#Crowley hate gang
y’all I’ve been playing chapter 4 and- (spoilers IG)
Crowley gave MC a phone to contact him for emergencies and then just proceeded to turn his phone off??? While they’re basically being held against their will in Scarabia???
reason number infinity of why I’d make a shitty MC is id be putting magic toaster in bathtub way before this 😭😭😭
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obsessedobsesser · 25 days
Okay but here's another crack fic prompt
Good Omens Sky High AU
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lavender-witch128 · 1 year
Happy Father's Day to all the male characters I adopted as my dad.
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seadeepspaceontheside · 5 months
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Here we have Angel Crowley and Demon Aziraphale in my Jolly Premonitions series. I saw this photo of David and Michael and my brain worms woke up. Aziraphale -> Ezra - A demon who doesn't want to do true evil but evil in order to help God. Is fearful of the powers in play for both of them but mainly AngCrowley. He is a lower class demon as he was a lower class Angel but gets tons of props due to the nature of a certain angel helping him. He fell because he didn't want Angel Crowley to get in trouble so he took the blame for the questions before he even could join Lucifer's gang. He feels strongly for AngCrowley that he's such an amazing angel and keeps pushing them to be Arch Angel because he believes the heaven and the world would be better Crowley -> Raphael/Tabris/Shamsiel/Lailah - Higher Arch Angel that hates the bureaucracy of it all since they stopped letting him create. They avoid going back to Heaven as much as they can by saying he is twarting a powerful demon (this helps Erza amongst Demons and makes Ang Crowely seem weaker to not work back up there) They realize that Heaven is a shitty system ever since they made Ezra fall (they blame themselves heavily for that) She also knows down the line that things will go down but she doesn't want to be in charge so she DOES EVERYTHING SHE CAN NOT TO BE AN ARC ANGEL. I find that AngelCrowley would love Ezra a bit more openly than his demon counter part. Support me on kofi, tips, commissions
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calcifiedunderland · 9 months
Pride & Prejudice: A TWSTed AU
ft. Overblot Gang x GN Reader
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“It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single leader in possession of power, fortune, and intellect, must be in want of a partner.”
“Pfft-“ you snorted to yourself, flipping through the pages. “What kind of story is this?”
Earlier that day, you and Grim had decided to clear out one of the rooms at Ramshackle. After a brief jump-scare from Crowley (who showed you how to make furniture out of a magic hammer?), the two of you were now on your way to making a ‘Guest Room.’ Finally, gone were the days of your friends groaning about your dusty couch and cobweb-filled living room!
But that also meant that the boxes in the room had to be moved out. Most of them held thread-bare cloth and other dusty knickknacks, but a few held books that looked as though they hadn’t been held in ages. Out of sheer curiosity and boredom (and the fact that Ramshackle had no internet whatsoever), you cracked open one of them and started reading, with Grim snoozing soundly on your lap.
“What are you reading, Prefect?” One of the Ramshackle ghosts wafted to you, resting on the armchair back behind you. You turned the book to read the cover, frowning, “Prejudice and Pride, by Jean August. It’s kind of ridiculous.” You ran a hand over the dusty cover, “I think we had something like this in my world, too.”
The ghost immediately grinned, “I remember this from when I was alive!” He dove in front of you, taking the book and flipping through it at phantom speed. “This was one of our required readings! Ah, you living folk miss out on the classics,” he sighed wistfully. “Here, this was the best part!”
You took the book and read through it. It seemed to be a love confession, where the main male lead was telling the female lead how much he ‘ardently admired and loved her’ and failed miserably.
“Wow, that’s cringe,” you winced, skimming the page. “And also unrealistic. I mean, who falls in love with someone they hate? And who starts a love confession with ‘you suck, but I love you anyway I guess’? Why the hell would they think that would even work?!” You and the ghost laughed, and continued reading together.
“The Prefect is… interesting, but not enough to tempt me!”
He remembered telling his dorm mates this exact phrase, after bristling at a group of underclassmen gossiping amongst themselves. It was no secret that you and he were close - after several overblots at school, it would’ve been impossible not to be. At least, that’s what he kept telling himself. It wasn’t like he laid awake at night, thinking about you right? How ridiculous would that be!
Meanwhile in his room, several hours later, the young dorm leader frowned, feeling restless. It was already close to sunrise, but he wasn’t able to drift off to sleep despite the exhaustions that came with leading an entire dorm. Instead of sleep and his impending responsibilities, his mind drifted.
Over the school year, he’d been able to push down his feelings (Sevens knew it was easy, and his overblot proved it), but now, it was impossible to deny it. This will not do, he thought, huffing irritably and sitting up in bed, absently rubbing his temple.
In vain, he’d struggled. But it couldn’t be denied, and despite his best and fiercest efforts to negate it, his feelings couldn’t be repressed. You’d proven yourself to be an unrelenting figure at Night Raven College - someone who he thought would be insignificant compared to his talent and renown. And yet. And yet.
Somehow you’d wormed your way into his life, to where it hurt to think of you as insignificant. Because how could an extraordinary person like you ever be insignificant? In his pre-overblot days, he was stubborn and yet still too prideful to even consider another way of thinking. But then you came along, and made him question everything, from previous prejudices to his own bittersweet pride.
You, who fell unceremoniously out of a coffin during the sorting ceremony with a little blue fiery cat, and scurried around the school running errands and odd jobs. You, who was once a passing glance, who became one of the things in the school he looked forward to seeing the most. You, with your heart of gold unshaken by the trials and tribulations thrown at you, day after day.
The feeling dawned on him, settling heavily and uncomfortably in their entire being. As the sun began rising, his mind reeled and he closed his eyes, the light bathing his room in a soft, pleasant glow. A warmth enveloped the room, but then a sudden chill ran down his spine. It was then, that he realized it:
He truly and ardently admired and loved you.
Now, he simply had to tell you so.
Now, dear Prefect, take his hand:
The Rose Red Tyrant: R. Rosehearts
The Usurper from the Wilds: L. Kingscholar
The Merchant from the Depths: A. Ashengrotto
The Schemer of the Scalding Sands: J. Viper
The Beautiful Tyrant: V. Schoenheit
The Keeper of the Underworld: I. Shroud
The Ruler of the Abyss: M. Draconia
notes: i really hope this wasn’t too cringe towards the end with the P&P refs but here we go! Seven chapters to plan AH, I can’t believe I twst-ified jane austen 💀
Chapters are coming soon!! A few are in the works!
Thank you to everyone who was interested in this idea!! What started as some brainrot has become bigger brainrot lmao, I fully appreciate it~
Take care shrimpies!!
Taglist: @eclecticprincecollector
@ars-tral @cerisescherries, @thehollowwriter, @twst-eeps,
(If your user is in bold, I wasn’t able to tag you for some reason 😅)
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nadjabea · 9 months
Crowley and Aziraphale never broke up. The conversation we (believe to) see in the end is not the conversation they had.
Aziraphale and Crowley play their own game of spionage and sabotage - and talk about it while we all are watching.
Edit 10/22/23: This analysis needs to be updated because there is more evidence of the body swap and because of that some of my interpretations what they REALLY say is much more precise. Will do it soon.
My point is: Aziraphale communicated a plan in the confession scene – in the subtext. And it culminated in a full body switch.
How? They have thousands of years of practice of talking and signaling their next steps to each other in a way that would not be noticed by any bystander, even less by their respective headoffices. We have seen this in the Job minisode.
They use body language, signs and references to films, songs, everything their head offices won't understand because they lack the earthly knowledge.
Maybe Aziraphale and Crowley even had a back up plan before the Metatron entered the scene. Why I got this notion? Because after their conversation in the bar about Jane Austen, Aziraphale has adapted Crowley’s notion of Austen as a spy and the mastermind behind a bank robbery. Doesn’t this seem odd for the owner of a book shop? (There is this interesting theory of Crowley planning a heist and the turtle neck being Crowley’s “spy dress” by @justhereforthemeta
So here is my analysis/interpretation of the conversation they had.
Note: I am not a native English speaker, I am German. This might of course influence my interpretation of the conversation.
-> After he spoke to the Metatron, Aziraphale comes back to the bookshop and plays happy.
Just as Crowley starts to talk – Aziraphale knows he has to interrupt him.
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Aziraphale's hands sign: Stop! First, he tries it soft, watches out of the window to indicate: "We are under supervision!" As Crowley doesnt pick it up, Aziraphale lifts his hands in front of his chest. So they are more visible. Still: Crowley does'nt get it.
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Aziraphale: I have some incredibly good news. Uhm The Metatron. I don’t think he is as bad a fellow. Um. I think I might have misjudged him. (Incredibly good news! My ass! Look at my face. Do I look happy? THE METATRON!!! Be aware! He is much worse than I thought!”
