#DGS 1 & 2 spoilers coming up
Insane to me when ppl criticize a mystery series having mysteries left “unfinished” at the end. Girl, it’s not “unfinished” it’s setting shit up for later, and, as someone joining in on a mystery series, you signed up for that being a possibility.
#aa opinions that annoy me#aa4 and dgs1 are not ‘unfinished’ they were meant to focus on a certain arc and set up things for a separate arc#aa4 just got shafted because capcom demanded an aa5 while Shu Takumi was too busy to write it but that’s not aa4s fault#and if you still feel that way about dgs1 knowing that it gets tied up it dgs2 youre insane#I can understand finding it worrying because of things that happen like the aa4 to aa5 transition#because gaming companies have ruined your trust#but to call it bad writing when you are playing a game you are well aware is part of a series#just sounds really short sighted#because the only alternative is to either simplify the story till it has lost so much that it isn’t the same anymore#or to haphazardly rush everything in one game#which would again take away a lot of other things and it would feel cheap#———#DGS 1 & 2 spoilers coming up#Like say whatever you want about the pacing of dgs1#(I loved it personally personally)#but so much of dgs2 would NOT have fucking hit the way it did without the character explorations in 1 and the time given to stew#If you think Kazuma dying in like episode 1 before we can get to know him at all#and then rushing Ryunosuke’s grief (which now surrounds a guy we arent nearly as endeared to) identity crisis and character development#through 1-2 1-3 and 1-4 so that you can get to a case 5 where ‘WHOAH that guy we dont know is back’#and then rush through the ruinion and brewing tension and explainations that were in 2-4 and 2-5 now into one case#…is somehow better than properly exploring Ryuu’s growth and the people & relationships he makes along the way#while ​letting Kazuma haunt the narrative for a good chunk of the games before suddenly being there again but not how we remember#than…idk what to say
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wherefore-whinnies · 6 months
also a rant about dgs and amatonormativity. dgs 2 spoilers
there's this one flashback scene in 1-2 where Ryunosuke is asking Kazuma why he's going to such extreme lengths to smuggle him to Britain and Kazuma talks about his talent for lawyering and stuff and then says "but on a personal level... if you were to become a lawyer, then..." but doesn't finish the sentence and Ryunosuke says something about how the look in his eyes was darker than he had ever seen it before.
and the obvious implication after finishing the game (also supported by something Kazuma says during the epilogue about how there was no one he'd rather have defending him if he ended up arrested) is that Kazuma wanted Ryunosuke to come with him and become a lawyer specifically so that Ryunosuke could defend him if he got arrested after avenging his father's death. and boy does that have fun implications!!!
imagine just completely denying an extremely important part of Kazuma's motivations and character because of your disgusting amatonormativity. i'm actually going to commit a murder
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milaza · 2 years
thoughts on the racism in DGS (specifically van zieks)
i want to preface this by saying that 1) i’m a chinese person from a western country, and 2) i really like van zieks (outside of his racism of course). but basically, i don’t claim to understand how japanese fans in japan view him, and i also understand that van zieks may be an unforgiveable character for japanese fans who live in the west because his attacks are rather personal. i’m not trying to change anyone’s mind with this... as you’ll see later, i don’t even think his redemption is written well (me liking van zieks is solely based on the other aspects of his character). i’m just thinking out loud
this post contains major DGS2 spoilers.
what does van zieks' racism add to DGS?
i think there are two main reasons van zieks was written as racist towards japanese people in the game. the first logic seems to be that since the game takes place in the 1900s, him being racist is part of the period theme and shows how british people used to be very racist towards japanese people and foreigners. i guess due to cultural differences and looking down on them for not being as ‘technologically advanced’.
however, the thing is that van zieks’ racism doesn’t stem from that. he does talk about it awful lot, but his cultural differences/’lack of advancement’ itself isn’t the reason he hates japanese people. his racism just stems from him being affected by a personal incident where his brother happened to be killed by a japanese guy. the story of “van zieks overcoming his racism” doesn’t have anything to do with the theme of the victorian period, it’s just his own problem. he was perfectly accepting and respectful of japanese people before the incident.
thus to me it’s so weird how his redemption is done by seeing how ryunosuke believes in him/defend him. cool, so he now recognizes that japanese people can be smart and full of heart... even though that’s what he originally believed 10 years ago??? so again, because his racism doesn’t stem from innate/learned bigotry but just that one incident, i don’t think his redemption arc really means anything, if that makes sense! it’s not commentary on victorian england or english/japanese relationships. it’s not a man learning to undo racism he grew up with. like i said before, it’s literally just his own problem, and it’s a problem i think is unnecessary to this game. it would be exactly the same if they made him a regular asshole instead of a racist asshole.
the other reason i believe racism was included in DGS was to serve as a mystery for the player/ryunosuke to wonder why van zieks despises japanese people so much. however, it doesn’t work as a mystery. because the player is just like “? he hates japanese people because he’s a british man from the 1800s” it really doesn’t feel that deep. we figure it’s solved already, it doesn’t matter! so it should’ve been excluded to begin with.
how was his in-game redemption handled?
like i said before, i really think that his ‘redemption’ was not written well and it did make me feel unsatisfied, speaking as an asian in the west. i felt frustrated that it seemed like there was no proper scene where he’s truly sorry for the shit he spouted for so long, and there was no scene where either ryunosuke or asogi address it fully either. (i might be missing something since i can’t look up a transcript ATM, but i feel like i would remember it if there was a scene like that)
the part i dislike the most is when his backstory comes out. ryunosuke, who has spent all this time being verbally abused by van zieks, is just like “oh, well if your brother was killed by a japanese person then i understand why you’d hate us”. like what!?! that’s no excuse to hate japanese people for a decade??? i couldn’t believe i saw that coming from the main character, because i believe that the main character (at least in a game like this) should reflect the values of the author, and this logic of “it’s understandable to hate a race based on one person” is extremely bad IRL.
