#Capsaicin using pet names
Have a short little one shot I wanted to write of reader challenging Capsaicin to a spicy chili eating competition because ig they had a death wish or something
I wanted to do some practice with oneshots and also write for Capsaicin so yeah, enjoy!
Hope I portrayed him correctly hhh I tried
Your mouth was on fire.
Okay, maybe not on fire, but certainly close.
Maybe it was a bad idea to challenge the cookie literally based on the hottest substance known to a chili-eating competition. Not to mention that fact that Capsaicin’s appetite was rarely ever rivaled- and boy could he scarf it down.
It started out as just a simple chili, nothing too spicy in it, but it had evolved as far as putting a bunch of hot peppers and paprika into the mixture. Capsaicin was perfectly fine with it, even quite happy.
“Come on, aren’t you gonna finish?”
You glanced over, seeing a smirk lacing the demon-like cookie’s features as he watched you. In front of him sat an already empty bowl. The two of you had literally just gotten this serving a minute ago.
You groaned, pushing your own serving away from you. You had only taken a bite of it and it had completely lit up your mouth- you had even chugged the glass of milk you had prepared in case things went this far.
“Aww, no? Guess this means I win.” Capsaicin determined with a look of pride, before reaching over and grabbing your bowl. He tossed the spoon aside, lifting it up into the air with his head tilted back and literally chugging the chili.
“Show off.” You grumbled in response, and Capsaicin laughed once he put the bowl back down.
“There’s a reason I’m known as the Spice Overlord, munchkin. Don’t forget it, either!”
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myteavsricochet · 7 days
Latest fanfics read, part 6
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(Part. 1) (Part. 2) (Part. 3) (Part. 4) (Part 5)
I Keep My Mouth Shut Tight (Cause I Don't Want To Lose What's Not Even Mine)
"Being affectionate, he has always used certain pet names with me. He’s called me sweetheart since we met, and I have used several in turn. That night he used a new one... I realised that he had woken me, saying it was time to take another dose of medicine. It was the way he said it, though: “Baby, I need you to wake up for me...” I am only slightly ashamed to admit that I whined pathetically at him calling me that, but he seemed to take it as protest that I didn’t want to wake, and not for what it really was—me absolutely losing my mind over that word coming out of his mouth and being directed at me. The cherry on top of it all was when he kissed me on the forehead and my brain promptly stopped working completely."
OR: At hit wits end, Henry decides to turn to reddit to ask the internet if his roommate likes him back, or if he's going insane. Then Nora intervenes.
Additional tags: Social Media, Ask reddit, Cute, Short & Sweet, Silly, Sharing a bad, Didn't know they were dating, Cuddling & Snuggling
It's Not a Secret
Henry is a boring person.
This is an objective fact. It’s been such a constant in his life that it hardly bothers him. He prefers the mundane. Thrives under routine. Tolerates many things poorly: surprise parties, capsaicin, loud noises.
Another objective fact: Henry loves Alex. Alex is not boring at all.
Unfortunately, everyone else in Henry’s life seems to think that a bore like him is incapable of a relationship like theirs— and, more distressingly, that this must mean that Alex simply doesn’t exist.
Or: Five times that no one believed that Henry and Alex were an item, and one time that they all did.
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Director of Finance Henry Fox, tattoo artist alex claremont-diaz, Opposites Attract, Not actually a secret relationship, Misunderstandings, Developing Relationship, Sexual Content
in sickness and in health
Henry has a rather nasty cold, but June had her appendix removed, which means she wins. Because of her victory in the unwell olympics, Henry will stay in Texas while Alex flies to New York to visit his sister and the rest of their chosen family, something Henry desperately tries not to resent.
Additional tags: Slice of life, Sickfic, Married life
The Room Where It Happens
caged, Alex who he had never thought would be his, making himself at home, in a place Henry hasn’t thought of as home since his father died. It was simply a place he lived. His home was now sitting on the edge of the bed and pulling off his socks.
Or, a trio of firsts.
Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Pre-Canon, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, First Time Bottoming, Angst, But not like Alex/Henry angst, Lonely Henry angst, Praise Kink
the way it is suddenly there, total and complete
As Alex falls in love with David, Henry falls even more impossibly in love with him, and their little family.
Or: Over the first year of their new life together, Alex fully commits to being a dog dad. Henry is his captive audience.
When I Get Going
“On a scale of one to ten,” Henry says softly, stepping closer to him and lowering his voice in a way that has Alex’s pulse jumping in his throat, his entire body aching to respond, “how far gone are you right now? One being ‘I could easily hold a conversation with the Queen’ and ten being ‘I’m genuinely surprised nobody’s noticed yet’.” Alex grits his teeth, but even the reminder of Henry’s nefarious grandmother can’t quell the arousal burning hotly in his stomach.
“Six,” he hisses, embarrassed and turned on, every molecule of him straining to reach out and pull Henry into something that will start off as a kiss, and end as anything but.
“Let me know when you get to eight,” Henry says firmly, then he just-
Additional Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, PWP, Underwear, Coming In Pants, Orgasm Delay/Denial, delayed gratification, Control, Light Dom/sub, Dom/sub Undertones, Begging, Praise Kink, Henry is a fucking tease
crushed velvet
"In this brief moment of reprieve, Henry pants for breath, digging his fingers into the red material of the sofa to remind himself that this is, in fact, somehow real."
Or, movieverse couch blowjob missing scene.
Additional Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Ficlet, Missing Scene, Blow Jobs, Skull Fucking, Simultaneous Orgasm, Coming In Pants
Comfort in the Backlight
For the prompt: "rainy day in the brownstone, fluff?"
Maybe sneakers weren’t the best choice of shoe for the day, Alex realizes as he shuts the front door behind him and grimaces at the quick puddle forming beneath him.
you are my medicine (when you're close to me)
After one last peck, Henry finally pulls away, leaving a sore spot of hollowness where his touch had filled it before. Alex forces his face to stay even– he doesn’t want his boyfriend to feel guilty for doing what he needs to do, doesn’t want to feed into the assumption that Alex is helpless without him.
Doesn’t want to be another obligation in Henry’s life that will one day grow to be too much to shoulder.
When the door falls shut, leaving Alex alone with a house that is much too empty and silent without his family there, there’s a lump in his throat that he can’t quite swallow. He thinks of Nora, making jokes that Henry is a saint for putting up with him during exam season; he thinks of June who uprooted her entire life to take care of him during college– and finally, he thinks of Henry, gentle and perfect Henry, that has had to worry about others way too much in his life– and a stinging sense of dread settles over him.
Or, Alex's no good horrible very bad two weeks without Henry.
Additional Tags: Alex Claremont-Diaz Has ADHD, Alex Claremont-Diaz Has Abandonment Issues, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Panic Attacks, Alex Claremont-Diaz Needs a Hug, Long-Distance Relationship, Mental Health Issues, Established Relationship
Smile, You're on Camera
"Baby," Alex manages, and Henry groans in response, grazing his earlobe with his teeth. Alex bites his lip his stifle his own whimper. "H, hang on."
Henry pulls away from his assault on his neck, face flushed, chest heaving. "What's — what's wrong?"
"Nothing, sweetheart, nothing," Alex soothes, placing both hands on Henry's shoulders. "I just — do you wanna do it? Now?"
Henry blinks owlishly. Alex watches as the realization slowly dawns on him, and he turns his head to look at the camera. He stares for a moment, then looks back at Alex and says, "Can you bring it closer?"
Or, Alex and Henry film a sex tape.
Additional Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Sex Tapes, Explicit Sexual Content, Blow Jobs, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Crying During Sex, in a sexy way not a sad way, Switching, Sub Top Alex
no bunny compares to you
Henry is a lot of things as a person and while much of his personality transfers over to his bunny form, his physical attributes do not. Most notably, his size.
Where Alex’s boyfriend stands tall and regal, his furry counterpart is small and fluffy, unable to summit even the most minor of obstacles.
