#DOING things and hosting events and making stuff happen is a Big Deal
bigothteddies · 27 days
maybe a house would be nice. admittedly I am only saying that because I realized I could have a housewarming party and try to invite my favorite people to come visit
#unimportant thoughts#itd be so fun! just imagining sharing my space with the people i love and having them in my space to celebrate it#its all I could want ! im gonna be daydreaming about it sctually#i mean i still could do that with an apartment BUT less space also noise restrictions#UGH i could throw a yearly christmas party!#my family had a big christmas party every year when i was a kid with some families we were close with :(#i miss it a LOT#nostalgic about the fact that there were kids my age i could play toys with and eat at the kids table sure but STILL#i could do that for my friends !#i could maybe cover a plane ticket or two and get some of my favorite people together for a nice dinner and sleepover ;(#i could decorate and cook a meal and have wrapped gifts for everyone under the tree :(#meatz has a friend that throws a big halloween party every year and i really admire it#to throw and host a party rvery year where the prople you love can gather and see each other snd have a good time#is a PRICELESS fucking thing to provide and its something i admire#DOING things and hosting events and making stuff happen is a Big Deal#its a value and service many people dont appreciate#fortunately its been BEAT into me by the BMX scene#that the most importsnt thing you can do for BMX isnt to post your opinions online#but to host your own event to provide for the sport your own way to get people involved and to have a good time#and i wsnt to do that in life !#its hard ive arranged beach trips where no one shows up ive hosted movie nights where people leave halfway through#but I know ill find people that want to do things and hang out just as badly as I do !
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ronearoundblindly · 2 years
Eighty-Third Time's the Charm (3)
CEO!Steve x assistant!Reader
Balance (see previous or series)
Summary: At Steve's suggestion, you get an assistant of your own...right before a huge event.
Warnings: light angst, some language, miscommunication, possibly poor editing WC 2.3k
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Topaz is a very nice lady and all, but what the fuck is she doing at American Capsules?!
Ok, well, Topaz is…not exactly nice. She’s got an attitude that could drown fish in the sea and a resting face that could curdle milk. She is, however, magnificently efficient. After only a week, you’ve grown so fond of her thick Kiwi accent barking at you to go home or go out to drinks that you find your cheeks hurting from smiling.
The thing you don’t understand though: does Steve think you can’t handle this job on your own anymore? You’ve been fine for three whole years without help. Yes, the company has grown consistently in that time, but a point of pride for you has been setting up most departments to run steady and necessary communications through you (and between themselves) to minimize Steve’s time dealing with minor fires instead of the big-picture stuff. This was done on purpose. In theory, you’ve got less impending work to do day-to-day now than you did when you started.
So why, why, is Topaz here?!
You talk poor Pepper’s ear off about it in the dressing room of an extremely fancy designer boutique while trying on potential dresses for an upcoming fundraiser hosted by Stark.
“I don’t think you need to worry about it so much,” Pep offers, smoothing the slinky blue gown over her hips. “Maybe he really is just trying to lessen your burden.”
“Why is Rogers suddenly thinking of my burden? That might have been helpful that spring he decided all transport would be carbon neutral within sixty days before pissing off the Bermuda with Stark—ugh, I’m not sure about this one,” you sigh, pulling the heavy velvet curtain back. “I look like I’m naked.”
Pep’s face lights up. “Buy it,” she says immediately and flatly, “because if you don’t I’m buying it for you.” She straightens her posture and smiles. “It’s on Tony’s account, for my birthday he missed.”
“No, that’s not necessary. It’s just…”
One shade away from your skin tone? Too booby? The most flattering thing you’ve ever seen on your body? Yeah, it is. That’s the magic of this silky cut and draping.
Pepper cocks an eyebrow. “Yes,” she mutters, “you’ll need some jewelry, too.”
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It’s one afternoon when you’ve had to put out more fires than usual and Topaz is pressing for an explanation of what’s happening that you snap.
“It will take longer to tell you than to just do it. Please, give me a second.”
Your assistant is insistent though. “Well, how the hell am I supposed to take over for ya if you won’t let me learn,” Topaz complains between phone calls.
Your eyes go wide, and your jaw drops.
Whipping around in your chair, you stomp to Steve’s office without a second thought and throw open the door.
“You’re fucking replacing me,” you scream at the startled man sitting atop the edge of his desk.
He stands at attention so fast that his pant leg gets caught on the corner, and he grabs at the run while you close more distance.
“I work for you twenty-four-seven for like one thousand days, and this is how you repay me? You make me train my own replacement?” You’re so stunned and enraged that your arms go up, indicating every piece of art on the walls, every bit of furniture, all of it which you chose for him. “Steve, I have done EVERYTHING for you except get your dick wet, but god knows, that’s what you have Stark for. You asshole!”
Then you get in his face. “I understand that you think you are some high and mighty, super-savvy business man who can do no wrong because money is the root of all power or some bullshit, but this—“ you poke your finger into the chest of his impeccably tailored suit “—is a shitty thing to do.”
Lowly, after the adrenaline ebbs over the cliff edge, you finish, “I thought you were better than this.”
Steve stands dumb-founded before reaching out a hand, but it’s not towards you.
“I’mma call you back, ma.”
“You do that, dear,” Sarah Rogers chirps with what might be the faintest chuckle before Steve cuts off the line.
His eyes remain fixed on yours while his head turns. “Topaz,” he calls, “could you shut the door, please.”
“What an excellent idea, sir,” the woman drawls, with heavy judgment, before obliging.
Steve blinks for the first time since you barged in and offers you a seat. You staunchly refuse.
He starts with your name—your first name—and suddenly you’re sure this is it; you’re about to be fired from the first job you’ve ever actually loved. Maybe you should sit down, but your legs won’t move.
“So I hate to admit that this…wasn’t my idea, but the plan was to—ok, Tony let slip the other day that he plans to name Ms. Potts his CEO.”
You make a questioning face and scowl. “Good for her. What, so you planned to pimp me out as his assistant, too?”
“Oh my god—“ Steve rushes forward to grasp your shoulders before thinking better of it and dropping his hands to his pockets “—no. NO. No, I just didn’t want to make it seem like I stole his—right, no, I was hoping that once Topaz is trained and can take over for you that you’d be my co-CEO.”
“What the hell.”
It’s not a question because there’s too much blood rushing to your face to comprehend any answer given.
“See, it’s just now occurring to me that this looks bad, and that’s probably why I should always run ideas by you first.” Steve runs his hand through his hair nervously. “So if you think about it, this kinda proves my point, and uh, even though I’m gonna need to explain that to my mother, I feel pretty confident in the plan still.”
What the hell. Your brain can’t process both the flattery and the mortification at the same time, and you collapse into one of the ergonomic leather chairs facing Steve’s desk, mouth agape for who knows how long before finally responding.
“I see.”
Yeah, that’s all you’ve got.
“Right, well—“ he takes up residence in the other chair and leans forward as close as he can “—I know that the workload for your current position means you don’t get to see your family very often, and I’ll understand if you’d just like to stay at this level with Topaz to help out. That’s fine. That’ll work, too, but you step in and help with my actually job so much that the title might not be much of a difference in what you already do…
“You still with me over there?”
“What? Yes.” You’d zoned out looking through the windows in disbelief. “I…I’ll need to think about it.”
“Of course,” Steve says, standing and fixing his jacket. “I—I didn’t mean to upset you. I thought—“
“Thank you, sir,” you breathe, making a b-line for the door as quickly as possible, unable to meet his eye. “I’m going to step away for lunch for a minute, but—“ get out, get out, get out “—Topaz will—“ get out right now “—be here.”
You just barely glance back as you slide back over the threshold. Steve stands with the smallest, fondest smile on his face.
Get the fuck out right now. Go, go, go.
“Sir,” you nod one last time and watch his smile grow. You smile, too, but only on the other side of the door.
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You still haven’t decided what to do by the time Topaz is ready for a test run. At Steve’s suggestion, you take a few days off to visit your parents, and if anything is truly needed, Topaz can get in touch.
“A dry run, if you will,” Steve said, “plus I know where to find you in case of real emergency.”
It’s dumb that you thought about him showing up on your parents’ doorstep your whole plane ride there, right? It’s awful that you eagerly anticipated texts from either of them, isn’t it? It’s sad that you pictured drunk-Steve, curled up like he was on your hotel bed, more than once in your childhood home, maybe?
Yes, but that doesn’t stop you. In fact, you don’t receive a single text, email, or voicemail from your boss the entire trip except one message after you land in New York again.
S. Rogers: see you at the gala. Topaz and I did great!
So your triumphant return (and Topaz’s magnificent success) culminates in Stark’s fundraiser. Pepper shares her town car to the venue with you. She’s just come from having a stylist do her hair and makeup, a special treat for herself, and she did offer to have you join. You weren’t prepared for all the fuss. It made things feel too important when you are essentially a wallflower for an event with actual celebrities and rich people—very rich people.
Exiting your apartment, you felt nice, but when you see all the perfectly coifed patrons on the actual red carpet, you deflate.
“Mind if I go around the back, Pep?”
She’d disappointed, of course, but she would never want to make you more uncomfortable. Before you wisk yourself away with your silky train behind you, she is sure to mention that your dress really is gorgeous and you wear it like a champ.
“Just know you’re a natural,” she whispers, grasping your hand gently over your bejeweled clutch.
She’s so genuine it makes you blush. See, now, she will make a great CEO.
“Meet you inside,” you wink.
A lot of the banquet and catering staff for these events work with both Stark Industries and American Capsule regularly, so you walk by many familiar faces and receive a gentle chorus of hellos to “Señorita Cappy.” You smile shyly and feel just as on-display as you would with the press outside. You can’t remember the last time you showed this much skin.
The service elevator is packed with waiters, but everyone smiles at each other. There’s a moment of camaraderie, a fortifying breath before every single person including you has to put on a performance.
The staff motion for you to exit first, but you blame your dress and say you’ll wait till last. They don’t argue—bless them—because you need the few extra seconds to be ready.
You missed work the last few days. You missed the rush and the routine and the challenge and the chaos. You missed…
Nope. Just take a deep breath. Step out. Drop the train of fabric and walk.
You think back to how you looked in the mirror at the boutique when you first tried this on, conjuring up that confidence without a reflection around you. Doesn’t hold all that well, so you pop into the ladies’ room to pat some cold water on your flushed chest. Then you can see. Then you can smile. Your hair and makeup look just how you wanted, and if you’d gone to a professional, it may have looked too overdone for the simplicity of the rest. Delicate, single-strand gold earrings frame a bare neckline, and since you don’t have rings to wear, Pepper suggested a thin, golden charm bracelet.
Maybe you should have chosen differently. Sometimes, when you turn your head too far to the side, an earring tickles across your collarbone, reminding you that there’s just these three millimeter straps holding the whole getup.
Too late now. Don’t sweat. Ugh.
You slurp some cool water from your cupped palm and blot your lipstick once more.
Go time, damn it. You think of your dad cheering his favorite sports team, hearing his ‘go get ‘em, tiger’ loudly in your mind. That makes you excited. You’ve got this.
You plaster on a soft smile to walk by the main elevators where a thin sea of guests pool. You get a few glances and nods. You’ve been in meetings with about a quarter of the men here, and they seem to notice that.
Your neck tenses absently as you round the corner into the solid wood ballroom, and there’s no buffer. Steve Rogers is just right in front of you. He’s all you can see. Even with the nearly fifty feet between you two, you’re sure there wasn’t a second that his eyes weren’t already on you.
He stands shoulder to shoulder with Tony by the bar, lips parted but unmoving as Stark rambles and sips his scotch.
You can’t even see the blue of his eyes. You’re pinned in place.
He mouths—well, he probably says it but you can’t hear—an ‘excuse me’ to Tony and makes his way towards you, a pristine velvet tux jacket stretched across his frame like a sin.
You grin at his approach. You couldn’t stop if you tried, but it catches across his face, too.
When he’s close, Steve swings his arm out.
“You look—“
Oh god, this must be the most inappropriately scandalous dress. You shouldn’t have listened to Pepper. She can pull this off. You’ve never tried. Why would you pick today to test it out?
“—spectacular,” Steve finishes, dragging his gaze all the way to the floor before closing the last few feet between you. His hand snakes a few gentle inches across your barely covered waist to draw himself near. He kisses your cheek. “Just marvelous, doll.” He pulls back and with less than an ounce of pressure against his fingers, he holds you in suspense. 
“Welcome home.”
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Well f*** me, gang. This is gonna be a lot longer than three parts, and I've decided as a series, it will be called "It Had to Be You." Damn if I'm not loving the shit outta these two though.
[Next Part] Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist; Ko-Fi
dividers by @firefly-graphics
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 6 months
do you have any lore for festival day for the legacyverse how is it celebrated in the different providences any special traditions whats the gifting goat's whole deal
All right, lore time!! FESTIVAL DAY GO!! (with subjectivity to change, you never know if DR is gonna pull out a Christmas special at this rate):
The holiday itself originated in the Archipelago, although (not unlike Christmas) how it's celebrated now differs greatly from how it started.
The tale of the "Gifting Goat" came about, as most fairy tales do, by bizarre happenstance. A caravan of market traders in carts being pulled by goats would come from the South to visit the Archipelago around that time of year, and would gift the people there with items gathered from other places to tempt them into trading for more. The "coming of the goats" would eventually become a grand event of wonders to look forward to for people of the Archipelago, and the people would host a grand festival on the day before the traders would arrive to welcome them- hence "Festival Day". The traders would do their business, indulge in the celebrations, and then return home and attempt to share the stories of what they experienced.