(also i hate how he was like “just as japanese people are the bane of my existence... i am the bane of asogi’s” dude it really is not comparable to say you hate a whole ethnicity to asogi just hating you. and he only knew you existed a month ago)
one thing i noticed about DGS2-5 was that characters were open about not forgiving each other. i was really surprised by that, because it felt unusual to see characters like vigil and asogi be so direct about refusing to forgive those who wronged them. i know asogi had that big scene at the end of the trial, but i also wish either he or ryunosuke had taken the time to address van ziek’s past racism too. i felt like a direct confrontation saying that what van zieks did was wrong was what was missing. something along the lines of “i won’t forgive you for what you said and did in the past, but i respect that you’re trying to get better and we can work together from now on”. like just acknowledge that it IS bad to be racist even if you have a ‘reason’ for it! or better yet, don’t make him racist to begin with!!!
how would i rewrite him?
obviously, i don’t want barok van zieks to be racist because everything else about him is perfect to me and it’s just this one aspect of his character that pisses me off like crazy.
the first way i’d go about it is to make him hate all people who work in law/law enforcement (since genshin was aiming to be a detective). then the mystery would actually work; the player would wonder why such a revered prosecutor despised other lawyers and police so much. it’s just a way better mystery than wondering why a white man in the victorian period hates foreigners. plus, it would be humorous to see van zieks constantly hating on lawyers despite being one.
the second way is to make him hate the asogi family specifically and not other japanese people too. this option would add to the game in multiple ways. for example, isn’t it such a crazy coincidence that he reaper of the bailey just happened to start his prosecuting career again as soon as ryunosuke arrived in london? it would make sense with this one simple fix!
have the reaper find out that the exchange student asogi was due to come to london that day, and have that be the reason he starts prosecuting again. when he arrives at court and finds that ryunosuke is in his place, ryunosuke should be explicit about knowing asogi personally. and there we go, a reason for van zieks to hate ryunsouke/sustato without it being race-based! (of course, replace his awful remarks about japan with remarks about how obviously friends of asogi are all stupid/cruel/whatnot)
the direct jeers against ryunosuke for being asogi’s associate would then serve as a good mystery for the player to wonder why he hates this ‘dead’ defense attorney so much. isn’t asogi just our friend from university? is there something more to his past, that he shares with a prosecutor on the other side of the world...?
(i’d personally go with the lawyer hater one though since it’s funnier + strays further from specifically targeting the japanese characters in the game)
on another note:
the racism in general in DGS is very odd... i suppose it might add to the victorian theme to have these british people talk about cultural differences all the time. but it’s especially odd to me because like, every white character is casually racist out of ignorance while van zieks is racist for plot-induced reasons??? and his racism ‘gets resolved’ while the others are never commented upon. idk it’s tonally weird though i do still like the rest of the cast a lot.
and in conclusion:
i love van zieks and i think he’s intended to be a good and likeable character/person by the end of the story. however to me, the writing never redeems him well and i wish he was written so that he wasn’t racist to begin with. but i’m not the game’s target audience, so i don’t believe i’ll ever have the cultural context to view him in the way a japanese person in japan would see him. he’s still the 2nd most popular DGS character in japan though. i don’t know if that means they accepted his redemption or if they simply think he’s very sexy (he is)
anyway i’ve been thinking about van zieks so much lately and rewrote him enough in my brain to the point where i now self insert ship myself with him so nothing i say is valid
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snapdraqons · 1 year
For Better or For Worse
Chapter Five
ao3 link || read from the start
Rating: M (strong language, sexual references and humour)
Relationships: Asoryuu (romantic) Kazuma Asougi and Gina Lestrade, Kazuma Asougi and Barok van Zieks, Kazuma Asougi and Susato Mikotoba (platonic)
Chapter CWs: DGS 1+2 spoilers, discussion of misogyny and period-typical homophobia
Kazuma purses his lips as he figures out the most diplomatic way to answer. “I admit that it… intrigues me,” he replies, “As Lord van Zieks’ apprentice, I spend a lot of time with him, so the news came as a surprise.”
Maria’s expression remains unchanged, her eye contact unwavering as she starts to sharpen the edge of her saw. “Us coroners are secluded enough from the rest of the Yard that most people don’t think to keep their mouths shut around us, you know,” she tells him. “We hear a lot. And I’ve heard you’ve been sticking your nose in where it isn’t wanted.”
“Who did you hear that from? Gina?”
“Everyone,” Maria says. “And you should stop. Stop digging before you find something you don’t like.”
As the date of the wedding draws closer, new information comes to light.
Part five of my asoryuu / dgs fic is up now!! Thank you for all the lovely comments and feedback so far, I've really enjoyed writing this fic so it means a lot that you are all too! As always, feel free to let me know what you think!!
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fujoshiwarrior · 1 year
YOU. spare asoryuu thoughts perhaps? 👀
you know not of the beast you have awakened (spoilers)
something i think a lot about is how some people treat the events of dgs1&dgs2 as haha asoryuu divorce arc or (god forbid) kazuma was manipulating ryuunosuke this whole time
and like. the thing is, kazuma was definitely dishonest with ryuunosuke though i think saying he was straight up manipulating him is going too far. the only thing that suggests that this is the case is in 1-2 when ryuu asks kazuma why he wants him to come to london with him and its implied that after seeing ryuu defend himself successfully he thought that if he could make ryuu into a defense attorney, if kazuma gets in trouble for being involved with the assassination mission then ryuu could get him off the hook. and like that definitely *is* manipulative but what some people seem to be implying is that he was using ryuunosuke this whole time which is absolutely not true.
which ties in with the "divorce arc" thing, the crux of ryuunosuke's character development is him learning how to step out of kazuma's shadow which culminates in the final trial (especially with the line "i'm not doing this for you, i'm doing this for the truth") and is shown in their conversation at the dock, where they basically say that they're going to go their own separate paths (which would be unthinkable to ryuunosuke pre-dgs)
while playing through the game, i honestly didn't care for asoryuu that much until the epilogue which absolutely sold me on it. while ryuunosuke learning to be his own person separate from kazuma is one of the main points of the entire story, i think what that conversation showed is that they do truly and honestly care about each other. and even if they're going down their own paths, they're so intertwined with each other that they will see each other again---not even an "if", they both have that conviction and just AUGUHGHGH THEY LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH sorry i had to let that out for a second but anyway
one thing that i've never seen anyone mention is that neither of them would be who they are without the other. like i keep saying, ryuunosuke's character development is predicated on coming into being his own person but this is set off by kazuma. kazuma is only on screen for 3 cases (4 if you count the return of the great departed soul) but his presence is there even in spirit. his dream (or rather ryuunosuke's interpretation of it, another thing to think about later ig) is literally ryuunosuke's primary motivation throughout nearly the entire story---this is also the thing that helps ryuunosuke become his own person. none of this would have ever happened to ryuunosuke if not for kazuma, and that's not to discredit ryuunosuke's personal character development or his autonomy in the story, i think his relationship with kazuma is one of the foundations of ryuunosuke's character, and likewise the story itself.