Take their sofa, for one. Alex is watching TV and minding his own business, when he hears a steady thump from just below him. Peering over the edge of the dark cushion, he spots his boyfriend angrily pounding his back foot against the carpet.
“Ha! Is my little bun too tiny to get up here on his own?” Alex teases. He’s promptly rewarded with a whisker twitch followed by a nose scrunch. Henry is pouting and it’s the most adorable thing he’s ever witnessed.
or, five times Henry shapeshifts for himself and one time he does it for Alex
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Magical Realism, 5+1 Things, Bunny Henry, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Shapeshifting, Idiots in Love, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Needs a Hug, Protective Alex Claremont-Diaz, Soft Boys, Henry Has Bad Days
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rottenkadaver · 1 year
polychamp's display of affection headcanons?
Gosh these are my favorite to think about
• Prune Juice Cookie isn't used to physical intimacy. To any extent. He mainly uses pet names or words of affirmation.
• Kouign-Amman Cookie and Capsaicin are EXCELLENT singers. They primarily sing to Prune Juice when he's not feeling well.
• Kouign-Amman loves to spoil her boyfriends rotten with nice gifts and awe-inspiring trips around Earthbread.
• Capsaicin always hugs his girlfriend and boyfriend. He loves burying them in bearhugs because he loves giving and receiving the warmth of embrace.
• Prune Juice, though specialized in potions, is the type to try and conjure up actual magic to impress his lovers.
• Capsaicin actually has a knack for art! He was always amazed by statues and paintings specifically. He tries to create different art pieces that remind him of Kouign-Amman and Prune Juice.
• Though being unfamiliar with physical affection, Prune Juice is a complete sucker for Capsaicin's hugs and Kouign's kisses.
• Most describe it as odd, but Kouign-Amman loves to lift her boyfriends. She even bridal carries them when they go to weddings.
• Capsaicin loves to help Kouign-Amman and Prune Juice with their daily tasks. Both of them barely admit it but it makes them feel loved.
• Kouign-Amman and Capsaicin bond the most when they're outside play-fighting, watching TV together or just having a discussion about things they're passionate about.
• Capsaicin loves to cook and bake for Kouign-Amman and Prune Juice. Prune Juice likes making beverages for Capsaicin and Kouign-Amman. Kouign always insists they should let her cook for once, and they do let her! But only sometimes. Capsaicin and Prune Juice mainly cook because they always want Kouign to feel like she's being surprised.
• Capsaicin's voice is lovely to doze off to sleep to. And he learned this over the course of the first two weeks of living with Kouign and Prune Juice. So usually he just rambles or sings to help them fall asleep faster.
• Capsaicin and Kouign-Amman do something that Prune Juice has coined as "A Love Riddled Headlock" where they put their foreheads together whenever either one is going through a rough time.
• Prune Juice kisses his lovers on the forehead or cheek whenever they feel lonely.
• Capsaicin and Prune Juice are Kouign-Amman's cheerleaders whenever she has to show her face to the Crème Republic.
• Prune Juice and Capsaicin love doing experiments together in their spare time.
• The three love to go on walks together. Though because Prune Juice doesn't get out much, he's usually quite weakened after around 15 minutes.
• Kouign-Amman and Prune Juice love studying Earthbread history together.
• Kouign-Amman and Prune Juice love to dance together. Their favorite dance is the Waltz.
• Prune Juice always writes cheesy romantic poems about his lovers. And Kouign-Amman always goes mad whenever she hears him reading them out.
• Kouign-Amman and Capsaicin love to back Prune Juice into a metaphorical corner when they flirt with him. 8 times out of 10, Prune Juice gets flustered and can't recover. But 2 times out of 10, he has a comeback that completely FLOORS both of them.
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pelman · 2 years
Give me one fun fact of each of your interpretations of the G&W characters
oh fuck tony i love u /p
uhmm fuck this is hard to choose. uh. im doing as many as i can come up with
GaW: real name is Gamen Watch. Gamen is pronounced kind of like how people pronounce Gaben. he makes music. it is literally this accounts content. in his mid 20s so he feels really really weird when people call him "mister" and act like hes older than he is. adoptive brother of the right judge. can freely shapeshift with little to no limitations, as is shown in both rhythm heaven and smash ultimate. very gay, possibly polyamorous. also actually my husband.
Vermin: real name is Vernon Kasperski. can also shapeshift- something which is held alongside his brother- but to a lesser degree than GaW. has numbers on his feet like his brother, like this comic i did shows. has been absurdly tall since about 16 years old, when he had a massive growth spurt. has lightning powers. has a giant soft spot for marcus since theyve been best friends for 11 years as of present day. can drive, but isnt very trustworthy with it because he road rages and also can barely fit in a car. occasionally hits his head on doorframes. probably listens to nu-metal or something. also gay, but caedsexual because of stuff that happened when he was ~8 years old.
Flagman: real name is Carson Kasperski. can shapeshift too, as is shown in the comic above. is not actually a pirate; he calls himself a "treasure hunter" but really he just scavenges old shipwrecks for possibly-valuables, refurbishes them, and then sells them off. is friends with the divers and calls him his "crew" because its part of the bit. makes jokes about his foot numbers being representative of rule 34 because hes funny sillay like that. has powers of psychic manipulation and suggestion. has a very good memory but is also impenetrably stupid so he gets confused a lot. is 5 years older than vernon and uses this as an excuse to affectionately "bully" him sometimes. bisexual and generally male but doesnt care about pronouns
Stanley: full name is Stanley Fairley. was raised basically-catholic so has a lot of hangups about a lot of things. doesnt actually like killing bugs so his sprayer just incapacitates them instead. has a very strong green thumb and cultivates plants by himself. could drive if he wanted to, but bikes everywhere instead. twink. greatly enjoys jazz and basically all of its variations and is actually pretty good at singing, but doesnt do it a lot. would probably be considered more of an alto than a tenor. very very gay for his boyfriend chief.
Chef: real name is Chief Manson. loves cats, and owns a cat named Brisket that he keeps in his food establishment away from the food itself. lets people pet Brisket as long as they are gentle. got the symbol for capsaicin tattooed on his left arm as a joke on being "hot-headed." would probably give cooking lessons if he were any good as a teacher. can drive. is trans (post-top surgery, non-bottom surgery) and very very gay for his boyfriend stanley.
Manhole: real name is Manny O'Connor. had their name legally changed to manny, which is not short for anything. is incredibly perceptive and can immediately pick up on peoples' emotions, but enjoys being very chaotic and silly as a mode of self expression. is incredibly physically powerful and, if they had the element of surprise, could probably actually beat vernon in a fight, which is extremely rare. hates getting wet. gets wet very frequently because of their job. is probably one of the only people physically capable of doing their job. no thoughts gender empty and pansexual.
Oil Panic: real name is Marcus Hermoso. absolutely annoying and pretty stupid but also capable of real emotional sensitivity and is 100% a big brother type. highly compassionate and affectionate if you get to know him. is very good at making friends despite his tendency to be an annoyance. has bad knees because of all of the running around he does at his job. moved out at 18 and took his younger brother with him because his parents were neglectful as hell. can drive, but dear lord, please do not trust him to do it. music taste overlaps incredibly closely with mannys and basically just boils down to "loud, fast, intense electronica." has pretty great endurance despite the fact that the cartilage in his knees is basically gone. bisexual.
Rainshower: real name is Míchael Hermoso. the accent is very important to his name. generally annoyed at the fact that most people say "miguel" and not "míchael." youngest person in the au by far. (14 years old in "present day") doesnt go to public school because marcus is gone all day, so they get tutored while they take care of the house. doesnt actually mind this arrangement very much. more passionate about sports than he might initially look. generally male but doesnt actually know what their thing is so they flip-flop between gender and no gender.