While Aziraphae plays the happy and exited angel, he signs "Time out!". His smile is forced. He points into direction of heaven, looks out of the window and hopes Crowley will pick up: "SOS! We need a time out because we have to talk without heaven listening."
But Crowley is like a steam train: He is on his track to confess and does'nt get Aziraphale's distress.
Aziraphale parafrases the talk with the metatron. His body language indicates he is stressed, again and again he turns into the direction of window, his eyes are forced open. Crowley still does'nt get it.
Crowley: He said what?
Aziraphale: He said, I could appoint YOU (tumps to Crowley) to be an angel (it seems that Aziraphale's thumps point to himself). You could come back to heaven and everything. Like in the old times (the old times when we had to pretend to be apart, but in reality worked together and did each other’s work without heaven or hell noticing).
(I don’t think that Aziraphale refers to the pre-fall times because I don’t think Crowley and Aziraphale spent much time together than. Crowley was probably more a loner “minding his own business” or hang out with the wrong group, Lucifer and the gang. Aziraphale would have been much too afraid to spend time around the trouble maker angels.)
Aziraphale: Only even nicer (You know that I know that you hate nice! Come on, get it!)
As Aziraphale gets on with his “excitement” about the new job, Crowley still don’t seem to get the subtext. After Crowley tells him he said no to hell, Aziraphale escalates: He falls back to their "Kayfebe", their way to play that they are along the "party line". (For more on Kayfebe read this post of @nautilicious).
Aziraphae „But heaven. It’s the side of truth, of light, of good.“ Looks obviously into direction of the window as he plays a sharade for the metatron. (Crowley, you know that we settled for shades of grey! Get it, we are under attack! )
Crowley (still doesn’t get it): When heaven ends life here on earth it will be just as dead as if hell ended it. Tell me you said No.
Aziraphael turns his head into the direction of the window to show Crowley they are being observed.
Crowley: Tell me you said no.
Crowley starts to realise that they are in danger but still does not pick up the immediate threat from the Metatron. So he starts his confession but changes it to propose to run away. > You only need to run away if there is someone hunting you. So at least, he gets that now.
During Crowley's statement Aziraphale shakes his head. (we wil not be able to outrun heaven)
Aziraphale: Come with me. (Pause) To heaven. I’ll run it, you will be my second in command. (Crowley, follow my plan: Ill will run this command, you will be my agent in heaven.)
As a non native speaker I looked up the synonyms for “second in command”. They list “substitute”, “replacement” “sub-agent” and “agent”. Agent! Here we are with our spionage story. Jane Austen, the spy, smuggler and mastermind behind a bank robbery.
Crowley: You cant leave this bookshop. (Okay, I get what you mean. But, no, we cant be separeted! you cant leave me on my own - in (an ambessy of) heaven. - Another interpretation: It cant be you who leaves. You have to stay here. )
Aziraphale: Oh, Crowley, nothing lasts forever.
I think this is a code phrase of them. It might refer to a song which was in the charts in 1966/67:
“Nothing last forever” sung by Margaret Whiting, who was already popular in the 1940s.
These are the lyrics:
Now you're down and broken hearted
you have lost your lucky star
You are sure you have no future
You don't know how wrong you are.
Nothing lasts forever baby
Even pain and misery
All your tears will turn to laughter
Baby just you wait and see.
Nothing lasts forever...wait and see.
Now you've lost your only lover
Now your dreams are torn in two
You are sure you'll live in darkness
But the sun's gonna shine for you.
Nothing lasts forever baby
Even pain and misery
All your tears will turn to laughter
Baby just you wait and see.
Nothing lasts forever...wait and see.
Now you've got an inch to go
If you still be a mile
Now the bidder's calling you
Capture this to a smile
Now what seemed eternity
Was the sun in a while.
Nothing lasts forever baby
Even pain and misery
All your tears will turn to laughter
Baby just you wait and see.
Nothing lasts forever...wait and see.
Wait and see.
Wait and see.
Wait and see.
Nothing lasts forever baby
Even pain and misery
All your tears will turn to laughter
Baby just you wait and see.
Nothing lasts forever baby
Even pain and misery
All your tears will turn to laughter (fade)
Somehow I can imagine that Crowley liked this song and they listened to it together in the bookshop. So he knows the lyrics - and gets what Aziraphale tries to tell him.
Crowley: No. No. Don’t suppose it does.
He puts on his glasses to hide his tears but also because now he has to pretend. And he has the need to cover his eyes when he lies. You can see this in the 1941 minisode. While he watches Aziraphale perform the coin trick, Crowley led his glasses slide down his nose and you can see his eyes. But the second he starts lying to Aziraphale about him being a professional magician Crowley puts his glasses up und covers his eyes.
So Crowley starts to go along with Aziraphale's plan, plays to be reluctant - which he probably still is. He doesn’t want to go to heaven, considers Aziraphales plan probably to be a - to use the German expression - “Himmelfahrtskommando” which means literally “a squat that goes to heaven = a suicide squat) - Another interpretation: Maybe he doesnt want Aziraphale to go to heaven?
Crowley: Good luck.
Aziraphale: Crowley, come back. Work with me (I have got a plan, trust me and work with me). We can be together. Angels (you can have my body. So you will be an angel.) Doing good (saving earth and us) - I need you. – I don’t think you understand what I am offering you (Are you really that daft?)
Crowley: I understand. And I understand a whole lot better than you do. (Heaven, hell, I have been there. And it is me that has to go to heaven now. And I don’t like it. - And it's you that will go to hell instead of me. And I dont like it either)
Aziraphale: Well, than there is nothing more to say. (If you understand that I am offering you to posses my body, than do it)
Crowley: Do you hear that?
Aziraphale: I don’t hear anything. (Come on!)
Crowley: That’s the point. No nightingales (neither in heaven nor in hell).
“No nightingales” can have several meanings.
a) It's their song. The symbol of their love. There is no love in heaven, nor in hell.
b) The nightingale sings to protect clandestine love. Now they are not any longer under the protection of the night and the nightingale. Their love is laid open and we know what happened to Romeo and Juliet when the nightingale stopped singing.
c) Someone here on tumblr pointed to a novel called “No nightingales”. There is movie from 1947 that is based on this novel. In Wikipedia you can find this synopsis:
“In the 18th Century, Burlap and Kelsoe are officers in the army of Queen Anne who have recently retired and purchased a house on Berkeley Square. At a house-warming party the pair speculate how to win the war however they learn that the Duke of Marlborough has other plans that will lead to the Battle of Malplaquet. Believing the battle will end in slaughter they hatch a plan to capture Marlborough and hold him prisoner until the threat of hostilities passes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ghosts_of_Berkeley_Square
Problem is: They are not at all competent and get killed bevor they could prevent the war. So they are cursed to be ghosts until a member of the royal family visits their house.
So could they plan the kidnapping of the Metatron or even God herself? Hold that thought! I definitly will think about that as a plot for season 3.
Crowley: You idiot. We could have been US. (Why did you have to get yourself associated with Gabriel? We could have led our own lifes, in our own bodies)
The kiss - and the body swap /posession
It is not a kiss to show they love each other, it is a kiss to mask the body possession, they exchange their essences
@doctorscienceknowsfandom has laid down already a lot of hints and signs Neil Gaiman planted in the open in the meta "Banana Fish Gorilla Shoelace with a dash of nutmeg" that Crowley and Aziraphale changed bodies.
@lonicera-caprifoliumhas some more hints.
Here are even more points that indicate: they have changed.
When the kiss ends "Aziraphale" cries und when "Crowley" leaves he touches his lips and his hands are shaking.
Several people already pointed out the face, the movement of the jaw and so on: This is Michael Sheen’s Crowley. I think the shaking and the tears are another hint that this is Crowley. Why? Until now we have only seen the hands of one of them shaking on screen: Crowley’s, in the 1941 minisode. Crowley’s hands are shaking if he is under pressure, and overwhelmed. Aziraphale on the other side seems to get nerves of steal when he has to perform (his tricks only work when it counts).
There are even more hints that they have changed their bodies:
“Crowley” is standing upright at the Bentley. He doesn’t move his body, he doesn’t move his face. Something that is so NOT Crowley, who is always in motion.
Also: Remember the first episode when Crowley and Aziraphale fought over Gabriel. Aziraphale told Crowley that he can leave when he doesn’t want to help and Crowley couldn’t contain his rage about that. He was fuming and throwing lightnings – all visible in the middle of the street, surrounded by humans (!). All because of a fight that – in retrospective – was much less threatening to their relationship and their lives.
In a script there is nothing without meaning. And I can’t discover any other meaning for the scene in which Crowley throws lightnings after a fight with Aziraphale than to show that the scene in the end was not a fight.
