artiststarme · 1 year
Well, hopefully this doesn't seem too disjointed. I don't know if I love it but it's really hard to write about fears that you yourself experience without it sounding ranty! I hope you guys like it and please leave your thoughts in the comments!
Cherophobia: the irrational aversion to being happy. Likely occurring when people feel the need to protect themselves, usually resulting from past trauma or conflict. 
Throughout Eddie’s life, he always had the feeling like the other shoe was going to drop. He could never just enjoy a good day in peace. If things were going too smoothly at home or school then he knew it was only a matter of time before something bad happened. And it always did. He couldn’t let himself be happy because he knew something bad, something to make him feel sad or angry, would always follow.
It happened when he was a little kid when he had a good day at school only to go home and find out his mom had died of a drug overdose. He’d been allowed to color his pictures all day before listening to his teacher read a story. His friend had even given him half of her Little Debbie cake at lunch. But when it was time to be picked up from school, his mom wasn’t there. He waited for what seemed like hours before he walked himself home to an empty apartment. His dad told him later that his mom was a stupid bitch that took too much oxy that day and died. Eddie spent the next several months in a depressed stupor, trying to adjust to life without his mom while also trying to survive living with his dad. He’d never felt so alone.  
When he was ten, he made a friend at school. After months of eating lunch alone and being picked on by the other kids, it was nice to talk to someone that didn’t want to hurt him. But when Eddie got home, his dad was in the midst of a drug-fueled manic episode. In his foggy haze, his dad determined that his curls were a little too girly for a man and shaved them all off with a blunt razor. Eddie went back to school the next day only to find that his new friend wanted nothing to do with him. He’d seemingly changed overnight and it wasn’t for the better. 
It happened once more in his childhood at age eleven when Eddie got an A+ on his creative writing paper. He was living on cloud nine for a few hours, high on the feelings of happiness and accomplishment only to be picked up from school by the police who took him to stay with his estranged Uncle Wayne. His dad had been arrested for assault with a deadly weapon and attempted murder after getting in a fight at a bar. Eddie had to leave all he knew to go back to a small unknown town in Indiana with an uncle he hardly knew after finally starting to like it at his school. Things turned out okay with Uncle Wayne, of course, but for a few months, Eddie felt like his world was imploding. Every single time, like clockwork, as soon as Eddie started to let his guard down and let himself feel happy, something bad would immediately happen to force the walls back up. 
It was his own addition to the Munson Doctrine; don’t let yourself get too happy or something bad will happen. He was afraid of feeling anything too happy in case it prompted something bad. He certainly did not want to tempt fate and made a point to avoid having too positive of emotions. But sometimes even Eddie forgot to follow his own rules. 
Really, he should’ve seen this coming. He’d been too happy these past few months, it was inevitable for it all to come crashing down. He never would have thought that he would be blamed for the murders of several of his fellow students that were killed by a flesh monster from an alternate dimension that could murder people through their minds but maybe he should’ve. After all, he’s never had any good luck so it might as well happen to him. 
But after so many good months, it almost seems like a cruel trick performed by the universe. He was finally happy, truly happy. His grades had improved, he brought new freshmen into Hellfire, he’d scored more gigs with Corroded Coffin performing at the Hideout, and he’d even gotten a part-time job at Thatcher Tire. Eddie was finally becoming happy with his life and now it was all being taken away for something he didn’t even do. He thought he’d been becoming more optimistic, more hopeful but instead, he’d been becoming more naive. 
He let his guard down and was now paying the price. Instead of remaining wary, cautious, of the giddy feelings of joy like he always had before, Eddie had welcomed them with open arms. He knew that the fall would be hard but he let himself feel it anyway in the hope that things would be different. But they weren’t. 
As he felt the tiny bat teeth gnashing through his flesh while he laid on the cold ground of the Upside Down, all he could focus on was the fact that he’d never get to experience what true happiness was like without fearing it before he died. He didn’t mind dying a martyr in order to save his friends, didn’t mind dying in general to be honest. He just wished that he could’ve seen what true happiness was before his eyes slipped closed for the last time (or so he thought).
When he opened his eyes again, he was greeted by the sight of a darkened hospital room. His wrist was cuffed to the bed and his other hand was gripped tight in sleep by Steve “The Hair” Harrington. Steve’s head was resting on the bed next to Eddie’s hip and Dustin was sleeping on the cushioned seat of the bay window. Eddie had gone through hell the past week and he had a long way to go but he had hope that he would make it. 
He had friends, nay- family, now that would stay by his side. Maybe with Steve, Dustin, and the rest of the Party behind him, he could let himself be happy without fear and they could catch him when things inevitably started to fall apart. All he had to do was try. 