...Of course, from there the world's worst game of telephone occurs and the story becomes "a goat comes on this specific night every year during this festival to deliver presents to everyone" and you can about imagine what that turns into
The Southern Province, the nearest area to the Archipelago, closely celebrates the day similar to how the Archipelago does (i.e. with gift exchanges and spending time with loved ones), but instead of putting emphasis of the receiving of gifts, they put more emphasis on the giving (and the goat). While the goat is seen as a symbol of prosperity and good fortune for them, they don't actually expect a goat to being them presents (especially since the original traders came from their lands), but giving others a share of your own prosperity in the hopes of others finding their own is a very important tradition to them. And any family that happens to own a goat in this region will also pamper the heck out of that goat
The Western Province puts much more emphasis on the festival part of the holiday. They invented eggnog and fruitcake. They're the cause of terrible festive sweaters. They're to blame for the mistletoe thing. But boy do they know how to throw a bash–music, food, parades...! They're much less focused on the gift-giving (they're already getting plenty of stuff during the festival itself) but doing so in this Province is seen as a much more...intimate gesture (or just that who you're gifting to is someone very very special to you. It's a good time to make a statement, so to speak)
The Eastern Province puts its emphasis on the "goat delivering presents" part, as they're a region with primarily sand and rain to its name and enjoy having some new and exciting to look forward to. They also started the word that the Gifting Goat can sniff out who's been naughty throughout the year, and will give coal to such individuals (totally not just to preserve any coal/Cole puns here). They ALSO started the tradition of leaving out "carrot cookies" as extra encouragement for the goat to bring good fortune...along with popularizing the idea that the Gifting Goat can fly?! (Note: definitely only an Eastern belief. Sorry Jay.)
The holiday itself isn't quite as popular/widespread in the Northern Province, but one thing they are known for is decorating. House-lightning became a big thing as a way to "draw the Gifting Goat's attention" or used as a "reminder" for the goat to not forget them, but even those that don't celebrate will partake in the excuse for some light and color in the colder regions. They're also responsible for why some people put up trees in their homes—they believe it makes for a good place for the Gifting Goat to rest between visits (or just a nice place to gather up all the presents). As snow/mountain goats are also plentiful in this region, some Northerners leave out offerings (not cookies, tho) for their local goats friends too, as a show of good will~
The Central Province, as it is a melting pot of all the other Provinces (and where most people live anyway, regardless of where they're from), collectively inhales all the traditions into one: the grand festivals, the lavish decorations, the giving of gifts to loved ones, and the awaiting of a goat to deliver presents unto you, with various other lesser traditions melding in as per the individual's and/or family's personal choice. And of course, the mixing and matching of the different elements (combined with personal preferences) leads to Central having a whole different vibe during the holiday (and even some potential disagreements over how it should be celebrated, but this is a rare occurrence).
But the real question: is the Gifting Goat real? None claim to have actually seen "the" Gifting Goat beyond goats with festive hats at petting zoos, but others swear they hear a "Baa" in the echoes of the night of December 24th, and presents then appear by morning, so who knows... (or maybe some people just want an excuse to be a GOAT for a day and spread some happiness for once let them live)
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analexthatexists · 4 months
Frick it, Dreamtale Infection AU Concept
The MLP Infection AUs have managed to inspire me to make something absolutely despicable, so here you go.
(also I updated some stuff after looking over it now that I’m no longer tired as hell)
Ready? Click READ MORE and prepare yourself.
In a timeline where the human that originally killed Nim and went on to become a part of the being that killed/possessed Nightmare, there was never such a man. Rather, never such a human at all. A terrible plague swept the Tree of Feelings, seemingly from an unknown type of worm or parasite that had become resistant towards most means of magic, explaining how they were able to survive eating through the magic apples without dying. Ink and others are still unsure how this is possible, but there were more concerning things to worry about as the infected apples had found a host approximately 6 years after the passing of Nim. . .
Status: Healthy Feeling: Confused/Scared Infection: 0% After a series of unfortunate events, Dream was taken from his AU and brought to a strange Multiversal hub of sorts alongside other Sanses trying to put a stop to this sudden infection. He has absorbed/eaten the last Golden Apple that survived the infestation and struggles to figure out what to do now that all of this is happening, but he continues to try and help when and how he can. Think of this as the replacement for the original Dark Apple Incident, only...Way worse. He is the most sought after by the infection and the infected, as his body contains one of the last non-infected Golden Apples and serves as a great weakness towards their growth if he ever figures out how to unleash his greater capabilities and take a stand. "...Brother...I need to help my brother. Help everyone. But...How?"
Status: Injured Feeling: Tense/Determined Infection: 0% After losing Ink and his brother, Swap's become a lot more serious and willing to get his hands dirty to protect those he cares about. He looks after Dream like a big brother and will fight till his SOUL shatters before surrendering. He mostly just wants to keep hope high and people safe. He's usually the one amputating people when they are at risk of infection, and thankfully hasn't had to amputate himself yet. He does his best not to be reckless, but in extreme, aggressive times, sometimes he can forget. "This is for everyone. I AM the Magnificent Sans, and I WILL make sure we survive this! I swear on it..."
Status: Missing Feeling: Annoyed/Stressed Infection: 23% Error has no clue what's going on. Originally he was just going to have it his way and erase whatever vile abominations were popping up as he usually does, but for once he was overpowered by someone who wasn't Ink. More on that later... Swap had insisted on amputating him, but Error never really liked people touching him, so he simply vanished, leaving the group behind. His right arm's been badly bruised and shows signs of early infection, but refuses to get it fixed by anyone other than himself. He was always stubborn like that... And that stubbornness will eventually cost him. "Forget it...I don't need their help. I can figure out a better way to deal with this than having one of Ink's friends cutting my arm off."
Status: Infected Feeling: Hysterical, Losing his mind Infection: 62% As he's partially made of ink and able to turn into ink, he quickly became a victim to the outbreak after realizing too soon that he was in danger. The infestation's ink-like substance fused itself with Ink's own, basically possessing him. The vials have been thrown aside and now carry the same substance to infect others with, his emotions now being managed through the ink itself as it is sort of like liquid negativity. The infectious substance can be seen running through and down his arm and leg bones as well as out of his eyes and mouth. This makes Ink a lot more animalistic and irrational, and although it still speaks a little bit like him, this is no longer Ink. It's unclear if he can regain himself in this state, but he's certainly not getting any better. His main goals have become spreading the infection to more and more people, but he’s also hunting after Error while he’s at it. He’s their primary target so far, and loves to taunt him and the rest of the gang whenever he gets to. His warped mind sees all of this as nothing more than a game, and he’s not looking forward to losing it. "H a h . . . Come on, Error!. . . Isn't this a wonderful game!?"
Status: Missing Feeling: Manic/Anxious Infection: 5% Once infected humans and monsters found their way into Dusttale, Dust was quick to begin going on a killing spree with excitement. However, he caught on quickly that something was wrong, and was quick to flee the area. He can't figure out if he's been infected or if his mind's playing tricks on him, but he's not about to let that answer keep him from getting his way. "I'll find whoever did this and kill them where they stand...I'm sure I could...Heh...That sounds real fun, doesn't it Paps..."
Status: Dead Feeling: N/A Infection: 100% While Dust and Error were able to realize ahead of time that they were outmatched and got away in time before risking too much of their own well-being, Killer wasn't so fortunate nor willing to back down. He took on several at once, the thrill of getting dust and blood all over the battlefield and his own jacket exciting him. He let the bloodlust get to his head, and paid the price once he began to tire out and was ambushed. What remains of his body and especially his jacket went to use after the infected fed on his bones and magic. A dish best served cold indeed. [N/A]
Status: Infected Feeling: Hungry Infection: 74% Horror simply thought the human shuffling around Snowdin drooling a strange black substance was merely just a really sick or diseased one. He didn't plan to eat it, of course not, but it seemed by the human's expression that it wanted to eat him. In an encounter with this strange human, Horror realized as its mouth spewed out black tendrils that it was more than just a simple illness or a sick day that wasn't right with this human, but it was too late. What was inside of the human entered Horror through the large crack in his skull, and from there it festered, soon to devour the lumbering skeleton whole. What was once Horror has now been reduced to a mass of tendrils and living agony in a decomposing, axe-wielding brute. Do not return to this AU. It will know you're there. It will hunt you down. It will kill you. ". . . h u n g r y. . . n e e d t o e a t . . ."
Status: Dead Feeling: N/A Infection: 100% He never wanted to eat that disgusting apple, but he was forced to by bullies for a sick joke. Forced to unleash a hell that he never wanted to. It started as a minor headache and some stomach pain, but quickly spiraled out of control. It was growing inside of him, and it was eating him alive. He couldn’t stop it. It poured out of his eye and mouth uncontrollably, tore through his bones with force and left the boy’s body mutilated before turning to dust. The substance took no physical form as of then, but knew from this first host what form it would eventually take on once it had enough power and mass to. . . IT STOLE HIS VOICE AND BODY. DO NOT TRUST IT. STAY ALERT. IT MAY LOOK AND SOUND, BUT CANNOT FEEL. N/A
It originates from the Dark Apples from the infested Dreamtale universe and came to be once Nightmare fell victim to them, which allowed the substance to absorb his life and magic energy and even some of his memories and mind to be able to start infecting other beings in the area, such as the bullies who caused this to happen and eventually most of the village’s residents. Eventually it gained enough power and energy to evolve from a large writhing mass of tendrils and slime to being able to mimic the shapes of those it infected, but before it could do so, it remained a large mass of black slime that spread around the village and withered away plant life until Ink came along to try and tackle the issue himself after evacuating the remaining, living and non-infected inhabitants out of the AU including Dream. Ink was eventually infected himself and became one of the main hosts used by the infection. “Ink” then went around spreading the infection to AUs like Underswap and Horrortale, where it proceeded to do massive damage. If nothing was done about it, it could destroy the entire Multiverse, so it’s a good thing survivors like Swap, Dream and Error were around, even if Error wasn’t too interested in being a hero and working with his rival’s teammate (Referring to Swap).
The Infection has a few stages and forms which I’ll go over.
Stage 1 - Infection has entered host, growing inside of stomach and is stealing nutrients. Will quickly begin consuming the stomach and other organs. Feeds off of negativity and will grow faster in more depressed, stressed, or hopeless hosts. Weakened by optimistic and positive hosts and greatly by positive magic. This is the only time that the infection can be amputated or possibly removed, but be warned; It spreads fast.
Stage 2 (UPDATED)- Infection has grown too big to be contained by host and breaks out forcefully by tearing through skin, bone, etc like a cocoon and killing the host in the process. The mind and original host are gone, there remains nothing but the parasite. Hosts such as Nightmare and casual residents will commonly be eaten through quickly and without thought, but others with potential such as Horror and Ink will be eaten sparingly as to make full usage of their abilities, but still making sure they have no more control. The infected that choose to make use of their hosts without consuming them immediately are classified as Advanced Hosts.
From here, the parasite will either choose to remain a roaming mass and fuse with others to create larger blobs that’ll cover and surround areas, or begin focusing on mimicry’ and mobility, fusing with others to eventually form mobile humanoid forms based off the other hosts they’ve taken on. These can also begin mimicking the voices of their hosts to trick people. These are classified as Roamers and Mimics respectively.
(NEW) Symptoms of the infection include:
Increased hostility and negativity
Slurred speech
Mild to severe headaches and stomach pain
Weakened Immune System
Extreme Hunger
Emotional Outbursts
Black tar-like substance spilling from bones, skin, eyes and mouth
Can be weakened or even killed by strong amounts of positive magic, and is weak to fire, explosions, and large amounts of blaster-based energy. Light or sunlight does not seem to hurt it, rather only aggravate it.
The Mare is what you’d consider the Corrupt Nightmare of this Multiverse and the root of the infection. It is the strongest and most dangerous thing to come out of the infection, but if killed, the infection will not go away instantly. It will however be greatly weakened due to such a loss. It’s the same basic idea with some extra steps. The original mass that includes the remains of Nightmare will eventually support enough mass to take the form of a large, skeletal creature that uses the leftover jacket from Horror or Killer (Depending on if Horror dies or not. If he does, then it uses his jacket over Killer’s) as a sort of outfit and way of keeping a low-enough profile. This is the entity that will be hunting after Dream and the main cast once it forms, it’s primary goal being to lure away and kill Dream. Design is similar to Classic Corrupt Nightmare’s, only…WAY more grotesque and lanky. This variant commonly has its hood up and more slim, sharper tentacles than the original (Which become VERY useful for quickly infecting and killing people, making it REAL dangerous), and might I also mention is a lot less mentally (and let’s be honest, physically) humane. The Mare is a lot more irrational and animalistic, while commonly remaining silent especially during hunting or killing, it’s known to have been heard laughing or even screaming uncontrollably before. It’s unclear why, but it’s varying, mixed mindset is potentially due to all of the infected making up its body having each of the remains of their original hosts’ emotions clashing together. Only one Mare can exist at a time, it seems, due to there only have being one Nightmare. It can also mimic the voices of all previous hosts the infected that make up its body have taken over, almost to a near-perfect degree expect for the slight echoing effect and very minor pitch lowering.
Welp, that’s that idea. Do whatever you want with it, change it up, add some new things, he’ll, maybe even do your own thing and pay no attention to this concept, I don’t really care. Just have fun with it! :)
I have no clue if any of this even makes sense it is late as hell for me and I’m literally typing the rest of this out in bed on my phone but uhhhhhh yeah that’s all suggest/criticize/correctness if ya want, ye
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Can. Can I ask to hear more of the it was only Tuesday AU? It sounds really neat (plus powers in the real world is my JAM).
Thanks for the ask anon! o7
And yeah, I'd be happy to talk about one of my many crossover fics (seriously I have a ton lmfaooo).
Recapping "For Me, It Was Only Today": CL/MLB AU with combining lores, Lyoko powers sprouting irl, and some Odd/Adrien rarepair shipping
Okay I'll admit straight off that I didn't realize how much content I made in the trio AUs for a CL/MLB crossover. I thought it was just Cherrybird with all the stuff I wrote up but I'm looking at this one and Strays and it's hitting me my notes are so deep haha
They were so thought out that I got stuck for a moment thinking about how I'd explain this but here I'll try my best:
I mentioned this above but this fic of the trio I do plan to mix the lores together without going uh, too crazy. I don't want to reveal my hand given it's supposed to be a big plot point properly unveiled in this version's take on the episode Franz Hopper (I had to specify episode but it's also fun adjusting Hopper the character in this lore shift).