Hence: There is no way that the real Crowley would be that calm in the last scene. Crowley has much less control over his emotions than Aziraphale.
And even if it was Crowley at the Bentley and managed calmly to watch Aziraphale leave. He would not be able to contain himself after Aziraphale was in the lift. Once in his car (his save space) he would release his anger and pain. Crying, shouting, maybe even hitting the steering wheel, he would drive away as fast as possible screaming at an invisible Aziraphale because this might give him some relive.
But what do we see? A very contained demon.
Next evidence: The colour code of Aziraphale (yellow) and Crowley (red):
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When “Aziraphale” is on screen people wear red. When “Crowley” is on screen a lot of people in yellow pass.
And even the plants in the Bentley appear to have changed to yellow. Bonus: A yellow flower blooms behind “Crowley”. Hence: It has to be Aziraphale.
So: Why would Neil Gaiman use the same trick twice?
Because it isn’t the same trick.
In S1 they changed their appearance. Aziraphale presenting as Crowley is still an angel. Therefore immune against holy water. Crowley presenting as Aziraphale is still a demon, immune against hellfire.
But this time, I think, they really posses the body of the other (wow, they really have come a long way from “What a pity you cant have my body” – “Angel, demon, probably would explode” ).
So, what does this mean? Angel and demons are from the same flock. It is impossible to distinguish them, except for the marks on their bodies. Now Aziraphale is indistinguishable able from the other demons, Crowley indistinguishable from the other angels.  
This raises the stakes when it comes to “The Second Coming”.
And this explains Crowleys worried face: He knew about the planes for Armaggedon 2.0,the destruction of earth.
The "Second Coming" is different. It is about judgement.
In the end everyone is going to be judged. The righteous will go to heaven, the other are cast away, extint. So what about an angel in the body of a demon? You see where I am heading ...
There is a lot to explore. The concept of "pretend to be good" and "properly good" and much much more. I will write about it another time.
Now I am curious: Am I delusional? Cant I just cope with the break up? What do think? Tell me you views. Let us discuss.
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tanpopomugishu · 4 months
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EDIT: I'm not feeling Aziraphale's tattoo & backstory anymore, so I'm removing it from the story. But I still love this art, so I'll leave it here 😁
C : Angel, I've been wondering. What's the story behind your tattoo? You always look so prim and proper, never would have guessed you have those massive tattoos hidden behind all those layers. Not that they don't suit you, mind you!!
A : Oh, I know, these tattoos are very cliché, right? Not much thoughts went into these, except that they look cool. I had these made when I was very young and stupid, not even 20 years old if I remembered right.
My parents and brother have hated me since they learned that I am gay, so staying at home for a long time was not a choice. I was constantly angry, hung out with the wrong crowd, and frequently got into big fights. The next thing I know, a youth gang has taken me in. As a form of initiation, they paid to have these tattoos done.
C : You were in a WOT!!
A : In a gang Crowley, do catch up with the story, my dear... They said I was one of the best fighters they had ever met, so I got special treatment.
They even gave me a moniker! A very embarrassing one too, now that I think about it..
C : What moniker ?
A : Uhhhh... promise you won't laugh?
C : Fingers crossed
A : It was "The Fallen Angel of Whickber Street."  Back then, I was lithe and feminine-looking, and combined with the angel wings tattoo, they said I looked like a crazed angel while fighting.
C : WAIT, THAT WAS YOU??? I saw the article that was written about you in the local paper!! The photo there kicked ass!! Even now, you are still pretty by the way..
A : Oh, you silver-tongued, wiley tempter!!
I think I still have the original photo used in that article, they sent it to me as a keepsake.
C : Oooooh!! Show me!!!
I promised @midnights-dragon that I would draw Crowley's tattoo with more details, and somehow ended up expanding this first responders AU even further!!
It's hilarious to imagine young Aziraphale as a gang member, fighting the opposition while looking like Miles Maitland. I'll definitely try to draw that scene 😂😂😂.
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twisted-gremlin · 5 months
Platonic yandere first years!
- he is overly protective of Yuu, makeing sure that they are by him at all times
- he was glad that they can't use magic but has alot of mixed feelings about them following him to NRC
- he practically begged Crowley to let Yuu into Heartsbyul- but there was no room (he didn't mind shareing his bed- but, his roommates better leave you alone)
- he invites you to every celebration! Why? Oh Trey was worried you're not eating enough in that shack with the greedy rat-
- he isn't strong enough to actually kill, but he is cunning enough to manipulate people, trying to get a boyfriend without his permission- hey look at all this homework- oh he wants to break up and hates you? Oh big brother is here for you-
- you're never leaveing your bother♡
- he is worried that his baby sib is gonna go down the path he did- he made sure that any gangs would never take you in, but would beat to death whoever dared lay their hand on you- its ok- he and mom is there to hold you and protect you-
- his mom sent you to NRC so that he could protect you, and he swore to her that he would.
- he allways walked with you to class, he even made you join the track club, Jack was trustworthy, right?
- you have some things you are allowed to do on your own, just be careful, of anything goes wrong and he finds out, he isn't letting you do that stone again
- he saw you as like a little cub that was lost and alone when he first saw you
- as you two grew to know one another, he did his best to take care of you. Hungury? He has some extra food, it's not like he bought it just for you- cold? Idiot, you need a scarf- so what it has his sent? You'll be protected from other beastmen who may want to pick on you
- he greets you every day and walks you to class (like he did with ruggie), if he has the time he waits outside of your class and walks you to your next one
- he wont let you think about going home, why go home when you have it so great here? I'm sure none could love you like he does, or even protect you like he can when you're at home-
- excuse me- he is the man here- he can take care of ya- why are you laughin-
- Epel beats the snot out of those who try to hurt his sweet and innocent baby sib- they are a sweet apple tart- none hurts em-
- Epel before Vils traning was much- much more aggressive towards others, with a slight sweetness. But now, he acted more sweet and innocent until the time came where his opponents was in their backs
- now he uses thar cuteness to ask to hangout and stay by your side. You can't exactly say no because... look at that face-
Ortho (sibling):
- in life, you weren't all that close to Ortho- he and Idia were allways hanging out with eachother.
- then the accident happend, now you can get rid of the fake brother or your older Otaku brother-
-you're at NRC because of said Otaku, so while he was in class, you got to do whatever you wanted- and a certain robot followed your every move
- if Ortho evaluated someone as a threat they would be exterminated as soon as possible.
- you tired to get him to leave you alone, to make his own friends and learn about others. But he would make his following you a bit more... subtle...
- while he tried to get his big brother outside, he kept you inside. He played games with both you and Idia, to keep you content and stay
- need anythjng? He will get it for you, he wants to be a good brother for you- so you don't have to linger in your hurt anymore- so you didn't have to be alone anymore-
Sebek(friend/Maleus' bestie)
- you as a pathetic human from another world had caught the eye of Malleus, so, he needed to vet the human to he sure they were good for his master
- his first meeting with you was interesting to say the least. Despite your conditions (and his attitude) you treated him kindly and sat down with him and had an array of tea and baked sweets (courtesy of the Heartsbyul bois)
- he started to see why his master took a likeing to you, you were sweet, a good listener, and even interesting. He just, couldn't understand why you would want to return to your boring world?
- his master would take amazing care of you- even extend you life! All you had to do was ask!
- so why are you breaking their hearts and asking for help going home...?
- maybe... your mirror could be broken? This Mickey is a distraction, and they had room in Diasomnia, he will keep gaurd of your room, it'll be by Malleus'!
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comfycuddles · 26 days
Some more quotes of my dumbass friends that I think fit supernatural characters
Gaberiël: Zeus, make Switzerland number 1, and my life is yours!
Bobby: I don't get this whole racist/sexism thing. I mean. Black people are shit, white people are shit, men are shit, women are shit, straight people are shit, gay people are shit. Everyone is equally shit. Deal with it.
Jack: My parents took my phone, and now all my snap-streaks are ruined. Now I feel like curling up in a little ball and cry.
Sam: Hey, remember when we had hopes and dreams and shit?
Dean: No...
Garth: I'm listening to my chicken nuggets in the fryer.
Kevin: School will start at 7:55. Somebody please end my life so I can die well-rested.
Dean: So what are we going to do?
Cas: *eating a gummybear* Drugs, like the bad bitches we are.
Claire: *Looking stressed*
Jody: What's wrong?
Claire: I fucked up.
Jody: What did you fuck up?
Claire: Life.
Dean: Which chipmunk do you think fits my personality?
Crowley: Theodore.
Dean: Why?
Crowley: Because you're always stuffing your fucking face. Which one am I?
Dean: Alvin.
Crowley: Why?
Dean: Because you can't shut the fuck up.
Sam: You still sleep with stuffed animals?
Charlie: I don't want them to be lonely...