as for kazuma, while i admit this is mostly my personal interpretation (there are lots of ways to interpret kazuma) i think it's backed up by the text. i think kazuma would be a very different person if not for ryuunosuke. we can see how cold and callous he can be if it means attaining his goals, everyone else around him be damned. these are feelings of vengeance he's been festering since he was a young teenager, his number one motivation in life for an entire decade was figuring out what really happened to his father. without ryuunosuke, this desire for vengeance would have consumed him completely. we never learn if ryuunosuke or kazuma have any friends besides each other---if they do it doesn't really matter though, because they clearly have a relationship with each other that's on a deeper level. in english its translated as "partner" but in japanese kazuma calls ryuunosuke his "aibou". i will say right now that i don't have a great understanding of japanese, but to my knowledge someone only has one aibou. he clearly trusts ryuunosuke and holds him in high esteem. maybe this is more headcanon than fact but i truly think that ryuunosuke is probably one of the only things that's kept him sane. i also think that while kazuma didn't (initially) intend for ryuunosuke to get involved with the literal government conspiracy, i think you can make an argument that kazuma was going to tell him eventually.
and i would make that argument right now if not for the fact that this would go on forever if i did and this is getting long enough. i could talk about these two for the rest of my life so i might rb this with additional thoughts if i feel like it
but in conclusion, your honor they're soulmates
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van-zieksy · 2 years
As someone who has never played a single Ace Attorney game but always kinda wanted to get into them, where would you recommend I start? Any games that I should skip? Any other interesting pieces of Ace Attorney media to consume?
Welcome to the wonderful world of AA! :)
Most people would probably recommend you start with the "original trilogy" (AA 1-3) and then play either 4-6 or The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles (TGAAC) (Dai Gyakuten Saiban, DGS, was the name of the original release in Japan, so you will still happen across that title often).
TGAAC is really 2 games in 1. They need to be played as a bundle because it is one big coherent story.
Beware that 4-6 are somewhat controversial amongst the fan base, at least on social media. Or maybe we should say opinions on the "second trilogy" are polarised. But that doesn't have to mean much, so please don't let that deter you, because, in my humble opinion, they are still great AA games. I think it's important for people to form their own opinions rather than being told "these games are good, and these games are not that good." These three games introduced some new playable characters. Don't start out with 4-6 because one should have played 1-3 prior.
The reason people recommend starting with 1-3 is because TGAAC is a natural evolution of the original trilogy, meaning that you may or may not enjoy 1-3 as much after having played TGAAC. TGAAC introduced a few new gameplay mechanisms, told a lengthy, intriguing story, and serves like a prequel to the other games, as it features an ancestor of Phoenix Wright. It's quite the refined game. TGAAC also includes some historical aspects, but it really is not that much different from the other games in the series, which are loveably over-the-top and not necessarily grounded in reality. The TGAA games are still lighthearted AA games and don't try to be more than that.
I personally think it does not matter if you start with 1-3 or TGAAC. Both are amazing in their own respective ways and can be played independently from each other. My best friend started with TGAAC and then moved onto 1-3 and had a great time with all games involved. I think TGAAC is a great entry point into the series because they can be more accessible for some players.
As for other pieces of interesting AA media, I think it's best to play the games first to see in how far you like them and what appeals to you most and then move onto alternate pieces of media. I can only speak for myself, so here we go...
I personally think the art books are very interesting as they provide some nice background info. May contain spoilers, so recommended after the games.
I enjoy reading fanfics, but that should really only come after having played the games because not all are close to canon, also because of spoilers.
The two Asinine Attorney DLC episodes for Dai Gyakuten Saiban (Japan side + London side) are highly recommended as they provide some characterisation for certain characters and their relationships. They were never released outside of Japan but can be found on Youtube. Best watched after having finished the duology.
If you like the music, then the soundtracks are a nice way to connect with the world of AA. The orchestrated versions in particular are very beautiful.
The Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright game is a game you might want to play after having played the main series. Disclaimer: Main series to me is anything that retains the typical AA gameplay and charm and hence is not a spin-off, regardless of who the playable characters are. Even TGAAC is part of the main series to me; it's a prequel. Others see it differently and that's fine.
Then there's the AA manga and anime as well as the live action movie. Maybe do your own research. I don't want to say too much about them. They add some depth to the characters. Again, also best consumed after the games.
Whatever you end up playing first, 1-3 or TGAAC, you can't go wrong with any of the games. To me, every AA game ever released is excellent, some more enjoyable than others. More importantly...
Beware of any and all spoilers. I'd recommend adding certain tags here on tumblr to your list of blocked tags for now (e.g. tgaa spoilers, dgs spoilers, aa spoilers etc.). It's not that you can't enjoy the games if you're exposed to spoilers, but it takes away some of the mysteries and suspension surrounding the stories. Further, the games are most enjoyable with a lighthearted approach. They aren't meant to be viewed through a realistic lens/aren't really focused on reality. They may feature dark subjects like murder, assault, physical abuse etc., but it's not what defines the games. The games are super silly with captivating gameplay and characters. I hope I didn't forget anything.
Enjoy!! ☺️
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#frankly i’ve always thought that ryuu is more terrifying than kazuma even though kazuma’s the one with the sword skills and biting remarks
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I finally got my zine today from @daigyakutenzine ! I already looked over the first few pages of the book and everything looks really good so far :) I also really like the other things that come with it (the stickers and prints specifically are much higher quality than I expected, which is also a huge bonus). All in all I love all the things that I got and I'm excited to finally read the zine :D
7 notes - Posted December 15, 2022
So I've not seen anyone post the bonus audio clips for the DGS cast, so I thought that I would! (and yes, there are more audio clips not shown in this video; I plan to share those ones as well)
7 notes - Posted October 11, 2022
Does anyone else ever think about how van Zieks said that he would've adopted Iris had he known that she existed. Because I do
18 notes - Posted October 11, 2022
Ok but can we talk about how out of all the major male characters that Ryunosuke interacts with throughout the story, van Zieks is the ONLY one that isn't hiding something from/lying to him at one point or another?? Sholmes lies about Kazuma being alive, Kazuma hides the fact that he's going to Britain as a hired assassin, Yujin hides details about the Professor killings from him in 2-2, Stronghart lies about... Well, everything really. Like there's so much I could say about him lol. Gregson hides the fact that he helped frame Genshin for the Professor killings, McGilded lies about having been the culprit in the omnibus case, Jigoku lies about having been the one to kill Gregson... Etc etc. I personally can't remember a single point where van Zieks was hiding things from Ryuu or just straight up lying about important things to his face. He's an ass to him at first, sure, but he's ultimately on the side of justice and finding out the truth, even if it means hurting his cases or having his worldview challenged (except maybe in the case of Klint, which I'll get into).