If this got posted this would likely be a fusion type of crossover I think.
This fic in particular is limited to Ulrich's POV given I want to have the story be about the Warriors seeing Odd's shifting relationship with Chat Noir. The wacky lore is just stuff that goes on in day-to-day. Also sorta open ended to leave room for additional content given the lore of this particular fic is pretty big + the cast leaves ample other stories to tell from their perspectives.
But I digress, we're talking about the Ulrich POV for this fic in particular.
I'll first start off by focusing on the format of this fic in particular. There should be about 12 chapter to match up with the Subdigitals album because I'm a bit corny and wanted to pair that up haha
Each chapter takes the premise of a episode (whether it be CL or MLB) and meshes it together with the crossover/lore shift.
An example I can throw out is the first chapter, which would just be Ulrich and Odd chatting while watching some of the events of Prime Queen happen from their phones (given Nadia did host her segment etc etc).
The CL powers though I agree I'm also a big "powers in the real world" enjoyer haha. Sometimes I just think about this AU in a bubble without the crossover and ponder the shenanigans that can crop up if you just play the power exposure as comedy instead of the angsty potential it is.
Love this AU because the kids are not alright. They have to adjust to shifting into things very much not human, despite having some of the basic human traits.
Odd gets the worst of it given he's a literal cat-boy in Lyoko. The Digitization process is subtle at first but then it becomes extremely difficult to hide that he's growing purple fur, he's nursing intense migraines whenever a Future Flash decides to crop up, his vision nearly landed him some glasses, etc.
Yumi and Ulrich don't have it as bad, but the pains that settle in once Telekinesis and Super Sprint respectively show up for each of them is exhausting. Their clothing tends to get shifted by their exposure, so there's a bit of a running gag of swapping shoes out so they don't constantly lose them (at one point Ulrich has more sandals than shoes lmao)
I also toss in some new abilities because as they grow older aka as the chapters progress in the fic. Odd deals with camouflage that glitches whenever his emotions get out of control (it changes the color of his purple fur like it's a mood ring), Ulrich has to keep a certain mask on him (the one on the back of his S1-S3 outfit) just to make sure he's not phasing through the earth every few minutes, and Yumi has to be very cautious when it comes to stepping in shadows in fear of getting stuck in them.
Digitization (i.e. the term Jeremie coins to explain the shifts the four are going through) is not completely defined all at once. It takes time and as they grow older, their forms will only grow stronger and more defined.
The process isn't immediate for anyone. It shows up with frequent scanner usage, though it isn't until the events of Frontier that it truly settles in that Odd, Ulrich, and Yumi are not exactly humans anymore.
Will also mention that I abuse the concept of TransWatches that Evolution introduced and rehash them to be a temporary solution to let the kids blend in as proper humans. It doesn't prevent some of their glitches from leaking out though, just hides away their outfit changes or their cosmetic changes (i.e. Odd's fur or Yumi's makeup).
Aelita does not immediately experience Digitization given she only used the scanners once then stayed on Lyoko for a long time. Throughout S2 she'll deal with her own changes and will catch up in time with her creativity ability being very uh, destructive when it comes to her nightmares making the power flare. This fic in particular glosses over it given it's not her perspective focus but I feel like I should mention Aelita since I don't give her a lot of love in these recaps ;-;
I also feel extremely bad for Jeremie since he always has the weight of the world on his shoulders all because of his decision. He's the leader of the group and sometimes his plans don't pan out which result in him being extremely cautious to give them another shot unless he's forced to.
One of these plans was trying to enlist Ladybug and Chat Noir for help at the very beginning of this mess. A RTTP stopped the duo from trying to get rid of the machine to prevent XANA from ever harming the real world again. So it's obvious why he wouldn't be the biggest fan of Odd turning around and trying to court Chat Noir.
I'll talk about the Chat Noir in the room. Why him? Why not Ladybug? Well besides my own shipping agenda, I do have a bit of a fic logic haha
The fic in particular starts in the midst of MLB S2. Ladybug and Chat Noir have been established in Paris enough. The whole reason Adrien gets involved is due to Fluff.
She's the one able to sense all this time phenomenons and wants to know more. Fu is already busy with training Marinette to be the Guardian atp, so he decides to give this investigation mission to Chat Noir to satisfy Fluff's curiosity.
Hence Adrien gets his own time companion and has to keep this secret from Ladybug (Fu doesn't want it to leak out to anyone that Chat currently possesses another Miraculous, that and he worries Ladybug would become distracted if she found out that Chat is working on other things not involving her).
MLB S2 is working around the same time as CL S1. So thanks to Fluff's Miraculous, Adrien can feel the time shifts too. He just can't completely remember things.
This is how Adrien gets to remember some of his interactions with the Warriors, and how he and Odd start to bond a bit. A Great Day is when Fluff can finally fulfill her satisfaction and Burrows herself, Adrien, and Plagg into these Time Phenomenons.
After that the shenanigans can properly ensue where Adrien can remember everything after a RTTP has been done. He also has to give Fluff back as she's perfectly fine with these phenomenons now that she can properly access them in her Burrow.
Adrien couldn't leave well enough alone though, way too curious about why these things were happening in the first place. It's why he continues his investigation to the other plot points that happen generally in the fic.
I'm sorry if this one seems pretty jumbled haha. I have been having some issues with sleep so my brain was just all over the place trying to convey this recap without like giving up everything plotted out.
Once again thank you for the ask anon, and thanks to anyone who reads this o7
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voidspacecowboy · 6 months
Here is a story I was thinking about the other day that I thought Tumblr might enjoy.
So, I used to work at a place where every year we would host a huge rock climbing competion/festival. Like, 1000 people all camping for the week, shit gets wild, it’s a fun time.
A fun thing to note is that the property owners are Mormon. They’re pretty chill as far as mormons go, but still.
So the comp happens, everyone has a blast, and as it tends to be with large events, there is always a pretty big lost and found pile left behind. So a day or so after the comp, our office manager is like ‘can someone please go through the lost and found, I don’t want it lying around forever’, which is fair because like, a lot of that stuff is in A State, and the original owners probably do not want it back. My coworker and I, with very little else to do that day, are like yeah no problem we got this.
We start rooting through the box, finding a million grimy water bottles, several single climbing shoes with blown-out toes, items of clothing that definitely need washing before we can mail them back to anyone. Climbing gear, camping gear, the usual.
And then there’s a backpack.
It’s a pretty full-looking backpack, too. It’s heavy when we pick it up. We open the main zip, and discover a pair of climbing shoes and an entire trad rack - which if you are not a climber, is a very expensive set of gear that usually climbers will have built up over time. We are astounded that someone has left their entire rack behind. It’s in such good shape, too. Someone has got to be looking for this!
We dig through the backpack a little more, looking for a name or anything that might be used for identification. Library card, funky looking keyring, whatever. My coworker unzips the front pouch of the backpack, and is immediately like ‘oh my god’. They grab a tissue, while I’m sat there like ‘dude wtf’, and using that tissue, they reach into the pouch… and pull out a pink plastic chastity cage.
We stare at each other, wide-eyed. “Is that…” I trail off. My coworker nods. We stare at it a little more, just to check that yep, that is indeed a chastity cage that somebody kept in their climbing backpack and left behind.
At this point, we’re like, okay, we now have so many questions that we don’t necessarily want to know the answers to. Is it for during the climbing comp?? For after?? Surely this person did not climb wearing that for 12-24hrs, that has got to be medically inadvisable. But hey, my coworker says; on the bright side, we now have something very identifiable to help return this backpack to its rightful owner. So we hop on the work Facebook, and make a post like ‘hey, we have a backpack with a trad rack and some other stuff in the lost and found, there is a very unique personal item in the front pouch, if this is your stuff please prove it by telling us what that item is, and we’ll get it back to you asap’.
We’re not here to kink shame anybody, whatever gets you going, go nuts. We’re a little concerned about the safety and comfort of a person who keeps such things in with their climbing gear, but whatever. Get freaky.
The afternoon draws on, we get through the pile and rehome some stuff via Facebook. The property owner and the office manager come back, and we tell them about our progress, wanting praise for Doing A Good Job. They’re both like “cool, that’s great. Hey, what’s the deal with that backpack? What’s the ‘personal item’ you’re talking about in the Facebook post, so we know if someone calls about it what they’re talking about.”
And that, my friends, is the moment that my coworker and I realise that we are about to have to explain to our Mormon boss and our Jehovah’s Witness office manager exactly what a chastity cage is.
We were NOT getting paid enough for that.
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bisluthq · 5 months
I thought it was interesting because she did the directors on directors and she’s been getting closer with actors and going out to dinner with Greta Gerwig and fans were saying she might win the award she was nominated to. I saw a person say that they saw Taylor arrive at the red carpet and everyone went crazy and was paying attention to her. I saw a different video saying that Leonardo DiCaprio arrived at the same time and no one paid attention to him. But the moment they walked into the event, people didn’t give a fuck. Everyone was talking about the actors that attended. I think it’s interesting that everyone who watches football is talking about Taylor and they keep showing her during the games, but people inside the Golden Globes and people talking about the Golden Globes aren’t talking about her. I saw someone say that they listen to a podcast about football hosted by these older men and even they were talking about her. But somehow, no matter how big she becomes, how many movies she’s in, how many songs she writes for movies or how much money her concert film makes, she’s just another person at the Golden Globes and everyone watching cares more about Kieran Culkin or Ayo Edebiri than they care about Taylor. We’ll have to see if it changes at all when she directs her movie, but I do think it’s interesting that in every other place everyone seems to stop to watch her, even if they’re annoyed by her, but that never happens when it comes to the film industry
this is very long but like 1) obvi she can do directors on directors whenever she wants because it makes people watch that segment. Variety needs to have people click on it. If they can get Taylor in, that’s great. It doesn’t mean she’s gonna say something beyond profound but people will obviously watch it!? If she wants to do any media thing ever she can? This woman can go to fucking CNN to come out straight which is unprecedented lol. 2) obvi fans went nuts because fans love Taylor. 3) obvi fans think she’ll win every award she’s nommed for (or not nommed for). Fans deadass though she could be nommed for an Academy Award for a fucking music video. They are delusional. 4) fans shouldn’t pay attention to Leo, he’s boring now (beyond being a good actor, which he is). 5) the GG are right to make it about the industry they represent not Taylor Swift™️ and the money she brings in.
it’s not disrespect it’s just like not treating someone human like a deity because it brings in money. Why can the film industry do that and other industries can’t? Because she never brings them money. Even Eras Movie wasn’t a studio production lol why would they blow her dick for fucking them in the ass yk???
ps - her being friendly with people is also neither here nor there like I’ve had to have dinner with the pot dealers my friend who dates drug dealers dates right so I guess we’re friendly but like that doesn’t mean I’d like hire them for stuff lol unless I knew they were good at jobs other than drug dealing. Taylor is good at being Taylor Swift™️ 🤷🏻‍♀️
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More asks games for the god of ask games
[ So, a friend not from Tumblr asked me about “How do they express love” prompts from this questionnaire in relation to Fuzzes and I am here to deliver. Accepting more! ]
An’Hangra - now I can certainly tell, that she is not a person to expect a lot of words from, actions speak better and clearer. She will probably try to fight you at some point if she really likes you. I mean, this is not the only reason she would try to fight you, but it may be among them! I also do hope you like working out, dogs and burning appreciation for blood and skulls. You will be included in those important activities.
Another benefit of being a target of her affection might be horrible deep fried memes sent at 4am. 
Lacedrace - the undisputed queen of solving problems you didn’t even knew you had. And planning out things so in roughly ten to fifteen years after eating noodles at this particular food truck you will be swimming in gold. She likes to see people she cares about happy and hopeful and enjoys manipulating things and events to make it be.   Also gifts. Gifts are very nice, especially when they are useful. 
Her most common love expression however is roughly about just being around and hanging out. Not necessarily involved in something or actively physically helping out, but “hey, I like you a lot, I am here, we are hanging out” kind of a deal.
Balthrag - now she is, in contrast to Lacedrace, is very eager to physically and straightforwardly help out with stuff. Instead of making it so by the some amazing chain of events the fact that Barry the Genestealer cultist bit the power cable in the underhive is an underlying reason of something good happening to you three years later. 
She is also, finally, someone who will very directly tell you a lot about how you are loved and appreciated. And how you should try this now soup with apocalyptic fungus, nauseous clams and a dash of Morty’s favourite toxin. All these stories about witches living in the middle of horrid bogs and fattening people up? Maybe there is something to it.
Shanakay - she quite enjoys spending quality time with people she likes. She herself is very artistically inclined and very excited to share it with others. Well, you might need to get used to her intense perfectionism, so you know, mileage may wary. However, given her admirably wide spectrum of things she can do, there are always options, even if you can’t tell bolter from a brush. 
She is, also, pretty big into the whole “physical touch as a way to convey affection” thing, so she will love to hold hands, hug people, drag you along to practice hand-to-hand combat, snuggle together while binging 13 seasons of Battle Brothers in one weekend, you know. It ties interestingly to how her crystal hosts are, in contrast to what others of her sisters use is the most sophisticated in terms of conveying information from various senses. While, say, Lacedrace’s one is basically a cool shaped chaos rock. 
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space-blue · 2 years
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For you @weirdlet from this ask game.
First here are my notes, edited a bit to fit :
Ramson Gimbsey is a Toydarian chef, extremely famous for being a fiery personality who runs several holoshows, including "Hells' Galley". He also happens to be a minor toydarian royal member. Like third cousin to the king or something. If you remember, Toydaria is a very early subject of dispute for The Clone Wars show.
So in this AU, Cad Bane is a Jedi master, training Meeyan as a padawan. He and Kenobi get assigned because the murder is gruesome and sparking a massive diplomatic accident (set early in the Clone Wars).
