegeta (RIP Toriyama). Vegeta is always getting humbled and called out. He is never going to surpass Goku because never getting what he wants is part of his retribution. Considering his actions, he should be worse than Bakugou. But he's a way better character because of how the narrative and the other characters treat him.
(You can even compare specific instances. When Bakugou rushed ahead and attacked Kurogiri and got Thirteen seriously hurt, no one said a thing to him and he still won all his fights. He faced zero repercussions. When Vegeta let Cell absorb 18, he immediately got his ass kicked and had to get saved by Trunks and Krillin. Vegeta's actions always affect him terribly, Bakugou's actions always affect everyone else terribly while he gets off scott-free)
DBZ came out decades ago and it still created a better character arc than a 2010s-2020s manga. Horikoshi could have easily given Bakugou a proper redemption arc. He chose not to
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moony-2001 · 7 months
How I would’ve constructed the 10 year time skip
✨Brought to you by my deep loathing for Lore Olympus✨
•warnings: super long post (I’m not joking), death, kidnapping, violence•
What The Fuck Happened
There was so much potential for the punishment arc. We could’ve seen a lot of character development, fleshed out storylines, reconciliation between certain people. We could’ve seen both Hades and Persephone going to therapy instead of claiming that one therapy session has fixed all their problems and then never going again.
Instead we got horny Persephone, pretty much no clue about what happened to Demeter OR Persephone during that time, and an easy plot device (sorry Cerberus) for Persephone to be like “I’m a big girl now harrumph harrumph, time for me to go reunite with my crusty ass bf who I’ve only know for a month”.
I hate the way she reunited with Ares. Ares is just a bonafide creep throughout the whole comic (although I liked when he attacked Zeus lol). I guess what I mostly hate about Ares and Persephone’s interaction is, yet again, it’s another example of every guy in the comic going AWOOGA over Persephone. Also Athena’s design is so fugly. I guess Rachel is completely incapable of drawing masculine presenting women as actual women.
The whole Kronos plot line is stupid. I hate it so much. Imo the whole “the titans are trying to escape so they can rule Olympus again” is overdone and not particularly done well. The fight between Kronos and Persephone is lame as shit. Like what, she gets big for all of 20 minutes, burps out a bunch of bees (which aren’t even aggressive creatures), and then does her version of the Wuxi Finger Hold from Kung Fu Panda and has Tartarus spirit Kronos away, magically fixing all of their problems (except it doesn’t and nothing is actually fixed).
Also I might get a lot of flack for this, but I don’t think the addition of Morpheus’ character was necessary. I like Morpheus. I think she’s cute. But she’s a) slowly turning into another version of Hecate and b) not really vital to the narrative imo. We already have so many other characters and plot lines that take away from the central “romance” the story is SUPPOSED to be focused on. I just don’t think we need ANOTHER character whose arc is probably not going to go anywhere.
So yeah, overall very L writing, L plot, and L characters.
What I would do differently
The first thing I would change is that the whole punishment arc would be an entire season unto itself. You’ll see why it has to be a separate season.
The second thing is (and this literally pains me to say) in order for me to rewrite this portion of LO without rewriting the entire comic, I kinda sorta have to throw the entire timeline of Greece out the window. If I try to follow a timeline based on the history of Greece, the entire timeline of LO has to shift massively. I’m already getting a migraine trying to think about how I could possibly make it work.
I do know this: Instead of 10 years I’d do somewhere between 1,000-3,000 years. 10 years is a joke. When you’re a god, 10 years is a trip to the time out corner
For now, let’s just say (assuming LO takes place in the Ancient Greece era) and Ancient Greece spanned ~1500 years, Persephone’s punishment would’ve needed to have been established near the very end of the collapse of the Late Bronze Age, spanned the entirety of Ancient Greece as we know it today, and ended some time in the very early Byzantine era. So like what, 1500-2000 years? Fine. I can work with this.
The Famine
You know how the first 400 years of Ancient Greece was deemed the “Dark Ages” and it was a time of war, famine, and loss? I want to start the punishment there. It would make sense for what we know about the characters thus far:
Demeter has had complete control over the growth of the flora and fauna on earth. She’s the goddess of the harvest after all. But we also find out that while Persephone has been in Olympus, Demeter has also been carrying out her duties as the goddess of spring. Plus Demeter has been around for forever and a day. She knows what she’s doing
Persephone doesn’t (at this point in the comic) really have control over her powers. Even in her fits of rage, she ends up doing more harm than good (i.e. her act of wrath, turning Minthe into a plant, etc.). In comparison with everyone around her, she is a literal infant. I mean shit, she’s only been alive for 20 years compared to the fact that everyone else has most likely been around for a minimum of 500 years.