Sam: So today, my hallway crush joined our table because there were no more seats left. I didn't realize this. So the first words my hallway crush has heard me say were: "No, I'm telling you. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson are superduperfuckingmegajumbo gay for each other. Unrelated note: Who wants to set me on fire?
Meg: People who commit murders really have no brain whatsoever. Use gloves people, they can detect fingerprints now!
Charlie: Every day you find out new stuff about yourself. Today I discovered my love for Winnie The Pooh.
Kevin: Don't you have like 40 teddy's of the Winnie The Pooh gang?
Charlie: Well America was always there as well, that still doesn't mean they didn't discover it!
Charlie: No, you don't understand. I NEED a big, floppy coat so that when I run it flaps behind me like a superhero cape.
Lucifer: I hate coffee, It's too bitter.
Balthazar: So? Fits with your personality.
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theprenderelliepalace · 10 months
Summary: Lily Evans has noticed something odd. Her fifth year was nothing new. She still hated James Potter's friends just as much as she hated James Potter, but she had a new problem... Sirius Black seems to be falling for the wrong girl without anybody noticing. What does a villain like Black have to offer a girl like Laine Crowley, and why does Lily care so much?
Word count: 1.3k words
Warnings: Some light ruckus (of the teenage kind), Lily being a bit of a pick-me-girl(sorry!)
Observing Laine Crowley Mauraders AU
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Eventual Sirius x Oc and Lily x James, Laine can be x reader if you like, Laine is also an Animagus (common English Starling)
Pt 1
In the opinion of Lily Evans, James Potter was a pig and Sirius Black was a deplorable villain.
The only two males of the most desirable gang of reprobates in Hogwarts she was remotely okay with were Remus Lupin - a quiet, if not lovely young man, and Peter Pettigrew, yet another fly caught in Potters horrid influence. Yet the fifth member of these horrible pranksters, completely confused her.
Sure, Laine Crowley had gotten on the Hogwarts express with the same timid look as Lily had in first year. Sure Laine Crowley was almost always top of her class like Lily was. Sure, the two girls were not in the least friends, but for heavens sake, why on earth was she bosom buddies with the likes of Potters crew?
Laine had been thick as thieves with those boys ever since their first Hallowe'en at Hogwarts and Lily had never known why.
Now she sat in a particularly rowdy Transfigurations class in her fifth year, watching the rambunctious girl impress the entire class with her skill and charm, quite literally Lily thought, as Crowley took the small rat- turned pin cushion - into the air with an alarming speed. Her spell barely uttered, as she shoved it across the room with a simple flick of the wrist at a vile Slyrherin girl who had almost decapitated her rat in one foul swoop. The class erupted in outrage on one side and applause on the other.
Lily grimaced as the boys patted her on the back and made jovial excuses as McGonagall bore her full wrath down on the girl. It was here that Lily noticed the first of many inconsistencies. This girl, usually so competent, confidant and a prime example of Grifindoor pride was squirming under Sirius Black's warm gaze. Lily sat up straighter in her chair, peering over the shoulders of cackling Grifindoors.
The indestructible Laine Crowley was as red as a beetroot and nobody was noticing! Lily's mouth fell agape at the scene before her. The handsome, if not scruffy Black had a tender hand on Laine's shoulder, with an award-winning smile plastered on his face from ear to ear. Crowley shoved him off her, her usual bravado spilling out in waves as she was hauled from between Potter and Black by McGonagall, she said something with a cheeky wink up at their fuming professor and then she was gone. The boys in utter hysterics, including Remus, who was hunched over his 'Transformation Ages, a History' textbook, cackling. Lily groaned. She happened to set her sights on Sirius again after her dramatic eye roll. He was staring at the classroom door, rather uncharacteristically. This struck look on his face. He may as well have had big hearts taped over his eyes.
Lily was appalled. She was disgusted. She was infinitely curious. She decided then and there that she needed to get closer to the situation if she really wanted to discern the true nature of this strange development.
As she was mulling over her options, she caught James' eye. He smiled brilliantly up at her. She shoved her nose right back into her textbook, just as McGonagall re-entered her classroom. Lily was very glad that her textbook was rather staunch in stature and blocked her view, else as McGonagall took another 15 points from Grifindoor while James was crooning up at the redhead, he would've seen the hot blush in her cheeks and the nervous tremor on her lips.
It was in the following days that Lily found she was running into Laine more and more. She eventually discovered that she was purposely running into the girl without knowing it. Lily ran a frustrated hand through her fringe. Watching from afar as this group she seemed to have a habit of stalking was taking break in a very populated court yard.
She sat with Marleen and Dorcas, who were in a heated debate about something Charms related. She wasn't listening though. She was watching Sirius and James sword fight with two ends of discarded broomsticks -stolen, clearly. Sirius turned to Laine after his triumphant victory, saying something that made her giggle in a flustered 2nd year sort-of-way. Then she watched him say something that made her throw her shoe at him.
Lily had noticed that they were dumb when it came to each other. Sirius flirted with every girl he saw, Laine ignored him. Laine flirted with Sirius, he ignored her. Laine, never mind flirting, if the girl even spoke to another bloke, Lily watched Sirius explode with what she supposed was some heinous.
They fought like cat and dog, they bickered at every turn and yet- Lily sat with her brows furrowed and her chin in her palm- they were looking at each other like lovestruck puppies. Lily noted that that was sort of the pattern with these two.
She didn't really understand why, but it irked her. Some deep chord within her twinged every time she looked at this popular pair. She looked over at Potter. She smiled. Wouldn't it be nice if he was like that? Lily statled. Like what? She shook her head violently. Standing up so fast that Marleen almost had a heart attack. She strode away without answering her worried friends pestering.
She reached her destination faster than she expected. No. She thought. Not Potter. And she would prove it. "Laine."
"Nah Pads, you're much more like, what his name again?- Ah! Alfarro the untimely- ah, Evans?" The girls laugh died, her smile dropped. Her brow quirked up in a surprisingly cute, rare vulnerability. "Uhm, what cann'I do fer ya?"
James jumped out of his skin before he jumped up from his precarious position in Crowleys lap. The witch grumbled at the obviously painful jerk of motion. Lily noted in the ensuing chaos Sirius' rush to his knees to fluster over her, glaring - again uncharacteristically- at his best mate. She shooed him away before James managed to conjour up something to say to the perturbed redhead.
"Lily! My darling flower. What can i do for you on this lovely morning hmm?" He swept his hair out of his face, maybe to help his brain work better, maybe to look attractive. Lily had to admit that he had done neither. He smiled dashingly at her. She glanced down to her real target.
"Laine. Sorry to bug you. Can I speak to you for a minute?" She gave the girl a sweetly apologetic look. Laine now looked even more confused. Pausing in her background assault on her very obvious crush.
"Well I don't know Evans... I've uh, gotta study before classes start..." James turned his head to look round at her. Lily couldn't see the look on his face, but Laine turned as white as a sheet as she stared at him. Lily imagined James must look absolutely terrifying behind his mop of hair.
Lily marched over, hauled Laine up by the arm only to glance at Black on her way up. She nodded her head at him.
"Red." He managed with a skeptical brow. She turned back to the task at hand. At Laines severe protest she turned to the girl again.
"Only take a moment." She hummed. Laine went silent and dully trodded along with her kidnapper until they reached a secluded corridor. Lily spun around alarmingly, realized she was still clutching onto the girls arm and promptly backed away. She watched Laines arm fall to her side. Just as she was about to speak, incredulity evident on her face, Lily beat her to it. "Have lunch with me this weekend. Three Broomsticks. I think it'll be safer there."
"Safer? What- Lily what on earth are you on about? Just tell me!" Laine was bewildered, but by now she simply growing irritated.
Lily shook her head. "No, no. Listen it's nothing really. Just, if you want, let me tell you over a Buttetbeer. It might interest you." She was being sneaky and she knew it. Sneaky and mean, but she had to know.
"O-okay. Whatever. 12.00 sharp?" Gotcha. Lily nodded. Laine turned away and headed back to the courtyard. She looked over her shoulder at Lily, who had also promptly turned and was headed towards her next class. Laine sighed.
What the hell was Prongs going to do when she got back?
End of part 1
Requests are open
Thank you for reading to the end! Your support is greatly appreciated
I will be posting more often on here, so please send me your requests!
Reposting this without my expressed consent is a serious violation of the law and will be delt with accordingly
All rights are reserved to their original owners
BTW, Alfarro the Untimely is a fictional 300 year old wizard who was renound for failing miserably at swordsmanship and wizardry. He died at the hands of his own sword whilst fighting a goat...