Now one might say, "Oh but didn't he hide the fact that he had a brother from Ryunosuke at first?". And to that I say... So what? From van Zieks' point of view, details about his personal life (and ESPECIALLY about Klint) are hard to talk about and, frankly, Ryuu really had no reason to need that info about him, other than just to be nosy. That's why he's so cagey about the topic in 2-3, and why he's (somewhat) more willing to talk about it with him in 2-4/5, because at that point Ryunosuke absolutely DOES need to know more about Klint (and the Professor killings in general). And as for Ryuu's point of view, he really has no reason to be asking about van Zieks' personal life at first, other than the fact that he's just curious about it.
Anyways. I really do believe that, despite how rocky these two's dynamic is at first, it's been built on honesty and straightforward-ness from the start, and I really appreciate how we have an Ace Attorney prosecutor who's more than willing to not hide the truth from his lawyer rival (even if he's making dunks on Ryunosuke half the time, lol)
18 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Susato voice: Ahaha Naruhodo-san you are banging my brother
29 notes - Posted November 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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bellarad · 2 years
Ok I'm like super disappointed with stranger things Pt 2.
Spoilers below
First off - it really fuxking bugs me that Will's gayness is a fucking plot device to further Mike and Eleven's relationship. I saw someone already write this and I 100% agree with them, it is really fucked up. Seeing Will's pain was so fucking hard, while Mike is completely oblivious that everything Will is saying about Eleven is really about himself.
Johnathan is an amazing brother and props to him for seeing so clearly what's going on and for talking to Will about it, albeit in a coded way, to let Will know he has his support. That was a beautiful moment, but the reasoning for it was really frustrating.
Second, I'm pissed that the fucking series didn't just end. I was hoping that pt. 2 would be like 4-6 more episodes that just ended the goddamn series and brought everythkng together. Season 3 was an absolute shit show, filled with plot holes and r*pey vibes and poor plotline in general. I really hoped season 4 would be the end bc S4 Pt 1. was pretty good in tying everything together in a way that would lead to a solid finish.
Instead we ended on this fucking grey note with Hawkins in the midst of perishing.
The whole Russian story line really bothers me because of how many inconsistencies there are. It is well established that the only way to kill a demagogue is with fire. In Pt. 1, Hopper spears one in the face and it only slows it down. Cut to part 2 where there is a demagogue writhing on a table, and apparently ONE FUCKING SHOT TO THE FACE kills it entirely. Despite a scene just before showing 4 people lighting up one demagogue with machine guns and it doing fuck all.
Next, we see Hopper guiding a demagogue towards the "arena" (which... the other demagogue escaped from without issue... and yet according to their plan it's supposed to contain them...), Hopper gets tackled by the DG, and Joyce comes out with a tazer and kills it??? Knocks it out???? Either way, it's TOTALLY fucking inconsistent! How do bullets not slow it down, but a tazer knocks it out cold?!?!??!
Then when all the DGs are finally in the arena, Murray lights them up and they all perish except one, which Hopper then proceeds to slice up with a SWORD that was just COVERED IN FLAMES
I'm angry that Eddie died bc he was cute af and amazing and did not get enough screen time, but at least his death was more believable than Dr. Brennan who was STILL ALIVE AND SPEAKING WITH A FUCKING SHOT DIRECTLY THROUGH HIS CHEST, EXIT WOUND AND ALL
I'm sorry, but as a nursing student the medical issues in this show piss me off so much. Seeing a nurse stick a needle unto Eleven's arm at a 90deg angle when it's long enough to go through the full width of her arm is fucking insane. They just stabbed a 3in needle through her neck and you're trying to tell me you didn't go straight through the vein and into her esophagus??
I was really hopeful that things would be better than season 3 because Pt. 1 was pretty solid apart from a few minor details. But I'm so frustrated that this is how shit ended. Duffer Bros need to get their SHIT TOGETHER
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ladder-discourse · 2 years
Great Ace Attorney Wolfwalkers(???) AU Info Dump
So those doodles I was posting back in Dec. of some of the GAA/DGS characters as wolves (this one and this one) do have the context of an entire AU to go with them, but as usual I've been alternatively either too busy or too brain fried to compile them all in a format even close to approaching cohesion... UNTIL NOW.
This stuff is all from a collaborative effort between me and my friends Cal and Harry that spun off a simple question: What if… Wolfwalkers inspired GAA AU where Kazuma loses his memories and doesn’t remember he can become a wolf, and Ryunosuke is the weird feral stranger who keeps risking life and limb to sneak into the city to try and get him to remember who he is by getting him to come run around and be gay in the woods. What if.
Info below cut contains implied and explicit spoilers for the entirety of GAA Chronicles/DGS 1 and 2.
Important tweak to the premise and the reason why I keep putting (???) at the end when I call this a 'Wolfwalkers' AU: Instead of being humans who become wolves when they sleep, the wolf characters mentioned here are more along the lines of like, the wolves in Wolf’s Rain. They're actual wolves who can appear as/become human to try and blend in with human society. It's a pretty big change but, because Wolfwalkers is still the primary insp., I keep referring to it as a WW AU anyway. Even though it's not... Necessarily accurate. Lol. Much like in wolfwalkers there ARE still normal-ass wolves who CANNOT do this weird magic stuff. Also like in wolfwalkers, if you get bitten, you become one of them.
Ryunosuke: Wolf w/ dark grey/black fur. On the scrawnier side (probably the runt of his litter) but prides himself on having a particularly excellent sense of smell. Best friends (extremely gay) with Kazuma. Has spent the better part of a year trying to accept his friend’s apparent death until one day, he picks up what he’s convinced must be Kazuma’s scent coming from inside a mysterious and imposing looking walled human city.
Susato: Human turned wolf with light-gray/silvery fur. She’s particularly agile in wolf mode, and naturally has a way better understanding of how human society works, which probably doesn’t sound like much of a talent but please realize that her skills and expertise exist in contrast to Ryunosuke, who tries real hard but is kind of a disaster. Kazuma is basically an adopted older brother to Susato, but he is also the reason she is a wolf in the first place. (There is no resentment over this, it’s totally chill, Kazuma just bit her by accident when they were very little and tussling or something.) Kazuma: Wolf with black fur and white accents. Presumed dead by his friends and family, but it turns out he actually lost his memory somehow and has been living in the human capital AS a human under the care of the local government, with absolutely no clue as to his own origins. Now working as a wolf hunter apprenticed to van Zieks. Crack shot w/ a hunting rifle, also very handy with swords (natch).