Left Judge: real name is Chen Teller. yes these are different people. very autistic and very introverted. generally quite lucky. special interest is plushies and textile work. custom-makes its own plushes and sells custom-made close-to-seamless clothes made specifically for autistic people online. hates being touched and the sensation of things rubbing against its skin. does not get enough sleep and tends to ignore bodily sensations quite a bit. likes quite a bit of music ranging between orchestral to deconstructed club-type stuff, though it all has to be pretty gentle. is "gender ambivalent," but uses it pronouns because it likes to feel detached from its own personhood. very weird about attraction.
Right Judge: real name is Barrett Riley. probably the only neurotypical person in the entire au. also the only cishet, though the "het" part is pretty ambigous. works an office job by day. not typically very lucky but is jovial about it so he doesnt mind. can drive and is actually one of the better people to trust with driving you around. generally very friendly and accommodating. adoptive brother to GaW. helps around the area of Flat Zone they live in because they want to. probably does yoga. also is probably a vegetarian. is kind of annoyingly positive to many people. cis dude but primarily uses they/them around other people because he likes to copy chen.
anyways ty for asking there u go
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sleepingdeath-light · 11 months
I hope I'm not annoying you, as I see that people are loving the tcc trio random thoughts:
How would they say "I love you"? Like would they actually say it or would they show it in another way?
No worries about annoying me — I’m working on these between smut drabbles so it’s a welcome break lol ^^
Capsaicin Cookie — says ‘I love you’ a lot but he also expresses his love through shows of affection and protectiveness (physical affection, lots of compliments, etc.). His love is blatant and obvious and unashamed.
Kouign-Amann Cookie — never directly says ‘I love you’ except for on rare occasions, instead showing her love through physical affection, acts of chivalry and taking care of you. Her love is quiet and gentle and intimate.
Prune Juice Cookie — never actually says ‘I love you’ and instead opts for similar language like ‘care for/about’ and using pet names like ‘love’ and ‘dear’, his love is shown through quality time and him getting invested in each and every one of your interests. His love is implicit but all encompassing, obvious if only you know where to look
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Might stop reading Worm.
Content warning: bugs/insects/arachnids and related horror, body horror mention, miscellaneous violence mention, sexual violence/assault mention
My thoughts on the first ten arcs of Worm. (contains spoilers)
So, I finally got around to reading Worm. It was kinda big when I was in high school, and I still know some people who are/were into it, so I thought it was time that I gave it a serious shot. I did actually try to read it in high school once, but I couldn’t get into it and stopped reading after the first chapter. I tried to be a little more persistent this time to give it a fair evaluation.
When I started reading Worm this time around, I kind of just breezed past the warning at the beginning (“This story isn’t intended for young or sensitive readers. Readers who are on the lookout for trigger warnings are advised to give Worm a pass.”) I don’t consider myself someone who really gets triggered by media. I think it’s important to talk about stuff, including fucked-up stuff. It’s uncomfortable, but that discomfort is part of the point. I think it probably should bother you to read about terrible things, even fictional ones, given that those fictional atrocities almost always have real-world counterparts.
I think I vastly underestimated the amount of fucked-up-ness that is in Worm. When I read that warning, I thought, “Okay, this story’s probably dealing with some dark themes, and there might be some particular scenes that are really disturbing.” After reading the first ten arcs, though, I feel it’s more accurate to say that fucked-up-ness is Worm. It is the core of the story, and there is really very little else.
So it’s not that any particular thing that happened in the story triggered an immediate, strong, psychologically-damaging reaction in me, but as I continued reading, I began to notice that not only was I not enjoying myself, I was actually finding it subtly unpleasant. When I read about something bad happening, I get hit with a small dose of negative emotion. As it turns out, that adds up over time, especially when there aren’t any positive scenes to balance out the negative stuff. Without me even noticing for a long time, Worm was making me unhappy.
Here’s what I did like about Worm:
Impressive world-building - Wildbow is exceptional at inventing different locations, groups, and individual actors and thus creating a detailed ecosystem of capes and civilians.
Lots of characters, lots of superpowers - Directly related to the previous point, Worm contains a lot of characters...arguably too many characters. I generally prefer stories that focus on a smaller number of characters in order to give each character more room for development, but I appreciate Wildbow’s talent for coming up with vivid, if simplistic, characterizations. There are also some really interesting superpowers and interesting takes on common powers.
Inventive use of Taylor’s superpower - Taylor is always coming up with new uses for her power: having black widow spiders spin silk for her suit, using her bugs are a sixth sense to keep track of her enemies and environment, using venomous bugs to take hostages, covering her body in bugs as a disguise, coating her bugs’ stingers in capsaicin for extra punch, using human-shaped swarms to fake out her enemies...The list goes on and on, and I really appreciate how Wildbow took this oft-overlooked superpower to the next level.
Danny Hebert - The only character in the story who I can say I genuinely like. Danny Hebert is a union organizer whose pet project is getting the ferry up and running again so that there can be more interaction between the poorer and wealthier parts of Brockton Bay. I also loved the scene where he supports Taylor in the “mediation” with her bullies and their parents at school. Even if he was impotent, unable to protect her, I could tell he was on her side. His one screw-up is when he locks Taylor in the living room and tries to force her to talk to him, but it definitely makes sense with his character (a little bit of a pushover) and the story (Taylor was shutting him out and seemed to be putting herself in danger) that he would end up letting Taylor’s grandma convince him to take a forceful approach. Don’t get me wrong, locking up your kid is a horrible thing to do (I should know, my parents did it to me, and it fucked me up), but I still ended up feeling bad for him when Taylor just up and disappeared. She didn’t even call her dad to let him know that she was still alive after Leviathan! I mean, on the one hand, I do actually appreciate that she started making an effort to protect her father from the dangers of her cape life, something that I was kind of appalled to see that she never even considered before. But damn, did I feel bad for Danny.
Here’s what I didn’t like:
Way too much fucked-up shit happening - Name an atrocity, Worm’s probably got it. The plot is mostly just terrible thing after terrible thing and reveals of how terrible all of the characters are, with many terrible things that aren’t directly treated in the plot peppered in along the way.
Lots of capes, no heroes - This is one of those themes that sounds deep on paper but is really just cynical and fatalistic. Even if all the capes are corrupted by power (or by the toxic power dynamics between capes), what about civilians? Where’s the thoughtful therapist or the brave fire-fighter? Danny Hebert is one notable exception to the “Everyone is terrible” rule, but we don’t see all that much of him. Other than him, the only person I can think of who could possibly fit this “civilian hero” role is Aisha’s social worker, who I don’t think even has a name.
All superpowers are evil - This is arguably just a rephrasing of the previous point, but I think it’s important to mention. Worm contains so many superpowers, but it seems like they’re all being put to evil purposes. Panacea, the superheroine with healing powers (really just dominion over health and illness of the human body in general), makes some really despicable threats (e.g. giving someone cancer with a touch, or giving someone a disorder that will only manifest at an unknown time in the future, leaving them to anguish over their fate). Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing inherently wrong with writing a character using this type of power for evil ends. There’s a lot of interesting stuff to explore there, and I actually love that Panacea is a character that acknowledges the burden of having a healing power, feeling unable to take any time for yourself while simultaneously growing to resent those you feel obligated to help. My issue is not with Panacea but with the fact that literally every superpower in the story is painted in a negative light. It just feels absurd to suggest that, for example, someone like Gallant couldn’t use his power (carefully and thoughtfully and with consent) to heal people with emotional trauma. Superpowers in Worm are only for violence and conflict and crime, and I just don’t understand that. Again, the rogues form a token exception, but we rarely actually see them, and one of the first rogues we meet, Canary, is immediately subject to harsh and unjust punishment and never heard from again.