Ramson Gimbsey was hosting a show event cooking/party night on a small luxury spaceship, lots of big names present. It suddenly it came under attack. I was going to go for a highjacked ship combined with a slug thrown clear through the bulkhead, or whole atmosphere cycled out from the engineering department. At any rate everyone inside is dead and turned into space popscicles.
The Toydarians are still receiving threats from the sepies, so it's generally assumed this is what's going on and this was a direct threat from them, since many people from all over died. There is a lot of dissent within the republic.
SO Bane and Meeyan get sent because Bane is a good "criminal mind" guy, and Kenobi is a great negotiator. Detective and diplomat duo. They also think Meeyan needs to work with Kenobi because Bane is… lacking in the negotiation department, to put it mildly. As an added twist, Meeyan retains her obsession with food in this AU. She was a massive fan of Ramson, and was watching the show live when the attack happened.
Dooku sees the strife and drops a lot of unhelpful comments while admitting to nothing, but it's not the sepies. Bane focuses on the investigation and Obi focuses on the diplomacy. Meeyan would bounce between them as the plot unfolds
Now, I brainstormed the actual source of the thing, and was going to change it as I write, but my dumb ass pantser brain can't get motivated to write something plotted out, and here we are!
Turns out, the actual intended victim was one of the guests directly related to one of the Toydarian ministers. He was drafting huge deals about mining/driving resource on the toydarian moon, and handing that contract to a very big Neimoidian name. When the TCW debacle happened, Toydaria joined the republic and the gov froze the deal with the Neimoidian.
However, that Neimoidian had been buttering that minister and he wants his fucking contract now. As arguments escalated and he made threats, he was dismissed and ignored. So he hired a big time bounty hunter to do the job. It was meant to be a non-Force sensitive Quinlan Vos, who basically takes Cad Bane's place as morally bankrupt bounty hunter in this AU.
Vos decided the best way to make the murder "discreet" yet public was to kill everyone aboard. So now in the background the Neimoidian is like "tic toc, I know where you live", and the minister is desperately trying to make stuff fit for him, while wrestling the investigating Jedi. The call to have the Jedi involved doesn't come from him (either the King, or the Chancellor). When they arrive they can sense something is off with the minister somehow.
We'd have two villains : the mastermind/hidden one, profit driven, and the physical villain, who's good enough to take on Jedi and nasty enough to kill padawans.
I would have made Meeyan dual wield and Bane with a saber staff.
And here's an excerpt for you:
'Mace, before I go, I've got to ask… Is this assignment because of Meeyan?'
'Your padawan? No. She will benefit from learning with Obi-Wan, but she isn't the reason you were selected. What makes you think that?'
'Do you not know? How do you not know?' Cad scoffed, incredulous. 'The child is one overexcited bake-off away from leaving the Order. She's a huge fan of Ramson Gimbsey.'
The news made Mace's eyebrows hitch up in suprise and promptly fall back down in concern. 'Was she watching the show?'
'I see… That's why you were already well aware of the situation, I suppose?'
'You've got that right. Nothing to take you out of meditation like a padawan screaming their head off.'
Cad grimaced. He was jesting, but Meeyan's shock had been genuine, hitting him through the Force like a slap, and her dismay had lasted longer than would be considered proper. But then how often did you get to see your favourite star murdered live? He'd cut the kid some slack, but he still wasn't sure how she'd take this assignment.
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labec99 · 2 years
So on Thursday we had our two shows like normal, and we have this running bit each week where one of us producers is a cop on the show to come arrest the host so he can get in makeup and costume for the next show. This week I did it, and I’m leaving backstage after getting him off the set and go to grab my mask to put it back on and a utility knife with an open blade falls with it onto my hand and stabs me and bounces to the floor. 
Thankfully I used to be a lifeguard when I was younger and have first aid training, so I go to the first aid kit by the stages to get something to put pressure on it...and there’s no gauze in there, nor are there any big enough bandaids to handle this 🙃 so I run to the bathroom, bleeding along the hallway to grab some paper towels to at least try to stop the bleeding and rinse off the rest of my hand so I’m not getting blood everywhere.
Mind you, we still have a live show going, and I need to be in the control booth for the second show to be the live call in switchboard operator or the show would not be able to go live, so I’m holding pressure with paper towels to my hand while sprinting upstairs to our offices because I keep a first aid kit in my production backpack at all times because I’ve been on enough sets that were not well stocked and always keep a backup. I grabbed the gauze and neosporin and alcohol wipes and bandaids and run back down to the other control room so I can fix my hand while getting prepped to filter in our callers. 
I got it handled and the show went off as well as we could have hoped, and only after the show when we were doing a post-mortem did we (me and the other creative producers) tell our EP that had happened, since we were just rushing to make the show happen. Gnarly bleeder, it looked like a damn crime scene under the first aid kit in the hall, but I got home and cleaned it out and it only needed a butterfly closure because I really did not want to deal with the paperwork involved in going to the ER just for them to do the same thing. 
So that was Thursday, and then on Saturday my sister’s purse got stolen out of her friend’s car when they were at a concert. 15 cars got broken into and some dude got nine grand worth of tools stolen. 
So she was coming over to my place to get some replacement things (keys and stuff) since they got stolen, and as she was walking up the steps, some dude in a pickup truck backed up going like 40 miles an hour into our front gate and slammed through it and backed up into the apartment on the first floor. 
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So it’s been a wild fucking few days. My mid-June to the beginning of August were so damn busy, just a nonstop barrage of work and events and travel, and I was so excited to have a relaxing back half of August. Wanted to get back into a good gym routine, start meal prepping, finishing organizing the apartment and finding some new chairs. I just wanted to relax.
One day I will have my shit together. The universe has decreed that it will not be this week, however. 
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cielospeaks · 1 year
and this time for the real yr in review!
grade- no grade babyyy im an adult (but no. im working. lol)
how i spent birthday- actually did something for once! got together w a friend and went to the conan cafe + conan movie! it was fun!
first date to come to mind- oh its gotta be jan 18
why?- using expert (average) strategy i had calculated it to be my only day to go to nwh at an imax theater in order to get the past 8:00 discount and the free stickers. turned out i had work which i wasnt told abt but that was ok bc like i said the movie was at 8. went leisurely shopping in seria and went to royal host tho i had no appetite bc of nwh hype and also i was reading death on the nile. then the imax show was amazing and i still have the stickers, they are my prized possession
something u gave up- i think i gave up caring abt fgo plot bc it all sucks lol. but actually i switched jobs. turned out it was not better, but not worse. absolutely necessary but there are still problems. but thats for me this year to figure out.
someone hot- like :/ how you gotta tell me this. i do completely platonically think the characters from that movie were hot/attractive/nice to look at. theyre just there and im down to see their shenanigans.
best media- i really liked reading mysteries oh my gosh. also seeing the raimiverse movies at last was very good.
worst media- i think its gotta be g b f. like. g o is bad but ive known it would be bad, so its not really notably so. f e h is the same way, like b6 was bad, the tempest trial painted its protagonist in a disfavorable light, but tbh i didnt mind it bc everyone stayed in character unlike last years. g b f has characters as interesting as captain fucking nemo and messes it up. i think the one event i didnt dislike this year was the disciples one and that was just bc it was true neutral. no big bad, no “oh player character you’re so op swoons”, no hamfisted morals, no fetishizing actual problems people face irl, and thats considered a win. not like i like g b f writing considering i stopped playing around the muse event, but they messed with garebear specifically so they earn my ire.
favorite things overall- idk. i wouldnt say favorite bc its actually really frustrating but i feel like having to face more like. irl problems (like mortality, the passage of time, interpersonal strain, ect) is good for me. i dont like it ofc but i do care about people around me so for their sake and my own i need to deal with these too, rather than just get pissed off abt second rate authors of games. that being said a real favorite thing (tho even thats a little bittersweet) was def n w h. like from january to the summer at least i was on a high feeling of hype and happiness abt the story and overarching franchise. im still not a m c u enjoyer but im a huge nwh fan. oh and also things like the g b f museum and g o fest turned out to be surprisingly like. super fun! so that was great!
what ur looking forward to next yr- its up in the air now but itd be nice to get a steady job that pays decently and covers things but doesnt sign me up for things i cant afford. like that would be ideal and id like it to happen. but again idk. i guess im looking forward to seeing what the year holds, good or bad, and trying to make the most of what happens. idk i cant think of anything in particular. except junko nendoroid. oh and sal and izou standies w my gofest goods! and the conan movie! and- (cut off rambling abt fandom stuff)
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Virtual Baby Shower on Your Mind? Here's how you can Quickly Make it a lit one!
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At this point, we needn’t reiterate what happened in 2020. The pandemic wrought a myriad number of issues upon the human species, although at some level it was a W for nature? At least that’s what the tabloids and other reports stated. However, we digress.
Coming back to the point, the biggest problem this once-in-a-century pandemic has brought upon us is the abrupt breakdown of our social fabric. People had to, for legitimate reasons, discontinue meeting people in real-life settings in order to keep themselves and their family members safe. A lot of restaurants, amongst other public places meant for recreation and socializing, became empty and a lot of businesses and livelihoods were affected. All in all, it was a global-scale tragedy. However, the old adage that “life finds a way” is a fitting description of how humans have coped with the adversity that came their way in the shape of the pandemic, working around the compunctions of sitting inside their homes to continue living life as they know it. The internet has made a variety of things possible, with one of those things being virtual baby showers
One of the most beautiful inevitabilities of living on this planet is that no matter how big the cul-de-sac, life is created perpetually. Babies are born a year in and year out to starry-eyed parents stepping into the new phase of their lives, embarking upon a journey with someone who shall always remain an inseparable part of them and will further the values and goodness that lies within all of us.
Of course, there’s also the small matter of HOW people go about having kids, and the process implied being as perennial and perpetual as air itself. Not even the apocalypse can put a pause to that, nuh-uh! So when all that is said and done, and the two of you now have the lil’ one kicking things about like a prime Lionel Messi, you have to think about a fair few things. No, no, not the serious stuff like how you’d split parenting time between the two of you, or insurance or any of that jazz. One of the foremost things you’d have to think about is a baby shower. Earmarking the impending arrival of a bundle of joy can prove to be more stressful than one would initially make out, with all sorts of arrangements to be made.
All that said, the biggest problem today is not what you can stump in terms of extravaganza and pizzazz. The biggest problem actually revolves around how you’d go about getting people to come to your baby shower, for the logistics are now a lot more complicated than they were pre-pandemic. The world has indeed changed, with people opting to move back to their actual homes and working remotely and in general, gettings things done remotely. That last bit is important, as just like most things in 2022, a zoom baby shower is not out of the ordinary or beyond one’s spectrum of imagination. That’s right! You can get it done online. However, the question is- how?
Well, you needn’t do mental gymnastics to figure that out cause you can simply leave it to the experts! With their array of talented folks, from artists to expert technicians, we have all the ingredients in their arsenal to elevate your baby shower from just being a so-so affair to a full-blown celebration that even the lil’ one won’t be able to keep their feet from tapping. Here’s an overview of how we brew up the perfect storm:
Live Host and DJ
Through their energy and verve, our live hosts and DJs endeavor to light up the occasion with their endless positivity and act as the bulwark which holds the bash-up. With them on your side and orchestrating the proceedings, your baby shower is bound to be an eventful one.
Baby Shower Games
Nothing gets the party started quite like the array of virtual baby shower games Supermix has on offer. You can bet on us engineering a whole deal of dynamic, improvisational fun to ensure that everyone’s on the edge of their seats and with a big grin on their faces.
Custom Design, HD Recordings, and..it’s all family friendly!
With our army of audio engineers and computer geeks, we are able to finetune and tailor the baby shower according to your tastes and needs. Oh, and they make sure it’s all family-friendly fun! So feel free to bring along anyone, be it young kiddo or a judgy senior! With their HD recording tech, you’d be able to relive this amazing time as many times as you’d like!
So, what are you waiting for? Request a quote now for us to get in touch with you and illustrate how they can make your baby shower a truly special one.
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dementedfilament · 2 years
Okay! I’m going to try not to ramble on too much about my original stories in this and stick to like the main points behind each one. I want to talk about them, but I’m not really in a ramble mood anymore, lmao.
Stories I kinda want to finish or revamp:
Remembrance of a Serial Killer
A really mindfuck-y novella I was making which starts with a man being freed from an asylum after being wrongfully accused of murder. A bunch of weird shit happens in it, and it’s very much told from an unreliable narrator, with apparent gaps in the protag’s, Joshua’s, memory.
As he adjusts back to his old life, he meets a young woman named Hana, who he begins dating but soon realizes that she is a literal murderer. She basically manages to gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss her way into making him her accomplice, and they set off on merry murdering adventures together.
When the story somehow reaches the end, it’ll end with Joshua waking up in the same asylum, having dreamt the events of what basically landed him there with some added fuckery to make it also seem like he was escaping. Hana will have busted in and points out that Joshua (again, somehow) lost his memories, and asks him if he got them back. He answers that he remembers everything, and she breaks him out and it’s assumed they go on their merry murdering adventures again.
It’s kind of a fucked up story tbh.
This is a story of unknown length that was about a vaguely war-torn dystopian world (I think it was like, a really fucked version of our planet in a WW3-type situation), and one of the sides of the war was taking prisoners to labs to test bio-weapons on.
One of the bio-weapons was a zombifying parasite which “drives the host insane” or some shit like that, which of course gets loose in the lab, the lab gets shut down, and now you have a hospital/laboratory full of zombos.
Enter Zander, protagonist extraordinaire(?), who is one of the subjects being experimented on. This whole story didn’t have an actual plot yet, just some vague mentions of a nurse he meets named Gwen who helps him survive, and a bunch of doctor’s notes, and a journalist that threatens to expose what whatever government this is is doing to people. And of course Freaky Zombie Shenanigans. I’m pretty sure a big portion of it was just Zander and Gwen trying to find a way to get out since the building was on heavy lockdown, but she didn’t have enough permissions to access higher stuff, which is why they end up on a chase around the building to find said way out. However, along the way, Gwen does end up dying and Zander gets infected.