Iris: A clever young wolf who lives just outside the city walls with her adult guardian, Herlock Sholmes. Befriends Susato and Ryunosuke and aids them in their quest to find their friend. Niece to Barok, although obviously neither of them are aware of this fact. (I don’t think she has a PhD in this AU but she is still extremely smart and she is probably still an author??? IDK Gotta think about that.)
Sholmes: Human man, certified wolf sympathizer and Great Detective. Apparently known throughout the city and beyond for his great feats of deduction, although Ryunosuke is frankly a bit skeptical about how true that actually is! Iris convinces him to help aid Ryunosuke and Susato in rescuing Kazuma by working to uncover the truth of how their friend came to lose his memories in the first place.
Gina: Friend of Iris. A particularly unusual wolf who has learned to make a life for herself inside the city walls, despite how inhospitable the humans there are to her kind. Fur is a light blonde/fawn sort of color w/ black-grey sooty markings, which combined with her trademark bandana is enough to help her pass her true form off as a particularly large dog. Has a big chip on her shoulder, says she doesn’t like humans but is fiercely protective of all the human orphans in her gang. Uses her sharp wits and intimate knowledge of the city to help keep everyone out of danger.
Gregson: Plays a pretty minor role but because I know people are going to ask about him if I don’t include him (and I would not blame them, bc I love him too), here’s what he’s up to: He’s kind of the neighborhood block captain/keeper of the peace in the part of town where Gina and her rowdy gang of fellow orphans run amok. Still a great lover of fish and chips in this AU, but is not an actual cop and does not get tragically murdered, neither as part of a larger conspiracy nor for any other reason! Gina constantly gives him guff both as a wolf and as a human, generally causing him trouble whenever she chafes against the local rules. Gregson gives her crap but he does also kind of secretly care about her and the other kids, unfortunately he doesn’t really have the means or the resources to do much for them in terms of food/housing.
Barok: The city’s top hunter. Hates wolves with a passion, is ironically unaware that his own apprentice literally is one. Kind of a miserable combination of Quent Yaiden (WR) and Bill Goodfellowe (WW) in this AU. City wide he is feared and kind of known as a bit of a freak because he’s one of the few people within the city who fervently believes wild magic is a real thing, and he’s absolutely CONVINCED that there are wolves out there who are capable of appearing human. They are totally tricking everyone and trying to INFILTRATE CITY SOCIETY, and while he has no idea what they’re after or why they’d even want to do that, he is ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE they’re responsible for killing his older brother.
(He is eventually forced to reconsider this position when he’s bitten and becomes a wolf himself.)
Stronghart: Cromwell stand-in/governor of the city. The truth is, Mael actually knows all about wolves and wild magic, but he plays dumb so he can use his secret knowledge to further his own personal agendas. Manipulates van Zieks by pretending like he thinks he is out of his mind for claiming magic wolves are a real thing, then makes a big show of insisting on keeping him in the position of game warden because he’s the Best Man for the Job. He also knows the truth about what Kazuma really is and is the one who assigns him to apprentice under van Zieks. His hope is to poison Kazuma against his own kind enough to maybe kill a few of his own, so that even when he does eventually remember what he is, it’ll be too late/he'll be too guilt ridden to go back. Then he’ll have no choice but to become Stronghart’s own personal assassin, much like Klint used to be.
Yujin: Not super different from how he is in canon except he has two wolves for kids. Human guy and doctor who comes from a smaller town far far away from the big city wherein the central conflict takes place. Aware of shapeshifters/wild magic. Basically adopted Kazuma after Kazuma’s real father was tragically killed. Has some knowledge/experience about the human capital city but he is absolutely hiding it!
Klint: Deceased; human turned wolf, killed by Genshin in honorable combat. Stronghart found out about him being a secret wolf and manipulated him into using his shape changing abilities to carry out political murders disguised as tragic wolf maulings on his behalf.
Genshin: Deceased; wolf, but one who was also skilled at swordplay (yes, he’s a sword wolf, don’t worry about it). He inadvertently became the primary reason for Barok’s obsession with/hatred for wild magic and wolves/shapeshifters; when Klint was killed, a wolf was the only thing seen fleeing the scene of the crime… Yet his brother was murdered with a human weapon, not the fangs of an animal.
The first time Susato and Ryunosuke enter the walled city, they take a tag team approach where Susato goes in as a human and Ryunosuke poses as her pet dog. That way she can handle all the human interaction and he can use his canine senses to try and lead them to Kazuma. This actually works really well until they run into Barok, who is not so easily fooled. He pegs Ryunosuke as a wolf almost immediately, and a harrowing mad dash chase scene ensues. In the chaos of the escape, Ryunosuke encounters Kazuma. Alas, he finds no recognition in his long-lost friend’s eyes, and indeed, when their gazes meet it’s over the barrel of a gun!
Susato and Ryu manage to escape only because of some well timed intervention from two local wolves, Iris and Gina. Gina berates them for waltzing into the city without a damn clue, Iris invites them back to her house just outside the city to meet with Sholmes and share their story.
With the help of their new friends, Ryu and Susato are able to take a more subtle approach in trying to get through to Kazuma. Ryunosuke takes things a step further and probably gets a menial job within whatever building is at the heart of the government where Kazuma works/trains under van zieks. He tries to get close to him as a human.
At one point he takes the plunge and tries to show Kazuma what he really is (in the hopes it'll jog his memories), but van zieks has long since grown suspicious of this new hire (“Hmmm the janitor we just hired sure has the same shifty boggly looking eyes as that wolf that got away from me the other week…”) and catches him in the act. And then literally catches him.
Barok has wolf-Ryu in a cage. He tries to interrogate him, but Ryu keeps playing dumb and refuses to speak. Barok’s losing it with frustration, this is the first shapeshifter he’s encountered since Klint’s death and he is DETERMINED to get some answers but this wolf just KEEPS. STARING. AT HIM.
Stronghart somehow gets wind of Barok’s catch and is terrified that this wolf he’s caught might know something and could blow all his plans sky high?? He intervenes in the interrogation, tells Barok off for being some kind of conspiracy theorist and going way too far with this shapechanger theory of his, says he’s confiscating Ryunosuke with the intention of putting him down.
Susato, Iris, Gina, and Sholmes all show up to pull off a dramatic rescue. IDK what they do exactly but they make it out to the city gates somehow, at one point Barok IS about to shoot Ryunosuke but Susato saves him by lunging in and biting the hand Barok is aiming his pistol with.
