#Complaints complaints complaints
bendgineer · 3 months
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38K notes · View notes
strange that "skinny" means thin. it should mean...skinny. characterized by skin. possessing or characterized by an above average amount of skin. more skin rather than less skin. but somehow it means less skin? preposterous
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silkentine · 9 days
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I had to drop everything and make a comic based on this post by @pointycorgiears
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kirby-the-gorb · 10 months
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cemeterything · 2 months
regardless of how you feel about homestuck you do have to admit that the story concluding with almost all of the major characters literally deciding to just say fuck it and abandon the story entirely is like. an absolutely iconic narrative decision. you know what i'm not doing this shit anymore. figure it out. bye.
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dudedidujust · 3 months
Au where Damian comes to Gotham with the goal of infiltrating and eventually overthrowing Batman instead of inheriting the mantle. Not much changes from canon except for the fact that he views everything that batman owns as his. That's his future cave and his future batmobile. This also includes his robins. After all everyone knows Batman wouldn't really be Batman without them.
Cue a very bewildered Tim being lectured on his eating habits by a righteous Damian who won't let one of his people take shortcuts with their health.
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beif0ngs · 5 months
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It looks like they fell asleep.
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mikkeneko · 1 year
PSA to fan creators who don't have a lot of regular contact with children: They are almost always bigger than you think. A 1-year-old baby may already be walking. A toddler is likely already hip-high. A 10-year-old may already be taller than at least one of their parents. A 14/15 year old may already have reached their adult height.
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momochanners · 3 months
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Previous post
Happy Ending (in more ways than one)!
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nerdpoe · 1 month
Kill on Sight Orders
The Flash fam has a secret. Okay so they have a lot of secrets, but there's one above all others.
A kill on sight order.
In the worst possible future (one of them there's a lot), a beast named Phantom decimated the world. He took out the entire Justice League, the entire Justice League Dark, any and all small-time heroes that stood in his way. All of it. Everyone.
If they see Phantom as a kid, to prevent the slightest possible chance of Phantom being a thing, it's kill on sight. They all have anti-ghost weapons that can destroy a ghost's core, locked away in a secure facility that they can just run to and grab real quick to get it done.
None of them like it. None of them can risk it.
Bart stumbles into a town that doesn't exist, almost gets got by a ghost that managed to possess him, and gets saved by...Phantom.
A scrawny, teenage Phantom.
He's funny, makes puns, worries about if Bart got hurt or not-he's nothing like the Bad Phantom!
He's not gonna kill his new friend! No way, no how.
But he's gotta keep it a secret from the other Speedsters now, because he doesn't know who came up with that rule but they probably won't understand, and then he'll have a speedster fight on his hands, and no one wants that.
But the government keeps sending letters of complaint to Max, and Max keeps asking why the government is mad at Bart now, and Bart can't tell him "oh it's because there's this town that is off the record and a secret and also where phantom is and i broke in" because that'd rat Phantom out, and even if he didn't mention Phantom Max would want to investigate.
The mailman doesn't understand why his letters keep disappearing but he thinks it might have something to do with the Flash, because there's always a red blur.
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aledethanlast · 7 months
For the last time Neil is not oblivious he's just so busy playing 5d chess with everyone he meets that the concept of regular chess baffles and bores him. Matt what do you mean I should hook up with a cheerleader can't you see I'm busy waging psychological warfare on a Frenchman.
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"cis is a slur" i'm completely fine using it that way
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chromaticcrazyass · 1 year
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The thing is, he looks normal. Which is a good thing. He looks like the kinda guy that looks almost too normal not to be suspicious. He’s not some over the top villain or looks excessively evil or malicious at first glance. Which is brilliant, because if he did no child ever would approach him let alone follow him into his little murder room. He’s approachable. No kid is gonna look at this guy and think “oh he wants to murder me”. No, they’re gonna see some old guy who probably wants to hand them extra faztokens and pat their little naïve heads and send them on their way. This take on ol’ willy the purple people stabber is subtle enough to be a passable member of society but juuuuuuuuuuuust off enough to where the hair on the back of your arms stand up when he’s around, and that’s only if you know what to look for or already know his reputation.
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dyinggirldied · 5 months
Danny, burnout and exhausted of being the basically only one who can fight ghosts but still gets villainized and hated by the people he saved, decides he's done.
Because he's 14 he runs to another city, one where his parents and GIW cannot willy dilly do whatever they want. Yes, he runs to Gotham. Without telling anyone.
At Gotham, he ultilizes his intelligence in making fake ID and studies at a normal if a bit run down Gotham high school, not the fancy one where Tim or Damian is studying because 1) he's trying to lay low and 2) he hates the rich. He uses an old abadoned fire station as his home.
It's all fine and dandy. He doesn't need to intervene much since there are plenty of vigilantes in this city and he's free to just...focus. On himself, his education.
Meanwhile, Amity Park is literally and metaphorically under fire with his absence.
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peachiiwren · 7 months
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ep 6!
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mel-is-a-melon · 4 days
the fact that the both of them are heartbroken over not being able to save these bitchy racist rich kids - they’re better people than me bc I would’ve waved them goodbye from the door of the TARDIS with one finger
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