#Child death mention
prokopetz · 2 years
I fully understand that the preponderance of evidence is that George Lucas put absolutely zero thought into what Naboo’s culture was actually supposed to look like outside of what we see on screen, but as far as unintentionally effective worldbuilding goes, establishing that Naboo a. has a tradition of electing literal children as figurehead rulers of its planetary government, and b. apparently also has a tradition of assassinating these children with sufficient frequency that dressing up a bunch of other children as decoy targets has become standard operating procedure by the time of Padmé Amidala’s reign suggests that maybe the fact that this random backwater is a breeding ground for Sith Lords isn’t as unlikely as it initially appears.
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oifaaa · 1 year
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So a lot of you were asking for more baby Damain au and when Dick was finally gonna start getting along with the baby so here you go
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phoenixyfriend · 30 days
Pro-Palestine music as protest has been a thing for ages but nothing prepared me for "Hind's Hall" by Macklemore, which has both some great lyrics, some great commentary on protests at Columbia, and for which ALL PROCEEDS GO TO UNRWA.
You don't gotta like his music, but damn. Gotta admit Macklemore has been putting his money where his mouth is for months on this issue.
You can donate directly to UNRWA on their website.
It's not yet on streaming platforms but I heard a snippet in Democracy Now, and he posted part of it to Twitter/X.
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I will disclaim that I disagree with the "not voting for Biden" thing, due to the fact that I personally believe that the American political system forces a Lesser Evil approach. I understand the intent, but I do disagree on a personal and political level.
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the-meme-monarch · 2 months
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hey. what if i got really normal about (my designs for) the fallen kids. i promise.
my prev drawings of them here :]
also scrapped doodles involving flowey bc I forgot flowey probably didn’t exist for a while until at least most of them were dead, what with alphys’ dt experiments. i just wanted kris and flowey to meet :( they grew up together in another universe
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qsmparchive · 7 months
Day of the dead is actually a two day holiday contrary to what people believe, The first of November is to mourn the children that have passed away, the 2nd of November is to remember the adults that have passed away.
These rituals have been around a long time being older than Christ, originating in Mexica and Huasteca mythology, its first set up an ofrenda with a table and the photos of a loved one, food they liked, and flowers called Cempohualxochitl
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The people paint themselves as skeletons to represent the life and death
When you die you go to the Mictlán, the land of the dead held by Mictlantecuhtli, you stay there for four years until you go through the challenge of 9 (or 7 in huasteca) nivels , the first one you face entirely how you died and spend 39 years there to cleanse your sins until you manage to finish them and redeem yourself to which you can finally just disappear in the afterlife, and in real life your relatives no longer need to do these rituals and remember you as you have left.
This tradition is what makes mexican view the process grieving a lot more differently than others and a reminder of our heritage.
Feliz día de muertos and happy native American month 🇲🇽
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whilomm · 2 years
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btw im not sure how obscure of a ref this is considered, but im p sure the spamton nose recall was a direct ref to the burger king pokeball toy recall
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mmyashas · 6 months
liking qroier is so so painful because its like
it can't get worse (qspreen betrayal)
it can't get worse (bobby death)
it can't get worse (qcellbit goes missing)
it can't get worse (abueloier death..sort of)
it can't get worse (eggs missing)
it can't get worse (purgatory)
it can't get worse (pepito)
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thestuffedalligator · 9 months
Bricks of gingerbread were laid with layers of icing for mortar. Caramel coloured light gleamed through sugar glass windows.
The gingerbread… things stumbled through the kitchen on legs unused to walking. They leaned on each other, gingerbread hands on gingerbread shoulders, each about the height of a child.
Ethel Muckwillow, witch, stared at them in unmasked horror.
Agnes Blacktreacle said: “-And there I found them in the woods, starved to death, dead as a doornail. Well, I couldn’t leave that alone, otherwise people in the village would accuse me of something!”
She poured a spoonful of sugar into her tea and carefully lifted her cup when one of the things stumbled and slammed its gingerbread head into the table with a thunk and a sticky groan. “And I thought, I have all these baking supplies from when I made the house, so why not make some replacements?” she said, pouring another spoonful of sugar. “I whipped them up in about a day – once they figure out walking, I’ll send them back home, and nobody will be none the wiser.”
The gingerbread boy – or at least, the gingerbread thing decorated with icing to look like boy’s clothes and a glob of buttercream teased into a vaguely masculine hairstyle – held its head and groaned. The gingerbread thing with long, dark, marzipan hair twisted the hem of its gingerbread skirt nervously. It looked up at Agnes and opened its mouth to reveal a tongue made of a glacé cherry.