They complete their escape while Barok is clutching his bite wound. Ryunosuke is compelled to look back one more time though, and there’s that super tropey thing where Ryu achieves a prolonged moment of sad and meaningful eye contact with the furious hunter before turning tail and disappearing into the trees.
It takes a bit probably, but one night soon after Barok will be DOOMED TO BECOME THE THING HE HATES THE MOST, and is forced to flee the city in a wild panic. Gets injured (possibly by his own apprentice?) on the way out.
While everyone’s regrouped at Sholmes’ place trying to figure out how the hell they’re going to get to Kazuma now, Ryu does a sniff and says he thinks there’s a new wolf out in the woods? One who smells kind of familiar but he’s not sure why…
They go to investigate and find wolf Barok wounded in the woods (Iris finds him first), they treat his wounds and bring him back to the house and basically they have to teach him how to be a wolf now.
They do eventually all work together to expose Stronghart and save Kazuma and love wins in the end.
I desperately wish I had the wherewithal to write a proper fic about all this but I don't, so you guys just get my partial bullet points and heartfelt doodles.
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4ragon · 2 years
Hey, I would love to hear your Kazuma Asougi essay
Hey guys. You'll never guess what just happened. :D :D :D
Y’all Ready For This [loud techno music]
I'm finally done with my replay of The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles, and it has been quite the trip getting to re-learn who the characters are and what makes them tick. I feel like ALL of my thoughts and opinions have changed since the last time I finished DGS all that time ago, on every single one of these characters (in part because it was really hard to find a translation I could follow when I first went through DGS the first time).
So without further ado:
Kazuma Asougi.
Asougi Kazuma.
A man after my own heart.
(Btw this is mostly going to be spoiler stuff so putting it under the cut)
Wow is Asougi a complicated character to parse down. Because there’re so many different parts and pieces to him that can feel so gosh darn contradictory at times, that have to be put together to create one guy, and I think it’s hard to look at all the pieces in one playthrough and fully understand just who he is.
As a writer, I like looking at characters through a couple of different lenses. Sometimes it’s stuff like how they talk, how they move. You would not believe how many times I’ve gone into the AA wiki to just look at the spritework and figure out how they hold themselves, or just glance at the transcript to try to get the cadence of how they talk.
But at the end of the day, the most important factor is trying to understand Who this character is. Who are they? Why do they make the choices they do? Not just character motivations, but at the core of their being, what makes a character who they are?
And I think that part of why I love Asougi so much is that he’s got so many extremes to him, tugging him in different directions. He’s intelligent, and confident, and well spoken. And he cares so much about Ryunosuke, so much that he was willing to risk everything to save him.
But he’s also the most arrogant motherfucker on the planet.
I’m not willing to call him an outright bad person for all his ridiculous machinations. He said many times he was never planning to actually hurt anyone. Because he was Kazuma Asougi, and he could handle everything himself. He thought he had the upper hand the entire time. He was going to go along with an ASSASSINATION PLOT to right all the wrongs he’d ever experienced, and he never once thought about the danger to himself or to others because of course he could handle it he was Kazuma Asougi.
He had no idea that the assassination plot was what almost killed his best friend before they even stepped on the boat.
Like, man, he was so sure he could handle things. He was so sure he was the one pulling the strings. It was him vs the world, him vs all the corruption and lies that killed his father, so sure of himself that it didn’t occur to him that he was being played.
And honestly? Given what we know about Asougi’s background, I understand how this came about?
In case 2-1, the journalist Mamemomi tells Susato that no one in Japan knows about what happened to Asougi. And I just keep coming back to this because it really sort of drives home an interesting point: Asougi has no family, but he also has no friends other than Ryuunosuke.
And I should clarify, he has the Mikotobas as family, and I do not want to discount that. HOWEVER, as much as he clearly cares deeply for them, I think the discovery that Yujin lied to him absolutely destroyed so much trust that Asougi had.
He’s had to rely on himself for ten years of his life. He couldn’t go to Yujin about the anger festering in him, because Yujin had betrayed his trust, justified or not. And he certainly couldn’t go to Susato, considering she’s a sixteen year old girl and was probably still in the single digits when Asougi got that letter. (I think? Can’t find the exact year he got that letter. Someone fact check me, I can’t find a transcript.)
So he bottled everything up, and spiraled down this horribly disastrous path, relying only on himself, caring only about avenging his father’s death. And he didn’t have time for interpersonal relationships, didn’t have time for friends. How could he, when his entire being was serving thing higher purpose?
And to that point, just think about his plan. Go to England pretending to be an assassin. Avenge his father’s death. And then...what? You were hired as an ASSASSIN. If they’re willing to send Asougi, we have every reason to believe they’d hire someone else to silence him when he stabbed them in the back. But he agreed to this plan anyway, with no regard for his own safety, because he didn’t care about anything past getting justice for his father, not even Having A Future.
And then he met Ryunosuke. The one person he almost threw away everything for. The one person he felt like he could rely on.
I’m going to put a pin in that though because I think if I start talking about their relationship I’m going to write another fucking essay because I have SO MANY FEELINGS ABOUT THEM
The point is, I think Asougi is such a massively interesting guy. Because at his heart I DO think he’s a good person. The Asougi we met in 1-1 was not some sort of mask, it was just one piece of a very complicated guy. He’s a good guy, with a sharp wit and strong sense of justice, and life circumstances took those traits and twisted them until he almost brought everything he cared about to ruin. And that is such an interesting character.
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reforgedspirit · 3 years
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REFORGED SPIRIT: A Post-Canon Fic on Ao3
⚠️ This fic contains DGS 2 spoilers! ⚠️
Status: Ongoing Complete as of 1/23/22 (A sequel is in the works!)
Rating: T
Fandom: Dai Gyakuten Saiban | The Great Ace Attorney
Main Relationships: AsoRyuu (Kazuma Asogi / Ryunosuke Naruhodo) + AsoBaro (Kazuma Asogi / Barok van Zieks) | Both ships are endgame and will coexist maturely.
Additional Characters: Susato Mikotoba, Herlock Sholmes, Iris Wilson, Yujin Mikotoba, Gina Lestrade, a number of other minor characters
Other: Post-Canon Fix-It | Fluff and Angst | Found Family | Feels | Slow Burn | Pining | (if you thought Kazuma deserved better this is the fic for you) | (also a bit of a Kazuma character study)
Summary: Kazuma is invited to tea at Baker Street with Ryunosuke, Susato, and co. The three of them especially (with some accidental help from a prototype truth serum created by Iris) get the chance to properly talk and renew their bonds. And the subject comes up of Kazuma’s long-held dream of being a defense lawyer….