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abbybubbls · 7 months
ALRIGHT I had a whole thread about it on Twixterland, I better make a post about it here now-
The theory/implication that Aziraphale made Crowley fall makes me go crazy in the BEST way. Aziraphale telling Crowley about the stars getting destroyed caused him to ask a bunch of questions, then to him joining Lucifer and his gang, then he falls, and he doesn't hold a grudge against Aziraphale for it at all and loves him to bits???
Do you think either of them thought about it? Would Crowley even bother being mad at Aziraphale or move on like "Eh, it doesn't matter whether Aziraphale made me fall or not, I still asked questions either way and it doesn't matter now."
I just think it'd be so cool and beautifully ironic that Crowley is head over heels in love with someone who unintentionally made him go through so many changes as a person. Initially bad but ultimately good changes!
I don't think it's necessarily a theory but an implication? It's sad at first, obviously, but I honestly think it'd be really cool and badass that even if Crowley and Aziraphale considered that as a possibility, they wouldn't hinder on it for too long because it wouldn't matter to them a dozen years later...
But then again, if he thought about it by himself, I think Aziraphale really blames himself and it's why he was so quick to think Crowley would want to be an angel again to make up for his "mistake" in making him fall, when Crowley obviously doesn't want that for himself.
EDIT: Before I get any "Why are we putting the blame on Aziraphale?" from folks, the point is that we know Crowley wouldn't put the blame on him, so neither would we! Crowley ultimately fell because he was asking questions and it wouldn't matter to him if he was told dozens of years later that Aziraphale led to him being a demon! Even if he already knew, he wouldn't hold a grudge! And it shows that Aziraphale shouldn't blame himself either!
And it's not like Aziraphale tattle-tailed on him or anything, he LITERALLY said "I'd hate to see you getting into trouble."
Crowley himself chose to hang out with Lucifer and the guys because he was already asking so many questions that Aziraphale couldn't answer because he didn't know anything either!
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brotpqueen · 19 days
Okay listen I’m working on the next chapter but Gabriel is a bitch to write for. I am neither a man nor an overconfident little bastard (though that last one is debatable) so I don’t relate to him as much as the others which makes writing more complicated. This bitch is tiring. Also as y’all know I have no idea how to write romantic tension, especially not of the enemies-to-lovers variety. Here’s some incorrect quotes while you guys wait (with some lore drops about the AU if you look hard enough). Thanks for being so patient, gang.
Hairdresser: How would you like your hair cut? Beelzebub: Preferably with scissors, but a sword could be badass.
(if you read chapter one you already know my Beez makes terrible decisions about their hair.)
Anathema: I'm at a loss for words! Newt: Despite being ‘at a loss for words’, Anathema yelled at me for the next 45 minutes.
(Newt is the incompetent one in the group but he’s so sweet they keep him around anyway)
Gabriel: There. How do I look? Shax: Like a cheap French harlot. Gabriel: French?!
(Former Cyberbully VS Also Former Cyberbully. At least Shax is creative with it.)
Aziraphale: Crowley, can you help me? All of my clothes keep disappearing for some reason. Crowley, wearing a hoodie that's 5 times bigger than their size: Spooky.
Aziraphale: What the fuck is wrong with you?? Beelzebub: What? No good morning? Aziraphale: Good morning, what the fuck is wrong with you??
(This is literally all of their conversations up until they were like fourteen and Aziraphale gave up on being a good influence and joined in the batshit)
Shax: You're smiling. What happened? Crowley: What? Can't I smile just because I feel like it? Aziraphale: Gabriel tripped and fell down the stairs today.
(They’re the worst brothers ever <3)
Beelzebub: When I was your age- Aziraphale, mocking Beelzebub: When I was your height. Beelzebub: Beelzebub: Listen here you little shit-
(Beez is completely ignoring that Aziraphale is literally like a month older than them)
Hastur: I wouldn’t put it in those words exactly. Newt: Why not? Hastur: Because I don't know what they mean.
(Hastur is a himbo. In this context both affectionate and derogatory. Love ya, ya dumbass.)
The Squad is gathered in the living room for a meeting Maggie: walks in and sits on Nina’s lap The Squad: … Newt: Why are you sitting there? Maggie: There’s no free seats! Newt: But we made sure there was enough room for- Nina: hugs Maggie tightly There are no free seats.
(Nina and Maggie are just here to cuddle and see shit go down tbh.)
Aziraphale: I honestly feel like some of our conversations here are almost word-for-word accurate to the generator. Anathema: Yup. Beelzebub: Maybe the generator is watching us. Aziraphale: Wouldn't that imply this conversation will be added? Aziraphale: … Aziraphale: Wait—
(Never let the smart ones™️ near alcohol they’re existential little fucks already we don’t need a philosophical debate at the campfire)
Shax: Some of us are still ‘it’ from a childhood game of tag. Uriel: Way to just fuck me up on a Tuesday.
(Shax is studying psychology at college/uni SOLELY so she can use it to fuck with people.)
Crowley: We need a plan to beat them. Aziraphale: Okay, listen up. First, we fill their shoes with wet cat food. Crowley: Aziraphale: Judge me all you want, I get results.
(And people say Bee is a bad influence. Really! He’s much better at being a devious little shit now, so I’d call that a good influence!)
One of the campers: running towards Beelzebub with open arms Beelzebub: moves out of the way One of the campers: Hey, why'd you move?! Beelzebub: I thought you were going to attack me. One of the campers: I was going to hug you! Beelzebub: Why would you hug me? One of the campers: WHY WOULD I ATTACK YOU!?
(They have issues okay. Stay tuned for that shit show!)
Shax: I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally.
(She’s the worst I love her.)
Beelzebub: It’s too early in the morning for this. sent at 11:57 AM
(Aziraphale at many points throughout the years since they chose their name: your name is Beelzebub not Belphegor. Get up and go eat.)
Crowley: Fuck capitalism. It's a rigged system that keeps us poor and it isn't fair. You shouldn't need to work three jobs to afford basic necessities. Crowley, playing Monopoly: Sorry, if you wanted to win you should have tried not being poor.
(He looses all morals when it comes to board games. Also shut up Crowley your mother is like as rich as God…almost literally.)
Hastur: Hey, Aziraphale you're smart, tell me what would happen if I chugged 3 gallons of chloroform. Aziraphale: Have you ever been to a mortuary? Hastur: Yea, my grandma lives there. Uriel: That is the worst response to that question.
Aziraphale: I literally cannot believe I let you talk me into this. Beelzebub: I literally said “I have an idea,” and you just went along with it without question.
(This is just their entire dynamic in this fic. Literally. This is how they end up in so many situations™️)
Beelzebub, to Nina: You know, Gabriel can be really aggressive, so it's important to take all the necessary precautions when approaching. Beelzebub: blows airhorn at Gabriel GET FUCKED!
(They’re still in the enemies stage of enemies-to-lovers…Also Crowley approves this method.)
Beelzebub: I've met a lot of pricks in my time, but you, Gabriel, are a fucking cactus.
(Wait why is that just something I would have them say.)
Uriel: We need to distract these guys. Shax: Leave it to me. Shax: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss. The smart ones™️: immediately begin arguing
(More psych student Shax knowing her friends eerily well! She’s a nightmare!)
Gabriel: What have I done wrong?! Crowley: Everything. For your entire life.
(They are in SEVERE need of character development…shame no one around here is doing that. *whistles totally inconspicuously, definitely not ignoring the WIP that’s open in my notes right now*)
Maggie: Which country has the most birds? Maggie: Portu-geese! Uriel: That's a language. Maggie: Portu-gull? Uriel: Good recovery. Newt: I think you mean good re-dovery. Anathema: TURKEY. HOW DID WE MISS TURKEY?
(This is what’s happening while the MCs are off doing MC shit)
Crowley: We’re going to have to split up, like in Scooby Doo. Crowley, to Newt and Hastur: You guys are Scooby and Shaggy. You can search the bathrooms. Crowley, to Aziraphale: Velma, you get the spooky looking fridge in the basement. Aziraphale: What? Why am I Velma? And why do I get the… dubious looking device? Crowley: Because only Velma would say “dubious device”. Aziraphale gets the spooky fridge in the basement. Gabriel: And what does that make you, Fred? Crowley: Bitch, I’m Daphne.
(The real reason Crowley and Gabriel hate eachother so much is that there’s only room for one dramatic little bitch in their family and they both think it should be them.)
Maggie: I'm not superstitious… But I am a little stitious.
(My underrated queen!)
Hastur: I know where you live. Uriel: Where? Hastur: In a house.
(Uriel spends half of their time at camp facepalming. This is what they get for being normal in a sea of weirdos.)
Okay that’s it for now see y’all soon hopefully with the next chapter!