If Demeter is stripped of her status as a goddess (and thus her powers) it would make sense that there would be a lot of death and famine and war over territory/food. Persephone would be left with nothing: no guidebook, no how-to. Of course a lot of people would die while she’s trying to figure her shit out. It could also be a very interesting tactic for psychological warfare on Zeus’ part. Zeus KNOWS Persephone doesn’t know what she’s doing. He knows people will die. And he knows that since life is precious to Persephone (or at least that’s what she claims), it would punish her further.
We can see episodes of Persephone struggling to provide for humanity. We could have real world examples of the affect of famine and depopulation. We would see her struggling with her powers, her mental health. We could get an episode that explains how her hands got destroyed from trying to mimic her mother’s powers. We can see what the fuck happened to Demeter in Attica.
Now obviously things will eventually go on the up and up for Persephone and her compatriots. The whole 1500-2000 years isn’t just going to be one big clusterfuck. As time progresses and chapters pass, we could see real character growth for Persephone not just mentally, but in almost every aspect. Since she will have been alive at that point for over 1000 years, the readers would be able to see her newfound maturity. We could also see her build strong female support systems and strengthen her friendships, something we NEVER saw in the OG comic (or at least they never happened without Hades somehow being involved). You get the point.
What’s Old Man Hades up to?
I have big plans for Hades and none of them involve him going into a 1000+ year coma or getting possessed by his creepy-ass dad. He is an asshole though. I kinda wanted to portray him in this the way he is in the original myths (which for those who don’t know or haven’t read it, it’s not good).
So in Greek mythology, Hades actually had a wife before he even met Persephone or Minthe. Can you take a wild guess as to who?
Bingo! It’s Leuce. Contrary to popular belief, Leuce is actually NOT a home-wrecking POC version of Persephone (don’t @ me we all know the nymphs represent the lower class and POC). In mythology, Leuce was Hades’ first wife/lover and she died sometime long ago and I believe was turned into a white poplar tree. No she is not a cousin of Thetis and Amphitrite. She is not even remotely related to them. And Thetis and Amphitrite are sisters, not cousins. Do your fucking research Rachel.
Unfortunately, Greek Mythology doesn’t really mention all that much about Leuce outside of the fact that she was a daughter of Oceanus, she was kidnapped by Hades, and when she died (for unspecified reasons) she turned into a tree. Which means I’m going to be taking a lot of creative liberties for this portion of the post. Sorry to all you diehard fans of Greek myths out there. I shall try to do her justice.
In my head-cannon Hades and Leuce had been in an arranged marriage for thousands of years. Leuce was offered by Oceanus as a peace offering after the War and Hades, not really having any other viable options for a wife, agreed to take her to the underworld (much to her dismay). Over time, they grew to have a mutually loving/caring relationship. Unlike LO Persephone, Leuce was a good queen and she worked hard to make sure the denizens of the underworld respected her and that they were well cared for. Unfortunately, they got divorced because Hades starting having an affair with Minthe. Even though she loved her kingdom and the people of the underworld, she divorced Hades because she couldn’t stand to be around him, which, y’know. Fair.
A few notes: in my head-cannon, Leuce is still around leading up the the trial and punishment. Her portrait would still be up, we would see signs that Hades and Leuce still interact (more in terms of business, not romance), etc.
Also, unlike Persephone, Leuce would not take her anger out on Minthe or turn her into a plant or destroy her apartment. She would simply wish her good luck. She would be mad at Hades for cheating and for taking advantage of Minthe while she’s at her lowest. But I’m going to be straight up: even though Leuce is meant to be the better Persephone, she still has her flaws. She’s not going to feel inclined to help Minthe in any way. Would you want to help out the person who your partner is cheating on you with? The answer is no and if you say yes, you’re lying.
Anyways, during the Punishment, Hades and Leuce reconnect and Hades finds out Leuce is dying. He tries to convince her to leave the underworld and return to her father, but she insists that she is going to stay, even if it means she dies away from everyone she loved. She won’t abandon her kingdom, her people, or her ex-husband (although that’s much better than he deserves). They move in together and Hades begins to take care of her, even as she begins to deteriorate. They also begin to rekindle their past relationship and (with the help of a therapist) work through some of their past problems together.
Note: their relationship rekindles a couple hundred years into the punishment so by the time the punishment ends, they’ve been back together for a minimum of 1200 years
The aftermath and the Rape of Persephone
Before any of you go gaga over me for the title used above, the original title used for the myth is The Rape of Persephone (or if you want to be really original, The Rape of Proserpina). In the context of the title, the term “rape” means to be taken/kidnapped rather than having sexual violence inflicted upon you. Rape stemmed from the traditional Latin word “raptus” which means “to be seized” or “carried off”. Okay? Okay.