Eventually, our heroes find themselves embroiled in mysteries and conspiracies once again. Kazuma, van Zieks, Ryunosuke, and the rest of the gang must work together to find the truth. As Kazuma builds connections of friendship, family, and love, he’s going to need them, for the dark criminal forces in this land are far from entirely snuffed out….
(This takes place after the last case of DGS2/Resolve, aside from one part of Chapter 1 being between scenes in the game’s epilogue.)
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: The Truth Set Free (~4.5K words)
Chapter 2: Wishing, Healing, Listening (~3.6K words)
Chapter 3: It Will Get Worse Before It Gets Better (~4.3K words)
Chapter 4: Unexpected Guests at the Tea Party (~9.4K words)
Chapter 5: A Dance with Many Moving Parts (~20K words)
Chapter 6: Investigating Connections (~17K words)
Chapter 7: Off and On the Trail (~13K words)
Chapter 8: Warm Hands (~35K words)
Chapter 9: Thank You (~12K words)
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snapdraqons · 1 year
For Better or For Worse
Chapter Three
ao3 link || read from the start
Rating: M (strong language, sexual references and humour)
Relationships: Asoryuu (romantic) Kazuma Asougi and Gina Lestrade, Kazuma Asougi and Barok van Zieks, Kazuma Asougi and Susato Mikotoba (platonic)
Chapter CWs: DGS 1+2 spoilers, drinking, implied period-typical homophobia
His superior stifles a chuckle. "Is that your way of being polite, Asougi?" he asks.
"It's my way of saying I have absolutely no idea why she's marrying you," he replies.
"... We have more in common than you might think."
"Oh? Like what?" He waits for van Zieks' comeback, only to be met with an icy silence and a glare that could freeze over the Thames. So, deciding to push his luck, he goes on. "Do you love her?" he asks, "Because I certainly don't get the impression that she loves you." -- An unfamiliar face provides a few answers and a lot more questions.
Chapter three of my DGS/asoryuu fic is up!! I'm really enjoying writing this so updates are coming fast :) Also, this chapter was initially supposed to be longer, but it was VERY long so I ended up cutting it in half - the next part should be up very soon!!
As always, feel free to let me know what you think!! Comments and kudos are always appreciated!
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beevean · 3 years
“oooh barok is racist!! i’ll kill him with my bare hands!! white people should be banned from playing dgs because they stan a racist!!”
Did you know that there’s a high chance that Edgeworth has blood on his hands?
Think about it. He had a perfect career for 4 years - for 4 years, people that he prosecuted were found guilty. It’s all but confirmed he used illegal means to win. We see his dirty tactics in 1-2 and to a lesser extent 3-4, such as manipulating the witnesses - sure, the updated autopsy report is a meme, but what if that was a real forgery like Phoenix suspected? (I won’t count 1-5 confirming Edgeworth never forged anything of his own will because it was written posthumously and that was a copout, but even if we accept that as canon he does not limit himself to forgery)
How many innocent people were sentenced to death, or to die in jail, because of Edgeworth? We don’t know, but it’s likely that number is higher than zero.
And, as I’ve said other times, Edgeworth was ready to shift focus and try to find Phoenix guilty when Redd White took charge of the case. He knew it was unlikely that Phoenix killed Mia, but he didn’t give a shit - Phoenix was his new accused, Edgeworth’s warped world view was “better to condemn 100 innocent people than to let one criminal flee”, he would do his best to find his old friend guilty.
Hadn’t Mia literally come back from the dead to prove she was the only one with a braincell in the courtroom give Phoenix the last decisive piece of evidence, he would have ended up to rot in jail for a crime he never committed.
Or being sentenced to death, depending on the criteria for such a punishment in the AAverse.
And Edgeworth had no pity for his childhood friend.
Also there was also that lovely moment when he threatened to reveal to the court the disorder of a mentally ill, possibly suicidial witness, even stating “If you kill yourself, that is no concern of mine”. And this happened after his heel-face turn, in JFA. What a cinnamon roll <3
So, why is Edgeworth so beloved and so shipped with the man he once tried to unjustly send to the gallows, while Barok is so loathed for the sole sin of being raised as a nobleman in Victorian England?
“B-but Edgeworth reedemed himself!”
Yeah, exactly. We can forgive a corrupt attorney for ruining innocent lives due to his trauma because he realized the error of his ways after 4 years, but not being progressive enough for 19th century England is way to cruel of a sin even after the realization that irrationally hating people is not a good coping mechanism (yeah spoiler alert, Barok gradually becomes a better person). Nevermind that Barok is absolutely spotless as a prosecutor compared to good ol’ Edgyboy - how dare he not being the only Londoner in 1900 openly supportive of a random “Oriental” boy who randomly showed up in the Old Bailey trying to defend an obvious criminal. (I won’t spoil it for people who haven’t played the game, but Barok had a horrible first impression of Ryunosuke, which didn’t help matters)
I love Edgeworth, by the way. He’s my favorite AA character, I think he’s really a great guy, and his character development is outstanding and I’m proud of him. I don’t think he’s evil or unforgivable, far from it. Just pointing out the double standard - Barok is in no way morally worse than fan-favorite Edgeworth when he started out. Being racist is obviously bad (no shit moment) and it should be condemned and you’re clearly not meant to like him at first, but maybe unjustly sending people to jail for 4 years is slightly worse, yet we all collectively accepted Edgeworth as a good guy after AA.
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rev3rb · 3 years
Spoilers for the end of DGS2, but the thought has been plaguing me for a while now.
I just can’t stop thinking about how odd it feels that Asougi chose to be a prosecutor in the end. While some of that oddness definitely comes from DGS’s rushed wrap up post 2-5, I also just feel that Asougi’s own reasoning for becoming a prosecutor hits a little wrong.
Narratively I get why he became a prosector. It’s to set him up on an opposite but complementary path to Ryuunosuke (among other things), but I feel like for his own personal story, it doesn’t make a ton of sense the way it was done. At the very least, it feels like it’s a decision Asougi should have made much further down the line.
The rest goes under a cut bc this gets a little long.
When Asougi gives Ryuunosuke Karuma, he explains why he wants to become a prosuctor, saying the following:
“Because I’ve seen it now. I’ve seen what’s inside me. The demon that reared its ugly head that day. It was only for the briefest of moments, the last time I came face to face with that inspector... but it was unmistakable, I wanted to kill him. I’ve always known there are demons that live inside people. And now I know there is one in me. The fact that it very nearly consumed me is something I’ll carry with me until the end of my days... while I devote my life to fighting those whose demons have got the better of them... as a prosecutor!”