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blackopals-world · 1 year
Hello! First time making a request haha- Can I request a idol!Yuu please? My personal favourites to see this with is Vil, Idia, Azul and Lilia but you can write others as well if you want to! Have a good day/night! :D ~ Idia nonnie <3
Ooo~ Fresh asker~ Nice to meat you. Yes, I do mean meat. Just know I got both of your requests and will try to fulfill both. I had a plan to write something like this before. In the future, I may write something closer to what you're imagining but if you've read my fic before you know that I tend to put my own spin on things. Shoot me a message if you want me to write something else.
It's Your Party (so do what you want to)
Idol!femYuu (originally Party Planner!Yuu but scrapped) x Vil, Idia, Azul, and Lilia
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Yuu stared at her ceiling and wondered how she got there. She was going to kill Crowley for this. He assigned her to help plan the campus birthday parties. Why did everyone have to have one of those? Thankfully she only had to write down what the dorms wanted so she can forward the bill to the administration.
Still, it has a pain in the ass.
It only got worse a few weeks before Ace's birthday when he found(snooped) her notebook and read her notes. Instead of notes for a lecture, he missed he found lyrics. Lyrics were written about a certain headmaster and how agitating he was.
Pay no attention
to the man behind the curtain
He's a brainless, heartless, coward
with no power
That's just another trick of his
He ain't no wiz
don't fear his fire
Jump in my balloon,
I'll take you higher
Take you somewhere over the rainbow
Get your ticket to the show
Heels click, and here we go
Cuz you already know
There's no place like (home)
Ace immediately took advantage and when Yuu asked what to book for his party, he asked for Yuu to sing. Which got him a rolled-up bundle of papers to the head. It resulted in Ace begging her to stop hitting him.
Yuu only agreed when Ace said that as his friend she should want to make his birthday special.
Yuu was staring blankly at the ceiling trying to figure out what song to write. She didn't write happy-go-lucky birthday songs. She wanted something meaningful rather than just mushy. But they were friends so she should make something good.
If he wants a show so bad, she'll give him one hell of a show.
When the curtains opened up on stage she was dressed in a bunny-themed short dress with white ears and fluffy bracelets.
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She gazed out into the crowd before she spotted Ace at the head table with their other friends who waved at her.
My friends don't walk, they run
Skinny dip in rabbit holes for fun
Popping, popping balloons with guns
Getting high off helium
We paint white roses red
Each shade from a different person's head
This dream, dream is a killer
Getting drunk with a blue caterpillar
Ace and the gang cheered her on as she danced.
I'm peeling the skin off my face
'Cause I really hate being safe
The normals, they make me afraid
The crazies, they make me feel sane
There was some gawking from the audience at that line.
I'm nuts, baby, I'm mad
The craziest friend that you've ever had
You think I'm psycho, you think I'm gone
Tell the psychiatrist something is wrong
Over the bend, entirely bonkers
You like me best when I'm off my rocker
Tell you a secret, I'm not alarmed
So what if I'm crazy? The best people are
All the best people are crazy
All the best people are
As she sang she gestured for Ace to come up to the stage which he complied. He stood at the edge of the stage as Yuu bent down to his level.
Where is my prescription?
Doctor, doctor, please listen
My brain is scattered
You can be Alice, I'll be the Mad Hatter
As she said this her hand when to his cheek before she pinched it roughly. Yeah, she was still mad at him.
Still, she closed out the song well after this. She still had a few more songs to follow after this.
The party was a blast though.
Another day, another birthday. That fiasco at Ace's party made everyone believe Yuu has now a part of the party package.
Sure enough, she made sure Crowley was signing her checks for every song because she wasn't paid for planning.
It's still a pain though. It's not that she didn't like it, it just the clients.
So speak of the devil and he shall appear.
Vil's party order had come in and Yuu's name was written as the entertainer. Part of the request was a song written just for Vil.
So he wants her to sing his praises literally. Typical. She will charge extra for it. (she actually enjoys this)
She made sure the stage was set up in the center of the ballroom so she could be seen from all angles. A red carpet would be laid out leading toward Vil's throne.
Midway through the event as Vil finished his speech and sat on his throne Yuu entered the venue. Dressed to the nines with a peacock dress and blowing kisses.
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She grabbed the mic and the lights dimmed on everything but her.
"I dedicate my first song to our fair queen and my number 1 celebrity crush. Long may he reign victorious in the popular polls."
Vil practically glowed from the praise as he awaited to hear her sing for him. Like a good little songbird.
Number 1, number 1, number 1, oh, yeah,
Number 1, number 1, number 1, oh, yeah,
So glad I found you,
So glad I found you, boy,
I've been dreamin' 'bout you
You got me feeling extra good, whoo
Would you come with me to a place in my dream? Whoo, yeah
Would you follow me, it could be alright,
But would you come with me to a place in my dream?
You're music, tonight
Yuu never looked at the crowd. Her eyes only fell on Vil. No one else in the room was worthy enough for her gaze. This song was about him and for him.
I think about my number 1
You can never be the one in wonder
I don't need to play another love song
'Cause baby, you're my number 1
Number 1, number 1, number 1, oh, yeah,
Number 1, number 1, number 1, oh,
Number 1, number 1, number 1, oh, yeah,
Number 1, number 1, number 1, oh,
Yuu began descending the stage as she strutted towards Vil as the lights followed her. Vil's eyes widened slightly as she stood in front of him.
You got that something
Not like the other boys
Vil's shock turned to a smug smile as he leaned forward.
I wanna just love it
This is the moment in my history
That you come with me to a place in my dream
But you follow me, could be alright
Would you come with me to a place in my dream? Whoo, yeah
You're music tonight
Yuu leaned down to meet him and as she sang her lips almost brushed against his before she retreated. The gasps from the scandalized crowd turned into cheers. The shutters of the cameras couldn't be heard over the music.
Yuu ended the song as she went back to the stage to finish her set.
Vil was more than satisfied with her performance. So much so that he tried to get her into music agency.
His secret goal was to make her into a celebrity idol so they could become the next power couple.
Yuu knew what to expect when Azul's request landed on her desk. Everything was already organized from the decor to the menu. The invoice would be a hassle though.
Jade made sure to press how much Azul was looking forward to seeing Yuu perform. Yuu rolled her eyes because she was already told that the school isn't covering the cost of the entertainment due to the lounge being private venue.
Azul and Yuu had to go back and forth about the deal. Azul wanted something show-stopping for his party. Something that suits the lounge atmosphere. Yuu agreed but it wasn't actually easy to write the songs.
On the day of the party, they set up early as Yuu stayed in the back to finish getting ready.
Once the celebration began she sauntered into the dining area and began engaging with the crowd as always. Greeting and making her way to Azul, parting the bystanders as she went.
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She gave Azul a little peck on the cheek before leaving his side for the stage. Azul waved her off as his cheeks turned red. There would be none of that until her work was done.
Yuu laughed as she took Jade's hand and was led to the aquarium backdropped stage. Stepping onto the lounge stage felt like returning to an old friend.
She stepped towards the mic stand and listened for the first notes.
Do I look lonely?
I see the shadows on my face
People have told me I don't look the same
Maybe I lost weight
I'm playing hooky with the best of the best
Put my heart on my chest so that you can see it, too
I'm walking the long road, watching the sky fall
The lace in my dress tingles your neck, how will you live?
As she said this line she gestured to her dess and shook her hips causing a few whistles from the crowd.
The death of a bachelor
Oh oh
Letting the water fall
The death of a bachelor
Oh oh
Seems so fitting for
Happily ever after (woo)
How could I ask for more?
A lifetime of laughter
At the expense of the death of a bachelor
Yuu smiled as she geared up for her favorite part. Azul had been such a pain with the details for tonight and she would give him his show-stopper. She nodded to Floyd who sweet her off the stage and placed her firmly on the ground as she began walking towards Azul who was sitting in the mist of the crowd.
I'm cutting my mind off
Feels like my heart is going to burst
Alone at a table for two and I just wanna be served
And when you think of me am I the best you've ever had?
Yuu smiles wryly as she sits in Azul's lap. All eyes are on them now as Yuu serenaded the blushing housewarden. He tries to keep in mind that he inadvertently paid for this, literally.
Share one more drink with me, smile even though you're sad
I'm walking the long road, watching the sky fall
The lace in my dress tingles your neck, how will you live?
Yuu had tossed out any subtlety as she played with his tie. Azul was going to get her back for this, she could feel it under his tense form.
The death of a bachelor
Oh oh
Letting the water fall
The death of a bachelor
Oh oh
Seems so fitting for
Happily ever after (woo)
How could I ask for more?
A lifetime of laughter
At the expense of the death of a bachelor
Yuu finished the song with another kiss as the crowd cheered her on.
Azul was bad at pretending to be mad, thankfully he fake forgave her after he hung the pictures of the act at the lounge entrance.
Getting a request from Idia was a genuine surprise. He wasn't exactly a party person even if it was mandatory. It didn't change the fact that Idia still sent his request.
