#Chin Yisou
saiyuki-ing · 6 months
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Their Journey So Far!
The Sanzo party has met a lot of colorful characters on their travels! It's been about 15 years since I've read the original Saiyuki manga, but even then, I couldn't fit every memorable character here
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returntoclear · 2 months
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BOOSTしてくれた方に描いたお礼イラスト🀄 桜の季節なので桜の素材をふんだんに使ってみました🌸
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mechadeimos · 3 months
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tofueggnoodles · 1 year
The Naked Director (Chapter 1)
A traumatic breakup and losing his salesman job twice led Gonou down the path of becoming a porn actor. On his way to the limelight, he had to deal with the antics of an ill-tempered studio owner, an alcoholic porn star and a bubbly makeup artist with a bottomless stomach.
Or: Gonou still lost Kanan and became a youkai before meeting Gojyo, Sanzo and Goku, but in a much different way than in canon.
Main pairings: Gonou/Chin Yisou and Hakkai/Gojyo
(Loosely based on the semi-biographical drama series depicting Muranishi Toru’s rise as an AV director.)
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stirdrawsandreblaws · 7 months
Saiyuki for the meme
for top three favorite characters, it'd have to be...
Cho Hakkai
Zakuro (we love a cringefail illusionist)
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this was genuinely difficult; i fucking love all the main ikkou, and our "merciful goddess" Kanzeon Bosatsu, and Sharak holy shit, and Yaone and Lirin, not to mention Gat and Hazel--and, unfortunately, Dr. Ni, Chin Yisou, and even the movie-exclusive Go Dougan...
but when it comes to favorites, it's really those three above all.
you can't beat a dragon that turns into a jeep! new list:
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he's such a loyal and sweet little guy, i love him so much
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Il sangue di 1000 demoni
Una delle tante leggende che circolano nel mondo di Saiyuki è quella secondo cui se una persona uccide 1000 demoni si trasforma in uno youkai, infatti dal Saiyuubito abbiamo:
Blood of a Thousand Youkai 【千の妖怪の血 Sen no Youkai no Chi】 (Sai. Vol 4 - Continuous)
☆ A popular belief in Shangri-la that says “if one bathes in the blood of a thousand youkai, one will become a youkai,” but like the belief that “devouring the flesh of a virtuous monk will make one undying and un-aging,” it’s supposedly just a rumor. It is also speculated that the reason Hakkai actually changed into a youkai might have been because he had accumulated so much negative pathos within his body. It’s not that Chin Yisou was the thousandth youkai, nor is there any need to worry that Sanzo might later turn into a youkai (laughs).
che tradotto diventa:
Sangue di un migliaglio di Youkai 【千の妖怪の血 Sen no Youkai no Chi】(Sai. Vol 4 - Continuous) 
☆ Un credo popolare nello Shangri-la che dice “se uno si macchia del sangue di un migliaio di youkai, diventerà uno youkai” ma come il credo che “divorare la carne di un monaco virtuoso,renderà immortali e sempre giovani” è presumibilmente solo una diceria. Si è anche speculato che la ragione per cui Hakkai in realtà è divenuto uno youkai, è che abbia accumulato molti sentimenti negativi. Non è vero che Chin Yisou è stato il millesimo youkai e nemmeno c’è bisogno di preoccuparsi che Sanzo possa trasformarsi in uno youkai (ride).
Quindi la Minkeura conferma che tanto la “leggenda” dei mille youkai quanto quella del consumo di carne di monaco virtuoso sono mere dicerie senza alcun fondamento anche se oltre ad Hakkai abbiamo altri esempi di persone divenute youkai dopo aver fatto fuori mille youkai ma li vediamo o solo nell’Anime (Gensoumaden,un episodio di riempimento,un filler,per la precisione l’episodio 18) o solo in Saiyuki Requiem,tuttavia notiamo subito che l’elemento comune a queste trasformazioni non è l’uccisione di 1000 youkai ma il sentimento di odio/ira/orgoglio ecc. Ecco questo ci fa capire una cosa importante se vogliamo interpretarla in un certo modo: se ci lasciamo guidare dalle emozioni ditruttive e offuscanti diventiamo noi stessi degli youkai.