I don’t know if it’s just me, but if anything, it feels like this should reinforce Asougi’s want to be a defense attorney. Maybe that’s a little odd, but bear with me here.
He’s basically saying that while he knew that there were bad people out there with ‘darkness in their hearts’ (essentially), he’s come to realize that he too has this potential to do bad in him. If anything, shouldn’t that make him realize that good people can do bad things? Shouldn’t that make him realize that there are people out there who make mistakes? Wouldn’t it then make more sense that he’d feel compelled to help those people?
I understand that getting convicted of murder results in capital punishment here, but wouldn’t that make for a great new shift or addition in Asougi’s original goal of wanting to change the justice system? Now that he understands that good people can mess up, wouldn’t trying to change the law so that convictions aren’t necessarily so harsh be a great goal for him?
Sure, I get that Asougi’s goal wasn’t as noble as you’re initially lead to believe as it really had more to do with wanting revenge and all that, but with how he talked in 1-1, I can’t help but think it wasn’t all fake. I like to think that Asougi really did have ambition to change the legal system along with his goals of finding out what happened to/getting revenge for his father. But we’ll never really know since DGS2 couldn’t give us time to properly talk to Asougi about stuff like that.
Yeah, he can do this from the prosecutor’s side of things. No doubt that it would be much easier that way in universe, so in that instance his reasoning for becoming a prosecutor would track. However, from the way Asougi’s talking here, that doesn’t appear to be his goal at all. It really does come off more as “I want to contain the darkness within me while I punish those who let that darkness get the better of them.” It feels rather harsh, even if I’m unsure that it’s supposed to come off that way.
On top of all that, I feel like a character having this kind of goal would fit well with the themes of the game. DGS’s characters are not as black and white (for the most part) as the characters in the mainline games. Take a look at the true culprits across both DGS games. A number of them never intended to hurt anyone, and some that did never intended to kill anyone. There’s grey morality everywhere, and yet if a person is convicted of murder, they’re faced with capital punishment. (The games themselves sorta get around this by having the less guilty characters not actually kill anyone, which feels like a bit of a cop out, but I guess we can’t be too morally grey now can we?) A character trying to align the universe’s punishments with the grey morality seems like it’d be a nice fit, and interesting to boot, but I digress.
To bring things back to Asougi specifically, I suppose another way to read what he said is that this realization caused Asougi to lose faith in people, something he’s said is vital to being a defense attorney. In which case, becoming a prosecutor is his only real option if he wants to still become a lawyer, but there’s another issue I take with it.
When Asougi first tells Ryuunosuke he’s going to be prosecutor, he says he’s going to study under van Zieks to become as formidable as he is. The problem is that, not but a few days earlier, Asougi said that he’d never be able to forgive van Zieks. While that doesn’t mean that Asougi wouldn’t be able to work with van Zieks, it would no doubt be difficult due to those lingering feelings of resentment. On one hand, this tells us that Asougi is putting aside his feelings to better himself as a lawyer, which is good, but it feels very odd that Asougi would have such a change in attitude towards van Zieks in such a short time period.
Not only that, but van Zieks also no doubt has some conflicted feelings towards Asougi as well. Without getting into a big analysis on how van Zieks might feel towards Asougi himself post 2-5, I feel it’s safe to say that those feelings would be complex. Add on that Van Zieks has purposefully distanced himself from people for years, and while he’s shown that he's slowly moving past his issues, I can’t imagine he and Asougi would get along well at first for the same reasons I stated earlier. They could tolerate each other, yes, and ultimately, I do feel that they’d be able to properly accept everything and become good colleges... but again. That. Takes. Time. Likely a lot of time in their case. It’s just not going to be a good environment to learn in at that point in time.
It honestly feels like they’d get on better if they were rivals in the courtroom where they can grow to appreciate each other’s abilities without having to actually directly interact much at first like how van Zieks and Ryuunosuke did. From that point it would make a ton more sense if Asougi were to decide he wanted to change sides. Then again, maybe that anamosity and tentative truce would escalate if they were on opposite sides of the courtroom...
But look. All I’m saying is imagine if Asougi stuck with being a defense attorney and tried to change the law surrounding convictions. He ultimately could have become a defense attorney like Raymond Shields, where he takes guilty clients who deserve some sympathy in an attempt to get them less harsh punishments. It would have been cool.
TLDR: Prosecutor Asougi works, but it feels like a weird and awkward choice at that point in time. On the other hand, defense attorney Asougi could have been really cool.
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a1t0aria · 2 years
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I don't think I’ve seen anyone create a relationship/opinion chart for their TGAA OCs yet, so I thought I’d make one! Opinion chart 1 is how Beatrice sees the other characters and addresses them. Opinion chart 2 is how other characters see her and address her. Ryunosuke is Beatrice’s secret keeper because she trusts him enough to tell him how she feels about certain things she might not want anyone else (including Herlock and Iris) to know. Beatrice also only gives nicknames to those she is close to.
Updated relationship and opinion charts for Beatrice after the events of TGAAC below (Warning: Major spoilers for the entire game):
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I originally wanted Beatrice to call Barok ‘Barry’, but the localisation had someone named Barry Caidin, so I changed it to ‘Rocky’ instead. Beatrice gave Kazuma the name ‘Damien’ and nicknamed him ‘Dammie’ before he remembered who he was. Kazuma, while he was still an amnesiac, started calling her ‘Bea’ when communicating with her through paper (since he’s not allowed to talk) and Barok quickly picked up on the habit too.
I still have only OC-centric drafts so far, but hopefully I will have less of that coming soon and more of a modern DGS AU I have been working on for a while. Stay tuned!
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wedge of lemon, sugar, coffee powder
Fandom: Dai Gyakuten Saiban/The Great Ace Attorney (spoilers for the setting of DGS 1-2 but nothing major plot-wise)
Pairing/Characters: Naruhodou Ryuunosuke/Asougi Kazuma
Rating: T
Word Count: 3684
Notes: Second of my SS Burya fics! Individual tumblr posts are here: part 1 | part 3 | starfish | you can say what you want. This one was written for @asoryuu-week​ 2021 day 2 prompt: only one bed (hi yes i have yet to come to terms with ryuu sleeping in the closet when there was literally a double bed in there!!!)
He'd kissed his best friend. Too winded to make noise and facing the serious possibility he’s maybe not going to be able to pull himself up, perspective floods him with much greater ease when he’s plastered to the floor. His best friend had kissed him. And okay, at least his arms can move since he’s able to draw them up well enough to unleash a silent scream into the dark of his hands.
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