@doubleb11 @nburkhardt @zerokrox-blog @newtstabber @i-less-than-three-you @carlyv @straight4joekeery @ghosttotheparty
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mattsmemes · 1 year
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theinsomniacindian · 4 months
Me beating back the nihilistic thoughts with a stick every time I feel the slightest bit of happiness
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merthwyn · 6 months
Protestants/ Evangelicals:
Those that get excited about smoke machines during worship, rock concerts on Sundays and yoga pants as a dress code and call you old-fashioned and blame you for idolising tradition if you don't like these things, but GOD FORBID if you talk to your kid about Santa or let it dress as Elsa, cowboy, cat or prince on Halloween..........
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tapchitamlyhoc · 8 months
Có lẽ, hạnh phúc là điều mà chúng ta luôn muốn hướng đến trong cuộc sống. Tuy nhiên, lại có một số người cảm thấy sợ hãi, ghét bỏ hạnh phúc. Họ bị ám ảnh bởi sự hạnh phúc và luôn có xu hướng tránh né sự hạnh phúc hay còn được gọi là hội chứng sợ hạnh phúc. 
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chin-chillax · 10 months
It’s probably not normal to absolutely dread taking a vacation, huh
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For the betrayal lines, "somehow, i expected that this would happen eventually." with Tragedy?
This does NOT end in a happy ending...
Do you know what Cherophobia is?
That was the phobia of being happy. It was when a person had a irrational aversion to being happy.
Tragedy had that in a strong amount.
Why wouldn't he? Every single time he was happy, something bad happened. He was happy in his life; and then he lost his home and his brother. He was happy in his new family and that stupid brat messed everything up.
Now he was with his datemate... he was so scared of them.
They scared him more than anything he ever had to do for his job. He cared for them a lot, and he worried that one day they would leave him alone or... something would happen to them.
Who would have guessed that this would be the ending of his story?
He laid on the ground in front of his datemate, staring up at them. He was shocked... he looked sad.
Y/n was staring down at him, their gun pointed at him. He bought them that gun, he said that it was so they could protect themselves from anyone that was trying to hurt them.
"Y/n?" he mumbles, shocked. There was an attack on the family, Calamity and Envy were somewhere, they most likely were fighting. Tragedy would be with them, he should be, but he came to find Y/n cause he worried for them. "What are you-"
Y/n stops him by clicking their teeth, tightening their grip on their gun "Shut up," They say, "You're not allowed to ask questions, we'll be doing the questions once you're all in holding"
A cop, huh?
Ha... who would have guessed.
"Somehow, I expected that this would happen eventually." he mutters, turning his head down. Y/n puts the cuffs around his wrists and started to lead him to the car.
He didn't even bother fighting...
Not anymore.
Tragedy should have known that he didn't deserve to be happy.
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oidyre · 2 years
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Day 13 - Cherophobia
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aft-drk · 1 year
Vannak akik valójában félnek attól, hogy túlságosan boldogok.
Mert azt hiszik, hogy valami tragikus fog történni hamarosan.
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mentally-spiraling · 2 years
Really would like to find YouTube channels ran by people talking about their mental health from their perspective. I watch channels like medcircle and dr. tracey and some others, but that's different kind of feeling
Just want to hear an individual discussing and offering insight to how their mental health effects them
Actually, can someone recommend me YouTubers who talk about their:
avoidant personality disorder
borderline personality disorder
dependent personality disorder
cherophobia or finding it difficult to accept positive comments
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otto-c-graves · 2 months
It’s weird to me that I feel like I’m at a point on my socials that I was at YEARS prior on my old accounts (that have been deleted or don’t go on and no longer updated them).
It’s both comforting and weird, but making the full circle is sort of satisfying?
As someone who suffers cherophobia (defined as the fear and or aversion of happiness, but for me it’s the fear of becoming happy and knowing something bad will happen immediately or soon after achieving happiness) I have felt this sort of satisfied for a few days now…
I post the positives in my life but yet I sit in fear knowing… waiting… and I hate it. I absolutely hate it.
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mypanoplies · 5 months
Cherophobia (Fear of Happiness)
~ Aversion to happiness The term comes from the Greek word “chero” or “chairo” which means “to rejoice.” Plus, the root word “phobia,” which means fear. Disclaimer: The information in this post does not intend to replace, dictate, or completely define the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of a medical professional. It is a form of sharing some personal experience and is intended solely for…
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foulartisancreator · 5 months
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fries4slayer · 1 year
Had 2 nightmares back to back. My cherophobia is strong
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hydine · 1 year
Being a trauma survivor is weird. Even if today was a good day, I can already smell the shit brewing in the days ahead. Even though I'd know no reason for that right now.
But you get suspicious, if something good happens.
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chin-chillax · 11 months
I had such an absurdly good day at work today. Wow!
I can’t believe I am one of those people that likes working?
It’s the weekends—and their many possible activities that I can’t possibly decide between—that gives me more anxiety.
I am baffled by this perspective that I somehow have.
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