Pur essendo una balla la trasformazione in youkai dopo l’uccisione di mille di questi, c’è un fondamento di verità con la realtà folkloristica giapponese ossia se passano 100 anni uno strumento di famiglia si carica di energia tanto da divenire esso stesso uno youkai, quindi è probabile che la Minekura abbia preso questo elemento folkloristico di forte stampo sciamanico e lo abbia poi reinterpretato per creare ad arte la leggenda/diceria dei 1000 youkai.
Questi oggetti che, raggiunta una certa età (100 anni), diventano youkai si chiamano Tsukumogami letteralmente “Kami degli oggetti”. Gli Tsukumogami furono usati per la diffusione anche ad un popolo poco colto, con già preesistenti conoscenze e tradizioni degli Tsukumogami, del Buddhismo Shingon. Noriko Reider spiega:
“Gli Tsukumogami sono oggetti di uso domestico animati. Una otogizōshi (“storia in compagnia”) intitolata Tsukumogami ki (“Raccolta di Kami degli oggetti”; del periodo Muromachi) spiega che dopo una vita di servizio durata quasi cento anni, gli utsuwamono o kibutsu (contenitori, attrezzi e strumenti vari) ricevono un'anima. Mentre si fa spesso riferimento a quest'opera come un'importante fonte per la definizione di tsukumogami, insufficiente attenzione è stata dedicata all'effettivo testo di Tsukumogami ki.”
Se andate nella pagina inglese di Wikipedia, trovere un elenco di Tsukumogami: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsukumogami
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rosssrandomblog · 2 years
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< Learning something from your enemy is the first step to forgive them, not learning anything from your enemy will permit them to beat you over and over again. So you really have no choice, you have to learn and you have to forgive.> He read that a long time ago, when he was a child, in one of the dusty books of the orphanage. It didn’t make sense at the time.
But now... it make sense and anyway forgive and forget are not the same.
The promt screamed Hakkai to me, and yes i like the idea of him stealing the trowing sticks tecnique from Chin-Yisou after his death.
as usual thanks to @saiyukimonthchallenge​ for the promts and the challenge as whole.
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baronvonriktenstein · 2 years
A tiny bug-sized Chin Yisou creeps on Hakkai in the shower and Hakkai spots his little bug shape and grabs the showerhead and sprays him until he drowns. Or slides down the drain. Whichever happens first.
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candycutter13 · 3 years
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Character Quote #250
“Goodness, you’re so impatient. Perhaps you’re deficient in calcium.”
Source: Gensoumaden Saiyuki (S1 Episode 11) Character: Chin Yisou
I see Chin Yisou is a disciple of Ginpachi sensei  😏 +100 points for good taste  👌 👌
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I just got a special edition Saiyuki dvd, and it refers to the series as a “comedy” with “mild violence”, and I’m like... no.
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adagiospace · 4 years
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(1 / 2) Some Twitter pictures I made in 2018/2019 that finally find the way to Tumblr.
(Twitter moment are getting more broken.. can’t sort from newest picture anymore... so better upload here too >.>)
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juujinkan · 5 years
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#09: Sin. Chin Yisou sealed Cho Gonou's destiny forever.
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returntoclear · 22 days
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mechadeimos · 6 months
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tofueggnoodles · 1 year
The Naked Director (Final Chapter)
Chin Yisou appeared again at Hakkai’s doorstep, bringing an unexpected piece of news. Seeking solace in Gojyo’s arms, Hakkai gained something else as well. The founding crew of Mayo Studio traveled in style to a wedding.
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namekian-maoh · 5 years
I just discovered that August 1st is National Mahjong Day!!
And who is it that I’m obsessed with who plays mahjong?
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Why, Chin Iisou, of course!
So... Are we as a fandom going to say that today is his birthday? It’s never really listed in the series as far as I know... so it’s possible. Then again 8/1 is also the pairing number for Chin Iisou X Hakkai seeing as how their names means one Chin Iisou and eight Hakkai. So August 1st could very well be their day too.
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