A misguided focus on only certain types of crime/violence - Worm deals with gang violence, robberies, and general chaos-inducing terrorism. It focuses on crimes perpetuated by working-class individuals and small to medium size illicit groups. There’s some commentary on state-sanctioned violence in terms of the corruption of the Protectorate and Dragon’s worries of having to obey a despot should one take over the government, but it’s not exactly framed in a way that highlights the struggles of the average person; the focus is almost entirely on capes. Worm doesn’t discuss things like wage theft, illegal rent hikes, or, dare I say it, the inherent violence of capitalism, which, while less flashy, are important problems with far-reaching consequences. It’s weird, and honestly kind of unrealistic, that there’s not a single anarcho-communist cape. Whether you agree with that kind of politics or not, it’s still a glaring omission if the setting of the story is trying to emulate real life. Again, Danny Hebert’s role as a union organizer and interest in restoring the ferry and reintegrating the city pay token attention to some of these ideas, but the vast majority of the story is unconcerned with addressing the source of, or solutions to, poverty and crime in Brockton Bay and the wider world of Worm.
So those are my thoughts. There’s a part of me that still thinks, “But so many people like this so much! Maybe it’ll get better!” I have a really strong drive to understand why others like the things that they do, to be able to share in their appreciation. But from what I’ve seen in a couple memes I happened upon, things are getting worse, not better for the world of Worm. And even if things start to resolve at some point, I’m not sure it would be great for my mental health to continue reading up to that point.
The breaking point for me, if you’re curious, was when a main character was just casually revealed to be a serial rapist. That wasn’t even the point of the chapter, it was just kind of thrown out there as an extremely-not-fun fact. So I was still reeling from that reveal while also experiencing all of the atrocities said character was committing in the moment, and after that was when I realized, “Hey, maybe this is not the kind of content I should be reading.” It even took reading a few more chapters into Arc 11 for it to really sink in, but I had this weird revelation of like, I get to choose which fictional worlds I spend my time in, and the world of Worm isn’t one I relish.
If you do enjoy Worm, I’d be curious to hear your thoughts on what makes it appealing to you.
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elysiumwaits · 4 years
Caress, Ivory, buttery, honey, paper, and one of your choosing!
Aaaah, thank you! I’ve had a rotten night, I love a good soft ask in the morning. Ask over easy? Scrambled asks. 
caress - do you like to snuggle?
Yes. Oh my god, yes. But like, I have a lot of trust and touch issues and sensory issues, so it’s got to be a pretty close relationship? Like I’ll lay on my friend Soph all day if they let me, but people I just met are a brief touch and then I’m out. I am naturally very affectionate and touchy-feely, but also my skin hurts sometimes.
That said, that apparently only applies to adults for some reason? I guess because I’m so used to working with kids, but like. Hand me a toddler or a baby and we’ll snuggle and play all damn day.
ivory - describe your pajamas?
My pajamas usually consist of a gigantic, very soft t-shirt with a loose neck (or a tank top if I’m hot) and leggings or long soft pants. No shorts ever and I never sleep naked. Sensory issues again. Leggings are my favorite because they stay put and don’t get squished up my legs when I toss and turn all night.
buttery - favorite snack?
It’s kind of hard to say. I think what I reach for most, in terms of strictly snack foods, are chips and salsa - which is kind of hilarious because I’m actually allergic to capsaicin so like I have super mild salsa and it still makes me itchy and hot and weirdly tingly - so snack time for me is kind of dangerous.
I also eat a lot of cereal, toast, and bananas (usually with peanut butter). With a CPT2 Deficiency, I have to eat every 4-ish hours or I start devolving into pain and fatigue pretty rapidly. I’m still working on finding the exact right foods for me, because the diet for that is stupid specific and I can’t afford professional help there!
honey - favorite term of endearment?
I’m simple - ‘sweetheart’ or ‘baby.’ I’m also pretty fond of endearments that aren’t widely-used, or have a backstory - for example, I used to call my ex-wife “Sunshine” because of a fortune in a fortune cookie, and “Peaches” because she didn’t like them. I call one of my besties Sofa because of their first name and also because they are very comfy, A+ couch, my favorite loveseat of all time, would recommend.
My brother is fondly nicknamed “bratling,” “kiddo,” “little dumbass,” and “the baby” - that last one is because he’s the baby of the family, and it’s stuck for literal years, to the point where my mother will get questions about her having a newborn because she keeps talking about her 21-year-old “baby.”
paper - favorite children’s book?
Horton Hatches the Egg by Dr. Seuss. I made my mom read it so much when I was little that even 20+ years later she can recite it from memory. I liked it because it’s kind of a story about adoption and how being a parent is a privilege, not a right, and my dad adopted me when I was four. 
Sidenote: I tick people off when they try to ask me about it, because frankly it bothers me that they feel like they need to ask me about it. I am very obviously a white person who looks exactly like my mother and my dad is very obviously a Japanese person, and my brother is very obviously a half-Japanese person. The amount of people that come up and ask one of us about adoption is insane, because 1 - they always assume my brother was adopted, even if my dad is right there, and 2 - it’s none of their business, especially if they don’t know us.
Another Sidenote: The other major pet peeve I have is people who do know that I was adopted by my dad (I’m looking at all of the aunts, cousins, and family friends right now) and still refer to my biological father as my “real dad,” or to my actual dad as my “step-father,” or to my little brother as my “half brother.” He’s not my step-father, he’s my dad. That guy’s not my real dad, he’s an asshole who happened to help make me. My little brother is my little brother, full stop.
sapphos - favorite poet?
I liked this one cause I haven’t answered anything similar before. I have a few favorites - Fatimah Asghar is a personal favorite of mine, as well as Nikki Giovanni (even though I can’t find my favorite poem of hers anywhere except in an old English textbook), and Kala Godin (who is a poet and writer whose debut poetry book Witchcraft and Monsters I picked up on NetGalley and loved dearly, you can find more about it here: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/42923137).
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ghost-chance · 5 years
Pinterest Kills Plants
Plant-lovers and gardeners, I bring you a warning:
Inevitably, when you look up solutions for pests in your plants, you'll get decent advice mixed with bullshit...and it can be hard to weed out the bullshit. Thus. I'm sharing my extensive plant-killing experience to save you the hassle. Behold, my flock of fails!I
🌼 "Basil repels gnats!"
 Tell that to the gnats that murdered my Sweet Basil. They don't eat the leaves, they lay eggs in the soil and the larvae eat the roots. Boom. Dead Basil. One gnat came in through the window, and an army was born.
🌼 "Bugs hate mint! Plant mint to repel everything!" 
Dude. Gnats like mints as much as Basil. I've gotten them in Sweetmint, Peppermint, Spearmint, even Lemon Balm and Catnip. (Varieties of mint) Same as before - unrepelled by the plants, spread their wild oats, and didn't even pay larvae support. I'm down to one catnip plant and my cats are threatening to go on strike.
🌼 "Rosemary repels pets! Cats hate it!" 
Heiferlump loves this shit. I literally have to keep it on the top shelf to keep it safe...then it dies because I forget to water it. I've given up.
 🌼 "Thorny plants like cacti are safe from plant-munching pets - they aren't worth the pain!"
Guess who ate a cactus? Yep. Woozle. Lots of big spines. No problem for him. He belched and asked for seconds before I could reach him. Darwin cried.
🌼 "Plants with -mum in the name are toxic to bugs and are used in pesticides! Plant Chrysanthemums or Fall Mums to repel bugs!" 
Dude. My Mums have thrips. What. The fuck.
🌼 "Jalapeno peppers have too much Capsaicin for insects to eat them!" 
Bullshit. APHIDS LOVE JALAPENOS. Never got a single pepper. My husband cried.
🌼 "Got flies? Get a Venus' Flytrap - they love flies and gnats!" 
Unless, of course, they've bought into that new-fangled Vegan diet. Mine always have. 
🌼 "Is your Venus' Flytrap not catching bugs? It may be a little weak and in need of nutrients. Gently feed it a maimed fly to build up its strength!" 
Vegan Flytraps, alas, will refuse to clamp on and commit suicide by inaction if you try to feed them non-cruelty-free bug-meat against their will. Dramatic hipsters, I swear.