So after the Punishment ends and Persephone feels like she has thoroughly improved herself, she goes to find Hades and talk with him about their relationship. Mainly that she feels they rushed into it, and even though she does like him she wants to take things really slow (kind of like how she wanted before getting married 3 episodes later).
Upon arriving to the underworld/Hades house, her worst fears are realized: not only has Hades (seemingly) moved on, he has found someone else. Or rather, he got back together with his ex-wife.
Persephone freaks out (“who is she?”/“I’m his wife!”)
Persephone, throughly upset for getting her hopes up, flees back to mortal realm. Hades goes to leave Leuce, but not before she tells him that if he leaves her for Persephone, she will never forgive him. Hades leaves anyways, much to the absolute despair of Leuce, who is left wailing as he runs off.
Persephone returns home and finds Demeter and they hug. Demeter is initially horrified to see what happened to her hands, but is proud of the work she did during the punishment. Persephone cries to her mother about Hades, and Demeter tries to comfort her but it inadvertently comes off more as “I told you so” rather than “I’m sorry you had to experience that” (although Demeter is sorry that Persephone’s heart is broken). Persephone, already feeling incredibly emotionally distressed, lashes out at Demeter and they start to argue. This is when Hades arrives.
Hades sees Demeter and Persephone arguing and inserts himself into the situation. Persephone becomes more upset after seeing him and Hades (assuming that Persephone is upset about the fact that Demeter is getting in the way of their “relationship” and not the fact that Persephone discovered Hades went back to his ex-wife after saying he loved her) whips out the the “one personal question, no exceptions” card and proposes to Persephone. He insists that he loves her and only her and that they should spend the rest of their immortal lives together.
Persephone says no.
Hades, not taking no for an answer and not wanting to leave the mortal realm empty handed, kidnaps Persephone, much to the dismay of Demeter, Artemis, and the nymphs. Hades returns with a traumatized Persephone to the underworld to find that Leuce has died and turned into a white poplar tree. While Persephone is sobbing on the floor, Hades weaves a mock crown from the branches and leaves of the tree, places it upon Persephone’s head, and tells her she better get used to their life together.
Thus ends the season and the punishment arc.
Thank you for sitting through my ramblings. I officially joined the anti-LO community about the time the trial happened and had been wanting to make a post like this for a reaaaaally long time. Besides the fact that the trial in of itself was completely unethical (@genericpuff made a whole post about that) the punishment arc just really pissed me off. Like go girl, give us nothing!
Anyways, I may or may not do a whole timeline reconstruction of LO depending on how much I feel like offing my sanity with the amount of research that would have to go into that. Until then, I hope you like this post and look out for other anti LO posts coming your way :)
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atc-tatiana · 1 year
Some silly head-canon for the proxy
(None of these characters are mine)
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Creepypasta(Yandere proxy xreader)
Okay let’s start by saying this, Brian is no more he is no longer with us. But Hoodie is, and he will have some scars on his body and face. Then the second one Tim aka Masky, he has both personality still. Tim a clueless man that still thinks that he can disobey the operator. A silly man indeed. And with Masky he is very aggressive to other people that don’t look familiar. Finally Toby, he is not childish and he certainly isn’t obsessive with waffles. Toby is very cold and very clueless but won’t talk about it. And Toby has slenderman and Masky and Hoodie has The operator. Okay let’s get start with the head canons with these killers.
Okay Tim would most likely be the one you want to stick with all of the time. Tim will know how to defend you even if he has to get into fights with those two. You expect he’ll help you escape but no. And he feel guilty for forcing you to stay with them. The good thing about him is that he will let you out( You don't have to make puppy dog eyes to convince him to let you walk outside.) Everything about him is more lean and you can get away with a lot with Tim.
Masky a phsyco path, and I’m not lying. Masky is much more serious and he doesn’t understand why you would want to leave. He like to think of himself your number one lover. He is less impatient with you so if he tells you to do something, you have to do it. Or he’ll ignore everything you need, or want. He did it once before leaving you alone with your thoughts an in empty stomach and room.
And how he looks now after all those years, is a little different. Tim still has a dad body but more muscle wight, he is much more stronger then he used to be. But still very cute. Masky still have to wait his turn to go and see you. Tim Will probably never spend his time in that cabin with you. The guilt will just break him.
A man that is just a ticking time boom, but very calculating. All these years loneliness, trying to survive, and losing a part of him. Don’t you think he would grief over his lost and his fuck up life. He did but now he is in control of this body. No more blacking out or waiting for Brian to surrender to the operator.