The end of the story winds up with Zander waking up back in his cell that he began in for his experiments. Everything seems to be back to normal, and Zander begins to wonder if he dreamt the whole thing or not. He peeps out his teeny window and notices a body being carted away, which seems like Gwen’s, but he can’t be sure from the distance. It’ll probably mention somewhere in there that he feels hungry. When someone outside gets close enough to his little window, he’ll like slam a hand on the door and it’ll leave off on his eyes being like a weird inhuman colour.
And that’s it! I think the ending was supposed to be left up to an interpretation of “did this really happen or not?” kind of deal if I remember correctly, with it kinda leaning towards “yes it did”.
Serendipity Strategy
A happy story for once! This was originally a short manga/comic idea actually, in which a lonely-ass dude living his lonely-ass life is told by a friend about a new company at work, “Serendipity Strategy”, which is supposed to help turn your life around and find you happiness.
He ends up going to see a very overly-enthusiastic couple which get him started on a “basic plan”, which protag dude is obviously very skeptical about. How the thing works is through the use of fortune cookies and fate, where each cookie they open is supposed to trigger a special event in their lives that can make them happier.
Protag dude slowly finds out through a weird series of coincidental events that their plan “works”, and he feels much happier and more confident by the end.
The catch here, which is implied at the end, is that of course, the magical fortune cookies weren’t magical at all. The couple that owns the business pull some hella strings in order to set up events that coincide with their custom-made fortune cookies, and give people the extra push they need to get their lives straightened out in a way that makes them happy. The moral of the story was “their customers had it in them to do these things all along”, but the couple is just sneaky about how they go about it.
I say the cookies aren’t magical, but there is actually some implication that they might be. One of them that Protag pulls out would have pulled away to a conversation between the couple, saying that neither of them made that one and they had no idea who put it there. Nonetheless, it still works out for Protag in the end. He doesn’t end up with a hot wife and a million dollars or anything, but he ends up making some friends and gaining the confidence to look for a partner and find a job he wants more than his current one, and stuff like that. Completely opposite from the first two stories, it’s supposed to be really heartwarming and sweet.
Mademoiselle Blanche!!! This was a mystery story set in a vaguely-French city where a department of investigators try to figure out the perpetrators of different crimes around the area, but along the way, start discovering that there are more paranormal happenings than they want to believe in.
God, this one kind of got out of hand and I built a bigger world around the original story (the original being “Beast”), but I think I’m going to throw out the extended lore and just stick with the OG, because I’m just not that interested in writing a drawn-out mystery and doing all the goddamn research about France for the worldbuilding.
But anyways, the original story is about a serial killer named “Beast” by the department (which never got a name), and a man named Marius is in charge of investigating this killer. Along his merry way, he encounters a seemingly mute woman he believes is named “Blanche” who he thinks is helping him solve the murder. The obvious plot twist here is that Blanche is “Beast”, who they believe was either a monster or a frankly rabid man.
The mysterious part of it though is that Blanche isn’t just an average killer, she’s something in this universe known as a Doppelganger, who take on the appearances of people around them, but whose true forms are rather monstrous. Typically, Doppelgangers can only take on the appearance of one person, but overtime, they can learn to take bits and parts from different people and piece together their own identity. Blanche happens to be a very old Doppelganger, so she had Marius fooled into believing she was just an innocent and quirky girl from the town.
I didn’t mention actually, that one of the things mentioned in the story is that there is a killing done by a younger Doppelganger near the beginning or middle of the story, in which the creature tries to frame a local Baker, but they discover the truth behind the killer by that point. They begin to wonder if the same killer is “Beast”, but they conclude that it isn’t, but still wonder if maybe it’s another Doppelganger. Hence, Marius being totally convince Blanche wasn’t the killer, because she doesn’t look similar to any (one) person in town.
This cast of characters also briefly includes Marius’s partner Bastien, who I believe Beast ends up killing, Olivier which is kind of this badass detective that shows up for two seconds, Olivier’s partner Cecile, who’s secretly a siren, and a girl named Kyanna, who’s also secretly a murderer and totally obsessed with Olivier in a slightly yandere-like fashion.
The extended lore was mostly about the fun little stories behind different murders, and slowly unfolding different lore things about the characters, like Cecile and her twin(?) sister Emilie, Kyanna ending up dating Olivier while still acting as the Rose Petal Ripper, then having to figure out what to do when her sickly mother is accused of being the Ripper, and other things I can’t remember atm, lol. 
Stories I’ll probably get rid of but I vaguely like the ideas behind them:
The Assassins of Shoku Academy
I will shamefully admit this story was roughly inspired by Guren Ichinose: Catastrophe at Sixteen by Kagami Takaya, don’t shame me in my own home please I beg-
As the title implies, this was about an academy training young assassins to do that murder thing effectively without getting caught. The only thing is that they won’t simply be trained on assassination, they’ll be receiving a normal education alongside it, and be forced to blend in amongst students selected for their private academy without them discovering the secret some of their student body is hiding. Teachers are allowed to detain students if they seem to be showing “erratic” or whatever you want to call it behavior, and the students will be expelled from the school if they’re discovered by anyone. Cue protag’s teacher who’s like ridiculously well-trained and another character that’s the son of an investigator that’s trying to out all the assassin clans in the area.
Enter our protagonist, Fubuki, who actually wants nothing to do with this shit and doesn’t want to be an assassin. However, her father wants her to try and learn so she doesn’t tarnish the family name, or worse, the head clan (Shoku family) kills their clan to avoid the risk of any of them revealing any clan secrets to anyone. The alternative to dying or killing, much to both Fubuki and her father’s chagrin, is arranging a marriage between her and the Shoku’s youngest son, Ayato, who is an absolute bastard and she hates him and his whole dumb family.
Along the way, Fubuki makes some fabulous new friends, like Mikoto, who is a very violent assassin which a cheery disposition. Aiko and Shuuya who are two quiet twins that become her greatest allies, I think, I don’t remember actually. Nagisa, who was blinded after an attack by the Shokus on his clan, and becomes a big ally of Fubuki’s.
There’s also Himari, who is another character that helps explain the concept of dreamseeing in the story. Fubuki is one of the few dreamseers in the story, the other one beiiiing Mikoto actually, in fact I think that’s the reason Mikoto approached Fubuki in the first place. There’s different levels of dreamseeing in the story, with Mikoto only being able to dream about her next victims/targets. Fubuki has a bit strong of an ability, in which she can dream about victims (but she doesn’t have any, so) as well as people that are close to her, like her father, and even Mikoto. Himari is something they call an “All-seer”, meaning she can see dreams about any person about any point in time. However, the drama arises with the fact that Himari is hiding her ability as an All-seer, which is a big no-no to the Shoku family.
There’s also other random students that are included from Fubuki’s class, like class president Mika, Miyako, who had a traumatic attack on her that ended up with her developing epilepsy, and Atsushi, who is Miyako’s close friend and the aforementioned son of a detective.
I think the end of the story is basically that they overthrow the Shoku family with the power of friendship or whatever, but the main story kind of derailed at some point and I got really lost on where to go with it. I actually still like the idea of it for some reason, and I have such a huge cast of characters and so much lore behind it, but I don’t know if I could tackle the story on my own either. It might help if I change it from like “AU Japan” into “vaguely-Japanese country” instead, but still. I still have all my characters, major plot points, and other shit in my google docs because I haven’t had the heart to throw it out yet, but I’ll probably give in and axe it eventually.
Virus Hunters
This story literally came from a dream!! (Two dreams, technically.) I had a really weird dream once that certain animals would transform into really weird mutations and chase after me. (Sounds very Magical Girl anime, lol.) At some point in the dream, it was said to be the result of “viruses” or something, hence the title.
I think I wrote this story in like middle school/9th grade, so all the characters are like 14-17, but the story consists of a bunch of teens who survived Virus outbreaks, and the top secret organization of whatever rounds them up and recruits them into a team that could stop these future attacks from breaking out, aka, the Virus Hunters. (This sounds like a kid’s story now that I’m typing it out, lmfao.) I don’t have too much on each character since I never got far with the idea, but they were probably mostly generic archetypes anyways. The only character that's being revamped from this story for certain is Roxxy, since she was my fave, and the only one I wrote a “prologue” for.
Now, I don’t really know if I want to return to my original story idea, but a part of me does also want to write the “prologue” for each character just to toy with the idea of the Virus outbreaks and how each character got out of them in the first place. I forgot to mention, but the Virus spread in the dream by touch, so it works the same way in the story, and one of the supposed survivors was touched by a Virus-bearing mutation monster animal thing, which would also be cool to explore.
The other interesting character that probably wouldn’t have a prologue really came from dream number two: Priscilla. Priscilla is the daughter of a scientist that’s trying to artificially create the Virus-infected monsters to see if he can find a way to either turn them over to the organization/government/group/whatever’s side, or otherwise find a way to combat them. The more fun part about it is that all of the scientist’s creations are programmed to obey and protect Priscilla, so she can be a handy character with robotic minions when it comes to slaying whatever the fuck the Virus monster things are called.
This story seemed way cooler when I was like 13, lmfao. But again, I’m not actually that interested in it anymore, and I just want to write the character prologues and play with some unreliable-narrator-worldbuilding between them all.
OKAY this was a really stupid Romeo and Juliet-inspired story with vampires and humans in a war (think vaguely Owari no Seraph/Seraph of the End. YES Takaya Kagami was a big inspiration for me let me live-) It’s not a genre-breaking, wowzers, completely original story, but it was just neat and I liked the characters a lot. There was also some vague ideas about demon-empowered weaponry existing, though rare in this universe, and like one of the vampire characters gets revenge by turning herself into a demon weapon wielded by the “Juliet” equivalent.
I didn’t actually have an ending planned out for this story, just had the idea written out. And I KNOW it’s stupid and cheesy and cringe but I LIKED IT and it brought me joy okay-
I actually still have my list of characters for this story too, and all their character equivalents, because you have to admit that a “Romeo and Juliet”-esque story set in a post-apocalyptic war sounds KINDA cool in one sense. JULIET’S NURSE IS AN ASSASSIN. PLEASE LET ME LIVE I BEG-
Stories I’ll tell you about since you’re already here:
DICE + Regime of Light
Ughh...god. Okay. Since I’m going on about old stories, I’ll include my old-ass, cringe-ass story about the rebellion and the assassins. (I like writing about murderers apparently.)
OKAY, first up we have a story just titled “DICE” as a placeholder, and each letter was an acronym I don’t think I ever came up with, and were also the first letters of the nicknames of the major founding group members. They were a rebel group...rebelling against god knows what. I don’t remember and I don’t think I want to. It was against a government of whoseawhatsitz and the rebel group had the most cringe slogan ever. (It’s called “dice”, so...you can imagine how bad it was.)
There was never an actual proper plot to this story, and I only have that it ended with the whole group getting caught, and everyone but the leaders are killed on the spot. The leaders are kept alive for interrogation before they’re also taken out.
Cue “RoL” as it is in my notes, which I literally just realized how awful that is, and it was 100% unintentional. RoL is the even cringier story roughly inspired by Assassin’s Creed about, you guessed it! An assassin’s guild trying to thwart the same government the last group of homies were trying to take down, except this time, they’re successful. (Imagine like, Assassin’s Creed but they’re at least slightly more competent, and it’s set in a weird cyberpunk dystopian future...or something. Don’t ask me how society appears to go to this bad of shit in the span of less than 20 years.) All the assassins were nicknamed after angels, because ~aesthetic~ I guess, and the main characters were all children of the previous protags and antags, some of whom ended up in the care of people who didn’t die in the end.
The main main character though is Azrael, who was like 16, and I’m convinced part of this story was written out of complete spite against Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas. There were some really creepy age-gap relationships in this one too, with like Azrael and her boss for some reason, I don’t even remotely remember why, and then a little girl who was like “the key to end it all” or whatever and the son of the Vice President who was like a whole ass adult. What the actual fuck past me-
(To give myself some credit, the boss man died and the son and the little girl didn’t hook up until the girl was of age, but it makes it no less weird.)
There was also this super weird subplot distinction between “assassins” and “rogues”, in which all the “rogues” were wiped out except for one chick who became a hacker(?????????) for the assassins guild, who I don’t think had an actual name. Then there was an all-girl vigilante team (????????????????????) who operated in a strangely Attack on Titan way (even though I had never seen the anime nor read the manga at the time I created this story), called “Vigilantics”, in which I both love and hate that name. And the leader of this team was in love with the rogue chick, and it was like my first, or one of my first, attempts at making gay characters, lmao. At least among all the creep-ass Het Shit I wrote in there, I did one thing right.
OH GOD and one of the team members of Vigilantics was Azrael’s ~secret sister~ which implies her mom was alive, or at least lived longer than she thought originally, because I guess that subplot was necessary. One of Azrael’s classmates (because she’s in school...because of course she is) is the daughter or younger sister of some government lady from the first story. Another friend of hers is the daughter of former story protags and started her own rebel group in honour of her parents, which is the only other redeeming part of this story.
I don’t even want to talk about this anymore, Jesus Christ. What a train wreck.
So anyways, those are all some old stories I’d had lurking in the depths of either my mind, google docs, or both! If you stayed for this entire ramble, then...um, you’re welcome, I guess.
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believinghurts · 3 years
Their Daughter
Chapter 5
Author’s note: I use Grammarly to fix my mistakes, but there could still be some so sorry for that. Also, I am getting back into writing and am hoping to have a few more works out soon! Please reblog, like, or comment feedback is appreciated.
Word Count: 4,400
Warnings: None? Sirius being a d*ck? Maybe language, but I don’t think so.