The party will be themed around underground idol concerts with light sticks and all.
This meant that he wanted pop music. Ironically Idia's party seemed to be the most reasonable to her.
When Yuu jumped onto the stage she could barely see Idia standing in the observation room above everyone. Out of sight but still watching.
Yuu waved to the crowd as her adoring fans called her name.
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날카로운 secret 둘러싼
얘긴 베일 속에
점점 더 깊은 h-h-hush
맘을 겨눠 이제
여긴 온통 어두운 밤하늘색
그림자조차 길을 잃게 해
Yuu had to practice this song so many times. It had to match Idia's expectations to the letter and she wasn't going to let him down.
Oh 넌 항상 love is game
쉽게 즐기는 가벼움일 뿐이라고
뭐 이렇게 못된 얘기로 자꾸
피해 가려고만 하니 왜
Do k-pop stars really do all these poses? Its probably more tiring than the dancing. She wished she could see everyone's faces right now.
커지는 heart b-b-beat
너답잖게 heart b-b-b-beat
거려 나를 볼 때
마지막 남은 순간까지
점점 다가오지 crazy
아찔하게 겨눈 russian roulette
La-la-la-la-la (넌 이미)
Heart b-b-b-beat
마지막 남은 순간까지
내게 맡기게 될 거야 넌
달콤한 너의 Russian roulette
The audience loved it but Yuu was starting to run low on energy keeping up with the dance light sticks being waved wildly in the crowd. Was Idia watching? Did he enjoy her song?
반짝인 secret
더 이상 외면하진 못해
버튼은 내가 p-p-push
받아들여 이제
니 맘 온통 내 모습 채워지게
꿈꿀 때조차 나를 찾게 돼
Oh 아직 넌 love is game
내게 말해도 흔들려 니 목소리도
장난스레 스친 눈빛 너머로
어쩔 줄 모르는 니 모습
'Please look at me Idia! Don't look away for a second!" She thought as she spun and posed.
커지는 heart b-b-beat
너답잖게 heart b-b-b-beat
거려 나를 볼 때
마지막 남은 순간까지
점점 다가오지 crazy
아찔하게 겨눈 Russian roulette
La-la-la-la-la (넌 이미)
Heart b-b-b-beat
마지막 남은 순간까지
내게 맡기게 될 거야 넌
달콤한 너의 Russian roulette
Yuu took a deep breath and when she finished feeling exhausted. The crowd was deafening in the small space.
Her eyes drifted up to the shadowed room. Her eyes lit up when she was it. Idia was cheering for her.
Maybe she wasn't completely ready to become a pop start yet.
But she was energized all over again to keep singing.
"Who's ready for an encore!"
"Does he even celebrate his birthday?" Yuu thought to herself while reviewing her paperwork "It's New Year so I can't blame him."
It's going to be a big party, the biggest of the year. And Lilia wants a concert to ring in the new year. Yuu will be the main event, of course.
Lilia however doesn't want to be outdone and will be her stage partner.
Yuu and Lilia spent the holiday putting their show together. They went all out on a rock ballad.
Almost everyone in school came to the concert and it would be a lie if Yuu said she wasn't nervous. When she looked over to Lilia as he placed his guitar over his shoulders. He caught her gaze and gave her a reassuring smile before giving her a push onto the stage.
She quickly grabbed the bat and pulled him with her. If she was doing this now so was he.
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The two set up and greeted the cheering crowd.
"Happy new year!" Yuu yelled over the mic.
The audience cheered and clapped as the music began.
For so long now I've been coming to your rescue
Got me thinking I'll get you
And I'm serious when I say I'm over it, I'm over it
And your fucking lies
That you'll stick around
Stay on my side of town
Now I'm covered in blood
And I'm feeding off your pretty little lies
Yuu sang first as she watched Lilia smile wryly as he played. He moved to take Yuu's place as she more aside as he sang.
For once why can't you just come and chase me
Dig up my grave and save my body
Now I'm rotting to the bone
But my heart's still beating
Hoping you won't leave me
Creepy girls, you're just my style
Blood-red lipstick, you don't smile
Falling victim to your fantasy
Damn, I love it that you're so creepy
The two no longer focused on the show. They were going back in forth in their own dance. They challenged each other, almost chasing as they moved.
Now you're risking it all
For some creepy girl
With a blacked-out rage that'll cast a spell
Don't tempt her, she's got those evil eyes
Now you're risking it all for some pin-up doll
Who drinks in the a.m. fucks in the p.m.
Treats all the boys like she don't need 'em
Yuu sang unashamed knowing in the back of her head and to some in the audience that she could be the girl in the "evil girl". She is not of course but what if she could be?
Creepy girls, you're just my style
Blood-red lipstick, you don't smile
Falling victim to your fantasy
Damn, I love it that you're so creepy
When Lilia finished he trotted back over to Yuu as he pulled her into a dip kiss while high on adrenaline.
The crowd lost their minds as Lilia came back up with lipstick smudged on his lips and egging on the crowd.
Yuu blushing pushed Lilia off the stage as he winked and began crowd surfing.
"Happy Birthday, you old jerk!" Yuu chided him over the mic.
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sandbees · 1 year
Yuu But They're Twilight Sparkle
I don't know why I haven't written about this yet...Well, no time like the present!
So, in the prolouge, Yuu is in front of the mirror, stating their name and the Magic Mirror states that while they have magic, their magic/soul doesn’t fit any dorms at all.
STILL, their magic is very different from Twisted Wonderland, and that alone proves that they aren’t from this world.
I imagine Twilight! Yuu being something like fanon works, they look like a human, just with pony ears, a tail, wings, and a unicorn horn.
People mistake Yuu for a beast man sometimes, though they don’t mind. (It’s the perfect cover up)
Yuu is just starting at Crowley months after all the overblots and is like: …how bad is this school that seven overblots happen in the span of a year
Lilia and Yuu share tips on dying their hair. Look at Lilia and Twilight and TELL me that they don’t look similar.
Yuu endorses working together and friendship, while the culture of NRC doesn’t.
“Looks like we’ll have to teach friendship lessons! I guess the magic map transported me here to help them.”
I assume cutie marks on humans are like a tattoo somewhere on their body. Idk where there just is.
:000 beating Overblots with the power of friendship rainbows of death-
Honestly, even with the new magic system and other knowledge, Yuu would be able to ace anything and everything easily. I think they’d be excited to go to the library and just read all the books in there.
The library is like their second home when Ramshackle gets too much-
They’re super excited to just help around and make peace between people, and then adds a little bit of friendship to the mix.
Ace: So like, why are you so all about “the Magic of Friendship” or whatever?
Twilight! Yuu: It’s the source of the most powerful magic in my world. Besides, my friends are the most important people to me.
Deuce: That’s sweet. What do you guys do back in Equestria?
Twilight! Yuu: Eh, solve friendship problems among people, with the occasional supervillain like the embodiment of chaos.
Deuce: HUH?
TWILIGHT! YUU WOULD MANAGE TO GET GRIM TO SEND LETTERS VIA FLAMES. THEY CAN’T REPLICATE IT BECAUSE ONLY MONSTERS CAN USE IT (not saying their spike is a monster but,,,differences in world? Also canonically Spike is the only dragon that can do this)
Twilight! Yuu gets really obsessive with friendship that they end up forcing it down people’s throats.
It started off as concern because Yuu just watches fights happen over small things, and they get the full brunt of it too, especially when Grim causes trouble :/
We get a whole day of this and eventually Yuu learns to tone the teachings down after overblotting tbh
Personally, I think Twilight! Yuu would hate that most - if not everyone - around them acts selfishly.
I think Yuu would spend more time with the studious students like Riddle or Trey, just because they’re more of a serious kinds of gang.
:000 Yuu just casually lifting multiple things at once, much to the shock of everyone, especially with the accuracy they have. (I assume levitation magic is a bit difficult, much less with multiple things at once, as seen within the Prologue. Deuce might’ve been able to lift Ace up, but the accuracy was terrible)
I have more to say but I’ll save that for another post-
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traumxrei-archive · 1 year
【 book 6 thoughts ! 】
i said i'd share my thoughts, so here they are so far >:DD
part: one, two, three, four / ??
[ warning: spoilers for book 6 up until 6-16 under the cut !! ]
[ about : overblot lore drop ]
it took yuu long enough to actually TELL CROWLEY that grim was eating those rocks :')))) makes 110% sense that grim would lash out if he's been ingesting 5-overblot's-worth of purified blot
but also, i...can't believe it took twst this long to actually explain what was going on when we were fighting the overblots jsfksdfk like this whole time i've been assuming that people just. get knocked out or tired, but what they explained made so much more sense.
crowley has said that overblotting is rare. but then how come at nrc ?? there's been 5 consecutive overblots in less than a school year ?? (the twst timeline so far is from sept till around feb, bc book 5 was set during a "spring festival" iirc) the reason they don't know enough about overblots is bc they don't have enough subjects who have overblotted to research, so... i do wonder if there's something else at play here, maybe something has changed in NRC since yuu came ?