Hoodie is just someone you don’t want to push hard. He doesn’t know humans emotions as he used to. So he might mistake excitement with sarcastic. Or sadness with anger. He’ll will threaten you with his gun if he feel you being ungrateful of his love or the things he gets for you. But don’t worry he keeps his gun unloaded, but you don’t know that. But he is not as bad, when he actually sees that you are sad he’ll pull you up and confront you. He will(if you are good.) will read you a story. He is very nonchalant
Toby is a killer, who just doesn’t understand why he kept you alive. You ruined his cold heart and you made him insecure about everything. His now long hair is always covering his huge gush. His body still lean but with a bit of muscle, his hair is long. And he can control his mental health more then he used too. But he still have heavy mood swings. You have to watch out for that, he’ll probably break your lambs or even try to bite the side of your face so you could match him.
Toby is always trying to impress you with giving you flowers. Or trying to dance with you in night. He’ll even watch other people outside or on a movie to impress you. Sometimes you’ll get to see him and sometimes you’ll never see him for a whole month
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absolutebl · 7 months
Hiii, I'm glad the ask box is open!
Idk if you already did a rec list on this, but can you recommend me old bls, like 90/2000s? I watched Seven days movies and its really good
Oh yay! Seven Days is the best. Actually, I have never done this. Here's a list of...
10+ BL's rated 7/10 or higher that aired prior to 2018
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Just Friends?
Korea 2009 Gaga
This is Korea's first (kinda) upbeat version of a BL featuring already established boyfriends, one of whom is on military leave, trying to decide on coming out, family life, and the future. All of these are themes Korea will pretty much never tackle again, retreating as they would to their bubble. But what a fun little offering this little show was and is to this day. You should watch it.
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Love Sick & Love Sick 2
Thai 2014 YouTube
This is one of those BLs that owes almost nothing to yaoi, although it started a number of tropes that are now endemic to Thai BL. What it is, instead, is a well scripted story of bisexual self-discovery and the inherent chaos of loving someone of the same gender for the first time, all wrapped up in hormones, existing relationships, and communication issues. It is high school queer angst at its messiest. Nothing is going to be easy for these boys because queer isn’t easy but also because life isn’t easy… welcome to adulthood sweethearts.
I'm actually considering a rewatch of these beginning of 2024 in honor of the 10 year anniversary if anyone wants to join.
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Seven Days
Japan 2015 grey
The asker already mentioned it but still, never doubt my ability to recommend this show. One of the best live action yaois ever made, with perfectly structured angst, fantastic characters and acting, and no problematic tropes (rare in Japanese BL). The leads have excellent chemistry although it’s low heat there’s still some really cute mutual kisses.
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Addicted: Heroin
China 2016 Viki
When Chinese BL was good it was very dirty good and when it was bad it was censored. This is the model for that statement: rich kid falls madly for the genius poor kid in his class, starts an aggressive pursuit, includes kidnapping for love, obsession, stepbrother trope, plus some cheating. I love this BL because of what I could have been. Just stop watching it after The Sex Scene. Okay?
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Thai 2016 YouTube
This is the BL that launched a hundred BLs. No literally, it was SOTUS’s international success that pretty much built the Thai BL industry into the juggernaut it is today. People have baggage around SOTUS, I have nostalgia. Trigger warning on bully hazing. Review and discussion here.
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Make it Right 1 & 2 (but not Beach)
Thai 2016 YouTube (Cheewin warning)
What to say about this show, the origin of the Thai BL pulps? It’s objectively terrible, and not just the leads but the side couple too - yet I love it. I tend to call myself the “world’s foremost Make It Right apologist.” I recognize the issues but I find it utterly charming, especially Tee’s utter devotion to Fuse the baby bi disaster.
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Long Time No See
Korea 2017 Gaga
Catfishing assassins on either side of a turf war who fall in love not knowing they are on opposite sides. Or do they? Good fight sequences, mature characters, high heat, very suspenseful, AND an HEA. If you like KinnPorsche or Kiseki you will LOVE this one.
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HIStory Obsessed
Taiwan 2017 Viki
I weirdly love this but you should know what you are in for: that title. It has a stalking theme meets fated mates and quite a bit of dubious consent. Uke obsessed with seme to the point of losing himself and his identity dies after being rejected, and then has a chance to reboot his life. He decides to save himself by never falling in love. But destiny is a bitch, and this time the seme becomes obsessed with him. This one owes a lot to dark Chinese and Japanese BL, but kind of corrects for the expected sad dead finale by ending happily and playing with a ton of BL tropes. The leads have good chemistry, it's higher heat and the first time Taiwan starts to push that, and VERY DRAMATIC.
Some Others you might consider
Candy and Kiss - Japan 2015
Silhouette of Your Voice (Hidamari ga Kikoeru) - Japan 2017
Red Balloon - Taiwan 2017
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