Regulus wasn’t sure how much time had passed as he stroked his niece's hair. He was mad at his brother for basically throwing away the only good thing that had ever come from the Black family. Sirius was too blinded by the past to see what was right in front of him. As children, Sirius often told Regulus that he was their family's favorite and that it bothered him, but if he knew what it was like to be less loved then how can he love Harry more than Ali? He understood that Harry was Sirius's Godson, but couldn’t he love Ali and Harry equally? If Sirius made the effort maybe Ali and the other children could even be friends. His heart ached from the emotional battle that Ali was going through right now. Even if Sirius didn’t see it, he and Remus did. Ali’s light was dimmer than before and when she was lighting up again after finding out Sirius never came for her, Sirius just had to go and snuffed it out.
Carefully sliding out from under Ali and placing a pillow under her head Regulus left the room. He shut the door behind him casting a locking spell so she wouldn’t be bothered. He needed to speak with Remus first before doing anything. They needed to decide what to do about Ali. As much as Regulus wanted to spend time with her before she went back to school he didn’t want her to be this upset anymore. He walked into the study to find Remus and Nymphadora sitting near the fireplace.
“How is she?” Nymphadora blurted the question as soon as she saw her cousin. Remus had owled her after Ali had gone to her room. The older sister in her wanted to go up to Sirius and give him a piece of her mind, but she knew that it wouldn’t do any good.
“She’s asleep for now. All the fighting has exhausted her. I honestly don’t know what to do. I want her here, this is her home, but if Sirius doesn’t stop acting like the brut that he is it is going to hurt her more. Speaking of Sirius, where is he? It’s quiet.” Regulus flopped down on the chair across from Remus and Nymphadora raking a hand through his hair. His worry for Ali was causing him a headache. On one hand, he wanted to send Ali to stay at the Malfoy Manor for the remainder of summer, but on the other, he wanted to hold her close and have her stay in her home where she belonged.
“Sirius left with Harry after you went upstairs. He hasn’t been home since. The Weasleys stepped out to Diagon Alley to get the kids stuff for school.” Remus replied. He was secretly thankful that the house was mainly empty. This way at least Ali could come down if she felt like it without the chance of someone bothering her. Remus was having the same thoughts as Regulus about keeping Ali at home virus's sending her to the Manor. He just wanted his niece to be happy. The hope that he had of Sirius and Ali having the father/daughter relationship was gone. If only Remus could get Sirius to open his eyes to the pain he was causing to the girl, but Sirius was nothing if not stubborn.
“I think I am going to write to Cissa and see if she can keep Ali for the rest of summer. If that’s what it takes for her to be happy then so be it. We can see her off at the -“
“I don’t want to leave,” Ali’s voice interrupted. “I want to stay here with you. Please don’t make me leave. I can handle it, I promise.”
Ali knew that she and Regulus were going to have to talk about the fact that she called him dad, but that was a private conversation. Right now she needed to convince the adults in the room that she didn’t need to leave. She could take Sirius. Yes the words that he had said hurt her and the actions he did tonight furthered that hurt in her heart, but she was done. She didn’t owe him anything, and it was clear she knew that he didn’t want to be her father. She had meant what she said to Regulus. He was her father in all the ways that counted. He loved her unconditionally, was always there for her, and protected her.
She went and sat on the couch in between Nymphadora and Remus who wrapped an arm around her pulling her close to his chest. “It might be best if you went and stayed for the rest of the summer at the Manor, Al. This isn’t good for you mentally. We all can see how drained you are.”
“No, this is my home. I can handle it. I have you all plus the older Weasleys and Fleur. You'll protect me and if I need to get away for a little bit I’ll owl Blaise or Draco to go to Diagon Alley or something. I want to spend time with you. Times are hard right now and you never know when you are going to lose someone and I would like to have as much time with each of you just in case.”
Regulus leaned forward taking Ali’s hand in his, “Nothing, and I mean nothing is going to happen to us. I love you more than you could ever imagine and if you want to stay here you can.” Ali smiles brightly at that before Regulus cut her off, “but you have to tell me, Remus, or Severus, if anything happens. And you have to come out of your room. I am not having you locking yourself away again. Got it?”
Ali pounced on Regulus, hugging his neck tight. She was excited to spend some more time with her family. She had meant what she said about never knowing when something was going to happen. Wizards had been disappearing all over London and she was genuinely scared something was going to happen to her loved ones. She was going to make it a point to take plenty of photos and make enough memories to last a lifetime the next couple of weeks.
Regulus held his niece tight, fighting back the tears when she whispered, “Thanks, Dad,” into his ear. He had been called a lot of things in his life, but this was one title he was going to wear proudly.
Remus’s voice interrupted the moment, “wait for a second, why are you going to owl Blaise? We have an agreement, young lady, no boys till you're thirty!”
Ali’s giggle was music to those in the room with her, and for the first time that summer they all saw Ali smile at home the brightest she had since everyone arrived.
The rest of the day was eventful which was something that everyone was thankful for. Nymphadora left shortly after spending some time with Ali since she had something to attend to with Moody, so that left Regulus, Ali, and Remus to watch the Star Wars movies in Ali’s room. Kreacher brought them snacks while they made a fort on the floor. Ali was incredibly content laying on the mounds of pillows in between her Uncles. When she was younger they would have movie nights like this once a month until she started Hogwarts. Even then she and her friends carried on the tradition in the boy's dorm since Draco was often present at the ones hosted at home. She wished that she could have Draco over now, but knew that if she brought him here then everyone in the house would throw a fit about it, maybe it was something to bring up to Regulus later.
Molly called them all down for dinner shortly after the second film ended. Leaving the mess on the floor the trio made their way downstairs with Ali trailing behind her Uncles. She could feel her nerves spike the closer she got to the dining room. She thought about excusing herself stating she wasn’t hungry, but the loud growl in her stomach gave her hunger away. Everyone had already sat down beside Harry and Sirius when they got into the room. Regulus pulled the seat out next to him for his niece. Fleur shot her a smile when she sat down by her uncle with Charlie on her other side. At least she was sitting near someone who didn’t hate her.
Chatter and the sounds of forks on plates filled the room as everyone got their fill of Molly’s meatballs and onion sauce. Everyone broke off into separate conversations. Remus, Regulus, and Arthur talking about the Ministry, the younger Weasleys, and Hermione talking about Quidditch, Bill and Fleur about their upcoming wedding, and Charlie and Ali talking about his work in Romania. “What are you planning on doing after you leave Hogwarts?”
Ali shot a glance over at Remus who was doing a terrible job of disguising his eavesdropping on the duo. “I am thinking about becoming a professor. I like creatures obviously so I was thinking something along those lines, but I also like Herbology. So maybe that. I just know I want to teach.”
Charlie shot her a grin. “Have you thought about where? I know Hogwarts has Sprout for Herbology and Hagrid was doing Care of Magical Creatures, but you still have three more years of school so maybe they’ll need someone by the time you're done.”
Ali shrugged her shoulders. In all honesty, she wanted to leave England and travel for a bit but knew that if she brought it up now it would be a fight or something so she bit her tongue. “Maybe.”
The noise came to a halt when the door slammed open in the living room. Everyone hopped to their feet, wands at the ready. It felt like hours had passed before the intruder walked through the door. “Sirius! Harry! Merlin, you scared us all.”
“Sorry, it’s raining hard and we were in a rush to get back home.” Sirius shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal. Everyone retook their seats beside Milly who served Harry and Sirius. Ali tried her hardest to keep from looking at the latest duo that entered, not wanting to cause any more trouble or to give Sirius a reason to lash out at her.
Dinner passed rather quickly, conversations flowed in their small groups. Charlie had gone with Fleur and Bill on a scouting mission shortly after eating, while Fred and George worked on new products for their shop. Ali was in her head thinking about asking to go to meet Pansy in the coming days to look at a new book shop. Pansy wasn’t much of a reader but was always looking for an excuse to get out of her house. She was startled when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Looking up Molly was smiling softly at her while handing her a letter in a dark blue envelope. She instantly knew who the letter was from since only one person used that kind of envelope when writing her.
“This came for you, dear, when you were with your uncles. I didn't want to bother you then I almost forgot just now.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Weasley.” Ali smiled at the kind woman. Despite her feelings towards most of the Weasley children, their parents were quite nice.
Molly patted her cheek before walking off. Ali started to rip the top off when she got Regulus’s eye and he winked at her. He knew who the letter was from having met the boy a few times already. Her cheeks flushed and continued to do so while reading it.
Dear Supernova,
I hope you are surviving the dreadfulness that is upon you right now with all the people in your house. Yes, Draco told me what was going on yesterday when I finally threatened to out his crush if he didn’t explain why we hadn’t been seeing you a lot this summer. I have to say I am quite hurt that you didn’t tell me yourself. Best friends I thought. Just joking, but seriously you could have told me about him and I wouldn't have said a word to anyone.
I miss you, Supernova. We’ve only got to see each other once this summer and we both know when school starts you will have a book shoved in front of your face in the first three minutes. Could we get together sometime this week? It has been awful at home and if I have to hear Draco's voice one more time without you there to tell him off for being annoying I may throw myself off the astronomy tower.
Your uncle may not agree, but you could come to stay at mine for a night. Mother agreed to it as long as Regulus does and we have separate rooms. If you can't, maybe I can come to you? I don’t really care what the redheads have to say about me being there so don’t worry about that. We have much to catch up on; like the fact that you got Headgirl and also didn’t write and tell me. I had to find that little tidbit out from Parkinson's. Don’t worry we’ll catch up whether that's soon or on the train.
Ali felt a pang of guilt hit her square in the chest. She hadn’t meant to forget to fill Blaise in on her life but it had been so crazy recently she hadn’t got to write anyone much. In all the truth no one knew that she had gotten Headgirl. She had gotten the letter from Flitwich a few days after the Weasley’s arrived and completely forgot. Although she told her Uncles she didn’t want to go anywhere spending some time with Blaise sounded nice. Deciding to just rip the bandaid off she looked up to find Regulus and Remus looking at her with amused smiles on their faces.
“What’s you got there, Ali?” Remus asked, causing her cheeks to flame red. She wasn’t scared to say that she wanted to hang out with a boy. She did it all the time whether it was Blaise, Theo, or Draco; it was more to do with the fact that she was about to ask to spend the night at a boys' house. Even if they were going to be in separate rooms and they had fallen asleep cuddled together weeks prior at the Malfoys, something none of her Uncles knew, it was going to be a little fight to get Remus to agree as he made the ‘no dating till you’re thirty’ rule when she was five and asked for a boyfriend for Christmas.
Looking around she noticed all attention was on her even if the other adults in the room were making it seem like they weren’t listening while the children openly gawked. “Uhm,” she was cut off by Severus stepping into the room. Great, now she had to face all three Uncles. Where were Dora and Cissa when she needed them?
Severus hugged her quickly before taking a place by Regulus. “Who's the letter from Ali?” He asked her letting her know there was no getting out of it and that she was going to have to spill the beans.
“It’s from Blaise,” A look of amusement passed Regulus’s face, making her think that he knew what was in the letter already while Remus looked like he was going to snatch the letter out of her hands and read it himself if she didn’t hurry up.
“And what possibly could it say to have your cheeks looking like the inside of Gryffindor common room?” Regulus teased further.
She coughed trying to get her nerves resealed. “He was saying that we need to catch up before school starts, and invited me to come and stay with him and Mrs. Zabini for a night this week.”
Remus grunted while Regulus smiled. Ali had to hide a giggle as she noticed all the other mouths in the room had dropped to the floor. Ali knew that except for Hermione and Harry the Weasley’s never stayed or had anyone else with them.
“Can I, please? His mother said we would have separate rooms and she will be there as well as the house-elves. We only got to see one another once this summer. He said if I can’t he could come here, but honestly, I think the first option is better. Please?” She pulled out her best puppy eyes and pouty lip. She was not above begging for it but didn’t want to do so with everyone staring at her.
Regulus looked over at Remus. Ali could see the silent conversation going on between them. Regulus’s head inclined slightly toward Ali which she hoped to Merlin was a good thing. Remus looked back at his niece with a look in his eye she couldn’t read. “Rosalynn said you’ll have separate rooms?” Ali nodded her head so fast she almost gave herself whiplash. “And you’ll stay in them?” Once again she nodded, although she knew that they more than likely would be in the family room till late hours in the night. He looked back at Regulus, “you have no problems with her going?”
“No, I already knew about it. Rosalynn wrote about two days ago. If she wants to go, that's fine. You know Rosalynn will look after her as she does Blaise. And the Heavens know that boy would jump in front of the Knight Bus for Ali.” Regulus chuckled at Ali's shocked expression.
“Y-you knew? Why didn’t you say anything?” Ali struggled to get the words out.
“Rosalynn said Blaise wanted to ask you. She was just giving me a heads up, knowing how Remus is with boys and you. You know we talked quite often, Als.” Regulus winked at her.
“You may go,” Remus stated. She was shocked she didn’t have to put up more of a fight.
“WHAT?” Sirius shrieked. He knew that Regulus would let her go to the Death Eaters house, but Remus? He thought he could count on his ‘friend’ to at least say no. “You’re letting her go to the Death Eaters house? AGAIN? Who's also a boy and staying the night? Are you mad?”
Remus looked at Sirius with disdain, “No I am not. She is a good girl and Blaise has been her friend for years. Rosalynn loves her as much as we do and would never let anything happen. And for God's sake quit calling everyone a Death Eater.”
“Sirius, you have no say in what she does. You gave that up last night. Ali is a good girl who makes good choices. Not only that but she also deserves a little something since she got Headgirl this year, don’t you think?” Regulus smirked as he saw the Granger girl's face fall.
“You got Headgirl?” Hermione whispered to Ali with disbelief lacing her voice.
“Yeah, I did. Draco got Headboy I believe, but it may be Theo. I haven’t asked yet.”
“Why do you and Draco get Head of Houses? Why not Hermione and -“ Ali cut her dear Godbrother off.