Is this the case every time? Maybe not. Are these ideas 100% wrong? Maybe not. Might they work for someone else? Perhaps. I am, apparently, a serial murderer of plants, and we have several things working against us. I shall report more as I discover them; feel free to add your own in the comments 
 Until next time, this is Ghost "I've Killed Air Plants" Chance, signing off.
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sp4c3-0ddity · 6 years
If you're taking prompts... Can I ask for Hunk and a space chicken? 👀
i’ve been waiting my entire life for this prompt. thank you for enabling my Hunk + birds habit on top of my love for chickens ;_;
also timeline in this is all over the place so let’s call it canon divergent. ~2000 words, and i hope you like it
If there was one thing from Earth - beside his family - Hunk missed it was chicken eggs.
Sure, there were other foods and herbs and spices he couldn’t quite replicate with ingredients from alien plants - although he found capsaicin in the exoskeleton of a beetle-like insect thing and ground it to season curry for Shiro…not that he’d tell him that was the source - but he never found anything resembling a chicken egg.
The consistency would be all wrong, the yolk a strange color, too much cholesterol or too little protein, a shell even the Yellow Lion’s foot couldn’t crack (and Hunk really didn’t want to know what would hatch from an egg that tough)...
Hunk just wanted a quiznaking omelet.
“Are you sure these are edible?” Pidge held an oblong object that barely fit in the palm of her small hand up to the kitchen’s light. It seemed to reflect the lights overhead, with the darker spots of pigmentation absorbing.
Hunk carefully snatched it from her hand. It was soft and squishy, sort of like a water balloon, under his fingertips, and he guessed he’d have to puncture the...skin to get at the edible flesh.
And when he shone a light through it, a round core absorbed the rays, the flesh almost translucent.
Hunk set it beside the others in a large platter. “You and I have both scanned them,” he pointed out, “and they might be a little protein-rich for fruit, but they don’t contain anything toxic to humans.”
Pidge folded her arms on the counter and leaned towards the platter. “Seems a little...risky though,” she mused. “Remember that spotted fuzzy fruit you tried to fry like plantains?”
His shoulders sagged, renewed guilt making his heart sink, but he couldn’t help retorting, “It’s not my fault Lance ate half of them before I could warn him that too many would probably have side-effects.”
Pidge’s eyes narrowed. “He couldn’t walk further than five meters from a bathroom for almost a movement.”
“And I still feel bad about that!” he protested, his stomach twinging with a sympathetic nausea.
“Not as bad as he did,” she retorted. She prodded one of the water balloon fruits with a fingertip. “Where did you find these anyway?”
“Under a tree,” Hunk said. He rummaged through a drawer until his fingers closed around a small knife - something with a bit more point than a spork. “Kind of in a ring? And they definitely feel ripe.”
“Really?” When he turned to face Pidge, her eyebrow was raised. “Why do you think that alien fruit would follow the same rules as Earth fruit?”
“Because so far other rules have been pretty consistent.” Hunk clutched a balloon fruit in one hand and pressed the tip of the knife into its flexible skin, watching how it puckered under. Just a little more pressure... “I mean, it seems like photosynthesis is pretty universal, for one, and for another--”
He broke off when the knife’s point punctured the skin, a triumphant grin pushing at his lips when a viscous white fluid oozed out. He transferred the fruit to a pan on the stove and sliced open the rest of the skin.
The dark core was a deep yellow and definitely not hard enough to be a pit.
Hunk stared at the blob of clear white fluid with its soft yellow center. “Uh...quiznak.”
“Um, Hunk? Something’s happening with one of your so-called fruits.”
He spun around, the tension in Pidge’s voice making his heart race as he turned his attention to the remaining balloon fruit sitting in their platter.
One quivered in place, as if shaken by tremors that only affected it. Its skin rippled before something pointy poked it from the inside.
Hunk stumbled backwards away from the counter, raising the knife in his hands and wishing he had his bayard . “Oh God we’re in a horror movie!” he realized. “I knew it, I knew it, I knew--”
The fruit exploded.
Pidge gasped, arms raised to shield her face, while something wet hit Hunk’s forehead. His eyes pinched shut as a fluid trickled down towards them, and when he dared open them again his breath caught in his throat.
“I-I think I prefer this to Alien,” Pidge commented, eyes wide behind her glasses as she leaned over the platter and the tiny fuzzy chick cheeping in the center.
Pidge insisted on slipping the rest of the water balloon eggs underneath a lamp to incubate and see if they’d also “hatch”, but when the noisy baby that enjoyed pooping on Hunk’s palm proved the only survivor (or the only fertilized) of the clutch, he happily cooked the rest.
“Are those eggs I smell?” Lance wondered. He skipped across the kitchen from the doorway, a dreamy smile on his face as he loudly inhaled. “Poached?”
“In a manner of speaking,” Pidge said. She flashed a teasing smirk at Hunk.
He scowled and, rather than retorting, watched the eggs - that, now that he had the opportunity to cook and examine them, had an odd green sheen to their yolks - cooking in boiling water.
Lance peeked into the saucepan. “You have ham to go with those green eggs?”
“As soon as Hunk finds a green pig,” Pidge told him.
“Hey, Pidge, can you make yourself useful and check on Ramsay please?” Hunk cut in before she and Lance could get a little too into their teasing.
“Ramsay?” Lance raised an eyebrow. “You have an Egyptian pharaoh hiding in the pantry?”
“That’s Ramses,” Pidge corrected, although she obediently hopped off her stool and walked over to the bin in the corner with the lamp shining over it. “This is Ramsay.”
She scooped up the chick in all his fluffy, cheeping, magenta glory and wandered back towards them. The baby’s eyes slipped shut when she stroked its head, a soft smile on her face.
“Get him out of the kitchen before he poops on his siblings’ remains!” Hunk said, raising a spatula in alarm.
Pidge turned, shielding Ramsay from him and with her lower lip jutting out in a pout. “You’re the one who murdered them.”
“And we both agreed they were never alive!”
“Okay...” Lance glanced between the two of them. “This sounds like some weird science thing I don’t want to get in the middle of.”
“And how do you know Ramsay is male anyway?” Pidge wondered. She lifted the chick to eye level, squinting at his underside. “It’s a chick!”
“There are ways,” Hunk pointed out.
“I’m sure,” she said, rolling her eyes, “but do you know them?”
“Ooh, actually”--Lance raised his hand as he broke out into a broad grin--”if he’s anything like a baby chicken from Earth, I can sex him.”
“You can?” Pidge set Ramsay on her shoulder...just so she could cross her arms.
“Uh, sure?”
“He can milk a cow,” Hunk reminded her. “Why not say if a chick is going to be a rooster or a hen?”
“Huh.” Pidge passed Ramsay to Lance, who...
Well, Lance squealed like a little kid. “Aw, he’s so cute! Just like a chick from Earth!” He poked the tiny barely there tail and ran a finger down the chick’s back.
“So he’s a boy?” Hunk said.
“I didn’t even look yet!” Lance lifted the chick and... “Oh, Hunk, I think you gotta change his name to Rachel Ray or something.”
“Yep.” Lance grinned and said, “But if it gets us more eggs...”
A gasp escaped him, excitement gripping. “Lance, you’re a genius!” Hunk clapped a hand on his shoulder.
“You can tell that’s a girl,” Pidge said, her eyes wide and incredulous, “but it surprised you when I said I’m one?”
Hunk laughed when Lance only scowled.
Ramsay - name unchanged, despite Lance’s suggestion - ate anything.
She was a hen after Hunk’s own heart.
“Not a very good critic, is she?” Lance commented.
“She’s growing fast,” Allura said. She smiled, cooing over the chick sitting in her lap while the mice looked on with what Hunk guessed must be jealousy.
(He’d have to watch them around Ramsay.)
Predictably, the smile twisted into a disgusted grimace when the chick dropped one on her dress.
“I suppose pets do have their...drawbacks,” Allura mused with a frown.
Hunk scooped her back up and smiled sheepishly. “I’ll keep her confined.”