[ about : ortho lowkey scares me ]
ortho honey....wdym do we need bring back the target alive.....ofc we need grim alive sobs (the juxtaposition between his youthful n polite way of talking + the way he literally knows everything bc his brain is the internet kinda scares me a lot.)
[ about : vil's apology ]
i made a separate post to talk about this bc i started writing n it really got too long, so yes. but also. vil whipping out 50k madol like it's nothing. his acting career has really done him well.
and kalim donating it to ramshackle, my beloved. he's so nice. even while he's saying "it was sO RUN DOWN !!" as kalim was listing out the bad stuff abt ramshackle, i wonder how yuu was able to LIVE in this dump for 6 months.
[ about : ROBOTS ???? ]
HELLO ?? INTRUDERS ????? ROBOTS ?? WHAT ????? they're ignihyde blue....also the boat ? logo ? on their arms ??? what the heck does that mean ??? ok wait i can vaguely read out letters on their arm,,,styx ?? like the river styx in the greek underworld ? having a headache, are we gonna see the underworld somehow in this book ? wait, if the facility or whatever is called styx, are these robots the "charons" ? they're carrying oar-like staffs + they're trying to capture targets D and E and bring them in,,,,kinda like how charon brought souls in a boat to cross the styx river in myth. (also i was right, leona called them ferrymen >:DD)
(n they have grim. interesting that they'd ignore yuu tho, considering it was them who is the string that connects all the overblots.)
(also don't you just hate it when you win the battle, but then in canon the chars actually lost the battle. so you're just sitting there like -_-)
[ about: ob gang's capture ]
it was. very in character how each of them got captured.
vil and jamil were protecting other people (aka the freshmen, and in jamil's case, kalim) vil is really big on his responsibilities, so even though he authorized the use of magic, he still told the freshmen to stand back bc he knew they were unskilled in combat magic n that they'd get hurt bc they don't know hot to properly defend. meanwhile, jamil was probably covering any of kalim's blindspots + making sure he doesn't get hurt while looking for places where he could attack.
riddle went out with a bang, they hit him with a paralyzing beam, and he still had enough magic power to set everything on fire before they could hit him again. he also authorized everyone to fight, bc he probably believed that a group effort could take them down. as always, his sheer firepower is very impressive, the amount of magic he has and his attacking prowess is...wow.
leona....protected ruggie from harm first, saving him from glass and telling him to back off. and then he immediately scanned them to identify who they are. and of course, leona of all people, would know who they are. i think people forget, but a large reason why leona's so smart and why he skips class is bc he quite literally learned all that material when he was younger. the fact that he was the only one to recognize anti-magic plates meaning that resistance was futile and the logo from his time at the palace. (and that moment between ruggie and leona,,,,leona knows that he can trust ruggie w/ the wellbeing of savanaclaw until he returns T^T)
meanwhile azul was with idia, even though he didn't know what was happening, he got extra info from idia n ortho,,, the way azul was about to fight and idia went don't bother (bc he actually likes azul as a friend bro), and ortho went "the chances of you sustaining an injury drops by 87% if you don't struggle ^^" also. idia being concerned ? kind of ? by the ferrymen's forcefulness while coming in and taking the students is nice to see (and i KNEW it. i bet that idia's parents, or the shroud family in general, runs this Styx facility)
and they took crowley ?? crowley seems to know exactly what's going on, so i wonder why they didn't coordinate their...pick up with him beforehand (they legit destroyed so much public property + trespassed for no reason)
[ about : the plane ride ]
it's scary how they're all in a cramped dark space flying to who knows where. like how inhumane ?? they're about to take these people to do research w/ them, but clearly they don't care that they're humans, and they treat them more like convenient test subjects that have converged coincidentally in one school.
RIDDLE SLEEPING ON LEONA'S LAP IS SO FUNNY SJFDKSJFKS I CANTTTTT the way his leg was probably cramping,,,,three hours w/o moving and someone sleeping on you, he has so much patience onggg
[ about : styx ]
so...styx is an organization that does research on blot. it makes perfect sense why crowley would know they'd come knocking, since they have had 5 overblots that one school year. and the shroud family are "the watchman of the isle of woe". leona explains that they take overblotted mages there. what i don't understand is why countries can't interfere with them ?? or is it that they won't interfere with their research bc...styx' research benefits them too perhaps...?
from what leona said, they handled extreme overblot cases that regular magic marshals couldn't handle aka ones that can't un-blot anymore, so why are they coming after the ob gang ? not only were some of their overblots months ago, they've also all safely un-blotted, and transitioned back to normal life... ig my question is why them, and why now.
(it's a cool detail that the ob gang actually got help after their overblots. like it wasn't like everyone just picked up where they left off, vil mentioned medical mages and proper counseling, and that means that they were able to talk to someone about the things that troubled them.)
[ about : idia's family ]
not only do they run the jupiter conglomerate, aka the google of twisted wonderland, they might also run styx ? idia did ask the charon dudes if his mom and dad were away, ig this is what the shroud family ACTUALLY does behind the scenes of their big tech and energy business.
it also explains why idia deleted all those prospective work emails in the end of book 5,,,,bc he just knows that he won't be able to work or pursue any of his other dreams. his fate has been sealed since day 1 bc he was born a shroud, so he's probably going to end up having to take over Styx and its research in the future.
(and azul. being as on-brand as ever and saying he should've made idia in debt to him....sir, his family legit just kidnapped you, chill)
[ about : iDIA SHROUD ?? ]
HELLO. IDIA SHROUD ACTING DIRECTOR OF STYX ???? that means that his parents DO own styx, and that they're letting him run it for now while they're doing other things.... also i really hope that the ob gang don't get hurt hhhh
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aaaannd i'm stopping here bc it's late, i did not realize that so much time had passed...i'm tempted to keep playing but i must sleep. n e ways yea this was just me rambling about what was happening as it happened, so i hope you...enjoyed ?? (if you did read this far)
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a-very-zilly-gooze · 4 months
hey gang, it’s way too early AM and i have not been able to sleep all night so let me just explain my senior quote to you all bc i’m really happy with it. the quote is…
“Some things just aren’t meant to make sense, some things aren’t meant to be represented.” -Bears in Trees
why? well, for several reasons.
1. i think it’s neat. get off my back.
2. it’s from one of my favorite songs of all time, I’m Doing Push Ups by @bearsintreesofficial. and as many of you know, i kinda really really really like BiT.
3. i was majorly stressing over choosing a senior quote because i’m a super anxious person, and when i told my friend that I was considering using this one, she said something like “if you end up hating the quote later then it’ll be ironic because some things just aren’t meant to make sense” and that is some god-level reasoning there.
4. Nick (BiT lyricist, guitarist, cryptid?) once said that this lyric was about him trying to make sense of his school experience. To quote Nick himself, “i moved away to go to uni… and had a weird and gross and sad first year. i kept trying to write a song about it… until i eventually realised; some things aren’t meant to make sense. some things aren’t meant to be represented. some events don’t make you a better/worse person and there’s no point trying to think about it or ascribe any sort of ~main character energy~ to them. some things just happen and it sucks.” and i think that that really describes my high school experience. i try to reason out why ~things~ happened to me. i try to place some sort of value on the pain because it fuels the future or some shit. i try to use it to interpret myself or my surroundings. but in the end, some things just happen and it sucks.
5. one of the reasons i was stressing so hard about my senior quote was because i thought it needed to encompass all of me or all of my high school experience. so i really wanted something to show all of me, every crevice of my being, and how i felt about moving on and moving away. i considered the “live forever or die in the attempt” quote from Catch-22 by Joseph Heller. i considered “If you’ve gotta go, then go with style!” from Crowley in Good Omens. i was planning on doing “Ready to head into the unknown?” “Nope. Let’s do it” from Dipper and Mabel in Gravity Falls’s last dialogue sequence. but none of these felt like they encompassed all of me. and so i was freaking out, trying to find something that was me and my feelings. after all, it’s not every day that someone moves ~765 miles away and across the country for college. but i finally realized that i don’t actually know how i feel about moving away. i have so many emotions about it, and they all coexist and wreak havoc within me. my feelings about moving don’t really make sense to me, and this cannot be represented in a single quote. so there’s no way that i can just magic my feelings onto a yearbook (if only i were a wizard :/).
so takeaways: ummm go listen to hot chocolate by bears in trees streaming everywhere AND ITS OKAY TO HAVE CONFUSION!!! THAT IS NORMAL AND HUMAN!!!
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