“And who? You? Ron? Why would any of you get Head of Houses with all the trouble you bring in? Sneaking out, stealing things, picking fights. We do have the highest marks in most classes as well as treat others equally unlike the likes of you.”
If looks could kill Ali would be dead three times over. In all honesty, she kinda felt bad for the younger Weasley boy seeing as all of his older brothers, bar Fred and George had been Headboy. But then she thought about the trouble he and his friends had caused her and her friends as well as others over the years. Harry preached about equality among the houses but she had witnessed many times when younger Slytherins were picked on by Gryiffndors. Hufflepuffs generally didn't have any problems with the other houses so long as everyone was being just. Ravenclaws tended to keep to themselves unless it really involved them. Whereas Slytherins preferred to stand up to those picking on other Slytherins especially the younger ones. Slytherins were always made out to be the bullies when in general if you got to know them people would notice that they are a lot more than what their parents used to be.
Ally had heard the stories of how mean James and Sirius were to those in Slytherin even if they never did anything to them. She believed in harmless fun could be had pulling pranks, but tricking someone into going to a place where a werewolf was was downright cruel. She had no doubts in her mind that James and Sirius were once good people like her Uncle Remus is now, but seeing as Sirius still acts like a child those doubts were becoming known.
“I just think that Slytherins shouldn’t be Head of House when all you will do is favor your own, and treat everyone else like dirt,” Ron stated.
“Ronald Weasley! How dare you say such a thing?!” Molly exclaimed.
“It’s alright Mrs. Weasey. I am used to hearing such things come from them and others in their house,” Ali looked Ron in the eyes, “You seem to forget that I’m a Ravenclaw, not a Slytherin. I do not favor anyone and will not when I start Head Girl duties but know this. I will give you as many detentions as you deserve if you are caught bullying, harassing, belittling, any of the other houses. You may think that Gryiffndors are the bravest of the houses and maybe you are in some ways, but you are cowardly in others. Maybe some Slytherins are as bad as you make them seem, but Harry,” she turned her head slightly to the side, “you seem to forget just which house Peter Pettigrew was in when he was the one who betrayed your parents. And Regulus was in Slytherin but seems to be more loyal to his friends and family than that rat was.”
“It seems that Alianova has given you all something to think about as you're getting ready for bed,” Molly stated looking at all the children present in the room. Her face grew red when she saw that none of them had moved a muscle. “Now.”
Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny, jumped from their seats and booked it to the stairs scared of Mrs. Weasley’s wrath. At some point, Charlie, Fluer, and Bill came back from scouting. Charlie ruffled Ali’s hair causing her to grin. “Good job, kid. You’ll make a great Head Girl.” Bill and Fleur nodded in agreement. “Nothing happened while we were out. We’ll give a full debrief tomorrow, but we will be heading to bed as well. Good night everyone.”
Molly walked to Ali and pulled her up out of her chair before placing both hands on Ali’s pale cheeks. “Don’t you worry, dear, I will be talking with all of them in the morning. You made a lot of valid points, and I for one am proud that you are Head Girl.”
She kissed her forehead before taking her husband to go to bed after waving her wand to get the kitchen clean once again. Arthur offered Ali a small smile before disappearing behind his wife. Sirius scoffed at the behavior which everyone heard but chose to ignore.
Ali turned to her three Uncles, waiting for the answer about going to her friends, and the scene that just played out in the kitchen.
“I am proud of you as well, Alianova. You have done excellent, and I know it is Remus and Regulus' decision about going to Blaises’, but I see no problem with it. I will stay in the guest room. Come get me if you need me. Good night, Ali.” He hugged her tightly, making Ali tear up slightly at the thought of Servus being proud of her. It also made her giddy at the thought of rubbing it in Draco’s face since Severus is his Godfather and never said such a thing to him.
Remus followed after Servus, wrapping his niece in a bear hug around her shoulders. The height difference amusing Regulus to no end seeing as Ali only came about midway in Remus’s chest. “You may go as long as it’s okay with Reg, and you stay in separate rooms. I am a little mad though that you didn’t tell me yourself about getting Head Girl, but I am still incredibly proud of you. No one deserves this more than you do, not even Harry.” The last part was whispered in her ear. He kissed her forehead, before heading to his room.
With the three Blacks being the only ones left in the room. “I don’t think you should go.” Sirius’s voice was venomous as he thought about his only child, his legacy, spending time with Death Eaters.
“It’s a good thing it doesn’t matter what you think isn’t it?” Regulus smirked at his older brother. He was not going to take this away from his child. “Ali, you may go so long as you stay in your separate rooms whenever the two of you decide to go to sleep because I know from having all your mates over it will be late.” He walked to Ali cradling her freckled face in his hands. “I am so proud to call you my daughter. Even after all that you have been through in your life you have still managed to form your own beliefs and thoughts as well as stand up for them. You deserve Head Girl over anyone else, and hopefully, you get to share it with one of your friends.”
Ali dove into her Uncle's chest. Tears welling up into her eyes at the thought that he really did think of her as his own even if she already knew it. It was nice to hear out loud. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. I love you, dad.” She kissed his cheek before heading to her room to write Blaise.
Sirius felt his anger sore to new heights when he heard Ali call Regulus dad. He had enough courtesy to wait till she was out of earshot before grounding out, “We need to talk, Regulus.”
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stxleslyds · 3 years
Also, the writers' failure to understand, every crime Jason committed had a motive. Attack other criminals? Holy warrior destined to purify the world of evil. Attack Bruce? Joker's still alive. (Oh, Jason, it's much worse than that.) Attack Tim? A parody of what he once was. He wasn't just a "bad boy". He was dangerously insane.
Hi, Anon! Yup, there seems to be a lot of things that writers have gotten confused about Jason Todd/Red Hood and the biggest one is his motivations to kill certain criminals.
Let’s be honest, Judd Winick set a golden path for the upcoming Red Hood writers. But each and every writer that used Red Hood in their stories completely missed the point of Jason’s character. All of them. It’s so incredibly wild to me that every other writer read UtRH and came up with whichever version of Jason they came up with.
Let’s list the writers that completely missed the point.
Geoff Johns in Teen Titans vol.3 #29.
Geoff Johns was one of the first to completely mischaracterize Jason, why on earth would Jason go to the Titans Tower to beat up Tim? This is not me saying that Jason would never do that because Jason thinks of Tim as his brother or a friend or the person that he can trust the most from the Bat-Clan (can you believe Lobdell tried to sell us that one?), this is me saying that Jason wouldn’t have done that because he couldn’t have given less of a fuck about Tim’s existence.
When Jason found out that Bruce had another Robin he wasn’t bothered by his “replacement” he was mad at Bruce for having another child playing hero after he lost his life as a fifteen-year-old. Jason didn’t even think of Tim as his replacement as fandom likes to make us believe, Jason called Tim “pretender”. And that was that, but to go from minimal recognition to go out of his way to beat him up at Titans Tower is a massive mischaracterization.
Paul Dini in Countdown (to Final Crisis).
Paul Dini in Countdown did absolutely nothing with Jason, I am sorry but that’s all he did. Him writing Jason was like watching a dog trying to catch their own tail. He started with a pretty basic take on UtRH Jason, then he added a bit of Jason being an annoying man with Donna, then we had the jealousy arc because apparently, Jason had the hots for Donna but she didn’t want anything to do with him and he was all angsty when she paid attention to Kyle instead of him, and then, later on, he had that whole Red Robin bullshit (I am sorry about this, but I absolutely hated that, it was so dumb, I am so glad it didn’t last long because it was just too bad), and after all that mix of just not interesting stuff he went right back to the Jason that he had at the very start. It was a waste of time, but I guess that he had to be there because he was an anomaly and all that. I just think that was DC’s first try at making Jason Todd/Red Hood something more than just a street-level vigilante and they failed miserably.
Tony S. Daniel in Batman: Battle for the Cowl.
Even though the first two did make mistakes with Jason’s characterizations, this man was the first to just throw UtRH out of the window and make up his very own version of Jason Todd. And his version was horrendous, that Jason had no problem with attempting to kill children and innocent people, he also really wanted to be Batman because Gotham needed a Batman and he wanted to be the person to wear the Cowl and he was looking for a Robin for himself.
I know, the whole concept is the perfect opposite of what Jason Todd and Red Hood were in UtRH. Every aspect of BftC Jason is based on nothing.
Jason wanting to be Batman because Gotham needed Batman is just the beginning of what’s wrong in this book. Jason became the Red Hood (in part) because he believed that Batman and his ways weren’t what Gotham needed so he made a better version of Batman with Red Hood (according to him) because Red Hood did what Batman refused to do. Another thing that is just wrong is Jason wanting, Damian, Tim or Dick to be his Robin, there is just so much wrong with this, first of all, Jason wanted Batman to stop having Robin because child soldiers ran the risk of dying at a very young age and that’s exactly how he saw the whole thing because that was what had happened to him. Second, if Jason was mad at Bruce for getting another Robin why would he now want one of his own to team up with his Batman? Damian was a child, Tim was someone that apparently Jason hated (because Jason beating Tim was mentioned in this event), and then Jason actually asked Dick Grayson, Nightwing, to be his Robin? Listen, there is no way that was Jason, nothing about him makes sense, even taking into account that Jason had beaten Tim already in this event Jason actually tried to kill both Tim and Damian (it might have been just one of them but yeah, it still doesn’t make sense).
I just don’t think that Tony S. Daniel knew who Jason Todd was, maybe he got confused but the thing is, his “villainous” and deranged version of Jason Todd allowed a villainous and deranged version of Red Hood to happen with the next writer that I will be talking about.
Grant Morrison in Batman and Robin vol.1 #3-6.
This was the birth of the villainous, deranged and bloodthirsty Red Hood. There is absolutely no trace of UtRH Jason here, not even if we are looking at the opposite of things like we could do with Daniel’s Jason. Grant Morrison wanted Dick and Damian to have a villain to match their Batman and Robin and they decided to give us a red-haired-pill-headed-red hood. Everything from Morrison’s characterization of Jason is crazy, from the red hair (hello pre-crisis) to the awful Joker’s Red Hood looking suit, everything was just weird.
I still don’t believe that was Jason, to be honest, I would rather think that version of Jason was actually a rouge Skrull that came all the way from the Marvel Universe and lost his way in Gotham City. Maybe when he made the jump between universes, he got too much information and got confused and took the form of the wonkiest Jason Todd he could come up with.
This Jason was absolutely deranged, he knew exactly what he was doing and he didn’t care if innocents died. This Jason was the one that got locked up in Arkham. This is the Jason that Dick put in Arkham for Jason and everybody else’s safety.
Dick putting that Jason in Arkham wasn’t a bad thing or something that anyone can use to shit on Dick Grayson (not on this house). This Arkham was reformed and that Jason knew that if he stayed in that new Arkham he would stay away from trouble, but here is the thing, that Jason loved trouble, so he took all the tests to prove he wasn’t insane and asked to be transferred to Blackgate (where all the Red Hood’s enemies were). That Jason didn’t ask to be sent to Blackgate because the Joker was a cell away from his in Arkham, he did it so he could go on a killing spree in Blackgate (which he did when he got there).
Skrull Jason was just bloodthirsty and nothing like UtRH Jason, he had no motive other than just killing for fun or whatever. He didn’t want to protect Gotham and he couldn’t have cared less about the drug trade in Gotham. In Batman and Robin vol.1. Jason Todd was unrecognizable. And luckily, we never saw him again.
Scott Lobdell in Everything that he ever wrote about Red Hood.
This one is pretty self-explanatory. Lobdell was the king of overpowering Jason, he was the one that drove Red Hood farther and farther away from his street-level vigilante status. He continuously added more to him, he was a big deal because he was meant to take down Ra’s al Ghul, he was a big deal because he was the only human to train in the All-Castle and learned to summon the All-Blades.
This Red Hood’s morals and ideals were kind of gone, there just wasn’t any kind of interest in Jason to get rid of drugs or try to control its trade in Gotham, he just had no interest in street-level threats, everything was extraordinary in both New 52 and Rebirth. If he wasn’t in space he was in some mystical land. His friends and allies became even more and more powerful, his level of power was completely off compared to the others. His personality was ever-changing and quite honestly you could barely see the Jason that he once was.
This Jason also was very inconsistent in the way that he felt towards people (obviously because Lobdell is a shitty writer), he wanted to follow Batman’s rules and was shown as someone that still had fond memories of his life with Bruce before he died but was also willing to let those memories go, to move on? Maybe? I don’t know. But he changed his mind about Bruce and following his rules or not for a very long time. Jason was also a little bitch about Dick, and he was a little bitch because he (Lobdell) never gave the reader or anyone a concrete reason as to why he hated him so much and then in Rebirth he decided that Dick wasn’t that bad. Also, Jason went from “Willis Todd, abusive husband and father that deserved to die” to “Willis Todd abusive husband and father but he sent me letters when he was in prison and Penguin had him killed so now, I really want to avenge him”. Yeah, I don’t really know why that happened and like most of Lobdell’s arcs and stuff it was never really completed or well thought out.
Lobdell’s Jason characterization was a mess for ten years and that’s the prime reason why Jason is a character with no solid background, story or future.
James Tynion IV in Red Hood and the Outlaws.
Tynion’s Jason Todd was a hero, he was like a mini Tom King Batman. Everything he did was right and there was just no way that you could bamboozle him. This Jason was able to hold to Blades that drained his soul as well as hosting the Untitled in his body (that were able to drain his soul too) and on top of all that he completed his journey of the Chosen One by making those ancient martial arts moves that he learned before he was Robin even though Talia hadn’t been able to master it yet.
Scott Snyder, Tim Seeley in Batman Eternal and Batman and Robin Eternal.
A mess, this was pure New 52 levels of bullshit and they all just wanted to push the “Batfamily” and while Dick was gone, they were trying to make Jason fill the void that Dick left in Batman events. It didn’t work at all and all they did was mess around with Jason’s characterization more.
Geoff Johns in Three Jokers.