“And away from Keith’s wolf?” Lance said with a nod at the door.
“Keith’s wolf teleports,” Pidge piped up. “If he wants to eat unripened chicken for breakfast, doors won’t stop him.”
Hunk’s stomach twisted unpleasantly. “I’ll...talk to Keith about that.”
Keith, however...
“You have time to raise a chick on top of being a Paladin?” Keith wondered.
Hunk raised an eyebrow. “I have time to cook for you guys, Lance has time to milk Kaltenecker, Pidge and he have time to play video games, you have time to train till you put too much strain on every muscle in your--”
“Fine, I get it,” Keith cut him off with a hand covering his face.
“Hey, I just wanted to let you know that Kosmo is not allowed anywhere near Ramsay,” Hunk said.
As if summoned by the sound of his name (which...well, he was something like a dog), Kosmo teleported into view in a burst of light. Hunk reflexively stepped away, cradling Ramsay between his hands, but when the cosmic wolf’s nose twitched in curiosity, he extended his arms.
He held his breath as Kosmo sniffed the obliviously cheeping chick. He stiffened when the wolf’s tongue flicked out.
Kosmo licked the chick’s downy feathered back.
“He likes her,” Keith said.
“Yeah b-but how?” Hunk said. “He’s about to give me a heart attack...”
Keith smiled but clicked his tongue. Kosmo spun around at attention, ears on end. “He won’t eat her if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“Oh! Oh good.” The tension trickled out of Hunk’s shoulders, and as soon as Keith and Kosmo left he fell into a boneless relieved heap with Ramsay sitting on his stomach.
Ramsay grew to be the size of a chicken in only a few movements. But unlike a chicken from Earth, her down feathers gave way to scales.
“Well, birds on Earth descended from the dinosaurs,” Pidge said.
“She’s really ugly this way,” Lance said.
“Excuse you, she’s my child and she’s beautiful!” Hunk retorted, shooting a glare at him.
“But she looks like a chubby and flightless pterodactyl!” Lance gestured at where Ramsay foraged through the meadow alongside Kaltenecker.
The not-chicken - space chicken, they all, except for Allura and Coran, took to calling her - gathered scraps of grass into a heap, almost like...
“She’s building a nest,” Lance observed with a grin. “Aw, look who’s getting ready to lay eggs!”
“What, already?!” Hunk shot up with alarm, a sudden lump lodging in his throat. “I-I’m not ready to be a grandfather!”
“Relax!” Lance said, standing and patting him on the shoulder. “We’ll be here to support you, but only if I get to be the chicks’ godfather.”
“Uh, you guys are kind of forgetting something important,” Pidge said as she joined them.
“Ramsay doesn’t have a mate to fertilize her eggs.”
Hunk exchanged a glance with Lance, then he looked at Pidge. “Oh,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck as embarrassment filled him. “I knew that.”
Hunk never had considered chickens a viable pet before, but Ramsay followed him everywhere. She trailed him through the Castle’s hallways, leaving poop he’d have to clean up later in her wake, and hopped into his lap when he sat down. Her eyes closed in contentment when he rubbed her vicious beak, and she perched for the “night” on his bed frame.
And if Allura, Pidge, Lance, and Keith could have pets, why couldn’t Hunk think of this strange space chicken that imprinted on him as one?
He’d see about Shiro adopting a cat later…once Ramsay learned to lay her eggs in a nest and not on the kitchen floor where a certain princess’s mice could steal them.
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senboago · 2 years
▌real name:( Aimi Shimizu. “the Spicy Hero: Scoville”. ) ▌single or taken:( verse dependent. in a relationship with @4evermighty​ ) ▌abilities or powers:  ( Capsaicin, her quirk. hand-to-hand combat. ) ▌eye colour: ( green. ) ▌hair colour: ( mousey brown. ) ▌family members:  ( mother & father. Kiyoshi Shimizu, younger brother. verse dependent; Toshinori Yagi, partner/spouse. Haru & Hina Yagi, children. ) ▌pets: ( a grumpy old cat named Mikan. ) ▌something they don’t like: ( super sour flavors. ill intent. dishonesty and deception. intimidation tactics. ants, centipedes, beetles, and mosquitoes. ) ▌hobbies / activities: ( reading. boxing. self-defense classes. amateur photography, selfies. verse dependent; recently picked up knitting and cooking classes. ) ▌ever hurt anyone before: ( surely a few unruly criminals, mostly in attempts of subduing them whether through self-defense tactics or mace from her quirk. nothing they can’t easily get a quick clinic visit and jump back from, in their jail cell. ) ▌ever killed anyone before: ( no. absolutely never. killing will be her very last and desperate resort. ) ▌animal that represents them: ( uncertain. either a small dog breed such as a dachshund or corgi, or a very affectionate cat. ) ▌worst habits: ( self-sacrificing. occasional lost of control on her quirk. stubbornness. ) ▌role models: ( All Might/Toshinori Yagi. Fat Gum/Taishiro Toyomitsu. she also respects the hero students who have worked for her boss’s agency. ) ▌sexual orientation: ( pansexual. ) ▌thoughts on marriage / kids: ( in main verse, it’s an after-thought. a family sounds nice, but the reality is... she loves being a hero as she is now. that has always been in her dream and, unless the right person comes along, she may never consider it. in a different verse, she already has, unintentionally, met and accepted that life style with her hopefully future-spouse Toshinori and their two-for-one surprises. if anyone asks whether she regrets giving up her dream to be the mother of All Might’s kids, it’s a firm no. there are days she misses the action, but fate gave her a life she could never let go of. ) ▌fears: ( any harm or threat her family and friends. disappointing or being painted a villain by the public. All Might’s retirement, though this shall never be admitted aloud. ) ▌style preferences: ( very casual and somewhat modest. her hero costume is flashy, skin-revealing but for the appropriate use of her quirk. in civilian clothes, however, she’ll often be found with her legs and arms mostly or fully covered, in avoidance of accidently discharge of her quirk. her favorite attire to wear is, shamelessly, her All Might merch, namely a specific hoodie she’s possessed since high school. ) ▌someone they love: ( her parents and baby brother. verse dependent; Toshinori Yagi and their children. ) ▌approach to friendships: ( her truest, kindest self. she’s naturally a happy person, energetic, and polite. those who she doesn’t deem a friend are normally people who have wronged her or loved ones, infamous individuals with a reputation, and villains. ) ▌thoughts on pie: ( yes! when her saliva gives her a break to taste such sweet treats. ) ▌favourite drink: ( boba. cherry soda. but water is important and always a go-to. ) ▌favourite place to spend time at:  ( home. her parents’. at the Fat Gum agency or on patrol. interesting cafes. verse dependent; at her house with Toshinori or his office at AM Towers. ) ▌swim in the lake or in the ocean:  ( ocean. a swimsuit episode is probably long overdue for our spicy hero actually... ) ▌their type: ( genuine individuals. tall. muscles or none, close to age or older, she cares more for the type of person they are. those able to put up with her occasional stubborn and bratty behavior. in a more adult setting, the kinkier... if they can leave her feeling flustered but sexy... ) ▌camping or indoors: ( either! though when dating All Might, it’s always secluded to give the couple as much privacy as they should. )
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germantenor61 · 3 years
What Are the Advantages of CBD Pet Anxiety Delicate Chews?
These days, we are going to go over the use of CBD pet calming merchandise for puppies and cats. These items can be found in several diverse types, this sort of as oils, capsules, and ointments. The primary component in most of these products is CBD, which has been demonstrated to efficiently loosen up and serene down pets. In reality, reports have proven that it is up to thirty instances far more efficient at doing so than typical sleeping drugs. As you may be aware, CBD is a compound that is found in marijuana. A lot of folks are now having CBD health supplements in order to reduce the signs and symptoms associated with some illnesses in their animals. There are a lot of distinct brand names of pet calming merchandise available in the market place these days, which are made to deal with a assortment of diverse conditions in equally animals and people. This indicates that you should have no issue discovering a item that will function for your animals. It is crucial to understand, nevertheless, that even even though CBD pet goods can aid reduce some symptoms connected with various conditions in your pet, they could not be capable to cure them.