It said: “Aaaghlaglaglagglegglgl.”
Agnes clucked her tongue and got up to fuss over the gingerbread boy. She was wearing a frilly apron on top of the standard witching uniform. It didn't go well with the look at all.
Ethel Muckwillow stared at her fellow witch. Agnes had a tendency to go too far with these kinds of things, and it was just possible that this may have been too far even for her.
“Gingerbread changelings,” she said.
Agnes looked up from pressing a marshmallow bandage to the gingerbread boy’s forehead and beamed. “Gingelings, if you will,” she said.
“I won’t,” Ethel said. “They were sent into the woods because they and their parents were starving, and you will be sending them back a pair of giant gingerbread changelings.”
Ethel waited for the penny to drop. It didn’t.
“Aggie,” she said. “They’re going to eat them.”
Agnes gasped and clasped her hands over the gingerbread things’ ears. “They wouldn’t!”
“They’re starving peasants and you’re going to deliver them a walking, talking Christmas dessert.”
Agnes looked at Ethel. She looked at the gingerbread things. She sagged. “Damn,” she muttered.
“What if — what if I made a fondant? I could try to hide the gingerbread with a fondant.”
Ethel looked at the gingerbread things. They stared back with gleaming, beady, currant eyes. The gingerbread girl had started to chew on its marzipan hair.
“No,” she said. “I don’t think that would help.”
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Maybe a writer who has to be forced to include Robin in his Batman run shouldn't write Batman comics.
Maybe a writer who says "Well, I always thought that the whole idea of a kid side-kick was sheer insanity. So when I started writing Batman, I immediately started lobbying to kill off Robin" aka a child, should not write Batman
Maybe a writer who, when asked which character to kill of due to AIDS, suggests Robin, A CHILD, multiple times, shouldn't write Batman.
Maybe they shouldn't write comics at all for that matter.
This post is about Jim Starlin and things he has said or done
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fallenclan · 1 month
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the amount of people that have fallenclan dreams is always funny to me
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It is so so so much more fun to me to have as many people as possible in on Bill's murders to some extent, y'know? Like Henry burried bodies for him, Mikey wasn't fully aware but he knew n helped his dad anyways, Maggie was suspicious but didn't want anything to do with him at all, and Clay should've known with how unbelieveably obvious it is but he's too blinded by his respect for the guy. So much more interesting than having Bill be actually good at doing crime I think.
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phoenixyfriend · 8 months
Where did the "Obi-Wan's parents tried to drown him in a river" headcanon even come from?
Like. What canon we do have (admittedly Legends), about his childhood is that he was pretty happy, and had a brother, and then he joined the Jedi. Nothing about the river headcanon!
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vague-humanoid · 7 months
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trans-formers-n-stuff · 2 months
i am sooo soft for grieving mother soundwave you don't get it. especially tfp soundwave.
cradling whatever he could gather of his minicons' bodies, whatever is even left of them; an optic, a big of a lip plate, a little servo or two… pressing them close to his frame, trying not to start wailing. i will forever be in love with grieving mother soundwave. those were his babies. how dare you, autobot, claim to stand for peace, and then blow apart defenseless little ones? how dare you, how dare…
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just-antithings · 5 months
JAT: "I love horror so much! Unless it contains gross, immoral content like incest, rape, sex scenes, nudity or partial nudity in any shape or form, child death, jump scares, domestic abuse, torture (note: unless it's a woman torturing a man, they seem to be totally fine with that), swearing, or excessive gore. It's not REAL horror if it depicts these things! It's just for shock value and to be as excessive as possible!! Anyway I love horror so much uwu"
every damn time
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marzipanandminutiae · 10 months
favorite Lucille Sharpe Fail Behavior:
none of the brides were actually poisoned to death. Lucille killed all of them violently because she...got tired of having them around, I guess?
seriously, pay attention to their ghosts. Margaret has major head trauma; Pamela has a rope around her neck. Enola, one could make an argument for based just on the movie, but in the character bios Del Toro gave the actors, it says Lucille killed her the day the baby died (bio says she killed the baby, too, but I tend to leave it ambiguous since the movie seems to imply that it was medical or an accident)
girl. you have specially-formulated Murder Tea that you created yourself. and you have NEVER LET IT ACTUALLY WORK
wet pathetic rancid queen energy, honestly
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