I have talked enough about Johns’ takes on Jason Todd and Red Hood, but let me tell you something real quick, if a writer thinks that the best they can do with a character is make them give up their morals/ideals for an unrequited love interest, then they can keep that idea for themselves. Geoff Johns wrote a book that was absolutely not needed and then proceeded to butcher every characterization that he could, Three Jokers was three issues long and he managed to add more trauma to Jason’s torture, push the narrative of Jason being at fault for his own murder and make Jason’s motivations to be the Red Hood weak enough to make him want to give up his work for a woman that he barely knows (and doesn’t like him at all).
Joshua Williamson in Future State: Red Hood and Robin #5.
Now, with Williamson I have issues only when he writes Jason, not because his stories are bad, don’t get me wrong, I would have completely enjoyed FS: Red Hood if it weren’t for the completely unnecessary Rose/Jason side plot he had going on. Jason was clearly working undercover for some people that he hated working with. He had to arrest or kill “masks” (vigilantes, just like he “used” to be) for the Magistrate.
His ideas were pretty solid, Jason did the job but he never killed the masks and actively didn’t trust the Magistrate but he was working there to tear them apart from within, and that’s amazing if Williamson had given us Jason Todd/Red Hood working undercover to dismantle an organization I would have been really happy.
But that’s not all he gave us, even if I just forget about his failed attempt at giving Jason a relationship, I can still see that Williamson is the kind of writer that wants (or is just following DC) to make the “Batfamily” happen no matter how dumb and out of place it looks in comics’ canon. So, I am a little bit weary, any writer that leans too much towards making Jason and Bruce work together and become a family makes me want to scream, but I do understand that is just me, many people want those two to be buddy-buddy, I, personally, would love to see Jason kick Bruce in the balls and tell him to lose his number.
Chip Zdarsky in Urban Legends: Cheer.
Ah, yes, I remember the days in which I thought that this could have been something good. Well, I was utterly wrong and I suffered all the way through this mini. I feel like now I can safely say that Zdarsky only wanted to write a Batman book but DC told him, “Hey you can write Batman but it has to be within a Red Hood story, but don’t worry, you don’t have to know much about the Hood guy, just come up with something and write Batman around that”.
I know that’s what happened because I read that story and all we got from it was horrible characterizations for pre-Robin Jason, Robin Jason, Jason Todd and Red Hood. I don’t know how he did it but yes, he managed to mess it all up.
From Jason not really wanting to be Robin and acting recklessly every step of the way, to secret desires of a perfect family with Bruce and so many other people that he couldn’t care about, Urban Legends: Cheer is the perfect book to avoid at all costs if you believe that the concept of “Batfamily” is the biggest lie, DC is trying to profit off this time around.
Zdarsky also nerfed Jason in ways that I thought DC only wanted to nerf Dick Grayson. But I was able to see that I was wrong. Zdarsky’s run also pushed some of the most disastrous narratives that DC really wants readers to believe like: Robin Jason wasn’t good at his job, he was too reckless and ultimately his death was his own fault. Yay! I want to cry!
I will give Zdarsky two points for at the very least showing that Red Hood wants to protect children and that he has a huge issue with how the drug trade is controlled and abused in Gotham City, it had been a while since we had seen that aspect of Jason’s Red Hood make an appearance.
It’s just too many writers completely missing the point of Red Hood’s character or simply writers agreeing to destroy Jason’s uniqueness in the DC Universe so DC (as the publisher) can further push the abomination that is the “Batfamily” in comics’ canon.
I do agree with you Anon when you say that Jason isn’t just a “bad boy” but I also don’t think that we can call UtRH Jason “dangerously insane”. Personally, I will only use that last description for BftC and Batman and Robin Jason, those two were dangerously insane indeed.
UtRH Jason was very meticulous in who he wanted dead and who got to live. He entered Gotham’s most dangerous world and he had to make a big entrance, he invited the eight most prosperous street dealers to a meeting, showed up with the decapitated heads of each of their right-hand men and an AK-47 and said:
“I am offering you a deal. I will be running the drug trade from now on. You will go about your business as usual. You will kick up forty percent to me. That is a much better deal than the Black Mask will give you. In return, you will have total protection from both the Black Mask and Batman. The catch? You stay away from kids and schoolyards. No dealing to children, got it? If you do, you’re dead.”
This was Red Hood! Red Hood wanted to control the drug trade in Gotham because he knew that Gotham is far too corrupt and filled with drug lords for him to just want to eradicate drugs from Gotham. If he had tried that he would have been a dumbass, but he wasn’t. He didn’t want to start a gang war and get innocent people killed because of it, he wanted to set the rules of his new Empire and he had to start with the street-level drug dealers, from there he grew until he became a major pain in Black Mask’s ass.
We went from Jason wanting to control the drug trade and take over Gotham’s underworld so people like Black mask couldn’t have people work for him (or being dependent on him) when they were still in high school or were in a vulnerable position, to Jason fighting a war for a mystic land because he was their “Chosen One”. DC really wanted to do something grand (yet boring) with Jason instead of sticking to a street-level vigilante that could have become a Drug Lord to control the drug trade of a city that is so filled with crime and corruption that it can’t be saved by anyone.
Batman doesn’t eradicate crime, he “controls” it, puts a blank it over it, lets it nap up until it wakes up once more to make more mess.
Red Hood had other plans, certain criminals didn’t get to nap, or, better said, they would get to nap forever.
So, no. I wouldn’t call that “dangerously insane”, I will call that “vigilante that believes himself judge, jury and executioner” of a city that is drowning in crime and corruption.
Anyway, I hope you have a really nice week Anon and thank you so much for sending me this ask!
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radexchangeprogram · 3 years
This is a random one but can I request head cannons of the Brothers and Dateables reacting to an MC that’s actually a half demon but was really great at hiding her demon side since she grew up in the human world? They see a demon man just bounding towards MC before the boys could do anything MC’s like “DAD! 😃” before jumping in his arms like a child. Around her Dad she gains fangs and horns like him but she reverts back to normal when she wants to. The boys are like “Why didn’t you say anything?” And she’s like “I’m just used to my human side” or “You never asked 🤷🏾‍♀️”
Of course! I love this idea. I didn’t get a chance to proof read this so I apologize for any grammatical mistakes.
Author’s notes at the end (marked by *s)
Spoiler warning for up to chapter 17 to be safe. Especially with Belphie.
Half Demon GN!MC Headcanons
Everyone noticed that you never seemed too bothered by the fact that you were surrounded by demons, but figured you were just rather good at adapting.
This theory was proven wrong at a party Lord Diavolo hosted.
As you chatted with the brothers, a large demon with griffon wings, a lion’s mane, and horns similar to a gazelle began to head in the direction of your group.
The demon, who the others instantly recognized as Duke Vapula, walked up to them with a cheeky grin.
The brothers were instantly on guard, Mammon even growling slightly, as it was extremely uncommon for anyone to approach them so casually.
Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, Luke, and Solomon all took notice and were prepared to intervine should something happen.
You turned around to see what the issue was and let out a loud gasp.
Absolutely dumbfounded. How did he not know about this? He read your files to the point of practically memorizing them before you came here and he swears there was nothing about you being a half demon.
He was honestly a bit embarrassed that he didn’t know about something this major.
When confronting you, all you did was say that it wasn’t that big of a deal and that you figured they already knew.
You really give him a migraine sometimes.
He feels a bit relieved that he doesn’t have to worry as much about you dying, though.
If you wish, he may start teaching you demonic etiquette, such as having you shift form at formal events.
If you prefer your human heritage, he won’t pressure you to conform to your demonic ancestory.
The loudest about his displeasure about not knowing.
“I’m your first man! I’m supposed to know everything about you!”
When you explain to him that you’re more comfortable with your human half, he calms down a little.
Tries to call you ‘stupid half-demon’ but it doesn’t feel the same as ‘stupid human’ :(
You tell him he can just keep calling you ‘stupid human’ :D
Wonders if he can get your dad to pay him for ‘providing his child with such incredible protection’.
You immediately tell him no.
Holy shit this sounds like something straight out of an anime!!!
Very upset that you didn’t tell him, you’re his Henry! You’re supposed to tell him these kind of things!
When you shrug and simply say that no one asked, he gets even more pouty.
You make up with him quickly by offering to play games with him all night.
Extremely curious about your demonic form for the primary purpose of cosplay. Do you know how many more characters you can be if you have a tail or wings?!?
You might inspire some fanfiction. (half demon Henry x Lord of Shadows au slow burn 100k words, def not Leviathan projecting no not at all-)
He is extremely shocked. Not only did he have no idea, but half demons are extremely rare.
From what he’s read, most half-human half-demon offspring don’t survive past birth and all documented cases that have survived reside in the Devildom so that their powers can be better managed.
He asks you about this and you reply that you’re actually quite good at controlling your powers, but that you prefer living as a normal human.
He’s not upset that you didn’t tell him, but he has a billion questions.
How long is your lifespan? Do you take more after your demonic father or your human mother in terms of power?What are your weaknesses?
He really wants to learn more about human-demon hybrids and will ask you to help in his studies.
Also a bit excited as your father is well known for some for his knowledge and writing about the sciences. He wants to discuss some of it with you, assuming you’ve read what your father has written.*
Oh he is so excited.
A bit relieved that his charm isn’t wearing off, it just doesn’t work because you’re the child of a demonic duke!
You know those boiling hot springs he talks about visiting? Well he’s happy to learn that you actually can join him without fear of your skin melting off!
He’s not upset that you didn’t tell him, getting mad over stuff like that can cause wrinkles.
He will absolutely want to help you groom your horns/wings/scales/tail.
He already has shown you a lot about demonic fashion trends, such as extra clothing that can be fitted around demonic extremities, but now he actually can actually have you try on some! Do you prefer gold tail bangles or jeweled horn cuffs?
Relieved that Duke Vapula wasn’t looking for a fight.
He can’t help but smile a little when you hug your dad. It makes him happy that you love your family.
When you blush and tell him that it just slipped your mind to tell everyone about your heritage, he isn’t upset.
Happy that he doesn’t have to be so scared of accidentally hurting you with how strong he is.
If you’re able to safely eat some more demonic food, he will absolutely get you to try some of his favorite foods that normal humans would die upon eating.
Overall, you’re still the MC he has grown to love and doesn’t treat you too differently.
Is now more awake than he has been the entire evening.
Half demon? Nah this is just some dream.
Is understanding when you explain to him that you prefer being human and living as a human.
He’s happy he found out after making amends with you. He used to despise half-demons just as much as normal humans, seeing them as repulsive.
He still very much treats you the same, but is a bit annoyed with his brothers.
With knowledge of your demonic blood coming to light, they drag you out even more often and naps with you are becoming rarer.
If you get too overwhelmed with his brothers constantly wanting to try things they thought would previously kill you, he will be more than happy to lend you some of his hiding spots. He does charge the small fee of getting to take a nap with you though.
Similar to Lucifer, is shocked that he didn’t know before you came to the Devildom.
You aren’t the first half-demon he’s met, but he is surprised that a demon of Duke Vapula’s rank had a child with a human.
He’s actually very excited to learn that you’re a half-demon who is in more in touch with your human side. He feels a lot more relieved that you aren’t as defenseless as previously thought.
He does, however, make absolute sure that you have full control over your demonic powers. Every other half-demon lives in the Devildom for a reason and he can’t have someone who is technically one of his subjects accidentally cause mass destruction.
He invites you for tea more frequently, asking so many questions about how being raised in the human world as a half-demon was.
He likes to exchange stories with you about your younger years and the power fluxes you both struggled with as you grew.
Tells you that should you ever wish to live in the Devildom that he would be more than happy to make the needed arrangements.
He knew the whole time. When Diavolo asked him to look into the success of the program, he made note of your heritage right away.
However, he decided that keeping this information hidden when he saw that you were raised human and preferred to be seen as human.
When he explains this to everyone, you can’t help but feel thankful.
While some of the others make no effort to hide how annoyed this makes them, he doesn’t mind. He knows he made the right choice keeping this from everyone and doesn’t regret it at all.
Barbatos is actually a pretty good friend of your father’s and grew up with him. He actually met you when you were a baby because of this.*
He has seen a lot in his years in the world of magic, but nothing like this.
Usually, half-demons were very easy to spot as they struggled to control their powers, but you practically had it down to an art!
You explain to him that you’re actually pretty good at keeping your powers under control. He’s rather impressed by this and will ask to see your spell work.
Thinks it’s a little funny that he has a pact with your dad.*
Like Satan, he wants to know all about you. Unlike Satan, he is going to actually conduct experiments instead of stick to interviews.
He has a new potion that he wants you to try almost every day now.
Can half-demons make pacts? If so, you have now been added to the list of demonic beings he wants to make a pact with.
Very surprised considering he’s blessed you before.
Blessings aren’t supposed to work on anything of demonic nature so he’s baffled.
When you explain to him that you were raised human and prefer to live as human, he smiles.
He comes to the conclusion that you being a good person must be greater than the demonic blood in your veins.
He treats you the same overall, knowing that you’re still you no matter your heritage.
Absolute denial.
There is no way someone as nice as you is part demon! He refuses to believe it!
Gets upset and accuses you of trying to manipulate him, which you quickly deny.
When you explain to him that you prefer being human, he huffs.
Simeon gives him a bit of a talking to, about how you’re still the same MC who he sees as a big sibling.
He bakes you some apology cupcakes for being rude to you.
You sometimes shift form to mess around with him, it never fails to make him let out a shocked yelp before he snaps at you for picking on him.
Everyone (except Luke) thinks it’s funny tbh.
Author’s Notes:
*Duke Vapula is described as being able to bestow knowledge about all science contained in books.
*Barbatos is also a duke in The Goetia. I thought a fun nod to this would be to have them as friends.
*The Goetia talks about the 72 demons that King Solomon evoked. Vapula is one of the demons that he evoked. The game actually references this by talking about his 72 pacts. Asmodeus and Barbatos are both included in the 72 demons which is why he has pacts with both of them in the game :)
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