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The fantastic factor about CBD pet chews is that it is a safe compound. Reports have proven that it is quite successful, and really couple of side outcomes have been recorded. All that is required is that you read the label and comply with the directions on how to make them. It is advisable that you give your canine a typical feeding once a working day, and you must make sure that it will get sufficient drinking water to drink at least 6 to eight eyeglasses for every working day. In addition to providing animals with a excellent complement, CBD pet calming goods also come in a variety of various flavors. This makes it possible for you to get your pet some thing that they are heading to like, as nicely as one that you can use for oneself. It is important to know that just due to the fact they search and taste excellent isn't going to indicate that they are secure for cats. Some of these goods may well even incorporate factors that could be harmful to cats or puppies. Prior to you decide to give your cat or canine any kind of dietary supplement, it is a good idea to get some information about them initial. Some of the most common components in these merchandise are magnesium, ferulic acid, aloe vera, gingko biloba, vitamin B6, capsaicin, ginger, and chamomile. None of these substances are really harmful to your cat or canine, but they can result in them to become irritated when they are ingested. Some cats and canines will respond to some of the ingredients in the CBD pet calming chews, and others will not. You will have to experiment a little bit to see which one particular your pet reacts to the very best. A single of the primary ingredients in these CBD pet products is L-theanine. This is an amino acid that can be located in tea and coffee. It has been demonstrated to decrease anxiety levels. Folks who want to support their pets serene down far more simply must take into account offering them a couple of CBD pet chews a working day. Purity Preferred Pet CBD increased the dosage, the much better final results they ought to experience. Some of the other elements that make up numerous of these pet calming items are nutritional vitamins, minerals, and herbs. Every ingredient has its own objective, so you have to go through the label and spend close focus to the ingredients. In standard, it should be well-identified pet components this sort of as vitamin E, magnesium, and aloe vera that are located in these goods. The main energetic ingredient in CBD pet calming comfortable chews is L-theanine, which is also acknowledged as L-theanine amino acid. This amino acid has been revealed to help maintain a person calm. It also assists to keep a cat or pet relaxed when it is going through a bout of stress. When dogs or cats are experience nervous, they may possibly turn into sensitive to audio and sight. By giving them a little time to serene down with L-theanine, you can assist maintain their behaviors in check.
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bearfrost27 · 3 years
What Are the Advantages of CBD Pet Anxiety Comfortable Chews?
Nowadays, we are heading to go over the use of CBD pet calming merchandise for dogs and cats. These merchandise can be identified in several various kinds, this sort of as oils, capsules, and ointments. The major ingredient in most of these merchandise is CBD, which has been proven to efficiently chill out and tranquil down animals. In truth, reports have proven that it is up to thirty times far more effective at doing so than typical sleeping drugs. As you might be aware, CBD is a compound that is found in cannabis. Many folks are now getting CBD nutritional supplements in buy to minimize the indicators linked with some ailments in their animals. There are numerous diverse brand names of pet calming merchandise obtainable in the market today, which are manufactured to treat a assortment of distinct conditions in equally animals and individuals. This indicates that you must have no problem obtaining a merchandise that will work for your animals. It is crucial to understand, nonetheless, that even however CBD pet items can aid minimize some symptoms linked with numerous illnesses in your pet, they could not be able to cure them. Purity Preferred Optimal Pet Health about CBD pet chews is that it is a secure compound. Scientific studies have revealed that it is really effective, and very couple of side outcomes have been recorded. All that is necessary is that you go through the label and comply with the instructions on how to make them. It is advisable that you give your puppy a regular feeding once a working day, and you ought to make sure that it receives enough h2o to consume at minimum six to eight eyeglasses per working day. In addition to delivering animals with a great health supplement, CBD pet calming merchandise also occur in a assortment of different flavors. This allows you to get your pet some thing that they are going to like, as effectively as a single that you can use for yourself. It is critical to know that just since they appear and style excellent will not suggest that they are safe for cats. Some of these goods might even have factors that could be harmful to cats or dogs. Just before you determine to give your cat or pet any type of supplement, it is a good idea to get some data about them initial. Some of the most frequent components in these items are magnesium, ferulic acid, aloe vera, gingko biloba, vitamin B6, capsaicin, ginger, and chamomile. None of these ingredients are truly hazardous to your cat or puppy, but they can result in them to become irritated when they are ingested. Some cats and canine will respond to some of the components in the CBD pet calming chews, and other folks won't. You will have to experiment a little bit to see which 1 your pet reacts to the ideal.
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One particular of the major components in these CBD pet items is L-theanine. This is an amino acid that can be identified in tea and coffee. It has been revealed to reduce stress levels. People who want to assist their animals relaxed down a lot more effortlessly ought to consider offering them a few CBD pet chews a working day. The greater the dosage, the better results they should knowledge. Some of the other substances that make up a lot of of these pet calming merchandise are natural vitamins, minerals, and herbs. Every single ingredient has its own objective, so you have to study the label and shell out close consideration to the elements. In standard, it should be nicely-recognized pet components this sort of as vitamin E, magnesium, and aloe vera that are found in these goods. The primary lively component in CBD pet calming soft chews is L-theanine, which is also acknowledged as L-theanine amino acid. This amino acid has been proven to support hold a person tranquil. It also will help to maintain a cat or dog relaxed when it is going through a bout of stress. When dogs or cats are emotion anxious, they could grow to be delicate to seem and sight. By supplying them a tiny time to tranquil down with L-theanine, you can support hold their behaviors in examine.
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engelbrektsson-blog · 6 years
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ecotone99 · 4 years
[FN] Peppers
Margrett was sitting in her garden, swinging on the little porch swing she had George set up for her a few years back. There were all sorts of flowers there; spring had sprung a few weeks ago, so the flowers were looking as fine as they ever would. Margrett spent lots of time in her flower garden, among the marigolds and rose bushes, the tulips and hedges, the climbing vines and the decorative trees. She also had the eatable garden, with the tomatoes and the corn and the peppers. That was always George’s favorite place to work. He had grown up on a farm, so he knew how to take care of plants. When he was on his deathbed though, he made sure to make Margrett promise that she would take care of it for him. And take care of it she did. George had never really talked about how to maintain the plants with Margrett, so she went to the public library to check out books on how to cultivate her own food. That was years ago.
The peppers were always his favorite. George’s family was originally from India, so he always liked very spicy food. Margrett could never eat some of the foods that George could, but she always made sure to try a bit of them. Even the super spicy curries that he loved so much. He always said that the peppers loosened his joints, and after he said that he’d always do a little dance. God Margrett always loved that dance.
Margrett got up from her seat and walked over to the eatable garden to look for weeds or things that were ready to be picked. She grabbed the little basket that sat next to the raised beds and started to look over the space. The tomatoes were coming along nicely, she picked a few of the plumpest and reddest and put them in the basket. Then she moved along to the eggplant, seeing a good one she twisted it off and put it in the basket. Moving over to the fruits (George had always considered tomatoes a vegetable) she walked between the blueberry bushes and the strawberry plants, picking as she went and dropping them into the basket. Then she got to her favorite part of the garden, the peppers and herbs.
She decided to get to the peppers last today, so she went to the herbs first. These were seated on outdoor tables in little planters, that way they could be easily harvested and seen, not to mention them being protected from animals. Animals other than humans that was. She pulled off a leaf of mint and stuck it in her mouth, chewing it to release its freshness as she walked through the tables covered in green. She decided that she’d make some lemonade today, Diane had some lemons she’d given her from her tree that would go nice with a little bit of the mint. She pulled leaves of this and sprigs of that as she walked, making her way to George’s peppers.
There were all sorts of peppers, Margrett’s late husband had always like variety in his life. If she every suggested making the same thing for dinner twice in a week he’d joke that she’d ran out of recipes to cook. She looked to the bell peppers first. They were green, which meant they weren’t quite mature. But green bell peppers were always welcome, so she picked a couple anyway. Then came the chilis that George had always loved. There were all kinds, jalapenos, bird’s eye, jolokia peppers, and so much more. She walked over to the generic chili peppers.
There was something off about the plant. Something was moving, even without the presence of a breeze of any kind. She bent down to get a loser look, and there she saw the creature for the first time. It was small, with its body being the length of her hand. Its head was a chili pepper that could split open horizontally, with two little slits that acted as a nose of sorts. It didn’t seem to have any eyes, not that Margrett could see anyway. The stem moved further than any stem had before, with four appendages mimicking legs coming off of its thin body. It was wriggling around, trying to pick itself and get free.
Margrett was stunned. Nothing in the library had ever mentioned the produce coming to life. She took the clippers and snipped the dragon off at a reasonable length. It fell to the ground and scuttled away. Or at least it would have had Margrett not scooped it up in her old hands.
“Woah there little guy, you can’t get away from me that easily,” she said with a chuckle.
The dragon turned its head to look at the old woman. It moved it up and down, as if it was looking her over for whatever reason. Then it reared back and sneezed. Some of the fluids got onto Margrett’s arm and she immediately knew what it was. Capsaicin. Her skin started to get irritated at the chemical.”
“Hey now, don’t be like that,” she scolded as she brought it inside to wash her arm off. Her kitchen was small and scarcely decorated. She set the basket of produce along with the little dragon on the counter. It immediately started sniffing around the place with its little slits down on the counter.
Margrett finished washing off her arm and was drying it off as she thought what to do with the little dragon. She could always show it to somebody. Maybe she could bring it to her weekly bridge game at Diane’s. She walked over to the phone on the counter and punched in her number.
“Hello?” came the voice from the other end of the line.
“Diane? It’s me, Margrett,” she responded.
“What can I do for ya Margrett?”
“I found a little dragon in my garden, do you mind if I bring it to today’s bridge game?” she asked. “I don’t want to leave it alone here at home. God knows I go crazy enough in here by myself.”
“Sure, I don’t mind. As long as he doesn’t make a mess.”
“You’re a lifesaver, Diane. Thanks.” Margrett ended.
“No problem.” Click.
“You hear that?” Margrett said, turning in the kitchen to look at the small dragon munching on one of her tomatoes. “You’re going to meet the girls.”
Margrett spent the remaining time before bridge making a large pitcher of lemonade with the lemons Diane had given her. She squeezed the lemons by hand, adding water and sugar in no particular amount. Then she took some mint out of the basket, dodging the dragon finishing his tomato, and threw it in. She took out a wooden spoon, stirred the whole concoction up, and tasted it. A little sweet, but sometimes all you want is something a little sweeter.
She took the pitcher in one hand against her body and the dragon in the other and walked over to Diane’s house. They played in the parlor, which had an old chandelier above an even older table. She set the pitcher of lemonade next to a plate of cucumber sandwiches, a small salad (Greek from the looks of it), and a plate of chocolate chip cookies. A fine lunch. Everybody was already in the parlor.
Diane, her designated partner, was sitting at the head of the table. Margrett took her place at the foot. Bethany and Edith were across from each other on the left and right side respectively.
“Sorry I’m late everybody, there was a dragon in the garden today,” Margrett explained as she set the chili dragon on the table.
A chorus of variations on ‘it’s alright, hon,’ went up from the table. They started to play. Typically, they played one game, had lunch, and then played another game. But if Diane and Margrett won one and Bethany and Edith won the other they’d play a third one if nobody was busy to break the tie. Bethany and Edith won the first game, then they cleared and set the table for lunch.
Plates were set out, as well as cups and forks. The plate of sandwiches was set in the middle of the table, along with the bowl of Greek salad.
“It’s a little sweet,” Margrett warned as she filled each glass around the table. “But I think it’s still good.”
“So, what’s this I hear about a dragon?” Bethany said, taking a bite of cucumber sandwich.
The dragon, who was sniffing around the table, looked up at this. Its head was pointed towards Beth, but quickly swiveled to the rest of the women in turn.
“I was looking through the garden this morning, and I found it wriggling trying to get free. I figured I’d see if you gals had anything to say about it.”
The old women went silent at this. None of them had every really seen a dragon, let alone had any experience with them.
“Does it have a name at least?” Diane asked. “No pet is complete without a name. Took me a few days to name Charlie.”
The cat Diane gestured towards lazily looked up at the group of women eating around the table and then went back to licking its paws.
“I actually do think I have a name for it. I think I’ll call him George. Peppers were always his favorite, so it seemed fitting,” Margrett explained.
The women agreed that it was a very fitting name. They finished lunch and played their second round of bridge. Bethany and Edith won the second game too, but Diane and Margrett had gotten closer on this one than they had the first time. They each had a cookie and then Margrett went home.
She walked back into the kitchen, putting the leftover lemonade into the refrigerator. Margrett looked around the house and noticed she didn’t have a place for the dragon. It didn’t look like it would take much space, so something small could be arranged.
She poked around her closet for a while and eventually found an old shoebox, so she took off the lid and set the box on the counter. That could’ve done on its own, but she decided that she needed to make it a little cozier. So she set an old tea towel on the inside of the box, curling it up into a nest of sorts. Then she remembered that every bed needed a pillow, so she went into the medicine cabinet and amongst the various medications she took, along with the ones George used to take, there was a bag of cotton balls. She took out a few and pressed them into one somewhat coherent mass before going back into the kitchen and placing the pillow into the bed. She decided that the makeshift bed would be good for at least a night.
After that she went around the house cleaning as she normally did in the afternoons. She swept the floors in the kitchen, dusted the shelves around the house, cleaned the bathroom, and generally decluttered anywhere there was clutter.
Once she was done cleaning Margrett looked at her calendar. She was scheduled to be a substitute teacher for Mrs. Gill’s fourth grade class. Maybe she could take in the dragon for a day, the kids would love seeing George. Then she heard a sneeze and remembered that pure capsaicin was akin to pepper spray, so she eventually decided against it. Her stomach growled and she realized how hungry she was.
She looked around in the pantry to find something to eat, and eventually settled on making spaghetti with meat sauce. She set a pot to boil and got out the noodles, Italian sausage, everything for the sauce, and the red pepper flakes. George had always called red pepper flakes ‘birdseed’ for whatever reason. George, the dragon this time, took an interest in the little red and yellow flakes. Margrett took some in her aging fingers and held it like fish food above the little pepper dragon. He opened his mouth hungrily and she sprinkled them in. The little pepper shut his mouth and seemed to swallow, although he had no digestive system. Margrett didn’t ask questions.
Once dinner was ready, she plated herself up a portion and placed it on the table. Then she took a shallow dish and put some sauce and a small mountain of red pepper flakes on top and set it next to her own plate. Then she carefully scooped up the dragon from the counter and set him on the table next to his plate. He lapped it up quickly, then looked at Margrett as if to ask for more. Margrett smiled and got up to get George more sauce. He lapped his seconds up nearly as fast as the firsts.
“No more.” She said, turning to her own plate.
Once dinner was over she took George the dragon in her hands and set him on the easy chair George her husband used to sit in all the time. She took her place in her own, lighter rocking chair. She took the book that was on the table and cracked it open. It was a mystery, and she was a little over halfway through it. Out of instinct, she started to read aloud. The particular chapter she was reading had the detective investigating the crime scene again, the clues and puzzles unravelling in his head. She enjoyed mysteries. She finished the chapter and looked over to George. He was curled up in a little swirl, with his head resting on his paws.
She delicately scooped up the plant and set him down in his tea towel bed. Then she took the shoe box and brought it to her room, setting it down on her bedside table. She said a quick prayer, then turned out the light and went to bed.
submitted by /u/Spudferdo [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2XKu7A3
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